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table of contents
executive summary ... 1 ad+vantage agency & overview ... 2 situation analysis ... 3 swot analysis ... 4 competitor analysis ... 5-7 objectives & brand value proposition ... 8 budget summary & time frame ... 9 research ... 10 target market ... 10-11 campaign strategy ... 12 creative strategy & advertisements ... 13-18 media ... 19-24 media budget ... 25 brand activation ... 26-29 market recommendations ... 30 evaluation ... 31 appendix & creative brief

executive summary
Kashi already has roots in the laid-back lifestyle of the West Coast, but Kashi has the ability to expand its market share even further. We strive to bring Kashi to the urban areas of the North East. We believe this brands 7 whole grains support and enhance your everyday life. Kashi is more than just a brand; its a lifestyle. Whatever you want to do, wherever you want to go, Kashi will be there to support you every step of the way, even in ways you dont know. Whether its getting the corner office, getting your kids to eat a healthy breakfast, or even taking the stairs instead of the elevator, Kashi helps you get there. We are communicating this key message, get there. to our target audience (women ages 25-50) through innovative print, television, and out of home messages, combined with experiential marketing. Kashi wants to steer away from change and instead focus on enhancing you, to help you get there.

agency brand strategy

VANTAGE POINT: A position, or place that provides a unique, wide, or valuable perspective; a viewpoint. ADVERTISING: The practice of creating graphics and visuals for a particular brand, specifically designed to catch and hold the publics attention. ad+vantage helps brands by surveying the current marketplace and determining whats next. We use our own unique point of view (our vantage point) to spot what needs to happen and strategically plan ways (advertising) to achieve goals for each client. ad+vantage envisions your future.

To achieve success in our campaign we have set several marketing and communication goals. We hope to increase Kashis market share by increasing breakfast bar sales by 5%, cold cereal sales by 4%, and hot cereal sales by 3%. We want to increase Top of Mind Awareness (TOMA), and move Kashi into the top 3 cereals for TOMA, as well as increase market share from 25% to 40%. We feel the best way to reach our target market is through print advertisements. Our print ads for select magazines feature unique, eye-catching images and poignant copy. Our campaign will run nation-wide with an extra emphasis on select North Eastern urban cities, such as New York and Boston. We arent changing Kashi, we are expanding from suburban West Coast outdoors, to urban East Coast cities. This transition will show that Kashi is a brand for everyone, everywhere. Our agency vantage point led to the creation of this bold new campaign. The get there. campaign will make Kashi a main competitor in the breakfast cereal industry.

situation analysis
historical context 1983 The Kashi Company is founded by Phillip and Gayle Tauber in La Jolla California and introduces its first product: Kashi Pilaf 1984 Kashi Pilaf is served to the 1984 Olympic athletes for breakfast in order to generate press for the new product 1990-1999 Kashi introduces a variety of new products, including Kashi Go (its first on-the-go option) and finds tremendous growth as natural and healthy food options become more popular in mainstream culture 2000 Kellogg Company acquires Kashi for $32 million, allowing greater distribution and increased advertising money for Kashi 2005 Kashis launches its first national advertising campaign and introduces the brand in the United Kingdom sociocultural There is a growing trend toward health-conscious eating habits. On-the-go lifestyles require on-the-go meals, such as breakfast bars. The emergence of the career-oriented woman and the workingmom requires products created specifically to meet her nutritional requirements with little effort exerted by the consumer.

competitive Breakfast cereal industry leaders include Kellogg, Kraft Foods and General Mills. Kashis main competitor is Kelloggs Special K. Global breakfast cereals market in 2008 exceeded $22 billion and is forecasted to increase in the next 5 years. Approximately 63% of market value is concentrated in the Americas. Kellogg Company dominates market value with 36% of market share. legal/regulatory Industry leaders launch Smart Choices program in August 2009 to identify foods that meet certain nutritional standards and add a green label on the package for consumers. In October, FDA opposes label, stating it might be misleading because there are so many labeling programs. The FDA said it is working to define the criteria manufacturers must meet to make certain nutrition claims on product fronts and create a standardized system. economic We are currently in a time of economic downturn. The first thing consumers abandon in unfavorable economic conditions is the hospitality industry, including restaurants. With consumers eating out less often they are likely to purchase breakfast cereal products in higher volumes than before.

swot analysis
strengths healthy: whole grains, protein, fiber and nothing artificial bars provide sweet fruits, dark chocolate and crunchy nuts preferred to older target market (54+) softer and easier to eat good filling morning start does what is says feel good snack opportunities expand to younger generations expand knowledge to those who arent aware explain that healthy can be tasty all natural and all good

weaknesses not preferred amongst younger demographic not appealing to younger demographic because seen as an older person breakfast too healthy? worried about fiber tasting good, not like cardboard

threats organic grocery stores are competitors (e.g. Whole Foods) competes with organic foods Kashi is owned by Kelloggs Kraft owns Boca Foods and Back to Nature Pepsi owns Naked Juice General Mills owns Cascadian Farm and Muir Glen Dean owns Horizon, The Organic Cow of Vermont, etc. ConAgra Foods owns Lightlife and Alexia Foods

competitor analysis
Founded in 1906 by W.K. Kellogg. Today Kelloggs manufactures products in 19 countries and sells them in 180 countries worldwide. With a strong commitment to nutrition and health, Kellogg produces ready to eat cold cereals and cereal bars that combine whole grain, fiber, and real fruit, to provide heart healthy products of quality to consumers. With 2008 sales of $13 billion they are the leading producer of cereal in the United States. Their most popular cereal product, which is targeted at women, is Special K, a reduced caloric option that promotes weight loss. With cereal and cereal bar options that come in a wide array of flavors, Special K has segmented itself to cover diverse markets based on preference. Other cereal products within Kellogg are Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes, Smart Start, and All Bran, all of which contain whole grains, essential vitamins and minerals, and are low in fat as well as a good source of fiber. In addition to their Special K brand cereal bars, Kellogg also offers products such as Nutrigrain bars, Smart Start bars, and Fiber Plus bars. All of these bars offer the recommended daily intake of fiber, while also providing the consumer with whole grains and real fruit. strengths Their biggest strength would be their highly reputable Special K product. They have monopolized on this product, which targets women ages 18 and up, offering them a healthy alternative designed

to promote weight loss. By creating the unique Special K weight loss program that incorporates the cereal and bars into a diet, they have generated tremendous sales. Also, because their cereal bars offer 35 percent of the recommended daily fiber intake they are able to offer a convenient and efficient method for people on the go. weaknesses Most Kellogg products do very well in the Northeast and Midwest, and in some instances have high indices in the West. However, their numbers are consistently low in the South, which presents a good opportunity for Kashi to create brand loyal customers that have yet to be influenced by the Kellogg brand. Furthermore, Kellogg only offers ready to eat cold cereals and cereal bars and has no product for the hot cereals category. This also gives Kashi a bit of a competitive edge against Kellogg and therefore they can try to gain consumers in popular Kellogg regions in the Midwest and Northeast by showing them that they can offer an option that Kellogg cannot.

Under the Kraft Foods Company, Post cereal began in 1895 when C.W. Post created his first cold cereal Postum. Since then, they have been a contributor to American breakfast for over 100 years.

competitor analysis cont.

They pride themselves on selling high quality and nutritious cereal products that appeal to men and women. With products such as Honey Bunches of Oats, Raisin Bran, Grape Nuts, Shredded Wheat, and Trail Mix Crunch, Post offers cereals that contain essential vitamins, whole grain, fiber, and are cholesterol free and low in fat. strengths Because they have been around for over 100 years providing consumers with highly recognizable products, Post has created a strong reputation and loyal consumer base. Also, Post narrows its market to cold cereals only, which in some cases benefits them by being able to target one loyal, segmented market and apply all their efforts to the ready to eat cereal category. This allows them to give all their attention to creating the best cold cereal products possible. weaknesses Posts strength can also be their weakness. Post only offers ready to eat cold cereal options to consumers, leaving the market for hot cereal and cereal or snack bars wide open for competing brands like Kashi. This gives Kashi the upper hand because they too offer healthy, nutritional cold cereal with the added bonus of being able

to offer hot cereal options as well as cereal and snack bars. Also, Post is less popular amongst consumers living in the North East and South, which give Kashi the opportunity to try and dominate those regions. Even in regions more loyal to Post like the Midwest and West, Kashi can try to gain some brand loyalty by showing that they can offer the same benefits on a more extensive level through their ability to provide both hot and cold cereal and the portable and practical option of cereal and snack bars. Post doesnt really have a signature product that targets just women, rather all of their cereal products are gender neutral attracting both the male and female population.

Quaker was officially formed in 1901 through the efforts of several American pioneers. Since then they have created products aimed at being consciously heart healthy. Specializing in oat products, Quaker prides itself on creating products that have the ability to reduce cholesterol. A triple threat, Quaker has products in all three categories: hot cereal, ready to eat cold cereal, and cereal or snack bars, such as Quaker Old Fashioned oatmeal, Life cereal, and Quaker Fiber and Omega 3 snack bars. strengths Quaker is probably Kashis strongest competitor. Engrossing all three of the product categories, they are the most similar nutrition cereal next to Kashi. They have the ability to offer products with options such as weight control, high fiber, low sugar, reduced calorie,

competitor analysis cont.

protein, and organic, all of which appeal to vast markets. Not only are they a portable product through their various snack bars such as the Chewy bar, Oatmeal bar, and Simple Harvest bar, but they also offer Instant Oatmeal Express, which gives the consumer the ability to take their hot cereal on the go. In addition, they appeal to women 25 and up by sponsoring the Mom Powered Communities which allows women to social network and converse with other moms. On these sites they can share stories, ideas, recipes, and participate in contests all funded by Quaker. weaknesses Quaker is only known for its ability to create products that contain the oat ingredient. Kashi then has the advantage by being able to offer the same exact healthy product categories as Quaker but expanding their scope through the use of other ingredients such as flax seed, wheat and other nutritious additions, ultimately making their brand more diverse.

grains, deliver the recommended intake of minerals and vitamins, and offer fiber, which reduces the risk for many health complications. They have expanded to include an organic line, Cascadian Farm. strengths One of General Mills biggest strengths is the fact that they are such a large corporation and therefore offer many product options. In addition, many of the options that they offer hold leading market positions and have the ability to deliver various health benefits to the consumer. Cheerios, for example, is the only ready to eat cereal that is clinically proven to reduce cholesterol. In addition, the fact that they offer an organic option strengthens their consumer base by attracting people who have a preference for an organic lifestyle. weaknesses Despite the fact that General Mills produces a lot of cold cereals and snack bars, they do not offer any hot cereals. This is an opportunity for the Kashi brand because they too offer nutritious hot and cold cereals and cereal bars with the recommended amount of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and whole grains. While General Mills is popular among consumers in the North East and the West, they lag in the South and Midwest regions. This inability to reach consumers in those regions gives Kashi the chance to claim those areas.

General Mills got its start in the 1860s by the Washburn Crosby Company. Since then it has grown from a company comprised of only two wheat mills to a corporation that produces more than a hundred leading U.S. brands. With landmark products such as Wheaties and Cheerios, General Mills has made quite a reputable name for themselves. All of their cereals and cereal bars are made with whole

brand value proposition objectives

marketing INCREASE KASHI MARKET SHARE increase breakfast bar sales by 5% increase cold cereal sales by %4 increase hot cereal sales by 3%

Kashis whole grains allow the consumer to feel good about themselves and secure about the decisions they make for their families.
functional benefits Kashi products are made with whole grains, and are all natural, making them a healthy, not to mention tasty, alternative to other cereals and snack bars. emotional benefits You feel good about yourself when you eat Kashi products because you know youre eating healthy eating Kashi is just one way you can maintain a healthy lifestyle. It gives you a sense of security because you know that when you pour Kashi cereal for your childrens breakfast, you dont have to worry that they are eating artificial products full of sugar. And when youre on the go, dont stress out, Kashi is easy and convenient. self-expressive benefits Women who eat Kashi are empowered because they can take care of their bodies by eating healthy while staying busy and on-to-go; Kashi is for the woman who can do it all.

advertising TOP OF MIND AWARENESS move Kashi into top 3 cereals (hot and cold) for Top of Mind Awareness (TOMA) increase market share from 25% to 40% increase comprehension from 20 to 40%

time frame
Our get there. campaign will last for one year, starting in April of 2010 and ending in March of 2011.

budget summary
For this year-long campaign, ad+vantage was given a $15,000,000 budget, which was allocated to four different media, brand activation, and production expenditures.

television print interactive out of home brand activation production

$2,705685.00 $4,907,954.00 $1,600,000.00 $2,232,600.00 $2,803,750.00 $750,000.00



Our largest expenditure was buying space in print media, we chose to advertise only in magazines. The decision to focus so heavily on print media was made because our target audience is more likely to read magazines than watch television. They spend more time on the go, where they will see transit advertisements, and time on the Internet where they will see online advertisements.


objectives conduct historical and situational analysis of the Kashi brand to effectively determine strengths and weaknesses, competitors, and current marketplace dynamics analyze MRI data to correctly identify target audiences determine which media vehicles will be most effective in reaching primary and secondary target audiences secondary research MRI use YouTube to examine past Kashi commercials SRDS primary research analyze Kashis current marketing tools (e.g. advertisements product packaging, and product) interviewed friends and family within target audiences to obtain a better understanding of current perceptions

target audience
The following three profiles represent the three typical woman within our primary and secondary target audiences; our get there. campaign is designed to reach these three types of women.

meet emily...
Emily is 25-years-old, from an uppermiddle-class family. She has just received her M.B.A. from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, and made the move to New York City. She just started her first post-grad job as a Technology Consultant, which will give her an annual income of $75,000. Her boyfriend, Christopher, has just proposed. She is busy, active, and always on-the-go. She believes in the philosophy work hard, play hard. She loves to travel, loves eating out and trying new types of food, and is always up to date with current events. She has magazine subscriptions to Allure, The New Yorker, and Lucky. When shes not checking email for work, she spends most of her time online visiting nytimes.com, shopzilla.com, wsj.com, and orbitz.com.


target audience cont.

meet grace... meet christine...
Christine is 41-years-old and lives just outside of Boston in her beautiful, newly-renovated home. She has been married to her husband, Richard, for 19 years. She has two children, Andrew, age 17, and Anna, age 13. She works as an Investment Portfolio Manager in Boston and commutes into the city everyday. Her annual household income exceeds $200,000. She is very busy and only wants the best for her family, but also wants to have a successful career. She spends a lot of time driving her children to their sports practices and going on family vacations to exotic places. She loves a glass of red wine when she comes home from work and likes to garden on the weekends. On her coffee table, you might find a copy of Better Homes & Gardens, and Wine Spectator. She most often checks weather.com, cnet.com, overstock. com, wsj.com, and qvc.com. Grace is 58-years-old and lives in Seattle, Washington with her husband of 38 years, Tom. She is a professor at the University of Washington located in the city. Her annual household income is $165,000. Retirement is approaching; she is starting to focus on enjoying life and not working so much. She and her husband like the outdoors and love to hike around the North West. She spends a large part of each year traveling and wants to travel more when she retires. Her health is very important, heart disease runs in her family, so she takes extra care to be heart healthy. She watches Dateline every Saturday night with her husband and reads Better Homes & Gardens every month. When she gets on the Internet, she always checks ivillage.com, tripadvisor.com, cnet.com, nytimes.com, and weather.com.


campaign strategy
Regardless of who you are, or where you are, we all have something in common we all are striving for something. Emily, Christine, and Grace Kashis target audience are no different. This diverse range of women, ages 25 and up, are busy with successful careers, raising families, or preparing to live a healthy retirement. They all have something they want, or somewhere to be. Our campaign Get There will show that it doesnt matter what you want in life, where you are, or what youre doing, Kashis seven whole grains will help get you where you need to go, do what you need to do, or be how you want to be. In short, Kashi helps you get there. This campaign will target a more urban sector of our target market. These women are constantly busy and always on the go, but they want themselves and their families to be healthy. Advertisements will feature women who have a goal, someplace to be, or something they want, and with Kashi they can achieve the goal, get where they need to be, and do what they want to do.

Our campaigns television slice of life advertisements, and eyecatching picture-caption print advertisements will encourage the target audience to experience the Kashi way of life in an effort to build a long-term relationship between Kashi and its consumers. The target audience will connect with the goal, need, or want in each advertisement on a personal level, the advertisements will make them think Yeah, I know how that feels, I understand. The advertisements will also display the way to achieve the goal, need, or want, eat Kashi to get there. Women in the target audience will connect with the advertisement and identify with Kashi, and believe that with Kashi, they too can get there.


the BIG idea

get there.
creative strategy To achieve our objectives we will appeal to real women with real dreams, places to be, and things to do, and show that they can get there. with the help and support of Kashi. Our series of print, television, interactive, and out-of-home advertisements will reach our diverse target audience on multiple levels, showing women that Kashi fits in any womans life, even the on-the-go career woman or working mothers life. We will show that Kashi supports you in any facet of your life by placing Kashi products in unexpected places where they are actually providing some form of support. We will encourage women to better their lives, and empower women to take control of their lives by inferring that by eating Kashi products you get what you want and get you where you need to go.

art direction Our advertisements are designed to catch the readers eye by using full-bleeds, large pictures, and the unusual placement of actual Kashi products. We will still use Kashis logo since our campaign is expanding Kashis reach, not rebranding the whole company. Our half-page advertisements will be placed on the bottom, right-hand corner, one right after the other, white followed by photo. Each print advertisement has a line and arrow signifying a journey to somewhere, and pointing at a final destination (e.g. the corner office). The only colors are from the full-bleed photos, along with either a white or black line, arrow, and text. The overall look is simple, yet striking and poignant. copywriting The copy for this campaign is minimal; the main focus of every advertisement is the slogan get there. Print advertisements will also include the text Seven whole grains... Supporting you _______ each advertisement will feature a different goal or destination which will be included in the copy (e.g. Supporting you on your road to success. in regard to getting the corner office at work). Our slogan, get there. is simple, to the point, easy to read, and will stick in consumers minds.


half-page print advertisements


full-page print advertisements


tv advertisement

WS: woman walking down citystreet. She looks up at a tall building in front of her and smiles. Natural sound of city cars, people in background

CU: womans face as she smiles and sighs. V.O. Thats going to be me one day. She takes a bit of a Kashi bar

MS: Woman is standing in her corner office looking out the window, facing the city.

get there.

CU: Woman looks down at the Kashi bar that she is holding in her hand. Pan up to womans face as she is smiling.

CUWS: We start to zoom out from the CU of the womans face looking out the window to realize that she is now standing in that very corner office that she once wanted. V.O. begins: Kashi 7 whole grains supports you in ways you dont even know

V.O. continues: Kashi, get there.


out of home advertisements


interactive advertisements
#1 #2




creative testing
In order to determine the effectiveness of our advertisements and our overall campaign strategy, we will engage in pre-testing through the use of a test audience. Using surveys and focus groups, our target and secondary audiences current perceptions of Kashi will be measured, as well as their knowledge of the brand and its products. The test groups will then be shown our ad proposals and asked the following questions: Have the advertisements affected their perceptions of Kashi? In what way (negatively or positively)? Are they more or less likely to buy Kashi now? Do they have any comments, questions, or concerns regarding the advertisements, or the overall campaign? By pre-testing, we are able to ensure that our campaign elicits positive feedback from Kashis consumers, both those that are brand loyal and those we hope to reach and gain as customers. type of media magazine television interactive out of home size/length half page, full page, 4th cover, full bleed, four-color 30 seconds 336 x 280 pixels full bus wrap, 18x24 posters

media plan
objectives reach target audience To most effectively reach our large, diverse target audience (women ages 25 and up, living in the North East), we will advertise using four media: television, print, interactive, and out of home.) geographic scope of placement This campaign is a combination of national and regional advertising. Our print, television, and interactive advertisements will all be run across the nation. We will only purchase out of home (transit) advertising space in select North East cities.) message weight Our print, television, and interactive messages will all have an equal weight; we will heavy up in the North East with out of home advertisements (only region they will be shown). strategies reach = 75% frequency = 4

continuity (Our campaign will last for one year, April 2010 to March 2011. The campaign will be pulsing throughout the year: television is only used during the winter, out of home will occur during the summer.


media justifications
print Magazines are our most important medium. Employing national magazines allows us to reach our target market without geographic boundaries. We have chosen to run advertisements in 5 national magazines: Allure, Lucky, Better Homes & Gardens, Wine Spectator, and The New Yorker. These choices reflect the preferences and interests of our target audience. We will heavy up on advertisements right before January because of New Years resolutions, and also during the spring because of the close proximity with summer. Both of these times reflect periods when people are looking to get healthy and into better shape. Therefore, Kashi advertisements are more likely to be noticed and will resonate better with our target audience. television The women in our target audience spend more time reading magazines than watching television. For this reason, we will not be focusing very heavily on television advertisements. We will only advertise during the winter months, when our target audience is more likely to be indoors watching television. The most often watched shows are: Dancing with the Stars, Law & Order: SVU, Greys Anatomy, The Biggest Loser, Desperate Housewives, and Dateline.

interactive No medium consumes more of peoples free time than the Internet, it is a hub for shopping, news, gossip, information, and entertainment. The Internet is the place for our target audience to find out whats current. Since people spend so much time on the Internet, it is a perfect place to advertise. Our 336x280 pixel built in pop up ad will create maximum exposure because it is layered over the sponsored sites content, It separates Kashis message from other advertisers and is undeniably noticeable. Clicking anywhere but the close button will direct viewers to the Kashi website. out of home Our campaign targets on the go working women, who are often times using public transportation and commuting to urban cities. We will heavy up in the North East with transit advertisements, this will work hand-in-hand with our brand activation strategy. We will wrap buses to look like Kashi breakfast bars, and will place Kashi advertisements in subway stations and bus stops. By advertising using popular means of public transportation we will reach our target audience and simultaneously prove our campaigns key message. Out of home advertisements will be placed in: New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and Baltimore. These advertisements will reach our target audience, as well as the rest of the public and gain more exposure (its hard to miss a bus wrapped up like a breakfast bar). The advertisements will appear for 30 days in each city as part of a moving tour down the East Coast.


media choices
print 3 full-page, 2 sets of half-page advertisements Allure is a national magazine targeted at beauty, fashion, and total image. They cover and analyze trends and serve as an insider guide to womans image. Lucky is a national magazine focused on retail and shopping. They cover topics such as the best buys in fashion and beauty for women. Wine Spectator is a national magazine focused on people who enjoy fine dining and wine. The magazine covers topics such as wine and food articles, entertainment, and travel pieces. The New Yorker is a national magazine, which serves to cover issues of human interest. They cover a wide range of topics from business, science, fashion, and art, featuring various journalistic stories that employ humor, intelligence, and present different ways of looking at life. Better Homes & Gardens is a national magazine that offers information and ideas to better ones home life. Their articles cover topics on home design and decoration, featuring aspects such as entertaining, food, and family life.

television 30-second commercial to air during each of the following shows

According to Nielsen, ABCs Desperate Housewives has 13.79 million total viewers, most are women. For the 18-49 age group, the show acquired a rating of 5.0 and 6.59 million viewers, for the week ending November 15, 2009.

ABCs Dancing with the Stars continues to grasp the attention of viewers nationwide. It is the most watched show we have chosen has 16.69 million total viewers and its audience is continuously increasing. The show received a rating of 3.9 with 5.12 million viewers tuning in for the week of November 15, 2009.

NBCs The Biggest Loser in its 8th season has 9.11 million total viewers. Within the age group of 18-49 the show received a rating of 3.7 with 4.9 million viewers for the week ending November 15, 2009.


media choices cont.

NBCs Law & Order: SVU is the most popular of the Law & Order franchise. In its 11th season captures an average of 9 million total viewers per episode.

interactive pop-up advertisement to hover over page until viewers click close pbs.org is a dynamic site that reflects content covered on its stations. Research show the site has popularity amongst out primary and secondary target audiences. pbs.org is a trusted news site and advertising on it also shows our support of public broadcasting. nytimes.com is one of the most recognizable news sources in the country. Often a site visited multiple times a day as users seek to be up to the second on news information. Advertising here would create a high frequency due to its high visit rate per user. ivillage.com covers a wide range of topics that would interest our target market such as entertainment, pregnancy & parenthood, and style and beauty. This high traffic web site will offer high exposure to all our potential and current customers. superpages.com is one of the many example of directory sites that are leading to the demise of the classic yellow pages. People come to this site to search for things such as tailors, driving services, and food. Having unique advertising in this forum would stand out from the other wise standard listing and would generate top of mind awareness.

ABCs Greys Anatomy has 13.95 million total viewers and holds a spot as one of Americas most addicting shows. Within the age group 18-49, the show received a rating 5.1, and 6.64 million viewers for the week ending November 15, 2009.

NBCs Dateline has risen to 12.2 million total viewers this season, and continues to be a Saturday night tradition.


media choices cont.

shopzilla.com is an online shopping directory, whose large female viewership includes a majority of our target audience. Since this site deals with shopping, users are already in a buying mood, and our advertisement will stick in their minds. overstock.com is a shopping network with a large female viewership. Advertising here, especially during the holidays, will create a large number of impression in a short period of time. cnet.com is a consumer report network that offers review and price comparisons on a plethora of products. Cnet.com already posses a sponsored slash page, but our ad which overlays content will stand out to the viewer. weather.com is the first place most people go to get insight on the weather outside. This trusted resource would remind viewers of the Kashi lifestyle, especially when the weather is nice. orbitz.com is one of the leaders in travel websites. Travel is of interest to our target audiences, and would be a good place to get valuable impressions that stick in the viewers minds.

tripadvisor.com is a great vacation resource that offers suggestions on what to do once youve arrived at your location. With that in mind, our get there message would work well with those viewers looking to go somewhere. out of home boston (4.5 million people) new york city (19.01 million people) philadelphia (5.8 million people) washington d.c. (5.3 million people) baltimore (2.6 million people)


media flowchart
12345 print Allure Better Homes & Gardens Lucky The New Yorker 1 Wine Spectator out of home Boston New York City Philadelphia Washington D.C. Baltimore television Desperate Housewives (Sunday) Dancing with the Stars (Monday) The Biggest Loser (Tuesday) Law & Order:SVU (Wednesday) Grey's Anatomy (Thursday) Dateline (Saturday) interactive cnet.com ivillage.com nytimes.com orbitz.com overstock.com pbs.org shopzilla.com superpages.com tripadvisor.com weather.com 6 4 6 6 12 1 1 1 1 1





September October
1234 1234

November December
12345 1234





1 1 1 1 1 1

11 11 11 11 11 11

3 3 3 3 3 3 2 12 12 2 2 12 2 2 2 2

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

price number of advertisements 3 3 3 3 3 3 type of advertisement 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial total $686,571 $536,061 $384,885 $304,896 $721,386 $71,886 television Desperate Housewives (Sunday) Dancing with the Stars (Monday) The Biggest Loser (Tuesday) Law & Order:SVU (Wednesday) Grey's Anatomy (Thursday) Dateline (Saturday)


media budget breakdown

print print Allure Allure Better Homes & Gardens Better Homes & Gardens Lucky Lucky New Yorker The TheWine Spectator New Yorker Wine Spectator price price $111,740 $111,740 $468,200 $468,200 $114,931 $114,931 $81,114 $81,114 $29,225 $29,225 number of advertisements number of advertisements 6 64 46 6 12 12 24 24 type of advertisement type of advertisement full-page full-page full-page full-page full-page full-page half-page half-page half-page half-page total total $670,440 $670,440 $1,872,800 $1,872,800 $689,586 $689,586 $973,728 $973,728 $701,400 $701,400 $4,907,954

$228,857 $178,687 $128,295 $101,632 $240,462 $23,962

price (CPM) interactive cnet.com ivillage.com nytimes.com orbitz.com overstock.com pbs.org shopzilla.com superpages.com tripadvisor.com weather.com 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
price print Allure Better Homes & Gardens Lucky The New Yorker Wine Spectator $111,740 $468,200 $114,931 $81,114 $29,225

number of impressions 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
number of advertisements 6 4 6 12 24

type of advertisement pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation
type of advertisement full-page full-page full-page half-page half-page

total $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000


out of home outBoston of home New Boston York City Philadelphia New York City Baltimore Philadelphia Washington D.C. Baltimore Washington D.C. television Desperate television Housewives (Sunday) Desperate Housewives Dancing with the Stars (Sunday) (Monday) Dancing with the Stars The Biggest Loser (Monday) (Tuesday) TheLaw & Order:SVU Biggest Loser (Tuesday) (Wednesday) Law & Order:SVU Grey's Anatomy (Wednesday) (Thursday) Grey's Anatomy Dateline (Thursday) (Saturday) Dateline (Saturday) interactive cnet.com interactive ivillage.com nytimes.com cnet.com orbitz.com ivillage.com overstock.com nytimes.com pbs.org orbitz.com shopzilla.com overstock.com superpages.com pbs.org tripadvisor.com shopzilla.com weather.com superpages.com

price (CPM) number of advertisements price (CPM) number of advertisements 9,000 38,020 9,000 11,600 38,020 5,200 11,600 10,600 5,200 10,600 price number of advertisements

type of advertisement total type of advertisement total transit posters, full bus wrap $270,000 transit posters, transit posters, full bus wrap $1,140,600 wrap $270,000 transit posters, full bus wrap $348,000 transit posters, full bus wrap $1,140,600 transit posters, full bus wrap $156,000 transit posters, full bus wrap $348,000 transit posters, full bus wrap $318,000 transit posters, full bus wrap $156,000 transit posters, full bus wrap $2,232,600 $318,000 type of advertisement

total $670,440 $1,872,800 $689,586 $973,728 $701,400


price $228,857 $228,857 $178,687 $178,687 $128,295 $128,295 $101,632 $101,632 $240,462 $240,462 $23,962 $23,962
price (CPM)

number of advertisements 3 3 3 33 33 33 33 3
number of impressions

type of advertisement 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial
type of advertisement

total $686,571 $686,571 $536,061 $536,061 $384,885 $384,885 $304,896 $304,896 $721,386 $721,386 $71,886

price (CPM) out of home Boston New York City Philadelphia Baltimore Washington D.C. 9,000 38,020 11,600 5,200 10,600 number of advertisements type of advertisement transit posters, full bus wrap transit posters, full bus wrap transit posters, full bus wrap transit posters, full bus wrap transit posters, full bus wrap total $270,000 $1,140,600 $348,000 $156,000 $318,000

$2,705,685 $71,886

$2,705,685 total
total $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 $1,600,000 $160,000 $160,000

price television Desperate Housewives (Sunday) Dancing with the Stars (Monday) The Biggest Loser (Tuesday) Law & Order:SVU (Wednesday) Grey's Anatomy (Thursday) Dateline (Saturday) $228,857 $178,687 $128,295 $101,632 $240,462 $23,962 number of advertisements 3 3 3 3 3 3 type of advertisement 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial 30-second commercial total $686,571 $536,061 $384,885 $304,896 $721,386 $71,886

tripadvisor.com weather.com

price (CPM) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

number of impressions 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000

type of advertisement pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation


price (CPM) interactive cnet.com ivillage.com 16 16 number of impressions 10,000,000 10,000,000 type of advertisement pop-up Flash animation pop-up Flash animation total $160,000 $160,000


brand activation
Our out of home advertisements are designed to work hand-in-hand with our brand activation strategy. The out-of-home advertisements follow a tour of major cities on the East Coast (Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C.). Our brand activation activities will follow this same tour in order to reinforce our advertisements in a creative way. All of the following brand activation activities are consistent with our campaign strategy and with Kashis own brand image. We will essentially enter each of the 5 cities and plaster Kashi everywhere, in innovative and unique ways, in order to catch our target audiences attention. By combining our out of home advertisements with our brand activation strategy, our get there. message will be repeated and solidified in our target audiences mind. This way Emily, Christine, and Grace will not only be hearing and seeing Kashi, they will be experiencing Kashi as well. We plan to have Kashi advertisements and unique brand activation activities occurring all over the city everyday for 30 days, which will create a lot of buzz for Kashi and possibly result in a lot of positive media coverage.

5-city tour time line

We will stay in each of our 5 cities for 30 days. We will travel directly from city to city overnight, and set up as soon as we arrive so when people get up to go to work the next day they suddenly Kashi everywhere, in innovative, intriguing ways it will be hard for people not to pay attention. Boston (April 1-30, 2010) New York City (May 1-31, 2010) Philadelphia (June 1-30, 2010) Washington D.C. (July 1-31,2010) Baltimore (August 1-31, 2010)


Kashi pop-up stores

As part of the 5-city tour, we will open Kashi pop-up stores in each of the cities for 4 weeks. These stores get there. stores will feature Kashi products (e.g. breakfast bars, cold cereal, hot cereal, etc.), and Kashi merchandise (e.g. hats, mugs, cookbooks, etc.). The stores will be run by Kashi employees who have stories, recipes, and advice for anyone who comes in the store. They will have nutritionists, chefs, dieticians, and personal trainers for people to schedule times with to meet and learn about how to live a healthier life. The availability of these people will reinforce our campaign strategy and prove that Kashi fits into your life no matter what you do, what you need, or where you are. The get there. stores will also feature a caf where people can just stop in on their way to work and grab a bowl of cereal or oatmeal. It will feature different types of Kashi food throughout the day and will be available for eating in or taking it with you. The stores will have pillars on the outside that appear to be made of Kashi cereal that support a Kashi cereal awning. A giant green arrow pointing down to the entrance of the store will be outside to attract peoples attention and create interest. Kashi employees will wander up and down surrounding blocks with samples of Kashi and direct people on the street to visit the store. For 3 blocks around the store there will be a series of large green arrow stickers on the ground with get there. stickers directing people to the Kashi store.

The stores will be brightly colored and feature artwork and largescale photography from local artists in each of the cities and specific to whatever city the store is in. Like the outside, parts of the inside of the store will be designed to look like there were made out of Kashi cereal. The caf counter will look like it was completely made out of Kashi cereal, which reinforces the campaign strategy that Kashi supports you. There will be a community memo board where people can write encouraging notes, or anecdotes about living healthy lives or Kashi for others to read. The best part about these popup stores is that they will attract a lot of press coverage. There is a slight guerilla aspect (with people handing out samples on the streets and arrows on the sidewalks leading to the store), which will create buzz and gain exposure. Press releases will also be drafted to supplement the opening of each pop-up in the cities. The unique stores are a way for our target audience to experience Kashi, and the Kashi way of life.


novelty benches
Similar to the pillars and counters made out of Kashi cereal, we will create actual benches made out of Kashi cereal and place them in the 5 cities. These will be real, functional benches you can still sit on them. They are just made to look like they were actually fabricated using Kashi cereals. They demonstrate that Kashi supports you, in whatever you are doing. They are distinctive and will catch peoples attention if they are jogging through Central Park, or looking for somewhere to sit and have a hot dog. In addition to placing them in Central Park, we will also place them in close proximity to the pop-up store. These benches are designed to make people stop and to peak their interest. We will place the Kashi logo and slogan get there. on the ground in front of the bench so it is readable if you are sitting down. Next to the logo, we will place the cross streets of the location of the pop-up store so people can go there.

Kashi day on Rachael Ray

Another way to reach the Christines in our target audience is to create partnerships with other well known brands or people. The daytime talk show Rachael Ray will feature a Kashi day. The entire show will revolve around Kashi. Rachael Ray will talk with some senior-level employees from Kashi to help the audience connect with the brand and learn more about what their goals are. She will also create special dishes incorporating Kashi products and prepare them live for the audience. The audience will be able to eat all of the food she prepares using Kashi. They will also receive a goody bag full of Kashi products, recipes using Kashi, and coupons for Kashi products. The third-party endorsement from a trusted source like Rachael Ray will add credibility to the brand, and to the campaign. It will attract media coverage and has the potential to expose the Kashi brand to new consumers.


partnership with local gyms

Emily, Christine, and Grace are all concerned with their health. Going along with our creative strategy of placing Kashi in locations people dont expect, we plan to integrate the Kashi brand into the consumers everyday workout lifestyle. These partnerships will take place in our target cities along the urban, North East. Our target audience is comprised of women who are health conscious and care about not only their careers, but their physical appearance as well. We will feature Kashi in a variety of places throughout the gym. Every exercise machine with a monitor will accommodate Kashi screen savers and other equipment, such as the interactive exercise bicycles, will incorporate Kashis pop-up stores as they travel through the interactive world. As the user progresses through their workout they will be supported by visuals of Kashi products and encouraging messages. The Kashi pop-up stores would reflect the actual store we have planned to place in the various cities we have chosen as our target. Our goal is to foster brand recognition through the placement of Kashi in a subtle manner throughout the gym.

marathon street teams

Building off our campaign strategy of supporting you, we will provide another type of support to our consumers. Kashi has a very health conscious identity, we will enhance this by sending street teams out to various marathons run in cities in the North East. Members of these street teams will be volunteers or Kashi employees who will hand out samples of Kashi products to marathon runners, their supporters, the media and anyone else who wants some. They will also be selling Kashi merchandise. They will provide moral support as well, cheering on the marathon runners during the race. Throughout the marathon course, there will be stickers with the Kashi logo and get there. slogan placed on the ground so the runners can easily see it. 100 yards from the finish line, the ground will be covered with a sticker that looks like it is Kashi cereal or a Kashi breakfast bar. The runners will have to run across this to get to the finish line. Right before they cross the finish line they will see the get there. slogan in giant letters inches away from the finish line.


market recommendations
Additionally, we suggest a few extra market recommendations for the Kashi brand, aside from implementing the get there. campaign. First, we recommend that Kashi make themselves available through sponsoring vending machines in corporate offices. This will increase their availability and distribution. It is perfect for their on the go, urbanized audience, and is much healthier than grabbing a hot dog from down the street or chips from the vending machine. These vending machines would feature the Kashi logo directly on the outside and would offer options such as breakfast and snack bars, as well as their hot and cold cereal to go. Another way to reach consumers on the go is to distribute Kashi products to a select number of convenience stores, and bodegas in urban cities, such as the 5 from the city tour. Our target audience is always busy and the convenience of having Kashi available right around the corner means they are more likely to purchase it. Secondly, we suggest incorporating coupons into Kashi food boxes. For example, a box of Kashi breakfast bars would include a coupon for a box of Kashi cold cereal, and vice versa. Consumers will be

more willing to try new products if they have a coupon. These special offers will aid in encouraging consumers to continue to purchase the Kashi brand and will expose them to food from the Kashi brand they may not have tried before.


criteria for success-measurement methods In order to determine the success of our overall campaign, we have developed a time breakdown of our sales and advertising objectives. Since the highest rate of advertising takes place in December, January, April, and May, we expect the largest increase in sales, market share, and comprehension will also take place during these months. Our objectives remain as follows: increase breakfast bar sales by 5% increase cold cereal sales by 4% increase hot cereal sales by 3% increase market share from 25 to 40% move Kashi into top 3 for Top of Mind Awareness (of cereals) increase comprehension from 20 to 40% We have included a breakdown of desired increase in sales over the course of our 12-month campaign.
April May June July August September October November December January February March breakfast bars cold cereal 0.70% 0.45% 0.65% 0.55% 0.50% 0.40% 0.45% 0.35% 0.45% 0.30% 0.35% 0.30% 0.40% 0.20% 0.15% 0.15% 0.45% 0.45% 0.40% 0.20% 0.30% 0.40% 0.20% 0.25% hot cereal 0.30% 0.35% 0.15% 0.10% 0.10% 0.15% 0.20% 0.30% 0.35% 0.40% 0.30% 0.30% comprehension market share 3% 1% 4% 4% 4% 5% 6% 6% 7% 6% 2% 4% 3% 1% 1.50% 2% 4.50% 3% 3% 1% 1% 4% 3% 1%






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