Group1 - Research Correctionalinstitutions-1

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Republic of the Philippines

City of Malabon University

Longos, Malabon City


Requirement for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Submitted by:


Submitted to:

Professor Jhon Antonio Briones

Date submitted:

March 08,2022

Chapter I: The Problem and its Background

Background of the Study

Community-based corrections is a type of criminal justice program

in which offenders are monitored outside of a prison or jail. People look at

community correction from various angles. Some people think of

community corrections as akin to parole and probation. Others saw it as

community service. Nonetheless, community-based corrections take place

outside of the prison environment. Corrections in the community have

come a long way. A lot of changes have occurred. More importantly, in the

criminal justice system, there is a growing preference for community

corrections. The observation that recidivism decreases when community

corrections are used rather than incarceration has prompted this trend. In

addition, when compared to incarceration, the cost of community

correction is low. Corrections administration is the study and practice of

systematic management of jails, prisons, and other institutions concerned

with the custody, treatment, and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.

Corrections administration is one of the five pillars of the criminal justice

system that deals with the confinement, supervision, and rehabilitation of

criminal offenders. Non-institutional correction, on the other hand, is a

correctional administration system in which prisoners serve their

sentences outside the walls of the penal institution and within the

community. It is accomplished through any executive clemency granted by

the President of the Philippines, such as reprieve, absolute pardon,

conditional pardon, with or without parole conditions, and sentence


This chapter includes the introduction, statement of the

problem, Significance of the study and definition of terms

Problem Statement

In this study, the researchers would aim to understand the

introduction to the correction system and will provide an overview of

current institutional practices, policies, and legal issues.

Specifically, the researchers sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

1.3. Course

2. How does the correctional system rehabilitate offenders?

2.1. Is there a direct link between the correctional and mental health of

a person?

2.2. What is correction as a component of the justice system?

2.3. How do the two approaches to correction differ?

Significance of the Study

This study hopes to unveil and determine the value of having equal

protection under the law in the City of Malabon University S.Y 2021-2022,

as well as to assess its effectiveness based on the behavior of criminology

students. Moreover, this study will be beneficial to the following people:

For the students, this study will benefit students because it will help them

gain legal knowledge that they will use as future public servants and

because the findings of this study will have a direct impact on criminology


For the parents, this study will benefit parents because they will be able to

know and understand why their children want to pursue a criminology

course, and they will be able to be confident that their children are

receiving additional education that will allow them to function as

contributing members of society. It will also assist parents in

understanding and guiding their children rather than worrying about them.

For the teachers, this study will serve as an instrument to guide their

students inside the class and they can easily teach for sharing their

knowledge and experiences to students.

For the school, this research is beneficial because it will let them know

that all students are learning.

Research Paradigm


CORRECTION: Bachelor of Science in

Criminology Degree Requirement

CRIMINOLOGY as the respondents

A. Students ranged around 19-25 years old

B. Both male and female

C. 3rd-year students


The respondents will

answer the survey

questionnaires conducted

which includes questions

related to Correctional


To know if the respondents

have knowledge about

Correctional Institution.
The majority of those who
responded to the questionnaire agree
that knowing about correctional
institutions has an impact on their
academic performance.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study is about the City of Malabon University.

This study will include the effects of introversion in the academic

performances of the students. The research will take place in the school

mentioned and will include data in regards to the 20 students from 3


This study will examine students and scrutinize does it affects their

performances in school.

Definition of Terms

Correction - variety of functions typically carried out by government

agencies, and involving the punishment, treatment, and supervision of

persons who have been convicted of crimes.

Correction Pillar - Performs its task as the safe keeper and undertakes

the rehabilitation of offenders and convicted felons. It aims to rehabilitate

and ensure humane treatment of prisoners.

Incarceration - Confinement in a jail or prison the act of imprisoning

someone or the state of being imprisoned

Non-institutional correction - Method of correcting sentenced offenders

without having to go to prison. Advantages of community-based


Parole - The conditional release of a person convicted of a crime prior to

the expiration of that person's term of imprisonment, subject to both the

supervision of the correctional authorities during the remainder of the term

and a resumption of the imprisonment upon violation of the conditions


Probation - Privilege granted by the court to a person convicted of a

criminal offense to remain in the community instead of actually going to


Penal Institution - Any institution used to house or detain a person who is

convicted of a crime; or who is in direct or indirect custody after a lawful

arrest. It is an institution where persons are confined for punishment.

Recidivism – The act of a person repeating an undesirable behavior after

they have experienced negative consequences of that behavior. It is also

used to refer to the percentage of former prisoners who are rearrested for

a similar offense.

Scrutinize - Examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification

Reprieve - Cancel or postpone the punishment of someone, especially

someone condemned to death.

Chapter II: Method and Procedure

Method Used

The researchers used primary data specifically survey

questionnaires to conduct this research from Criminology students of City

of Malabon University for the researchers to know their ideas, experiences

and perceptions about the topic. The researchers want to know the effects

of having their knowledge especially in their academic performances.

Research Design

To collect data on the chosen topic, this study combined a

descriptive research design with a quantitative design. The researcher

used the Survey Method online to answer questions from the survey

questionnaire in order to determine how correctional institutions helps their

academic performance in application in real life. This study will not delve

into the more advanced factors that influence the criminal justice system. 

Sampling Techniques

The type of procedure used for this research is non-probability

techniques. The non-probability technique chooses selected respondents

from each section to fill out the survey online questionnaire. The type of

non-probability technique used is called purposive. This type of technique

chooses a sample based on the intention of the researchers or purpose of

the study.

The non-probability technique is appreciated and necessary for the

research conducted at the City of Malabon University. The researcher

gave certain questions to selected respondents.

Research Instrument

The study made use of a set of questionnaires in gathering data

from the respondents. The survey questionnaire was constructed by the

researcher to be used as the main tool in gathering data needed to

answer specific questions that he wanted to find out. A quantitative

research is systematic and numerical investigation via statistical

mathematical and computational techniques.

The survey questionnaire contains questions regarding (1) the profile of

the respondents (e.g., age, sex, and course); (2) how does the

correctional system rehabilitate offenders? (2.1) Is there a direct link

between the correctional and mental health of a person? (2.2) What is

correction as a component of the justice system? (2.3) How do the two

approaches to correction differ?

Data Gathering

First, the researchers gave permission letter to all Criminology section to

conduct a survey. Supposedly, the respondents are selected based on

their answered in the first part of the survey questionnaire.

Second, before answering the questionnaire, the researchers introduced

the intention of getting the as them as respondents in order to motivate

them to participate and answered in truly and as part of the study.

Third, the instruction for each section of the test was clearly explained and

the question of the respondents while answering was entertained.

Lastly, after gathering the data, the researchers summarized the age and

gender. The researchers also summarized the data into percentage based

on their answered by the used of the given formula. The analyzation and

interpretation of the data were done in one week.

Treatment of the data

This statistical test was used for obtaining the average of the respondent’s

age and gender and would be identified into specific rank of categories.


%= x 100

f =¿ NO. of the respondents per dection

N= Total no. of respondents

%= Percentage

100= Constant value

Profile of the Respondents

The researchers chose 60 students. The respondents are the grade

3rd year students of City of Malabon University.

Chapter III: Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation


This research mainly consists on how correctional institution helps

the students of City of Malabon University. The researchers conducted

survey within the perimeters of City of Malabon University.


The corrections pillar is not solely responsible for the improvement

of the corrections system and the successful reintegration of inmates into

society. The rights of an offender must be respected at all stages of the

criminal justice system. They can also return to the community and live a

peaceful life after going through the entire system and being released,

either on parole or probation, or they can commit another crime and go

through corrections again. As a result, greater community involvement in

the treatment of offenders must be encouraged. Despite many challenges,

the Philippine government has taken and continues to take concrete steps

to improve prison/jail conditions a nd the treatment of offenders. However,

the government cannot do it alone. It requires the cooperation and active

participation of all sectors of our society. Prison reform can only be

accomplished with the active participation of all members of society. Each

of us is responsible for making these reforms a reality. If all sectors of

society work together, decent and humane prison conditions can be

realized, and prisoners can be successfully rehabilitated.


The researchers recommend for their research in order to fully

explore the main issue and factors that may help CRIMINOLOGY students

to show their full potential and perform in class to the best of their ability.


Reeves, R (1992, December). Finding solutions to the most pressing

issues facing the corrections community. Corrections Today, 54(74-79)

Former Supreme Court Chief Justice Andres R. Navasa. Handbook on the

Courts, and the Criminal Justice System (1996), p.31

Manwong Institutional Correction

Appendix A



We, the 3rd-year college students from City of Malabon

University, would like to ask your permission to have an opportunity to

talk with 60 randomly selected respondents on the 17th day of February

2022. If possible, may we be allowed to conduct our research on

corrections? This study is only possible with your help. With that, we thank

you in advance.


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