2nd Grading Gen Math 2017-2018 Edited

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Colon, Maasim, Sarangani Province

Integrated Senior High School
SHS ID: 341635

Second Quarter Examinations (General Mathematics)

Name Grade & Section

Subject Teacher Mariel G. Villanueva Score

DIRECTION. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided. You are allowed to use calculator.
Your score will be evaluated using the rubrics below.

Item Numbers Correct Answer Wrong Answer

1 to 15 1 point Zero
16 to 30 3 points 1 point

For items 1 to 10, match the terms in Column A with their definitions in Column B.

_____1. Principal a. Time money is borrowed.

_____2. Term b. Percentage of increase of investment

_____3. Interest c. Amount of money borrowed or invested

_____4. Maturity value d. Amount added by the lender, to be received on

repayment date
_____5. Interest rate
e. Amount received on repayment date.

_____6. Annuity a. A sequence of payments made at equal (fixed)

intervals or periods of time
_____7. Term
b. Time between the first payment interval and last
_____8. Regular Payment payment interval

_____9. Future Value c. The amount of each payment

_____10. Present Value d. The sum of future values of all the payments to
be made during the entire term of the annuity

e. The sum of future values of all the payments to

be made during the entire term of the annuity

_____11. The original amount of money that people save or invest is known as

a. Interest b. Principal c. Seed money d. Compound interest

_____12. The amount an investment will be worth after one or more periods of time is called

a. future value b. present value c. principal value d. discounted value

_____13. When the term is 3 years and 6 months and money is compounded semi – annually, the
total number of conversion periods is

a. 3 b. 7 c. 9 d. 18

_____14. When money is compounded monthly, the frequency of conversion is

a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 12

_____15. If the total number of conversion periods is 12 and the term is 6 years, then the money is

a. annually b. semi – annually c. quarterly d. monthly

_____16. P 8,000 is invested at 12% single _____24. How long would it take for P 5000
interest. What is the amount at the end of 2 invested at 5% compounded annually to
years? a. 5 years b. 7 years
a. P9,600 b. P8,960 c. 10 years d. 14 years
c. P8,240 d. P9,920
SIMPLE INTEREST _____25. What present value, compounded
_____17. At what rate of interest should P2, 400 quarterly at 6%, will become P 59, 780.91 in
be invested so that it will earn P880 in 8 3 years?
months? a. 49,780.91 b. 50,780.19
a. 6 ½% b. 5 ½% c. 49,984.04 d. 50,000.76
c. 5% d. 6%
FUTURE VALUE OF SIMPLE INTEREST ______26. Muaz will need P 130, 000 in 4 years to
_____18. How much would be paid on a bank loan buy a piece of property. He plan to save
of P30, 000 a year at 12% annual money by making equal quarterly deposits
interest? into an account earning 6.1% compounded
a. P3, 240 b. P33,600 quarterly. What is Muaz’s quarterly
c. P2, 800 d. P3, 600 deposit?
a. P 7, 235.51 b. P 9, 218.01
FUTURE VALUE OF SIMPLE INTEREST c. P 871.18 d. P 1, 110.69
_____19. How long will an amount of money
double at a simple interest rate of 2%? FUTURE VALUE OF ORDINARY ANNUITY
a. 20 years b. 30 years _____27. What is the future value of $2,400 a year
c. 40 years d. 50 years for three years at an 8 percent rate of
FUTURE VALUE OF SIMPLE INTEREST a. $6,185.03 b. $6,847.26
_____20. At what simple interest rate will an c. $7,134.16 d. $7,791.36
amount of money double itself in 10 years?
c. 15% d. 20% _____28. You would like to have $1,000 one year
(365 days) from now and you find that the
COMPOUND INTEREST bank is paying 7% compounded daily. How
_____21. Annie deposited P 100,000 in a bank that much will you have to deposit with the bank
pays 12% compounded interest annually. today to be able to have the $1,000?
How much money she will have after 3 a. $ 934.58 b. $ 933.51
years? c. $ 932.40 d. $ 934.50
a. P 140,492.00 b. P100,404.00
c. P 68,147.00 d. P 60,000.00 PRESENT VALUE OF ORDINARY ANNUITY
_____29. A young couple buys their dream house.
COMPOUND INTEREST After paying their down payment and
_____22. Thirty years ago, your father invested closing costs, the couple has borrowed
11,000. Today, that investment is worth $400,000 from the bank. The terms of the
287, 047. What is the average annual mortgage are 30 years of monthly payments
rate of return of your father earned on his of 6% with monthly compounding. What
interest? is the monthly payment for the
a. 11.14% b. 11.27% couple?
c. 11.387% d. 11.49% a. $2,398.20 b. $2,421.63
c. $2,697.98 d. $2,700.00
_____23. Gloria deposited P6000 at 8% COMPOUND INTEREST
compounded annually interest for 4 years. _____30. Uncle Fester puts $50,000 into a bank
What is total amount? account earning 6%. You can't withdraw the
a. P2, 162. 93 b. P7, 558.27 money until the balance has doubled. How
c. P1, 558.27 d. P8, 162.93 long will you have to leave the money in the
a. 9 years b. 10 years
c. 11 years d. 12 years

End of the Test

Good Luck and God Bless
“Enjoy your semestral break”
Prepared by

Subject Teacher

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