3rd Grading General Chemistry 1 2016-2017

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Colon, Maasim, Sarangani Province

Integrated Senior High School

Third Periodical Examinations (General Chemistry 1)

Name Grade & Section

Teacher Mariel G. Villanueva Score

DIRECTION: Choose the best answer and write its letter in the blank.

_______1. How do you know when something is a solid?

A. It will pour. B. It takes the shape of its container.
C. It cannot be seen easily. D. It will hold its shape.

_______2. What has mass and takes up space?

A. weight B. volume C. space D. matter

_______3. According to the kinetic-molecular theory, which substances are made of particles?
A. gases only B. liquids only
C. all matter D. all matter except solids

_______4. According to the kinetic-molecular theory, what particles of matter are in motion in
A. gases only. B. gases and liquids only. C. solids, liquids, and gases. D. solids only.

_______5. The particles in a liquid are usually

A. closer together and lower in energy than those in a solid.
B. farther apart and higher in energy than those in a gas.
C. closer together and lower in energy than those in a gas.
D. farther apart and lower in energy than those in a solid.

_______6. Particles within a solid

A. do not move. B. vibrate about fixed positions.
C. move about freely. D. exchange positions easily.

_______7. The simplest substance that make up all matter

A. element B . compound C. mixture D. atom

_______8. A substance made up of two or more elements which are chemically combined
A. element B. compound C. mixture D. atom

_______9. A mixture which has uniform characteristics all throughout and appears as a single phase
A. substance B. homogeneous mixture
C. heterogeneous mixture D. element

_______10. A mixture which does not have uniform characteristics all throughout and has two or more phases
A. substance B. homogeneous mixture
C. heterogeneous mixture D. element

_______11. How many significant figures does the following measurement contain?
temperature = 0.0023 C
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. ∞

_______12. What is the result of the following calculation, reported to the correct number of significant figures?
0.12g + 0.003g = ?

A. 0.123 g B. 0.12 g C. 0.1 g D. 0 g

_______13. What is the result of the following calculation, reported to the correct number of significant figures?
2.518 g / 1.2 mL
A. 2.098 g/mL B. 2.10 g/mL C.. 2.1 g/mL D. 2.
_______14. 3
What is the following number in standard decimal notation? 0.241 x 10
A. 0.000241 B. 0.0241 C.. 241 D. 24100.

_______15. How many significant figures should be reported for the result of the following calculation?
-3 +2
(3.110 x 10 ) x (0.021 x 10 )
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

_______16. What is the result of the following calculation to the correct number of significant figures?
4 2
(2.14 x 10 ) - (1.11 x 10 )
4 4 4
A. 2.1511 x 10 B. 2.151 x 10 C. 2.15 x 104 D. 2.1 x 10

_______17. The SI Unit standard for mass is the:

A. Pound B. gram C. slug) D. kilogram

_______18. One mile is 1.609 km. How many km in 4 mi?

A. 6.346 km B. 6.643 km C. 6.463 km D. 6.436 km

_______19. If 1 kg = 2.2 lbs, then 15 kgs is _____.

A. 100 lbs B. 110 lbs C. 125 lbs D. 150 lbs

_______20. The number of second in a month is approximately equal to

A. 2.6 x 10 6 B.2.6 x 10 7 C. 2.6 x 10 8 D. 2.6 x 10 9

_______21. The density of an object is

A. The mass divided by the volume D = m/v B. The volume divided by the mass D = v/m
C. The same as its weight D. The same as the size of the object

_______22. If two objects have the same volume but one has a greater mass, the one with greater mass
A. Has a lower density B. Has a higher density C. Will float D. Will sink

_______23. If two objects have the same volume but one is made up of smaller and heavier atoms, the one with small
heavy atoms will
A. Be larger than the other B. Be less dense than the other
C. Be more dense than the other D. Float

_______24. If you cut a wooden block in half, each half would have
A. Half the density of the original piece B. Twice the density of the original piece
C. The same density as the original piece D. No density at all

_______25. In the water displacement method for finding volume

A. You subtract the final volume from the initial volume B. You add the initial and final volumes
C. You subtract the initial volume from the final volume D. You divide the final volume by 2

_______26. If two objects have the same mass but different volumes
A. The one with the larger volume has the lower density
B. They must have the same density
C. The one with the larger volume has the higher density
D. The one with the larger volume is twice as dense

3 3
_______27. If the density of water is 1 gram/cm , this means that the mass of 100 cm of water should be
A. 100 grams B. 50 grams C. 1000 grams D. 1 gram

_______28. Density is a characteristic property of a substance. This means that the density of water
A. Changes depending on the volume B. Stays the same regardless of the volume
C. Is greater for a greater mass of water D. Is less for a smaller mass of water

_______29. An object should float in a liquid if it is

A. More dense than the liquid B. Less dense than the liquid
C. Lighter than metal D. Shaped like a ball

_______30. A tiny piece of sand is very light but sinks in water. This is because
A. Sand is a solid B. Sand is less dense than water
C. There is more water than sand D. Sand is more dense than water

_______31. A solution of H2O and ethyl alcohol can be best separated by

A. Evaporation B. Centrifugation C. Distillation D. Decantation

_______32. Suspensions mixtures are best separated by which process?

A. Filtration B. Decantation C. Distillation D. Centrifugation

_______33. What do call a separation technique that uses the boiling points of various substances to separate mixtures?
A. Centrifugation B. Filtration C. Distillation D. Decantation

_______34. Distilled water may also be called as

A. immiscible. B. solute. C. solution. D. distillate.

_______35. In filtration, filtrate refers to the

A. soluble substances that passes through solution. B. suspension in liquid.
C. residue left on filter paper. D. substance collected over funnel.

_______36. A solid can be separated from a solution using...

A. condensation B. evaporation C. freezing D. melting

_______37. This method of separation is known as _______________.

A. Distillation B. Decantation C. Evaporation D. Centrifugation

_______38. A process of settling the heavy solids and pouring off the liquid.
A. Distillation B. Decantation C. Evaporation D. Filtration

_______39. The process of allowing suspended materials to settle.

A. Filtration. B. Evaporation. C. Filtration. D. Sedimentation.

_______40. The process of boiling a liquid and condensing the vapor

A. Decantation B. Filtration C. Distillation D. Evaporation.

_______41. The model of an atom we know today consists of a very small, dense _____ at the center.
A. electrons B. protons C. neutrons D. nucleus

_______42. In describing the atoms of a given element, which will they always have?
A. The same mass number C. The same number of protons
B. The same number of neutrons D. Equal number of protons and neutrons

_______43. Which of the following ideas is the opposite of the Atomic Theory?
A. Atoms are changed during chemical reaction.
B. Atoms of a given element have the same properties.
C. Matter is made up of tiny, discrete particles called atoms.
D. Atoms combine in small whole number ratios to form compounds.
Jacob was giving a presentation on the history of the atom. Some of the experiments are listed in the table below:

Scientists Date Description of Work

Dalton 1800’s Developed ideas about elements and atoms
Crookes 1870 Used cathode-ray tube to prove the existence of sub-atomic particles
Thomson 1897 Used cathode tube with a magnet to discover electrons
Rutherford 1906 Used charged alpha particles to help discover the nucleus, proton, and neutron

_______44. On the basis of Rutherford’s model of an atom, which subatomic particle is present in the nucleus of an
A. Proton and electron B. Neutron and Electron C. proton and neutron D. proton
_______45. Who proposed the probability that electrons will be found in locations around the nucleus of an atom?
A. Bohr B. Schrodinger C. Rutherford D. Thomson

_______46. According to the table, which scientist first used the cathode-ray tube?
A. Crookes B. Dalton C. Rutherford D. Thomson

_______47. What did J.J. Thomson’s experiment show?

A. The atom is like a uniform sphere. C. Isotopes undergo radioactive decay.
B. Cathode rays are made up of electrons. D. All atoms undergo radioactive decay.

_______48. Which number is the atomic number equal to?

A. energy levels B. neutrons C. nuclear particles D. protons

_______49. The atomic number of chlorine is 17. Its mass number is 35. How many protons are in a chlorine atoms?
A. 17 B. 18 C. 35 D. 52

_______50. What are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons called?
A. electrons B. ions C. isotopes D. protons

_______51. The presence of SO2 in the atmosphere causes acid rain. What percentage of sulfur is present in SO 2 (Molar
mass= 64.07 mole)?
A. 40.00% B. 49.95% C. 50.05 % D. 60.00%

_______52. The empirical formula of a group of compounds is CHCl. Lindane, a powerful insecticide, is a member of
this group. The molar mass of lindane is 290.76 g. How many atoms of carbon does a molecule of lindane
contain? Atomic masses: C =12.01; H =1.01; Cl =35.45
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6

_______53. What is the empirical formula of a compound composed of 25.9% nitrogen and 74.1% oxygen by mass?
A. NO B. NO2 C. N2O4 D. N2O5

_______54. A compound with a molecular weight of 56 amu has an empirical formula of CH2. What is the molecular
A. C2H2 B. C2H4 C. C4H8 D. C4H10

_______55. What is the formula mass of Ca(NO3)2? Ca = 40 ; N = 14 ; O = 16

A. 102 B. 164 C. 204 D. 110

_______56. What is the molar mass of cryolite ( Na3AlF6 ) ? Atomic masses Na =22.99; Al =26.98 ; F =19.00
A. 209.95 g B. 185.32 g C. 210.58 g D. 104.25 g

_______57. The formula of calcium fluoride is

A. Ca2F B. CaF2 C. CaF3 D. CaF

_______58. What is the subscript of aluminum in the formula of aluminum phosphate? Al 3+ PO43-
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

_______59. How many atoms of C are present in a compound with the chemical formula K 4[Fe(CN)6]2?
A. 4 B. 6 C. 12 D. 48

_______60. The empirical formula of styrene is CH; its molar mass is 104.16 g. What is the molecular formula of
A. C2H4 B. C8H8 C. C10H12 D. C6H6

End of the Test

Good Luck and God Bless

“Attitude is more important than ability”

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