Property Reviewer (Rabuya, Paras) (2022)

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BOOK II irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire

brain, including the brain system.

PROPERTY, OWNERSHIP, AND Properties v. Objects of contract

ITS MODIFICATIONS Property Object of a contract
The criterion is The criterion is whether
susceptibility to they are outside of
TITLE I - CLASSIFICATION OF appropriation commerce of man or
commerce of man are
not necessarily
Article 414
disqualified from being
All things which are or may be the object of
considered property
appropriation are considered either:

(1) Immovable or real property; or Property v. Things

(2) Movable or personal property. (333) Property Things
Used interchangeably in the Civil Code
Property Much limited in scope, Broader in scope,
 Derived from the Latin word “proprius”, includes only includes both
appropriable things appropriable and non-
meaning belonging to one or one’s own
appropriable objects
 An object which is or may be appropriated Requisites
(Paras) 1) Utility – whether it can serve as a means to satisfy
 Considered as a subject or course in law, human needs (additional requisite)
property is that branch of civil law which 2) Substantivity or individuality – the thing must
classifies and defines the different kinds of have an autonomous and separate existence. The
appropriable objects, provides for their thing must not be merely a part of a whole
acquisition and loss, and in general, treats of (Additional requisite)
the nature and consequences of real rights 3) Appropriability – capable of being obtained even
 Intimately related with the concept of things if not yet actually appropriated (essential requisite)
(may be interchangeably used)
 The Civil Code refers to things as both the Classification of property under the Civil Code
corporeal objects and incorporeal objects (both Whether immovable or movable
object and rights) 1) Immovable (Art 415)
 The Civil Code does not define the term 2) Movable (Arts 416-417)
property but simply implies that the concept a) Consumable (Art 418)
refers to things which are susceptible of b) Non-consumable (Art 418)
 Things which cannot, therefore, be subjected From the viewpoint of ownership
to human control by reason of sheer physical 1) Property of public dominion
impossibility are not considered as property 2) Private ownership

The human body Classification of things

RPC - the human body, whether alive, or dead, is  Not all things can be considered property
neither real nor personal property, for it is not even 1) As to nature
property at all, in that it generally cannot be  Res nullius – Belonging to no one
appropriated. It is indeed a thing or a being, for it  Res communes – Belonging to everyone
exists;  Res alicujus – Belonging to someone
2) As to mobility
Civil Code - Article 416 (4) of the Civil Code states  Movable (Art 416, 417)
that in general, all things which can be transported
 Immovable (Art 415)
from place to place are deemed to be personal
3) As to ownership
property. Considering that human remains can
 Public
generally be transported from place to place (Laud v.
 Private
4) As to alienability
 Within the commerce of man
Organ Donation Act of 1991 (Feb 29, 1992)
 Outside the commerce of men
This means that all or part of a human body may only
5) As to existence
occur after a person’s “death” (i.e., the irreversible
cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions or the  Present
 Future

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6) As to materiality 3) Everything attached to an immovable in a

 Tangible/corporeal fixed manner, in such a way that it cannot be
 Intangible/incorporeal separated therefrom without breaking the
7) As to dependence material or deterioration of the object;
 Principal 4) Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects for
use or ornamentation, placed in buildings or
 Accessory
on lands by the owner of the immovable in
8) As to substitution such a manner that it reveals the intention to
 Fungible – Capable of substitution of attach them permanently to the tenements;
same kind and quantity 5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or
 Non-fungible – incapable of implements intended by the owner of the
substitution; identical thing must be tenement for an industry or works which
given or returned may be carried on in a building or on a piece
9) As to nature or definiteness of land, and which tend directly to meet the
 Generic – referring to a group or class needs of the said industry or works;
 Specific – referring to a single object 6) Animal houses, pigeon-houses, beehives,
10) As to custody of court fish ponds or breeding places of similar
nature, in case their owner has placed them
 In custodia legis
or preserves them with the intention to have
 Free them permanently attached to the land, and
forming a permanent part of it; the animals
Importance of classification in these places are included;
1) For purpose of applying the rules of acquisitive 7) Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land;
prescription 8) Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the
Immovables Movables matter thereof forms part of the bed, and
Good faith 10 years 4 years waters either running or stagnant;
Bad faith 30 years 8 years 9) Docks and structures which, though
floating, are intended by their nature and
2) Determining the propriety of the object of the object to remain at a fixed place on a river,
contracts of pledge, chattel mortgage and real lake, or coast;
estate mortgage 10) Contracts for public works, and servitudes
and other real rights over immovable
3) For the purpose of determining the formalities
property. (334a)
of a donation
4) Extrajudicial deposit – only movable things
 The New Civil Code does not define
may be the object of extrajudicial deposit
immovable or real property but enumerates
5) Commodatum and mutuum
what are considered as such
 Commodatum – both immovable and
 The classification of property into real or
personal property is a question of law
 Mutuum – movable only
6) In crimes of theft, robbery and usurpation
Classification of immovable properties
7) For purposes of determining the venue in
1) Immovable by nature – cannot be carried
remedial law
from place to place (Par 1 [lands], 2 [attached
8) For purposes of real property taxation
to the land], 8)
2) Immovable by incorporation – attached to an
Reclassification v. Conversion
immovable in a fixed manner to be an
Reclassification Conversion integral part thereof (Par 1 [buildings, roads
The act of specifying The act of changing the
and constructions], 2 [attached to the
how agricultural lands current use of a piece of
immovable], 3)
shall be utilized for non- agricultural land into
agricultural uses some other use as 3) Immovable by destination – essentially
(residential, commercial, approved by DAR movable but placed in an immovable for the
industrial) utility it gives to the activity carried thereon
(Par 4, 5, 6, 7, 9)
CHAPTER 1 4) Immovable by analogy or by law – classified
Immovable Property by express provision of law (Par 10)

Article 415 Land, buildings, roads and constructions

The following are immovable property: of all kinds adhered to the soil;
1) Land, buildings, roads and constructions of Lands
all kinds adhered to the soil; Is considered as immovable or real property by their
2) Trees, plants, and growing fruits, while they nature. It is by nature cannot be moved from one place
are attached to the land or form an integral
to another
part of an immovable;

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Article 415 of the Civil Code, could only

Building mean that a building is by itself an
RULE: Must be more or less a permanent immovable property. (Associated Ins. &
structure substantially adhered to the soil and not Surety Co v. Iya)
mere superimpositions
XPN: Although ownership cannot determine the
A house or a building is immovable by status, it does so when combined with other
incorporation by reason of its adherence to the soil factors to sustain the interpretation that the parties
in which it is built. A building which is merely intended
superimposed on the soil is not a real property. Moreover, the subject house stood on a rented lot
to which defendats-appellants merely had a
Once the house is demolished, it ceases to exist temporary right as lessee, and although this
as an immovable (Bicerra v. Teneza) cannot in itself alone determine the status of the
property, it does so when combined with other
In the case at bar, the house in question was treated factors to sustain the interpretation that the
as personal or movable property, by the parties to parties, particularly the mortgagors, intended to
the contract themselves. In the deed of chattel treat the house as personalty. (Tumulad v.
mortgage, appellant Rufino G. Pineda conveyed by Vicencio)
way of "Chattel Mortgage" "my personal
properties", a residential house and a truck. The  The classification of property into real or
mortgagor himself grouped the house with the personal is provided for by law and may
truck, which is, inherently a movable property. not, therefore, be changed by the
The house which was not even declared for agreement of the parties
taxation purposes was small and made of light
construction materials: G.I. sheets roofing, Instance where building is treated as personal property
sawali and wooden walls and wooden posts;
 Doctrine of estoppel
built on land belonging to another. (Navarro v.
Pineda) o By ceding, selling, or transferring a real
property (house) by way of chattel
Buildings are always immovable mortgage
This applies only when the building is a “true Although there is no specific
building” and not merely superimposed on the soil statement referring to the subject
house as personal property, yet by
 Rule is not affected by the fact that the
ceding, selling or transferring a
building is treated separately from the land property by way of chattel
A building treated separately from the land mortgage defendants-appellants
on which it stood is immovable property and could only have meant to convey
the mere fact that the parties to a contract the house as chattel, or at least,
seem to have dealt with it separately and intended to treat the same as such, so
apart from the land on which it stood is no that they should not now be allowed
wise changed its character. (Leung Yee v. to make an inconsistent stand by
Strong Machinery Co) claiming otherwise. (Tumulad v.
 Rule is not affected by the fact that the
building is erected on a land owned by o By treating the property as personal
another person in the chattel mortgage contract
A true building (not merely superimposed The duties of a register of deeds in
on the soil) is immovable or real property, respect to the registration of chattel
whether it is erected by the owner of the mortgage are of a purely
land or by a usufructuary or lessee. ministerial* character; and no
(Evangelista v. Alto Surety) provision of law can be cited which
*ownership will only matter in the 5th and 6th pars of confers upon him any judicial or
Art 415 quasi-judicial power to determine
the nature of any document of which
To cloak the building with an uncertain registration is sought as a chattel
status made dependent on the ownership mortgage (Standard Oil Co. v.
of the land, would create a situation Jaramillo)
where a permanent fixture changes its
nature or character as the ownership of *Ministerial – without exercise of discretion
the land changes hands o Effect of registration –
It is obvious that the inclusion of the PERSONS
building, separate and distinct from the The registration of the
land, in the enumeration of what may chattel mortgage of a
constitute real properties provided by

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building of strong materials RULE: To be immovable, the construction must be

produ attached permanently to the land. It becomes
ces no effect as far as the immovable by incorporation.
building is concerned. But
as between the parties to It necessarily includes roads
said chattel mortgage,
they are not allowed to
The pipeline system in question is indubitably a
assail the validity of said
construction adhering to the soil. It is attached to the
agreement under the
land in such a way that it cannot be separated
principle of estoppel
therefrom without dismantling the steel pipes which
(Associated Ins. & Surety
were welded to form the pipeline (Meralco
Co v. Iya)
Securities v. CBAA)
The registry here referred in
Art 1473 is of course the Trees, plants, and growing fruits, while
registry of real property, they are attached to the land or form an
and it must be apparent that integral part of an immovable;
the annotation or inscription
of a deed of sale of real Classification
property in a chattel 1) By nature – spontaneous products of the soil
mortgage registry cannot be 2) By incorporation – planted through labor
given the legal effect of an
inscription in the registry of Trees and plants
real property. By its express
GR: Trees, plants and growing fruits, while they are
terms, the Chattel
Mortgage Law attached to the land, are immovable property
contemplates and makes XPN: If the trees or plants are cut or uprooted for
provision for mortgages of purposes of making them firewood or timber, they
personal property; and the become movable
sole purpose and object of XPN of XPN: The timber constituted the natural
the chattel mortgage product of the tenement/timber land
registry is to provide for
the registry of "Chattel Growing fruits
mortgages," that is to say, GR: Growing fruits are considered as real property so
mortgages of personal long as they are still attached to the soil
property executed in the XPN: May be treated as personal property pursuant to
manner and form the provisions of Art 416(2) of the NCC
prescribed in the statute.
1) Ungathered fruits are considered personal
xx the machinery company
must be held to be the owner property for the purpose of sale of the whole
of the property under the or part of the crops
third paragraph of the above 2) Ungathered fruits have the nature of personal
cited article of the code, it property for purposes of attachment and
appearing that the company execution and in applying the provisions of the
first took possession of the Chattel Mortgage Law and Act 1508 (Sibal v.
property; and further, that Valdez)
the building and the land
were sold to the machinery ***Once they are detached from the soil they are no
company long prior to the longer considered as real property
date of the sheriff's sale to
the plaintiff. (Leung Yee v.
Strong Machinery Co)) Everything attached to an immovable in
a fixed manner, in such a way that it
XPN: Foreclosure and execution proceedings – since cannot be separated therefrom without
the doctrine of estoppel cannot bind third persons breaking the material or deterioration of
A mortgage creditor who purchases real the object;
properties at an extra-judicial foreclosure sale
thereof by virtue of a chattel mortgage RULE: Must be incorporated in the immovable in
constituted in his favor, which mortgage has been a fixed manner
declared null and void with respect to said real The steel towers of Meralco could not be included
properties acquires no right thereto by virtue of said under par 3 because they are not attached to an
sale. (Piansay v. David) immovable property in a fixed manner since they
could be separated without breaking the
Construction adhered to the soil material or causing deterioration upon the

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object to which they were attached. (BAA v.

Meralco) Requisites
1) They must be machinery, receptacles,
 Civil Code nowhere requires that the instruments or implements
attachment or incorporation be made by the
owner of the land or immovable itself The steel towers constructed by Meralco as falling
under par 5 for they are not machineries, receptacles,
XPN: Parties’ intent may govern instruments, or implements (BAA v. Meralco)
 If the parties treat the machinery as chattels,
they are bound by their agreement under the 2) They must be placed by the owner or the
principal of estoppel notwithstanding the tenement or by his agent
fact that the machinery may have been  Separated when no longer in use - It is
attached to an immovable in a fixed reverted to condition of a chattel
manner and may not be separated  Separated temporarily but will still
therefrom without breaking the material or serve industry
deterioration of the object to which it is
attached Machinery which is movable by nature becomes
immobilized when placed by the owner of the
While it is true that the controverted properties tenement, property or plant, but not so when
appear to be immobile, a perusal of the contract of placed by tenant, usufructuary, or any other
Real and Chattel Mortgage executed by the parties person having only a temporary right, unless
herein give us a contrary indication. In the case at such person acted as the agent of the owner.
bar, both the trial and the appellate courts reached (Davao Sawmill Co v. Castillo)
the same finding that the true intention of PBCom
and the owner, EVERTEX, is to treat machinery GR: Machinery cannot be categorized as
and equipment as chattels. Too, assuming arguendo immovable when placed by tenant, usufructuary,
that the properties in question are immovable by lessee or any other person having only a temporary
nature, nothing detracts the parties from treating right
it as chattels to secure an obligation under the XPN: When such person acted as an agent to the
principle of estoppel. (Tsai v. CA) owner
 if in the contract of lease, it is stipulated that
Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects such machinery, receptacles, instruments or
for use or ornamentation, placed in implements placed there by the lessee will
buildings or on lands by the owner of the become, at the termination of the lease, the
immovable in such a manner that it property of the lessor for in that case they will
reveals the intention to attach them be considered as immovable property since in
permanently to the tenements; placing them the lessee will just be merely
acting as an agent of the lessor. (Davao
Requisites Sawmill Co v. Castillo)
1) Must be placed in buildings or on lands by the
owner of the immovable or by his agent While under the general law of Puerto Rico
2) The attachment must be intended to be machinery placed on property by a tenant does not
permanent become immobilized, yet, when the tenant places it
there pursuant to a contract that it shall belong to
the owner, it then becomes immobilized as to
Art 415 (4) Art 415 (3) that tenant and even as against his assignees
Immovable by Immovable by and creditors who had sufficient notice of such
destination and incorporation stipulation. (Valdez v. Central Altagracia, Inc.)
Can be separated from Cannot be separated
3) There must be an industry or work carried in
immovable without from immovable
breaking or without breaking or such building or on the piece of land
deterioration deterioration o Must be essential and principal,
Must be placed by the Need not be placed by without which such industry or works
owner, or by his agent, the owner would be unable to function
express or implied
In order that movable equipments to be
Machinery, receptacles, instruments or immobilized in contemplation of the law
implements intended by the owner of the they must first be “essential and principal
tenement for an industry or works which may be elements of an industry or works without
carried on in a building or on a piece of land, which such industry or works would be
and which tend directly to meet the needs of the unable to function or carry on the
said industry or works; industrial purpose for which it was

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established.” (Mindanao Bus Co. v. City The machineries are The machineries,
Assessor and Treasurer) considered personal although covered by a
property even though chattel mortgage, are
If the installation of the machinery and they are principal and considered real property
equipment in question in the central of the essential elements of thesince they are
Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., in lieu of the other industry immobilized
of less capacity existing therein, for its sugar The action is concerning The action/issue is
industry, converted them into real property by a writ of replevin concerning the absence
reason of their purpose, it cannot be said that (private) of the publication of the
their incorporation therewith was not notice of sale (public)
permanent in character because, as essential The doctrine of estoppel The doctrine of estoppel
and principal elements of a sugar central, may apply may not be applied
without them the sugar central would be
unable to function or carry on the industrial Action for replevin
purpose for which it was established. (B.H.  May constitute real property subjected by
Berkentotter v. Cu Unjieng) the parties to a Chattel Mortgage (doctrine
of estoppel)
o They must also be carried on in a Ordinarily replevin may be brought to recover any
building or on a piece of land or on specific personal property unlawfully taken or
waters detained from the owner thereof, provided such
property is capable of identification and delivery;
The equipment in question were not deemed but replevin will not lie for the recovery of real
real property because the transportation property or incorporeal personal property.
business, according to the Court, “is not (Machinery and Engineering v. CA)
carried on in a building or permanently
on a piece of land,” as demanded by law. Rules on execution proceedings: cannot be
The equipment in question is destined only affected by the agreement of the parties to subject
to repair or service the transportation real properties to chattel mortgage
business (Mindanao Bus Co. v. City We hold that the rules on execution do not allow,
Assessor and Treasurer) and we should not interpret them in such a way as
to allow, the special consideration that parties to a
4) They must tend directly to meet the needs contract may have desired to impart to real estate,
of said industry or work for example, as personal property, when they are not
ordinarily so. Sales on execution affect the public
The mortgage was on the lands "together with all the and third persons. The regulation governing
buildings and improvements now existing or which sales on execution are for public officials to
may hereafter be constructed" thereon. And the follow. The form of proceedings prescribed for
machineries, as found by the trial court, were each kind of property is suited to its character,
permanently attached to the property, and installed not to the character which the parties have given
there by the former owner to meet the needs of to it or desire to give it.
certain works or industry therein. They were
therefore part of the immovable pursuant to Article We, therefore, hold that the mere fact that a house
415 of the Civil Code and need not be the subject was the subject of a chattel mortgage and was
of a separate chattel mortgage in order to be deemed considered as personal property by the parties
duly encumbered in favor of appellee. (GSIS v. does not make said house personal property for
Calsons) purposes of the notice to be given for its sale at
public auction. This ruling is demanded by the
Application of the doctrine of estoppel need for a definite, orderly and well- defined
The application of doctrine of estoppel is only limited regulation for official and public guidance and
to actions between the parties and cannot prejudice which would prevent confusion and
actions involving third persons. misunderstanding. (Manarang v. Ofilada)

The lease agreement, of which SPI is a party, clearly The doctrine, therefore, gathered from these cases is
provides that the machines in question are personal that although in some instances, a house of mixed
property, hence, SPI is estopped from denying the materials has been considered as a chattel between
characterization of the subject machines as personal them, has been recognized, it has been a constant
property. The Court cautioned, however, that its criterion nevertheless that, with respect to third
holding that the machines should be deemed persons, who are not parties to the contract, and
personal property pursuant to the Lease Agreement specially in execution proceedings, the house is
is good only insofar as the contracting parties considered as an immovable property (Navarro v.
are concerned. (Serg Products Inc. v. PCI) Pineda)

Comparisons of cases
Serg case Ago case
Caltex case BAA case Davao Saw Mindanao
Mill case Bus case

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Equipment The steel Machinery The tools

and towers were mounted on and These are immovables by destination. The fertilizers
machinery, as considered foundations equipment
appurtenances personalty of cement in the repair must actually be used on the land because it is only then
to the gas because they and installed shop of a that the intention of the owner to use them on the
station were by the lessee bus tenement is beyond doubt.
building or attached to on leased company
shed owned square metal land should which were
by Caltex are frames by be regarded held to be RULE: Must be actually used
taxable means of as personal personal Fertilizers still in the barn but wrapped are still
improvements bolts and property for property considered personal property since not yet actually
and could be purposes of
machinery moved from execution of used
within the place to a judgment
meaning of place when against the Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while
the unscrewed lessee.
Assessment and the matter thereof forms part of the bed,
Law and the dismantled. and waters either running or stagnant;
Real Property
Tax Code.
Subject to Considered No tax issue Not subject RULE: Matter thereof must be part of the bed
realty tax the poles to realty tax Mines
under the within the Minerals are already considered personal property
Assessment meaning of
Law and the paragraph 9
since they are not anymore part of the soil/bed.
Real of its
Property Tax franchise Waters
Code. which The waters, either running or stagnant, referred to here
exempts its
poles from are those which are found in their natural beds such as
taxation flowing streams, rivers or canals.

Animal houses, pigeon-houses, beehives,  Slag dump – the dirt and soil taken from a
fish ponds or breeding places of similar mine and piled upon the surface of the ground
nature, in case their owner has placed
them or preserves them with the XPNs:
intention to have them permanently  Extracted minerals are already chattels
 Water – as distinguished from waters, is a
attached to the land, and forming a
personal property
permanent part of it; the animals in these
places are included;
Docks and structures which, though
The structures mentioned in paragraph 6 are floating, are intended by their nature and
immovable by destination and the Code requires object to remain at a fixed place on a
that they be placed by the owner of the land in order river, lake, or coast;
to acquire the same nature or consideration of real
property. They are considered as immovables, though floating,
as long as they are intended by their nature and object
Art 415(6) Art 415(5) Art 415(4) Art 415(3) to remain at a fixed place on a river, lake, or coast.
Must be Must be Must be Need not
placed by placed by placed by be placed RULE: Must be intended by their nature and object to
the the owner, the owner, by the remain at a fixed place on a river, lake or coast
owner or by his or by his owner Floating houses are considered real property,
agent, agent, considering that the waters are considered
express or express or immovables
implied implied
Moreover, Article 415 (9) of the New Civil Code
RULE: There must be intent to return provides that "[d]ocks and structures which, though
For animals temporarily outside, they are still floating, are intended by their nature and object to
considered real property as long as the intent to remain at a fixed place on a river, lake, or coast" are
return is present considered immovable property. Thus, power
barges are categorized as immovable property
GR: Fish in the fish pond is considered real property by destination, being in the nature of machinery
XPN: The fish in fishponds will be considered as and other implements intended by the owner for
personal property for purposes of theft as expressly an industry or work which may be carried on in
provided for under the Revised Penal Code. (Art a building or on a piece of land and which tend
416(2)) directly to meet the needs of said industry or
work. (FELS Energy c. Province of Batangas)
Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land;

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XPN: Vessels would appear that whether a structure constitutes an

Since the term "personal property" includes improvement so as to partake of the status of realty
vessels, they are subject to mortgage agreeably would depend upon the degree of permanence
to the provisions of the Chattel Mortgage Law. intended in its construction and use. The
The only difference between a chattel mortgage of a expression "permanent" as applied to an
vessel and a chattel mortgage of other personality is improvement does not imply that the improvement
that it is not now necessary for a chattel must be used perpetually but only until the
mortgage of a vessel to be noted in the registry purpose to which the principal realty is devoted
of the register of deeds, but it is essential that a has been accomplished. It is sufficient that the
record of documents affecting the title to a improvement is intended to remain as long as the
vessel be entered in the record of the Collector land to which it is annexed is still used for the said
of Customs at the port of entry. Otherwise a purpose (Benguet Corporation v. CBAA)
mortgage on a vessel is generally like other chattel
mortgages as to its requisites and validity. (PRC Inc. To the extent that the equipment’s location is
v. Jarque) determinable within the taxing authority’s
jurisdiction, there is no reason to distinguish
Contracts for public works, and between submarine cables used for
communications and aerial or underground wires
servitudes and other real rights over or lines used for electric transmission, so that
immovable property both pieces of property do not merit a different
treatment in the aspect of real property taxation.
Rights (Capitol Wireless Inc v. Provincial Treasurer of
The concept of property extends to rights provided Batangas)
that the same is patrimonial in nature.
2) Personal
RULE: Whether a right is personal or real property GR: All personal rights will fall under personal
shall depend on property regardless of the subject matter
1) Whether it is a personal or real property XPN: contracts for public works
2) Whether the subject matter thereof is a
personal or real property The piece of paper on which the contract for public
has been written is necessarily personal property, but
Types of patrimonial rights the contract itself/right of the contract is real
1) Real property
o For real rights, the classification
thereof will depend on its subject Real right Personal right
matter Definite active subject Definite active subject
who has a right against and a definite passive
Real property for taxation purposes all persons generally as subject
For purposes of determining whether a property is an indefinite passive
real property subject to real property tax, the subject
definition and requirements under the Local Object is generally a Object is always an
Government Code are controlling. As between corporeal thing incorporeal thing
Civil Code, a general law governing property and Created by mode and Created by title
property relations and the Local Government Code, title
a special law granting local government units the Extinguished by the loss Personal right survives
power to impose real property tax, then the latter or destruction of the the subject matter
shall prevail. (Manila Electric Company v. City thing over which it is
Assessor) exercised
Directed against the Directed against a
The Real Property Tax Code does not define “real whole world (action in particular person (action
property” but simply says that the realty tax is rem) in personam)
imposed on “real property, such as lands,
buildings, machinery and other improvements On the Constitutional prohibition of aliens to own
affixed or attached to real property.” (Benguet lands
Corporation v. CBAA) The prohibition in the Constitution applies only to
ownership of land. It does not extend to
The Court is convinced that the subject dam falls immovable or real property as defined under
within the definition of an "improvement" because Article 415 of the Civil Code. Otherwise, we would
it is permanent in character and it enhances both have a strange situation where the ownership of
the value and utility of Benguet Corporation's immovable property such as trees, plants and
mine. Moreover, the immovable nature of the dam growing fruit attached to the land would be limited
defines its character as real property under Article to Filipinos and Filipino corporations only. (JG
415 of the Civil Code and thus makes it taxable Summit v. CA)
under Section 38 of the Real Property Tax Code. It

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CHAPTER 2 Forces of nature which are brought under

Movable Property control by science; and
Article 416 RULE: If these forces of nature are brought under
The following things are deemed to be personal the control of man through the help of science,
property: thereby becoming appropriable, they are now
1) Those movables susceptible of considered as property and classified as personal
appropriation which are not included in the
preceding article;
2) Real property which by any special provision Ex. Electricity, gas, light
of law is considered as personalty;
3) Forces of nature which are brought under In the assailed Decision, it was conceded that in
control by science; and making the international phone calls, the human
4) In general, all things which can be voice is converted into electrical impulses or electric
transported from place to place without current which are transmitted to the party called. A
impairment of the real property to which telephone call, therefore, is electrical energy. It was
they are fixed. (335a) also held in the assailed Decision that intangible
property such as electrical energy is capable of
 The Civil Code does not likewise define the appropriation because it may be taken and carried
term “personal” or “movable” property away. Electricity is personal property under Article
416 (3) of the Civil Code, which enumerates "forces
 Under our law, all properties which are not
of nature which are brought under control by
real are personal. science. (Laurel v. Abrogar)

Those movables susceptible of In general, all things which can be

appropriation which are not included in transported from place to place without
the preceding article; impairment of the real property to which
they are fixed.
 Constitutes the general definition of a
personal property RULE: Must be transferrable from place to place
 By way of exclusion and must not be included in the real property
contemplated under Art 415
Interest in business was not specifically enumerated Ex. Machineries not attached to land
as personal property in the Civil Code in force at the
time the above decision was rendered. Yet, interest
Test of movable character
in business was declared to be personal property
since it is capable of appropriation and not included 1) Test by exclusion – whether the property was
in the enumeration of real properties. Article 414 of not enumerated in Art 415 (expression unius est
the Civil Code provides that all things which are or exclusion alterius). This is the superior test
may be the object of appropriation are considered 2) Test by description – whether the property
either real property or personal property. Business is can be transported or carried from place to
likewise not enumerated as personal property under place; whether such change of location can be
the Civil Code. Just like interest in business, made without injuring the immovable to which
however, it may be appropriated. Following the the object may be attached; unless expressly
ruling in Strochecker v. Ramirez, business should also included in Art 415
be classified as personal property. Since it is not
included in the exclusive enumeration of real Definition of personal property in the crime of
properties under Article 415, it is therefore theft
personal property. (Laurel v. Abrogar)
Consequently, any property which is not included in
the enumeration of real properties under the Civil
Real property which by any special Code and capable of appropriation can be the
provision of law is considered as subject of theft under the Revised Penal Code.
The only requirement for a personal property to be
 Growing crops for purposes of Chattel the object of theft under the penal code is that it be
Mortgage Law can be classified as a movable capable of appropriation. It need not be capable of
property "asportation," which is defined as "carrying away."
Jurisprudence is settled that to "take" under the theft
 The fish in fishponds will be considered as
provision of the penal code does not require
personal property for purposes of theft as asportation or carrying away. (Laurel v. Abrogar)
expressly provided for under the Revised Penal
Code. Article 417
The following are also considered as personal

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1) Obligations and actions which have for their Article 420

object movables or demandable sums; and The following things are property of public
2) Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial dominion:
and industrial entities, although they may
have real estate. (336a) 1) Those intended for public use, such as roads,
canals, rivers, torrents, ports and bridges
Rights and chose in action constructed by the State, banks, shores,
Rights which create on the part of the creditor a right roadsteads, and others of similar character;
to demand performance of an obligation is personal 2) Those which belong to the State, without
property being for public use, and are intended for
some public service or for the development
of the national wealth. (339a)
Chose in action - A chose in action or thing in action
is a right to sue, right to bring an action, right to recover
Kinds of property of public dominion
a debt or money
1) Those that are intended for public use
2) Those that are intended for some public service
Shares of stock and memberships
3) Those that are intended for the development
Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial and
of national wealth
industrial entities are personal property, although they
may have real estate. Membership shares in a golf club
is considered movable or personal property
Their purpose is not to serve the State as a juridical
person, but the citizens; they are intended for the
Article 418
common and public welfare, and so they cannot be the
Movable property is either consumable or
nonconsumable. To the first class belong those object of appropriation, either by the State or by
movables which cannot be used in a manner private persons
appropriate to their nature without their being
consumed; to the second class belong all the others. Characteristics
(337) 1) They are outside of commerce of men -
Being outside the commerce of man, it cannot
 consumable or nonconsumable be alienated or leased or otherwise be the
 based on the intention of the parties subject matter of contracts.
or use
When certain public streets in Caloocan City were
consumable – movable which cannot be used in a converted into flea markets and leased to several
manner appropriate to its nature without being vendors, the Supreme Court held that such leases
consumed were null and void since a public street is property
for public use hence outside the commerce of man.
Being outside the commerce of man, it may not be
 fungible or non-fungible the subject of lease or other contract. (Dacanay v.
 based on its nature Asistio)

fungible – capable of being replaced by a thing of the The Roppongi property is correctly classified under
same kind paragraph 2 of Article 420 of the Civil Code as
property belonging to the State and intended for
Article 419 some public service (Laurel v. Garcia)
Property is either of public dominion or of private
ownership. The Court voided the joint venture agreement
between PEA and Amari since the former conveyed
Properties are owned either in to the latter submerged lands, which are declared to
1) public capacity (dominio publico) be part of the State’s inalienable natural resources,
2) private capacity (propiedad privado) hence, absolutely inalienable. (Chavez v. PEA)

Public dominion 2) They are not subject to appropriation and

1) those intended for public use acquisitive prescription
2) those intended for some public service
3) those intended for the development of the For as long as the property belongs to the State,
national wealth although already classified as alienable or disposable,
it remains property of public dominion if when it is
intended for some public service or for the
Private ownership
development of the national wealth. It is only when
1) patrimonial property of the State such alienable and disposable lands are
2) patrimonial property of the LGU expressly declared by the State to be no longer
3) property belonging to private individuals intended for public service or for the

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development of the national wealth that the lot is a property of public dominion, it cannot be
period of acquisitive prescription can begin to burdened by a voluntary easement or right of
run. (Heirs of Malabanan v. Republic) way in favor of Villarico. In fact, its use by the
public is by mere tolerance of the government
3) They cannot be registered through the DPWH. Hence, Villarico cannot
4) They cannot be subject to execution or appropriate it for himself and he cannot claim any
attachment right of possession over it (Villarico v. Sarmiento)

It is evident that the movable and immovable Intent to devote is sufficient

property of a municipality, necessary for For a property of the State to fall under public
governmental purpose, may not be attached and sold dominion, it is not necessary that the same be actually
for the payment of a judgment against the used for some public use or for some public service.
municipality. The supreme reason for this rule is the Intent to devote is sufficient
character of the public use to which such kind of
property is devoted. The necessity for government If the property has been intended for such use or
service justifies that the property of public of the service, and it has not been devoted to other uses and
municipality be exempt from execution just as it is no measures have been adopted which amount to
necessary to exempt certain property of private a withdrawal thereof from public use or service, the
individuals in accordance with section 452 of the same remains property of public dominion, the fact
Code of Civil Procedure. (Vda de Tan Toco v.
that it is not actually devoted for public use or service
Municipal Council of Iloilo)
5) They cannot be subject to voluntary
easements In order to be property of public dominion an
intention to devote it to public use is sufficient
and it is not necessary that it must actually be
Privilege to pass over the land of another, used as such.
 Dominant Estate – holder of the estate,
acquires only a reasonable and usual It is not necessary, therefore, that a plaza be already
enjoyment of the property constructed or laid out as a plaza in order that it be
 Servient Estate – owner of the land, considered property for public use. It is sufficient
retains the benefits and privileges of that it be intended to be such. In the case at bar, it
ownership consistent with the has been shown that the intention of the lawmaking
easement body in giving to the City of Manila the extension to
the Luneta was not a grant to it of patrimonial
Article 649. The owner, or any person who by virtue property but a grant for public use as a plaza.
of a real right may cultivate or use any immovable, (Manila Lodge v. Court of Appeals)
which is surrounded by other immovables pertaining
to other persons and without adequate outlet to a Public use v. public service
public highway, is entitled to demand a right of way Public use Public service
through the neighboring estates, after payment of May be used May be used only by
the proper indemnity. indiscriminately by the those that are
public authorized by proper
Should this easement be established in such a authority
manner that its use may be continuous for all the
needs of the dominant estate, establishing a PROPERTIES FOR PUBLIC USE
permanent passage, the indemnity shall consist of Art 420
the value of the land occupied and the amount 1) Roads
of the damage caused to the servient estate. 2) Canals
3) Rivers
In case the right of way is limited to the necessary 4) Torrents
passage for the cultivation of the estate surrounded
5) Ports constructed by the State
by others and for the gathering of its crops through
the servient estate without a permanent way, the 6) Bridges constructed by the State
indemnity shall consist in the payment of the 7) Banks
damage caused by such encumbrance. 8) Shores
9) Roadsteads
This easement is not compulsory if the isolation 10) Other similar character
of the immovable is due to the proprietor's own
acts. (564a) The Water Code of the Philippines (PD 1067)
1) Rivers and their natural beds;
The lot on which the stairways were built is for the 2) Continuous or intermittent waters of springs
use of the people as passageway to the highway and brooks running in their natural beds and
belongs to the State. Consequently, it is a property the beds themselves;
of public dominion. And considering that the said 3) Natural lakes and lagoons;

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4) All other categories of surface waters such as

water flowing over lands, water from rainfall Includes
whether natural or artificial, and water from 1) The running waters
agriculture runoff, seepage and drainage; 2) The bed
5) Atmospheric water; Extent of river bed
6) Subterranean or ground waters; and The natural bed or channel of a creek or
7) Seawater. river is the ground covered by its waters
during the highest floods (Binalay v.
Waters found on private lands Manalo)
1) Continuous or intermittent waters rising on
such lands; 3) The banks
2) Lakes and lagoons naturally occurring on such Extent of river banks
lands; Those lateral strips or zones of its beds
3) Rain water falling on such lands; which are washed by the stream only during
4) Subterranean or ground waters; and such high floods as do not cause such
5) Water in swamps and marshes. inundations (Hilario v. City of Manila)

Accretions on rivers
Public domain Private ownership
National Provincial, city,
municipal Man-made accretion Accretions on river
banks, however, belong
Art 420 Art 424
to the owner of lands
National highways and Properties of public
adjoining the banks
roads constructed and dominion of the local
Not formed solely by the The deposit is due to the
maintained by the government unit
natural effect of the effects of the current of
national government concerned
water current of the river the river
through the DPWH
bordering said land but is
Includes right of way
also the consequence of
the direct and deliberate
Canals intervention of man
Canal – artificial waterway, drainage, irrigation, or
navigation Riparian Littoral
River Sea
Public domain Private ownership May be private Lands added to the
Canals constructed by Canals constructed by property if the alluvium shores by accretions and
the State and devoted to private persons within formed due to the effects alluvial deposits caused
public use their private lands and of the current of the by the action of the sea,
devoted exclusively for river form part of the public
private use domain
May not be subject to May be subject to
prescription prescription Ports constructed by the State
Must be situated within a Must be within Includes
public property properties of exclusive 1) Seaports
2) Airports
xxxif the appellant and her predecessors-in-interest
The charging of fees to the public does not
had acquired any right to the creek in question by
determine the character of the property whether it is
virtue of excavations which they had made thereon,
of public dominion or not. Article 420 of the Civil
they had lost such right through prescription,
Code defines property of public dominion as one
inasmuch as they failed to obtain, and in fact
‘intended for public use.’ Even if the government
they have not obtained, the necessary
collects toll fees, the road is still ‘intended for
authorization to devote it to their own use to the
public use’ if anyone can use the road under the
exclusion of all others. The use and enjoyment of
same terms and conditions as the rest of the
a creek, as any other property susceptible of
public. The charging of fees, the limitation on the
appropriation, may be acquired or lost through
kind of vehicles that can use the road, the speed
prescription, and the appellant and her predecessors
restrictions and other conditions for the use of the
in interest certainly lost such right through the said
road do not affect the public character of the road.”
cause, and they cannot now claim it exclusively for
(MIAA v. CA)
themselves after the general public had been openly
using the same from 1906 to 1928. (Mercado v.
Macabebe) The MIAA, MCIAA and PFDA are all
instrumentalities of the government, with their real
Rivers properties being owned by the Republic, therefore,
they are exempt from real estate tax imposed by the
*must be totally public or totally private
local government. The only exception is when they

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lease their real property to a “taxable person” as The government may Submerged areas form
provided in Section 234 (a) of the Local declare these lands no part of the public
Government Code, in which case the specific real longer needed for public domain, and in that state,
property leased becomes subject to real estate tax. service are inalienable and
(MIAA v. CA, MCIAA v. Lapu-Lapu, PFDA v. outside the commerce of
CA) man.

Shores The Court declared as invalid the joint venture

Shores – understood to be that space which is agreement between Public Estates Authority (PEA)
alternatively covered and uncovered by water with the and Amari Coastal Bay Development Corporation
movements of the tides (Amari). In said case, PEA entered into a joint
 When the sea advances and private properties venture agreement with Amari obligating itself to
are permanently invaded by the waves, the convey title and possession over 750 hectares of
land, 592.15 hectares or 78% of the total area are still
properties so invaded become part of the shore
submerged and permanently under the waters of
or beach and they then pass to the public
Manila Bay. Under the said agreement, the PEA
domain. The owner thus dispossessed does not conveyed to Amari the submerged lands even before
retain any right to the natural products their actual reclamation, although the
resulting from their new nature; it is a de facto documentation of the deed of transfer and issuance
case of eminent domain, and not subject to of the certificates of title would be made only after
indemnity. actual reclamation. A question arose with respect to
the validity of this transaction. In declaring the
Riparian Littoral contract to be invalid the Supreme Court held:
River Sea “Submerged lands, like the waters (sea or bay)
May be private property Lands added to the above them, are part of the State’s inalienable
if the alluvium formed shores by accretions and natural resources. Submerged lands are
due to the effects of the alluvial deposits caused property of public dominion, absolutely
current of the river by the action of the sea, inalienable and outside the commerce of man.
form part of the public This is also true with respect to foreshore lands.
domain Any sale of submerged or foreshore lands is void
being contrary to the Constitution.” (Chavez v.
Foreshore lands PEA)
The strip of land that lies between the high and low
water marks and that is alternately wet and dry Reclaimed lands such as the subject lands in issue are
according to the flow of the tide. (Republic v. CA) reserved lands for public use. They are properties of
public dominion, the ownership remains with the
State unless they are withdrawn by law or
Reclamation of foreshore lands presidential proclamation for public use. Being
The conversion of unusable land into valuable real properties of public use, they are not subject to
estate by dredging, filling or other means of any execution or foreclosure sale. The Court thus
foreshore lands declared invalid the assessment, levy and foreclosure
made on the subject reclaimed lands by the City of
Even private owners of lands adjoining bodies of Paranaque.
water, especially the sea and navigable waters, cannot
motu proprio undertake reclamation of shores and The mere reclamation of these areas by PEA
submerged lands and claim title thereto. Unless the does not convert these inalienable natural
State, through Congress, grants this right, it is only the resources of the State into alienable or
National Government that can undertake reclamation disposable lands of the public domain. There
work and assert title to reclaimed land. must be a law or presidential proclamation officially
classifying these reclaimed lands as alienable or
disposable and open to disposition or concession.
Process of reclamation Moreover, these reclaimed lands cannot be classified
1) conversion of unusable land into valuable real as alienable or disposable if the law has reserved
estate by dredging, filling or other means of any them for some public or quasi-public use. (Republic
foreshore lands v. City of Paranaque)
2) The President to classify them as agricultural
3) The government may then officially classify Foreshore lands (not Public dominion
these lands as alienable or disposable lands yet reclaimed)
open to disposition Foreshore lands GR: Public dominion
4) The government may declare these lands no (reclaimed) XPN: a law or
longer needed for public service presidential
proclamation is passed
Reclaimed lands Submerged areas officially classifying
Parts of the foreshore lands these reclaimed lands as

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alienable or disposable Article 421

and open to disposition All other property of the State, which is not of the
or concession character stated in the preceding article, is
Submerged areas Public dominion patrimonial property. (340a)

Lakes Patrimonial properties

Natural lakes and lagoons and their beds belong to the 1) Patrimonial property of the State – Art 421,
State and are part of public dominion. Lakes and 422
lagoons naturally occurring on private lands also  By nature (Art 421)
belong to the State.  By conversion (Art 422)
2) Patrimonial property of LGUs – Art 423, 424
Public domain Private ownership
Naturally occurring Man-made Examples
The Water Code of the 1) Friar lands -- can be alienated only upon proper
Philippines, however, compliance with the requirements of Act No.
prohibits any person 1120 or the Friar Lands Act.
from developing a lake, 2) Lands covered by Republic Act 7227 – such
stream or spring for lands remained property of public dominion
recreational purposes
notwithstanding their status as alienable and
without first obtaining a
permit from the disposable. It is upon their sale as authorized
National Water under BCDA law to a private person that such
Resources Council. lands become private property and ceased to be
of public dominion (Heirs of Malabanan v.
Otherwise stated, where the rise in water level is due Republic)
to the “extraordinary” action of nature, rainfall
for instance, the portions inundated thereby are not For as long as the property belongs to the State,
considered part of the bed or basin of the body of although already classified as alienable or disposable,
water in question. It cannot therefore be said to be it remains property of public dominion if when it is
foreshore land but land outside of the public intended for some public service or for the
dominion, and land capable of registration as private development of the national wealth. It is only when
property. (Republic v. Alagad) such alienable and disposable lands are
expressly declared by the State to be no longer
Other of similar character intended for public service or for the
Creeks - defined as a recess or arm extending from a development of the national wealth that the
river and participating in the ebb and flow of the sea period of acquisitive prescription can begin to
run. (Heirs of Malabanan v. Republic)
All properties of the State that are devoted or intended Has the intention of the government regarding the
use of the property been changed because the lot has
for some public service are likewise part of the public
been Idle for some years? Has it become
dominion. these properties cannot be used patrimonial?
indiscriminately by anyone but only by those that are
authorized by proper authority. The fact that the Roppongi* site has not been used
for a long time for actual Embassy service does not
Roponggi property automatically convert it to patrimonial property. Any
Roppongi property is one of the four (4) properties in such conversion happens only if the property is
Japan acquired by the Philippine government under the withdrawn from public use. A property continues to
Reparations Agreement entered into with Japan in be part of the public domain, not available for
1956. Under the said agreement, the Roppongi private appropriation or ownership until there is a
property was specifically designated to house the formal declaration on the part of the government to
Philippine Embassy. As such, the nature of the withdraw it from being such.
Roppongi lot as property for public service is expressly
Even if the Roppongi property is patrimonial
spelled out. As property of public dominion, the property of the State, then President Corazon
Roppongi lot is outside the commerce of men and Aquino could not sell it since there was no law
cannot be alienated. authorizing her to do so (Laurel v. Garcia)
*Roponggi property – acquired from the Japanese
PROPERTIES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF government as indemnification of the Filipino
NATIONAL WEALTH people for the losses suffered during World War II
This class of property constituted property of public
dominion although employed for some economic or Comparison of Sec 14 (1) and Sec 14 (2), PD 1529
commercial activity to increase the national wealth. Sec 14 (1) Sec 14 (2)

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Refers to registration of Entitles the applicant to 2) The property has been declared alienable and
title on the basis of the registration of his disposable
possession. property on the basis of 3) There is an express government declaration or
prescription. manifestation that the property is already
4) Such declaration shall be in the form of a law
Registration is extended Registration is made
duly enacted by Congress or a Presidential
under the aegis of the available both by P.D.
Proclamation in cases where the President is
P.D. No. 1529 and the No. 1529 and the Civil
duly authorized by law
Public Land Act (PLA). Code.
Article 422
Property of public dominion, when no longer
The 30-year period is in ● Ordinary intended for public use or for public service, shall
relation to possession Prescription– form part of the patrimonial property of the State.
without regard to the 10 years, good (341a)
Civil Code. faith and with
just title Patrimonial property by conversion
● Extraordinary RULE: whether public or patrimonial — is predicated
Prescription – on the manner it is actually used, or not used
30 years,  there must be an affirmative act, either on the
regardless of part of executive or the legislative, to reclassify
good faith and property of the public dominion into
just title
 The intention to reclassify must be clear,
definite and must be based on correct legal
Those who by Those who have premises.
themselves or through acquired ownership of
their predecessors in private lands by Requisites
interest have been in 1) prescription under the 1) The property must no longer be used for the
open, continuous, provision of existing purpose to which it is intended (non-use)
exclusive, and laws may apply. (PD 2) there must be an affirmative act, either on the
notorious possession 1529, Sec 14 (2)) part of executive or the legislative, to reclassify
and occupation property of the public dominion into
2) alienable and patrimonial
disposable lands of
the public domain, In Cebu Oxygen Acetylene v. Bercilles, the City
3) under a bona fide Council of Cebu by resolution declared a certain
claim of acquisition of portion of an existing street as an abandoned road,
ownership, since June “the same not being included in the city
development plan.” Subsequently, by another
12, 1945 may apply.
resolution, the City Council of Cebu authorized the
(PD 1529, Sec 14 (1))
acting City Mayor to sell the land through public
bidding. Although there was no formal and explicit
Does not require that Require that the lands declaration of conversion of property for public use
the lands should have should have been into patrimonial property, the Supreme Court
been alienable and  alienable and declared the withdrawal of the property in question
disposable during the disposable from public use and its subsequent sale as valid
entire period of during the
possession. entire period Since then, the Philippine Government has failed to
develop the Roponggi property. In 1985, the
of possession
Executive Department passed an administrative
and order creating a committee to study the disposition
 expressly or utilization of some properties, including the
declared by the Roponggi property. In 1987, the President issued
State as Executive Order No. 296 providing that some
patrimonial. properties, including the Roponggi property, be
made available for sale or lease to non-Filipinos.
Answering the question as to whether the Roponggi
Requisites to establish that the subject land has property has been converted into patrimonial
been converted to patrimonial property property, the Supreme Court held that abandonment
1) The subject property has been classified as of the intention to use the Roponggi property for
agricultural land public service and to make it a patrimonial property
“cannot be inferred from the non-use alone specially

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if the non-use was attributable not to the held and devoted for governmental purposes like
government’s own deliberate and indubitable will local administration, public education, public health
but to a lack of financial support to repair and etc. Nonetheless, the Court clarified that the
improve the property.” The Court likewise ruled classification of properties in the municipalities,
that E.O. No. 296 does not declare that the other than those for public use, as patrimonial under
property has lost its public character since the Art 424 (2) is without the prejudice to the provisions
executive order merely intends to make the of special laws. (Province of Zamboanga del
properties available to foreigners and not to Norte v. City of Zamboanga)
Filipinos. It was based on the wrong premise or
assumption that the Roponggi was earlier converted Characteristics of properties for public use of
into alienable real property (Laurel v. Garcia) LGUs
1) They are not alienable or disposable
Article 423 2) They are not subject to registration under the
The property of provinces, cities, and municipalities PD 1529 and cannot be subject to Torrens
is divided into property for public use and Title
patrimonial property. (343) 3) They are not susceptible to prescription
4) They cannot be leased, sold, or otherwise be
Article 424 the object of a contract
Property for public use, in the provinces, cities, and
5) They cannot be burdened by any voluntary
municipalities, consist of the provincial roads, city
streets, municipal streets, the squares, fountains, easements
public waters, promenades, and public works for
public service paid for by said provinces, cities, or Provincial roads, city streets, municipality streets
municipalities. xxlocal governments have no authority whatsoever
to control or regulate the use of public properties
All other property possessed by any of them is unless specific authority is vested upon them by
patrimonial and shall be governed by this Code, Congress. One such example of this authority given
without prejudice to the provisions of special laws. by Congress to the local governments is the power
(344a) to close roads as provided in Section 10, Chapter II
of the Local Government Code.
Properties of LGU
1) properties of public use However, the aforestated legal provision which gives
 public use – those expressly authority to local government units to close roads
and other similar public places should be read and
interpreted in accordance with basic principles
 public service – those not mentioned in already established by law. These basic principles
Art 424 (1) but is held and devoted for under Art 424 have the effect of limiting such
governmental purpose such as local authority of the province, city or municipality to
administration, public education and close a public street or thoroughfare.
public health
2) patrimonial property – owned by the LGUs in Aside from the requirement of due process which
its private or proprietary capacity and shown to should be complied with before closing a road, street
have been acquired with its private or or park, the closure should be for the sole
corporate funds purpose of withdrawing the road or other public
property from public use when circumstances
show that such property is no longer intended or
The principle itself is simple: If the property is
necessary for public use or public service. When
owned by the municipality (meaning municipal
it is already withdrawn from public use, the property
corporation) in its public and governmental capacity,
then becomes patrimonial property of the local
the property is public and Congress has absolute
government unit concerned. It is only then that the
control over it (HELD IN TRUST). But if the
municipality can "use or convey them for any
property is owned in its private or proprietary
purpose for which other real property belonging to
capacity, then it is patrimonial and Congress has no
the local unit concerned might be lawfully used or
absolute control. The municipality cannot be
conveyed" in accordance with the last sentence of
deprived of it without due process and payment of
Section 10, Chapter II of Blg. 337, known as Local
just compensation
Government Code. (Macasiano v. Diokno)
According to the Court, if the norm obtaining under
the Civil Code is to be followed, those properties of Macasiano case Cebu Oxygen Case
the LGUs not mentioned under Art 424 (1) will The Municipal Order is The order of the City
necessarily classified as patrimonial property, void Council is valid
including those properties for public service in the For the purpose of For the purpose of
LGUs. Hence, the Court followed the norm setting up flea markets declaring the terminal
obtaining under the principles constituting the law and vending areas roads as abandoned
of Municipal Corporations. Under this norm, to be
considered public, it is enough that the property be Squares, fountains, public waters, promenades etc

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In Espiritu v. Municipal Council of Pozorrubio, Aliens GR: Cannot GR: valid

the Supreme Court held that town plaza cannot be acquire XPN: if
used for the construction of market stalls, specially XPN: employed as a
of residences, and that such structures constitute a hereditary scheme to
nuisance subject to abatement according to law succession circumvent the
(intestate) Constitutional
Reclaimed lands prohibition
In several instances, however, the State delegated to
specific municipalities the right to reclaim land. The The Court struck down a lease contract of a parcel
rule remained, nonetheless, that no person, public or of land in favor of a foreigner for a period of 99 years
private, could undertake reclamation work and own the with an option to buy the land for 50 years. Where a
land they reclaimed without a specific grant from scheme to circumvent the Constitutional
Congress. prohibition against the transfer to aliens is
readily revealed as the purpose for the contracts,
then the illicit purpose becomes the illegal
R.A. No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local cause rendering the contracts void. (PBC v. Lui
Government Code of 1991, likewise empowers local She)
government units to undertake reclamation projects by
themselves or through contractors. The Court abandoned the application of in pari delicto
rule and allowed the recovery of property by the
RULE: Whether reclaimed lands transferred to a Filipino vendor
public or municipal corporation are public in nature or
patrimonial depends upon the legislative intent. Article 1416. When the agreement is not illegal per
se but is merely prohibited, and the prohibition by
In Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, the the law is designed for the protection of the plaintiff,
Supreme Court likewise held that “reclaimed he may, if public policy is thereby enhanced, recover
alienable lands of the public domain if sold or what he has paid or delivered. (PBC v. Lui She)
transferred to a public or municipal corporation
for a monetary consideration become The rule is that if land is invalidly transferred to an
patrimonial property in the hands of the public alien who subsequently becomes a Filipino
or municipal corporation” and “once converted to citizen or transfers it to a Filipino citizen, the
patrimonial property, the land may be sold by the flaw in the original transaction is considered
public or municipal corporation to private parties, cured and the title of the transferee is rendered
whether Filipino citizens or qualified private valid. (Fullido v. Grilli)
The subject property cannot be declared conjugal
Article 425 property of the Filipino and foreigner spouses
Property of private ownership, besides the because to do so would permit indirect
patrimonial property of the State, provinces, cities, contravention of the constitutional prohibition.
and municipalities, consists of all property belonging (Cheeseman v. IAC)
to private persons, either individually or collectively.
(345a) Xxsave for the exception provided in cases of
hereditary succession, the foreigner’s
Property of private ownership disqualification from owning the lands in the
1) patrimonial property of the State, provinces, Philippines is absolute. Not even an ownership in
cities, and municipalities trust is allowed. The foreigner spouse is not entitled
2) all property belonging to private persons, either to seek reimbursement on the ground of equity.
individually or collectively Allowing reimbursement would in effect permit the
foreigner spouse to enjoy the fruits of a property
which he is not allowed to own. (Muller v. Muller)
All lands are presumed, however, to be public lands
until the contrary is established.
In J.G. Summit Holdings, Inc. v. Court of
Appeals, the Court clarified that the prohibition in
Art XII, 1987 Constitution the Constitution applies only to ownership of lands
Section 7. Save in cases of hereditary succession, no and it does not extend to other real property as
private lands shall be transferred or conveyed except defined in Article 415 of the Civil Code.
to individuals, corporations, or associations qualified Otherwise, the Court added, we would have a
to acquire or hold lands of the public domain strange situation where the ownership of immovable
property such as trees, plants and growing fruit
Acquire Lease attached to the land would be limited to Filipinos
Filipino 12 has 500 has and Filipino corporations only.
Private NO 1000 has Provisions Common to the Three Preceding
corporation/ Chapters

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Article 426 10) the right to accessions. (Art. 440, NCC) – jus
Whenever by provision of the law, or an individual accessiones
declaration, the expression "immovable things or
property," or "movable things or property," is used, Other real rights aside from ownership
it shall be deemed to include, respectively, the things 1) real rights over one’s own property (jus in re
enumerated in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. propria)
2) real rights over the property of another (jus in
Whenever the word "muebles," or "furniture," is
re aliena)
used alone, it shall not be deemed to include money,
credits, commercial securities, stocks and bonds,  Examples of jus in re aliena are usufruct,
jewelry, scientific or artistic collections, books, easement, possession and mortgage
medals, arms, clothing, horses or carriages and their  These rights presuppose the existence of an
accessories, grains, liquids and merchandise, or other ownership
things which do not have as their principal object the
furnishing or ornamenting of a building, except Subject matters
where from the context of the law, or the individual 1) Things
declaration, the contrary clearly appears. (346a) 2) Rights

TITLE II Article 428

OWNERSHIP The owner has the right to enjoy and dispose of a
thing, without other limitations than those
CHAPTER 1 established by law.
Ownership in General
The owner has also a right of action against the
Article 427 holder and possessor of the thing in order to recover
Ownership may be exercised over things or rights. it. (348a)
Rights to:
Justice J.B.L. Reyes. ownership - “an independent 1) Enjoy – jus utendi
right of exclusive enjoyment and control of the thing  Includes the right to the fruits (jus
for the purpose of deriving therefrom all advantages fruendi), the right to possess (jus
required by the reasonable needs of the owner (holder possidendi) and the right to abuse or
of the right) and the promotion of the general welfare consume (jus abutendi) and rights to
but subject to the restrictions imposed by law and the accession (jus accessiones)
right of others.” 2) Dispose – jus disponendi
3) Recover – jus vindicandi
The Civil Code does not define ownership. Instead, the
Code simply enumerates the rights which are included Right to use and abuse
therein, as follows: The essence of ownership is the right of the owner to
1) the right to enjoy the property (Art. 428, par. 1, freely enjoy either the property itself or the benefits
NCC) - jus utendi derived therefrom
2) the right to dispose the property (Art. 428, par.
1, NCC); - jus disponendi Right to use Right to abuse
3) the right to recover the property from any Employing the thing for Not to the point of
holder or possessor (Art. 428, par. 2, NCC); - which it is fit destroying, but only use
jus vindicandi that extinguishes or that
4) the right to exclude any person from consumes
enjoyment and disposal of the property (Art.
429, NCC); - jus utendi Right to dispose
5) the right to enclose or fence the land or The power of the owner to dispose of his property
tenement (Art. 430, NCC); - jus utendi includes the power to alienate, to encumber, to limit,
6) the right to demand indemnity for damages to transform, to destroy and to merge.
suffered due to lawful interference by a third
person to avert an imminent danger (Art. 432, Right to recover
NCC); Jus possidendi Jus possessionis
7) the right to just compensation in case of Possession as an Possession as a right
incident of ownership or independent and apart
eminent domain (Art. 435, NCC);
a right included in from ownership
8) the right to construct any works or make any
plantations and excavations on the surface or
subsurface of the land (Art. 437, NCC); While undeniably, under the law, jus possidendi is a
9) the right to hidden treasure found in the necessary incident of ownership, the owner, however,
owner’s property (Art. 438, NCC); and cannot exercise this right to the prejudice of a party

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whose possession is predicated on a contract like 1) initially, possession of the property by the
agency, trust, pledge or lease. A party vested with the defendant was by contract with or by
right of possession to the property may set up this right tolerance of the plaintiff
even against the owner thereof. Thus, owners or 2) eventually, such possession became illegal
possessors of a property have no authority to use force upon notice and demand by plaintiff to
and violence to eject alleged usurpers who were in prior defendant of the termination of the latter’s
physical possession of it. right of possession – jurisdictional in
Article 536. In no case may possession be acquired 3) the defendant remained in possession of
through force or intimidation as long as there is a the property and deprived the plaintiff of
possessor who objects thereto. He who believes that the enjoyment thereof
he has an action or a right to deprive another of the 4) within one year from the last demand
holding of a thing, must invoke the aid of the on defendant to vacate the property, the
competent court, if the holder should refuse to plaintiff instituted the complaint for
deliver the thing. (441a) ejectment
Actions for recovery of possession
Forcible entry Unlawful detainer
Real property
the person who Possession is withheld
1) Accion interdictal originally held it was after the expiration or
2) Accion publiciana deprived of possession termination of the right
3) Accion reivindicatoria by “force, intimidation, to hold possession, by
threat, strategy, or virtue of any a lessor,
Personal property stealth.” vendor, vendee, or other
Replevin person against whom the
possession of any land or
Accion interdictal building is unlawfully
 summary action withheld contract,
 seeks the recovery of physical possession express or implied.
where the dispossession has not lasted for Possession of the Possession of the
defendant is illegal from defendant is illegal from
more than one year and is to be exclusively
the very beginning the termination of right
brought in the proper inferior court
Title is not the issue, but who among the plaintiff
 The issue involved is material possession or and defendant should be entitled to material
possession de facto possession
 comprises two distinct causes of action
XPN: when determination of ownership is
1) forcible entry (detentacion) - Forcible entry necessary to resolve
is a summary action to recover material or A party who can prove Defendant remained in
physical possession of real property when the prior possession can possession of the
person who originally held it was deprived of recover such possession property and deprived
possession by “force, intimidation, threat, even against the owner the plaintiff of the
strategy, or stealth.” himself; no matter how enjoyment thereof
long or short the
possession Plaintiff need not prove
Requisites of MTC to acquire jurisdiction
prior possession
 Plaintiffs must allege their prior Within the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the
physical possession of the property Metropolitan or Municipal Trial Courts
 They were deprived by force, Must be brought within 1 year
intimidation, threat, strategy, stealth Must be filed 1 year from Must be filed 1 year from
 Must be filed within 1 year from the date of actual entry last demand
time the owners or legal possessors
learned of their deprivation or physical Stealth – from
possession of the land or building discovery
Not processes to determine actual title
2) unlawful detainer (desahuico). - may be filed
when possession by “after the expiration or Relevance of 1 year prescriptive period
termination of the right to hold possession, by Article 555. A possessor may lose his possession:
virtue of any a lessor, vendor, vendee, or
other person against whom the possession (1) By the abandonment of the thing;
of any land or building is unlawfully
(2) By an assignment made to another either by
withheld contract, express or implied.”
onerous or gratuitous title;

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(3) By the destruction or total loss of the thing, or 2) will not bar an action between the same parties
because it goes out of commerce; respecting title to the land or building
3) not a collateral attack proscribed by Sec 48 PD
(4) By the possession of another, subject to the 1529
provisions of article 537, if the new possession XPN: When the issue of ownership is raised by the
has lasted longer than one year. But the real defendant in his pleadings and the question of
right of possession is not lost till after the lapse possession cannot be resolved without deciding the
of ten years. (460a)
issue of ownership, the issue of ownership shall be
resolved only to determine the issue of possession
GR: Action for recovery
(provisional only)
1) will not bind the title or affect the ownership
of the land or building
Accion reivindicatoria
2) will not bar an action between the same parties
An action whereby plaintiff alleges ownership over a
respecting title to the land or building
parcel of land and seeks recovery of its full possession.
3) not a collateral attack proscribed by Sec 48 PD
It is not a recovery of ownership
XPN: When the issue of ownership is raised by the
What happens in an accion reivindicatoria is that the
defendant in his pleadings and the question of
plaintiff has been deprived of the exercise of all the
possession cannot be resolved without deciding the
rights included in ownership and what he seeks to
issue of ownership, the issue of ownership shall be
recover by filing such an action is, in reality, only the
resolved only to determine the issue of possession
exercise of the rights included in ownership.
(provisional only)
Interdictal Publiciana Reivindicatoria
Accion publiciana Possession de Possession de Possession as
An action for recovery of the right to possess and is a facto jure (jus incident to
plenary action in an ordinary civil proceeding to possessionis) ownership (jus
determine the better right of possession (possession de possidendi)
jure) of realty independent of the title or ownership of MTC, MeTC MTC – Metro MTC – Metro
the property Manila, assessed Manila, assessed
value does not value does not
 can be filed when the dispossession lasted for more exceed 50,000 exceed 50,000
than 1 year RTC – Metro RTC – Metro
 used to refer to an ejectment suit where the cause Manila, assessed Manila, assessed
of dispossession is not among the grounds for value > 50,000 value > 50,000
forcible entry or unlawful detainer or when MTC – outside MTC – outside
Metro Manila, Metro Manila,
possession has been lost for more than one year assessed value assessed value
and the action can no longer be maintained under does not exceed does not exceed
Rule 70 20,000 20,000
 the objective is to recover possession only RTC – outside RTC – outside
 not conclusive on the issue of ownership Metro Manila, Metro Manila,
assessed value > assessed value >
 jurisdiction shall depend on the location of the 20,000 20,000
realty and its assessed value Not a direct or collateral attack to title
 MTC – Metro Manila, assessed value
does not exceed 50,000 Article 429
 RTC – Metro Manila, assessed value > The owner or lawful possessor of a thing has the
50,000 right to exclude any person from the enjoyment and
 MTC – outside Metro Manila, assessed disposal thereof. For this purpose, he may use such
value does not exceed 20,000 force as may be reasonably necessary to repel or
 RTC – outside Metro Manila, assessed prevent an actual or threatened unlawful physical
value > 20,000 invasion or usurpation of his property. (n)

Accion publiciana Accion interdictal Doctrine of self-help / special mitigating

Plenary action Summary action circumstance of complete or incomplete defense
Issue is the possession Issue is the possession of property
de jure or who has the de facto or material As a necessary consequence of ownership, the owner
better right possession has the right of exclusive enjoyment and control over
Must be brought within May be brought even his property, as well as to its exclusive possession. He
1 year aster 1 year may, therefore, exclude any person from its enjoyment
and disposal. This right of the owner is so important
GR: Action for recovery that the law deems it appropriate to allow him to “use
1) will not bind the title or affect the ownership such force as may be reasonably necessary to repel
of the land or building or prevent an actual or threatened unlawful

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physical invasion or usurpation of his property.” It pursuant to the provisions of Article

must be judicial in nature 536 of the Civil Code.
2) It should not work detriment to the
Who may invoke servitudes constituted therein
1) owners
2) lawful possessors On appeal to the Supreme Court, the High Court
sustained the award of exemplary damages in favor
When to invoke of the Villafuertes. The Court held that Article 536
1) in repelling actual unlawful physical invasion or of the Civil Code explicitly provides for the proper
usurpation recourse of one who claims to be entitled to the
2) in preventing threatened unlawful physical possession of a thing. When private respondents
invasion or usurpation personally took it upon themselves to evict
petitioners from their properties, which act was in
3) not when possession was already lost
clear contravention of the law, they became liable for
all the necessary and natural consequences of their
Exception illegal act. The Court further observed that private
Art 432 – State of necessity respondents’ arbitrary conduct of fencing their
properties under the claim that they own the same
Doctrine of self-help Recovery of brazenly violates the law and circumvents the proper
possession procedure which should be obtained before the
Art 429 Art 428 court. (Villafuerte v. CA)
Can be availed of when Can be availed when
there is actual or possession has already Article 431
threatened unlawful been lost The owner of a thing cannot make use thereof in
physical invasion or such manner as to injure the rights of a third person.
usurpation (n)

What kind of force is necessary Article 435

In order for defense of property to be appreciated as a No person shall be deprived of his property except
justifying circumstance, it is necessary that the means by competent authority and for public use and
employed to prevent or repel the aggression must also always upon payment of just compensation.
be reasonable. In determining the reasonableness of
the means employed, the absence of an attack Should this requirement be not first complied with,
against the person of the owner or lawful possessor the courts shall protect and, in a proper case, restore
of the property must be considered since defense the owner in his possession. (349a)
of property is not of such importance as the right
to life and limb. Article 436
When any property is condemned or seized by
competent authority in the interest of health, safety
The doctrine of self-help can only be exercised at the or security, the owner thereof shall not be entitled to
time of actual or threatened dispossession which is compensation, unless he can show that such
absent in the case at bar. When possession has condemnation or seizure is unjustified. (n)
already been lost, the owner must resort to
judicial process for the recovery of property.
Limitations on ownership
(German Management & Services v. CA)
1) three inherent powers of the state
Article 430  police power – Art 436
Every owner may enclose or fence his land or  eminent domain – Art 435
tenements by means of walls, ditches, live or dead  It is only where the owner is
hedges, or by any other means without detriment to unwilling to sell, or cannot
servitudes constituted thereon. (388) accept the price or other
conditions offered by the
Right to enclose or fence vendee, that the power of
Corollary to the right to exclude others from the eminent domain will come into
enjoyment of his property, the owner of a parcel of play
land or tenement has the right to enclose or fence the  power of taxation
same by whatever means. 2) specific limitations established by law
 Legal easements which can be enforced
Limitations by law and, therefore, may be
1) Must be in good faith established even against the will of the
 If in bad faith, the lot owner is liable owner of the servient estate.
for damages. REMEDY: resort to the  During a period of acute public want or
proper legal processes for the purpose emergency, thoughtless extravagance
of obtaining recovery of possession in expenses for pleasure or display may

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be stopped by order of the courts at the

instance of any government or private XPN: if the danger comes from the property subjected
charitable institution to interference
 Lands acquired under free patent or
homestead cannot be subject to State of necessity Doctrine of self-help
encumbrance or alienation within five Art 432 Art 429
years from the issuance of the patent. Invoked by another Invoked by the owner or
3) rights of third persons person lawful possessor
 It is a well-settled principle, growing
out of the nature of well-ordered civil Note that it is not possible for the application of both
society, that every holder of property, doctrines to result in conflict of rights.
however absolute and unqualified may
be his title, holds it under the implied Restrictions
liability that his use of it shall 1) Prohibition to alienate in gratuitous and
1) not be injurious to the equal onerous contracts – shall not exceed 20 years;
enjoyment of others having an otherwise, VOID
equal right to the enjoyment of 2) Payment of association dues – VALID
their property 3) For preservation and to avoid overcrowding –
2) nor injurious to the rights of the VALID
Article 433
Article 432 Actual possession under claim of ownership raises
The owner of a thing has no right to prohibit the disputable presumption of ownership. The true
interference of another with the same, if the owner must resort to judicial process for the
interference is necessary to avert an imminent recovery of the property. (n)
danger and the threatened damage, compared to the
damage arising to the owner from the interference, Presumption of ownership
is much greater. The owner may demand from the GR: Actual possession under claim of ownership raises
person benefited indemnity for the damage to him. disputable presumption of ownership
(n) XPN: if there is proof to the contrary

State of necessity Article 539. Every possessor has a right to be

1) there must be a situation of grave peril, an respected in his possession; and should he be
actual or imminent danger, either upon disturbed therein he shall be protected in or restored
 the person of the actor or to said possession by the means established by the
 a third person or laws and the Rules of Court.
 third person’s property;
2) the interference is necessary to avert such A possessor deprived of his possession through
forcible entry may within ten days from the filing of
the complaint present a motion to secure from the
3) the threatened damaged, compared to the competent court, in the action for forcible entry, a
damage arising to the owner from the writ of preliminary mandatory injunction to restore
interference, is much greater and him in his possession. The court shall decide the
4) the state of necessity must not be brought motion within thirty (30) days from the filing
about by the intentional provocation of the thereof. (446a)
party invoking the same
Article 434
State of Necessity as Justifying Circumstance In an action to recover, the property must be
Any person who, in order to avoid an evil or injury, identified, and the plaintiff must rely on the strength
does an act which causes damage to another provided of his title and not on the weakness of the
that the following requisites are present: defendant's claim. (n)

1) That the evil sought to be avoided actually In civil cases, the law requires that the party who alleges
exists; a fact and substantially asserts the affirmative of the
2) That the injury feared be greater than that done issue has the burden of proving it.
to avoid it;
3) That there be no other practical and less Article 434 of the New Civil Code provides that to
harmful means of preventing it successfully maintain an action to recover the
ownership of a real property, the person who claims a
Indemnity for damages better right to it must prove two (2) things:
GR: The persons benefited by such interference are 1) the identity of the land claimed; and (PROOF
duty bound to indemnify the owner for the damage OF IDENTITY)
suffered by the latter.

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 By describing the location, area and XPN: Minerals found underneath the land are
boundaries properties of the State (La’Bugal Blaan v Ramos)
 Must be of such a character as to
definitely and accurately segregate the In finding the arguments of NAPOCOR to be
land in question from the adjoining without merit, the Supreme Court held that pursuant
property to Article 437 of the Civil Code, the ownership of
 Boundary prevails over the area land extends to the surface as well as to the subsoil
mentioned in the description under it. The Court explained that the argument by
the petitioner that the landowners’ right extends to
 No need to prove identity if the
the sub-soil insofar as necessary for their practical
plaintiff has already proved his right to interests serves only to further weaken its case
ownership because the theory would limit the right to the sub-
2) his title thereto (PROOF OF TITLE) soil upon the economic utility which such area offers
 an original certificate of title indicates to the surface owners. Presumably, according to the
true and legal ownership by the Court, the landowners’ right extends to such height
registered owners over the disputed or depth where it is possible for them to obtain some
premises. benefit or enjoyment, and it is extinguished beyond
 Tax declarations are not conclusive such limit as there would be no more interest
proof of ownership, but it is the best protected by law. In this case, the landowners could
proof of possession. When coupled have dug upon their property motorized deep wells
with proof of actual possession, they but were prevented from doing so by the authorities
precisely because of the construction and existence
are strong evidence of ownership
of the tunnels underneath the surface of their
property. Hence, the land owners still had a legal
If the plaintiff is unable to prove any of the foregoing interest in the sub-terrain portion insofar as they
requisites, his action will fail even if the defendant could have excavated the same for the construction
cannot prove his title to the property. of the deep well. (NPC v. Ibrahim)

Adjudication of ownership Article 438

In an accion reivindicatoria, the adjudication of ownership Hidden treasure belongs to the owner of the land,
includes the delivery of possession if the defeated party building, or other property on which it is found.
has not shown any right to possess the land
independently of rejected claim of ownership Nevertheless, when the discovery is made on the
property of another, or of the State or any of its
Article 437 subdivisions, and by chance, one-half thereof shall
The owner of a parcel of land is the owner of its be allowed to the finder. If the finder is a trespasser,
surface and of everything under it, and he can he shall not be entitled to any share of the treasure.
construct thereon any works or make any
plantations and excavations which he may deem If the things found be of interest to science or the
proper, without detriment to servitudes and subject arts, the State may acquire them at their just price,
to special laws and ordinances. He cannot complain which shall be divided in conformity with the rule
of the reasonable requirements of aerial navigation. stated. (351a)
Article 439
Right to sub-surface and airspace By treasure is understood, for legal purposes, any
Ad coelum rule - To whomsoever the soil belongs, he hidden and unknown deposit of money, jewelry, or
other precious objects, the lawful ownership of
owns also to the sky and to the depths to such an extent
which does not appear. (352)
that he was able to obtain some benefit or enjoyment
Rights to hidden treasures
“Hidden treasure” is understood to be any hidden and
1) that it cannot work detriment to servitudes or
unknown deposit of money, jewelry, or other precious
objects, the lawful ownership of which does not
2) that it is subject to special laws and ordinances;
3) that it is subject to reasonable requirements of
aerial navigation
1) the deposit of money, jewelry or other
4) it cannot prejudice rights of third persons
precious objects must be hidden or unknown
(may include discovery through maps)
GR: The ownership of land extends to the surface as
XPN: Regalian doctrine reserves to the State
well as to the subsoil underneath. Rights over land are
all natural wealth that may be found in the
bowels of earth
2) the lawful ownership of which must not appear

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RULES: 1) Accession discreta - right of the owner by

GR: accession to everything which is produced by
1) If the finder is the owner – the treasure shall the property
belong to him Types
2) If finder is a third person – ½  Natural fruits
Provided,  Civil fruits
 He is not a trespasser  Industrial fruits
 The discovery of treasure is only by 2) Accession continua - right of the owner to
chance anything which is incorporated or attached
to his property, whether such attachment is
XPN: If the thing found be of interest to science and through natural or artificial causes
art, the State may acquire them by paying just price  Immovable property
 Industrial accession – artificial
Limitations as to the right to airspace incorporation (building,
1) He is bound by the height restrictions planting, sowing)
annotated in the certificate of title if he  Natural accession –
acquired the property to such restrictions incorporation through natural
2) For properties situated near the airport, their means
owners cannot complain of the reasonable a) Alluvion
requirements of aerial navigation. They are b) Avulsion
required to secure a height clearance permit c) Change of course of river
from the Air Transportation Office (ATO), d) Formation of islands
which permit is pre-requisite for the issuance  Movable property
of a building permit  Adjunction or conjunction
3) For properties far from the airport, they are  Inclusion
subject to the provisions of the National (engraftment)
Building Code and local ordinances.  Soldadura (attachment)
 Tejido (weaving)
CHAPTER 2  Pintura (painting)
Right of Accession  Escritura (writing)
 Commixtion or confusion
Article 440 Article 441
The ownership of property gives the right by To the owner belongs:
accession to everything which is produced thereby, 1) The natural fruits;
or which is incorporated or attached thereto, either 2) The industrial fruits;
naturally or artificially. (353) 3) The civil fruits. (354)
Definition of accession GR: The ownership of property gives the right by
It is the right of an owner of a thing to the products of accession to everything which is produced thereby
said thing as well as to whatever is inseparably attached XPNs: Article 441 is not absolute inasmuch as there
thereto as an accessory are cases where the owner is not entitled to the fruits
of the property
The concept of accession presupposes a previously 1) Usufruct - It is the essence of usufruct that the
existing ownership. usufructuary is entitled not only to the
enjoyment of the property subject matter
It is not, therefore, a mode of acquiring ownership but thereof but also to its fruits.
a right included in ownership.
Article 566. The usufructuary shall be
Article 712. Ownership is acquired by occupation entitled to all the natural, industrial and civil
and by intellectual creation. fruits of the property in usufruct. With
respect to hidden treasure which may be
Ownership and other real rights over property are found on the land or tenement, he shall be
acquired and transmitted by law, by donation, by considered a stranger. (471)
testate and intestate succession, and in consequence
of certain contracts, by tradition.
Usufructuary – entitled to the fruits
Owner – not entitled
They may also be acquired by means of prescription.

Kinds of accession 2) Lease of rural lands


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Lessee – entitled to the natural and industrial  young and other products of animals
fruits In the absence of any agreement to
Lessor (owner) – entitled to the civil fruits in settle the ownership of the offspring,
the form of rent the rule is that the young belongs to the
owner of the female parent
3) Antichresis
Contract of antichresis - creditor acquires the 2) Industrial
right to receive the fruits of an immovable of Requisites
his debtor, with the obligation to apply them to 1) Produced by lands of any kind
the payment of the interest, if owing, and 2) through cultivation or labor
thereafter to the principal of his credit.
Natural Industrial
Creditor - acquires the right to receive the Both products of the soil
fruits of an immovable of his debtor with the Spontaneous With human
obligation to apply them to the payment of intervention
Debtor (owner) – not entitled 3) Civil
These are fruits which are produced not
4) Possession in good faith because of the fecundity of the principal
Article 544. A possessor in good faith is thing owned but rather because of the
entitled to the fruits received before the socio-juridical relationship in which the
possession is legally interrupted. thing enters

Natural and industrial fruits are considered GR: These are the income and revenues
received from the time they are gathered or derived from the property itself
severed. XPN: Bonus paid to an owner of a piece
of land for undertaking the risk of securing
Civil fruits are deemed to accrue daily and
his property with a loan
belong to the possessor in good faith in that
proportion. (451)
In just compensation when there is taking
5) Fruits naturally falling of property
Article 681. Fruits naturally falling upon The constitutional limitation of "just
adjacent land belong to the owner of said compensation" is considered to be the
land. (n) sum equivalent to the market value of
the property, broadly described to be the
price fixed by the seller in open market
Article 442 in the usual and ordinary course of legal
Natural fruits are the spontaneous products of the action and competition or the fair value
soil, and the young and other products of animals. of the property as between one who
receives, and one who desires to sell, i[f]
Industrial fruits are those produced by lands of any fixed at the time of the actual taking by
kind through cultivation or labor. the government. Thus, if property is
taken for public use before
Civil fruits are the rents of buildings, the price of compensation is deposited with the
leases of lands and other property and the amount court having jurisdiction over the case,
of perpetual or life annuities or other similar income. the final compensation must include
(355a) interest[s] on its just value to be
computed from the time the property is
Kinds of fruits taken to the time when compensation is
1) Natural actually paid or deposited with the court.
 spontaneous products of the soil – In fine, between the taking of the
necessary that there must be no human property and the actual payment, legal
labor which has intervened in its interest[s] accrue in order to place the
generation (industrial) owner in a position as good as (but not
better than) the position he was in before
Trees growing spontaneously on the the taking occurred. (Evergreen v.
soil Republic)
GR: They are immovables themselves
and are not accessions.
XPN: If they are being exploited for an Article 443
industry – classified as industrial fruits He who receives the fruits has the obligation to pay
the expenses made by a third person in their
because of human intervention
production, gathering, and preservation. (356)

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embellished the principal thing if it suffers

Situation no injury thereby, and if his successor in the
Article 443 of the New Civil Code contemplates a possession does not prefer to refund the
situation where the recipient of the fruits was not the amount expended. (454)
same person who incurred the expenses in connection
with its production, gathering and preservation. Possessor/Builder
Rights to Good faith Bad faith
Applicability Necessary REFUNDABLE with REFUNDABLE (Art
1) Article 443 applies only when the fruits are RIGHT TO RETAIN 549)
(Art 546)
already harvested and gathered since the article Useful REFUNDABLE with NONREFUNDABLE
refers to persons “who receives the fruits.” RIGHT TO RETAIN (Art 549)
(Art 546)
2) This may happen only if the property was
previously in the possession of a possessor bad RIGHT TO
in faith but not if the possessor was in good INJURY and
REFUND (Art 547)
Kinds of expenses Ornamental NONREFUNDABLE, NONREFUNDABLE
1) Necessary (Art 548) (Art 549)
Article 546. Necessary expenses shall be RIGHT TO RIGHT TO
refunded to every possessor; but only the REMOVE IF NO REMOVE IF NO
possessor in good faith may retain the thing INJURY and INJURY and
until he has been reimbursed therefor. NOT PREFER TO NOT PREFER TO
REFUND (Art 548) REFUND (Art 549)
Useful expenses shall be refunded only to
the possessor in good faith with the same Rights and Landowner
right of retention, the person who has obligations to
defeated him in the possession having the Necessary To refund such expenses to every
option of refunding the amount of the possessor
expenses or of paying the increase in value Useful Option of refunding the amount of
which the thing may have acquired by reason the expenses or of paying the increase
thereof. (453a) in value which the thing may have
acquired by reason thereof or to let
the possessor in good faith remove
Article 549. The possessor in bad faith shall Ornamental Option of refunding the amount of
reimburse the fruits received and those the expenses or to let the possessor
which the legitimate possessor could remove
have received, and shall have a right only to
the expenses mentioned in paragraph 1 of When refundable
article 546 and in article 443. In order for the production expenses to be refundable,
such expenses must have the following characteristics:
2) Useful 1) that they are dedicated to the annual
Article 547. If the useful improvements can production and not merely for purposes of
be removed without damage to the principal improvement;
thing, the possessor in good faith may 2) that they be not superfluous, excessive or for
remove them, unless the person who luxury but rather that they be commensurate
recovers the possession exercises the option with that required by the products.
under paragraph 2 of the preceding article.
3) Ornamental
Right of Accession with Respect to What is
Article 549. xxxThe expenses incurred in
Produced by Property
improvements for pure luxury or mere
pleasure shall not be refunded to the
possessor in bad faith, but he may remove Article 444
the objects for which such expenses have Only such as are manifest or born are considered as
been incurred, provided that the thing natural or industrial fruits.
suffers no injury thereby, and that the lawful
possessor does not prefer to retain them by With respect to animals, it is sufficient that they are
paying the value they may have at the time in the womb of the mother, although unborn. (357)
he enters into possession. (445a)
Existence of fruits
Article 548. Expenses for pure luxury or mere For spontaneous or man-made products of the soil -
pleasure shall not be refunded to the Only such as are manifest or born are considered as
possessor in good faith; but he may remove natural or industrial fruits
the ornaments with which he has

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For animals – they are deemed existing at the beginning 5) That bad faith subjects a person to damages
of the maximum period of gestation and other unfavorable consequences.
6) That bad faith of one party neutralizes the bad
For plants which produce only a single crop then faith of the other and, therefore, both should
perish – deemed manifest or existing from the time the be considered as having acted in good faith.
seedlings appear on the ground, without waiting for the 7) The Civil Code limits the cases of industrial
grains to appear accession to those involving land and materials
belonging to different owners for in these cases
SECTION 2 a controversy arises as to the rights and
obligations of the parties to each other or to
Right of Accession with Respect to Immovable one another
Property 8) The Court frowns upon forced co-ownership


Whatever is built, planted or sown on the land of 1) Building
another and the improvements or repairs made 2) Planting
thereon, belong to the owner of the land, subject to 3) Sowing
the provisions of the following articles. (358)
Examples of bad faith
Article 446 Article 453. If there was bad faith, not only on the
All works, sowing, and planting are presumed made part of the person who built, planted or sowed on
by the owner and at his expense, unless the contrary the land of another, but also on the part of the owner
is proved. (359) of such land, the rights of one and the other shall be
the same as though both had acted in good faith.
Accession continua - right of the owner to anything which
is incorporated or attached to his property, whether It is understood that there is bad faith on the
such attachment is through natural or artificial causes part of the landowner whenever the act was
done with his knowledge and without
Immovable property opposition on his part. (364a)
1) Industrial accession – artificial incorporation
(building, planting, sowing) 1) Not a purchaser in good faith
2) Natural accession – incorporation through  Must inquire into the title
natural means  Must inquire into the capacity of the
Presumptions 2) The possession is by mere tolerance – not the
1) Accesion continua involves the union of two same with lease
or more things belonging to different owners 3) Lack of blood relation to the seller (Padilla v.
in such a manner that they cannot be separated Malicsi)
from each other or from one another without 4) Under other special laws (Leviste v. Legaspi)
causing a substantial injury to any of the things
involved. Examples of good faith
2) The application of the law on accesion continua To be deemed a builder in good faith, it is essential
presupposes the absence of any agreement, that
whether express or implied, between or 1) a person asserts title to the land on which he
among the owners of the different things builds, i.e.,
involved. 2) that he be a possessor in the concept of
3) Absence of specific legislation owner, and
3) that he be unaware that there exists in his
Example: Condominium Act
title or mode of acquisition any flaw which
invalidates it. (Spouses Espinoza v.
Basic principles Spouses Mayandoc)
1) The union or attachment cannot be separated
from each other or from one another without 1) Owners knew and approved the construction –
causing a substantial physical or juridical injury both in bad faith (Art 453)
to any one, to some, or to all of the things 2) No knowledge or ignorance of any defect
involved. 3) No opposition on the part of the owner – both
2) The owner of the principal thing has the right in bad faith (Communities v. Nanol)
to claim ownership of the accessory thing and 4) When ownership of the land is lost by reason
not vice versa. of nonpayment of taxes – applied by analogy
3) That no one shall unjustly enrich himself at the Art 448 (Pecson v. CA)
expense of another. 5) Co-ownership with partition (Ignao v IAC)
4) That good faith exonerates a person from
punitive liability and damages.

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Neither bad faith nor good faith Article 447

1) BPS is a lessee – applicable provision is Art The owner of the land who makes thereon,
1678 (Geminiano v. CA) personally or through another, plantings,
constructions or works with the materials of
Article 1678. If the lessee makes, in good faith, useful another, shall pay their value; and, if he acted in bad
improvements which are suitable to the use for faith, he shall also be obliged to the reparation of
which the lease is intended, without altering the form damages. The owner of the materials shall have the
or substance of the property leased, the lessor upon right to remove them only in case he can do so
the termination of the lease shall pay the lessee one- without injury to the work constructed, or without
half of the value of the improvements at that time. the plantings, constructions or works being
Should the lessor refuse to reimburse said amount, destroyed. However, if the landowner acted in bad
the lessee may remove the improvements, even faith, the owner of the materials may remove them
though the principal thing may suffer damage in any event, with a right to be indemnified for
thereby. He shall not, however, cause any more damages. (360a)
impairment upon the property leased than is
necessary. Persons involved
1) Landowner who is the BPS
With regard to ornamental expenses, the lessee shall 2) Material owner
not be entitled to any reimbursement, but he may
remove the ornamental objects, provided no damage Possible scenarios
is caused to the principal thing, and the lessor does 1) landowner acted in bad faith; and
not choose to retain them by paying their value at 2) landowner acted in good faith
the time the lease is extinguished. (n)
Rights of material Land owner (also the BPS)
1) Mere tenant owner Good faith* Bad faith**
2) Agent Option to be Pay the value of Pay the value of
3) Usufructuary reimbursed materials materials

Article 579. The usufructuary may make on the
property held in usufruct such useful improvements to remove Remove in case Remove in any
or expenses for mere pleasure as he may deem he can do so case
without injury
proper, provided he does not alter its form or Damages Liable
substance; but he shall have no right to be *Art 526
indemnified therefor. He may, however, remove **Art 453
such improvements, should it be possible to do so
without damage to the property. (487)
Article 448
The owner of the land on which anything has been
Article 580. The usufructuary may set off the
built, sown or planted in good faith, shall have the
improvements he may have made on the property
right to appropriate as his own the works, sowing or
against any damage to the same. (488)
planting, after payment of the indemnity provided
for in articles 546 and 548, or to oblige the one who
4) Owner is the BPS who later loses ownership of built or planted to pay the price of the land, and the
the land by sale or otherwise one who sowed, the proper rent. However, the
5) Sale with right to repurchase builder or planter cannot be obliged to buy the land
if its value is considerably more than that of the
Controversial cases building or trees. In such case, he shall pay
Three possible persons involved: reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does not
1) Landowner choose to appropriate the building or trees after
2) Builder, planter, sower (BPS) proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the
3) Owner of the materials terms of the lease and in case of disagreement, the
court shall fix the terms thereof. (361a)
Three possible controversial situations in industrial
accession: Article 449
1) When the landowner builds, plants or sows on He who builds, plants or sows in bad faith on the
land of another, loses what is built, planted or sown
his land but using materials belonging to
without right to indemnity. (362)
another; - Art 447
2) When a person builds, plants or sows on
Article 450
another’s land but he made use of materials The owner of the land on which anything has been
belonging to him; - Art 448, 449, 450, 451, 452 built, planted or sown in bad faith may demand the
3) When a person builds, plants or sows on demolition of the work, or that the planting or
another’s land but he made use of materials sowing be removed, in order to replace things in
belonging to another. -Art 455 their former condition at the expense of the person
who built, planted or sowed; or he may compel the

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builder or planter to pay the price of the land, and If there was bad faith, not only on the part of the
the sower the proper rent. (363a) person who built, planted or sowed on the land of
another, but also on the part of the owner of such
Article 451 land, the rights of one and the other shall be the
In the cases of the two preceding articles, the same as though both had acted in good faith.
landowner is entitled to damages from the builder,
planter or sower. (n) It is understood that there is bad faith on the part of
the landowner whenever the act was done with his
Article 452 knowledge and without opposition on his part.
The builder, planter or sower in bad faith is entitled (364a)
to reimbursement for the necessary expenses of
preservation of the land. (n) Persons involved
1) Landowner
Persons involved 2) Builder, planter, sower (BPS)
1) Landowner
2) Builder, planter, sower (BPS) Possible scenario:
Both acted in bad faith
Possible scenarios One basic principle of accesion continua is that the bad
1) BPS acted in bad faith; and faith of one person neutralizes the bad faith of another
2) BPS acted in good faith and both should be considered as having acted in good
Rights of Builder, Planter, Sower
landowner Good faith* Bad faith** Provision that will govern
Appropriate With No indemnity Article 448 of the New Civil Code governs this
the accession indemnity (Art 449)
(Art 448) situation such that whatever has been discussed therein
shall likewise apply in this situation

Sell Builder & Builder & Meaning of bad faith

planter – pay planter – pay Par 2 - It is understood that there is bad faith on the
price of the price of the part of the landowner whenever the act was done with
land land
his knowledge and without opposition on his part.
XPN: if the Sower – rent
value of the (Art 450) Article 454
land > value When the landowner acted in bad faith and the
builder, planter or sower proceeded in good faith,
(pay the provisions of article 447 shall apply. (n)
reasonable OR
rent) Persons involved
Sower – rent 1) Landowner
(Art 448) 2) Builder, planter, sower (BPS)

Possible scenario:
Demand Done at their Done at their Landowner acted in bad faith
demolition or expense – expense (Art Article 447 of the New Civil Code governs this
removal of ONLY 450) situation such that whatever has been discussed therein
work UPON
FAILURE shall likewise apply in this situation
PAY Article 455
Damages Liable (Art If the materials, plants or seeds belong to a third
person who has not acted in bad faith, the owner of
*Art 526
the land shall answer subsidiarily for their value and
**Art 453 only in the event that the one who made use of them
has no property with which to pay.
Remedies if builder or planter fails or refuses to
pay This provision shall not apply if the owner makes
1) Payment of rentals use of the right granted by article 450. If the owner
2) Demand removal of the building and trees of the materials, plants or seeds has been paid by the
(Ignacio v. Hilario) builder, planter or sower, the latter may demand
3) Sale of land and improvement (Bernardo v. from the landowner the value of the materials and
Bataclan) labor. (365a)

Article 453 Persons involved

1) Landowner

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2) Builder, planter, sower (BPS) (pay reasonable

3) Material owner rent)

Sower – rent
Possible scenario: (Art 448) OR
The BPS who is not the material owner used the
materials, plants or seeds belong to a third person who
has not acted in bad faith Demand Done at their
demolition or expense – Done at their
removal of work ONLY UPON expense (Art
Material owner FAILURE OF 450)
is in good faith BPS TO PAY
Landowner Subsidiarily liable Damages Liable (Art 451)
1) in case of
insolvency of
the builder, Table 3 – (Art 455)
planter or Material owner is in
sower; and good faith
2) the owner of Subsidiarily liable
the land
appropriates 1) in case of insolvency of
the building, the builder, planter or
planting or sower; and
sowing. 2) the owner of the land
BPS Primarily liable to appropriates the
material owner building, planting or
SUMMARY: BPS Primarily liable to material
Provision Active (who Passive (who Table to use
is in good has the Table 4 – Applicable to all provisions
faith or bad rights) Possessor/Builder
447 Landowner/ Material owner 1,4
Rights to Good faith Bad faith
BPS expenses
448 BPS Landowner 2, 4 Necessary REFUNDABLE with REFUNDABLE (Art
449 BPS Landowner 2, 4 RIGHT TO RETAIN 549)
450 BPS Landowner 2, 4 (Art 546)
451 BPS Landowner 2, 4 Useful REFUNDABLE with NONREFUNDABLE
453 (bad faith + Landowner 2, 4
(Art 546)
bad faith) = and BPS
good faith
454 Landowner BPS 1,4
455 Material owner Material owner 3 INJURY and
Table 1 - (Art 447, 454) NOT PREFER TO
REFUND (Art 547)
Rights of material Land owner (also the BPS) Ornamental NONREFUNDABLE, NONREFUNDABLE
owner Good faith* Bad faith** (Art 548) (Art 549)
Option to be Pay the value of Pay the value of
reimbursed materials materials RIGHT TO RIGHT TO
to remove Remove in case Remove in any
REFUND (Art 548) REFUND (Art 549)
he can do so case
without injury
1) alluvion
Table 2 – (Art 448, 449, 450, 451, 453) 2) avulsion
Rights of land Builder, Planter, Sower 3) natural change of course of river
owner Good faith* Bad faith** 4) formation of island
Appropriate the With indemnity No indemnity
accession (Art 448) (Art 449)
Article 457
To the owners of lands adjoining the banks of rivers
OR OR belong the accretion which they gradually receive
Sell Builder & Builder &
from the effects of the current of the waters. (336)
planter – pay planter – pay
price of the land price of the land Article 458
The owners of estates adjoining ponds or lagoons do
XPN: if the Sower – rent
value of the land
not acquire the land left dry by the natural decrease
(Art 450)
> value of of the waters, or lose that inundated by them in
improvements extraordinary floods. (367)

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Principal: The riparian land, or the land adjoining the Whenever the current of a river, creek or torrent
bank of the river segregates from an estate on its bank a known
Accessory: alluvial deposits accumulated gradually portion of land and transfers it to another estate, the
along such riparian land owner of the land to which the segregated portion
Rationale: to compensate him for the danger of loss belonged retains the ownership of it, provided that
that he suffers because of the location of his land he removes the same within two years. (368a)

Requisites Article 460

1. That the deposit be gradual and Trees uprooted and carried away by the current of
imperceptible; (G, I) the waters belong to the owner of the land upon
2. That it be made through the effects of the which they may be cast, if the owners do not claim
current of the water; and (E) - indispensable them within six months. If such owners claim them,
3. That the land where accretion takes place is they shall pay the expenses incurred in gathering
adjacent to the banks of rivers. (A) them or putting them in a safe place. (369a)

Alluvion Alluvium Accretion Avulsion

gradual and soil deposited process Accretion which takes place when the current of a
imperceptible on the estate whereby the river, creek or torrent segregates a known portion of
addition to the fronting the soil is land from an estate on its banks and transfers it to
banks of rivers river bank deposited another estate.
or as the
increment Avulsion Alluvion
which lands take place only along the banks of rivers, creeks,
abutting rivers streams and lakes
gradually caused only by the force of the current of the waters
receive as a independently of the act of man
result of the sudden and abrupt deposit of soil is gradual
current of the owner of the property deposit of soil belongs to
waters from which a part was the owner of the
detached retains the property where the same
Riparian Littoral ownership thereof; was deposited
River Sea right of accession takes accession takes place
May be private property Lands added to the place only after two immediately upon the
if the alluvium formed shores by accretions and years from the deposit of the soil
due to the effects of the alluvial deposits caused attachment or
current of the river by the action of the sea, incorporation of the
form part of the public segregated portion of
domain land to the riparian land
and only if its owner fails
Spanish Law of 1866 to remove the same
ART 84. Accretions deposited gradually upon lands within said period
contiguous to creeks, streams, rivers, and lakes, by detached portion can be soil cannot be identified
accessions or sediments from the waters thereof, identified
belong to the owners of such lands.
GR: gradual and caused by accretion and erosion
XPN: XPN: avulsion
1) The rule does not apply to canals or esteros
which are not creeks and have not current but Avulsion Portion of Uprooted
are simply drainage system land trees
2) Art 458 - The owners of estates adjoining Owner Owner of the Owner before
ponds or lagoons do not acquire the land land to which they were
left dry by the natural decrease of the waters, the segregated uprooted
or lose that inundated by them in extraordinary portion
Proviso provided that owners must
he removes claim them
Ownership the same within six
GR: The alluvion or alluvium is ipso jure owned by the within two months
adjoining land or estate years
XPN: It is not automatically converted to registered
land Article 461
River beds which are abandoned through the natural
Article 459 change in the course of the waters ipso facto belong to
the owners whose lands are occupied by the new

Property | VENTEROSO

course in proportion to the area lost. However, the  PUBLIC DOMINION, even if natural or with
owners of the lands adjoining the old bed shall have human intervention
the right to acquire the same by paying the value
thereof, which value shall not exceed the value of the Article 463
area occupied by the new bed. (370a) Whenever the current of a river divides itself into
branches, leaving a piece of land or part thereof
Article 462 isolated, the owner of the land retains his ownership.
Whenever a river, changing its course by natural He also retains it if a portion of land is separated
causes, opens a new bed through a private estate, this from the estate by the current. (374)
bed shall become of public dominion. (372a)
Article 464
Rule as to ownership of riverbeds Islands which may be formed on the seas within the
GR: Rivers and natural beds are public dominion jurisdiction of the Philippines, on lakes, and on
XPN: River beds which are abandoned through the navigable or floatable rivers belong to the State.
natural change in the course of the waters ipso facto (371a)
belong to the owners whose lands are occupied by the
new course in proportion to the area lost. (Art 461) Article 465
Islands which through successive accumulation of
Old bed New bed alluvial deposits are formed in non-navigable and
Have the right to acquire Ipso facto owner of river non-floatable rivers, belong to the owners of the
the same by paying the beds which are margins or banks nearest to each of them, or to the
value thereof, which abandoned through the owners of both margins if the island is in the middle
value shall not exceed the natural change in the of the river, in which case it shall be divided
value of the area course of the waters longitudinally in halves. If a single island thus
occupied by the new bed. (compensation) formed be more distant from one margin than from
(accession) the other, the owner of the nearer margin shall be
the sole owner thereof. (373a)
1. The change must be sudden in order that the Formation of islands
old river may be identified; 1) the current of a river simply divides itself into
2. The changing course must be more or less branches – Art 463
permanent, and not temporary flooding of o applies whether navigable or floatable
another’s land; or not
3. The change of the river must be a natural one o no accession has taken place in the
(i.e. caused by natural forces, not by artificial situation contemplated in Article 463
means) because no new property has been
4. There must be definite abandonment by the added or attached to the property of
government. any person
5. The river must continue to exist, that is, it must 2) an island is formed on a sea, lake or navigable
not completely dry up or disappear
or floatable river through whatever cause – Art
PD 1607 – The Water Code of the Philippines
o A river is considered to be navigable or
ARTICLE 58. When a river or stream suddenly
floatable if it is able to carry the
changes its course to traverse private lands, the
owners of the affected lands may not compel the produce of the land along its banks to
government to restore the river to its former bed; the market.
nor can they restrain the government from o expressly declared to be property of
taking steps to revert the river or stream to its the State
former course. The owners of the lands thus 3) an island formed in non-navigable or non-
affected are not entitled to compensation for any floatable rivers through successive
damage sustained thereby. However, the former accumulation of deposit in the same manner as
owners of the new bed shall be the owners of the alluvion.
abandoned bed in proportion to the area lost by RULES:
each.  It shall belong to the owner of the
margins or banks nearest to the
The owners of the affected lands may undertake to
return the river or stream to its old bed at their own
expense; Provided, That a permit therefor is secured  If the island is in the middle of the river
from the Secretary of Public Works, Transportation - the same shall be owned by the
and Communication and work pertaining thereto are owners of both margins, in which
commenced within two years from the change in the case it shall be divided longitudinally
course of the river or stream. in halves; or
 If the island be more distant from one
When river dries up margin than from the other, the

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owner of the nearer margin shall be be more

distant from
the sole owner thereof one margin
than from the
other, the
Under Art. 465 of the Civil Code, the island belongs owner of the
to the owner of the land along the nearer margin as nearer margin
sole owner thereof. His ownership, however, may shall be the
sole owner
yield to the adverse possession of third parties. But thereof
in this case, the third parties were presumed to have
notice of the status of the owner of the land along
the nearer margin as riparian owners, hence, they did
not qualify as possessors in good faith. (Jagualing
Right of Accession with Respect to Movable
v. CA)
# Process Ipso facto Right of Condition Article 466
owner accession Whenever two movable things belonging to
457 Accretion owners of owners of registration different owners are, without bad faith, united in
lands adjoining lands of the such a way that they form a single Fobject, the owner
the banks of adjoining accretion
rivers the banks of the principal thing acquires the accessory,
of rivers indemnifying the former owner thereof for its value.
459 Avulsion owner of the the other must (375)
land to which estate remove
the segregated where the within 2
portion land is years Article 467
belonged transferred The principal thing, as between two things
460 Uprooted owners of the owner of must claim
trees trees the land within 6 incorporated, is deemed to be that to which the
upon months, pay other has been united as an ornament, or for its use
which they the or perfection. (376)
may be cast expenses
incurred in
gathering Article 468
them or If it cannot be determined by the rule given in the
them in a preceding article which of the two things
safe place incorporated is the principal one, the thing of the
461 Change in lands are owners of paying the greater value shall be so considered, and as between
course of occupied by the lands value
river the new course adjoining thereof, two things of equal value, that of the greater volume.
in proportion the old bed which value
to the area lost shall not In painting and sculpture, writings, printed matter,
exceed the
value of the engraving and lithographs, the board, metal, stone,
area canvas, paper or parchment shall be deemed the
occupied by accessory thing. (377)
the new bed
463 Formation owner of the
of island by land retains his Article 469
the current ownership Whenever the things united can be separated
of the river
dividing the without injury, their respective owners may demand
land their separation.
464 Formation State
of lands on
lakes, and on
Nevertheless, in case the thing united for the use,
navigable or embellishment or perfection of the other, is much
floatable more precious than the principal thing, the owner of
465 Formation owners of the
the former may demand its separation, even though
of islands margins or the thing to which it has been incorporated may
through banks nearest suffer some injury. (378)
successive to each of
accumulation them
in non- Article 470
navigable OR Whenever the owner of the accessory thing has
and non-
floatable owners of
made the incorporation in bad faith, he shall lose the
rivers both margins thing incorporated and shall have the obligation to
if the island is indemnify the owner of the principal thing for the
in the middle
of the river, in
damages he may have suffered.
which case it
shall be If the one who has acted in bad faith is the owner of
the principal thing, the owner of the accessory thing
in halves shall have a right to choose between the former
paying him its value or that the thing belonging to
him be separated, even though for this purpose it be
single island necessary to destroy the principal thing; and in both
thus formed

Property | VENTEROSO

cases, furthermore, there shall be indemnity for XPN: Nevertheless, in case the thing united for the
damages. use, embellishment or perfection of the other, is much
more precious than the principal thing, the owner
If either one of the owners has made the of the former may demand its separation, even though
incorporation with the knowledge and without the the thing to which it has been incorporated may suffer
objection of the other, their respective rights shall be some injury. (Art 469)
determined as though both acted in good faith.
Article 471 Whenever two movable things belonging to different
Whenever the owner of the material employed owners are, without bad faith, united in such a way that
without his consent has a right to an indemnity, he they form a single object, the owner of the principal
may demand that this consist in the delivery of a thing acquires the accessory, indemnifying the former
thing equal in kind and value, and in all other owner thereof for its value. (Art 466)
respects, to that employed, or else in the price
thereof, according to expert appraisal. (380) BAD FAITH
Owner of the principal Owner of the
Three forms of accession continua in movable (Art 470) accessory (Art 470)
properties demand payment for the lose the thing
1) adjunction or conjunction - two or more value of the accessory, incorporated
movable things belonging to different owners with a right to be
are so united that they cannot be separated indemnified for
without causing injury to one or both them, damages
thereby giving rise to a new thing. (Art 466,
467, 468, 469, 470, 471) 1) delivery of a
thing equal in
2) commixtion or confusion - mixture of two or
kind and value,
more things belonging to different owners. If and in all other
the things mixed are solid, it is called respects, or else
commixtion; if the things are liquid, it is called 2) in the price
confusion. (Art 472, 473) thereof,
3) specification - work of a person is done on according to
the material of another, such material, in expert appraisal.
consequence of the work itself, undergoing a
transformation. (Art 474, 475)
demand for the
Definitions separation of the
If determinable accessory, even though
Principal - deemed to be that to which the other has for this purpose it be
necessary to destroy the
been united as an ornament, or for its use or perfection.
principal thing, with a
(Art 467) right to be indemnified
Accessory – that which has been united to the for damages
principal as its ornament, for its use of for perfection Damages Damages

If not determinable BOTH IN BAD FAITH

Principal Whenever two movable things belonging to different
GR: owners are, without bad faith, united in such a way that
1) the thing of the greater value shall be so they form a single object, the owner of the principal
considered thing acquires the accessory, indemnifying the former
2) the thing of greater volume if equal in value owner thereof for its value. (Art 466)
(Art 468)
XPN: In painting and sculpture, writings, printed Article 472
matter, engraving and lithographs, the board, metal, If by the will of their owners two things of the same
stone, canvas, paper or parchment shall be deemed the or different kinds are mixed, or if the mixture occurs
accessory thing (Art 468) by chance, and in the latter case the things are not
separable without injury, each owner shall acquire a
Principle of accession in movable properties right proportional to the part belonging to him,
GOOD FAITH bearing in mind the value of the things mixed or
Separable confused. (381)
GR: Whenever the things united can be separated
without injury, their respective owners may demand Article 473
their separation. If by the will of only one owner, but in good faith,
two things of the same or different kinds are mixed
or confused, the rights of the owners shall be

Property | VENTEROSO

determined by the provisions of the preceding 1) appropriate the new thing to himself after
article. paying indemnity for the value of the work; or
2) demand indemnity for the material.
If the one who caused the mixture or confusion
acted in bad faith, he shall lose the thing belonging BAD FAITH
to him thus mixed or confused, besides being GR:
obliged to pay indemnity for the damages caused to
1) to appropriate the work for himself without
the owner of the other thing with which his own was
paying anything to the maker; or
mixed. (382)
2) to demand of the latter (worker) that he
Legal Effects of Commixtion or Confusion indemnify him for the value of the material and
1) by will of both or all owners of the things the damages he may have suffered.
mixed; XPN: value of the work, for artistic or scientific
reasons, is considerably more than that of the material,
the owner of the material cannot appropriate the work.
In such a case, the owner of the material can only
demand from the worker the value of his materials and
the damages he may have suffered
Quieting of Title
2) by will of only one owner acting in good faith;
Article 476
Whenever there is a cloud on title to real property or
 PAY DAMAGES any interest therein, by reason of any instrument,
3) by chance or fortuitous event record, claim, encumbrance or proceeding which is
apparently valid or effective but is in truth and in fact
invalid, ineffective, voidable, or unenforceable, and
Article 474 may be prejudicial to said title, an action may be
One who in good faith employs the material of brought to remove such cloud or to quiet the title.
another in whole or in part in order to make a thing
of a different kind, shall appropriate the thing thus An action may also be brought to prevent a cloud
transformed as his own, indemnifying the owner of from being cast upon title to real property or any
the material for its value. interest therein.

If the material is more precious than the transformed Article 477

thing or is of more value, its owner may, at his The plaintiff must have legal or equitable title to, or
option, appropriate the new thing to himself, after interest in the real property which is the subject
first paying indemnity for the value of the work, or matter of the action. He need not be in possession
demand indemnity for the material. of said property.

If in the making of the thing bad faith intervened, Article 478

the owner of the material shall have the right to There may also be an action to quiet title or remove
appropriate the work to himself without paying a cloud therefrom when the contract, instrument or
anything to the maker, or to demand of the latter other obligation has been extinguished or has
that he indemnify him for the value of the material terminated, or has been barred by extinctive
and the damages he may have suffered. However, prescription.
the owner of the material cannot appropriate the
work in case the value of the latter, for artistic or Article 479
scientific reasons, is considerably more than that of The plaintiff must return to the defendant all
the material. (383a) benefits he may have received from the latter, or
reimburse him for expenses that may have
Article 475 redounded to the plaintiff's benefit.
In the preceding articles, sentimental value shall be
duly appreciated. (n) Article 480
The principles of the general law on the quieting of
Legal effects of specification title are hereby adopted insofar as they are not in
GOOD FAITH conflict with this Code.
GR: appropriate the thing thus transformed as his
own, indemnifying the owner of the material for its Article 481
The procedure for the quieting of title or the
removal of a cloud therefrom shall be governed by
XPN: Material is more precious than the transformed such rules of court as the Supreme Court shall
thing or more valuable, in which case, its owner may, promulgated.
at his option:

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Quieting of title - is a common law remedy for the There is co-ownership whenever the ownership of
removal of any cloud upon or doubt or uncertainty an undivided thing or right belongs to different
with respect to title to real property. persons.

Requisites In default of contracts, or of special provisions, co-

1) there is a cloud on title to real property or any ownership shall be governed by the provisions of
interest therein, by reason of any instrument, this Title. (392)
record, claim, encumbrance or proceeding
Co-ownership defined
Sanchez Roman - the right of common dominion
2) The cloud is apparently valid or effective but is
which two or more persons have in a spiritual part of a
in truth and in fact invalid, ineffective,
thing, not materially or physically divided.
voidable, or unenforceable
3) It is prejudicial to the title
Manresa - the manifestation of the private right of
ownership, which instead of being exercised by the
The action of quieting of title will not prosper as the
heirs of Dalmacio. The first element which is a legal owner in an exclusive manner over the thing subject to
or equitable title to the real property was absent. it, it is exercised by two or more owners and the
undivided thing or right to which it refers is one and
From 1954 when the sale certificate was issued until the same.
1985 when the complaint was filed, Paciencia and
her successors-in-interest did not do anything to Requisites
enforce their proprietary rights over the disputed 1) Plurality of subjects – co-owners
property or to consolidate their ownership over the 2) Unity of the object - there is a single object
same. In fact, they did not even register the said which is not materially divided, and which is
Agreement with the Registry of Property or pay the the element which binds the subjects
requisite land taxes. While the heirs of Dalmacio had 3) Recognition of ideal share
been doing nothing, the disputed property, as part
of Lot No. 5679, had been the subject of several
Dual nature of ownership in co-ownership
sales transactions and covered by several transfer
certificates of title. The Deed of Confirmation of 1) Ownership over the ideal share
Sale, such deed was however not presented in court 2) Joint ownership over the whole
for allegedly being lost. (Secuya v. Vda de Selma)
Effect of division or partition
CHAPTER 4 Once partition is effected or once the property is
Ruinous Buildings and Trees in Danger of subdivided and distributed among the co-owners, the
Falling co-ownership is terminated.

Article 482 There is partial partition where:

If a building, wall, column, or any other construction 1) The transferees of an undivided portion of the
is in danger of falling, the owner shall be obliged to land allowed a co-owner of the property to
demolish it or to execute the necessary work in order occupy a definite portion thereof and has not
to prevent it from falling. disturbed the same

If the proprietor does not comply with this Co-ownership Partnership

obligation, the administrative authorities may order may exist without the requires the existence of
the demolition of the structure at the expense of the necessity of a contract a contract in order to
owner, or take measures to insure public safety. arise
(389a) A co-ownership does A partnership has a
not possess a juridical juridical personality
Article 483 personality distinct separate and distinct
Whenever a large tree threatens to fall in such a way from the co-owners from that of each of the
as to cause damage to the land or tenement of partners.
another or to travelers over a public or private road, only for the purpose of There must be an
the owner of the tree shall be obliged to fell and common enjoyment of agreement to divide the
remove it; and should he not do so, it shall be done the thing owned in profits among the
at his expense by order of the administrative common partners.
authorities. (390a) In co-ownership, an there is no limit as to the
agreement not to divide time of its existence
TITLE III the property for more
than ten (10) years is not
CO-OWNERSHIP valid with respect to
the excess
Article 484

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Death of a co-owner the death of a partner 1) If source of co-ownership is a contract

does not dissolve the brings about the  The contract between the parties
co-ownership dissolution of the  In default thereof, by the provisions of
partnership Articles 484 to 501 of the New Civil
a co-owner may freely a partner has no power Code
dispose of his share of disposal so as to make 2) If source of co-ownership is a special provision
the buyer a partner
of law
unless agreed upon by all
the other partners  Special law
a co-owner does not a partner usually  Articles 484 to 501 shall be applied only
represent the co- represents the in a suppletory character
ownership partnership and may
bind the partnership Article 485
The share of the co-owners, in the benefits as well
Sources of co-ownership as in the charges, shall be proportional to their
1) By law respective interests. Any stipulation in a contract to
 Co-ownership will arise if by the will of the contrary shall be void.
their owners two things of the same
The portions belonging to the co-owners in the co-
kind or different kinds are mixed.
ownership shall be presumed equal, unless the
 Co-ownership will likewise arise if by contrary is proved. (393a)
the will of only one owner, but in
good faith, two things of the same Determination of the ideal share
or different kinds are mixed or 1) based on the agreement in the contract
confused. 2) proportional to their respective interests
 When a man and woman who are 3) shall be presumed equal unless the contrary is
capacitated to marry each other, live proved
exclusively with each other as husband
and wife without the benefit of Any stipulation in a contract to the contrary shall be
marriage or under a void marriage, the void.
property acquired by both of them
through their work or industry shall be Related laws
governed by the rules on co- Article 472. If by the will of their owners two things
ownership. In cases of cohabitation not of the same or different kinds are mixed, or if the
falling under Article 147 of the Family mixture occurs by chance, and in the latter case the
Code, only the properties acquired by things are not separable without injury, each owner
both of the parties though their shall acquire a right proportional to the part
actual joint contribution of money, belonging to him, bearing in mind the value of the
property, or industry shall be owned things mixed or confused. (381)
by them in common in proportion to
their respective contributions. Article 438. Hidden treasure belongs to the owner of
2) By contract - An agreement to keep the thing the land, building, or other property on which it is
undivided for a certain period, not exceeding found.
ten years, shall be valid. This term may be
Nevertheless, when the discovery is made on the
extended by a new agreement. property of another, or of the State or any of its
3) By succession - Where there are two or more subdivisions, and by chance, one-half thereof shall
heirs, the whole estate of the decedent is, be allowed to the finder. If the finder is a trespasser,
before its partition, owned in common by such he shall not be entitled to any share of the treasure.
heirs, subject to the payment of debts of the
deceased. The testator may likewise prohibit If the things found be of interest to science or the
the partition of the estate among the heirs for arts, the State may acquire them at their just price,
a period not to exceed twenty (20) years. which shall be divided in conformity with the rule
4) By fortuitous event or by chance - Co- stated. (351a)
ownership will arise if two things of the same
kind or different kinds are mixed by chance and Sulpicia Jimenez is entitled to the relief prayed for,
the things are not separable without injury. declaring her to be the sole and absolute owner of
5) By occupancy - As when two or more persons the land in question with right to its possession and
catch a wild pig or get forest products or when enjoyment. Since her uncle Carlos Jimenez died in
1936, his pro-indiviso share in the properties then
a hidden treasure is accidentally discovered by
owned in co-ownership with his niece Sulpicia
a stranger, who is not a trespasser, on the land descended by intestacy to Sulpicia Jimenez alone
of another. because Carlos died without any issue or other heirs.
(Jimenez v. Fernandez)
Rules governing co-ownership

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Article 486 immediately. In fairness to petitioner, respondent

Each co-owner may use the thing owned in should pay a rental of P1,200.00 per month, with
common, provided he does so in accordance with legal interest; from the time the trial court ordered
the purpose for which it is intended and in such a him to vacate, for the use and enjoyment of the other
way as not to injure the interest of the co-ownership half of the property appertaining to petitioner.
or prevent the other co-owners from using it (Aguilar v. CA)
according to their rights. The purpose of the co-
ownership may be changed by agreement, express or If there is an agreement to lease the house, the co-
implied. (394a) owners can demand rent from the co-owner who
dwells in the house. The co-owners can either
Use of the thing owned in common exercise an equal right to live in the house, or agree
A co-owner may use the entire thing so long as to lease it. If they fail to exercise any of these
 the use is in accordance with the purpose for options, they must bear the consequences. It would
which it is intended; and be unjust to require the co-owner to pay rent after
 in a manner not injurious to the interest of the the co-owners by their silence have allowed him to
other co-owners use the property.
 in a manner that prevents the other co-owners
In case the co-owners agree to lease a building
from using it according to their rights owned in common, a co-owner cannot retain it for
his use without paying the proper rent. Moreover,
The sisters Matilde and Vicenta Ortiz (plaintiff) were where part of the property is occupied exclusively by
co-owners of a two-storey house designed as a some co-owners for the exploitation of an industry,
dwelling. Matilde (defendant) and her husband the other co-owners become co-participants in the
occupied the upper floor as their dwelling. The accessions of the property and should share in its net
husband also occupied the upper floor on the profits.
ground floor as an office while the other rooms were
rented as stores. The Lejano Heirs and Teofilo Abejo agreed to lease
the entire FISHPOND to DE GUIA. After DE
With regard to that part occupied by Matilde as GUIA’s lease expired in 1979, he could no longer
dwelling, no rental can be collected inasmuch as she, use the entire FISHPOND without paying rent. To
being the co-owner, is entitled to use the same. With allow DE GUIA to continue using the entire
respect, however, to that portion occupied by the FISHPOND without paying rent would prejudice
husband, Bartolome, the latter must pay one-half of ABEJO’s right to receive rent, which would have
the rentals which said quarters could and should accrued to his 1/2 share in the FISHPOND had it
have produced had they have been rented to been leased to others. Since ABEJO acquired his 1/2
strangers, inasmuch as he is not a co-owner of the undivided share in the FISHPOND on 22
property (Pardell v. Bartolome) November 1983, DE GUIA should pay ABEJO
reasonable rent for his possession and use of
Giving consent to a third person to construct a ABEJO’s portion beginning from that date. The
house on the co-owned property will injure the compensatory damages of P25,000 per year awarded
interest of the co-ownership and prevent other co- to ABEJO is the fair rental value or the reasonable
owners from using the property in accordance with compensation for the use and occupation of the
their rights (Cruz v. Catapang) leased property, considering the circumstances at
that time. DE GUIA shall continue to pay ABEJO
Being a co-owner respondent has the right to use the a yearly rent of P25,000 corresponding to ABEJO’s
house and lot without paying any compensation to 1/2 undivided share in the FISHPOND. However,
petitioner, as he may use the property owned in ABEJO has the option either to exercise an equal
common so long as it is in accordance with the right to occupy the FISHPOND, or to file a new
purpose for which it is intended and in a manner not petition before the trial court to fix a new rental rate
injurious to the interest of the other co-owners. in view of changed circumstances in the last 20 years.
Each co-owner of property held pro indiviso
exercises his rights over the whole property and may ABEJO made an extrajudicial demand on DE
use and enjoy the same with no other limitation than GUIA by sending the 27 November 1983 demand
that he shall not injure the interests of his co-owners, letter. Thus, the rent in arrears should earn interest
the reason being that until a division is made, the at 6% per annum from 27 November 1983 until
respective share of each cannot be determined and finality of this decision pursuant to Article 2209
every co-owner exercises, together with his co- of the Civil Code. Thereafter, the interest rate is
participants joint ownership over the pro indiviso 12% per annum from finality of this decision until
property, in addition to his use and enjoyment of the full payment.” (De Guia v. CA)
same. Since petitioner has decided to enforce his
right in court to end the co-ownership of the house Determining the purpose
and lot and respondent has not refuted the allegation 1) agreement of the parties
that he has been preventing the sale of the property 2) in default, that use for which it is ordinarily
by his continued occupancy of the premises, justice adapted according to its nature
and equity demand that respondent and his family
vacate the property so that the sale can be effected

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Article 487 1) against a third person,

Any one of the co-owners may bring an action in 2) but also against another co-owner who takes
ejectment. (n) exclusive possession and asserts exclusive
ownership of the property
Action in ejectment  the only purpose of the action is to
GR: In suits to recover properties, all co-owners are obtain recognition of the co-
real parties in interest. However, pursuant to Article ownership. The plaintiff cannot seek
487 of the New Civil Code, any one of the co-owners exclusion of the defendant from the
of an immovable may bring an action in ejectment. A property because as co-owner he has a
co-owner may thus bring an ejectment action without right of possession. (De Guia v. Court
joining the other co-owners, the suit being deemed of Appeals)
instituted for the benefit of all. Only the co-owner who
instituted the suit for recovery is the indispensable The sales having been made without the consent of
party thereto. all the owners, the same have no effect, except as to
the portion pertaining to those who made them. The
XPN: If the action is for the benefit of the plaintiff fact that Ahamad is one of the co-owners is no bar
alone who claims to be the sole owner and entitled to to the bringing of this action. The action for
the possession thereof, the action will not prosper recovery which each co-owner has, is derived from
unless he impleads the other co-owners who are the right of ownership inherent in the coownership
indispensable parties. and may be exercised not only against strangers but
against the co-owners themselves, when the latter
perform, with respect to the thing held in common,
Scope of the term “ejectment”
acts for their exclusive benefit, or of exclusive
The term not only includes a suit of forcible entry or ownership, or which are prejudicial to, and in
unlawful detainer but all kinds of actions for the violation of, the right of the community.
recovery of possession, including accion publiciana and
reivindicatory action. In this case, the selling of the amber by the Ahamad
as his exclusive property and his attitude in
The rule can also be applied to an action for recovery representing himself to be the sole owner thereof
of possession of personal property place him in the same position as the stranger
who violates any right of the community. He is
Under Article 487 of the New Civil Code, any of the not sued in this case as a co-owner, for the cause of
co-owners may bring an action in ejectment. This action is predicated upon the fact that he has acted
article covers all kinds of actions for the recovery of not as a co-owner, but as an exclusive owner of the
possession, including an accion publiciana and a amber sold by him. (Punzalan v. Boot Liat)
reinvidicatory action. A co-owner may bring such an
action without the necessity of joining all the other Any co-owner may file an action under Article 487
co-owners as co-plaintiffs because the suit is deemed not only against a third person, but also against
to be instituted for the benefit of all. Any judgment another co-owner who takes exclusive possession
of the court in favor of the co-owner will benefit the and asserts exclusive ownership of the property. In
others but if such judgment is adverse, the same the latter case, however, the only purpose of the
cannot prejudice the rights of the unimpleaded co- action is to obtain recognition of the co-ownership.
owners. If the action is for the benefit of the The plaintiff cannot seek exclusion of the defendant
plaintiff alone who claims to be the sole owner from the property because as co-owner he has a right
and entitled to the possession thereof, the action of possession. The plaintiff cannot recover any
will not prosper unless he impleads the other co- material or determinate part of the property.
owners who are indispensable parties.
To recapitulate, we rule that a co-owner may file an
In this case, the respondent alone filed the action for recovery of possession against a co-owner
complaint, claiming sole ownership over the subject who takes exclusive possession of the entire co-
property and praying that he be declared the sole owned property. However, the only effect of such
owner thereof. There is no proof that the other co- action is a recognition of the co-ownership. The
owners had waived their rights over the subject courts cannot proceed with the actual partitioning of
property or conveyed the same to the respondent or the co-owned property. Thus, judicial or extra-
such co-owners were aware of the case in the trial judicial partition is necessary to effect physical
court. The trial court rendered judgment declaring division of the FISHPOND between ABEJO and
the respondent as the sole owner of the property and DE GUIA. (De Guia v. Court of Appeals)
entitled to its possession, to the prejudice of the
latter’s siblings. Patently then, the decision of the Article 488
trial court is erroneous. (Baloloy v. Hular) Each co-owner shall have a right to compel the other
co-owners to contribute to the expenses of
Action available even against a co-owner preservation of the thing or right owned in common
Any co-owner may file an action under Article 487 not and to the taxes. Any one of the latter may exempt
only himself from this obligation by renouncing so much
of his undivided interest as may be equivalent to his

Property | VENTEROSO

share of the expenses and taxes. No such waiver ownership. The respondents' advance payments are
shall be made if it is prejudicial to the co-ownership. in the nature of necessary expenses for the
(395a) preservation of the co-ownership. Article 488 of the
Civil Code provides that necessary expenses may be
Article 489 incurred by one co-owner, subject to his right to
Repairs for preservation may be made at the will of collect reimbursement from the remaining co-
one of the co-owners, but he must, if practicable, owners. Until reimbursed, the respondents hold a
first notify his co-owners of the necessity for such lien upon the subject property for the amount they
repairs. Expenses to improve or embellish the thing advanced. (Taghoy v. Tigol)
shall be decided upon by a majority as determined in
article 492. (n) Article 490
Whenever the different stories of a house belong to
Expenses for reservation different owners, if the titles of ownership do not
1) necessary expenses - may be made at the will specify the terms under which they should
of one of the co-owners, but he must, if contribute to the necessary expenses and there exists
practicable, first notify his co-owners of the no agreement on the subject, the following rules
necessity for such repairs* shall be observed:
 The only effect of the failure to comply
(1) The main and party walls, the roof and the other
with the notice requirement is to place things used in common, shall be preserved at the
upon the co-owner who incurred expense of all the owners in proportion to the value
the expenses the burden of proving of the story belonging to each;
the necessity of the repairs and the (2) Each owner shall bear the cost of maintaining the
reasonableness of the expenses. floor of his story; the floor of the entrance, front
2) useful and ornamental expenses - shall be door, common yard and sanitary works common to
decided upon by a majority as determined in all, shall be maintained at the expense of all the
article 492 owners pro rata;
(3) The stairs from the entrance to the first story
Right to demand contribution shall be maintained at the expense of all the owners
Each co-owner shall have a right to compel the other pro rata, with the exception of the owner of the
ground floor; the stairs from the first to the second
co-owners to contribute to the expenses of
story shall be preserved at the expense of all, except
preservation of the thing or right owned in common the owner of the ground floor and the owner of the
and to the taxes. (Art 488) first story; and so on successively. (396)

Option to renounce Applicability of Article 490

While the other co-owners can be compelled to 1) Applicable to a house which consists of several
contribute proportionately to the expenses incurred for stories and the different stories belong to
the purpose of preserving the thing or right owned in different owners.
common, they are given by law an option of 2) The titles of ownership do not specify the
“renouncing so much of (their) undivided interest terms under which they should contribute to
as may be equivalent to (their) share of the the necessary expenses
expenses and taxes,” in lieu of paying their 3) there exists no agreement on how they should
proportionate contribution to such expenses. contribute to the necessary expenses
4) This article finds no application to a
GR: Option to renounce the equivalent share of the condominium project, the latter being
expenses and taxes is given to the co-owner who governed by Republic Act No. 4276, otherwise
cannot contribute known as “The Condominium Act.”
XPN: Co-owner refuses to pay his share in the
expenses Rules governing necessary expenses
 The action should be ordinary action 1) if the manner of contribution is specified in
for collection of sum of money the title of ownership, the same shall govern
 The co-owner who advances need not 2) in the absence of such provision in the title of
consent (dissented by Judge JBL Reyes ownership, the agreement of the parties shall
and Senator Tolentino) control
XPN of XPN: No such waiver or renunciation shall 3) in the absence of such agreement, Article 490
be made if it is prejudicial to the co-ownership
The failure of the other heirs to reimburse the An interest in real property consisting of a separate
amounts advanced by the respondents in payment interest in a unit in a residential, industrial or
of the loan did not entitle the latter to claim full commercial building and an undivided interest in
ownership of the co-owned property. It only gave common directly or indirectly, in the land on which it
them the right to claim reimbursement for the
amounts they advanced in behalf of the co-

Property | VENTEROSO

is located and in other common areas of the building controlling interest in the object of the co-
(RA 4726) ownership.

Nature of ownership Should there be no majority, or should the

1) Unit - With respect to the condominium unit, resolution of the majority be seriously prejudicial to
the same is owned separately and individually those interested in the property owned in common,
by the unit owner. the court, at the instance of an interested party, shall
order such measures as it may deem proper,
2) Land and common areas - With respect,
including the appointment of an administrator.
however, to the land and to the common areas
in the condominium project, there are two Whenever a part of the thing belongs exclusively to
situations contemplated in Sections 2 and 5 of one of the co-owners, and the remainder is owned
the Condominium Act. in common, the preceding provision shall apply only
 the land and other common areas in to the part owned in common. (398)
the condominium project are held by
the owners of separate units as co- Acts of alterations
owners thereof (co-ownership) GR: The law prohibits the making of alterations in the
 the land and other common areas are thing owned in common without the consent of the
to be held by the condominium other co-owners (even if beneficial). Consent of all co-
corporation, in which case, the owners owners to the making of the alteration on the thing
of the individual units are automatically owned in common.
considered members or shareholders XPN: If the withholding of the consent by one or
of the corporation. more of the co-owners is clearly prejudicial to the
common interest, the courts may afford adequate
Rules governing common areas relief.
The owner of the project is required by law, prior to
the conveyance of any condominium therein, to Alterations
register a declaration of restrictions relating to such  the act by virtue of which a co-owner, in
project, which restrictions shall constitute a lien upon opposition to the express agreement, if there is
each condominium in the project, and shall inure to any, or, in default thereof, to the tacit
and bind all condominium owners in the projects. agreement of all the co-owners, and violating
their will, changes the thing from that state in
Assessment as lien upon the unit which the others believe it should remain or
An assessment upon any condominium made in withdraws it from the use to which they wish it
accordance with a duly registered declaration of to be intended.
restrictions shall be an obligation of the owner thereof  Include any act of strict dominion or
at the time the assessment is made. The amount of any ownership and any encumbrance or
such assessment plus any other charges thereon, such disposition (Arambulo v. Nolasco)
as interests, cost (including attorney’s fees) and
penalties, as such as may be provided for in the A co-owner cannot give valid consent to a third
declaration of restrictions, shall be and become a person to build a house on the co-owned property
lien upon the condominium assessed when the because the construction of a house on the co-
management body causes a notice of assessment to be owned property is an act of dominion which
registered with the Registered of Deeds of the city or requires unanimous consent of all co-owners
province where such condominium project is located. (Cruz v. Catapang)

Article 491 Form of consent

None of the co-owners shall, without the consent of The law does not clarify the kind of consent necessary
the others, make alterations in the thing owned in for the making of alterations. The consent of all co-
common, even though benefits for all would result owners may be given expressly or tacitly, previous
therefrom. However, if the withholding of the to the act or even after its commission.
consent by one or more of the co-owners is clearly
prejudicial to the common interest, the courts may Acts of administration
afford adequate relief. (397a) Administration Alteration
refer to the enjoyment of more permanent result
Article 492 the thing and are of a and relate to the
For the administration and better enjoyment of the transitory character substance or form of the
thing owned in common, the resolutions of the thing
majority of the co-owners shall be binding.
With respect to acts of administration and better
There shall be no majority unless the resolution is enjoyment of the thing owned in common, the
approved by the co-owners who represent the resolution of the majority of the co-owners shall be

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3) right to alienate, assign or mortgage it, and even

Majority - do not refer to numerical majority but to substitute another person in its enjoyment,
majority of interest. The law provides that “there even without the consent of other co-owners
shall be no majority unless the resolution is XPN: personal rights
approved by the co-owners who represent the
controlling interest in the object of the co- In affirming the decision of the CA, the Supreme
ownership. Court ruled that a co-owner cannot be compelled
by the court to give his/her consent to the sale
Rules of his/her share in a co-owned property. Art 491
1) Does not include repairs does not apply to the problem arising out of the
2) When the enjoyment of the thing does not proposed sale of the property co-owned by the
require its modification, whatever modification parties (Arambulo v. Nolasco)
or change that is done will be considered an
Effects of alienation or mortgage
alteration within the terms of Article 491
1) The sale will only affect the portion which may
3) When the thing in its nature requires changes
be allotted to him in the division upon the
in its exploitation, such modifications and
termination of the co-ownership.
variations should be considered as falling under
2) The buyers become the co-owners of the
the acts of simple administration.
3) The co-ownership subsists
Court intervention
4) If there is a sale of the whole property, it is not
1) Should there be no majority
null and void but only the rights of the co-
2) Should the resolution of the majority be
owner seller are transferred. An implied
seriously prejudicial to those interested in the
trust is created by force of law.
property owned in common
5) Action for annulment of sale and recovery of
When considered prejudicial
possession are not proper remedies. The
 when the resolution calls for a
proper remedy would be action for partition
substantial change or alteration of
under Rule 69 of the Rules of Court.
the common property or of the use to
6) In mortgage, the creditor-mortgagee who
which it has been dedicated by
acquired the co-owned property at a public
agreement or by its nature
auction merely held the property in trust for
 when the resolution goes beyond the
the co-owner who did not mortgage his share
limit of mere administration or
7) When the purchaser knew of, could have
invades proprietary rights of the co-
known, the existence of the co-ownership and
owners in violation of Article 491
yet did not seek the consent or authorization of
 when the majority authorizes lease,
the other co-owners in the sale of the entire
loans or other contracts without
property, he may not be considered a purchaser
security, exposing the thing to serious
in good faith.
danger to the prejudice of the other co-
 Registered land – not required to go
behind the register to determine the
 when the majority refuses to dismiss an
condition of the property
administrator who is guilty of fraud or
 Unregistered land – required to go
negligence in his management, or
beyond what was presented as title
he does not have the respectability,
 The rule that persons dealing with
aptitude, and solvency required of
registered lands can rely solely on the
persons holding such positions.
certificate of title does not apply to
Article 493
Each co-owner shall have the full ownership of his
part and of the fruits and benefits pertaining thereto, A contract of sale which purports to sell a specific
and he may therefore alienate, assign or mortgage it, or definite portion of unpartitioned land is null
and even substitute another person in its enjoyment, and void ab initio because a co-owner cannot sell
except when personal rights are involved. But the a definite portion of the land without consent from
effect of the alienation or the mortgage, with respect his or her co-owners if the alienation precedes the
to the co-owners, shall be limited to the portion partition. (Cabrera v. Ysaac)
which may be allotted to him in the division upon
the termination of the co-ownership. (399) There can be no doubt that the transaction entered
into by Salome and Soledad could be legally
Rights over the ideal share recognized in its entirety since the object of the sale
1) right to the full ownership of his part did not even exceed the ideal shares held by the
former in the co-ownership. As a matter of fact, the
2) right to the fruits and benefits pertaining to his
deed of sale executed between the parties expressly
stipulated that the portion of Lot 162 sold to

Property | VENTEROSO

Soledad would be taken from Salome’s 4/16 chapter (on conjugal partnership of gains) or by the
undivided interest in said lot, which the latter could spouses in their marriage settlements.
validly transfer in whole or in part even without the
consent of the other co-owners. Salome’s right to The basic and established fact is that during his
sell part of her undivided interest in the co-owned lifetime, without the knowledge and consent of his
property is absolute in accordance with the well- wife, Marcelino Dailo, Jr. constituted a real estate
settled doctrine that a co-owner has full ownership mortgage on the subject property, which formed
of his pro-indiviso share and has the right to alienate, part of their conjugal partnership. By express
assign or mortgage it, and substitute another person provision of Article 124 of the Family Code, in the
in its enjoyment. Since Salome’s clear intention was absence of (court) authority or written consent of
to sell merely part of her aliquot share in Lot 162, in the other spouse, any disposition or encumbrance of
our view no valid objection can be made against it the conjugal property shall be void. (Homeowner’s
and the sale can be given effect to the full extent Savings & Loan Bank v. Dailo)

We are not unaware of the principle that a co-owner Co-ownership in Article 147 of the Family Code
cannot rightfully dispose of a particular portion of a Sale of property acquired during cohabitation
co-owned property prior to partition among all the Before termination VOID if without the
co-owners. However, this should not signify that the consent of the other
vendee does not acquire anything at all in case a After termination Article 493 applies
physically segregated area of the co-owned lot is in
fact sold to him. Since the co-owner/ vendor’s Right of legal redemption in co-ownership
undivided interest could properly be the object of
Article 1620. A co-owner of a thing may exercise the
the contract of sale between the parties, what the
right of redemption in case the shares of all the other
vendee obtains by virtue of such a sale are the same
co-owners or of any of them, are sold to a third
rights as the vendor had as co-owner, in an ideal
person. If the price of the alienation is grossly
share equivalent to the consideration given under
excessive, the redemptioner shall pay only a
their transaction. In other words, the vendee steps
reasonable one.
into the shoes of the vendor as co-owner and
acquires a proportionate abstract share in the
Should two or more co-owners desire to exercise the
property held in common. (Del Campo v. CA)
right of redemption, they may only do so in
proportion to the share they may respectively have
Where a parcel of land, forming past of the in the thing owned in common. (1522a)
undistributed properties of the dissolved conjugal
partnership of gains, is sold by a widow to a
Article 1623. The right of legal pre-emption or
purchaser who merely relied on the face of the
redemption shall not be exercised except within
certificate of title thereto, issued solely in the name
thirty days from the notice in writing by the
of the widow, the purchaser acquires a valid title to
prospective vendor, or by the vendor, as the case
the land even as against the heirs of the deceased
may be. The deed of sale shall not be recorded in
spouse. (Cruz v. Leis)
the Registry of Property, unless accompanied by an
affidavit of the vendor that he has given written
Sale of property without the consent of the other notice thereof to all possible redemptioners.
ACOP CPOG The right of redemption of co-owners excludes that
rules on co-ownership governed by the rules on of adjoining owners. (1524a)
apply in a suppletory contract of partnership
manner in all that is not in Art 1620 Art 1088
conflict with what is The right of redemption Sale is the hereditary
expressly determined in that arises in favor of the right itself, fully or in
the chapter or by the other co-heirs when the part, in the abstract
spouses in their sale consists of an sense, without specifying
marriage settlements interest in some any particular object
The sale is both void particular property or
properties of the
The regime of conjugal partnership of gains is a inheritance,
special type of partnership, where the husband and
wife place in a common fund the proceeds, Requisites
products, fruits and income from their separate 1) There must be a co-ownership;
properties and those acquired by either or both
2) one of the co-owners sold his right to a
spouses through their efforts or by chance. Unlike
the absolute community of property wherein the
rules on co-ownership apply in a suppletory manner, 3) the sale was made before the partition of the
the conjugal partnership shall be governed by the co-owned property;
rules on contract of partnership in all that is not in 4) the right of redemption must be exercised by
conflict with what is expressly determined in the one or more co-owners within a period of
thirty days to be counted from the time that

Property | VENTEROSO

he or they were notified in writing by the

vendee or by the co-owner vendor; and No prescription shall run in favor of a co-owner or
 While it is true that written notice is co-heir against his co-owners or co-heirs so long as
required by the law, it is equally true he expressly or impliedly recognizes the co-
that the same “Art 1623 does not ownership. (400a)
prescribe any particular form of notice,
nor any distinctive method for Article 495
notifying the redemptioner” (Etcuban Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding
article, the co-owners cannot demand a physical
v. CA)
division of the thing owned in common, when to do
 Where the co-owners had actual notice so would render it unserviceable for the use for
of the sale at the time thereof and/or which it is intended. But the co-ownership may be
afterwards, a written notice of a fact terminated in accordance with article 498. (401a)
already known to them, would be
superfluous (Si v. CA)
 Method of notice must be deemed Partition - is the separation, division and assignment
exclusive and indispensable of a thing held in common among those to whom it
(Salatandol v Retes) (Conejero v. may belong. The thing itself may be divided, or its
CA) (Barcellano v. Baas) (Pascual v. value.
Ballesteros) – CONTROLLING
 May be any other notice as long as Every act which is intended to put an end to indivision
written (summons or sheriff’s among co-heirs and legatees or devisees is deemed to
certificate of sale) be a partition, although it should purport to be a sale,
an exchange, a compromise or any other transaction.
The co-owner is also deemed to have been given
notice of the sale by the execution and signing Two issues in an action for partition
of the Deed of Extrajudicial Partition and 1) whether the plaintiff is indeed a co-owner of
Exchange of Share (Fernandez v. Tarun) the property sought to be partitioned
2) how the property is to be divided
5) the vendee must be reimbursed for the price
of the sale RULES
The exercise of a right of legal redemption 1) Each co-owner may demand at any time the
thereunder presupposes the existence of co- partition of the thing owned in common,
ownership at the time the conveyance is made by insofar as his share is concerned.
a co-owner and when it is demanded by the Limitations
other co-owner or co-owners. (Avila v. Barabat) 2) Contracts - An agreement to keep the thing
undivided for a certain period of time
When the portion is sold to a co-owner, the right  >10 years – VOID only as to the
does not arise because a new participant is not period beyond such maximum*
added to the co-ownership. (Fernandez v. Tarun) *the remedy is to extend the period in a new agreement
 < or = 10 years – VALID
Right of pre-emption
 This term may be extended by a new
In this jurisdiction, the legal provisions on co-
ownership do not grant to any of the owners of a
3) Donation or succession - A donor or testator
property held in common a pre-emptive right to
may prohibit partition for a period which shall
purchase the pro indiviso shares of his co-owners.
not exceed twenty years
4) When partition is prohibited by law
Article 494 Examples (Family Code)
No co-owner shall be obliged to remain in the co-
ownership. Each co-owner may demand at any time Article 134. In the absence of an express
the partition of the thing owned in common, insofar declaration in the marriage settlements, the
as his share is concerned. separation of property between spouses
during the marriage shall not take place
Nevertheless, an agreement to keep the thing except by judicial order. Such judicial
undivided for a certain period of time, not exceeding separation of property may either be
ten years, shall be valid. This term may be extended voluntary or for sufficient cause. (190a)
by a new agreement.
Article 159. The family home shall continue
A donor or testator may prohibit partition for a despite the death of one or both spouses or
period which shall not exceed twenty years. of the unmarried head of the family for a
period of ten years or for as long as there is
Neither shall there be any partition when it is a minor beneficiary, and the heirs cannot
prohibited by law. partition the same unless the court finds

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compelling reasons therefor. This rule challenged ruling of the respondent court is,
shall apply regardless of whoever owns the therefore, based on erroneous premises.
property or constituted the family home. (Tan v. CA)
Adille case Tan case
5) When there is no repudiation of the co- The redemption by By their knowing
ownership - No prescription shall run in favor one co-heir or co- acts of omission, the
of a co-owner or co-heir against his co-owners owner of the heirs in the Tan case
or co-heirs so long as he expressly or impliedly property in its allowed the
recognizes the co-ownership. totality does not extinction of their
6) When partition would render the thing vest in him co-ownership.
unserviceable for the use for which it is ownership over it.
intended (Art 495) A compromise
agreement between
D. Annie Tan and
Extinguishment of co-ownership the bank was
1) By the merger in one person of all the interest obtained after
of the co-ownership; expiration of the
A redemption by a co-owner within the redemption period
period prescribed by law inures to the There is no There is
benefit of all the other co-owners. In such a extinguishment extinguishment
situation, therefore, the redemption made by
one co-owner will simply entitle him to 2) By prescription of the thing or right in favor
collect reimbursement from the remaining of third persons or a co-owner;
co-owners pursuant to the provisions of GR: No prescription shall lie in favor of a co-
Article 488 considering that redemption
owner or co-heirs as long as he expressly or
entails a necessary expense.
impliedly recognizes the co-ownership
The right of repurchase may be XPN: When there is clear repudiation
exercised by a co-owner with aspect to Requisites
his share alone. While the records show 1) The co-owner has performed unequivocal
that the petitioner redeemed the property in acts of repudiation amounting to an
its entirety, shouldering the expenses ouster of the other co-owners
therefor, that did not make him the owner of  the filing by a trustee of an action
all of it. In other words, it did not put to end in court against the trustor to quiet
the existing state of co-ownership. title to the property, or for
recovery of ownership thereof,
While a vendee a retro, under Article 1613 of held in possession by the former,
the Code, “may not be compelled to consent
may constitute an act of
to a partial redemption,” the redemption
by one co-heir or co-owner of the repudiation of the trust reposed on
property in its totality does not vest in him by the latter
him ownership over it. Failure on the part 2) Such positive acts of repudiation have been
of all the co-owners to redeem it entitles the made known to the other co-owners
vendee a retro to retain the property and 3) The evidence thereof is clear and
consolidate title thereto in his name. But the convincing
provision does not give to the redeeming co- 4) He has been in possession through open,
owner the right to the entire property. It continuous, exclusive, notorious
does not provide for a mode of terminating possession of the property for the period
a co-ownership. (Adille v. CA) required by law

The records show, however, that when the Effects of clear repudiation
petitioner purchased the disputed property 1) such co-owner may acquire the entire
on August 30, 1974, any coownership property by virtue of acquisitive
among the brothers and sisters no longer
prescription if his possession meets all the
existed. The period to redeem had expired
more than one year earlier, on July 6, 1973. requirements of the law, and after the
The respondent China Bank expiration of the prescriptive period; or
consolidated its ownership and a new 2) the other co-owners who were deprived of
title was issued in the bank’s name. their share may lose their right to seek a
When the heirs allowed the one-year declaration of the existence of the co-
redemption period to expire without ownership and of their rights
redeeming their parents’ former property thereunder because the same may already
and permitted the consolidation of be barred under the statute of limitations
ownership and the issuance of a new title, (or extinctive prescription)
the co-ownership was extinguished. The

Property | VENTEROSO

The right to demand The prescriptive period

Article 494 has been interpreted to mean that the partition will not of the right to demand
action for partition is imprescriptible or cannot be prescribe partition will run
barred by laches.
The fact that the agreement of partition lacks the
Between dismissal with prejudice under Rule 17, technical description of the parties’ respective
Section 3 and the right granted to co-owners under portions or that the subject property was then still
Article 494 of the Civil Code, the latter must prevail. embraced by the same certificate of title could not
To construe otherwise would diminish the legally prevent a partition, where the different
substantive right of a co-owner through portions allotted to each were determined and
promulgation of procedural rules. (Quintos v. became separately identifiable (Rizal v. Naredo)
Article 497
From the moment one of the co-owners claims that The creditors or assignees of the co-owners may take
he is the absolute and exclusive owner of the part in the division of the thing owned in common
properties and denies the others any share therein, and object to its being effected without their
the question involved is no longer one of partition concurrence. But they cannot impugn any partition
but of ownership. already executed, unless there has been fraud, or in
case it was made notwithstanding a formal
It was held that the issuance of the new title in the opposition presented to prevent it, without prejudice
name of one of the co-owners constituted an open to the right of the debtor or assignor to maintain its
and clear repudiation of the trust or coownership validity. (403)
and as the certificate of title was notice to the whole
world of his exclusive title to the land, such rejection Article 498
was binding on the other co-owners and started as Whenever the thing is essentially indivisible and the
against them the period of prescription. (Delima v. co-owners cannot agree that it be allotted to one of
CA) them who shall indemnify the others, it shall be sold
and its proceeds distributed. (404)
Reconveyance in an implied trust
Article 1456. If property is acquired through mistake When should the co-owned property be converted
or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of law, to monetary considerations
considered a trustee of an implied trust for the 1) The right to partition the property among the
benefit of the person from whom the property co-owners is invoked by any of them but the
comes. thing is essentially indivisible
2) Co-owners cannot agree that it be allotted to
Article 1144. The following actions must be brought one of them who shall indemnify the others
within ten years from the time the right of action
Inasmuch as the parties were in agreement as regards
(1) Upon a written contract;
the fact that the subject properties should not be
(2) Upon an obligation created by law;
partitioned, and private respondents continued to
(3) Upon a judgment. (n)
manifest their desire to terminate the co-ownership
arrangement between petitioners and themselves,
Owner Not the owner respondent trial judge acted within his jurisdiction
Proper Quieting of title Reconveyance when he issued his order dated February 4, 1981
remedy/action based on an requiring the parties to answer certain questions for
implied trust the purpose of determining whether or not the legal
Prescription Imprescriptible Within 10 years conditions for the applicability of Article 498 of the
from New Civil Code were present in the case (Reyes v.
registration or Concepcion)
issuance of title
Article 499
3) By destruction of the thing or loss of the The partition of a thing owned in common shall not
right which is owned in common; and prejudice third persons, who shall retain the rights
4) By partition of the property owned in of mortgage, servitude or any other real rights
common. belonging to them before the division was made.
Personal rights pertaining to third persons against
Article 496 the co-ownership shall also remain in force,
Partition may be made by agreement between the notwithstanding the partition. (405)
parties or by judicial proceedings. Partition shall be
governed by the Rules of Court insofar as they are Article 500
consistent with this Code. (402) Upon partition, there shall be a mutual accounting
for benefits received and reimbursements for
Owner expenses made. Likewise, each co-owner shall pay
If in possession If not in possession

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for damages caused by reason of his negligence or (2) Continuous or intermittent waters of springs and
fraud. (n) brooks running in their natural beds and the beds
Article 501 (3) Waters rising continuously or intermittently on
Every co-owner shall, after partition, be liable for lands of public dominion;
defects of title and quality of the portion assigned to (4) Lakes and lagoons formed by Nature on public
each of the other co-owners. (n) lands, and their beds;
(5) Rain waters running through ravines or sand
Legal effects of partition beds, which are also of public dominion;
1) The co-ownership is terminated (6) Subterranean waters on public lands;
2) Each co-owner becomes the absolute and (7) Waters found within the zone of operation of
public works, even if constructed by a contractor;
exclusive owner of the share allotted to him
(8) Waters rising continuously or intermittently on
lands belonging to private persons, to the State, to a
Article 543. Each one of the participants of a thing province, or to a city or a municipality from the
possessed in common shall be deemed to have moment they leave such lands;
exclusively possessed the part which may be (9) The waste waters of fountains, sewers and public
allotted to him upon the division thereof, for the establishments. (407)
entire period during which the co-possession
lasted. Interruption in the possession of the whole
Article 503
or a part of a thing possessed in common shall be to
The following are of private ownership:
the prejudice of all the possessors. However, in case
of civil interruption, the Rules of Court shall apply.
(1) Continuous or intermittent waters rising on lands
of private ownership, while running through the
3) It shall not prejudice the rights of third (2) Lakes and lagoons, and their beds, formed by
persons, who shall retain the rights of Nature on such lands;
mortgage, servitude, or any other real rights (3) Subterranean waters found on the same;
belonging to them before the division was (4) Rain waters falling on said lands, as long as they
made. (Art 499) remain within the boundaries;
4) Personal rights pertaining to third persons (5) The beds of flowing waters, continuous or
against the ownership shall also remain in intermittent, formed by rain water, and those of
force. (Art 499) brooks, crossing lands which are not of public
5) there shall be a mutual accounting for benefits dominion.
received and reimbursements for expenses
In every drain or aqueduct, the water, bed, banks and
made. Likewise, each co-owner shall pay for
floodgates shall be considered as an integral part of
damages caused by reason of his negligence or
the land of building for which the waters are
fraud. (Art 500) intended. The owners of lands, through which or
6) They shall reimburse one another for the along the boundaries of which the aqueduct passes,
income and fruits which each one of them may cannot claim ownership over it, or any right to the
have received from any property of the estate, use of its bed or banks, unless the claim is based on
for any useful and necessary expenses made titles of ownership specifying the right or ownership
upon such property, and for any damage claimed. (408)
thereto through malice or neglect. *repealed by RA 1067, Section 6
7) Every co-owner shall be liable for defects of
title and quality of the portion assigned to each SECTION 2
of the other co-owners. (Art 501) The Use of Public Waters

Article 504
TITLE IV The use of public waters is acquired:
(1) By administrative concession;
CHAPTER 1 (2) By prescription for ten years.
The extent of the rights and obligations of the use
shall be that established, in the first case, by the
terms of the concession, and, in the second case, by
SECTION 1 the manner and form in which the waters have been
Ownership of Waters used. (409a)
*repealed by RA 1067, Section 3
Article 502
The following are of public dominion: ARTICLE 3. The underlying principles of this code
(1) Rivers and their natural beds;

Property | VENTEROSO

a. All waters belong to the State. 4) The utilization, exploitation, development,

b. All waters that belong to the State can not be conservation and protection of water resources
the subject to acquisitive prescription. shall be subject to the control and regulation of
c. The State may allow the use or development of the government through the National Water
waters by administrative concession. Resources Council, hereinafter referred to as
d. The utilization, exploitation, development, the Council.
conservation and protection of water resources shall 5) Preference in the use and development of
be subject to the control and regulation of the
waters shall consider current usages and be
government through the National Water Resources
Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council. responsive to the changing needs of the
e. Preference in the use and development of waters country.
shall consider current usages and be responsive to
the changing needs of the country. XPN: For those waters found on private lands
mentioned in Article 6 of the Water Code of the
Philippines, the owner of the land may use the waters
Article 505 for domestic without securing a permit from the
Every concession for the use of waters is understood National Water Resources Council, although the
to be without prejudice to third persons. (410) Council may regulate such use in two occasions:
1) when there is wastage; or
Article 506 2) in times of emergency.
The right to make use of public waters is
extinguished by the lapse of the concession and by RA 1067
non-user for five years. (411a) Art. 6. The following waters found on private lands
also belong to the States:
Governing laws on waters a) Continuous or intermittent waters rising on such
1950 lands;
Before NCC b) Lakes and lagoons naturally occurring on such
1) The Civil Code of Spain of 1889 (the Old Civil lands;
Code c) Rain water and falling on such lands;
2) The Spanish Law on Waters of 1866 d) Subterranean or ground waters; and
3) The Irrigation Act (Act No. 2152), which was e) Waters in swamps and marshes.
passed by the Philippine Legislature in 1912
Subterranean ground waters
After NCC GR: Article 437 of the New Civil Code provides that
1) The Civil Code of Spain of 1889 (the Old Civil the ownership of lands extends to the surface as well
Code – EXPRESSLY REPEALED as to the subsoil under it
2) The Spanish Law on Waters of 1866 – NO XPNs:
EXPRESS REPEAL 1) subterranean ground waters
3) The Irrigation Act (Act No. 2152), which was 2) minerals (La Bugal B’laan v. Ramos)
passed by the Philippine Legislature in 1912 –

1976 The Use of Waters of Private Ownership

The Water Code of the Philippines (PD 1067) –
EXPRESSLY REPEALED the Irrigation Act Article 507
- the provisions of the Spanish Law on Waters The owner of a piece of land on which a spring or
brook rises, be it continuous or intermittent, may use
of 1866 and the New Civil Code on ownership
its waters while they run through the same, but after
of waters, easements relating to waters, use of the waters leave the land they shall become public,
public waters and acquisitive prescription on and their use shall be governed by the Special Law
the use of waters, were considered repealed of Waters of August 3, 1866, and by the Irrigation
only to the extent that they were inconsistent Law. (412a)
with the provisions of the Water Code of the
Philippines. Article 508
The private ownership of the beds of rain waters
Ownership of waters does not give a right to make works or constructions
GRs (Art 3, RA 1067) which may change their course to the damage of
1) All waters belong to the State. third persons, or whose destruction, by the force of
2) All waters that belong to the state cannot be floods, may cause such damage. (413)
the subject of acquisitive prescription.
3) The State may allow the use or development of Article 509
waters by administration concession. No one may enter private property to search waters
or make use of them without permission from the

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owners, except as provided by the Mining Law. respective interests. Those who by their fault may
(414a) have caused the damage shall be liable for the
expenses. (422)
Article 510
The ownership which the proprietor of a piece of Article 518
land has over the waters rising thereon does not All matters not expressly determined by the
prejudice the rights which the owners of lower provisions of this Chapter shall be governed by the
estates may have legally acquired to the use thereof. Special Law of Waters of August 3, 1866, and by the
(415) Irrigation Law. (425a)

Article 511 GR: Ordinarily, appropriation of water is not

Every owner of a piece of land has the right to authorized without a “water permit,” which is the
construct within his property, reservoirs for rain privilege granted by the government to appropriate and
waters, provided he causes no damage to the public use water
or to third persons. (416) XPNs:
1) For use of waters found on private lands by the
SECTION 4 owner thereof but only for domestic
Subterranean Waters purposes. Use of water for “domestic
purpose” is the utilization of water for
Article 512 drinking, washing, bathing, cooking or other
Only the owner of a piece of land, or another person household needs, home gardens, and watering
with his permission, may make explorations thereon of lawns or domestic animals.
for subterranean waters, except as provided by the 2) For appropriation or use of natural bodies of
Mining Law. water
Explorations for subterranean waters on lands of  Appropriation of water by means
public dominion may be made only with the of hand-carried receptacles; and
permission of the administrative authorities. (417a)  Bathing or washing, watering or
dipping of domestic or farm
Article 513 animals, and navigation of
Waters artificially brought forth in accordance with watercrafts or transportation of
the Special Law of Waters of August 3, 1866, belong logs and other objects by
to the person who brought them up. (418) floatation.

Article 514 National Water Resources Board

When the owner of waters artificially brought to the  The utilization, exploitation, development,
surface abandons them to their natural course, they
conservation and protection of water resources
shall become of public dominion. (419)
shall be subject to the control and regulation of
the government through the National Water
Resources Council
General Provisions
 The power to modify, suspend, cancel or
revoke water permits already issued also rests
Article 515
The owner of a piece of land on which there are with NWRB
defensive works to check waters, or on which, due
to a change of their course, it may be necessary to CHAPTER 2
reconstruct such works, shall be obliged, at his Minerals
election, either to make the necessary repairs or
construction himself, or to permit them to be done, Article 519
without damage to him, by the owners of the lands Mining claims and rights and other matters
which suffer or are clearly exposed to suffer injury. concerning minerals and mineral lands are governed
(420) by special laws. (427a)

Article 516 Governing laws

The provisions of the preceding article are applicable 1) Republic Act 7942 – Philippine Mining Act of
to the case in which it may be necessary to clear a 1995
piece of land of matter, whose accumulation or fall 2) Republic Act 7076 – People’s Small-Scale
may obstruct the course of the waters, to the damage
Mining Act of 1991; for small-scale mining
or peril of third persons. (421)
Article 517
All the owners who participate in the benefits arising CHAPTER 3
from the works referred to in the two preceding Trade-marks and Trade-names
articles, shall be obliged to contribute to the
expenses of construction in proportion to their Article 520

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A trade-mark or trade-name duly registered in the  Possession in one’s own name /

proper government bureau or office is owned by and possession in the name of another (Art
pertains to the person, corporation, or firm 524)
registering the same, subject to the provisions of  Possession in the concept of an owner
special laws. (n) / possession in the concept of a holder
(Art 525)
Article 521
 Possession in good faith / possession
The goodwill of a business is property, and may be
transferred together with the right to use the name in bad faith (Art 526)
under which the business is conducted. (n)
Article 522 Possession in the Art 433; actual
Trade-marks and trade-names are governed by concept of an owner possession under the
special laws. (n) claim of ownership
raises the disputable
Governing laws presumption of
1) Republic Act 8293 (Sections 121-170) – ownership
Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines
May be exercised in
one’s own name or
another (Art 524)
TITLE V Possession in the One who possesses as a
POSSESSION concept of a holder mere holder
acknowledges in
CHAPTER 1 another a superior
Possession and the Kinds Thereof right which he believes
to be ownership,
Article 523 whether his belief be
Possession is the holding of a thing or the enjoyment right or wrong (Carlos v.
of a right. (430a) Republic)

Possession - the holding of a thing or the May be exercised in

enjoyment of a right. It is clear that the concept of one’s own name or
possession extends to both: another (Art 524)
Possession in good faith there exists in his title or
1) Corporeal things (“things”)
/ possession in bad faith mode of acquisition any
2) Incorporeal things (“rights”)
flaw which invalidates it
(Art 526)
According to Castan, the concept of possession
connotes the following: good faith – he who is
1) it implies a relation between a person and not aware
things; bad faith – he who is
2) such relation is one of power or control; and aware
3) such control is one of fact which is effective
but without resolving whether it carries
with it or not a title of ownership. From the peculiar facts of this case, it is clear that
petitioner never took actual control and
Elements of possession possession of the property sold, in view of
1) there must be occupancy, apprehension or respondent's timely objection to the sale and the
continued actual possession of the property. The
taking; and
objection took the form of a court action impugning
2) there must be intent to possess (animus
the sale which, as we know, was rescinded by a
possidendi) judgment rendered by this Court in the mother case.
It has been held that the execution of a contract of
Types of possession sale as a form of constructive delivery is a legal
1) Jus possidendi - a mere incident of ownership fiction. It holds true only when there is no
(a right included therein) impediment that may prevent the passing of the
2) Jus possessionis - a right independent and property from the hands of the vendor into those
apart from ownership; “right of possession” of the vendee. When there is such impediment,
- Since the possession discussed in Title V of "fiction yields to reality — the delivery has not been
Book II is independent from ownership and effected." (Equatorial Realty v. Mayfair)
not necessarily based therefrom, this part of
the Civil Code is dealing with jus possessionis. Article 524
Possession may be exercised in one's own name or
in that of another. (413a)

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The circumstance that after the sale, the Manalilis

Possession in one’s own name resided in Manila and Pangasinan is of no moment.
Embraces all kinds of possession anchored on a As it is, possession may be exercised in one’s own
juridical title or right, e.g., possession by the owner name or in that of another. It is not necessary that
himself, possession by a lessee or a mere usufructuary. the owner or holder of the thing exercise personally
1) If both the fact of possession and the right to the rights of possession. Rights of possession may
such possession are found in the same person, be exercised through agents. (Santos v.
such possession is said to be exercised in one’s
own name.
2) If, on the other hand, the right to the Article 525
possession is in one person while the fact of The possession of things or rights may be had in one
of two concepts: either in the concept of owner, or
possession is in another person and the latter
in that of the holder of the thing or right to keep or
merely acts in representation of the former, the enjoy it, the ownership pertaining to another person.
latter’s possession is said to be exercised in (432)
another’s name.
In the concept of an owner or holder
Possession in that of another Owner Holder
Possession by a person without any right of his own A possessor in the One who possesses as a
and one which is strictly of an agent or merely an concept of an owner mere holder
instrument in the exercise of such possession. This is may be the owner acknowledges in another
when another person who recognizes the rights of the himself or one who a superior right which
owner is in occupation. claims to be so (Carlos he believes to be
v. Republic) ownership, whether his
Owner Agent belief be right or wrong
Exercises possession Has actually no right to (Carlos v. Republic)
through his possess but possesses refers to the opinion or
caretaker/agent the property in behalf of belief of the neighbors
the owner. The and the rest of the world
possession is beneficial and not that of the
to the owner/principal possessor
and not on the agent Considered as
himself in terms of possessors in the
actions that may be concept of holder with
instituted by virtue of respect to the thing itself,
such possession. but considered as
possessors in the
Actual possession of land consists in the concept of owner with
manifestation of acts of dominion over it of such a respect to their right
nature as those a party would naturally exercise over the concept of an owner Lessee, usufructuary, etc.
his own property. It is not necessary that the owner may be the owner
of a parcel of land should himself occupy the himself or one who
property as someone in his name may perform the claims to be so (bad faith
act. In other words, the owner of real estate has is immaterial)
possession, either when he himself is physically in
occupation of the property, or when another person It must be noted that possession is the holding of a
who recognizes his rights as owner is in such thing or the enjoyment of a right. It is acquired by
occupancy. This declaration is conformably with the material occupation of a thing or the exercise
Art. 524 of the Civil Code providing that of a right, or by the fact that a thing or right is
possession may be exercised in one’s own name subject to the action of one’s will, or by the
or in the name of another. proper acts and legal formalities established for
acquiring such right. ‘By material occupation of a
An example of actual possession of real property by thing,’ it is not necessary that the person in
an owner through another is a lease agreement possession should be the occupant of the property;
whereby the lessor transfers merely the temporary the occupancy can be held by another in his name.
use and enjoyment of the thing leased. The Palacios
spouses have been the lessees of petitioner since In the case at bar, it is not disputed that after the
1967 occupying the house erected on the property foreclosure of the property in question and the
subject of the second sale. Petitioner was in actual issuance of new certificates of title in favor of the
possession of the property through the respondent, the petitioner and the respondent
Palacioses and remained so even after the entered into a contract of lease of the subject
execution of the second deed of sale. (Reyes v. properties. This new contractual relation
CA) presupposed that the petitioner recognized that
possession of the properties had been legally placed
in the hands of the respondent, and that the latter

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had taken such possession but delivered it to the unaware that he possesses the thing improperly or
former as lessee of the property. By paying the wrongfully. (435a)
monthly rentals, the petitioner also recognized the
superior right of the respondent to the possession of Article 529
the property as owner thereof. And by accepting the It is presumed that possession continues to be
monthly rentals, the respondent enjoyed the fruits of enjoyed in the same character in which it was
its possession over the subject property. Clearly, the acquired, until the contrary is proved. (436)
respondent is in material possession of the subject
premises. Thus, the trial court’s issuance of a writ Possession in good faith or bad faith
of possession is not only superfluous, but
 Is a state of mind
improper under the law. Moreover, as a lessee, the
petitioner was a legitimate possessor of the subject
properties under Article 525 of the Civil Code. Thus, Good faith –
it could not be deprived of its lawful possession by  He is deemed a possessor in good faith who is
a mere ex parte motion for a writ of possession. not aware that there exists in his title or mode
of acquisition any flaw which invalidates it (Art
In a nutshell, where a lease agreement, whether 526).
express or implied, is subsequently entered into by  Good faith is always presumed, and upon him
the mortgagor and the mortgagee after the who alleges bad faith on the part of a possessor
expiration of the redemption period and the rests the burden of proof. (Art 527)
consolidation of title in the name of the latter, a case  Possession acquired in good faith does not lose
for ejectment or unlawful detainer, not a motion
this character except in the case and from the
for a writ of possession, is the proper remedy in
order to evict from the questioned premises a moment facts exist which show that the
mortgagor-turned-lessee. (Bukidnon Doctor’s v. possessor is not unaware that he possesses the
Metrobank) thing improperly or wrongfully. (Art 528)
 It is presumed that possession continues to be
Possession may be had in one of two ways: enjoyed in the same character in which it was
possession in the concept of an owner and acquired, until the contrary is proved. (Art 529)
possession of a holder. A possessor in the concept  Must be based upon some title or mode of
of an owner may be the owner himself or one acquisition
who claims to be so. On the other hand, one who  A person who has no title or mode of
possesses as a mere holder acknowledges in acquisition but whose occupation of the land
another a superior right which he believes to be of another is by reason of the latter’s tolerance
ownership, whether his belief be right or wrong. or permission cannot be considered a
Petitioner herein acknowledges the sale of the
possessor or builder in good faith.
property to Ususan Development Corporation in
1996 and in fact promised to deliver the certificate  Must be based on a colorable right
of title to the corporation upon its obtention. Hence,  GR: Knowledge that the land was not owned
it cannot be said that her possession since 1996 was constitutes bad faith
under a bona fide claim of ownership. Under the XPN: When builders knew that they were not
law, only he who possesses the property under a the owners of the land but they constructed
bona fide claim of ownership is entitled to improvements on the land of another with the
confirmation of title.” (Carlos v. Republic) consent of the owner
 Possessors in the concept of holders are not
Article 526 possessors in good faith
He is deemed a possessor in good faith who is not  For one to be considered a possessor in good
aware that there exists in his title or mode of faith, it is not sufficient that there be flaw or
acquisition any flaw which invalidates it. defect in his title. In addition, it is essential that
such flaw or defect in the title must be such
He is deemed a possessor in bad faith who possesses that it will have the effect of invalidating the
in any case contrary to the foregoing.
title. If the flaw or defect does not result in the
Mistake upon a doubtful or difficult question of law invalidation of the title, he is not merely a
may be the basis of good faith. (433a) possessor in good faith but the owner

Mistake of law
Article 527
Good faith is always presumed, and upon him who GR: it is only ignorance or mistake of fact which serves
alleges bad faith on the part of a possessor rests the as basis of good faith but not mistake of law in view of
burden of proof. (434) the principle enshrined in Article 3 of the New Civil
Article 528 XPN: Article 526 par 3 which provides that mistake
Possession acquired in good faith does not lose this upon a doubtful or difficult question of law may be the
character except in the case and from the moment basis of good faith. According to Manresa, so long as
facts exist which show that the possessor is not there is no gross and inexcusable ignorance of the law,

Property | VENTEROSO

mistake upon a doubtful or difficult question of law accorded to it under Art

may be the basis of good faith. 414

It is a fact that Marcial Kasilag is not conversant with It must be emphasized, however, that only things
the laws because he is not a lawyer. In accepting the and rights which are susceptible of being
mortgage of the improvements he proceeded on the appropriated may be the object of possession. The
well-grounded belief that he was not violating the following cannot be appropriated and hence, cannot
prohibition regarding the alienation of the land. In be possessed: property of the public dominion,
taking possession thereof and in consenting to common things (res communes) such as sunlight
receive its fruits, he did not know that the possession and air, and things specifically prohibited by law.
and enjoyment of the fruits are attributes of the (Republic v. Cortez)
contract of antichresis and that the latter, as a lien,
was prohibited by Section 116. These considerations CHAPTER 2
again bring the Supreme Court to the conclusion
that, as to the Kasilag, his ignorance of the Acquisition of Possession
provisions of section 116 is excusable and may,
therefore, be the basis of his good faith. The Kasilag
is deemed a possessor in good faith (Kasilag v.
Article 531
Roque) Possession is acquired by the material occupation of
a thing or the exercise of a right, or by the fact that
it is subject to the action of our will, or by the proper
Article 433. Actual possession under claim of acts and legal formalities established for acquiring
ownership raises disputable presumption of such right. (438a)
ownership. The true owner must resort to judicial
process for the recovery of the property. (n)
Modes of acquiring possession
Original mode
Bad faith
1) By material occupation of a thing or the
if there are no other facts from which the
exercise of a right; (involves the constructive delivery
interruption of good faith may be determined, and
an action is filed to recover possession, good faith of tradition brevi manu and tradition constitutum
ceases from the date of receipt of the summons possessorium)
to appear at the trial and if such date does not 2) By subjecting the thing or right to the action of
appear in the record, that of the filing of the answer our will; and (tradition longa manu and tradition
would control. (Tacas v. Tobon) symbolica)

1) facts from which the interruption of good faith Derivative mode

may be determined 3) By the proper acts and legal formalities
2) date of receipt of the summons to appear at the established for the acquisition of such right.
3) if such date does not appear in the record, that Requisites
of the filing of the answer 1) Corpus – material holding
2) Animus possidendi – intent to possess
Article 530
Only things and rights which are susceptible of being Occupation
appropriated may be the object of possession. (437) Art 531 (Possession) Art 712 (Ownership)
Ordinary and Juridical and technical
Object of possession grammatical meaning meaning
1) Things susceptible of being appropriated Mode of acquiring Mode of acquiring
2) Rights susceptible of being appropriated possession ownership
Applies whether the Can take place only
The following cannot be the object of possession: property is with an when the property is
owner or without an without an owner
1) Those outside the commerce of man
2) Those which by reason of physical
Can have as its object a Cannot have as its
impossibility cannot be subjected to human parcel of land object a parcel of land
control (OCENCO (Art 714)
Object of possession Property
Susceptible to May be the object of Things Rights
appropriation appropriation By material occupation By the exercise of a right
Includes those which Includes those which of a thing
are within commerce of are outside the By subjecting the thing or right to the action of our
men aside from commerce of men will
embracing the meaning By the proper acts and legal formalities established
for the acquisition of such right.

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 the possession given by the sheriff to the

Doctrine of constructive possession assignees of the original purchasers of the
GR: Possession in the eyes of the law does not mean hacienda, in compliance with the order of the
that a man has to have his feet on every square meter court in an action brought against the former
of the ground before he is deemed in possession. owners of said hacienda was viewed by the
(Somodio v. CA) Supreme Court as constituting the proper acts
and legal formalities referred to in Article 531
Possession in the eyes of the law does not mean that of the New Civil Code. (Muyco v. Montilla)
a man has to have his feet on every square meter of  although it did not immediately put the same to
the ground before he is deemed in possession. active use, respondent appears to have
additionally caused the property to be
Even if the Spouses Dela Rosa were already residing regisistered in its name and to have paid the
in Manila, they could continue possessing the real property taxes due thereon alongside the
Property in Bulacan. The fact of their residence in
sundry expenses incidental thereto. The Court
Manila, by itself, does not result in loss of possession
of the Property in Bulacan. The law does not require ruled that such juridical acts were sufficient to
one in possession of a house to reside in the house establish the respondent’s acts prior possession
to maintain his possession. (Dela Rosa v. Carlos) of the subject property (Nunez v. SLTEAS)

XPN: Article 532

While there was evidence showing that the claimant Possession may be acquired by the same person who
might have possessed a portion of the parcel claimed is to enjoy it, by his legal representative, by his agent,
by him and the registration of which he sought, such or by any person without any power whatever: but
evidence, however, was insufficient to establish with in the last case, the possession shall not be
certainty the particular portion occupied and the considered as acquired until the person in whose
extent of such occupation. The Court clarified that name the act of possession was executed has ratified
while possession in the eyes of the law does not the same, without prejudice to the juridical
mean that a man has to have his feet on every square consequences of negotiorum gestio in a proper case.
meter of ground before it can be said that he is in (439a)
possession, the same is not gained by mere nominal
claim. Hence, the mere planting of a sign or symbol By whom possession is acquired
of possession cannot justify a Magellan like claim of 1) owner, either personally or through an
dominion over an immense tract of territory. In agent/representative
reiteration of the ruling in Ramos, the Court clarified 2) holder, either personally or through an
that the application of the doctrine of agent/representative
constructive possession shall depend, among 3) any person without any power whatever
others, to the size of the tract in controversy with
reference to the portion actually in possession of Through an agent
the claimant. (Lasam v. Director of Lands) 1) said agent should have the intention of
acquiring for the principal and not for himself
Mere fact of declaring uncultivated land for taxation
2) that the agent must have authority to possess
purposes and visiting it every once in a while, as was
for the principal
done by the alleged possessor, does not constitute
acts of possession. (Ramirez v. Director of Lands) 3) the principal must have authorized the act of
the agent or subsequently ratified the same
Subjection to action of will
What is important in this mode is the intention to Through any person without any power whatever
possess manifested by certain facts which are present. 1) must be ratified by the person in whose name
Included in this mode are the two forms of the act of possession was executed
constructive delivery known as tradicion simbolica and 2) if not ratified, the juridical consequences of
tradicion longa manu. negotiorum gestio will apply

Proper acts and legal formalities Article 2144. Whoever voluntarily takes charge of the
Any juridical act by which possession is acquired or to agency or management of the business or property
of another, without any power from the latter, is
which the law gives the force of acts of possession.
obliged to continue the same until the
termination of the affair and its incidents, or to
1) Donation require the person concerned to substitute him,
2) Succession if the owner is in a position to do so. This juridical
3) Execution relation does not arise in either of these instances:
4) Registration of public instruments
5) Inscription of possessory information titles (1) When the property or business is not neglected
or abandoned;
(2) If in fact the manager has been tacitly authorized
by the owner.

Property | VENTEROSO

In the first case, the provisions of articles 1317, Article 534

1403, No. 1, and 1404 regarding unauthorized On who succeeds by hereditary title shall not suffer
contracts shall govern. the consequences of the wrongful possession of the
decedent, if it is not shown that he was aware of the
In the second case, the rules on agency in Title X of flaws affecting it; but the effects of possession in
this Book shall be applicable. (1888a) good faith shall not benefit him except from the date
of death of the decedent. (442)
Article 2147. The officious manager shall be liable
for any fortuitous event: Rules in possession through succession
1) The possession of hereditary property is
(1) If he undertakes risky operations which the deemed transmitted to the heir without
owner was not accustomed to embark upon; interruption and from the moment of the
(2) If he has preferred his own interest to that of death of the decedent
the owner; Provided, it must be ACCEPTED
(3) If he fails to return the property or business
2) One who validly renounces an inheritance is
after demand by the owner;
(4) If he assumed the management in bad faith. deemed never to have possessed the same
(1891a) 3) On who succeeds by hereditary title shall not
suffer the consequences of the wrongful
Article 2150. Although the officious management possession of the decedent
may not have been expressly ratified, the owner of Provided, he must not be in BAD FAITH
the property or business who enjoys the advantages Rationale: Bad faith is personal and
of the same shall be liable for obligations incurred intransmissible
in his interest, and shall reimburse the officious 4) Effects of possession in good faith shall not
manager for the necessary and useful expenses benefit him
and for the damages which the latter may have XPN: from the date of death of the
suffered in the performance of his duties. decedent
The same obligation shall be incumbent upon him Nevertheless, assuming that claimant Escritor was a
when the management had for its purpose the possessor in bad faith, this should not prejudice his
prevention of an imminent and manifest loss, successors-in-interest, petitioners herein, as the rule
although no benefit may have been derived. (1893) is that only personal knowledge of the flaw in
one’s title or mode of acquisition can make him a
Article 2152. The officious manager is personally possessor in bad faith, for bad faith is not
liable for contracts which he has entered into with transmissible from one person to another, not even
third persons, even though he acted in the name of to an heir. The reason for this article is that bad faith
the owner, and there shall be no right of action is personal and intransmissible. Its effects must,
between the owner and third persons. These therefore, be suffered only by the person who acted
provisions shall not apply: in bad faith; his heir should not be saddled with such
consequences. (Escritor v. IAC)
(1) If the owner has expressly or tacitly ratified the
management, or Article 535
(2) When the contract refers to things pertaining to Minors and incapacitated persons may acquire the
the owner of the business. (n) possession of things; but they need the assistance of
their legal representatives in order to exercise the
Article 2153. The management is extinguished: rights which from the possession arise in their favor.
(1) When the owner repudiates it or puts an end
thereto; Article 536
(2) When the officious manager withdraws from In no case may possession be acquired through force
the management, subject to the provisions of article or intimidation as long as there is a possessor who
2144; objects thereto. He who believes that he has an
(3) By the death, civil interdiction, insanity or action or a right to deprive another of the holding of
insolvency of the owner or the officious manager. a thing, must invoke the aid of the competent court,
(n) if the holder should refuse to deliver the thing.
Article 533
The possession of hereditary property is deemed Article 537
transmitted to the heir without interruption and Acts merely tolerated, and those executed
from the moment of the death of the decedent, in clandestinely and without the knowledge of the
case the inheritance is accepted. possessor of a thing, or by violence, do not affect
possession. (444)
One who validly renounces an inheritance is deemed
never to have possessed the same. (440)
Minors and incapacitated persons

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Things - may acquire the possession of things

2) Acts merely tolerated
Rights - they need the assistance of their legal Persons whose occupation of a property is by
representatives in order to exercise the rights which sheer tolerance of its owners are not
from the possession arise in their favor. considered as possessors in law. In the
language of the Court, “tolerance in itself does
Judicial capacity and not capacity to act not bear any legal fruit, and it can easily be
1) Material occupation supplanted by a sudden change of heart on the
2) Succession part of the owner.”
3) Donation
He becomes a deforciant illegally occupying
Article 38. Minority, insanity or imbecility, the the land the moment he is required to leave and
state of being a deaf-mute, prodigality and civil the cause of action for the filing of the
interdiction are mere restrictions on capacity to act, ejectment case is counted from the date of the
and do not exempt the incapacitated person from demand to vacate.
certain obligations, as when the latter arise from his
acts or from property relations, such as easements. Article 1119. Acts of possessory character executed
(32a) in virtue of license or by mere tolerance of the owner
shall not be available for the purposes of
Instances where possession is not acquired possession. (1942)
1) Use of force or intimidation
The rule that possession may not be acquired Tolerance – something not wholly approved of
through force or intimidation as long as there - It does not include those agreements
is a possessor who objects thereto applies even constituting a contract between the parties
if the one seeking recovery of possession is the
owner of the property himself. 3) Clandestine and unknown acts
In order for possession to remain unaffected,
In case of forcible entry cases it is necessary that the acts executed must be
Accordingly, a person in possession cannot be both clandestine and unknown to the
ejected by force, violence or terror, not even by possessor
the owners, and notwithstanding the actual
condition of the title to the property. If such Effects
illegal manner of ejectment is employed, the Actual possessor Legal possessor
party who proves prior possession can possession acquired Possession is not
recover possession even from the owners through clandestine deemed interrupted
themselves. acts not known to Acquisitive
the legal possessor prescription will not
Even if a possessor is physically ousted from the will not ripen into be interrupted
property through the use of force or violence, he is ownership through Right to receive
still deemed the legal possessor in the eyes of the prescription fruits will not be
law. (Cequeña v. Bolante) interrupted

Granting arguendo that petitioners illegally entered Article 538

into and occupied the property in question, Possession as a fact cannot be recognized at the
respondents had no right to take the law into their same time in two different personalities except in the
own hands and summarily or forcibly eject the cases of co-possession. Should a question arise
occupants therefrom. Verily, even if petitioners were regarding the fact of possession, the present
mere usurpers of the land owned by respondents, possessor shall be preferred; if there are two
still they are entitled to remain on it until they are possessors, the one longer in possession; if the dates
lawfully ejected therefrom. Under appropriate of the possession are the same, the one who presents
circumstances, respondents may file, other than an a title; and if all these conditions are equal, the thing
ejectment suit, an accion publiciana — a plenary action shall be placed in judicial deposit pending
intended to recover the better right to possess; or an determination of its possession or ownership
accion reivindicatoria — an action to recover ownership through proper proceedings. (445)
of real property. The availment of the
aforementioned remedies is the legal alternative to Possession de facto
prevent breaches of peace and criminal disorder The law recognizes a situation where the fact of
resulting from the use of force by claimants out to possession (possession de facto) and the right to
gain possession. The rule of law does not allow the such possession (possession de jure) are in the
mighty and the privileged to take the law into their hands of two different persons
own hands to enforce their alleged rights. They
should go to court and seek judicial vindication
The law does not, however, recognize the possibility
(Heirs of Laurora v. Sterling)
that possession de facto may reside at the same

Property | VENTEROSO

time in two different personalities unless they are occupation. Unless coupled with the element of
co-possessors hostility toward the true owner, occupation and use,
however long, will not confer title by prescription or
In case of conflict involving the question of adverse possession. (Cequeña v. Bolante)
possession as a fact, the following rules of
preference shall govern: CHAPTER 3
1) The present possessor shall be preferred; Effects of Possession
2) If there are two possessors, the one longer
in possession is preferred; (both are still legal Article 539
possessors if possession is not considered interrupted) Every possessor has a right to be respected in his
3) If the dates of possession are the same, possession; and should he be disturbed therein he
the one who presents a title shall be protected in or restored to said possession
4) If all the foregoing conditions are equal, the by the means established by the laws and the Rules
thing shall be placed in judicial deposit of Court.
pending determination of its possession
or ownership through proper proceedings. A possessor deprived of his possession through
forcible entry may within ten days from the filing of
In terms of question of possession the complaint present a motion to secure from the
We concede that despite their dispossession in 1985, competent court, in the action for forcible entry, a
the petitioners did not lose legal possession because writ of preliminary mandatory injunction to restore
possession cannot be acquired through force or him in his possession. The court shall decide the
violence. To all intents and purposes, a possessor, motion within thirty (30) days from the filing
even if physically ousted, is still deemed the legal thereof. (446a)
possessor. Indeed, anyone who can prove prior
possession, regardless of its character, may recover According to the Supreme Court, the phrase “every
such possession. possessor” in the article indicates that all kinds of
possession, from that of the owner to that of a mere
However, possession by the petitioners does not holder, except that which constitutes a crime, should
prevail over that of the respondent. Possession by be respected and protected by the means established
the former before 1985 was not exclusive, as the
and the laws of procedure.
latter also acquired it before 1985. The records show
that the petitioners’ father and brother, as well as the
respondent and her mother were simultaneously in True, by this principle of respect for the possessory
adverse possession of the land. status, a wrongful possessor may at times be upheld by
the courts, but this is only temporary and for one sole
Based on Article 538 of the Civil Code, the and special purpose, namely, the maintenance of public
respondent is the preferred possessor because, order. The protection is only temporary because it is
benefiting from her father’s tax declaration of the intended that as soon as the lawless act of
subject lot since 1926, she has been in possession dispossession has been suppressed, the question of
thereof for a longer period. On the other hand, ownership or of possession de jure is to be settled in
petitioners’ father acquired joint possession only in the proper court and in a proper action. (Manuel v.
1952. CA)
In terms of question of ownership
Actions to recover possession
Ownership of immovable property is acquired by
ordinary prescription through possession for ten 1) Accion interdictal
years. Being the sole heir of her father, respondent 2) Accion publiciana
showed through his tax receipt that she had been in 3) In addition, the law also allows an auxiliary
possession of the land for more than ten years since remedy of the writ of preliminary mandatory
1932. When her father died in 1930, she continued injunction to prevent further acts of
to reside there with her mother. When she got dispossession – only in actions of forcible entry
married, she and her husband engaged in kaingin
inside the disputed lot for their livelihood. Writ of preliminary injunction
Respondent’s possession was not disturbed until Forcible entry Unlawful detainer
1953 when the petitioners’ father claimed the land. Available at the start of the action in both forcible
But by then, her possession, which was in the entry and unlawful detainer
concept of owner, public, peaceful, and Available in the RTC
uninterrupted had already ripened into ownership. Reduced to 5 days instead of 10 under Sec 15 and 20
Furthermore she herself, after her father’s demise, of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
declared and paid realty taxes for the disputed land. issuance of a preliminary writ of mandatory action
Tax receipts and declarations of ownership for can be availed of on appeal to the higher court in
taxation, when coupled with proof of actual case the appeal of the lessee is frivolous or dilatory
possession of the property, can be the basis of a or the appeal of the lessor is prima facie meritorious.
claim for ownership through prescription. It is
settled that ownership cannot be acquired by mere
Article 540

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Only the possession acquired and enjoyed in the agent or a pledgee, not being in the
concept of owner can serve as a title for acquiring concept of an owner, cannot ripen into
dominion. (447) ownership by acquisitive prescription,
unless the juridical relation is first
Article 541 expressly repudiated and such
A possessor in the concept of owner has in his favor repudiation has been
the legal presumption that he possesses with a just communicated
title and he cannot be obliged to show or prove it.
The action initiated by Marcelo’s heirs would not
Article 542 prosper on the theory that Flores already has
The possession of real property presumes that of the acquired ownership of the disputed land by ordinary
movables therein, so long as it is not shown or acquisitive prescription.
proved that they should be excluded. (449)
The contract executed by Cruz and the heirs of
Sarmiento includes the encroached property, as
Effects of possession in the concept of an owner
found by the trial court and the appellate court. And
1) It raises a disputable presumption of when Cruz sold the land to Flores, the latter
ownership (Art. 433, NCC). immediately took possession of the same to the
2) It creates a disputable presumption that the exclusion of all others and promptly paid the realty
possessor has just title and he cannot be taxes thereon. From that time on, Flores had been
obliged to show it. (Art. 541, NCC) in possession of the entire area in the concept of an
Article 1129. For the purposes of owner and holding it in that capacity for almost 14
prescription, there is just title when the years before the heirs of Marcelo initiated their
adverse claimant came into possession of the complaint in 1982. The records of the case
property through one of the modes supported the holding of the appellate court that the
recognized by law for the acquisition of requirements for ordinary prescription have been
ownership or other real rights, but the duly met Flores took possession of the controverted
grantor was not the owner or could not property in good faith and with just title because the
transmit any right. (n) said portion was an integral part of the bigger tract
of land which he bought from Cruz. Further, Flores’
Article 434. In an action to recover, the possession was not only in the concept of an owner
property must be identified, and the plaintiff but also public, peaceful and uninterrupted. Hence,
must rely on the strength of his title and the Court found no cogent reasons to reverse the
not on the weakness of the defendant's finding s of the appellate court and thus gave its
claim. (n) affirmance to the assailed decision (Marcelo v. CA)

XPN: acquisitive prescription Article 543

 The presumption of the existence of a Each one of the participants of a thing possessed in
just title in favor of the possessor en common shall be deemed to have exclusively
concepto de dueño may not be availed by possessed the part which may be allotted to him
upon the division thereof, for the entire period
him for the purpose of acquiring
during which the co-possession lasted. Interruption
ownership through acquisitive
in the possession of the whole or a part of a thing
prescription. For the latter purpose, the possessed in common shall be to the prejudice of all
law requires that the just title of the the possessors. However, in case of civil
possessor must be proved interruption, the Rules of Court shall apply. (450a)

Article 1131. For the purposes of Co-possession

prescription, just title must be proved; it is GR: In relation to Article 538, the law does not
never presumed. (1954a) recognize the possibility of possession de facto residing
at the same time in two different personalities
Just title – may be oral or written evidences XPN: They are co-possessors

3) It can ripen into ownership through acquisitive If the co-possession is under claim of ownership, each
prescription (Art. 540, NCC), subject to the of the co-possessors is considered as the possessor of
additional requirements under Article 1118 of the whole and over the whole each may exercise the
the Civil Code right of possession, subject to the similar right of the
Article 1118. Possession has to be in the other co-possessors.
concept of an owner, public, peaceful and
uninterrupted. (1941)
Effects of partition in the event of partition
1) In the event of partition, however, each of the
 Mere possession with a juridical title
co-possessors shall be deemed to have
(possession in the concept of a holder),
exclusively possessed the part which may be
such as by usufructuary, trustee, lessee,

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allotted to him for the entire period that the received or fruits received REIMBURSE
state of co-possession lasted. severed by him before THE
2) Any interruption in the possession of the his possession is LEGITIMATE
whole or part of a thing possessed in common legally POSSESSOR
shall be to the prejudice of all the co- interrupted (Art (Art 549)
possessors. 526)
Shall have a
 the co-possessors can claim ownership
right to
only of the area through acquisitive 1) PGP –
prescription not occupied by a third production,
party or subject to interruption and gathering,
only this area can be the subject of preservation
partition among the co-possessors (Art 443)
2) Necessary
Article 544 expenses
A possessor in good faith is entitled to the fruits (Art 546)
received before the possession is legally interrupted. Pending Applies only to If the legitimate
fruits natural and possessor is able
Natural and industrial fruits are considered received industrial to recover the
from the time they are gathered or severed. fruits property from a
possessor in bad
Civil fruits are deemed to accrue daily and belong to The possessor faith at a time
the possessor in good faith in that proportion. (451) and the owner when the fruits
shall have a are still pending,
Article 545 right to a part of it is not Article
If at the time the good faith ceases, there should be the net harvest 549 that will
any natural or industrial fruits, the possessor shall and each shall apply but Article
have a right to a part of the expenses of cultivation, divide the 449 of the New
and to a part of the net harvest, both in proportion expenses of Civil Code
to the time of the possession. cultivation,
both in
The charges shall be divided on the same basis by proportion to
the two possessors. the time of their
The owner of the thing may, should he so desire, possessions.
give the possessor in good faith the right to finish
the cultivation and gathering of the growing fruits, The owner of
as an indemnity for his part of the expenses of the thing may,
cultivation and the net proceeds; the possessor in should he so
good faith who for any reason whatever should desire, give the
refuse to accept this concession, shall lose the right possessor in
to be indemnified in any other manner. (452a) good faith the
right to finish
Right of possessors to fruits the cultivation
GR: Fruits belong to the owner pursuant to the law on and gathering of
accesion discreta (Art 441) the growing
fruits, as an
indemnity for
Article 441. To the owner belongs:
his part of the
1) The natural fruits;
expenses of
2) The industrial fruits;
cultivation and
3) The civil fruits. (354)
the net
proceeds; the
XPN: A possessor in good faith is entitled to the possessor in
fruits received before the possession is legally good faith who
interrupted. (Art 544) for any reason
Since possession in this title is separate from should refuse to
ownership (jus possessionis), different rules apply accept this
for the right of possession of the fruits concession,
shall lose the
Good faith Bad faith right to be
Fruits The possessor NOT indemnified in
already in good faith is ENTITLED; any other
entitled to the SHALL manner

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Legal interruption - Whatever may be the cause or may have at the time he enters into possession.
the fact from which it can be deduced that the (445a)
possessor has knowledge of the defects of his title or
mode of acquisition, it must be considered sufficient to Necessary expenses - those made for the
show bad faith. Hence, the interruption of good faith preservation of the thing or those without which
on the part of the possessor need not occur by reason the thing would deteriorate or be lost.
of initiation of legal proceedings.
Land taxes
1) facts from which the interruption of good faith Land taxes (real estate taxes) are not considered
may be determined necessary expenses under the provisions of Article 546
2) date of receipt of the summons to appear at the of the New Civil Code because they are not for the
trial preservation of the thing itself but only for the
3) if such date does not appear in the record, that preservation of its possession. Instead, they are
of the filing of the answer (Tacas v. Tobon) regarded as “charges” which the possessor and owner
must bear in proportion to their respective possessions
When fruits are considered received pursuant to the provision of the second paragraph of
1) natural - from the time they are gathered or Article 545.
2) civil - deemed to accrue daily and belong to the Useful expenses - those incurred to give greater utility
possessor in good faith in that proportion or productivity to the property. These expenses
3) industrial - from the time they are gathered or increase the value of the thing and result in
severed improvements, called useful improvements

Article 546 Ornamental expenses - those which do not increase

Necessary expenses shall be refunded to every the productiveness of the thing but merely embellish
possessor; but only the possessor in good faith may the same
retain the thing until he has been reimbursed
therefor. Possessor/Builder
Rights to Good faith Bad faith
Useful expenses shall be refunded only to the expenses
possessor in good faith with the same right of Necessary REFUNDABLE with REFUNDABLE (Art
retention, the person who has defeated him in the RIGHT TO RETAIN 549)
(Art 546)
possession having the option of refunding the REFUNDABLE with NONREFUNDABLE
amount of the expenses or of paying the increase in Useful
value which the thing may have acquired by reason (Art 546)
(1) to refund the
thereof. (453a) amount of the
expenses; or (2) to pay
Article 547 the increase in value
which the thing may
If the useful improvements can be removed without have acquired by
damage to the principal thing, the possessor in good reason of the useful
faith may remove them, unless the person who expenses
recovers the possession exercises the option under RIGHT TO
paragraph 2 of the preceding article. (n) REMOVE IF NO
Article 548 NOT PREFER TO
Expenses for pure luxury or mere pleasure shall not REFUND (Art 547)
be refunded to the possessor in good faith; but he Ornamental NONREFUNDABLE, NONREFUNDABLE
may remove the ornaments with which he has (Art 548) (Art 549)
embellished the principal thing if it suffers no injury RIGHT TO RIGHT TO
thereby, and if his successor in the possession does REMOVE IF NO REMOVE IF NO
not prefer to refund the amount expended. (454) INJURY and INJURY and
The possessor in bad faith shall reimburse the fruits POSSESSION OF POSSESSION OF
received and those which the legitimate possessor BY REIMBURSING BY REIMBURSING
could have received, and shall have a right only to THE VALUE (actual THE VALUE (value
the expenses mentioned in paragraph 1 of article 546 amount) at the time the owner
enters into possession)
and in article 443. The expenses incurred in (Art 548) (Art 549)
improvements for pure luxury or mere pleasure shall ^the owner of the land is prohibited from offsetting or
not be refunded to the possessor in bad faith, but he compensating the necessary and useful expenses with
may remove the objects for which such expenses the fruits received by the builder-possessor in good
have been incurred, provided that the thing suffers faith.
no injury thereby, and that the lawful possessor does
not prefer to retain them by paying the value they

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Article 550
The costs of litigation over the property shall be (1) By the abandonment of the thing;
borne by every possessor. (n) (2) By an assignment made to another either by
onerous or gratuitous title;
Article 551 (3) By the destruction or total loss of the thing, or
Improvements caused by nature or time shall always because it goes out of commerce;
inure to the benefit of the person who has succeeded (4) By the possession of another, subject to the
in recovering possession. (456) provisions of article 537, if the new possession has
lasted longer than one year. But the real right of
Article 552 possession is not lost till after the lapse of ten years.
A possessor in good faith shall not be liable for the (460a)
deterioration or loss of the thing possessed, except
in cases in which it is proved that he has acted with Voluntary modes Involuntary modes
fraudulent intent or negligence, after the judicial By the abandonment of By the destruction or
summons. the thing; total loss of the thing, or
because it goes out of
A possessor in bad faith shall be liable for spes recuperandi (hope of commerce;
deterioration or loss in every case, even if caused by recovery or recapture) is
a fortuitous event. (457a) gone and the animus
revertendi (intent to
Article 553 recover) is finally given
One who recovers possession shall not be obliged to up
pay for improvements which have ceased to exist at By an assignment made By the possession of
the time he takes possession of the thing. (458) to another either by another, subject to the
onerous or gratuitous provisions of article 537,
Liability of possessors for loss or deterioration title; if the new possession
Good faith Bad faith has lasted longer than
not liable at all for the GR: liable for any one year. But the real
deterioration or loss of deterioration or loss of right of possession is not
the thing possessed the thing “in every case” lost till after the lapse
even when the same is of ten years.
caused by fortuitous
event Abandonment
That there was no abandonment of the property and
XPN: The possessor that defendant Rey was guilty of the crime of
who is originally in good robbery. He who has a right may renounce it. This
faith but becomes in bad act by which thing is voluntary renounced
faith upon the service of constitutes an abandonment. There is no real
the judicial summons on intention to abandon a property when, as in the case
him shall be liable for of a shipwreck or a fire, things are thrown into the
any deterioration or loss sea upon the highway. Property cannot be
of the thing possessed considered abandoned under the law and the
only if the same is caused possession left vacant for the finder until the spes
by his negligence or recuperandi is gone and the animus revertendi is finally
fraudulent acts given up. (US v. Rey)

Article 554 Assignment

A present possessor who shows his possession at For assignment to be validly made, it is necessary that
some previous time, is presumed to have held the assignor be in the concept of owner and that he has
possession also during the intermediate period, in the capacity to alienate.
the absence of proof to the contrary. (459)
Destruction or loss of the thing
GR: If the present possessor can show proof that he
It is understood that a thing is lost when it perishes, or
was also in possession of the property at some previous
goes out of commerce, or disappears in such a manner
time, his possession will be presumed to be continuous
that its existence is unknown or cannot be recovered.
covering even the intermediate period.
Possession by another
XPN: if the possession is transmitted by hereditary
If the possession of another lasts for more than one
title, the presumption of continuity of possession is
year, only possession de facto is lost but not the real
one which is conclusive and may not be overthrown by
right of possession (possession de jure). Possession de
proof to the contrary.
jure, on the other hand, is not lost until after the lapse
of ten (10) years.
Article 555
A possessor may lose his possession:
Possession de facto – lost if more than one year

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Possession de jure – not lost until after the lapse of ten 2) the possession must be in the concept of
years owner.

if the dispossession lasted for more than one year, the Irreivindicability
proper action to be filed is an accion publiciana since the GR: When a movable property is in the possession of
real right of possession (possession de jure) is not lost one who has acquired it and holds it in good faith, the
until after the lapse of ten (10) years. true owner cannot recover it as a general rule for the
title is valid even against him.
acts which are merely tolerated and those executed
clandestinely and without the knowledge of the XPN: Pursuant to Article 559, if the owner has lost a
possessor or through violence as long as there is a thing, or if he has been unlawfully deprived of it, he has
possessor who objects thereto – only possession de a right to recover it, not only from the finder, thief or
facto is lost robber, but also from third persons who may have
acquired it in good faith from such finder, thief or
Article 556 robber. (even without indemnity)
The possession of movables is not deemed lost so
long as they remain under the control of the XPN of XPN: Public sale - one where there has been
possessor, even though for the time being he may public notice of the sale and in which anybody has a
not know their whereabouts. (461) right to bid and offer to buy (with indemnity)

Rules with respect to misplaces movables Rules on finders

When a movable is simply misplaced or mislaid, the Article 719. Whoever finds a movable, which is not
possessor does not automatically lose possession treasure, must return it to its previous possessor. If
because the movable is still deemed remaining under the latter is unknown, the finder shall immediately
his control even though for the time being he may not deposit it with the mayor of the city or municipality
know its whereabouts. where the finding has taken place.

Article 557 The finding shall be publicly announced by the

The possession of immovables and of real rights is mayor for two consecutive weeks in the way he
not deemed lost, or transferred for purposes of deems best.
prescription to the prejudice of third persons, except
in accordance with the provisions of the Mortgage If the movable cannot be kept without deterioration,
Law and the Land Registration laws. (462a) or without expenses which considerably diminish its
value, it shall be sold at public auction eight days
Article 558 after the publication.
Acts relating to possession, executed or agreed to by
one who possesses a thing belonging to another as a Six months from the publication having elapsed
mere holder to enjoy or keep it, in any character, do without the owner having appeared, the thing found,
not bind or prejudice the owner, unless he gave said or its value, shall be awarded to the finder. The
holder express authority to do such acts, or ratifies finder and the owner shall be obliged, as the case
them subsequently. (463) may be, to reimburse the expenses. (615a)

Article 559 Plaintiff, therefore, can still recover possession of

The possession of movable property acquired in the car even if it is in the possession of a third party
good faith is equivalent to a title. Nevertheless, one who had acquired it in good faith from defendant B.
who has lost any movable or has been unlawfully The maxim that “no man can transfer to another a
deprived thereof, may recover it from the person in better title than he had himself” obtains in the civil
possession of the same. as well as in the common law (Aznar v.
If the possessor of a movable lost or which the
owner has been unlawfully deprived, has acquired it Aznar EDCA Tagatac
in good faith at a public sale, the owner cannot Possessor is in good faith
obtain its return without reimbursing the price paid Not acquired in a public sale
therefor. (464a) Unlawfully Not unlawfully deprived
Possession of movables No transfer of There is transfer of ownership
Possession of movables acquired in good faith does ownership
not only create a presumption of ownership but it is Remedy is Remedy is an ordinary action for
already equivalent to title. Article 559; collection of sum of money
Can recover against the buyer, with recovery
Requisites without of damages
1) the movable property must be acquired in good indemnity
faith; and
Cases where there is no recovery

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 If the possessor acquired the thing at a A usufruct is a real right to enjoy the property of
merchant’s store, or in fairs, or in markets in another temporarily, including the use and fruits
accordance with the Code of Commerce and thereon, with the owner retaining the ownership and
special laws the power to alienate the thing. (Moralidad v.
 Where the possessor acquired the thing by sale Pernes)
under statutory power of sale or under the
order of a court of competent jurisdiction
 When the possessor is a holder in due course The Court then distinguished a contract of lease with
that of a Usufruct and an Emphyteusis based on its
of a negotiable document of title to goods261
duration. A Usufruct is a right of superior degree to
or where the owner is barred by the principle
that which arises from a lease. It is a real right and
of negotiable instruments includes the jus utendi and jus fruendi. (Eleizegui
 Where the owner is barred by reason of his v. Manila Lawn Tennis Club)
own acts or neglect from denying the seller’s
title Characteristics
 Where the owner can no longer recover the 1) It is a real right
thing from the possessor by reason of  Jus utendi and jus fruendi
prescription 2) Temporary in character
 The right is extinguished upon
Article 560  the expiration of the period
Wild animals are possessed only while they are under
one's control; domesticated or tamed animals are  Upon death of the usufructuary
considered domestic or tame if they retain the habit 3) Entitles holder to jus utendi and jus fruendi
of returning to the premises of the possessor. (465)  Jus utendi – enjoyment of the thing
 Jus fruendi – natural, industrial and
Article 561 civil fruits
One who recovers, according to law, possession XPN: When there is agreement
unjustly lost, shall be deemed for all purposes which between the parties
may redound to his benefit, to have enjoyed it
without interruption. (466) Usufruct Commodatum
Has the right to use
Kinds of animals under the Code The usufructuary has the Bailee does not
1) Wild - found in their natural freedom, such as right to use the natural, ordinarily acquire the
wild boars and horses roaming the forest (res industrial and civil fruits right to make use of the
nullus) fruits of the thing loaned
2) Domesticated or tamed - are those which
were formerly wild but which have been 4) Subject property is a property of another
subdued and retained the habit of returning to  Jus in re aliena
the premises of the possessor or owner  Serves as a limitation upon the owner’s
3) Domestic or tame - born or reared under the right to ownership
control and care of man 5) The usufructuary has an obligation to preserve
its form and substance
GR: While the usufructuary is entitled to enjoy
TITLE VI and use the property in usufruct, he is,
USUFRUCT ordinarily, obliged to preserve its form and
CHAPTER 1 XPN: Not an indispensable requirement since
Usufruct in General the law or the title constituting the usufruct
may provide otherwise
Article 562  When the law or the title creating the
Usufruct gives a right to enjoy the property of usufruct provides that the usufructuary
another with the obligation of preserving its form is not so obliged;
and substance, unless the title constituting it or the  When the usufruct includes things
law otherwise provides. (467) which, without being consumed,
gradually deteriorate through wear and
Usufruct - a real right, of a temporary character, which tear; and (Art 573)
authorizes the holder to enjoy all the utilities which
 When the usufruct includes things
result from the normal exploitation of the property of
which cannot be used without being
another in accordance with its destination and which
consumed. (Art 574)
imposes the obligation of restoring at the time
specified either the thing itself or in special cases its
Substance - matter of the thing, the integral elements
that compose it. The absolute prohibition against
destroying or consuming the thing extends to those

Property | VENTEROSO

acts which destroy or alter certain conditions of the  Voluntary usufruct

thing, which though not substantial have been taken  In this kind of usufruct, it is necessary
into consideration as essential when the usufruct was that the usufruct be constituted by the
constituted. owner of the property.
Form - extrinsic characteristics of the same, those that 3) By prescription
make it apt and adequate for the use, destination and  Mixed usufruct
particular purpose to which the owner intends it. With
respect to form, the usufructuary is prohibited from Article 564
altering the thing to its prejudice. Usufruct may be constituted on the whole or a part
of the fruits of the thing, in favor of one more
The following alterations are not within the purview of persons, simultaneously or successively, and in every
the prohibition: case from or to a certain day, purely or conditionally.
1) When the improvement can be removed It may also be constituted on a right, provided it is
without damage to the property at the end of not strictly personal or intransmissible. (469)
the usufruct;
2) When although the improvement cannot be Other classifications of usufruct
removed it will not cause the successor in the 1) Total and partial - A usufruct may be
use of the thing to spend considerable constituted on the whole (“total”) or part
expenses or attention in its preservation or (“partial”) of a thing.
exploitation considering the circumstances of 2) Simple and multiple
the case; and  Simple – in favor of one person
3) When although the alteration may be  Multiple – two or more persons
burdensome to the successor in the use of the  Simultaneous - all the persons
property, the usufructuary guarantees that he in whose favor the usufruct is
will restore thing to its original state. constituted are to enjoy the
usufruct at the same time
While in a Usufruct, if it is in favor of a natural  Successive - they will enjoy
person: the lifetime of the usufructuary. If in the usufruct one after another
favor of a juridical person: it cannot be created for
more than thirty years. In an Emphyteusis, which 3) Pure, with a condition or with a period
is a long-term lease of land or buildings, it may be 99  With a period – to a certain day
years or such similar long term, or even in perpetuity.  Purely
(Eleizegui v. Manila Lawn Tennis Club)  Conditionally

Article 563 4) Proper (normal) and improper (abnormal)

Usufruct is constituted by law, by the will of private  Proper - constituted over a non-
persons expressed in acts inter vivos or in a last will
consumable thing
and testament, and by prescription. (468)
 Improper - when it is constituted over
Manner of creation a consumable thing (quasi-usufruct in
1) By law Roman Law)
 Legal usufruct  Art 573 – Things which
gradually deteriorate through
 Ex. Usufruct of the parents over the
wear and tear
property of their minor children living
in their custody and under their  Art 574 – Consumable things
parental authority under the provisions
of Article 226 of the Family Code. Object of usufruct
1) Corporeal thing
Art. 226. The property of the unemancipated child  Real property
earned or acquired with his work or industry or by  Personal property
onerous or gratuitous title shall belong to the child 2) Incorporeal thing
in ownership and shall be devoted exclusively to the  Real right
latter’s support and education, unless the title or  Personal right
transfer provides otherwise. XPN:
 Must not be strictly personal
The right of the parents over the fruits and  Must not be intransmissible
income of the child’s property shall be limited  It must have its own
primarily to the child’s support and secondarily
independent existence. Hence,
to the collective daily needs of the family. (321a,
a servitude cannot be the object
of usufruct because it has no
2) By will of private persons expressed in acts existence independent of the
inter vivos or in a last will and testament tenements.

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were in the form of stocks, they were nevertheless

Article 565 still fruits and income, and as usufructuary, she was
The rights and obligations of the usufructuary shall entitled to them. The other heirs of E.M. Bachrach,
be those provided in the title constituting the on the other hand claimed that the stock dividends
usufruct; in default of such title, or in case it is were not income or fruits, and that they instead
deficient, the provisions contained in the two formed part of the capital; hence, that Mary was not
following Chapters shall be observed. (470) entitled to them.

Rights and obligations of the usufructuary They are fruits or income, and therefore, they belong
1) Those provided in the title constituting the to Mary, the usufructuary. Moreover, dividends
usufruct cannot be declared out of the capital. (Bachrach v.
2) In default of such title, or in case it is deficient, the Seifert)
provisions contained in the two following
Chapters shall be observed  Products which diminish the capital cannot, for
that reason, be considered fruits, unless a
CHAPTER 2 contrary intent between the parties is clear.
Rights of the Usufructuary
 Use - Entitled to enjoy the utilities derived
from the property provided that it be the result
Article 566
The usufructuary shall be entitled to all the natural, of the normal exploitation of the property in
industrial and civil fruits of the property in usufruct. accordance with its purpose or destination.
With respect to hidden treasure which may be found
on the land or tenement, he shall be considered a Other cases
stranger. (471)  Hidden treasure (Art 566) - The
usufructuary, not being the landowner, is not
entitled as owner, but is entitled as finder (to
Article 582 one-half of the treasure, as a rule, unless there
The usufructuary of a part of a thing held in is a contrary agreement) if he really is the
common shall exercise all the rights pertaining to the finder. If somebody else is the finder, the
owner thereof with respect to the administration and
usufructuary gets nothing.
the collection of fruits or interest. Should the co-
ownership cease by reason of the division of the
thing held in common, the usufruct of the part Article 567
allotted to the co-owner shall belong to the Natural or industrial fruits growing at the time the
usufructuary. (490) usufruct begins, belong to the usufructuary.

Those growing at the time the usufruct terminates,

Parties to a usufruct
belong to the owner.
1) Naked owner
2) Usufructuary In the preceding cases, the usufructuary, at the
beginning of the usufruct, has no obligation to
Rights of a usufructuary refund to the owner any expenses incurred; but the
1) Right to possess the property at least during the owner shall be obliged to reimburse at the
effectivity of the usufruct. termination of the usufruct, from the proceeds of
2) The usufructuary has the right to enjoy the the growing fruits, the ordinary expenses of
property, to the same extent as the owner, but cultivation, for seed, and other similar expenses
only with respect to its use and the receipt of incurred by the usufructuary.
 Fruits - Right to draw from the property all the The provisions of this article shall not prejudice the
profits, utilities and advantages which it may rights of third persons, acquired either at the
beginning or at the termination of the usufruct. (472)
produce, provided it be without altering the
form and substance of the thing.
Rights to fruits
 Natural, industrial and civil fruits that
GR: To the owner belongs:
will accrue during the existence of the
(1) The natural fruits;
(2) The industrial fruits;
 A dividend (whether in the form of (3) The civil fruits. (Art 441)
cash or stock) is income or civil fruits XPN:
and should belong to the usufructuary
1) The usufructuary shall be entitled to all the
and not to the remainderman (naked natural, industrial and civil fruits of the
owner) property in usufruct. (Art 566)
2) Parties agree to the contrary
When the company declared a 50% stock dividend
(54,000 shares), Mary wanted said dividend-shares
transferred in her name, alleging that although they

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Civil fruits are deemed to accrue daily, and belong to

Rules on pending natural or industrial fruits the usufructuary in proportion to the time the
At the beginning of the usufruct usufruct may last. (474).
1) Belong to the usufructuary;
2) No necessity of refunding owner for expenses Article 570
incurred; but Whenever a usufruct is constituted on the right to
3) Without prejudice to the right of third persons receive a rent or periodical pension, whether in
money or in fruits, or in the interest on bonds or
 if the fruits had been planted by a
securities payable to bearer, each payment due shall
possessor in good faith, the pending be considered as the proceeds or fruits of such right.
crop expenses and charges shall be pro-
rated between said possessor and the Whenever it consists in the enjoyment of benefits
usufructuary (Art 545) accruing from a participation in any industrial or
commercial enterprise, the date of the distribution
At the termination of the usufruct of which is not fixed, such benefits shall have the
1) Belong to the owner same character.
2) The owner must reimburse the usufructuary
for ordinary cultivation expenses and for the In either case they shall be distributed as civil fruits,
seeds and similar expenses, from the proceeds and shall be applied in the manner prescribed in the
of the fruits. preceding article. (475)
3) Without prejudice to the right of third persons
Civil fruits
1) Right to receive a rent or periodical pension,
Article 568
If the usufructuary has leased the lands or tenements whether in money or in fruits, or in the interest
given in usufruct, and the usufruct should expire on bonds or securities payable to bearer
before the termination of the lease, he or his heirs 2) Enjoyment of benefits accruing from a
and successors shall receive only the proportionate participation in any industrial or
share of the rent that must be paid by the lessee. commercial enterprise, the date of the
(473) distribution of which is not fixed
 Art 570 applies to both cases when the
Rule when the usufructuary leases property to date is fixed or not
GR: The lease executed by the usufructuary should Rules as to civil fruits
terminate at the end of the usufruct or earlier 1) They are deemed to accrue daily
Article 572. The usufructuary may personally enjoy 2) They shall be deemed to accrue
the thing in usufruct, lease it to another, or alienate proportionately to the naked owner and
his right of usufruct, even by a gratuitous title; but usufructuary
all the contracts he may enter into as such XPN: If there is a contrary stipulation by the
usufructuary shall terminate upon the parties
expiration of the usufruct, saving leases of rural
lands, which shall be considered as subsisting during
Article 571
the agricultural year. (480)
The usufructuary shall have the right to enjoy any
increase which the thing in usufruct may acquire
XPN: Rural lands which shall be considered as through accession, the servitudes established in its
subsisting during the agricultural year favor, and, in general, all the benefits inherent
therein. (479)
[NOTE: It is not the naked owner, but the
usufructuary who has the right to choose the tenant.] Increases in the thing held in usufruct
The right of enjoyment of the usufructuary extends to
Q: A leased his land to B, and before the expiration of 1) Fruits
the lease, A gave the usufruct of his land to C. Can C 2) Accessions (whether artificial or natural)
oust tenant B? 3) Servitudes and easements
A: No, because Art. 1676 (applicable to a purchaser of 4) All benefits inherent in the property (like the
the whole property) cannot apply, the usufructuary not right to hunt and fish therein, the right to
having the jus disponendi over the property. A contrary construct rain water receptacles, etc.)
agreement among the three of them will of course be
allowed. Nevertheless, the usufructuary, instead of the Article 572
naked owner, would be entitled to the rents for the The usufructuary may personally enjoy the thing in
duration of the usufruct. (Art 566). usufruct, lease it to another, or alienate his right of
usufruct, even by a gratuitous title; but all the
Article 569 contracts he may enter into as such usufructuary
shall terminate upon the expiration of the usufruct,
saving leases of rural lands, which shall be

Property | VENTEROSO

considered as subsisting during the agricultural year. 2) deteriorate because of an event or act that
(480) endangers their preservation
o even though there was no fault or
Rights with reference to the thing itself negligence or fraud on the part of the
1) He may personally enjoy the thing (that is, usufructuary, he is still required, to
entitled to possession and fruits) make the NECESSARY OR
GR: Enjoyment may be by himself or through ORDINARY REPAIRS (Art 592)
another o deteriorate because of fraud (dolo
XPN: Contrary has been provided or incidente or fraud amounting to an
stipulated evasion of the obligation to preserve)
2) He may lease the thing to another. or negligence – THE
o This can be done even without the USUFRUCTUARY IS
owner’s consent RESPONSIBLE (Art 573) but may
o The lease ends at the time the usufruct SET OFF AGAINST
ends IMPROVEMENTS (Art 580)
XPN: in the case of rural leases.
o The relation between the owner and Article 574
the usufructuary, does not end just Whenever the usufruct includes things which cannot
because a lease has been made. be used without being consumed, the usufructuary
shall have the right to make use of them under the
Rights with reference to the usufructuary right obligation of paying their appraised value at the
1) He may alienate (sell, donate, bequeath, or termination of the usufruct, if they were appraised
devise) the usufructuary right when delivered. In case they were not appraised, he
XPN: legal usufruct shall have the right to return the same quantity and
quality, or pay their current price at the time the
o usufruct which parents have over the
usufruct ceases. (482)
properties of their unemancipated
children Abnormal usufruct over consumable things/
o usufruct granted by a usufructuary in quasi-usufruct
consideration of his person It has been included however in the title on usufructs
o usufruct acquired through a caucion because in what are called UNIVERSAL
USUFRUCTS, both non-consumable and
2) He may pledge or mortgage the usufructuary consumable properties are included. While we seldom
right find usufructs on consumable properties alone, it is a
fact that they indeed exist.
Article 573
Whenever the usufruct includes things which,
Even money may be the object of a usufruct
without being consumed, gradually deteriorate
(Alunan v. Veloso)
through wear and tear, the usufructuary shall have
the right to make use thereof in accordance with the
purpose for which they are intended, and shall not Rules for quasi-usufruct
be obliged to return them at the termination of the 1) The usufructuary (debtor-borrower) can use
usufruct except in their condition at that time; but them (as if he is the owner, with complete right
he shall be obliged to indemnify the owner for any of pledge or alienation)
deterioration they may have suffered by reason of 2) At the end of the usufruct, he must
his fraud or negligence. (481) o pay the APPRAISED VALUE (if
appraised when first delivered); or
Abnormal usufruct on things that deteriorate o If there was no appraisal, return same
Refers to usufruct includes things which, without kind, quality, and quantity or pay the
being consumed, gradually deteriorate through wear price current at the termination of
and tear the usufruct (therefore not at the
original price or value).
Effect of the deterioration
1) Through normal use – THE Article 575
USUFRUCTUARY IS NOT The usufructuary of fruit-bearing trees and shrubs
RESPONSIBLE may make use of the dead trunks, and even of those
o he can return them in the condition cut off or uprooted by accident, under the obligation
they might be in at the termination of to replace them with new plants. (483a)
the usufruct
o no necessity for him to make any Special usufructs
repairs to restore them to their former 1) Usufruct over fruit-bearing trees (Art 575)
condition 2) Periodical pension, income, dividends. (Art

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3) Woodland. (Art 577). In any case the felling or cutting of trees shall be
4) Right of action to recover real property, real made in such manner as not to prejudice the
right, or movable property. (Art 578). preservation of the land.
5) Part of property owned in common. (Art 582).
6) Entire patrimony of a person. (Art 598). In nurseries, the usufructuary may make the
7) On a mortgaged immovable. (Art 600). necessary thinnings in order that the remaining trees
8) On a flock or herd of livestock. (Art 591). may properly grow.

With the exception of the provisions of the

Usufruct over fruit-bearing trees preceding paragraphs, the usufructuary cannot cut
GR: The usufructuary has the full and unfettered right down trees unless it be to restore or improve some
to gather the fruits from the tree of the things in usufruct, and in such case shall first
XPN: No right to have the trees cut inform the owner of the necessity for the work. (485)
XPN of XPN: The usufructuary may use of the
1) dead trunks; as well as those Special usufruct over woodland
2) uprooted by accident This is not a common or frequent usufruct because:
provided, he must replace them with new plants 1) natural resources (including forest or timber
lands) belong to the State (Regalian Doctrine
Article 576 under Art. XII, Sec. 3 of the 1987 Philippine
If in consequence of a calamity or extraordinary Constitution);
event, the trees or shrubs shall have disappeared in 2) a license is generally essential if one desires to
such considerable number that it would not be gather forest products. (See Sec. 47, Revised
possible or it would be too burdensome to replace Administrative Code).
them, the usufructuary may leave the dead, fallen or
uprooted trunks at the disposal of the owner, and
demand that the latter remove them and clear the Rules
land. (484a) 1) must bear in mind that he is not the owner, and
therefore, in the exercise of the diligence in caring
Usufruct over shrubs in times of calamity for the property
If in consequence of a calamity or extraordinary event, 2)
the trees or shrubs shall have disappeared in such GR: The usufructuary cannot cut down trees unless it
considerable number that it would not be possible or it be to restore or improve some of the things in
would be too burdensome to replace them, the usufruct, and in such case shall first inform the owner
usufructuary may leave the dead, fallen or uprooted of the necessity for the work.
trunks at the disposal of the owner, and demand that XPNs:
the latter remove them and clear the land.  The usufructuary may cut trees on the land as
 the owner was in the habit of doing or
Rules  in accordance with the custom of the
1) If it is impossible or too burdensome to replace place, as to the manner, amount and
them, the usufructuary has an OPTION. season.
a) may use the trunks but should  The usufructuary may make the necessary
replace them (Art 575); or thinnings in order that the remaining trees may
b) may leave the dead, fallen, or uprooted properly grow in nurseries
trunks at the owner’s disposal, and XPN of XPN: If it prejudices the preservation of the
demand that the latter remove them land
and clear the land. (Art 576) 3) cannot alienate the trees (for the trees are not
2) If it is slightly burdensome to replace them, the considered fruits) unless he is permitted, expressly
usufructuary MUST replace them (whether he or impliedly by the owner
uses the dead trunks or not), and he cannot
demand clearance of the land by the owner. Article 578
The usufructuary of an action to recover real
Article 577 property or a real right, or any movable property, has
The usufructuary of woodland may enjoy all the the right to bring the action and to oblige the owner
benefits which it may produce according to its thereof to give him the authority for this purpose
nature. and to furnish him whatever proof he may have. If
in consequence of the enforcement of the action he
If the woodland is a copse or consists of timber for acquires the thing claimed, the usufruct shall be
building, the usufructuary may do such ordinary limited to the fruits, the dominion remaining with
cutting or felling as the owner was in the habit of the owner. (486)
doing, and in default of this, he may do so in
accordance with the custom of the place, as to the Usufruct over an action to recover
manner, amount and season. 1) real property
2) personal property
3) real right over a real or personal property

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a usufructuary is entitled a possessor in good faith

What the usufructuary can demand to a refund for useful is entitled to a refund for
1) authority to bring the action (usually a special improvements useful improvements
power of attorney).
2) proofs needed for a recovery Article 580
The usufructuary may set off the improvements he
Institution of the action may have made on the property against any damage
1) If the purpose is the recovery of the property to the same. (488)
or right, he is still required under Art 578 to
obtain the naked owner’s authority Right to set-off improvements
2) If the purpose is to object to or prevent 1) If damage exceeds the value of the
disturbance over the property (once the improvements, usufructuary is still liable for
property is given him), no special authority the difference
from the naked owner is needed. 2) If the value of the improvements exceeds the
damage, the difference does not go to the
Effect of judgment of recovery usufructuary, but accrues instead in the
1) its naked ownership belongs to the OWNER absence of a contrary stipulation in favor of
2) its usufruct belongs to the USUFRUCTUARY the naked owner, otherwise, it is as if the
usufructuary would be entitled to a partial
Article 579 refund in cash.
The usufructuary may make on the property held in
usufruct such useful improvements or expenses for Requisites before set-off can be made
mere pleasure as he may deem proper, provided he 1) The damage must have been caused by the
does not alter its form or substance; but he shall have usufructuary.
no right to be indemnified therefor. He may, 2) The improvements must have augmented
however, remove such improvements, should it be the value of property.
possible to do so without damage to the property.
(487) Article 581
The owner of property the usufruct of which is held
Useful and ornamental improvements by another, may alienate it, but he cannot alter its
The usufructuary has the RIGHT (not the duty) to form or substance, or do anything thereon which
make: may be prejudicial to the usufructuary. (489)
 useful improvements;
 luxurious improvements (for mere pleasure). Alienation by the naked owner
The naked owner retains the right to alienate the
Provided, property but
 He must not alter the form or substance of 1) he cannot alter its form or substance; or
the property 2) or do anything prejudicial to the usufructuary
 He is not entitled to a refund (otherwise he
might improve the naked owner out of his Rules as to a purchaser of a property with usufruct
property) 1) If registered or known - A purchaser of the
o either remove the improvements if no property must respect the usufruct in case it is
substantial damage to the property in registered or known to him
usufruct is caused (Art 579); or 2) If not registered or known – The purchaser
o set off (compensate) the can oust the usufructuary, who can then look
improvements against damages for to the naked owner for damages
which he may be liable. (Art 580)
Rule in case of succession
Registration of improvements If the naked owner bequeathes (if personal property)
Improvements made by a usufructuary belong to him, or devises (if real property) to another through a will,
and may therefore be registered, not independently, the legatee or devisee should respect the usufruct.
but in the registration proceedings of the land held
in usufruct. The purpose of the registration is to Double sale by naked owner
protect him against third persons, for while he cannot The naked owner is ordinarily not allowed to sell the
obtain a refund therefor, still he may remove them or usufruct to another after having sold it first to the
set them off against damages chargeable to him. usufructuary; but if he does so, Art. 1544 relating to a
double sale applies.
Usufructuary and possessor in good faith
Usufructuary Possessor in good Other rights of the naked owner
faith 1) construct any works; and
2) make any improvements; or

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3) make new plantings thereon if it be rural BUT Article 585

always, such acts must not cause: The usufructuary, whatever may be the title of the
 a decrease in the value of the usufruct; usufruct, may be excused from the obligation of
or making an inventory or of giving security, when no
 prejudice the right of the usufructuary. one will be injured thereby. (493)
(Art 595).
Obligations before the usufruct
Article 582 1) To make, after notice to the owner or his
The usufructuary of a part of a thing held in legitimate representative, an inventory of all the
common shall exercise all the rights pertaining to the property, which shall contain an appraisal of
owner thereof with respect to the administration and the movables and a description of the
the collection of fruits or interest. Should the co- condition of the immovables;
ownership cease by reason of the division of the (INVENTORY)
thing held in common, the usufruct of the part 2) To give security, binding himself to fulfill the
allotted to the co-owner shall belong to the obligations imposed upon him in accordance
usufructuary. (490) with this Chapter. (SECURITY)

Usufructuary of a part of common property These obligations are not necessary however before
A co-owner may give the usufruct of his share to the right to the usufruct begins; they are merely
another, even without the consent of the others, unless necessary before physical possession and
personal considerations are present. (Art 493) enjoyment of the property can be had. The owner
may, if he so prefers, until the usufructuary gives
Rights of the usufructuary security or is excused from so doing, retain in his
All the rights of the owner in possession the property in usufruct as
1) administration or management administrator, subject to the obligation to deliver
2) collection of fruits or interest to the usufructuary the net proceeds thereof, after
deducting the sums which may be agreed upon or
judicially allowed him for such administration. (Art
Effect of the partition
1) If there be a partition, the usufructuary
continues to have the usufruct of the part
Requirements for making the inventory
allotted to the co-owner concerned. (Art 582).
1) The owner (or his legitimate representative)
2) The naked owner must respect the usufruct
must be previously notified.
2) The condition of the immovables must be
Obligations of the Usufructuary
3) The movables must be appraised in view of
easy deterioration or loss
The following are the obligations of the
4) No form is required except that when there are
usufructuary and the naked owner
real properties, Art 1358 demands a public
1) Before the usufruct
instrument to affect third parties
2) During the usufruct
5) Expenses are to be borne by the usufructuary,
3) After the usufruct
since the duty is his.
6) The effect of not making an inventory is the
Article 583 same as when the security is not given
The usufructuary, before entering upon the
enjoyment of the property, is obliged:
When inventory is not required
(1) To make, after notice to the owner or his 1) When no one will be injured thereby; (Art 585)
legitimate representative, an inventory of all the  as in the case of usufruct over a
property, which shall contain an appraisal of the periodical pension or incorporeal right
movables and a description of the condition of the 2) In case of waiver by the naked owner or the
immovables; law; or
(2) To give security, binding himself to fulfill the 3) or when there is a stipulation in a will or
obligations imposed upon him in accordance with contract.
this Chapter. (491)
Giving of security
Article 584 Purpose: To insure faithful compliance of the duties
The provisions of No. 2 of the preceding article shall
of the usufructuary
not apply to the donor who has reserved the
usufruct of the property donated, or to the parents Form: The law does not specify what kind of security
who are usufructuaries of their children's property, should be given; any kind is allowed.
except when the parents contract a second marriage.
(492a) When security is not required

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1) When no one will be injured thereby (Art Article 586

585) Should the usufructuary fail to give security in the
 The law says “may,” therefore the cases in which he is bound to give it, the owner may
usufructuary is not always excused, the demand that the immovables be placed under
exemption being dependent on the administration, that the movables be sold, that the
naked owner. public bonds, instruments of credit payable to order
or to bearer be converted into registered certificates
 the grant may be made by somebody
or deposited in a bank or public institution, and that
else authorized by said naked owner the capital or sums in cash and the proceeds of the
2) When there is waiver by the naked owner, or sale of the movable property be invested in safe
there is a stipulation either in a will or by securities.
3) When the usufructuary is the donor of the The interest on the proceeds of the sale of the
property who has reserved the usufruct (Art movables and that on public securities and bonds,
584) and the proceeds of the property placed under
 Also applies to a remitter in a remission administration, shall belong to the usufructuary.
as this is also gratutitous
4) When there is a parental usufruct (Art 584) Furthermore, the owner may, if he so prefers, until
the usufructuary gives security or is excused from so
doing, retain in his possession the property in
Art. 226. The property of the unemancipated child
usufruct as administrator, subject to the obligation
earned or acquired with his work or industry or by
to deliver to the usufructuary the net proceeds
onerous or gratuitous title shall belong to the child
thereof, after deducting the sums which may be
in ownership and shall be devoted exclusively to the
agreed upon or judicially allowed him for such
latter’s support and education, unless the title or
administration. (494)
transfer provides otherwise.

The right of the parents over the fruits and Effects of failure to give security
income of the child’s property shall be limited On the rights of the naked owner
primarily to the child’s support and secondarily 1) He may deliver the property to the
to the collective daily needs of the family. (321a, usufructuary but even if delivery is made, the
323a) naked owner may still later on demand the
needed security;
XPN: 2) The naked owner may choose retention of the
1) when the parents contract a second or property as administrator; or
subsequent marriage  subject to the obligation to deliver to
2) Where the market value of the property or the usufructuary the net proceeds
the annual income of the child exceeds thereof, after deducting the sums
P50,000 (Art 225) – not as a usufructuary which may be agreed upon or judicially
but as a guardian allowed him for such administration
3) The naked owner may demand
Art. 225. The father and the mother shall  receivership of administration by
jointly exercise legal guardianship over the another of the real property
property of the unemancipated common  the movables be sold
child without the necessity of a court o he may want to retain some of
appointment. In case of disagreement, the them for their artistic worth or
father’s decision shall prevail, unless there is sentimental value, in which
a judicial order to the contrary.
case, he may demand their
Where the market value of the property delivery to him provided he
or the annual income of the child (naked owner) gives security
exceeds P50,000, the parent concerned for the payment of legal
shall be required to furnish a bond in such interest on their appraised
amount as the court may determine, but value
not less than ten per centum (10%) of the  that the public bonds, instruments of
value of the property or annual income, to credit payable to order or to bearer be
guarantee the performance of the converted into registered certificates or
obligations prescribed for general guardians. deposited in a bank or public
institution; and
xxx  that the capital or sums in cash and the
proceeds of the sale of the movable
5) When there is a caucion juratoria (Art 587)
property be invested in safe securities.
 This is available only under the
conditions prescribed in the article
 The interest on the proceeds of the
sale of the movables and that on public

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securities and bonds, and the proceeds After the security has been given by the
of the property placed under usufructuary, he shall have a right to all the proceeds
administration, shall belong to the and benefits from the day on which, in accordance
usufructuary. with the title constituting the usufruct, he should
have commenced to receive them. (496)

On the rights of the usufructuary Retroactive effect of security

1) The usufructuary cannot possess the property Once the security is given, there is retroactive effect as
till he gives the security. to all the proceeds and benefits from the day on which,
2) The usufructuary cannot administer the in accordance with the title constituting the usufruct,
property, hence, he cannot execute a lease he should have commenced to receive.
3) The usufructuary cannot collect credits that Article 589
have matured, nor invest them unless the Court The usufructuary shall take care of the things given
or the naked owner consents. (Art 599) in usufruct as a good father of a family. (497)
4) The usufructuary can alienate his right to the
usufruct Obligations during the life of the usufruct
General obligations
Article 587 1) Preserve its substance and form
If the usufructuary who has not given security 2) Observe the diligence of a good father of the
claims, by virtue of a promise under oath, the family
delivery of the furniture necessary for his use, and
that he and his family be allowed to live in a house Specific obligations
included in the usufruct, the court may grant this 1) Make the ordinary repairs on the property (Art
petition, after due consideration of the facts of the 592)
2) Pay the annual charges and taxes which are
The same rule shall be observed with respect to imposed in the fruits (Art 596)
implements, tools and other movable property 3) Notify the owner of the need of urgent
necessary for an industry or vocation in which he is extraordinary repairs (Art 593)
engaged. 4) Pay the expenses, costs and liabilities for suits
involving the usufruct (Art 602)
If the owner does not wish that certain articles be 5) Notify the owner of any act of a third person
sold because of their artistic worth or because they that may be prejudicial to the rights of the
have a sentimental value, he may demand their owner (Art 601)
delivery to him upon his giving security for the
payment of the legal interest on their appraised Rules as to use
value. (495) 1) Although care of a pater familias is required (Art
589), still a usufruct is not extinguished by bad
Caucion juratoria use.
A sworn duty to take good care of the property and
 Bad use, if owner suffers considerable
return same at the end of the usufruct. It takes the
injury, entitles him to demand its
place of the bond or security and is based on
administration without prejudice to the
necessity and humanity as when a poor family acquires
usufruct. (Art 610)
by inheritance, the usufruct of a badly needed house.
2) In the exercise of prudent care, the
usufructuary is required to
1) proper court petition
 Make ORDINARY repairs (Art 592)
2) necessity for delivery of furniture, implements
or house included in the usufruct
 Notify the naked owner of urgency of
3) approval of the court
4) sworn promise.
(Art 593), and
 Notify of any acts which may prove
detrimental to ownership (Art 610).
1) He cannot sell the property
 The usufructuary answers for damage
2) He cannot lease the property
caused by the fault or negligence of his
alienee, grantee, agent, or lessee (Art
Art 587 applies only if he is required but cannot
afford to give the security.
Article 590
A usufructuary who alienates or leases his right of
Article 588 usufruct shall answer for any damage which the

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things in usufruct may suffer through the fault or The usufructuary is obliged to make the ordinary
negligence of the person who substitutes him. (498) repairs needed by the thing given in usufruct.

Liability of the usufructuary for acts of the By ordinary repairs are understood such as are
substitute required by the wear and tear due to the natural use
1) The usufructuary is made liable for the acts of of the thing and are indispensable for its
the substitute if there is fault, negligence, or preservation. Should the usufructuary fail to make
even willful deceit. them after demand by the owner, the latter may
make them at the expense of the usufructuary. (500)
 while the substitute answers to the
usufructuary, the usufructuary answers
Conditions in order to warrant ordinary repairs
to the naked owner.
1) they are required by normal or natural use
2) Even when there is a sub-usufructuary, it is still
2) They are needed for preservation
the usufructuary who answers to the naked
3) They must have occurred during the usufruct
owner for ordinary repairs, taxes on the fruits,
4) They must have happened with or without the
fault of the usufructuary
Article 591
Q: Can usufructuary exempt himself from the duty
If the usufruct be constituted on a flock or herd of
to make or pay for the necessary repairs by
livestock, the usufructuary shall be obliged to replace
with the young thereof the animals that die each year renouncing the usufruct?
from natural causes, or are lost due to the rapacity of
beasts of prey. A:
1) If no fault – Yes, but must surrender the fruits
If the animals on which the usufruct is constituted 2) If with fault – No, he would still be liable for
should all perish, without the fault of the damages.
usufructuary, on account of some contagious disease
or any other uncommon event, the usufructuary Remedy if usufructuary does not make the
shall fulfill his obligation by delivering to the owner necessary expenses
the remains which may have been saved from the Should the usufructuary fail to make them after
misfortune. demand by the owner, the latter may make them at the
expense of the usufructuary.
Should the herd or flock perish in part, also by
accident and without the fault of the usufructuary,
the usufruct shall continue on the part saved. Exception
When the usufruct includes things which, without
Should the usufruct be on sterile animals, it shall be being consumed, gradually deteriorate through wear
considered, with respect to its effects, as though and tear without endangering the preservation of the
constituted on fungible things. (499a) thing. (Art 573)

Usufruct on livestock Article 593

The article applies only when the usufruct is on a flock Extraordinary repairs shall be at the expense of the
and herd of livestock. owner. The usufructuary is obliged to notify the
owner when the need for such repairs is urgent.
Rules in case of fruitful or productive livestock (501)
There is obligation to replace if:
1) some animals die from natural causes; Extraordinary repairs
2) some animals are lost due to rapacity of beasts 1) Shall be at the expense of the owner
of prey; 2) Notify the owner when the need for such
repairs is urgent
There is no obligation to replace if:
1) there is a total loss of the animals because of Article 594
some unexpected or unnatural loss, provided If the owner should make the extraordinary repairs,
no fault on the part of the usufructuary he shall have a right to demand of the usufructuary
the legal interest on the amount expended for the
 whatever remains must be delivered to time that the usufruct lasts.
the owner
2) there is partial loss under the same condition Should he not make them when they are
 usufruct continues on the remainder indispensable for the preservation of the thing, the
usufructuary may make them; but he shall have a
Rule in case of sterile animals right to demand of the owner, at the termination of
Since there are no young (broods) here, the rule of the usufruct, the increase in value which the
usufruct over fungibles applies. (Art 574) immovable may have acquired by reason of the
repairs. (502a)
Article 592

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Kinds of extraordinary repairs 1) the usufructuary profits by said increase

1) Those caused by natural use but not needed for 2) the usufructuary does not have to pay legal
preservation interest on the improvement (since the act is
2) Those caused by abnormal or exceptional voluntary and not an extraordinary repair)
circumstances and needed for preservation
3) Those caused by abnormal or exceptional Article 596
circumstances but not needed for preservation The payment of annual charges and taxes and of
those considered as a lien on the fruits, shall be at
Kinds Who should pay? the expense of the usufructuary for all the time that
Those caused by natural Naked owner; the usufruct lasts. (504)
use but not needed for
preservation he is not required by law Kinds of charges and taxes; who bears
nor can be compelled by 1) Those considered as lien on the fruits -
the usufructuary USUFRUCTUARY
Those caused by Naked owner but the 2) Those which may be imposed directly on
abnormal or exceptional usufructuary may capital – NAKED OWNER
circumstances and make them
needed for preservation Charges and taxes considered as liens
1) Usufructuary 1) the annual charges (on the fruits)
must notify the
 ordinary repairs
owner (Art 594)
2) He has the right  necessary cultivation expenses
to get the 2) the annual taxes on the fruits
increase in value
(Art 594) and It is well-settled that a real property tax, being a
retention until burden upon the capital, should be paid by the
paid at the owner of the land, and not by a usufructuary. (Board
termination of of Assessment v. Samar Mining)
the contract (Art
612) Article 597
Those caused by Naked owner The taxes which, during the usufruct, may be
abnormal or exceptional imposed directly on the capital, shall be at the
circumstances but not he is not required by law expense of the owner.
needed for preservation nor can be compelled by
the usufructuary; nor is If the latter has paid them, the usufructuary shall pay
the usufructuary allowed him the proper interest on the sums which may have
to make them been paid in that character; and, if the said sums have
been advanced by the usufructuary, he shall recover
Right to legal interest the amount thereof at the termination of the
The owner can demand from the usufructuary the legal usufruct. (505)
interest on the amount for the duration of the usufruct.
Rules on taxes imposed directly on capital
Article 595 1) If paid by naked owner, he can demand legal
The owner may construct any works and make any interest on the sum paid.
improvements of which the immovable in usufruct 2) If advanced in the meantime by the
is susceptible, or make new plantings thereon if it be usufructuary, he should be
rural, provided that such acts do not cause a  Reimbursed the amount paid without
diminution in the value of the usufruct or prejudice legal interest
the right of the usufructuary. (503)  Entitled to retention

Constructions, improvements and plantings by Article 598

the naked owner If the usufruct be constituted on the whole of a
Although the property is in the possession of the patrimony, and if at the time of its constitution the
usufructuary, the naked owner may still — owner has debts, the provisions of articles 758 and
1) construct works 759 relating to donations shall be applied, both with
2) make improvements respect to the maintenance of the usufruct and to the
3) make new plantings (if rural) obligation of the usufructuary to pay such debts.
1) the value of the usufruct is not diminished The same rule shall be applied in case the owner is
2) or the right of the usufructuary is not obliged, at the time the usufruct is constituted, to
make periodical payments, even if there should be
no known capital. (506)
Effect of increase in the value of the usufruct

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Article 758. When the donation imposes upon the

donee the obligation to pay the debts of the donor, Rules on usufruct of a matured credits
if the clause does not contain any declaration to the 1) If usufructuary has given security, collection
contrary, the former is understood to be liable to pay and investment can be done without the
only the debts which appear to have been previously approval of the court or of the naked owner.
contracted. In no case shall the donee be responsible 2) If the usufructuary has
for the debts exceeding the value of the property
 Not given security
donated, unless a contrary intention clearly appears.
(642a)  He is exempted
 There was only a caucion juratoria
Article 759. There being no stipulation regarding the - collection and investment can be done only
payment of debts, the donee shall be responsible with the
therefor only when the donation has been made in 1) authorization of the owner
fraud of creditors. 2) approval of the court

The donation is always presumed to be in fraud of Ownership of the credit collected

creditors, when at the time thereof the donor did not If the credit is collected, same belongs to the naked
reserve sufficient property to pay his debts prior to owner, but the usufructuary gets its usufruct.
the donation. (643)
Failure to collect due to negligence
Rules The usufructuary shall be liable if the credit that has
1) No stipulation as to payment of debts - The matured (due and demandable) is not collected because
donee shall be responsible therefor only when of his fault or negligence.
the donation has been made in fraud of
creditors (Art 759) Article 600
2) With stipulation as to payment of debts - liable The usufructuary of a mortgaged immovable shall
to pay only the debts which appear to have not be obliged to pay the debt for the security of
been previously contracted. which the mortgage was constituted.
 In no case shall the donee be
responsible for debts exceeding the Should the immovable be attached or sold judicially
value of the property donated, unless a for the payment of the debt, the owner shall be liable
contrary intention clearly appears. (Art to the usufructuary for whatever the latter may lose
758) by reason thereof. (509)
XPN: The clause contains a declaration to the
contrary Usufruct of mortgaged immovable (Particular
Applicability 1) The usufructuary of a mortgaged immovable
1) If the usufruct is constituted on the whole of a shall not be obliged to pay the debt for the
patrimony security of which the mortgage was
2) The naked owner constituted.
 Has debts; or 2) Should the immovable be attached or sold
 Is obliged to make periodical payments judicially for the payment of the debt, the
3) Art 598 also applies if a person donates owner shall be liable to the usufructuary for
everything but reserves to him the usufruct whatever the latter may lose by reason
thereof thereof.

How the liability of the naked owner be

Article 599
The usufructuary may claim any matured credits extinguished
which form a part of the usufruct if he has given or 1) by constituting a usufruct over an equivalent
gives the proper security. If he has been excused estate; or
from giving security or has not been able to give it, 2) by payment of a periodical pension
or if that given is not sufficient, he shall need the equivalent to the loss; or
authorization of the owner, or of the court in default 3) in any other similar way
thereof, to collect such credits.
Mortgaging of the usufruct itself
The usufructuary who has given security may use the Since usufruct is a real right, the usufruct (as
capital he has collected in any manner he may deem distinguished from the property itself) may be
proper. The usufructuary who has not given security mortgaged, not by the naked owner, but by the
shall invest the said capital at interest upon
usufructuary. In such a case, it is the usufructuary who
agreement with the owner; in default of such
should pay his own debt.
agreement, with judicial authorization; and, in every
case, with security sufficient to preserve the integrity
of the capital in usufruct. (507) Pledge of a movable

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It is believed that although Art. 600 speaks only of a 6) By the termination of the right of the person
mortgaged immovable, it can also apply, by analogy, to constituting the usufruct;
a pledged movable, provided that the movable is in the 7) By prescription. (513a)
usufructuary’s possession.
Article 1231. xxx Other causes of extinguishment of
Article 601 obligations, such as annulment, rescission,
The usufructuary shall be obliged to notify the fulfillment of a resolutory condition, and
owner of any act of a third person, of which he may prescription, are governed elsewhere in this Code.
have knowledge, that may be prejudicial to the rights
of ownership, and he shall be liable should he not do Extinguishment
so, for damages, as if they had been caused through GR: Death of the usufructuary ends the usufruct
his own fault. (511) XPNs:
1) In the case of multiple usufructs [here it ends
When notification is required on the death of the last survivor.
1) If a third party commits acts prejudicial to 2) In case there is a period fixed based on the
“the rights of ownership number of years that would elapse before a
2) If urgent repairs are needed (Art 593) third person would reach a certain age
3) If an inventory (at the beginning of the XPN: the period was expressly granted only in
usufruct) is to be made. (Art 583) consideration of the existence of such person,
in which case it ends at the death of said person
When notification is Effect of non- (Art 606)
required notification 3) In case the contrary intention clearly appears
If a third party commits The usufructuary is 4) Death of the naked owner
acts prejudicial to “the liable for damages, as if
rights of ownership (Art they had been caused The utmost period for which a usufruct can endure,
601) through his own fault. if constituted in favor of a natural person is the
If urgent repairs are The usufructuary cannot lifetime of the usufructuary. (Eleizegue v. Lawn
needed (Art 593) even make the Tennis Club)
extraordinary repairs
Renunciation under the law refers to a voluntary
If an inventory (at the The inventory can go surrender of the rights of the usufructuary, made by
beginning of the on, but the naked owner him with the intent to so surrender them. In this
usufruct) is to be made. may later point out case, there was a claim of ownership and there was
(Art 583) discrepancies and also a forced surrender. Hence, there is no
omissions in the renunciation or waiver. (City of Manila v. Monte
inventory. de Piedad)
Article 602 Other causes for extinguishment
The expenses, costs and liabilities in suits brought
1) Annulment
with regard to the usufruct shall be borne by the
usufructuary. (512) 2) Rescission
3) Mutual withdrawal
Applicability 4) legal causes ending legal usufruct, as when
This article particularly applies only when the attainment of the age of majority extinguishes
usufructuary has LOST the case parental usufruct.
 Non-fulfillment of a suspensive
condition does not extinguish usufruct,
CHAPTER 4 for the simple reason that the usufruct
never came into existence
Extinguishment of Usufruct
Article 604
If the thing given in usufruct should be lost only in
Article 603
part, the right shall continue on the remaining part.
Usufruct is extinguished:
1) By the death of the usufructuary, unless a
contrary intention clearly appears; Total Loss of the Thing in Usufruct
2) By the expiration of the period for which it 1) Total loss ends the usufruct, but not partial
was constituted, or by the fulfillment of any loss, for in the latter case, the usufruct,
resolutory condition provided in the title continues on the remaining part. (Art 604)
creating the usufruct; 2) For total loss of a building (whether or not the
3) By merger of the usufruct and ownership in land is included in the usufruct; and whether or
the same person; not the building has been insured). (Arts. 607-
4) By renunciation of the usufructuary; 608).
5) By the total loss of the thing in usufruct;

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3) For legal loss (as in the case of expropriation). right to occupy the land and to make use of the
(Art 609). materials, being obliged to pay to the usufructuary,
during the continuance of the usufruct, the interest
Article 605 upon the sum equivalent to the value of the land and
Usufruct cannot be constituted in favor of a town, of the materials. (517)
corporation, or association for more than fifty years.
If it has been constituted, and before the expiration Rule when the
of such period the town is abandoned, or the building is destroyed
corporation or association is dissolved, the usufruct Usufruct constituted The usufruct on the
shall be extinguished by reason thereof. (515a both on the building building is ended, but
and the land the usufruct on the land
Usufruct in favor of entities continues.
Under Sec. 11 of the Corporation Code, 50 years are
allowed for the existence of a private corporation. In The usufructuary
the case of towns or municipal corporations, a period prevails in case the
naked owner wants to
longer than 50 years may militate against the public
policy which prohibits the perpetual entailment of
Usufruct constituted The usufruct on the
property. only on the building building ends, but the
usufructuary can still
Exception make use of whatever
Since trusts are different from usufructs, Art 605 does materials of the house
not apply to the former such as a trust for the remain.
establishment of a high school with the governor as
trustee and the townspeople the beneficiary. Said trust The naked owner
can continue despite the restrictions in Art. 605. prevails in case the
naked owner wants to
Article 606 rebuild
A usufruct granted for the time that may elapse Usufruct is constituted The usufructuary shall
before a third person attains a certain age, shall on immovable property have a right to make use
subsist for the number of years specified, even if the of which a building of the land and the
third person should die before the period expires, forms part materials.
unless such usufruct has been expressly granted only
in consideration of the existence of such person. Person at fault
(516) Should the destruction be due to the fault of the naked
owner, usufructuary, or a third person, the person at
Example (Paras) fault must indemnify.
A gave B his land in usufruct until C becomes 40 years
old. A constituted the usufruct when C was only 20 Article 608
years old. This means that the usufruct should last for If the usufructuary shares with the owner the
20 years, even if C dies before attaining the age of 40. insurance of the tenement given in usufruct, the
If therefore C dies at the age of 30, the usufruct in B’s former shall, in case of loss, continue in the
favor generally continues. enjoyment of the new building, should one be
constructed, or shall receive the interest on the
insurance indemnity if the owner does not wish to
The period was expressly granted only in consideration
of the existence of such person, in which case it ends Should the usufructuary have refused to contribute
at the death of said person (Art 606). If in the example to the insurance, the owner insuring the tenement
given, B was made the usufructuary only because he alone, the latter shall receive the full amount of the
had to support C, it follows that the usufruct was insurance indemnity in case of loss, saving always the
expressly constituted only in consideration of the right granted to the usufructuary in the preceding
existence of C. Thus, on C’s death, the usufruct ends article. (518a)

Article 607 Payment of insurance

If the usufruct is constituted on immovable property both the usufructuary 1) If the owner
of which a building forms part, and the latter should and the naked owner constructs a new
be destroyed in any manner whatsoever, the share building - the
usufructuary shall have a right to make use of the usufruct continues
land and the materials. on the new building.
2) If the owner does
The same rule shall be applied if the usufruct is not construct a new
constituted on a building only and the same should building - the naked
be destroyed. But in such a case, if the owner should owner gets the
wish to construct another building, he shall have a insurance indemnity

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but should pay the 2) Naked owner can

interest (fruits) demand delivery to
and administration
thereon to the by him
usufructuary. 3) The naked owner
it is only the naked The naked owner gets will be obliged to
owner who pays because the whole indemnity pay the net proceeds
the usufructuary refused to usufructuary after
deducting the
Without prejudice to expenses and the
Article 607 compensation
Usufructuary alone pays Insurance goes to the which may be
the insurance premium usufructuary alone allowed him for its

Article 609
Should the thing in usufruct be expropriated for Intervention by the Court
public use, the owner shall be obliged either to Court will determine whether or not there is
replace it with another thing of the same value and considerable injury to the naked owner.
of similar conditions, or to pay the usufructuary the
legal interest on the amount of the indemnity for the Article 611
whole period of the usufruct. If the owner chooses A usufruct constituted in favor of several persons
the latter alternative, he shall give security for the living at the time of its constitution shall not be
payment of the interest. (519) extinguished until the death of the last survivor.
Rules in case of expropriation
1) the owner shall be obliged either to replace it Rule in multiple usufruct
with another thing of the same value and of It is the death of the last survivor which, among other
similar condition causes, terminates the usufruct.
2) pay the usufructuary the legal interest on the
amount of the indemnity for the whole period Article 612
of the usufruct. Upon the termination of the usufruct, the thing in
 If the owner chooses the latter usufruct shall be delivered to the owner, without
alternative, he shall give security for the prejudice to the right of retention pertaining to the
payment of the interest. usufructuary or his heirs for taxes and extraordinary
expenses which should be reimbursed. After the
Applicable law or rule delivery has been made, the security or mortgage
Only the owner was Art 609 shall be cancelled. (522a)
given indemnity
Both the naked owner Each owns the Rights and Obligations at the Termination of the
and the usufructuary indemnity given to him, Usufruct
were separately given the usufruct being totally On the Part of the Usufructuary
indemnity extinguished 1) must RETURN the property to the naked
Usufructuary alone was He must give it to the owner, but he has the rights
given the indemnity, naked owner and compel 2) to RETAIN the property till he is reimbursed
the latter to return either for TAXES ON THE CAPITAL (which had
the interest or to replace been advanced by him) [Art 597 (2)] and
the property. He may indispensable EXTRAORDINARY
even deduct the interest REPAIRS or EXPENSES (insofar as there has
himself, if the naked
been an increase in the value).
owner fails to object.
3) to remove removable improvements (Art 579)
Article 610
4) set them off against damages he has caused.
A usufruct is not extinguished by bad use of the
thing in usufruct; but if the abuse should cause (Art 580).
considerable injury to the owner, the latter may
demand that the thing be delivered to him, binding On the Part of the Naked Owner
himself to pay annually to the usufructuary the net 1) must cancel the security or mortgage (provided
proceeds of the same, after deducting the expenses the usufructuary has complied with all his
and the compensation which may be allowed him for obligations) (Art 612).
its administration. (520) 2) must in case of rural leases, respect leases made
by the usufructuary, till the end of the
Bad use Effect agricultural year. (Art 572).
Does not cause considerable Usufruct continues; naked 3) make reimbursements to the usufructuary in
injury to the naked owner owner cannot demand
administration by himself. the proper cases. (Art 597 and 594)
Causes considerable injury to 1) Usufruct continues
the naked owner

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TITLE VII possession over the

Right of use for a Right of use for the
CHAPTER 1 special and limited period fixed in the lease
Easements in General purpose terms
An incorporeal interest Gives possessory rights
SECTION 1 on the land, which is
Different Kinds of Easements non-possessory in
character, but grants no
title thereto.
Article 613
An easement or servitude is an encumbrance
Easement Usufruct
imposed upon an immovable for the benefit of
another immovable belonging to a different owner. It is a limitation to the owner’s right to use or jus
The immovable in favor of which the easement is The owners retain their ownership and power to
established is called the dominant estate; that which alienate
is subject thereto, the servient estate. (530) Acquired either by Acquired either by law,
virtue of a title or by will of the parties or by
Article 614 prescription of ten prescription (Art 563)
Servitudes may also be established for the benefit of years. (Art 620, 622)
a community, or of one or more persons to whom Incorporeal interest to Use and fruits
the encumbered estate does not belong. (531) use but grants no title
Two different One immovable and
Easement or servitude - an encumbrance imposed immovables and two one naked owner
owners (praedial)
upon an immovable for the benefit of another
Constituted over a Constituted over an
immovable belonging to a different owner. It may also
corporeal immovable immovable, movable or
be established for right
1) the benefit of a community, or Grants only mere Grants physical
2) of one or more persons to whom the material possession and possession through
encumbered estate does not belong. not an adverse one furnishing a security
(Bogo-Medellin v. CA)
 The New Civil Code defines easement An encumbrance and a A right
or servitude (“servitus”) from its right
passive aspect of being an
encumbrance. Characteristics
 Encumbrance – passive, right - active 1) It is a real right
 The other aspect of easement or  Easement is a real right since the right
servitude refers to the right of servitude is constituted on the thing itself and
(jus servitutes), or the right which not upon its owner or its occupant.
corresponds to the burden imposed.  The right avails against every person
whomsoever, who may happen, for the
It is a real right, constituted on the corporeal time being, to have any interest in the
immovable property of another, by virtue of which thing, or, as adverse possessor, to
the owner has to refrain from doing, or must allow exercise a right of dominion over it.
someone to do, something on his property, for 2) It is constituted over an immovable
the benefit of another thing or person. It exists only The term “immovable” in Article 613 should
when the servient and dominant estates belong to be understood in its ordinary or vulgar
two different owners. It gives the holder of the connotation — as referring to those which are,
easement an incorporeal interest on the land but by their nature, cannot be moved from one
grants no title thereto. Therefore, an
place to another — such as lands, buildings and
acknowledgment of the easement is an
admission that the property belongs to another. roads. Hence, it is legally impossible to impose
(Bogo-Medellin Milling Co., Inc. v. Court of an easement over another easement.
Appeals) 3) It is constituted over another’s property
 Jura in re aliena – enjoyed over another’s
Easement Servitude property
refers to the right refers to the burden  Operates as a limitation on the title of
enjoyed by one imposed upon the other. the owner of the servient estate,
specifically, his right to use (jus utendi).
Easement Lease  Nulli res sua servit - no man has a right of
an easement does not Gives its holder a right servitude in a thing of which he is the
give its holder a right of of possession over the owner. It is impossible to have an
property easement over one’s property.

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 An acknowledgement of easement is the servient estate or independently of the

an admission that the property belongs praedium serviens, for the latter’s ownership of any
to another use or advantage of the immovable or estate.
4) It is an encumbrance other, called the
The owner of the servient estate retains the dominant estate or
ownership of the portion on which the praedium dominans
easement is established, and may use the same The right of servitude The same is inseparable
resides in the estate from his person, and
in the manner as not to affect the exercise of
(praedium) itself and not necessarily ceases at his
the easement in the physical person death, unless there is a
who successively stipulation to the
Article 615 occupies or enjoys it contrary.
Easements may be continuous or discontinuous,
apparent or nonapparent. The right to personal servitude does not extend to
the successors-in-interest of the person to whom the
Continuous easements are those the use of which is right is granted. (Jabonete v. Monteverde)
or may be incessant, without the intervention of any
act of man.
As to source (Art 619)
Discontinuous easements are those which are used 1) Legal - are those which can be enforced by
at intervals and depend upon the acts of man. force of law and, therefore, may be established
even against the will of the owner of the
Apparent easements are those which are made servient estate.
known and are continually kept in view by external  Public legal easement
signs that reveal the use and enjoyment of the same.  Private legal easement

Nonapparent easements are those which show no Examples

external indication of their existence. (532)  Easement relating to waters (Arts. 637-
648, NCC);
Article 616
 Easement of right of way (Arts. 649-
Easements are also positive or negative.
657, NCC);
A positive easement is one which imposes upon the  Easement of party wall (Arts. 658-666,
owner of the servient estate the obligation of NCC);
allowing something to be done or of doing it  Easement of light and view (Arts. 667-
himself, and a negative easement, that which 673, NCC);
prohibits the owner of the servient estate from doing  Easement of drainage of buildings
something which he could lawfully do if the (Arts. 674-676, NCC);
easement did not exist. (533)  Easement of distances (Arts. 677-681,
Kinds of easements  Easement of nuisance (Arts. 682-683,
As to recipient of the benefit (Art 613, 614) NCC); and
1) Real  Easement of lateral and subjacent
 Praedial servitude support (Arts. 684-687, NCC).
 Art 613 2) Voluntary - that which is created by reason of
 the encumbrance is imposed upon an the will of the owner of the servient estate
immovable for the benefit of another  only the owner can constitute a
immovable belonging to a different servitude over his property since it
owner. operates as a limitation upon his title or
2) Personal ownership.
 Art 614
 encumbrance imposed upon an *There are no judicial easements. The courts can only
immovable for the “benefit of a declare its existence if in reality it exists by law or by
community, or of one or more the will of the owners.
persons to whom the encumbered
estate does not belong” As to its exercise (Art 615, 616)
 no owner of a tenement to speak of 1) Continuous or discontinuous
and the easement pertains to persons  Continuous - if its use is, or may be,
without a dominant estate, in this case, incessant without the intervention of
the public at large any act of man
Ex. Easement of light and view,
Real (praedial) Personal easement of drainage
Imposed upon one of Due, not to a thing, but  Discontinuous - if it is used at intervals
the two estates, called to a person, and depends on the act of man

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Ex. Easement of right of way Servitudes are merely accessories to the tenements
2) Apparent or non-apparent of which they form part. Although they are
 Apparent - made known and are possessed of a separate juridical existence, as mere
continually kept in view by external accessories, they cannot, however, be alienated from
signs that reveal the use and enjoyment the tenement, or mortgaged separately. It operates as
of the same. a limitation on the title of the owner of the servient
estate, specifi cally, his right to use (jus utendi) (Solid
Example: road and window
Manila v. Bio Hong)
 Non-apparent - are those which show
no external indication of their
*There can be no merger in an easement since the
personality of ownership is vested in two persons.
 Example: easement of not building Merger in easements requires full ownership of both
beyond a certain height estates.
3) Positive or negative 2) it is indivisible.
 Positive - one which imposes upon the This is but a necessary consequence of the
owner of the servient estate the principle of inseparability of the easement. As
obligation of allowing something to a consequence, even if the servient and
be done on his property (servitutes in dominant estates are divided between two or
patendo) more persons, the easement or the servitude
 An easement may not consist, continues to attach to the estates originally
however, in the right to demand that affected.
the servient owner do something  Division of the servient estate – each
(servitutes in faciendo). must bear on the part constituting to
 “not to interfere” them
 Negative - when it prohibits the owner  Division of the dominant estate – each
of the servient estate from doing may use the easement in its entirety
something which he could lawfully do
if the easement did not exist (servitutes in SECTION 2
non faciendo) Modes of Acquiring Easements

Positive Negative Article 620

Right to exclude others No application of Article Continuous and apparent easements are acquired
from the enjoyment and 429 either by virtue of a title or by prescription of ten
disposal under Art 429 is years. (537a)
Article 621
Article 617 In order to acquire by prescription the easements
Easements are inseparable from the estate to which referred to in the preceding article, the time of
they actively or passively belong. (534) possession shall be computed thus: in positive
easements, from the day on which the owner of the
Article 618 dominant estate, or the person who may have made
Easements are indivisible. If the servient estate is use of the easement, commenced to exercise it upon
divided between two or more persons, the easement the servient estate; and in negative easements, from
is not modified, and each of them must bear it on the day on which the owner of the dominant estate
the part which corresponds to him. forbade, by an instrument acknowledged before a
notary public, the owner of the servient estate, from
If it is the dominant estate that is divided between executing an act which would be lawful without the
two or more persons, each of them may use the easement. (538a)
easement in its entirety, without changing the place
of its use, or making it more burdensome in any Article 622
other way. (535) Continuous nonapparent easements, and
discontinuous ones, whether apparent or not, may
Article 619 be acquired only by virtue of a title. (539)
Easements are established either by law or by the will
of the owners. The former are called legal and the Article 623
latter voluntary easements. (536) The absence of a document or proof showing the
origin of an easement which cannot be acquired by
Characteristics of easements prescription may be cured by a deed of recognition
1) it is inseparable from the estate to which it by the owner of the servient estate or by a final
actively or passively belongs; and judgment. (540a)
 it is said that the easement or servitude
is but an accessory to the tenement of Article 624
which it forms part The existence of an apparent sign of easement
between two estates, established or maintained by

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the owner of both, shall be considered, should either Easement of light and view
of them be alienated, as a title in order that the Rules
easement may continue actively and passively, An easement of light and view may either be positive
unless, at the time the ownership of the two estates or negative.
is divided, the contrary should be provided in the
title of conveyance of either of them, or the sign Positive –
aforesaid should be removed before the execution 1) if through a party wall
of the deed. This provision shall also apply in case
2) If through one’s own wall if the window is one
of the division of a thing owned in common by two
or more persons. (541a) a balcony or projection extending over the
adjoining land
Article 625 Negative – if through one’s own wall
Upon the establishment of an easement, all the XPN: Art 624
rights necessary for its use are considered granted.
(542) Article 668. The period of prescription for the
acquisition of an easement of light and view shall be
Article 626 counted:
The owner of the dominant estate cannot use the
easement except for the benefit of the immovable (1) From the time of the opening of the window,
originally contemplated. Neither can he exercise the if it is through a party wall; or
easement in any other manner than that previously (2) From the time of the formal prohibition upon
established. (n) the proprietor of the adjoining land or tenement, if
the window is through a wall on the dominant estate.
Apparent Non-apparent (n)
Continuous By prescription By virtue of
of 10 years and title only Article 669. When the distances in article 67
by virtue of
title Proof of easement
Discontinuous By virtue of By virtue of The presumption is always against the existence of
title only title only an easement for “property is always presumed free
from any and all encumbrances.”
It is not the presence of apparent signs or physical *proof of easement is not covered by the Statute of
indications showing the existence of the easement, Frauds*
but rather the manner of exercise thereof, that 1) Acquired through prescription - necessarily
categorizes such easement into continuous or there is no document evidencing its existence
discontinuous. (Mercader v. Bardillas) and the same may only be established in a
judicial proceeding through
The water facility on a certain lot in a subdivision, preponderance of evidence
which is an encumbrance for the benefit of the 2) Not acquired through prescription – if there
community, is continuous and apparent easement, is no document evidencing the same, or such
because it is used incessantly without human
document is no longer available for whatever
intervention. Since the facility was continuously
used for more than 30 years as the residents’ sole reason, the absence of such proof may be cured
source of water, it was held that an easement of by a deed of recognition by the owner of the
water facility has already been acquired through servient estate
prescription. (Liwag v. Happy Glen Loop)  If denied, judicial proceeding
through preponderance of evidence
Acquisition through prescription (Art 621)
The commencement of the ten-year period of Title
prescription will depend on whether the easement is Article 624 of the New Civil Code provides for
positive or negative, as follows: acquisition of easements by title through the operation
1) If the easement is positive, the 10-year period of law.
is counted from the day on which the owner of  The term “title” does not mean a
the dominant estate, or the person who may document, it refers to a juridical act
have made use of the easement, commenced
to exercise it upon the servient estate; or The existence of the doors and windows on the
2) If the easement is negative, the 10-year period northeastern side of the aforementioned house, is
is counted from the day on which the owner of equivalent to a title, for the visible and permanent
the dominant estate forbade, by an sign of an easement is the title that characterizes
instrument acknowledged before a notary its existence. (Gargantos v. Tan Yanon)
public, the owner of the servient estate, from
executing an act which would be lawful without Requisites
the easement. 1) that there exists an apparent sign of servitude
between two estates;

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2) that at the time of the establishment of such The owner of the servient estate cannot impair, in
sign, the ownership of the two estates resides any manner whatsoever, the use of the servitude.
in one person;
3) that the sign of the easement be established by Nevertheless, if by reason of the place originally
the owner of both estates because the article assigned, or of the manner established for the use of
will not apply when the easement is established the easement, the same should become very
by a person different from the owner; inconvenient to the owner of the servient estate, or
should prevent him from making any important
4) that the ownership over the two estates is later
works, repairs or improvements thereon, it may be
on divided, either by alienation or partition; changed at his expense, provided he offers another
and place or manner equally convenient and in such a
5) that at the time of division of ownership, way that no injury is caused thereby to the owner of
nothing is stated in the document of alienation the dominant estate or to those who may have a right
or partition contrary to the easement nor is the to the use of the easement. (545)
sign of the easement removed before the
execution of the document. Article 630
The owner of the servient estate retains the
Co-ownership ownership of the portion on which the easement is
Article 624 also applies to a situation where the two established, and may use the same in such a manner
estates were previously under a state of co-ownership as not to affect the exercise of the easement. (n)
but prior to partition there exist an apparent sign of
easement in one of the estates. An easement consists in the limited use and enjoyment
of the property subjected to such encumbrance but
Exception without possession. In other words, it gives the holder
If the contrary should be provided in the title of of the easement an incorporeal interest on the property
conveyance of either of them or the apparent sign but grants no title thereto. Hence, the owner of the
should be removed before the execution of the deed servient estate retains the ownership of the portion on
which the easement is established, and may use the
same in such a manner as not to affect the exercise of
An easement may be acquired by virtue of title
through the easement.
1) a deed of recognition by the owner of the
servient estate DOMINANT ESTATE
2) a final judgment Rights
3) an apparent sign between two estates 1) to exercise the easement and all necessary
(Amor v. Tolentino) rights for its use including accessory easement.
(Art 625)
Article 627 2) to make on the servient estate all works
The owner of the dominant estate may make, at his necessary for the use and preservation of the
own expense, on the servient estate any works servitude, BUT —
necessary for the use and preservation of the  this must be at his own expense
servitude, but without altering it or rendering it more  he must NOTIFY the servient owner
 select convenient time and manner
For this purpose he shall notify the owner of the  he must NOT alter the easement NOR
servient estate, and shall choose the most convenient render it MORE BURDENSOME.
time and manner so as to cause the least (Art 627).
inconvenience to the owner of the servient estate. 3) to ask for a MANDATORY INJUNCTION
(543a) to prevent impairment or obstruction in the
exercise of the easement as when the owner of
Article 628 the servient estate obstructs the right of way by
Should there be several dominant estates, the building a wall or fence.
owners of all of them shall be obliged to contribute 4) to RENOUNCE totally (for an easement is
to the expenses referred to in the preceding article, indivisible) the easement if he desires
in proportion to the benefits which each may derive exemption from contribution to expenses. (Art
from the work. Any one who does not wish to
contribute may exempt himself by renouncing the
easement for the benefit of the others.
If the owner of the servient estate should make use 1) He cannot alter the easement. (Art 627).
of the easement in any manner whatsoever, he shall 2) He cannot make it more burdensome. (Art.
also be obliged to contribute to the expenses in the 627).
proportion stated, saving an agreement to the  Thus he cannot use the easement
contrary. (544) except for movable originally
contemplated. (Art 626).
Article 629

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 In the easement of right of way, he the land because they are occupying an area reserved
cannot increase the agreed width of the for public easement purposes. Similar to Pilar
path, nor deposit soil or materials Development Corporation, Dumadag, et. al. have no
outside of the boundaries agreed upon right or title over it precisely because it is public land.
(for these acts would be increasing the Likewise, we repeatedly held that squatters have no
burden), but he may allow OTHERS to possessory rights over the land intruded upon. The
length of time that they may have physically
use the path (this really does NOT
occupied the land is immaterial; they are deemed to
increase the burden) except if the
have entered the same in bad faith, such that the
contrary has been stipulated. nature of their possession is presumed to have
retained the same character throughout their
It is clear that the easement was established for the occupancy. (Pilar vs. Dumadag)
benefit of all producers and of the corporation as it is
the intent of the milling contract. Since the easement is 3) to change the location of a very
a voluntary, apparent, continuous easement of way in inconvenient easement provided that an equally
favor of the North Negros Sugar, it is contrary to the convenient substitute is made, without injury to
nature of the contract that it is only limited to canes the dominant estate. (Art 629, par 2).
produced by the servient estates since it is a well settled
rule that things serve their owner by reason of Obligations
ownership and not by reason of easement. 1) He cannot impair the use of the easement. (Art
(Valderrama v. North Negros Sugar Co.) 629, par. 1).
2) He must contribute to the expenses in case he
3) If there are several dominant estates, each must uses the easement, unless there is a contrary
contribute to necessary repairs and expenses in stipulation. (Art 628, par. 2).
proportion to the BENEFITS received by each 3) In case of impairment, to restore conditions to
estate (and not in proportion to the VALUE of the status quo at his expense plus damages. (In
each estate). (In the absence of proof, we should case of obstruction, as when he fences the
presume the benefi ts to be equal). original right of way, and offers an
4) Regarding the repairs, it must be inconvenient substitute way, which is farther
 this must be at his own expense and requires turning at a sharp angle, he may
 he must NOTIFY the servient owner be restrained by injunction).
 select convenient time and manner (Art 4) To pay for the expenses incurred for the
627) change of location or form of the easement (in
the proper case). (Art 629, par. 2)
The owner of the dominant estate cannot violate
Rights any of the following prescribed restrictions on
1) to retain ownership and possession of the its rights on the servient estate, to wit:
portion of his land affected by the easement 1) it can only exercise rights necessary for the
(Art 630) even if indemnity for the right is use of the easement;
given (as in the case of the easement of right of 2) it cannot use the easement except for the
way) (Art 649), unless the contrary has been benefit of the immovable originally
stipulated. contemplated;
3) it cannot exercise the easement in any other
2) to make USE of the easement, unless deprived
manner than that previously established;
by stipulation provided that the exercise of the 4) it cannot construct anything on it which is
easement is not adversely affected (Art. 630) not necessary for the use and preservation of
and provided further that he contributes to the the easement;
expenses in proportion to BENEFITS 5) it cannot alter or make the easement more
received, unless there is a contrary stipulation. burdensome;
(Art 628, par 2) 6) it must notify the servient estate owner of its
intention to make necessary works on the
What is involved here is an undue interference on servient estate;
the property rights of a landowner to build a 7) it should choose the most convenient time
concrete wall on his own property. It is a simple case and manner to build said works so as to
of a neighbor, petitioner Aneco, seeking to restrain cause the least convenience to the owner
a landowner, respondent Landex, from fencing his of the servient estate. Any violation of the
own land. (Aneco Realty v. Landex) above constitutes impairment of the
Pilar Development Corporation’s right of ownership (Goldcrest Realty v. Cypress Garden)
and possession has been limited by law with respect
to the 3-meter strip/zone along the banks of SECTION 4
Mahabang Ilog Creek. Dumadag, et. al. also don’t Modes of Extinguishment of Easements
have a better right to possess the subject portion of

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Article 631  presupposes that the easement was

Easements are extinguished: used but later abandoned
 non-user must have lasted for a period
(1) By merger in the same person of the ownership of ten (10) years
of the dominant and servient estates;
(2) By nonuser for ten years; with respect to
Discontinuous - from the day on which the
discontinuous easements, this period shall be
easement was not used.
computed from the day on which they ceased to be
Continuous - counted from the day on which an act
used; and, with respect to continuous easements,
contrary to the easement took place.
from the day on which an act contrary to the same
took place;
(3) When either or both of the estates fall into such Co-ownership
condition that the easement cannot be used; but it The use of the easement by any of the co-owners will
shall revive if the subsequent condition of the estates prevent the running of the 10-year period of extinctive
or either of them should again permit its use, unless prescription by non-user.
when the use becomes possible, sufficient time for
prescription has elapsed, in accordance with the (3) When either or both of the estates fall into such
provisions of the preceding number; condition that the easement cannot be used; but it shall
(4) By the expiration of the term or the fulfillment revive if the subsequent condition of the estates or
of the condition, if the easement is temporary or either of them should again permit its use, unless when
conditional; the use becomes possible, sufficient time for
(5) By the renunciation of the owner of the prescription has elapsed, in accordance with the
dominant estate; provisions of the preceding number;
(6) By the redemption agreed upon between the
owners of the dominant and servient estates. (546a)
Not suspended but extinguished
Article 632 1) If the circumstances which cause the
The form or manner of using the easement may impossibility of use shall be irreparable, in
prescribe as the easement itself, and in the same way. which case, the easement is absolutely
(547a) extinguished
2) If the circumstances which cause the
Article 633 impossibility of use are reparable, the easement
If the dominant estate belongs to several persons in is likewise extinguished if the period of
common, the use of the easement by any one of extinctive prescription by non-user has
them prevents prescription with respect to the already lapsed.
others. (548)
Must not be a fortuitous event
Extinguishment of easements The non-user must be due to voluntary abstention by
1) By merger in the same person of the ownership the dominant owner, and not to fortuitous event,
of the dominant and servient estates; because the basis of this cause of extinguishment is
 As a consequence, if there is a merger presumptive renunciation.
in the same person of the ownership of
the dominant and servient estates, the (4) By the expiration of the term or the fulfillment of
easement is extinguished. the condition, if the easement is temporary or
 Personal - if the said holder of the conditional;
easement acquires ownership of the (5) By the renunciation of the owner of the dominant
servient estate. estate;
o Particular person - if the said The renunciation of the easement by the owner of the
holder of the easement dominant estate must be specific, clear and express.
acquires ownership of the Hence, a tacit renunciation will not be sufficient.
servient estate (6) By the redemption agreed upon between the
o Community – acquisition of owners of the dominant and servient estates.
one of the members is not Release of the servient estate from the servitude upon
enough agreement of the owners of both estates and upon
 Real - the existence of two distinct payment by the owner of the servient estate of the
immovables belonging to different corresponding consideration to the owner of the
owners dominant estate.
(2) By nonuser for ten years; with respect to
discontinuous easements, this period shall be
computed from the day on which they ceased to be CHAPTER 2
used; and, with respect to continuous easements, from Legal Easements
the day on which an act contrary to the same took

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General Provisions Estates adjoining the banks of navigable or floatable
rivers are, furthermore, subject to the easement of
Article 634 towpath for the exclusive service of river navigation
Easements imposed by law have for their object and floatage.
either public use or the interest of private persons.
(549) If it be necessary for such purpose to occupy lands
of private ownership, the proper indemnity shall first
Article 635 be paid. (553a)
All matters concerning easements established for
public or communal use shall be governed by the Article 639
special laws and regulations relating thereto, and, in Whenever for the diversion or taking of water from
the absence thereof, by the provisions of this Title. a river or brook, or for the use of any other
(550) continuous or discontinuous stream, it should be
necessary to build a dam, and the person who is to
Article 636 construct it is not the owner of the banks, or lands
Easements established by law in the interest of which must support it, he may establish the
private persons or for private use shall be governed easement of abutment of a dam, after payment of
by the provisions of this Title, without prejudice to the proper indemnity. (554)
the provisions of general or local laws and
ordinances for the general welfare. Article 640
Compulsory easements for drawing water or for
These easements may be modified by agreement of watering animals can be imposed only for reasons of
the interested parties, whenever the law does not public use in favor of a town or village, after
prohibit it or no injury is suffered by a third person. payment of the proper indemnity. (555)
Article 641
Legal easements - are those which can be enforced Easements for drawing water and for watering
by force of law and, therefore, may be established even animals carry with them the obligation of the owners
of the servient estates to allow passage to persons
against the will of the owner of the servient estate.
and animals to the place where such easements are
 Public legal easement - governed by to be used, and the indemnity shall include this
the special laws and regulations relating service. (556)
thereto, and, in the absence thereof, by
the provisions of this Title Article 642
 Private legal easement - governed by Any person who may wish to use upon his own
the provisions of this Title, without estate any water of which he can dispose shall have
prejudice to the provisions of general the right to make it flow through the intervening
or local laws and ordinances for the estates, with the obligation to indemnify their
general welfare. owners, as well as the owners of the lower estates
1) Local laws upon which the waters may filter or descend. (557)
2) Provisions of this title
Article 643
3) Agreement of the parties
One desiring to make use of the right granted in the
preceding article is obliged:
Easements Relating to Waters (1) To prove that he can dispose of the water and
that it is sufficient for the use for which it is
Article 637 intended;
Lower estates are obliged to receive the waters which (2) To show that the proposed right of way is the
naturally and without the intervention of man most convenient and the least onerous to third
descend from the higher estates, as well as the stones persons;
or earth which they carry with them. (3) To indemnify the owner of the servient estate in
the manner determined by the laws and regulations.
The owner of the lower estate cannot construct (558)
works which will impede this easement; neither can
the owner of the higher estate make works which Article 644
will increase the burden. (552) The easement of aqueduct for private interest
cannot be imposed on buildings, courtyards,
Article 638 annexes, or outhouses, or on orchards or gardens
The banks of rivers and streams, even in case they already existing. (559)
are of private ownership, are subject throughout
their entire length and within a zone of three meters Article 645
along their margins, to the easement of public use in The easement of aqueduct does not prevent the
the general interest of navigation, floatage, fishing owner of the servient estate from closing or fencing
and salvage. it, or from building over the aqueduct in such

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manner as not to cause the latter any damage, or exercise of such right, he
render necessary repairs and cleanings impossible. is obliged:
(560) 1) to select the routes
and methods of drainage
Article 646 that will cause the
For legal purposes, the easement of aqueduct shall minimum damage to the
be considered as continuous and apparent, even lower lands; and (2) to
though the flow of the water may not be continuous, pay just compensation to
or its use depends upon the needs of the dominant the owner of the lower
estate, or upon a schedule of alternate days or hours. estate
 Easement for public use (Art. 638, NCC; Art.
Article 647 51, Water Code);
One who for the purpose of irrigating or improving ARTICLE 51. The banks of rivers and
his estate, has to construct a stop lock or sluice gate streams and the shores of the seas and lakes
in the bed of the stream from which the water is to throughout their entire length and within a
be taken, may demand that the owners of the banks zone of three (3) meters in urban areas,
permit its construction, after payment of damages, twenty (20) meters in agricultural areas and
including those caused by the new easement to such forty (40) meters in forest areas, along their
owners and to the other irrigators. (562) margins, are subject to the easement of
public use in the interest of recreation,
Article 648 navigation, floatage, fishing and salvage. No
The establishment, extent, form and conditions of person shall be allowed to stay in this zone
the servitudes of waters, to which this section refers, longer than what is necessary for recreation,
shall be governed by the special laws relating thereto navigation, floatage, fishing or salvage or to
insofar as no provision therefor is made in this Code. build structures of any kind.
Easement of public use - The banks or rivers and
Easement relating to waters streams and the shores of the seas and lakes
throughout their entire length and within a zone of
 Easement of drainage of waters (Art. 637, o three (3) meters in urban areas,
NCC; Art. 50, Water Code) o twenty (20) meters in agricultural
ARTICLE 50. Lower estates are obliged to areas and
receive the waters which naturally and o forty (40) meters in forest areas,
without the intervention of man flow from
along their margins, are subject to the easement of
the higher estates, as well as the stone or
earth which they carry with them. public use in the interest of
1. recreation,
The owner of the lower estate can not 2. navigation,
construct works which will impede this 3. floatage,
natural flow, unless he provides an 4. fishing and
alternative method of drainage; neither 5. salvage.
can the owner of the higher estate make  Easement for drawing waters (Arts. 640-641,
works which will increase this natural flow. NCC)
- in favor of a town or village, after payment of
Easement on drainage of waters - An easement the proper indemnity
exists when, based on the physical condition of two - this kind of easement, upon its establishment,
estates, waters descend naturally and without the carries with it the easement of right of way.
intervention of man from a higher estate (the dominant  Easement of abutment of dam (Art. 639, NCC)
estate) to a lower estate (the servient estate). - Requisites
a) necessary to build a dam for the
Higher estate Lower estate purpose of diverting or taking waters
may not construct works may not construct from a river or brook, or for the use of
which will increase the works, such as dikes, any other continuous or discontinuous
burden or increase the walls or hedges, which stream,
natural flow will block or impede the
b) the person who is to construct it is not
flow of waters
XPN: if he provide an the owner of the banks or of the land
alternative method of on which must support it
drainage c) upon payment of the proper indemnity
Right to resort to to the owner of the affected estates.
artificial means for the  Easement of aqueduct (Arts. 642-646, NCC)
purpose of draining Aqueduct – flowing water through intervening
waters from higher to estates
lower estates but in the

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(1) That he who wants to establish the Should this easement be established in such a
easement of aqueduct must be able to manner that its use may be continuous for all the
prove that he can dispose of the water; needs of the dominant estate, establishing a
(2) He must also prove that it is sufficient for permanent passage, the indemnity shall consist of
the use for which it is intended; the value of the land occupied and the amount of
(3) The proposed right of way is the most the damage caused to the servient estate.
convenient and the least onerous to
In case the right of way is limited to the necessary
third persons affected; and
passage for the cultivation of the estate surrounded
(4) He must indemnify the owners of the by others and for the gathering of its crops
servient estates (intervening estates), as through the servient estate without a permanent
well as the owners of the lower estates way, the indemnity shall consist in the payment of
upon which the waters may filter or the damage caused by such encumbrance.
This easement is not compulsory if the isolation of
ARTICLE 47. When the use, conveyance or storage the immovable is due to the proprietor's own acts.
of waters results in damage to another, the person (564a)
responsible for the damage shall pay compensation.
Article 650
Exceptions The easement of right of way shall be established
If established for private interest, it may not be at the point least prejudicial to the servient
imposed on estate, and, insofar as consistent with this rule,
where the distance from the dominant estate to a
 Buildings
public highway may be the shortest. (565)
 Courtyards
 Annexes Article 651
 Outhouse The width of the easement of right of way shall be
 Orchards that which is sufficient for the needs of the
 Gardens dominant estate, and may accordingly be
changed from time to time. (566a)
Right of the owners of the servient estate
GR: closing or fencing it, or from building over the Article 652
aqueduct Whenever a piece of land acquired by sale, exchange
Provided, in such manner as not to cause the latter any or partition, is surrounded by other estates of the
vendor, exchanger, or co-owner, he shall be
damage, or render necessary repairs and cleanings
obliged to grant a right of way without
impossible indemnity.

ARTICLE 49. Any person having an easement for In case of a simple donation, the donor shall be
an aqueduct may enter upon the servient land for the indemnified by the donee for the establishment
purpose of cleaning, repairing or replacing the of the right of way. (567a)
aqueduct or the removal of obstructions therefrom.
Article 653
Nature of the easement In the case of the preceding article, if it is the land
For legal purposes, the easement of aqueduct shall be of the grantor that becomes isolated, he may
considered as continuous and apparent, even though demand a right of way after paying a indemnity.
the flow of the water may not be continuous, or its use However, the donor shall not be liable for
depends upon the needs of the dominant estate, or indemnity. (n)
upon a schedule of alternate days or hours. Hence, an
easement of aqueduct may be acquired either by title or Article 654
If the right of way is permanent, the necessary
by prescription.
repairs shall be made by the owner of the
dominant estate. A proportionate share of the
SECTION 3 taxes shall be reimbursed by said owner to the
Easement of Right of Way proprietor of the servient estate. (n)

Article 649 Article 655

The owner, or any person who by virtue of a real If the right of way granted to a surrounded estate
right may cultivate or use any immovable, which is ceases to be necessary because its owner has joined
surrounded by other immovables pertaining to it to another abutting on a public road, the owner of
other persons and without adequate outlet to a the servient estate may demand that the
public highway, is entitled to demand a right of easement be extinguished, returning what he
way through the neighboring estates, after payment may have received by way of indemnity. The
of the proper indemnity. interest on the indemnity shall be deemed to be in
payment of rent for the use of the easement.

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The same rule shall be applied in case a new road is (1) That the dominant estate is surrounded by
opened giving access to the isolated estate. other immovables and has no adequate
outlet to a public highway (Art. 649, par.
In both cases, the public highway must 1);
substantially meet the needs of the dominant (2) After payment of proper indemnity (Art.
estate in order that the easement may be 649, par. 1);
extinguished. (568a) (3) That the isolation was not due to acts of the
proprietor of the dominant estate (Art.
Article 656 649, par. 4); and
If it be indispensable for the construction, repair, (4) That the right of way claimed is at the point
improvement, alteration or beautification of a least prejudicial to the servient estate;
building, to carry materials through the estate of and insofar as consistent with this rule,
another, or to raise therein scaffolding or other where the distance from the dominant estate
objects necessary for the work, the owner of such to a public highway may be the shortest.
estate shall be obliged to permit the act, after (Art. 650)
receiving payment of the proper indemnity for the (Bacolod-Murcia Milling Co., Inc. v. Capital
damage caused him. (569a) Subdivision)

Article 657 The conferment of a legal easement of right of way

Easements of the right of way for the passage of under Article 649 is subject to proof of the following
livestock known as animal path, animal trail or requisites:
any other, and those for watering places, resting 1) it is surrounded by other immovables and
places and animal folds, shall be governed by the has no adequate outlet to a public highway;
ordinances and regulations relating thereto, and, 2) payment of proper indemnity;
in the absence thereof, by the usages and customs 3) the isolation is not the result of its own acts;
of the place. 4) the right of way claimed is at the point least
prejudicial to the servient estate; and
Without prejudice to rights legally acquired, the 5) to the extent consistent with the foregoing
animal path shall not exceed in any case the width rule, where the distance from the dominant
of 75 meters, and the animal trail that of 37 meters estate to a public highway may be the
and 50 centimeters. shortest.
(Dela Cruz v. Ramiscal)
Whenever it is necessary to establish a compulsory
easement of the right of way or for a watering place The right of way must be absolutely necessary for
for animals, the provisions of this Section and those the normal enjoyment of the dominant estate by
of articles 640 and 641 shall be observed. In this case its owner. There must be a real, not fictitious or
the width shall not exceed 10 meters. (570a) artificial, necessity for the right of way, and the right
cannot be claimed merely for the convenience of the
Character owner of the enclosed gate. (AMA Land v. Wack
Discontinuous and thus cannot be acquired through Wack Residents)
The estate, however, need not be totally
Manner of acquisition landlocked as the isolation of the dominant
 Voluntary (Art 688–693)- constituted by estate is also dependent on the particular need
covenant and does not, therefore, require of the dominant owner. What is important to
that the dominant estate be isolated and consider is whether or not a right of way is necessary
without an adequate outlet to a public to fill a reasonable need therefor by the owner.
The true standard for the grant of legal right is
 Compulsory (Art 649-657) - If an estate,
however, is so isolated and without an
adequate outlet to a public highway, the grant Hence, when there is already an existing adequate
of easement of right of way is compulsory and outlet from the dominant estate to a public highway,
hence, legally demandable, subject to even if the said outlet, for one reason or another, be
indemnity and the concurrence of other inconvenient, the need to open up another servitude
conditions enumerated under Articles 649 and is entirely unjustified.
650 of the New Civil Code.
Thus, as Manresa had pointed out, if the passageway
Isolation of the dominant estate and inadequacy of the consists of an inaccessible slope or precipice it is as
outlet to public highway if there is no passageway, that is, one that can
A compulsory easement of right of way cannot be sufficiently fulfill the dominant owner’s necessities,
obtained without the presence of four (4) requisites although by the existence of that passageway the
provided for in Articles 649 and 650 of the Civil property cannot be truly said that the property is
Code, which the owner of the dominant tenement isolated. (Costabella v. CA)
must establish, to wit

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The law makes it amply clear that an owner cannot, The vendor, exchanger or co-owner is the one isolated
by his own act, isolate his property from a public 5) sale, exchange or partition (Art 653)
highway and then claim an easement of way through 6) simple donation (Art 653)
an adjacent estate.
Sale, exchange Simple
Thus, when the claimant of a right of way had or partition donation
already been granted an adequate access to the Surrounded by The vendor, Donor shall be
public highway through another estate but the same other estates of exchanger or co- indemnified by
was no longer is use because he himself had closed the vendor, owner shall be the donee for the
it off by erecting a stonewall on his lot at the point exchanger, or obliged to grant a establishment of
where such passageway began, he cannot demand co-owner right of way the right of way
for a compulsory right of way in an alternative without
location. (Francisco v. IAC) indemnity
The vendor, Grantor may Donor shall not
exchanger or demand a right be liable for
When a person already established an easement in co-owner is the of way after indemnity.
favor of his tenement, he cannot demand another, one isolated payment of
even if the first passage has defects which make indemnity.
passage impossible, if those defects can be
eliminated by proper repairs. The fact that a voluntary agreement upon the
extent of compensation cannot be reached by the
The Court refused to impose a right of way over the parties involved, is not an impediment to the
petitioner’s property although private respondents’ establishment of such easement. Precisely, the action
alternative rice lands and rice paddies belonging to of the dominant estate against the servient estate
different persons, not to mention that said passage should include a prayer for the fixing of the
is impassable during the rainy season. (Floro v. amount which may be due from the former to
Llenado) the latter. (Talisay-Silay Milling v. CFI)

At the point least prejudicial Settled is the rule in statutory construction that
RULE: IF THERE IS CONFLICT, THE LEAST 'when the law is clear, the function of the courts is
PREJUDICIAL CRITERION MUST PREVAIL simple application.' Thus, to award indemnity
OVER THE SHORTEST DISTANCE using factors different from [those] given by the
CRITERION law is a complete disregard of these clear
As between a right of way that would demolish a statutory provisions and is evidently arbitrary.
store of strong materials to provide egress to a public This the Court cannot countenance. The Civil Code
highway, and another right of way which, although has clearly laid down the parameters and we cannot
longer, will only require an avocado tree to be depart from them. Verba legis non est recedendum.
cut down, the second alternative should be (Woodridge case, cited in De Guzman v.
preferred. (Quimen v. CA) Filinvest)

As between a right of way that would destroy the In easement of right of way, there is no
wire fence and a house and another right of way alienation of the land occupied. Payment of the
which although longer will only traverse two vacant value of the land for permanent use of the
lots, the second alternative should be preferred. easement does not mean an alienation of the
(Calimoso v. Roullo) land occupied. In fact under the law and unlike in
purchase of a property, should the right of way no
Payment of indemnity longer be necessary because the owner of the
dominant estate has joined it to another abutting on
a public highway, and the servient estate demands
1) Permanent passage (continuous for all the that the easement be extinguished, the value of the
needs of the dominant estate) – property received by the servient estate by way of
 value of the land occupied + indemnity shall be returned in full to the dominant
 amount of the damage caused to the estate. This only reinforces the concept that the
servient estate. (Art 649) payment of indemnity is merely for the use of
2) Necessary passage for the cultivation of the the right of way and not for its alienation. (De
estate surrounded by others and for the Guzman v. Filinvest)
gathering of its crops
Width of the easement [Art 651]
 payment of the damage caused by
1) that which is sufficient for the needs of the
such encumbrance. (Art 649)
dominant estate
2) may accordingly be changed from time to time
Surrounded by other estates of the vendor, exchanger, or co-owner
When petitioner started out as a plant nursery
3) sale, exchange or partition (Art 652)
operator, he and his family could easily make do with
4) simple donation (Art 652)
a few pushcarts to tow the plants to the national
highway. But the business grew and with it the need

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for the use of modern means of conveyance or 1) In both cases, the public highway must
transport. Manual hauling of plants and garden soil substantially meet the needs of the
and use of pushcarts have become extremely dominant estate in order that the easement
cumbersome and physically taxing. To force may be extinguished.
petitioner to leave his jeepney in the highway, 2) It cannot apply to voluntary easements. A
exposed to the elements and to the risk of theft voluntary easement of right of way, like any
simply because it could not pass through the other contract, could be extinguished only by
improvised pathway, is sheer pigheadedness on the
mutual agreement or by renunciation of the
part of the servient estate and can only be counter-
productive for all the people concerned. Petitioner owner of the dominant estate.
should not be denied a passageway wide 3) The extinguishment of the right of way in the
enough to accommodate his jeepney since that foregoing manner does not take place ipso
is a reasonable and necessary aspect of the plant jure. The owner of the servient estate must ask
nursery business. (Encarnacion c. CA) for the release of his estate from the servitude
upon the return of the indemnity he received.
Who may demand compulsory right of way [Art
649] Temporary easement of right of way [Art 656]
 Owner If it be indispensable for the construction, repair,
 Any person who by virtue of a real right may improvement, alteration or beautification of a building,
cultivate or use any immovable to carry materials through the estate of another, or to
Usufructuary Lessee raise therein scaffolding or other objects necessary for
May demand a right Cannot demand a the work, the owner of such estate shall be obliged to
of way right of way permit the act, after receiving payment of the proper
indemnity for the damage caused him.
We hasten to add that under the above-quoted
Article 649 of the Civil Code, it is the owner, or any “Indispensable” in this instance is not to be construed
person who by virtue of a real right may cultivate literally. Great inconvenience is sufficient. (Preysler Jr
or use any immovable surrounded by other v. CA)
immovable pertaining to other persons, who is
entitled to demand a right of way through the Article 656 requires proof of indispensability and
neighboring estates. In this case, petitioners fell receipt of payment of the proper indemnity for the
short of proving that they are the owners of the
damage caused by the owner of the dominant estate
supposed dominant estate. Nor were they able to
prove that they possess a real right to use such before the owner of the servient estate can be
property. The petitioners claim to have acquired compelled to grant a temporary easement of right of
their property, denominated as Lot 1-B-2, from way. (AMA Land v. Wack Wack Residence)
Concepcion de la Peña, mother of defendant
Alfredo de la Cruz, who owns Lot 1-B-3, an adjacent SECTION 4
lot. However, as earlier noted, the trial court found Easement of Party Wall
that the title to both lots is still registered in the name
of Concepcion de la Peña under TCT No. RT-56958 Article 658
(100547). Neither were petitioners able to produce The easement of party wall shall be governed by the
the Deed of Sale evidencing their alleged purchase provisions of this Title, by the local ordinances
of the property from de la Peña. Hence, by the bulk and customs insofar as they do not conflict with the
of evidence, de la Peña, not petitioners, is the real same, and by the rules of co-ownership. (571a)
party-in-interest to claim a right of way although, as
explained earlier, any action to demand a right of Article 659
way from de la Peña’s part will not lie inasmuch as The existence of an easement of party wall is
by her own acts of building houses in the area presumed, unless there is a title, or exterior sign,
allotted for a pathway in her property, she had or proof to the contrary:
caused the isolation of her property from any access
to a public (1) In dividing walls of adjoining buildings up to
highway. (Dela Cruz v. Ramiscal) the point of common elevation;
(2) In dividing walls of gardens or yards situated
Extinguishment of right of way [Art 655] in cities, towns, or in rural communities;
1) If the right of way granted to a surrounded (3) In fences, walls and live hedges dividing rural
estate ceases to be necessary because its owner lands. (572)
has joined it to another abutting on a public
road Article 660
2) In case a new road is opened giving access to It is understood that there is an exterior sign,
the isolated estate. contrary to the easement of party wall:

(1) Whenever in the dividing wall of buildings there

is a window or opening;

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(2) Whenever the dividing wall is, on one side, The expenses of maintaining the wall in the part
straight and plumb on all its facement, and on the newly raised or deepened at its foundation shall
other, it has similar conditions on the upper part, but also be paid for by him; and, in addition, the
the lower part slants or projects outward; indemnity for the increased expenses which may
(3) Whenever the entire wall is built within the be necessary for the preservation of the party wall by
boundaries of one of the estates; reason of the greater height or depth which has
(4) Whenever the dividing wall bears the burden of been given it.
the binding beams, floors and roof frame of one
of the buildings, but not those of the others; If the party wall cannot bear the increased height,
(5) Whenever the dividing wall between courtyards, the owner desiring to raise it shall be obliged to
gardens, and tenements is constructed in such a way reconstruct it at his own expense and, if for this
that the coping sheds the water upon only one of purpose it be necessary to make it thicker, he shall
the estates; give the space required from his own land. (577)
(6) Whenever the dividing wall, being built of
masonry, has stepping stones, which at certain Article 665
intervals project from the surface on one side only, The other owners who have not contributed in
but not on the other; giving increased height, depth or thickness to the
(7) Whenever lands inclosed by fences or live wall may, nevertheless, acquire the right of part-
hedges adjoin others which are not inclosed. ownership therein, by paying proportionally the
value of the work at the time of the acquisition
In all these cases, the ownership of the walls, fences and of the land used for its increased thickness.
or hedges shall be deemed to belong exclusively (578a)
to the owner of the property or tenement which
has in its favor the presumption based on any one of Article 666
these signs. (573) Every part-owner of a party wall may use it in
proportion to the right he may have in the co-
Article 661 ownership, without interfering with the common
Ditches or drains opened between two estates are and respective uses by the other co-owners. (579a)
also presumed as common to both, if there is no
title or sign showing the contrary. Nature of a party wall
While our Civil Code recognizes the existence of co-
There is a sign contrary to the part-ownership ownership in a party wall, it is considered more of a
whenever the earth or dirt removed to open the servitude.
ditch or to clean it is only on one side thereof, in
which case the ownership of the ditch shall belong
Party wall as a Co-owned property
exclusively to the owner of the land having this
exterior sign in its favor. (574) servitude
No such juridical None of the co-owners
Article 662 limitation upon the may do anything on the
The cost of repairs and construction of party walls action of the owner; co-owned property for
and the maintenance of fences, live hedges, made in the works for his own exclusive benefit
ditches, and drains owned in common, shall be the exclusive benefit of because he would be
borne by all the owners of the lands or tenements the person making them impairing the rights of
having the party wall in their favor, in proportion others
to the right of each.

Nevertheless, any owner may exempt himself from

contributing to this charge by renouncing his part-
ownership, except when the party wall supports
a building belonging to him. (575)

Article 663
If the owner of a building, supported by a party
wall desires to demolish the building, he may also
renounce his part-ownership of the wall, but the
cost of all repairs and work necessary to prevent
any damage which the demolition may cause to the
party wall, on this occasion only, shall be borne by
him. (576)

Article 664
Every owner may increase the height of the party
wall, doing so at his own expense and paying for
any damage which may be caused by the work, even
though such damage be temporary.

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Images from Microsoft PowerPoint - Easements and PD 1096 ownership of the ditch shall belong
exclusively to the owner of the land
having this exterior sign in its favor.
Governing laws [Art 658]
3) there is proof to the contrary
1) provisions of this Title,
2) by the local ordinances and
Rights and obligations of each co-owner of party
3) customs insofar as they do not conflict with the
same, and
1) right to use (Art 666)
4) by the rules of co-ownership
2) right to increase height of party wall (Art 664)
 the same shall be done at his expense;
Presumption of existence of easement of party
 he shall pay for any damage which
may be caused by his work, even
The law presumes the existence of an easement of
though such damage may be
party wall in the following cases:
1) In dividing walls of adjoining buildings up to
the point of common elevation;  if the party wall cannot bear the
2) In dividing walls of gardens or yards situated in increased height, the owner desiring to
cities, towns or rural communities; and raise it shall be obliged to reconstruct
3) In fences, walls and live hedges dividing rural it at his own expense, and, if for this
lands. purpose it be necessary to make it
thicker, he shall give the space required
Exceptions from his own land.
1) there is title to the contrary;
2) there is an exterior sign to the contrary; and
As to the point where the original
wall was extended – co-
 Whenever in the dividing wall of
ownership is maintained
buildings there is a window or opening;
 Whenever the dividing wall is, on one As to the additional height - shall
side, straight and plumb on all its be exclusively owned by the part-
facement, and on the other, it has owner at whose instance the party
similar conditions on the upper part, wall was raised
but the lower part slants or projects
outward; 3) obligation to the repairs and maintenance
 Whenever the entire wall is built Shall be borne by all the owners of the lands or
within the boundaries of one of the tenements having the party wall in their favor,
estates; in proportion to the right of each.
 Whenever the dividing wall bears the
burden of the binding beams, floors Exemption to obligation
and roof frame of one of the buildings, GR: any owner may exempt himself from
but not those of the others; contributing to this charge by renouncing his
 Whenever the dividing wall between part-ownership
courtyards, gardens, and tenements is XPN: when the party wall supports a building
constructed in such a way that the belonging to him. In case where the party wall
coping sheds the water upon only one supports a building, the owner of such building
of the estates; may renounce his part ownership of the party
 Whenever the dividing wall, being built wall if he will demolish the building. But the
of masonry, has stepping stones, which cost of all repairs and work necessary to
at certain intervals project from the prevent any damage which the demolition may
surface on one side only, but not on the cause to the party wall on this occasion shall be
other; borne by him.
 Whenever lands inclosed by fences or
live hedges adjoin others which are not SECTION 5
inclosed. Easement of Light and View
 With respect to ditches or drains
opened between two estates, there is Article 667
also a presumption that they are No part-owner may, without the consent of the
common to both estates unless there is others, open through the party wall any window or
a sign or title to the contrary. There is aperture of any kind. (580)
a sign contrary to the part-ownership
Article 668
whenever the earth or dirt removed to
The period of prescription for the acquisition of an
open the ditch or to clean it is only on easement of light and view shall be counted:
one side thereof, in which case the

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(1) From the time of the opening of the window,

if it is through a party wall; or
(2) From the time of the formal prohibition upon
the proprietor of the adjoining land or tenement, if
the window is through a wall on the dominant estate.

Article 669
When the distances in article 670 are not observed,
the owner of a wall which is not party wall,
adjoining a tenement or piece of land belonging to
another, can make in it openings to admit light at Easements of light and view
the height of the ceiling joints or immediately Refers to an easement whereby the dominant estate
under the ceiling, and of the size of thirty enjoys the right to have free access to light, a little air,
centimeters square, and, in every case, with an iron and a view overlooking the adjoining estate.
grating imbedded in the wall and with a wire screen.
Two components
Nevertheless, the owner of the tenement or property
adjoining the wall in which the openings are made 1) Easement of light (jus luminum) – has the
can close them should he acquire part- purpose of admitting light and a little air, as in
ownership thereof, if there be no stipulation to the case of small windows, not more than 30
the contrary. centimeters square, at the height of the ceiling
joists or immediately under the ceiling.
He can also obstruct them by constructing a building 2) Easement of view (servidumbre
on his land or by raising a wall thereon contiguous prospectus) – has the principal purpose of
to that having such openings, unless an easement of affording view, as in the case of full or regular
light has been acquired. (581a) windows overlooking the adjoining estate.

Article 670 Making an opening in a party wall

No windows, apertures, balconies, or other similar GR: A part-owner of a party wall may use it even
projections which afford a direct view upon or
without the consent the consent of the other owners
towards an adjoining land or tenement can be made,
without leaving a distance of two meters between so long as he does not interfere in the common and
the wall in which they are made and such contiguous respective uses by the other co-owners. (Art 666)
property. XPN: No part-owner may, without the consent of the
others, open through the party wall any window or
Neither can side or oblique views upon or towards aperture of any kind. (Art 667)
such conterminous property be had, unless there be If done:
a distance of sixty centimeters. 1) Without the consent of other co-owners -
The latter may demand that what has been
The nonobservance of these distances does not give done be undone at the expense of the co-
rise to prescription. (582a) owner who made such opening.
2) With the consent of co-owners - The 10-year
Article 671
period of prescription for the acquisition of an
The distance referred to in the preceding article shall
easement of light and view shall commence to
be measured in cases of direct views from the
outer line of the wall when the openings do not run from the time of the making of such
project, from the outer line of the latter when opening.
they do, and in cases of oblique view from the
dividing line between the two properties. (583) Observation of certain distances
2 Kinds of windows
Article 672 1) Regular or full or direct view windows
The provisions of article 670 are not applicable to 2) Restricted or oblique or side view windows
buildings separated by a public way or alley,
which is not less than three meters wide, subject to 2 Kinds of openings
special regulations and local ordinances. (584a) 1) Direct views – Those openings which are
made on a wall parallel or almost parallel to the
Article 673
line that divides the estates, in such a way that
Whenever by any title a right has been acquired to
have direct views, balconies or belvederes the neighboring tenement can be seen without
overlooking an adjoining property, the owner of the putting out or turning the head, or
servient estate cannot build thereon at less than a 2) Oblique views – those openings in a wall
distance of three meters to be measured in the which form an angle to the boundary line and
manner provided in article 671. Any stipulation therefore of necessity requires in order to see
permitting distances less than those prescribed the neighboring tenement to thrust the head of
in article 670 is void. (585a) the opening and look to the left and right

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distance of three meters to be measured in the

RULES: manner provided in article 671. Any stipulation
1) Distance from the ceiling - In the case of permitting distances less than those prescribed
small windows, not more than 30 centimeters in article 670 is void. (Art 673)
square, at the height of the ceiling joists or
immediately under the ceiling. (Art 669) [IF Art 672 illustration
2) Distance between the wall in which they
are made and such contiguous property -
No windows, apertures, balconies, or other
similar projections which afford a direct view
upon or towards an adjoining land or tenement
can be made, without leaving a distance of two
meters between the wall in which they are
made and such contiguous property. (Art 670)
 Oblique views – 60 centimeters It is obvious, however, that Article 538, O.C.C. (now
Article 621, N.C.C.) and the doctrine in the Yu-Tibo
Measurement of distance [Art 671] case are not applicable herein because the two
1) direct views - from the outer line of the estates, that now owned by petitioner, and that
wall when the openings do not project, owner by respondent, were formerly owned by just
from the outer line of the latter when they one person, Francisco Sanz. It was Sanz who
do, and introduced improvements on both properties. On
2) oblique view - from the dividing line that portion presently belonging to respondent, he
between the two properties. constructed a house in such a way that the
northeastern side thereof extends to the wall of the
Images from Microsoft PowerPoint - Easements and PD 1096
camarin on the portion now belonging to petitioner.
( On said northeastern side of the house, there are
Art 670 illustration windows and doors which serve as passages for light
and view. These windows and doors were in
existence when respondent purchased the
house and lot from Sanz. The deed sale did not
provide that the easement of light and view
would not be established. This then is precisely the
case covered by Article 541, O.C.C (now Article 624,
N.C.C) which provides that the existence of an
apparent sign of easement between two estates,
established by the proprietor of both, shall be
considered, if one of them is alienated, as a title so
that the easement will continue actively and
Art 671 illustration – oblique views passively, unless at the time the ownership of the
two estate is divided, the contrary is stated in the
deed of alienation of either of them, or the sign is
made to disappear before the instrument is executed.
The existence of the doors and windows on the
northeastern side of the aforementioned house, is
equivalent to a title, for the visible and permanent
sign of an easement is the title that characterizes its
existence (Amor vs. Florentino, 74 Phil., 403). It
should be noted, however, that while the law
declares that the easement is to "continue" the
easement actually arises for the first time only
upon alienation of either estate, inasmuch as
Exception to distance rule
before that time there is no easement to speak
1) The provisions of article 670 are not applicable of, there being but one owner of both estates
to buildings separated by a public way or alley, (Articles 530, O.C.C., now Articles 613, N.C.C).
which is not less than three meters wide, (Gargantos v. Tan Yanon)
subject to special regulations and local
ordinances. (Art 672) REMEDIES
2) Whenever by any title [or prescription] a right 1) When windows or balconies are opened in
has been acquired to have direct views, violation of the distance requirement in Art
balconies or belvederes overlooking an 670, the same may be ordered closed because
adjoining property, the owner of the servient they constitute unlawful openings.
estate cannot build thereon at less than a

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2) The owner of the tenement or property control over such water and he shall also have the right
adjoining the wall in which the openings are to dispose of the same. The owner of the land where
made can close them should he acquire part- the rain waters fall may use the same even without
ownership thereof, if there be no stipulation securing a permit from the National Water Resources
to the contrary. (Art 669) – MAY BE Council but only for domestic purposes.
3) Obstruct them by constructing a building on Requisites for legal easement of drainage
his land or by raising a wall thereon contiguous An easement of drainage may be demanded subject to
to that having such openings, unless an compliance with the following requisites:
easement of light has been acquired. (Art 669) 1) The yard or court of a house must be
- MAY BE MADE EVEN WITHOUT surrounded by other houses (“the dominant
VIOLATION AND IF HE DID NOT estate”) and it is not possible to give an
ACQUIRE PART-OWNERSHIP outlet through the house itself to the rain
collected therefrom;
SECTION 6 2) The outlet to the water must be at the point
Drainage of Buildings of the contiguous lands or tenements (“the
servient estate”) where its egress may be
Article 674 easiest;
The owner of a building shall be obliged to construct 3) The conduit for the drainage must be
its roof or covering in such manner that the rain established in such manner as to cause the
water shall fall on his own land or on a street or least damage to the servient estate; and
public place, and not on the land of his 4) Proper indemnity must be paid to the owner
neighbor, even though the adjacent land may of the servient estate.
belong to two or more persons, one of whom is the
owner of the roof. Even if it should fall on his own
land, the owner shall be obliged to collect the water SECTION 7
in such a way as not to cause damage to the adjacent Intermediate Distances and Works for Certain
land or tenement. (586a) Constructions and Plantings

Article 675 Article 677

The owner of a tenement or a piece of land, subject No constructions can be built or plantings made
to the easement of receiving water falling from near fortified places or fortresses without
roofs, may build in such manner as to receive the compliance with the conditions required in special
water upon his own roof or give it another outlet laws, ordinances, and regulations relating thereto.
in accordance with local ordinances or customs, (589)
and in such a way as not to cause any nuisance
or damage whatever to the dominant estate. Article 678
(587) No person shall build any aqueduct, well, sewer,
furnace, forge, chimney, stable, depository of
Article 676 corrosive substances, machinery, or factory which
Whenever the yard or court of a house is by reason of its nature or products is dangerous or
surrounded by other houses, and it is not possible noxious, without observing the distances prescribed
to give an outlet through the house itself to the by the regulations and customs of the place, and
rain water collected thereon, the establishment without making the necessary protective works,
of an easement of drainage can be demanded, subject, in regard to the manner thereof, to the
giving an outlet to the water at the point of the conditions prescribed by such regulations. These
contiguous lands or tenements where its egress prohibitions cannot be altered or renounced by
may be easiest, and establishing a conduit for the stipulation on the part of the adjoining proprietors.
drainage in such manner as to cause the least
damage to the servient estate, after payment of In the absence of regulations, such precautions shall
the property indemnity. (583) be taken as may be considered necessary, in order to
avoid any damage to the neighboring lands or
Easement of drainage of buildings tenements. (590a)
The easement of drainage of buildings is the right to
divert or empty the rainwaters from one’s own roof or Article 679
shed to the neighbor’s estate either drop by drop or No trees shall be planted near a tenement or piece
of land belonging to another except at the distance
through conduits.
authorized by the ordinances or customs of the
place, and, in the absence thereof, at a distance of at
Ownership of rainwaters least two meters from the dividing line of the
GR: Pursuant to the provisions of the Water Code of estates if tall trees are planted and at a distance of
the Philippines, rain waters falling on private lands shall at least fifty centimeters if shrubs or small trees
belong to the State. are planted.
XPN: Any person who captures or collects water by
means of cisterns, tanks or pools shall have exclusive

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Every landowner shall have the right to demand that Fruits naturally falling
trees hereafter planted at a shorter distance from GR: Fruits belong to the owner of the trees (Art 441)
his land or tenement be uprooted. XPN: Fruits which are naturally falling upon adjacent
land belong to the owner of the said land.
The provisions of this article also apply to trees
which have grown spontaneously. (591a) SECTION 8
Easement Against Nuisance (n)
Article 680
If the branches of any tree should extend over a
neighboring estate, tenement, garden or yard, the Article 682
owner of the latter shall have the right to demand Every building or piece of land is subject to the
that they be cut off insofar as they may spread easement which prohibits the proprietor or
over his property, and, if it be the roots of a possessor from committing nuisance through
neighboring tree which should penetrate into the noise, jarring, offensive odor, smoke, heat, dust,
land of another, the latter may cut them off himself water, glare and other causes.
within his property. (592)
Article 683
Article 681 Subject to zoning, health, police and other laws and
Fruits naturally falling upon adjacent land belong regulations, factories and shops may be maintained
to the owner of said land. (n) provided the least possible annoyance is caused to
the neighborhood.
Intermediate distances for planting
Article 679 of the New Civil Code prohibits the SECTION 9
planting of trees near a tenement or piece of land Lateral and Subjacent Support (n)
belonging to another person unless the following
distance requirement is observed: Article 684
No proprietor shall make such excavations upon
1) the distance authorized by local ordinances or
his land as to deprive any adjacent land or building
customs of the place, if any; or of sufficient lateral or subjacent support.
2) in default of the foregoing, at a distance of at
least two (2) meters from the dividing line of Article 685
the estate in case of tall trees and at a distance Any stipulation or testamentary provision
of at least 50 centimeters in case of shrubs allowing excavations that cause danger to an
or small trees. adjacent land or building shall be void.

Effect of violation Article 686

1) the owner of the adjacent land has the right to The legal easement of lateral and subjacent support
demand for the uprooting of the trees which is not only for buildings standing at the time the
were planted in violation of the rule. excavations are made but also for constructions
that may be erected.
2) This remedy is also available to the owner of
the adjacent land even with respect to trees
Article 687
which have grown spontaneously at Any proprietor intending to make any excavation
distances shorter than that mentioned in the contemplated in the three preceding articles shall
immediately preceding paragraph. notify all owners of adjacent lands.

Right to cut branches and roots Legal easement of lateral and subjacent support
Branches The right of lateral and subjacent support is the right
1) If the branches of any tree should extend over to have land supported by the adjoining land or the soil
a neighboring estate, tenement, garden or yard, beneath. Each of two adjoining landowners is entitled
the owner of the latter does not have the to the support of the other’s land.
right to take the matter into his own hand 1) Lateral support - when the supported and the
by cutting of the branches extending on his supporting lands are divided by a vertical plane
property. Instead, he may demand that the 2) Subdjacent support - the supported land is
protruding branches be cut-off by its above and the supporting land is beneath it.
2) If his demand is not acted upon, he has to go GR: An owner, by virtue of his surface right, may make
to court to seek authority for the cutting of the excavations on his land.
protruding branches. XPN: He shall not deprive any adjacent land or
building of sufficient lateral or subjacent support.
Roots (Castro v. Monsod)
The owner of the latter may himself cut off the roots
found within his property. Between two adjacent landowners, each has an
absolute property right to have his land laterally

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supported by the soil of his neighbor, and if either, thereof, the easement shall be governed by such
in excavating on his own premises, he so disturbs the provisions of this Title as are applicable thereto.
lateral support of his neighbor’s land as to cause it, (598)
or, in its natural state, by the pressure of its own
weight, to fall away or slide from its position, the one Article 693
so excavating is liable. If the owner of the servient estate should have
bound himself, upon the establishment of the
We sustain the CA in declaring that a permanent easement, to bear the cost of the work required for
injunction on the part of petitioner from making the use and preservation thereof, he may free himself
injurious excavations is necessary in order to protect from this obligation by renouncing his property to
the interest of respondent. However, an annotation the owner of the dominant estate. (599)
of the existence of the subjacent and lateral support
is no longer necessary. It exists whether or not it is Voluntary easement
annotated or registered in the registry of property. A If the claimant is not entitled to demand for an
judicial recognition of the same already binds the easement as a matter of right because the requisites for
property and the owner of the same, including her legal easement are not present, the easement may only
successors-in-interest. Otherwise, every adjoining be constituted upon the will of the owner of the
landowner would come to court or have the
servient estate in which case, the easement is classified
easement of subjacent and lateral support registered
in order for it to be recognized and respected. as voluntary.
(Castro v. Monsod)
Easement of a co-owned property
CHAPTER 3 If the tenement or piece of land is in a state of co-
Voluntary Easements ownership, the unanimous consent of all co-owners
is required in order to constitute a voluntary easement
Article 688 upon the same.
Every owner of a tenement or piece of land may
establish thereon the easements which he may deem It may either be done
suitable, and in the manner and form which he may 1) Simultaneously -
deem best, provided he does not contravene the 2) Successively - consent given by one of the co-
laws, public policy or public order. (594) owners separately from the others shall already
bind him and his successors
Article 689
The owner of a tenement or piece of land, the Abandonment of property
usufruct of which belongs to another, may impose 1) If upon the establishment of a voluntary
thereon, without the consent of the usufructuary,
easement, the owner of the servient estate
any servitudes which will not injure the right of
usufruct. (595) bound himself to bear the cost of the work
required for the use and preservation of the
Article 690 easement he may free himself from this
Whenever the naked ownership of a tenement or obligation by renouncing his property to the
piece of land belongs to one person and the owner of the dominant estate.
beneficial ownership to another, no perpetual 2) The owner of the servient estate need not
voluntary easement may be established thereon renounce his ownership over the entire
without the consent of both owners. (596) property if the servitude affects only a part
thereof in which case, he may abandon only
Article 691 that part which is burdened with the servitude.
In order to impose an easement on an undivided
tenement, or piece of land, the consent of all the Must the abandonment be reduced in some form?
co-owners shall be required.
Since the abandonment contemplated in Article 693 of
The consent given by some only, must be held in the New Civil Code produces the transmission of
abeyance until the last one of all the co-owners shall ownership over a real property, the law (Article 1358,
have expressed his conformity. par. 1 of the New Civil Code) requires that the same
must appear in a public document. However, the
But the consent given by one of the co-owners provision of Article 1358 of the Civil Code on the
separately from the others shall bind the grantor necessity of a public document is only for convenience,
and his successors not to prevent the exercise of the not for validity or enforceability.
right granted. (597a)

Article 692 TITLE VIII

The title and, in a proper case, the possession of an NUISANCE (n)
easement acquired by prescription shall
determine the rights of the dominant estate and
the obligations of the servient estate. In default Article 694

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A nuisance is any act, omission, establishment, any considerable number of persons, although the
business, condition of property, or anything else extent of the annoyance, danger or damage upon
which: individuals may be unequal. A private nuisance is
one that is not included in the foregoing definition.
(1) Injures or endangers the health or safety of
others; or Classifications
(2) Annoys or offends the senses; or According to the object it affects
(3) Shocks, defies or disregards decency or morality; 1) public - affects a community or neighborhood
or or any considerable number of persons,
(4) Obstructs or interferes with the free passage of although the extent of the annoyance, danger
any public highway or street, or any body of water;
or damage upon individuals may be unequal.
(5) Hinders or impairs the use of property. 2) Private - one that is not included in the
foregoing definition
Definition  One that violates only the private rights
 derived from the French word “nuire” which and produces damages to but one or a
means to injure, hurt or harm. few persons (Cruz v. Pandacan
 Art 431 specifically mandates that the owner of Hiker’s Club)
a thing cannot make use thereof in such a 3) Mixed - one which is both public and private
manner as to injure the rights of a third person. in its effects, public because it injures many
 The source of obligation of the person persons or all the community, and private in
responsible to pay damages is quasi delict or that it also produces special injuries to private
tort. rights.
 Any
o act, Private nuisance Trespass to land
interference with his use an invasion of the
o omission,
and enjoyment of it plaintiff’s interest in the
o establishment,
exclusive possession of
o business, his land
o condition of property or a use of one’s own a direct infringement of
o anything else property in such a another’s right of
which injures or endangers the health or manner as to cause injury property
safety of others; annoys or offends the to the property or other
senses, shocks, defies or disregards right or interest of
decency or morality, obstructs or another and generally
interferes with the free passage of any results from the
public highway or street, or any body of commission of an act
water or hinders or impairs the use of beyond the limits of the
property. (Art 694) property affected

Requisites for recovery under private nuisance

Based on case law, however, the term "nuisance" is
deemed to be "so comprehensive that it has been 1) that there was damage to the property; and
applied to almost all ways which have interfered  physical damage (tangible nuisance)
with the rights of the citizens, either in person,  personal discomfort (intangible
property, the enjoyment of his property, or his nuisance)
comfort." (Rana v. Lee Wong)  Examples: noise from a go-kart track,
bad smell emanating from a pig farm.
A barrio road is designated for the use of the general 2) the interference is either:
public who are entitled to free and unobstructed a) intentional and unreasonable; or
passage thereon. Permanent obstructions on these b) unintentional and otherwise negligent
roads, such as the respondents' illegally constructed or reckless conduct; or
house, are injurious to public welfare and c) resulting in abnormally dangerous
convenience. The occupation and use of private activities in an inappropriate place
individuals of public places devoted to public use
constitute public and private nuisances and nuisance
per se. (Alolino v. Flores) Comparative utility or balancing of utilities
doctrine - there is only a nuisance if the annoyance
Nuisance Negligence outweighs the utility to the actor and to society as a
Legal basis is a quasi- Legal basis is the want of whole
delict or tort proper care
According to its susceptibility to summary abatement
Article 695 1) Nuisance per se (nuisance at law) - nuisance
Nuisance is either public or private. A public under any and all circumstances, regardless of
nuisance affects a community or neighborhood or

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location or surroundings, because it constitutes

a direct menace to public health or safety Article 697
2) Nuisance per accidens (nuisance in fact) - may The abatement of a nuisance does not preclude the
become a nuisance by reason of the right of any person injured to recover damages for
circumstances of the location and surroundings its past existence.
or manner in which it is performed or
operated, and its existence being a question of Article 698
Lapse of time cannot legalize any nuisance, whether
fact, it cannot be abated without due hearing
public or private.
thereon in a tribunal authorized to decide
whether such a thing does in law constitute a Article 699
nuisance. The remedies against a public nuisance are:

Per se Per accidens (1) A prosecution under the Penal Code or any local
nuisance under any and may become a nuisance ordinance: or
all circumstances by reason of the (2) A civil action; or
circumstances of the (3) Abatement, without judicial proceedings.
location and
surroundings or manner Article 700
in which it is performed The district health officer shall take care that one
or operated or all of the remedies against a public nuisance are
injury in some form is injury is uncertain or availed of.
certain to be inflicted contingent until it
actually occurs Article 701
May be summarily Cannot be abated If a civil action is brought by reason of the
abated without due hearing maintenance of a public nuisance, such action shall
be commenced by the city or municipal mayor.
Respondents can not seek cover under the general
welfare clause authorizing the abatement of Article 702
nuisances without judicial proceedings. That tenet The district health officer shall determine whether
applies to a nuisance per se, or one which affects or not abatement, without judicial proceedings,
the immediate safety of persons and property is the best remedy against a public nuisance.
and may be summarily abated under the
undefined law of necessity. The storage of copra Article 703
in the quonset building is a legitimate business. By A private person may file an action on account of
its nature, it can not be said to be injurious to rights a public nuisance, if it is specially injurious to
of property, of health or of comfort of the himself.
community. If it be a nuisance per accidens it may
be so proven in a hearing conducted for that Article 704
purpose. It is not per se a nuisance warranting its Any private person may abate a public nuisance
summary abatement without judicial intervention. which is specially injurious to him by removing, or
(Perez v. Madrona) if necessary, by destroying the thing which
constitutes the same, without committing a breach
Doctrine of attractive nuisance of the peace, or doing unnecessary injury. But it is
xxxThe doctrine may be stated, in short, as follows:
one who maintains on his premises dangerous
(1) That demand be first made upon the owner or
instrumentalities or appliances of a character likely
to attract children in play, and who fails to exercise possessor of the property to abate the nuisance;
(2) That such demand has been rejected;
ordinary care to prevent children from playing
therewith or resorting thereto, is liable to a child of (3) That the abatement be approved by the district
health officer and executed with the assistance of
tender years who is injured thereby, even if the
child is technically a trespasser in the premises. the local police; and
(4) That the value of the destruction does not
the attractive nuisance doctrine generally is not exceed three thousand pesos.
applicable to bodies of water, artifi cial as well as
natural, in the absence of some unusual condition or Article 705
The remedies against a private nuisance are:
artifi cial feature other than the mere water and its
location (Hidalgo Enterprises, Inc. v. Balandan)
(1) A civil action; or
(2) Abatement, without judicial proceedings.
Article 696
Every successive owner or possessor of property Article 706
who fails or refuses to abate a nuisance in that Any person injured by a private nuisance may abate
property started by a former owner or possessor is it by removing, or if necessary, by destroying the
liable therefor in the same manner as the one thing which constitutes the nuisance, without
who created it. committing a breach of the peace or doing

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unnecessary injury. However, it is indispensable or structure, which is a nuisance at all times and
that the procedure for extrajudicial abatement of under any circumstances, regardless of location or
a public nuisance by a private person be surrounding. Here, it is merely the hotel’s particular
followed. incident––its location––and not its inherent qualities
that rendered it a nuisance. Otherwise stated, had it
Article 707 not been constructed in the no build zone, Boracay
A private person or a public official West Cove could have secured the necessary permits
extrajudicially abating a nuisance shall be liable for without issue. As such, petitioner is correct that the
damages: hotel is not a nuisance per se, but to Our mind, it is
still a nuisance per accidens. (Aquino v.
(1) If he causes unnecessary injury; or Municipality of Malay)
(2) If an alleged nuisance is later declared by the
courts to be not a real nuisance. The business of gasoline station could not be
considered a nuisance per se which the municipality
Remedies could summarily abate in the guise of exercising its
Public nuisance Private nuisance police power. Hence, it cannot be closed down or
A prosecution under transferred summarily to another location. (Parayno
the Penal Code or any v. Jovellanos)
local ordinance
A civil action A civil action The bus and jeepney terminals are not nuisances per
Abatement, without Abatement, without se. Hence, they may not be abated via an ordinance,
judicial proceedings judicial proceedings without judicial proceedings, as was done in this
case. (Lucena Grand Central Terminal, Inc. v.
The remedies of an abatement and damages are JAC Liner)
cumulative; hence, both may be demanded. (Rana
v. Lee Wong) The Court likewise struck down the ordinance
passed by the City Council of Manila prohibiting the
Abatement of nuisance operation of sauna parlors, massage parlors, karaoke
In establishing a no build zone through local bars, night clubs, day clubs, super clubs,
legislation, the LGU effectively made a discotheques, cabarets, dance halls, motels and inns
determination that constructions therein, without within the Ermita-Malate area. The Court held,
first securing exemptions from the local council, among others, that the City of Manila could not
qualify as nuisances for they pose a threat to public seek cover under the general welfare clause to
safety. No build zones are intended for the authorize the abatement of nuisances without
protection of the public because the stability of the judicial proceedings because motels are not
ground’s foundation is adversely affected by the nuisances per se. (City of Manila v. Judge
nearby body of water. The ever-present threat of Laguio, Jr)
high rising storm surges also justifies the ban on
permanent constructions near the shoreline. Indeed, Concrete posts summarily removed by the
the area’s exposure to potential geo-hazards cannot Municipal Engineer did not at all pose a hazard to
be ignored and ample protection to the residents of the safety of persons and properties, which would
Malay, Aklan should be afforded. have necessitated immediate and summary
abatement. What the concrete posts did, at most,
Challenging the validity of the public respondents’ was to pose an inconvenience to the public by
actuations, petitioner posits that the hotel cannot blocking the free passage of people to and from the
summarily be abated because it is not a nuisance per national road (Telmo v. Bustamante)
se, given the hundred million peso-worth of capital
infused in the venture. Citing Asilo, Jr. v. People, A basketball ring is not a nuisance per se that is
petitioner also argues that respondents should have susceptible to a summary abatement. At most, it is a
first secured a court order before proceeding with nuisance per accidens. A basketball ring, by itself,
the demolition. poses no immediate harm or danger to anyone but
is merely an object of recreation. Neither is it, by
Preliminarily, We agree with petitioner’s posture that nature, injurious to rights of property, of health or
the property involved cannot be classified as a of comfort of the community and, thus, it may not
nuisance per se, but not for the reason he so be abated as a nuisance without the benefit of a
offers. Property valuation, after all, is not the judicial hearing. (Cruz v. Pandacan Hikers Club)
litmus test for such a determination. More
controlling is the property’s nature and Does the LGU have the power to declare a particular
conditions, which should be evaluated to see if thing as a nuisance?
it qualifies as a nuisance as defined under the Generally, LGUs have no power to declare a
law. particular thing as a nuisance unless such a thing is a
nuisance per se.
In the case at bar, the hotel, in itself, cannot be
considered as a nuisance per se since this type of Under Section 447(a)(3)(i) of R.A. No. 7160,
nuisance is generally defined as an act, occupation, otherwise known as the Local Government Code,

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the Sangguniang Panglungsod is empowered to

enact ordinances declaring, preventing or abating Article 708
noise and other forms of nuisance. It bears The Registry of Property has for its object the
stressing, however, that the Sangguniang Bayan inscription or annotation of acts and contracts
cannot declare a particular thing as a nuisance relating to the ownership and other rights over
per se and order its condemnation. It does not immovable property. (605)
have the power to find, as a fact, that a particular
thing is a nuisance when such thing is not a Article 709
nuisance per se; nor can it authorize the The titles of ownership, or of other rights over
extrajudicial condemnation and destruction of immovable property, which are not duly inscribed or
that as a nuisance which in its nature, situation annotated in the Registry of Property shall not
or use is not such. Those things must be prejudice third persons. (606)
determined and resolved in the ordinary courts
of law. If a thing, be in fact, a nuisance due to Article 710
the manner of its operation, that question The books in the Registry of Property shall be public
cannot be determined by a mere resolution of for those who have a known interest in ascertaining
the Sangguniang Bayan. the status of the immovables or real rights annotated
or inscribed therein. (607)
Despite the hotel’s classification as a nuisance per
accidens, however, We still find in this case that Article 711
the LGU may nevertheless properly order the For determining what titles are subject to inscription
hotel’s demolition. This is because, in the exercise or annotation, as well as the form, effects, and
of police power and the general welfare clause, cancellation of inscriptions and annotations, the
property rights of individuals may be subjected to manner of keeping the books in the Registry, and the
restraints and burdens in order to fulfill the value of the entries contained in said books, the
objectives of the government. Otherwise stated, the provisions of the Mortgage Law, the Land
government may enact legislation that may interfere Registration Act, and other special laws shall govern.
with personal liberty, property, lawful businesses (608a)
and occupations to promote the general welfare.
(Aquino v. Municipality of Malay)
Who may abate DONATION
1) City and/or the Municipal Health Officer, or
2) in cases of illegal construction, the City and/or CHAPTER 1
Municipal Engineer Nature of Donations
3) district health officer
4) chief executive of the local government (e.g Article 725
Punong Barangay) Donation is an act of liberality whereby a person
5) a private person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of
 public nuisance – must be nuisance per another, who accepts it. (618a)
se (Art 706)
 private nuisance (Art 704) Donation
Is an act of liberality whereby a person disposes
When is there liability for a private person or gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of another, who
public official who extra-judicially abates a accepts it
1) if he causes unnecessary injury; or Parties
2) if an alleged nuisance is later declared by the  Donor – the one who donates
courts to be not a real nuisance.  Donee – the one who receives the donation

Who are liable for damages [Art 696, 697] Essential elements
1) the person who caused the nuisance  the essential reduction of the patrimony of the
2) every successive owner or possessor of the donor;
property who fails or refuses to abate the same  the increase in the patrimony of the donee; and
in that property – SAME LIABILITY  the intent to do an act of liberality or animus
Lapse of time [Art 698]
Lapse of time cannot legalize any nuisance, whether Characteristics
public or private. 1) Not every form of liberality is considered as
donation. The liberality should be strictly
TITLE IX 2) It is a contract

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3) It is a bilateral act but is a unilateral contract Donations with an onerous cause shall be governed
which imposes obligations only on the donor. by the rules on contracts and remuneratory
4) It requires tradition (delivery) to vest title in the donations by the provisions of the present Title as
donee. regards that portion which exceeds the value of the
5) It is a mode of acquisition of ownership. It burden imposed. (622)
need not be completed by tradition.
Donative intent is a feature of minds; donative intent 1) Mortis causa - If the donation is made in
is presumed present when one gives a part of one's contemplation of the donor’s death, meaning
patrimony to another without consideration. that the full or naked ownership of the donated
(Abello v. CIR) properties will pass to the donee only because
of the donor’s death. It is actually a devise or a
For a donation to exist, however, the intent to legacy.
donate must be effectively carried out. Hence, a 2) Inter vivos - if the donation takes effect during
mere declaration of an intention or desire to donate the donor’s lifetime or independently of the
is not a donation. (Jutic v. CA) donor’s death, meaning that the full or naked
ownership (nuda proprietas) of the donated
Article 726 properties passes to the donee during the
When a person gives to another a thing or right on donor’s lifetime.
account of the latter's merits or of the services According to purpose or cause
rendered by him to the donor, provided they do not 1) Pure or simple - one where the underlying
constitute a demandable debt, or when the gift cause is plain gratuity or pure liberality (no
imposes upon the donee a burden which is less than
strings attached). Donation in its truest
the value of the thing given, there is also a donation.
(619) form.
2) Remuneratory or compensatory - one
Article 727 made for the purpose of rewarding the
Illegal or impossible conditions in simple and donee for past services, which services do
remuneratory donations shall be considered as not not amount to a demandable debt
imposed. (n) (payment). (Art 726)
Note: if future, the donation is onerous.
Article 728 3) Conditional or modal - one where the
Donations which are to take effect upon the death donation is made in consideration of
of the donor partake of the nature of testamentary future services or where the donor
provisions, and shall be governed by the rules imposes certain conditions, limitations
established in the Title on Succession. (620)
or charges upon the donee, the value of
which is inferior than that of the donation
Article 729
When the donor intends that the donation shall take given. (Art 726)
effect during the lifetime of the donor, though the o There is donation as to the extent
property shall not be delivered till after the donor's of the excess
death, this shall be a donation inter vivos. The fruits of Conditional/modal Onerous
the property from the time of the acceptance of the the donor imposes made for a
donation, shall pertain to the donee, unless the certain conditions, valuable
donor provides otherwise. (n) limitations or charges consideration, the
upon the donee, the cost of which is
Article 730 value of which is equal to or more
The fixing of an event or the imposition of a inferior than that of than the thing
suspensive condition, which may take place beyond the donation given donated
the natural expectation of life of the donor, does not Shall be governed by It is completely
destroy the nature of the act as a donation inter vivos, the law on contracts governed not by
unless a contrary intention appears. (n) up to extent of the the law on
burden and by the law donations but by
Article 731 on donations as the law on
When a person donates something, subject to the regards that portion contracts
resolutory condition of the donor's survival, there is which exceeds the
a donation inter vivos. (n) value of the burden
Article 732
Donations which are to take effect inter vivos shall be 4) Onerous – that which imposes upon the
governed by the general provisions on contracts and donee a reciprocal obligation; made for a
obligations in all that is not determined in this Title. valuable consideration. (Art 733)

Article 733

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In determining whether a donation is should survive the

simple or onerous, we must look at the transferee.
intent of the donor (Lagazo v. CA)
The time of effectivity distinguishes both mortis
Importance of distinctions causa and inter vivos. The effectivity is determined by
1) For determining the rules that shall govern a the time when the full or naked ownership of the
particular donation; donated properties is transmitted to the donees.
2) The formalities to be followed;
3) The effect of imposition of illegal or The presence of the following does not destroy the
impossible conditions. nature of the act as a donation inter vivos.
Article 727. Illegal or impossible 1) The
conditions in simple and remuneratory o fixing of an event or
donations shall be considered as not o the imposition of a suspensive
imposed. (n) condition, which may take place
beyond the natural expectation of life
Simple/remuneratory Others of the donor (Art 730)
Rules that Primary – Law on Law on - [CONDITIONS]
govern donations obligations 2) When the donor intends that the donation shall
Suppletory – Law on and
take effect during the lifetime of the donor,
obligations and contracts
contracts (to the though the property shall not be delivered till
extent of after the donor's death, this shall be a
onerous donation inter vivos. (Art 729)
The Art 748 and 749 Obligatory
formalities in It is the body of the document of donation and the
to be whatever statements contained therein, and not the title that
followed form should be considered in ascertaining the intention of
Effect of Shall be considered not The the donor. (Concepcion v. Concepcion)
imposition imposed (Art 727) obligation
of illegal shall be The prohibition to alienate does not necessarily
or void (Art defeat the inter vivos character of donation.
impossible 1183) (Gestopa v. CA)
The provision in the deed of donation that the
Mortis causa v. inter vivos donations donated property will remain in the possession of
Mortis causa Inter vivos the donor just goes to show that the donor has given
Made in contemplation Takes effect during the up his naked title of ownership thereto and has
of the donor’s death (Art donor’s lifetime or maintained only the right to use (jus utendi) and
728) independently of the possess (jus possidendi) the subject donated
donor’s death (Art 729) property. The Court also noted the existence of an
The donation must be in It must be executed and acceptance clause which is a mark that the donation
the form of a will, with accepted with the is inter vivos.
all the formalities for the formalities prescribed by
validity of wills, Articles 748 and 749 of The prohibition to alienate does not go against the
otherwise it is void and the Civil Code, except irrevocable character of donation. (Austria-Magat
cannot transfer when it is onerous in v. CA)
ownership. which case the rules on
contracts will apply. Examples of donation mortis causa
The conveyance or Once accepted, becomes 1) Where it was stated in the deed of donation
alienation should be irrevocable that the donor wanted to give the donee
(expressly or by something “to take effect after his death” and
necessary implication) that “this donation shall produce effect only by
revocable ad nutum, i.e., and because of the death of the donor, the
at the discretion of the
property herein donated to pass title after the
grantor or so-called
“donor,”; becomes donor’s death.”
irrevocable only after 2) Where it was provided that the donated
death properties would be given to the donees after
Conveys no title or Conveys ownership the expiration of thirty (30) days from the
ownership before the upon acceptance donor’s death, the grant was made in the future
death of the transferor tense, and the word “inherit” was used. The
The transfer should be Court explained that the verb “to inherit”
void if the transferor

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clearly implies the acquisition of property only that there is prohibition to alienate, encumber,
from and after the death of the alleged donors. dispose, or sell the same.
3) Where the alleged donation expressly reserved 4) Where the donation expressly declares that it is
the right to dispose of the properties conveyed irrevocable and the owner makes reservation
at any time before his death, and limited the for himself, during his lifetime, of the owner’s
donation “to whatever property or properties share of the fruits or produce, the deed is a
left undisposed by (the donor) during (his) donation inter vivos although it provides that
lifetime.” the donation shall become effective after the
4) Where the circumstances surrounding the death of the donor.
execution of the deed of donation reveal that 5) When the deed of donation provides that the
the donation could not have taken effect donor will not dispose or take away the
before the donor’s death and the rights to property donated (thus making the donation
dispose of the donated properties and to enjoy irrevocable), he is in effect making a donation
the fruits remained with the donor during her inter vivos.
lifetime. 6) Where the power to indirectly revoke is hedged
5) Where it was stated in the deeds of donation in by the specification that the donor could
that the donations shall “become effective dispose of the property only to satisfy her
upon the death of the donor” and “that in the needs, the donation must be held to partake of
event that the donee should die before the the nature of a conveyance inter vivos.
donor, the donation shall be deemed RATIONALE: It appears incompatible with
automatically rescinded and of no further force the grantor’s freedom to revoke a true
and effect.” conveyance mortis causa, a faculty that is
6) A donation which purports to be one inter essentially absolute and discretionary, whether
vivos but withholds from the donee the right its purpose should be to supply her needs or to
to dispose of the donated property during the make a profit, or have no other reason than a
donor’s lifetime is in truth one mortis causa. change of volition on the part of the grantor-
XPN: a prohibition to alienate may not testator.
necessarily defeat the inter vivos character of
the donation. In ascertaining the intention of Article 734
the donor, all of the deed’s provisions must be The donation is perfected from the moment the
read together. (Gestopa and Austria-Magat donor knows of the acceptance by the donee. (623)
7) If there are no signs contradicting or limiting Perfection of donation
the unqualified and unrestricted right of the Like any other contract, donation also follows the
donor to alienate the conveyed property in theory of cognition. The donation is perfected from
favor of other persons of her choice at any time the moment the donor knows of the acceptance by the
that she should wish to do so, the same is a true donee. Before notice of the acceptance, the offeror is
conveyance mortis causa since it indirectly not bound and may withdraw the offer of donation.
recognizes the donor’s power to nullify the
conveyance to the alleged donee whatever the For a contract to arise, the acceptance must be made
donor wished to do so, for any reason or for known to the offeror. Accordingly, the acceptance
no particular reason at all. can be withdrawn or revoked before it is made
known to the offeror. (Jardine Davis v. CA)
Examples of donation inter vivos
1) When the attending circumstances in the Acceptance is indispensable
execution of the subject deed demonstrated the Without acceptance, the donation is not perfected. The
intent of the donor to transfer the ownership rationale behind the requirement of acceptance is that
over the properties upon its execution since nobody is obliged to receive a benefit against his will.
prior to the execution of the donation inter
vivos, the donor spouses already executed Effects of acceptance
three donations mortis causa. 1) the donee becomes the absolute owner of the
2) The fact that the donee accepted the donation property donated, (CJ Yulo & Sons vs.
is an indication that the donation is inter vivos Roman Catholic) notwithstanding the
because donations mortis causa are not condition imposed by the donee. (Quijada v.
required to be accepted by the donees during CA)
their lifetime. 2) Once the donation is accepted, it is generally
3) Where the donation expressly provides that it considered irrevocable.
is irrevocable although there are provisions in 3) upon acceptance by the donee, the donor can
the deed which state that the same will only no longer withdraw, and he can be compelled
take effect upon the death of the donor and to comply with his offering or to deliver the
things he wanted to donate. (Manresa)

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4) The donation, however, may be made Article 746 of the New Civil Code requires that the
revocable upon the fulfillment of resolutory “acceptance must be made during the lifetime of the
conditions, or may be revoked only for the donor and of the donee.” This article, however, must
reasons provided in Articles 760, 764 and 765 be read in conjunction with the provisions of Articles
of the Civil Code. 734 and 1323 of the New Civil Code.

When the Municipality’s acceptance of the donation Article 746. Acceptance must be made during the
was made known to the donor, the former became lifetime of the donor and of the donee. (n)
the new owner of the donated property — donation
being a mode of acquiring and transmitting Article 734. The donation is perfected from the
ownership — notwithstanding the condition moment the donor knows of the acceptance by the
imposed by the donee. donee. (623)

In this case, that resolutory condition is the Article 1323. An offer becomes ineffective upon the
construction of the school. It has been ruled that death, civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of
when a person donates land to another on the either party before acceptance is conveyed. (n)
condition that the latter would build upon the land a
school, the condition imposed is not a condition CHAPTER 2
precedent or a suspensive condition but a resolutory Persons Who May Give or Receive a Donation
Article 735
The donor may have an inchoate interest in the
All persons who may contract and dispose of their
donated property during the time that ownership of
property may make a donation. (624)
the land has not reverted to her. Such inchoate
interest may be the subject of contracts including a
Article 736
contract of sale. The donor may have an inchoate
Guardians and trustees cannot donate the property
interest in the donated property during the time that
entrusted to them. (n)
ownership of the land has not reverted to her. Such
inchoate interest may be the subject of contracts
Article 737
including a contract of sale.
The donor's capacity shall be determined as of the
time of the making of the donation. (n)
The consummation, however, of the perfected
contract is another matter. It occurs upon the
Article 738
constructive or actual delivery of the subject matter
All those who are not specially disqualified by law
to the buyer when the seller or her successorsin-
therefor may accept donations. (625)
interest subsequently acquires ownership thereof.
Such circumstance happened in this case when
Article 739
petitioners — who are Trinidad Quijada’s heirs and
The following donations shall be void:
successors-in-interest — became the owners of the
subject property upon the reversion of the
(1) Those made between persons who were guilty of
ownership of the land to them. Consequently,
adultery or concubinage at the time of the donation;
ownership is transferred to respondent Mondejar
(2) Those made between persons found guilty of the
and those who claim their right from him. Article
same criminal offense, in consideration thereof;
1434 of the New Civil Code supports the ruling that
(3) Those made to a public officer or his wife,
the seller’s “title passes by operation of law to the
descendants and ascendants, by reason of his office.
buyer.” This rule applies not only when the subject
matter of the contract of sale is goods, but also to
In the case referred to in No. 1, the action for
other kinds of property, including real property.
declaration of nullity may be brought by the spouse
(Quijada v. CA)
of the donor or donee; and the guilt of the donor
and donee may be proved by preponderance of
When the donation is subject to the condition that evidence in the same action. (n)
the done should construct or build a structure on the
donated property, the donation is subject to a Article 740
resolutory condition. It is not correct to say that the Incapacity to succeed by will shall be applicable to
structure has to be constructed before the donation donations inter vivos. (n)
becomes effective, that is, before thedone can
become the owner of the land, otherwise, it would Article 741
be invading the property rights of the donor. Upon Minors and others who cannot enter into a contract
the non-fulfillment of the condition, the donation may become donees but acceptance shall be done
may be revoked and all the rights already acquired by through their parents or legal representatives. (626a)
the donee shall be deemed lost and extinguished.
(Clemente v. Republic) Article 742
Donations made to conceived and unborn children
Time for making acceptance may be accepted by those persons who would legally
represent them if they were already born. (627)

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Donor must be the Seller must be the

Article 743 owner at the time of owner at the
Donations made to incapacitated persons shall be the donation consummation stage
void, though simulated under the guise of another only and not the
contract or through a person who is interposed. perfection of the sale
Article 744 GR: All persons who may contract and dispose of
Donations of the same thing to two or more their property may make a donation. (Art 735)
different donees shall be governed by the provisions 1) Capacity to contract
concerning the sale of the same thing to two or more 2) Capacity to dispose
different persons. (n)
XPN: Guardians and trustees cannot donate the
Article 745 property entrusted to them. (Art 736)
The donee must accept the donation personally, or
through an authorized person with a special power The burden of proving such incapacity rests upon
for the purpose, or with a general and sufficient the person who alleges it. If no sufficient proof to
power; otherwise, the donation shall be void. (630) this effect is presented, capacity will be presumed.

Article 746 Thus, where the donor, at the time of the execution
Acceptance must be made during the lifetime of the of the deeds of donation covering numerous
donor and of the donee. (n) properties, was already at an advanced age of 75,
afflicted with dementia, not necessarily in the pinkest
Capacity to donate of health since she was then, in fact, admitted to the
The donor's capacity shall be determined as of the hospital, the same had the effects of impairing her
brain or mental faculties so as to considerably affect
time of the making of the donation. (Art 737)
her consent, and that fraud or undue influence
would have been employed in order to procure her
Article 746. Acceptance must be made during the signature on the questioned deeds rendering the
lifetime of the donor and of the donee. (n) same voidable (Lavarez v. Guevarra)
Article 734. The donation is perfected from the Double donations (Art 744)
moment the donor knows of the acceptance by the
Being a mode of acquiring and transmitting ownership
donee. (623)
or other real rights, a donation once perfected would
deny the valid execution of a subsequent inconsistent
Article 1323. An offer becomes ineffective upon the
death, civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of donation (unless perhaps if the prior donation has
either party before acceptance is conveyed. (n) provided a suspensive condition which still pends
when the later donation is made).
If the donor is capacitated at the time he makes the
donation his subsequent incapacity by reason of civil Donee
interdiction, insanity or insolvency before acceptance GR: All those who are not specially disqualified by law
is conveyed will render the offer ineffective, thus therefor may accept donations. (Art 738)
preventing the perfection of the donation. XPNs:
Conceived child – subject to the rule in Art 41 and 742
The rule on double sales finds no relevance in an Article 41. For civil purposes, the foetus is
ordinary donation where the law requires the donor to considered born if it is alive at the time it is
have ownership of the thing or the real right he donates completely delivered from the mother's womb.
However, if the foetus had an intra-uterine life of
at the time of its perfection since a donation constitutes
less than seven months, it is not deemed born if
a mode, not just a title in an acquisition and it dies within twenty-four hours after its complete
transmission of ownership. delivery from the maternal womb. (30a)

Donations cannot comprehend future property Article 742. Donations made to conceived and
Article 751. Donations cannot comprehend future unborn children may be accepted by those
property. persons who would legally represent them if
they were already born. (627)
By future property is understood anything which the
donor cannot dispose of at the time of the donation. Capacity
(635) Donor Donee
Capacity to act – the Juridical capacity – the
Donations Sale power to do acts with fitness to be the subject
Cannot comprehend Parties may sell future legal effects of legal relations
future property things

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Minors and others who cannot enter into a contract obliged to make the notification and notation of
may become donees but acceptance shall be done which article 749 speaks. (631)
through their parents or legal representatives. (Art 741)
Article 748
Persons disqualified to become donees The donation of a movable may be made orally or in
1) Those who were guilty of adultery or writing.
concubinage at the time of the donation; (Art
An oral donation requires the simultaneous delivery
739, 1)
of the thing or of the document representing the
o the action for declaration of nullity may right donated.
be brought by the spouse of the donor
or donee; and the guilt of the donor If the value of the personal property donated
and donee may be proved by exceeds five thousand pesos, the donation and the
preponderance of evidence in the acceptance shall be made in writing. Otherwise, the
same action. donation shall be void. (632a)
2) Those who were found guilty of the same In order that the donation of an immovable may be
criminal offense, if the donation is made in valid, it must be made in a public document,
consideration thereof; (Art 739, 2) specifying therein the property donated and the
value of the charges which the donee must satisfy.
o Principal by inducement and principal
by direct participation
The acceptance may be made in the same deed of
o PREVIOUS CRIMINAL donation or in a separate public document, but it
CONVICTION IS NECESSARY shall not take effect unless it is done during the
3) Public officers or their spouses, descendants lifetime of the donor.
and ascendants, if the donation is made by
reason of their office; (Art 739, 3) If the acceptance is made in a separate instrument,
4) Those who are incapacitated to succeed by will; the donor shall be notified thereof in an authentic
(Art 740) form, and this step shall be noted in both
o Art 1027 instruments. (633)
5) The spouses, if the donation is between them
and made during the marriage, except Formalities in donation
moderate ones given on the occasion of any Donation Other contracts
family rejoicing; and (Art 87, FC) Art 748 and 749 Art 1321
o Applies to all property regime Mandatory in character; The person making the
6) Those who are living together as husband and hence, the offeror offer may fix the time,
wife without a valid marriage, if the donation is (donor) may not place, and manner of
prescribe different acceptance, all of which
between them and made during their
formalities in accepting a must be complied.
cohabitation. (Art 87, FC) donation other than
o At the very least, cohabitation is the those provided in said
public assumption by a man and a articles.
woman of the marital relation, and Applies only to donation
dwelling together as man and wife, inter vivos which are
thereby holding themselves out to the simple or remuneratory;
public as such. (Bitangcor v. Tan) applies also to donation
propter nuptias
Manner of acceptance
1) Must follow the forms (Art 748, 749) – Donation propter nuptias
OTHERWISE, VOID 1) it must be made before the celebration of the
2) The donee must accept the donation marriage;
o personally, or 2) it must be made in consideration of the
o through an authorized person with a marriage; and
special power for the purpose, or 3) it must be made in favor of one or both of the
o with a general and sufficient power future spouses.
(Art 745) – OTHERWISE, VOID o Donor – third persons or the future
3) Acceptance must be made during the lifetime spouses
of the donor and of the donee. (Art 746) o Donee – either of the future spouses
or both of them
Article 747
Persons who accept donations in representation of Personal property
others who may not do so by themselves, shall be 1) 5,000 or less – may be made orally or in writing

Property | VENTEROSO

o If made orally – There must be It is well-settled that if the notification and notation
SIMULTANEOUS DELIVERY are not complied with, the donation is void.
OF THE THING OR THE (Republic v. Guzman)
o Otherwise, VOID The purpose of the formal requirement for
2) More than 5,000 – acceptance of a donation is to ensure that such
o Acceptance – IN WRITING acceptance is duly communicated to the donor.
o Donation – IN WRITING
However, a strict and literal adherence to the
requirement of “notation” in Article 749 of the
Where the alleged subject of donation was the Civil Code should be avoided if such will result
purchase money in a contract of sale in the amount not in justice to the parties but conversely a
of P3,297,800, the Court held that the donation must distortion of their intentions. Thus, if the donor
comply with the mandatory requirements of Article was not unaware of the acceptance for she in fact
748. confirmed it later and requested that the donated
land be not registered during her lifetime, the Court
Petitioners could not brush aside the fact that a held that it cannot in conscience declare the
donation must comply with the mandatory formal donation ineffective simply because there is no
requirements set forth by law for its validity. Since notation for that would be placing too much stress
the subject donation is the purchase money, Art. 748 on mere form over substance. (Pajarillo v. IAC)
of the New Civil Code is applicable. Accordingly, the
donation of money equivalent to P3,297,800 as well
as its acceptance should have been in writing. It was The purpose of the formal requirement for
not. Hence, the donation is invalid for acceptance of a donation is to ensure that such
noncompliance with the formal requisites prescribed acceptance is duly communicated to the donor.
by law. (Lentfer v. Jurgen Wolff)
In the case at bar, a school building was immediately
constructed after the donation was executed.
Real property
Respondents had knowledge of the existence of the
1) both the donation and the acceptance must be school building put up on the donated lot through
embodied in a public instrument, although the efforts of the Parents-Teachers Association of
not necessarily embodied in a single Barangay Kauswagan. It was when the school
document; building was being dismantled and transferred to the
2) the real property donated and the value of the new site and when ViceMayor Wilfredo Palma was
charges which the donee is required to satisfy constructing a house on the donated property that
must be specified in the deed of donation; respondents came to know of the Deed of
3) if the acceptance is embodied in a separate Exchange. The actual knowledge by respondents of
public document, the donor shall be notified the construction and existence of the school building
thereof in an authentic form and such step shall fulfilled the legal requirement that the acceptance of
be noted in both instruments of donation and the donation by the donee be communicated to the
donor. (Republic v. Silim)
Registration is not necessary for the validity of
All the foregoing requisites must be complied with,
otherwise, the donation shall be void.
It is enough, between the parties to a donation of an
immovable property, that the donation be made in a
Public instrument/document public instrument but, in order to bind third
A deed of donation acknowledged before a notary persons, the donation must be registered in the
public is a public instrument. Registry of Property. (Shopper’s Paradise v.
Notification and notation
Title to immovable property does not pass from the Such registration in the Office of the Register of
donor to the donee by virtue of a deed of donation Deeds or in the Assessor’s Office is not necessary
until and unless it has been accepted in a public for the donation to be considered valid and official.
instrument and the donor duly notified thereof. It is (Florencio v. De Leon)
well-settled that if the notification and notation are
not complied with, the donation is void. (Sumipat CHAPTER 3
v. Banga)
Effect of Donations and Limitations Thereon
if an acceptance is made in a separate public writing
the notice of the acceptance must be noted not only Article 750
in the document containing the acceptance but also
The donation may comprehend all the present
in the deed of donation. property of the donor, or part thereof, provided he
reserves, in full ownership or in usufruct, sufficient
means for the support of himself, and of all relatives
who, at the time of the acceptance of the donation,

Property | VENTEROSO

are by law entitled to be supported by the donor. Chapter 2. Donations by Reason of Marriage
Without such reservation, the donation shall be
reduced in petition of any person affected. (634a) Art. 82. Donations by reason of marriage are
those which are made before its celebration,
Article 751 in consideration of the same, and in favor of
Donations cannot comprehend future property. one or both of the future spouses. (126)

By future property is understood anything which the Art. 83. These donations are governed by
donor cannot dispose of at the time of the donation. the rules on ordinary donations established
(635) in Title III of Book III of the Civil Code,
insofar as they are not modified by the
Article 752 following articles. (127a)
The provisions of article 750 notwithstanding, no
person may give or receive, by way of donation, Art. 84. If the future spouses agree upon a
more than he may give or receive by will. regime other than the absolute community
of property, they cannot donate to each
The donation shall be inofficious in all that it may other in their marriage settlements more
exceed this limitation. (636) than one-fifth of their present property. Any
excess shall be considered void.
Extent of donation
GR: A donor may donate all his property or part Donations of future property shall be
thereof. governed by the provisions on testamentary
XPNs: succession and the formalities of wills.
1) He cannot donate future property; (130a)
Future property - anything which the donor
Art. 85. Donations by reason of marriage of
cannot dispose of at the time of the donation. property subject to encumbrances shall be
(Art 751). The phrase “at the time of the valid. In case of foreclosure of the
donation” in this article must not be given its encumbrance and the property is sold for
literal meaning since the requirement that the less than the total amount of the obligation
donor must be the owner of the property secured, the donee shall not be liable for the
donated attaches only at the time of the deficiency. If the property is sold for more
perfection of the donation and not prior than the total amount of said obligation, the
thereto. donee shall be entitled to the excess. (131a)

Art. 97. Either spouse may dispose by will of Art. 86. A donation by reason of marriage
his or her interest in the community may be revoked by the donor in the
property. (n) following cases:
* prior to the liquidation of the absolute
(1) If the marriage is not celebrated or
community or conjugal partnership, the
judicially declared void ab initio except
interest of each spouse in the community
donations made in the marriage settlements,
property or conjugal assets is inchoate, a mere which shall be governed by Article 81;
expectancy, which constitutes neither a legal (2) When the marriage takes place without
nor an equitable estate, and does not ripen into the consent of the parents or guardian, as
title until it appears that there are assets in the required by law;
community as a result of the liquidation and (3) When the marriage is annulled, and the
settlement. donee acted in bad faith;
(4) Upon legal separation, the donee being
XPN of XPN: In donation propter nuptias the guilty spouse;
between future spouses, the Family Code (5) If it is with a resolutory condition and the
allows a donation of future property between condition is complied with;
the spouses. The donation of future property (6) When the donee has committed an act of
ingratitude as specified by the provisions of
partakes of the nature of a testamentary
the Civil Code on donations in general.
provision and, as such, it is governed by the (132a)
provisions on testamentary succession and
the formalities of wills. Art. 87. Every donation or grant of
gratuitous advantage, direct or indirect,
Donation propter nuptias (Art 82-87, between the spouses during the marriage
Family Code) shall be void, except moderate gifts which
1) Donation made by the spouses to each the spouses may give each other on the
other occasion of any family rejoicing. The
2) Donation made by a third person prohibition shall also apply to persons living
together as husband and wife without a valid
marriage. (133a)

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He cannot donate future The donation is VOID

Donation between Donation by a third property
spouses person to spouses He must reserve, in full The donation is NOT
Art 84 (2) Art 751 ownership or in VOID but subject only
Donation of future Donation of future usufruct, sufficient to a corresponding
property is allowed property is prohibited means for support reduction
Governed by the Governed by the laws on He cannot give by Inofficious donations
provisions on donation donation more than he are NOT VOID
testamentary succession can give by will although they may be
and the formalities of subjected to a
wills corresponding reduction
or revocation, as the case
2) He must reserve, in full ownership or in may be, if there is
usufruct, sufficient means for the support of impairment of the
o himself, and legitime of the
compulsory heirs of the
o of all relatives who, at the time of the
acceptance of the donation, are by
law entitled to be supported by him;
Article 753
o EFFECT: if the donor fails to make When a donation is made to several persons jointly,
such reservation, the donation is not it is understood to be in equal shares, and there shall
void but subject only to a be no right of accretion among them, unless the
corresponding reduction at the donor has otherwise provided.
instance of “any person affected” and
only to the extent necessary for the The preceding paragraph shall not be applicable to
support of the donor and his relatives donations made to the husband and wife jointly,
referred to in Article 750 of the Civil between whom there shall be a right of accretion, if
Code. the contrary has not been provided by the donor.
Art. 195. Subject to the provisions of the
succeeding articles, the following are Article 754
obliged to support each other to the The donee is subrogated to all the rights and actions
whole extent set forth in the preceding which in case of eviction would pertain to the donor.
article: The latter, on the other hand, is not obliged to
(1) The spouses; warrant the things donated, save when the donation
(2) Legitimate ascendants and is onerous, in which case the donor shall be liable for
descendants; eviction to the concurrence of the burden.
(3) Parents and their legitimate
children and the legitimate and The donor shall also be liable for eviction or hidden
illegitimate children of the latter; defects in case of bad faith on his part. (638a)
(4) Parents and their illegitimate
children and the legitimate and Article 755
illegitimate children of the latter; and The right to dispose of some of the things donated,
(5) Legitimate brothers and sisters, or of some amount which shall be a charge thereon,
whether of full or half-blood (291a) may be reserved by the donor; but if he should die
without having made use of this right, the property
Art. 196. Brothers and sisters not or amount reserved shall belong to the donee. (639)
legitimately related, whether of the
full or half-blood, are likewise bound to Article 756
support each other to the full extent set The ownership of property may also be donated to
forth in Article 194, except only when one person and the usufruct to another or others,
the need for support of the brother or provided all the donees are living at the time of the
sister, being of age, is due to a cause donation. (640a)
imputable to the claimant’s fault or
negligence. (291a) Article 757
Reversion may be validly established in favor of only
the donor for any case and circumstances, but not in
3) He cannot give by donation more than he can
favor of other persons unless they are all living at the
give by will. (INOFFICIOUS time of the donation.
o those which prejudice the legitime of Any reversion stipulated by the donor in favor of a
the compulsory heirs third person in violation of what is provided in the
preceding paragraph shall be void, but shall not
EXCEPTION EFFECT IF nullify the donation. (614a)
Article 758

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When the donation imposes upon the donee the No warranty against eviction [Art 754]
obligation to pay the debts of the donor, if the clause GR: The donor does not warrant the thing donated
does not contain any declaration to the contrary, the against eviction.
former is understood to be liable to pay only the XPNs:
debts which appear to have been previously 1) when there is bad faith on the part of the
contracted. In no case shall the donee be responsible donor, in which case he is also liable for
for the debts exceeding the value of the property hidden defects; or
donated, unless a contrary intention clearly appears.
2) when the donation is onerous, in which case
the donor shall be liable up to the amount
Article 759 equal to the burden
There being no stipulation regarding the payment of
debts, the donee shall be responsible therefor only Reservation of power to dispose
when the donation has been made in fraud of 1) reservation to all properties – donation
creditors. mortis causa
2) reservation of some of the properties – Art
The donation is always presumed to be in fraud of 755
creditors, when at the time thereof the donor did not 3) reservation of some of the properties but
reserve sufficient property to pay his debts prior to the donor died without having made use of
the donation. (643) the right – Art 755; the property or amount
reserved shall belong to the done
Donations made to several donees jointly [Art 753]
1) The donees are entitled to equal portions Separate donation of ownership and usufruct [Art
2) If donees are not husband and wife
GR: There is no right of accretion between The donor may donate separately the ownership of the
property to one person and the usufruct to another or
XPN: When expressly provided
others subject only to the condition that all the donees
3) If donees are husband and wife must be living at the time of the donation.
GR: There is right of accretion between them
XPN: The donor provides the contrary Reversion [Art 757]
4) If the donation is made to the spouses jointly
1) The donor may validly provide for the
in a regime of conjugal partnership of
reversion or return of the property donated to
gains, and
him for any case and circumstances.
o with designation of determinate
2) The donor may establish a reversion in favor
shares - Their respective shares shall
of a third person provided that such person is
pertain to them as his or her own
living at the time of the donation. – if
exclusive property.
o Without designation - They shall
o Provision for reversion – VOID
share and share alike, without prejudice
o Donation – VALID
to the right of accretion
Art. 113. Property donated or left by Payment of donor’s debts
will to the spouses, jointly and with
With stipulation [Art 758]
designation of determinate shares,
shall pertain to the donee-spouses as 1) the donee is understood to be liable to pay only
his or her own exclusive property, the debts which appear to have been
and in the absence of designation, previously contracted; and
share and share alike, without 2) the liability of the donee is limited only to the
prejudice to the right of accretion value of the property donated.
when proper. (150a)
Without stipulation [Art 759]
Right of accretion The donee shall be responsible therefore only when the
When there is a right of accretion among several donation has been made in fraud of creditors.
donees, the share of the one who did not accept or o the liability of the donee is limited only to the
could not accept or who died before he had accepted value of the property donated.
shall go the other donees in proportion to the interest
of each in the donation. Presumption of fraud
Donation is presumed to be in fraud of creditors when
In such a situation, the acceptance by any of the at the time of the donation the donor did not reserve
donees of the donation shall result in its perfection sufficient property to pay his debts prior to the
thereby preventing the donor from revoking that part donation.
of the donation corresponding to the share of the one
who did not accept or who died prior to his acceptance. CHAPTER 4

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Revocation and Reduction of Donations persons, by the Mortgage Law and the Land
Registration laws.
Article 760
Every donation inter vivos, made by a person having This action shall prescribe after four years from the
no children or descendants, legitimate or noncompliance with the condition, may be
legitimated by subsequent marriage, or transmitted to the heirs of the donor, and may be
illegitimate, may be revoked or reduced as exercised against the donee's heirs. (647a)
provided in the next article, by the happening of any
of these events: Article 765
The donation may also be revoked at the instance of
(1) If the donor, after the donation, should have the donor, by reason of ingratitude in the following
legitimate or legitimated or illegitimate cases:
children, even though they be posthumous;
(2) If the child of the donor, whom the latter (1) If the donee should commit some offense
believed to be dead when he made the donation, against the person, the honor or the property of the
should turn out to be living; donor, or of his wife or children under his parental
(3) If the donor subsequently adopt a minor authority;
child. (644a) (2) If the donee imputes to the donor any criminal
offense, or any act involving moral turpitude, even
Article 761 though he should prove it, unless the crime or the
In the cases referred to in the preceding article, the act has been committed against the donee himself,
donation shall be revoked or reduced insofar as it his wife or children under his authority;
exceeds the portion that may be freely disposed (3) If he unduly refuses him support when the
of by will, taking into account the whole estate of donee is legally or morally bound to give support to
the donor at the time of the birth, appearance or the donor. (648a)
adoption of a child. (n)
Article 766
Article 762 Although the donation is revoked on account of
Upon the revocation or reduction of the donation ingratitude, nevertheless, the alienations and
by the birth, appearance or adoption of a child, the mortgages effected before the notation of the
property affected shall be returned or its value if complaint for revocation in the Registry of
the donee has sold the same. Property shall subsist.

If the property is mortgaged, the donor may Later ones shall be void. (649)
redeem the mortgage, by paying the amount
guaranteed, with a right to recover the same from Article 767
the donee. In the case referred to in the first paragraph of the
preceding article, the donor shall have a right to
When the property cannot be returned, it shall be demand from the donee the value of property
estimated at what it was worth at the time of the alienated which he cannot recover from third
donation. (645a) persons, or the sum for which the same has been
Article 763
The action for revocation or reduction on the The value of said property shall be fixed as of the
grounds set forth in article 760 shall prescribe after time of the donation. (650)
four years from the birth of the first child, or
from his legitimation, recognition or adoption, Article 768
or from the judicial declaration of filiation, or When the donation is revoked for any of the
from the time information was received causes stated in article 760, or by reason of
regarding the existence of the child believed dead. ingratitude, or when it is reduced because it is
inofficious, the donee shall not return the fruits
This action cannot be renounced, and is except from the filing of the complaint.
transmitted, upon the death of the donor, to his
legitimate and illegitimate children and descendants. If the revocation is based upon noncompliance
(646a) with any of the conditions imposed in the donation,
the donee shall return not only the property but
Article 764 also the fruits thereof which he may have
The donation shall be revoked at the instance of received after having failed to fulfill the
the donor, when the donee fails to comply with condition. (651)
any of the conditions which the former imposed
upon the latter. Article 769
The action granted to the donor by reason of
In this case, the property donated shall be returned ingratitude cannot be renounced in advance. This
to the donor, the alienations made by the donee and action prescribes within one year, to be counted
the mortgages imposed thereon by him being void, from the time the donor had knowledge of the
with the limitations established, with regard to third

Property | VENTEROSO

fact and it was possible for him to bring the Minor Legal age
action. (652) Art 760 Art 752
Rule on subsequent Rule on inofficious
Article 770 appearance of donations may apply
This action shall not be transmitted to the heirs of children or adoption
the donor, if the latter did not institute the same, will apply.
although he could have done so, and even if he
should die before the expiration of one year. o there shall be a provisional
liquidation of the estate of the donor
Neither can this action be brought against the heir at the time of the birth, appearance or
of the donee, unless upon the latter's death the adoption of a minor child for the
complaint has been filed. (653)
purpose of determining the donor’s
Article 771 estate and the child’s legitime or the
Donations which in accordance with the provisions whole estate of the donor at the time of
of article 752, are inofficious, bearing in mind the the birth, appearance or adoption of a
estimated net value of the donor's property at child
the time of his death, shall be reduced with regard o FREE PORTION – LEGITIME =
to the excess; but this reduction shall not prevent AMOUNT OF
the donations from taking effect during the life REVOCATION/REDUCTION
of the donor, nor shall it bar the donee from
appropriating the fruits. Q: If, at the time of the subsequent appearance
of a child under Article 760, the entire donation
For the reduction of donations the provisions of this is found to be within the free portion of the
Chapter and of articles 911 and 912 of this Code
donor’s estate, in which case, the donation is
shall govern. (654)
neither reduced nor revoked, and later on the
Article 772 donor died after suffering financial reverses,
Only those who at the time of the donor's death may such donation be revoked if found to be
have a right to the legitime and their heirs and inofficious at the time of the donor’s death?
successors in interest may ask for the reduction or A: Yes, in this situation, the ground for the
inofficious donations. revocation of the donation is Article 752 of the
New Civil Code.
Those referred to in the preceding paragraph
cannot renounce their right during the lifetime of Q: Let us consider, however, a donation which
the donor, either by express declaration, or by is either reduced or revoked because it is found
consenting to the donation. to be inofficious at the time of the subsequent
appearance of a child under Article 760, but
The donees, devisees and legatees, who are not
later on the donor dies a richer man and, at the
entitled to the legitime and the creditors of the
deceased can neither ask for the reduction nor time of his death, the previous donation could
avail themselves thereof. (655a) have been accommodated in the free portion,
may the donee be entitled to the return of the
Article 773 thing donated or its value?
If, there being two or more donations, the A: No, the ground for the revocation of the
disposable portion is not sufficient to cover all of donation is Article 760, which is an altogether
them, those of the more recent date shall be different ground from that provided in Article
suppressed or reduced with regard to the excess. 752.
2) the non-fulfillment of charges imposed in
Reduction or revocation of donations the donation; (Art 764)
Reduction Revocation
affects only a part or a affects the entire When the donation is subject to the condition that
portion thereof donation the done should construct or build a structure on the
Arts 750, 752, 760 Arts 760, 764, 765, 752 donated property, the donation is subject to a
resolutory condition. It is not correct to say that
Revocation the structure has to be constructed before the
GR: donation becomes effective, that is, before the
As a rule, once the donation is accepted, it is donee can become the owner of the land, otherwise,
generally considered irrevocable. (Gestopa v. CA) it would be invading the property rights of the
donor. Upon the non-fulfillment of the condition,
XPNs: the donation may be revoked and all the rights
1) the subsequent appearance of children; already acquired by the donee shall be deemed lost
(Art 760) and extinguished.

Property | VENTEROSO

This general rule however cannot be applied The prescriptive period of an action for
considering the different set of circumstances revocation of an onerous donation by reason
existing in the instant case. More than a reasonable of non-compliance with the
period of fifty (50) years has already been allowed condition/obligation imposed is ten (10)
petitioner to avail of the opportunity to comply with years counted from the time within which
the condition even if it be burdensome, to make the the donee must comply with the
donation in its favor forever valid. But, conditions/obligations of the donation. (De
unfortunately, it failed to do so. Hence, there is no Luna v. Abrigo)
more need to fix the duration of a term of the
obligation when such procedure would be a mere Article 764 is applicable to onerous
technicality and formality and would serve no donations, except when the parties have
purpose than to delay or lead to an unnecessary and agreed on automatic revocation. (Roman
expensive multiplication of suits. Moreover, under Archbishop of Manila v. CA)
Art. 1191 of the Civil Code, when one of the
obligors cannot comply with what is incumbent In Dolar v. Municipality of Dumangas,
upon him, the obligee may seek rescission and the the Court did not make a categorical
court shall decree the same unless there is just cause ruling as to whether or not Article 764
authorizing the fixing of a period. In the absence of applies to an action for the revocation of
any just cause for the court to determine the period an onerous donation. The Court simply
of the compliance, there is no more obstacle for the ruled that the action had already prescribed
court to decree the rescission claimed. (Clemente v. whether the applicable legal provision is
Republic) Article 764 or Article 1144 of the Civil Code.

In the case of donation, the accrual of the cause of The four-year prescriptive period for the
action is from the expiration of the time within revocation of donation provided under
which the donee must comply with the Article 764 of the New Civil Code does not
conditions or obligations of the donation. In the apply. Since the deed of donation is
instant case, however, it must be noted that the considered a written contract, it is
subject donation fixed no period within which the governed instead by Article 1144 of the
donee can comply with the condition of donation. New Civil Code, which provides that the
As such, resort to Article 1197 of the New Civil prescriptive period for an action arising from
Code is necessary. Said article provides that if the a written contract is 10 years form the time
obligation does not fix a period, but from its nature the cause of action accrues.
and the circumstances it can be inferred that a period
was intended, the courts may fix the duration In the case of donation, the accrual of the
thereof. cause of action is from the expiration of the
time within which the done must comply
However, resort to Art 1997 will no longer be with the conditions or obligations of the
applicable if more than a reasonable period has donation. (Secretary v. Heirs of Dulay) -
already been allowed to the donee to avail of the CONTROLLING
opportunity to comply with the condition even if it
be burdensome, to make the donation in its favor Onerous donations with automatic revocation clause
forever valid, but the done still failed to do so.
Under Article 1306 of the New Civil Code, the
(Secretary v. Heirs of Dulay)
parties to a contract have the right "to establish
such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions
While Article 764 uses the term “conditions,” as they may deem convenient, provided they are
what are actually being referred to in said article not contrary to law, morals, good customs,
are the obligations or charges imposed by the public order or public policy." Paragraph 11 of
donor on the donee. (Tolentino) the "Revival of Donation Intervivos, has provided
that "violation of any of the conditions (herein) shall
Conflicting rulings as to whether Art 764 or cause the automatic reversion of the donated area to
Art 1144 will apply the donor, his heirs, . . ., without the need of
Article 764 of the New Civil Code does not executing any other document for that purpose and
apply to onerous donations in view of the without obligation on the part of the DONOR".
specific provision of Article 733 providing Said stipulation not being contrary to law, morals,
that onerous donations are governed by the good customs, public order or public policy, is valid
rules on contracts. Invoking the provisions and binding upon the foundation who voluntarily
of Article 733, the Court further held that in consented thereto.
determining the prescriptive period of an
action to revoke an onerous donation the It is clear, however, that judicial intervention is
rules on contracts and the general rules necessary not for purposes of obtaining a
on prescription and not the rules on judicial declaration rescinding a contract
donations are applicable to onerous already deemed rescinded by virtue of an
donations. agreement providing for rescission even without
judicial intervention, but in order to determine

Property | VENTEROSO

whether or not the recession was proper. (De Luna property for ₱15,000.00, the donation was onerous.
v. Abrigo) As an endowment for a valuable consideration, it
partakes of the nature of an ordinary contract; hence,
When a deed of donation, as in this case, expressly the rules of contract will govern and Article 765 of
provides for automatic revocation and reversion of the New Civil Code finds no application with respect
the property donated, the rules on contract and the to the onerous portion of the donation.
general rules on prescription should apply, and not
Article 764 of the Civil Code. Since Article 1306 of Insofar as the value of the land exceeds the
said Code authorizes the parties to a contract to redemption price paid for by the donee, a donation
establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and exists, and the legal provisions on donation apply.
conditions not contrary to law, morals, good (Calanasan v. Dolorito)
customs, public order or public policy, we are of the
opinion that, at the very least, that stipulation of the 4) the fact that the donation is inofficious. (Art
parties providing for automatic revocation of the 752)
deed of donation, without prior judicial action for
that purpose, is valid subject to the determination of Subsequent Inofficious
the propriety of the rescission sought. Where such appearance donations
propriety is sustained, the decision of the court Art 760 Art 752
will be merely declaratory of the revocation, but Inofficiousness is to Inofficiousness
it is not in itself the revocatory act. be determined determined only at
during the lifetime the time of death of
It is our view that Article 764 was intended to of the donor the donor.
provide a judicial remedy in case of non-fulfillment
or contravention of conditions specified in the deed
How to determine inofficiousness of donations
of donation if and when the parties have not agreed
on the automatic revocation of such donation upon In determining whether the donation is
the occurrence of the contingency contemplated inofficious or not, recourse must be had to the
therein. (Roman Catholic Archbishop v. CA) rules established by the Civil Code for the
determination of the legitime and, by
It is only when the donee denies the rescission extension, of the disposable portion, taking
or challenges its propriety that the court can into consideration the estimated net value of
intervene to conclusively settle whether the the donor’s property at the time of his death.
resolution was proper. (Zamboanga v. Plagata)
1) determination of the value of the
SUMMARY: property which remains at the time of the
1) without automatic revocation clause – Art testator’s death;
764 applies – THERE MUST BE A 2) determination of the obligations, debts,
JUDICIAL ACTION and charges which have to be paid out or
2) with automatic revocation clause – Art 1306 deducted from the value of the property
applies; NO JUDICIAL ACTION IS thus left;
NEEDED. THE DONATION CAN 3) the determination of the difference
between the assets and the liabilities,
XPN: only when the donee denies the
rescission or challenges its propriety giving rise to the hereditary estate;
4) the addition to the net value thus found,
3) the ingratitude of the donee; and (Art 765) of the value, at the time they were made, of
donations subject to collation; and
Grounds 5) the determination of the amount of the
1) If the donee should commit some offense legitimes by getting from the total thus
against the person, the honor or the property found the portion that the law provides as
of the donor, or of his wife or children under the legitime of each respective compulsory
his parental authority; heir.
2) If the donee imputes to the donor any
criminal offense, or any act involving moral FREELY DISPOSABLE PORTION =
turpitude, even though he should prove it, LEGITIME – NET VALUE OF THE
unless the crime or the act has been committed
against the donee himself, his wife or children
under his authority; OF REVOCATION/REDUCTION
3) If he unduly refuses him support when the
donee is legally or morally bound to give Reduction
support to the donor. (648a) 1) that the donor did not reserve sufficient
property for his own and his family’s support;
We agree with the CA that since the donation (Art 750)
imposed on the donee the burden of redeeming the

Property | VENTEROSO

2) by the subsequent appearance of children; and

(Art 760) Grounds in Article 765
3) that the donation is inofficious. (Art 752) One year, to be counted from the time the donor had
knowledge of the fact and it was possible for him to
Effects of reduction or revocation of donation bring the action
Grounds in Art 760
1) The property affected shall be returned, or if Grounds in Article 752
it cannot be returned, at least its value; In Imperial vs. Court of Appeals, we held that
2) If the property is mortgaged, the donor may "donations, the reduction of which hinges upon the
redeem the mortgage, by paying the amount allegation of impairment of legitime (as in this case),
guaranteed, with a right to recover his payment are not controlled by a particular prescriptive period,
from the donee. When the property cannot be for which reason, we must resort to the ordinary
returned, it shall be estimated at what it was rules of prescription. Under Article 1144 of the
worth at the time of the donation. Civil Code, actions upon an obligation created by
law must be brought within ten years from the time
3) The donee shall return the fruits of property
the right of action accrues. Thus, the ten-year
affected only from the filing of the complaint. prescriptive period applies to the obligation to
reduce inofficious donations, required under Article
Grounds in Article 764 771 of the Civil Code, to the extent that they impair
1) shall be revoked at the instance of the donor the legitime of compulsory heirs.
2) the property donated shall be returned to the
donor From when shall the ten-year period be reckoned?
3) The fruits which may have been received after In Mateo vs. Lagua, involving the reduction, for
having failed to fulfill the condition must be inofficiousness, of a donation propter nuptias, we
returned (Art 768) held that the cause of action to enforce a legitime
4) the alienations made by the donee and the accrues upon the death of the donor-decedent.
mortgages imposed thereon by him are void, Clearly so, since it is only then that the net estate may
be ascertained and on which basis, the legitimes may
with the limitations established, with regard to
be determined. (Santos v. Alana)
third persons, by the Mortgage Law and the
Land Registration laws.
Grounds in Art 760
Grounds in Article 765
Not subject to waiver or renunciation (Art 763)
1) The donor shall have a right to demand from
the donee the value of property alienated which
Grounds in Article 765
he cannot recover from third persons, or the
Cannot be renounced in advance (Art 769)
sum for which the same has been mortgaged.
(Art 767)
2) The alienations and mortgages effected before
Grounds in Art 760
the notation of the complaint for revocation in
Transmitted, upon the death of the donor, to his
the Registry of Property shall subsist. Later
legitimate or illegitimate children and descendants, if
ones shall be void. (Art 766)
the donor dies within the four-year prescriptive period
3) The donee shall not return the fruits except
(Art 763)
from the filing of the complaint. (Art 768)
Grounds in Article 764
Grounds in Article 752
May be transmitted to the heirs of the donor, and may
1) This reduction shall not prevent the donations
be exercised against the donee's heirs. (Art 764)
from taking effect during the life of the donor
(Art 771)
Grounds in Article 765
2) Nor shall it bar the donee from appropriating
Shall not be transmitted to the heirs of the donor, if
the fruits (Art 771)
the latter did not institute the same, although he could
have done so, and even if he should die before the
Prescriptive period
expiration of one year. Neither can this action be
Grounds in Art 760
brought against the heir of the donee, unless upon the
Four years reckoned from the birth of the first child,
latter's death the complaint has been filed. (Art 770)
or from his legitimation, recognition or adoption, or
from judicial declaration of filiation, or from the time
♥ END ♥
information was received regarding the existence of the
child believed dead. (Art 763)

Grounds in Article 764

Four years from the noncompliance with the

Property | VENTEROSO

Art 760 Art 764 Art 765 Art 752
Effects 1)The property affected shall be 1)shall be revoked at the instance of the 1)The donor shall have a right to demand 1)This reduc on shall not prevent the
returned, or if it cannot be returned, at donor from the donee the value of property donations from taking effect during the
least its value; 2)the property donated shall be alienated which he cannot recover from life of the donor (Art 771)
2)If the property is mortgaged, the returned to the donor third persons, or the sum for which the 2)Nor shall it bar the donee from
donor may redeem the mortgage, by 3)The fruits which may have been same has been mortgaged. (Art 767) appropriating the fruits (Art 771)
paying the amount guaranteed, with a received after having failed to fulfill the 2)The aliena ons and mortgages
right to recover his payment from the condition must be returned (Art 768) effected before the notation of the
donee. When the property cannot be 4)the aliena ons made by the donee complaint for revocation in the Registry of
returned, it shall be estimated at what it and the mortgages imposed thereon by Property shall subsist. Later ones shall be
was worth at the time of the donation. him are void, with the limitations void. (Art 766)
3)The donee shall return the fruits of established, with regard to third persons, 3)The donee shall not return the fruits
property affected only from the filing of by the Mortgage Law and the Land except from the filing of the complaint.
the complaint. Registration laws. (Art 768)
Four years from the noncompliance with One year, to be counted from the time the Ten years from the death of the donor-
the condition donor had knowledge of the fact and it decedent.
Four years reckoned from the birth of the was possible for him to bring the action
first child, or from his legitimation,
recognition or adoption, or from judicial
declaration of filiation, or from the time
information was received regarding the
Prescriptive existence of the child believed dead. (Art
period 763)
Not subject to waiver or renunciation (Art
Waiver 763) Cannot be renounced in advance (Art 769)

Property | VENTEROSO
May be transmitted to the heirs of the Shall not be transmitted to the heirs of
donor, and may be exercised against the the donor, if the latter did not institute
donee's heirs. (Art 764) the same, although he could have done
Transmitted, upon the death of the so, and even if he should die before the
donor, to his legitimate or illegitimate expiration of one year. Neither can this
Transmissibility children and descendants, if the donor action be brought against the heir of the
of right of dies within the four-year prescriptive donee, unless upon the latter's death the
action period (Art 763) complaint has been filed. (Art 770)

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