Preboard-MSTE Answer Key

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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.
Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the
letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES

1. Two parallel tangents 24 m apart are connected by a reversed curve.

The distance between the PC and PT is 77.67 m. Determine the total
length of the curve.

a. 87.69 c. 79.68
b.78.96 d.69.87

2. It is defined as any performance of a task of other activity that is

conducted in a manner that may threaten the health and/or safety of
an individual.

a. Risk c. Hazard
b. Unsafe act d. Unsafe Condition

3. Determine the volume when the region bounded by y = x^3 – 4x and the
x-axis is revolved about the line x = 3.
a. 𝟒𝟖𝝅 c. &'
!'(% d.24𝜋
b. &'

4. Determine the value of the cofactor of 5 in the matrix:

-69 1155 867
' 5 0 420 (
1998 867 1155
a.582336 c.-582336
b.991443780 d. -991443780

5. Which of the following is true about PERT CPM?

I. In PERT CPM, activity duration estimates follow a Beta Distribution

II. In PERT CPM, activity duration estimates follow a Normal Distribution
III. In PERT CPM, project duration estimates follow a Beta Distribution
IV. In PERT CPM, project duration estimates follow a Normal Distribution

a. I and II only c. I and IV only

b. II and IV only d. II and III only

6. A parabolic satellite dish has a height of 2 m and a diameter of 10

m. Determine the height, from the bottom most portion of the dish,
for which the feed horn should be placed? Feedhorns are placed where
signals bouncing off the dish will be concentrated.

a. 0.08 m c. 6.25 m
b. 2 m d. 12.5 m

7. Assuming an average retarding force on the car of Fr = 700 N,

calculate the power required of a 1400-kg car if the car climbs a 10o
hill at a steady velocity of 80 kph.

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a. 94.89 hp c. 50.19 hp
b. 84.99 hp d. 59.10 hp

8. It is the combination of all the likelihood of occurring hazards and

to the severity of their outcome and consequences.

a. Risk c. Hazard
b. Unsafe act d. Unsafe Condition

9. Determine the time mean speed of the following spot speeds: 70 kph,
82 kph, 75 kph, 87 kph, 82 kph.

a. 81.27 kph c. 81.5 kph

b. 78.74 kph d.79.2 kph

10. In the design of ports and harbor facilities, seismic effects

must be taken into consideration. If A is the dead weight, B is the
surcharge, and C is the seismic coefficient, determine the seismic
force using the seismic coefficient method.

a. (A+B)C c. (A+ 2B)C

b. (0.5A + B)C d. (A + 0.5B)C

11. The ratio of the ages of A and B is 5:7. In 3 years, the ratio
will be 3:4. Determine the number of years, since they were in the
original ratio, so that the ratio between their ages will be 4:5.

a.9 years c. 6 years

b.3 years d. 12 years

12. A wheel load of 100 kN is to be expected on a rigid pavement.

Determine the thickness of the pavement at the centerline neglecting
the effect of dowels. Use fc = 21 MPa, f = 0.1fc.

a. 267.26 mm c. 377.96 mm
b. 188.98 mm d. 308.61 mm

13. In a two-peg test of a dumpy level, the following observations

were taken:
Rod Reading Instrument set up near M Instrument near P
On point A 0.3 m 1.6 m
On point B 0.9 2.1

Where point M is midway A and B while P is 10 m from A along the extension

of line AB and 80 m from B. Determine the corrected reading on A when the
instrument is at P.
a. 1.614 m c. 1.461 m
b. 2.214 m d. 2.421 m

14. 10 men can finish a job in 30 days. Initially, the contractor

hired 7 men and hired the other 3 after a week and 2 days of work to
finish the rest of the work. How many days was the work delayed?

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a. 32.7 c. 2.7
b. 23.7 d. 7.2
15. Using the logistic equation 𝑃(𝑡) = &*+, !"# to model the population
of a given area where P is in terms of thousand people and t is in
years, determine the rate of logistic growth if its initial
population is 1 thousand, as t approaches a very large value, the
population approaches a million people, and the 500 thousand mark is
after 30 years.

a. 23.02% c. 2.31%
b. 20.72% d. 2.71%

16. From the given data shown below, it is required to compute the
design water depth for a ship having 45000 dead weight tons.
Full load drop of the ship = -10 m
Design low tide = -0.5 m
Construction allowance for no scour protecting riprap = 0.5 m.

a. -10.5 m c. 10.5 m
b. -11 m d. 11 m

17. It is a document prepared during key milestones or near the end

of a construction project listing work not conforming to contract
specifications that the general contractor must complete prior to
final payment but the correction can be made in a few days.

a. Material Submittal Sheet c. Punch list

b. Non-conformance report d. Check List

18. A stick of length L has one of its endpoints moving along the y-
axis while the other at the x-axis. What is the equation of the curve
defined by the midpoint of the stick?

a. 𝟒𝒙𝟐 + 𝟒𝒚𝟐 = 𝑳𝟐 c. 𝑥 ! + 𝑦 ! = 4𝐿!

b. 𝑥 ! + 𝑦 ! = 𝐿! d. 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 𝐿

19. Determine the length of the median to the longest side of a

triangle whose side lengths are 6, 8, and 9.

a. 7.969 c. 6.519
b. 5.454 d. 7.667

20. Point A(-3, -10) is connected to point B(1,1) to form segment

AB. It is to be extended through B up to 5 times the length of AB and
that extension ends at C. What are the coordinates of C?

a. (-19, -54) c. (-4, -12.75)

b. (2.25, 4.75) d. (21, 45)

21. It is an application of a low viscosity asphalt to a granular

base in preparation of an initial layer of asphalt.

a. Tact Coat c. Subbase course

b. Prime Coat d. Base course

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22. Determine the surface of a regular icosahedron of side length 1.

a. 𝟑 √𝟑 c. 1.5 √3
b. 0.75√3 d. 6 √3

23. The roots of the characteristic equation of a given homogenous

higher order linear ordinary differential equation are −2, 5. Determine
the Wronskian.

a. 0 c. 𝟕𝒆𝟑𝒙
b. −7𝑒 012 d. Insufficient given

24. A clothoidal curve is placed on the ends of a simple curve on a

highway. Its length is 175 m. Determine the tangent distance from TS
to the midpoint of the clothoid given that the simple curve is of
degree 6∘ .

a. 171.33 c. 3.34
b. 26.73 d. 87.39

25. In a raffle, there are 3 boxes containing cards with white, red,
and black colors. Box 1 has 3 white, 5 red, and 1 black card. Box 2
has 5 white, 2 red, and 3 black cards. Box 3 has 1 white, 1 red, and
4 black cards. A die is rolled to determine which box to choose then
a card is randomly chosen. If it shows a prime number of dots, it
chooses box 1. If it shows a composite number of dots, it chooses box
2. Otherwise, it chooses the third box. Given that the card is red,
what is the probability that it came from box 2?

a. 12/67 c. 5/67
b. 50/67 d. 1/2

26. A deep-water wave has a period of 10 seconds. Determine its


a. 156.13 m c. 135.61
b. 165.31 d. 153.16

27. Given the cross-sectional notes of a given embankment. Determine

the of earthworks between A(20+000) and B(20+040). Assuming that both
sections have the same slope and width of base, determine the volume
between A and B with prismoidal correction.
Sta A
6.60 0 4.8
+2.4 +2.5 +1.2
Sta B
a 0 b
2.2 +2 2.8

a. 796.2 c. 798.3
b. 792.6 d. 793.8

28. A tabulation shown are materials and its properties which are
used in a compacted paving mixture:

Materials Spgr Bulk spgr % weight

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Coarse Aggregates 2.69 46.2

Fine Aggregates 2.72 46.0
Asphalt Cement 1.2 7.8

Determine the asphalt absorption of the aggregate expressed as percentage

by weight of aggregate. Max spgr of paving mixture is 2.54.
(5$% 05$& ) 8'' 08& 8 *8+
Hint: 𝑃+) = 𝐺+ , 𝐺7, = ('' ( , 𝐺7+ = (** (
5$& 5$% 0 & * +
)'' )& )* )+

a. 2.61 c. 2.71
b. 2.91 d. 2.81

29. You lend a friend a certain amount which is due in 240 days but
he’s too kind enough to pay the debt after 100 days. Thus, you gave
him a 5% discount. Determine the nominal simple interest rate.

a. 13.53% c. 7.89%
b. 18.95% d. 9.48%

30. Traffic data collected at two sections A and B of a highway,

which is 500 m apart. Five vehicles pass section A at intervals of 4,
5, 7, and 4 seconds, respectively. The vehicle speeds are 50, 45, 40,
35, and x kph. It takes each vehicle y seconds after the first
vehicle passes through the section. Determine the traffic density.

a. 5 c. 20
b. 10 d. 15

31. It is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule.

Modern types of these show the dependency relationships between
activities and the current schedule status.

a. PERT-CPM c. Gantt Chart

b. Work Breakdown Structure d. S-curve

32. The maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point
on a lane or roadway during one hour under prevailing roadway and
traffic conditions.

a. Possible capacity c. Traffic capacity

b. Practical capacity d. Basic capacity

33. A vehicle travelled 40 m before colliding with another parked

vehicle, the weight of which is 75% of the former. After collision,
both vehicles skid through 14 m before stopping, determine the
initial speed of the moving vehicle given that the friction
coefficient is 0.3.

a. 22.09 m/s c. 15.89

b. 9.08 d. 17.83

34. The provision of safety sight distance depends on the

characteristics of the driver such as:

I. Alertness of driver
II. Recognition of hazard

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III. Actions available to the driver – to stop or to change

IV. Decision of driver

a. I, III, IV c. II, III, IV

b. I, II, III d. All of the above

35. Data on a traffic accident recorded on a certain intersection

for the past 5 years has an accident rate of 4160 per million
entering vehicles. If the average daily traffic entering the
intersection is 504, find the total number of accidents during the 5-
year period.

a. 3862 c. 3826
b. 3628 d. 3286

36. A spherical segment has circular bases of diameters 4 and 7 m.

If the bases are 17.0665 m apart, determine the surface area of the
spherical segment.

a. 977.65 c. 965.09
b. 1016.14 d. 1003.57

37. Baguio General Hospital has instituted an incentive for

hospitals to file their claims for reimbursement under the DOH system
in a specific electronic format. Assume that the number of hospitals
is steady at 1000 and that 5 and 70 hospitals switched in the first
and second years, respectively. Assuming that the Gompertz curve
applies, determine the average number of hospitals that will switch
in each of the next 4 years.
Hint: The equation of the Gompertz Curve is 𝑦 = 𝐴𝑒 0+, .

a. 10.7368 c. 10.8376
b. 10.3687 d. 10.6378

38. A soil weighs 1163 kg/LCM, 1661 kg/BCM, and 2077 kg/CCM.
Determine the number of compacted cubic meters in 593300 LCM of this

a. 332214 CCM c. 413322

b. 221433 d. 432321

39. A machine is bought at Php 2 Million at it is estimated to have

an economic life of 20 years at a salvage value of Php 500 000.
Determine the book value of the machine after 17 years given that the
depreciation assumed is that of double declining.

a. 333000 c. 370000
b. 500000 d. 508400

40. For positive real numbers 𝑎 and 𝑏, determine the maximum value of
) (1
𝑥 − 𝑥)+ in terms of 𝑎 and 𝑏.

a. 𝑎+ 𝑏 ) c.
), +&
) + 𝒂𝒂 𝒃𝒃
b. 𝑎 𝑏 d. (𝒂*𝒃)𝒂-𝒃

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41. A 2 kg object is travelling at 1 m/s collides head on with a 1.0

kg object initially at rest. Determine the velocity of each object
after the impact if the collision is perfectly elastic.

a. 2kg: 4/3 m/s, 1kg: 1/3 m/s c. Both 2/3 m/s

b. 2kg: 1/3 m/s, 1kg: 4/3 m/s d. None of the above.

42. An athlete executing a long jump leaves the ground at a 28-

degree angle and travels 7.8 m horizontally. What was the take-off

a. 4.417 c. 8.834
b. 26.35 d. 18.63

43. A 4% grade intersects a -3.4% grade at 1+990 of elevation 40 m.

The design vertical summit parabolic curve connecting two tangent
grades conforms with the following safe stopping sight distance
Design velocity = 60 kph
Height of driver’s eye from the road pavement = 1.37 m
Height of an object over the pavement ahead = 100 mm
Perception-reaction time = 2 sec
Coefficient of friction between the road and the tires = 0.15

Determine the stopping sight distance in the ascent.

a. 162.041 c. 107.849
b. 128.708 d. 74.515

44. A worker is pushing a solid cubical block of side length 1 m. He

then thought of carving the block into a sphere in order to be rolled
and transported easily. What is the least amount of material that can
be an excess in the carving process?

a. 2.858 c. 0.5236
b. 0.4764 cubic m d. 3.142

45. A quadrilateral ABC is inscribed in a given circle. The angle

ADC is 75 degrees and angle ACD is 45 degrees. If the arc BC is only
half of arc CD, determine the value of angle BCA.

a. 90 c. 120
b. 45 d. 60

46. Tropical typhoon Yolanda hits the country with an estimated wind
speed of 140 kph. This causes a storm surge in Tacloban City with a
period of 7.47 sec in a point having a depth of 9 m. Compute the
height of the wave if it has a steepness of 0.14.
a. 12.197 c. 14.197
b. 13.197 d. 15.197

47. Determine the period of 𝑓(𝑡) = 4 sin1 𝑡 − 3 sin 𝑡.

a. -2pi/3 c. pi/3
b. 2pi/3 d. -pi/3

48. These are light-retro-reflecting devices mounted at the side of

the roadway, in series, to indicate the roadway alignment.
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a. Reflectors c. Delineators
b. Rumble strips d. Guide posts

49. It refers to an architectural member that is built deeply into

the wall so that the pressure on its embedded portion counteracts any
tendency to overturn of fall outward. It also projects out from a
wall and acts as a type of bracket to carry weight.

a. Lintel Beam c. Corbel

b. awning d. Girder

50. A rectangular barge is 20 m long, 12 m wide and 8 m deep. It

enters a harbor having a design low tide of -0.30 m. The harbor
facility is protected by riprap to prevent scouring. The weight of
the barge when empty is equal to 1000 tons. Assuming sg of seawater
to be 1.03 and that the maximum depth of water in the harbor is 6.4 m
deep, determine the maximum weight in tons that the barge can carry
safely based on the specifications of the Philippine Ports Authority
regarding standard water depth.

a. 570.29 tons c. 752.90

b. 507.920 d. 927.50

51. An industrial engineer wants to propose a new welding machine.

He gave this data for the costs that the welding machine might
expect: First cost = Php 50 000, Maintenance cost = Php 2000 for the
first year and increases by Php 200 every year for 10 years until it
has a salvage value of Php 5000. But if it was extended for few more
years due to its good performance, the salvage value may be 3000 and
2000, for the next 2 years. If money is worth 10%, would you accept
the proposal if the current EUAC of the existing welding machine is
Php 6400?

a. The EUAC of the proposed machine is more than the current EUAC,
which is Php 5400. Hence, change of machine is not approved.
b. The EUAC of the proposed machine is more than the current EUAC,
which is Php 6400. Hence, change of machine is not approved.
c. The EUAC of the proposed machine is more than the current EUAC,
which is Php 7400. Hence, change of machine is not approved.
d. The EUAC of the proposed machine is more than the current EUAC,
which is Php 8400. Hence, change of machine is not approved.

52. Determine <2 +
for 𝑥 ' + 𝑦 ' = 2022.

a. −8088𝑥 1 /𝑦 > c. 𝑥 # /𝑦 #
b. 8088𝑥 1 /𝑦 > d. −𝑥 # /𝑦 #

53. It is a relatively thin deposit of mineral between definite

boundaries in mine surveying.

a. Outcrop c. Vein
b. Drift d. Strike

54. Assume that any distance of 100 ft can be taped with an error of
±0.02 𝑓𝑡 if any certain techniques are employed. Determine the error in
taping 5000 ft using these skills.

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a. ± 𝟎. 𝟏𝟒𝟏𝟒 c. ± 7.071
b. ± 1 d. ± 0.02

55. Maximize 4𝑥 + 5𝑦 given the constraints:

2𝑥 + 𝑦 ≤ 15
Q𝑥 + 3𝑦 ≤ 15
𝑥, 𝑦 ≥ 0
a. 39 c. 30
b. 75 d. 25

56. A cyclist is moving towards a building. After moving 23 m, the

angle of elevation of the top of the building became twice that of
the first sighting. He moved 11 m more and the angle of elevation
became thrice that of the first sighting. What is the height of the

a. 18.92 c. 29.21
b. 21.29 d. 19.28

57. A highway has a capacity of 3000 vehicles per hour and free flow
speed of 60 kph. Determine the jam density in vehicles per kilometer.

a. 200 c. 50
b. 100 d. 150

58. B, C, and D are three triangulation stations whose positions

were determined by the angle measured at station C to B and D,
respectively. CB was measured to be 1200 m long and CD 965 m long.
The azimuth of B from C is 140 degrees and that of D from C is 286
deg 30 min. A sounding at F (south of the three stations) was taken
from a boat and angle BFC is 28 deg 15 min and angle CFD is 22 deg 30
min. The angles were measured simultaneously by two sextants from the
boat to the three stations. How far is F from C?

a. 2499.469 c. 2436.968
b. 2402.751 d. 2463.715

59. A 3% grade intersects a -2.5% grade and a vertical parabolic

curve is to be design connecting the two grades. Determine the length
required by comfort criterion given that the design velocity is 80

a. 48.608 c. 89.11
b. 40.506 d. 140

60. Determine the mass moment of inertia of a solid sphere with mass
5 kg and radius 0.5 cm in kgm^2.

a. 0.005 c. 0.05
b. 0.0005 d. 0.00005

61. What is the area of a 60-degree sector if the area of the

largest circle that can be inscribed into it is 𝜋 𝑐𝑚! ?

a. 0.75pi c. 1.5pi
b. 3pi d. 9pi

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62. A square piece of land 60 x 60 m is to be levelled down to 5 m

above elevation zero. To determine the volume of earth to be removed
by the borrow pit method, the land is divided into 9 squares whose
corners are arranged as follows with the corresponding elevations, in
meters, above elevation zero. Find the volume of cut in cubic meters
by unit area basis.

A = 29.8 B = 27.3 C = 25.2 D = 28.3

E = 26.5 F = 24.3 G = 26.9 H = 23.3
I = 24.2 J = 21.3 K = 22.6 L = 20.5
M = 21.2 N = 18.5 O = 17.8 P = 16.5

a. 62680 c. 68620
b. 68260 d. 66280

63. It is required to produce 25 cubic meters of concrete 1:2:4 mix

with the following data. Assume that 1 bag of cement is 0.028 cubic
meters. Use 26 liters of water per bag of cement. Determine the
number of bags of cement required.

Material spgr Unit weight (kN/m^3)

Cement 3.10 1500
Sand 2.65 1700
Gravel 2.50 1530

a. 173 c. 175
b. 174 d. 176

64. The difference in height between the mean higher high water and
the mean lower low water.

a. Range c. Diurnal Range

b. Diurnal d. Great Diurnal Range

65. It is reserved as a background color for all tourist facility:

directional and information sign.

a. Brown c. Blue
b. Green d. Red

66. It is the ratio of the relative velocity after impact to the

relative velocity before the impact of two colliding bodies.

a. Coefficient of Friction c. Centrifugal Ratio

b. Gravitational attraction d. Coefficient of Restitution
67. For a right spherical triangle, 𝑎 = 50∘ , 𝐵 = 60∘ . Determine the value
of 𝑐.

a. 62.37 degrees c. 67.23 degrees

b. 76.32 degrees d. 63.72 degrees

68. In a certain platoon of soldiers, dividing them into groups of

11 leaves a group with 10 members. Dividing into groups of 7 leaves a
group with 6 members. And dividing them into groups of 13 leaves a
group with 12 members. What is the minimum number of soldiers that
the platoon has?

a. 1000 c. 3002

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b. 2001 d. 4003

69. A student wants to measure the height of a building that is

located in the interior of a square lot. He measures the angle of
elevation of the top of the building on three consecutive corners of
the lot. The angles are: 30 degrees, 37.589 degrees, and 43.898
degrees. If the side length of the lot is 60 m, what is the height of
the building?

a. 9.38 ft c. 75.36 ft
b. 30.76 ft d. 100.89 ft

70. It is a type of rigid pavement which has no transverse joints

except construction or expansion joints when they are necessary at
specific positions such as at bridges. This type of pavement is
typically used on high-volume, high-speed roadways.

a. Plain concrete pavement c. Continuously reinforced

b. Simply reinforced concrete d. Flexible concrete pavement

71. A symmetrical parabolic curve has tangents intersecting at

elevation 198 m. The elevation of PC is 170 m and that of PT is 180
m. What is the elevation of the curve at the midpoint?

a. 175 c. 186.5
b. 181.5 d. 169

72. The grading works of a proposed national road shows the

following data: FHD = 50 m, LEH = 450 m. Cost of haul = Php 0.25 per
meter station.
Compute the cost of borrow.

a. Php 5.625 c. Php 6.25

b. Php 5 d. Php 6
# ?@A B01 CD? B
73. Determine the value of ( ?@A B*E CD? B
given that tan 𝐴 = 2.

a. -1/10 c. 5/19
b. 19/5 d. -10

74. A series of interconnected of interlaced cracks caused by

fatigue failure of the asphalt concrete surface under repeated
traffic loading.
a. Alligator cracking c. Transverse cracking
b. Block cracking d. Longitudinal cracking

75. Vehicles arrive at the entrance of San Juanico Bridge at a rate

of 180 vehicles per hour. Vehicles must stop to at the tollgate where
vehicles will have to pay a toll fee upon entering the bridge. It
would take 15 seconds per vehicle for the attendant to issue a trip
ticket. Compute the traffic intensity at the bridge.

a. 0.75 c. 0.25
b. 1.333 d. 0.333

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