Ed Activity

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Activity 2: Time to look around. Answer the following questions.

1. What different subcultures do you observe in your school? Does it employ positive or negative

The different subcultures that I can observe in my school includes popularstudents, jocks, social
butterflies, nerds/geeks, artsy fellows, drama geeks andetc. These subcultures has a positive significance
of merging with and used by themainstream culture in the school. As a cultural idea and cultural pattern,
thesesubcultural groups will become a significant force in the cultural life of learners inshaping their
attitude towards life and values. Moreover, educators of higherinstitutions should actively
explore and utilize the positive advantages ofsubcultural groups that depend on scientific and
modern management to promotethe development of the mainstream culture with school teaching and
learning asthe core.

2. Among the four given teaching cultures, which is the most appropriate to your school? Why?

Collaboration, because when teachers work and cooperate together, theycreate a better learning
experience for students and can positively impact theiracademic achievement. It can also lead
educators to explore new territory,strategies, and methods of ideas that can contribute to school
improvement andstudent success as they become more effective in their profession.
Furthermore,collaboration can help teachers to build a greater sense of trust
andaccountability, allowing them to feel more confident about contributing theirdynamic skills
toward the attainment of educational goals

3. How do structures in your school affect school culture? How does school culture affect the

If schools need to continue to be effective in the future, they will needstructures which promote
interrelationships and interconnections that willsimultaneously develop cultures promoting
collegiality and individuality. Meanwhile,structures are relatively easy to manipulate and are visible, but
for structures toeffect change, it is also necessary to attend to the underlying culture as it
affectstructures to put into place in a new initiative

Activity 5: Do you join extracurricular activities? Complete the table below by determining five (5)
school rituals, traditions, and ceremonies and explain their purposes.

School Rituals Purpose

School Traditions Purpose
School Ceremonies Purpose

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