Laboratory Exercise 3

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De La Salle University – Dasmariñas


City of Dasmariñas, Cavite

S-MATH201LA – Statistical Analytics With Software Applications for Business

1st Semester / Midterm Period / S.Y. 2022-2023

Hypothesis Testing up to ANOVA
NAME: DATE: ____________________

COURSE/YEAR & SECTION: PROF.: ____________________

Perform hypothesis testing using the following steps
1. State the null and alternative hypotheses.
2. State the level of significance and identify the test statistic.
3. Show Computation and Solution (EXCEL/JASP OUTPUT must be included).
4. Decision and Conclusion


The HR department of ABC Manufacturing Industry studied the Job Performance and Job satisfaction of 12o
The information such as gender, job status, educational attainment and length of service were collected.
Given below are the hypotheses of the study
1. There is no significant difference among the level of job satisfaction of the employees when they are
grouped according to
1.1 gender
1.2 job status
2. There is no significant difference among the level of job performance of the employees when they are
grouped according to
2.1 educational attainment
2.2 length of service
1.1 There is no significant difference among the level of job satisfaction of the employees when they are
grouped according to gender.
a. Hypothesis
Ho: Employees who are grouped based on their gender have the same level of job satisfaction.
Ha: Employees who are grouped according to their gender have a different level of job satisfaction.

b. Significance level and Test Statistics

α = 0.05
Test statistic: T-test (independent, unequal variance)

c. Computation and Solution

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

  Job Satisfaction (Female) Job Satisfaction (Male)

Mean 4.2815 4.035166667
Variance 0.11474178 0.317191497
Observations 60 60
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0  
df 97  
t Stat 2.903290392  
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.002285862  
t Critical one-tail 1.66071461  
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.004571724  
t Critical two-tail 1.984723186  

d. Decision and Conclusion
 Reject the null hypothesis if t-computed > t-critical value, otherwise we fail to reject the
t-stat = 2.903290392 t-critical (two-tail) = 1.984723186
Is 2.903290392 > 1.984723186? YES
Decision: Reject the Ho.
Conclusion: Since the t-statistics (2.903290392) is greater than the t-critical for two-tail (1.984723186), the
null hypothesis was rejected. Thus, this implies that the level of job satisfaction of the employees when they
are grouped according to their gender is different. This can also be supported by the obtained averages,
wherein the average job satisfaction for female employees is 4.2815 and the average job satisfaction for male
employees is 4.035166667.

1.2 There is no significant difference among the level of job satisfaction of the employees when they are
grouped according to job status.
a. Hypothesis
Ho: Employees who are grouped based on their job status have the same level of job satisfaction.
Ha: Employees who are grouped according to their job status have a different level of job satisfaction.

b. Significance level and Test Statistics

α = 0.05
Test statistic: T-test (independent, unequal variance)

c. Computation and Solution

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

  Outsourced Regular
Mean 4.017333333 4.299333333
Variance 0.291724972 0.130626667
Observations 60 60
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0  
df 103  
t Stat -3.361148046  
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.000544973  
t Critical one-tail 1.659782273  
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.001089947  
t Critical two-tail 1.983264145  

d. Decision and Conclusion
 Reject the null hypothesis if p(T<=t) two-tail < level of significance, otherwise we fail to
reject the null.
p(T<=t) two-tail = 0.001089947 < level of significance = 0.05
Is 0.001089947 < 0.05? YES
Decision: Reject the Ho.
Conclusion: Since the p-value (0.001089947) is less than the level of significance (0.05), the null hypothesis
was rejected. Therefore, this implies that employees who are grouped according to their job status have a
different level of job satisfaction. This can also be supported by the obtained averages, wherein the average
job satisfaction for female employees is 4.017333333 and the average job satisfaction for male employees is
2.1 There is no significant difference among the level of job satisfaction of the employees when they are
grouped according to educational attainment.
a. Hypothesis
Ho: The level of job satisfaction of the employees is the same when they are grouped according to their
educational attainment.
Ha: The level of job satisfaction of the employees differs when they are grouped according to their
educational attainment.

b. Significance level and Test Statistics

α = 0.05
Test statistic: F-test (ANOVA)

c. Computation and Solution

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance    
BS/AB 40 145.07 3.62675 0.268351    
MA Graduate 40 159.19 3.97975 0.271756    
With MA Units 40 153.74 3.8435 0.301341    
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 2.53538167 2 1.26769083 4.519674 0.0128607 3.0737629
Within Groups 32.816485 117 0.28048278      
Total 35.3518667 119        

d. Decision and Conclusion
 Reject the null hypothesis F > F-crit, otherwise we fail to reject the null.
F = 4.519674 > F-crit = 3.0737629
Is 4.519674 > 3.0737629? YES
Decision: Reject the Ho.
Conclusion: Since the F computed (4.519674) is greater than the F critical value (3.0737629), the null hypothesis
was rejected. Thus, this implies that the level of job satisfaction of the employees differs when they are
grouped according to their educational attainment.
2.2 There is no significant difference among the level of job satisfaction of the employees when they are
grouped according to length of service.
a. Hypothesis
Ho: The level of job satisfaction of the employees is the same when they are grouped according to their
length of service.
Ha: The level of job satisfaction of the employees differs when they are grouped according to their length of

b. Significance level and Test Statistics

α = 0.05
Test statistic: F-test (ANOVA)

c. Computation and Solution

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance    
16-23 years 30
117.92 3.930666667 0.231130575    
24-31 years 30
119.73 3.991 0.396988621    
7 and below 30
113.63 3.787666667 0.192039195    
8-15 years 30
106.72 3.557333333 0.283544368    
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 3.344487 3 1.114828889 4.040322923 0.008978978 2.682809407
Within Groups 32.00738 116 0.27592569      
Total 35.35187 119        

d. Decision and Conclusion
 Reject the null hypothesis F > F-crit, otherwise we fail to reject the null.
F = 4.040322923 > F-crit = 2.682809407
Is 4.040322923 > 2.682809407? YES
Decision: Reject the Ho.
Conclusion: Since the F computed (4.040322923) is greater than the F critical value (2.682809407), the null
hypothesis was rejected. Thus, this implies that there is a significant difference among the level of job
satisfaction of the employees when they are grouped according to length of service.

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