Session 1 - Knowledge Expansion and Application

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Introduction to Marketing

Dr. Khanh Ngo
About me

• Dr. Khanh Ngo, Doctor at University of

Grenoble 1, France, 2008
• Senior Lecturer at ISB and UEH
• Former Sales & Marketing Director of
Endress+Hauser Asia Pacific Regional Support
Center (manage Vietnam, Taiwan, New
Zealand, Philippines, Bangladesh, Myanmar,
Srilanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos,
• Former Country Manager of Endress+Hauser
• Former Sales & Marketing Manager of VES
• Email: [email protected]

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Class Introduction

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

What did you learn from reading and knowledge
review session?

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Learning outcome and Unit Guide

Assessment Weight Due PLOs assessed

1. Quiz (Indiviual) 40% KRD 2, 4, 7, & 11 PLOs 1.1-1.7
2. Business Analysis Report (Individual) 20% KEA6 PLOs 1.1-1.7
3. Group Project (Group) 40% KEA12 PLOs 1.1-1.7

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Your group

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Introduction Case: Amazon

What has made Amazon such an amazing success story?

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What has made Amazon such an amazing success story?
Creating Customer Value and Relationships

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Introduction Case: Amazon - Obsessed with
Creating Customer Value and Relationships

Amazon first asks Who are our customers? What do they need?

Deliver a special experience to every customer : personalized site content,

personalized product recommendations,…

Online community in which customers can browse for products, research purchase
alternatives, share opinions and reviews with other visitors, and chat online with
authors and experts

Create a virtual shopping mall for their competing retailers, encourages customers
to sell used items on the site

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

What is marketing?

The process by which companies create value for customers

and build strong customer relationships in order to capture
value from customers in return.

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

What is marketing?

Map The Expanded

Model of Marketing

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Real Marketing: Real-time marketing – engaging
customers in the moment

• Real-time marketing, by which marketers can

engage consumers in the moment by linking
brands to important trending topics, real-world
events, causes, personal occasions, or other
important happenings in consumers’ lives
• 20 minutes work on your group and prepare a
short presentation 5 minutes with 2 examples of
real-time marketing. Present in the class and
share how do you feel about them.

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Debate: Customer’s need and want

Customer Needs, Wants, and Demands

States of deprivation
• Physical—food, clothing, warmth, safety
Needs • Social—belonging and affection
• Individual—knowledge and self-expression

 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

= a powerful tool to tap into consumer psychology

Form that needs take as they are

Wants shaped by culture and individual

Demands Wants backed by buying power

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo


• 2 groups will join debate, one Pro and one Con about a
• All students will vote which group wins the Debate by
• The winner of each debate will have 1 point, other will
have 0 points.
• After many debates (around 11), the group with highest
point will got the gifts from lecturer. If many groups have
same point then lecturer will decide the winner.

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

How to debate?

• Each group will have 10 minutes to think and discuss about the topic
• There are 3 rounds, each contestant in each round will have 2 minutes to present
• Round 1:
• Contestant 1 of team Pro does the introduction, state the point 1
• Contestant 1 of the Con team counters the opponent's point 1 and states their own point 1.
• Round 2:
• The 2nd contestant of the Pro team refutes the opponent's argument and gives his 2nd point.
• The 2nd contestant of the Con team counters the opponent's argument and gives his 2nd point.
• Round 3:
• The 3rd contestant of the Pro team counters the opponent's argument, makes the argument,
summarizes, and concludes the team's presentation.
• The 3rd contestant of the Rebuttal team critiques the opponent's argument, makes the argument
and summarizes, and concludes the team's presentation.
10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo
Debate’s topic

Does Marketing Create or Satisfy Needs and Wants?

• Marketing has often been defined in terms of satisfying customers’ needs and wants (Con).
• Critics, however, maintain that marketing goes beyond that and creates needs and wants
that did not exist before. They feel marketers encourage consumers to spend more money
than they should on goods and services they do not really need (Pro)
• Take a position: Marketing shapes consumer needs and wants (Pro) versus marketing
merely reflects the needs and wants of customers (Con)

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Group 2 will be

Preparation: 5 minutes

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Round 1: Contestant 1 - Pro (2 minutes)

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Round 1: Contestant 1 - Con (2 minutes)

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Round 2: Contestant 2 - Pro (2 minutes)

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Round 2: Contestant 2 - Con (2 minutes)

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Round 3: Contestant 3 - Pro (2 minutes)

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Round 3: Contestant 3 - Con (2 minutes)

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Debate Voting: MS Team

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Marketing Strategy & Marketing Mix

Marketing Strategy & Marketing Mix

Introduction Case: Rolex

How has Rolex established and maintained its pole position as the
largest luxury watch brand on the planet: 4.5 billion USD in 2017?

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Introduction Case: Rolex

Luxury customers everywhere in the world. Who wants the

sentiment of achievement and belonging to an exclusive club

Rolex purchasers are wealthy, attractive, active and lead

interesting lives

Introduction Case: Rolex

Products: Place:
Unique and timeless watch Exclusive and limited network
1:30 – 3:20
10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo
Introduction Case: Rolex

Price: premium pricing Promotion:

policy Exclusive and limited network

• Print advertising: Financial Time,

• Sponsorship, testimonials,
endorsement in sports: golf, yachting,
tennis (Wimbledon),…
• Digital marketing: Facebook, Twitter,

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Project: Your brand for A2 and A3

10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

Project: Your brand for A2 and A3

Assessment 2 (Individual project - Situation Analysis) (20%)

• Description: Students will analyze some key Micro and Macro environmental factors that will
impact the brand in Vietnam. All must be supported with evidences.
• Delivery: The written report (1500 words +-10%) must be submitted before Session 6
Assessment 3 (Team project - Marketing Plan Presentation) (40%)
• Teams will present the STDP & 4Ps analysis as well their recommendations for the marketing
campaign in the first half of 2022.
• Delivery:
• Length: Presentation of 15 minutes duration with 5-10 minutes for question from the
audience, due in class before Session 12
• Participation: All students must participate in the presentation and failure to do so will result
in the student getting zero marks for the presentation. Special circumstances that may arise
needs to be discussed with the team and lecturer and will be consider on a case by case basic.
Assessment 2 – Report Structure

Introduction & Background

• The background of the brand
• Market Analysis and the challenge/problem of the brand in the market

Situation Analysis
• The Company internal factors (Strengths, Weaknesses)
• Keynotes for the company external factors including Competitor Analysis, Micro-environment
and & Macro-environment

Summary, suggestions, limitation

Appendix (if available)

• Enhance customer intimacy through every possible

touch point in digital era (group activity):
• In the current big data era, most companies are awash in
information about their customers and the marketplace. Still,
smart companies capture information at every possible customer
touch point.
• These touch points include customer purchases, sales force
contacts, service and support calls, web and social media site
visits, satisfaction surveys, credit and payment interactions,
market research studies - every contact between a customer and
a company.
• Present your homework (5 minutes slide) about how Digital
Transformation can enhance customer intimacy through every
possible touch point.
• Read Company Cases of Session 2
10/17/2022 Dr. Khanh Ngo

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