Stem Cells and The Future of Dental Care

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Stem Cells and the Future of Dental Care

Jeremy J. Mao, D.D.S., Ph.D.

Abstract STEM CELLS CAN BE DEFINED as cells teratoma is an example of ES growing into
What are stem cells? As dentists, why that 1. self-replicate and 2. are able to dif- wrong tissues. To date, little attempt has
ferentiate into at least two different cell been made towards the use of ES in dental,
should we be concerned with stem types. Both conditions must be present for oral and craniofacial regeneration.
cells? How would stem cells change a cell to be called a stem cell. For example, Amniotic fluid-derived stem cells (AFS)
osteoblasts are not stem cells. Although can be isolated from aspirates of amniocen-
dental practice? Is it possible to grow
osteoblasts differentiate into osteocytes, tesis during genetic screening. An increas-
a tooth or TMJ with stem cells? This they typically do not differentiate into other ing number of studies have demonstrated
article summarizes the latest stem cell types except osteocytes. Osteocytes are that AFS have the capacity for remarkable
not stem cells; they are end-lineage cells proliferation and differentiation into multi-
cell research and development for that typically neither self-replicate nor dif- ple lineages, such as chondrocytes,
dental, oral and craniofacial applica- ferentiate. adipocytes, osteoblasts, myocytes, endothe-
tions. Stem cell research and devel-
lial cells, neuron-like cells and live cells
Different Types of Stem Cells (Barria et al., 2004; Prusa et al., 2004; De
opment will, over time, transform den- Embryonic stem cells (ES) refer to the cells Gemmis et al., 2006; De Coppi et al., 2007;
tal practice in a magnitude far greater of the inner cell mass of the blastocyst dur- Kolambkar et al., 2007; Perin et al., 2007).
ing embryonic development. ES are partic- The potential therapeutic value of AFS
than did amalgam or dental implants.
ularly notable for their two fundamental remains to be discovered.
Metallic alloys, composites and even properties: the capacity to differentiate into Umbilical cord stem cells (UCS) derive
titanium implants are not permanent any cell type in the body and the ability to from the blood of the umbilical cord. There
self replicate for numerous generations is growing interest in their capacity for self-
solutions. In contrast, stem cell tech- (Lyons and Rao, 2007). One potential dis- replication and multi-lineage differentia-
nology will generate native tissue advantage of human ES, besides ethical tion (Laughlin et al. 2001). UCS have been
issues, is precisely their virtually unlimited differentiated into several cell types, such
analogs that are compatible with the
proliferation and differentiation capacity as cells of the liver, skeletal muscle, neural
patient’s own. (Ryu et al., 2004). The clinically observed tissue and immune cells (Warnke et al.,
20 NYSDJ • MARCH 2008
2004; Young et al. 2004). Their high capaci- induced to express neural cell markers al., 2006). AS can self-replicate for many
ty for multi-lineage differentiation is likely (Kim et al., 2006). The expression of neural passages without losing the ability to fur-
attributed to the possibility that UCS are markers in TS elicits imagination of their ther differentiate (De Ugarte et al., 2003;
chronologically closer derivatives of potential use in neural regeneration, such Zuk et al., 2002; Gimble et al., 2007). Many
embryonic stem cells than adult stem cells. as in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. believe that AS have advantages over other
Several studies have shown the potential of However, the expression of certain end cell adult stem cell populations, for adipose tis-
UCS in treating cardiac and diabetic dis- lineage markers by stem cells only repre- sue is abundant in certain individuals,
eases in mice (Rebel et al. 1996; Tocci et al. sents the first of many steps towards the readily accessible and replenishable. How-
2003; Lee et al. 2005). UCS are neither treatment of a disease. In balance, the ever, the ability to reconstitute tissues and
embryonic stem cells, nor are they viewed potential of TS in both dental and non-den- organs by AS versus other adult stem cells
as adult stem cells. tal regeneration should be further has yet to be comprehensively documented.
Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal explored. TS that have been isolated to date, Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS)
stem cells. When bone marrow is aspirated either from deciduous teeth or permanent refer to adult or somatic stem cells that
and cultured, a subset of adherent and teeth, are considered postnatal stem cells or have been coaxed to behave like embryonic
mononuclear cells are mesenchymal stem adult stem cells. stem cells. Recent reports have shown that
cells (MSCs) (Alhadlaq and Mao, 2004; Adipose-derived stem cells (AS) are the transduction of a small number of
Marion and Mao, 2006). Bone marrow- typically isolated from lipectomy or lipo- genes or transcription factors, as few as
derived MSCs can self-replicate and have suction aspirates.AS have been differentiated four, transforms adult fibroblasts into cells
been differentiated, under experimental into adipocytes, chondrocytes, myocytes, that proliferate and differentiate into ES-
conditions, into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, neuronal and osteoblast lineages (De like cells. The four genes are Oct3/4, Sox2,
myoblasts, adipocytes and other cell types, Ugarte et al., 2003; Zuk et al., 2002; Peptan et Klf4, and c-Myc in Takahashi et al. (2007),
such as neuron-like cells, pancreatic islet
beta cells, etc. (Alhadlaq and Mao, 2004;
Kim et al., 2006; Marion and Mao, 2006).
Bone marrow-derived MSCs are currently
being investigated in broad applications,
such as cartilage defects in arthritis, bone
defects, adipose tissue grafts, cardiac
infarcts, liver disease and neurological
regeneration. MSCs are often viewed as a
yardstick of adult stem cells.
Tooth-derived stem cells (TS) are isolat-
ed from the dental pulp, periodontal liga-
ment—including the apical region—and
other tooth structures (Gronthos et al.,
2000; Shi et al., 2001; Batouli et al., 2003;
Miura et al., 2003; Mao et al., 2006).
Craniofacial stem cells, including TS, origi-
nate from neural crest cells and mesenchy-
mal cells during development (Zhang et al.,
2006; Takashima et al., 2007). Neural crest
cells share the same origin as progenitor
cells that form the neural tissue.
Conceptually, TS have the potential to dif-
ferentiate into neural cell lineages. Indeed,
TS from the deciduous tooth have been
induced to express neural markers such as
nestin (Miura et al., 2003). Similarly, bone
marrow-derived stem cells also have been
NYSDJ • MARCH 2008 21
but Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, and Lin28 in Yu et
al. (2007). The biological and political
implications of these studies are quite sig-
nificant. On the biological front, the
induced human somatic cells or iPS cells
have the capacity to generate a large quan-
tity of stem cells as an autologous cell
source that can be used to regenerate
patient-specific tissues. On the political
front, iPS cells appear to minimize the need
for human embryonic stem (ES) cells.
However, even the authors of these recent
reports have cautioned that any carcino-
genic potential of iPS should be fully inves-
tigated before any commercialization can
be realized.

Stem Cells and Dental, Oral,

Craniofacial Structures
Structures of interest to the dental profes-
sion include the enamel; dentin; dental
pulp; cementum; periodontal ligament;
craniofacial bones; the temporomandibu- Figure 1.
lar joint, including bone; fibrocartilage and A: Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolated from anonymous adult human bone marrow donor follow-
ing culture expansion (H&E staining). Further enrichment of MSCs can be accomplished by positive selection
ligaments; skeletal muscles and tendons; using cell surface markers, including STRO-1, CD133 (prominin, AC133), p75LNGFR (p75, low-affinity nerve
skin and subcutaneous soft tissue; and sali- growth factor receptor), CD29, CD44, CD90, CD105, c-kit, SH2 (CD105), SH3, SH4 (CD73), CD71, CD106,
CD120a, CD124, and HLA-DR or negative selection (Alhadlaq and Mao, 2004; Marion and Mao, 2006).
vary gland. Without exception, all these
dental, oral and craniofacial structures are B: Chondrocytes derived from human mesenchymal stem cells showing positive staining to Alcian blue.
Additional molecular and genetic markers can be used to further characterize MSC-derived chondrocytes
formed by neural crest-derived and/or mes- (Alhadlaq and Mao, 2004; Marion and Mao, 2006).
enchymal cells during native development.
C: Osteoblasts derived from human mesenchymal stem cells showing positive von Kossa staining for calcium
Since cells are the centerpiece of grow- deposition (black) and active alkaline phosphatase enzyme (red). Additional molecular and genetic markers can
ing tissue or organs, the immediate ques- be used to further characterize MSC-derived chondrocytes (Alhadlaq and Mao, 2004; Marion and Mao, 2006).

tion is how to get hold of the cells that gen- D: Adipocytes derived from human mesenchymal stem cells showing positive Oil Red-O staining of intracellular
lipids. Additional molecular and genetic markers can be used to further characterize MSC-derived chondro-
erate dental, oral and craniofacial tissues? cytes (Alhadlaq and Mao, 2004; Marion and Mao, 2006).
Among all possible stem cell sources, adult
stem cells have a number of advantages present for non-autologous cells, whereas MSCs can be isolated from the patient
over embryonic stem cells, umbilical cord autologous stem cells are free from who needs treatment, and, therefore, they
stem cells and amniotic fluid stem cells for immune rejection. can be used autologously without
regeneration of many dental, oral and cran- Bone marrow-derived, tooth-derived immunorejection. MSCs have also been
iofacial structures. Adult stem cells are and adipose-derived stem cells, despite used allogeneically to heal large defects
chronologically closer to the target dental, important differences among them, likely (Alhadlaq and Mao, 2004; Marion and Mao,
oral and craniofacial structures than belong to subfamilies of mesenchymal 2006; Barrilleaux et al., 2006; Prockop,
embryonic stem cells, umbilical cord stem stem cells (Marion and Mao, 2006; Gimble 2007). Figure 1 provides experimental data
cells and amniotic fluid stem cells. Adult et al., 2007). Most dental, oral and craniofa- showing that a single population of mes-
stem cells are not subjected to the ethical cial structures are connective tissue. enchymal stem cells can differentiate into
controversy associated with embryonic During native development, dental, oral chondrocytes, osteoblasts and adipocytes
stem cells. Adult stem cells can be autolo- and craniofacial connective structures are (Marion and Mao, 2006). Each of the differ-
gous and isolated from the patient, whereas formed by neural crest-derived and mes- entiated cell lineages has implications in
embryonic stem cells cannot be autolo- enchymal cells. Postnatally, clusters of mes- the treatment of a corresponding disorder.
gous. It is also impossible for amniotic fluid enchymal cells continue to reside in vari- For example, MSC-derived chondrocytes
stem cells or umbilical cord stem cells to be ous tissues and are the logical sources of can be used for reconstruction of orofacial
used as autologous cells until these cells are adult mesenchymal stem cells (Marion and cartilage structures, such as nasal cartilage
banked. The risk of immune rejection is Mao, 2006). and the temporomandibular joint. MSC-
22 NYSDJ • MARCH 2008
derived osteoblasts can be used to regener- The progress of stem cell-based Physicians and scientists have recommend-
ate oral and craniofacial bones. MSC- ed that umbilical cord stem cells and amni-
derived myocytes can be used to treat mus- technologies also depends otic fluid stem cells be banked for potential
cular dystrophy and facial muscle atrophy. application in the treatment of trauma and
Stem cell-derived adipocytes can be used on the regulatory pathways pathological disorders. Our understanding
to generate soft tissue grafts for facial soft of mesenchymal stem cells in the tissue
tissue reconstruction and augmentation. of the FDA in the United engineering of dental, oral and craniofacial
structures has advanced tremendously
Stem Cells and
States and equivalent (Krebsbach et al.,1999; Pittenger et al.,1999;
Dental Practice Bianco et al., 2001; Alhadlaq and Mao, 2004;
regulatory agencies elsewhere. Mao et al., 2006; Marion and Mao, 2006).We
Patients come to the dentist because of
infections, trauma, congenital anomalies or have witnessed tissue engineering of the
other diseases, such as orofacial cancer and tially to sufficient numbers for healing tooth, temporomandibular joint condyle,
salivary gland disorders. Caries and peri- large, clinically relevant defects. Stem cells cranial sutures, soft tissue grafts, craniofa-
odontal disease remain highly prevalent can differentiate into multiple cell lineages, cial bone, and other dental, oral and cranio-
disorders among humans. Whereas native thus providing the possibility that a com- facial structures in animal models (review:
tissue is missing in congenital anomalies, mon (stem) cell source can heal many tis- Mao et al., 2006).
diseases such as caries or tumor resection sues in the same patient, as opposed to the With all that we have learned about
result in tissue defects. For centuries, den- principle of harvesting healthy tissue to stem cells and tissue engineering of dental,
tistry has been devoted to healing defects heal like tissue in association with autolo- oral and craniofacial structures, we are in a
with durable materials or the patient’s own gous tissue grafting (Moioli et al., 2007). position to bring awareness to our patients
(autologous) tissue. But we now realize that Stem cells can be seeded in biocompatible regarding the proper storage of their
metallic alloys or synthetic materials are scaffolds in the shape of the anatomical extracted teeth in conditions that will pre-
not permanent solutions (Rahaman and structure that is to be replaced (Rahaman serve craniofacial stem cells, including tooth-
Mao, 2005). Amalgam, composites and and Mao, 2005). Stem cells may elaborate derived stem cells. These include, but are
even titanium dental implants can fail; and and organize tissues in vivo, especially in not limited to, extracted wisdom teeth,
all have limited service time (Rahaman the presence of vasculature. Finally, stem extracted deciduous teeth, any teeth extract-
and Mao, 2005). cells may regulate local and systemic ed for orthodontic purposes and any non-
Why are stem cells better than durable immune reactions of the host in ways that infected teeth extracted.
implants such as titanium dental implants? favor tissue regeneration. Among postnatal tissues that are sources
A short answer to this question is that stem When will each stem cell-based tech- of stem cells that are obtainable without
cells lead to the regeneration of teeth with nology be available for dental and oral substantial trauma are extracted wisdom
periodontal ligament that can remodel surgery practice? Some of the near-term teeth, exfoliating or extracted deciduous
with the host. applications, such as growth factor deliv- teeth, teeth extracted for orthodontic treat-
Why are stem cells superior to autolo- ery, are approved or are being reviewed by ment, trauma or periodontal disease.
gous tissue grafts? Autologous tissue graft- the FDA, whereas others are being investi- Craniofacial stem cells, including
ing is based on the concept that a diseased gated at various stages of product develop- tooth-derived stem cells, have the potential,
or damaged tissue must be replaced by like ment. However, it is impossible to provide as do bone marrow-derived stem cells and
tissue that is healthy. Thus, the key draw- the precise timeline of clinical application adipose-derived stem cells, to cure a num-
back of autologous tissue grafting is donor for a myriad of dental, oral and craniofacial ber of diseases that are relevant to dentistry
site trauma and morbidity. For example, we diseases. Science does not progress linearly, as well as medicine, among them, diabetes,
currently harvest healthy bone from the and breakthrough is not always predicted. Parkinson’s disease and cardiac infarct.
patient. We might take from the iliac crest, Furthermore, the progress of stem cell-
rib bone, chin or retro-molar area for bone based technologies also depends on the reg- Is it Possible to Grow a Tooth
grafting needs in cleft palate, ridge aug- ulatory pathways of the FDA in the United or TMJ with Stem Cells?
mentation, sinus lifting, and maxillary and States and equivalent regulatory agencies As an example of craniofacial regeneration,
mandibular reconstruction. elsewhere. What can be predicted is that we have used stem cells in the tissue engineer-
In contrast, stem cell-based therapeu- stem cell-generated tissue analogs will be ing of a human-shaped temporomandibular
tic approaches may circumvent the key available for clinical use for certain tissues joint using MSCs (Alhadlaq and Mao, 2003;
deficiencies of autologous bone grafting before others.The first wave of this paradigm Alhadlaq and Mao, 2005; Marion and Mao,
(Rahaman and Mao, 2005). Stem cells from shift in dental health care is upon us now. 2006; Troken et al., 2007). Given that the
a tiny amount of tissue, such as the dental The impact of this paradigm shift will even- mandibular condyle consists of two strati-
pulp, can be multiplied or expanded poten- tually be present in every dental practice. fied layers of cartilaginous and bone tissues,
NYSDJ • MARCH 2008 23
MSCs were first differentiated into chondro- Moioli et al., 2007); the use of enriched my son’s baby teeth be banked for stem
genic and osteogenic cells (Alhadlaq and dental stem cell populations (Laino et al., cells, and, if so, what are the odds that these
Mao, 2003; Alhadlaq et al., 2004). MSC- 2006; Shi et al., 2005; Sonoyama et al., 2006; baby teeth stem cells will cure a bone frac-
derived chondrogenic and osteogenic cells Yen and Sharpe, 2006); and the use of spe- ture he may get during a soccer game?
were encapsulated in a biocompatible cific dental epithelial and mesenchymal The dental professional needs to be
hydrogel in two stratified layers molded into cell ratios and seeding (Hu et al., 2006; prepared to provide continuing education
the shape and dimensions of an adult Honda et al., 2007). courses. Dental schools should consider the
human mandibular condyle (Alhadlaq and Overall, the proof of concept has been addition of stem cells and tissue engineer-
Mao, 2003; Alhadlaq et al., 2004). established to generate biologically derived ing courses to the existing curriculum.
Following in vivo implantation in tooth structures from stem cells. The Several textbooks are now available in the
immunodeficient mice for up to 12 weeks, remaining challenges are along several area of stem cells, tissue engineering and
the retrieved mandibular joint condyles fronts, including scale up, accelerated tissue regenerative medicine (e.g. Mao et al.,
retained the shape and dimensions of the maturation and development of viable 2007).Without these and similar measures,
native condyle. The chondrogenic and commercialization approaches. dental students, postgraduate students and
osteogenic portions remained in their dental practitioners are likely to be ill-pre-
respective layers (Alhadlaq and Mao, 2005). Summary pared for the upcoming era of stem cell-
The chondrogenic layer was positively In the dental profession, we treat a myriad based technologies.
stained by chrondrogenic marker, safarnin of trauma, congenital anomalies and dis- Several well-established dental supply
O, and contained type II collagen. In the eases, including tissue defects resulting companies have established, or are estab-
interface between cartilaginous and osseous from dental caries, periodontal bone lishing, R&D efforts in the area of stem cells
layers, there is a presence of hypertrophic defects or facial bone defects. These defects and tissue engineering. Federal funding
chondrocytes that express type X collagen not only lead to physical trauma and pain, agencies, such as the National Institutes of
(Alhadlaq and Mao, 2005). In contrast, only but they also are detrimental to the psy- Health, have been providing research and
the osteogenic markers, such as osteopon- chosocial well-being of patients, given that training grants on a competitive basis to
tin and osteonectin, stained the osseous the oral cavity and the face are intimately the external research community in the
layer, but not the cartilage layer. involved in self identity, communication area of stem cells, tissue engineering and
Lastly and most importantly, there was and the expression of emotion. regenerative medicine, including regenera-
mutual infiltration of the cartilaginous and Current treatment approaches utilize tive dental medicine, for over a decade
osseous components into each other’s terri- the patient’s own tissues, allogeneic grafts, (Wang et al., 2007). Strategies for educa-
tory, which resembles mandibular condyle metallic alloys or synthetic implants. Much tion, training, research, development, com-
(Alhadlaq and Mao, 2005). Therefore, the of what we know as dentists is evolving into mercialization and practice models need to
proof of principle has been established to a new dentistry in which dental care is be formulated and implemented. ■
regenerate the human-shaped TMJ condyle. delivered increasingly by biologically based
The tooth is a highly complex struc- approaches. For example, biomolecules will Author’s acknowledgement: This article is dedicated to
ture, with a level of complexity equal to that be used for periodontal regeneration; stem my teachers during my dental and specialty training,
as well as my scientific training, for their intellectual
of internal organs, from the perspective of cells will be used in the regeneration of influence and education. It is further dedicated to my
tissue engineering. Dental epithelial and dentin and/or dental pulp; biologically previous and current students, residents, postdoctoral
mesenchymal cells isolated from rat or pig viable scaffolds will be used to replace oro- fellows and research scientists who have helped me to
teeth have been seeded onto biodegradable facial bone and cartilage; the defective sali- understand stem cells, tissue engineering and knowl-
scaffolds and implanted in immunodefi- vary gland will be partially or completed edge in general. The following research grants from the
National Institutes of Health are gratefully acknowl-
cient mice. Several studies have shown that regenerated (Rahaman and Mao, 2006;
edged: DE15391, EB002332 and EB006261.
a tooth crown has been formed with differ- Mao et al., 2006; Mao et al., 2007).
ent layers of enamel, dentin and pulp-like The challenge for the dental profes- Editor’s Note: Queries about this article can be sent to
structures (Young et al., 2002; Duailibi et sional in the anticipated era of stem cells Dr. Mao at [email protected]. Copies of the exten-
al., 2004; Sumita et al., 2006; Nakao et al., and tissue engineering is imminent. What sive references that accompanied Dr. Mao’s manuscript
2007). In vitro-generated tooth germ cells would be a dentist’s response when patients are available upon request to The NYSDJ Managing
or stem cells have been transplanted into ask whether they can get their own stem Editor.
the adult tooth socket, leading to the for- cells if they have their wisdom teeth banked?
mation of a tooth crown or root (Nakao et What are the odds that tooth stem cells will
al., 2007; Sonoyama et al., 2007). Current grow a new tooth or be used to treat dia-
efforts are occurring in several diverse betes? Should I use a growth factor called
directions, such as the use of sophisticated PDGF or BMP2 to treat my periodontal
scaffold materials (Zhang et al., 2005, bone defects or have a bone graft? Should
24 NYSDJ • MARCH 2008

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