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11th Biology Full Book 1000 Solved MCQs - Nauman Sadaf

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Student Name ______________________ Father Name ______________________ Roll Number _______

Class: 1st /year - Biology Marks : ___________ Exam Format : www.notespk.com_Nauman Sadaf
Time : Practice MCQs | Date _________________ Examiner Sig __________ Chapter#: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14

MCQ's S/Q L/Q Total

Objective Type

1. Encircle the Correct Option.

1) Co-enzyme is closely related to

a) Vitamins b) Proteins c) Water d) Lipids

2) Enzymes involved in respiration of polypeptide chain and co factor is known as

a) Holoenzyme b) Co enzyme c) Prosthetic group d) Apo enzyme

3) Biological activated protein is

a) Enzymes b) Activators c) Inhibitors d) None of these

4) Three dimensional globular protein is

a) Starch b) Glucose c) Antibiotic d) Enzyme
5) The vitamins are essential raw material for the synthesis of
a) Activators b) Co factor c) Co enzyme d) Prosthetic group

6) If proteins part of co factor is covalently bonded to enzyme it is called as

a) Co enzyme b) Prosthetic group c) Activator d) Apoenzyme

7) An enzyme with its co enzyme removed in designated as

a) Holoenzyme b) Apoenzyme c) Co enzyme d) Apo enzyme

8) Independent evolutionary unit is

a) Species b) Genus c) Population d) Family

9) The basic unit of classification is

a) Genus b) Phylum c) Species d) Class

10) Orders include related

a) Species b) Genera c) Classes d) Family

11) Reserve food material in Cyanobecteria is

a) Starch b) Glycogen c) Fats d) Vitamins

12) The thick walled reproductive cells of cyanobacteria are called

a) Heterocyts b) Akinete c) Hormogonia d) All of these

13) Which of the one in the following is a prokaryote

a) Amoeba b) Algae c) Fungi d) Blue green algae
14) Which one is present in all bacteria?
a) Cell wall b) Meosome c) Ribosomes d) Plasmid

15) An example of aerobic bacterium is

a) Camplyobacter b) E.Coli c) Pseudomonas d) Spirochete

16) Which one of t he following is anaerobic bacteria

a) E.Coli b) Spirochete c) Pseudomonas d) Campylobacter

17) Bacteria without any flagella are called

a) Peritrichous b) Atrichous c) Monotrichous d) None of these
18) Cell wall of gram positive bacteria are stained
a) Pink b) Red c) Green d) Purple
19) Spirochete is a bacterium
a) Aerobic b) Anaerobic c) Facultivate d) None of these

20) Pili are made of special protein called

a) Flagellin b) Tubulin c) Pilin d) Fibrinogen

21) The asexual reproduction in sponges is by

a) Budding b) Fertilization c) Conjugation d) Conidiospores

22) The pore by which the water leaves the body of sponges is called
a) Ostia b) Mouth c) Anus d) Osculum
23) The inner layer of most sponges is called
a) Pinacoderm b) Choanoderm c) Endoderm d) Epiderm

24) An example of beautiful and delicate sponge called Venus flower basket is
a) Sycon b) Leucosolenia c) Euplectella d) Spongilla
25) In sponges asexual reproduction takes place by buding . The internal buds are called
a) Globules b) Gemmules c) Endosperm d) Cyst

26) The dark reaction occurs in

a) Cytoplasm b) Chloroplast c) Stroma d) Grana
27) Excess gastric secretion is an important factor of
a) Obesity b) Piles c) Food poisoning d) Peptic ulcer
28) Fresh saliva has pH
a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 7.3

29) Taste buds of tongue play important role in food

a) Digestion b) Selection c) Lubrication d) Mastication

30) Which of the following is a parasitic plant ?

a) Drosera b) Dionea c) Cuscuta d) Sarracenia

31) pH of fresh saliva is nearly

a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9

32) Excess gastric secretions is an important factor of

a) Peptic ulcer b) Obesity c) Piles d) Food poisoning

33) Length of the duodenum is

a) 20 - 25 cm b) 20 - 25 meters c) 20 - 25 mm d) 20 - 25 Km

34) Which of the following is not present in protists ?

a) Flagella b) Cilia c) Embryo d) None of these

35) Margulis and Schwartz accomodate the diverse assemblage of organism of protista into .
a) 37 Phyla b) 10 Phyla c) 27 Phyla d) 5 Phyla

36) Trypanosoma is an example of .

a) Actinopods b) Apicomplexans c) Zooflagellates d) Ciliates

37) Tests of foraminifera are made up of .

a) Silica b) Sulphur c) Calcium d) Magnesium

38) Which one of the following is not a ciliate ?

a) Stentor b) Paramecuim c) Trypanosoma d) Vortecella

39) An outer flexible covering of ciliates is .

a) Cell wall b) Pellicle c) Cuticle d) Sheath

40) Test of forminifera is made of .

a) Silica b) Calcium c) Calcium phosphate d) Chitin

41) Actionopods with glassy shells are .

a) Rotifers b) Diatoms c) Radiolarians d) Forums

42) Mosquito Injects _______ into human body .

a) Merozoites b) Oocytes c) Gametocytes d) Sporozoites
43) The protozoans having two kids of nuclei .
a) Amoeba b) Ciliates c) Zooflagellates d) Actinopods

44) The causative agent of African sleeping sickness is .

a) Tse-tse fly b) Mosquito c) Trypanosoma d) Trichonymphas

45) Apicomplexans move by

a) Tube feet b) Cilia c) Flexing d) Pseudopodia

46) Mosquito injects plasmodium to human in the form of .

a) Sporozoites b) Gametocytes c) Merozoites d) Cysts

47) The sexual process is exhibited by most cilites by .

a) Binary fission b) Conjugation c) Budding d) Fertilization

48) Sleeping sickness is spread by .

a) Tsetse fly b) Mosquito c) Trypanosoma d) Plasmoduim

49) Example of Apicomplexans is .

a) Vorticella b) Sentor c) Plasmodium d) Amoeba

50) What is not true for ciliates .

a) Flexible outer covering , the b) Without nulei c) Maybe sessile d) Do not ingest bacteria

51) Which one of the following is not related to cloning ?

a) Replacement of the nucleus of b) Separation of cells of embryo c) Removal of piece of DNA or d) The individuals resulting have
zygote , by another nucleus of the to form more embryos gene from the cell , and similar genetic makeup
same organism incorporating another gene or piece
of DNA in its place

52) Which of the following kinds of atoms do not occur in carbohydrates ?

a) Carbon b) Hydrogen c) Nitrogen d) Oxygen
53) Which statement about the nuclear envelope is not true ?
a) It has pores b) Its inner membrane bears c) It is a double membrane structure d) RNA and some proteins pass
ribosomes through it

54) Which statement about plastids is true ?

a) They are surrounded by a single b) They are the powerhouse of cell c) They contain DNA and d) They are found in all organisms
membrane ribosomes

55) Which type of cell would probably be most appropriate to study lysosomes ?

a) Phagocytic white blood cells b) MesophyII cell of leaf c) Nerve cell d) Muscle cell

56) Which of the following pairs of structure - function is mismatched ?

a) Ribosomes proteins synthesis b) Golgi muscle contraction c) Nucleolus ribosomes d) Lysosome intracellular digestion

57) Which of the following statements about ribosomes is correct ?

a) They are structurally different b) They are enclosed in their own c) They are concentrated in the d) They are attached to
from ribosomes membrane cisternal space of rough ER cisternal surface

58) The enzyme involved in viral replication are synthesized .

a) On the viral ribosomes b) On the interior surface of viral c) By the host cell d) On the interior surface of viral
membrane coat

59) A virion is a .
a) Virus b) Viral protein c) Viral lysozyme d) Viral gene
60) An isolated virus is not considered living , since it .
a) Separates into two inert parts b) Rapidly looses its genome c) Is coated with an air tight d) Cannot metabolize
chemically inert shield

61) In the lytic cycle of a bacteriophage , the host DNA is .

a) Replicated b) Digested into its nucleotides c) Turned off by a protein coat d) Turned on by removal of a
protein caot

62) In the lysogenic cycle , the DNA of a bacteriophage .

a) Joins the bacterial b) Attaches to the inner surface of c) Is immediately degraded when it d) Goes directly to the host's
chromosome the host membrace enters the host ribosome for tranlation

63) Temperature phage may exist as .

a) Prophage b) Capsid c) Viriod d) Retrovirus

64) Phylogeny describes a species .

a) Morphological similarities with b) Evolutionary history c) Reproductive compatibilities d) Geographical distribution
other species with other species

65) In the binomial system of taxonomy , developed during the 18th century by C . Linnaeus , the first word of an organism's name .
a) Species b) Genus c) Race d) Family

66) In the five kingdom system of classification developed by Robert Whittaker , members of the kingdom Plantae are autotrophic , eukaryotic , and

a) Multicellular b) Either unicellular or multicellular c) Motile d) Have sexual reproduction

67) Five kingdom system of classification proposed by Margulis and Schwartz is not based on .
a) Genetics b) Nucleic acid c) Cellular organization d) Mode of nutrition

68) The common name of Allium cepa is .

a) Piyaz b) Bathu c) Amaltas d) Chana

69) Arrange the following in order of increasing group size , beginning with the smallest : family , kingdom , phylum ( or division ) , genus , order , and
class .

a) Species b) Class c) Genus d) Family

70) Pigs are reservoirs to .

a) Hepatitis A b) Hepatitis B c) Hepatitis E d) Hepatitis D

71) Which one of the following is false about AIDS ?

a) HIV b) T - Iymphocytes c) Acquired-immune deficiency d) None of these

72) Which of the following is not found in all bacterial cells ?

a) Cell membrane b) Ribosomes c) A nucleoid d) Capsule

73) The major locomotory structures in bacteria are .

a) Flagella b) Fimbriae c) Pili d) Cilia

74) Which of the following is a primary bacterial cell wall function ?

a) Transport b) Support c) Motility d) Adhesion
75) Which of the following is present in both gram - positive and gram - negative cell walls ?
a) An outer membrane b) Techoic c) Peptidoglycan d) Lipopolysaccharides

76) Mesosomes are internal extensions of the .

a) Cell wall b) Cell membrane c) Chromatin body d) Capsule

77) Bacterial endospores function in .

a) Reproduction b) Protein sunthesis c) Survival d) Storage

78) The sexual process exhibited by most ciliated is called .

a) Oogamy b) Binary Fission c) Conjugation d) Fertilization

79) Chl a , Chl b , and carotenoids are found in .

a) Brown algae , golden algae , b) Green algae , golden algae , and c) Green algae , euglenoids , and d) Red algae , euglenoids , and
and diatoms euglenoids plants brown algae
80) The feeding stage of a smile mold is called .
a) Mycelium b) Plasmodium c) Hyphae d) Rhizoids

81) Cell wall in oomycotes is chemically composed of .

a) Cellulose b) Chitin c) Proteins d) Lignin

82) The absorptive nutrition of fungi is aided by .

a) Spore formation b) They are all parasites c) Their large surface area - d) They form fruiting bodies
volume ratio

83) The absorptive nutrition of fungi is aided by .

a) Spore formation b) They are all parasites c) Their large surface area - d) They form fruiting bodies
volume ratio

84) The Zygomycetes :

a) Have hyphae without b) Produce motile gametes c) Are haploid throughout their life d) Anwser a and c are both
regularly occurring cross walls correct

85) Which of the following cell / structures are associated with asexual reproduction in fungi .
a) Ascospores b) Conidia c) Zygospores d) Basidiospores

86) The closest relatives of fungi are probably .

a) Animals b) Slime molds c) Brown algae d) Vascular plants

87) E. coli of fungi are the

a) Rusts b) Brown mold c) Green mold d) Yeasts
88) An ascus is to ascomycetes as is a ___________ to basidimoycetes .
a) Basidiospore b) Basidiocarp c) Basidium d) Haustorium

89) Which statement is not true about Deuteromycetes ?

a) They are called imperfect b) Their asexual spores are c) It is a heterogenous polyphyletic d) They have both sexual and
fungi called conidia group asexual reproduction

90) All bryophytes ( mosses , liverworts , and hornworts ) share certain characteristics . these are
a) Reproductive cells in b) A waxy cuticle , true leaves , c) Vascular tissues , true leaves d) Reproductive cells in protective
protective chambers and a waxy and reproductive cells in protective , and a waxy cuticle chambers and vascular tissues
cuticle chambers

91) A heterosporous plant is one that .

a) Produces a gametophyte that b) Produces microspores and c) Is a sedless vascular plant d) Reproduces only sexually
bears both sex organs megaspores in separate sporangia ,
giving rise to separate male and
female gametophytes

92) The male gametophyte of an angiosperm is the .

a) Anther b) Embryo sac c) Microspore d) Ovule

93) Important terrestrial adaptations that evolved exclusively is seed plants include all of the following except .
a) Pollination by wind or animal b) Transport of water through c) Dispersal of new plants by d) Protection and nourishment of the
instead of fertilization by vascular tissues seeds embryo within the seed
swimming sperm

94) In animals the bodies of which can be divided in two equal halves only in one plane are .
a) Asymmetrical b) Bilaterally symmertical c) Radially symmetrical d) None of these

95) In amphibians the necessary requirements to spend their life history are .
a) Land b) Water c) Both a & b d) None of these

96) In annelids the organs for excretion are .

a) Flame-cells b) Nephridia c) Kidneys d) None of these

97) In arthopoda the body cavity is .

a) Pseudocoeloms b) Enterocoel c) Haemocoel d) None of these

98) Magnesium is an important nutrient ion in green plants as it is an assential component of .

a) Cell sap b) Protein c) ChlorophyII d) Glucose
99) When a green plant performs photosynthesis at its maximum rate .
a) The rate of water loss is low b) The water content of the c) The energy content of the plant d) The energy content will be
plant will be low will be low unaffected

100) A plant requires nitrogen and sulfur for its .

a) Cell wall b) Enzymes c) Starch deposits d) DNA replication
101) A plant requires potassium for .
a) Synthesizing protein b) Opening and closing of c) Synthesizing chlorophII d) All of the these

102) Carnivorous plants live in soils that are deficient in

a) Water b) Oxygen c) Nitrogen d) Iron

103) Mucus in saliva in made of .

a) Glycolipids b) Proteins c) Phospholipids d) Transport molecules

104) The structure in the mouth that prevents food from entering the nasal cavities is the .
a) Epiglottis b) Soft palate c) Tongue d) Pharynx

105) Many humans become ill from consuming milk and milk products because the lack .
a) Bacteria in their intestines b) Rennin c) Lactase d) HCI

106) Respiratory pigment present in muscles is called _________

a) Myoglobin b) Globin c) Haemoglobin d) Haemocyanins

107) How much air lungs can hold when they are fully inflated .

a) 5 litres b) 4 litres c) 4.5 litres d) 3.5 litres

108) Which of the following in NOT true of guard cells ?

a) They are present in the b) They are connected with c) They contain chloroplasts d) They are kidney shaped
epidermis of leaf plasmodesmata with other epidermal

109) Lymph most closely resembles with

a) Blood b) Plasma c) Interstitial d) Urine

110) Hydathodes are associated with

a) Transpiration b) Guttation c) Conduction d) None of these

111) According to pressure flow theory , which of the following serves as sink .
a) Leaves b) Stem c) Roots d) None of these

112) Which of the following is true about mammals ?

a) They have right aortic are only b) They have left and right aortic c) They have left aortic each d) They do not have aortic arch
arches only

113) The process that most likely / directly enables a root hair cell to absorb minerals by active transport and enables a muscle cell to contract cell to
contract is .
a) Circulation b) Excretion c) Respiration d) Assimilation

114) Which of the following processes cause substances to more across membranes without the expenditure of cellular energy ?

a) Endocytosis b) Active transport c) Diffusion d) None of these

115) Cardiac muscle can be distinguished from other muscles fibres because cardiac muscle .
a) Contain only action b) Voluntary in action c) Lacks regular arrangement of d) Has intercalated discs

116) The study of distribution of animals in nature is called .

a) Zoogeography b) Biodiversity c) Geography d) Wild life

117) Study of tissue is called .

a) Microbiology b) Morphology c) Histology d) Anatomy

118) The branch of Biology which deals with the study of environment relations of organisms is called .
a) Morphology b) Ecology c) Evolution d) Zoogeography
119) The study of parasite is called .
a) Paleontology b) Histology c) Mircorbiology d) Parasitology
120) Study of social behavior of human is called .
a) Anatomy b) Social biology c) Paleontology d) Physicology

121) Internal morphology is also called .

a) Physiology b) Anatomy c) Histology d) Paleontology

122) The branch of biology which deals with study of ancestral history is .
a) Genetics b) Zoogerography c) Evolution d) Paleontology
123) The study of bacteria , viruses , protozoa and microscopic algae and fungi come under .
a) Molecular biology b) Bacteriology c) Microbilogy d) Virology

124) The study of life in seas and oceans comes under the heading of .
a) Ocean biology b) Freshwater biology c) Sea biology d) Marine biology
125) Biology is short of laws because of .

a) Exclusive nature of life b) Large population of human c) Less falsification d) Less tentation

126) The reasoning that moves from general to specific is .

a) Deductive b) Inductive c) Scientific d) Theorerical

127) In deductive reasoning we move from .

a) General to specific b) General to general c) Specific to general d) Specific to specific

128) If a theory survives and continues to be supported by experimental evidence becomes a .

a) Hypothesis b) Universal formula c) Scientific law d) Deduction

129) Transgenic plants can be propagated by .

a) Gene manipulation b) Cloning c) Genetic engineering d) Tissue culture technique

130) Which one of the following is a correct sequence in biological method ?

a) Observations - Hypothesis - b) Observations - Hypothesis - c) Hypothesis - Observations - d) Law - Theory - Deduction -
Law Deduction Testing of deduction Deduction - Testing of deduction Observation

131) Which of the following are being used as bio - pesticides ?

a) Bacteria b) Fungi c) Viruses d) Algae

132) Pasteurization is a technique developed by .

a) Edward jenner b) Robert Koch c) Chamberlandt d) Louis Pasteur
133) Cloning is a technique of achieving .
a) Hygienic aims b) Transgenic aims c) Eugenic aims d) Therapeutic aims

134) All members of a clone are genetically identical except when a .

a) Mutation occurs b) Hazard occurs c) Disease occurs d) None of these

135) The percentage by weight of RNA in a bacterial cell is .

a) 0.25 % b) 2 % c) 3 % d) 6 %
136) The potential source of chemical energy for cellular activities .

a) C-H bond b) C-N bond c) C-O bond d) C-C bond

137) Which of the following is a group of organic compounds ?

a) Lipids , nucleic acids and b) Carbohydrates , lipids , nucleic c) Proteins , acids , lipids d) Carbon dioxide , acids , bases
nitric acid acids

138) Of the total weight of a bacterial cell , carbohydrates constitute only .

a) 2 % b) 1 % c) 3 % d) 4 %

139) 18 % of the total weight of a mammalian cell is the .

a) Water b) Proteins c) Carbohydrates d) Lipids

140) The total weight of a mammalian cell , DNA forms .

a) 1 % b) 1.1 % c) 6 % d) 0.25 %
141) RNA constitutes 1.1 % of the total weight of a .
a) Bacterial cell b) Mammalian cell c) Algal cell d) Fungal cell

142) All the chemical reactions taking place within a cell are collectively called .
a) Anabolism b) Catabolism c) Metabolism d) Commensalism

143) In bacterial cells the water percentage is .

a) 70 % b) 40 % c) 60 % d) 50 %

144) Percentage of carbohydrates in mammalian cell is .

a) 1 % b) 2 % c) 3 % d) 4 %
145) In free state , glucose in present in .

a) Dates b) Amylose c) Glycogen d) Cellulose

146) Most abundant carbohydrate in nature is .

a) Statch b) Glycogen c) Cellulose d) Agar

147) Cotton is a pure .

a) Cellulose b) Polysaccharide c) Cellulose d) Both a & b

148) Our blood normally contains glucose .

a) 0.6 % b) 0.8 % c) 0.06 % d) 0.08 %
149) Which one of the following is not a carbohydrate ?
a) Starch b) Glycogen c) Cellulose d) Wax
150) Animals obtain carbohydrates mainly from .
a) Glucose b) Starch c) Sucrose d) Glycogen

151) Which one of following is not a Lipid ?

a) Rubber b) Chitin c) Cutin d) Cholesterol

152) A heterogeneous group of compound related to fatty acid is .

a) Proteins b) Lipid c) Carbohydrate d) Nucleic Acid

153) Which one of the following is not lipid ?

a) Cholesterol b) Wax c) Terpenes d) Keratin
154) The most abundant organic compound in mammalian cell .
a) Water b) Proteins c) Carbohydrates d) Lipids

155) Conjugated histone proteins are .

a) Structural and Regulatory b) Regulatory only c) Structural Only d) Transport proteins

156) The amino acids are mainly different from each other due to the type and nature of .

a) R-group b) Amino group c) Carboxyl group d) Peptide bond

157) The molecule formed by two amino acids is called .

a) Dipeptide b) Peptide linkage c) Peptide bond d) Poly peptide linkage

158) Keratin in an example of Fibrous Protein present in .

a) Blood b) Muscle c) Bones d) Nail and Hair
159) Total number of amino acid in insulin are .

a) 51 b) 141 c) 151 d) 50

160) The most abundant organic compound in the cells is the .

a) Carbohydrate b) Lipid c) Ptotein d) ATP

161) Peptide bond is a .

a) C-N link b) C-O link c) N-H link d) C-H link

162) Insulin is a protein consisting of two polypeptide chains of amino acids held together by .
a) Peptide bonds b) Glycosidic bonds c) Covalent bonds d) Disulfide bonds
163) How many water molecules are formed when glycylalanine is formed ..
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

164) The number of proteins in the human body is over .

a) 10,000 b) 15,000 c) 20,000 d) 25,000

165) Iron containing protein is .

a) Cytochrome b) Ferredoxin c) Plastocyanin d) Plastoquinone

166) Hemoglobin is a .
a) Fibrous proteins b) Globular proteins c) Coiled proteins d) Double coiled protein

167) Which of the following is not a fibrous protein .

a) Keratin b) Myocin c) Fibrin d) Hormones
168) In the - helix protein structure each turn of the helix has amino acids .

a) 3-6 b) 4-6 c) 5-6 d) 6-6

169) Enzymes , antibodies , hormones and hemoglobin are examples .

a) Carbohydrates b) Globular proteins c) Fibrous proteins d) Lipids

170) Haemoglobin is an example of which functional class of proteins ?

a) Contractile b) Structural c) Transport d) Regulatory

171) Type of bond associated with maintaining primary structure of protein is .

a) Disculfide bond b) Peptide bond c) Ester bond d) Hydrogen bond

172) Type of bond principally associated with maintaining alpha helix shape of protein ;
a) Disulphide bond b) Peptide bond c) Ester bond d) Hydrogen bond
173) Which of the following structure is best represents structure of haemoglobin ?
a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quaternary
174) Helical shape of polypeptide is due to presence within molecule .
a) Covalent bond b) Hydrogen bond c) Disulphide bond d) Peptide bond

175) Amino acids are linked to each other by .

a) Ester bond b) Glysocidic c) Hydrophobic d) Peptide bond
176) The breaking of the terminal phosphate of ATP release energy about .
a) 2 K cal b) 3.7 K cal c) 17.3 K cal d) 7.3 K cal
177) How many types of amino acids are present in the living cells and tissues ?
a) 20 b) 25 c) 150 d) 170
178) An amino acid contains an amino group and a carboxyl group attached to the same .

a) Carbon atom b) Hydrogen atom c) Nitrogen atom d) Oxygen atom

179) A compound formed by the combination of a nitrogenous base and a pentose sugar is called .
a) Sanger b) Miescher c) Chetton d) Linnaeus

180) Nucleotide is formed by the combination of a nucleoside and a .

a) Glutanic acid b) Hydrochloric acid c) Butyric acid d) Phosphoric acid
181) Nucleic acids have special affinity for .
a) Acidic proteins b) Basic proteins c) Alkaline proteins d) Neutral proteins

182) Which of the following amounts of bases are more likely to be found in an organism ?
a) Adenine 30.9 % and cytosine b) Cytosine 19.8 % and thymine c) Guanine 27.5 % and adenine d) Adenine 32 % and thymine
30.7 % 20.0 % 27.8 % 31.9 %

183) Poisons like cyanide , antibiotics , anti-metabolites and some drugs are examples of .
a) Holoenzymes b) Inhibitors c) Coenzymes d) Enzymes

184) An inhibitor is a chemical ____________ .

a) Enzyme b) Protein c) Substance d) None of these
185) An inhibitor react with enzyme but not transformed into __________ .
a) Enzyme b) Product c) Co-enzyme d) None of these

186) The inhibitor which may destroy the globular structure of enzyme is .
a) Competitive b) Non-competitive c) Irreversible d) Reversible

187) Irreversible inhibitors form which bond with active site ?

a) Hydrogen bonds b) Ionic bonds c) Covalent bonds d) Hydrophobic bonds

188) The reversible inhibitors usually constitute

a) Strong linkage with enzyme b) No linkage with enzyme c) Weak linkage with enzyme d) Medium linkage with enzyme

189) Because of the structural similarity with the substrate , competitive inhibitors may be selected by the binding sites , but are not able to activate the .

a) Catalytic sites b) Ac celerating sites c) Inactive sites d) Active sites

190) Non-competitive Inhibitors form enzyme inhibitor complex at a point other than the .
a) Catalytic site b) Active site c) Binding site d) Non-catalytic site

191) The vitamins are essential raw material for the synthesis of .
a) Prosthetic group b) Cofactors c) Coenzymes d) Activators

192) If the non-protein part of enzyme is covalently bounded , then it is called .

a) Prosthetic group b) Activator c) Co-enzyme d) Co-factor

193) An enzyme with its co-enzyme or prosthetic group removed is designated as .

a) Holoenzyme b) Apoenzyme c) Co-enzyme d) Activator

194) The detachable co-factor of an enzyme is known as .

a) Activato b) Prosthetic group c) Co-enzyme d) Apo-enzyme

195) If non-protein part is loosely attached to protein , it is known as .

a) Cofactor b) Coenzyme c) Holoenzyme d) Active site

196) An activated enzyme with co-enzyme is called .

a) Holoenzymes b) Coenzyme c) Apoenzyme d) Activators

197) An activated enzyme consisting of polypeptide chain and a factor is known as .

a) Holoenzyme b) Apoenzyme c) Coenzyme d) Prosthetic group

198) Covalently bounded non-protein part is called .

a) Co-enzyme b) Prosthetic group c) Activator d) Co-factor

199) Covalently bounded non-protein part is called .

a) Co-enzyme b) Prosthetic group c) Activator d) Co-factor

200) Enzyme are the most important biologically active group of .

a) Carbohydrates b) Lipids c) Proteins d) Nucleis acids

201) The detachable co-factor is known as an activator if it is .

a) Organic ion b) Non-ionic c) Inorganic ion d) Non-polar
202) Three dimensional globular protein is .
a) Starch b) Glucose c) Antibiotic d) Enzyme
203) Enzyme lowers down the energy of .
a) Kinetic b) Potential c) Activation d) Ionic

204) Which affects the functional specificity of enzymes ?

a) Structure b) Specific chemistry c) Configuration d) Both b & c

205) Enzyme are very __________ in their action .

a) Specific b) Fast c) Slow d) General

206) Small amounts of an ___________ can accelerate chemical reactions .

a) Protein b) Lipid c) Enzyme d) None of these

207) Some enzymes require a ________ for their proper functioning .

a) Co-enzyme b) Co-factor c) Holoenzyme d) Apoenzyme

208) Pepsinogen is an ________ form of pepsine .

a) Active b) Inactive c) Inhibitor d) None of these

209) Which statement about enzyme is not true ?

a) They consist of proteins , with b) They change the rate of c) They are sensitive to heat d) They are non-specific in
or without a non-protein part catalyzed reaction their action

210) An enzyme is a three dimensional _________ protein .

a) Fibrous b) Elastic c) Globular d) Insoluble

211) Induced fit model was proposed by .

a) Emil Fisher b) Koshland c) Jenner d) Pasteur

212) An enzyme reacts only with its specific .

a) Surface b) Product c) Substrate d) Inhibitor

213) According to Lock and Key model the active site is a .

a) Rigid structure b) Flexible structure c) Liquid structure d) Enzyme

214) Emil Fisher proposed a lock and key model in .

a) 1990 b) 1880 c) 1800 d) 1890
215) Lock and key model was proposed by .

a) Emil Fisher b) Koshland c) Rudolph Virchow d) Lorenz Oken

216) Any factor that can alter the chemistry and shape of an enzyme can effect its rate of .
a) Activity b) Hydrolysis c) Catalysis d) Photolysis

217) The catalytic activity of an enzyme is restricted to its small portion called .

a) Active site b) Allosteric site c) Binding site d) Catalytic site

218) Koshland in 1959 proposed the modified form of .

a) Fluid mosaic model b) Unit membrane model c) Induce Fit model d) Lock and key model
219) An enzyme and its substrate react with each other through definite charge bearing sites called _________ sits .
a) Catalytic b) Passive c) Binding d) Active
220) The active site of the enzyme is made up of two definite regions i.e., the binding site and the
a) Non-binding site b) Non-catalytic site c) Inactive site d) Catalytic site
221) The non protein part of enzyme responsible for its proper functioning is known as .
a) Substarte b) Cofactor c) Reactant d) Product

222) Poisons like cyanide , antibiotics , anti-metabolites and some drugs are examples of .
a) Holoenzymes b) Inhibitors c) Coenzymes d) Enzymes

223) An inhibitor is a chemical ___________ .

a) Enzyme b) Protein c) Substance d) None of these

224) An inhibitor react with enzyme but not transformed into ________ .
a) Enzyme b) Product c) Co-enzyme d) None of these

225) The inhibitor which may destroy the globular structure of enzyme is .
a) Competitive b) Non-competitive c) Irreversible d) Reversible

226) The reversible inhibitors usually constitute .

a) Strong linkage with enzyme b) No linkage with enzyme c) Wear linkage with enzyme d) Medium linkage with enzyme

227) Because of the structural similarity with the substrate , competitive inhibitors may be selected by the binding sites , but are not able to activate the ,

a) Catalytic sites b) Ac celerating sites c) Inactive sites d) Active sites

228) Non-competitive Inhibitors form enzyme inhibitor complex at a point other than the .
a) Catalytic site b) Active site c) Binding site d) Non-catalytic site

229) During _________ the tissues are homogenized or disrupted with special instruments .
a) Catalysis b) Cell fractionation c) Centrifugation d) None of these

230) The various cellular parts separate out in different layers depending upon their size and _________ , and density of the medium .
a) Height b) Laugh c) Weight d) None of these
231) The primitive type of cells , such as bacteria , lack a definite nucleus and are said to be .
a) Eukaryotic b) Prokaryotic c) Both a & b d) None of these

232) Most of the cells are _________ and are not visible to the naked eye .

a) Microscopic b) Eukaryotic c) Prokaryotic d) None of these

233) One m is 0.000,001 meter or __________ of a metre .

a) 1 × 106 b) 1 × 107 c) 1 × 10-6 d) 1 × 10-7

234) The process of taking in liquid material by cell membrane is called .

a) Pinocytosis b) Exocytosis c) Phagocytosis d) Rmphocytosis

235) Cell membrane is chemically composed of proteins .

a) 10 - 20 % b) 20 - 30 % c) 40 - 50 % d) 60 - 80 %
236) Cell membrane has 60 - 80 % .
a) Lipids b) Proteins c) Carbohydrates d) Vitamins

237) Lipid present in cell membranes .

a) 10 - 20 % b) 20 - 40 % c) 30 - 40 % d) None of these

238) The process of engulf solid particles is called .

a) Pinocytoris b) Exocytosis c) Phagocytosis d) None of these

239) The uphill movement of materials requires energy and is termed as ___________ .

a) Active transport b) Passive transport c) Diffusion d) Effusion

240) Cell wall is secreted by .

a) Protoplasm b) Nucleoplasm c) Golgi complex d) Ribosome

241) The primary cell wall is composed cellulose and some deposition of pectin and .
a) Lignin b) Silica c) Hemicellulose d) Chitin

242) A true wall that develops in newly growing cells is .

a) Primary wall b) Secondary wall c) Middle lamella d) All of these

243) The middle lamella is first to be formed in between .

a) Primary walls b) Secondary walls c) Tertiary walls d) Quaternary walls

244) Cell wall provides a definite shape to the cell and keeps it ________ .
a) Hard b) Soft c) Rigid d) Both a & b

245) The soluble part of the cytoplasm is called .

a) Stroma b) Gel c) Cytosol d) Matrix

246) A non - viscous colloidal solution is called .

a) Sol b) Gel c) Cytosol d) Stroma

247) Cytoplasm is a site for certain metabolic processes such as .

a) Krebs cycle b) Glycolysis c) Calvin cycle d) Glyoxylate cycle

248) How much water is present in cytoplasm ?

a) 40 % b) 60 % c) 80 % d) 90 %
249) Gel is a ________ colloidal solution .
a) Non-viscous b) Sol c) Viscous d) None of these

250) Cisternae are associated with .

a) ER b) Mitochondria c) Nucleus d) Chloroplast

251) The rough surface endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of .

a) Lipids b) Proteins c) Ribosomes d) Glycolipids
252) A structure found attached to membranes in cell . It consists of two parts . Name it .
a) Golgi Apparatus b) Mitochondria c) Lysosome d) Ribosome
253) The attachment of two sub fibrous protein is controlled by presence of
a) Ca2+ b) Mg+2 c) K+ d) Fe2+

254) Proteins are synthesized by .

a) Polysome b) Nucleosome c) Lysosome d) Ribosome
255) The enzyme which are involved in protein synthesis are integral part of .
a) Chromosomes b) Ribosomes c) Lysosomes d) Ribosomes
256) Palade was the first person to study the .
a) Lysosomes b) Ribosomes c) Polysomes d) Peroxisomes

257) Factory of ribosomes synthesis is .

a) Nucleolus b) Endoplasmic reticulum c) Cytoplasm d) Lysosomes

258) Most of the cell secretions are in the nature .

a) Glycoproteins b) Lipids c) Carbohydrates d) Proteins

259) Golgi apparatus is concerned with cell .

a) Division b) Lipids c) Secretion d) Storage

260) Golgi apparatus was discovered by Golgi in .

a) 1889 b) 1896 c) 1898 d) 1888

261) The protein or enzymes which have to be transported out of the cell pass through the .
a) Endoplasmic reticulum b) Vacuoles c) Golgi apparatus d) Mitochondria

262) The digestive vacuoles and autophagosomes are also called .

a) Primary Lysosomes b) Endoocytosis c) Secondary Lysosomes d) All of these

263) De Duve discovered cell organelle .

a) Mitochondria b) Lysosome c) Plastids d) Golgi complex

264) Lysosomal sacs are rich in .

a) Acid oxidase and hydrolytic b) Acid phosphatase and c) Acid phosphatase and d) Phosphatase and oxidases onlyh
enzymes proteolytic enzymes hydrolytic enzyme

265) The lysosomes which eat parts of its own cell are known as .

a) Autophagosomes b) Secondary Lysosomes c) Primary Lysosome d) Phagocytic Lysosome

266) In the disease glycogenosis Type II , glycogen fills the liver and .
a) Pancreas b) Lungs c) Kidneys d) Muscles
267) Vacuoles are present _________ in .
a) Animal cell b) Plant cell c) Both a & b d) None of these

268) Vacuoles serve to expand the plant cell without diluting its ________ .
a) Cell wall b) Cell membrane c) Cytoplasm d) Both a & b

269) Vacuoles functions as sites for the storage of _________ and cell products or metabolic intermediates .
a) Waste of cell b) Water c) Food d) None of these

270) What is not true about microfilaments ?

a) Actin b) Cyclosis c) Amoeboid movement d) Linked with outer surface of
plasma membrane

271) The protein present in microtubule is .

a) Tubulin b) Tetroses c) Tetroses d) Tropomysin

272) Cilia , flagella and centrioles are special assemblies of .

a) Microfilaments b) Intermediate filaments c) Microtubules d) Microfibers

273) Cyclosis and amoeboid movements are because of .

a) Microtubules b) Microfilaments c) Intermediate filaments d) Microfibers

274) When cross - section of centriole is observed it shows as it consists of .

a) 9 - microtubules b) 11 - microtubules c) 3 - microtubules d) 6 - microtubules

275) Centriole play important role in formation of .

a) Cilia b) Flagella c) Microfilament d) None of these

276) The two centriole are usually placed at ________ to each other .
a) Opposite b) Parallel c) Right angle d) None of these

277) Infolding of inner membrane of mitochondria are called as .

a) Cisternae b) Cristae c) Granum d) Thylakoid

278) Cristae are found in .

a) Golgi complex b) Chloroplast c) Endoplasmic d) Mitochondria
279) Mitochondrial matrix contains .
a) DNA only b) Protein only c) Enzymes , coenzymes , d) DNA + proteins
inorganic and organic salts

280) Mitochondria appear to be ..

a) Filaments b) Vesicles , rods or Filaments c) Vesicles d) Rods

281) Mitochondria also contain .

a) DNA and RNA b) RNA and ribosomes c) DNA and protein d) DNA and ribosomes
282) Stroma is a fluid in the chloroplast .

a) Thylakoids b) Intergranum c) Granum d) Matrix

283) Plastids are present only in .

a) Bacteria b) Animal cell c) Virus d) Plant cell
284) Chloroplasts has a double membranous envelope that encloses dense fluid filled region known as .
a) Matrix b) Stroma c) Thylakiod d) Granum

285) The fluid which surrounds the thylakoids is called .

a) Matrix b) Stroma c) Cytoplasm d) Nucloplams

286) One of the following is organelle of symbiotic origin .

a) Chloroplast b) Endoplasmic reticulum c) Golgi complex d) Ribosome

287) Robert Brown reported the presence of .

a) Lysosome b) Ribosomes c) Mitochondria d) Nucleus
288) Nucleus can be seen in a .
a) Mature cell b) Non-dividing cell c) Germinating cell d) Dividing cell

289) Nucleus contains soluble sap called .

a) Protoplasm b) Cytoplasm c) Nucleoplasm d) Nuclear sap

290) Erthrocytes have only _________ pores per nucleus .

a) 2 or 4 b) 3 or 4 c) 4 or 5 d) 5 or 6

291) Egg cell has about ________ pores per nucleus .

a) 25,000 b) 35,000 c) 30,000 d) 3,000

292) What statement about the nuclear envelope is not true ?

a) Its inner membrane bears b) It is a double membrane structure c) RNA and some proteins pass d) It has pores
ribosomes through it

293) Drosophila melanogaster is the biological name of .

a) Butterfly b) Fruit fly c) Housefly d) Tsetse fly

294) The number of chromosomes in normal body cells are .

a) Haploid b) Diploid c) Monoploid d) Triploid
295) Each chromosome consists of two identical chromatids at the beginning of cell division which are held together at .

a) Protein complex b) Centrosome c) Centromere d) Central sap

296) The size of prokaryotic ribosome is .

a) 30S b) 50S c) 70S d) 80S

297) Eukaryotes include animals , plants , fungi and .

a) Protista b) Monera c) Bacteria d) Viruses

298) Prokaryotes include blue - green algae and .

a) Viruses b) Bacteria c) Protozoans d) Protists

299) The prokaryotic cell can divide by .

a) Multiple fission b) Mitosis c) Meiosis d) Binary fission
300) Perhaps the most distinctive feature of prokaryotic cell is its .
a) Cell membrane b) Hereditary material c) Ribosomes d) Cell wall
301) The known species of plants are over .
a) 1.5 million b) 1 million c) 0.5 million d) 17.6 million

302) Orders include related .

a) Families b) Genera c) Species d) Classes

303) Genus for corn plant is .

a) Zea b) Cassia c) Allium d) Solanum

304) How many species of animals are known ?

a) Half million b) One and a half million c) One million d) Two million

305) A set of related genera would be grouped into .

a) A family b) An order c) A species d) A class

306) Species is the basic unit of .

a) Evolution b) Genetics c) Ecology d) Classification
307) Binomial system of nomenclature was devised by .
a) E-Chatton b) Robert Whittaker c) Ernst Hackle d) Carlous Linnaeus
308) The Common name for solanum melangena is .
a) Onion b) Brinjal c) Potato d) Amaltas

309) In the binomial system of taxonomy , developed during the 18th century by C. Linnaeus , the first word of an organism's name is its .
a) Species b) Genus c) Race d) Family

310) The common name of Allium cepa is .

a) Piyaz b) Bathu c) Amaltas d) Chana

311) Linnaeus published the list of names of plants in .

a) 1723 b) 1733 c) 1743 d) 1753
312) Cassia fistula is the scientific name for .

a) Amaltas b) Golden shower c) Kikar d) Argvad

313) Scientific name has advantage of having .

a) No scientific basis b) Scientific basis and c) Same organisms having d) Same name applied to different
universally accepted different names in different areas organism

314) Carlous Linnaeus took the scientific name from .

a) Greek word b) Arabic word c) Latin word d) Urdu word

315) Initially , the classification was based on .

a) Genetic features b) Physiology c) Morphology d) Cytology

316) Organelle of symbiotic origin is .

a) Cell wall b) Cell membrane c) Mitochondria d) Vacuole
317) In five kingdom system , Eukaryotic multicellular reducers are placed in kingdom .
a) Monera b) Protista c) Fungi d) Animalia

318) Solanum esculentum is the scientific name of .

a) Potato b) Tobacco c) Onion d) Tomato
319) Phylogeny describes a species .
a) Morphological similarities with b) Evolutionary history c) Reproductive compatibilities d) Geographical distribution
other species with other species

320) In the five - kingdom system of classification developed by Robert Whittaker , member of the kingdom Plantae are autotrophic , eukaryotic and .

a) Multicellular b) Either unicellular or multicelliular c) Motile d) Have sexual reproduction

321) Five kingdom system of classification proposed by Margulis and Schwartz is not based on .
a) Genetics b) Nucleic Acid c) Cellular organization d) Mode of nutrition

322) Heterotrophic organisms that are absorptive in their nutritional mode are .
a) Algae b) Protists c) Animals d) Fungi
323) In 1969 , the five kingdom system was proposed by .
a) Robert Koch b) Robert Hooke c) Robert Whittaker d) Robert Brown

324) A third Kingdom protista was proposed to accommodate Euglena like organisms and bacteria , in 1866 by .
a) E-Chatton b) Ernst Hackel c) Linnaeus Carlous d) Aristotle

325) The system of classification associated with three principal modes of nutrition photosynthesis , absorption and ingestion was proposed by .

a) Robert Whittaker b) Carlous Linnaeus c) Margulis & Schawartz d) Ernst Hackel

326) Kingdom Animalia include eukaryotic multicellular .

a) Consumers b) Reducers c) Producers d) Decomposers

327) Venome meaning .

a) Virus b) Poisonous fluid c) Viral fluid d) None of these

328) _______ first vaccinated 8 year old boy .

a) Pasteur b) Kobert Koch c) Edward jenner d) D'Herelle

329) Bacteriophage meaning .

a) Bacteria Eater b) Bacteria killer c) Bacteria spreading d) None of these

330) The size of Parvovirus is .

a) 100 nm b) 20 nm c) 250 nm d) 75 nm

331) Viruses range in size from 250 ( nm ) of poxviruses to the 20 nm of .

a) Parvoviruses b) Provirus c) Retrovirus d) Protovirus

332) Viruses are extremely small infectious agents , which can only be seen under .
a) Compound microscope b) Electron microscope c) Dissecting microscope d) Telescope

333) Viruses are 10 to 1000 times than most ,

a) Cyanobacteria b) Yeast c) Bacteria d) Euglena

334) Viruses can reproduce only in living host are known as .

a) Obligate intracellular b) Facultative intracellular c) Obligate extracellular parasites d) Facultative extracellular
parasites parasites parasites

335) Prions are made up of .

a) Lipids b) Nucleic Acid c) Proteins d) None of these

336) The member of capsomere present in herpes virus is .

a) 152 capsomere b) 162 capsomere c) 252 capsomere d) 100 capsomere

337) Icosahedral virus have nearly .

a) 10 faces b) 20 faces c) 30 faces d) 40 faces

338) The infectious proteins are .

a) Viruses b) Virious c) Prions d) Peptones
339) Mad cow infection and mysterious brain infection in man are caused by .
a) Bacteria b) Fungus c) Prions d) Viron

340) The capsomere present in the capsid of adenovirus are .

a) 162 b) 200 c) 252 d) 352

341) Capsomeres are subunits which form capsid of virion . These capsomeres are chemically .
a) Lipids b) Nucleic acids c) Carbohydrates d) Proteins
342) A virion is a .

a) Virus b) Viral protein c) Viral lysozyme d) Viral gene

343) The viral genome is surrounded by a protein coat , the .

a) Capsule b) Envelope c) Capsid d) Capsomeres

344) Bacteriophage replicates only in _________ cell .

a) Animal b) Plant c) Bacterial d) Fungal

345) Lytic cycle completion occurs about .

a) 15 Min b) 25 Min c) 35 Min d) 05 Min

346) About 25 minutes after initial infections approximate number of new bacteriophages formed is .
a) 100 b) 200 c) 2000 d) 500

347) An isolated virus is not considered living , since it .

a) Separates into two inert parts b) Rapidly loses its genome c) Cannot metabolize d) Is coated with an air tight

348) In the lytic cycle of a bacteriophage , the host DNA is .

a) Replicated b) Digested into its nucleotides c) Turned off by a protein coat d) Turned on by removal of a
protein coat

349) In the lysogenic cycle , the DNA of a bacteriphage .

a) Joins the bacterial b) Attaches to the inner surface of c) Is immediately degraded when it d) Goes directly to the host's
chromosome the host membrane enters the host ribosome for translation

350) The best known phages are T phages that infect .

a) Salmonella typhi b) Mycoplasma c) Pseudomoas d) Escherichia Coli
351) Which of the following enzyme is responsible for dissolving a portion of bacterial cell wall ?
a) Lipase b) Lysozyme c) Ligase d) Catalase

352) The phage which causes lysis of the host cell is known as or virulent phage .

a) Lytic b) Lotic c) Lentic d) Lysogenic

353) Bacteriophages occur in two structural forms having cubical or .

a) Polyhedral symmetry b) Spherical symmerty c) Asymmetry d) Helical symmerty
354) The first step in the replication of a bacteriophage is its attachment ( adsorption ) to host cell at .

a) Receptor site b) Active site c) Binding site d) Adsorption site

355) Immediately after entering the host cell , the viral nucleic acid takes the control of hosts .
a) DNA b) Protein c) Synthetic area d) Biosynthetic machinery
356) The volume of the phage is as compared to the host is about .
a) 1/10 b) 1/100 c) 1/1000 d) 1/10000

357) The smallest known virus that contain RNA in spherical capsid are .
a) Herpes viruses b) Influenza viruses c) Polio viruses d) Pox viruses

358) Hepatitis is an inflammation of .

a) Stomach b) Pancreas c) Liver d) Kidney

359) The smallest known viruses contain RNA in spherical capside are the .

a) Pox virus b) Influenze c) Herpes virus d) Polio virus

360) The smallest known viruses are .

a) Bacteriophage b) Pseudomonas c) Polio d) Coli

361) A disease , which is highly contagious is .

a) Measles b) Mumps c) Influenza d) Herpes

362) HIV belongs to the group of viruses called .

a) Pox viruses b) DNA viruses c) Retriovirus d) Bacteriaphage

363) Hepatitis B is also called .

a) Delta hepatitis b) Serum hepatitis c) Infection hepatitis d) Infusion hepatitis

364) Which one of the following is not viral disease .

a) Cow pox b) Mumps c) Tetanus d) Small pox

365) The single stranded RNA - tumor viruses are .

a) Spherical b) Elongated c) Spiral d) Cubical

366) Influenza viruses are .

a) Enveloped RNA viruses b) DNA enveloped viruses c) None enveloped RNA viruses d) DNA naked viruses

367) Pig could be the source of infection of hepatitis .

a) A b) B c) E d) C

368) AIDS is caused by .

a) Fungi b) Bacteria c) Virus d) Algae

369) Cells in _______ system can also be infected by HIV .

a) Central nervous b) Digestive c) Circulatory d) Respiratory

370) Hepatitis A is transmitted by contact with __________ from infected individuals .

a) Water b) Faeces c) Blood d) Spit

371) About 60 % of adults are immune to .

a) Measles b) Small pox c) Mumps d) Cow pox

372) The AIDS was reported by some physicians in early .

a) 1940's b) 1960's c) 1980's d) 2000's

373) Genetically engineered vaccine is not available for .

a) HCV b) HBV c) HAV d) Serum hepatitis

374) By adopting hygienic measures , with routine vaccination and screening of blood / organ / tissue of the donor we can control .

a) Hepatitis b) AIDS c) Measles d) Herpes simplex

375) Common cold is caused by .

a) Poxyviruses b) Parvoviruses c) Paramyxoviruses d) Adenoviruses
376) Hepatitis C is also called .
a) Serum hepatitis b) Infectious hepatitis c) Infusion hepatitis d) Delta hepatitis

377) Bactria range in size from about 0.1 to _________ m over a single dimension .
a) 500 b) 600 c) 700 d) 800

378) Epulopiscium fishelsoni grows as large as 600 m by.

a) 80 m b) 70 m c) 90 m d) 60 m

379) The smallest bacteria are some members of the genus .

a) E.coli b) Mycoplasma c) Closteridium d) Pseudomonas

380) The smallest bacteria are approximately the size of the largest viruses i.e.
a) Paramyxoviruses b) Adenoviruses c) Parvoviruses d) Poxviruses
381) Some spirochetes occasionally reach in length .
a) 200 m b) 300 m c) 400 m d) 500 m
382) The diameter of staphylococcus and streptococcus is about .
a) 100 - 200 nm b) 1.5 - 2 c) 0.75 - 1.25 d) 2 - 6
383) Which of the following is note present in protists ?
a) Flagella b) Embryo c) Cilia d) None of these

384) Margulis and schwartz accommodate the diverse assemblage of organisms of protista into .
a) 37 phyla b) 27 phyla c) 10 phyla d) 5 phyla

385) RNA sequencing also indicates that green algae and the plants form a .

a) Monophyletic lineage b) Polyphyletic lineage c) Biphyletic lineage d) Tetraphyletic lineage

386) An outer flexible covering of ciliates is .

a) Cell wall b) Pellicle c) Sheath d) Cuticle

387) The causative agent of African sleeping sickness is

a) Tse - tse fly b) Trichonymphas c) Trypanosoma d) Mosquito

388) Amoebic dysentery in .

a) Amoeba b) Plasmodium c) Entamoeba histolytica d) Trypanosoma

389) African sleeping sickness is transmitted by .

a) Mosquito b) Trypanosoma c) Tse tse fly d) Plasmodium

390) Entamoeba histolytica cause amoebic .

a) Cholera b) Fever c) Dysentery d) Migraine

391) The protozoans having two kinds of nuclei .

a) Zooflagellates b) Amoeba c) Ciliates d) Actinopods

392) Trypanosoma is an example of .

a) Apicomplexans b) Zooflagellates c) Actionopods d) Ciliates

393) Amoeba moves and obtains food by means of .

a) Flagella b) Pseudopodia c) Flexing d) Cilia

394) Pelomyxa Palustris is commonly called .

a) Entamoeba b) Trypanosoma c) Trichonymphas d) Giant amoeba
395) The example of zooflagellates is .
a) Forams b) Voritcella c) Entamoeba d) Trypanosoma
396) Most ciliates are capable of a sexual process called .
a) Oogamy b) Mating c) Conjugation d) Plasmogamy

397) What regulation in freshwater ciliates is controlled by special organelles called .

a) Vacuoles b) Golgi apparatus c) Contractile vacuoles d) Lysosomes

398) Complex specialized flagellates with many flagella are .

a) Trichonymphas b) Trypanosoma c) Euglena d) Vorticella

399) The protists that live as symbionts in the guts of termites and help in the digestion of dry wood are .

a) Trichonymphas b) Trypanosoma c) Euglena d) Vorticella

400) Members of phylum chrysophyta are commonly called .

a) Brown Algae b) Red Algae c) Dinoflagellates d) Diatoms
401) Algae which take part in building coral reefs along with coral animals are .

a) Red algae b) Brown algae c) Green algae d) Diatoms

402) Ceratium belongs to group of algae called .

a) Diatoms b) Red Algae c) Brown Algae d) Dinoflagellates
403) Diatoms belongs to phylum .
a) Rhodophyta b) Phaeophyta c) Chrysophyta d) Pyrrophyta

404) The largest brown algae are called .

a) Diatoms b) Kelps c) Dinoflagellates d) Gelidium

405) The edible algae is .

a) Mushroom b) Kelps c) Dinoflagellates d) Diatoms

406) Length of brown algae range from few centimeters to .

a) 170 meters b) 75 meters c) 70 meters d) 75 cm

407) Most green algae possess cell wall with .

a) Cellulose b) Chitin c) Siliea d) Pectin

408) Phyco erythrin is found is .

a) Green algae b) Red algae c) Brown algae d) Blue green algae

409) Which of the following possess leaf like blades , stem like stipes , and root like anchoring holdfast ?
a) Eucalyptus b) Agaricus c) Kelps d) Phytophthora

410) Photosynthetic protists , carryin out probably 50 to 60 percent of all the photysynthesis on earth are .
a) Plants b) Algae c) Cynobacteria d) Oomycotes

411) Most green algae possess cell walls with .

a) Cellulose b) Chitin c) Peptidoglycan d) Pectin

412) Which phylum of algae do not have forms with flagellated motile cells in at least one stage of their life cycle .
a) Euglenophyta b) Chlorophyta c) Rhodophyta d) Phaeophyta

413) Some algae are edible such as .

a) Diatoms b) Kelps c) Chlorella d) Mushrooms

414) Marine algae are also source of many useful substances like .
a) Algin b) Agar c) Carrageenan d) All of these
415) Oomycotes are close relatives of the .
a) Algae b) Fungi c) Protozoa d) Bacteria

416) Which one has played infamous roles in human history as they were the cause of Irish potato famine of the 19th century ?
a) Entomoeba histolytica b) Physarum polycephalum c) Trypanosoma gambiense d) Phytophthora infestans
417) During unfavourable conditions , slime mold forms , resistant haploid spores by meiosis within stalked structures called .
a) Conidia b) Sporangia c) Asci d) Basidia

418) Cell walls of Oomycotes contain .

a) Cellulose b) Chitin c) Peptidoglycan d) Glycogen

419) Fungus - like protists have bodies formed of threadlike structures called .
a) Fibres b) Yarns c) Hyphae d) Twines

420) The plasmodial slime mold that is a model organism is .

a) Physarum polycephahum b) Ustilago tritici c) Phytophthora infestans d) Frequilaria

421) Oomycotes include a number of pathogenic organisms , including .

a) Physarum polycephalum b) Rhodotorula c) Phytophthora infestans d) Candida albicans

422) Fungi can tolerate a wide range of pH from .

a) 3 - 8 b) 4 - 6 c) 2 - 9 d) 1 - 5

423) Scientists who study fungi are called .

a) Phycologists b) Mycologists c) Physiologists d) Ethologists

424) The closest relative of fungi are probably .

a) Animals b) Slime molds c) Brown algae d) Vascular plants

425) The number of species of organisms called " fungi " which are known , are approximately .

a) 100,000 b) 100,00 c) 100,0 d) 100

426) Classification of fungi into four main groups is based primarily on .

a) The type of their sexual b) Methods of reproduction c) Modes of nutrition d) Both a & b
reproductive structures

427) Parasitic fungi directly absorb nutrients from living host by .

a) Haustoria b) Roots c) Rhizoids d) Gametangia

428) The cell wall of fungus contains .

a) Cellulose b) Chitin c) Calcium carbonate d) None of these

429) Non-septate hyphae are called __________ hyphae .

a) Monokaryotic b) Dikaryotic c) Mononucleatic d) Coenocytic
430) A single mycelium may produce upto ______ in length only one day .
a) 1 mm b) 1 cm c) 1 m d) 1 km
431) The body of a fungus ( except yeast ) is called .
a) Thallus b) Hyphae c) Mycelium d) Prothallus

432) The non - hyphal unicellular fungi are .

a) Yeasts b) Morels c) Truffles d) Puffballs

433) Example of soil dwelling carnivorous fungus is .

a) Arthrobotrys b) Armillaria c) Pleurotus d) Pencillium

434) Most of the visible part of lichen is .

a) Fungi b) Algae c) Bacteria d) Roots

435) The lichen which are leaf like are called .

a) Foliose b) Fruticose c) Crustose d) All of these

436) The fungi which obtain their food from organic matter are called .

a) Saprotrophs b) Autotrophs c) Heterotrophs d) Parasites

437) Fungi store surplus food usually as lipid droplets or glycogen in the .
a) Spore b) Mycelium c) Stolon d) Sporangiospore

438) Fungi obtain their food by direct absorption from the immediate environment and are thus .
a) Ingestive heterotrophs b) Absorptive heterotrophs c) Phototrophs d) Holozoic

439) Lichens are mutualistic symbiotic associations between .

a) Fungi & bryophytes b) Fungi & vascular plants c) Fungi & photoautotrophs d) Fungi & mosses

440) Most of the visible part of lichen consists of .

a) Algae b) Fungi c) Roots d) Bacteria

441) Asexual Reproduction in yeasts occurs by .

a) Conidia b) Fragmentation c) Budding d) Resting Spores

442) In fungi spores are produced inside the reproductive structures called .
a) Conidia b) Sporangia c) Basidia d) Ascocarps

443) A single Mycelium may produce upto a kilometer of new Hyphae in only .

a) One day b) Five day c) Fifteen days d) Twenty days

444) Conidia are non-motile , asexual spores which are cut off at the end of modified hypae called .
a) Basidium b) Ascus c) Sporangiophores d) Conidiophores
445) A simple breaking of mycelium of some fungal hyphae is called .
a) Hormogonium b) Fragmentaion c) Karyogamy d) Hererogonia

446) Fungi show a characteristic type of mitosis , called .

a) Cytomitosis b) Cytoplasmic mitosis c) Nucleomitosis d) Nuclear mitosis
447) A fungal hypha / cell having 2 nuclei of different genetic types is called .
a) Dikaryotic b) Heterokaryotic c) Both a & b d) None of these

448) Rhizopus belongs to the phylum .

a) Ascomycota b) Basidiomycota c) Zygomycota d) Aspergillus

449) The Zygomycetes .

a) Have hyphae without regularly b) Produce motile gametes c) Are haploid throughout their d) Both a & c
occurring cross walls life

450) Which fungus is found growing on an spoiling moist bread , fruit .

a) Rhizopus b) Penicillium c) Aspergillus d) Candida

451) In saprobes , certain midified hyphae that anchor the fungus to the substrate are called .

a) Sporangiophores b) Stolons c) Conidiophores d) Rhizoids

452) Some fungi are used to control environmental pollution , the process is called
a) Biological control b) Bioremediation c) Fungal culture d) Hydroponic

453) Fungi are very important as decomposers and __________ .

a) Symbionts b) Composers c) Producer d) Consumers

454) Lichens are very good ____________ of air quality .

a) Bioremediation b) Bioindicators c) Both a & b d) None of these

455) Known species of plants are about .

a) 260,000 b) 160,000 c) 360,000 d) 460,000

456) Kindgdom plantae mainly includes eukaryotic , autotrophic , multicellullar , non motile organisms which develop from ______ .
a) Zygote b) Embryo c) Seed d) None of these

457) Plant cells have cell wall outer to cell membrane which is composed of _____ .
a) Chitin b) Flagellin c) Cellulose d) Glucose

458) Mosses are .

a) Arthrophytes b) Spermatophytes c) Tracheophytes d) Bryophytes
459) The bryophytes are non-vascular plants .
a) Lycopsida b) Psilopsida c) Sphenopsida d) Pteropsida

460) The bryophytes are non-vascular plants .

a) Flowering plants b) Gamtetophytic plants c) Flowerless plants d) Sporophytic plants

461) Amphibious plants belong to group .

a) Angiospermae b) Bryophyta c) Pteridophyta d) Phycopsida

462) Which is a Bryophyte ?

a) Club mosses b) Mosses c) Ferns d) Whisk ferns

463) First plants to colonize land were .

a) Bryophytes b) Pteridophytes c) Trachaeophytes d) Algae

464) The sporophyte of bryophytes is usually differentiated into foot , seta and .
a) Slime b) Calyptra c) Capsule d) Protonema

465) The sporophyte is dipliod ( 2n ) which produces haploid spores by .

a) Meiosis b) Mitosis c) Nuclear mitosis d) Binary fission

466) Bryophytes male sex organ is called .

a) Antheridia b) Archegonia c) Both a & b d) None of these

467) There is an ____ in the life cycle of bryophytes .

a) Sexual reproduction b) Alternation of generations c) Lytic cycle d) None of these

468) In bryophytes , fertilization takes place in .

a) Megasporangium b) Embryo sac c) Water d) Microsporangium

469) Which plants are said to be the amphibians of the plant world ?
a) Angiosperms b) Bryophytes c) Trachaeophytes d) Spermatophytes

470) Production of two types of gametes is called .

a) Homogamy b) Heterogamy c) Sporophyte d) Gametopmyte
471) Tracheophyta have ____ atternation of generation .
a) Heterogamy b) Homogamy c) Heteromorphic d) None of these

472) The earlies group of vascular plants is .

a) Lycopsida b) Sphenopsida c) Psilopsida d) Pteropsida

473) Tracheophytes are called vascular plants because of the presence of ______ .
a) Spore b) Gamete c) Vascular tissue d) None of these

474) Which of the following is a modified leaf ?

a) Tendril b) Thorn c) Flower d) Both b & c

475) The process of evolution of leaf was completed in more than .

a) 15 - 16 million year b) 15 - 19 million year c) 15 - 17 million year d) 15 - 20 million year
476) Which of the following were the first plants that formed true leaves and roots ?
a) Psilopsids b) Lycopods c) Megaphylls d) Ferns

477) When the forn in immature and young , it is coiled , this pattern of development is called .
a) Nutation b) Circum nutation c) Circinate vernation d) Reticulate vernation

478) Large leaves having divided veins and veinlets with an expanded leaf blade or lamina are known as .
a) Microphylls b) Megaphylls c) Frond d) Compound leaf

479) Arrangement of unequal dichotomies in one plane is termed as .

a) Overtopping b) Fusion c) Planation d) Webbing

480) The leaves are called fronds in class .

a) Angiospermae b) Filicineae c) Gymnospermae d) Sphenopsida

481) Sori are protected by the bent margin of the leaflet , forming false .

a) Indusium b) Stomium c) Annulus d) Capsule

482) The leaves bearing sporangia are called .

a) Sporangiophylls b) Leaflets c) Megaphylls d) Sporophylls
483) All seed producing plants are called .
a) Pteridophytes b) Spermatophytes c) Trachaeophytes d) Bryophytes

484) The microspores produced inside mircroporangia germinated to form .

a) Male gametophyte b) Microgametophyte c) Female gematophyte d) Both a & b
485) It is a dry , indehiscent fruit in which fruit wall is completely fused with seed coat .
a) Dryopsis b) Testa c) Caryopsis d) Legume

486) Development of protective layers around megasporangium is called .

a) Microsporangium b) Embryo sac c) Integument d) None of these

487) The distal end of the megasporangium became modified for capturing _______ .
a) Fruit b) Seed c) Zygote d) Pollen
488) An egg containing female gamelophyte called an _________ .

a) Embryosac b) Sporangium c) Megaspore d) None of these

489) The name animalia is derived from Latin , anima = _________ .

a) Breath b) Soul c) Both a & b d) None of these

490) Kingdom Animalia consists of all animals which afre ______ .

a) Unicellular b) Multicellular c) Both a & b d) None of these

491) Virtually all biologists agree that animals evolved from ______ .
a) Protista b) Protoctista c) Plantae d) Algae

492) In this group animals with ________ symmetry have been included .

a) Radial b) Bilateral c) Both a & b d) None of these

493) In grade radiate the animal is divide into two equal halves and are ______ of each other .

a) Mirror image b) Opposite c) Right angle d) None of these

494) All the animals in grade radiate are ______ .
a) Triploblastic b) Diploblastic c) Tetrablastic d) Both a & b

495) This group includes animals with _______ symmetry

a) Radial b) Bilateral c) Both a & b d) None of these

496) The animal can be divided into two equal parts bu an imaginary line only in _________ .

a) One plane b) Two plane c) Four plane d) None

497) All the animals included in Grade Bilateria are _______ .

a) Diploblastic b) Triploblastic c) Both a and b d) Tetreblastic

498) The breaking of terminal phosphate of ATP releases energy of about :

a) 4.5 Kcal b) 6.5 Kcal c) 3.7 Kcal d) 7.3 Kcal
499) The chemical link between catabolism and anabolism is :
a) DNA b) NAD c) ATP d) RNA

500) Energy transformation in living system follows the principal of :

a) Biophysics b) Bioenergetics c) Biochemistry d) Thermodynamics
501) The presence of free oxygen made possible the evolution of :
a) Man b) Dark reaction c) Photosynthesis d) Respiration
502) Respiration mean to exchange of respiration gases (CO2 ans O2) between the organism and its environment . The exchange is called ________ .
a) Internal respiration b) External respiration c) Both a and b d) None
503) The most common fuel used by the cell to provide energy is :

a) Glucose b) ATP c) Lactic acid d) Amino acid

504) During aerobic respiration glucose is oxidized to :

a) Water b) Energy c) CO2 d) All of these
505) Before pyruvate enter the citric acid cycle, it is decarboxylated, oxidized and combined with coenzyme A, forming acetyl CoA, carbon dioxide and
one molecule of ;

a) NADH b) NAD c) ATP d) FADH2

506) In amoeba digestion is :

a) Intracellular b) Extracellular c) Both intracellular d) No digestion and extracellular

507) The partly digestion food in cockroach is temporarily stored in :

a) Gizzard b) Stomach c) Crop d) Rectum
508) Tentacles is characteristics of :

a) Hydra b) Snail c) Euglena d) Amoeba

509) In cockroach partly digested food in temporarily stored in :

a) Rectum b) Gizzard c) Crop d) Pit

510) ________ is the utilization of the products of digestion for production of energy or synthesis of cellular material .
a) Absorption b) Egestion c) Assimilation d) None

511) Digestion killing and softening of food that take place in the _____________ medium .

a) Acidic b) Basic c) Neutral d) None of these

512) _________ taking in of complex food .

a) Ingestion b) Digestion c) Egestion d) None of these

513) Embedded in the tentacles are numerous stinging cells called __________ .
a) Coelenteror b) Mematocyst c) Gestrovascular cavity d) None of these

514) In planaria each of these main branches of intestive give off numerous small branches which end blindly called _________ .
a) Rectun b) Crop c) Caecae d) None of these

515) The _________ is a short narrow tube called mesenteron stomach .

a) Hind gut b) Mid gut c) Fore gut d) None of these
516) Water is more viscous than air .
a) 10 times b) 20 times c) 50 times d) 100 times

517) The exchange of gases ( CO2 and O2 ) between the organism and its environment is called .

a) Respiration b) Cellular respiration c) External respiration d) Anaerobic respiration

518) A liter of H2O contain of oxygen .

a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40

519) Oxygen contents of fresh air are .

a) 200 ml / litre b) 100 ml / litre c) 10 ml / litre d) 150 ml / litre

520) The amount of oxygen present in air about .

a) 21 to 16 b) 20 to 60 c) 21 to 60 d) 20 to 16

521) During photorespiration , glycine in converted into serine in the .

a) Mitochondria b) Ribosome c) Golgi Bodies d) Chloroplast

522) During photorespiration , glycolate diffuses into the membrane bounded organelle named as .
a) Mitochondria b) Ribosome c) Peroxisome d) Golgi Bodies

523) The main sites of exchange of gases in plants are .

a) Stomata b) Lenticel c) Cuticle d) Epidermis

524) Respiratory activity which occurs in plants during day time is called .
a) Respiration b) Photorespiration c) Transpiration d) Cutinious respiration

525) Respiration activity which occurs in plants during day time is called ____________ .
a) Respiration b) Photorespiration c) Digestion d) None of these

526) In the peroxisomes the glycolate is converted into ___________ .

a) Serine b) Rubisco c) Glycine d) None of these

527) In the mitochondria where two glycine molecules are converted into __________ .
a) Glycine b) Serine c) ATP d) Glycolate

528) Pleura is double layered thin membrane that covers .

a) Heart b) Lungs c) Kidney d) Liver

529) All are made up of cartilage except .

a) Bronchiole b) Bronchi c) Trachea d) Larynx

530) Lungs are convered with double membrane sacs called .

a) Pleura b) Scrotum c) Pericardium d) Diaphragm

531) Only left aortic arch is present in .

a) Birds b) Cockroach c) Crow d) Mammals
532) Mammals have only .
a) Right arotic arch b) Left arotic arch c) Both left and right arotic arches d) No arotic arch

533) During breathing no state of air remains in the lungs of .

a) Mammals b) Amphibian c) Birds d) Reptiles

534) Which is correct order of parts of air passage ways in man .

a) Nostrils , Nasal cavity , b) Nasal cavity , Nostrils , Pharynx , c) Nasal cavity , Pharynx , Nostrils d) Nostrils , Pharynx , Larynx ,
Pharynx , Larynx Larynx , Larynx Nasal cavity

535) Choesion tension theory is one of the most important theories proposed by _________ .
a) Kochland b) Robert whitlekar c) Dixon d) None of these

536) Transpiration provides the necessary ___________ or force .

a) Energy b) Pressure c) Tension d) None of these

537) Guard cells become turgid and stoma or pore ___________ .

a) Close b) Open c) Both a & b d) None of these
538) The ions involved in the opening and closings of stomata are .
a) Sodium b) Calcium c) Potassium d) Magnesium

539) According to one hypothesis , stomata opens due to the active transport of .
a) Sodium b) Potassium c) Sulphur d) Nitrogen

540) Complex animals have evolved transport system in the form of blood vascular system or __________ .
a) Respiratory system b) Excretory c) Circulatory system d) None of these

541) A circulatory fluid is the ____________ .

a) Blood b) Water c) Secretion d) Hormones

542) A contractile pumping device .

a) Lung b) Liver c) Heart d) Vein

543) The open circulatory system is present in .

a) Periplaneta b) Pheretima c) Runa tigrina d) Amphioxus
544) Normal pH of human blood is .
a) 4.4 b) 5.4 c) 6.4 d) 7.4
545) Which of the following is not true about histamine ?
a) Produced by basophills b) Causes dilation of blood c) Cause inflammation d) Released by Eosinophils

546) Platelets are fragments of large cells called .

a) Microkaryoctyes b) Erythrocytes c) Megakaryocytes d) Leucocytes

547) One cubic millimeter of human male blood contain RBC .

a) 4 - 4.5 millions b) 5 - 5.5 millions c) 6 - 6.5 millions d) 7 - 7.5 millions

548) In the embryonic life the red blood cells are formed in .
a) Red bone marrow b) In bone marrow of sternum and c) Liver and spleen d) Bone marrow of vertebrae

549) The plasma proteins constitute percent by weight of plasma .

a) 7 - 9 % b) 9 - 11 % c) 11 - 13 % d) 13 - 15 %

550) The mammalian red blood cells are .

a) Biconvex b) Convex c) Concave d) Biconcave
551) Histamine is produced by .
a) Neutrphils b) Eosinoophils c) Basophils d) Moncytes

552) Closed circulatory system in observed in animals belonging to annelids , cephalopod molluscs ( squids and octopus ) , echinoderms and __________ .
a) Tunicates b) Vertebrates c) Mollusca d) None of these

553) Closed circulatory system have respiratory pigment .

a) Haemo cymin b) Haemoglobin c) Both a & b d) None of these

554) The uncontrolled production of white blood cells result in .

a) Leucaemia b) Thalassaemia c) Oedema d) Asthma

555) Thalassaemia is also called .

a) Cooley's anaemia b) Thomas anaemia c) Pete's anaemia d) Mendl's anaemia

556) Enlargement of spleen is seen in .

a) Blood cancer b) Thalassaemia c) Odema d) Hepatitis
557) ________ is employed in treatment of cancer .
a) Gene therapy b) Gene therapy c) Chemotherapy and cloning d) Radiotherapy and chemotherapy
558) The substance which inhibits blood clotting .

a) Heparin b) Histamine c) Fibrin d) Albumin

559) After a fatty meal , fat globules may make up .

a) 10 % of the lymph b) 1 % of the lymph c) 15 % of the lymph d) 1.5 % of the lymph
560) The intercellular spaces in the walls of lymph vessels are __________ than those of the capillaries of blood vascular system .

a) Larger b) Smaller c) Both a & b d) None of these

561) Lymph nodes are present in the __________ , axilla and groin humans .
a) Chest region b) Legs c) Neck region d) None of these

562) The _________ helps defend the body again foregind invaders .
a) Circulatory system b) Lymphatic system c) Heart d) None of these

563) Antibodies are produced from .

a) Eosinphils b) Basophils c) Monocytes d) Lymphocytes
564) Antiserum is a serum containing .

a) Antibodies b) Antigen c) Antibiotics d) Anticancer chemicals

565) In cell mediated response _________ recognize antigln .

a) B - cells b) T - cells c) Lymphs d) None of these

566) Antigen or immunogen is a foreign substance , often a protein which stimulates the formation of ____________ .

a) Antibodies b) Antiseptic c) Both a & b d) None of these

567) Passive immunity is developed by injecting .

a) Vaccine b) Serum c) Antiserum d) Antibiotic

568) The use of ___________ which stimulate the production of antibodies in the body , and making a person immune .
a) Antibodies b) Vaccines c) Antigen d) None of these

569) Naturally induced immunity is also called .

a) Auto immune b) Anti serum c) Passive immunity d) None of these

570) A Square of 4 cocci is termed as .

a) Streptococcus b) Sarcina c) Diplococcus d) Tetrad
571) Curved or comma shaped bacteria are called .

a) Vibrio b) Spirilum c) Spirochetes d) Bacilli

572) Rod shaped Bacteria are called .

a) Cocci b) Bacilli c) Spirilla d) Vibrio

573) Oval shaped bacteria are .

a) Cocci b) Bacilli c) Vibris d) Spriclla

574) When cocci occur in pairs , their arrangement is .

a) Tetrad b) Diplococcus c) Sarcina d) Streptococci

575) Example of rod shaped bacteria is .

a) Spirocheta b) H.microbium c) S.Aureus d) Escherichia coli
576) When cocci form long chain of cells then arrangement is called as .
a) Tetrad b) Diplococcus c) Sarcina d) Streptococci
577) When cocci form long chain of cells then arrangement is called as .
a) Tetrad b) Diplococcus c) Sarcina d) Streprococci
578) When the division of cell is in two planes it will produce a .
a) Sarcina arrangement b) Tetrad arrangement c) Bivalent arrangement d) Helical arrangement

579) A tetrad is a square of .

a) 2 Cocci b) 4 Cocci c) 6 Cocci d) 8 Cocci

580) When the division is in three planes , it will produce a .

a) Sarcina arrangement b) Tetrad arrangement c) Bivalent arrangement d) Helical arrangement

581) When division occurred in random planes it will produce a __________ arrangement .

a) Staphylococcus b) Diplococcus c) Streptococcus d) Bacillococcus

582) Vibrio is curved or comma shaped .

a) Coccus b) Rod c) Bacillus d) Spiral

583) If tuft of flagella is present only at one pole of bacteria then these are called as .
a) Monotrichous b) Peritrichous c) Amphitrichous d) Lophotrichous
584) Primarily involved in conjugation between bacterial cell .
a) Flagella b) Slime c) Capsule d) Pili
585) Bacterial pathogenicity is due to .
a) Envelope of all cell b) Capsule c) Slime d) Cell wall

586) Peptidoglycans absent in .

a) Eubacteria b) Archaeobacteria c) Cyanobacteria d) Grame negative bacteria

587) Cell wall of Archaeobacteria do not contain .

a) Pepridoglycan b) Cellulose c) Chitin d) Cutin

588) Important vector in modern genetic .

a) Nucleoid b) Plasmid c) Mesosome d) Ribosome

589) Cysts are dormant , thick - walled , desiccation resistant forms and develop during .
a) Late stage of cell growth b) Differentiation of reproductive c) Differentiation of vegetative d) During conjugation
cells cells

590) When tuft of flagella is present at each of two poles in bacteria is known as .
a) Artichous b) Lopthorichous c) Peritrichous d) Amphitrichous
591) Cell wall is absent in .
a) E.Coli b) Mycoplasma c) Vibrio d) Spriochete

592) Pili are made up of special protein called .

a) Pillin b) Flagellin c) Tubulin d) Myosin

593) Bacteria without any flagella are called.

a) Amphitrichous b) Monotrichous c) Lophotrichous d) Atrichous
594) Cell wall of gram positive bacteria are stained .
a) Pink b) Red c) Green d) Purple
595) Pilli are primarily involved in .
a) Movement b) Conjugation c) Nutrition d) Excretion

596) Which one is present is all bacteria ?

a) Cell membrane b) Mesosome c) Ribosomes d) Plasmid

597) Bacteria produce capsule , which is made up of repeating _______ units , and of protein , or of both .
a) Monosaccharide b) Polysaccharide c) Oligosaccharide d) Disaccharide

598) Primary function of flagella is to help in .

a) Induction b) Motility c) Conjugation d) Adhesion

599) With the help of flagella , flagellate bacteria can detect and move in response to chemical signals which is a type of behaviour called.
a) Chemotherapeutic b) Chemosynthetic c) Chemotaxis d) Phototaxis

600) Hollow , nonhelical , filamentous appendages present in bacteria are .

a) Cilia b) Fimbrie c) Flagella d) Pili
601) Slime provides greater pathogenicity to bacteria and protects them against .
a) Pinocytosis b) Phagocytosis c) Invasion d) Exocytosis

602) The cell walls of most bacteria have a unique macromolecule called .
a) Teichoic acid b) Lipoprotein c) Peptidoglycan d) Polysaccharide

603) The cytoplasm of prokaryotic cell lacks membrane bound organelles and .

a) Cytoskeleton b) Ribosomes c) Lipid granulues d) Enzymes

604) DNA aggregates as an irregular shaped dense area called .

a) Nucleiod b) DNA body c) Chromatid d) Plasmid

605) Spores are resistant to adverse physical environment condition such as .

a) High temperature b) Desiccation c) Chemical agents d) All of these
606) Dormant , thick-walled , desiccation resistant forms present inside bacteria are .

a) Cysts b) Exospores c) Endospores d) Mesosome

607) Photosynthetic prokaryotes lack .

a) Ribosomes b) Cytoplasm c) Chloroplasts d) Cell memebrane

608) Bacteria that cannot synthesize their organic compounds from simple inorganic substances are .
a) Autotrophs b) Heterotrophs c) Symbionts d) Lichen

609) Chemosynthetic bacteria oxidize inorganic compounds like .

a) Ammonia b) Nitrogen c) Sulphur d) All of these
610) Bacteria which get their food from dead organic matter are .
a) Parasitic b) Saprophytic c) Symbiotic d) Chemosynthetic

611) Which one is a microaerophilic bacterium ?

a) E.coil b) Spirochete c) Pseudomonas d) Camphylobacter
612) During photosynthesis photosynthetic bacteria use hydrogen sulphide instead of water as .
a) Carbon source b) Nitrogen source c) Hydrogen source d) Sulphur source

613) Which of the following is anaerobic bacteria ?

a) Pseudomonas b) Escherichia coli c) Spirochete d) Campylobacter

614) Asexual reproduction in bacteria occurs by .

a) Conjugation b) Transduction c) Transformation d) Binary Fission
615) Bacteria divided at exponential rate during .
a) Stationary phase b) Decline phase c) Log phase d) Log phase

616) Which is an aerobic bacterium ?

a) E.coli b) Spirochete c) Campylobacter d) Pseudomonas
617) Rapid phase of growth of bacteria is .
a) Lag phase b) Log phase c) Stationary phase d) Death / decline phase

618) The interval of time until the completion of next division is known as .
a) Incubation time b) Generation time c) Multiplication time d) Cell cycle

619) In _________ phase bacterial death rate is equal to the bacterial rate of reproduction .
a) Lag b) Stationary c) Log d) Decline

620) Some bacteria transfer genetic material from a donor bacterium to a recipient during a process called ___________ .
a) Transformation b) Binary fission c) Conjugation d) Transduction

621) Bacteria prepare themselves for division is .

a) Log phase b) Lag phase c) Stationary d) Decline

622) The heat that causes coagulation of proteins and kills the microbes .

a) Moist heat b) Dry heat c) Intense heat d) Mild heat

623) Certain electromagnetic radiations below 300 nm are affective in killing of .

a) Plants b) Herbs weeds c) Protists d) Microorganisms
624) Membrane filters are used to sterilize heat sensitive compounds like .
a) Antibiotics b) Seras c) Hormones d) All of these
625) Chemical substances used on living tissues that inhibit the growth of microorganisms are called as .
a) Disinfectants b) Sterilizers c) Antiseptics d) Counteracting sepsis

626) Disinfectants inhibit the growth of vegetative cell and are used on .
a) Living materials b) Living and non living materials c) Non living materials d) Living tissues
627) Methods of prevention and treatment that have been introduced to control microbial diseases included .
a) Immunization b) Antisepsis c) Chemotherapy d) All of these
628) The rays generally used for sterilization process are .
a) Alpha b) Beta c) Gamma d) X-rays

629) The procedures to eliminate or reduce the possibility of infection is called .

a) Antiseptics b) Antisepsis c) Antibiotics d) Antidote

630) Antibiotics are synthesized and secreted by certain bacteria , actinomycetes and .
a) Algae b) Fungi c) Lichen d) Virus

631) Misuse of antibiotic such as penicillin can cause .

a) Allergic reactions b) Headache c) Deafness d) Mental retardness

632) Chemotherapeutic chemical substances which are used in treatment of Infectious disease are .
a) Antibodies b) Antigens c) Antibiotics d) Disinfectants

633) Tetracycline and its related compounds cause .

a) Allergy b) Discoloration of teeth c) Deafness d) Skin disorder

634) ________ is the largest group of fungi .

a) Basidiomycota b) Zygomycota c) Ascomycota d) Deuteroymcota
635) Yeasts are unicellular .
a) Protozoans b) Algae c) Fungi d) Bacteria
636) Sacchoromyces cerevisiae is a .

a) Yeast b) Algae c) Bacterium d) Protozone

637) Each Ascus comprise Ascopores .

a) 04 b) 08 c) 12 d) 03

638) An ascus is to ascomycetes as is a ___________ to basidiomycetes .

a) Basidiospore b) Basidiocarp c) Basidium d) Haustorium

639) 50 % or so of which of the following occurs as lichens ?

a) Ascomycota b) Zygomycota c) Basidiomycota d) Deuteromycota

640) Which one is the largest group of fungi , including over 60,000 species ?
a) Basidiomycota b) Zygomycota c) Ascomycota d) Deuteromycota

641) Most sac - fungi have asci inside macroscopic fruiting bodies called .
a) Basidia b) Ascosphores c) Ascidia d) Ascocarps
642) Ascospores are produced by meiosis inside their characteristic sac like structures called .
a) Basidia b) Conidia c) Asci d) Sporangia

643) Members of Basidiomycota are commonly called .

a) Splitting fungi b) Morels c) Mushrooms d) Molds

644) Rust disease is caused by .

a) Puccinia b) Ustilago c) Rhizopus d) Yeast

645) The most common rust fungi are .

a) Ustilago b) Paccinia c) Penicillium d) Yeast

646) Most common smut fungi are .

a) Ustilago b) Puccinia c) Penicillium d) Yeast

647) Loose must of wheat is caused by .

a) Ustilago b) Penicillium c) Aspergillus d) Alternaria

648) Ustilago species are most common .

a) Rust fungi b) Smut fungi c) Mold d) Yeast

649) Mushrooms , rusts , smuts , puff balls , bracket fungi are the examples of .
a) Zygomycota b) Ascomycota c) Basidiomycota d) Deuteromycota

650) Which group of fungi is also called club fungi ?

a) Zygomycota b) Ascomycota c) Basidiomycota d) Deuteromycota

651) Basidiomycetes are named so for their characteristics , club - shaped sexual reproductive structure , the .
a) Antheridium b) Conidium c) Ascus d) Basidium
652) First discovered antibiotic is .
a) Lovastatin b) Cyclosporine c) Penicillin d) Ergotine

653) Foot and mouth disease is caused by .

a) Algae b) Bacteria c) Fungi d) Virus

654) Brush - like arrangement of its conidia is characteristic of .

a) Rhizopus b) Penicillium c) Ustilago d) Agaricus

655) Aspergillus belong to Phylum .

a) Zygomycoata b) Ascomycota c) Deutermycota d) Basidomycota

656) In which group of fungi sexual reproduction has not been observed ?
a) Zygomycota b) Ascomycota c) Basidiomycota d) Deuteromycota
657) Which group is also called imperfect fungi ?
a) Zygomycetes b) Basidiomycetes c) Ascomycetes d) Deuteromycetes
658) Imperfect fungi show special kind of genetic recombination , called .
a) Sexual reproduction b) Parasexculate c) Asesual reproduction d) None of these

659) Lovastain is used for lowering blood .

a) Pressure b) Glucose c) Cholesterol d) Neraspora

660) Carcinogenic aflatoxins are produced by .

a) Aspergillus b) Penicilluim c) Neurospora d) Ustilago

661) Which of the following is not symptom of ergotism ?

a) Psychotic Delusion b) Convulsion c) Gangrene d) Indigestion
662) Which is used to inhibit fungal growth ?
a) Lovastain b) Cyclosporin c) Griseofulvin d) Ergotin

663) Citric acid is obtained from .

a) Penicillium b) Aspergillus c) Sacchromyces d) Nevrospora

664) The disease caused by a fungus is .

a) Ring worm b) Teanus c) Polio d) Small pox

665) Which one is an example of foliose lichens ?

a) Ramalina b) Bacidia c) Lecanora d) Permelia
666) The number of edible mushroom species are about .
a) 160 b) 200 c) 300 d) 400

667) A kind of headache migraine is treated by .

a) Ergotine b) Lovastatin c) Griseofulvin d) Aspergillus

668) Which one is not animal fungal disease ?

a) Ringworm b) Athletes' foot c) Powdery mildew d) Histoplasmosis

669) Which one is not plant disease ?

a) Potato wilt b) Powdery mildew c) Ergot of rye d) Histoplasmosis
670) Candida albicans , a yeast , causes oral and vaginal thrush i.e. ,
a) Candidiasis b) Candidosis c) Both a & b d) None of these

671) Which of the following is not an example of poisonous mushroom ?

a) Death cap / death angel b) Jack - O ' Iantern mushroom c) Amanita d) Agaricus
672) Reindeer moss is .
a) Mycorrhiza b) Lichen c) Funaria d) Alga

673) Because of their fermenting ability , yeasts ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ) are used in .
a) Bread b) Liquor c) Both a & b d) None of these

674) The term gymnospermae literally means .

a) Enclosed seeded b) Naked seeded c) Open seeded d) Seedless

675) Gymnosperms consitute about one - third of the world .

a) Fruits b) Forests c) Vegetables d) Furnitures

676) The megaporophylls bearing ovules are not folded and joined at the margins to form an ovary in .
a) Filicineae b) Dicotyledonae c) Monocotyledonae d) Gymnospermae
677) The megasporophylls bearing ovules are not folded and joined at the margins to form an ___________ .
a) Ovule b) Seed c) Ovary d) Fruit

678) In angiosperm , megaspore develop into female gemetophyte which consist of .

a) 3 Cells b) 5 Cells c) 7 Cells d) 9 Cells

679) _______ make up 235,000 of the 360,000 known species of plants .

a) Angiosperms b) Gymnosperms c) Ferns d) Bryophytes

680) The microspore divides by mitotic divisions to form .

a) Two male gametes b) The tube nucleus c) Fusion nucles d) Both a & b
681) Female gametophyte in flowering plants is .
a) Ovary b) Archegonium c) Seed d) Embryo sac

682) An ovule is an integumented in dehiscent .

a) Microporangium b) Megasporangium c) Sporangium d) Seed

683) The interval of time unit the completion of next division is known as .
a) Interphase b) Generation time c) Reproductive time d) Growth

684) After fertilization ovule is changed into .

a) Ovary b) Seed c) Fruit d) Flower

685) The part of flower which develops into fruit is .

a) Flower b) Seed c) Ovule wall d) Ovary
686) The megasporangium after fertilization is transformed into a seed and the integuments become .
a) Fruit b) Fruit walls c) Seed coats d) Embryo sac

687) Ovary wall develops into the .

a) Fruit b) Vegetable c) Seed coats d) Pericarp

688) ______ occur in angiosperim life cycle .

a) Fertilization b) Single fertilization c) Double fertilization d) None of these

689) Double fertilization is a characteristic of

a) Gymnosperms b) Angiosperms c) Bryophytes d) Mosses

690) The fusion nucleus then form __________ endosperm cell .

a) Diploid b) Haploid c) Triploid d) None of these

691) In double fertilization ___________ formation occur .

a) Zygote b) Monocot c) Dicot d) Fruit

692) Second male gamete ( n ) fuses with another female cell called ____________ ( 2n ) .
a) Nucleus b) Fusion c) Fusion nucleus d) Gameto - gensis

693) The class Angiospermae is divided into two sub - classes according to the number of cotyledons in the ___________ .
a) Zygote b) Seed c) Embryo d) None of these

694) In spiral cleavage the fate of blastomere is ___________ .

a) Not determino b) Pre determine c) Foretold d) None of these

695) A spiral and determinate cleavage is that in which the lines or planes of cleavage are __________ .
a) Symmetrical b) Not symmetrical c) Right angle d) None of these

696) In radial and indeterminate cleavage the planes of cleavage are symmetrical to the __________ .

a) Polar axis b) Central axis c) Both a & b d) None of these

697) In deuterostomia ( deuterostomes ) cleavage is .

a) Radial b) Indeterminate c) Determinate d) Both a & b
698) In deuterostomia ( deuterostomes ) during embryonic development mouth is formed at some distance anterior to the blastopore and blastopore forms

a) Anus b) Nervous system c) Head d) Lip

699) In Protostomes cleavge is .

a) Spriral b) Rdial c) Determinate d) Both a & c
700) The integumentary and nervous system are developed from .
a) Endoderm b) Mosoderm c) Ectoderm d) Mesoglea

701) Reproductive system is formed from .

a) Mesoderm b) Endoderm c) Ectoderm d) Hypoderm

702) Diploblastic animals are included in phylum ____________ .

a) Aschelminthes b) Fchinodermata c) Protozoa d) Cnidaria
703) The body of these animals is made of three layers extoderm , __________ and endoderm .
a) Echinoderm b) Mesoderm c) Radiata d) None of these

704) ________ forms the lining of digestive tract and forms other glands of digestive system .
a) Ectoderm b) Endoderm c) Mesoderm d) None of these

705) The animals without a body cavity are called .

a) Eumetayoa b) Pseudocoelomata c) Coelomata d) Acoelomata
706) Pseudocoelom is characteristics feature of .

a) Aschelminthes b) Annelida c) Porifera d) Mollusca

707) In aschelminthes , the space between the body wall and the digestive tube is called .
a) Ceolom b) Pseudocoelom c) Acoelom d) Procoelom
708) The cavity that develops from the blastocoels of the embryo is .

a) Pseudocoelom b) Coelom c) Thoracic cavity d) No cavity develops

709) The pore by which water enters the body of sponges is called.
a) Ostia b) Mouth c) Pinacocytes d) Osculum

710) The asexual reproduction is sponges occurs by .

a) Budding b) Fragmentation c) Spores d) Condia

711) The poriferans are pore - bearing animals , commonly called .

a) Nematodes b) Cnidarians c) Sponges d) Roundworms

712) In poriferans , there is a single cavity inside the body , the .

a) Blastocoel b) Haemocoel c) Gastrocoel d) Spongocoel
713) In most sponges this spongocoel may be divided into flagellated chambers or canals , lined by flagellated .

a) Choanocytes b) Pinacocytes c) Amoebocytes d) Phagocytes

714) The polyp is reduced and medusa is dominant .

a) Sea Anemon b) Hydra c) Jelly fish d) Obelia

715) Sea anemone belongs to phylum .

a) Coelentrata b) Annelida c) Arthropoda d) Echoniodermate

716) Coral reefs are mostly formed of .

a) Calcium carbonate b) Silica c) Chitin d) Lignin

717) The excretory system of flatworms is composed of .

a) Nephron b) Nephridia c) Flame cells d) Ganglia

718) Flame cell are excretory cells of .

a) Flat worms b) Segmented worms c) Insects d) Round worms

719) Scientific name of planaria .

a) Taenia soluim b) Fasciola hepatica c) Schistosoma d) Dugesia
720) All " flatworms " belong the phylum .
a) Annelida b) Earthropoda c) Platyhelminthes d) Nematoda

721) Dugesia is a free - living flatworm with a ciliated outer surface . It is commonly called .
a) Tape worm b) Liver fluke c) Blood fluke d) Planaria
722) The ______ is absent and there is the formation of resistant cuticle for protection .
a) Endoderm b) Epidermis c) Ectoderm d) None of these

723) There is ________ of muscular system and nervous system in platyhelminthes .

a) Regeneration b) Degeneration c) Both a & b d) None of these

724) The reproductive system in platyhelminthes are __________ .

a) Simple b) Complicated c) Both a & b d) None of these

725) Ancylostoma duodenal is biological name of .

a) Flat worm b) Tape worm c) Round worm d) Fluke

726) Round worms are .

a) Pseudocoelomates b) Acoelomates c) Coelomates d) None of these

727) The body cavity of nematoda is .

a) Blastocoel b) Pseudocoelom c) Coelom d) Haemocoelom

728) Ancylostoma duedenale is commonly known as .

a) Flat worm b) Tap worm c) Fluke worm d) Hook worm
729) Nephridia are excretory structures of .
a) Sponges b) Annelids c) Arthropods d) None of these

730) Metamrically segmented animals belong to .

a) Annelida b) Cnidaria c) Mollusca d) Echinodermata

731) In annelids , the mouth is overhung by a loded structure , the .

a) Peristomium b) Prostomium c) Proglottid d) Parapodium

732) In annelids , excretion takes place by specialized structures are called .

a) Kidneys b) Flame cells c) Malpighian tubules d) Nephridia
733) Aquatic Arthropods respire through .
a) Spiracles b) Lungs c) Gills d) Skin

734) Blood of arthropoda is .

a) Green Colour b) Red Colour c) Brown Colour d) Colourless
735) Excretory system is arthropods is composed of .

a) Malpighian tubules b) Flame cells c) Nephridia d) Nephrons

736) Housefly , mosquito , butterflies , moths , wasps and beetles etc , are example of class .

a) Insects b) Arachnida c) Myriapoda d) Crustacea

737) There is a pair of appendages called chelicerae with claws , two pairs of pedipalps and four pairs of legs in .
a) Insecta b) Arachnida c) Myriapoda d) Crustacea

738) In metamorphosis the word meta mean .

a) Same b) Change c) Complex d) Simple
739) The process of shedding of exoskeleton is called .
a) Moulting b) Ecdysis c) Hydrolysis d) Moulting or ecdysis
740) The tse - tse fly of African countries transmits Trypanosoma . That is cause of
a) Sleeping sickness b) Skin disease c) Lung infection d) Both a & b
741) A rasping tongue like radula having horny teeth is present in .
a) Sponges b) Coelonterates c) Annelids d) Molluscs
742) Larva of mollusca and annelids .
a) Radula b) Planula c) Trocophore d) Gemmule

743) In mouth cavity of molluses there is a resping tongue like _________ is present .

a) Radula b) Plannula c) Mantle d) None of these

744) Hydra belongs to Phylum .

a) Mollusca b) Cnidaria c) Annelida d) Arhropoda

745) The animal with exceptionally large brain is .

a) Star fish b) Octopus c) Sepia d) Snail

746) In mosllusca , a blue repiratory pigment is present called .

a) Haemoglobin b) Prothombin c) Haemoerythrin d) Haemocyanin

747) Haemocyanin is found in the phylum .

a) Echinodermata b) Mollusca c) Hemichordata d) Chordata
748) Which one is not example of phylum Mollusca ?
a) Loligo b) Sepia c) Octopus d) Asterias
749) The harmful molluscs are .
a) Slugs b) Shipworms c) Oligochaeta d) Gastropoda
750) ________ are regarded as delicacy .

a) Oysters b) Mussels c) Calms d) None of these

751) Shells of fresh water mucssels are used in __________ .

a) Paper industry b) Clothes industry c) Button industry d) None of these

752) The spinny skinned animals are included in .

a) Echinodermata b) Porifera c) Annelida d) Mollusca

753) Sea urchin belongs to phylum .

a) Arthropoda b) Echinodermata c) Annclida d) Protozoa

754) The presence of notochord is the character of .

a) Arthropoda b) Mollusca c) Nematoda d) Chordate
755) The example of sub - phylum urochordata is .

a) Molgula b) Amphioxus c) Mytilis d) Cotylosaurs

756) The example of sub - phylum cephalochordate is .

a) Molgula b) Amphioxus c) Mytilis d) Cotylosaurs

757) Class cyclostomata , class chondrichthyes and class osteichthyes are included in super class .

a) Pisces b) Tetrapoda c) Cephalopoda d) Pelecypoda

758) Lamprey and hag fishes are examples of class .

a) Chondrichythyes b) Osteichthyes c) Cyclostomata d) Dipnoi

759) Placoid scales are present on the body of .

a) Chondrichythyes b) Osteichythyes c) Cyclostomata d) Dipnoi

760) Sharks , skates and rays are examples of class .

a) Chondrichthyes b) Osteichthyes c) Cyclostomata d) Dipnoi

761) The skin of osteichthyes has embedded dermal scales which may be .
a) Ganoid b) Cycloid c) Ctenoid d) All of these
762) The gases the fill the swim bladder are either .
a) Hydrogen , carbon dioxide and b) Oxygen , carbon dioxide c) Oxygen , carbon dioxide and d) Oxygen , hydrogen and nitrogen
nitrogen and nitrogen hydrogen

763) The group of ancient fish which showed modification of aquatic breathing system by developing lungs are .
a) Trout b) Skates c) Dipnoi d) Hagfishes

764) The heart is 3 - chambered with respect to atria and ventricle in .

a) Fishes b) Birds c) Reptiles d) Amphibians
765) One of these is an early reptile .
a) Platypus b) Varanope c) Snake d) Archaeopterye

766) The reptiles of today have been derived from the dinosaurs of .
a) Jurassic b) Cretaceous c) Both a & b d) Triassic

767) Reptiles like amphibians are cold blooded ( poikilothermic ) and ___________ in winter .
a) Warm blooded b) Hibernate c) Active d) None of these

768) The skeleton of birds is light due to .

a) Extension of lungs b) Air chambers c) Air Sacs d) Air spaces
769) The hind limb of birds is modified for .
a) Walking b) Flying c) Perching d) Running

770) Voice organs of birds .

a) Larynx b) Pharynx c) Syrinx d) Vocal cords

771) Only right aortic arch is present in .

a) Mammals b) Birds c) Repriles d) Amphibians

772) Earliest fossil bird is .

a) Cotylosaurs b) Archaeopterx c) Pelycosaur d) Kiwi

773) Which is the true sequence of bones in the mammalian ear .

a) Malleus , incus and stapes b) Stapes and malleus c) Incus and stapes d) Malleus and stapes

774) Mammals became dominant in which period ?

a) Cenozoic b) Jurassic c) Devonian d) Ordovician

775) Only left aortic arch is present in .

a) Mammals b) Amphibians c) Reptiles d) Birds

776) Mammals have evolved from reptitian ancestor the .

a) Dinosaurs b) Varanope c) Cotylosaurs d) Dipnoi

777) The Prototheria is that group which has characteristics of both _________ .

a) Birds and fishes b) Reptiles and mammals c) Reptile and amphibians d) None of these

778) The example of prototheria is .

a) Kangroo b) Whale c) Rat d) Duck bill platypus
779) Marsupium is the characteristic feature of .

a) Duckbill platypus b) Opossum c) Echidna d) Dolphin

780) Kangaroo belongs to sub - class .

a) Eutheria b) Metatheria c) Protetheia d) Megatcria

781) Sub - class metatheria are characterized by an abdominal pouch the _________ .
a) Placental b) Coelome c) Marsupium d) None of these

782) Dolphin is .
a) Fish b) Bird c) Mammal d) Amphibian

783) The sub class eutheria includes ____________ .

a) Mammals b) Placental mammals c) Repriles d) Birds

784) All are correct for photosynthesis except .

a) It uses oxygen b) It uses CO2 c) It uses water d) It occurs during daytime

785) Photosynthesis is .
a) Oxidative process b) Reductive process c) Catabolic process d) Redox process
786) At this moment there is no net gas exchange between the leaves and the atmosphere . This is termed as __________ .
a) Respiration b) Compensation c) Photosyntheis d) None of these

787) Chlorophylls are insoluble in .

a) Alcohol b) Acetone c) Water d) Carbon tetra chloride

788) Van Neil hypothesized that source of O2 during photosynthesis in plants is .

a) Water b) Carbon dioxide c) NADP d) Chlorophyll

789) Oxygen released during photosynthesis comes from .

a) Water b) CO2 c) Glucose d) Chalorophyll

790) What is unrelated to light reactions ?

a) It can occur in light only b) ATP is produced in it c) NADPH is produced in it d) It can occur in dark
791) Haem portion of hemoglobin contains an atom of .
a) Magnesium Mg++ b) Phosphorus K++ c) Calcium Ca++ d) Iron Fe++
792) Haem portion of haemoglobin is also a porphyrin ring but containing an iron atom instead of .
a) Nitrogen atom b) Potassium atom c) Sulpher atom d) Magnesium atom
793) Which metal atom is present in chlorophyll ?
a) Cu b) Fe c) Mg d) K

794) Chlorophyll a is .
a) Yellow green b) Blue green c) Orange green d) Yellow green dark

795) Correct molecular formula for chlorophyll " a " is .

a) C55H72O5N4Mg b) C55H72O4N5Mg c) C55H70O5N4Mg d) C55H70O5N5Mg

796) Which chloropylls are found in algae and photosynthetic plants ?

a) A and b b) c and b c) a and c d) a , b , c and d
797) Magnesium is an important nutrient in green plants as it is an essential component of .
a) Protein b) Chlorophyll c) Hemoglobin d) Glucose
798) Magnesium is present in which part of chlorophyll ?
a) Phyto tail b) Pyrrole ring c) Porphyrin ring d) Haem portion

799) The colour of chlorophyll b is .

a) Orange - red b) Yellow - green c) Blue - green d) Orange - green

800) Photosyntheis is a ___________ process .

a) Redox b) Oxidize c) Both a & b d) None of these

801) The process of photosynthesis consist ________ parts .

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

802) Photosystem II has the form of chlorophyll a which absorbs best light of .
a) 670 nm b) 680 nm c) 690 nm d) 700 nm

803) Chlorophyll " a " of photosystem I absorbs maximum light of .

a) 670 nm b) 680 nm c) 690 nm d) 700 nm
804) The products of photosynthetic light reactions are .
a) ATP and NADH b) ATP , NADPH and O2 c) ATP and NADPH d) ATP and NAD

805) Light can work in photosynthesis if only it is .

a) Absorbed b) Reflected c) Transmitted d) Refracted

806) Which statement about oxidative phosphorylation is not true ?

a) Its functions can be served b) In eukaryotes it takes place in c) It is brought about by d) It is the formation of ATP
equally well by fermentation mitochondrion chemiosmotic mechanism during operation of respiratory

807) Plastocyanin protein contains .

a) Iron b) Copper c) Magnessium d) Potassium

808) Which is stimulus for cyclic phosphorylation ?

a) Low CO2 b) Low O2 c) Low ATP d) Low NADPH

809) Water splitting process of photosynthesis releasing oxygen is called .

a) Glycolysis b) Photolysis c) Hydrolysis d) Electrolysis

810) Which of the following is electron carrier ?

a) Plastocyanin b) Cytochromes c) Plastoquinone d) All of these
811) An enzyme NADP reductase transfers electrons from .

a) Fd to NADP b) NADP to Fd c) Fd to NADPH d) Fd to ADP

812) Each photon of light excites .

a) Many electrons b) 3 electrons c) 2 electrons d) Single electrons
813) What is not produced during cyclic electron flow ?
a) Oxygen b) ATP c) NADPH d) Both a & c
814) Cyclic phosphorylation happens when the chloroplast runs low on _________ for Calvin cycle .
a) ADP b) ATP c) NADP d) NADPH

815) Which statement about ATP is not true ?

a) It is used as an energy b) It is formed only under c) Some ATP is used to drive d) It provides the energy for many
currency by all cells aerobic conditions synthesis of storage compounds different biochemical reactions

816) Which statement about the chemiosmotic mechanism is not true ?

a) The membrane is question is the b) Proton pumping is associated c) Protons return through the d) Protons are pumped across a
inner mitochondrial membrane with respiratory chain membrane by way of a channel membrane

817) Calvin cycle is also known as .

a) C3 Pathway b) C2 Pathway c) C4 Pathway d) C5 Pathway

818) The dark reaction occurs in .

a) Cytoplasm b) Chloroplast c) Stroma d) Grana

819) Most abundant protein on earth is .

a) Rubisco b) Haemoglobin c) Albimen d) Fibrinogen

820) Sugar is formed during .

a) Dark independent reactions b) Dark dependent reactions c) Light independent reactions d) Light dependent reactions

821) Name the carbohydrate which is produced directly during Calvin cycle .
a) Glucose b) G3P c) Fructose d) Sucrose

822) During the dark reactions of photosynthesis the main process which occurs is .
a) Release of oxygen b) Energy absorption c) Formation of ATP d) Adding of hydrogen to
carbon dioxide

823) The NADPH molecule will produce reducing power for the sugar in the .
a) Chemiosmosis b) Cyclic phosphorylation c) Calvin cycle d) Electron transport chain

824) For the synthesis of one molecule of glucose Calvin cycle operate how many times ?
a) Once b) Twice c) Thrice d) Four times

825) The presence of free oxygen made possible the evolution of .

a) Man b) Dark reactions c) Photosynthesis d) Respiration
826) Respiration means the exchange of respiratory gases ( CO2 and O2 ) between the organism and its environment . This exchange is called ________ .
a) Internal respiration b) External respiration c) Both a & b d) None of these

827) The amount of glucose into ATP during anaerobic respiration is .

a) 2 % b) 1 % c) 3 % d) 4 %

828) Formula of lactic acid is .

a) C3H5O3 b) C3H6O3 c) C3H5OH d) C3H4O3

829) In the absence of oxygen , yeast cells obtain energy by fermentation , producing CO2 , ATP and .
a) Acetyl . Co - A b) Ethanol c) Lactate d) Pyruvate

830) Which of the following occurs in the absence of oxygen ?

a) Alcoholic fermentation b) Lactic acid fermentation c) Aerobic respiration d) Alcoholic & Lactic acid

831) In Yeast pyruvic acid is converted to .

a) Acetic acid b) Lactic acid c) Ethyl alcohol d) Methyl alcohol

832) During fermentation , how much amount of energy present within the glucose is converted into ATP ?
a) 1 % b) 2 % c) 90 % d) 100 %

833) The compound formed during muscle fatigue is .

a) Alcohol b) Lactic acid c) Citric acid d) Carbon dioxide
834) Conversion of one pyruvic acid into one acetyle CoA gives off one molecule of .
a) ATP b) Oxygen c) Carbon dioxide d) Water

835) Pyruvic acid is produced as a result of .

a) Respiratory chain b) Glycolysis c) Phosphorylation d) Krebs cycle

836) Glucose molecules split into two molecules of ____________ during glycolysis .
a) Acetic acid b) Pyruciv acid c) Acetyl CoA d) G3P

837) Glycolysis occurs in which part of the cell ?

a) Stroma b) Cytosol c) Thylakoid membrane d) Mitochondrial matrix

838) Glycolysis can be divided , for convenience into two phase .

a) Oxidative and reductive phase b) Preparatory and reductive phase c) Preparatory and oxidative d) Two oxidative phase

839) Glycolysis .
a) Produces no ATP b) Is the same as fermentation c) Take place in mitochondrion d) Reduces two molecules of
NAD+ for every glucose
molecule processed

840) During oxidation of one molecule of glucose how many ATP molecules are released ?
a) 36 ATP b) 38 ATP c) 40 ATP d) 08 ATP

841) From one pyruvate passing through Kreb's cycle FADH2 molecules are formed .

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

842) The first step in Krebs cycle is the union of acetyle CoA with oxaloacetate to form .
a) Isocitrate b) - Ketoglutarate c) Citrate d) Malate

843) The citric acid cycle .

a) Takes place in the b) Reduces two molecules of c) Is the same as fermentation d) Has no connection with the
mitochondrion NAD for every glucose molecule respiratory chain

844) Which of the following series is correct one in Krebs's cycle ?

a) Succinate malate fumarate \rightarrowb) Oxaloacetate malate fumarate \rightarrowc) Succinate fumarate malate
\rightarrowd) Malate oxaloacetate fumarate \rightarrow

845) In respiratory chain NAHD is oxidized by .

a) Cytochrome " C " b) Coenzyme c) Cytochome " b " d) Cofactor

846) During respiratory chain , how many molecules of ATP are produced upon oxidation of one molecule of FADH2 ?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

847) The correct sequence of cytochrome in electron transport chain is .

a) b , c , a , a3 b) b , c , a3 , a c) a3 , a , c , b d) a , a3 , b , c

848) How many molecules of ATP are produced upon oxidation of NADH in respiratory chain ?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 d) 4

849) Which of the following is a parasitic plant ?

a) Drosera b) Dionea c) Cuscuta d) Sarracenia

850) Lichen is a symbiotic relationship between an alga and .

a) Gymnosperm b) Pteridophyte c) Fungus d) Angiosperm roots

851) Root nodules are present in .

a) All photosynthetic plants b) Gymnosperms c) Non - leguminous plants d) Leguminous planst
852) Mycorrhizal fungus provides plants minerals such as .
a) Calcium b) Magnesium c) Phosphorus d) Potassium

853) All of the insectivorous plants are .

a) Heterotrophs b) Autotrophs c) Saprotrophs d) Parasitic

854) One of the following is not insectivorous plant .

a) Venus - fly trap b) Cuscuta c) Sundew d) Pitcher plant

855) The scientific name of Venus - fly trap is .

a) Saracenia pupurea b) Drosera intermedia c) Dionaea muscipula d) Puccinia graminis

856) Drosera is the scientific name of __________ .

a) Pitcher plant b) Venus flytrap c) Sundew d) None of these

857) pH of fresh saliva of human is about .

a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9

858) The structure in mouth that prevents food from entering nasal cavities is the .
a) Tongue b) Soft palate c) Epiglottis d) Pharynx

859) The food is prevented to enter the wind pipe through the courtesy of .
a) Pharynx b) Epiglottis c) Larynx d) Glottis

860) Which of the following is not salivary gland ?

a) Sublingual glands b) Submaxillary glands c) Gastric glands d) Parotid glands

861) Which of the following gland is not associated with the human digestive system ?

a) Spleem b) Liver c) Salivary gland d) Pancereas

862) The opening of the windpipe in called _________ .

a) Epiglottis b) Glothis c) Bolus d) None of these

863) Pepsin is secreted by .

a) Mucus cell b) Zymogen cell c) Parietal cell d) Oxyntic cell

864) Perietal cell of linings of human stomach secrete .

a) Mucus b) Hydrochloric acid c) Pepsinogen d) Gastrin

865) Muscles of stomach are of which type .

a) Skeletal b) Smooth c) Cardiac d) Voluntary

866) In human stomach HCl is secreted by .

a) Mucous cells b) Zymogen cells c) Oxyntic / parietal cells d) Chief cells

867) Cardiac sphincter is present at the junction of .

a) Oesophagus and duodenum b) Oesophagus and stomach c) Jejunum and ileum d) Heart and oesophagus

868) Heart burn is due to back flash of acidic chyme into .

a) Heart b) Stomach c) Oral cavity d) Oesophagus
869) HCl adjusts the pH of stomach content to a range of .
a) 1 - 3 b) 3 - 4 c) 2 - 3 d) 2 - 5

870) Gastric glands are composed of .

a) Oxyntic cells b) Mucous cells c) Zymogen cells d) All of these
871) The carbohydrate digesting enzyme in parcreatic juice is .
a) Lipase b) Amylase c) Erypsin d) Trypsin

872) Enzyme that produces amino acids.

a) Amino pepridase b) Chymotrypsin c) Trypsin d) Erypsin
873) The first part of small intestine is called .
a) Rectum b) IIeum c) Jejunum d) Duodenum
874) Hepatic and pancreatic secretions in man are stimulated by .
a) Gastrin b) Secretin c) ADH d) Adrenaline

875) The length of Jejunum is about .

a) 2.8 m b) 2.4 m c) 2 m d) 1.4 m

876) Dipeptides are broken down into amino acid by .

a) Erypsin b) Pepsin c) Trypsin d) Lipase

877) Accumulation of bile in blood causes the condition called .

a) Constipation b) Ulcer c) Jaundice d) Piles

878) The length of duodenum of human is about .

a) 20 - 25 cm b) 10 - 15 cm c) 25 - 40 cm d) 10 - 35 cm

879) Stomach empties into duodenum through .

a) Pyloric sphincter b) Anal spincter c) IIeocolic sphincter d) Cardiac sphincter

880) Which is not an enzyme of pancreatic juice ?

a) Trypsin b) Pepsin c) Lipase d) Amylase

881) Maltase enzyme converts maltose into .

a) Fructose b) Glucose c) Galactose d) Sucrose

882) When the chyme is neutralized by sodium bicarbonate in the small intestine , it gets converted into .

a) Chyle b) Gastric juice c) Duodenal juice d) Pancreatic juice

883) Liver secretes bile into .

a) Stomach b) Duodenum c) Jejunum d) Ilenum

884) Ammonia , a waste product of amino acid metabolism is converted into urea in .
a) Kidney b) Pancreas c) Liver d) Lungs

885) The villi and microvilli in small intestine increase .

a) Assimilation b) Mixing of food c) Digestion d) Absorption
886) Each villus is supplied richly with blood capillaries and a vessel called lacteal of .

a) Lymphatic system b) Endocrine system c) Digestive system d) Nervous system

887) Caecum is a blind sac between .

a) Jejunum and ileum b) Colon and rectum c) Jejunum and colon d) Ileum and colon
888) Which of the following is opposite to constipation ?
a) Appendicitis b) Diarrhoea c) Anorexia nervosa d) Dyspepsia

889) From the blind end of the caecum there arises a finger like process called ____________ .
a) Rection b) Appendicites c) Appendix d) None of these

890) Excess gastric secretion is an important factor of .

a) Obesity b) Piles c) Food poisoning d) Peptic ulcer
891) Incomplete or imperfect digestion is called .
a) Dyspepsia b) Anorexia nervosa c) Food poisoning d) Bulimia nervosa

892) In abdomen fat is stored in .

a) Adipose tissue b) Endodermai tissue c) Diaphragm d) None of these

893) An obese person is more likely to suffer from .

a) High blood pressure b) Heart disease c) Diabetes mellitus d) All of these
894) Ulcer results in sore or hole in the wall of .
a) Stomach b) Stomach or duodenum c) Duodenum d) Stomach or trachea

895) Insufficient quality or quantity of bile secretions is responsible for causing .

a) Dyspepsia b) Anorexia c) Piles d) Bulimia

896) _________ occur from 12 - 24 hours after eating contaminated food .

a) Dypepria b) Food poisoning c) Obesity d) None of these

897) Tiny thin walled ducts called parabronchi are present in the lungs of .
a) Mammals b) Amphibians c) Birds d) Reptiles

898) Lungs of birds have thin walled ducts called .

a) Alveoli b) Trachea c) Bronchi d) Parabronchi
899) Syrin is organ of voice in .
a) Amphilbian b) Reptiles c) Birds d) Mammals

900) Parabronchii are present in .

a) Fishes b) Reptiles c) Birds d) Mammals

901) In earthworm exchange of gases mainly takes place through .

a) Gills b) Lungs c) Skin d) Ostia

902) ________ have most efficient respiratory system .

a) Fish b) Amphibians c) Birds d) Mammals

903) The left systemic arch disappears in .

a) Amphibians b) Birds c) Reptiles d) Fishes

904) The number of air sacs in most birds are .

a) 06 b) 07 c) 08 d) 09
905) Respiratory organs in fish are .
a) Lungs b) Gills c) Skin d) Fins

906) Respiratory organs in fish are .

a) Lungs b) Gills c) Skin d) Fins

907) Which one is an insect ?

a) Hag fish b) Cuttle fish c) Silver fish d) Star fish

908) Single circuit heart is present in.

a) Mammals b) Reptiles c) Amphibians d) Fishes
909) The heart of fishes is .

a) Single circuit b) Double circuit c) Triple circuit d) Multi circuit

910) Number of spiracles in cockroach is .

a) 8 b) 7 c) 9 d) 10
911) Organ of voice in birds is called as .

a) Syrinx b) Larynx c) Tongue d) Pharynx

912) Most eleborate and efficient respiratory system is present in .

a) Man b) Fish c) Birds d) Reptiles

913) During inspiration the space inside the chest cavity is _________ .

a) Increase b) Decrease c) Both a & b d) None of these

914) Outward and upward movement of the ribs causes increase in the chest cavity and reduces _______ .
a) Space b) Pressure c) Both a & b d) None of these

915) With the expansion of the lungs vacuum is created inside the lungs in which the air rushes from the outside is called ______ .
a) Expir b) Digestion c) Inspiration d) None of these

916) When lungs are _________ the air inside lungs moves out of the lungs and this is expiration .
a) Dilation b) Pressed c) Relax d) None of these

917) Respiratory distress gyndrome is common in .

a) Premature infants b) Infacts c) None of these d) Odult

918) _______ of oxygen in and carbon dioxide out occurs because of difference in partial pressures of these gases.

a) Diffusion b) Effusion c) Digestion d) None of these

919) Blood in the lungs is separated from the alveolar air by extremely thin membranes of the ________ and alveoli .
a) Villi b) Bronchi c) Capillaries d) Veins

920) Why haemoglobin is 98 % saturated , the oxygen content per 100 ml of blood is .
a) 16.6 ml b) 17.6 ml c) 18.6 ml d) 19.6 ml
921) In human being the respiratory pigment is .

a) Haemoglobin b) Biliubin c) Myoglobin d) Haemocyanin

922) The maximum amount of oxygen which normal human blood absorbs and carries at the sea - level is about _________ of blood .

a) 200 ml / 100 ml b) 40 ml / 100 ml c) 100 ml / 20 ml d) None of these

923) When oxygen pressure falls below ____________ mercury , as in many cells and tissues , the oxygen saturation of haemoglobin decreases very
sharply .

a) 60 mm b) 40 mm c) 20 mm d) None of these

924) When carbon dioxide pressure increases , the oxygen tension ___________ .
a) Increase b) Decrease c) Both a & b d) None of these

925) Increased carbon dioxide tension favours the greater liberation of __________ from the blood to the tissue .

a) Oxygen b) Sulphur c) Carbon mono oxicde d) None of these

926) Carboxyhaemoglobin is formed when carbon dioxide combines with ___________ of haemoglobin .
a) Oxygen b) Amino group c) Easter group d) None of these

927) About ________ carbon dioxide is carried as bicarbonate ion combined with sodium in the plasma .
a) 80 % b) 70 % c) 20 % d) 50 %

928) The _______ splits quickly and ionizes to produce hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions .
a) Hydrochloric acid b) Carbonylic acid c) Carbonic acid d) None of these

929) Carbon dioxide per 100 ml of venous blood is .

a) 50 ml b) 54 ml c) 98 ml d) 99 ml

930) Arterial blood contanis about __________ of carbon dioxide per 100 ml of blood .

a) 50 ml b) 80 ml c) 90 ml d) 70 ml

931) 4 ml of carbon dioxide per 100 ml of blood as it passes through the __________ .

a) Lungs b) Liver c) Kidney d) None of these

932) Asthma is associated with severe paroxysm of difficult .

a) Sleeping b) Spreading c) Walking d) Breathing
933) Respiratory distress syndrome is common in .
a) All new borns b) Abults c) Premature infants d) Old age people

934) Smoking especially in young adults is the most potential threat of ___________ .

a) Lung cancer b) Throat cancer c) Kidney cancer d) None of these

935) It is now estimated that _________ of lung cancer is caused by smoking .

a) 10 % b) 20 % c) 90 % d) 80 %
936) Tuberculoris is caused by __________ .

a) Mycobacterium tuberculosis b) Smoking c) Streptococcus d) None of these

937) Asthma results in the release of inflammatory chemicals such as __________ into the circulatory system .
a) Histone b) Trypsin c) Histamine d) None of these

938) How many molecules of oxygen can bind with a molecule of myoglobin .

a) 01 b) 02 c) 03 d) 04

939) Myoglobin is also known as _________ haemoglobin .

a) Liver b) Heart c) Muscle d) None of these

940) The volume of air taken inside the lungs and expelled during exercise is about __________ liters .
a) 1.5 b) 2.5 c) 3.5 d) 4.5

941) The amount of Carbon dioxide present in air is about .

a) 0.01 to 0.02 % b) 0.03 to 0.04 % c) 0.04 to 4 % d) 0.05 to 0.07 %

942) At rest we inhale and exhale __________ per munute .

a) 15 - 25 times b) 15 - 20 times c) 10 - 15 times d) 11 - 20 times

943) The amount of oxygen present in breathed air is .

a) 21 to 16 b) 20 to 60 c) 21 to 60 d) 20 to 16

944) Blood provides immunity by the _____________ .

a) Rh factor b) Iymphocytes c) Both a & b d) None of these

945) Blood acts as a _____ to maintain the acid - base balance .

a) Solute b) Solvent c) Buffer d) None of these

946) The heart is enclosed in a double membranous sac , the .

a) Pleural Cavity b) Thoracic Cavity c) Abdominal Cavity d) Pericardial Cavity
947) Liver receives blood from digestive system through .

a) Hepatic portal vein b) Portal vein c) Hepativ vein d) IIiac vein

948) The aorta bifurcates into __________ .

a) Iliac arteries b) Capillaries c) Veins d) None of these

949) The liver receives __________ .

a) Portal vein b) Iliac vein c) Hepatic portal d) None of these

950) One complete heart beat lasts for .

a) 0.8 seconds b) 0.4 seconds c) 0.15 seconds d) 0.2 seconds

951) The relaxed period of heart chambers is called diastole .

a) Systole b) Diastole c) Both a & b d) None of these

952) The tricuspid and bicuspid valves close , and ___________ sound is made .

a) Lubb b) Dubb c) Both a & b d) None of these

953) In one's life , heart contracts about __________ without stopping .

a) 3.5 billion times b) 2.5 billion times c) 3.5 billion d) 2.5 billion

954) The heart beat cycle described above starts when the sino-atrial node .
a) Diastole b) Pace maker c) A - V node d) None of these

955) There is a delay of approximately ___________ in conductor from the S - A node to A - V node , permitting atrial systole to be a completed before
ventricular systole begins .
a) 0.1 sec b) 0.5 sec c) 0.15 sec d) None of these

956) Electrodes are placed on the ________ on opposite sides of the heart .
a) Heart b) Lungs c) Skin d) None of these

957) Electro cardiogram which is taken by _________ machine .

a) Electrocardiograph b) X - ray c) Both a & b d) Ultrasound

958) Pacemaker is responsible for ________ the impulses which trigger the heart beat rate .

a) Initiating b) Terminating c) Delying d) None of these

959) This pacemaker provides continued rhythmic impulses that take over the control of the ___________ .
a) Artries b) Ventrides c) Veins d) Capillaries

960) Failure of interatrial foramen ( an opening in the inter - artrial septum ) to close or of ductus arteriosus to fully constrict results in ______________ .

a) Cyanossi b) Thalasernia c) Oederna d) None of these

961) The babies with Cyanosis is called .

a) Black babies b) Abnormal babies c) Blue babies d) None of these

962) The renal vein brings the impure blood form .

a) Brain b) Kidney c) Lungs d) Liver

963) Veins are the blood vessels which transport blood from body cells towards .
a) Brain b) Kidney c) Liver d) Heart
964) Hepatic portal vein carries blood from .
a) Liver b) Alimentary canal c) Kidneys d) Lungs

965) Arterioslerosis causes narrowing and hardening of ________ .

a) Arteries b) Veins c) Capillaries d) None of these

966) The capillaries are the sites where the material are exchanged between the blood and ________ .

a) Body tissues b) Liver c) Kidney d) None of these

967) Capillaries join to form ___________ which join to form veins .

a) Arteries b) Venules c) Valves d) None of these

968) A condition of high blood pressure is known as .

a) Hypotension b) Haemorrage c) Hypertension d) Arteriosclerosis

969) _______ is a solid mass or plug of blood constituents ( clot ) in a blood vessel .
a) Stroke b) Haemorrhage c) Thrombus d) None of these

970) Blockage of blood vessel in the heart is called .

a) Heart attack b) Myocardial infraction c) Both a & b d) None of these

971) Control blood pressure by regular _______ and _________ .

a) Eat , sleep b) Walk and eat c) Walk and exercise d) None of these

972) Discharge of blood from blood vessel is called as .

a) Stroke b) Heart attack c) Thrombosis d) Haemorrhage
973) Discharge of Blood from blood vessel is called as .
a) Stroke b) Heart attack c) Thromobosis d) Haemorrhage
974) The symptoms of the stroke vary depending on the part of the _________ that has been damaged .
a) Liver b) Heart c) Brains d) None of these

975) To avoid brain haemorrhage the __________ must be controlled .

a) Heart rate b) Health c) Blood pressure d) None of these

976) Lenticels are aerating pores formed in the lungs of .

a) Bark b) Epidermis c) Endodermis d) Pericycle

977) The shrinkage of protoplast of a cell .

a) Incipient plasmolysis b) Deplasmolysis c) Guttation d) Plasmolysis
978) Sieve tube cells and companion cells communicate with each other through .
a) Sieve pores b) Casparian strip c) Plasmodesmata d) Cell membranes

979) In the maximum depth of roots of prosopis is .

a) 40 meters b) 50 meters c) 60 meters d) 70 meters

980) Path way of consulting interconnected protoplasts in roots cells is called.

a) Apoplast b) Symplast c) Tonoplast d) Protoplast

981) Roots bear a dense cluster of tiny hair like structures which are extensions of .

a) Epidermal cells b) Pericycle cells c) Endodermal cells d) Cortical cells

982) Apoplast pathway becomes discontinous in endodermis due to .

a) Pericycle b) Casparian strip c) Cortex d) Xylem

983) The rate of transpiration doubles by every rise of temperature about .

a) 50C b) 100C c) 150C d) 200C

984) The evaporation of water from the aerial parts of the plant especially through stomata of leaves is a process called ________ .
a) Expiration b) Photosynthesis c) Transpiration d) None of these

985) This pulling force or transpiration pull is so strong that it also reduces the water potential of __________ cells .
a) Epidermal all b) Root epidermal c) Stem epidermal d) None of these

986) Guttation occurs in plants through .

a) Cuticle b) Hydathodes c) Lenticels d) Stomata

987) The dew drops on the tip of the grass leaves involves the phenomenon .
a) Transpiration pull b) Bleeding c) Guttation d) Imbition

988) The loss of water through dydrophytes in leaves is called .

a) Transpiration b) Bleeding c) Guttation d) Imbibition

989) The phenomenon associated with root pressure is .

a) Inhibition b) Cohesion c) Guttation d) Tension

990) Closely associated with root pressure is a phenomenon .

a) Transpiration b) Exudation c) Evaporation d) Humidity

991) The volume of dry seed may increase up to 200 times after absorbing water by .
a) Active transport b) Imbibition c) Osmosis d) Diffusion

992) Sacks in ___________ suggested that the water molecules move along the cell walls of xylem vessels due to imbition.
a) 1974 b) 1874 c) 1880 d) 1890

993) Imbibition is a ___________ process and when water is lost the original volume of cell wall and of protoplasm is restored .

a) Reversible b) Irreversible c) Both a & b d) None of these

994) Although the flow of sap is ordinarily ___________ .

a) Slow b) Fast c) Both a & b d) None of these

995) In some palms when tapped , there may be a flow of sap to the extent of per day .

a) 10 - 15 liters b) 10 - 5 liters c) 11 - 20 liters d) None of these

996) The cells which supply ATP and proteins to sieve tubes are .

a) Companion b) Epidermal c) Tracheids d) Vessels

997) They theory called , pressure - Flow Theory , is the most acceptable theory for the transport in the phloem of _________ .
a) Gymnosperm b) Angiosperms c) Bryophytes d) None of these

998) A hypothesis was first proposed by Ernst Munch in ________ .

a) 1940 b) 1930 c) 1980 d) 1910
999) The glucose formed in the photosynthesizing cells , is used within the cells and the rest is converted into _________ .

a) Sucrose b) Maltose c) Both a & b d) None of these

1000) Water moves out of sieve tube cell by __________ , lowering the hydrostatic pressure .
a) Diffusion b) Effusion c) Osmosis d) None of these

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