'The Awen' Spring & Beltane 2011
'The Awen' Spring & Beltane 2011
'The Awen' Spring & Beltane 2011
The Digital Magazine & Journal for Change, Transformation & Metamorphosis
Issue One
Choosing or Loosing - Your Life Choices Your Dreams and What They Mean Getting to Know Your Demons The Real Magic of Mistletoe Leadership, Lies & Flies Poetry, Prose & Tales Reviews & Views Whats On Runes More
Editorial Thoughts
Bright Blessings and Welcome to the rst Spring & Beltane Edition of The Awen, the magazine and journal for change, transformation and metamorphosis. Before I share with you just some of the content within The Awen I want to thank and honour the people who have made this project possible. Firstly, Id like to acknowledge this editions proof reading team, Terence, Mandy, Chris & Jules. Next, Id like to thank every single contributor who has made this edition a truly amazing publication. If Ive failed to mention you in this short editorial my sincere apologies, however, your wonderful works are just across the page. Finally, no publication can survive, grow and establish itself without YOU the reader and so to you my heartfelt gratitude goes forth. Now, whats in the very rst edition of 'The Awen? Well, if you take a quick look at the contents on the next two pages youll see several vibrant and exciting sections such as the How-To-Do section where The Awen writers will share their own unique skills, experiences and knowledge of a particular or specialised topic or area of expertise each and every edition. This edition Christine Keene gives us a rare glimpse into the old ways as she explores how to communicate with the darker more ambivalent spirits in her article Know Your Demons. Likewise, Elder, Celtic Shaman and Wyse Woman Elen Sentier shows us potently and powerfully the universal paradox of how to really listen by using the talking stick. Another radical and challenging section entitled, The Changeling will explore and unravel what it is that makes us do the things we do and how we can change those areas of our life that no longer serve us. Trainer, coach and mentor Terry Cli e o ers us another way of looking at that illusive pot-of-gold at the seemingly never ending end of the rainbow in his article Leadership an Idea. Yet another well deserved poke in the back and kick up the behind is o ered by lifelong personal development exponent and life coach Bev Hepting in an exciting extract from her forthcoming transformative book, Build a Boat about the choices we make. Other creative, outlandish and inspirational sections such as Bards Around the Fire o er you beautiful photographs, artwork, illustrations and literary gems such as prose, poetry and tall-tales while more verbose writers for The Awen have their own uniquely quirky space for venting out those rants, raves and ramblings within the section, A Pot to Piss in. And so, to get your imaginations running riot youll nd some truly wonderful creative ideas to both enjoy yourself and to share with others such as the short story by the late John Francis Mace my father who died in 2005 entitled, The Sausage Man. Likewise, youll discover some raw, young and new artistic talent on the block as you turn from page to page with our featured inspirational artist Rosalie Harrison-Royce whose work appears on nearly every page watermarked into the background as well as on the front and back covers of this edition. At just 17 years of age shes already inspirational! Equally, weve included some rather unusual topics, ideas and concepts in the section Magical Musings where Suzanne Thomas of The Mistletoe Foundation shares her passion and love of Mistletoe summing up so well this time of year when life and death go hand in hand as one new season moves into another and back again. Likewise, Mandy Harrison-Royces prophetic and amazingly accurate Rune Casting for the Spring & Beltane Quarter ahead is powerfully re ective of the transformative energy that lls the very essence of life as we walk our path home. Her incredible and visionary interpretation of the Runes is a constant and ever potent reminder that none of us are ever separate from the web of life and its in uences, both light and dark in construction. Thus, the wheel of the year has turned around and around again like the very planet earth we live on which brings us neatly to yet another metamorphic section called Warriors of the Rainbow where each edition I as both Editor and writer will cover, write or feature an environmental issue or global concern while asking the necessary question, What can we do to make a di erence? This edition I take a sobering grass roots anarchistic look at the aftermath of the earthquake which has changed the very face of modern day Japan as it battles to rebuild the very core essence of its culture. In the article Im brutally honest, candid and authentic and my opinions, comments and viewpoints may o end you the reader so be warned! Two other all important inclusions within The Awen are the Whats Going On section which will o er you the opportunity of connecting, linking and networking with others of like mind at various events, gatherings and happenings throughout the Spring & Beltane quarter and the Nosey Parker section which will review inspirational, radical and unique content such as books, lms, CDs and DVDs. This issue I review What The Bleep a truly inspirational DVD which o ers the lay-person a pretty unique insight into the crazy wacky world of Quantum Science. In juxtaposition to this, I review a totally o the wall CD entitled, Elephant Power by MC Yogi a spiritual rapper no less. Finally, I take the road less travelled as I get my head into and around the rather unusually titled spiritual publication, The Druid Book of Common Prayer. Now, never being one to miss an opportunity or opening to rustle up those human being feathers Ive also included within this edition of The Awen several more radical, revolutionary and downright anarchistic content submissions and sections for you delectation and amusement. One of these sections is entitled Piss O Im Thinking while another less o ensive o ering is simply called, The Ideas Box which as the name suggest is all about possibilities, ideas and innovations be them of mind, body or spirit. The others, Ill let you discover in your own good time. And so, without further a due I give to you, The Awen. Enjoy - Terry Mace - Editor - The Awen - Email: [email protected]
Background Illustration - Eye-i - Copyright - Rosalie Harrison-Royce 2011
Instruction, Teaching, Training, Knowledge Bases & Facilitation Pages: 34 - 40
A Pot To Piss In
Rants, Raves & Ramblings Pages: 41 - 45
Nosey Parker
Book, CD, DVD & Film Reviews Pages: 46 - 50
Whats Going On
Events, Gatherings & Happenings Pages: 51 - 52
Sparkle Cat
Page: 54
The Changeling
Change Transformation Metamorphosis Pages: 61 - 65
Quantum Leaps
Radical Science Revolutionary Medicine Spiritual Evolution Pages: 66 - 69
Content Submissions The Digital Awen Sponsorshiping Competition Contact Shop
Pages: 81 - 86
Magical Musings
Runique Ways
The Majic of The Runes by Mandy Harrison-Royce Let me introduce myself. I live with my husband and children in a rural village in Devon. My working background is varied and focused within the health care system. I have worked as a mental health therapist incorporating both drug and alcohol counselling and more recently within recreational therapy. I have a thirst for knowledge and am always studying something either through books and courses or simply through the spiritual enlightenment of everyday discoveries. Currently I am completing a Diploma in Psychotherapy with the School of Natural Health Sciences in London. Astrology and the use of Runes for divination and guidance have always played a large part in my life. From a young age I became fascinated by the parallels between a persons time of birth and the astrological placement of the stars. I devoured every astrology book I could get my hands on and would spend hours pouring over the similarities between star signs and a persons characteristics, personality and even looks. I have studied body language and non-verbal communication to ascertain which moon, star and sun sign a person is born under. I thought I had become an expert and could deduce a strangers star sign and most times, the day and time of their birth. Work colleagues and friends would ask for my insights into their own personal relationships. Whilst at the time this was gratifying, I quickly realised that most of what I had been studying was for mass consumption. Like so many others before me I was buying into the commercialism of the written word. I became more discerning with my reading and studying and looked more closely at the scienti c value of astrology to give my own personal beliefs some credence. To this day, only one writer the late Linda Goodman has fully enthralled my beliefs and her publications have been my own personal Astrology Bibles through my life. My love and respect of Astrology led me to explore other spiritual paths more seriously, one of which is the art and majic of rune casting. I am honoured to be able to pass on the messages of the ancient language of the runes as spoken through the pages of The Awen. Every quarter to coincide with the yearly celebrations associated with the passing of the seasons, I will cast a set of runes from the three aettirs. The fourth quarter will see the use of all three aetts come into play. Many rune casters allow all twenty four runes to come into play for generic or personal readings. However, I will take the road less travelled and cast the runes only from each individual aett. These runes will be chosen to correspond with the seasonal and global in uences that are the true vibrations of the time. The runes as cast, tune into patterns of ebb and ow of environmental forces embracing the changing seasons and natural growth from our own wisdom. The messages of the runes can be interpretated in a wider global context. For example, the political, economic or environmental situation of the time or, they can be used to seek guidance or clarity for issues that have arisen within us individually. The runes in their purest forms are not fortune tellers. We ourselves only have the power to alter the course of our lives. The runes do not answer questions. For this would make us passive observers and take away our power. Rather than asking, What do I do about having no money? We can simply say, The issue is money. In this way the messages we receive back are open to our own interpretation and at a level of understanding that resonates in all of us. Even the sceptics amongst us upon using the runes will not deny the pull and push of the messages. These messages will lead each of us, to our own truth. I will endeavour to always keep it real, learning from every casting to improve my craft, listening to all feedback given. In reading my quarterly forecast, all I ask of you is to have an open mind an open heart and to allow the runes to speak their own secret language. In this way they will truly bless and empower.
Texture - Parched Copyright - Rosalie Harrison-Royce 2011
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Both the origin and the age of the runes have been debated for many years. There are similarities between the Greek and Latin alphabets both in number and shape. As more information comes to light the age of the runes move further backward. At this point the runes are being connected with some of the earliest writing systems. Traditional symbols of the Northern peoples, runes are said to have been passed on by the mythical Hyperboreans the fabled peoples of the Northern most Isles. Some scholars say runes originated in the second century B.C.E. when the Cimbri and the Teutons invaded the Italian peninsula. Other learned people believe that runes were formulated by the Goths in the rst and second centuries on the Baltic coast. As early as the rst century the Roman scholar Tacitus described runes as being used for divination practices. He wrote that during the full moon a priest, priestess or the head of the household would inscribe runes on strips of wood cut from a fruit- bearing tree then, close his or her eyes, turn to the North, invoke the Goddesses and Gods and cast the runes on a white cloth. Some of the more recent theories about the origins of the runes are that The Elder Furthark is of the same origin as the ancient Turkish inscriptions of the Gokturk alphabet. Likewise, that the runes were introduced to Scandinavia during the same period that spiral ornaments were introduced to Crete somewhere between 1800 and 400 B.C. Evidence shows that the Goths were already familiar with the art of the runes before they left Scandinavia between 200 B.C. and 200 C.E. It is also worth noting that the Norwegian runes are identical with runes used in Semitic language areas such as Trojan, Asia Minor and Canaan (Palestine) this can be traced as far back in history as 2000 B.C. However and from whom the runes originated, the primary usage at the time was the means of passing down information through the generations. Historical evidence indicates that initially they were a series of sounds and postures related to the natural and divine forces which later evolved into the letters of the alphabet used by the earliest Germanic tribes of Northern Europe. Runic lore has remained intact for thousands of years mainly due to the isolation of the Northern European people, particularly in the ords of Scandinavia. In these places runes thrived despite the invading Romans and Christians who did a thorough job of disrupting the traditional spirituality of the Northern Europeans. Because of basic geography and the isolation from outside forces much of it remained intact. As a writing system the runes have characteristics that suggest both their origin and age. An interesting aspect of runes is that they contain no horizontal lines. This was because runes were often cut into wood or stone and the grain of the wood was horizontal. The lines of the runes at this time were straight. It wasnt until later that curved lines came into play. At the time of the earliest hunters, runes were carved rather than written. This meant the symbols depicting letters and words could be inscribed into sand, wood and stone by the means of a nger or simple carving implement. It was a way of linking the beginnings of language together to pass down to each subsequent generation.
Rune Mythology
In their original order runes re ect the story of Creation according to the perceptions of the early Norse peoples. As our universe began, so the story goes, so did the runes. The runes embody the forces that create, sustain and destroy all the patterns of the universe. This all, as referred to in many historical and runic research documents means Oneness a term used to describe the in nite wholeness of everything. Nothing exists outside of Oneness. Religions de ne Oneness in many ways as both male and female, however, ultimately, Oneness is the union of everything that was, will be, and is. Norse mythology still holds the key and is an integral part of understanding the secretes and messages upon the reading or casting of the runes. Traditional information regarding rune mythology comes from two collections of Old Norse writings known as the Eddas. The rst, known as The Elder or Poetic Edda is a collection of thirty four Icelandic poems dating from the ninth to the twelfth centuries. The common belief is that this collection was put together by an anonymous person around 1250 C.E. The poems use alliteration and a simple rhythmic form as their only formal devices. Most of the poems of the Poetic Edda deal with mythology and can be divided into two sections, mythical and heroic. Continued Page 8:
Continued: The second collection of writings is called the Younger or Prose Edda and is the work of the Icelandic poet and historian Snorre Sturluson. Scholars have suggested that this collection was intended as a hand book for aspiring writers who wished to become court poets. The Prose Edda includes a preface on the creation of the world, mythological stories, rules governing poetic style and an analysis of the ancient poems. These writings explain the creation of the Nine Worlds including earth and also the mysteries of the runes. The simplest explanation for the creation of the world we now live in at least from Norse mythology goes something like this: In the beginning the only thing that existed was Ginnungapap this was primordial stu , a sort of yeasty rime. On one side of this rime was Muspelheim which omitted the element of heat and re. On the other polarity was Nifelheim, representing the forces of fog, ice and cold. Like bread or beer, the yeasty rime mixture or wort (root or herb) began to react with the heat, fog and cold, much as beer or bread reacts to di erent temperatures to create the perfect environment for the yeast to grow. Too much heat and the yeast dies too much cold and the yeast is unstable. Much like the earth, which, in providing the perfect environment for life to form and continue to grow, needs to be not to hot and not too cold.
Snorre Sturluson by Christian Krogh - circa.1890s The yeast mixture continued to grow within its form sprung a giant cosmic cow known as Audhumla. The cow licked the yeasty rime and by so doing freed the rst of the giants. More giants took form and inhabited the rime. They began to be known as the rime giants. The number of giants grew until one giant known as Odin the son of Bor and Besla (daughter of a giant) and his two brothers Vili and Ve, slayed the great giant Ymir. They then placed his body at the bottom of Ginnungapap where they fashioned all of creation from it including Midgard (middle earth) and the eight worlds that split o in each of the eight directions. Worms and other creatures came to feast upon Ymirs brain. These were transformed into dwarfs and elves that inhabit the worlds of Svartalfheim and Alfrheim. From Ymirs blood Odin and his brothers made the lakes and seas, from his esh the earth, from his hair the trees and from his bone the mountains. His teeth and jaws were used to make the pebbles and rocks. The other rime giants ed to one of the lower worlds Jotunheim where legend has it, they still reside, representing in Rune mythology the forces of chaos. At this point in the Norse creation myth, the rst man, Ask a human shaped ash tree and the rst woman, Embla a human shaped elm tree appeared. Odin and his brothers then gave Ask and Embla the gift of life.
Birth, life and death - each took place on the hidden side of a leaf.
Toni Morrison
Continued Page 9:
Continued: Odin was also the God who gave the runes to humankind. In a shamanic initiation he climbed Yggdrasil The World Tree. He hung there suspended between the Nine Worlds for nine days and nights. Wounded by his own blade he went without food and water and after drinking a magic potion discovered the runes. At the moment of his discovery Odin received complete wisdom directly from the source. The runes gave Odin power over all things. In an instant he understood the potential of the runes as a sacred tool and body of divine knowledge.
Odins discovery of the runes represented a Sharmans journey of discovery. Like Odin each and every one of us can use the runes to enter the nine layers of power here we begin to understand the placement and purpose of the runes and how their gifts to us can open up our own spiritual discoveries, wisdom and magic. According to Norse legend runic energies are dispersed throughout the cosmos, some in the underworld with the giants, dwarfs and Norns while other energies exist within Midgard (middle earth) the place we humans reside within. Each Rune contains three aspects. 1. The symbol and what it depicts and means. 2. The name and what the word means along with its letter value. 3. The energetic force that the rune embodies and why it is considered a living static symbol. Traditionally, the runes were a way to pass on information from one generation to the next. If we learn the language and energies of the runes we can their own family. Just as every member our own family changes the dynamics by either adding or taking away energy so do the runes.
runes of each of the three aettir are, Fehu, Hagalaz, and Tiwaz. These are also known as the Mother runes. The linage is passed down through these three primary runes. In Old Norse the words aett (singular) and aettir (plural) mean generations or families denoting that the information was passed down through the family. As illustrated within each aett the division of eight is one of the most common universal patterns. The eight fold nature of each aett corresponds to the division of the sky while the traditional year cycle of Northern Europe is sectioned into eight marking the festivals, equinoxes and the modern context of our working day. In a metaphysical context, the three aettir represent expectation, desire, and merging, the three basic elements of while the third aett is about the challenge to reach the state of enlightenment or Goddess-Hood where all energies become integrated into one. When Odin took up the runes he moved from one aett to another until he gained the wisdom. Energetic patterns shape who we are, what we do, and who we will become. By changing the present, we can alter the future. As we move through the runes, it becomes possible to integrate their aspects into the whole of our being and ruled over the plant life of the Earth the trees the animals, female sexuality and Majic. She was also the Goddess of love between man and woman. The Norse God Frey ruled over fertility, male sexuality, prosperity, creation. In Northern Mythology, this period known as the Golden Age was a garden of Eden a time of bliss before the advent of evil in the world.
The Numerology
The date of the casting was the 12. 2. 2011 if these numbers are broken down into single digits we arrive at a numerology number which looks like this. 12 + 2 + 20 + 11 = 45. We then break down the number 45 into a single digit. 4 + 5 = 9. Thus, we arrive at the numerology number of 9.
Gemstone Correspondences
Yellow Agate
Black Onyx
Continued: As the runes were cast we began to unravel the secrets that the ancient stones held. The situation rune was our starting point for it was the beginning. For this casting we simply asked for clarity, to be able to see clearly without obscurities. Ur the rst rune cast is the second rune of the rst aett. Ur is the rune of strength, to be able to stand fast whilst everything around us changes. Whilst strength has a positive vibration it follows it will also have a negative potential as well, for example, too much strength and it allows no exibility or room for movement and change. In rune mythology the Ur rune is represented as a wild Ox the Auroach. The Auroachs main qualities were strength and voracity. Ur is the rune of re and ice and is not yet a stable force, it is unconscious but not burning out of control. The corresponding gemstone yellow agate is the stone of courage and fortitude. Yellow agate helps us to discover truth and accept fate. This stone is useful for strengthening the body and the mind. Thorn the second rune cast is the third rune of the rst aett. This stone is the guiding light or the action stone. Thorn is depicted in mythology as Thors hammer or a sharp thorn on brambles. The message thorn sends us is that the action required is one of both destruction and protection. This rune can warn you not to rush into things but rather think them through rst. This is the rune of setting the stage for new beginnings. Thorn is associated with the forces of regeneration and fertilization so can protect metaphorically by the growing of a bramble bush that denies invasion or it can destroy as in the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty who was laid bare by the pricking of her nger on a spindle and then falling into a deep sleep. She was awoken and saved by her one true prince who fought the destructive nature of brambles. The protection thorn o ers us is the power to rid ourselves of past beliefs once held so that our own consciousness can be fully awakened. This rune lives between the conscious world and the unconscious like society at times it exists neither dead nor alive. Black Onyx is an excellent stone for the grounding and alignment of self. It can be used to enhance self control and stimulate the power of decision making. It helps to absorb negative energies and encourages happiness and good fortune. Ansur the third rune cast is the fourth rune of the rst aett. Ansur the stone of rebirth and order is the outcome rune this rune imparts wisdom and reason. Thorn was the rune of both destruction and protection. On a practical level Ansur was the counterbalance to the chaos inherent in the universe and just as Thorn is used to fetter and protect, Ansur is used to unfetter and release. It is important to note that Ansur was reversed. Whilst the message remained the same the meaning may be di erent. Ansur is both the receiver and the container and this rune gives de nite form to goals and aspirations. The world we live in at this time resonates with confused and negative energies and these energies are owing freely and the messages between giver and receiver become di cult to interpret. The outcomes of these energies are as such still unknown. Amethyst is the stone of protection and well-being. It is a powerful blood cleanser and energiser. Amethyst heightens spiritual enlightenment and has strong psychic abilities. If we pause to look a moment at the messages of the corresponding gemstones in isolation to the runes all three gemstones act as powerful healers. These gemstones act as energizers and enhance spiritual enlightenment. The gemstones also have the capacity to act as blood cleansers and puri ers. Thousands of years ago man placed leeches on the body through the ritual of bloodletting. This was in the belief that leeches would drain impure blood thereby, curing illness. The messages received from the gemstones suggest that societys illnesses may be cured through rituals of our own bloodletting (puri cation). Individual puri cation comes in many forms. For some it may entail a religious or spiritual pilgrimage while for others the simple restructuring of the working life may bring about a positive change. We could choose to give up the consumer driven approach to living and replace it with a kinder more frugal existence. This may in turn instil a sense of peace and freedom from worries.
Personal transformation and change is never pain free, Only we can weigh up the cost of doing nothing
Continued: It is timely perhaps that the runes chosen for the Spring quarter reading were the runes of both creation and destruction. All three runes cast sent powerful messages. The dark messages whilst not bringing light acted as shadow casters and were warnings of global things yet to come. Changes within us individually needed to also take place. The runes foretell that until this happens lightness wont once again descend. Environmentally these runes tell the story of rebirth and the earth being reborn out of re and ice. If we look at what is currently happening within the environment including global warming, ooding and earthquakes all issues that our societies are facing today, we can see that the abundance of wildlife and other natural resources are now at its peak towards depletion or extinction. An issue such as climate change a ects the lives of many people. Global warming leads to illness the destruction of agricultural crops and changes in weather patterns. The planet is calling out to us sending us warnings of further catastrophes to come if we do not change our ways. Like the Auroach which is now extinct, we cannot use strength alone to sustain us or keep us alive. The message Ur sends us is to adapt to changing environments. It is crucial to understand that our strength as humans is innately connected to the strength of nature. When we destroy our environment we destroy and weaken ourselves. The clarity we seek here is not only to open our eyes to global destruction but to understand with clear sight enough to change. None of us are immune to the constant drip, drip of the nightly news broadcast or out of our awareness we are seduced by the tabloids. Weve all heard the next phrases mentioned more than once, the global meltdown, the economic nancial crises and the recession. Amongst ourselves we may have debated the cost of oil the loss of power from dictatorships within the Arab nations or more recently the public uprising and con icts on our own streets. Young and old, black and white, united, side by side protesting against the recent government cuts and budget restraints placed once again, upon an economy already in meltdown. Nothing is as it once was and the cosmic energies have shifted and with it peoples emotions. Thorn acts through these emotions both by protecting and destroying. Thorn both protects and destroys by placing obstacles in our way. These may be in the form of human obstacles as seen in the recent uprisings and protests across the world or the wrath of Thors hammer by way of natural destruction which forces change without our consent. An earthquake in Haiti the poorest country in North America creates devastation followed by billions in aid to help them rebuild. Are these simply natural events or part of some greater purpose to help us regain balance and equilibrium in a world where poverty is our greatest disease? Lewis Carroll once wrote
If you don't know where youre going any road will get you there
This then, is the extent of thorns confusion. The message thorn sent us is that globally were not travelling the right path. Consciously we may not even know what road we should be on to get back on track. If we look around at the world we inhabit we should be struck by the vast richness of our planet. It is miraculously abundant and it is this abundance that we've been given which is our natural state and inheritance. There truly is enough of everything for everyone, however, we clearly need a more conscious distribution system. When ninety percent of the world's wealth is held on to so tightly by ten percent of the population a great unnatural imbalance is created. The natural laws of the universe are such that these imbalances will always seek some means of correction. Thorns knowledge shows us that as human beings we have the capacity to both destroy and heal. The core of our existence and su ering centres around money, individually and globally we try to solve our internal problems through external means. The global vibrations that resonated above all others at the time of the casting were about nances, for example, the money we make and how we perceive it and use it and, at times abuse it. The warnings sent were that globally money at this moment is at the route of all evil. Never forget, evil is live spelt backwards. Individually we cannot solve the global nancial crisis nor is it likely that the world leaders or collective governments have the foresight, knowledge or self sacri cing intentions either to rebalance the books.
Continued: Globally, we are all in pain. Money alone however will not heal our wounds. If we begin to look at societies nancial patterning we do not need to be a banker or stock broker to understand that nearly every economy is in debt, with each neighbouring country continually bailing the other out. In the face of the nancial turmoil one needs to look at how they can better manage the debt that they have incurred, looking for solutions and changing old behaviours. The messages from the runes tell us now is the time to be frugal at least until the economy has time to recover from the crisis. If we analyse our own behaviours towards money we see that self-worth does not grow in proportion to our net-worth. The possessing of multiple houses that no one ever occupies while millions remain homeless will not heal us. Expensive cars that consume excessive oil based fuels and contribute to the pollution of the environment will not take us very far away from the pain, even if its a nice ride. Designer label clothes will not make us feel good about ourselves for longer than a minute and that rst glance in the mirror. As we become more aware of our own money patterns and behaviours we can begin to make newer healthier choices. This would be a great rst step toward creating a new nancial legacy for ourselves and our children. A legacy built on self-awareness, knowledge and power instead of stress, fear, mistrust and dependence. The clarity thorn sends us is to understand our own purpose in life and to act on that purpose with courage and strength. This is the protection thorn bestows on us. By knowing our own path and replacing our co-dependency on a system of dysfunctional governments we can each learn intellectual discernment within. The clearer we become in following our own path the closer we can get to our own truth. Only we can choose to destroy or protect the steps taken upon the path to our own nancial freedom. Ansur is Odins rune and often described as the God Rune. It is the rune of inspiration, divine power and knowledge. This is the rune of where there is a will, there is a way. In the casting the rune was reversed. A reversed rune means many things. Messages received can become confused or it could be a trick of Loki. In Norse Mythology Loki is a God. Lokis relationship with the Gods varies by source, for example, Loki sometimes assists the Gods and sometimes causes problems for them. Loki is a shape-shifter and appears in many forms. If we search for clarity individually and globally we wont need to travel too far to nd the shape-shifters at play amongst us. Individually they may appear as the well meaning debt counsellor who signs us up to that debt reduction program for a small weekly fee. It may be the friendly boss at work who just needs those extra few hours unpaid each week to show, team spirit. Globally the shape-shifter sometimes appears as foreign aid funding to be distributed to the starving millions but beware, Loki is never far away for, before money is released,
A feasibility study must take place to ascertain the need for the funding, While money gains interest in the shape-shifters accounts, starving millions perish
If we acknowledge Ansur in the purest form at the time of the casting we see that Loki was acting within the negative vibrations choosing to hinder rather than help. There was inspiration, divine power and knowledge, however, it was subdued by trickery at play. However, a reversed rune can also be a gift, a gift of knowledge that has come just in time. It is important to remember that the casting was not stagnant for, once the runes are cast they evolve and bring a life of their own to the messages. Though Loki was evident, Ansurs gift to us was the knowledge that it could unlock the channels of self-expression, heal mental and emotional blocks and open the lines of communication both individually and globally. Ansur was the outcome rune for the reading and in a rune casting Ansur can be understood as the mouth and communications or that of which is yet to come, for example, news in advance. It had a positive inclination best seen that choices had been made which favoured the order of the cosmos. In a less volatile environment this would have been so Ansur, however, was reversed and Loki was at play. The guidance we sort was one of clarity, thus, the gift that was received was one of foresight. Whilst Ansur can be used for releasing the chains that bind us freeing us from psychological fetters such as anxieties, fears and phobias, equally, the darker energies resonating globally keep us temporarily in transition neither able to move forward or stand still.
A reversed rune can also be a gift, a gift of knowledge that has come just in time
Continued: With this knowledge gained we can use the more positive energies inherent in Ansur to protect magical work patterns and to set the stage for bringing future plans to life. Ansurs is the light in the darkness. The clarity received is that by merging with the energies we can reach or own goals and aspirations we may, however, need to shelve the bigger plans until a better time. Ansur tells us that we should continue to build our own foundations in the form that inspires us spiritually and when the energies are more favourable build on the bigger plans.
External Forces
The reading would not be complete without looking at the external forces that played a part in the casting and how it unfolded. These vibrations will continue to a ect us cosmically for the next few months until the Summer quarter. The moon phase at the time of the reading was waxing, growing bigger and entering the rst quarter. Normally, a waxing moon is a time for new beginnings, restructuring and planning to take place. The moon was moving through Gemini which is the sign of communication, mental development, and intellectual exploration. Gemini's favourite interests involve learning, studying, talking, and thinking. People born in the sign of Gemini are restless and easily bored. When the moon is in Gemini, people express their feelings intellectually through writing and speaking and are perhaps inconsistent in what they feel and show. The moon in Gemini at the time of the casting was acting in an incredibly bipolar and unpredictable manner or put another way, Lokis trickery was at play once again. Under a Gemini moon vibrations are mostly positive, always mentally focused, clever and communicative. The energies at the time suggested that society needed a shake up an escape route from the mundane or a get out clause for when things became too real. The moon in Gemini was only there for a short while until it transitioned, however, during that time the negative vibrations acting through Loki deceived us or drew us in. This was a period of deceptions through communications or the signing of documents or monetary transactions. With the Gemini in uence present, this deceit could have transpired with or without our knowledge. When a moon vibration is compromised confusion, misinterpretation and lack of judgement sometimes occur. The recent forest sales proposed by the government were halted at the eleventh hour on Saturday the 12th of February 2011. Environment secretary Caroline Spelman communicated publicly,
The clarity gained under a Gemini moon is be aware, for we can be friends with literally anybody no matter what, likewise, we can blend in with every group of society. We are in e ect at this time, Chameleons and Charlatans. In this respect, we are the most similar to everybody and at the same time we are the least similar as we are the only ones who have something in common with everybody no matter what the cost.
Energies abundant were warning us of the need to, Individually check, double check and double check again
Continued: Numerology is the science of numbers. It is one of the most ancient methods of reducing life to something that we can more readily understand. Numerology was thought to have been discovered in ancient Greece, however, as with all the disciplines of life it is really impossible to say where it began. Our numerology number for the quarterly reading was the number nine. The number nine is associated with the accomplishment, completion or ful lment of something. It also signi es the end of one phase and the beginning of another. The rst quarterly edition of The Awen is now complete and that in and of its self is an accomplishment, The Awen will now move forward into its next phase of growth and planning for future issues. Number nine is the number of unconditional love which means that under a nine vibration people will sacri ce time, money and energy for a better world. For example, the people that have submitted work to The Awen have done this altruistically and with one purpose in mind only which is to see the beginnings of metamorphosis, transformation and change take place. The positives in the number nine are that it is a sacred number and adds completeness to projects and communications. The number nine can end su erings by the death of one thing and the beginning of another. Nine marks the end of the human gestation period and the end of a series of numbers (1-10) as well as a complete circle (360 degrees = 3 + 6 + 0 = 9). Christ completed his life and died at the ninth hour from nine nails banged to the cross. Nine is a complete number and if multiplied by any other number it always reproduces itself. Under a nine vibration, people are more socially conscious and concerned about the betterment of the world and generally are able to think in a more idealistic and visionary manner. Many global stories were unfolding at the time of the casting. Behind the scenes in government, council chambers and nancial institutions the bigger issues were being addressed. In its awareness the number nine was acting as a balancer bringing unconditional love and guidance to all dealings. The cosmic energies however were unbalanced and communications unclear. The bigger world issues being dealt with at the time have been largely left unresolved with outcomes unclear. Individually the clarity a number nine sends us within our personal lives lets all our dealings with others remain clear, purposeful and complete. Do this with unconditional love no matter who the communications are with. The rewards that will unfold will be the shifting of negative emotions and distrust towards others and the beginnings of new and joyous possibilities. In reaching this point we need to know what we want our future to look like. Will we continue to use negative patterning to keep us stuck never moving forward or will we listen to the cosmic energies resonating to bring about positive change? The number nines universal gift to us is the gift of no limitations and, if we believe that this is possible then that is what we will experience.
If we can see joy, peace, harmony, ease and abundance, we will find universal love with these qualities in our future
Numerology within this casting then gives you the power to control your own fate. In summary it is important that we listen and care about what is going on in the world around us for it impacts on us all. However, we must somehow remain detached so as not to buy into the negativity created by the cosmic confusion. And so, what are the challenges of this quarter? Well, some of us will want life to stay the same, however, change is already out of control and there is simply no going back. There will be a challenge to let go of old opinions that are outdated while the dangers of rationalizing to a point where bad judgment and poor choices are made must become a thing of the past. Leaders are independent and stubborn and operate from intellect often limiting their ability to see the big picture. The next quarter will bring con icting social needs, for example, do we look after our own or extend the hand of charity further? People in power will work to please others and then resent compromises they are expected to make. This is a time for healing rifts and settling di erences a time of structure and new beginnings. We may not always reach the nancial pinnacles we aspire to and plans may take longer to bring to fruition. People around us may be more di cult to understand or get along with, however, we are now armed with insights and knowledge that previously we may not have had. And, thus, the runes have chosen to speak to us, therefore, we owe it to them to listen with both ears.
Caroll, L. (1870). The hunting of the snark. New York: Jalic Inc Corporation. Cole, J. (2005). Ceremonies of the Seasons. London: Duncan Baid Publishers. Goodman, L. (1972). Sun Signs. New york: Pan Books. New Edition (1 Dec 1972). Knight, S. (2000). Runes. New York: Sterling Publishing London. Moorey, T. (2006). Secrets of Moon Astrology. New York: Octopus Publishing Group.
Journal Articles:
Minnard, J. (1998). Lifted by Love. The Christian Science Journal., 50-67. Sheridan, M. J & J. (1994). Inclusion of Content on Religion and Spirituality in the Social Work Curriculum. Journal of Social Work Education., 117-223.
http://asteroidastrology.blogspot.com www.runes.co.uk www.spiritualwisdom.co.uk www.vedicsciences.com www.omnicycles.com
Making Contact With - Mandy Harrison-Royce Blogsite: http://runiqueways.blogspot.com/ Email: [email protected] Written Correspondance:
c/o The Awen - Phoenix Moon 3 - Park Crescent - Cornhill - Banff Aberdeenshire - AB45 2EU Scotland - United Kingdom
Continued: The electro-magnetic power of mistletoe I presume has so far been unmeasured, however, if you tune in you can feel it. The way to feel this is by using our sensory powers those often ignored basic gifts we have from nature. Touch the mistletoe leaves and feel their leathery texture the coolness of the surface the varying size of leaves which denotes their age, this years leaf or last years? The slender twigs, far reaching in di erent directions as the plant grows outwards and inwards through the year. Gaze at the ower in its geometrical beauty on both plants diamond shaped and opening intricately. The berries rst formed in a green and solid state like small rm breasts they protrude from the twig. Then as they ripen, they resemble the full moon yet still keeping that small diamond on the tip. The seed, encased in a sticky jelly substance like semen almost holds the energy of a new plant safely inside. Stand next to Mistletoe or beneath it and you cannot help but be in awe of its beauty. It makes you catch your breath and no wonder for, a cut branch has the same e ect on a house as it does when growing on a tree as it revitalises and cleanses. Standing by the River Teme, I held the mistletoe in my hands, it had just been blessed and Awened and was ready to be given to the River. In the moment that I held it I felt connected to the ancestors who gave what they held precious to the River, Land and Sky. I realise now that it is the mistletoe that is the connection. It grows between the land and the sky and is the connection between the two, the point of connection, rooted in neither, yet growing in both. Mistletoe is known as the All Heal, but was it taken as an infusion of the leaves or owers or, as an ointment? Perhaps, we will never know for sure, however, stand beneath the bough and you will feel its power. Maybe, this is what the ancients were referring to when they spoke of All Heal. The magical frequency emitted by the evergreen and ever changing Viscum Album.
The seed, encased in a sticky jelly substance like semen, Almost holds the energy of a new plant safely inside
www.mistletoefoundation.co.uk/ [email protected]
www.cranesfieldbardicarts.co.uk/ [email protected].
Chemical Magic
The chemical composition of barberry is quite complex and contains numerous chemical compounds under the heading of Berberine alkaloids. Berberine is an isoquinoline alkaloid with a bright yellow colour that is easily seen in most of the herb materials that contain any signi cant amount of this compound. Among Chinese herbs the primary sources are phellodendron and coptis while similar isoquinoline alkaloids in these herbs such as jateorrhizine, coptisine, palmatine and columbamine also have a yellowish colour. Berberine has long been used as a dye and it is currently known as natural yellow 18 being one of about 35 yellow dyes from natural sources. Chemicals in the herb were used as therapies for damp heat syndromes particularly for intestinal and lung infections and they are used topically for various skin diseases. The root bark of the Berberis Vulgaris was isolated in herbal medicine and used as a herbal drug in China 50 years ago. It has since become an ingredient in several Western herbal products particularly for treatment of intestinal infections. The chemical compounds in barberry have been proven to combat infection, bacteria and stimulate the immune system.
Medicinal Uses
These include easing in ammation and ghting infection in the urinary, gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Because of its strong anti-fungal and anti-in ammatory properties, Barberry also makes a good eyewash. People su ering from conjunctivitis or in amed eyelids can bene t from the application of a compress containing Barberry. The roots and rhizomes of the plant are used because they have very high barberine content. In some cases the leaves, berries and bark are also used. All parts of the plant can be used to form a general health tonic that improves the ow of bile and alleviates conditions like gallbladder pain, jaundice and gallstones. Barberry tincture is also recommended as an e ective treatment for liver problems including hepatitis and jaundice. Barberry has also been found to be e ective against diarrhoea.
Growing Barberry
The cultivation of Barberry is relatively easy. Barberry bushes love sunlight and need lots of heat and direct light. The plant does not need much moisture and will not tolerate soils that are moist. It is a hardy plant because it can tolerate almost any kind of soil. The best time for laying down the branches is in Autumn (October). If you are unable to grow barberries most good health food shops can order in the dry berries for home usage. Barberry dilates the blood vessels and, thus, aids in lowering the blood pressure Continued Page 21:
Barberry Bark
In magical works barberry means courage and strength and is used as a tincture or a tea drunk to release the power someone holds over you. Barberry, sewn into an amulet acts as a protective charm for children and is believed to ease teething. Ritually collected and consecrated Barberry can be used as counter magic and protection against evil witchcraft and curses that are transferred by magically prepared thorns. The word barberry broken down in magical works means to BAR. For example, to bar someone from your path, to cross the path of one they hate or to bar their enemy's progress. This can be achieved by the laying out of three barberry branches or three lines of the cut-and-sifted herb. One branch needs to be three foot long and the other two one foot long. Lay the rst branch or line from the person's house to the street. Place the two short branches or lines cross wise to this an equal distance from each other to make a double cross shape. As you lay them down, say, Now you will be barred, by Faith ( rst line), Hope (second line), and Charity (third line). However, as with all magic beware the threefold law, thus, the modern day equivalent to barring someone from your door maybe to simply grow the thick horny shrub of barberry to protect your home from unwelcome visitors or from thieves. Anyone who has ever snagged themselves on a thorn will know the e ect. The berries of barberry are rich in vitamin C which is required by the body for a healthy and glowing skin. Apart from that, it also helps remove toxic substances from the body and maintain strong bones and teeth. It is a wonder herb that helps cure bacterial infection which can be attributed to the chemical berberine present in it. This chemical stimulates certain immune system cells to function better and prevents the bacteria from sticking to human cells resulting in prevention of the infection. The alkaloid berbamine present in barberry helps in the treatment of amebic hepatitis and rheumatoid arthritis. The herb helps destroy bacteria on the skin and is also applied topically on burns. It e ectively works against the bacteria that become resistant to antibiotics with time. Barberry has anti-parasitic and fever reducing properties which have made it a winner amongst many herbalists. The herb is an immune system stimulant that aids in digestion and treats gastrointestinal pain. It helps decrease the heart rate, reduces bronchial constriction and slows down breathing. The anti-in ammatory and antibiotic properties of barberry have been used to cure the infection of urinary tract, upper respiratory tract and even the bladder. It is used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding as well. Barberry is an inspiring hepatic tonic that controls the mucosa, removes mucoid accumulations, controls excess secretion and improves appetite and assimilation in the body. The herb is bene cial in cardiovascular and neural systems and is used to heal epilepsy and convulsions. Besides, it is also used as an alternative treatment for curing tachycardia and hypertension. Barberry dilates the blood vessels and, thus, aids in lowering the blood pressure. Though Barberry is considered a safe herb to use and many clinical trials exist to back up its safety, like all medicines, barberry may have contra-indications and should only be used under the close supervision of a doctor or trained herbal practitioner. The information supplied here for barberry is for general interest purposes only and not an endorsement to use or administer in any form without medical guidance. However, the following recipe on page 22 involving barberry has been made and consumed without any contra-indications occurring, nonetheless, caution should be observed with the use and consumption of any wild food.
Magical Works
The word barberry broken down in magical works means to bar or banish
Barberry Jelly
4 cups of Barberries, crushed 2 Oranges, chopped 2 cups of Water 1 1/2 cups of Sugar 1 packet of pectin or the juice of one lemon or lime Instructions
Sterilize six half-pint jelly jars and keep hot. Scald the lids in a saucepan of boiling water remove from the heat and keep warm. Simmer the berries and oranges in the water for 20 minutes or until tender. Strain the juice through a jelly bag. Combine the juice and the sugar. Bring back to a rolling boil. Add the pectin, lemon or lime juice. Bring back to a boil. Pour the jelly into the prepared jars, wipe the rims, cover with the lids and screw on the rings. Process the jars (Davis, 1923) in hot water for 15 minutes. Store in a cool dry place once opened and use within three weeks. Article Copyright Rats Eno Ydnam - 2011
Bibliography Books:
Davis, A. M. (1923). Barberry bushes and wheat. New York: Library of Congress. Kramer, J. D & Chen. (01 September 2004). Barberry - A Medical Dictionary. London: Icon Health Publications.
www.agricultureinformation.com www.hedgenursery.co.uk www.viable-herbal.com http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/health-benefits-of-barberry-7127.html http://herb-magic.com/barberry.html http://www.starchild.co.uk/products/6564_3481_barberry-bark.aspx
Apply Within
Adapted by Terry Mace
On the surface of the earth right now there is a great sadness and things seem very dark However, calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light It is a silent revolution from the inside out and from the new spring grass up This is a Global Operation, a Spiritual Conspiracy, a Breath of Fresh Air There are light-sleeper cells in every nation and yet you won't see us on the news You won't read about us in the newspaper or hear about us on the radio We don't seek any glory, fame or fortune and we don't wear any uniforms We are all shapes, sizes, colours and styles and most of us work anonymously without title We are quietly co-creating behind the scenes in every country and culture of the world In cities big and small, on mountains and in valleys, on farms and in villages, tribes and remote islands You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice and yet we see you, we see you We go under-cover, we live in the shadow-lands, we are the invisible beacons and light houses It is of no concern to us who takes the nal credit or glory as long as the work gets done Occasionally, we spot each other in the street, we give a quiet nod and continue on our way During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs, we play the game and inwardly laugh Behind these false storefronts the real work takes place, often at night when you sleep we work Some call us the Conscious Earth Army and we are slowly creating a new world of love We use the power of our minds and hearts and follow the light with passion and joy Our directions and project management come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence Agency Often, we drop soft, secret love- lled bombs when no one is looking upwards towards the light Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind Words Smiles ~ Meditation and Prayer ~ Dance ~ Social Activism ~ Websites Blogs ~ Random Acts of Kindness ~ Exploding Illuminations of Love We each express ourselves in our own unique ways with our own unique gifts and talents Be the change you want to see in the world, this is the work plan that lls our hearts We know it is the only way real transformation takes place sustainably We know that quietly and humbly we have the power of all the oceans combined Our work is slow and meticulous like the formation of the mountains and rivers It is not even visible at rst glance, however, those with eyes to see us, see us With this energy, psychic tectonic plates are moved, we are a new breed of shape-shifter Love is the quali cation for entry, you don't need a degree to get into our joy university Nor, do you need exceptional knowledge or skill to understand it, use it and share it It exists in the intelligence of your heart, the bottom of your soul and through your minds eye Embedded, unbreakable in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all awake human beings Be the change you want to see in the world, for, nobody else can do it for you or must We are now openly recruiting in silence and stillness, the advert is here, perhaps you will join us There is no wage, salary or annual stipend and the work may cost you dearly in unseen ways And yet, those who work with us know that the inner economics are simple, love is the bonus payout The application form is one line and two questions long, yes or no, there are no trick questions You have the answer, Apply Within, the door is open Original Concept by Brian Piergrossi from his book, The Big Glow - http://brianpiergrossi.com/ This Version - Copyright FREE - So, Share, Post, Email, Blog, Text, Cut & Paste - Dont Waste!
Always be prepared for unexpected tsunamis, Choose life over your possessions and valuables
And so, what went wrong? Did the local hoodie gangs deface or gra ti these stones one by one as an act of youthful rebellion? Did the local prefectury o cer deem them an eyesore and have them pulled down? Worse still, had someone mistaken them for little more than building materials and carted them o for that local stone building project? The answer is more sobering and more frightening than any of the above. Equally, the truth is sadly less dramatic. In essence, people simply forgot to read the signs. Yotaru Hatamura, a scholar who extensively studied the stone tablets exclaimed in disbelief when reporters asked him about the tablets,
People had this crucial knowledge but were too busy with their lives and jobs, Many forgot the warning signs and perished as a result
Continued: For all intents and purposes they became daily blind to the tablets of stone which perhaps says more than words can ever say and are undoubtedly yet another set of signs of the times so to speak of busy modern life. When the tsunami struck, thousands and thousands of people were in there homes collecting valuables and stowing oor mats so that theyd not get damaged by the sea water. Many, were still in their homes collecting items of materialistic value save they be spoiled by the elements when the wave came. These people died. When the waters receded, people were found hanging from trees still clutching their personal possessions similar to the human fossils found in Pompeii.
Tetsuko Takahashi one of those who survived the disaster because she and her family had heeded the signs 100 years ago building their homes and businesses way above the aptly named village of, Octopus Grounds told international reporters,
After the earthquake, people went back to their homes to get their valuables, They wanted to stow their 'tatami' floor mats. They all got caught
Now, call me cynical if you want but how and when exactly did life become so cheapened by stu ? The Japan disaster is exactly that, a disaster. However, thousands and thousands of human beings died for no good reason at all other than they forgot to heed their ancestors voices. Perhaps then, thats the real core message of this article and not the horrifying devastation and potential nuclear contaminated forever-no-go-zones that are ever widening weekly as 60s nuclear technology meets 21st century minds. Modern sea walls, tidal defences and early warning systems failed to protect coastal towns from Japan's destructive tsunami, however, in the tiny hamlet of Aneyoshi, a single lone ancestral stone tablet saved the day. The prophetic message was remembered by the dozen or so households and their homes emerged unscathed from a tragedy that destroyed low-lying communities elsewhere killing nearly 30,000 people along Japan's north-eastern shore. The message is clear,
High dwellings are the peace and harmony of our descendants, Remember the calamity of the great tsunamis, do not build any homes below this point
So, next time youre standing at the tra c lights with your beloved friends, family and work colleagues waiting for the green-walking-man to ash and sing perhaps, youll lean closer than ever to their ears and whisper ever-so-softly,
If you dont, then youre as potentially responsible for not passing on your wisdom as those who no longer know it because they never asked or were never reminded. If youre still in any doubt as to what you need to do for your descendents to stay safe when youre no longer here, perhaps these nal few paragraphs will hit home the message deeper.
Continued: As the emergency crews, paramedics and international aid agencies began to clear away the debris of the crushed and broken lives in the city of Natori hoping to nd the missing family of, Hiroshi Kosai he pointed to where there once stood a seven foot stone warning tablet now swept away by the tsunami,
I always told my parents it was dangerous here he told rescuers, In five years youll see houses begin to sprout up here again
Hiroshi Kosai grew up in Natori but moved away after high school, however, his parents remained in the family home. He remembers the stone tablet that once stood next to a playground in the middle of Natori city. Its message was carved in giant Japanese characters for all to see,
It takes about three generations for people to forget. Those that experience the disaster themselves, Pass it to their children and their grandchildren, However, then the memory fades
Perhaps then, the terrible disaster in Japan is just another sign of the times, or not, as the case may be, because many of the stone signs have now vanished beneath the sea. Thus, less now is written in stone.
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations, Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter rea rmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge, Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and e ective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction. Statement of intent: I, the occupier/householder residing at: (address) freely by choice and right of freedom do here forth assert my moral, ethical and libertarian right as a human being within the full equity, protection and law as ascribed to me as such under The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 choose this day forth not to ll in the 2011 UK Census under pertainment and protection of; Article 12. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks Furthermore, having asserted my moral, ethical and legal right under article 12 to abstain from and be protected from such illegal action I do proclaim myself to be of sound mind and body and take full responsibly for my actions. Signed: the occupier/householder
I cannot teach you violence as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before anyone even at the cost of your life.
Mahatma Gandhi
The Journey
It is time now to nd a comfortable space and to settle yourself down peacefully in preparation to begin your journey. Follow the instructions step by step and trust not the process for that is the fools way, rather, abandon yourself to the vast sea of ideas and drown within its deepest waters, for there, lies treasure. 1. Using little more than your breath to regulate your descent into the abyss, begin to breath deeply and evenly until your journey breath is indistinguishable from your normal patten of breathing. This may take a moment or several moments. This is as it is and cannot be rushed. A minute, a moment a second becomes an eternity when your journey breath matches that of the cosmos. You will instinctively and intuitively know when you have arrived at the jumping o point for your breath will no longer be consciously experienced by you. For some this is the beginning of consciousness itself while for others it is an extension. Ultimately, it matters not. All that matters is that you learn to travel on your breath, be it single or multiple to the jumping o point just above the abyss. Once again, you will know when you have arrived at this place by the very simple fact that below you is nothing and above you is everything. Little more can be said of this as it is experiential and cannot be taught or individually ascribed for or to another. Only we know when we are ready to lean forward and jump into the nothingness. Continued Page 31:
Continued: Descending into nothingness is only fearful if you imagine something to be in the nothingness which is not there. In this respect, I suggest you leave your fears behind you near the jumping o point or axis mundi (door or gateway). By all means collect them as you asent, if to do so serves you hence, however, fear is an unwelcome travelling companion within the abyss as you will soon discover having as many mirrors as it does shadows. Learning early on in the journey to recognise such things is fruitful and will hasten your descent, for, to a place deeper than the deepest deep is your nal destination. In this respect, you will soon discover that you have arrived at the top and not the bottom, for this is the magic of the journey worlds you will soon learn to navigate if you heed these instructions. However, take note of the next set of instructions as they are in and of themselves your bread crumbs home. To loose yourself within the abyss is not a useful exercise when shing for ideas. 2. As you lean forward and fall downwards many thoughts and feelings will snake their way around your mind. This is to be expected, after all, you are falling, crashing and descending into the belly of the idea whale, as such to be not conscious of your journey is foolish. Thus, embrace and acknowledge these thoughts, feelings and recognise that this is as it is meant to be. As you slowly begin to level out your ight and descent you will begin to experience many thing as yet unknown to you, although to speak of them here is pointless as they are only unknown to you. All that you are asked to do is to take notes and remember what you sense. Then, upon your eventual return you can if you so desire record these into your journey journal. Much of what you will experience is just for you, however, there may at times be relevant information to share with your loved ones and those you trust to express yourself. For them, this information alone may be transformative and metamorphic, thus, to record and remember the downward journey is as vital and important as any information or knowledge you may gain once arrived within the belly of the cosmos. Your next step requires a complete 360 degree mind reversal from that of your current known world view of the time, space continium. As such, you may nd yourself in awe and disbelief. This is normal and to be expected. Continue on your journey in the knowledge that all is well. 3. As you now look around yourself you will begin to see that you have in fact been falling upwards and not as you had expected downwards. The reason for this is that the otherworlds are constructed di erently than those of our seemingly stable current existence on planet earth. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. As you level out and start to y and glide upwards you will instinctively recognise the tell tale signs that you are now ascending and that your journey downwards has ended. This is as it is and once you have regained your equilibrium you will begin to realise that this is the way of things here. Once you have balanced your mind and taken further deep breaths you will begin to feel yourself slowing down as if now in slow motion or an action replay process. 4. When you feel this happening close your eyes and say repeatedly three times over and over again like a mantra, My intent is to journey to the belly of the idea whale, my intent is to journey to the belly of the idea whale, my intent is to journey to the belly of the idea whale Keep your eyes closed and your mind open. When you arrive you will know the place as the belly of the idea whale. It is as simple as that. You WILL know! Once arrived, settle down and begin to calm yourself and equalise your process in whatever way is congruent for you be it to sing, whistle or say out loud, I am ok, I am safe, I am well. I am at home here in the belly of the idea whale, I have nothing to fear, I am OK
Continued: As you look around yourself you will begin to see that whilst you are conceptually inside the belly of the idea whale or the cosmos, your current location resembles that of a library and information emporium. As you purvey the scene it becomes clear to you that every single invention, innovation and idea plus their own constituent micro-components are housed here in this one place. In essence, whilst you can clearly see the boundary of the area, you are in fact more clearly aware now that this is as illusionary as the very concept of time and space itself. Thus, you are within an eternal and in nite library which stretches forever, and ever. As such, you equally begin to recognise that one lifetime alone will be completely insu cient to begin your work. Once you have further embraced the concepts before you, follow to the letter these next instructions. 5. Look directly in front of you. You will begin to see a desk with someone sitting behind it. It matters not who they are only that you will know them. Slowly, approach the desk and acknowledge them and begin to express to them your gratitude and gratefulness at having been allowed to see the inside of the belly of the idea whale or cosmos. They will acknowledge you back formally. Whatever they ask next, answer them clearly, plainly and honestly. Do not lie, deceive or embellish. Speak your truth. If all goes well, you will be asked how they may help you further (see step 6). If you nd yourself returned from whence you came then you must accept that youre not ready to spend longer in the belly of the idea whale or that you were incongruent with what was asked of you. It is important that you realise that this person behind the desk is a gate-keeper or door-guard. They are as much there for your own safety as for the safety of the information they keep-safe. Thus, is the way of things here. Learn and return another time. Do not attempt another journey until you have explored the issue. Do not repeat the same error again. 6. Should you nd yourself greeted more warmly and embraced and welcomed by the gate-keeper or door-guard and nd yourself still within the belly of the idea whale then you have answered with clarity, truth and honesty that which you were asked. Be proud of yourself for you are now going to be invited deeper into the recesses of the library. In simple terms, this is what will happen next in one form or shape or another in whatever order chosen. The head librarian, will come to see you. The gate-keeper will depart. Membership Approval 1. You will be given the equivalent of a library card. 2. You will be assigned your own personal librarian (a guide). 3. You will be given a password, pass-key or code and told how to use this. 4. You will be taken to the introductory section. Here you will learn the basics of how the ideas library works. 5. You will be given a direct journey-dial number or mapping system so that your next journey to the idea whale or belly of the cosmos is swifter, quicker and smoother. This will give you longer to work and research once there. 6. You will nally be shown how to download, archive, store and retrieve the information collected so that upon your return to the middle-world (your current reality) you can make use of the same. 7. You may or may not be given other instruction, information or guidance. Accept with love and grace if given and be not concerned if not o ered. When further insight, knowledge or information is needed you will receive this in abundance without cost, charge or fee. Return Journey The nal and most important step of all is the return journey and as such this next step is the one to study, research and explore the most before even beginning your journey to the belly of the idea whale to sh for ideas, innovations and inventions. Follow this step to the letter. 7. The journey home. Once your work is complete. Return to the area (arrivals) where you rst found yourself. Once there, check out the departure boards above you. Your destination will have already been progammed in by the head librarian. When you are called, go to the appropriate departure gate and show them your library card (ticket) enter, sit on or in the journey vehicle whatever that may be it will be congruent for you. Close your eyes and concentrate and focus upon your breath again. In simple terms, you will nd yourself back at your starting point. Once home, take some refreshment and open your journey journal. Begin to write that which ows, be it ideas, innovations or inventions or other. Keep this private for now. When the time is right to share you will know. Continued Page 33:
Continued: As you write within your journal, re ect upon what you have learnt and what you have seen and experienced. Remember, what you have brought back from your shing expedition may well change the very world you live in. Likewise, it may do no more than change your world. However, one thing and only one thing for certain can be said with any clarity and that is that your own life will never be quite the same again having journeyed to the belly of the idea whale, the centre of the cosmos for ideas, innovations and inventions. What you do next is as all life is, a choice. Choose wisely.
Continued: Yes, it is possible to meet demons and dark deities and celebrate and respect them as you would the gods and goddesses of the white magical world, however, to do so is also not necessary. And yes, you can indeed ask for requests and petitions for clear cut reasons and not just to injure or kill a chosen victim. Remember, it is unethical and extremely dangerous for the magician and in some cases even more so than for the victim should things go wrong so knowledge, caution and respect are paramount tools as equal to any already in the witches, wizards or shamans toolbox. Also the known threefold law when what you send out comes back thrice can come into play, thus, making the hex or curse have an extremely nasty way of back ring or coming home. Likewise, image making such as poppets and the like to cure an individual of an ailment is bene cial and possible, however, this can quickly turn into an excuse to use the poppets and dargyrds to kill or hurt someone especially if the magician is in a highly emotional state of mind. Equally, we need to question boldly why the person is ill or in need of our assistance before such work. Maybe, it is their own path to work through something without a x or mend from us. In conclusion, embracing the dark knowledge can and should help to overcome your misunderstanding of the left hand path and lead to a more satisfying and rewarding magical life. Learning and understanding the rules of the other path in the mundane world should be more than enough to proceed in the magical world with safety and enjoyment. Remember always, we do not live by light alone anymore than we do by dark. Blessed Be.
Suggested Reading
Magic with Demons - A Practical Manual for Sorcerers by Britomartis The Book of Black Magic by A E White
The Goetia - The Lesser Key of Solomon: Clavicula Salomonis Regis Translated by Samual Liddell MacGregor Mathers with an Introduction by Aleister Crowley Editors Extra: To Find Out More About This Demon Dagger Below Search The Internet For - Phurpa or Phurbas
Many people find that they dream more around full moon or dark moon
Theme magical oak tree on an island Feelings awe, excitement and curiosity People just me Place island in a lake Symbols tree, lake, island, bridge and water Words - none There is a feeling of exploration in this dream as if the dreamer is perhaps contemplating a new spiritual path. The mysterious, magical tree suggests ancient power and knowledge, perhaps related to Druidry. The dreamer may be considering the way forward on this new path and realising that although things seem di cult at the moment there is perhaps an easier way ahead. Once you begin to pay attention to your dreams and record them in your journal you may nd that a whole new journey unfolds in front of you as it did for this dreamer. I should know, that dreamer was myself! Good luck with your dream journies and journal. Article Copyright - Ruth Snowden 2011
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by Elen Sentier The Talking Stick is perhaps best known from Native American Traditions. The Talking Stick is passed from person to person as they speak and only the person holding the stick is allowed to talk. Everyone listens closely to the person speaking so they understand and dont ask silly questions. How many of us do this in our everyday lives? Not many, I suspect. There is massive pressure on us to translate what we hear in order to show we understand it. In essence, we cannot be seen to fail to understand. Indeed, it seems we cannot be allowed to fail in life in any circumstances, however, as a consequence we rarely understand anything because we spend our time not listening but trying to work out what were going to say when our turn comes. Have you been to a group or workshop where the rst activity is that everyone in the circle has to introduce themselves? You sit there, half listening to see what kind of thing to say or not to say, to see if you can sound better than the person speaking, to see if you can sound super-interesting. But what youre not doing is paying attention to the person speaking. I worked as a transpersonal psychotherapist. A major part of our training was in listening. To work the talking cure as psychotherapy is sometimes known, you have to be able to listen. And you have to be able to repeat back exactly what was said, not translating it, not interpreting it, not even having to understand it, simply to repeat it exactly. Freud adopted the term from the Anna O. case study, to describe the fundamental work of psychoanalysis, as he, and many since him, found that telling out what has happened and its related emotions ameliorates, its a catharsis. However, if the therapist tries to interpret along the you mean lines then all the goodness, catharsis, is gone because it is no longer the patients thing, it has been hijacked by the therapist. The patient will try to gain approval by conforming to what the therapist is telling them that they mean. Only very rarely will the patient have the courage to stick to their guns and say No! That is not what I mean. Indeed, if they have that much bottle then theyre well on the way to being cured. So, how often do you try interpreting what someone tells you? How often have you said, You said... ...blah, blah, blah ...is that right? Can you expand that for me, Im not sure I understand? It takes a lot of bottle yourself to say you dont know and yet, if you cant admit that then youll never know anything. As my father used to say, The person whos never made a mistake has never made anything and its so true. The talking stick is a means of trying to educate people to know this and work this way. What does it take to listen to someone? You need to want to, to care about them so that you want to understand. One of the worst problems, particularly for folk who want to be healers of some sort is that they want to make things better. This usually comes from the pain they feel at watching anothers pain, thus, they desperately want to stop it so that it stops hurting them. Parents do this, Dont cry, darling, however, the poor wretched child wants to cry, needs to cry, and the most important person in their life tells them not to do it! So, to gain favour, the child chokes down the tears and conforms to what the parent has told them to do. Continued Page 39:
The person whos never made a mistake has never made anything
Continued: Then theres the friend. Rather than sit quiet without interruption the friend jumps in and interrupts, I know and sets o on their own story rather than listen to yours. And they want to help, nd a solution, again, to stop their own pain rather than help their friend to nd their own way through. No, were not often given any encouragement to learn how to listen. One of the results of this is that we never communicate. We always interpret so we always live in our own world and never share that of the person were with. As a shaman, a walker between worlds this is not how I want to be. If I am to walk between worlds I must learn to hear, to listen to the beings and powers that I meet. If I try to interpret them, turn them into what I think they are, Im very likely to get killed! Oh yes, otherworld is real, its not a gment of anyones imagination despite what some psychologists would prefer me to believe and, as such, its dangerous. If I mess up by not listening, not asking for information and keeping on asking until I feel I do understand, then at best I will be taken for a ride. At worst I will die. In the everyday world we screw up too. We dont listen to what our partners, colleagues, children, say but interpret, try to shrink the other person to t into our box. We never know whats really happening for them because we always re-write it into something easy for us to deal with. How many failed relationships come about because of just this lack of communication, 100%? Yes, very likely. Jung used to say to his students, Never know best and never know rst. Remember this, it works for everything! Now, making yourself a Talking Stick is a very good way to begin to learn how to listen. This is because to make any instrument of power or paraphernalia as we call it in the British tradition, is to embody a spirit. To begin this, you have to ask if there is a spirit who wishes to work with you. No, you dont go out and nd a spirit, call a spirit, grab a spirit by the short and curlies and force it to work with you. You ask. And asking is the beginning of listening. In the British Celtic tradition we call this embodiment in-forming. To inform is to give form to something. In this case you will embody the spirit of your Talking Stick. Not any old spirit but the spirit who has chosen to work with you. It is an honour to be chosen by a spirit. By giving them the form they need to work with you in the everyday world you honour them and make a deep, intimate, relationship with that spirit. And you have to communicate in order to do this. You learn how to do this from the spirit itself, not another human being, learning what the spirit wants. Learning directly from otherworld is a wonderful and delightful process, very empowering for you and also enabling for the spirit. This is exchange.
Know How
Open your sacred space and sit with the idea of Talking Stick. Ask if a spirit will come to you and help you to understand listening and hearing. As your return for the spirits gifts, o er to make the body for the spirit in accordance with what the spirit needs. When the spirit comes to you, make friends. You are going to embody this spirit by making the form, the physical body, in-form it. Listen to the spirit. Ask the spirit what form, shape, material, decoration, etc, it needs to be properly informed, embodied dont try to impose your own preferences! Continued Page 40:
Allow the Spirit to move your hands while you shape the materials into the form
Continued: Ask the spirit to help you nd the materials you need to make the form. When you have the materials, ask each of them to help you transform them into what the Talking Stick spirit needs for its form. Always ask the spirit to be with you, to help and advise you, as you work. Invite them in. They will normally not intrude without your invitation so make sure you invite them. Find the materials with the help of the spirit, dont decide for them. As Jung said, Never know best and never know rst. Sure, its a hard thing to do, however, keep working on it. Make sure the spirit is with you on the hunts when you are searching for the materials. Whatever material you use, discover what god or goddess has it in their repertoire. To do this sit with the material and ASK you will get pictures, words, phrases, sounds, smells and sensations that will show you who it is you are working with. You might be using a cleaned up baked-bean tin (can in the USA) as part of the body, who knows, however, dont make the mistake of thinking the baked-bean tin is not a sacred object. The Earth is sacred and the baked-bean tin is made from part of her sacred body. Find out what it is made of and sit with it, there will be a god and or goddess whose metals it is. You need to introduce yourself to them and thank them for the gift of the tin. Allow the Spirit to move your hands while you shape the materials into the form. This is a beginning of learning shapeshifting, a safe beginning, where you cooperate with the Spirit and work together. Invite the spirit to in-habit the form, speaking words which invite the spirit to come and live within the home youve made for it. Never command or force, always o er, request and invite. Now, you have your Talking Stick and the spirit who wishes to work with you is embodied, in-formed, and now you can work together. Always ask and listen. Ask the spirit to help you learn to listen and to do this you have to listen. So, youre learning on the job, which is always the best way. And remember, it is far more than just a stick to be passed round a circle to show who is allowed to speak. It is an enabling tool of power that can enable you and others, however, you have to work with it, listening, hearing, asking and searching. Its a form of stalking wisdom. You cannot just grab at wisdom but rather must come at it as the shaman-hunter does, working carefully, stealthily, going sideways, seeing as many possibilities as you can. You have to work and work very hard. Ive done this myself, indeed I make all my own paraphernalia by asking if a spirit wishes to work with me then, if I get a yes I ask the spirit to help me with the making. Im always learning. As long as I keep listening and dont interpret but hear, and ask when I dont understand then, I keep learning. Do try it for yourself, its a wonderful experience. Article Copyright - Elen Sentier 2011 For further information on Elens work and projects please visit any of the following links. Elen Sentier: http://www.elensentier.co.uk/ Wye's Women: http://wyeswomen.wordpress.com/ Twin Taverns: http://twintaverns.wordpress.com/ Elen's Books: http://stores.lulu.com/elensentier Rainbow Warriors: https://sites.google.com/site/wyeswomancelticshaman/rainbow-warriors
a Pot to Piss in
Home Alone
by The Haymaker I know by now you must be sick to death of the 10th re-run of Home Alone on your Freeview or Satellite Box where scru y villains get hit with irons, paint pots and bombarded with marbles and sticky substances and feathers. But stay with me, for this story is not about some blonde haired, blue eyed American kid who thinks he can rule the world with a handful of toys and gadgets and his Dads credit card! No, this is about the real Home Alone people on this little island we call (and yes I guess I have to say it) Great Britain, although the EU would have us call it the UK as if in some how we were all united. Yeh, whatever! It begs a thought for the Home Alone of this green and pleasant land, my Israel, my Kingdom and everything else out of context by bards and songwriters alike. Home alone is an ever creeping and unnoticed and sometimes (swept under the carpet) disease of this land of ours where those who have reached their twilight years nd themselves alone and at home most of the time due to age, frailty, disabilities or declining health both physical or mental. Sometimes, age plays no part in this as many illnesses can disable even the most active of people making them dependant of family (if they have them) or friends who perhaps visit once a month.
All of a sudden Home Alone is no longer funny anymore and would that vision still be acceptable as a re-run every year, I think not, and so, why a tale so gloomy and why at this time? Well, this scribe has worked in the eld (yes that too) but seriously, the eld of Social care in one way or another these last 25 years and watched successive governments both local and central, cut and cut the supporting services so much that even families can no longer a ord to care for their loved relatives. Even more so, now we are all being fed such dribble about the worlds failing economy and how We are all in this together jibe thats spooned to us from our glorious political leaders. So, if we are all in this together, why the hell dont I see any of them lling their baskets from the basic range every month or, indeed even in my supermarket? Why dont I see them in the Charity shops topping up on clothes or in the Sally Ann getting a cheap or free cup of tea on a Saturday morning? I wont answer this as you can ponder on the truth but if youre sane and of sound mind you too will already know by now We are not in this all together. So, as the whole fabric of our society cracks and the vulnerable become even more vulnerable who will look after the Home Alone from now on? We are told The Big Society will have to do this but what they mean by the big society is the charitable and voluntary sector bodies that have been doing it for years anyway on poor or no funding from our governments and relying on handouts from grants and street collections, in short, you and I! I would like to tell you there was one solution to resolve this epidemic but there isnt. Yes it would be possible for current governments (and perhaps even previous governments) to put more money into the voluntary sector to support the stretched NHS and social care sector run by local authorities, but they wont. No, because our government (as with most in the Western world) prefer to throw more and more of our money at creating death around the world via arms and personal aims and ambitions to topple (non-westernised) civilizations throughout the world and then have the audacity to tell us we are going bankrupt and we all have to pay the price. I must have missed something here as I cant remember Tony Blair or George Bush (The Junior) phoning me up and asking if it was ok to spend our taxes on war instead of using it to support my society, the elderly, the disabled, the needy our welfare state and my future! No, they just squandered it in Iraq, Afghanistan and every other tin pot location in the world in the name of freedom and the international war on terrorism (yes) created by the same governments of our world and then when the monster turned to bite the hand that fed it they didnt like it so they all became terrorists instead of freedom ghters! Of course I speak of Binladen and not the beast of Bagdad in this instance as everyone will be aware of the suppression in icted on the people of Bagdad under the auspices of Saddam Hussein. But I digress. Forgive the passion about misappropriated funds! So, could the gap in our society for the home alone be plugged with money and resources instead of squandering it, probably? But will that ever happen, no! Well not until the British people actually start to vote with their minds, hearts and social responsibility, instead of individual personal greed and a Im all right jack mentality, however, I guess thats not going to happen in my short lifetime and the world will probably have to crumble before the man and woman in the street actually see just how much they have lost, by which time it may be far too late.
The world will probably have to crumble, Before we actually see just how much weve lost
Dying alone is a tragedy at any time of the year. However, its particularly tragic at Christmas
Continued: Source: http://www.express.co.uk - 24/1/11. When the home alone go through a government rated (Cold Snap) up to 9 people of pensionable age die from the cold every hour. Statistically death for the home alone occurs at around 3am at a time when the human resistance is at its lowest. Source: http://www.dyingmatters.org.uk December 2010 Dying alone is a tragedy at any time of year but particularly at Christmas. Over a million older people spent Christmas at home alone and many of them risked dying alone at that time. This is the stark reality as bad weather adds an additional 25,000 people to the normal death toll from old age and illness at this time of year. Many older people describe themselves as always or often lonely, something that is more keenly felt over Christmas. Dying Matters considers that the solution is simple and free! Have a conversation with the neighbours. This is the message being given out from the National Council for Palliative Care and Dying Matters Coalition. Now, even though this was sadly just a structured campaign for Christmas (and a good one at that) it has not taken into account (yet) that the statistics as shown above will continue to grow post Christmas 2010, unless similar action is taken day in day out from 1/1/11 onwards. Although being home alone is more than just about Christmas it is interesting to consider the statements made in the article on the web compiled by Dying Matters. Eve Richardson (Chief Executive) of the National Council for Palliative Care said, It is time to say no to unnecessary deaths and su ering over Christmas, Our campaign asks family, friends and neighbours to look out for the signs of distress and take action, Lets support our friends and neighbours and make sure no one dies home alone this Christmas. Hilary Fisher (Director) of Dying Matters said, Small actions can have a big impact on the health and wellbeing of older people on their own, We are asking the 13,800 members in the Dying Matters Coalition to promote our campaign to look out for, A, neighbour, family member or friend who is on their own this Christmas, it could make all the di erence. Bridget Sam-Bailey (Chair) of the Lewisham Pensioners Group said, Every year, at around this time, we hear terrible stories not just about older people dying alone, But even being left unnoticed for weeks after theyve died, with help from Dying Matters we decided, To do something about it and in Lewisham we now look out for each other more. We visit neighbours, We think might be ill or alone and make sure we invite people to our regular meetings. Dying Matters feel so strongly about the home alone issue that they have started a campaign (Home Alone Campaign). They ask the question what can I do?
Nosey Parker
I am sitting in the smallest room of my house I have your review before me. In a moment it will be behind me.
Max Reger
http://www.whiteswanrecords.com http://mcyogi.com/
Continued: With 14 original tracks that celebrate Indian mythology and spirituality, MC Yogis genre-bending, Elephant Power o ers a truly magical experience. Produced by Sean Dinsmore and the Bhakti Brothers (Robin Livingston & MC Yogi), Elephant Power features an all star cast including Krishna Das, Bhagavan Das, Jai Uttal and Sharon Gannon. The inspirational track Be the Change o ers us an update to the inspiring tale of Mahatma Gandhi and reminds us of the power one person has to change the world while, track eight, Son of Shiva informs and educates us on the how and why Ganesh becomes. MC Yogi's lyrics touch beautifully on Eastern philosophy and Buddhist teachings and this is totally not your typical hip hop o ering praising lewd language, violence, and lyrics which are completely gobbledygook. The range of traditional instruments used on the album attests to the reality that you can but occasionally mix cultures e ectively. These include the ektar, conch, bells, dotar, bansuri ute, tabla, dholak, guitar, turntables, bass, and drums. Elephant Power then is a mystical album of profound stories and catchy melodies in both English and Sanskrit which is perfect for the younger crowd as well as discerning adults like myself who need more than just noise in their ears. And so, if youre looking to nd an album which you can shake and rattle your day awake with then you could do a lot worse than to purchase Elephant Power, likewise, if you want to take a mythological magical musical tour of the fascinating world of Ganesh then Id highly recommend you climb onto the back of MC Yogis Elephant Power. Finally, if you want to challenge yourself as I did to listen to something youd otherwise have never considered upon seeing the words, rap and hip-hop I passionately recommend this as the album to change your mind and heart to the potential and possibility of an alchemical mix that really does deliver the golden listening experience. Enjoy the ride. Jai Ganesh! Review: Terry Mace.
In true cinema going fashion youll either love or hate this lm. Its doubtful that many of you will nd yourself sitting on the fence with a 50/50 vote or experience. For myself, I loved this DVD and enjoyed on many levels the uniqueness of this radically di erent lm o ering. The short version synopsis could be that of any movie, Divorced and clinically depressed pill popping professional photographer Amanda (Marlee Matlin) is on the edge. Will she kill herself or just have a complete mental breakdown? A continuing longer synopsis may go something like this, Finally, coming face to face with her psychotic inner demons Amanda recognises that she has only two ways to go. Change her thoughts, reality and outlook on life or die inwardly and possibly outwardly. However, neither synopsis does justice to the lm and, thus, a third combined and extended one is needed,
Continued: Synopsis: Divorced and clinically depressed pill popping professional photographer Amanda (Marlee Matlin) is on the edge. Will she kill herself or just have a complete mental breakdown? Finally, coming face to face with her psychotic inner demons Amanda recognises that she has only two ways to go. Change her thoughts, reality and outlook on life or die inwardly and possibly outwardly. Thus, she is thrust from her pathetic mundane life into an Alice in Wonderland style world of cosmic revelations, biochemistry and quantum physics. As a result, Amanda comes face to face with a brand-new perception of the world and the people she interacts with through these quantum scienti c and Shamanic like non-ordinary states of consciousness. This drama based documentary driven lm combines both interviews with leading scienti c, philosophical, theological and spiritual experts as well as o ering the viewer a fantastical feast of special e ects to rival any at Dream Works or Pixar The nal closings scenes and overall story-line is potentially transformative, metamorphic and change-making. Running Time for the lm is around one and a half hours and whilst it was originally released in worldwide theatres on May 20, 2005 as expected with any none mainstream lm and cross-genre creativity it speedily went to Video and DVD with several on-line o erings to boot. Thus, many, many people have not only never seen this lm but many more have never even heard of it, thus, my interest in writing a review. Distributed by Lord of the Wind lms it is in simple terms an extraordinary lm and in this sense it does warrant viewing if for no other reason than to say youve seen it and either loved it or hated it. Directed by Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente and written by Betsy Chasse, William Arntz and Matt Ho man it is a radical departure from convention. As such, it demands the viewer to open their mind, heart and soul to undreamt of possibilities. In this respect What The Bleep Do We Know gives a much needed voice to our modern day radical souls of science, theology, metaphysics and spirituality making them the true heroes of our day as they conquer and map the greatest uncharted territory yet known to human beings universal consciousness and reality itself. You may like to check out the lm trailer and website before going down the rabbit hole, however, whatever you do, consider this, What The Bleep Do We Really Know for Sure?
Review: E. Stien.
Its never easy when reviewing to know exactly how the publisher, writer, author, editor, compiler or distributor will react to a less than favourable book review, albeit honest, open and truthful as the said reviewer sees it from their own respective subjective perception. And, thus, it is with this sense of reality that I co-review The Druidic Book of Common Prayer. Flu y I cannot be. Raw, yes! Flu y no. And so, where to begin? Often, a good place to start when not sure where to start is to use the good-bad-good sandwich model. You look at whats good, then you look at whats bad and then you nish by returning to whats good. Continued Page 49:
Continued: And so, whats good about The Druidic Book of Common Prayer? Well, its bold! Not in revolutionary or cutting edge sort of bold like The Awen but rather in a more arrogant and I know the truth sort of way. In this respect, its ballsy. Likewise, it doesn't apologise for itself in any way other than to do so for not knowing all of the authors and writers of work included within, however, even this apology is sadly tainted as you will see later. In this respect, its not even humble. Likewise, theres no sign or any thought that the author, compiler or the I may not be right on all thats said. No. Not at all. After all, as the title states, it is The Book of Druidic Common Prayer. And thats where I get pissed. Whenever Im told that someone or something is The way my heckles go up. Sure, as Editor and creator of The Awen Ive used The also, however, Ive equally stated many, many times that I have no truth and that The Awen has no truth. Rather, it is a possibility! If nothing else, I always state clearly if somethings my truth! Never once do I proclaim for another the truth. Not so with this book. For example, the unnecessary repeated multiple sections on what constitutes, quali es and makes manifest a Druid Sage is in simple terms rather fundamental in its o ering. If I turn it another way Id say that it constitutes Druidic-Fundamentalism at its worst. Heres an abbreviated and re-worded snippet of whats required according to the books compiler to qualify one for the status and o ce of a Druid Sage. 1. A good Degree from a good university (this is never quanti ed) in comparative Theology + a second higher quali cation or even better a second good degree in science, mathematics, astronomy, engineering, architecture, law or medicine. 2. British Nationality. (at least three generations if of immigrant stock) 3. Complete uency in English. (whilst again not quanti ed I take it this is both oral and written) 4. Have been gainfully employed for at least 35 years in a worthwhile job. (again not quanti ed) 5. Happily married for the same amount of time or more with a full grown healthy/happy/stable family. 6. Ready and willing to take the vows of, poverty, chastity and obedience to The Logic and Druidic Synod. 7. Have full nancial means to do so. (not quanti ed) 8. Must have passed all components of the syllabus. (again which or what syllabus is not quanti ed) 9. Must have been apprenticed to and been approved for selection for at least ve years to another recognised Druid Sage. 10. Must be an upstanding member of the Druid community and general community. Now, maybe its just me, however, I reckon that this must have list just about eliminates 99% of all practising Druids today. Whilst this may seem a little harsh and may be misunderstood as a judgement nonetheless lets get real. Who has all of these on their tick list? Look, bold writing, a brave approach and even a ballsy book will always go a long way with me, however, such absolute and total nonsense will not. And so, what else is wrong with the book? Well, the compiler has been lazy and sloppy in the way theyve used other authors and contributors work. For example, anyone with even the basics of computer literacy and an internet connection can type the rst line or paragraph of a poem, article, quote or written work into a search engine and within a few short clicks arrive at the original authors work. Thus, allotting full and rightful credits to the same is really not that di cult these days. Two classic examples of this laziness are on page 129 and 150 where the compiler uses two of the most famous and most well know poets work without any credit whatsoever. The rst line of one and the title of the second give the authors away to any self respecting spiritual seeker whos ever read the great works of literature or poetry as Im supposing the compiler had himself based upon his own list. Then Almitra spoke, saying, We would ask now of death. And he said: Anyone? Of course! Its from The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. Not Waving but Drowning Got it? Stevie Smith. Look, tough, hard and raw I may be, however, if youre going to use such important and well known poets at least credit them. As Im not a Druid I asked my partner Jules (herself a practising and quali ed Druid) to take a look over the book to see what she thought and felt.
Continued: She found that whilst the compiler had included, The Gorsedd Prayer, Grant O God/Goddess Thy Protection instead of this more appropriately opening the book it was in fact tucked away at the back on page 108. Likewise, although she searched the whole book she could not nd, The Druid Vow spoken three times at all modern ceremonies. Now, this seems to me rather strange considering the title of the book. Because of this, I asked her to look deeper into this publication as a Druid and not an Editor. Jules subsequently pointed out to me the book had many repetitions and similar topic structures which made for a very di cult to understand book. Not because of its complexity, but rather because of its foundational standpoint that it was, The Book about Druidic Common Prayer which as my partner explained was at best rather laughable and at worst incredibly pretentious and arrogant in the sense of professing to know what common prayers Druids speak, recite or use on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Further more, as a practicing Druid my partner felt that this publication was not in the least bit re ective of her own personal daily, weekly or monthly common prayers anymore than Id suspect 99% of 21st Century Christians feel about their own book of common prayer. She also felt that many of her friends, also practising Druids and some very well respected ones for that matter would also not see this publication as re ective of the modern Druid. Another thing which Jules found most frustrating is that the book attempted to do and be too many things. On the one hand its title suggests its a prayer book while on the other hand it gives over at least a third of its pages to telling the reader what Druidry is, should be and was or rather purporting to do so. Likewise, it covers very sparsely and slimly the really important areas within a Druidic process such as the Druid Wheel of the year. And so, with the mouldy middle of the sandwich voiced, what of the end crust or, the good bit again? Well, to be honest, truthful and open, it is with a compassionate heart and soul I end my co-review. I decided to do some further research as to the compilers true identity as none had been given to me by the review copy sender. What I found out was that the original creator, author, editor and compiler was apparently a professor using the pen-name of, Tom O'Golo to avoid academic backlash from his peers. However, whilst I cannot con rm these ndings, it would appear that this writer is now dead and as such cannot respectfully respond to my co-review or defend or explain his real motives for writing and compiling such a work of Druid Fundamentalism. However, his two works still appear to be in print and are now apparently published by Zimbo Press. Again, an internet search uncovered little more than an Amazon link which Ive included below for those of you who may like to either view his two books online or indeed feel drawn to purchase them. Toms other book is called, Christ? No! Jesus? Yes!: Antichrist, Anarchist, Economist, Atheist: which probably says enough! And, thus, for me the news of the authors passing into the summer lands is the good bit in as much that this compiler, now deceased, will not be writing a second revision, updating this rst and only edition or adding to it or amending it for future publication. And so, whilst I respectfully and compassionately mourn the loss of a brother, although not known to me, I do not mourn the loss of this publications potential to be re-written and re-published in an amended or new format by its original author Tom OGolo who was clearly in life somewhat of a Druidic fundamentalist hard liner. However, perhaps, and like so many other publications of the past which have received such bad-press my own rather scathing, critical and raw co-review of The Druidic Book of Common Prayer may in fact have the complete reverse a ect, launching it to the number one best sellers list. For sure, stranger things have happened! In closing this co-review, there is really only one nose award which can possibly be given to this book and thats the, who nose nose. Co-Review: Julie Turvill & Terry Mace. For those of you who like your Druidry Fundamentally Flavoured check out Toms books online:
Whats Going On
Events, Gatherings, Workshops & Courses Druidic & Pagan Information:
Friday the 27th, Saturday the 28th & Sunday the 29th of May - 2011 MYDDLE EARTH SUMMER CAMP Pagan Federation South Wales http://www.myddle-earth.info Saturday the 4th of June Sunday the 5th of June -2011 WUFFINGS PAGAN CAMP - The Sinfield Trust - Suffolk http://www.wuffingspagancamp.com Monday the 20th of June Tuesday the 21st of June - 2011 STONEHENGE - SUMMER SOLSTICE OPEN ACCESS Stonehenge - Wiltshire http://druidnetwork.org/en/sacredsites/stonehenge/manopenacc.html Friday the 24th of June - 2011 THE GORSEDD OF BARDS OF COR GAWR GORSEDD BEIRDD CR Y CEWRI Alban Hefin (Midsummer) Gathering - Stonehenge - Wiltshire http://druidnetwork.org/contact/Cor+Gawr+Tickets Friday the15th, Saturday the 16th & Sunday the17th of July 2011 THE FLAME OF BRIGANTIA CAMP - Trawden Lancashire http://druidnetwork.org/en/node/1003463 Wednesday the 27th of July Sunday the 31st of July - 2011 THE DRUID CAMP 2011 - Forest of Dean - England Further details from http://www.druidcamp.org.uk Sunday the 31st of July - 2011 THE GORSEDD OF THE BARDS OF CAER ABIRI Lughnasadh Gathering - Avebury Wiltshire http://druidnetwork.org/en/node/1000643 Or contact Morgan: 01458 835518
Note: The Above Listings Were Correct at Time of Press To Submit a Listing Please Email: [email protected]
Whats Going On
Events, Gatherings, Workshops & Courses Mind, Body & Spirit Information:
Wednesday the 25th - Monday the 30th of May - 2011 MIND - BODY - SPIRIT - FESTIVAL The Royal Horticultural Halls - London http://www.mindbodyspirit.co.uk/ Saturday the 28th, Sunday the 29th & Monday the 30th of May -2011 MYSTIC & EARTH SPIRIT FAYRE Glastonbury - Sommerset http://www.glastonburyfayres.co.uk/community/ Saturday the 4th of June Sunday the 5th of June - 2011 HOLISTIC WEEKEND Winscombe - Somerset http://www.holisticweekend.co.uk/ Saturday the 11th of June - Sunday the 12th of June - 2011 YOUR HEROIC JOURNEY - William Bloom The Psychology Of Spiritual Development - Glastonbury - Sommerset http://www.williambloom.com/#workshops/your-heroic-journey.php&crsid=9 Friday the 17th of June - Friday the 24th of June - 2011 HEALING THE FAMILY & ANCESTORS - Jill Purce http://www.healingvoice.com/workshops.htm Tuesday the 21st of June - 17:16pm - 2011 SUMMER SOLSTICE - UK - England http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summer_solstice
Special Announcement!
21st of June - 2011 First Edition of The Digital Awen - Expressing Inspiration Available from: http://the-digital-awen.blogspot.com/
Note: The Above Listings Were Correct at Time of Press To Submit a Listing Please Email: [email protected]
Design Concept - Sparkle Cat Copyright - Terry Mace 2010/11 - All Rights Reserved - For Your Free Sparkle Cat - Love Life - Calendar Visit: http://the-phoenix-moon-project.livedrive.com/ les/23872967
Front Cover - A Hard Rains Going to Fall Copyright Rosalie Harrison-Royce 2011
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Inside Cover - It Never Rains Copyright Rosalie Harrison-Royce 2011
by Professor Jeffery Moldstone Analyst: It not looking good Mr President, not good at all. President: Mmm. Analyst: Do you want to win this next election or dont you? President: Mmm. Analyst: Look, Ive had a word and theres nothing to it, straight in and straight out, sorted. President: Mmm. Analyst: Youve done everything you can for him, hes not seen the inside of a cave for years. President: Mmm. Analyst: After all, just how long did he think youd pay the rent for anyway? President: Mmm. Analyst: Its amazing the British agreed to it but that just shows you how much they still owe us. To get 50% of the rent from them was amazing as well as them supplying the contractors for free to build the place. Theyve even said theyll pay for breakages! President: Mmm. Analyst: Well say he had a gun, maybe a bomb as well and that he used one of his wives as a human shield, the press will love it! Then, well make sure that you go on live TV just afterwards and tell the Nation you gave the order on lets say, Monday but we couldnt com rm it until today. Theyll never know about the 5 year plan because we never had a 5 year plan did we Mr Presdient. President: Mmm. Analyst: Of course, someone somewhere will suspect us of already having planned all of this ve years ago when we built the place, however, well make sure that all of the stu dissapears or gets buried or burnt and well even use that as well by telling the press that the gabbage men never called before because the Bin was never out. Genius! President: Mmm. Analyst: I calculate at least a 11% rise in the polls just one day after with a home run guarenteed for sure. Well get some ag burning going and Bobs your uncle. If we use the same courier again then it all ties in just like 9/11 did! Weve helecopters waiting to leave any minute now, all I need is a go from you! President: Mmm. Analyst: Excellant!
Texture - Cool Copyright - Rosalie Harrison-Royce 2011
Continued: As a retired analyst myself, I cannot possibly know what was, has been or will be said in regard to the death (assassination) of Osama Bin Laden, however, with some certainty and clarity I can say this. Unless you intend to live for at least 100 years if you are say 25 now, you and your peers will never know the truth as to what actually and really happened and, if in fact this man is dead as proclaimed. By the time this secret or possibly even top-secret information is classi ed as de-classi able youll be long dead and buried yourself. As for your children, their children and your grand children and their peers who will themselves be aging and growing older into their twilight years, do you really think that they will give a shit about what happened 75 years or more in the past. And thats the point! You see, in accordance with Executive Order 13526, published on January the 5th, 2010 (which superseded Executive Order 12958, as amended), an executive agency (CIA, FBI, And Other Nameless of Faceless Covert Operating Command Organisations) must declassify their documents after 25 years unless they fall under one of the nine exemptions as outlined within Executive Order 13526. However, classi ed documents 25 years or older must be reviewed by any and all agencies that possess an interest in the sensitive information found in the document before any length of time is increased or decreased. What this means in very simple language is that because this information must never be seen youll never live to see the truth upheld let alone hear it, and, if you do, youll not give a rats arse what happened when you were 25 or just born because simply put, youll be just too old to care. You see, telling the truth after the event is easy, especially if anyone who would or could care about it is already dead, sick, ill or disabled by old age or in rmity. After all, few revolutionary world changing movements except perhaps in Mahatma Ghandis case have been led by OAPs or seniors. And, theres a pretty good reason why this is. In simple terms, at 75, 80, 85 + years of age and upward were far too busy trying to enjoy what little life we have left that the death of someone such as Osama Bin Laden who supposedly killed thousands in less than a days de-construction work is of truly insigni cant proportions to lets say our bowel movements and having to pass urine several times a day to be comfortable. Sure, an interest in current a airs, world history and the like will always feature high as a retiree on my own personal agenda, however, Im not the norm and I know this. For example, if I look at my own mother who at 88 is pretty frail, disabled and tired Id have to say that a conversation with her about the Second World War and the Hitler youth which she actually experienced rst hand and not on YouTube or Twitter is of little concern to her now. When I explained to her that history wasnt quite the way she thought it was and did she realise that we were as much in bed with Hitler as we were with Bin Laden she asked me how many sugars Id like in my tea. My point, simple, age changes us. In this respect, the wheels that turn governments large and small know this and have always known this. For this reason, to withhold the truth or information which could or would lead to the truth for as long as is possible is of paramount importance and cannot be simply left to those who may like to think that there is such a thing as freedom of information. And so, where does this leave us in regard to lies? Well, Hitlers right hand man, Joseph Goebbels said, If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and or military consequences of the lie. It, thus, becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie and, thus, by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.
Continued: Now, if youre smart enough to read between the lines then youve already seen the biggest lie of all. Let people believe that, secret, top-secret and highly classi ed documents are being released in the millions each year into the public domain. Let those who do not trust us see that we are trustworthy (ultimately) because we let you see what we once withheld from you. Do you really think that you are seeing anything that isnt already doctored, changed, amended or re-written to suit the larger hidden a genders of all world governments? Look, wake up, you will only ever see what is deemed ok or sanitised to see, you will never be told the truth because once youve lied, cheated and betrayed your subjects, citizens and people you can never, ever be trusted again. And thats the problem. This is an old, old story which circumnavigates the ancient civilisations and cultures. This is not simply a modern construction. Men and woman have been lying to each other since the Garden of Eden and before. In fact, if you read the ancient suppressed, hidden and secret spiritual texts youll soon learn that even the Garden of Eden is a lie! In this sense, the very bible, the thing which so many human beings base their own morals, ethics and lives upon is a lie in as much that at best it is barely 10% if that of the original multi-book and multi-faith Cannon of works which went to make up what is now referred to as The Cannon AKA The Bible. One thing it isnt, is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god! And, if this is so, and it is, then how and in what way comes our salvation if we have trusted such as we have trusted our so called leaders? Well, for me as a libertarian, anarchist, free radical and spiritual human being it starts with personal integrity and social responsibility, two core foundational elements which most politicians and world leaders know nothing about. For, if they did, theyd not be engaged in traditional politics to start with. However, at times it is an exhausting and wearisome path to walk and often I nd myself alone on the road when I most need the support, help and assistance to carry on with my work to expose the BIG lies and the little lies alike, for both erode human decency and joy Hence, why Ive now decided to come out of retirement to write a regular radical and informative feature for The Awen in the hope that I may in my twilight years inspire others younger than myself to nd their real inner truth and purpose and join me perhaps on the path of revolution be it mental, physical or spiritual. However, before you hastily sign up to a potentially already lost cause, let me clarify my intent in calling you to arms. Do I want to see a bloody and painful revolution in my own lifetime where other human beings are killed, injured and hurt, no, I dont. Ive been there and done that! However, do I want those reading The Awen and those reading this article to recognise that youve been played for long enough as citizens by the governments of the world using smoke and mirrors, lies, deceits and betrayals, yes, I do. In this sense, the revolution I call for and to you to consider is not one of guns, bombs and chemical cocktails of hate but rather of conscious and intelligent cognition and heart and soul felt illumination of your mind, body and spirit. In essence, I want you to grow up and get real. After all, your mind, heart and soul are really the only things which are of any real value to you and others when youre facing the ring squad of lie bullets aiming straight at your heart, soul and mind. For, as has long been known by all of the great world leaders, politicians and revolutionaries, if you can win these components of a human being you can win anything. And so, do I have a master plan or idea how this global revolution begins? Absolutely not! What I do know, however, is that one of the best ways to prepare for revolution or war is to know thy enemy. In this sense, I have some rather upsetting and distressing news for you. You already know your worst enemy because its YOU! Now, if you get this and want now to sign up then the place to start is on yourself. Learn, educate, instruct yourself and train yourself on everything and anything which you can then use as a weapon of light, peace and love to ght an often dark and shadowed foe.
Continued: Can you win the battle against lies? Yes! However, youll need to become something most human beings are not prepared to become. Youll going to have to become, extraordinary. You see, you can only lie, cheat and betray people who are gullible, stupid and uneducated. It is almost always impossible to lie to someone who knows what to look for in a liar. The ancient Greeks knew this and taught this as a pantomime or deception play. Perhaps then, you may like to start with this. Train yourself to know the liar and you will soon discover that you cannot trust most other human beings to tell you the truth. Now, as sad and disturbing a reality as this will be to you, something is more certain than anything else. When you equip yourself with these tools and let others know around you that you know theyre lying, something starts to transform in these people as well. In simple terms, they stop lying. The reason is simple, when no one believes you, when you expose a person, organisation or government as either a manipulator or liar, they have nowhere to go or hide. In essence, theres then no reason not to speak the truth because thats all they have left. Therein, lies our salvation and a potential return to the real Garden of Eden which was about the quest for inner knowledge and self actualisation and not the biting of an apple as weve been told. When Adam eats of the tree of wisdom that is exactly what he gets, wisdom. However, with wisdom comes responsibility and thats where it all went wrong. And so, I arrive back at my own two tenants for transformation, metamorphosis and change, integrity and responsibility. If youve made it this far then Im hoping that youll take a few more steps with me to the completion of this article and, thus, to ies. Flies, have had a pretty bad press, however, when you know how they work some part of you has to ultimately have respect for them and their process, you see, as part of your training I want you to start seeing yourself as a y. In simple terms, I want you to start to become a y on the wall style person. What this entails and how this works is in practical terms very simple. You will become an observer, a watcher a person who waits patiently for others to show their true self, slip up or betray their own lie. Put another way, youll become an invisible or grey person, someone who sees but is not seen. My next article will cover this topic and subject fully and as such there is little more to say for now on this except that if you choose to join me on the path, Id highly recommend you start your training as of today. To aid you and resource you to do this Ive included several links for your own personal research and information. Id like to leave you for now with this quote, All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them Galileo Training Resources: What it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13526 What it says: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/pdf/E9-31418.pdf How it works: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declassi cation Why the truth is never known: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statute_of_limitations Identifying Manipulators & Liars: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_manipulation Truth Wizards: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizards_Project Eyes For Lies: http://www.eyesforlies.com/index.htm Dr Paul Ekman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Ekman
The Changeling
I believe hidden away inside of you and me almost like a secret is our rainbows end
Continued Page 62:
Sit down somewhere quietly and begin to write a list of all that you want. Dont let anyone or anything deter you from doing this especially not your own thoughts that come to play on this process when you do it. As you write down a want list e.g. to be a sculptor, writer, butcher, candlestick maker, engineer, tramp, traveller, Buddha or singer, beware your mind saying things like, who do you think you are. You cant do that you dont have the ability. Or look how long it would take you do that, youll be poor for the rest of your life. When you have nished writing your list go over each item you have written and ask yourself the question and what will that give me. As you continue to ask yourself the question its almost like peeling the skin o an onion as you seek out what you want at the core of you. What will become evident to you as you continue this process is what you truly want from your life. You can develop a picture of what you will be doing when you have reached your pot of gold and what will be going on in your life. You will then be able to plan how to get it. Yes, there may be lots of things you will need to do in order to get what you want. Lots of learning and changes in the way you do things and looking at how you stop yourself getting what you want by self sabotage, however, the very fact that you will have established what you want makes everything you do more worthwhile somehow. It gives you a new purpose. Your picture of what you want becomes your pot of gold beaming down your rainbow, leading you to your chosen life. One day if you are lucky, no! Luck has nothing to do with it. If you become committed to yourself you will nd that come rain or shine the path across your rainbow is always there for you to travel deep inside to where your pot of gold has always lain. I found it and guess whats in mine? Theres not a gold sovereign to be seen, just me, doing what I always wanted to do. What an adventure being me really is.
My learning and inspiration for this article came from: The Fifth Discipline, Chapter 2 Personal Mastery, Peter Senge Buddhism Made simple, Steve Hagen Creating, Robert Fritz Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Email: [email protected]
I was feeling down. I was feeling like the whole world was against me. Well not the whole world, but certainly the bit I was a part of. People around me were behaving badly, I was doing a job I knew I should not be doing and I was living in a way that felt wrong. You see there are three people in my head. First, theres me, although truthfully Im not sure who me is but I know I am in there. Then, I live between the other two. One who encourages, who spurs me on, who inspires me, loves me, cares about me, the one I want to be. Then, there is the other one. The one who is scared, the one who believes nothing can change, the one who likes to stay put and not risk anything. The one who says I am stupid, ugly, fat, lazy, not worthy and not loveable, the one who does not like me, the one who wants to sabotage everything I do, the one who is smug and safe in their own little world. So, who do you think I listen to the most? The one who loves me and encourages me? Who believes in me and wants me to be the best I can be, you would think so wouldn't you? No. I listen to the other one. I wonder just how many of us do that. How many of us listen to the voice in our head that stops us doing anything, the one that looks down on us with criticism, with self loathing, with no aspiration. And in the middle of these two very real voices, I sit, listening to one or the other and acting depending on who is shouting the loudest that day. And, we all know who shouts the loudest gets heard!
So, my head is a constant battle between positive and negative thoughts However, what is wrong with this picture? Its my head and my thoughts so it must be my battle ground. And, if its my battle ground then I get to make the rules. I need to stop sitting in the middle of the two voices and take control of my thoughts and become the master of my own mind. I listened to the voice that kept telling me there was no choice. This was the way I had to live, that I could do nothing to change things. I believed the voice that kept telling me that it was all my own fault. The voice that insisted I had to stay in a job I hated and accept that things could not change. I was too old, not clever enough, had no friends, on and on and on. And yet, the worst part of it all was how I felt. I was trapped in the past. Things that had happened there still a ected me here. I could do nothing about what had happened yet I was still thinking about them, rehashing them, worrying about things that had happened years ago. And, it was all the bad stu I was thinking about, all the things that had gone wrong and how it was my fault or, how other people had been nasty to me, had upset me, had done something to get at me. I was running this video nasty in my head all the time and wondering why nothing ever went right in my life. I was fed up. I was fed up feeling fed up. I ended up in a trap of feeling fed up, feeling fed up with feeling fed up and that made me even more fed up. I felt that I was between the devil and the deep blue sea and I needed to do something about it, I needed to change something, I needed to do something and, on it went and on it went until one day I made a choice. I needed to stop the bloody voices. I needed to build a boat.
How many of us listen to the voice in our head that stops us doing anything, the one that looks down on us with criticism, with self loathing, with no aspiration
Continued Page 64:
The right to choose, this is what makes us great Continued: I could stay as I was, in my lovely little trap that I had created for myself in a safe world of blaming everything and everyone for how I felt or, and this was it, I could change it. The trouble with change is that it requires a conscious thought. It requires you to make a choice. So I made a choice to think di erently. After all, I never watched real video nasties as they gave me nightmares and here I was creating my own and having living nightmares instead. I had read all the books on self development, I had tried daily a rmations, I had meditated until I gave myself a headache, I had drank green tea and been to every workshop going. And yet, I still felt like I did. And, I felt like I did because I had not taken on board anything I had learnt. I had not taken it into the very depths of my soul. I had not taken it on as a life choice, as a way of life. I had not incorporated it into practical steps that I could live with because they made sense to me. I needed to live with my beliefs and what worked within my world. I needed to make a choice on the bits that were right for me and live by them. I choose to take control of what was happening, what I was letting go around in my head, thoughts that were running riot in my mind and to take control of how I reacted to the things that happened. I choose to put the past exactly where it belonged, in the past. I choose to look to the future and see it di erently. I choose to take all the lessons I had learnt and put them into practice. I choose to sit and write this book. All great achievements begin with a single thought and we then make the choice to either ignore that thought or act on it. I wonder where my life would be now if I had acted on some of the great thoughts I have had over the years. However, that is the past, and the past has no power now. I choose to start from this moment and not let the past control how I live my future. The right to choose, this is what makes us great. This is what elevates us to creative individuals able to achieve anything we wish to. This is what made Newton expand on his core theories, on why Jesus died for us, why we walked on the moon, why we get up in the morning. Choice! We all have it, in every situation that presents itself to us. We choose how we respond, how we behave, how we react. We make these choices consciously or unconsciously but we do make them. How many times have we heard people say, I had no choice. This is not true. The choice may not have been one we wanted, there may not have been much to choose from, however, we always have a choice. The only thing we cannot choose is how others behave towards us or react to us or respond to us. Choice is owned by each individual. It belongs to you and to you alone. We can try to in uence anothers choice, we can tempt them, threaten them, beg them or beat them, however, at the moment a choice is made it belongs to the person making that choice and the consequence is on them and them alone. Every choice we make is like drawing a new road on a map. It will have a consequence that will a ect not only you, but others around you known or unknown. The choice you make will alter your map and you make the choice on how your map will be drawn and where it will lead to. Never believe that you can make no choice at all as that in itself is making a choice. The choice to do nothing and keep the status quo is a choice to do nothing and keep the status quo. The map will still change and the journey will just take longer. We make choices every day. We understand most of them. What shall I have for breakfast? Shall I have co ee or tea? Shall I walk or catch a bus? These questions face us all day, every day and we make them because the answer only changes a small aspect of our lives. If I have a full fried breakfast, I put on a couple of pounds. If I have co ee it will keep me awake longer. I'll catch a bus as its raining and I don't want to get wet. Easy! Sometimes, however, the choices get a little di cult. What shall I have for breakfast, a full fry up or cereal, easy, unless youre diabetic or obese. Then, the choice is potentially a life or death choice. Many of you will say, well then you have no choice, easy, eat the healthy option, save your life. However, there are still people who make the choice to eat a full fry up and maintain an unhealthy lifestyle. Continued Page 65:
There are many reasons people do what is not good for them Continued: They have made that choice because the need to eat a full fried breakfast was greater than their need to be healthy. This need is made up of many psychological reasons. There are many reasons people do what is not good for them, however, at the moment they fried up the bacon, they made a choice and they have to live with the consequences of that choice. Until they make a di erent choice, their lives will not change for the better, however, it may change for the worse. They will make many excuses why they make the choice, they will nd any number of plausible reasons they couldn't resist the fried bacon and yet will always say I had no choice. Their map is not changing and the journey is taking longer and moving in ever decreasing circles. Choices are made for good and for bad, but they are made. We decide what the choice will be and in many cases we weigh up the consequences and we make a choice that will be better for us. It may be an instant better for us as in the case of the fried breakfast. We will feel better for a while until the guilt kicks in and we wish we had chosen a di erent breakfast or, it may be the choice will be better for us in the long run and make our lives better for us. It may also be life or death. If someone holds a gun to your head and tells you to open the locked safe or be killed, you could argue that you had no choice but to open the safe. And yet, when you opened it you made a choice. You made the choice to live. In essence, one hopes that this was a good choice, however, you always had the option to die. You could have chosen not to open the safe. What choice would you make if you knew that the information inside the safe would lead to the death of another person or 10 other people? Would your choice be any di erent? This is an extreme choice few of us will ever have to make and is based upon what we call situation ethics. However, if you look at the choices people make in their lives, you could argue that people make choices without any thought as to how it will a ect them or their familys lives. People choose to break the law, they choose to steal, abuse or even kill others. Men and Women choose to break up other peoples relationships, people choose to abuse their workers, people choose to hurt their children, people choose not to care about others. These are all choices people make that a ect them and others. If we could control how we make choices our lives would becomes ours. We would control how we behave, how we react and how we choose to live our lives. In part two of my book serialisation for The Awen Ill be exploring just how our lives could look when we take charge of our choices and learn how to control, manage and facilitate real and lasting change through these new choices without making excuses or playing the victim. I hope youll make the choice to join me again, however, even if you dont, remember, its still a choice and you made it! Article Copyright Bev Hepting - 2011 Build a Boat Copyright Bev Hepting 2011
Quantum Leaps
Believers accept that they are actually consuming flesh and blood
Continued: We can forgive Filipinos, born into their predominantly catholic culture for not warming to my description of their religion. I am assuming, as children, they have absorbed attitudes by cultural osmosis that will deliver them into adulthood sympathetic to Catholicism. I guess most will further reinforce their Catholic world view during adulthood by listening to sermons, TV, family and friends, reading their favourite newspaper and sur ng the net. This is not an attack on Catholics. We all enjoy the casual pleasure of cherry picking information that reinforces our cherished view of the world and rejecting the rest. Isnt it true that what we read determines what we read? With our world view we con dently decide how we will add to our world view and we con dently interpret the views of others. (1) Even with heroic attempts at open-mindedness dont we interpret the world with an unconscious bias from our culture and the age in which we live? What we are, and how we see the world, is inextricably bound up with our prior experience of it. From an anthropocentric viewpoint there is survival value in assembling an ad-hoc world view from inherited wisdom and from the facts that seem most pertinent at the time. It has been argued that animism, ancestor worship and the belief in gods would be a natural, even instinctive, part of this process. (2) We are driven to assemble a world view and then hold it with con dence. Sometimes we have it done for us if we are followers of established religions such as in Catholicism. To some, their god has furnished them with the absolute truth. They know. These I call absolutists while others may refer to them as fundamentalists. These others would say of them that they believe they know. Others would say that my truth is my truth and your truth is your truth implying that absolute truth is not accessible. This, I feel, is the position of many New Agers. Does everything, then, boil down to subjective interest and personal perspective? Yes. In our religious, spiritual, magical, mystical and artistic lives in my opinion it does. We can believe, we can love, and we can behold beauty without reference to the absolute. We can dwell in a universe of our own gods. It is a pluralistic world of cognitive liberty. Knowledge of or agreement about absolute reality is not possible. This I identify with Post-Modernism or Relativism. (3) Such a philosophy has a comfortably human scale about it rather like Pragmatism. It has an in built sympathy for human di erences and the di erent paths we take to make our way in the world. Post-Modernist lms such as The Matrix remind us that our conception of reality could be an illusion. Generally, we dont have the intellectual apparatus, unaided, to comprehend the profound complexity of the universe or even our little corner of it. This seems to t nicely into the New Age mythos. Even philosophers dont assiduously live by their own philosophies. I do not think New Agers explicitly follow a relativistic philosophy. If relativism has any identi able e ect on New Agers it is via di usion from New Age thinkers and writers at the core of the movement. Presumably, Ideas are passed on to receptive individuals who incorporate them in their world view, reinterpret them and pass them on, in turn. This reinterpretation continues as ideas di used into the sympathetic population at large. It will eventually reach the media machine and feed-back into the general population. By this time, the original ideas are often misrepresented or grossly distorted. This is how cultural change happens. For example, the term New Age has seeped into the public mind in just a few short years. We are all involved in a form of change always. Because we are inside the process, it is di cult to see the process as a whole. It is di cult to see the wood for the trees. I do feel that New Agers, as a broad group are consciously or intuitively attracted to the idea of relativism.
I am, however, proud to be identi ed with a movement that is predominantly life a rming, environmentally aware, peaceful, tolerant, spiritual and open to new ideas. And yet, like most who might identify with this nebulous movement we would never consider it as an appropriate label for ourselves. In my opinion, the term has been passed back and forth through the media meat grinder too many times. Why, then am I using it here? Whether we like it or not we are all exposed to the media machine and its distortions. Just like the word Hippie of an earlier time, New Age has passed into our consciousness. It is both a crass and convenient label. In my opinion, my earlier statement, Does everything, then, boil down to subjective interest and personal perspective? Works powerfully for the human good if it is a yes, however, it is inappropriate in some aspects of human life where consensus is both desirable and possible. There are also some situations where consensus is di cult but so desirable that it has to be worked at. Morality is one such area and how science should be used is another. I want to continue to discuss this in the context of the New Age movement. It is argued that there is a universal subset of ethics that applies to all of us. I nd that those around me behave consciously or unthinkingly as if this is true. In my dealings with fellow Pagans over the years it is tacitly assumed that we all share the human condition at a fundamental level. (4) I suspect this is true of the bulk of New Agers at a personal level. Science has built-in, evidence-based machinery for facilitating consensus between scientists. This is seemingly, not well understood by New Agers who see it often as establishment dogma or deception by vested interests. In my experience then, most new agers are anti-science but susceptible to pseudo-science. Scientists, in turn, are not very good at establishing a consensus with non-scientists. Capitalism or the establishment or the system or the machine may be the best the world can come up with, however, it is far from perfect. Capitalism amorally subverts science as it does grass roots movements such as the New Age movement. It is not science but the technological exploitation of it by the capitalist machine that should be met with cynicism in my opinion. I am tempted to think that the growth of the internets evil twin, as a provider of misinformation accentuates another problem with proliferation of information itself. Conspiracy theorists presumably begin with a seed of a suspicion and allow it to grow into a ourishing certainty by careful selection of the best information fertilizer from the web. I have witnessed two theorists with mutually incompatible theories skirmishing for the high ground, during an argument, whilst issuing volleys of knowing looks and the occasional, if you knew what I knew you wouldnt think like that! Each theory has its own subculture and internet sites with only certain information di using into it by that same cultural osmosis. Actual conspirators must nd the consequent smokescreen ideal and would surely be tempted to contribute with further misinformation of their own. Whether the problem is laid directly at the feet of relativism or post-modernism is not clear but I have noticed, over the years, much more credulity concerning these theories. The theories accepted by the public, are those given most media or internet exposure rather than the inherent reliability of their arguments. I can be challenged concerning the type of people I identify with the New Age movement but I am quite clear that there is a much greater acceptance of conspiracy theories by those I see as New Agers. I have to admit to a detestation of most advertising, representing business interests, since it promotes misinformation on a grand scale. Also, most newspapers, I believe, survive by often printing what they think their readers want to read which can amount to not enough of the truth to give a clear picture of the world. There is a rise in an apparently New Ageist alternative economy with its own commercial output in the form of books, health products and therapies. One example is in the area of health and wellness that cynically promotes this same kind of misinformation and worse. One might naively imagine that there was medicine that worked and medicine that didnt. And yet, because of mistrust and disagreement concerning what constitutes medical evidence, there is a rift between practitioners of conventional and alternative medicine. In part two of this article I shall take a closer look at these issues and begin the exploration into universalism. I hope you will join me again in the not so distant future as I begin to unravel the ball of string that is both belief and reality rolled into one.
by Dr Carlos Savorgnan In the early hours of one particular morning in Spring I become conscious of an extraordinary event that is intruding into a dream that I am currently engaged in. What makes it so di erent to any other dream I have had is that the intruder is ME! As if that wasn't strange enough, I also become aware of an unusual contradiction, am I the person who is dreaming or am I the person who is observing the dream from some unknown vantage point? Putting this quandary aside with unfamiliar ease, I also notice that I appear to be ying. My body moves e ortlessly through the air or some other similar medium and yet I cannot feel any resistance or turbulence. Through the simple act of wishing it, I move this way and that way, cutting a path through the air with immense ease. As I am doing so, a directive enters my mind, why not try some of the manoeuvres I perfected during an earlier ying-session? I then recall having had a similar experience only a few days earlier. How long I performed my aerobatic manoeuvres, I cannot say. Time had no meaning and the normal rules of the world that ordinarily dictates what is real and what is simply not possible just did not apply. I awoke that morning the same way I awoke every morning, however, this time was di erent. I had the clear memory of something utterly fantastic having happened. I tried to make sense of it but nothing in my short life, being only 8 years old could have prepared me for what I had just encountered. For reasons that were beyond my comprehension I had been given an opportunity to witness an aspect of the world or possibly an aspect of the human condition that de es logic. From that moment onwards, the world as I knew it became a much more interesting place to be in. Several years later I discovered that this phenomenon had a name, lucid dreaming. Probably not by coincidence the following few years saw me making avenues into territories that were almost as fantastic. I developed an insatiable appetite for reading. The very rst book I bought, at10 years of age was 'The Third Eye - The Autobiography of a Tibetan Lama' by Lobsang Rampa. Despite the later controversy surrounding the identity of the author and the authenticity of the subject matter I found it to be a most engaging and satisfying book to read from the point of view of a young boy. As an adult, the words 'naive' and fanciful seem to be now more appropriate. A few weeks later, I bought my second book which, in stark contrast to the rst, was from the genre we know as 'science ction, 'Have Spacesuit, Will Travel' by Robert Heinlein. These two books would set the tone for book selections in the many years ahead. I also became a voracious reader of history and mythology. I became a frequent visitor to the adult library in my home town of Doncaster where I 'devoured' all the books I could nd if they weren't too heavy to carry home. Books on Roman and Greek History and the mythologies of the Greek, Roman and Nordic civilisations of Europe all found their way home with me. I especially relished reading Virgils 'The Aeneid and Homer's 'The Odyssey'.
Dreams surely are difficult, confusing, and not everything in them is brought to pass for mankind. For fleeting dreams have two gates: one is fashioned of horn and one of ivory. Those which pass through the one of sawn ivory are deceptive, bringing tidings which come to nought, but those which issue from the one of polished horn bring true results when a mortal sees them.
Homer - The Odyssey Continued Page 71:
Continued: Reading such tales of the classical heroes of antiquity and the many adventures they undertook seemed to extend my capacity for imagination. I think that more than anything else, reading, particularly at an early age, allowed my mind to become more exible, more capacious and more able to dwell on those aspects of life beyond our normal, day-to-day existence. It allowed me the opportunity to escape to other 'lands' and places and times outside of our normal existence. The Universe was ultimately a benign place to be, however, life was always threatened by the idiosyncratic travails that constantly seemed to threaten mankind. Whilst writing part one of my adventures through life it has become clear to me that those experiences gained in my pre-teen years had been fundamental in shaping my life for decades to come. Not only did I discover a state-of-being that existed between sleep and wakefulness but for the rst time in my life I began to question the very fabric of reality in the metaphysical sense. It was also at this time that the seeds for my later professional life were to be sown. It was December and the day was particularly notable for being my birthday. Like all children of my circumstance this day would ultimately be measured by the size and quality of my birthday cake and the birthday present. On both counts I was not to be disappointed. My mother was a consummate cook probably a result of her Italian heritage. I had no great expectations for a present, however, I was most surprised and pleased when my father presented me with a parcel. My eager ngers easily dealt with the numerous layers of decorated paper and then it was in my hands, a Greenkat 30 X 30 refracting telescope with leather case. With my eye up close to the eyepiece the world expanded. Birds on the apex of a nearby factory roof were well within my 'reach' and children playing in neighbouring gardens were clearly rendered. Even at that early age I was aware of social etiquette and norms and I knew that it was considered both impolite and unwelcome to spy on people without their knowledge, however, sometimes children just can't resist the temptation. It was inevitable that eventually my telescope would be turned towards the sky. I quickly learned the hard way that viewing the sun through a telescope was dangerous, however, I managed to pull my eye away from the eyepiece before any real damage had occurred. The night sky was much more promising and not so dangerous. I spent many, many nights observing all the objects that the night sky had to o er. Sometime later, I managed to save enough pocket money to allow me to purchase a book on Astronomy, the justi cation being that I needed to know what I was looking at. Discovering 'things' through the barrel of a telescope is only worthwhile, in my opinion, when a name can be assigned to it. It was, thus, that new names, terms and expressions entered my vocabulary, for example, 'that smudge over there is M31, a giant spiral galaxy, while the star with the name of 'omega centauri' is not really a star, but is in fact a globular cluster'. And so it was that my attention was now gripped by the wonders that the night sky had to o er. As I learned more about our celestial neighbors, other worlds of enquiry and mystery revealed themselves. One of the most fundamental questions we can ask is, 'What makes our universe tick?' To answer this question we need to learn the language that lends itself to such technical questions such as, Mathematics and then Physics to put it all into a physical framework. At the age of 12 years I attended a local school where along with many other subjects I learned the rudiments of what we call the Physical Sciences, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. I made a few good friends along the way of whom some were as passionate about the sciences as I was. I served my 'junior apprenticeship' during the following six years, learning the basic concepts that underpinned the physical world. It was only when I went on to study for a degree in Physics that I became aware of the immense complexity and beauty that underpinned the physical reality of the world we inhabit.
Continued: Life as a Physics undergraduate was both tedious and exciting, much like any other long term endeavour in life. On a daily basis I, and my fellow students were required to adopt and assimilate new concepts and new techniques. We were being molded and we were being assimilated. The corpus of knowledge that describes the known physical universe is guarded by the High Priests, distinguished and extremely well quali ed scientists in their own distinct elds of research. Unlike many other bodies of knowledge, science is not stationary, nor, is it illogical. Science evolves through research. Underpinning all of this is 'peer review', nothing is taken on board until all interested parties are satis ed that the research was correctly undertaken and that the conclusions or inferences are valid or logically coherent. Student life is the antidote to a high pressure education. As 'would-be' scientists, we considered ourselves the rock stars of our own particular microcosm and drugs, sex and rock-and-roll, though by no means all, often represented the means by which we let our hair down'. For a while I walked this path and in so doing I discovered other worlds and other truths. In the coming months it will be my pleasure to expound upon the things I have learned during the past few decades and the things that still puzzle me. Thus, the reason for writing part one, a brief introduction to myself, is to make you, the reader, better understand me, the person behind the words. The Awen Magazine is a brave and new undertaking and it aims to bring people and ideas together. As such, the common and the mundane will not be found in its pages. Hopefully, as my tale unfolds, you will nd my own life story neither common nor mundane! If I can achieve but this in my story telling then a great feat indeed I shall have achieved. Until we meet again, adios.
As would be scientists, we considered ourselves the rock stars of our own particular, Microcosm. Drugs, sex and rock-and-roll, though by no means all, Often represented the means by which we let our hair down.
Article Copyright Dr Carlos Savorgnan - 2011
Bin There - Done That by Sniffer Diggs I love food. I love free food even more! Ten years ago when I was at University studying for my second degree I found myself often living on the bread line. The problem, however, was, that on a lot of those days bread was about the last thing I could a ord. One afternoon while sitting in Tescos car park counting out my change to see if I could get a sliced white loaf for 24p I witnessed something which was to change my life forever! In front of me was a large enclosed skip, the sort that gets put onto the back of a lorry. Sticking out the top of this bin were two legs, wriggerling and moving left to right. I watched fascinated as the upright legs nally toppled backwards to reveal a whole person. This man, clearly a human being of resourceful means exited the bin with several bags. As I watched him in broad daylight he preceded to check his retrieved groceries. Bread, milk, veg, meat and toiletries, the list went on as I watched him empty bag after bag onto the ground. After hed clearly satis ed himself that everything was in order he repacked the bags, dusted himself o and walked towards my car. I wound down the window and to my amazement as he passed he bent down to greet me. Plenty more where that came from mate, he said gru y and with that he thrust a full bag of shopping through the car window and onto my lap. As I starred down at the meat, veg, bread and tinned goods he smiled and said just one word. freeganism. I watched as he shu ed away with his remaining several full bags. That day I learnt one of the most valuable words of my life and today Id like to share this with you by giving you a link to the following website. After that day, I never went hungry again and even today on occasion return to do a little nocturnal shopping. Enjoy a new way of eating for free. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/freegans-the-bin-scavengers-467108.html
Mind Melts
by James Francis Mace I can almost remember Goochy like it was yesterday. I don't even know if that was his real name only that all the kids called him that. He lived in a shed at the bottom of someones garden which used to be a big pigeon house, but I'd been inside and he'd done it up pretty good. There were even some pictures on the walls and two hurricane lamps because the old boot he rented it o was too mean to let him have proper light. Goochy had turned a big old oil drum into a coke stove and bake oven and it heated his water as well, he didn't stink or anything like that. In fact, he was cleaner than most of us kids who went there. The oor was dirt when he moved in, but hed xed that up by getting a load of those big slabs from somewhere. Hes probably knocked them o from the Council but that was his business not mine, truth was, it did the job. After he laid them square, he cemented in between and put a bit of lino over the top and a clean fold up army cot. He never slept in his clothes. Said it was undigni ed so he always stripped down to his Johns and had a good sluice every night. That was another thing. In all the three years I went there I never saw him eat anything but sausages. Of course they were dirt cheap in those days and made a good meal, full of meat and other stu from the abattoir down the road, not like now where theyre lled with cereal pulp and shit like that. Goochy had them made up as a special order every week. He was dead clever too. In the corner of the shed he had his own underground larder. He'd dug out a big square about three feet deep and lined it with straw. He put everything in there. Marge, bread, cakes, tin milk and of course those fat nger shaped sausages. When I rst thought about it, I thought, 'yuk but the stu was as fresh as a daisy. He told me that's what the Romans did and if it suited them, it suited him. I think I remember him saying something about heating under the oor as well but it was a long time ago. He knew a lot, old Goochy. He'd been all over the place and around the World a couple of times. He used to be a sailor or something like that. He only told you what he wanted to and I learned not to ask daft questions. He'd tell me they were his skeletons and he never showed them to anyone. That took me a long time to work out. Some of the other kids, older than me and real rough tried to break in one night just to spoil it for him. He took the six all at the same time and gave them the biggest hiding I've ever seen. There were a few bloody noses that night I can tell you, but the kids parents didn't want to know. Old Goochy was a funny man to cross and after that, no one bothered him. In our back garden, my Mam had an apple orchard and I used to take him some down every Sunday morning. He told me a lot of stories about all di erent kinds of fruit and veg and stu and where they came from but I've forgotten them now. All I know is that we both looked forward to those Sundays when we could just sit and talk. It was about that time I found out that he was a scholar and a prof. I dont mean like one of them University blokes, all teeth and ginger beards. You see, there wasn't anything I couldnt ask him that he didn't know, even my homework. I got top marks every time. He told me he spent four hours in the public library every day and I believed him. He was a worker, too. None of that 'dossing around that so many folk do today pretending they got a bad back or the like or some other nonsense. He went on site sharp at six every night at the local biscuit factory packing broken biscuits and stuck it out till eleven. Several times he have a box of broken biscuit bits in the shed, said theyd jumped O the line and what could he do, couldnt leave them there otherwise people might trip over them so it was only right to get them o the oor. They were lovely with one of Goochys tin mug cuppas. He'd tell me they were his skeletons and he never showed them to anyone. That took me a long time to work out. Continued Page 74:
He got a bit of paper and a pencil. See these, I nodded. They're your ticket out of here to a better life.
Another thing, I never saw him ask anybody for anything. Not even a crust. What he didn't have, he went without, unless of course if jumped o of the lorry, shelf or production line, then as far as Goochy was concerned it was fair-dinkum which he said was an Australian word but Id never heard it before or much since. I never knew how old he was either. Some said eighty, but that was just daft. He looked old, but not that old. If it hadn't been for Goochy, I'd probably be in the 'nick' by now. Me Mam died sudden one night and I was left on me own. My brother, Charlie just clouted me round the ear and sold all the gear in the house to Screwy Billings who ran the local junk shop. After that, I only saw Charlie once. He gave me a quid and told me to piss o . Said he couldn't see to me as well as himself. I was almost thirteen by then and things got pretty rough. I weren't supposed to leave school, but I did. The only graft I could get was down at the abattoir with Denny Rogers who ran it. He gave me all the meat I could eat and ten bob a week. I got some veggies and milk with the money and some other stu for Goochy. Over the top of the building was a small loft. It was perishing cold and I told Goochy about it. From somewhere, he got about thirty big stacks of hay and lugged them up there. I think he knew one of the farmers who brought in the animals to be done but they may have jumped o of the lorry as well. That weekend he built me a little cabin out of it and put straw on the oor. I used to crawl in at night and it kept me warm as toast. Funny to think that folk are buying houses made of the stu now. Maybe Goochy had something there? He went to the Sally Ann and made them give me some clothes. After that, I was pretty well o , but I didn't have anything to do at night. One evening, Goochy was waiting for me after I nished graft. He had a hurricane lamp with him, a pencil and a lot of paper He said I wasn't going to stay ignorant like him and as he couldn't get out much in the winter, I was to learn what he called images. I didn't know what he was on about but he told me anyone could learn what they wanted. Anyone, he said, could be anything they wanted if they tried. He took a bit of paper and the pencil. See these I nodded. They're your ticket out of here to a better life. You want that, don't you? I said I did and old Goochy smiled. Right then, this is what you do. I give you four things or four names, then, you write about them. You can do that, can't you? I felt doubtful. I weren't a writer. He xed me with that look of his. What stops you getting a good job? I thought about it, because Ive not got proper schooling or spelling and words and stu like that. He clapped me on the back with his massive sausage hand and I winced. He might have been old, but Jesus, he had a clap like iron. You're halfway there, Tom and this is where your education starts. Here are four things for you. I've written them down. Just write about what you feel. See the things in your mind. Ask yourself, what do they do, how do they talk, what colour, what size, got that? All that night I tried hard but couldn't get the hang of it at all. Two nights after, he was waiting for me again. How'd you get on? I told him it was no good I couldnt do it and he got very angry. Don't you tell me it's no good you cant do it, don't you ever say that to me again. He grabbed the pencil away from me and pulled a bottle of stout from his pocket. He wetted the pencil. Right, four names, no thinking just the rst four you think of. I stammered them out and he peered at the ceiling then nodded. Two hours later he was still at it and I was starting to doze o . He shook me awake. Listen. My mouth dropped open as he read me a story about my four names. I could see the characters, hear them touch them. It was a sad story and at the end, I wiped my eyes and sni ed. He nodded at me once or twice then threw the pencil back at me. If I can do it, so can you. You're younger than me and youve got your life in front of you. Now, here's your four places. After that, there was no stopping me, what I didn't understand, I ran to the library and found out. What the books didn't explain, I asked. At rst, the old ga er who ran the place was impatient. After a month, he looked out for me. I was so busy nding things out, I forgot Goochy and my visits to see him stretched into weeks instead of the regular Sunday's but he didn't seem to bother. When I used to burst in and tell him what I'd learned he just smiled and made us both a mug of cocoa. Continued Page 75: It was a sad story and at the end, I wiped my eyes and sni ed.
It doesnt matter where we die. Remember, its what's inside that matters, nothing else. He tapped my chest and grinned. Its whats inside.
By that time, I was big for my age and could pass for older. I joined the local union and after awhile they asked me to take the minutes of the meetings down for them as I was quick and could now read, write and spell which a lot of the men couldnt. Often, Id read them stu from newspapers and books. At the end of the year, the committee asked if I'd be meetings secretary and would I take a scholarship if they paid. I ran to tell old Goochy about it the following Sunday, all excited, but the bloke who owned the shed said they'd taken him o to the council rest home as he was too old to look after himself. I could have hit him. He didn't give a bugger, not even after all the rent hed screwed Goochy for. When I got there the home manager said he was pretty sick and thought hed had it. I knew enough to realise what he meant and when I walked into the ward and saw him I almost cried. Goochy was just a grey old man now, all shrivelled up and spent. They'd done him up pretty good though with nice clean white sheets and theyd shaved him and given him one of those long night shirts. He could still smile and when I told him about the union and the scholarship he waved for the manager to get everyone from the other wards to come in and congratulate me which most of them did. I felt like a lm star. When everyone had left he pulled me close. This isnt nothing son. It doesnt matter where we die. Remember Tom, its what's inside that matters, nothing else. He tapped my chest and grinned. Its whats inside. I couldnt help it but I just started to cry and before I knew it I was sobbing like a baby. Goochy must have known that he was dying because he just kept on smiling. You've got your whole life in front of you now so don't ever forget about the images. What people feel what they say and do, that's how you learn about life. You think on that son and you'll do well. I didn't know what to do and he just took my hand and shook it like I was grown up and I walked out of there crying my eyes out. I knew he was someone special to me and for him I was maybe the son he never had. I didn't go there again. And I heard old Goochy died a little while after. Someone said he was still smiling when they put him in the ground. I wanted to put him down on paper like the images hed shown me how to bring alive and last month when I retired as the CEO of the largest workers union in the country I did. However, time passes and fty years later this is all I can remember about Goochy, The Sausage Man. Short Story Copyright James Francis Mace - 2011
The Spring & Beltane Edition of The Awen Magazine & Journal is Lovingly Dedicated to the Memory of my Father: James Francis Mace 1924 - 2005
Time is precious, sacred, Held in memory, key to futures, Haunts in depths of shadows. Time allures the anticipated lover, Holds still for the lonely heart, Conquering time, is never, But holds meaning to everyone.
Poem Copyright Ruth Bean 2011
Old Friends
In wintery wood they walked alone, two old friends hand in hand. I wish I could. You know you cant. I think I should. But your time has gone old friend. The decision loomed and the path neared its end. Two old friends wrestled with an ultimate choice, but who was right? What if I did? What if you didnt? We cant go on like this you know. But why not? Because its not the way things are supposed to be. Says who! Says me! Oh, I see. The last flakes of snow drifted in on the breeze as the old friends meandered along the path their endless debate continuing on, a debate they had had so many times before until eventually it drew to a close. In melting snows they walked alone along a path now bursting into life. Snow drops and crocus bloomed at their feet and the old friends knew the time had come for them to part. Ive made my decision. I know. Youre stronger now than I am you see. I know that too. Goodbye old friend said Spring as she let go of Winters hand and blew him a big yellow butterfly to sit on his nose. Winter stood back at last content to watch his friend leave him behind to walk out into the Sun. The catkins dangled and danced with excitement. The pussy willows fluffed themselves all up. The daffer-down-dilly's lifted their big yellow trumpets up to greet her and tired old winter went to sleep.
Prose Copyright Rico Paris 2011
Mans greed not need will sow the seed but not of food for the world to feed Destroying all thats been conceived But not in the way we had believed It will implode and time receed And all of life forever bleed
Poem Copyright Christopher Harrison-Royce 2011
Sacred Space
So often in our lives there is little room or space for contemplation, quietness, error or re ection. The Awen is di erent. And so, because youre unique, di erent and special we would like to give you some sacred space all of your own. What you chose to do with this is your a air and your business. You can keep it private, share it or create upon it something that will change the very world around you for all to see. However, whatever you do with this gift of sacred space please dont waste it!
May The Awen bless you, speak to you and hold you in the sacred space of life.
Terry Mace - Editor of The Awen
Content Submissions
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Its never been easy for me to ask anyone for help! The fact is, in keeping to this old patten of behaviour Im likely to sabotage myself and the future sustainability of The Awen. And so, Im going to break my old patten of behaviour and do what I normally never do. Ask for help! In essence, as both Editor and creator of The Awen Magazine & Journal for Change, Transformation & Metamorphosis I made an early decision not to rely upon advertising as a potential or standard revenue generating process. Hence, apart from reciprocal links and suggested resource links you will never nd an advert within these pages. However, this also means that there is no regular and guaranteed revenue creation or income stream from which to build The Awen other than my own time, energy and resources. Hence, the idea of Sponsorshiping. In simple terms, Im looking for four potential sponsors or one very committed one to come on board every quarter edition of The Awen. The concept is relatively easy to understand and potential sponsors will get a lot in exchange for their support and nancial stake. Because Ive promised total transparency and overt process as the Editor of The Awen heres what Im looking for both nancially and ethically to generate from a group of four sponsors of one totally committed sponsor. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A nancial stake of 250 per quarter or 1,000 per annum if one of four single sponsors. A nancial stake of 1,000 per quarter or 4,000 per annum if you are the single sponsor. Reciprocal links, joint promotions, joint networking possibilities and partnerships. Support, help and assistance in distributing, promoting and selling The Digital Awen Any other assistance, help and support o ered. Must be an ethically and morally minded and positioned individual, organisation or business. Must be willing to embrace, change, transformation & metamorphosis. Heres what Im initially o ering in exchange per quarter or per annum: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A dedicated full colour A4 sized sponsorship page for you to tell The Awen readers who you are! A dedicated Sponsorship Blog page connected to The Awen Blogsite and websites. A dedicated sponsorship Interview each quarterly podcast. A special published feature article on your work, product or service once a year in The Awen. Promotional literature inserts to tell The Awen readers who you are. Publishing Partnership possibilities with Phoenix Moon Media. Access to Terrys unique and eclectic resources, skills and talents.
Now, as with everything experiential in life, all roughs, concepts and ideas need to be thrashed out and re ned and in this respect, the above lists are no di erent. For anyone who wants to consider either full or part Sponsorshiping with me then obviously we need to get to know each other and work out the ner details of our sponsorship process. However, if the above concept and idea excites you and creates a spark of inspiration inside, then, Id like to talk to you as soon as possible. To complete, heres a few extra bits of information, however, please email me to begin a communication if youre interested in the above. With the Sponsorshiping Id Create & Action: A Quarterly Printed Magazine Purchase The Software to Create The Digital Awen Build a Dedicated Website Using Word Press Publish Submissions to The Awen in other Inspirational Formats
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Contact Details
Rising From The Ashes, Reaching For The Moon The Awen is Published by Phoenix Moon Media Phoenix Moon - 3 - Park Crescent Cornhill - Ban - Aberdeenshire AB45 2EU - Scotland - United Kingdom Tel: 01466 709260 - Mob: 077655 01750 Email: [email protected] Blogsite: http://phoenix-moon-media.blogspot.com/
The Awen Magazine & Journal Copyright Terry Mace 2011 Cover - Bite Me Back - Copyright Rosalie Harrison-Royce 2011