220 idioms quan trọng trong đề thi THPT 2020

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Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Ngân - Chuyên luyện thi Đại học

Trorig ae tl1i THPTQG chac ha11 se c6 t&i 2-3 cait ve phrasal verbs va idioms, day c6 the' cJ1inl1 la
, ?

pl1arz ii11 diem cua cac bq11 l19c si11l1 kha gioi. Va tai lifit ve IDIOM 11ay Tl1icl1 Tie11g Anh muon
giei t&i cac bqrz, day aeu la rzl1fr11g C�l1n tl1iea11g g4p 11J1at. Cac bq11 h9c lcz 11he!! !

Idiom Nghia Vidu*

achieve a record l�p ki l\lC She achieved the world record for the 100 metres.

above board hqp phap The bidding process was completely fair and above board.

across the board tat ca moi

• thu The proposed across the board cuts for all state agencies will total $84
air 011e's dirty ban lu�1 thang The captain refuses to air the team's dirty laundry in public.
laundry in the than
all along moi
• luc Do yo11 think he's been cheating us all along?

all at once bat thlnh linh All at once there was a loud crashing sound.

all ears lang nghe cham I'm all ears - tell us what they had to say.

all thumbs V\lng ve Can you untangle this thread for me? I'm all thumbs today

an arm and a leg mot

• khoan tien These shoes cost me an arm and a leg.
Ion '
apple of sb's eyes ngumquan His youngest daughter was the apple of his eye
trong, nguai d�c
at all costs bang moi gia Seetrrity d11ring the president's visit must be maintained at all costs.

at fault chiu
• trach nhiem
• He could never accept that he had been at fault.

at heart thuc
• chat He was a very gentle boy at heart.
at odds khong dong They're at odds over the funding of the project.

at square one ban dau The deal collapses and you're back to square one.

as black as coal den nhu 1nuc

• The pirate's evil eyes are as black as coal

at the end of sb's S\lP do I'm at the end of my rope with these kids!

Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Ngân - Chuyên luyện thi Đại học

as busy as a bee CU'C

• kl ban
• ron
• She was as busy as a bee the whole day.

as easy as pie de nhu an banh For Judy, getting a pilot's license was easy as pie - she seemed to have

a naturaltalent for it.

as hungry as a CU'C
• kl d6i I'm as hungry as a bear. I could eat anything!
as old as the hills xua nhu trai dat Why don't we ever sing new songs? Those hymns are as old as the hills.
backbone dung cam Will l1e l1ave the backbone to tell them what he thinks?
banker's hours gia lam vi�c ngan His business is doing so well he can just keep banker's hours.
beat the clock hoan thanh truoc The company managed to beat the clock on delivering its new system.
thai han

be beside sb' s self buon He was beside himself with grief when she died.
, ,
be bound to chac chan When you are dealing with so many patients, mistakes are bound to
be fresh out of tot nghi�p We're fresh out of oranges, would you like an apple?
be kidding dua You want me to drive into the city? You've got to be kidding
before long sam With a little exercise, you'll be back in shape before long
behind the ball g�p kh6 khan My department is late on its deadline. We are behind the ball.
be on a tight khong co nhieu Being a student I'm on atight budget so I have to be careful with money
budget tien
be on cloud nine sung suong Ever since Mary got her promotion at work, she'sbeen on cloud nine.
be on duty trong ca trvc I'll be on duty in about an hour.
big shot nhan v�t quan All the corporate big shots are meeting this afternoon
bite sh' s tongue co gkg khong I wanted to tell him exactly what I thought of him, but I had to bite
no1 ra my tongue.
bite at the cherry thu lai
• Ian nua He missed a medal in the 100 metres, but will get a second bite of
the cherry in the 400 metres.
blind date h�n ho ma khong Elaine arranged for me to go on a blind date with a guy from her office.
biet m�t nhau
blockbuster phim born tan Do you prefer blockbusters or smaller films?
bl11e blood dong giong The poorest boy at Groton, his private school, he is both a bl11e
hoang toc blood and an underdog
bookworm nguoi d9c nhieu For those bookworms, there is a library with a vast collection.
bomb that bai
• the whole cast was very sad that the show homed on broadway.
brain nguoi thong She is such a brain, she could figure out how to solve a problem fast.
brainstorm dong nao/ y J11st brainstorm, getting all yo11r ideas on the table
tuang hay
bread and butter thiet yeu trong the voters are worried about the bread and butter issues like jobs
" "'
cu9c song and taxes.

Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Ngân - Chuyên luyện thi Đại học

break sb's neck co gang rat nhieu I broke my neck to get here on time.
break the ice lam quen Someone su�gested that we play a party game to break the ice.
break a leg chuc may man Hey, hope you break a leg tonight.
break up chia tay Jenny and George have broken up.
break a record pha l<l lvc The painting has broken all records, selling for over £20 million.
break the news no1 tin mo1 The doctor broke the news to the family that my grandmother
I • • I •

had cancer.
buddy-buddy VO cung than If one person is buddy buddy withanother, they are very close friends.
• "
by hook or by bang each nay I decided I was going to get that job by hook or by crook.

crook hay each khac

, ,
by the book dung dan If you're looking for someone to approve anexception, don't go to Ted-
he does everything by the book.
call on the carpet chi trich When my team lost that big client, the boss called me on the carpet.
can duoi viec• Managementpromptly canned the new accountant
chalk and cheese rat khac nhau My brother and I are like chalk and cheese
chalk up ghi diem She chalked up enough points to be seeded first in the tournament.
change sb's mind thay doi quyet At first I thought she was unfriendly, but I've changed my mind

can't take your khong the' rai mit Your little girl is so adorable-I just can't take my eyes off ofher!
eyes off
chickenfeed khoan tien nh6 They're losing $200,000 on this deal, but that's
chickenfeed to/for a company with yearly profits of $25 million.
come m very c6 ich This money will come in handy when we go on vacation.

come to light duoc• dua ra anh Fresh evidence has recently come to light that suggests that he didn't
sang in fact committhe murder.
comeback thanh cong lan The film star made an unexpected comeback.
come through thanh cong rvc ro Your brother has come through his apprenticeship with flying colors.
with flying colors '

count on tin tu6ng You can always count on Michael in a crisis.

close shave suyt chet I had a close shave this morning - some idiot almost knocked me off
my bike.
creeps ' su• so• hai You give me the creeps.
crocodile tears nuoc mat ca sau He cried crocodile tears only because he wanted his dad to buy him
/ V I A.f

cross sb's mind y nghl thoang The thought had crossed my mind that I might need some help with
qua (ch9t nghl the project.

Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Ngân - Chuyên luyện thi Đại học

cup of tea SO' thich (nguai Thanks for inviting me, but ballet isn't really my cup of tea.
16n tuoi hay SU '
d\111g idiom nay)
dead-end job cong vi�c khong Jerrydecided he couldn't spend another minute working at that
c6 tuong lai dead end job
"' ,
dirt cheap rat re These shoes were dirt cheap
double check kiem tra kI Before committing to one, though, I would double-check that the book
hasn't been transcribed online, and isn't In Progress.
do without song ma khong when my TV broke, I knew that I could do without it for a week.
co ...
draw the line vc;tch ra gi6i hc;tn It's hard to keep young peopleunder control, but you have to
draw the line somewhere. l' '
drive sb lam ai d6 phat This itching is driving me mad.
crazy/mad dien
drive sb up a wall lam ai d6 tuc gi� Be quiet! You're driving me up the wall!
drown sb' s sorrow muQTI rll'Q'U g1a1 Let's get you out to a bar to drown your sorrows.
sau c-
easy money so tien d� kiem He wanted easy money.
every now and thlnh thoang We still get together for lunch every now and then.
face the music hung chiu chi Be a man and face the music.
fall behind bi h).t lc;li phia sau He was ill for six weeks and fell behind with his schoolwork.
false alarm bao d9ng gia Three fire engines rushed to the school only to discover it
was a false alarm.
fed up with khong chiu noi Consumers are fed up with rising gas prices.
,. '
ca1 gi
feel blue cam thay buon I was really feeling blue after she told me she was leaving.
feel sorry for thuong tiec cho I feelso sorry for Johnny
find fault phan nan Sally's father was always finding fault with her.
figure something hie'u van de We need to figure out what went wrong.
fish out of water khong phu hvJJ I felt like a fish out of water at my new school.
flop that bai
• Her first book flOJ.JJ.Jed, but her second became a bestseller.
., ,
for a song g1a re She bought the bed for a song at an a11ction.
from the bottom of tu t�n day long When I said I loved you, I meant it from the bottom of my heart.
sb's heart
from scratch lai tu dau Ben built the shed from scratch.
get ahead thanh cong It's tough for a woman to get ahead in politics.
get out of rut ra, b6 I said I'd 1neet him, but now I want to get out of it.
get out of hand mat kiem ' soat If your party gets out of hand, the neighbors will call the police.

Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Ngân - Chuyên luyện thi Đại học

get up and go dam me chay This job needs someone with a lot of get-up-and-go
get the lion's share du9c phan 1&n Military and nuclear research receive the lion's share of public funding.
cua ca1 g1
? I • '

give sb a break cho ai do ca hoi

. The actor struggled fr many years. Finally, sb gave him a break and put
him in a movie.
give sb a hand giup do Could you give me a hand with these suitcases?
go from bad to tro nen te• han Sales have been very slow this season, but this was worst week of all. It
worse seems like it's going from bad to worse.
go hiking = go on di bo ngam canh Things went from bad to worse in the second game when we lost 38-0.
a hike
go steady di hen
• ho She's been going steady with Randolph for almost a year now.
goldmine mo vang More than 500 workers have become trapped in a gold mine

after a minor earthquake

hang in there kien nhan cha doi • Work can get tough in the middle of a term but hang in there and it'll be
hard of hearing lang tai My father is quite old now and he's increasingly hard of hearing.
have a crush on sb yeu don phuang/ I've had a crush on Tommy for years.
phai long ai do
have access to st tiep c� He thought all workers should own property and have access to capital.
have a change of thay doi quyet She was going to sell her house but had a change of heart
heart dinh
• ban dau at the last minute
have a heart of co mot trai hm sat Sally has a heart of stone. She never even smiles
I A .f,,
f • •

stone da
have in mind can nhic Did you have anything in mind for Helen's present?
have spare time co thm gian roi What do you like to do in your spare time?
hard headed CU'l1g dau kho bao Our son is so hardheaded.
heart-to-heart chan thrum if you really sat down and had a heart-to-heart talk, I think you'd realize
you are both working toward the same goal.
here and there I try to keep some cash here and there around the house in case
• •
mo1 no1
of emergences.
high and low khap noi I've searched high and low for that old photo album
high time dung thai diem It is high time that someone gives him the punishment he deserves!
hit the book hoc• I can't go out tonight. I need to hit the books.
hit the hay len giuang di ngu have to get up early for work tomorrow, so I think I'd better hit the hay.
" ".
home and dry em XUOl I just need one more source for this essay and then I'll be home and dry.
hot air chu y�n kho tin you can't believe a word that guy says-he's full of hot air.
h11stle and bustle ban
• ron
• va on ao I love living among the hustle and bustle of the city
(busy and noisy)
in a nutshell ngan gon In a nutshell, the a�p helps you to plan parties.

mages trong khoang thai France dominated Vietnam in ages.

gian dai

Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Ngân - Chuyên luyện thi Đại học

in a pinch mot • lua

• chon
• I need £2,000 to set up the business, but I suppose £1,500 would do at a
khong toi pinch.
in deep water trong tmh huong The Democrats are in deep water over their plans for tax increases.
kh6 khan
in hot water gc;1p rac ro1 Emails that criticize others can land you in hot water, so be careful what
V ,!, N•

you write.
. "'
m perso11 tr\ c t1ep
f You must al-'1-'ly for tl1e license in person .

in shape kh6e manh • If I were in shape, I could run faster and farther
"' .
in seventh heaven rat VUl I'd be in seventh heaven if I had a million dollars.
in the midle of 6 mot • khu VU'C
• rat He lives in a tiny house in the middle of nowhere.
nowhere xa
in the same boat cung canh ngo None of us has any money, so we're all in the same boat.
1n vam vo fch I tried in vain to start a conversation.
• •

jump the (traffic) VU'Ot

• den d6 Securitycamera footage shows that the car jumped the lights
keep an eye on de' mat, coi I can keep an eye on the baby while yo11 go to the store.
keep in touch gifr lien lc;1c My old high school friends and I tried keeping in touch once
we graduated
kill two birds with mot mw ten Bike-to-work schemes are a great way of killing two birds with one
A - • A

one stone trung 2 dfch stone: getting more exercise while cutting down on the cost of your
daily commute.
lack of st thieu cai gl His answer demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of
the question.
last straw gi9t nu6c tran li The last straw was when the company fired most of the managers.

lay out chi tieu Robert laid out next year's plans for his staff.

let the cat out of tiet lo• bf mat

• Who let the cat 011t of the bag?
the bag
mean business nghiem tuc Mom sounded like she 1neans business, so you better clean your room.

make a hit thatlh cong We went into our second album with the sole intention of making a hit

make do xoay so, duong You'll have to make do with less money next year.
make ends meet xoay so de, song To make ends meet, Phil picked up asecond job delivering pizzas.

make sense c6 nghia This last paragraph doesn't make any sense.

make terms with thoa thuan

• v6i ai I just can't come to terms with Amy, she's totally out of control!
make the most of t� d\lilg Mary knows how to make the most of her talents

Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Ngân - Chuyên luyện thi Đại học

make up sb's quyet dinh I haven't made up my mind where to go yet.

make up to sb for boi thuang I'm sorry we can't take you with us, but I promise I'll make it up to
st you somehow.
maternal nghi de The changes will affect any women on maternity leave or taking
leave/maternity a career break while they raise children.
must-have item m�t hang pho The iPod quickly established itself as a must-have item.
bien ma ai cung
muon co
name sb after dat
• ten ai theo ai We named all our children after football players.

narrow escape suyt chet We had a narrow escape on the way here. The wind blew a tree down
just in front of us.
off and on thinh thoang We had been dating off and on for about a year

off the peg may san You can find really stylish clothes off the peg, if you look hard enough

off the record khong chinh thuc Although her

comments were off the record, the newspaper published them anyway
office block toa nha 16n chua I work in a big office block.
nhfmg van phong
'. " ~
old flame nguo1 yeu cu I saw my old flame the other day and she looked great.

on the blink khong hoe;1.t dong The whole observatory went on the blink.

on the spot ngay l�p tuc You can be sacked on the spot for stealing.

on the verge of tren ba VU'C Her husband's viole11t and abusive behaviour drove her to the verge
of despair.
on second suy nghiki Can I have a cup of coffee, please? - actually, on second thoughts,
thoughts I'll have a beer.
once in a blue hiem khi My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.
once in a while thinh thoang We meet for lunch once in a while.
'1 ,

out of date loi thai That radio looks so out of date.

out of fashion 16i mot Fur coats have gone out of fashion.

out of line khong chinh xac/ You can disagree with her, but calling her dishonest was out of line.
khong binh
out of mind khong nghi ten He's out of his mind if he thinks this plan is going to work!

Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Ngân - Chuyên luyện thi Đại học

out of order hong (may m6c) the vending machine is out of order
' . ,,..... ,.
out of reach ngoa1 tam va1 Be sureto keep the medication behind a locked door that is out of
reach of any children.
out of sorts tam trc;U1g kh6ng I've been out of sorts for a day or two.
out of stock het hang Those
items are 011t of stock, but a new supply will be delivered on Thtrrsday.
out of the blue bat ngo One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving.

out of the woods thoat kh6i kh6 It's too soon to say if either airline is out of the woods yet.
out of the question kh6ng the' thvc Driving is out of the question as long asthe engine is busted.
• duac

out of shape kh6ng kh6e I'm so out of shape that I get out of breath climbing the stairs.
out of work that nghi�p The plant closed in November 2010, leaving 400 people out of work.
out in the sticks song a que You ain't gonna get to his house with the bus; its way 011t in the sticks.
? A

pay a call on sb tham ai We need to pay a call on Grandma and find out how her
trip to Florida was.
pick up a bargain mua g1a re I like to go shopping in shopping malls, it's so easy to pick up a bargain.

piece of cake mot vi�c de dang The exam was a piece of cake.

play tricks phadam Stop playing tricks on people!

play with fire lieu linh I had played with fire too long.

pull sh's leg treu choc

• aid6 Is it really your car or are you pulling my leg?

put on an act gia ho He's just putting on an act for the boss's benefit.

put yourself in dat

• rnlnh vao vi• Before being
sb's shoes tri nguoi khac quick to judge someone for their actions, you should always try to put
yourself in their shoes .
. "'
press ahead with t1ep h,lc The company pressed ahead with plans to build the skyscraper.
raining cats and mua to nhu trut We were so disappointed that it rained cats and dogs for our
dogs nuac whole vacation in Hawaii.
run out of st het cai gi We're abo11t to run out of coffee and sugar

see eye to eye dong quandiem My sisters don't see eye to eye with me about the arrangements.

Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Ngân - Chuyên luyện thi Đại học

see red rue g1� People who don't finish a job really make me see red.
r • A

see st on the big xem 6r�p chieu I want to see "Beauty and The Beast" on the big screen.
screen phim
skyscrapers nhfrng toa nha The company pressed ahead with plans to build the skyscraper.
• troi
set a record l�p ki l\lC She set a record for the most sales in the history of the company.

set up shop m6cua hieu

• Now that you've got your degree, where do you plan to set up shop?

sick and tired chan ngay I'm sick of him whining about money.

sick leave songay nghi He broke his leg yesterday, so he's on/he's taken sickleave.
dU'Q'C cho phep Vl
shoplifter ke trom cua hang He spent thousands on security cameras and alarms to deter shoplifters.

sleep on it can nhac Don't give me an answer now- sleep on it

and tell me whenever you're ready.
spill the beans tiet 16• bi mat
• So who spilled the beans about her affair with David?

take it easy nghi ngai, thu Take it easy - don't get mad.
tie the knot ket h6n All of my friends have tied the knot and started having kids.

tighten sb's belt tiet kiem

• I've had to tighten my belt since I stopped working full-time.

the more, the cang dong cang "Do you mind if I bring a couple of friends to your party?"
merrier "Not at all - the more the merrier!"
• •
tourist trap dia
• diem th11 hut It looked like a tourist trap, so we didn't even stop the car.
khach du lich
turn a deaf ear b6 ngoai tai In the past they've tended to turn a deaf ear to such requests.

turn the tables l�t nguQ'c tlnh the The plaintiff's lawyer turned the tables this 1norning by producing
some strong new evidence.
under the table giao dich bat h9p They offered him money under the table to change his mind.
under the weather met mo1 I'm feeling a bit under the weather - I think I'm getting a cold.
A 7 •

up sb's alley s6thich I've got a question here which should be right up your alley.
up the river trong tu The judge who sent hi1n up the river was indicted for accepting bribery

up to sb lua
• chon
• cu.a ai You can pay weekly or monthly- it's up to you.

Lớp Tiếng Anh cô Ngân - Chuyên luyện thi Đại học

up to sb's ears dfun chlm I'm up to my ears in work.

.' ,
well-off giau co Her family was very well off.

white lie lai n6i doi VO hai I try to be honest most of the time, but I do tell white lies when
I'm worried about upsetting people
will power SUC m9-nh y Cill It took a lot of willpower to stay calm.

with flying colors die'm so cao She passed the exam with flying colors.

within walking gannha My office is within walking distance from here.

work against the ch9-y dua voi thoi We'll have to work against the
clock gian clock to finish our presentation in time for the convention

* Cac vi d1:1 duQ'c chon loc tu: Cambridge Dictionary, The Free Dictionary, Macmillan Dictionary,
Collins English Dictionary, Long1nan Dictionary, Oxfoxd Dictionary, Urban Dictionary va mot so
nguon tham khao khac.


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