Assignment in The Contemporary World - Lesson 5 - A World of Regions

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Assignment No.

5 in The Contemporary World

Answer the following questions. 5 points each question.
1. How is regionalism different from and yet a part of globalization?
- Globalization is different from regionalism in a way that globalization works
through an ongoing process under which international organizations and countries
interact with each other through various policies to increase trade and
connections, while regionalism works by replacing the central role of the nation-
state in international relations by a region, obtained either by the fragmentation of
the space of the state or by the unification of the territories of several states, such
as the formation of regional grouping of the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASIAN). But globalization and regionalism are related and connected by
the fact that the interdependence and interconnectedness that comes with being a
part of a globalized world can be facilitated by regionalism to maintain a balance
of economic power between regions. In fact, regionalism contributes to
reinforcing globalization processes and, at the same time, globalization guide
national decision-makers in how they deploy their regional policies.

2. What is the difference between state-to state regionalism and non-state regionalism?
- State-to-state regionalism means “regionalized unitary state,” a term used to
denote a formally unitary state where a high degree of political power has been
highly decentralized to regional governments. In many cases, the regions are
based on long-standing cultural divisions”, and non-state regionalism is also
called “non-state nation or stateless nation.” It is an ethnic group or nation that
does not possess its state (state to state) is not the majority population in any
nation-state. The term non-state implies that the group should have such a state.

3. What triggers various regionalist project?

- Although the end of Cold war and related consequence both enabled and
motivated regionalism, regionalism had occurred in response to the faults the
system of ‘globalization’ contains. An example is, in globalizing institutions such
as the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization,
agreements binding governments to liberalization of markets restrict their ability
to pursue macroeconomic policies. However, in the economic sphere, regionalism
has proven to be extremely effective in helping to secure markets and providing
economic strength through the creation of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs).
Under RTAs, economic policies remain more stable and consistent since they
cannot be violated by a participant country with provoking some kind of sanctions
from other members. An excellent example of this is the North American Free
Trade Agreement’s (NAFTA) stabilization and increase of Mexico’s political and
economic policies. Thus, advances of globalization, existing economic
interdependence levels and globalization of structures of international economy in
particular led states to engage in projects which try to deal with the forces of the
global market in regional bases.

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