The Effects of Endurance and Strength Exercise On CV Response

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The effects of endurance and strength exercise on CV response

heart rate monitor

At rest, our nervous system maintains a parasympathetic tone which affects the
respiratory rate, cardiac output, and various metabolic processes.

•Exercise stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and will induce an integrated

response from the body.
•This response works to maintain an appropriate level of homeostasis for the increased
demand in physical, metabolic, respiratory, and cardiovascular efforts[1]
•Exercise challenges many human physiological systems that need to adapt in order to
maintain homeostasis, this is the inner balance of the body.
•While exercising, homeostasis is endangered by the increased amount of O2 and
nutrients demand, the need to get rid of CO2 and metabolic waste products, rising body
temperature and acid imbalance increasing heart rate and varying hormone levels.

a person perform exercise first with low weight but high repetition (2 sets of 10 repetition
with weight of 5 kg) and then his heart level and bp is monitored.
Then he perform exercise with high intensity and low repetition (1 set of 10 repetition with
weight of 10 kg) and then his heart level and bp is monitored.
His heart is monitored throughout the exercise using heart monitor

endurance runners show a lower Heart rate in maximum aerobic tests.
Strength training increases your heart rate just as cardio and circuit training does,
depending on resistance, repetitions and rest between sets. 

Changes in CV response:
Cardiovascular effects of endurance training include a decrease in resting heart rate and
heart rate response to submaximal exercise; an increase in resting and exercise stroke
volume; an increase in maximal cardiac output; an increase in VO2max; and an increase in
arteriovenous oxygen difference.
Aerobic exercise training contributes to cardiovascular fitness, because it beneficially
alters the coronary artery disease risk profile. An inverse relationship exists between
physical fitness and resting heart rate, body weight, percent body fat, serum cholesterol,
triglycerides, glucose, and systolic blood pressure. In addition, exercise training increases
the high-density lipoprotein fraction of total cholesterol. Endurance exercise is any
activity that uses large muscle groups, can be performed continuously, and is rhythmic
and aerobic in nature. To develop and maintain cardiovascular fitness, this exercise should
be performed at a frequency of 3 to 5 days per week, an intensity of 60% to 90% HRmax or
50% to 85% HRmax reserve, and a duration of 20 to 60 minutes.

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