Hyperboloid Mixers (Evo 6) - Catalogue

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l o c a t i o n s e veov loul tuitoi no n6 6

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T h e C l a s s ic –
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®
f or ov e r 15 yea r s
T h e C l as s ic M ixe r

i n n o v a t i o n f o r n a t u r e I NVENT develops, produces and

globally markets innovative machines
and plants for the treatment of water
and wastewater.
The ever growing pollution of our environment is a problem which concerns all of us.
Water and wastewater treatment
For years water pollution, in particular, has continued to grow in threatening proportions.
plants are usually created as a made-
to-measure design and lay-out for a
Water is turning into a more and more limited resource. As a consequence, forward-looking
particular project.
Depending on the original situation
technologies are desperately needed for the water and wastewater treatment. and the intended treatment, various
process engineering steps are com-
With great commitment INVENT is dedicated to the development and the implementation bined so that the aim of the process
engineering is safely within reach.
of such technologies, thus creating powerful products which contribute greatly While doing so, the engineer draws
from a range of known unit pro-
to the preservation of the water quality of our rivers and lakes. cesses. The most important processes
from this range are stirring and
mixing processes. They play a de-
The protection, the preservation and, where necessary, the restoration of our environment cisive role in nearly all water and ®
32 H Y P ERC L ASSI C -Mixers in the anaerobic basins in a large wwtp in Vienna, Austria
wastewater treatment plants.
will remain one of the most important tasks of our society in the future.
Below you will find some examples Application Mixing task
for important applications of mixing ....................................................................................................
IN V EN T takes on responsibility in this field technology in water and wastewater Mixing and equalization tank Suspension and Homogenization
Neutralization Flash-Mixing
treatment plants.
Pre-Mixing of Precipitants Flash-Mixing
with innovative environmental and process engineering. Precipitation Suspension and Homogenization
The table shown to the right is Coagulation Suspension and Homogenization
impressive proof of the importance Biological phosphate elimination Suspension and Homogenization
Denitrification Suspension and Homogenization
of mixing processes for the water
BOD or COD removal Homogenization and Dispersion
and wastewater treatment. Disinfection Flash-Mixing
Sludge treatment Suspension and Homogenization
Storage of chemicals/chemical solution Suspension
T h e C l a s s ic –
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®
f or ov e r 15 yea r s
T h e C l as s ic M ixe r

i n n o v a t i o n f o r n a t u r e I NVENT develops, produces and

globally markets innovative machines
and plants for the treatment of water
and wastewater.
The ever growing pollution of our environment is a problem which concerns all of us.
Water and wastewater treatment
For years water pollution, in particular, has continued to grow in threatening proportions.
plants are usually created as a made-
to-measure design and lay-out for a
Water is turning into a more and more limited resource. As a consequence, forward-looking
particular project.
Depending on the original situation
technologies are desperately needed for the water and wastewater treatment. and the intended treatment, various
process engineering steps are com-
With great commitment INVENT is dedicated to the development and the implementation bined so that the aim of the process
engineering is safely within reach.
of such technologies, thus creating powerful products which contribute greatly While doing so, the engineer draws
from a range of known unit pro-
to the preservation of the water quality of our rivers and lakes. cesses. The most important processes
from this range are stirring and
mixing processes. They play a de-
The protection, the preservation and, where necessary, the restoration of our environment cisive role in nearly all water and ®
32 H Y P ERC L ASSI C -Mixers in the anaerobic basins in a large wwtp in Vienna, Austria
wastewater treatment plants.
will remain one of the most important tasks of our society in the future.
Below you will find some examples Application Mixing task
for important applications of mixing ....................................................................................................
IN V EN T takes on responsibility in this field technology in water and wastewater Mixing and equalization tank Suspension and Homogenization
Neutralization Flash-Mixing
treatment plants.
Pre-Mixing of Precipitants Flash-Mixing
with innovative environmental and process engineering. Precipitation Suspension and Homogenization
The table shown to the right is Coagulation Suspension and Homogenization
impressive proof of the importance Biological phosphate elimination Suspension and Homogenization
Denitrification Suspension and Homogenization
of mixing processes for the water
BOD or COD removal Homogenization and Dispersion
and wastewater treatment. Disinfection Flash-Mixing
Sludge treatment Suspension and Homogenization
Storage of chemicals/chemical solution Suspension
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ® H YPER C LASSIC ® - M i x e r - H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®
efficient and flexible
An Ove r vie w A n O v er v i ew

IN V EN T made a significant contri- In the anaerobic and anoxic

bution to the efficiency and cost- part of the activated sludge tank,
effectiveness of such plants by turbulences on the water surface energy input takes place in a
introducing the hyperboloid mixing should be reduced to a mini- homogeneous way and the
technology to the market for water mum, in order to prevent the particles can be distributed
and wastewater treatment over 15 transfer of oxygen from the air evenly. A design like this is
years ago. Since then, the hyper- into the wastewater. energy-efficient and low in shear
boloid mixing technology has been The energy input should be exe- force.
Optimal design prevents short circuit flows and
continuously developed and im- guarantees optimal reactor behaviour. cuted with as little shear force In order to avoid short circuit
proved. Thousands of successful as possible, in order avoid the flows and the correct display
installations in municipal and destruction of the flocs. of the desired reactor behaviour,
Th e Ta sk it is necessary to manufacture
industrial water and wastewater Short circuit flows should be
treatment plants world-wide im- As the above table shows, mixers for avoided. the mixer in various diameters
pressively demonstrate that the applications in water and wastewater The reactor behaviour, upon and directions of rotation.
hyperboloid mixing technology has treatment are mainly used for sus- which the process technological These are then chosen according
already become the industrial pension and homogenization tasks lay-out is based, together with to the tank geometry and the
standard in this field of application. as well as for intensive mixing and the mixer design, should be im- position of the supply and dis-
With the current version H Y PE R- flash-mixing. These tasks should be plemented in a realistic way. charge pipes.
C L A S S IC evolution 6 , the sixth, implemented in a reliable, secure ®
Figure 1: Conventional mixer – high reaction forces Figure 2: H Y P ERC LA S S IC -Mixer – small reaction
completely revised and even more and energy-saving way and with As a consequence of the above Finally, when designing the perfect
on drive and bridge (upwards) forces on drive and bridge (downwards)
efficient version of the classic the lowest possible maintenance mentioned considerations it is im- mixer, all mechanical factors must
hyperboloid mixer is now available. requirement. portant, from a fluid mechanics be considered also:
perspective, to take into account the It must be possible to adjust the All parts submerged in water
The INVENT H YPER C LASSIC -Mixer is With regard to process engineering following points when developing a The mixer should run smoothly mixer to a perfect position on should be non-corrosive and
a vertical mixer with a hyperboloid- the following demands must be met: mixer: in order to take the strain off the bridge. The mixer should be maintenance-free during their
shaped mixer-body, installed close the drive and shaft as well as galvanically separated from the life.
to the bottom, and a drive mounted The settling of particles, such as The mixer-body should be the bridges. This is achieved by bridge. It should be possible to separate
in dry position above the water level. activated sludge flocs, should positioned close to the bottom, a high number of blades. Two- The drive design should be the mixer-body of bigger mixer
Contrary to other products, it was be reliably avoided (suspension). so that the energy input takes bladed constructions are the robust and rather on the large from the shaft for mounting and
developed and designed especially Particles, such as activated place where the sedimentation most disadvantageous. side. It should possess a high dismantling purposes.
for applications in the area of water sludge flocs, should be distri- of particles should be avoided. Reaction forces in the vertical service factor and its bearings
and wastewater treatment. buted evenly throughout the The mixer should be positioned direction at the shaft, drive and should have a calculated mini-
wastewater in order, for example, as centrally as possible in the bridge are to be avoided. They mum life expectancy of 100.000
to efficiently reduce nitrogen tank, should run slowly and have result in a large increase in wear. hours. Depending on the in-
and phosphate (homogeni- a large diameter, so that the stallation location, further speci-
zation). fic demands must be taken into
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ® H YPER C LASSIC ® - M i x e r - H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®
efficient and flexible
An Ove r vie w A n O v er v i ew

IN V EN T made a significant contri- In the anaerobic and anoxic

bution to the efficiency and cost- part of the activated sludge tank,
effectiveness of such plants by turbulences on the water surface energy input takes place in a
introducing the hyperboloid mixing should be reduced to a mini- homogeneous way and the
technology to the market for water mum, in order to prevent the particles can be distributed
and wastewater treatment over 15 transfer of oxygen from the air evenly. A design like this is
years ago. Since then, the hyper- into the wastewater. energy-efficient and low in shear
boloid mixing technology has been The energy input should be exe- force.
Optimal design prevents short circuit flows and
continuously developed and im- guarantees optimal reactor behaviour. cuted with as little shear force In order to avoid short circuit
proved. Thousands of successful as possible, in order avoid the flows and the correct display
installations in municipal and destruction of the flocs. of the desired reactor behaviour,
Th e Ta sk it is necessary to manufacture
industrial water and wastewater Short circuit flows should be
treatment plants world-wide im- As the above table shows, mixers for avoided. the mixer in various diameters
pressively demonstrate that the applications in water and wastewater The reactor behaviour, upon and directions of rotation.
hyperboloid mixing technology has treatment are mainly used for sus- which the process technological These are then chosen according
already become the industrial pension and homogenization tasks lay-out is based, together with to the tank geometry and the
standard in this field of application. as well as for intensive mixing and the mixer design, should be im- position of the supply and dis-
With the current version H Y PE R- flash-mixing. These tasks should be plemented in a realistic way. charge pipes.
C L A S S IC evolution 6 , the sixth, implemented in a reliable, secure ®
Figure 1: Conventional mixer – high reaction forces Figure 2: H Y P ERC LA S S IC -Mixer – small reaction
completely revised and even more and energy-saving way and with As a consequence of the above Finally, when designing the perfect
on drive and bridge (upwards) forces on drive and bridge (downwards)
efficient version of the classic the lowest possible maintenance mentioned considerations it is im- mixer, all mechanical factors must
hyperboloid mixer is now available. requirement. portant, from a fluid mechanics be considered also:
perspective, to take into account the It must be possible to adjust the All parts submerged in water
The INVENT H YPER C LASSIC -Mixer is With regard to process engineering following points when developing a The mixer should run smoothly mixer to a perfect position on should be non-corrosive and
a vertical mixer with a hyperboloid- the following demands must be met: mixer: in order to take the strain off the bridge. The mixer should be maintenance-free during their
shaped mixer-body, installed close the drive and shaft as well as galvanically separated from the life.
to the bottom, and a drive mounted The settling of particles, such as The mixer-body should be the bridges. This is achieved by bridge. It should be possible to separate
in dry position above the water level. activated sludge flocs, should positioned close to the bottom, a high number of blades. Two- The drive design should be the mixer-body of bigger mixer
Contrary to other products, it was be reliably avoided (suspension). so that the energy input takes bladed constructions are the robust and rather on the large from the shaft for mounting and
developed and designed especially Particles, such as activated place where the sedimentation most disadvantageous. side. It should possess a high dismantling purposes.
for applications in the area of water sludge flocs, should be distri- of particles should be avoided. Reaction forces in the vertical service factor and its bearings
and wastewater treatment. buted evenly throughout the The mixer should be positioned direction at the shaft, drive and should have a calculated mini-
wastewater in order, for example, as centrally as possible in the bridge are to be avoided. They mum life expectancy of 100.000
to efficiently reduce nitrogen tank, should run slowly and have result in a large increase in wear. hours. Depending on the in-
and phosphate (homogeni- a large diameter, so that the stallation location, further speci-
zation). fic demands must be taken into
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ® H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®

T h e Solu t ion Th e S o l u t i o n

T he Solution
The INVENT H YPER C LASSIC -Mixer is Naturally, other shapes of tank are Due to the flow on the water surface The shape of the hyperboloid mixer
a vertical shaft mixer with a hyper- also possible. which is directed towards the shaft, is based on complex potential-
boloid-shaped mixer-body installed The hyperboloid mixer rotates close all particles are distributed evenly theoretical calculations. This results
close to the bottom and a dry- to the bottom and its 8 integrated and throughout the tank. Finally, in the in a flow pattern, which, in summary,
mounted drive. In contrast to other specially optimized motion fins thus centre of the tank the water is again exhibits the following basic ad-
products, it was developed and produce a bottom flow which is transported downwards along the vantages:
designed especially for applications directed radially outwards. Particularly shaft. A vortex-shaped main flow is
in the area of water and wastewater at the bottom, this flow is turbulent thus created throughout the whole With regard to both quality and
treatment. and thus effectively which whirls up tank, which ensures excellent homo- quantity, the produced macro-
The way the hyperboloid mixer depositions. Along the walls the flow genization. scale flow has the most favour-
functions can be seen in illustration rises upwards and transports all able pattern. By actively re-
below. The mixer is pictured with its particles until they are just below the directing the flow on the surface
three main components, the drive, water surface. On the water surface of the mixer, friction losses are
the shaft and the hyperboloid mixer- the speed has been reduced to such minimized, thus achieving high
body in a typical tank, which, an extent that no further turbulences O p t i m a l d e si g n efficiency. ®
6 out of 116 H Y PE R C LA S S IC -
depending on the type of treatment can be produced and oxygen input gua r a n t e e s h ig h The highest velocities and Mixers in a wwtp in Berlin, Germany
plant, can be rectangular or round. via the water surface can be effective- efficiency turbulent fluctuating velocities
ly avoided. are induced at the bottom. The uniform, radial flow-off over The finely graduated diameter
This means that the energy input the complete mixer body facili- range along with the selectable
takes place directly at the tates a flow, which is largely rotational direction, especially
bottom, so that the input energy free of periodic fluctuations. in long tanks with lengthwise
drive shaft is specifically used to whirl up The effect of this flow is that the through-flow, has big advan-
and suspend sludge flocs and hyperboloid mixer centers itself. tages with regard to the re-
is not wasted anywhere else. Therefore the forces on the gear tention time and the flow in
The flow stays attached to the and the bridges is small. In tanks of this type. This contri-
representation of the hyperboloid mixer surface. Flow addition, no oscillations are butes to a high operational
hyperboloid mixer with separations, eddy formations transferred to the shaft and the safety level.
indication of the
and thus energy losses are bridges which allows a simple
prevented. This also boosts the and economical bridge
efficiency. construction.
H YPER C LASSIC -Mixers operate All reaction forces on the gear
completely without pulsation and bridges are axial and
due to the closed shape and directed downwards. The radial
the 8 motion fins (high number forces which are generated are
of blades). very small. Therefore mixers
with long shafts can also be
micro-vortices motion fins hyperboloid constructed without problems.
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ® H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®

T h e Solu t ion Th e S o l u t i o n

T he Solution
The INVENT H YPER C LASSIC -Mixer is Naturally, other shapes of tank are Due to the flow on the water surface The shape of the hyperboloid mixer
a vertical shaft mixer with a hyper- also possible. which is directed towards the shaft, is based on complex potential-
boloid-shaped mixer-body installed The hyperboloid mixer rotates close all particles are distributed evenly theoretical calculations. This results
close to the bottom and a dry- to the bottom and its 8 integrated and throughout the tank. Finally, in the in a flow pattern, which, in summary,
mounted drive. In contrast to other specially optimized motion fins thus centre of the tank the water is again exhibits the following basic ad-
products, it was developed and produce a bottom flow which is transported downwards along the vantages:
designed especially for applications directed radially outwards. Particularly shaft. A vortex-shaped main flow is
in the area of water and wastewater at the bottom, this flow is turbulent thus created throughout the whole With regard to both quality and
treatment. and thus effectively which whirls up tank, which ensures excellent homo- quantity, the produced macro-
The way the hyperboloid mixer depositions. Along the walls the flow genization. scale flow has the most favour-
functions can be seen in illustration rises upwards and transports all able pattern. By actively re-
below. The mixer is pictured with its particles until they are just below the directing the flow on the surface
three main components, the drive, water surface. On the water surface of the mixer, friction losses are
the shaft and the hyperboloid mixer- the speed has been reduced to such minimized, thus achieving high
body in a typical tank, which, an extent that no further turbulences O p t i m a l d e si g n efficiency. ®
6 out of 116 H Y PE R C LA S S IC -
depending on the type of treatment can be produced and oxygen input gua r a n t e e s h ig h The highest velocities and Mixers in a wwtp in Berlin, Germany
plant, can be rectangular or round. via the water surface can be effective- efficiency turbulent fluctuating velocities
ly avoided. are induced at the bottom. The uniform, radial flow-off over The finely graduated diameter
This means that the energy input the complete mixer body facili- range along with the selectable
takes place directly at the tates a flow, which is largely rotational direction, especially
bottom, so that the input energy free of periodic fluctuations. in long tanks with lengthwise
drive shaft is specifically used to whirl up The effect of this flow is that the through-flow, has big advan-
and suspend sludge flocs and hyperboloid mixer centers itself. tages with regard to the re-
is not wasted anywhere else. Therefore the forces on the gear tention time and the flow in
The flow stays attached to the and the bridges is small. In tanks of this type. This contri-
representation of the hyperboloid mixer surface. Flow addition, no oscillations are butes to a high operational
hyperboloid mixer with separations, eddy formations transferred to the shaft and the safety level.
indication of the
and thus energy losses are bridges which allows a simple
prevented. This also boosts the and economical bridge
efficiency. construction.
H YPER C LASSIC -Mixers operate All reaction forces on the gear
completely without pulsation and bridges are axial and
due to the closed shape and directed downwards. The radial
the 8 motion fins (high number forces which are generated are
of blades). very small. Therefore mixers
with long shafts can also be
micro-vortices motion fins hyperboloid constructed without problems.
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ® S i m p l e , r ob u s t a n d H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®
D e s i g n a n d M at e ria l Se le ct ion s a f e t o op e r a t e De s ign an d M a t er i a l S el ec t i o n

D e si gn a n d Ma t e r i a l S e l e c t i on It is generously dimensioned and

designed for endurance. Through the
As illustrated in the accompanying use of the most modern composite
blow-up drawing, the hyperboloid materials, the shaft is very light,
mixer is made up of three main extremely corrosion-resistant and
components which are precisely flexible. It is particularly easy to
fitted to each other, the drive, the mount because of the light weight.
shaft and the hyperboloid mixer- ®
All H YPER C LA SSI C -Mixers can be
body. designed without a bearing because
of their innovative design. The small
Drive bearing forces are transferred to the
The drive is positioned above the geared motor via the shaft and
waterlevel and is arranged on a absorbed there. Consequently, no This enables a simple and rapid
rubber buffers bridge or mounting bracket where
mounting base parts whatsoever which require assembly as well as a simple removal
it is easily accessible for rarely maintenance lie below the water line. even after many years of operation.
needed maintenance work. Under operation conditions the
For wastewater ponds or SBR plants Hyperboloid Mixer-Body connection is safely protected
with varying water levels, the hyper- The hyperboloid mixer-body, deve- against self-loosening.
boloid mixer can also be mounted The geared motor sits on a mounting loped out of the I NVENT laboratory
on a special float. base in a rubber buffer bearing. The in accordance with the most up-to- The complete hyperboloid mixer is
propagation of sound waves is thus date knowledge on the mechanics of not just producing a favourable flow
Only energy-saving and robust avoided and the complete mixer is fluids, is likewise manufactured using field but is also absolutely non-
geared motors with reinforced thereby galvanically separated from fiber-reinforced plastic. The use of clogging because of the optimal
bearings from renowned manu- the bridge. the most modern fiber-reinforced shape and the motion fins which are
facturers are used. Normally, high composites also guarantees a high- seamlessly integrated in the mixer-
service factors are selected and the Shaft strength, corrosion-resistant and light body.
mixer-body calculated bearing life expectancy The shaft provides the connection component here.
is more than 100.000 h. Special, between the drive and the mixer The latest development step
customer-specific models can be built body. It transfers the required torque, The hyperboloid mixer body is “ evolution 6 ” uses the newly
at any time. in order to allow the hyperboloid connected to the lower end of the developed I N VE N T Progressive Fin
mixer to rotate. shaft by means of a flange Technology . This technology allows
The shaft is manufactured from a connection. The I NVENT Safety Lock for further significant improvement
specially developed FRP pipe Technology is used for this purpose. of the efficiency compared to
designed for the loads which occur. previous versions.
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ® S i m p l e , r ob u s t a n d H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®
D e s i g n a n d M at e ria l Se le ct ion s a f e t o op e r a t e De s ign an d M a t er i a l S el ec t i o n

D e si gn a n d Ma t e r i a l S e l e c t i on It is generously dimensioned and

designed for endurance. Through the
As illustrated in the accompanying use of the most modern composite
blow-up drawing, the hyperboloid materials, the shaft is very light,
mixer is made up of three main extremely corrosion-resistant and
components which are precisely flexible. It is particularly easy to
fitted to each other, the drive, the mount because of the light weight.
shaft and the hyperboloid mixer- ®
All H YPER C LA SSI C -Mixers can be
body. designed without a bearing because
of their innovative design. The small
Drive bearing forces are transferred to the
The drive is positioned above the geared motor via the shaft and
waterlevel and is arranged on a absorbed there. Consequently, no This enables a simple and rapid
rubber buffers bridge or mounting bracket where
mounting base parts whatsoever which require assembly as well as a simple removal
it is easily accessible for rarely maintenance lie below the water line. even after many years of operation.
needed maintenance work. Under operation conditions the
For wastewater ponds or SBR plants Hyperboloid Mixer-Body connection is safely protected
with varying water levels, the hyper- The hyperboloid mixer-body, deve- against self-loosening.
boloid mixer can also be mounted The geared motor sits on a mounting loped out of the I NVENT laboratory
on a special float. base in a rubber buffer bearing. The in accordance with the most up-to- The complete hyperboloid mixer is
propagation of sound waves is thus date knowledge on the mechanics of not just producing a favourable flow
Only energy-saving and robust avoided and the complete mixer is fluids, is likewise manufactured using field but is also absolutely non-
geared motors with reinforced thereby galvanically separated from fiber-reinforced plastic. The use of clogging because of the optimal
bearings from renowned manu- the bridge. the most modern fiber-reinforced shape and the motion fins which are
facturers are used. Normally, high composites also guarantees a high- seamlessly integrated in the mixer-
service factors are selected and the Shaft strength, corrosion-resistant and light body.
mixer-body calculated bearing life expectancy The shaft provides the connection component here.
is more than 100.000 h. Special, between the drive and the mixer The latest development step
customer-specific models can be built body. It transfers the required torque, The hyperboloid mixer body is “ evolution 6 ” uses the newly
at any time. in order to allow the hyperboloid connected to the lower end of the developed I N VE N T Progressive Fin
mixer to rotate. shaft by means of a flange Technology . This technology allows
The shaft is manufactured from a connection. The I NVENT Safety Lock for further significant improvement
specially developed FRP pipe Technology is used for this purpose. of the efficiency compared to
designed for the loads which occur. previous versions.
L ow op e r a t i on a l c os t s
d u e t o l ow e n e r g y c on s u m p t i on
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ® H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®

T h e In st a lla t ion Th e O p er a t i o n

® ® ® ®
1 out of 32 HY PE R C LASSI C -Mixers in a large wwtp in Vienna, Austria 7 out of 33 HYPER CLASSIC -Mixers in a wwtp in Berlin-Stahnsdorf, Germany 45 H Y P ERC L ASSI C -Mixers in a large wwtp in Kuwait City, Kuwait 2 out of 45 H Y P ERC L ASSI C -Mixers in a wwtp in Kuwait City, Kuwait

Th e In stallatio n T h e Op e r a t i on
Due to the simple construction and The last step consists of screwing the After a short dry run and a check of Due to the location and the excellent
the light weight of the components, hyperboloid mixer-body to the lower the direction of rotation the hyper- accessibility of the drive this is child’s
the assembly can be carried out shaft flange. Just a short dry run and boloid mixer can start operating play. There are no work-intensive
without big efforts. The hyperboloid the H Y P ER C LAS S IC -Mixer is ready without any further work. It is and unpleasant pulling and cleaning
mixer is normally delivered to the for operation. designed for permanent operation jobs, which for example, is generally
construction site in a disassembled and does not require any mainte- the case with submerged drives.
state. There the shaft is first of all Of course, the hyperboloid mixer nance work, except an occasional Expensive maintenance work, such
connected to the drive unit by pulling can also be mounted and dismantled inspection of the oil level. Depending as the exchange of mechanical seals,
the top end of the shaft into the in a filled tank. In the theoretically on the type of oil, an oil change is are superfluous, because no parts
hollow shaft of the drive. Next both possible case of a motor or drive carried out once every 1 or 2 years. which are subject to wear are
drive and shaft are placed on top defect, these components can be installed below water level.
of the prepared stainless-steel thread exchanged without having to dis-
bolts or adhesion anchors on the mantle the complete mixer.
bridge or the bracket. Then the drive
is aligned and is ready for operation
after the electrical connection and L ow m a int ena nc e c os t s
checking of the oil level.
Simple, problem-free
a n d q ui c k
2 out of 48 H Y P ERC L ASSI C -Mixers in a wwtp in
Stockholm, Sweden
L ow op e r a t i on a l c os t s
d u e t o l ow e n e r g y c on s u m p t i on
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ® H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®

T h e In st a lla t ion Th e O p er a t i o n

® ® ® ®
1 out of 32 HY PE R C LASSI C -Mixers in a large wwtp in Vienna, Austria 7 out of 33 HYPER CLASSIC -Mixers in a wwtp in Berlin-Stahnsdorf, Germany 45 H Y P ERC L ASSI C -Mixers in a large wwtp in Kuwait City, Kuwait 2 out of 45 H Y P ERC L ASSI C -Mixers in a wwtp in Kuwait City, Kuwait

Th e In stallatio n T h e Op e r a t i on
Due to the simple construction and The last step consists of screwing the After a short dry run and a check of Due to the location and the excellent
the light weight of the components, hyperboloid mixer-body to the lower the direction of rotation the hyper- accessibility of the drive this is child’s
the assembly can be carried out shaft flange. Just a short dry run and boloid mixer can start operating play. There are no work-intensive
without big efforts. The hyperboloid the H Y P ER C LAS S IC -Mixer is ready without any further work. It is and unpleasant pulling and cleaning
mixer is normally delivered to the for operation. designed for permanent operation jobs, which for example, is generally
construction site in a disassembled and does not require any mainte- the case with submerged drives.
state. There the shaft is first of all Of course, the hyperboloid mixer nance work, except an occasional Expensive maintenance work, such
connected to the drive unit by pulling can also be mounted and dismantled inspection of the oil level. Depending as the exchange of mechanical seals,
the top end of the shaft into the in a filled tank. In the theoretically on the type of oil, an oil change is are superfluous, because no parts
hollow shaft of the drive. Next both possible case of a motor or drive carried out once every 1 or 2 years. which are subject to wear are
drive and shaft are placed on top defect, these components can be installed below water level.
of the prepared stainless-steel thread exchanged without having to dis-
bolts or adhesion anchors on the mantle the complete mixer.
bridge or the bracket. Then the drive
is aligned and is ready for operation
after the electrical connection and L ow m a int ena nc e c os t s
checking of the oil level.
Simple, problem-free
a n d q ui c k
2 out of 48 H Y P ERC L ASSI C -Mixers in a wwtp in
Stockholm, Sweden
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ® C o m p e t e n t a n d e xp e r i e n c e d H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®

L a y -ou t a n d De sign Th e La b o r a t o r y

Lay- o ut a n d D e si gn
For the lay-out and design of an For both the development and the T h e L a b or a t or y
optimum mixer it is also essential to determination of the basis for the
consider the reactor design and any Apart from standard applications,
layout of its mixers, IN V E NT always
further marginal conditions (such as time and time again very special
0,126 makes use of the latest developments
the shape of the tank, type and terms of reference, tank geometries
in research and the associated

location of supply and discharge or mixing tasks must be mastered.

technologies. Modern laser-Doppler-
pipes, physical characteristics of the In this case, INVENT can fall back on
-0,032 anemometry (LDA) and ultrasound-
media, desired reactor behaviour, the instruments described above, but
Doppler-anemometry (UDA) pro-
etc.). The mixer and the reactor must also on a very well-equipped mixing
-0,150 cesses are therefore used for the
form a unit. After an extensive laboratory as well as on spacious
determination of speed profiles in

analysis of requirements and de- testing facilities which are equipped

-0,236 the laboratory and in large-scale
finition of the process engineering with state-of-the-art testing and
models. In addition to conventional
aims, this will be successful only if measuring technology.
Velocity fluid mechanical methods for scale-
there is a range of innovative tools, All conceivable configurations can
in z-direction up, the most up-to-date numeric
measuring data and empirical values be replicated to scale and examined.
simulations (CFD) are applied.
to fall back on in order to choose This delivers further fundamental data
and lay out the perfect mixer. in addition to the existing foundation Laser-light-sheet flow visualization in the IN V E N T
3D-CAD-programs and finite-element-
for the layout and can of course also Laboratories
methods (FEM) are used for the mixer
be used for the optimization of
w plants.
ect ®
ion The application of mixers, however, Shop test of an H Y P ERC L ASSI C -Mixer C on t i n ous imp r ovement
also demands process engineering a n d q ua l it y c ont r ol
know-how, so that biological reactors
x [m] 40
can function optimally, short circuit
currents can be avoided and the
separating 30 desired reactor behaviour is
wall z [m]
The accompanying diagram shows
virtual 10 -4 a numerical simulation of an acti-
separating -2
0 vated sludge tank with multiple
wall 2
y [m] 4 thoroughly mixed stirring reactors,
Numerical simulation of an activated
which are created by individual
sludge tank ®
H Y P ER C LAS S IC -Mixers.
H Y P E R C L A S S I C ® C o m p e t e n t a n d e xp e r i e n c e d H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®

L a y -ou t a n d De sign Th e La b o r a t o r y

Lay- o ut a n d D e si gn
For the lay-out and design of an For both the development and the T h e L a b or a t or y
optimum mixer it is also essential to determination of the basis for the
consider the reactor design and any Apart from standard applications,
layout of its mixers, IN V E NT always
further marginal conditions (such as time and time again very special
0,126 makes use of the latest developments
the shape of the tank, type and terms of reference, tank geometries
in research and the associated

location of supply and discharge or mixing tasks must be mastered.

technologies. Modern laser-Doppler-
pipes, physical characteristics of the In this case, INVENT can fall back on
-0,032 anemometry (LDA) and ultrasound-
media, desired reactor behaviour, the instruments described above, but
Doppler-anemometry (UDA) pro-
etc.). The mixer and the reactor must also on a very well-equipped mixing
-0,150 cesses are therefore used for the
form a unit. After an extensive laboratory as well as on spacious
determination of speed profiles in

analysis of requirements and de- testing facilities which are equipped

-0,236 the laboratory and in large-scale
finition of the process engineering with state-of-the-art testing and
models. In addition to conventional
aims, this will be successful only if measuring technology.
Velocity fluid mechanical methods for scale-
there is a range of innovative tools, All conceivable configurations can
in z-direction up, the most up-to-date numeric
measuring data and empirical values be replicated to scale and examined.
simulations (CFD) are applied.
to fall back on in order to choose This delivers further fundamental data
and lay out the perfect mixer. in addition to the existing foundation Laser-light-sheet flow visualization in the IN V E N T
3D-CAD-programs and finite-element-
for the layout and can of course also Laboratories
methods (FEM) are used for the mixer
be used for the optimization of
w plants.
ect ®
ion The application of mixers, however, Shop test of an H Y P ERC L ASSI C -Mixer C on t i n ous imp r ovement
also demands process engineering a n d q ua l it y c ont r ol
know-how, so that biological reactors
x [m] 40
can function optimally, short circuit
currents can be avoided and the
separating 30 desired reactor behaviour is
wall z [m]
The accompanying diagram shows
virtual 10 -4 a numerical simulation of an acti-
separating -2
0 vated sludge tank with multiple
wall 2
y [m] 4 thoroughly mixed stirring reactors,
Numerical simulation of an activated
which are created by individual
sludge tank ®
H Y P ER C LAS S IC -Mixers.
Successfull worldwide H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®
I NV E N T P r o du cts world wid e F ur th er I N V E N T P r o d u c t s

Chosen References
Berlin Schönerlinde, GER
116 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
P r of e s s i on a l a n d i n n ov a t ive
Berlin Stahnsdorf, GER
40 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
Berlin Münchehofe, GER The Service
40 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers Ot h e r P r od u c t s
How can we support you with the
Stuttgart-Mühlhausen, GER and Services
planning, optimization, moder-
12 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers nization of your plant, or just Beyond the delivery of components INVENT is the market leader for
Kiel, Germany, generally with the realization of and plants we also offer you general mixers, mixing and aeration systems
40 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers your ideas? Please ask us about advisory and engineering services and membrane aeration systems for
Stockholm, Sweden, it! in the field of stirring technology. the water and wastewater treatment.
48 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers This can be, for example, the layout Please do not hesitate to ask for We are your competent partner
Barcelona, Spain, In close co-operation with you, or optimisation of a stirrer, or the information about our additional for all questions on water and
the IN V EN T team will draw up a experimental examination of a product lines. We would also be wastewater treatment.
72 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
first draft and will, if necessary, stirring tank on a laboratory-scale happy to offer you complete system
Wien, Austria,
develop it further together with or through numeric simulation. solutions for your plants, such as a
I N V E N T Team meeting 32 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers you via numerous iteration steps, carefully laid-out and adapted
Dornbirn, Austria, until all requirements are met. Furthermore, we carry out large-scale equipment package. We simulate
72 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers After the order has been placed acceptance tests, whereby usually and optimize your plant with the engineering &
Zürich, Switzerland, an experienced team of engineers the velocity field, the solid matter help of appropriate software

8 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers will see to it that your project is concentration distribution and the packages, or else we optimize your
Davos, Switzerland, carried out on schedule. detention distribution are examined. plant or building with regard to fluid
In accordance with the agreement
10 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers mechanics.
we will deliver and install the plant
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
for you and will also carry out the
16 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers commissioning. Our service team
aeration software-
technology products
Maastricht, The Netherlands, will reliably take care of all
32 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers necessary maintenance work.
Masan, South-Korea,
104 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
IN V EN T ® , HYP ERCL AS S I C ® , Safety
Lock Technology and Progressive Fin Kuwait City, Kuwait,
Technology are registered trade- 45 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
system research &
marks of IN V EN T Umwelt- und Yokohama, Japan, solutions development
Verfahrenstechnik AG. 12 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
Successfull worldwide H Y P E R C L A S S I C ®
I NV E N T P r o du cts world wid e F ur th er I N V E N T P r o d u c t s

Chosen References
Berlin Schönerlinde, GER
116 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
P r of e s s i on a l a n d i n n ov a t ive
Berlin Stahnsdorf, GER
40 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
Berlin Münchehofe, GER The Service
40 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers Ot h e r P r od u c t s
How can we support you with the
Stuttgart-Mühlhausen, GER and Services
planning, optimization, moder-
12 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers nization of your plant, or just Beyond the delivery of components INVENT is the market leader for
Kiel, Germany, generally with the realization of and plants we also offer you general mixers, mixing and aeration systems
40 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers your ideas? Please ask us about advisory and engineering services and membrane aeration systems for
Stockholm, Sweden, it! in the field of stirring technology. the water and wastewater treatment.
48 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers This can be, for example, the layout Please do not hesitate to ask for We are your competent partner
Barcelona, Spain, In close co-operation with you, or optimisation of a stirrer, or the information about our additional for all questions on water and
the IN V EN T team will draw up a experimental examination of a product lines. We would also be wastewater treatment.
72 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
first draft and will, if necessary, stirring tank on a laboratory-scale happy to offer you complete system
Wien, Austria,
develop it further together with or through numeric simulation. solutions for your plants, such as a
I N V E N T Team meeting 32 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers you via numerous iteration steps, carefully laid-out and adapted
Dornbirn, Austria, until all requirements are met. Furthermore, we carry out large-scale equipment package. We simulate
72 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers After the order has been placed acceptance tests, whereby usually and optimize your plant with the engineering &
Zürich, Switzerland, an experienced team of engineers the velocity field, the solid matter help of appropriate software

8 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers will see to it that your project is concentration distribution and the packages, or else we optimize your
Davos, Switzerland, carried out on schedule. detention distribution are examined. plant or building with regard to fluid
In accordance with the agreement
10 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers mechanics.
we will deliver and install the plant
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
for you and will also carry out the
16 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers commissioning. Our service team
aeration software-
technology products
Maastricht, The Netherlands, will reliably take care of all
32 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers necessary maintenance work.
Masan, South-Korea,
104 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
IN V EN T ® , HYP ERCL AS S I C ® , Safety
Lock Technology and Progressive Fin Kuwait City, Kuwait,
Technology are registered trade- 45 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
system research &
marks of IN V EN T Umwelt- und Yokohama, Japan, solutions development
Verfahrenstechnik AG. 12 HY P ER C LAS S IC ®-Mixers
l o c a t i o n s e veov loul tuitoi no n6 6

You can reach us at:

INVENT Umwelt-
und Verfahrenstechnik AG
Headquarters: Benelux Office:
Am Weichselgarten 36 Kapitein De Rijkstraat 42

t e c h n o l o g y
91058 Erlangen 2583 BK The Hague
Germany The Netherlands
Fon: +49 (0) 91 31 6 90 98 - 0 Fon: +31 (0) 70 30619 98
Fax: +49 (0) 91 31 6 90 98 - 99 Fax: +31 (0) 70 30619 97
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Plant 1: US Office:
Burgstallerweg 14 INVENT Environmental Technologies LLC
91074 Herzogenaurach 122 Oakwell Farms Parkway u m w e
l t
u n
Germany San Antonio, TX 78218 d
Fon: +49 (0) 91 32 74 13 70 USA r f
a h
r e
Fax: +49 (0) 91 32 74 13 72

m i x i n g
Fon: +1 210 832 0100 n s t
e c h n i

Fax: +1 210 568 6136

Berlin Office:
E-mail: [email protected]
Platanenweg 6
12437 Berlin Fluid mechanically
Fon: +49 (0) 30 5 34 10 63 Excellent suspension
and homogenizing
Fax: +49 (0) 30 5 34 10 63
E-mail: [email protected]

printed on chlorine-free bleached paper

Low energy
West Office: consumption
Am Steinberg 23 worldwide Robust construction
52353 Düren A list of our sales partners

HCM 2.000 04.05-1 E

Low maintenance
Germany abroad is available by request
Low operational
Fon: +49 (0) 24 21 88 83 07 or on the internet: costs
Fax: +49 (0) 24 21 8 47 86
E-mail: [email protected] www.invent-uv.de

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