Conan 1st Edition - (Adv) - (HD2) The Shrine of The Black Ones

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The Shrine of
r the

the Black Ones

An adventure for character levels 10-12

"Know, O prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and in the
years of the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across
the world like blue mantles beneath the stars - Nemedia, Ophir, Brythunia, Hyperborea, Zamora with its dark-
haired women and towers of spider-haunted mystery...”

This module contains background information, a large map detailing a temple complex area, referee’s notes,
special exploration and encounter pieces, encounter and map matrix keys, and an additional section pertain-
ing to unique new creatures for use with this module and the game as a whole. A complete setting for play with
the Conan RPG is contained herein.

If you enjoy this module, watch for future releases from Xoth.Net Publishing!
HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones

Table of Contents Introduction

Credits “Into the west, unknown of man,
Introduction Ships have sailed since the world began.
Starting the Adventure Read, if you dare, what Skelos wrote,
Notes for the Dungeon Master With dead hands fumbling his silken coat;
Part One: The Isle of the Black Ones And follow the ships through the wind-
Part Two: The Shrine of the Black Ones blown wrack
Follow the ships that come not back.” –
Appendix A: Non-Player Characters The Pool of the Black One
Appendix B: New Monsters
Appendix C: License On a nameless island in the Western
Ocean stand the strange ruins of a
CREDITS prehuman civilization. According to worm-
eaten fragments from the Book of Skelos,
Original design by Gary Gygax. strange monsters guard crypts filled with
Original editing by Mike Carr and Timothy hieroglyph-carven gold here, gathered by
Jones. prehuman kings, long, long ago. In truth,
Original layout by Harold Johnson, Jon these monsters — black-skinned, tall and
Pickens and Lawrence Schick. regal, human-like but belonging to an evil,
Original art by David C. Sutherland III, immortal race — still haunt the island. Their
David A. Trampier, Jim Rosloff, Jeff Dee, age-old ruler, Va-Guulgh, commands the
Erol Otus, David S. La Force and Bill rising of the sea and the rage of storms
Willingham. through his arcane sorceries. Merchant
and pirate vessels that stray from the main
New art by Ken Kelly, Les Edwards and shipping lanes find themselves caught in
Mark Schultz. sorcerous gales and shipwrecked on the
New design, layout, revised rules and isle. The crews are captured and taken to
additional text by Thulsa. the shrine of the Black Ones, where the
captives are ritually drowned in a pool of
DISCLAIMER unholy power which petrifies and shrinks its
This is a fan-written adventure and men-
tion of or references to Conan and AD&D
elements are not a challenge to the Starting the Adventure
trademark or copyright concerned.
Explain to the player characters that they
The Conan character and themes are found a treasure map pointing to a
property of Conan Properties International nameless island in the Western Ocean.
LLC. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and Approaching the island in a chartered
“Dungeon Module D2: Shrine of the Kuo- Argossean trading vessel, a heavy storm
Toa” are copyright TSR Games. The d20 blew up and shipwrecked the PCs on the
System is copyright Wizards of the Coast, sandy shores of the jungled island. The
Inc. vessel is reduced to driftwood, the
Argossean sailors are all dead, and the
PCs lack food and water. But adventure
— and treasure — awaits those who dare
explore the Isle of the Black Ones!


This is a homage to the original classic adventure module, “D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa”, by Gary
Gygax, reimagined for sword and sorcery gaming in Robert E. Howard’s Hyborian Age using Mon-
goose’s Conan RPG ruleset. Many of the original’s high fantasy elements have been removed or
toned down, but the module should be instantly familiar to those familiar with the classic scenario,
as much of the text is verbatim from Gygax’s original manuscript. I have turned the subterranean
Shrine into a ruined temple on a nameless island, changed the Kuo-Toa into Black Ones, and the
Sea-Mother into a tentacled horror from the Mythos. The amount of treasure has been significantly
reduced from the original. The graphic design (cover page, use of fonts, etc.) emulate the original
adventure module, while the new artwork is taken primarily from Wandering Star’s illustrated volume
“Conan: The Coming of the Cimmerian”.
- Thulsa

For more Hyborian Age RPG materials, visit the website at

Page 2
HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones

Notes For The Dungeon of the fingers are grown like the talons of a
wild beast. Their eyes are tawny, a vibrant
Master gold that glows and glitters. They are
naked and hairless.
Black Ones are black and naked, made
like men, but the shortest of them are Black Ones do not speak — vocally. They
heads and shoulders above a tall human. nod and gesture, but are strangely silent.
They are rangy, rather than massive, but They find pleasure in dragging to light the
are finely formed, with no suggestion of abysmal secrets that sleep in the
deformity or abnormality, save as their unfathomed darkness of the human soul.
great height is abnormal. But one can They worship dark gods and live forever,
sense the basic diabolism of their features; save for violence or accident.
every line, each feature is stamped with
evil — evil transcending the evil of human- For more information, see the New Mon-
ity. Under their ebon skin long, rounded sters appendix.
muscles ripple, and the monsters can rend
an ordinary man limb from limb. The nails

Page 3
HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones

Part One: The Isle of the Black Ones

The island is some eight to ten miles long in unknown parties of such creatures as the
the north-south direction, and perhaps Black Ones. Camping for the night on the
eight miles broad at the widest point. At island will incur a random monster check,
the north end of the island, there are five but only one such check for a “normal”
smaller islands, all uninhabited. On the sleep period of 8 hours, unless the party
western coast is a shallow bay, which has simply flops down in the middle of the ruins
a white beach bordering an expanse of (in which case use the wandering monster
gently grassy slopes, masked by green table for the shrine itself).
trees. The trees grow in irregular clusters,
While many facts and details are given to
and between these groves stretch rolling
you here, it is incumbent upon you, as
expanses of meadow-like slopes. Between
Dungeon Master, to bring them to vivid life
the slopes lie gentle declivities, likewise
and give this setting a personality. Have
swarded. The scenery seems to melt into
itself, or each scene into the other; the
view is singular, at once broad and
restricted. Over all a dreamy silence lies
The Golden Fruit: A golden-skinned fruit 1 in 10 chance of encountering a monster;
grows in great abundance on the island. check each hex (1 mile) by rolling 1d8:
The fruit has great taste but causes those
who eat it to fall asleep (Ingested, Fort DC
19, initial damage unconsciousness for 1d3 1. Black Ones
hours, secondary damage unconscious-
ness for 2d4 hours). A successful Knowl- 2. Soulless servitors
edge (nature) check (DC 15), Survival 3. Pirates
check (DC 15) or Craft (herbalism) check
(DC 20) allows a character to recognize 4. Madman
the danger. The whole fruit must be 5. Snake
ingested, so the fruit juice is not effective
as a poison if smeared on weapons. 6. Vultures

Separate encounter tables are given for 7. Crocodiles

random meetings with creatures. Familiar- 8. Leech swarm
ize yourself with all of these tables, and
note the composition of heretofore

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones
Black Ones: This is a group of 1d3 lesser Pirates: A large crew of 40 Barachan
Black Ones with one flute-equipped pirates have landed on the island. Their
master. They attack strangers on sight vessel is anchored in a hidden cove on
unless obviously outnumbered. the western coast (there is a 25% chance
that Va-Guulgh has spotted their ap-
Crocodiles: Only encountered near the
proach and shipwrecked the vessel
coastline or in marshland, 1d6+5 croco-
through his sorceries). The pirates, com-
diles will lie submerged in water. They use
manded by a blue-bearded Pelishtim
their Hide skill to ambush the unwary and
Shemite known as Kaltum the Sea-Ghoul,
drag grabbed victims into the water.
learned of the treasure map found by the
Leech Swarm: These repulsive creatures player characters and have followed the
attack victims who move through stag- PCs to the island; they seek riches and
nant pools of water. See the New Monsters know nothing of the Black Ones. However,
appendix. Kaltum’s beautiful but bloodthirsty bride,
Sancha, was captured by a group of
Madman: The party encounters Eberardo, Black Ones and taken to the shrine (see
a Zingaran captain of great size and Area 35) while leading a small group of
strength (see the NPC appendix). He went men to look for freshwater.
insane from watching his comrades being
captured and turned into stone statuettes Snake: A large viper snake hides under-
by the Black Ones. He tries to avoid the neath a rock or underbrush.
party, but if cornered he starts to babble
Soulless Servitors: A group of 1d6 human
rather incoherently about the fate of his
slaves of the Black Ones, armed and
crew. For each round of interaction there
equipped similarly to the human guards of
is a 5% cumulative chance that he goes
the shrine.
berserk (as the Crimson Mist ability) and
attacks the nearest creature. Vultures: A flight of 1d10+10 vultures can
be seen circling in the air above. They do
A cave serves Eberardo as a home. He
not attack anyone unless the targets
has a large pile of dried seaweed to sleep
already appear half-dead.
on, various shell and stone containers and
utensils, and odds and ends of worthless
gear about the place. He has found a
natural pot in the floor, however, and a
stone thrust into the mouth of this opening
appears to be quite natural. Beneath this
stopper he has sequestered 420 sp, a gold
ring (worth 120 sp), and a silver medallion
carved with the symbol of Mitra (worth 70

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones

Part Two: The Shrine of the Black Ones

The green shining walls and towers of the A. APARTMENTS: From 0-2 lesser Black Ones
shrine, situated at the highest point of the will be found in each such apartment. The
island, merge almost perfectly with the sparsely furnished chamber will have
green landscape of the isle. The rough mounds of seaweed on wooden sleeping
walls of the ruins are dark green, and pallets, a rough bench, a small table and
there are cracks and gaps here and several stools. Walls are about two feet
there. The ground is occasionally littered thick, doors are of (precious here) wood
with stone — fallen columns and bits of with iron bindings (1 1/2 in. thick; Hardness
ceiling, and the walls show natural collaps- 5; hp 15; Break DC 18).
ing of small sections. Absolute quiet
B. BARRRACKS: Each barracks chamber
prevails when the party ceases their
holds 1-6 human guards who have been
progress, but if silence is maintained for a
enslaved by the Black Ones.
time small twitterings, rustlings, and faint
echoes from far distant can be heard — BF. BARRACKS: These correspond to the
rats, bats, insects and other vermin, but barracks noted above. Each of these two
what else? areas houses 1-3 guards.
C. COMMON ROOM: These rooms have a
number of tables, benches and stools in
each. There are words of praise (in an
Encounter occurs 1 in 8, check every 10
unknown language) to Yibb-Tstll painted
minutes by rolling 1d4:
on the walls and religious tracts on tables.
M. MASTER SUITE: A single flute-equipped
1. Black Ones Black One is always guarding these areas.
2. Soulless servitors W. See Area 33.
3. Snake
4. Leech swarm 1. ENTRANCE TO THE SHRINE
The party is met by a chilling scene when
first they step far enough northwest to
See above for creature details. view the space ahead. The green stone,
coupled with a grayish luminosity from
Refer to the map for the following area
sluglike creatures as large as a man’s fist
which crawl everywhere (walls, ceilings,

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones
floors) give the area an undersea appear- Leech Swarms (1-6): See the New Monster
ance, and a strange salt tang is in the air appendix.
to enhance this impression. Directly to the
north the adventurers will see a huge dark
green creature, an alien entity with 3. STEPS OF THE ZIGGURAT
leathery wings. This stone idol is detailed at If the group reaches this point they will be
Area 4 below. The walls and pavement of able to see low altar stones with shells
this place are well-made, but very worn. upon them. There are two such containers
Obviously, this area is old. It feels alien and on the first tier of the ziggurat, and other
foreboding. pairs on each successively higher altar.
Each tier of the pyramid is 12 feet high,
The shape of the stones are wrong to any
and the steps are steep.
human. A glance left and right will reveal
the archway to the west and the 20 feet First Altar: This block of white stone tinged
wide, 40 feet high opening leading east. with green splotches is relatively small (2
feet by 2 feet by 4 feet long) and has two
As the group proceeds further into the
ordinary looking basin-sized sea shells atop
area, they will note the stairs up to the
it. On the left is one filled with 337 sp; on
west and the slits in the east wall of the
the right is a shell filled with freshwater and
entranceway. The bend of the eastern
snail shells.
corridor will be noticed if the area is
observed. Looking ahead, the adventurers Second Altar: This stone block is blue and
will see that the space to the north is a twice as large as the one below it. It holds
great sunken area, and if they proceed two beautiful shells with silver chasing
closer they will observe it is an arena or upon their edges and ridges. Upon the left
pool filled with translucent green water the shell basin is filled with brackish water
and surrounded by six tiers of stone and crab claws; the one on the right
benches, the whole forming a square contains 71 gp and 18 gems of 10 sp value
around a raised stone platform in the each.
middle of the 25 feet deep depression
(actually 30 feet deep with 5 feet of water Third Altar: This green stone is 3 feet by 3
in it). Northeast and northwest will be seen feet by 6 feet long and holds two gold-
stone block walls with one arched entry inlayed shells with insides of mother of
on each side and many narrow (1 feet pearl. The shell on the left holds salt water
wide by 3 feet high) slits piercing them at and live lobsters, the one on the right
about 20 feet above floor level. The whole contains 24 base 100 sp gems and 16
area is quiet, but there is a definite feeling pearls (base value 50 sp).
that there are other creatures about,
hostile creatures, alien things.
Upon the summit of the ziggurat stands a
2. RAMP AND STAIRS malachite statue 20 feet tall. It appears to
The ramp leads to a flight of broad steps be a dark, tentacled entity with a pulpy,
which give into the pool of water sur- alien head, detached eyes, and large bat
rounding the idol. From this position it will wings under which countless black hu-
be evident that the seats of the arena will manoids suck green milk from its innumer-
hold about 2,000 creatures of approxi- able breasts. The idol will not move or
mately human size. The depth of water in come to life, but can be used for various
the pool cannot be determined due to its ritual purposes. Knowledge of these rituals
transluscent quality. The 20 feet tall idol is imparted with a successful Knowledge
atop the dais can be seen as stone. (arcana) check (DC 30) after at least ten
Although the rising tiers of the pyramid minutes of studying the area.
obstruct vision northward, it can be Yibb-Tstll’s name is carved into the base of
observed that there is some sort of open- the statue in unknown characters (Deci-
ing in the northern wall of the place. pher Script DC 25). If valuables (preferably
When the party descends to the place pearls, but gems can also be used) are
where the water meets the steps, they will crushed while pronouncing his name
have to measure with a pole of some sort, correctly, the creature performing the
or actually enter the water, to find its ritual is invisibly marked and will not be
depth. harmed by any of the Black Ones for a
period equal to one hour per 1,000 sp
If the party stays on a direct route to Area worth of pearls (or one half-hour for the
3, the steps leading up to the first tier of same value in gems).
the pyramid, they will be safe, but there
are dozens and dozens of leeches else- If one or more of the statuettes produced
where in the pool, and these will attack by sacrifice in the pool at Area 15 are
any warm-blooded creature moving placed in front of the idol, blessed, and
through the water. The Black Ones can then thrown into the pool surrounding the
pass amongst these creatures without idol, there is a 15% chance that each
being molested. statuette will transform into an egg, which

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones
is then brought to Area 14 and impreg- The floor of the palace is of polished
nated. In this manner, the Black Ones serpentine, and the six pillars in the cham-
procreate, albeit slowly. ber are carved of white marble in the form
of waterspouts. The whole place is alive
Note: From the upper tier of the ziggurat
with a shifting green luminosity from the
the guards at Area 5 can be distinguished.
glowing green and gold ceiling overhead.
The throne room is guarded by six Black
Ones, one before each pillar. They will
5. GUARD POST attack any intruder in the most effective
There is a squad of eight guards here, with manner.
a Black One in charge. Four face to the
north, the rest to the south. Anyone The eastern archway leads to a private
captured are taken to Area 9D for incar- audience chamber and council room. It
ceration and eventual sacrifice. has an upper balcony which extends
along three sides of the place. There is a
long stone table, a throne chair, and six
6. PALACE OF THE SORCERER smaller stone chairs in the center. There is
The entire north wall at this location is nothing of value, although the wall murals
taken up by the palace of the spiritual of undersea scenes, inlaid in bits of
and temporal ruler of the Black Ones, the colored stone, appear valuable to those
sorcerer Va-Guulgh. Upon the steps of the not able to determine the worth of the
palace are posted eight guards and two minerals used to form them. In other
Black Ones. Also there is a Black One with respects this place is much the same as
maximum hit points who is official herald; the throne room.
this fighter also bears a shell horn upon
which an alarm is blown if the area is
under attack, and this alerts Areas 5, 30, 8. PRIVATE WING
32, and the barracks 60 feet immediately The western wing of the palace is given
southwest. Other positions can hear the over to the personal pool of Va-Guulgh,
alarm, but it must be sounded a second and it is here that he engages in weird
time to alert all Black Ones to come to the rituals and arcane studies. All the area is of
palace. If it is blown a third time, all Black green stone — serpentine, malachite, and
Ones in the shrine will then come to battle slate. The pillars in the center of the pool
with the enemy. are a mixture of malachite and azurite,
carved so that they go from green to blue
The ancient facade of the palace is in their upper parts. The waters of the pool
carved from living rock. Upon it are pillars, are of transluscent green, and here it is
and columns, hewn so as to give the likely that the sorcerer will be relaxing
place an imposing aura. Upon its walls are (unless an alarm has been sounded).
bas-relief figures of all sorts of sea crea-
tures and Black Ones carved so as to There are two Black Ones, one to either
present the appearance of coming side of the pool, who guard the ruler and
towards the entrance of the palace. will give warning of any intruder. Va-
Batlike creatures with human heads are Guulgh wears only a jewelled headband
carved into the stone near the doorway, (worth 8,000 sp) and a harness with a
the stony gaze of these weird sentinels masterwork dagger. He has the
appearing to fall upon all who ascend the spellcasting ability of a 12th-level sorcerer.
If given the chance, Va-Guulgh will flee
through the secret door (Search DC 25) to
the west if threatened by powerful an-
7. THRONE ROOM OF VA-GUULGH tagonists. Otherwise, he will attempt to
Immediately to the north of the arched seek safety in the bottom of the pool,
entrance to the throne room is a low dais where various fish, shellfish, crabs, turtles,
with a shell throne upon it. The throne is a and other creatures will obey his com-
strange chain carved of white coral, set mands to obscure his movements and
about with rare sea shells and sculptings in hinder the passage of any enemies. If this
ornamental stone of octopi, crabs, eels, fails, he will either go down to the underly-
and fish. There are 32 base 100 sp pearls ing rooms or fight to the death.
and 16 base 50 sp pearls set as eyes for
these sculptures, and there are four figures Secret Room: This small area is known only
of crabs fashioned from precious red coral to the ruler of the place. The door has an
(each of these is worth 600 sp) which can iron bar, and Va-Guulgh will use it to
be pried from the settings of the throne. secure the door from any chasing him (+2
to Break DC). There is a pouch of twenty
Flanking the throne are a pair of mala-
500 sp base value pearls here, and he will
chite statues 7 feet tall, each resting on a
attach this pouch to his harness. If the
pedestal 3 feet high — copies of the idol
sorcerer conceives the situation to be
of Yibb-Tstll in the shrine area. They have
hopeless, he will abandon the shrine
no value and hide nothing.
entirely, fleeing towards the ocean. If the

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones
situation can be recovered, he will at- in the next two, and again two empty
tempt to rally his troops and counterat- cells, then a Zingaran merchant (with a
tack. gold ring worth 250 sp hidden inside his
boot) chained to the wall, and in the last
Lower Area: The stairs to the south lead
cell is a pair of rats. Empty cells usually
westwards to a lower complex of rooms,
contain filthy seaweed bedding and some
each secured by a very thick wooden
scattered and gnawed bones.
door with iron bindings (2 in. thick; Hard-
ness 8; hp 30; Break DC 25). The two rooms The large room to the west is a standard
to the south and east are those of the torture chamber, with the usual rack, iron
sorcerer. He has various items of furnishing boot, chains, irons, etc. The place at the
there, including a couch, four chairs, two far (north) end of the line of cells is a
large tables, a small table, two benches, disused storage chamber, with a few
and a large cabinet in which are three barrels and crates of provisions in the
special ceremonial robes embroidered forepart, and junk stuffed into the back.
with shells and sewn with seed pearls Behind this refuse is a concealed escape
(each worth 750 sp). In the far chamber is tunnel which leads north about 40 feet to
a chest (Hardness 5; hp 1; Break DC 17; a 60 feet deep sinkhole. The sinkhole gives
Open Lock DC 25) with a masterwork onto a natural passageway which eventu-
Yuetshi knife and a dagger of bronze. ally ends in a shaft upwards into the
secondary passage northwest (about a
The six small rooms (about 10 feet by 15
mile north of the shrine).
feet) are the cells of the personal attend-
ants of the ruler, the Black Ones men-
tioned above. Amongst their personal
effects and a pallet of seaweed will be
There are four stone tables, two stone
found 1-100 sp each. The four rooms to the
benches, and eight bone stools in each
west and south are storage chambers for
room. Besides short tracts, there are 27
food, seaweed, and various worthless
scrolls and 18 books in each place, and
items. There are, however, two large casks
these items are worth 1,000 sp and 2,500
of brandy which have no great value, but
sp respectively if brought to the mainland
if they are sampled there is a chance (Fort
and sold to a bookdealer or sage.
DC 14) per individual drinking that too
much will be imbibed, thus causing the In one of these rooms the party will note a
individual to become noisy and clumsy (-2 tract-like sheet which contains writings in
on Dexterity and all attacks) for 3d10 Zingaran, an account of a captain who
minutes. searched for the fabled treasures of Skelos
and was captured by the Black Ones.
The fragment from his diary says: “… I
desired to learn if this island was indeed
The worn stones along this tunnel indicate
that mentioned in the mysterious Book of
it has seen the passage of countless
Skelos, wherein, nameless sages assert —
scores of feet. The Black Ones keep their
strange monsters guard crypts filled with
numerous slaves penned below. The stairs
hieroglyphs — carved in gold. We have
lead down into a guard room where four
left all charted coasts behind and are
guards and a Black One (carrying the keys
plunging further and further into that
to all of the doors in the slave area), are
unknown billowy waste ordinarily shunned
on duty. All doors are of bronze and iron
by seafarers, and into which, since the
here (2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; Break
beginnings of Time, ships have ventured,
DC 28; Open Lock DC 30).
only to vanish from the sight of man for
To the east and west of the guard room ever. All known lands lie behind us….”
are two general slave barracks rooms of
20 feet by 70 feet size. The western room
holds three Argosseans, one Stygian, two 11. ABANDONED ROOMS
Shemites, two Kushites, nine Barachans, A few common weapons are strewn
and eight Zingarans. The eastern chamber about these rooms, but there is absolutely
contains two Barachans, three Picts, and nothing of real value in either room.
twenty-one Argosseans (one of whom is a
7th-level pirate). All slaves, especially the
Barachans and the Zingarans, are fairly 12. EMPTY ROOMS
well acquainted with the normal parts of Hung about the walls of this place are
the shrine. Freed slaves will happily kill various daggers, spears, nets, shields and
Black Ones; whether or not they will help harpoons. It is otherwise empty.
liberators directly is a function of motiva-
tion and treatment as well as initial reac-
tion. 13. LIBRARY
The corridor north leads to a dozen small This chamber is the repository for countless
cells. In the first pair are two Kushites each, ancient works written in an unknown
the next pair is empty, there are two Picts language. There are many shelves and

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones
pigeon-holes, racks and cabinets holding 14. BREEDING POOL
these works and single sheet folders as This is where the Black Ones lay the eggs
well. As all of these works are scribed in a produced in rituals involving the idol at
strange language, reading them might be Area 4, after which the males then fertilize
troublesome. Four small wooden desks, them with milt. The pool is about 42 feet
four chairs, a bench, and two long tables deep in the center. There is a jade idol of
are in the room. Yibb-Tstll with pearl eyes (100 sp each)
worth 1,900 sp at the exact center of the
There are six light globes suspended from
pool. It weighs 35 pounds.
the ceiling, each of which holds a phos-
phorescent liquid which gives a yellowish
green light. If the chain of the fifth is
pulled, let loose, and then pulled down
The Black Ones bring their live captives to
strongly (Search DC 30), a secret compart-
this place and toss them into its oily green
ment in the north central wall will open.
waters. Anyone (except the Black Ones, of
Note that this small space is lined with
course) dipped into this bottomless pool
sheets of bronze and lead inside so as to
must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC
prevent magical viewing or the radiation
15, +1 for each round under water) or be
of magic from its contents. Inside this nook
petrified and shrunk to a height of six
are stored a map of the shrine area
inches. The resulting statuettes are col-
(which does not show the secret doors
lected by Va-Guulgh and used in
and adits!) and a black iron box (Hardness
sorcerous rituals.
5; hp 15; Break DC 23). The box is locked
(Open Lock DC 30) and trapped (me- Va-Guulgh also knows a powerful ritual to
chanical; touch trigger (opening the box); bring the pool to life, but this will only be
automatic reset; 5-ft. cloud of black lotus used in the direst of circumstances,
blossom [Inhaled, Fort DC 25, initial dam- because it seals the fate of the Black Ones
age 1d3 Str + hallucinations, secondary as a race. The ritual takes 10 minutes to
damage unconsciousness for 1 hour]; perform, and requires a successful Perform
Search DC 22; Disable Device DC 20). (ritual) check (DC 20). Once unleashed,
Inside the box are two of the books of this liquid monstrosity moves slowly across
Vathelos the Blind (out of a total of six the whole island, devouring anything in
volumes). sight, before it finally dissolves into the
The Blood of Yibb-Tstll: Gargantuan Ooze;
HD 20d10+180; hp 290; Init +1 (-5 Dex, +6
Ref); Spd 20 ft., climb 20. ft; DV (Dodge) 1
(-4 size, -5 Dex); DR 0; BAB/Grapple +15/

Page 11
HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones
+35; Atk +19 melee (slam, 3d6+12 plus Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA constrict (1d8+10, AP
petrification); Space/Reach 20 ft./20 ft.; SA 8), improved grab; SQ scent; SV Fort +8,
constrict (2d8+12 plus petrification), Ref +10, Will +4; Str 25, Dex 17, Con 13, Int
improved grab, petrification; SQ blindsight 1, Wis 12, Cha 2.
(60 ft.), split, ooze traits; SV Fort +15, Ref +1,
Skills: Balance +11, Climb +17, Hide +10,
Will +1; Str 26, Dex 1, Con 28, Int —, Wis 1,
Listen +9, Spot +9, Swim +16. Feats: Alert-
Cha 1.
ness, Endurance, Skill Focus (Hide), Tough-
Skills: Climb +16. Feats: —. ness.
Constrict (Ex): The Blood of Yibb-Tstll deals
automatic slam damage with a successful
grapple check. In addition, the victim
This chamber is furnished with 19 narrow
must save against the petrification effect.
pallets covered with dried seaweed and
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the silk cloths. There is a small table and two
Blood of Yibb-Tstll must hit with its slam benches also. There are four human
attack. It can then attempt to start a guards in the place.
grapple as a free action without provok-
ing an attack of opportunity. If it wins the
grapple check, it establishes a hold and 20. SERAGLIO
can constrict. Here, the sorcerer Va-Guulgh keeps six
human women as his concubines. Each
Petrification (Su): Any melee hit or con-
has a couch, various personal effects, and
strict attack may petrify the opponent,
jewelry worth 150 sp each. Also on the
unless he succeeds on a Fortitude save
three tables about the place are eleven
(DC 29). The save DC is Constitution-
gold vessels worth 50 sp each and 14 silver
ones valued at 15 sp each. The walls are
Split (Ex): Slashing and piercing weapons draped with gauzy green hangings of no
deal no damage to the Blood of Yibb-Tstll. value, but they hide the stone behind.
Instead the creature splits into two identi-
cal creatures, each with half of the
original’s current hit points (round down). 21. COMMON POOL
A creature with 10 hit points or less cannot This large body of water is 80 feet deep at
be further split and dies if reduced to 0 hit the middle point. The west entry point is
points. only 4 feet deep. It is filled with various
sorts of small fish and other water crea-
Skills: The Blood of Yibb-Tstll has a +8 racial
tures. The Black Ones come here to
bonus on Climb checks and can always
exercise and sometimes feed on these live
choose to take 10 on a Climb check,
fish as well. There will be 1-4 Black Ones
even if rushed or threatened.
swimming here.


The young of the Black Ones are raised in
These areas are furnished with a few stark
these pools. It takes decades before they
items — pallets, a few stools, small wooden
are fully grown. There are currently a
tables, and pegs in the walls ready to
dozen fingerlings in these 20 feet deep
accept harness or weapons.
pools. Two Black Ones guard the place.
East Section: Here a Black One with
maximum hit points is quartered.
West Section: There are 2 Black Ones
This pool is not currently used. It is 20 feet
quartered in this part of the area.
deep and its bottom is strewn with 331 sp
in coins.
There are 16 pallets, two benches, four
stools and a long table here. There is a
Like Area 17, this pool is not currently used
chest (Hardness 5; hp 1; Break DC 17;
by the Black Ones. It is, however, currently
Open Lock DC 20) in the room which
occupied by a loathsome sea snake that
contains 120 sp.
preys on passersby. The pool is 40 feet
deep and its bottom is strewn with 31 large
base 100 sp gems.
Sea Snake: Huge Animal; HD 11d8+21; hp There are 16 guards here. There are 24
70; Init +10 (+3 Dex, +7 Ref); Spd 20 ft., pallets in the place, as the 8 guards of the
climb 20. ft, swim 20 ft.; DV (Dodge) 19 (-2 royal area are quartered here when off
size, +3 Dex, +8 natural); DR 5; BAB/Grap- duty. Each guard has his own stool, and
ple +8/+23; Atk +13 melee (bite, 1d10+10); there are three tables and six benches in
Full Atk +13 melee (bite, 1d10+10); Space/ the room.

Page 12
HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones
This large chamber has racks full of the
following: 30 nets, 60 empty quivers, and a
container of purple lotus (6 applications).
There are also some boxes with ancient
weapons, but these are all so old and
corroded as to be useless. There are 12
bucklers, 12 short swords, 14 daggers, and
6 hand crossbows with 28 bolts. (If these
items are used they will break immediately
upon any employment.)


This area is filled to overflowing with bales,
boxes, crates, barrels, trunks, hogsheads,
and kegs — stacked and piled all over,
with only narrow paths between them. All
of the contents are of small worth, being
dried fish, seaweed, cheap cloth, fish skins
and scales, shells, bonemeal, carved
bone items, and similar goods used in
trade (pilfered from shipwrecks).

27. EMPTY QUARTERS otherwise valueless. Moving this chest from

The chamber has 12 pallets in it, but the the stone it rests on triggers the mecha-
floor is covered with piles of dried sea- nism (Search DC 20; Disable Device DC
weed here and there. Under one such pile 25) which causes a 10 feet thick stone
is a loose stone (Search DC 20) conceal- block to seal off the whole room (3 ft.
ing 60 base 10 sp gems. thick; Hardness 8; hp 540; Break DC 50).
Chest #2: This is a heavy wood and iron
box with a great iron padlock on it (Hard-
ness 5; hp 15; Break DC 23; Open Lock DC
This corridor leads to a very deep well (6
30). Inside are 8,912 sp.
feet to water, then 50 feet deep). The well
shaft leads to a circular conduit of 6 feet Chest #3: This is an iron chest with a secret
diameter. This pipe connects Areas 14, 17, catch lock (Hardness 5; hp 15; Break DC
and 21 by secret entrances (Search DC 23; Open Lock DC 30). It holds 2,440 sp,
25) in each pool bottom. On the pool side and a green silk altarcloth wrapping three
these appear to be normal stone blocks, gold service pieces set with pearls. Total
each about 2 feet square. There is also a value is 6,000 sp.
hidden trapdoor (Search DC 30), its iron
Chest #4: This bronze and iron chest
ring concealed under a small flagstone.
(Hardness 5; hp 15; Break DC 23; Open
The 2 feet square block is about 6 inches
Lock DC 30) has two iron bars attached
thick and very heavy. It opens to a small
by rings on the back side. When the lid is
square shaft leading down by iron rungs
unlocked and lifted, the bars are de-
16 feet to a 5 feet wide passage to Area
pressed to trigger a 10 feet wide by 20
29. Note the passage widens to 10 feet
feet long trapdoor which swings down to
after 40 feet east.
drop all standing on it into a 70 feet deep
pit (mechanical; location trigger; repair
reset; DC 25 Reflex save avoids; 70 ft.
deep (7d6, fall); multiple targets (first
The passage into the room and the
target in each of two adjacent 5-ft.
chamber itself are about 7 feet from floor
squares); Search DC 27; Disable Device
to ceiling. Only Va-Guulgh knows of this
DC 18). The last 10 feet of the pit are water
place. It is a secret passed from ruler to
filled, so any creature may down unless
ruler. The wealth of the shrine is stored
able swim or to escape by climbing. The
here, wealth from century upon century of
chest holds 5,320 sp.
looting shipwrecks and captives. There are
seven large chests in the room, each Chest #5: This is an iron-bound wooden
about 3 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet. Each of trunk (Hardness 5; hp 15; Break DC 23)
these chests is described below, for some which is not locked. Inside are 100 ten-
are cleverly trapped. pound copper ingots. Twenty of those at
the bottom contain platinum (their weight
Chest #1: This bronze chest has an ancient
will give them away, as they are 25
lock (Hardness 5; hp 1; Break DC 17; Open
pounds each, although there is copper
Lock DC 20). It is filled with 8,124 shells
plating on the outside).
which are precious to Black Ones but are

Page 13
HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones
In addition to ten soldiers conforming to
those at Area 5, there are also four archers
armed with dagger, short bow, and quiver
of 20 arrows each.


These spartan quarters contain six pallets
and a table with two benches in the


Quartered here is Quolp-Ool, second-in-
command and confidant of Va-Guulgh.
Although his room is as spartan as the
others, Quolp-Ool has a small iron box
hidden in the wall of the place (Search
DC 25), and inside it are 366 sp. Behind the
box, and concealed by rock dust (Search
DC 25), is a small case made of rare shells.
It contains a string of perfectly matched
pearls (1,800 sp intact, 600 sp separated)
and 12 base 100 sp gems. Quolp-Ool will
rush to any disturbance in the place.


This second room of Quolp-Ool’s is closed
by a heavy iron door (2 in. thick; Hardness
10; hp 60; Break DC 28; Open Lock 30),
and he carries the only key to it. Inside is a
half-naked human woman, Sancha. She is
slated for formal torture soon. The room is
bare of furnishings, save a pile of dried sea
Chest #6: This locked bronze chest (Hard- weed. Sancha is chained to the wall with
ness 5; hp 15; Break DC 23; Open Lock DC short fetters. She claims to be a noble-
30) is trapped identically to chest #1 woman of Kordova, but is in reality a
(moving seals the chamber with a 10 feet pirate-queen in league with the
thick stone block). It holds 12 pieces of Barachans. She will volunteer to aid and
jewelry set with gems (average value is guide rescuers, but she will, of course,
600 sp each), 20 pieces of ivory jewelry betray them at first opportunity. She does
worth 50 sp each, a bone tube with a not fear death, but she will certainly do
yellowed scroll, and a jewelled icon of her utmost to avoid it if possible! She will
Yibb-Tstll set with ten base 100 sp value not betray her pirate brotherhood, but
gems and hundred base 10 sp value anything else is fair game, so to speak.
Chest #7: This is a locked chest (Hardness
5; hp 15; Break DC 23; Open Lock DC 30) THUS ENDS THIS TALE FROM THE HYBORIAN
plated silver over iron. All of the seams and AGE, THE SHRINE OF THE BLACK ONES
cracks of the chest are filled with silver
solder also. The container is worth 1,000 sp,
and inside is a jeweled medallion worth
3,000 sp. Also trapped inside is a smoke
serpent which will attack anything which
frees it from its hated imprisonment.


Here eight guards are on watch.


There are ten soldiers here, exactly con-
forming to those at Area 5.

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones

Appendix A: Non-Player Characters

Va-Guulgh, Ruler of the Black Ones: Large Special Note: The souls of these poor
Outsider (native); HD 10d8+50; hp 95; Init creatures have been destroyed by the
+8 (+2 Dex, +6 Ref); Spd 25 ft.; DV (Dodge) Black Ones, which makes them immune to
19 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural); DR 7; BAB/ mind-affecting magic. They obey the
Grapple +10/+20; Atk +15 melee (claw, Black Ones without protest.
1d8+6) or +15 melee (dagger, 1d4+6, 19-
20/x2, AP 1, finesse); Full Atk +15/+15
melee (claw, 1d8+6) and +10 melee (bite, Kaltum, the “Sea-Ghoul” (male Pelishtim
1d4+3) or +15/+15 melee (dagger, 1d4+6, Pirate 10): HD 10d8+50; hp 104; Init +9 (+2
19-20/x2, AP 1, finesse); Space/Reach 5 ft./ Dex, +7 Ref); Spd 30 ft.; DV (Dodge) 19; DV
10 ft.; SA soul-stealing flute, sorcery (as (Parry) 19; DR 6 (mail shirt, steel cap); BAB/
10th-level sorcerer); SQ sorcery (as 10th- Grapple +7/+11; Atk battleaxe +12 melee
level sorcerer), Knowledge Is Power; SV (1d10+6, 20/x4, AP 4) or Shemite bow +9
Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +9; Str 22, Dex 15, Con ranged (1d10+4, 20/x3, AP 4, range
20, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16. increment 100 ft.); Full Atk battleaxe +12/
+7 melee (1d10+6, 20/x4, AP 4) or Shemite
Skills: Balance +15, Climb +19, Bluff +16,
bow +9/+4 ranged (1d10+4, 20/x3, AP 4,
Jump +19, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Hide
range increment 100 ft.); SA +1 racial
+15, Intimidate +16, Move Silently +15,
bonus to attack rolls with any bow, +1
Perform (ritual) +16, Search +15. Feats:
circumstance bonus to damage rolls with
Cleave, Improved Sunder, Iron Will (b),
bows against targets within one range
Power Attack, Steely Gaze.
increment, +1 circumstance bonus to
Magical Attack Bonus: +8. Base/Max damage rolls when performing coup de
Power Points: 7/21. grace attacks, Ferocious Attack, To Sail a
Road of Blood and Slaughter, Sneak
Sorcery Styles (4) and Spells (10): Curses
Subdual, Bite Sword, Sneak Attack +3d6;
(Lesser Ill-Fortune, Greater Ill-Fortune,
SQ +2 racial bonus to Appraise, Spot and
Wind’s Hated Son), Divination (Astrological
Bluff checks, +1 circumstance bonus to all
Prediction, Mind-Reading, Psychometry,
Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Survival and
Visions), Necromancy (Raise Corpse,
Spot checks in any plains environment,
Death Touch), Sea Witchery (Sense Cur-
wield Shemite bows as martial weapons
rents, Rolling Waves, Grip of the Deep,
instead of exotic weapons, -1 racial
Jaws of Atlantis, Storm of Waves)
penalty to all saves, +2 racial bonus to all
Knowledge (arcana) checks, Pirate Code,
Uncanny Dodge, Mobility, Seamanship +2,
Soulless servitors, human slaves of the Improved Uncanny Dodge, Poison Resist-
Black Ones (male Zingaran Soldier 3): HD ance +1, Improved Mobility, Navigation;
3d10+6; hp 26; Init +3 (+2 Dex, +1 Ref); Spd SV Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +6; Str 18, Dex 14,
30 ft.; DV (Dodge) 13; DV (Parry) 15; DR 4 Con 20, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16.
(leather jerkin); BAB/Grapple +3/+5; Atk
cutlass +6 melee (1d10+2, 19-20/x2, AP 2) Skills: Knowledge (geography) +14, Move
or crossbow +5 ranged (2d6, 20/x2, AP 4, Silently +15, Profession (sailor) +14, Swim
range increment 60 ft.); SA +1 racial bonus +17, Tumble +15. Feats: Combat Reflexes,
to attack rolls with broadsword and Iron Will, Leadership, Weapon Focus
arming sword, sneak attack (+1d6), (battleaxe).
Formation Combat (skirmisher); SQ +1
Languages: Shemitish, Stygian, Argossean,
racial bonus to all Sense Motive checks, -1
racial penalty to all Diplomacy checks, +1
racial bonus to all Profession (sailor), Possessions: Mail shirt, steel cap, battleaxe,
Balance and use Rope checks, proficient Shemite bow, 20 arrows, gold earrings
with arming sword, wield greatswords as (worth 40 sp each), hidden dagger.
martial weapons instead of exotic weap-
ons; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 14, Dex
14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 13. Sancha of Kordova (female Zingaran
Noble 5/Pirate 5): HD 5d8+5 plus 5d8+5; hp
Skills: Climb +8, Search +6. Feats: Parry,
66; Init +14 (+5 Dex, +5 Ref, +4 Improved
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Toughness,
Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; DV (Dodge) 19; DV
Weapon Focus (cutlass).
(Parry) 14; DR 0 (no armor); BAB/Grapple
Languages: Zingaran, Argossean. +6/+8; Atk arming sword +13 melee
(1d10+2, 19-20/x2, AP 2, finesse); Full Atk
Possessions: Leather jerkin, cutlass, cross-
arming sword +13/+8 melee (1d10+2, 19-
bow, 10 bolts, 7 sp.

Page 15
HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones
20/x2, AP 2, finesse) and dagger +11/+6 Eberardo, the Mad Noble (male Zingaran
(+6 base, +5 Dex) melee (1d4+2, 19-20/x2, Noble 11): HD 10d8+42; hp 97; Init +4 (+1
AP 1, finesse); SA +1 racial bonus to attack Dex, +3 Ref); Spd 25 ft.; DV (Dodge) 15 (+4
rolls with broadsword and arming sword, base, +1 Dex); DV (Parry) 19 (+5 base, +4
Lead by Example +2, Ferocious Attack, To Str); DR 7 (breastplate, steel cap); BAB/
Sail a Road of Blood and Slaughter, Sneak Grapple +8/+12; Atk greatsword +13
Attack +2d6, Sneak Subdual; SQ +1 racial melee (2d10+6, 17-20/x2, AP 4); Full Atk
bonus to all Sense Motive checks, -1 racial greatsword +13/+8 melee (2d10+6, 17-20/
penalty to all Diplomacy checks, +1 racial x2, AP 4); SA +1 racial bonus to attack rolls
bonus to all Profession (sailor), Balance with broadsword and arming sword, sneak
and use Rope checks, proficient with attack (+1d6), Lead by Example +4; SQ +1
arming sword, wield greatswords as racial bonus to all Sense Motive checks, -1
martial weapons instead of exotic weap- racial penalty to all Diplomacy checks, +1
ons, Title, Rank Hath Its Privileges, Wealth, racial bonus to all Profession (sailor),
Special Regional Feature +1, Social Ability, Balance and use Rope checks, proficient
Seamanship +1, Pirate Code, Uncanny with arming sword, wield greatswords as
Dodge, Mobility; SV Fort +6, Ref +10, Will martial weapons instead of exotic weap-
+9; Str 14, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, ons, Title, Rank Hath Its Privileges, Wealth,
Cha 19. Social Ability (Comeliness, Family Ties),
Enhanced Leadership, Special Regional
Skills: Bluff +12, Gather Information +12, Feature +2, Do You Know Who I Am?; SV
Hide +13, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Move Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8; Str 19, Dex 12, Con
Silently +13, Ride +13, Swim +10, Tumble 18, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 14.
+13. Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Improved Initiative, Improved Two- Skills: Diplomacy +16, Knowledge (nobility)
Weapon Combat, Iron Will, Weapon Focus +14, Ride +15, Survival +15. Feats: Combat
(arming sword). Reflexes, Improved Critical, Power Attack,
Weapon Focus (greatsword).
Languages: Zingaran, Argossean,
Aquilonian, Shemitish. Languages: Zingaran, Argossean, Pictish,
Possessions: Clothing, arming sword,
dagger (assuming she can retrieve her Possessions: Breastplate, masterwork
possessions from her captors). greatsword.
Special Note: Eberardo is insane and can
berserk like a barbarian. He could be a
Kaltum’s Pirate Crew (male Argossean powerful ally if his sanity could somehow
Pirate 3): HD 3d8; hp 18; Init +5 (+2 Dex, +3 be restored.
Ref); Spd 25 ft.; DV (Dodge) 15; DV (Parry)
14; DR 5 (scale corselet); BAB/Grapple +2/
+5; Atk cutlass +6 melee (1d10+3, 19-20/x2,
AP 2) or Shemite bow +4 ranged (1d10+3,
20/x3, AP 4, range increment 100 ft.); SA
Ferocious Attack, To Sail a Road of Blood
and Slaughter, Sneak Attack +1d6, Sneak
Subdual; SQ gain +2 competence bonus
to extra class skills, wield greatsword as
martial weapon instead of exotic
weapon, +1 racial bonus to Fate Points, +2
racial bonus to Gather Information,
Profession (sailor), Balance and Use Rope
checks, Seamanship +1, Pirate Code; SV
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 14, Con
10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 9.
Skills: Climb +9, Intimidate +5, Profession
(sailor) +6, Search +6. Feats: Dodge, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (Shemitish bow),
Weapon Focus (cutlass).
Languages: Argossean, Aquilonian,
Possessions: Scale corselet, cutlass,
Shemite bow, 20 arrows, 29 sp.

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones

Appendix B: New Monsters

Black One When attacking in melee, the Black One
may choose to either rend with his claws
Large Outsider (native)
(inflicting slashing damage) or close his
Hit Dice: 6d8+30 (57 hp) hand into a great fist (inflicting blunt
Initiative: +7 (+2 Dex, +5 Ref) damage).
Speed: 25 ft. (5 squares)
Dodge Defense: 19 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8
natural) Black One, Soulstealer
DR: 7 Large Outsider (native)
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+16 Hit Dice: 10d8+50 (95 hp)
Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d8+6) Initiative: +8 (+2 Dex, +6 Ref)
Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d8+6) Speed: 25 ft. (5 squares)
and bite +6 melee (1d4+3) Dodge Defense: 19 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8
Space/Reach: 5 ft./10 ft. natural)
Special Attacks: — DR: 7
Special Qualities: — Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+20
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +5 Attack: Claw +15 melee (1d8+6)
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 14, Wis Full Attack: 2 claws +15 melee (1d8+6)
10, Cha 16 and bite +10 melee (1d4+3)
Skills: Balance +11, Climb +15, Bluff +12, Space/Reach: 5 ft./10 ft.
Jump +15, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Hide Special Attacks: Soul-stealing flute
+11, Intimidate +12, Move Silently +11, Special Qualities: —
Perform (ritual) +12, Search +11
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7
Feats: Improved Sunder, Power Attack,
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 14, Wis
Steely Gaze
10, Cha 16
Environment: Isle of the Black Ones
Skills: Balance +15, Climb +19, Bluff +16,
Organization: Solitary or group (6-10) Jump +19, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Hide
Advancement: — +15, Intimidate +16, Move Silently +15,
Perform (ritual) +16, Search +15
Feats: Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power
No one knows the origin of the Black
Attack, Steely Gaze
Ones, save perhaps those mad scholars
who drink deep of the wisdom contained Environment: Isle of the Black Ones
in the Scrolls of Skelos. Whatever it is, they Organization: Solitary or group (6-10)
seem to inhabit a single island far out in Advancement: —
the Western Ocean. These creatures
appear to have existed for centuries, if
not millenia, on the Isle. They constructed The subchiefs of the Black Ones carry thin,
an elaborate city at one point, though golden, soundless flutes which only they
the ravages of time transformed it into a know how to use, and which only function
ruin long ago. Of the handful left, most when blown using the strange silent
refuse to ever speak to a mortal; indeed throats of these creatures.
they fight in utter silence, not even grunt-
Soul-Stealing Flute (Su): The Black One can
ing or gasping as they slay.
direct his soundless music against a target
Combat: The Black Ones have no respect within evil eye range. If the victim fails a
at all for humans. They regard humans as Will save (DC 18), he becomes entranced
animals; they do, however, recognize an and suffers 1d4 points of Wisdom damage
armed human as a potential threat. As for each round the Black One continues
such, they will typically wait until hungry to play. Note that an entranced target is
crews drug themselves on the fruit of their not stunned, so attackers gain no special
island before gathering the main bulk for advantage against it. If the victim’s
transformation into statues. Stragglers or Wisdom reaches zero, his soul is com-
those who go off alone will be quickly pletely devoured and he becomes a
attacked by at least one of these crea- soulless slave of the Black Ones. The save
tures, often with a small group waiting DC is Charisma-based.
nearby in case the hunter needs assist-

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones

Leech Swarm age. Once the swarm has inflicted 4 or

more points of Constitution damage to
Diminutive Vermin (Aquatic, Swarm)
that target, the leeches detach and
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp) become quiescent again until they have
Initiative: +0 digested their feast (requiring one hour).
Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), swim 5 ft. This has no effect on blood drained from
other creatures; a leech swarm may drain
Dodge Defense: 14 (+4 size) blood equal to 6 points of Constitution
DR: 0 from each creature within its space.
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/— Creatures leaving the swarm after the
leeches have dropped off must still con-
Attack: Swarm (1d6)
tend with lingering leeches.
Full Attack: Swarm (1d6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft. Creatures with a natural damage reduc-
tion of 5 or better are immune to the
Special Attacks: Anesthetic, blood drain, blood drain attack of a leech swarm and
disease, distraction, lingering leeches are not subject to lingering leeches, but
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., hide in still suffer normal damage and a risk of
plain sight, immune to weapon damage, disease from contact with a leech swarm.
salt vulnerability, swarm traits, vermin traits
Disease (Ex): Red ache — swarm attack,
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0 Fortitude DC 12, incubation period 1d3
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 10, Con 12, Int —, Wis days, damage 1d6 Str. The save DC is
10, Cha 2 Constitution-based.
Skills: Hide +12*, Move Silently +2*, Swim Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that
+10 begins its turn with a swarm in its square
Feats: — must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 12)
Environment: Temperate or tropical or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC
marshes or freshwater is Constitution-based.
Organization: Solitary, infestation (2-5 Note that unlike other swarms, a leech
swarms), or epidemic (6-15 swarms) swarm’s distraction ability comes into play
Advancement: — only after the leeches have been noticed.
While the anesthetic effect remains in
place, creatures are not distracted by a
Leech swarms typically lie quiescent in leech swarm.
stagnant pools, waiting for prey to come
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): A submerged leech
to them. While they are capable of
swarm can hide anytime it is submerged in
surviving out of water, they will rarely stray
murky or weedy water, even while being
more than 5 feet from the water’s edge
(though some leeches will cling to crea-
tures after they leave the water). Lingering Leeches (Ex): If a leech swarm
has successfully drained blood from a
Combat: A leech swarm will move slowly
creature, many of the leeches from the
toward any creatures in the water and
swarm will remain attached even after the
attach to them, using their anesthetic to
creature has left the swarm behind. These
remain unnoticed so that they may drain
leeches will continue to inflict 1 point of
as much blood as they desire before
damage and drain blood for 1 point of
dropping off and returning, engorged with
Constitution each round for 1d4 rounds
blood, to the water.
after the creature leaves the swarm. This
Anesthetic (Ex): Unlike other swarms, a blood drain does not count against the
leech swarm is not distracting to creatures swarm’s maximum drain. The anesthetic
within it (until they notice the leeches; see ability described above also applies to
below), and in fact often goes unnoticed noticing and finding these lingering
until it is too late. The victim of a leech leeches. The lingering leeches can be
swarm’s attack must make a Survival attacked as a leech swarm, and any
check (DC 15) to notice the swarm’s attack that inflicts even 1 hit point of
attack, and a Search check (DC 15) will damage will cause them to drop off
reveal the leeches crawling into and (though this does not count against the hit
under a person’s garments or armor and points of the leech swarm from which they
attached to their skin. This Search check is came).
made with a +1 bonus per point of Consti-
Salt Vulnerability (Ex): A leech swarm
tution drained by the leech swarm, as the
suffers damage from contact with salt. A
leeches become engorged with blood
pound of salt is as effective against a
and easier to find.
leech swarm as a lit torch is against other
Blood Drain (Ex): In any round in which it swarms. A handful of salt tossed upon a
begins its turn with a living creature in its leech swarm inflicts 1d3 points of damage.
space, a leech swarm will drain blood, The leech swarm or one or more of its
dealing 1d3 points of Constitution dam- victims must be at least partially out of the

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones
water to be attacked with salt; salt is
ineffective against a leech swarm if it is
completely submerged.
Skills: A leech swarm has a +2 bonus on
Move Silently checks. A leech swarm has a
+4 bonus on Hide and Move Silently
checks in water.
A leech swarm uses its Dexterity modifier
instead of its Strength modifier for Swim
A leech swarm has a +10 racial bonus on
any Swim checks to perform some special
action or avoid a hazard. It can always
choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even
if distracted or endangered. It can use the
run action while swimming, provided it
swims in a straight line.

If you enjoyed this module, watch out for

HD3: The City of the Spider-God

Coming soon...

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HD2: The Shrine of the Black Ones

Appendix C: License
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a 5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are
contributing original material as Open Game Content,
The following text is the property of Wizards of the You represent that Your Contributions are Your original
Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the
Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. rights conveyed by this License.
1. Definitions: 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the
1. "Contributors" means the copyright and/or trade- COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include
mark owners who have contributed Open Game the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open
Content; Game Content You are copying, modifying or
distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright
2. "Derivative Material" means copyrighted material date, and the copyright holder’s name to the
including derivative works and translations (including COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game
into other computer languages), potation, modifica- Content you Distribute.
tion, correction, addition, extension, upgrade,
improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any
which an existing work may be recast, transformed or Product Identity, including as an indication as to
adapted; compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another,
independent Agreement with the owner of each
3. "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, element of that Product Identity. You agree not to
sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any
distribute; Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with
a work containing Open Game Content except as
4. "Open Game Content" means the game mechanic expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement
and includes the methods, procedures, processes and with the owner of such Trademark or Registered
routines to the extent such content does not embody Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open
the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the
prior art and any additional content clearly identified ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any
as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall
means any work covered by this License, including retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product
translations and derivative works under copyright law, Identity.
but specifically excludes Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content
5. "Product Identity" means product and product line You must clearly indicate which portions of the work
names, logos and identifying marks including trade that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines,
plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated
language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, Agents may publish updated versions of this License.
likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and You may use any authorized version of this License to
graphic, photographic and other visual or audio copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
representations; names and descriptions of characters, originally distributed under any version of this License.
spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas,
likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of
environments, creatures, equipment, magical or this License with every copy of the Open Game
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or Content You Distribute.
graphic designs; and any other trademark or regis- 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or
tered trademark clearly identified as Product identity advertise the Open Game Content using the name of
by the owner of the Product Identity, and which any Contributor unless You have written permission
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; from the Contributor to do so.
6. "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to
motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to comply with any of the terms of this License with
identify itself or its products or the associated products respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due
contributed to the Open Game License by the to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation
Contributor then You may not Use any Open Game Material so
7. "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, affected.
edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create 13. Termination: This License will terminate automati-
Derivative Material of Open Game Content. cally if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail
8. "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
agreement. aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
termination of this License.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game
Content that contains a notice indicating that the 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to
Open Game Content may only be Used under and in be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed
terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
be added to or subtracted from this License except as
described by the License itself. No other terms or Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of
conditions may be applied to any Open Game the Coast, Inc.
Content distributed using this License.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003,
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,
Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,
this License. David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D.
Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You
a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive Conan the Roleplaying Game, Copyright Conan
license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Properties International LLC.
Open Game Content.
The Shrine of the Black Ones, Copyright 2007, Xoth.Net

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