Role of HR in Employee Motivation Assignment

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Human Resource: Case Study

by [Name]



[Name of Institution]



Table of Contents


Definition of HR------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

What is Motivation?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

Motivational Theories------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Five needs on Maslow's theory of work motivation-----------------------------------------------4






Herzberg’s Motivation Theory-----------------------------------------------------------------------5

Background of the Chosen Company------------------------------------------------------------------6

The GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Company---------------------------------------------------------------7



Human Resource: Case Study


Organisational development depends on the long-term motivation of its employees,

which is an essential aspect of Human Resource Management. Employees play a critical part

in a company's growth and development and fulfil its goals and objectives, as has been

evident in recent times. Organisations must do all they can to keep their workforce

motivated (Beltrán-Martín and Bou-Llusar, 2018). In many aspects, an organisation's

employees' motivation is quite advantageous. Physical, financial, and human resources make

up the three core edifices of a corporation. Effective organisations must be able to motivate

their people, the organisation's most valuable asset and the source of its most incredible

human resource (Lorincová et al., 2019).

Additionally, theories related to employee motivation will be discussed to understand

the concept and role of HR management regarding employee motivation within an

organisation. Moreover, the company chosen in the essay is one of the well-known brands in

the world and is considerably famous by word of mouth, known as GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).

The company is always anticipated to encourage and motivate its employees and give them

the status of its substantial assets. Therefore the chosen segment of the essay will be

employee motivation under the HR management in the same organisation.

Definition of HR

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the department in charge of hiring and

training new employees and managing company benefits.

What is Motivation?

The Latin word 'movere', which means 'to move', is the source of the term motivation.

When a person feels inspired to take action to attain a purpose, the term "motivation" is used.

"Motivation" refers to a person's natural passion and desire to complete a particular activity.

To achieve a positive vision or objective, managers might utilise it to guide the behaviour and

actions of their staff (Zaki and Norazman, 2019). A motivated employee is a valuable asset to

the company and helps to keep the turnover rate low (Zaki and Norazman, 2019).

Motivational Theories

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

One of the most well-known models for analysing employee motivation is Maslow's

hierarchy of needs. According to Abraham H. Maslow's theory of employee motivation,

individuals go up the management of their basic needs, beginning with the lowest value. They

shift onto another demand as soon as the previous one has been met (Hopper, 2020).

Five needs on Maslow's theory of work motivation

 Physical

Necessities, including food, clothes, and shelter, are the most basic. These wants and

requirements are directly related to a person's earnings.

 Security

A sense of security is essential. It might mean having a sense of job stability or even

just needing to work in a safe setting when it comes to the workplace (Wuryani et al.,


 Social

It stems mainly from a desire to feel like a community member. Having a sense of

belonging in a group is an integral part of human nature, and it is a desire that many

people have.

 Ego

Self-centeredness is motivated by the desire to be noticed or rise to a higher social

standing (Wuryani et al., 2021). A person's ego or self-esteem will be nourished or

strengthened if they are successful at work.

 Self-actualisation

Once a person has checked off all of their other wants, they will move onto a more

innovative or growth-oriented phase of their life.

Fig 1 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory Hierarchy

Herzberg’s Motivation Theory

Employee motivation theories like Herzberg's Two-Factor or Hygiene Theory are

well-known and often used. It argues that people have two types of demands regarding their


1. Hygiene

2. Motivators

Individuals' working circumstances, salaries, and workplace relations all fall under the

category of Hygiene, while Motivators are the things that inspire employees to work harder.

According to Herzberg, people's satisfaction at work is influenced by their work

environment, but when they are satisfied; their motivation is motivated by a feeling of

mission or satisfaction (Ozsoy, 2019). Producing a healthy work environment that provides

competitive pay and employment protection while also creating exciting work and

encouraging possibilities for employees to raise the career ladder is a delicate balancing act

for companies that want to attract and retain motivated and pleased workers (Ozsoy, 2019).

As a manager, you are responsible for keeping your people motivated and engaged. As a

result, employers must recognise that monetary rewards are just one component of employee


Fig 2 Herzberg’s Motivation Theory

Background of the Chosen Company

In London, in 1715, Silvanus Bevan founded Plough Court Pharmacy, which

subsequently became Allen and Hanburys, Ltd., a corporation with a long history. In 1830,

John K. Smith started a pharmacy in Philadelphia, the first of its kind in the United States.

John K. Smith and Co. was renamed when his brother George joined him in 1841. A few

years later, the business was renamed Smith and Shoemaker, and Mahlon Kline was

employed as the company's bookkeeper in 1865. It changed its name to Smith Kline and Co.

ten years later. Joseph Nathan established Glaxo in Wellington, New Zealand, in 1873, the

year the firm officially became a subsidiary of Glaxo. GlaxoSmithKline was formed in 2000

when Glaxo Wellcome purchased SmithKline Beecham in a deal that had been in the works

for almost a century (GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd., n.d.).

The GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Company

One of the globally renowned major pharmaceutical and healthcare multinationals,

GlaxoSmithKline has over 90,000 employees spread over 114 countries. One of the

company's goals is to "enhance human life's quality of experience by empowering individuals

to achieve more, feel better, and live longer." As a company, GSK wants to be known as an

employer of choice because of how they treat its employees (Marsh and French, 2020).

People at GSK are motivated by the duty of "how quickly they could react to society's

healthcare requirements."  With its three strategic goals of expanding its worldwide business

and delivering more excellent value to its customers, and simplifying its operating model,

GSK will be able to foster innovation and increase employee loyalty via incentives (Marsh

and French, 2020).

GSK places a high value on its human resources and devotes a great deal of time and

effort to finding the appropriate individuals to improve its human resources. Suitable

employment practices and a diverse workplace are just a few ways GSK shows its employees'

appreciation (Marsh and French, 2020). The company also offers several programmes aimed

at helping its employees grow professionally and personally, such as health and safety

programmes and programmes aimed at improving communication among employees. GSK

also places a high value on employee empowerment and the accomplishment of individual

career goals.


It is determined that Maslow's hierarchy of needs model theory may be used to drive

staff to perform at a high level, leading to increased productivity at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).

When it comes to motivating employees, Maslow's approach emphasises the need to meet

their fundamental needs and greatest desires. As a result, it is advised to use a variety of

leadership styles to achieve the organisation's strategic objectives, enhance the business,

encourage people, drive it toward its promised future, and maintain corporate integrity. The

person in charge of workers must thus respond following the scenario and utilise a different

leadership style from time to time to address the difficulties via employee motivation.


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Hopper, E. (2020). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Explained. [online] Available at:

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Zaki, N.A.B.M. and Norazman, I. (2019). The Relationship between Employee Motivation

towards Green HRM Mediates by Green Employee Empowerment: A Systematic

Review and Conceptual Analysis. Journal of Research in Psychology, 1(2), pp.6–9.


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