Interior & Exterior Painting

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LTD Format No: SIPL/QAQC/MS/18

Method statement Rev No: 0
Interior & Exterior Painting Date: 05.12.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility
1.Health & Safety
The following personal protective equipments shall be used
a) Helmet
1.1 b) Hand gloves Safety Induction record Safety Er/Site Er
c) Dust mask
d) Safety goggles
2. Equipment & tools
The following equipment/machinery shall be used
a) Aluminium angle, straight edge, hand tools for putty
b) Mechanical mixing paddle, Angle grinder
2.1 c) Sanding pad, Emery paper 150, 180 & 200 grit Tools inspection format Safety Er, Site Er, QC Er.
d) Roller brush, 2" brush, bucket, measuring jar, Putty blade
e) Scaffolding, ladder, masking tape
f) Aluminium angle, straight edge, hand tools for putty
The following materials & tools shall be used
a) Cement based putty (JK), POP - Roshan plaster
a) Trucare Interior & Exterior wall primer (Asian)
Approved list of
b) Professional priemium interior emulsion paints (Asian)
3.1 materials, Approved list QC Er.
c) Exterior Apex Ultima (Asian)
of vendors
d) Project specific approved primer coat (New world paints)
e) Project specific approved texture coat (New world paints)
f) Project specific aproved paint coat over texture (New
4. Work procedure
4.1 Material inspection & storage
All approved painting materials (putty, primer, paint) shall be
supplied with MTC, checked for production & expiry dates
before acceptance & upon compliance, stamp QC PASSED seal Material inward register,
on Delivery challan Test reports & MTC file QC Er., Store Incharge
All painting materials storage must fulfill the requirements as QC Er., Store Incharge,
laid down in material storage instruction/plan. Material storage plan Project Manager
4.2 Prerequisite
Sequence of work shall be such that, floor tiling & wall skirting
must be completed prior to POP punning so that POP could be
4.2.1 done in line with skirting. In short all kind of cement works
must be completed before commencing POP
punning/putty/painting works. - Site Er.

Primer & Paint consumption shall be analysed & compared

4.2.2 with mfg. specification. If deviation is more than 10%, root
cause must be found out in consultation with Paint supplier
and issue resolved during mock up flat preparation itself - Site Er., QC Er.
External paint vendor, paint type either texture or normal
shall be as decided by site VP/AVP. Adequate sampling on
4.2.3 vendor, type of texture & material selection shall be done well
in advance (atleast two months) prior to internal & external
painting - Project Manager

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Method statement Rev No: 0
Interior & Exterior Painting Date: 05.12.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility
Decision on adoption of a different external paint scheme
4.2.4 (Rainfall, Criss cross, Swirl, Stone face, Bubble face textures
etc.,) from that of drawing shall be done in due consultation &
approval from Architect. - VP/AVP, Project Manager
Selection of new vendor or material other than given in list of
4.2.5 approved material or vendor shall be communicated to HO for
inclusion Mail communication Project Manager
Customized interior paint selection by customers shall be
recorded & conveyed to Civil team by CRM. Copy of
customization shall be attached in checklist & clearance to be Customization request
obtained from CRM in checklist prior to 1st coat paint file CRM, Site Er.
4.3 POP punning & Putty application
A Surface preparation

Entire flat must be inspected for surface preparation. Any

touchups, repairs, broken corners & edges must be rectified
4.3.1 and water cured locally for a minimum of 03 days and allowed
to surface dry. Projecting nails, rebars if any shall be removed
& surface finished to level. This activity has to be planned
atleast a week before commencement of painting activity Putty checklist Site Er.
Alternatively water based curing compound shall be applied
4.3.2 on localised repair/touchups as curing may dampen the
substrate & favour entrapment of moisture in wall. -do- Supervisor
Suitability of plastered surface in terms of wall undulation
shall be checked on all walls by rotating 2m straight edge & by
visual observation. Surface with undulations more than 03mm
shall be grinded with angle grinder -do- Supervisor
Identify masonry cracks if any & capture in Crack history
4.3.4 register with date. Complete 01st time appearance crack
treatment as per Crack Treatment methodology. Crack history register Site Er., QC Er.
It is advisable to have door frames fixed with foam filling
between frame & masonry interface. If the activity is not
4.2.1 planned & doors not fixed, then demarcate door frame areas.
Neither POP nor putty should be applied on door jamb portion
coming in contact with frame. - Site Er.
B POP punning
POP punning to corner & edges, horizontal & vertical interface
(beam & slab junction), beam offset shall be done with
appropriate tools. POP punning is mandatory for Living &
Dining rooms. Based on quality of plastering VP/AVP shall
make a call whether POP is required for other areas too or
not. - VP/AVP, Project Manager
Corner making to plumb & sharp straight line, shall be done
4.3.6 with 50x50x05mm thick Aluminium angle for exposed corners
& with straight edge for hidden corners. Both being 2m in
length Putty checklist Supervisor
POP could be applied to a maximum of 05mm thick & 03
4.3.7 inches wide incase of long walls to bring it to plumb & straight
corner -do- Supervisor

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Method statement Rev No: 0
Interior & Exterior Painting Date: 05.12.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility
POP could be applied to a maximum of 10mm thick in case of
4.3.8 pin walls by applying on full face to bring it in plumb, right
angle & straight corner -do- Supervisor

In both above cases, corners when checked for flatness by

4.3.9 placing straight edge along wall surface, gap between straight
edge & wall surface shall not be more than 03mm. This 03mm
gap is required to accommodate 01st & 02nd coat putty. -do- Supervisor
Slab & wall interface punning shall be done according to
substrate condition either to tube level or in slope. But beam
offsets shall be done to tube level without skewness/
undulations across width of offset -do- Supervisor
If above desired finish is not obtained within prescribed POP
limits, wall grinding shall be done instead of applying excess
4.3.11 POP. Motive of doing POP is to obtain straight corners &
edges. So ensure that no corner undulation/skewness is visible
in naked eye Putty checklist Supervisor

4.3.12 At end of day's work, ensure proper cleaning & housekeeping.

Littered POP shall be collected & disposed off. -do- -do-
Offer inspection to QC Er. Once the flat is complete. He shall
check plumb, straightness of corners, surface flatness, tube
4.3.13 level & undulations/skewness of beam offsets, POP finish Site Er., QC Er.
(smooth) etc., Any defects identified shall be recorded in
checklist & same shall be rectified -do-
C Putty application
Cover the substrate (screed) with LDPE sheet if tiling is not
done & putty has to be done earlier due to critical site
4.3.14 conditions. But later on 4" patch above skiriting has to be
plastered properly without undulation & putty done to
perfection Putty checklist Supervisor
Platforms used for putty/paint application shall not have
pointed/sharp edges at base. Use plastic buffs or wrap the legs
4.3.15 with haesin cloth to avoid damage/scratch to the substrate.
Frequently check whether wrapping is in good condition or
worn out -do- Supevisor
Do not carry out cleaning activities or cement works in the
4.3.16 vicinity of putty application areas as there is chance for
contamination -do- Supevisor
Scrape off plaster droppings, dust, foreign materials with putty
knife & suitable tools. Efflorescence if any, surface to be
treated with mild Citric acid. Saturate the surface with water
by roller brush or any other means such that surface is in just
4.3.17 wet condition prior to putty application. Pre wetting an entire
flat or room then applying putty for entire room is not
allowed. It shall be done segment wise like ceiling followed by
putty, 01st wall followed by putty then 02nd wall & so on in a
room. -do- Supevisor

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Method statement Rev No: 0
Interior & Exterior Painting Date: 05.12.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility

Take required quantity of putty powder in a bucket. 35-40%

water by volume is required to make a paste of desired
consistency. Add half quantity of water & mix with mechanical
paddle & wait for few minutes. Add balance water & mix
vigorously for 05-10min to make a lump free & uniform paste. -do- Site Er., Supervisor
Pot life of putty mix is 02 hrs. Prepare putty mix in quantities
that could be used within pot life. Take required amount of
putty for application in PVC pan & keep the putty container
closed when not in use -do- Supevisor

Apply 01st coat putty(1.5mm thick) to ceiling with putty blade,

then proceed with wall. In wall, puttymix to be applied from
bottom to top configuration only (not from top to bottom).
Workmanship must be monitored to obtain uniform putty
finish with no/minimal blade marks & surface undulation -do- Supevisor
Mixed putty if left undisturbed for 30 min, mix again before
using -do- Supevisor
Care to be taken that putty is not applied completely over 3"
4.3.22 wide POP corner finish. Bearing of 01st coat putty over POP
shall be only 01" -do- Supevisor
At end of days work, clean putty droppings over skirting, floor
4.3.23 & ensure proper housekeeping. Check for putty coverage. Avg.
01st coat coverage shall be 20-23 sq.ft/kg. -do- Site Er., QC Er., QS Er.
For balcony, utility discuss with VP/AVP, regarding type of
4.3.24 finish required. If putty finish is required carryout exterior
putty application or else exterior primer application could be
done during exterior painting -do- Supevisor
Minimum drying time for putty is 04hrs & 12hrs during
4.3.25 summer & winter respectively. Door frame & window grill
fixing shall start after this period -do- Supevisor
After door frame fixing 02nd coat putty shall be done in the
same procedure as given above except prewetting. Bearing of
4.3.26 02nd coat putty over POP corner finish shall be 02". i.e 01" of
POP finish must be left exposed undisturbed after 02nd/final
coat putty application. -do- Supevisor
At end of days work, clean putty droppings over skirting, floor
4.3.27 & ensure proper housekeeping. Check for putty coverage. Avg.
02nd coat coverage shall be 35 sq.ft/kg. -do- Site Er., QC Er., QS Er.
For top & penultimate floor, acrylic putty shall be done
instead of cement based powder putty. This is required to
4.3.28 withstand minor hairline spider cracks that may develop due
to free boarding above. Though final decision is up to the site
management whether to go with acrylic or cement based
putty considering cost implication. Mail communication VP/AVP, Project Manager

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Method statement Rev No: 0
Interior & Exterior Painting Date: 05.12.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility
Sanding of 02nd coat shall be done after 03 days by emery
paper fixed with sanding pad (not with hand). First use 150 grit
4.3.29 paper followed by 180 grit paper sanding. If required, sanding
by holding emery paper in hand could be done locally at
electrical fixtures & narrow areas Putty checklist Supevisor
Putty finish & sanding shall be to perfect shape & dimension
around electrical switch & junction boxes -do- Supevisor

Offer inspection to QC Er. Check for putty finish & surface

undulation shall be done after 06.00 PM with 1000W
halogen lamp. Checking if done during daylight conceal all
openings & source of light with bubble sheet or other means.
4.3.31 Surface undulations shall be done with touch up putty after Site Er., QC Er.
localised primer application, followed by sanding &
reinspection for acceptance. Number of locations requiring
touchp shall be recorded in checklist. In case of major
undulations 03rd coat putty shall be done & recorded
Putty checklist
Check for any reappearance of masonry cracks. Any cracks
4.3.32 found shall be captured in Crack history register for 02nd time Site Er., QC Er.
appearance & treated as per Crack Treatment methodology Crack history register
Try to complete door shutter fixing along with hardwares,
electrical wiring & fixtures, door painting base coat(with
proper protective wrapping above putty), window grill 01st
coat paint, within 01 week from approval of sanding.
Maximum time gap for primer application after sanding is 01
month in case if any critical planning issues. Proper prior
planning & execution by site management is required to fulfill
this requirement - VP/AVP, Project Manager

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Method statement Rev No: 0
Interior & Exterior Painting Date: 05.12.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility
4.4 Internal Painting
Clean finished putty surface free of dust, loose particles with Internal Painting
sponge. checklist Supevisor
Primer(Interior) application shall start within 01 month after
02nd coat putty sanding & up on completion of above
activities as given in 4.3.33. Dilution ratio shall be 1:1 ratio or
4.4.2 1:0.9 whichever is sufficient for desired finish. But stick to any
one ratio (not both). Application shall be done with roller
brush. 1" brush could be used at areas abutting fixtures,
openings -do- Site Er., Supervisor
Dilute primer only for the area that can be completed same
day, as thinned primer should not be used after 24hrs. Check
for primer coverage & record in checklist, against
recommended coverage 130-160 sq.ft/lit -do- Site Er., QC Er., QS Er.
Fixed electrical base plates shall be removed & wall surface
4.4.4 rear to it also applied with primer. Once primer is dried off, fix Supevisor
base plates again -do-
Prior to ceiling & wall painting, cover all electrial fixtures with
masking tape. -do- Supevisor
Start 01st coat ceiling paint (Tractor emulsion, white)
application. Dilute paint with water in 1:0.5 to 1:0.75 ratio.
4.4.6 Follow any one ratio in all flats. Apply uniformly with roller &
use 1" or 2" brush to make proper demarcation at slab & wall
interface. -do- Site Er., Supervisor
For 01st coat wall paint(professional emulsion), check
cusotmized colour coding, take acknowledgement from CRM
in checklist. Dilute paint with water in 1:0.6 to 1:0.65 ratio.
4.4.7 Follow any one ratio in all flats. Apply uniformly with roller &
use 1" or 2" brush at slab & wall junctions, around electrical
fixtures, skirting joints to make clear demarcation between
color change patterns. But brush hair impression shall not be
visible after application. -do- Site Er., QC Er., CRM
Care to be taken to inspect quality of used brush time to time
during primer, 01st coat & final coat painting. Replace when
desired finish is not obtained. No blow/pin holes, black spots,
contaminants be visible in primer coat -do- Supevisor
Dilute paint only for the area that can be completed on same
day, as thinned paint should not be used after 24hrs. -do- Supevisor

Check for any reappearance of masonry cracks. Any cracks

4.4.10 found shall be captured in Crack history register for 03rd time Site Er., QC Er.
appearance & treated as per Crack Treatment methodology &
treatment area repainted back to back within 02 days Crack history register
Offer inspection to QC Er. Check for 01st coat paint finish has
to be done for any visible defects like pin holes, undulation
check,visible crack repair pathces with 1000W halogen lamp.
4.4.11 Site Er., QC Er.
Undulations if any shall be rectified by touchup putty & keep
the flats locked to avoid unwanted staining due to traffic Internal Painting
movement checklist

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Method statement Rev No: 0
Interior & Exterior Painting Date: 05.12.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility
Just one month prior to handover, snag list works has to be
4.4.12 recorded in snaglist & rectified, followed by 02nd coat
painting with due care & procedure as mentioned above Snaglist Site Er., QC Er., CRM
But prior to that false ceiling works if any in Lift lobby must be
completed. Ceiling 02nd coat painting shall be done first,
4.4.13 followed by door shutter & frame polishing 02nd coat & final
melamine coat. Then 02nd coat painting for wall shall be
carried out Snaglist Site Er., QC Er., CRM

Record 01st & 02nd coat paint consumption in checklist for

both ceiling & wall. Compare achieved coverage vs
recommended coverage 130-150 sq.t/lit for ceiling & 120-140
Sq.ft/lit for wall. Deviation in excess of 10% shall be discussed Internal Painting
in consultation with paint manufacturer & sorted out checklist Site Er., QC Er., QS Er.
4.5 External Painting
A Smooth emulsion painting
Staging requirements shall be provided suitably depending on
the complexity & nature of painting scheme. Proper staging
with cuplock system to be provided for box/row pattern stone
textures etc., Monkey rope system coud be used in narrow
areas where suspended platform of cuplock staging cannot be External Painting
done checklist Project Manager

Surface preparation works shall start atleast one week in

advance to check suitability of plaster surface. Check from top
to bottom for hollow sound in spider crack locations by
tamping with 16mm dia rebar, broken edges/corner, cracks,
touch ups, rebar/nail projections etc., Rectify all such defects
& do curing for a min. of 03 days. For crack treatment refer to
"Masonry crack treatment - Methodology" -do- Supervisor

4.5.3 Offer inspection to QC Er. For surface preparation. Primer or

texture application shall start on obtaining QC clearance -do- Site Er., QC Er.
Planning for application of primer shall be such that, 01st coat
paint shall start on or before 01 month after priming. Applying
4.5.4 primer early & leaving as such would attract settlement of
dust, fading & adversely affect the bonding property between
primer & paint - Project Manager
Apply Trucare Exterior primer in 1:0.9 or 1:1 ratio, whichever
is suitable for desired finish. Application shall be done with
roller brush. 1" brush could be used at balcony handrails, External Painting
other narrow locations checklist Supevisor
Check for primer coverage & record in checklist, against
recommended coverage 120-140 sq.ft/lit -do- Site Er., QC Er., QS Er.

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Method statement Rev No: 0
Interior & Exterior Painting Date: 05.12.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility
Just prior to start of 01st coat paint, clean surface with sponge
brush, if required wash gently with water(to remove dust
settlement) & let the surface dry. Apply paint with dilution
4.5.7 ratio of 1:0.4 by roller brush & 2" brush as required at color
scheme changing locations to have proper demarcation. Cover
adjacent areas with protective wrapping, where granite/stone
cladding if any already done. -do- Supevisor

Check for any reappearance of masonry cracks. Any cracks

4.5.8 found shall be captured in Crack history register for 02nd time
appearance & treated as per Crack Treatment methodology &
treatment area repainted back to back within 02 days Crack history register Site Er., QC Er.

02nd/final coat paint shall be started as soon as 50% of flats

handed over to customer or as per site management decision.
4.5.9 But prior to final coat paint, again check for reappearance of
cracks & capture in Crack history register 03rd time
appearance & treated as per Crack Treatment methodology &
treatment area repainted back to back within 02 days Crack history register Site Er., QC Er.

02nd/final coat paint shall be done with dilution ratio of 1:0.4

after removing dust settlement with sponge or waterwash if
4.5.10 required. Apply paint with roller brush & 2" brush as required
at color scheme changing locations to have proper
demarcation. Cover adjacent areas with protective wrapping, External Painting
where granite/stone cladding if any already done. checklist Supervisor
Also remove UPVC window protective wrapping after
4.5.10 02nd/final coat paint & before removing the staging/monkey External Painting
rope/suspended platform checklist Supervisor
Record 01st & 02nd coat paint consumption in checklist.
4.5.11 Compare achieved coverage vs recommended coverage 55-65
sq.t/lit. Deviation in excess of 10% shall be discussed in
consultation with paint manufacturer & sorted out -do- Supevisor
Before removing staging offer inspection to QC Er. For final
acceptance. He shall check any visible patches, color
4.5.12 variation, undulations, broken edges & susequent repair of
same. Inspection to be done in individual panels (not for the
entire elevation) from top to bottom -do- Site Er., QC Er.
B Specialised Texture systems
Staging & Surface preparation works shall be taken care as External Painting
mentioned in 4.4.1 & 4.4.2 checklist
Crack repair works shall be done well in advance atleast 03
months before as 02nd time crack reapir/touchup work if any,
4.5.14 is not possible once texture is applied. Just one week prior to
texture again surface to be checked for 02nd/03rd time
appearance of cracks & repaired if any. Record 01st, 02nd &
03rd time reappearnce in crack history register Crack history register Site Er., QC Er.

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Method statement Rev No: 0
Interior & Exterior Painting Date: 05.12.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility

Texture painting system has got many options like Stone Face
texture, Bubble Face texture system etc., As such painting
systems are specialised jobs done by approved applicator
from paint manufacturers, ask for detailed method statement
& prerequisites. Check for compliance & controversy of
methods given by vendor & below given procedures. Discuss
& finalise in case of any controversy before proceeding Mail communication Project Manager

4.5.16 Offer inspection to QC Er. For surface preparation. Primer or External Painting
texture application shall start on obtaining QC clearance checklist Site Er., QC Er.
For cement based textures, primer is not required, whereas
primer is required for acrylic based textures, Stone faced &
Bubble faced systems. Take due care for points given in 4.4.4
to 4.4.6 when primer application is needed. But check with
applicator regarding dilution ratio, coverage & time gap
between primer & texture. Generally for texture systems
dilution ratio is 1:0.6. Time gap shall not be more than one
week between primer & texture/spray coat -do- Site Er., QC Er.
Generally Stone faced textures have defined measurable
shapes & pattern as approved by architect. After primer
application fix 1" (as mentioned in dwg) masking tapes to
define the shapes & pattern. -do- Supervisor
Offer inspection to QC Er. Measure each shape/box/strip
4.5.19 demarcated is as per dwg. Primer or texture application shall
start on obtaining QC clearance -do- Site Er., QC Er.
For stone/bubble faced systems, proceed with primer
application in roller brush & use 1"/2" brush wherever
4.5.20 required. Primer application shall be done inside plaster
grooves too. Record primer consumption in checklist & check External Painting
against recommended coverage checklist Site Er., QC Er., QS Er.

Texture material comes as ready to use. If required dilute with

5% water. Thinned texture shall not be used after 24hrs. Apply
01st coat stone faced textures with putty blade to uniform
4.5.21 thickness up to 1-1.5mm in pattern boxes & 02nd coat with
spray machine. Ensure uniform dispersion of stone fragments
over the area. Total thickness shall be 2-2.5mm. Cover
adjoining skirting areas if any with masking tape & underneath
areas with LDPE sheet as required prior to spraying. -do- Site Er., QC Er.
Ensure that paint scheme inside plaster grooves & pattern
grooves be applied uniformly with 1" brush -do- Supervisor
Offer inspection to QC Er. For texture applied areas. Check
for uniformity of texture thickness, shape, impression depth
etc., Poor workmanship texture shall be grinded off &
rework done in uniformity. -do- Site Er., QC Er.

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Method statement Rev No: 0
Interior & Exterior Painting Date: 05.12.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility
Paint coat over stone texture is not applicable, as texture itself
is manufactured for the required color shade. But lacquer coat
4.5.24 is compulsory to provide gloss to the surface & to act as sealer
which avoids water penetration & peeling off of stone chips.
Time gap between 02nd coat texture/paint & lacquer coats is
maximum one week. -do- Site Er., QC Er.
Bubble faced texture material also comes as ready to use. If
required dilute with 5% water. Use spray machine for 01st
4.5.25 coat. Ensure uniform dispersion of bubbles over the area in
uniform total thickness of about 1.5mm, as there is no 02nd
coat application. -do- -do-
Press gently, the sprayed bubbles with roller brush to expel
out entrapped air, immediately after spraying a segment of
05sqm area. Take care that no joints be visible in naked eye.
Cover adjoining skirting areas if any with masking tape &
underneath areas with LDPE sheet as required prior to
spraying. -do- -do-

Proceed with 01st coat paint application over bubble texture

with roller brush. Use 1"/2" brush wherever required. Time
4.5.27 gap between texture & 01st coat paint coat is one week. 02nd
coat paint could be applied, when 50% of flats are handed
over. But proper cleaing has to be ensured before application.
If required wash the surface before application -do- -do-
Before 02nd coat paint, check for touchups, damaged corners
if any & subsequent rectification. 02nd coat paint could be
4.5.28 applied, when 50% of flats are handed over. But proper
cleaing has to be ensured before application. If required wash
the surface before application -do- -do-

4.5.29 Ensure that paint scheme inside plaster grooves & pattern
grooves be applied uniformly with 1" brush -do- Supervisor

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Method statement Rev No: 0
Interior & Exterior Painting Date: 05.12.16
S.No. Description Records Responsibility
Before removing staging offer inspection to QC Er. For final
acceptance. He shall check for any visible patches, color
4.5.30 variation, undulations, broken edges & susequent repair of
same. Inspection to be done in individual panels (not for the
entire elevation) from top to bottom -do- -do-
C Ordinary Texture systems
Ordinary texture system like Rainfall,, Criss cross, Swirl tex
pattern shall be done directly without primer application (Also
check with vendor). Texture material also comes as ready to
use. If required dilute with 5% water. Apply it with putty blade
evenly for each 05 sqm. Total thickness shall be 1.5-2mm or as
specified, followed by pattern making with appropriate tool
(plastic krumal). . Pattern impression must be spread uniform External Painting
& in uniform depth. checklist Site Er., QC Er., Supervisor
Segment joints & pattern must be matched to perfection, so
that no joint strips be visible in naked eye. Pattern impression
shall be deep not superficial but plaster surface shall not be
exposed -do- Site Er., QC Er., Supervisor
Offer inspection to QC Er. For texture applied areas. Check
4.5.33 for uniformity of texture thickness, shape, impression depth,
visible joints etc., Poor workmanship texture shall be grinded
off & rework done in uniformity. -do- Site Er., QC Er.

Proceed with 01st coat paint application over texture with

roller brush. Use 1"/2" brush wherever required. Time gap
4.5.34 between texture & 01st coat paint coat is one week. 02nd
coat paint could be applied, when 50% of flats are handed
over. But proper cleaing has to be ensured before application.
If required wash the surface before application -do- Site Er., QC Er., Supervisor
Ensure that paint scheme inside plaster grooves & pattern
grooves be applied uniformly with 1" brush -do- Supevisor
Record texture & paint consumption in checklist. Compare
achieved coverage vs recommended coverage. Deviation in
excess of 10% shall be discussed in consultation with paint
manufacturer & sorted out -do- Supevisor
Before removing staging offer inspection to QC Er. For final
acceptance. He shall check any visible patches, shade
4.5.37 variation, undulations, broken edges & susequent repair of
same. Inspection to be done in individual panels (not for the
entire elevation) from top to bottom -do- Site Er., QC Er.
Above laid down procedure, if any needs compromise, same
shall be discussed with VP/AVP and approval has to be Site Instruction register Site Er, QC Er., Project
obtained through site instruction register. Copy of same shall & Mail communication manager
be attached to checklist & intimated to HO.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

S.Suresh Kumar Bubesh Kumar Babu Bharat Kumar Kandukuri

Head - QA/QC COO - Technical Director - Operations
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