Health and Safety Induction Checklist

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Record of Health and Safety Induction

To be conducted by manager


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Introduction to the job
Details of how to carry out the job safely, including welfare arrangements, HR
contacts, emergency contacts and training requirements.

Law, policy, safe systems of work, risk assessment

Employee’s responsibilities, policies and procedures, and awareness of
relevant risk assessments.

Emergency arrangements
What to do and where to go in an emergency:
 Fire - exits, assembly place, alarm points, etc
 First aid - what are the first aid provisions e.g. first aiders, location of first
aid kits
 Accident / incident reporting - how to report, where to send it to

Manual handling
Training, lifting procedure and safe use of lifting aids.

Hazardous substances
Risk assessment, safe handling and disposal, vaccinations.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Assess and provide, correct use and storage, reporting faults.

Hazard awareness / housekeeping

What to look for and who to report it to, a place for everything, everything in
its place.

Equipment, tools and machinery (including electrical equipment)

Safe use, emergency controls, training requirements, any other health risks
e.g. hand arm vibration, repetitive strain injury.

Health, safety and wellbeing awareness training booked

This is a mandatory course for all employees

I have instructed the above named new employee / agency worker / contractor in the health and safety
requirements of the job.
Manager signature Date

I have been instructed and understand the above Health and Safety arrangements.
Employee / agency signature Date
Guidance notes

You are responsible

Be aware, that along with the employer, you are responsible for your own and
others health and safety at work.

Be aware of fire hazards. If a fire breaks out raise the alarm, leave by your
nearest exit and go to your assembly point.

First aid
Find out how and where to get first aid.

Accidents can be avoided

Always report accidents, incidents, near misses and dangerous occurrences
to your manager. An accident / incident report form should be completed and
sent to the HR Service Centre.

Machinery and equipment

Ensure you know how to use your work equipment safely and be aware of the
health risks associated with your equipment. Follow the manufactures
guidance and your Safe Working Practices. You should also ensure
maintenance arrangements are in place and followed.

Manual handling
Assess all loads and if you think they are too heavy do not lift them. Correct
use of lifting aids is essential and colleague assistance should be considered
where necessary.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

Ensure you know how to use all substances safely. Make yourself aware of
the COSHH assessments and health risks associated with the substances.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

It is your responsibility to use and store your PPE as instructed and report
damage or request replacements to your manager.

Hazard awareness and housekeeping

If you notice something that that may cause harm to you or others report it to
your manager. It is also your responsibility to keep your workplace clean and
tidy to avoid accidents.

Mandatory health, safety and wellbeing training

Employees should attend health, safety and wellbeing awareness training
(available online via [x]).
Managers should attend Managing health, safety and wellbeing training.
Other service specific health, safety and wellbeing training should be
identified and attended.

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