Chap 12 (12.5 Only)

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880 Chapter 12: Vectors and the Geometry of Space

12.5 Lines and Planes in Space

In the calculus of functions of a single variable, we used our knowledge of lines to study
curves in the plane. We investigated tangents and found that, when highly magnified, dif-
ferentiable curves were effectively linear.
To study the calculus of functions of more than one variable in the next chapter, we
start with planes and use our knowledge of planes to study the surfaces that are the graphs
of functions in space.
This section shows how to use scalar and vector products to write equations for lines,
line segments, and planes in space.

Lines and Line Segments in Space

In the plane, a line is determined by a point and a number giving the slope of the line. In
space a line is determined by a point and a vector giving the direction of the line.
Suppose that L is a line in space passing through a point P0sx0 , y0 , z0 d parallel to a
vector v = v1 i + v2 j + v3 k. Then L is the set of all points P(x, y, z) for which P0 P is
z 1
P0(x 0 , y0 , z 0 ) parallel to v (Figure 12.35). Thus, P0 P = tv for some scalar parameter t. The value of t de-
pends on the location of the point P along the line, and the domain of t is s - q , q d. The
P(x, y, z) expanded form of the equation P0 P = tv is
v sx - x0 di + s y - y0 dj + sz - z0 dk = tsv1 i + v2 j + v3 kd,
0 which can be rewritten as
xi + yj + zk = x0 i + y0 j + z0 k + tsv1 i + v2 j + v3 kd. (1)
If r(t) is the position vector of a point P(x, y, z) on the line and r0 is the position vector
FIGURE 12.35 A point P lies on L of the point P0sx0, y0, z0 d, then Equation (1) gives the following vector form for the equa-
1 tion of a line in space.
through P0 parallel to v if and only if P0 P
is a scalar multiple of v.

Vector Equation for a Line

A vector equation for the line L through P0sx0 , y0 , z0 d parallel to v is
rstd = r0 + tv, -q 6 t 6 q, (2)

where r is the position vector of a point P(x, y, z) on L and r0 is the position

vector of P0sx0 , y0 , z0 d.

Equating the corresponding components of the two sides of Equation (1) gives three
scalar equations involving the parameter t:

x = x0 + tv1, y = y0 + tv2, z = z0 + tv3 .

These equations give us the standard parametrization of the line for the parameter interval
-q 6 t 6 q.

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Parametric Equations for a Line
P0(–2, 0, 4) The standard parametrization of the line through P0sx0 , y0 , z0 d parallel to
t0 v = v1 i + v2 j + v3 k is
x = x0 + tv1, y = y0 + tv2, z = z0 + tv3, -q 6 t 6 q (3)
2 P1(0, 4, 2)
0 t1
2 4
4 8 EXAMPLE 1 Parametrizing a Line Through a Point Parallel to a Vector
x P2(2, 8, 0) Find parametric equations for the line through s -2, 0, 4d parallel to v = 2i + 4j - 2k
v  2i  4j  2k (Figure 12.36).

Solution With P0sx0 , y0 , z0 d equal to s -2, 0, 4d and v1 i + v2 j + v3 k equal to

FIGURE 12.36 Selected points 2i + 4j - 2k, Equations (3) become
and parameter values on the line
x = -2 + 2t, y = 4t, z = 4 - 2t . The x = -2 + 2t, y = 4t, z = 4 - 2t.
arrows show the direction of increasing t
(Example 1). EXAMPLE 2 Parametrizing a Line Through Two Points
Find parametric equations for the line through Ps -3, 2, -3d and Qs1, -1, 4d.

Solution The vector

PQ = s1 - s -3ddi + s -1 - 2dj + s4 - s -3ddk
= 4i - 3j + 7k
is parallel to the line, and Equations (3) with sx0 , y0 , z0 d = s -3, 2, -3d give
x = -3 + 4t, y = 2 - 3t, z = -3 + 7t.
We could have chosen Qs1, -1, 4d as the “base point” and written
x = 1 + 4t, y = -1 - 3t, z = 4 + 7t.
These equations serve as well as the first; they simply place you at a different point on the
line for a given value of t.

Notice that parametrizations are not unique. Not only can the “base point” change, but
so can the parameter. The equations x = -3 + 4t 3, y = 2 - 3t 3 , and z = -3 + 7t 3 also
Q(1, –1, 4) z parametrize the line in Example 2.
To parametrize a line segment joining two points, we first parametrize the line
through the points. We then find the t-values for the endpoints and restrict t to lie in the
–3 closed interval bounded by these values. The line equations together with this added re-
striction parametrize the segment.
1 2 EXAMPLE 3 Parametrizing a Line Segment
y Parametrize the line segment joining the points Ps -3, 2, -3d and Qs1, -1, 4d
x t0 (Figure 12.37).
P(–3, 2, –3)
Solution We begin with equations for the line through P and Q, taking them, in this
FIGURE 12.37 Example 3 derives a
case, from Example 2:
parametrization of line segment PQ. The
arrow shows the direction of increasing t. x = -3 + 4t, y = 2 - 3t, z = -3 + 7t.

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882 Chapter 12: Vectors and the Geometry of Space

We observe that the point

sx, y, zd = s -3 + 4t, 2 - 3t, -3 + 7td

on the line passes through Ps -3, 2, -3d at t = 0 and Qs1, -1, 4d at t = 1. We add the re-
striction 0 … t … 1 to parametrize the segment:
x = -3 + 4t, y = 2 - 3t, z = -3 + 7t, 0 … t … 1.

The vector form (Equation (2)) for a line in space is more revealing if we think of a
line as the path of a particle starting at position P0sx0 , y0 , z0 d and moving in the direction
of vector v. Rewriting Equation (2), we have
rstd = r0 + tv
= r0 + t ƒ v ƒ . (4)
æ æ æ

Initial Time Speed Direction

In other words, the position of the particle at time t is its initial position plus its distance
moved sspeed * timed in the direction v> ƒ v ƒ of its straight-line motion.

EXAMPLE 4 Flight of a Helicopter

A helicopter is to fly directly from a helipad at the origin in the direction of the point (1, 1, 1)
at a speed of 60 ft> sec. What is the position of the helicopter after 10 sec?

Solution We place the origin at the starting position (helipad) of the helicopter. Then
the unit vector

1 1 1
u = i + j + k
23 23 23
gives the flight direction of the helicopter. From Equation (4), the position of the helicop-
ter at any time t is

rstd = r0 + tsspeeddu

1 1 1
= 0 + ts60d ¢ i + j + k≤
23 23 23

= 2023tsi + j + kd.

When t = 10 sec,

rs10d = 20023 si + j + kd

= h 200 23, 20023, 20023 i .

After 10 sec of flight from the origin toward (1, 1, 1), the helicopter is located at the point
s20023, 20023, 20023d in space. It has traveled a distance of s60 ft>secds10 secd =
600 ft, which is the length of the vector r(10).

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12.5 Lines and Planes in Space 883

S The Distance from a Point to a Line in Space

To find the distance from a point S to a line that passes through a point P parallel to a vec-
PS sin ␪ tor v, we find the absolute value of the scalar component of PS in the direction of a vector
normal to the line (Figure 12.38). In the notation of the figure, the absolute value of the
1 ƒ PS * v ƒ
␪ scalar component is, ƒ PS ƒ sin u, which is .

FIGURE 12.38 The distance from

S to the line through P parallel to v is Distance from a Point S to a Line Through P Parallel to v
1 1
ƒ PS ƒ sin u , where u is the angle between ƒ PS * v ƒ
1 d = (5)
PS and v.

EXAMPLE 5 Finding Distance from a Point to a Line

Find the distance from the point S(1, 1, 5) to the line
L: x = 1 + t, y = 3 - t, z = 2t.

Solution We see from the equations for L that L passes through P(1, 3, 0) parallel to
v = i - j + 2k. With
PS = s1 - 1di + s1 - 3dj + s5 - 0dk = -2j + 5k
i j k
1 3
PS * v = 0 -2 5 3 = i + 5j + 2k,
1 -1 2
Equation (5) gives
ƒ PS * v ƒ 21 + 25 + 4 230
d = = = = 25.
ƒvƒ 21 + 1 + 4 26

An Equation for a Plane in Space

Plane M
A plane in space is determined by knowing a point on the plane and its “tilt” or orienta-
tion. This “tilt” is defined by specifying a vector that is perpendicular or normal to the
P(x, y, z)
P0(x 0 , y0 , z 0 ) Suppose that plane M passes through a point P0sx0 , y0 , z0 d and is normal to the
nonzero vector n = Ai + Bj + Ck. Then M is the set of all points P(x, y, z) for which
1 1
P0 P is orthogonal to n (Figure 12.39). Thus, the dot product n # P0 P = 0. This equation is
equivalent to
FIGURE 12.39 The standard equation for
a plane in space is defined in terms of a sAi + Bj + Ckd # [sx - x0 di + s y - y0 dj + sz - z0 dk] = 0
vector normal to the plane: A point P lies or
in the plane through P0 normal to n if and
1 Asx - x0 d + Bs y - y0 d + Csz - z0 d = 0.
only if n # P0P = 0 .

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884 Chapter 12: Vectors and the Geometry of Space

Equation for a Plane

The plane through P0sx0 , y0 , z0 d normal to n = Ai + Bj + Ck has
Vector equation: n # P0 P = 0
Component equation: Asx - x0 d + Bsy - y0 d + Csz - z0 d = 0
Component equation simplified: Ax + By + Cz = D, where
D = Ax0 + By0 + Cz0

EXAMPLE 6 Finding an Equation for a Plane

Find an equation for the plane through P0s -3, 0, 7d perpendicular to n = 5i + 2j - k.

Solution The component equation is

5sx - s -3dd + 2s y - 0d + s -1dsz - 7d = 0.

Simplifying, we obtain
5x + 15 + 2y - z + 7 = 0
5x + 2y - z = -22.

Notice in Example 6 how the components of n = 5i + 2j - k became the coeffi-

cients of x, y, and z in the equation 5x + 2y - z = -22. The vector n = Ai + Bj + Ck
is normal to the plane Ax + By + Cz = D.

EXAMPLE 7 Finding an Equation for a Plane Through Three Points

Find an equation for the plane through A(0, 0, 1), B(2, 0, 0), and C(0, 3, 0).

Solution We find a vector normal to the plane and use it with one of the points (it does
not matter which) to write an equation for the plane.
The cross product

i j k
1 1
AB * AC = 3 2 0 -1 3 = 3i + 2j + 6k
0 3 -1

is normal to the plane. We substitute the components of this vector and the coordinates of
A(0, 0, 1) into the component form of the equation to obtain
3sx - 0d + 2s y - 0d + 6sz - 1d = 0
3x + 2y + 6z = 6.

Lines of Intersection
Just as lines are parallel if and only if they have the same direction, two planes are parallel
if and only if their normals are parallel, or n1 = kn2 for some scalar k. Two planes that are
not parallel intersect in a line.

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EXAMPLE 8 Finding a Vector Parallel to the Line of Intersection of Two Planes

Find a vector parallel to the line of intersection of the planes 3x - 6y - 2z = 15 and
2x + y - 2z = 5.

n2 Solution The line of intersection of two planes is perpendicular to both planes’ normal
n1 E
vectors n1 and n2 (Figure 12.40) and therefore parallel to n1 * n2 . Turning this around,

n1 * n2 is a vector parallel to the planes’ line of intersection. In our case,


n1  n 2
i j k

n1 * n2 = 3 3 -2 3 = 14i + 2j + 15k.

2 1 -2
FIGURE 12.40 How the line of
Any nonzero scalar multiple of n1 * n2 will do as well.
intersection of two planes is related to the
planes’ normal vectors (Example 8).
EXAMPLE 9 Parametrizing the Line of Intersection of Two Planes
Find parametric equations for the line in which the planes 3x - 6y - 2z = 15 and
2x + y - 2z = 5 intersect.

Solution We find a vector parallel to the line and a point on the line and use
Equations (3).
Example 8 identifies v = 14i + 2j + 15k as a vector parallel to the line. To find a
point on the line, we can take any point common to the two planes. Substituting z = 0 in
the plane equations and solving for x and y simultaneously identifies one of these points as
s3, -1, 0d. The line is

x = 3 + 14t, y = -1 + 2t, z = 15t.

The choice z = 0 is arbitrary and we could have chosen z = 1 or z = -1 just as well. Or
we could have let x = 0 and solved for y and z. The different choices would simply give
different parametrizations of the same line.

Sometimes we want to know where a line and a plane intersect. For example, if we are
looking at a flat plate and a line segment passes through it, we may be interested in know-
ing what portion of the line segment is hidden from our view by the plate. This application
is used in computer graphics (Exercise 74).

EXAMPLE 10 Finding the Intersection of a Line and a Plane

Find the point where the line

x = + 2t, y = -2t, z = 1 + t

intersects the plane 3x + 2y + 6z = 6.

Solution The point

+ 2t, -2t, 1 + tb

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886 Chapter 12: Vectors and the Geometry of Space

lies in the plane if its coordinates satisfy the equation of the plane, that is, if

+ 2tb + 2s -2td + 6s1 + td = 6
8 + 6t - 4t + 6 + 6t = 6
8t = -8
t = -1.
The point of intersection is

sx, y, zd ƒ t = -1 = a - 2, 2, 1 - 1b = a , 2, 0b .
8 2
3 3

The Distance from a Point to a Plane

If P is a point on a plane with normal n, then the distance from any point S to the plane is
the length of the vector projection of PS onto n. That is, the distance from S to the plane is

d = ` PS # `
1 n

where n = Ai + Bj + Ck is normal to the plane.

EXAMPLE 11 Finding the Distance from a Point to a Plane

Find the distance from S(1, 1, 3) to the plane 3x + 2y + 6z = 6.

Solution We find a point P in the plane and calculate the length of the vector projection
of PS onto a vector n normal to the plane (Figure 12.41). The coefficients in the equation
3x + 2y + 6z = 6 give

n = 3i + 2j + 6k.

n  3i  2j  6k
S(1, 1, 3)

3x  2y  6z  6 (0, 0, 1)

Distance from
0 S to the plane

P(0, 3, 0) y
(2, 0, 0)

FIGURE 12.41 The distance from S to the plane is the

length of the vector projection of PS onto n (Example 11).

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12.5 Lines and Planes in Space 887

The points on the plane easiest to find from the plane’s equation are the intercepts. If
we take P to be the y-intercept (0, 3, 0), then
PS = s1 - 0di + s1 - 3dj + s3 - 0dk

= i - 2j + 3k,

ƒ n ƒ = 2s3d2 + s2d2 + s6d2 = 249 = 7.
n2 The distance from S to the plane is
d = ` PS # `
1 n 1
length of projn PS

= ` si - 2j + 3kd # a i + j + kb `
3 2 6
7 7 7

= ` ` =
3 4 18 17
- + .
 7 7 7 7

Angles Between Planes

FIGURE 12.42 The angle between two
The angle between two intersecting planes is defined to be the (acute) angle determined by
planes is obtained from the angle between
their normal vectors (Figure 12.42).
their normals.
EXAMPLE 12 Find the angle between the planes 3x - 6y - 2z = 15 and
2x + y - 2z = 5.

Solution The vectors

n1 = 3i - 6j - 2k, n2 = 2i + j - 2k
are normals to the planes. The angle between them is
n1 # n2
u = cos-1 a b
ƒ n1 ƒ ƒ n2 ƒ

= cos-1 a b
L 1.38 radians. About 79 deg

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Lines and Line Segments 5. The line through the origin parallel to the vector 2j + k
Find parametric equations for the lines in Exercises 1–12. 6. The line through the point s3, -2, 1d parallel to the line
x = 1 + 2t, y = 2 - t, z = 3t
1. The line through the point Ps3, -4, -1d parallel to the vector
i + j + k 7. The line through (1, 1, 1) parallel to the z-axis
2. The line through Ps1, 2, -1d and Qs -1, 0, 1d 8. The line through (2, 4, 5) perpendicular to the plane
3x + 7y - 5z = 21
3. The line through Ps -2, 0, 3d and Qs3, 5, -2d
9. The line through s0, -7, 0d perpendicular to the plane
4. The line through P(1, 2, 0) and Qs1, 1, -1d
x + 2y + 2z = 13

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888 Chapter 12: Vectors and the Geometry of Space

10. The line through (2, 3, 0) perpendicular to the vectors u = i + 36. s2, 1, -1d; x = 2t, y = 1 + 2t, z = 2t
2j + 3k and v = 3i + 4j + 5k 37. s3, -1, 4d; x = 4 - t, y = 3 + 2t, z = -5 + 3t
11. The x-axis 12. The z-axis 38. s -1, 4, 3d; x = 10 + 4t, y = -3, z = 4t
Find parametrizations for the line segments joining the points in Exer-
In Exercises 39–44, find the distance from the point to the plane.
cises 13–20. Draw coordinate axes and sketch each segment, indicat-
ing the direction of increasing t for your parametrization. 39. s2, -3, 4d, x + 2y + 2z = 13
13. (0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 3> 2) 14. (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0) 40. s0, 0, 0d, 3x + 2y + 6z = 6
15. (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0) 16. (1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1) 41. s0, 1, 1d, 4y + 3z = -12
17. s0, 1, 1d, s0, -1, 1d 18. (0, 2, 0), (3, 0, 0) 42. s2, 2, 3d, 2x + y + 2z = 4
19. (2, 0, 2), (0, 2, 0) 20. s1, 0, -1d, s0, 3, 0d 43. s0, -1, 0d, 2x + y + 2z = 4
44. s1, 0, -1d, -4x + y + z = 4
45. Find the distance from the plane x + 2y + 6z = 1 to the plane
Planes x + 2y + 6z = 10 .
Find equations for the planes in Exercises 21–26.
46. Find the distance from the line x = 2 + t, y = 1 + t,
21. The plane through P0s0, 2, -1d normal to n = 3i - 2j - k z = -s1>2d - s1>2dt to the plane x + 2y + 6z = 10 .
22. The plane through s1, -1, 3d parallel to the plane
3x + y + z = 7
23. The plane through s1, 1, -1d, s2, 0, 2d , and s0, -2, 1d Find the angles between the planes in Exercises 47 and 48.
24. The plane through (2, 4, 5), (1, 5, 7), and s -1, 6, 8d 47. x + y = 1, 2x + y - 2z = 2
25. The plane through P0s2, 4, 5d perpendicular to the line 48. 5x + y - z = 10, x - 2y + 3z = -1
x = 5 + t, y = 1 + 3t, z = 4t T Use a calculator to find the acute angles between the planes in Exer-
26. The plane through As1, -2, 1d perpendicular to the vector from cises 49–52 to the nearest hundredth of a radian.
the origin to A 49. 2x + 2y + 2z = 3, 2x - 2y - z = 5
27. Find the point of intersection of the lines x = 2t + 1, 50. x + y + z = 1, z = 0 sthe xy-planed
y = 3t + 2, z = 4t + 3 , and x = s + 2, y = 2s + 4, z = 51. 2x + 2y - z = 3, x + 2y + z = 2
-4s - 1 , and then find the plane determined by these lines.
52. 4y + 3z = -12, 3x + 2y + 6z = 6
28. Find the point of intersection of the lines x = t, y =
-t + 2, z = t + 1 , and x = 2s + 2, y = s + 3, z = 5s + 6 ,
and then find the plane determined by these lines.
Intersecting Lines and Planes
In Exercises 29 and 30, find the plane determined by the intersecting In Exercises 53–56, find the point in which the line meets the plane.
53. x = 1 - t, y = 3t, z = 1 + t; 2x - y + 3z = 6
29. L1: x = -1 + t, y = 2 + t, z = 1 - t; - q 6 t 6 q
54. x = 2, y = 3 + 2t, z = -2 - 2t; 6x + 3y - 4z = -12
L2: x = 1 - 4s, y = 1 + 2s, z = 2 - 2s; - q 6 s 6 q
55. x = 1 + 2t, y = 1 + 5t, z = 3t; x + y + z = 2
30. L1: x = t, y = 3 - 3t, z = -2 - t; - q 6 t 6 q
56. x = -1 + 3t, y = -2, z = 5t; 2x - 3z = 7
L2: x = 1 + s, y = 4 + s, z = -1 + s; - q 6 s 6 q
31. Find a plane through P0s2, 1, -1d and perpendicular to the line of Find parametrizations for the lines in which the planes in Exercises 57–60
intersection of the planes 2x + y - z = 3, x + 2y + z = 2 . intersect.
32. Find a plane through the points P1s1, 2, 3d, P2s3, 2, 1d and per- 57. x + y + z = 1, x + y = 2
pendicular to the plane 4x - y + 2z = 7 . 58. 3x - 6y - 2z = 3, 2x + y - 2z = 2
59. x - 2y + 4z = 2, x + y - 2z = 5
Distances 60. 5x - 2y = 11, 4y - 5z = -17
In Exercises 33–38, find the distance from the point to the line. Given two lines in space, either they are parallel, or they intersect, or
33. s0, 0, 12d; x = 4t, y = -2t, z = 2t they are skew (imagine, for example, the flight paths of two planes in
the sky). Exercises 61 and 62 each give three lines. In each exercise,
34. s0, 0, 0d; x = 5 + 3t, y = 5 + 4t, z = -3 - 5t
determine whether the lines, taken two at a time, are parallel, intersect,
35. s2, 1, 3d; x = 2 + 2t, y = 1 + 6t, z = 3 or are skew. If they intersect, find the point of intersection.

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61. L1: x = 3 + 2t, y = -1 + 4t, z = 2 - t; - q 6 t 6 q 72. Suppose L1 and L2 are disjoint (nonintersecting) nonparallel lines.
L2: x = 1 + 4s, y = 1 + 2s, z = -3 + 4s; - q 6 s 6 q Is it possible for a nonzero vector to be perpendicular to both L1
and L2 ? Give reasons for your answer.
L3: x = 3 + 2r, y = 2 + r, z = -2 + 2r; - q 6 r 6 q
62. L1: x = 1 + 2t, y = -1 - t, z = 3t; -q 6 t 6 q Computer Graphics
L2: x = 2 - s, y = 3s, z = 1 + s; -q 6 s 6 q 73. Perspective in computer graphics In computer graphics and
L3: x = 5 + 2r, y = 1 - r, z = 8 + 3r; - q 6 r 6 q perspective drawing, we need to represent objects seen by the eye
in space as images on a two-dimensional plane. Suppose that the
Theory and Examples eye is at Esx0, 0, 0d as shown here and that we want to represent a
63. Use Equations (3) to generate a parametrization of the line point P1sx1, y1, z1 d as a point on the yz-plane. We do this by pro-
through Ps2, -4, 7d parallel to v1 = 2i - j + 3k . Then generate jecting P1 onto the plane with a ray from E. The point P1 will be
another parametrization of the line using the point P2s -2, -2, 1d portrayed as the point P(0, y, z). The problem for us as graphics
and the vector v2 = -i + s1>2dj - s3>2dk . designers is to find y and z given E and P1 .
1 1
64. Use the component form to generate an equation for the plane a. Write a vector equation that holds between EP and EP1 . Use
through P1s4, 1, 5d normal to n1 = i - 2j + k . Then generate the equation to express y and z in terms of x0 , x1, y1 , and z1 .
another equation for the same plane using the point P2s3, -2, 0d b. Test the formulas obtained for y and z in part (a) by
and the normal vector n2 = - 22i + 2 22j - 22k . investigating their behavior at x1 = 0 and x1 = x0 and by
65. Find the points in which the line x = 1 + 2t, y = -1 - t, seeing what happens as x0 : q . What do you find?
z = 3t meets the coordinate planes. Describe the reasoning be- z
hind your answer.
66. Find equations for the line in the plane z = 3 that makes an angle
P(0, y, z)
of p>6 rad with i and an angle of p>3 rad with j. Describe the rea-
soning behind your answer. P1(x1, y1, z1)
67. Is the line x = 1 - 2t, y = 2 + 5t, z = -3t parallel to the plane 0
2x + y - z = 8 ? Give reasons for your answer.
68. How can you tell when two planes A1 x + B1 y + C1 z = D1 and (x1, y1, 0)
A2 x + B2 y + C2 z = D2 are parallel? Perpendicular? Give rea-
sons for your answer.
69. Find two different planes whose intersection is the line E(x 0, 0, 0)
x = 1 + t, y = 2 - t, z = 3 + 2t . Write equations for each
plane in the form Ax + By + Cz = D .
70. Find a plane through the origin that meets the plane M: 2x + 74. Hidden lines Here is another typical problem in computer graph-
3y + z = 12 in a right angle. How do you know that your plane ics. Your eye is at (4, 0, 0). You are looking at a triangular plate
is perpendicular to M? whose vertices are at (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0), and s -2, 2, 2d . The line
segment from (1, 0, 0) to (0, 2, 2) passes through the plate. What
71. For any nonzero numbers a, b, and c, the graph of sx>ad +
portion of the line segment is hidden from your view by the plate?
s y>bd + sz>cd = 1 is a plane. Which planes have an equation of
(This is an exercise in finding intersections of lines and planes.)
this form?

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

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