Matrices and Vectors

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Linear and Integer Programming

Lecture 5
Matrices and Vectors:
Geometric Insight

Marco Chiarandini
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
University of Southern Denmark
Geometric Insight

1. Geometric Insight

Geometric Insight

1. Geometric Insight

Geometric Insight
Geometric Insight

• Set R can be represented by real-number line. Set R2 of real number pairs (a1 , a2 ) can be
represented by the Cartesian plane.

• To a point in the plane A = (a1 , a2 ) it is associated a position vector a = (a1 , a2 )T ,

representing the displacement from the origin (0, 0). 

(a1 , a2 )

(0, 0) a1

Geometric Insight

• Two displacement vectors of same length and direction are considered to be equal even if they
do not both start from the origin

• If object displaced from O to P by displacement p and from P to Q by displacement v, then

the total displacement satisfies q = p + v = v + q

y y

q2 Q
p2 P v

x (0, 0) p1 q1
(0, 0)

• v = q − p, think of v as the vector that is added to p to obtain q.

Geometric Insight

• the length (or norm) of a vector a = (a1 , a2 )T is denoted by ||a|| and from Pythagoras
q p
||a|| = a12 + a22 = ha, ai

• the direction is given by the components of the vector

• the unit vector can be derived by normalizing it, that is:
u= v

Theorem (Inner Product)

Let a, b ∈ R2 and let θ denote the angle between them. Then (from
the law of cosines), a

ha, bi = kak kbk cos θ θ


Two vectors a and b are orthogonal (or normal or perpendicular) if and only if ha, bi = 0.
Vectors in R3
Geometric Insight

(a1 , a2 , a3 )  
a1 q
b a y a = a2  kak = a12 + a22 + a32

ha, bi = kak kbk cos θ


Lines in R2
Geometric Insight

• Cartesian equation of a line: y = ax + b

• another way is by giving position vectors.

We can let x = t where t is any real number. Then y = ax + b = at + b. Hence the position
vector x = (x, y )T
t 1 0
x= =t + = tv + (0, b)T , t∈R
at + b a b

• To derive the Cartesian equation: locate one particular point on the line, eg, the y intercept.
Then the position vector of any point on the line is a sum of two displacements, first going to
the point and then along the direction of the line. Try with P = (−1, 1) and Q = (3, 2)

• In general, any line in R2 is given by a vector equation with one parameter of the form

x = p + tv
where x is the position vector, p is any particular point and v is the direction of the line
Lines in R3
Geometric Insight

x = p+tv

   
1 1
x = 3 + t  2 
4 −1
x  
 
x = 7 + s −6 , s, t ∈ R
2 3

Are these lines intersecting?

What is the Cartesian equation of the first?
Geometric Insight

In R2 , two lines are: In R3 , two lines are:

• parallel • parallel
• intersecting in a unique point • intersecting in a unique point
• skew (lay on two parallel planes)

What about these lines? Do they intersect? Are they coplanar?

     
x 1 1
L1 : y  = 3 + t  2 
z 4 −1
     
x 5 −2
L2 : y  = 6 + t  1 
z 1 7

Planes in R3
Geometric Insight

Vector parametric equation:

• The position of vectors of points on a plane is described by:

x = p + sv + tw, s, t ∈ R

provided v and w are non-zero and not parallel.

(p position vector, v and w displacement vectors).

• How is the plane through the origin? What if v and w are parallel?

• Two intersecting lines determine a plane. What is its description?

Geometric Insight

4 z


x 2
4 2

Geometric Insight
Alternative Description of Planes

Cartesian equation:

• Let n be a given vector in R3 . All positions represented by postion vectors x that are
orthogonal to n describe a plane through the origin.
(n is called a normal vector to the plane)

• Vectors n and x are orthogonal iff

hn, xi = 0,

hence this equation describes a plane.

If n = (a, b, c)T and x = (x, y , z)T , then the equation becomes:

ax + by + cz = 0

Geometric Insight

4 z


x 2
4 2

Geometric Insight

• For a point P on the plane with position vector p and a position vector x of any other point
on the plane, the displacement vector x − p lies on the plane and n ⊥ x − p

• Conversely, if the position vector x of a point is such that

hn, x − pi = 0

then the point represented by x lies on the plane.

• hence, hn, xi = hn, pi = d and the equation becomes:

ax + by + cz = d

Eg.: 2x − 3y − 5z = 2 has n = (2, −3, −5)T and passes through (0, 0, e)

Geometric Insight

Vector parametric equation ⇐⇒ Cartesian equation

     
x 1 2
y  = s  2  + t 1 = sv + tw, s, t ∈ R
z −1 7

   
3 x
3x − y + z = 0, n = −1 , x = y 
1 z

hn, vi = 0, hn, wi = 0 and hn, sv + twi = 0 for s, t ∈ R

What will change if the plane does not pass through the origin?
Geometric Insight

Are the two following planes parallel?

x + 2y − 3x = 0 and − 2x − 4y + 6z = 4

and these?

x + 2y − 3x = 0 and x − 2y + 5z = 4

Lines and Hyperplanes in Rn
Geometric Insight

• Point in Rn : a = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an )T
• Length of a vector x = (x, x2 , . . . , xn )T
q p
kxk = x12 + x22 + · · · + xn2 = hx, xi.

• The vectors in Rn are orthogonal iff

hv, wi = 0.

• Line:

x = p + tv, t∈R How many Cartesian equations?

• The set of points (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) that satisfy a Cartesian equation

a1 x1 + a2 x2 + · · · + an xn = d
is called hyperplane. (hn, x − pi = 0.) What is the vector equation?

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