Lesson Plan Teaching Reading Using Poetry

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This Lesson plan compiled to fulfil an assignment in “Prose, Poetry, and Drama” Subject
Lecturer: Mrs. Rahmi Widyaningsih, S.S., M.Pd.

Class: PBI 6C
Arranged by: Group 4

1. Syari’ah Natasya Nurul Jannah (1903046084)

2. Nadia Rif’atul Karima (1903046094)
3. Nurul Mu’zizah (1903046104)
4. Laila Maulidya (1903046116)


A. Learning Overview
School : SMA Walisongo
Subject : Bahasa Inggris Peminatan
Class/Semester : XI/Gasal
Time Allocation : 1 x 45 minutes
Core Material : Poetry

B. Basic Competence and Indicator

Basic Competence Indicator

3.4. Interpreting social functions, text 3.4.1. Identifying a special text in the
structures, and linguistic elements of form of poetry.
special texts in the form of poetry, spoken
and written, by giving and asking for 3.4.2. Exemplifying a special text in the
information related to teenagers' lives, form of poetry.
according to the context of their use.
3.4.3. Applying the use of special text in
the form of poetry.
4.4. Capturing contextual meaning related 4.4.1. Composing a special text in the
to social functions, text structure, and form of poetry.
linguistic elements of special texts in the
form of poetry related to adolescent life. 4.4.2. Reading a poetry text properly and

C. Learning Aims:
1. Students will be able to recognize and feel the atmosphere, theme, and meaning of
poetry contained in anthologies of poetry that are heard or read.
2. Students will be able to read poetry properly and correctly.

D. Learning Materials
1. The Definition of poetry
Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. It often
employs rhyme and meter (a set of rules governing the number and arrangement of
syllables in each line). In poetry, words are strung together to form sounds,
images, and ideas that might be too complex or abstract to describe directly.

2. The social functions of poetry

The foremost social function of poetry is that it ‘has to give pleasure’: pleasure of
entertainment and pleasure of value. The pleasure of entertainment suggests mirth
and relaxation, while the pleasure of value indicates information and learning.
Another important social function of poetry, according to Eliot, is that it ought to
have a universal appeal. In other words, poetry should not be confined to a
particular time or age. Universality in poetry produces a definite influence on the
future poets that makes them stay connected with the past and hence keep it alive

3. The generic structures of poetry

 Stanza: A stanza is a group of lines in a poem. It’s often called a “verse”.
 Rhyme: Rhyme is a pattern of words that contain similar sounds.
 Meter: Meter is the rhythmic structure of a poem. Sometimes you can feel the
meter/rhythm by tapping for each syllable.
 Line break: A line break is where a line of poetry ends. It causes the reader to
pause and will determine how the poem is read.

4. The language features of poetry

 Simile: An image which compares two things using like or as.
 Metaphor: An image which compares two things without using like or as.
 Personification: An image which gives human qualities to non-human
 Choice of words (vocabulary): Using more unusual or specialized or
technical words.
 Use of slang: Most likely used in direct speech.
 Use of direct or indirect speech: Quoting or reporting spoken words.
 Use of incorrect grammar: Generally used in direct speech but may also be
used in autobiography for particular effect.
 Pun: Word plays involving the use of a word with two different meanings or
two words that sound the same but mean different things. Often used in

5. The example of poetry

Poetry by William Shakespeare dari poetry ‘Venus and Adonis’:

Even as the sun with purple-colour'd face

Had ta'en his last leave of the weeping morn,
Rose-cheek'd Adonis hied him to the chase;
Hunting he loved, but love he laugh'd to scorn;
Sick-thoughted Venus makes amain unto him,
And like a bold-faced suitor 'gins to woo him.

E. Learning Method
Inquiry Learning Method
F. Learning Media and Tools

- Poetry text
- Power point material
- Book
- YouTube


- Paper
- laptop
- LCD/Projector
- White board
- Board marker

G. Learning Sources
1. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2014. Bahasa Inggris
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI (Buku Guru) Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan
2. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2014. Bahasa Inggris
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI (Buku Siswa) Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan
dan Kebudayaan.
3. Link example of Poetry: Poetry, Prose, dan Poem dalam Bahasa Inggris | EF Blog

H. Learning Activities

Activity Description Time

Teacher Students Allocation
Opening 1. Teacher greets the 1. Students respond the 10
students. greeting. minutes
2. Teacher invites students 2. Students pray together.
to pray together by asking
one student to lead.
3. Teacher checks the 3. Students listen and give
student attendance. respond.
4. Teacher gives motivation 4. Students listen well.
to students.
5. Teacher asks students’ 5. Students listen and give
readiness to follow the respond.
Main Stimulation 30
Activity 1. Teacher asks students to 1. Students make a group minutes
make a group discussion discussion consists of 4-6
consists of 4-6 students. students.
2. Teacher shows the video 2. Students pay attention to
of poetry reading from the video of poetry
YouTube and asks reading showed by
students to pay attention teacher.
to it.
3. Teacher showed a power 3. Students pay attention and
point material about discuss the material
Poetry and discuss together.
together with the students.
Problem Statement
1. Teacher asks students to 1. Students read the example
read the example of of poetry text has been
poetry text has been given given properly and
properly and correctly. correctly.
2. Teacher asks students to 2. Students find a Poetry
find a Poetry text, and text, and then identify the
then asks them to identify atmosphere, theme, and
the atmosphere, theme, meaning contained in the
and meaning contained in poetry.
the poetry.
3. Teacher asks students to 3. Students start to discuss
discuss with their group with their group with
with teachers’ guidance. teachers’ guidance.
Data Processing
1. Teacher asks students to 1. Students with their group
arrange the result of their arrange the result of their
discussion, there are discussion, there are
identify the atmosphere, identify the atmosphere,
theme, and meaning theme, and meaning
contained in the poetry. contained in the poetry.
1. Teacher asks students to 1. Students read the poetry
read the poetry they found they found and present
and present their their discussion.
2. Teacher asks other groups 2. Students give a comment
to give a comment to the to the result of the
result of the discussion discussion presented.
3. Teacher asks students to 3. Students write the
write the comments from comments from other
other group. group.

1. Teacher asks each group 1. Students accomplish the
to accomplish the result of result of presentation
presentation based on the based on the comments
comments from other from other group.
Closing 1. Teacher asks student to 1. Students make some 5 minutes
make some conclusions. conclusions.
2. Teacher informs the 2. Students listen well.
material for next meeting.
3. Teacher closes the class 3. Students pray together.
by praying and asks one
student to lead.

I. Learning Assessment

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