Math in Focus Chapter 13 Workbook Pages

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Bar Graphs and


Line Plots
Practice 1 Making Bar Graphs with Scales
The picture graph shows the number of each kind of kite
some students made after school.
Kites Made by the Students

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Key: Each stands for 1 kite.

Talya used the data from the picture graph to make a bar graph.
She used a scale of 2.

Help Talya complete the bar graph.

1. Kites Made by the Students Count in skips of
2 to make the scale.
8 The scale must
Number of Kites

include all the data.


Fish Round Butterfly Bird
Kind of Kite

Lesson 13.1 Making Bar Graphs with Scales

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Alice went to a bird park and saw 5 kinds of birds.
She recorded the number of each kind of bird she saw in a tally chart.

Complete the tally chart.

2. Birds Alice Saw at the Bird Park

Name of Bird Tally Number of Birds


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Ostrich 2

Parrot 6


Penguin 14

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Name: Date:

Complete the bar graph to show the birds Alice saw.

3. Birds Alice Saw at the Bird Park



Number of Birds


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Eagle Ostrich Parrot Peacock Penguin
Name of Bird

Answer each question.

Use the data in the bar graph.

4. The scale shows skip counts of

5. What is the greatest number on the vertical axis?

Explain why.

Lesson 13.1 Making Bar Graphs with Scales

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Joy and her friends are making animal masks.
Count the number of each type of mask they have made.
Complete the tally chart and bar graph on page 65.

Cat masks Sheep masks

Rabbit masks

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Cow masks

Lion masks

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Name: Date:


6. Masks Made by Joy and Her Friends

Kind of Mask Tally Number of Masks
Cat mask
Sheep mask
Cow mask
Rabbit mask
Lion mask
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Complete the bar graph. Use the data in the tally chart.

7. Masks Made by Joy and Her Friends



Number of Masks



Cat Sheep Cow Rabbit Lion
Kind of Mask

Answer each question. Use the data in the bar graph.

8. The scale shows skip counts of .

9. What is the greatest number on the scale?

Lesson 13.1 Making Bar Graphs with Scales

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The picture graph shows the number of points five players
scored in a basketball game.

Points Scored by Five Players

Player Number of Points



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Key: Each stands for 5 points.

66 Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Name: Date:

Use the data in the picture graph to complete the bar graph.

10. Points Scored by the Players



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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of Points

Answer each question. Use the data in the bar graph.

11. The scale shows skip counts of .

12. What is the greatest number on the scale?

Lesson 13.1 Making Bar Graphs with Scales

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A survey was carried out to find the favorite activities of third graders.
It was found that … 10 like to read a book.
12 like to make crafts.
2 times as many children like to play
sports as make crafts.
4 fewer children like to visit friends than
play sports.

Complete the bar graph to show the favorite activities

of third graders. Then fill in the missing activity names
in the answer boxes.

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13. Favorite Activity

Read a
Kind of Activity


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Number of Students

68 Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Name: Date:

Practice 2 Reading and Interpreting Bar Graphs

The bar graph shows the bus tickets that were sold
on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Bus Tickets Sold

Number of Tickets



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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Day of the Week

Answer each question. Use the data in the bar graph.

1. How many more tickets were sold on Thursday than on Wednesday?

2. On Thursday, 15 of the tickets sold were for children. How many

tickets sold were for adults? tickets

3. 18 fewer tickets were sold on Friday than on Tuesday. How many

tickets were sold on Friday? tickets

4. The number of tickets sold on Tuesday can be grouped into fives.

How many groups are there? groups

5. How many tickets were sold in all during the four days? tickets

Lesson 13.2 Reading and Interpreting Bar Graphs 69

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This bar graph shows the number of notebooks that five students have.
Notebooks that Five Students Have


Name of Student


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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Number of Notebooks

Write T for true and F for false in the boxes.

Use the data in the bar graph.
6. Jack has 20 notebooks.

7. Fiona has 25 notebooks.

8. Melanie has 40 notebooks.

9. Kareem has 5 fewer notebooks than Fiona.

10. Sarah has the least number of notebooks.

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Name: Date:

Notebooks that Five Students Have


Name of Student


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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Number of Notebooks

Answer each question.

Use the data in the bar graph.
11. How many more notebooks does Kareem have than Fiona?

12. How many fewer notebooks does Sarah have than Melanie?

13. How many notebooks do Melanie and Sarah have altogether?

14. Who has twice as many notebooks as Sarah?

15. Which two students have a total of 65 notebooks?

Lesson 13.2 Reading and Interpreting Bar Graphs 71

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This bar graph shows the kinds of juices that people like.
Juices that People Like



Number of People




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Mixed Berry Orange Pineapple Carrot Apple
Kind of Juice

Fill in the blanks.

Use the data in the bar graph.
16. people like mixed berry juice.
17. 19 people like juice.
18. The most popular juice is .
19. 16 more people like apple juice than juice.
20. 10 fewer people like juice than the most popular juice.
21. What can you say about orange juice and carrot juice?

72 Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Name: Date:

Danny sold flowers at the farmer’s market.

The bar graph shows the number of flowers he sold.
Flowers Danny Sold



Number of Flowers


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Sunflower Rose Tulip Daisy Carnation
Kind of Flower

Answer each question.

Use the data in the bar graph.
22. How many daisies did Danny sell?
23. He sold 150 more carnations than another flower.
Which kind of flower?
24. He sold twice as many sunflowers as another kind of flower.
Which kind of flower?
25. How many fewer sunflowers than roses were sold?
26. He sold a total of 750 of two kinds of flowers.
Which two kinds of flowers could they be?
Lesson 13.2 Reading and Interpreting Bar Graphs 73

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This bar graph shows the subjects that a number of students like.

Favorite Subject
Number of Students 18



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Math Reading Science Social Studies
Kind of Subject

Fill in the blanks.

Use the data in the bar graph.

27. students like math.

28. 3 fewer students like than reading.

29. The number of students who like is equal to the

number of students who like .

30. A total number of 39 students like three kinds of subjects.

Which three kinds of subjects could they be?

74 Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Name: Date:

Practice 3 Line Plots

Amanda surveyed a group of children in a Nature Club to
find out their ages. The table below shows the results of her survey.
Ages of Children in Years

Name of Child Age

José 7
Roger 8
Alex 7
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Liza 10
Suki 9
Christy 7
Allie 9
Jeremy 9
Valerie 9
Vilma 8
Jacob 7
Emily 9
Ethan 8
Emma 9
Kayla 10

Lesson 13.3 Line Plots

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Amanda made a line plot to show the results of her survey.

7 7
7 7 7
7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7
6 7 8 9 10
Ages of Children in Years

Answer each question.

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Use the data in the line plot.

1. What does each 7 on the line plot stand for?

2. What do the numbers on the number line stand for?

3. What is the age of the greatest number of children? years old

4. How many children are aged 6? children

5. What is the age of the oldest child surveyed? years

6. How many children were surveyed in all? children

76 Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Name: Date:

Third graders carried out a survey. They wanted to find the number of children
in each of their families. They displayed their results in this line plot.

7 7
7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7 7
1 2 3 4 5
Number of Children in Each Family

Answer each question.

Use the data in the line plot.
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7. What does each 7 on the line plot stand for?

8. What do the numbers on the number line stand for?
9. How many families have 2 children? families
10. How many families have fewer than 4 children? families
11. What is the greatest number of children in the families surveyed?
12. How many families took part in the survey? families
13. Did all the families surveyed have children? Answer yes or no.

Lesson 13.3 Line Plots

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A survey was carried out to find the number of rides a
group of children took at Happy Theme Park. The tally
chart shows the results of the survey.
Complete the tally chart.
14. Number of Rides
Number of Rides Tally Number of Children

1 4

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Complete the line plot.

Use the data in the tally chart.
7 7
7 7 7
7 7 7
7 7 7
1 2 3 4 5
Number of Rides

78 Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Name: Date:

Answer each question.

Use the data in the line plot.
16. What does each 7 on the line plot stand for?

17. What does each number on the number line stand for?

18. How many children take 5 rides? children

19. How many children take 4 or more rides? children

20. Which number of rides are taken by the same number of children?
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Lesson 13.3 Line Plots

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A baseball team counted the number of home runs each
player hit. The results are shown in this table.

Number of Home Runs 0 1 2 3 4

Number of Players 1 2 1 2 3

Complete the table.

21. Number of Home Runs

Number of Home Runs Number of Players

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1 2

3 2

4 3

Fill in the blanks.

Use the data in the table.
22. The greatest number of home runs hit by any player was .

23. The least number of home runs hit by any player was .

80 Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Name: Date:

Complete the line plot.

Use the data in the table.

Number of Home Runs

Answer each question.

Use the data in the line plot.
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25. What does each 7 on the line plot stand for?

26. How many players had 2 home runs? player

27. How many players had more than 1 home run? players

28. What is the greatest number of home runs scored by a single player?

home runs

29. How many players were surveyed in total? players

Lesson 13.3 Line Plots

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Tom carried out a survey to find how many raisins there are
in boxes of different brands.
He made a line plot to show the results of his survey.

7 7
7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Raisins per Box

Answer each question.

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Use the data in the line plot.
30. What is the least number of raisins in a box? raisins

31. What is the greatest number of raisins in a box? raisins

32. Which number of raisins occurs most often? raisins

33. How many boxes contain 28 or more raisins? boxes

34. How many boxes contain fewer than 27 raisins? boxes

35. How many boxes were used in the survey in all? boxes

82 Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Name: Date:

A survey was carried out to find the scores of students

on a 20-minute math quiz.
Number of Questions Right
Name of Student Number

Sophie 2

Rachel 1
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Mimi 1

Kyle 3

Jessica 4

Alex 1

Maria 4

Sue 1

Jane 3

Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Work in groups to make a line plot.
Use the data in the table.
Follow the steps to help you.
Step 1 Give the line plot a title.
Draw and label the horizontal number line.
Step 2 Draw an 7 for each student above one number.
Step 3 Check that the number of 7s shows the data in the table.

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Answer each question.
Use the data in the line plot.
1. How did you get the least and greatest number on the number line?

2. A survey asks 100 people how many children are in their families. All the
people answer 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. Would a line plot be a good way to show
this data? Explain your thinking.

84 Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Name: Date:

The table shows the number of model trains that 8 children have.
Choose which line plot matches the data.

Name of Student Katy Ryan Noah Sylvia Riya James Evan Luke
Number of Model 2 6 3 4 2 5 2 4

Line Plot A Line Plot B

7 7
7 7 7
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7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6
Number of Model Trains Number of Model Trains
Line Plot C Line Plot D

7 7
7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of Model Trains Number of Model Trains

Fill in the blank.

Use the data in the table.
3. Line plot matches the given data.

Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Explain the mistakes in the other line plots.



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86 Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Name: Date:

Put On Your Thinking Cap!

Challenging Practice

Pinocchio’s nose grew 2 centimeters longer every time he told a lie.

He wanted to stop telling lies and be an honest boy.
He drew a picture graph and a bar graph to check how many fewer
lies he was telling every day.
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The picture graph below and the bar graph on page 88 show the length his nose
grew over five days.
Length Pinocchio’s Nose Grew over Five Days






Key: Each stands for 2 centimeters.

Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Use the information in the picture graph on page 87.
Fill in the boxes to show the length his nose grew on…
1. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
cm cm cm cm cm

Complete the bar graph for Friday.

2. Length Pinocchio’s Nose Grew over Five Days

Length Pinocchio’s Nose Grew (cm)


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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Day of the Week
Answer each question.
Use the data in the bar graph.
3. On which day did his nose grow by 24 centimeters?
4. For which day is the bar graph incorrectly drawn?
5. How much longer does his nose grow on Tuesday than on Friday?

88 Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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Name: Date:

Put On Your Thinking Cap!

Problem Solving
Study each set of data carefully.
Decide which graph would best represent each data.
Fill in the blanks with Picture Graph, Bar Graph, or Line Plot.
The table below shows the number of visitors at the art museum
during six months.
Erin wants to show the difference in the number of visitors for
the months of February and April.
The sample is large.
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Erin wants to compare the data.

Month Number of Visitors
January 230
February 80
March 340
April 400
May 420
June 540

Alisha wants to know which snack is most popular with third graders.
She asks some of the third graders and records the data in this table.

Snack Number of Students

Granola Bar 12
Strawberry Yogurt 18
Fruit Cup 24
Raisins 30

Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots

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A group of students took part in a math competition.
At the end of the competition, Mr. Stephenson wanted to
show how many games his students won.
He recorded his findings in this table.

Number of Games Won Number of Students

0 2
1 6
2 4
3 3
4 1

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