Year 4 Maths Worksheets WB 13th July

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Identify angles 3 Label the angles: acute, obtuse or right angle.

a) d)

1 Complete the sentences.

Use the word bank to help you.

90 180 greater less

b) e)
a) A right angle is degrees.

b) An acute angle is than degrees.

c) An obtuse angle is than degrees

but less than degrees.

c) f)
2 Match the angles to the labels.

right angle

acute angle
4 Tick all the acute angles.

obtuse angle

© White Rose Maths 2020

5 Tick all the obtuse angles. 8 Angle B is obtuse
because it’s bigger than
the right angle.


6 Label the angles: acute, obtuse or right angle.

a) c)

Do you agree with Teddy?

Explain your answer.

b) d)
9 Are the statements always true, sometimes true or never true?

Explain your answer.

a) An obtuse angle is a greater turn than an acute angle.

b) An acute angle is a greater turn than a right angle turn.

7 Is the angle acute, obtuse or a right angle?

c) If you turn through two acute angles you will have turned
a) 35° d) 89° through an obtuse angle.

b) 99° e) 121°

c) 90° f) 179°

How do you know?

© White Rose Maths 2020

Compare and order angles 3 Circle the greatest angle in each diagram.

1 Here are two angles.

4 Here is an angle.


a) Which angle is obtuse? 105°

b) Which angle is acute?

How do you know? a) Draw a smaller angle than 105° in the box on the left.

b) Draw a greater angle than 105° in the box on the right.

c) Is this statement true or false?

2 Here are two angles. The angles are in ascending order of size.

Explain your answer.

5 Order the angles from greatest to smallest.

a) What type of angle is angle X? a)

b) What type of angle is angle Y? a b c d

c) Which angle is smaller?

How do you know?

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7 Four angles are labelled in the quadrilateral.

b l
a c d

j m

a) Which of the angles are acute angles?

a b) Which of the angles are obtuse angles?

b c d
c) Write the angles in order of size, starting with the smallest.

8 An interior angle is marked in each polygon.

6 Compare and order the angles from smallest to greatest. A B C D E

b c

Order the interior angles of the polygons from smallest

e to greatest.
d f

What do you notice about the number of sides a polygon has

and the size of its interior angle?

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Triangles 3 Ron is classifying triangles.

This is an upside
down triangle.

1 Here are some shapes.

a) Ron is incorrect.

Explain why.

a) Tick the polygons. b) What type of triangle is it?

b) Talk to a partner about the shapes you have not ticked.
Why are they not polygons?

c) Write a definition of a polygon.

4 Annie is identifying shapes.

This shape
Compare your definition with a partner’s. has 3 sides, so it
is a triangle.

2 Tick the triangles.

Do you agree with Annie?

Explain your answer.

For any shapes you have not ticked, talk to a partner about
why somebody might think they are triangles.
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7 Draw each triangle in the grid.
5 Match the type of triangle to the definition.
a) isosceles b) right-angled c) scalene
2 sides and
2 angles equal

no sides or
angles equal

Which triangle was hardest to draw?

all sides and
all angles equal

8 The diagram shows an equilateral triangle and a square.

The perimeter of the square is 100 cm.

6 Label each triangle as either equilateral, isosceles or scalene. Work out the perimeter of the compound shape.
You will need to measure the side lengths.



 perimeter = cm

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Quadrilaterals 2 Here are some quadrilaterals.


1 Use the word bank to label each quadrilateral.

rhombus parallelogram trapezium

rectangle square

a) d)

a) Mark any right angles on the shapes.
b) e) One shape has been done for you.

b) Mark any pairs of parallel lines.

One shape has been done for you.

c) Which shapes do not have any right angles?

d) Which shapes have two pairs of parallel lines?

e) Which shapes have four equal sides?

How did you know which shape was which? Compare answers with a partner.
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3 Complete the table. 4 Draw the shapes on the grid.

a) square b) trapezium c) parallelogram

Number Number
Number of pairs
Shape Polygon? of right of equal
of sides of parallel
angles sides

Yes 4 4 2 2 pairs

This is a square
because it has got
4 equal sides.

Do you agree with Rosie?

Explain your answer.

6 Complete this Frayer Model to describe a quadrilateral.

My definition Key characteristics

Example Non-example

What is the same about all of the shapes?

What is different?

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