Test Questions 2022-2023

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Name: __________________________________________ Date: _________________ Score: __________

Direction: Read and answer the questions by writing the letter of the correct answer on the blank
before each number.
_____ 1. We should keep ourselves healthy by always washing our hands, eating nutritious foods, taking
vitamins, exercising regularly, and drinking plenty of water. What is the meaning of the underlined word based
on its context clue?
A. Clean B. Fresh C. Safe D. Strong
_____ 2. What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence? Snakes, sharks, and crocodiles are
common predators of smaller animals.
A. Carnivores B. Herbivores C. Hunters D. Victims
_____ 3. Quarantine is separation, detention, and seclusion. What could the word “quarantine” mean?
A. Circumstance B. Condition C. Isolation D. Situation
_____ 4. If you have taken an information from a certain website, do not forget to cite it in your paper as your
source. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. Acknowledge B. Appreciate C. Discuss D. Underline
_____ 5. What is plagiarizing that can happen when you will not cite your sources?
A. Copying B. Repeating C. Robbing D. Stealing
_____ 6. One way of citing your sources is to include a bibliography of these sources in a separate page of
your research paper. What is bibliography?
A. Copy of other studies B. List of scientific research
C. Worksheet of different sources D. List of related sources of information
_____ 7. In doing your research paper, you have to make sure that you use information taken from reliable
sources. What is “reliable”?
A. Common B. Intelligent C. Trustworthy D. Understandable
_____ 8. What modal completes the sentence: Annaliza ________ turn 16 this year and plans to have a simple
A. Can B. May C. Must D. Will
_____ 9. I have a friend who has the ________ to read minds. What completes the sentence?
A. Ability B. Possibility C. Request D. Permission
_____ 10. My father works abroad, but he promised that he ________ return home on my graduation day.
What is the correct modal for the sentence?
A. Can B. May C. Must D. Will
_____ 11. What is the use of the modal, “must” in a sentence?
A. Certainty B. Obligation C. Possibility D. Request
_____ 12. What transition signal completes the sentence? _____ the home quarantine period, military and
police forces are visible to monitor strict compliance of the policies.
A. As a result B. Because C. Consequently D. During
_____ 13. _____ most people are concerned about COVID-19, they hope for a vaccine. What is the most
appropriate signal to be used?
A. As a result B. Because C. Even though D. Still
_____ 14. What are transition signals?
A. Action words B. Connecting words C. Describing words D. Name words
_____ 15. Which among the sentences uses a linking verb that helps express an opinion?
A. You are brave enough to tell what you truly feel.
B. You should talk to a guidance counselor when you feel sad.
C. You made the right decision in sharing your problems to me.
D. You do know that your parents can help you in times of need.
_____ 16. Which of the following words expresses a positive feeling?
A. Anxious B. Carefree C. Inspired D. Objective
_____ 17. Parents are ________ to see their children help in the household chores. What word completes the
A. Amused B. Excited C. Happy D. Satisfied
_____ 18. Which among the adverbs below expresses unhappiness because of failing to meet
A. Disappointingly B. Disapprovingly C. Unfortunately D. Unluckily
_____ 19. All medical practitioners, including the army and police forces, are our frontliners in this pandemic;
thus, they lead in fighting against the COVID-19 disease. What part of the sentence explains that “frontliners”
means “leaders”?
A. They lead in fighting against Covid-19. B. They are medical practitioners.
C. They are army and police forces. D. They are against Covid-19 disease.
_____ 20. Which sentence uses “example” as a context clue type?
A. Among the siblings of thin body structure, Isabel is the only one who is portly.
B. In ancient times, some of our forefathers believed in amulets, such as pearl of the crocodile, pearl of
the ax, bullet necklace, and bag of herbs to protect them from harm.
C. Matthew had few infractions of the house rules that he should have done as part of his
D. It is common for Filipinos to feel compassion or pity for the suffering of their fellowmen.
_____ 21. Which of the following statements is TRUE about bibliography? It is a ________.
A. Sample of books to read later B. List of sources used in research
C. Place to go and check out books D. List of books students need to buy
_____ 22. Why is it important to cite the sources of information that you used in your research? It is important
because it ___________.
A. Gives credit to the author B. Is required by the teacher
C. Is generally a part of an essay D. Shows you made an effort in doing your assignment
_____ 23. Maria is annotating or marking a book source which she used for her report in Human
Body Parts. In which part of the book can she find the year of publication?
A. Back cover B. Cover page C. Copyright page D. Table of contents
_____ 24. Which of the statements would make a person below 21 years old feel sadder?
A. All persons below 21 years old must stay at home during Enhanced Community Quarantine.
B. All persons below 21 years old might stay at home during Enhanced Community Quarantine.
C. All persons below 21 years old can stay at home during Enhanced Community Quarantine.
D. All persons below 21 years old could stay at home during Enhanced Community Quarantine.
_____ 25. A. His 75-year-old mother is too old to ride a horse.
B. His 75-year-old mother might be too old to ride a horse.
What is not true about the 2 sentences?
A. Sentences A and B have different meanings.
B. Sentence A and B have the same meanings.
C. Sentence A states a fact that his mother is too old for horseback riding.
D. Sentence B expresses the possibility that his mother could no longer do horseback riding due to her
_____ 26. What best completes the sentence: I would rather spend and enjoy my journey here on earth ____.?
A. Because life is too short. B. Yet life is too short.
C. So that life is too short. D. And life is too short.
_____ 27. Due to weather disturbance, we may experience occasional rains. How do we extend the sentence?
A. In addition, we must bring our umbrellas with us.
B. Therefore, we must always bring our umbrellas with us.
C. Yet, we must bring our umbrellas with us.
D. So that we must bring our umbrellas with us.
_____ 28. Which of the following statements agrees with the issue on Promoting Physical and
Mental Health While Staying at Home?
A. Without a doubt, people have enjoyed gardening while staying at home.
B. We should responsibly express our comments on issues we read on Facebook.
C. Surely, exercising and bonding with our family are ways to spend our time indoors.
D. Clearly, many liked to spend most of their time playing mobile games than reading books.
_____ 29. Nanay, I want to go outside. I already missed playing with my friends. What does the verb want
A. Emphasizes a stand in influencing someone to agree with your ideas
B. Stating the strong belief of the speaker towards an existing fact.
C. Expressing a desire to tell someone what you would like to happen.
D. Stating a feeling in persuading someone.
_____ 30. No, Noel. I strongly disagree. You should follow what I tell you. What does disagree emphasize?
A. Emphasizes a stand in influencing someone to agree with your ideas
B. Stating the strong belief of the speaker towards an existing fact.
C. Expressing a desire to tell someone what you would like to happen.
D. Stating a feeling in persuading someone.
_____ 31. “Gold and brass will never meet in wedlock, silver, and iron never will embrace, until the flesh of a
maiden be melted in the crucible; until the blood of a virgin be mixed with the metals in their fusion.” What does
the statement mean?
A. Gold, brass, silver, and iron will fuse when mixed with blood.
B. The blood of a virgin maiden is made up of gold, brass, silver, and iron.
C. Gold, brass, silver, and iron will fuse when mixed with the blood of a virgin.
D. Gold, brass, silver, and iron will never be fused together by a virgin maiden.
_____ 32. How is definition as a type of context clue best used in a sentence?
A. A treasure hunter is a person who searches for treasures from sunken ships and ancient tombs to
obtain valuable relics and artifacts.
B. The stench of the garbage was like the smell of a rotten fish.
C. Matthew had few infractions of the house rules that he should have done as part of his
D. When one shows belligerence, harsh words, disruptive actions, and offensive behaviors can be
_____ 33. How should the author’s name be written in a Bibliography?
A. Belinda Perez and Nathalia Abuzo
B. Nathalia Abuzo and Belinda Perez
C. Perez, Belinda and Abuzo, Nathalia
D. Perez and Abuzo
_____ 34. How is the complete title of the book be written?
A. PROUD PINAY: Inspirational Stories of Filipino Women.
B. Proud Pinay: Inspirational Stories of Filipino Women.
C. PROUD PINAY: Inspirational Stories of Filipino Women.
D. Proud Pinay: Inspirational Stories of Filipino Women.
_____ 35. In the bibliography, what detail should come first?
A. Author’s name B. Place where the book is published
C. Name of publisher D. Title
_____ 36. What sentence states a Possibility?
A. The plan must be accomplished without her knowing it.
B. May I borrow your pen?
C. It may rain today.
D. You should wear appropriate attire for your job interview.
_____ 37. How can Request be evident in a sentence?
A. The students can sing harmoniously. B. I will come back after sunset.
C. We can avoid the COVID-19 by following health protocols. D. Will you open the windows?
_____ 38. What will complete the substance of the sentences?
My mom loves pasta, ____ she dislikes spaghetti._____, she did not like lasagna._______, she loves
macaroni.______, she loves pancit guisado, pancit bihon, sotanghon, and palabok.
A. As, also, likewise, similarly B. But, similarly, on the contrary, likewise
C. But, despite, however, even though D. Also, likewise, as, on the contrary
_____ 39. _______ you go to the stadium to watch your favorite basketball game, make sure that you have
your snacks and video camera that you will use _______ the game. ___________, you will find it enjoyable
when you can ______________ eat while videotaping. What set of transitional signals complete the
A. After, before, during, first B. Later, next, simultaneously, soon
C. First, before, during, after D. Before, during, later, simultaneously
_____ 40. You _____responsible for your own health. You _____ take care of your body,
or you will suffer the consequences. If you get sick, you will not be able to work, play, or
do anything that you like. Therefore, you ______ take care of your health. What verbs are appropriate to fill in
the sentences?
A. Are, better, must B. Was, better, could
C. Am, better must D. Were, better, ought to
_____ 41. How will you rephrase the sentence using a linking verb? Tom, a grade 8 student, loves to read
books and newspapers.
A. Tom are a grade 8 student who loves to read books and newspaper.
B. Tom is a grade 8 student who love to read books and newspaper.
C. Tom were a grade 8 student who loves to read books and newspaper.
D. Tom am a grade 8 student who loves to read books and newspaper.
_____ 42. What sentence in the paragraph describes the feelings of young people towards sharing their
thoughts to their parents?

A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth

_____ 43. Which of the following bibliography entries contain a complete information of the source?
A. Amparo, Elmer. The Government of Early Philippine Society. Lipad Publishing Group.
B. Pamano, Alma, and Burdeos, Kris. “The Beautiful Islands of Dinagat.” One Mindanao.
C. Yagong, Michelle and Pineda Afonso. “Festivals in the Philippines.”
D. Zapico, Leo. “First Filipino Bags Gold in Olympics.” National Press, August 17, 2018.
_____ 44. Which of the following is an example of a correct bibliography entry?
A. DESOLO, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau.
July 17, 2020.
B. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July
17, 2020.
C. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July
17, 2020.
D. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July
17, 2020.
_____ 45. What is wrong with the format of this sample annotated bibliography entry in Chicago
Manual of Style format?

A. the proper indention B. the proper punctuations

C. the format of the date accessed D. the way the author’s name is written
_____ 46. A. During the encounter, he picked up a cowrie shell that was lying on the road and
offered it to the king but the king told him to keep it.
B. After some time working, he finally met with the king.
C. Makato dreamed of going on an adventure to a far and bigger place where the land was fertile,
and the people were kind and wanted to meet the king.
D. He gave one big lettuce to the king when he saw hima nd told that he grew them from the cowrie
shell he has given him before.
E. He exchanged the cowrie shell to some seeds of lettuce and he grew them very well.
What is the proper sequence of the parts of the story, “Makato and the Cowrie Shell”?
A. A, B, C, D, E B. E, D, C, B, A C. C, B, A, E, D D. D, E, C, B, A
_____ 47. Read and analyze the passage. What conclusion can we get from
the tips given.
First, you need to A. Developing a good study habit will help you succeed. B. Have a
plan and organize your positive mindset.
activities. For example, plan C. Plan and organize. D. Social media can be disrupting
when you will do your while studying.
assignments, tests, projects, _____ 48. When a learner is required to do research on his/her assignment,
outputs, and other activities. which of the following should be the most appropriate action? A learner...
Also, you need to think A. Posts his/her question on Ask.com and waits for someone to answer it.
about how much time you
B. Does the research on the internet and directly copies what is
will spend to each.
Second, find a place immediately posted on Google.
where you will not be C. Gets information from various websites and acknowledges the author
disturbed to study. For by writing the sources found.
instance, studying in front of D. Waits for his/her classmates to do their assignment first so he/she
a television, or with noisy could copy it.
and crowded areas will not _____ 49. What can you recommend to someone who plans to copy a text
be helpful. In addition, from a book for his research paper?
texting, online gaming, and A. Simply copy from a classmate or a friend.
face booking while studying B. Read more books and get more texts from them.
are also forms of disruptions.
C. Use reliable sources for his research.
Third, develop a
study plan, knowing the D. Give credit to the authors by using citation and bibliography.
lessons will be easier. _____ 50. What is your conclusion regarding a friend who copies texts from
Similarly, knowing the books for his research?
different test types will help A. It is a nice practice to read and use many books for his research.
set your mind. Furthermore, B. He will get high grades or mark for his research.
having review-strategies will C. He is stealing the ideas of original authors which is not a good
make studying easier during practice.
examinations. D. He should not limit his research from books only.
Fourth, read a lot. It _____ 51. Residents complain bitterly about the trash thrown anywhere, yet
pays to develop the habit of
these same people are the ones doing it. With the use of the signal, what is
Lastly, think positive. your opinion regarding the statement?
Having the right mindset will A. The people who are complaining are the people who do not obey
make things different. rules.
B. The people who are complaining are the responsible people on garbage disposal.
C. Garbage is a big problem in the community.
D. Many people are angry at people who do not throw trash properly.
_____ 52. What signal will you select for the sentence? A lot of people ignored the reminder of the government
to stay at home to avoid exposure to the disease. _____, number of cases increased.
A. In fact B. Such as C. As a result D. In addition
_____ 53. What is the meaning of the sentence where connector “and” is being used?
Dogs and cats are cute.
A. Either dog or cat is cute. B. Dogs are cuter than cats.
C. Both dogs and cats are cute. D. Dogs and cats are not cute.
_____ 54. Noel: Nanay, I want to go outside. I already missed playing with my friends.
Nanay: Unfortunately, with this pandemic, I think you better stay home. I am afraid
that you will get sick. Besides that, we are still under Enhanced Community
Quarantine (ECQ).
What word in the conversation states strong belief to a fact?
A. Still B. Think C. Unfortunately D. Want



Name: __________________________________________ Date: _________________ Score: __________

Direction: Read and answer the questions by writing the letter of the correct answer on the blank
before each number.
_____ 1. How do we call the source of information that is usually published daily, weekly, or at other regular
times that provides news, views, features, and other information of public interest and that often carries
A. Diary B. Dictionary C. Encyclopedia D. Newspaper
_____ 2. What source of information contains listing of words in one or more specific languages, often
arranged alphabetically, which may include information on definitions, usage, etymologies, pronunciations,
translation, etc.?
A. Diary B. Dictionary C. Encyclopedia D. Newspaper
_____ 3. What writing contains personal record of events and experiences, thoughts, or feelings?
A. Diary B. Dictionary C. Encyclopedia D. Newspaper
_____ 4. Which is best to use if you want to show the sequence of events in a story?
A. Bar Graph B. Concept Map C. Table D. Timeline
_____ 5. Which of the following can be presented using a flow chart?
A. Steps in online enrolment B. Comparing distance learning and online learning
C. Effects of lockdown to employees D. Number of Covid-19 cases by region
_____ 6. Which of the following graphic organizers will you use to compare and contrast two characters in a
A. Bar Graph B. Concept Map C. Pie Graph D. Venn Diagram
_____ 7. Which of the following refers to a general organizer that shows a central idea with its corresponding
A. Concept Map B. Pie Graph C. Timeline D. Venn Diagram
_____ 8. What is the most exciting part of a story?
A. Climax B. Conflict C. Plot D. Setting
_____ 9. How do we call the time and location in which a story takes place?
A. Climax B. Conflict C. Plot D. Setting
_____ 10. Which of the following is not a primary source?
A. Interviews B. Legal Documents C. Movie reviews D. Pieces of creative writing
_____ 11. How do you call when you state another piece of writing in your own words?
A. Glossary B. Paraphrase C. Quote D. Source
_____ 12. What do you call anything that supplies information?
A. Database B. Reliable C. Source D. Work cited
_____ 13. What type of listening happens when we appreciate music, poetry or inspirational messages?
A. Appreciative B. Critical C. Comprehensive D. Empathetic
_____ 14. What is listening to learn content and to separate main ideas from sub points and details?
A. Appreciative B. Critical C. Comprehensive D. Empathetic
_____ 15. What is the form of literary criticism that describes or analyses a book in terms of content, style, and
A. Book Review B. Critique C. Evaluation D. Evidence
_____ 16. How do we call the genre of academic writing that summarizes and critically evaluates a work or
A. Analysis B. Critique C. Evaluation D. Evidence
_____ 17. What do we call the idea where it includes oral stories, interviews, dialogues, monologues, phone
conversations, discussions, role plays, or any other piece of spoken language?
A. Communication B. Conversation C. Spoken Texts D. Written Texts
_____ 18. Which of the following terms is the property of a person or of a system that delivers information
quickly and with expertise?
A. Cohesion B. Correctness C. Fluency D. Tone
_____ 19. Which of these sentences is most likely to persuade you?
A. Come here, help me! B. Never mine buddy I can do it!
C. Just wait for me, I’ll be back in few minutes. D. I think we’re late, would you like me to help me you?
_____ 20. Which non-linear illustration will you use to show in percentage form where you spend your Php100
daily allowance?
A. Bar Graph B. Line Graph C. Pie Graph D. Timeline
_____ 21. Any concept or idea that follows a distinct order can be presented using which of the following?
A. Concept Map B. Pie Graph C. Timeline D. Table
_____ 22. When he saw his baby brother sniffling in a corner, Carl patted the seat next to him. “Wanna play?”
What personality trait did Carl show?
A. Lonely B. Nervous C. Sheepish D. Sympathetic
_____ 23. What describes an information that is trusted and accurate?
A. Glossary B. Relevant C. Reliable D. Source
_____ 24. How do we call when a source is created by people who witness or took part in the events?
A. Database B. Index C. Primary source D. Secondary Source
_____ 25. What type of listening is the following scenario/ dialogue?
“I understand what you're saying.”
A. Appreciative B. Comprehensive C. Critical D. Empathetic
_____ 26. What type of listening is the following scenario/ dialogue? -A You Tube video tutorial is being shown.
A. Appreciative B. Comprehensive C. Critical D. Empathetic
_____ 27.

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