Diagnostic Test in English 8

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Name: Grade & Section: Date: Score_____

Read each question carefully and write the letter of your correct answer in your notebook. The word you are going
to define is underlined.

1. No matter where you go, the Internet is following you. Almost every portable device is made with an Internet
connection. Most new TVs and many other appliances come with Internet connections as well. The Internet is truly

If something is ubiquitous, ________________.

a. it is fuzzy and will bite you c. it costs too much money

b. it is everywhere d. it causes rashes

2. Speaking rudely to the judges was rash behavior. You really hurt your chances of winning!

In the above context, what does "rash" mean?

a. an itchy skin condition c. trying to disguise a piece of cheese

b. funny d. with little thought or consideration

3. Some people are always bashing the president just like others bashed the one before him. Wouldn't you think that
everyone could find something to praise him for, at least once in a while?

What does "bashing" mean in the above selection?

a. hitting hard with a heavy tool c. speaking or writing harshly about

b. going to too many expensive parties d. voting for a different candidate

4. Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his life-saving research.

What does "esteemed" mean?

a. held over boiling water c. unable to chew gum

b. very old d. greatly admired

5. I believe that if you lower taxes so that people can keep more of the money they earn, it will be an incentive for them
to work harder.

What is the meaning of "incentive"?

a. a reason to do something c. a tax

b. a small amount of money d. a good job

Directions: Complete the sentences by supplying each item with the appropriate modal. Write the letter of the correct
answer on your activity notebook.
6. Juan and Maria ________ be good players. They have won several trophies already.
a. must b. can c. shall d. will
7. Fred _________ be working today. He never works on Sundays.
a. might not b. cannot c. ought to not d. may not
8. You look tired. I think you _____________ go to bed early tonight.
a. should b. could c. would d. might
9. Let me look. I _____________ be able to help you.
a. can b. shall c. must d. might
10. I _______________ stop laughing. The joke was too funny.
a. must not b. should not c. could not d. shall not
11. The mosquito spends its early life in the water ______ lives on land and in the air for the rest of its life.

A. but B. since C. therefore D. besides

12. Studies show that a person’s IQ increases with age; _________, as people grow older, they become more tolerant
and more open-minded and objective in their thinking.

A. therefore B. furthermore C. instead D. yet

13. A strong typhoon Yolanda hit the Eastern part of the country. ______, many houses and trees lay in complete ruins.

A. However B. Besides C. As a result D. Because

14. Hypertension is called by many as “the silent killer”. _______ in many cases, it produces no symptoms until
permanent organ damage results in chronic illness or death.

A. Yet B. Meanwhile C. Moreover D. Because

15. Carnivores or flesh eaters are animals that eat other animals. _______, omnivores are animals that eat whatever
they can find.

A. On the other hand B. Since C. Instead D. Besides

Choose the letter of the best answer in each item below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

16. Which of the following verbs can be used to give formal recommendation?

A. agree B. dislike C. must D. ought to

17. You ________________ work on your assignment now, or you will not have time doing it later.

A. could B. had better C. must D. should

B. must C. would D. had better

18. Along with nutritious food, we should take vitamins so boost our immune system to fight against diseases. In the
sentence, the word should is an example of a/an _______ verb.

A. action B. auxiliary C. emotional response verb D. modal

19. Which among the sentences uses an emotional response verb tort helps express an emotion?

A. I admire you for telling the truth to everyone.

B. One must follow health protocols at all times.

C. It seems that you have a problem doing your assignment.

D. We should be thankful for the blessing we receive every day.

20. What is the most appropriate transition signal to be used for comparing in the sentence below? Zeng thought his cat
might be killed ________ what happened to his chickens.

A. similar to B. opposite to C. different to D. in contrast to

21. Which transition signal for comparing should be used to complete the sentence below? There are traditions and
beliefs of Thais which are ________ the Filipinos.

A. different to B. opposite to C. in contrast to D. the same with

22. What is the most appropriate transition signal for contrasting to be used in the sentence below? This ceremony has
been performed by the peasants since time immemorial, __________, nothing happened.

A. however B. similar to C. compared to D. the same with

23. What do you call a text that contains facts about people, places, things, or events?

A. Argumentative B. Narrative C. Expository D. Report

24. When comparing the cultures of Asian countries like Thailand and Philippines, which graphic organizer is most
appropriate to be used for comparing?

A. Timeline Chart B. Schematic Diagram C. Venn Diagram D. Organizational Chart

25. Where in a sentence is an opinion-marking signal usually written?

A. at the end B. at the beginning C. at the middle D. both at the beginning and end
26. Which of the following phrases is an example of an opinion-marking signal?
A. I believe… B. Based on the recent survey… C. According to research… D. In the press conference
27. All of the sentences below are opinions, EXCEPT
A. In his interview, the mayor announced that they will provide assistance to thestudents.
B. Lino believes that all students will be happy about the mayor’sannouncement.
C. From what Lino knows, many stakeholders extended help to assist thelearners in their studies.
D. Lino is confident that, through the assistance of the many stakeholders, hewill survive the school year despite the
many challenges.
28. None of the Grade 8 learners are allowed to go out to get their modules due to age restriction imposed by the
government to mitigate COVID-19 infection risk. What word signals a negative message in the statement?
A. none B. mitigate C. infection D. restriction 2 CO_Q2_English8_Module5
29. I am very delighted that my teachers exert effort in communicating with us— not just because it is their job, but
because of the love and compassion they have for the learners. What word in the statement signals a positive message?
A. A.love B. exert C. effort D. delighted
30. Neither of my internet service providers satisfies my needs for online class. What word in the statement indicates a
negative message?
A. online B. neither C. internet D. satisfies
31. What is the BEST explanation why water must be filtered before it becomes drinkable or potable?
A. to prevent us from dehydration
B. to enjoy the benefits of the water
C. to contain bacteria and microbes present in water
D. to eliminate dirt, minerals, chemicals, and other impurities
32. Which of the following statements does NOT explain what the infographic is all about?
A. The infographic illustrates the acidity of water.
B. The infographic presents how to get drinking water.
C. The infographic tells that ordinary water can be potable or drinkable.
D. The infographic shows the step by step procedure of making water safe for drinking
33. Which of the following verbs can be used to expresses a strong obligation?
A. agree B. dislike C. must D. ought to
34. If you have problems, you ____________ visit the guidance office or talk to someone you trust.
A. could B. must C. would D. had better
35. Instead of wasting your time playing mobile games, you ___________ read and study your lessons if you don’t want
to fail your exams.
A. could B. should C. had better D. ought to
36. The doctor ought to recommend eating the right kind and amount of food as an effective way to stay healthy. In the
sentence, the word ought to is an example of a/an _______ verb.
A. action B. auxiliary C. emotional response verb D. modal
5. Which among the sentences uses an emotional response verb that helps express an emotion?
A. You are brave enough to tell what you truly feel.
B. I appreciate you for sharing your problems to me.
C. Our parents can definitely help us in times of need.
D. One should only tell his/her secret to a trusted friend 3 CO_Q1_English8_Module5
37. Which of the following is the correct definition of an adjective? It is a word that ________________________.
A. expresses a state of being.
B. expresses a strong obligation.
C. describes nouns and pronouns.
D. describes verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
38. The words below are adjectives that express a positive feeling, except ______.
A. anxious B. carefree C. inspired D. objective
39. It is _________ to see friends backstabbing each other.
A. insignificant B. impolite C. worst D. sad

40. ______________, many health workers volunteered in helping those who cannot afford medical services.
A. Fortunately B. Objectively C. Probably D. Truthfully


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