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Lesson 1

Guided Practice

A. Preliminary Activity. Answer the following questions:

1. Does the school have a research agenda?

- Yes, they have research agenda

2. What are included in the school’s research agenda?

- School community, social development and individual growth are included in

school's agenda.

3. Is there a policy for teachers to conduct action research?

- As far as i know, they os no policy for teachers to conduct action research

4. What is the focus of their action research?

- Action research is to comprehend what is occurring in a particular district, school,

or classroom in order to identify potential improvements to student learning there.

5. Is there available funding for this action research?

- There is no funding in conducting action research

B. Analysis of Action Research

Examine the previous action research conducted by the teachers. Supply the
information needed in the table.

Needed Information Data

1. How many action research are There was 10-15 action research
conducted each year? conducted each year
2. How many teachers are doing action Action research is being conducted by
research? 10–15 teachers.
3. What are the topics of their action The issues are those that arise in schools,
research? according to the topics.
4. How many action research were
There is no published action research or
published or presented in a
presentations at the conference.
5. How many action research were There is no action research that has been
funded by the school or an outside supported by outside funding or the
agency? institution.
C. Conduct an interview. Ask the following questions:

1. Are you aware of the action research process?

- Mr. Gumapac contends that educators need to be familiar with the techniques used
in action research. He is familiar with the different parts, subsections, and
organizational elements of the study report. Additionally, he asserts that the
methodology used for action research must be appropriate for the subject matter or
social issue being studied. Additionally, researchers must engage in the proper
actions by outlining the innovation, intervention, and strategies that they propose as
well as an action plan, cost estimates, study work plan, and plans for dissemination.

2. What prompted you to conduct an action research?

-Mr. Joemark Gumapac asserts that in 2016, while he was still instructing Practical
Research 1 and working on his dissertation, the principal of his school challenged
him to conduct an action study. His principal advised him that, given his
postgraduate enrollment, he should demonstrate his research skills and abilities by
carrying out an action research for the benefit of the school rather than for his own
personal goal of receiving a doctorate degree.

3. What are your action research topics?

- He asserts that motivational factors and retention goals are the focus of his action

4. Do you have enough time to conduct action research?

- He contends that as research seeks to provide new knowledge and identify answers
to particular issues, it requires methodical techniques. The study's completion
requires time and effort.

5. Are there incentives for teachers who conduct action research?

-Mr. Joemark Gumapac claims that because of an incentive conversion to unit load
for educators who engage in action research, he will no longer be required to carry
full teaching loads.

6. How did action research improve your teaching practices?

- He asserts that action research enables them to evaluate ongoing procedures in

institutions, organizations, communities, and schools. It enhances his ability to teach
by enabling him to learn new information and fully understand a subject. Through
research, he can continually enhance his teaching methods. Action research assists in
resolving social issues that are currently controversial.

7. How did action research enhance students’ learning?

- Action research enhances students' learning by providing knowledge or information.

It gives pupils a better understanding of the problems that exist and how they are
solved by offering a number of solutions. It enables pupils to familiarize themselves
with the various procedures. Additionally, it enhances pupils' vocabulary, analytical
thinking, and problem-solving skills.

8. How did you disseminate the results of your action research?

- According to Mr. Gumapac, he shared the findings through hosting LAC Sessions
and going to conferences, and he is now in a position to publish them.

Guided Practice

A. Interview some teacher-researchers using the following questions. Summarize

their responses and write them on the space provided after each question.

1. Who influence you to conduct action research?

- Mr. Gumapac asserts that the Calaca Senior High School administration
encouraged him to conduct action research.

2. What prompted you to conduct action research?

- While still teaching Practical Research 1 and working on his dissertation, Mr.
Joemark Gumapac reports that in 2016, the principal of his school challenged him to
conduct an action study. His principal advised him that, because he was enrolled in
postgraduate courses, he should demonstrate his research ability by carrying out an
action research for the benefit of the school rather than for his own motivation to
earn a doctorate degree,

3. What was your experience when you conducted your first action research?

-He asserts that after finishing his first action study, he believed his colleagues
valued his work because they profited from it. He also asserts that although
conducting research for the first time was challenging, he found the experience to be
rewarding and pleasurable once he saw the results of his efforts.

4. How do you disseminate the results of your action research to other teachers?

-Mr. Gumapac claims that he has been able to publish the results after distributing
them through organizing LAC Sessions and going to conferences.

5. How does action research help you as a teacher?

- Mr. Gumapac claims that by conducting action research, identifying the problems'
core causes, and gathering information, it helped him and his coworkers improve the
abilities they needed to acquire. He can offer a remedy that will enable them to
develop their instructing abilities.

6. What are the lessons you learned from your action research experiences?

-Every problem has a solution, as Mr. Joemark Gumapac learned.

B. Interview the principal using these questions. Write his/her answers in the space

1. How did action research improve the culture of the teachers?

- Teachers are more aware of what is happening inside and outside of the classroom.
It helps them become better teachers and promotes thoughtful instruction.

2. What are the positive benefits of action research to your school?

- Action research improved teachers' professional careers in education. Students

learn how to enhance their educational processes from it. It provides a solid platform
for addressing major issues in the classroom and school as well as for improving the
school community.
3. How did action research develop school performance?

- Action research may help teachers and school officials understand what happens in
the classroom better.

4. How did action research improve the quality of students’ learning?

- By learning by doing, it enables educators to advance both personally and


5. What curricular and instructional innovations were developed as a result of action


- It enhances teachers' strategies for educating children.

Do you think action research helped develop a culture of excellence among teachers
and students? Explain your answer.

- Yes, action research is essential for a learning institution's development. It can

assist the teacher in ensuring efficient professional growth for themselves. Since
teachers serve as moral educators, they should feel as though the work they perform
has the greatest priority. Any type of teacher development program should attempt
to uplift as well as inspire those taking part in it. It should be designed to ensure
improved student performance as well as enhanced teamwork and collaboration.


I realized that

- Through the action research approach, they can practice problem solving and serve
as role models for their students. To diagnose issues, look for answers, act on
attractive opportunities, and assess the effectiveness of their decisions, they
systematically gather information.

I believe it is essential to

- create an action research that provides you with data to assist you teach and lead
more strategically and effectively, which enhances teaching and learning approaches.
Students can better apply their knowledge in real-world settings with the aid of
academic research.

From now on, I am determined to

- conduct action research to desired a better connectiom with my future students and
guide them toward becoming better citizens and learners. I can use action research
as a reflective approach to introduce changes to the classroom and assess if they have
the desired impact.
Lesson 3

Guided Practice


a. How did you select your topics for action research?

- Mr. Joemark Gumapac, a teacher researcher and the president of Calaca Senior
High School, claims that he selects his study topics by identifying the issue that
needs to be resolved in schools the most urgently.

b. What prompted you to embark on these topics?

-Mr. Joemark Gumapac claims that he is forced to discuss these issues when the
issue has a direct bearing on the students' learning because he feels that, as a
researcher, he is required to take action.

c. How did you select the questions for your action research?

- Mr. Joemark Gumapac claimed that he conducted research to get relevant

information from which he might learn certain questions. As he develops his
investigations, he also seeks advice from some of his pupils and colleagues.

d. How long did you conduct your action research?

- He says it took him three to six months to do his action research.

e. What challenges and problems did you encounter while conducting your action

- Mr. Gumapac claims that because of time constraints, conducting research is

difficult for him because of the amount of paper work and school-related activities he
must complete. His capacity to finish the project is further hampered by a lack of
funding and motivation.


Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

1. Do the topics reflect the educational issues and problems encountered in school?

-Yes, most of the research topics are aligned with the academic issues and problems
that students encountered at school

2. Are the research questions aligned with the research topics?

- Yes, the research question are always connected to the research topic

3. What could be done to help teachers improve topic selection and the development of
good research questions?

- By identifying the problems and issues that corresponds to the topic of her
research and to examines the feasibility of the study topic

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that

- Education research has facilitated important advancements in curriculum

development and reform, teaching students who have learning challenges,
comprehending individual differences and learning preferences, and customizing
teaching strategies to meet the requirements of specific students.

I believe it is essential to

- know that research paper, dissertation, or thesis should be guided by a good

research question. It identifies precisely what you are trying to learn and provides
your work a distinct focus and goal.

From now on, I am determined to

- Conduct an action research for better experience and broader knowledge about the
problems and issues within the field or environment.



A. in your own words, how will you define instructional planning?

- The method of selecting what to teach and how to teach during the teaching-
learning process is known as instructional planning. The teacher can create goals,
objectives, and instructional and evaluation methodologies for the classroom with the
use of instructional planning. In order to establish, assess, and manage the
educational process in the classroom, thorough planning is helpful.

B. Which among the tips in instructional planning is the most difficult to follow? Why
do you think so?

- For me, it is the try to plan atleast a week in advance, i might say that teachers
have a lot of things to do they work so hard and with so little time to accomplish so
much. They plan differentiated lessons to meet the needs of the diverse learners in
their classroom, review student work, and teach several subjects or courses each day.
They also strategize with parents and experts about how to support particular

C. What will happen if the teacher did not prepare for the classroom instruction?

- Without lesson plans, teachers won't be certain of the goals, activities, and
resources needed for instruction. On what to teach, teachers are completely lost.
Without sufficient preparation, the lesson won't be effective. The teacher's lessons
will lose their appeal as the students get uninterested.

D. Which among the given tips above is the most important? Why?

- Among all the tips, the most important for me is to use a checklist, because it divide
difficult activities into simpler, more manageable steps. They aid educators in
maintaining focus and evaluating student progress in relation to the checklist.

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

* I realized that:

- Planning the content that students will learn as well as how they will learn it is
part of the instructional process. Long-term goals and short-term goals should both
be included in planning.

* I believe it is essential to:

- use a variety of techniques to create thorough lesson plans that adhere to the
curricular goals of institutions and their communities, instructional planning aims to
ensure that teachers are appropriately prepared to achieve the educational goals of
all students.

* From now on, I am determined to:

- Use a instructional planning, because it enables us to deliver clear, timely lectures

that encourage participation and interest from the students. In order for teachers to
respond to what they learn about their students' learning as they teach, effective
planning also involves some built-in flexibility.


Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the importance of writing a lesson plan?

- A lesson plan acts as a strategic plan for a teacher to decide what the students will
learn, how the lesson will be presented, and how learning will be assessed on a daily
basis. By providing a thorough blueprint that teachers follow throughout each
session, lesson plans help teachers perform their duties in the classroom more
successfully. This makes it possible to use every minute of class to teach important
ideas and hold fruitful conversations rather than figure out what to do as you go

2. In preparing a lesson plan, which part is the most difficult to prepare?

- I believe that selecting a subject to teach and the subject matter is the most difficult
aspect of developing a lesson plan. Because it includes the particular subject and how
it connects to the overall topic. Whether they are books, websites, or other sources,
they should list the information's sources or references. It probably includes a list of
any materials or equipment teachers might utilize to improve their lessons.

3. Which do you think is the most important part of the lesson plan? Why?

- For me, its learning objectives because a lesson plan's main focus is, on a learning
objective. Lessons, evaluations, and teaching that can be proven to satisfy your
overall course or lesson goals are built upon objectives. Consider objectives as
instruments you employ to ensure you accomplish your aims.

I realized that:

- Creating a lesson plan is an essential component of developing a comprehensive

curriculum. It dives deeper into the specifics to ensure that you provide your pupils
the relevant material at the correct time and that your job is easier by providing you
with a clear path that you can take each day.

I believe it is essential to:

- integrate a lesson plan that they take into account when delivering instruction. The
strategy could be as straightforward as a list or as intricate as a full system.
Teachers create lesson plans as crucial tools to direct their training sessions. To
accomplish the targeted learning objectives, they are appropriately planned,
organized, and carried out.

From now on, I am determined to:

- Considering an learning objectives and providing opportunities for students to

learn, confirm, and demonstrate what they have been taught serve as the foundation
for developing a lesson plan. It promotes a learning atmosphere that places more
emphasis on the class as a whole than on the teacher.

Guided Practice

A. Observe your cooperating teacher in one of his/her classes. List ten(10) teaching
strategies that he/she used and determine the level of participation of the students

Teaching Strategy Level of participation

1Lecture Medium
2 Discussion Medium
3 Debate Medium
4 Question and Answer Medium
5Video High
6 Gaming/Quiz Medium
7Assignment Medium
8 Role Play High
9Ice Breaker Meduim
10 Brainstorming Medium

B. Explain the guiding principles in selecting and using appropriate

teaching strategies.

1. Learning is an active process

- Any educational activity in which the student actively engages in the learning
process rather than merely absorbing the knowledge is referred to as active learning.
Active learning concentrates on the process of learning rather than the content itself.
Instead than listening to the teacher lecture, students are urged to "think hard."
2. The more senses that are involved in learning, the more and the better learning.

- Learning occurs when the mind is able to combine data from all of the senses and
draw connections to prior knowledge. Learning becomes more meaningful and
practical when knowledge is gathered using a variety of senses. Children naturally
use all of their senses to learn.

3. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning.

- Emotion has the ability to improve memory and learning. In fact, the more
emotionally invested our students are in our lecture, the greater the impact because
we tend to recall and learn more about things that touch our hearts. The impression
becomes stronger the more intense the excitement.

4. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to students’ everyday life.

- Children's grasp of the learning concepts and their surroundings depends on

making learning relevant. When teachers relate concepts to students' everyday lives,
link new learning to prior knowledge, and give students hands-on learning
opportunities, they help students learn in a meaningful way.

5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information.

- By evaluating pupils' past knowledge, a teacher can restrict their concentration and
modify their lesson plan. It aids pupils in making connections between previously
learned material and new information. The majority of instruction focuses only on
recollection and comprehension.

6. An integral teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of

- Integrative learning is a method in which the learner combines their earlier

knowledge and experiences with their current ones to benefit them. By doing this,
students build on their prior knowledge and apply it to more complicated new


Examine the data you have gathered, answer the following questions:

1. Based on your observation, what is the common level of participation of the

students to the teaching used by the teacher?

- Based on what i have observed in class, meduim is the level of students


2. Which among the guiding principles of selecting and using teaching strategies is
the most important? Why?

- For me is " Learning is meaningful when it is connected to students’ everyday life."

Because, dtudents develop critical cognitive abilities through meaningful learning
that they will apply throughout their lives. Students evaluate, analyze, remember,
and compare information using cognitive skills. In the long run, meaningful learning
is the best approach for students to become actively involved in their education.
3. Why do teachers need to use various teaching strategies?

- Because all learners' developmental needs are met by effective teaching

methodologies that accommodate all learning preferences. To boost their
effectiveness and the prospects for student learning, teachers must have a well-
rounded inventory of efficient teaching techniques.


Write you reflection by completing the following statements:

* I realized that:

- the teacher must match the instructional tactics they employ to the learners they
are teaching and the subject matter they are covering. Teachers must learn to
evaluate which educational method will be the best match because not every
situation will call for a particular strategy.

* I believe it is essential to:

- have the flexibility needed that address the requirements of every student due to
instructional methodologies. A teacher must have the ability to differentiate
instruction due to the wide variety of instructional methodologies at their own
teaching strategies.

* From now on, I am determined to:

- improve instruction and increase learning. They improve with practice at not only
identifying excellent teaching techniques but also at putting them into practice in the
classroom. When students are exposed to a range of instructional methodologies,
their perspective on learning is broadened, thus offering them a number of ways to
process and learn new knowledge.

C. Explain the guiding principles in selecting and using instructional


1. All instructional materials are aids to instruction. They do not replace the teacher.

- It is believed that while effective teaching tools can never fully replace a teacher,
they can help the instructor accomplish their goals for both teaching and learning.
Select the learning resource that most closely matches your learning goals. Decide
what you want to do, then use the methods most likely to result in your goals.

2. Choose the instructional material that best suits your instructional objectives.

- What students encounter and learn will be based on the instructional materials.
They have the capacity to either inspire or demotivate students. As a result, it's
important to carefully consider how you choose, organize, use, and arrange your
instructional resources.

3. If possible, used a variety of tools?

- In addition to retaining students' attention, using films, computers, direct expenses,

and the whiteboard meets the needs of those who process information differently
whether digitalized or using visual aids.
4. Check out your instructional material before class starts to be sure it is working

- Before class begins, make sure your instructional materials are functioning
properly. This also avoid taking a lot of time before proceeding to class discussion so
that it is important to check all the materials beforehand.


Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the importance of using appropriate materials in the class?

- Teaching and learning materials serve to make lessons exciting, learning simple,
and allow teachers to simply communicate concepts. Using different learning
materials can greatly raise students' accomplishment levels by facilitating learning.

2. What common instructional materials does your cooperating teacher use in his/her

- The common instructional material that our cooperating teacher always use during
her classes are PowerPoint presentation wherein she use creative digitalized design
to catch her students'attention.

3. Do the top 10 most used instructional materials of your cooperating teacher use
more than one sense?


Write you reflection by completing the following statements:

* I realized that:

- the students encounter and learn will be based on the instructional materials. They
have the capacity to either inspire or intimidate students. As a result, it's important
to carefully consider how you choose, organize, use, and arrange your instructional

* I believe it is essential to:

- develop a appropriate instructional material in teaching and learning because it

makes the inaccessible accessible. They offer a shared experience that late learning
can build upon. They energize and inspire pupils to learn.

* From now on, I am determined to:

- consider learning materials that is suitable for my students, because It is necessary

for teachers to be aware of the preferred learning styles of their students since this
information will enable them to tailor their lesson plans to each student's needs at
different phases of their learning process.

Lesson 1


1. How essential is the use of varied instructional resources to teaching and learning?

- By the help of using instructional material in teaching and learning serve as a

source of learning experiences for our students and facilitate student-teacher
interaction during the teaching and learning process. They satisfy various learning
demands while also assisting students in learning and gaining experience.

2. Aside from k to 12 curriculum guide and teachers guide, what is the most essential
instructional resource?

- The LRMDS, which gives instructors access to lesson exemplars, teachers' guides,
and curriculum guides that will aid teachers in the delivery of the lesson in a
particular grade, is the most important instructional resource, aside from the k–12
curriculum guide and teachers' guide.

3. In the absence of available instructional resources, what is the best thing that a
teacher should do to support teaching and learning?

- For the purpose of assisting students in developing appropriate cognitive maps,

connecting ideas, and addressing misconceptions, teachers must possess a solid
understanding of the subject matter and the ability to adapt. Teachers must
understand how concepts relate to other disciplines and to daily life. Teachers must
be able to ask difficult questions, listen intently, and evaluate student work


I realized that

- Although engagement is a crucial component of your instructional materials, it's

also crucial that they are formatted in a professional and suitable manner for the
online environment.

I believe it is essential to

- use different instructional materials in teaching and learning, because most

instructors uses instructional resources to make their lessons easier to understand.
They can either be made of concrete or not, and they can be either visual or audio-
visual aids. These educational resources motivate kids to learn, bringing learning to

From now on, I am determined to

- Develop an instructional materials In order to encourage students to explore topics

of interest, engage with different learning styles, provide hands-on opportunities for
use of specialized tools or equipment, reinforce learning, support and motivate
individual learning, and foster independent learning through extended learning, it is
crucial for teachers to use a variety of learning and teaching resources, including
books and other printed materials.


Name of Year Title of the City of

Author/s Published Book Publication
Lesley Oxford Discover Oxford
Koustaff& Susan July 1, 2022 2nd Revised University
Rivers edition Press
Assessment and
February ESL: An Portage and
Barbara Law USA
19, 2007 Alternative Main Press
Children’s ESL
Ms. Daisy A. Create Space
Stocker M.Ed. & Independent
2014 learning USA
Dr. George A. Publishing
English with
Stocker D.D.S Platform
MacKenchnie Research and
English the
Murtha M.A, 2011 Education USA
American Way
Jane Airey Association
O’Connor M.Ed.
Practical Oxford
Michael Swan 1980 University
English Usage England


Name of Year City of

Title of the Book Publisher
Author/s Published Publication
Evaluating the efficacy
of English proficiency
on initial semestral Emerald
Lyndon Limand
2021 results for higher Publishing Singapore
Wenjin VikkiBo education L1 English company
speakers in a
multilingual context
intervention improves
Jennifer La STEM outcomes for
2020 Science Advances USA
Cosse students who speak
English as a second
Student experiences
Smith S. studying accounting in
2020 Publishing USA
Carstens A. English as an
additional language company
Teaching English as a
second or foreign
Barbara F.H. language: an
2021 MCBU Pltd UnitedKingdom
Allen annotated
bibliography of
journals in the field
Profiling the "native
speaker" of English: Journal for
Ambrose B.
2005 myths and Language SouthernAfrica
Chimbganda implications for ESL Teaching
learning and teaching
C. Find answers to the following questions:

1. Do teachers use educational research journals and literatures to support the

teaching and learning activities?

- Yes educational research journals and literatures is beneficial to increase the body
of knowledge by offering solutions to various pedagogical issues while enhancing
methods for teaching and learning. Additionally, questions about student motivation,
development, and classroom management are of interest to researchers in education.

2. What are the challenges faced by teachers in using educational research and

- The majority of the teachers conclude that conducting research was difficult
because they ran out of time, were anxious about writing and completing the study,
and thought that research was an extra responsibility.

3. Does the school promote the use of research-based materials and textbooks to
support instruction?

- Yes, There are several curricular and educational requirements for standards-based
development. Because these learning outcomes will form the foundation of the
assessment tools, the curriculum must reflect the most crucial concepts, abilities, and
qualities that teachers want their students to master. In a similar manner, teaching
strategies should be compatible with the planned curriculum. The objectives of the
assessment standards should be learned by students as a result of the teaching
strategies used.

4. Are the teachers' instructional plans informed by research?

- The research's findings served as a foundation or guide for teachers in terms of

what they need to improve in their teaching and what resources are most appropriate
or successful to employ, which had an impact on some of the teachers' lesson plans.


Review the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

1. How do educational research and literatures help improve the content of the

- educational research and literatures helps to improve the content of the lesson by
increasing the body of knowledge and by offering solutions to various pedagogical
issues while enhancing methods for teaching and learning.

2. How do educational researches and literatures differ from other types of

instructional resources?

- In order to improve teaching and learning practices, educational research is a step-

by-step process that has a conclusion. Instructional materials include books,
audiovisual materials, and technology instruments that can be utilized as a medium
of instruction.
3. How do teachers benefit from using these types of instructional resources?

- the benefits of these instructional materials it that learning becomes more

engaging, useful, realistic, and appealing due to instructional materials.
Additionally, they make it possible for both professors and

students to actively and productively participate in class. They provide opportunities

for learning new things, increasing one's knowledge, and become more self-aware.


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:

- Every subject in the school curriculum can only be learned with the help of
instructional resources. They give students the chance to interact with words,
symbols, and concepts in ways that enhance their reading, listening, problem-solving,
and thinking skills as well as their speaking, writing, and media and technology-
using abilities.

I believe it is essential to:

- use educational research and literatures because it broadens teachers' awareness of

their students' learning demands, improves their teaching techniques, and increases
their professional experiences.

From now on, I am determined to:

- Use instructional materials, educational research and literatures in teaching,

because the primary knowledge that students will experience, discover, and use
throughout a curriculum is provided by the instructional materials.

LESSON 3 Pg 54-58


Review the data you have gathered carefully. Answer the following questions:

1. How does digital media impact student learning?

- Students have the potential to connect with other learners and join learning
communities and other educational systems that speed up education when digital
media is used in the classroom. Students and institutions have many options to
create innovative learning techniques thanks to digital media tools. Learning
valuable information through digital media is still a crucial component of
contemporary schooling. The daily use of all digital media is quickly becoming into an
essential component of our lives and, consequently, of education.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using digital media in teaching and
learning? Write down your answers below:

Advantages Disadvantages
• Accessable and easy to use • Plagiarism and Cyber crime are
• Unlimited data and information open
that can gather • students will rely more in digital
• Engaged student's critical thinking media
skills • Social Isolation
• It is constantly evolving with • Can be a distraction to students
creativity • Divert their focus on social media
• Allows everyone to develop a social rather than their acads.
• Increasing productivity and

Other comments

- Digital technology allow teachers to better engage their pupils in their lessons and
learning. Large-scale collaboration and effective communication are made possible in
the classroom by technological capabilities. The advantages of digital media vary
depending on how each individual uses it.


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:

- In today's connected society, social networks' effects on education are receiving a lot
of attention. It is becoming a more important aspect as a means of outpacing other
institutions. The impact of digital technology is expanding, impressing the world. The
method of teaching classes is changing as a result.

I believe it is essential to:

-use digital media in education, because students now have relatively unlimited
access to educational resources through digital media, making it possible for them to
delve further into any subject they are interested in.

From now on, I am determined to:

- Integrate digital technology in teaching and learning, because I believe that

teaching has become more flexible due to digital media because teachers may now
provide and grade tasks online, easing the strain of having to handwrite them and
cutting down on the time needed to give students feedback.
LESSON 4 pg 59-61 Guided Practice


1. Tables can be used for brainstorming and the assessment of learners' prior
knowledge about the topic.

Topic: Graphic Organizers

List anything that comes in your mind about the topic:
 Visually represent ideas and concept
 Knowledge Map
 Organizer of topics
 Visual learning tool
Compare facts and depicts story
How will you use graphic organizers in teaching?
 by assisting students in organizing new material into relevant
 encouraged students in identifying similarities and differences through
the use of analogies
 Use it as a practice exercise to contrast and compare two concepts
throughout the lecture.
 Create a visual summary of the lecture and arrange the content to be
 Allow students to evaluate the connections between each topic after
briefly explaining the lesson using a visual organizer
What do you think are the benefits of using graphic organizers?
 Improves creativity and comprehension
 Expand vocabulary skills
 Evaluates students' prior knowledge
 Facilitates cognitive development
 Boost students involvement

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:

- Students of all ages can benefit from using graphic organizers to organize, clarify, or
simplify difficult information. By examining the connections between ideas, they can
build comprehension.

I believe it is essential to:

- Use graphic organizer in teaching and learning because it help students develop
their ability to use what they have learned to become independent readers, engaged
citizens, and problem solvers.Students must have the chance to create the means to
that end.

From now on, I am determined to:

- apply graphic organizer effectively in class, because through this graphic organizer,
students are actually able to perceive the correlations and connections to the
information they read and learned, which improves their comprehension. Graphic
organizers can help students organize and prioritize what they perceived and
understand in a certain topic.

Guided Practice


Review the data you gathered carefully. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the primary consideration in developing and producing teacher-made


-When creating teacher-made resources, the instructor must ensure that the
instructional materials are suitable for the students and the learning objectives.
Depending on where the teaching and learning process will take place, she must also
take the availability of the materials into account.

2. How do students benefit from teacher-made resources?

- Materials created by teachers are especially useful because they can be customized
to each student's needs and integrated into lessons. Effective teacher-created
resources are pertinent, captivating, understandable, and practical.

3. How will you promote the use of teacher-made resources?

- Being able to be customized to students' needs and integrating with education,

teacher-made materials are very beneficial. Effective teaching resources are relevant,
interesting, understandable, and practical


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:

- Teacher made resources as essential, It is also necessary in teaching that the

environment, learning resources, and interactions with students all support teaching
and learning. This is seen as meeting the needs and interests of the students.

I believe it is essential to:

-take consideration in teacher made resources because through this, children can
organize concepts, symbols, objects, and words in novel combinations and
relationships by using their talents to make learning connections with the use of
teacher-made instructional materials.

From now on, I am determined to:

- Use different instructional materials in teaching, through the use of instructional

materials, students learn a lot from their teachers. The availability and use of
teacher-made instructional resources will advance kids' intellectual development.
This is likely due to the fact that educational materials motivate students and also
capture their attention, especially in the case of students with learning difficulties.

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