NTPC Raw Material

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The basic raw materials required for the plants are coal, air and water.

The coal is broughtto the station by trains from Bihar, A.P, Orissa and M.P. coal is unloaded from the wagon by the help of wagon tipplers. Then coal is transferred from coal handing plant by conveyor belt to the coal bunkers, from where it is fed to the pulversing mills, whichgrind it as fine as face power. The finally powered coal mixed with preheated air is then blown into the boiler by a fan called Primary Air Fan, where it burns, more like a gas then as a solid in the conventional domestic or industrial grate, with additional amount of air called secondary air supplied by a Force Draft Fan. As the coal has been ground so finely, the resultant ash is also a fine powder. Some of it binds together to form lumpswhich fall into the ash pits at the bottom of the furnace. The water quenched ash from thebottom of the furnace is conveyed to pits for subsequent disposal or sale. Most of the ash,still in the fine particle form is carried out of the boiler to the precipitators as dust,whereit is trapped by electrodes changed with high voltage electricity. The dust is thenconveyed by water to disposal areas or to bunkers for sale. While the cleaned flue gassespass on through 1.D. Fan to be discharged up the chimney. The steam which has given upits heat energy is changed back into water in a condenser so that it is ready for re-use.The condenser contains many kilometers of tubing through which cold water isconstantly pumped.Coupled to the end of the turbine is the rotor of the generator, a large cylindrical magnet -so that when the turbine rotates the rotor turns with it, the rotor housed inside the stator having heavy coils of cooper bars in which electricity is produced through the movementof the magnetic field created by the rotor. The electricity passes from the stator windingsto the step-up that it can be transmitted efficiently over the power line of the grid.Meanwhile the heat released from the coal has been absorbed by many kilometers of tubing which line the boiler walls. Inside the tubes is the boiler feed water which istransformed by the heat into steam at high pressure and temperature. The steam, superheated in further tube (Super Heater) passes to the turbine, where it is discharged throughnozzles on the turbine blades. Just as the energy of the wind turns the sails of the wind-mill, so the energy of steam, striking the blades, makes the turbine rotate. Loses heatand is rapidly changed back to water. But the two lots of water (i.e. boiler feed water andcooling water) must never mix. The cooling water is drawn from the river/sea, but theboiler feed water must be absolutely pure, far purer than the water, which we drink.Indeed the chemistry at a power station is largely chemistry of water.Why bother to change the steam from the turbine back into water if it has to be heated upagain immediately? The answer lies in the law of physics, which states that the boilingpoint of water is directly proportional to pressure. The lower the pressure, the lower thetemperature at which water boils. The turbine designed wants as low boiling point aspossible because we can only utilize the energy from steam - when the steam changesback to water we can get no more work out of it. So a condenser is required by whichrapidly changing the steam back into water creates a vacuum. The vacuum results in amuch lower boiling point which, in turn, means we can continue getting work out of thesteam wet below 100 C at which it would normally change into water. To condense the large quantities to steam, huge and continuous volume of cooling water is essential. In most of the power station, the same water is to be used over and over again. So the heat which the water extracts from the steam in the condenser is removedby pumping the water out to the cooling towers. The cooling towers are simple concreteshells acting as huge chimneys creating a draught (nature mechanically assisted by fans)of air, the water is sprayed out at top of the towers and as it falls into the pond beneath itis cooled by the upward draught of air. The cold water in the pond is then recalculated bypumps to the condensers, inevitably, however, some of the water is drawn upward as avapors by the draught and it is this water which forms the familiar while clouds whichemerge from the towers seen sometimes.

COAL The coal has various varieties. The coal which is used out they should have high calorific value, produce maximum heat produce less ash and pollution on burning easily available, low cost etc. these features are available in bituminous coal, which is used in the plant. It has about 90-95% carbon and its caloric value varies between 3600-4200. Coal is brought in large pieces, so in first stage the coal is finally crushed so that it burns completely. Then it is sent the furnace through conveyor belt. In the furnace the coal burns and produces steam. The ash which gets collected in the scraper is removed time to time with the help of water. Its main function is to produce lot of heat so ass to convert water into steam. OIL Oil is supplied with the help of oil gun to coal so that the coal can be easily burn. HIGH PRESSURE AIR High pressure air is introduced into the furnace so that the coal can be reached at ignited temperature. The high pressure air from fan is introduced to the furnace through F.D fan. The successfully working of an oil firing equipment depends on the following: 1. The correct design of control flow. 2. The design of combustion chamber. 3. The design of the economizer which must be able to reduce the fuel to a finally dividedstay. HIGH PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE It is a device which comes into operation when the pressure in the boiler exceeds the working pressure. It discharges some of the steam automatically out of the boiler andbrings the pressure down to the normal working limit. There are many type of valves butthe valve used is spring loaded safety valve. In this valve the valve rest on its seat under the action of spring. The valve is fitted on the drum. When steam pressure exceeds thenormal working limit, these valves are lifted from their seats allowing passage for steamto escape out till the pressure falls below the specified limit after which the valve againrest on the seal. It is made up of C.I ESP (ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR) When coal is burnt in the boiler ash is liberated and carried along with flue gases if these ashes are exhausted to the atmosphere. It will create pollution resulting in health hazard. Hence it is necessary to precipitate the dust from the flue gases and in this process is ESPfinds place in the power plant. In 21OMw 11OT of coal burns per hour and if coal contents 30% ash then ash carried along with flue gases will be 33Tonns\hr. ADVANTAGES 1. Higher efficiency 2. Minimum cost 3. Low maintenance 4. Large volume of ash particle 5. Creates less pollution

DISADVANTAGES 1. High initial cost 2. Loss of efficiency when flow is above the desired rate 3. Unpredictable efficiency

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