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The passage discusses various trends and topics that are considered 'cringeworthy' such as mainstream pop music, YouTubers, fake advertisements, conspiracy theorists, Karens, mobile games ads, Russian Instagram models, simping weebs, VRChat, hot tub streams on Twitch, and virtual YouTubers.

The passage mentions mainstream pop songs featuring shiny colors, fancy cars and clothing, money falling from the sky, gold digging, and daddy issues crammed into 3 minute long music videos.

The passage discusses how popular YouTubers created content focusing on popular topics like celebrities, influencers, rich people and gaming to gain more views and subscribers.


1.mainstream pop songs videos

Everyone loves to check trending music nowadays, whether on youtube or Spotify or
whatever not, although some of these songs just don’t make up to your expectations
and you start wondering… “what went wrong there?”. Shinny colors, fancy cars and
clothing, money falling from the sky, gold digging, daddy issues, all crammed in a 3 or
so minutes long video so you won’t take your eyes of it. Worth it? Perhaps. What do you
get in exchange? Nothing really. Some songs are pretty dope, to say at least, most of
them are just a let down even though they seem to sound catchy.
Aight. Let’s talk about trending again. This time it’s just Youtube. What made it
overrated? Okay, so, people, especially teenagers like to be entertained in way they
won’t lose interest just after a few minutes. Most popular youtubers got it, went for the
most popular topics to create content (i.e celebrities, influencers, rich people, gaming)
and now we are here. 2022. What changed since 2005, first youtube videos ever
uploaded? A lot. And by a lot I mean, youtubers chose quantity over quality. Take a look
at pewds. He used to make tons of gameplays in a unique way, now he just wants to
make his public satisfied with mainstream media topics. (No offense pewds, you’re still
the yt GOD, believe me)
3.fake ads promoters
Okay. This is one of my own experiences. Almost everytime I order products, they come
as fakes or malfunctional. Tired of it. Happens in my country. Third world country, that
is… For example, I saw some promising items that help you cut vegetables easier then I
ordered them and guess what: the product came 1 week later, it was thin plastic instead
of sturdy plastic they promoted, the blades were so thin and dull they couldn’t cut
anything and just threw it away. 1/10 experience. Watch out for fake ads, know your
product, check reviews on other sites, watch videos etc. And stay safe!
4.deep fakes
Obama singing the Russian anthem. Mr. Bean saying Adolf Hitler’s quotes. Johnny
Depp singing NumaNuma. Even Mozzard emoting on trap beats or fortnite junkies.
Funny. I think not. You can spot a deep fake when you see one.
5.conspiracy theorists
We love them, we loathe them, they don’t care one bit at all yet they serve the whole
purpose of telling the truth, kid you not. From 5G Covid through illuminate Hollywood
and aliens dealing DMT and LSD to squirrels and cangaroos, anything goes. These
guys are NUTS! And I like it! Imagine the amount of content one can milk in one
Where do I start? Right, the meme definion of a Karen. "Karen" is generally
characterized as an irritating, entitled woman, sometimes as an ex-wife who took
custody of "the kids." In 2020, the term was broadly applied to a swath of white
women who had been filmed harassing people of color, including dialing the
emergency services on them for no criminal reason. But why? Do they have
integrity? Are they mentally stable? Do they have any unresolved trauma, either
from their childhood or a relationship with ex boyfriends or ex husbands? We can
only speculate. Here are some examples: []. Karens seem to be cringeworthly. ads
Mobile gaming saw a huge rise in the past decade as more and more brands started
mass production of high tech smartphones to play high performance demanding video
games. Now let’s talk a bit about casual gaming on phones. Most of the time these
games come free on AppStore or Play Store and they have ads. LOTS OF THEM.
Some of them ask you right off to buy the full experience for a certain sum of money
and play the game without actual ads. I mean yes, personally, if I liked a specific game I
would buy it no problem. But some will still show you ads. WHY? WHY GAMING
COMPANIES? WHY YOU DO THIS? Anyway, those are ads we are talking about.
Annoying. Always have been. Content creators saw it as an opportunity to make memes
which they did. The result? Astounding! Take a look at this: []. Funniest shit I’ve ever
8.russian girl models on insta
Instagram popularity increased 10 years ago, in April 2022 when the android version
was released. The instagram experience has since changed over the course of years,
we can always find our favourite influencers, funny memes and interesting facts. One
topic is always omnipresent. Models. Okay, maybe not professional models you find on
the first page of Vogue or Cosmopolitan magazines. But why Russian girls? Why so
specific? Well, statistics tell they are the arguabily the most beautiful women on earth.
Couldn’t agree more. “Then what’s so cringe about it?” you would ask… Posing in the
most inapropiate manner so they can gain more influence than ever. No, I’m neither a
simp or a misogynistic pig, but the line must be drawn this far, no further. [] Hey, at least
the make-up is on point. I could go on this topic for quite some time and not lose interest
at all. Overall, instagram models are ok, it could have been worse.
9.comedy family shows
Have you heard about the TV show ‘Family Feud’? If not, lemme explain. It’s a
television game show in which two families compete to name the most popular answers
to survey questions. Right now, the host is Steve Harvey and hear me out on this, I
really really like the guy. Energic, charismatic with a hint of seriousness when needed.
What I don’t like about this type of show is overhyped atmosphere. Common, it’s just a
goddamn guessing game! It’s not that entertaining to begin with. The spectators tend to
go over the moon when a contestant epicly fails or surprisingly nails a correct answer.
No need for that and no thank you, I will not watch this type of show unironically. As a
side note, there are a lot of bootleg guessing game shows all around the world and
that’s where it gets cringe. Little to no spectators, the hosts don’t meet the expectations,
fake applause, the design is weird and on the top of them all, the game sucks and most
probably it’s fake.
10.vegan activists
Personal take on this one: I don’t like vegan food, but I really do think it’s healthy (well, it
depends). Instead of going through advantages and disadvantages of this style of life,
cause it will take me a lot of time and that’s not the point. I will call out the activists and
the activists only. If it helped you, keep it for yourself, don’t shove it down my throat. It
can get very ugly and wrong, from mental abuse to violence. And the actual sad part is
where pet owners feed their animals vegan products just because they think it’s
“healty”. Chances are most of the time it’s not. Some of you didn’t ask the vet in the first
place. Then you go telling people you know what you’re doing just because you read
some article on the internet. Same goes to people feeding their animals until they get
morbidily obese. Stop that! YOU’RE KILLING THEM! PLEASE!
11.boring sitcoms
I cannot recall a moment where I found a situation from a sitcom interesting or funny. I
mean, I just don’t like them, okay? Overused jokes, deadpan, unnecessary background
laughter, mediocre actors, very low budget and the list can get bigger. Most sitcoms get
boring to the point it just becomes annoying and cringe. jokes
Dad jokes are usually short jokes, typically puns, presented as one-liners or a question
and answer, but not narratives. Kids like them so I guess it’s pretty wholesome if you
asked me. But hey, check this out: Q: What did one eye say to the other eye? A:
Between you and me, something smells. What? Is it supposed to be funny? Cause I
think it’s not. Don’t get me wrong, I read some dad jokes I believe they were genuinely
13.tinder girls
Tinder is the most widely spread dating site/app. Here is how it works: after you sign in,
the app shows you potential matches based on what your preferences are and you are
presented with two choices: swipe left or dislike and swipe right or like what you see. If
they like you back, you get a match and just then you can go message that person. It’s
simple right? Other dating apps work pretty much the same way Tinder does, so there is
no need to get into another one. It gets complicated when these potential matches are
not what you’ve expected. Especially when we are talking about women. Thus, I shall
present you 7 reasons why dating apps are not worth your time: 1. Most women on
Tinder have high standards and don’t want to hook up with mediocre guys. Some of
them are too demanding. It varies from I won’t date a guy without 6 figures jobs or
higher, 6 feet tall at least, 6 pack abs to I don’t get it, why boys are not interested in
astrology? I mean, it’s the best thing ever! 2. Some women made their account on
Tinder just for fun, trolling and hell, even scamming. Or maybe they only want to make
friends. 3. Many inactive accounts. I don’t think most girls keep their app installed for
more than 2 or 3 days. 4.Bots. Even here? Yes, even here. Hard to deal with it, in my
opinion. 5.You got a generous number of matches and can’t decide? Don’t worry, most
of these matches won’t even respond to your messages for certain reasons. 6.Let’s say
you got a match, she gave you her IG, you talked for some time already and set up a
date in the near future. You show up at the exact location, 15 minutes earlier than set,
kinda nervous about how it will go. Then you wait and wait, call her, message her and
wait more without getting any response. Then you realize something. She tricked and
ghosted you. Dick move. It hurts. But you have to move on, you have no choice. 7. It’s
rare, but happened to quite a lot of mediocre guys. They hit the jackpot. The date went
well and they finally got a girlfriend using a dating app. Soon they will discover she is
not the one for them, again, for certain reasons. Maybe next time. Here you have it, 7
reasons why dating apps suck. Tinder girls? Cringier than it should be allowed.
I made a tierlist about this topic, you can go check it out. I’ll put the link in the
description of the video.
They come in many forms, ranging from your standard, typical local seller all the way to
huge companies or retailers, insurance companies and even national banks. I want to
get into a specific topic about scammers. Three words: Indian. Tech. Support. In
Microsoft's new findings of its 2021 survey, India is seen as the hub of such call centre
talent being put to criminal use. The survey, comprising 16 nations and 16,254 adult
internet users, found that seven out of 10 in India encountered tech support scams in
the past year. But why? Maybe they want to make a living off it. Personaly I feel bad for
them, to resort to such actions… Poor people. Anyway, another controversial topic,
another opportunity for content creators to take advantage of. There is this youtuber
Flowmotion who trolled some Indian scammer using anime sounds for windows. That
one really cracked me up. Scammers, get outta here with your bs!

1.fnaf fandom
First entry in this video. Since it’s initial release of Five Nights at Freddy’s in 2014, the
franchise gained a lot of popularity spread across the whole world, its audience being
targeted as both kids and adults alike. Fnaf is a point-and-click game where you have to
survive through night 1 to 5 from these animal-like robots called the animatronics. The
games are solely based on jumpscare as you will be greeted soon after with a game
over screen. It gets fun when we start to talk about the story. It’s called the fnaf lore and
a lot of theorists tried to put all the details Scott Cawthon, the creator has showed
whether in matter of mini-games, design, easter eggs, novels and even in the games
codes. Remember when I said animal-like robots earlier? That’s where the cringe
shows up. In a form of fursuits. Why would you wear that? No, thanks. I will cover more
about furries in another video.
2.Jojo fandom
Ah, Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure, a classic. And another widely spread topic. Since the
release of part 5 featuring Giorno Giovanna, its popularity skyrocketed. Jojo fans like to
make real life references to their favourite show. It got annoying pretty quickly. They
also cosplay from Jojos. Okay, understandable. With all that, I still enjoy the show
nonetheless and it’s in my top 10 anime. What? You like anime? Boooh, that’s pretty
cringe, not gonna lie about this one, fam. Hey, it’s a based show, also there are many
other based anime series. Period.
3.fortnite com
Kids nowadays learn to swear and be toxic over nonsense on Fortnite. The days of
Quake, Counter Strike, Call of Duty Multiplayer and Overwatch are gone, long live
Fortnite! After its initial release in july 2017, it shortly became the most popular video
game at some point, but when the second chapter came out, it went kinda down fall.
Not hard. The community is still huge and remains pretty sturdy. What’s cringe about
this game is the fact that those kids are imitating the emotes avaible in the game. These
are not dance moves, that’s circus. Bruh.
4.pokemon com
I don’t think I’ve ever played any pokemon game to this day, maybe when I was a little
kid and I don’t remember. Whatever. I can’t see myself spending tens of hours just
doing the same thing over and over again. But the games have their own charm, I tell
you that. Cause if they didn’t have it, they wouldn’t be so popular in the first place. The
community? Well, take a look at this post, it’s actually a copypasta: [vaporeon pic – read
it!]. Why people why. WHY?
5.disney com
Disney is way too greedy. They are milking every show they can until the point they
become dry as Mars. Star Wars fans were really disappointed when the third trilogy
came out. Why? Because it sucked. Especially the last movie. Disney, you did this on
yourself. At least the Mandalorian is doing a good job compared to the third trilogy.
Even the animated series look better than that. Mickey Mouse, you’re cringe.
6.marvel com
I think 1 out of 3 teens out there have at least one t-shirt with the Marvel logo. Marvel
movies, MCU or not are dope. The most ambitious crossover in movies history,
Avengers: Infinity War and it’s sequel, Endgame were game changers. I will never get
the chance to experience them for the first time again. The community, on the other
hand, is another breed. They will always argue who the most powerful character is and
why, stating a 20 page long essay on it. Thinking they’re superior to DC fans and marvel
comics or movies are superior to DC is a coping mechanism. Same goes for DC fans.
Both are good.
7.bnha fandom
What? Another anime? You seem to like hating on people enjoying watching anime.
That’s the harsh truth, my friends. Ever seen that meme? Weebs hating on weebs for
no real reason, hah. I guess it’s become clear now, it’s not the show or the game or
whatever that’s the problem. The fandom is. Jojo fans are angels compared to what I’m
going to show you now. I don’t get it at all. How can you even watch this for a couple of
seconds and think it’s ok??? Again, their bodies, their lives, their choices. Not gonna
judge it anymore. Now it’s up to you whether you like it or not, or whether you agree
with me or not.
8.undertale fandom
Another indie game that became somewhat of a cult classic since its release in 2015.
Tobey Fox did an amazing job with the game in terms of story-telling, game design,
soundtrack, the battle system and the puzzles. Personally, I loved it! Would play the true
good run again some time in the near future. And I’m looking forward for the spin-off
game Deltarune and its full release. But like Fnaf, the fandom is… weird, to say at least.
Shipping characters, ranking them from worst to best based on who knows what criteria,
cosplaying, shitty animations and many many more. I believe our lord and savior, Tobey
doesn’t like what he sees either.
9.roblox com
Roblox is a hit game that came out in 2006. Since 2019, it has over 90 millions of active
players EVERY DAY. “Ehmmm, what do in robux” you may ask. Well, pretty much
everything. It’s like a game engine, you can go there and create what ever you put your
mind to and even beyond because it’s kinda easy to use. I just learned not a long time
ago that roblox is sponsored by Tinder. What? Roblox is a kids game for crying out
loud. Kinda creepy if you ask me, why would you use it for weird dating scenarios?
Keep it the way it is supposed to be, people creating bonds with each other and building
a huge game community. Well, back in my day, I used to get trolled, baited and even
catfished by a fake girl in Metin2. Those were the times. There is also the in-game
currency. Just like fortnite has v-bucks, Roblox has the robux currency. I ain’t gonna
throw my money away on that. The worst part is the fact that scammers usually see this
as a good way to trick unaware children into spending money from their mom’s credit
card. Go eat dirt, scammers!
For this entry right here, I’ld like to talk a bit about fanarts and deviantART. A fanart is
artwork created by fans of a work of fiction and derived from a series character or other
aspect of that work. As fan labor, fan art refers to artworks that are neither created nor
(normally) commissioned or endorsed by the creators of the work from which the fan art
derives. deviantART  is an American online art community featuring artwork,
videography and photography. It serves as one of the most known sites where you can
post your art work on. So there you have it. My little pony is kids show with female pony
characters featuring the power of friendship. But what do you get when you mix this
theme with a dirty, rotten, coomer mind? Bronies. The MLP fandom. And their artwork is
f-ed up. Lots and lots of imagery depicting what are supposed to be naïve, clueless,
wholesome, pony characters doing indecent stuff. Ugh, MLP fans, you are
11.minecraft com
Minecraft. Released in 2009. Popularity gain in 2011. Uprising. Once considered cringe
in 2014, now it’s nostalgic. The community? I can never hate on the minecraft
community. Family friendly content on youtube, so much wholesomeness going on
there. I love these people. On rare occasions you can spot a minecraft youtuber making
awkward videos. They exist, unfortunately. So here are 7 reasons why I have mixed
feelings about the minecraft community: 1.Role-playing. What’s a better place to
immiatate, recreate and reinvent your favourite scenes and situations other than on
minecraft? Fantasies with your crush, Anakin Skywalker vs Obi Wan Kenobi, the
Akatsuki group from Naruto, creepypastas or your real life cat in a girls-only server.
Pretty much everything. 2.Skywars/Survival games. Kids raging over losing their items
in a 1v1 duel against a bowmaster with fire protection and fire aspect. Such a tragedy!
3.Cheaters. Check out how Dream faked his speedruns. 4.Dead servers. I don’t like the
sound of it none one bit. Sounds depressing, melancholic, like that one song that hit you
so hard… Imagine a minecraft world, once flourishing with castles and lots of players
doing their stuff, now a ghost town. Man…
5.Stolen accounts. Dozens of mojang accounts were stolen back in 2020. Maybe I’m
wrong about the year though, feel free to correct me if so. 6.Dream stans. That’s gonna
be a topic I will be talking about in another video. Soon, brothers, soon. 7.The great
purge. The downfall of minecraft. Well, yes, not as a stand alone event but as a period.
Late 2015, less minecraft players than ever. Sooo, there you go, 7 reasons why I have
mixed feelings about the minecraft community. Even with all that blabbering, I still
consider it as the best game ever created. Hands down, mojang!
12.smash bros fandom
Not much going in here. Toxicity and disrespectful players. Yeah, for a PvP game that’s
not out of the ordinary.
13.steven universe com
Steven Universe was one of the first children shows to go out and show you don’t have
to be ashamed if you’re different. Well, on its own way of showing this stuff. I respect
that. And thank you for that. Fanarts again I guess. People tend to go crazy over
shippings and role-playing. Can’t blame them, though. It is what it is.
Have you ever heard about the hit game Among Us? I don’t think there is any meme
more annoying than amogus. Sus, sussy baka, imposter, electric, ahhh shut up, please
shut the f up… Just let me die already. Ok ok ok, I was just kidding. Yup. Among us was
released in 2018 but gained a huge player base in 2020, and since 2021 these ‘memes’
were everywhere. I’m tired of it. Everywhere I go I see this. Amogus!!
15.gatcha life
What is gacha life? It is a role-playing game that allows users to create and customise
anime-styled characters choosing from a choice of outfits to wear, and their appearance
like their hair, eyes, etc. Users can choose and play from 8 mini-games, create skits in
Studio Mode, create scenes, and chat with other players. Role-playing. Again! You don’t
have any excuse or any reason to ask me why I’m bragging about this topic. Just like
Roblox but chibi anime style. They create weird stuff such as heat ( which supposedly
means an act of sex) and people sexually kissing each other and the fandom makes it
worse because sometimes they like those stuff. No, thank you. Go check out this
subreddit: r/GachaLifeCringe. [tentacle locker? What?]

Welcome to the * episode of Cringe stuff on the Internet. In today’s episode I would like
to cover up what’s going on TikTok. I decided I have to make a special edition for this
specific social media app because there is a lot to talk about. TikTok was originally
released in the Chinese market in September 2016, launched in 2017
for iOS and Android in most markets outside of China and it became available
worldwide only after merging with another Chinese social media service,, on
2 August 2018. The app’s purpose is creating, sharing and discovering short videos,
with durations from 15 seconds to three minutes. It’s used by young people as an outlet
to express themselves through singing, dancing, and lip-syncing. There are quite a few
problems with Tiktok’s community I will describe as I go through 15 entries ranking them
in the tierlist.

Xqc: “They stretch the joke”

1.tiktok: basic dancers
Tiktokers love to dance in coordination with their favourite songs. I can’t find the
entertainment in watching people try to dance to what I consider it’s mostly bad music.
They probably spent the whole day trying to make the video without mistakes and
sometimes they still fail. The rhythm is off, perhaps they’re moving their arms only or
there are a lot of seizure-inducing flashing colours in the background. It gets to the point
it’s not only annoying, but it gives you an actual headache. In my opinion, the crigiest
part of these dances is the overacting. Sudden moves, weird faces and unnecessary
editing and filters. Let’s talk a bit about these guys. They are not your basic dancers,
although I can place them in this category just because there is somewhat of an
overacting factor going on. They are the Voros twins or as the media know them, the Da
Vinki Twins. Started of as professional wrestlers in the Canadian wrestling scene, so
they are basically actors. Actors act. You know what I mean? So their popularity saw a
rise as they posted a tiktok where they were trying to answer some basic questions like
how many days in a year or can you name a yellow fruit.[da vinki vid] Hilarious if you
ask me. Here is a recent one: [dumbbells vid]. There is overacting, but not in a bad way.
2.tiktok: lip-sync
Most of you probably already know which tiktok video is the most popular so far. Bella
Poarch lip-syncing to “M to the B”. And yes, it’s cringe. It truly represents the majority of
tiktok content since its release. It features this specific trend: lip synchronization.
Tiktokers use short dialogue clips from films or movies, mouth the words, and put their
own spin on them. Compared to the dances topic I talked about earlier, lip-syncing does
a better job depicting overacts in terms of weird faces, sudden moves and poor editing.
What comes after this is even worse. Reaction videos. Some tiktokers play someone
else's video, then just act surprised and expect praise. Stop it. You aren’t quirky, you
aren’t funny or entertaining. Other stuff you can find here: fingers pointing at text boxes,
text to speech female voice, poor transitions etc.
3.tiktok: awkward breakups
Dude, you really have to know what tiktok couple broke up recentely. How can you
sleep at night not knowing such basic things? This stuff is more important that to know
what’s 9+10. If you search the hashtag #Breakup, you’ll find an array of juicy and heart-
wrenching content. A surprising number of people just film themselves crying on
camera, wiping away their tears. In the most gutting ones, you’ll see someone actually
get broken up with on camera. Now, there is this video from a live, it’s not a
breakup, instead it’s just a guy who tries to play it cool but fails and gets rejected.
What the hell bro? You’ve embarresed yourself and your ancestors. Let’s take a
look. []
4.tiktok: blm/blaming lonely men
Feminsim = the advpcay of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the the sexes.
This is fine, I’m okay with this. Gender equality, yes sir. But it gets wrong when some
feminists out there just want all men to die or have little to no right at all. They just go
and put ALL men in the same category. Are all men pedophiles, rapists, scumbags,
scammers or criminals in general? No, I don’t think so. But I despise these people so
much. There is definitely a special place in hell just for them. Same goes for boys
blaming girls for similar kind of stuff and it’s just wrong. There is no equality anymore
with this mentality. There, I’ve said it. I know it’s a controversial and sensible topic but it
was going through my mind for a long time now and I really wanted to rant about it. Hey,
by the way, you can go check out Roma Army, she’s talking about this stuff a lot, and
trust me, you’re gonna like it.
5.tiktok: nasty disabled people
Man, be careful or you might cut yourself on that edge… You’re approaching another
sensible subject? Alright. I’m not telling anyone they have to agree with me, it’s solely
my opinion and even if you didn’t asked for it, I will let you know I didn’t ask for it either.
Felt like I had to say a few words about this one too. Many disabled people are proved
to be better than people not suffering from illnesses or disorders. They are humble,
hardworking and resilient. They are trying to make us understand them better as they
show us what’s going through their lives. And I respect that. I’m telling you guys, I feel
inspired by these people. Here comes the sad part. Relatives of these disabled people
are you using them to post tiktoks or go live so they can get the influence and the
money. How can you be so greedy? You are literally putting these poor people in an
unappropiate situation you find “funny” (which is not) and gain something out of it. Then,
again, there are some disabled people that just go overboard by themselves. No third
party required. They come off as greedy too. I feel sympathy to the point when I realize
it’s not worth it anymore. The line shoud be drawn somewhere, you know? I’m not
saying they are funny by any means or that you could or should laugh at them. Just
don’t make fun of these people. It’s wrong.
6.tiktok: emo culture
The emo subculture is stereotypically associated with the socially oppressed,
sensitivity, misanthropy, introversion and angst, as well as depression, self-harm
and suicide. It has seen a quick rise in popularity in the early 2000s. Though, in early
2010s it kinda perished. Or did it? Tiktok proved us wrong. Hashtags related to the emo
culture reached a stunning number of views: more than 15 billions. So it’s still there,
thankfully. How many of you used to see teens dressed in black with colourful tones,
long or spiky hair, lots of bracelets and overdone make-up? Personally, it’s kinda
nostalgic when I remember this was a big thing in mid 2000s. Compared to what emo
culture used to be, now, by tiktok’s standards it got a bit cringier. Some of this content is
cute, cool and maybe badass, but the rest of it… Overacting all the way again.
7.tiktok: wanna be "creepy"
Let’s step our game up a little more and dive into what are supposed to be creepy
videos. I’ve seen many creepypasta tiktoks recently and I gotta say I’m not satisfied with
their take on the stories. Creepypasta is a genre of user-generated paranormal and
scary stories distributed largely via internet forums. Tiktokers own approach on
creepypastas are awkward and you just don’t get what they are trying to explain in
under a minute. Some of these tokers’ make-up is done really well, I gotta give that to
8.tiktok: lgbt chaos
Ok, by this point I can already feel the hate I’m going to receive for this video. Before
talking about this subject, I would like to tell that I’m part of the LGBTQ+ community and
I support and respect its members, their choices, beliefs and the fact they had the
courage to stand out once and for all. And I feel bad about those who are reprimated by
the system, their culture or religion. Everyone deserves to feel okay in their own bodies
accept themselves the way they are and not live by crappy standards. Some members
of this community despise other members for their opionions and life-choices. And I
don’t get why they do that. Shouldn’t we stay united? Where is the support if you can’t
accept the others? It’s just nonsense and chaos at this point. As for myself, I am
bisexual. Therefore, no more questions about this, please.
9.tiktok: ahegao cat/dog girls
What do you get when you mix cosplay with weird fetishes? This. What is THIS?! How
on earth does this exist? Think about it. It took us nearly 6 million years to evolve into
this?! It’s an old trend already and many have talked about it in the past year. But it’s
still going on from what I’ve seen recently on Tiktok. If I saw it, you have to see it too.
Sorry, that’s the way things work in here. I’ll let the video speak for itself. [] I cannot
stress this enough. How can you even watch this thing and not question your morality? I
think I need to go to the church this Sunday.
10.tiktok: fat shaming issue
There is an issue with people arguing over the aspect of losing weight mainly because
you have to stay healthy. Lots of studies have shown that overweight people are more
prone to heart diseases, liver and pancreas conditions, blood clots and an overall poor
mental state. Health risks are directly linked to obesity. And whoever told you it’s not,
they are WRONG. OKAY? Therefore I recommend to go exercise at least 30 minutes a
day and manage your diet (less fats, sugar and carbohydrates). But if you have a low
metabolism, you tend to lose weight harder while exercising and gain a few pounds
quicker on your cheat days or you’re not aware of your diet. There is also this condition
called Lipedema that causes excess fat to accumulate in the lower part of the body and
it may affect up to 11% of women. Some people are too stubborn to understand that
being fat and actually be able to lose some weight is okay, healthier, you become a
better person and increase your life expentancy. Instead they blame skinny or average
people for pointing their fingers at fat people, morbidly obese and I see this as a
problem. You’re encouraging people to stay the way they are when it’s definitely bad for
them and their bodies. Their body, their choices. I wish I could reach out to these people
and help them in any way I can.
11.tiktok: having fake health issues
Hey, if you keep up with those TikTok second hand embarrassment videos on Youtube
you may have notice there is another sensible topic going on there. And perhaps you
thought already I’m gonna talk about this one too. Tiktokers like to fake out pretty much
everything they think of but faking mental illness is the newest terrible trend. Arguably
the worst of them all. Under this banner, users have faked attention deficit disorder,
anxiety and depression and dissociative identity disorder. This trend isn’t just attention
seeking of the worst kind or merely obnoxious – it’s indicative of an entire set of people
who are deluded into thinking that validation on the internet is the highest level of
achievement. And please spare me with “hey they are just quirky and it shows”  Healthy
and self-aware people know that their mental illness is anything but quirky. These
people were caught off to be faking it. People genuinely having those issues are now
less avaible to reach out to thanks to them. Disgraceful. This is a serious and major
problem. Don’t mess up with this. Please. Now you may ask yourselves: “Is there
anything we see real anymore?” Yes, there is a lot going out there. But inform
yourselves beforehand if you want to help someone that really needs it.
12.tiktok: creepy old men
And when you thought it couldn’t get worse than that you have online groomers. Shit is
getting scary now. Online grooming is a term used broadly to describe the tactics
abusers deploy through the internet to sexually exploit children. It started off as your
basic and standard Tiktok duet video where mostly old men are reacting in a
questioning manner to girls (which I think many of them are underage) and this sparked
a lot of controversy. Recent investigations found children as young as eight were being
groomed on TikTok and young users were being bombarded by explicit messages. You
know, Paedophiles look for videos of children. Likely they will pretending to be children
themselves. They will target someone, follow them and set about trying to lure and trap
the innocent. The results can be devastating. This is a more subtle subject I don’t want
to dive into too much, perhaps I will make a video about it in the near future.

13.tiktok: live scammers

Tiktok is bringing the worst out of people. Technology evolved and society did the exact
opposite. It degraded. Stolen live footage of celebrities, content creators and others is
being exploited by scammers by abusing tiktok's live functionality. My personal
experience with live scammers is weird and funny at the same time. One day, some guy
went live and he had maggots on a plate. He pledged he will feast on that mesmerizing
dinner once he reaches a certain number of followers or likes. Then when he reached
that goal, he just ended the live stream. At some point there were like 100k people
watching him blabbering about sending gifts and tapping the screen. For me, it wasn’t
only off-putting or disgusting, it made me change my opinion about people nowadays.
There are also people who type or write down their new followers as they gain more (I
don’t know what purpose it serves, probably they found a loop-hole to become more
popular), asmr shows, people promoting fake products and many more. A way more
unacceptable matter came off when the war in Ukraine started. Fake livestreams show
telltale signs of a scam. Sounds familiar? Let’s take a look first. [] What are your
thoughts on this one? I am at a loss of words right now.
14.tiktok: voice over cosplayers
Cosplay, or costume play, is an activity and performance art in which participants
wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character. I don’t think
I’m the only one having second-hand embarrassment while watching these toks. While
some of you may have become familiarized with cosplaying and maybe you enjoy doing
this stuff yourselves at home or at cons, there are anime fans, comic book enjoyers,
gamers and fanatics that just find this stuff cringe. Was it always this way? I think so.
Tiktok just gave these cosplayers an opportunity to show off their talents, capabilities,
quirks and so on. At first glance, it may seem acceptable, especially if they’re
cosplaying as one of your favourite characters. As we go deeper, things are not the way
they are supposed to be. It can go weird and ugly. VERY UGLY. I tell you what’s this all
about in the next and last entry. But until then I will show you 7 REASONS WHY
cosplayers are cringe. 1.Voice-overs: users manking lip-sync toks with what they
believe it’s a song related somehow with the character they are cosplaying as 2.Bootleg
costumes and accessories: yes, I get it, not everyone has access to all the stuff they
should be wearing and they have to improvise, still I think you need to keep it as
accurate as possible 3.Shipping random characters: canon couples should stay canon,
why ruin other fans’ experience? 4.Getting their favourite characters’ personality all
wrong: inform yourselves a bit about your character’s personal traits first 5.Personas:
cosplayers are making up another character based on an original character. 6. Tricking
themselves into thinking they have the same personality as the character they’re
cosplaying as and taking it way too seriously: this pretty self-explanatory. 7.Putting
themselves or other people in danger: a small number of these people don’t act
normally in real life. If you feel like you have some actual problems you’re dealing with,
go seek some help. Please. Don’t keep it for yourselves, you’re only making it worse.
There you go, 7 reasons why cosplayers are cringe. I don’t discourage cosplayers to
continue what they are doing at all. If they feel safer and better cosplaying that’s all that
matters. Just don’t go overboard.
15.tiktok: danganronpa cosplayers
That’s it guys. We’ve reached the absolute final ultimate cringe in the series.
Congratulations, you have survived this far! You have unlocked a new achievement!
No words can describe what the actual f is going here. [windows the thing shitting].
Junko most cosplayed character. Crimes. Defamation. A lot of stuff. This is, by far, the
most gruesome topic I am approaching. Claire Miller. Security arresting cosplayers at
con. Snow The Salt Queen/Yandere Freak.

1. lifestyle influencers
Lifestyle influencers are accounts that dedicate themselves to posting a variety of
content like fashion, design, DIY, fitness, diets, lifehacks, veganism, environmentalism
and green living. You can find these influencers most notably through Instagram, blogs
and vlogs. I’ve already talked about the veganism movement in my first episode,
mainstream cringe, but let’s take a look at the environmentalism topic. Especially
climate change and global warming activists. I guess almost everyone knows about
Greta Thunberg. Her approach on this issue didn’t change anything at all. It seems to
me that she isn’t persuasive enough to determine the masses they can make a
difference. It is not that Ms. Thunberg does not care about climate data; indeed,
she cites the annual reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change as if they were gospel. That’s not trying to convince anyone to do anything,
that’s trying to shame the United Nations for seemingly nothing.
2. people using their pets
Animal abuse was, is and will be, by any means, wrong. However you look at it. This
has been a sensible, but important problem since the beginning of time. Lately,
hypocrites abuse their pets for internet clout. Let’s take a look togheter and see what is
this all about.
3. furries
On the other hand, some people are into animals more than enough. They come off as
furries. Furry = an enthusiast for animal characters with human characteristics, in particular a
person who dresses up in costume as such a character or uses one as an avatar online. I know I
should have talked about this in the fandom episode, but it’s more of a specific topic related to many
games featuring animal-like characters so I figured I had to throw it in this episode. Just like
cosplayers, they like to dress-up, but instead of using clothing, they wear what’s called a fursuit. I
agree, most of these costumes are well done and look cool. Hell, some of them look amazing! I’m
not putting all of them in the same boat, behind their fursonas, they are normal people living their
normal lives. I bet you know where I’m headed at this point. The overall acting is the problem here.
Check this out: [].

4. discord mods
Hahaha. Most content creators love to joke about this topic. And it’s not only about
discord. This applies to reddit, 9gag and the infamous 4chan as well. Started of as a
meme following a tweet from june 2020, Discord Mods refer to a series of pictures and
vines which mock the stereotypical moderator of the chat application Discord, often
by presenting them as an unkempt individual who exhibits predatory behavior.
Ruling over a server filled with thousands of people gives them a sense of power thus
leading to abusing it. Some cases, discord mods have been caught grooming minors
and such. My personal experience with these mods was really cool and I always had
something to learn from them, I haven’t stumbled upon any weird guy yet.
5.low budget indian movies
Indian brothers and sisters, don’t hate me on this one. Perhaps you feel the same about
this topic as I do. There is a reason for the low quality of most Bollywood movies:
Filmmakers and storytellers intentionally make masala movies for box office success.
Although not all of these movies are stale and dull. So there are 7 REASONS WHY
Indian movies are something of their own league: 1.You find some scenarios either
utterly cringey or as a literal shitpost. There is no in between. 2. The story: mostly
dramas, I mean there is rarely any other genre for your standard Indian movie 3.
Overexaggerating factor: sometimes there is this overpowered main character that just
wrecks everything in his path 4.Filters: editors like to abuse this feature. Damn 5. Bad
CGI: he turned into a tiger? This biker suffered a lot. Evil Indian terminator go brrr 6.
Dances. Oh, your mom died this morning? I’m so terribly sorry, but hey everyone. Let’s
dance! 7. Greedy producers. Anything goes as long as they can make any money out of
it. Quantity over quality once again, baby! There you have it, another 7 reasons why! cartoons
Baby Shark Dance, a children song and associated dance, released in 2016, dethroned
Despacito, the most viewed video on Youtube and in this year in January, it hit 10 billion
views. Wow! That’s a huge number. Don’t get me wrong, I like the song and the kids
love it too! But this one is dope compared to other cartoon videos. In the past, let’s say,
10 to 15 years, cartoon standards have lowered to the point when even a toddler won’t
find it entertaining. When I was a small boi, I had dank shows like The Teletubies,
Clifford, Spongebob, Animaniacs, Johnny Bravo and so on. Back in the day I didn’t get
the adult references, but these shows made my childhood. I’m not saying it’s nostalgia
that hit me but I will take that stuff over whatever cartoons are played on the TV. Kids
nowadays watch this crap? Boring stories, poor animations, weird characters. No, thank
7.asexual comics
Know your meme?
8.japanese ads
I think every country has its own set of weird or funny ads. I’m not talking about the
annoying or normal ones here. But have you ever seen one of these bizarre Japanese
advertisements on youtube? I don’t get what the hell is going on there. Why are these
commercials so strange? Japanese think differently than Westerners, so a lot that
doesn't make sense to Westerners, makes sense to Japanese people. Another factor is
the rules and culture of Japanese commercials. [] This shit is on another level.
9. nikocado avocado
Most of you probably know who Nikocado Avocado is but for those who don’t, his name
is Nicholas Perry an American celebrity known for his mukbang videos. Mukbang is a
type of eating show that become popular in 2010 in South Korea, where the host eats
various quantities of food while interacting with the audience. Back in 2017, Nikocado
was skinnier, healthier (even though he stated latetly that he already had an eating
disorder that time) and happier. Promoting veganism, healthy lifestyle and an overall
good mental state. He even knows how to play the violin and from what I heard he is
pretty good at it. It went downfall once Nick willingly made the decision to stop pursuing
his actual talent to essentially be an obese joker with money. This is what he has
become now. Seems like the numbers shown on the screen are more valuable than
your well being. The story of nikocado avocado is sad, but he really did this on himself
and he and his audience that pushes him to continue this type of lifestyle are to blame.
Sorry folks, that’s the truth. Now I would rather not talk about his patreon page, his
tiktoks or even the fact that he has an onlyfans account. Maybe in another video.
10. simping weebs
A simp is any man who is seen as too attentive and submissive to women, especially
out of a failed hope of winning some entitled sexual attention or activity from them. A
weeb is a non-Japanese person who is so obsessed with Japanese culture that they
wish they were actually Japanese. What to you get when you mix these two together?
Coomers. They are everywhere. Facebook groups, subreddits, tumblr, twitter, tiktok and
discord channels are filled with coomers. The worst part is the fact that those guys are
literally unable to form bonds with women as they fell in a loophole choosing the same
coping mechanism time and time again: 2D over 3D. If you find anime girls more
attractive than real girls, then congrats! You’re not a sigma male, you’re an incel who
needs to touch some grass real soon. This brings us to the next three and final entries
in this series.
11. vr chat
VRChat is an online virtual world platform which allows users to interact with others
with user-created 3D avatars and worlds. Ehmm, I think this game gained a lot of
popularity once that obnoxious Ugandan Knuckles meme came out in late 2017, early
2018. Since then, the community gained lots of weirdos. Aight, I ain’t gonna generalize,
there are only a few users who can’t behave properly. Maybe I’m taking this matter way
too seriously. But I feel like whatever the hell is going on there is not only unfunny, but
pure chaos and just gives me a headache, you know what I mean? The coomers I’ve
just talked about are omnipresent in this realm as well.
12. hot tub twitch
Twitch had a hot tub problem just until recentely as The new category “Pools, Hot Tubs,
and Beaches” was introduced.  This section lets creators stream what they want, while
also giving Twitch advertisers a more convenient way to prevent ads from running on
streams that they don't approve of. Twitch has been criticized for its vague Terms and
Conditions, which strictly proehibits sexual content or sexualisation of any kind that
leads to this borderline NSFW content being allowed on the platform. Technically,
ASMR and Hot Tub streams are allowed on the platform, but some users would stretch
the definitions of the T&C. Some of my favourite streamers were getting banned for
shitty reasons, while hot tub was gaining more and more popularity. I still see it as a
unnecessary trend, society can develop without watching bikinis and cleavages.
13. vtubers
A  virtual YouTuber is an online entertainer who uses a virtual avatar generated
using computer graphics and real-time motion capture software or technology.
Basically, vtubers make basic content like vlogs or gameplay videos. That avatar is
most of the time, anime or anime related. I don’t find the content itself cringey. Except
for the over for the overly cutesy accessories the avatars come with and the owo and
uwu thingy. Ughh… The fact that its audience waste precious time of their lives to watch
countless hours of this stuff is just disappointing. Some of them will even pay a huge
quantity of money to get access to more content or just through donations. We are
talking about hundreds of dollars. Why? Just to get a bit of attention and feel special for
a couple of seconds while their favourite vtubers notices a new donation or a new
hightier subscriber. Can I really regain faith in humanity after all of this?

Overall disclaimer:
The first is acknowledgement and warning of explicit or possibly offensive content may
exist on the site.

The second part presents an agreement telling the reader that proceeding to the

content means they must hold themselves accountable for their own feelings on the
nature of the content.

e.g viewer description is advised, not for the faint-hearted

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