Reporting Assessment

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Topics, sub topics and learning goals for the creative reporting:


1. Each group will creatively report the assigned topic.

2. Everyone should have a major part/ sub topic
3. Must submit a group PowerPoint soft copy uploaded through the GClassroom.
4. Don’t forget to include your references.
5. Create a game/activity related to the topic and let your classmates be the participants.
6. You can consume the entire the whole period.

Rubrics on this creative reporting

Criteria Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Fair Poor

(10 - 9) (8 - 7) (6 - 5) (4 - 3) (3 - 1)
Content At least five At least four At least three At least only one No necessary
necessary necessary necessary necessary concepts are
concepts are all concepts are all concepts are all concept are all applied and well
applied and well applied and well applied and well applied and well discussed
discussed discussed discussed discussed
Technical Quality Visual Most of the Some of the Only few of the Visual
Presentation is slides of the slides of the slides of the presentation is
clear and visual visual visual not clear with
complete presentation are presentation are presentation are distracting slides
clear but clear but not clear but
complete complete incomplete
Delivery Presenter speaks Presenter Presenter has Presenter Presenter hardly
fluently and commits minor some errors in commits lots of understand
articulately while errors in grammar and a error that most his/her topic and
discussing the grammar but still bit tense that of the time the topic is not
topic speaks fluently sometimes his presents the delivered
and articulately delivery is topic in binocular correctly.
while discussing affected but still and the topic is
the topic the topic is not properly
presented or presented.
Creativity Students are Students are Students are a bit Students Students were
creative in their somewhat be creative in attempted to be not creative in
presentation and creative in their their creative in their their
was able to presentation and presentation and presentation and presentation and
engage the was able to was able to attempted to did not attempt
audience. engage the engage at the engage the to engage the
audience. audience for audience. audience.
short time.
Ability to answer All questions are Majority if the Some of the Only few None of the
questions answered questions are questions are questions are questions are
correctly, answered answered answered answered.
articulately and correctly with correctly and
with confidence confidence with confidence
Group 1 The Nano World
Learning Goals * At the end of the topic, students can:

1. Discuss the major impacts of nanotechnology on the society.

2. Analyze the issue through the conceptual Science, technology and society.
3. Critique the issue on its costs and benefits to society.
Sub topic

 What is Nanotechnology?
 History of nanotechnology
 Technology behind it
 Products
 Applications
 Pitfalls

Group 2 Biodiversity
Learning Objectives: *After reading this section, the student should be able to:

1. Explain the significance of biodiversity in various aspects of the society;

2. Identify the impact of human activity and society on the flourishing or endangerment of biodiversity; and
3. Come up with a possible course of actions that society could take to positively affect the environment.

Sub Topic

 What is Biodiversity? Why is it important?

 Aspects of society that benefit from biodiversity:
 Reasons why biodiversity matters to health and the economy
 The Impact of human activity that society on the flourishing or endangerment of biodiversity
 What are the possible course of actions could the society take to positively affect the environment

Group 3 Climate Change

Learning Objectives: *At the end of the topic, students can:

1. Identify the cause of climate change;

2. Explain how climate change happen;
3. Provide pieces of evidence to affirm the presence of climate change;
4. Discuss the implications of climate change; and
5. Apply STS concepts to the issue of climate change
Sub Topic

 What is Climate Change?

 Evidences of Climate Change
 What Causes Climate Change?
 What is Greenhouse Effect?
 The effects of Global warming
 What are the s=possible solutions of global warming?
 Government steps to reduce global warming.

Group 4 Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)

Sub Topic

 What are GMO’s?

 What is Biotechnology?
 The timeline of Genetic Modification (GM) in agriculture
 How to make a GMO plant?
 Purpose on Generic engineering on plants
 Examples of Genetically Modified Organisms
 GM crops
o human health
o Economic consequences
o Environmental Issues
 Benefits of GMOs
 Risks of GMOs

Group 5 Gene Therapy VS Stem Cell Research

Learning outcomes: *At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:

1. describe gene therapy and its various forms;

2. discuss the prevalence of gene therapy in daily life;

3. explore the opportunities that may be opened by gene therapy in the future; and

4. assess the issue’s potential benefits and detriments to global health.

5. Compare and contrast gene therapy and stem cell therapy.

Sub Topic

 What is a Gene?
 What is Gene therapy?
 How it started?
 The first case of gene therapy?
 What the are basic types of gene therapy?
 The approcahes of gene therapy? (En Vivo, Ex Vivo)
o How it works?
 What is the current status of Gene therapy?
 Problems with gene therapy
 Gene therapy VS Stem Cells
 What is stem cell?
 Importance of Stem Cell?
 Stem Cell history
 stem cell
o characteristics
o classification
o two main sources
o applications
o technical challenges
 Why is Stem Cell research important to us all?
 Why is there a controversy over Stem Cell?

Scoring Rubrics: Creative Reporting


 Content
 Technical Quality
 Delivery
 Creativity
 Ability to answer questions

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