World War I Projects

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World War I Projects

I can…

- develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking

- develop skills of historical thinking
- demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving
- demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus
- apply the research process
- demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy
- develop skills of media literacy

Inquiry Question: How did World War I

change the WORLD!?
YOU will be researching one of the topics below and creating a presentation to
present (in the form of a video) to the rest of the class.

You will be assigned a topic. From this topic, you must create a presentation for the
class about how this particular part of the war changed and impacted the world
(forever!). World War I, also known as the Great War, was an incredible time of
change and discovery. Be sure to mention the people, inventions, discoveries and
technologies that your topic gave the World.

Guiding Questions (in no particular order) :

What is your topic?

What was it like prior to World War I?

Who are the major players (inventors/people/soldiers/figures) in your topic?

Was this a good or bad thing for the World?

Explain- How did your topic impact the World?

How does your topic connect to or support Nationalism? (Could be past or present)

Why choose this topic for you to talk about? Why should we care about this topic?

Create three questions to quiz your peers about your topic

Topics to choose from:
- War in the Air
- War at sea
- Medicine
- Spies and codes
- Life in Canada
- WWI in the Middle East
- Positive technological advances
- Negative technological advances (NOT JUST weapons)

Required (Physical) Elements:

1. Informative and enjoyable oral and visual presentation (YOUR VIDEO)

2. Student Note sheet (summarizing the information)
3. Visual for our bulletin board (this can be from your presentation)
4. Make three questions about your presentation for your peers
5. Self and partner evaluations


1. Presentations should be at least 10-15 minutes in length – see rubric.

2. Presented information is factual – see rubric.

3. Presentation is organized and concepts are understood – see rubric.

4. Presentation includes research, visual aids, and both spoken and visual

5. Presentation MUST mention Nationalism! What about Nationalism?

6. Group dynamics are positive and group goals are reached – see rubric.

7. A student note sheet of your topic is created and provided for remaining
students to take notes on your topic

8. Copy and credit all the websites that helped you in your assignment, in the
last slide of your project.

Question Checklist

- Do we have all the research to explain the subtopics?

- Have we considered how to narrow this done?
- Where do we want to take our topic?
- Are we doing this topic justice?
- Did you mention Nationalism?
- Do more than a definition but don’t write a book
- Did you cite all your resources?
- Did you make THREE questions about your topic?

Project Instructions:

- At least 10-15 minutes long

- Ensure that you are working together to each film one section of the presentation and
cut the project together
- Please include visuals! At least one image per slide
given proper credit
- Any concerns for copy and paste or plagiarism the group will be awarded a zero (0)
- No requirement for number of slides but MAKE THEM READABLE and
- Language on the slides should be at a Gr 11 level and at the level of the class that we
may all understand the material (simplify and/or explain new terms)
- Creativity: Would you want to listen to your presentation?
- Student Note sheet (Skeletal notes) – other students will fill in as you are giving your
- The student note sheet (summary) is due the same day as the project is due
- You may include short videos, less than one minute and must be relevant
- Give credit where credit is due and include a citations page
- Make sure you know what you are talking about

Scoring Rubric

Element Excellent - 4 Proficient - 3 Satisfactory - 2 Limited - 1

Project accuracy - Project is Accurate and All subtopics Accurate but 1 -2 subtopics Obvious incorrect facts and/or Obvious incorrect facts
accurate to WWI standards discussed not discussed 1 -2 subtopics not discussed and 3 or more subtopics
FACTS not discussed

Project research - Project Very complete information; Information somewhat Information is missing; not Information is missing;
exemplifies effort in well researched obvious; complete (missing some well researched; Somewhat poor research; Is not
research knowledge of topic evident; important facts); somewhat familiar with their topic familiar with their topic
well researched; knowledge
Properly cited of topic evident; Citations questionable No citations have been
Citations questionable made

Presentation creativity - Creativity and time/effort Creative but more Somewhat creative and more Not very creative (too
Project is creative and obvious time/effort should have time/effort should have been plain) and evident that
utilizes visual aids been put into it put into it little time put into it

Student Hand out / summary Turned in with presentation, Turned in with Turned in with presentation, Turned in with
includes important info, well presentation, includes does not include all of the presentation, is missing
organized and supports student important info, but could important info, and could important info, could
understanding. improve organization improve organization and/or improve organization and
and/or does not fully does not fully support student does not fully support
support student understanding. student understanding.

Visual Display The visual display enhances the The visual display connects The visual display begins to The visual display does
overall enjoyment, information to promote the overall connect to promote the overall not connect and/ or does
and meaningfulness of the enjoyment, information and enjoyment, information and not promote the overall
assigned topic. meaningfulness of the meaningfulness of the enjoyment, information
assigned topic. assigned topic. and meaningfulness of the
assigned topic.

Partner Evaluation Sheet



PARTNER #1 Name & Score: _______________ ____________

PARTNER #2 Name & Score: _______________ ____________

10 7 5 2

Partner did Partner did a Partner did an ok Partner did little

excellent job; good job; job; covered some of to nothing to
covered all covered most of their material but I contribute to this
their material; all their had to step in and project; I did most
never doubted material; had finish the research; research and
research or some doubt doubted that he/she creation of the
presentation about their would come through presentation
creation research or based on
presentation observations
creation but
trusted he/she
would come


Self Evaluation Sheet


YOUR NAME:_______________________________
10 7 5 2

I feel that I did I feel that I did a I did an ok job; I did very little
an excellent job; good job; covered covered some of to nothing to
I covered all the most of all the the material but I prepare for this
material; never material; had some didn’t finish the project even
doubted my doubt about my research; I should though I had
research or research or have put more time time in class
presentation presentation into it
creation creation but came
through ok; I could
have put more time
into it


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