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Acknowledgements: The authors and editors wish to extend their thanks to the following individuals who helped make this book possible through their
ideas and contributions: Brian Blume, Dave Cook, Ernie Gygax, Allen Hammack, Kevin Hendryx, Harold Johnson, Tim Kask, Jeff Key, Rob Kuntz, Alan
Lucien, Steve Marsh, Frank Mentzer, Mike Mornard, Jon Pickens, Brian Pitzer, Michael Price, Patrick Price, Paul Reiche III, Evan Robinson, Gordon Schick,
Lawrence Schick, Edward G. Sollers, Don Snow, Stephen D. Sullivan, Ralph Wagner, Jim Ward, Jean Wells, and Bill Wilkerson.
Special thanks to Harold Johnson and Frank Mentzer for their care and dedication in reorganizing and fine tuning this book..
Artists: Darlene Pekul, Jeff Dee, David S. LaForce, Jeff Easley, Larry Elmore, Jim Holloway, Erol Otus, Keith Parkinson, Roger Raupp, Jim Roslof, David C.
Sutherland III, David A. Trampier, Timothy Truman, and Bill Wilingham
Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, all of the Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
respective logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of
Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright law of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the
material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
© 2021 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 980507-0707, USA.
CHAPTER 5: THE ENCOUNTER, deals with interactions with both monsters Each game session is called an adventure. An adventure lasts for as
and other people. Most of the action in D&D games take place during long as the players and the DM agree to play. An adventure begins
encounters, so this section includes rules for social interaction, combat, when the party enters a dungeon and ends when the party has left
ability checks, and Saving Throws. the dungeon and divided up treasure. An adventure may run for only
an hour, or it might fill an entire weekend! The amount of playing time
CHAPTER 6: MONSTERS, contains descriptions and explanations of over depends on the desires of the players and the DM. Several related
100 monsters, arranged alphabetically. adventures (one adventure leading to another, often with the same
player characters) is called a campaign.
CHAPTER 7: REWARDS, explains Experience Point awards and the
different types of treasure and many magical items which the player At the start of the game, the players enter the dungeon, and the DM
characters may find during their adventures. describes what the characters can see. One player should draw a
map from the DM’s descriptions; that player is called the mapper. As
the player characters move further into the dungeon, more and more
design of a sample dungeon level plus tips to help the referee. This
of the dungeon is mapped. Eventually, the DM’s map and the players’
section also gives rules for adventuring in the wilderness outside of the
map will look more or less alike.
To avoid confusion, the players should select one player to speak for
APPENDIX A: ADVANCED OPTIONS, gives entirely optional rules to add
the entire group or party. That player is named the caller. When
added classes and other options from the Advanced Dungeons and
unusual situations occur, each player may want to say what his or her
Dragons® game to your D&D game.
character is doing. The caller should make sure that he or she is
APPENDIX B: GLOSSARY, explains commonly used game terms. accurately representing all the player characters’ wishes. The caller is
a mediator between the players and the DM and should not judge
APPENDIX C: INSPIRATIONAL READING lists works of fiction and what the player characters should do.
nonfiction that serve for the imagination of D&D players.
As details of the dungeon are revealed, the player characters will
These rules explain the different player character classes (professions) meet “monsters” which they will have to avoid, talk to, or fight. A
from the 1st to the 20th level of experience. (These and other terms will monster is any animal, person, or supernatural creature that is not a
be explained later in this book.) player character. A monster may be a ferocious dragon or a humble
merchant. For game purposes, any creature that is not a player
Read the whole book through (though players, other than the
character is a monster. Human monsters are typically called non-
Dungeon Master, should refrain from reading past CHAPTER 5). D&D
player characters (or NPCs) to separate them from other monsters.
rules all fit together, and rules that seem confusing at first will become
more understandable when used with the rest of the game. This is not A meeting between player characters and monsters is called an
like any other game you have ever played before: it is more important encounter. During an adventure the player characters will also
that you understand the ideas in the rules than that you know every discover treasure and try to avoid dangerous traps as well as
detail about the game. When you understand how they work, the rules encounter monsters. Sometimes, of course, the player characters will
will become more understandable. have to fight monsters. Such a fight is referred to as a melee.
While the material in this book is referred to as rules, that is not really In D&D rules, player characters try to gain experience, which is earned
correct. Anything in this book (and other D&D books) should be as experience points (or XP). Experience points are given out by the
thought of as changeable - anything, that is, that the Dungeon Master DM at the end of each adventure. Player characters continue to gain
or referee thinks should be changed. This is not to say that everything experience points for each adventure they participate in.
in this book should be discarded!
Use of the Word “Level” How To “Win”
The word “level” has several different meanings in D&D® Adventure “Winning” and “losing”, things important to most games, do not apply
Game. to D&D games! The DM and the players do not play against each
other, even though the DM often plays the role of various monsters
EXPERIENCE: A “level of experience” is a general term meaning an which threaten the player characters. The DM must not take sides. He
amount of experience points. When a character earns a given or she is a guide and a referee, the person who keeps the action
amount of experience points (XP), that character gains one level of flowing and creates an exciting adventure. Player characters have
experience. All player characters usually begin the game at the first fun by overcoming fantastic obstacles and winning treasure, but this
level of experience and will gain levels of experience through does not end the game. Nor is the game “lost” when an unlucky
adventures. player’s character dies, since the player may simply “roll up” a new
MONSTERS: A “monster level” indicates how tough and ferocious a character and continue playing. A good D&D campaign is similar to
type of monster is. A monster’s level is equal to the number of Hit Dice the creation of a fantasy novel, written by the DM and the players.
(a measure of how much damage a monster can take and still survive;
see CHAPTER 6: MONSTERS on page 87) it has. Some monsters have
special powers, and the DM may consider them one “monster level”
(or Hit Die) higher than the number of their Hit Dice.
SPELLS: The term “spell level” indicates the difficulty of a magic spell.
For example, Light is a first level spell, but Continual Light (a more
difficult version of Light) is a third level spell.
CHAPTER 2: CHARACTER CREATION 6. Consult the table of Ability Modifiers (page 6) and make a note
of the resulting modifiers next to exceptional ability scores.
7. Set aside a section of the paper for Experience Points or XP. As a
new character, mark down “0” for the number of starting XP. For
future reference, make a note of the number of XP needed to
advance to second level (2,500 XP).
8. Determine the number of Hit Points your character. At 1st level,
your character has 1 Hit Die, and the die type is determined by
your class. You add your Constitution modifier to this die roll to
determine your Hit Point maximum. Record the number in a
special area marked Hit Points or hp.
9. Read the section on Character Alignment (page 15) and choose
an alignment for your character. Record the alignment next to
your character’s name.
10. Roll to determine your starting wealth. The Equipment Section
(page 16) shows how to determine starting wealth (in gold
pieces) for each class. Roll for the number of gold pieces
(abbreviated gp) that your character starts with and record this
Record this amount in a section marked Money or gp. This will be
used to purchase equipment for your adventures.
11. Consult the tables with the costs of Armor, Weapons, and
Equipment (pages 16-20) and “buy” whatever equipment your
character desires, within the limits of his or her starting amount of
gp and class restrictions (for example, magic-users may not wear
armor). Write down the equipment you have purchased on the
back of the paper.
With the exception of the Dungeon Master, each person playing
12. Now that you know what type of armor your character will be
Dungeons & Dragons creates a character to use during the game. To
wearing, check the Armor section (page 16), and write down the
create this character the player begins by simply imagining the type
number of your character’s Armor Class in a section marked
of character he or she desires to play, be it a wandering barbaric
Armor Class or AC.
fighter, reclusive magic-user, traveling dwarf, noble elf, dastardly thief,
or virtuous knight. 13. Determine your character’s Attack Modifiers for melee (hand-to-
hand) and missile (ranged) attacks by adding together your
Decide, in a general manner, the type of character desired. Literature,
class’s Attack Bonus and Strength modifier, for melee attacks, or
film, theater, and comic books are rife with examples of heroes and
Dexterity modifier, for missile attacks. The fighter, elf, dwarf, and
villains that players can draw upon for inspiration for their characters.
halfling classes all start with an Attack Bonus of 1 at 1st level.
Yet, as the creator of your own character, you can build upon these
CHAPTER 5: THE ENCOUNTER contains an explanation of these
examples to create complex villainous or noble characters. Stretch
numbers and how they are used.
your imagination! Create the character as you imagine him to be. In
the end, imagination is the only limit when creating a persona. 14. Note the Class Bonuses granted by your class next to the ability
scores indicated in the class description. Each class grants a +2
The player begins by generating ability scores with dice rolls. Ability
bonus to all ability checks, including Saving Throws, made with
scores define the character’s physical and mental traits. Next the
these two abilities. CHAPTER 5: THE ENCOUNTER contains an
player chooses a class, or profession, for the character that best fits
explanation of ability checks, including Saving Throws, and how
how the character is imagined. In the same manner the player
they are used.
chooses a race which best fits both the persona and class desired.
Lastly the player fills in the details: examples include technical game- 15. If you have not already done so, name your character. If any
related aspects of the character, such as combat bonuses, as well as problems have come up while creating your character, double-
the character’s persona and history. These steps are outlined below check with the example of character creation on page 22.
and detailed in their appropriate sections.
How To Create A Player Character
1. On a blank sheet of paper, write down the names of the six player 1. Choose a class; note class abilities and spells
character abilities: Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity,
Constitution, and Charisma (in that order). If a Dungeons &
Dragons Character Record Sheet is being used, the six names will 2. Roll for ability scores.
already be printed on the sheet. It may be useful to glance at the
example character record sheet hereafter (page 23) to see the
form that such a sheet takes.
3. Adjust scores as desired; note modifiers for
2. Read the sections on Character Abilities (page 5) and Character
high and low scores.
Classes (pages 7-14) and choose a class which best suits your
character. 4. Roll for Hit Point and add your Constitution
3. Roll four six-sided dice (4d6). Discard the lowest die and total the modifier.
remaining three (for a result of 3 to 18). Repeat this five more
times, and then assign the six numbers to the character’s abilities
based on your chosen class and how you envision your 5. Roll for money and equip your character.
4. Write down any abilities your character possesses because of the 6. Find Armor Class, as well as modifiers to attack
class, for future reference (keeping in mind that your character is rolls, damage rolls, and Saving Throws
1st level). Magic-users and elves should choose their starting spells,
consulting the section on Magic-user and Elf Spells (pages 39-63).
5. Read the section on Ability Score Adjustments (page 5), and then 7. Name your character.
adjust your character’s ability scores, if so desired.
CLERIC CLASS TABLE TURN UNDEAD: Clerics are very helpful when undead monsters (such
Level Title Hit Dice Attack Bonus as skeletons, zombies, and ghouls) are encountered. When a cleric
1 Acolyte 1d6 +0 encounters an undead monster, the cleric may attempt to “Turn”
2 Adept 2d6 +1 (scare) the monster instead of fighting it.
3 Priestess/Priest 3d6 +2 As an action, the cleric presents his or her holy symbol and recites a
4 Vicar 4d6 +2 prayer censuring the undead. Each undead within 30’ that can see or
5 Curate 5d6 +3 hear the cleric must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (see pages 73-74).
6 Elder 6d6 +4 The Difficulty Class (or DC) of this Saving Throw is equal to 10 + the
7 Bishop 7d6 +4 cleric’s Experience Bonus (see page 69). Those that fail their Saving
8 Lama 8d6 +5 Throw are turned for 10 rounds.
9 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6 +6
10 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6+2* +6 Turned undead flee from the cleric by the best and fastest means
11 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6+4* +7 available to them. If they cannot flee, they cower, unable to attack
12 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6+6* +8 but able to defend themselves. The turning cleric cannot attack
13 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6+8* +8 turned creatures without breaking the turning effect. Other characters
14 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6+10* +9 can attack them without breaking the turning effect.
15 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6+12* +10 Undead with Hit Dice equal to or less than the cleric’s Experience
16 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6+14* +10 Bonus may be destroyed rather than turned.
17 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6+16* +11
This ability may be used 5 times per day.
18 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6+18* +12
19 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6+20* +12
STRONGHOLD: When clerics reach 9th level (Matriarch/Patriarch), they
20 Matriarch/Patriarch 9d6+22* +13
may choose to construct a castle (see p. 160) or stronghold. If they
* Constitution modifiers no longer apply have not lost the favor of their deity, the cost of building the castle will
be half the normal amount due to miraculous assistance from the
CLERIC CLASS DESCRIPTION deity. For example, if a cleric spends 50,000 gold pieces on a castle,
Clerics are humans who have dedicated themselves to the service of the cleric would actually be able to build a structure that normally
a god or goddess. They are trained in fighting and casting spells. As a costs 100,000 gold pieces.
cleric advances in level, he or she is granted the use of more and more
spells. Clerics are forbidden by their religious codes from using edged Furthermore, once the castle is completed, fanatically loyal troops
weapons, such as swords and arrows. They may wear any armor and (the “faithful”, who never need to check morale) will come to defend
may use shields. the cleric. There will be from 50-300 soldiers (5d6x10), from 1st - 2nd level,
armed with various weapons. It is up to the DM to determine their
Should a cleric behave in a manner that is not pleasing to his or her exact composition (how many archers, how many cavalry, etc.).
deity, the deity may become angered and punish the offender. This
Class Abilities: Combat Bonuses, Darkvision, Keen Senses, Halflings can use any type of armor or shield which has been “cut
Resistant to Magic and Poison, Stealthy, Extra down” to their size. They may use Medium-sized weapons with two
Attacks, Stronghold hands but may not use Large-sized weapons.
Class Bonuses: +2 to Dexterity and Constitution ability checks All halflings speak Common, Halfling, and the alignment tongue of the
character, plus the languages of Elvish, Dwarvish, and Gnome.
Movement Rate: 30’ per round
Permitted Armor: All armor and shields
Permitted Weapons: All small- and medium-sized weapons
Level Title Hit Dice Attack Bonus
1 Halfling Veteran 1d8 +1
2 Halfling Warrior 2d8 +2
3 Halfling Weapon Master 3d8 +3
4 Halfling Hero 4d8 +4
5 Halfling Swashbuckler 5d8 +5
6 Halfling Myrmidon 6d8 +6
7 Halfling Champion 7d8 +7
8 Halfling Superhero 8d8 +8
9 Halfling Sheriff 9d8 +9
10 Halfling Sheriff 9d8+4* +10
11 Halfling Sheriff 9d8+8* +11
12 Halfling Sheriff 9d8+12* +12
13 Halfling Sheriff 9d8+16* +13
14 Halfling Sheriff 9d8+20* +14
15 Halfling Sheriff 9d8+24* +15
16 Halfling Sheriff 9d8+28* +16
17 Halfling Sheriff 9d8+32* +17
18 Halfling Sheriff 9d8+36* +18
19 Halfling Sheriff 9d8+40* +19
20 Halfling Sheriff 9d8+44* +20
* Constitution modifiers no longer apply COMBAT BONUSES: Halflings practice at pitching rocks and playing
games of darts throughout their childhood and, as a result, are very
accurate with all missile weapons. Halflings gain a +1 bonus to all
ranged attack rolls.
Due to their small size and skill at dodging, halflings have a +2 bonus
to their Armor Class when being attacked by creatures that are larger
than man-sized.
MAGIC-USER CLASS DESCRIPTION WIZARD’S TOWER: Upon reaching 11th level, a magic- user may choose
Magic-users are humans who, through study and practice, have to build a tower, provided that money to pay for the construction is
learned how to cast spells. Though they are weak at first, magic-users available. A magic-user who constructs a tower will gain 1d6
can eventually become very powerful. apprentices of levels 1-3.
CHAOS (OR CHAOTIC) is the opposite of Law. It is the belief that life is
random, and that chance and luck rule the world. Everything happens
by accident, and nothing can be predicted. Laws are made to be
broken, as long as a person can get away with it. It is not important to
keep promises, and both lying and telling the truth are useful at times.
To a Chaotic creature, the individual is the most important of all things.
Selfishness is the normal way of life, and the group is not important.
Chaotics often act on sudden desires and whims. They cannot be
trusted, and their behavior is hard to predict. They have a strong belief
in the power of luck. Chaotic behavior is usually the same as behavior
that could be called “evil”.
INITIAL CHARACTER FUNDS: All player characters begin with some Small Weapons Cost Weight Damage Range
amount of cash. This nest egg may be your character’s life savings. How Axe, Hand 4 2 1d6 10’
your character came by his or her money is not important (although it Dagger 3 1 1d4 10’
may be fun to create any explanation that suits your character). Dagger, Silver 30 1 1d4 10’
Dart 1 ½ 1d4 30’
To determine your character’s starting funds, roll the dice indicated for Hammer, Throwing* 2 2 1d4 10’
that character’s class on the table below. This is the number of gold Javelin 1 2 1d4 30’
pieces your character may spend on equipment. Sling* - ½ - -
Class Initial Funds (Die Range) Sling Stones (20) 2 4 1d4 30’
Cleric 30 - 180 gold pieces (3d6 x 10) Sword, Short 7 2 1d6 -
Dwarf 40 - 240 gold pieces (4d6 x 10) * These weapons may be used by a cleric.
Elf 30 - 180 gold pieces (3d6 x 10)
Fighter 30 - 180 gold pieces (3d6 x 10) Medium Weapons Cost Weight Damage Range
Halfling 30 - 180 gold pieces (3d6 x 10) Axe, Battle 7 6 1d8 -
Magic-user 20 - 120 gold pieces (2d6 x 10) Bow, Short 25 2 - -
Thief 20 - 120 gold pieces (2d6 x 10) Arrows (20) 2 2 1d6 60’
Club* 1 3 1d6 -
EQUIPPING CHARACTERS: Careful selection of equipment and supplies Crossbow 30 15 - -
for characters is very important. Often there will not be sufficient funds Quarrels (20) 2 2 1d6 60’
to purchase everything desired, so intelligent choices will have to be Mace* 5 4 1d8 -
made. Also, the choice of equipment should always be done with Hammer, War* 5 5 1d8 -
respect to encumbrance restrictions (see page 67). Pick, Military 5 5 1d8 -
Equipping Small-Sized Characters: The weight of most equipment Quarterstaff* 2 3 1d6 -
remains unchanged for small characters, though worn items, such as Spear 3 3 1d6 30’
backpacks, clothing, armor, and shields, weigh ½ of the listed weight. Sword 10 4 1d8 -
Trident 15 4 1d8 10’
Halflings must wield Medium-sized weapons with two hands, while
dwarves may use Medium-sized weapons with one hand. Neither may * These weapons may be used by a cleric.
use Large-sized weapons due to their small size. Large Weapons Cost Weight Damage Range
Bow, Long 40 2 - -
EQUIPMENT LISTS: The following lists include much of the equipment Arrows (20) 5 2 1d6 90’
your character needs for adventuring. The most basic of these are Arrows, Silvered (20) 50 2 1d6 90’
armor, weapons, clothing, and outfitting gear. The other lists provide Mace, Heavy* 7 10 1d10 -
goods and services your character may need during the course of his Pole Arm 7 10 1d10 -
or her many adventures. Sword, Two-handed 15 8 1d10 -
All listed costs are in gold pieces and all weights are in pounds. * These weapons may be used by a cleric.
All bows require two hands to use properly. Crossbows require two Flask of Oil: Oil is burned in a lantern to give light. It may also be thrown
hands while loading, though they may be fired one-handed. 50% of all at monsters or poured on the floor and lit to delay pursuit.
arrows or bolts fired may be recovered and re-used. Grappling Hook: A large 3 or 4-pronged hook, made of specially
Crossbows: The crossbow, also called a latch, must be braced against hardened iron, used to anchor a rope.
an object to be cocked with a lever mounted on the stock. They may Hammer, Small: A hammer is useful to pound iron spikes into the wall or
only be fired once per round, even by characters with the Extra Attacks floor. It can be used as a weapon, dealing 1d4 damage.
class ability.
Holy Symbol: The sign or symbol of a given deity that is worn by a cleric.
SILVERED WEAPONS: A complex process involving metallurgy and Each cleric must have a holy symbol.
alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it can harm Holy Water: This water is made holy by a high-level cleric. It will cause
creatures such as lycanthropes. Bladed weapons, such as arrows, damage to undead monsters when thrown at them and may be used
quarrels, and daggers that are silvered cost 10 times their listed cost. in certain clerical rituals.
Thieves’ Tools: A thief must have this small case of picks, tiny blades,
and pincers to use the Disable Device ability.
Tinderbox: A tinderbox holds flint, steel, and tinder. It is used to start fires,
light torches, etc. It takes 1d3 rounds to use a tinderbox. Boat, River: This is a boat specially designed for river travel (length 20’-
30’, beam 10’, draft 2’-3’; “beam” Is the boat’s width and “draft” is how
Torch: A torch casts light in a 30’ radius for two hours. deeply it rides in the water). It can be either rowed or poled and may
Water/Wineskin: A wineskin holds one quart of liquid. have a wooden roof to keep the cargo and passengers dry (1,000 gp
extra). The standard crew is 8 rowers. A river boat carries up to 3,000
Whetstone: A whetstone is used for sharpening blades.
Wolfsbane: A dried bundle of wolfsbane may drive off werewolves and
other lycanthropes. Boat, Sailing: This is a small boat with a single mast (length 20’-40’, beam
10’-15’, draft 2’-3’). Sailing boats are mainly used for fishing on lake or
Wooden Stakes: These large (18”) wooden stakes are useful when coastal waters. There must be at least one sailor as crew, although a
setting up tents (and are helpful against vampires). captain and additional crew may be hired. A sailing boat can carry up
to 3,000 pounds.
LAND TRANSPORT Galley, Large: A large galley is a long ship with a shallow draft (length
120’-150’, beam 15’-20’, draft 3’). It will have a single mast, with one
Item Cost large square sail. The standard crew is 180 rowers, 20 sailors, 50 marines,
Camel 100 and a captain. Besides the crew the large galley can carry up to
Cart (2 wheels) 100 300,000 pounds of cargo. If desired, the galley can be built with a ram
Horse (increase cost by 1/3) and up to two light catapults (one for the bow
Draft 75 and one for the stern). An historical example is the Mediterranean
Riding 75 trireme.
War 250
Mule 20 Galley, Small: This ship is similar to a large galley, but smaller and lighter
Pony 40 (length 60’-100’, beam 10’-15’, draft 2’-3’). The standard crew is 60
Saddle and Bridle 25 rowers, 10 sailors, 20’ marines, and a captain. Besides the crew, the
Saddle Bags 5 small galley can carry up to 100,000 pounds of cargo. A small galley
Wagon (4 wheels) 200 may also be fitted with a ram and up to two light catapults. Historical
examples include the bireme and the pentaconter (no ram).
Cart: This may be pulled by up to two draft horses (or 4 mules) at a rate
of 20’ per round. A cart will carry 500 lbs. when drawn by a single horse Galley, War. This is a specially constructed large galley that often serves
and 1,000 lbs. with two. A cart may move through deserts, mountains, as a flagship of a fleet (length 120’-150’, beam 20’-30’, draft 4’-6’). The
forests, or swamps only on a road. standard crew is 300 rowers, 30 sailors, 75 marines, and a captain. It is
always built with a ram and a full deck over the rowers. It will have two
Saddle Bag: A saddle bag holds 50 pounds. masts. A war galley has light wooden towers in the bow and stern. These
Wagon: A wagon may be pulled by up to 4 draft horses (or 8 mules) at are platforms about 10’-20’ square, rising 15’-20’ above the deck. A war
the same speed as a cart. Two creatures will be able to pull a load of galley can be fitted with up to 3 light catapults and can carry 150,000
1,500 lbs. while 4 creatures may pull a load of 2,500 lbs. The same terrain pounds in addition to the crew. An historical example is the
restrictions for a cart apply to a wagon. Mediterranean quinquereme.
Ship Miles/Day Feet/Round Rowers Sailors Marines Hull Points Armor Class Cargo (lbs.)
Canoe 18 60’ - - - 5-10 11 600
Galley, Large 18/72 90’/120’ 180 20 50 100-120 13 300,000
Galley, Small 18/90 90’/150’ 60 10 20 80-100 14 100,000
Galley, War 12/72 60’/120’ 300 30 75 120-150 15 150,000
Lifeboat, Ship’s 18 30’ 2 - - 10-20 11 1,500
Longship 18/90 90’/150’ - 75* - 60-80 13 20,000
Raft 12 30’ - - - 5 per 10 sq. ft. 10 500/10 sq. ft.
River Boat 36 60’ 8 2 - 20-40 13 4,000
Sailing Boat 72 120’ - 1 - 20-40 14 3,000
Sailing Ship, Large 72 120’ - 20 50** 120-180 13 450,000
Sailing Ship, Small 90 150’ - 10 25** 60-90 14 200,000
*These also act as rowers and marines. **Warships only; costs an additional 1/3 of original.
Miles/Day: In general, galleys are used for travel along the coast. River Ship Modifications: Some ships can be modified for transport or
boats and rafts are used for travel on rivers and will almost surely be combat. The costs and effects of these are listed below:
destroyed if they venture too far from shore. Above is given the Adding a Ram: Large and small galleys can add a ram for an
average movement rates, in miles travelled per day, for the different additional 1/3 of the original ship’s cost. War galleys already have a
types of crafts. Where two rates are given, the first is for rowing ram (included in their cost). The ram is fitted on the bow and is only
movement and the second is for sailing. Rowing during an encounter useful for striking large targets such as other ships or giant sea
is much faster than when used for long voyages. creatures.
Hull Points: A ship’s ability to remain afloat after taking in water or In order to strike a ship or sea creature, the ship’s pilot must make a
sustaining damage is given in a value called hull points. Hull points for Dexterity check with a DC equal to either the ship’s or creature’s Armor
a ship are very similar to Hit Points for a character; when a ship reaches Class, though this can be modified due to high winds, choppy seas,
zero or less hull points, it will sink in 1d10 rounds. Unless otherwise foul weather, or fog.
specified, most giant sea creatures and certain magic attacks deal 1
Rams that hit other vessels will do 50-80 (1d4+4) x 10) points of damage
hull point of damage for every 5 Hit Points of damage the attack does.
(small galley ram) or 60-110 (1d6 + 5) x 10) points of damage (large or
Damage dealt by ramming and by siege weapons, including flaming
war galley ram); giant sea creatures will suffer 3-24 (3d8) points (small
pitch, is discussed on the following page. When a ship is reduced to
galley) or 6-36 (6d6) points (large or war galley) from rams.
zero or less hull points, it may no longer move under its own power or
attack with ship-mounted weapons (catapult, etc.), although crew Mounting a Weapon: Longships, any type of galley, and either type of
may use personal weapons normally. sailed warship can add a light catapult or ballista (combat with siege
weapons is discussed on the following page). A light catapult or
Attempts to put out fires and repair hull damage take place after
ballista and 20 rounds of ammunition weigh 1,000 pounds.
damage for the round is scored on the ship. Crew working at these
tasks cannot do anything else. Each 10% of hull damage reduces Troop Transport: Large and small sailing ships can be converted into
speed by 10%. Each 10% loss of rowers reduces rowed speed by 10%. troop transports by paying an additional 1/3 of the original ship’s cost.
Damage from any type of attack on a ship can be repaired at the Troop transports have 1/3 more hull points than normal sailing ships and
rate of 1 hull point of damage per turn. This requires that at least 5 crew carry twice as many troops (marines) as the normal vessel.
be assigned to repair duty during the entire turn. Because repairs at
sea were makeshift, no more than ½ the damage sustained by a
vessel can be repaired until the vessel returns to a port facility.
1] A printed character sheet is being used for this example, so it is not 8] The player rolls 1d8 to determine the number of Hit Points the
necessary to write down the ability names. character has as a 1st level fighter or chooses to take the average result
of 5. The player takes the average (5) and adds 2 due to the Constitution
2] 4d6 are rolled six times, with the lowest die result dropped from each bonus, for a total of 7 Hit Points.
die roll. The results (from highest to lowest) were: 16, 15, 13, 11, 9, and 7.
These numbers are recorded in pencil next to (not in) the box provided 9] The player decides to make the character Neutral, so Neutral is
for each ability score. marked for Alignment.
3] Since the player wants to create a fighter, the highest ability scores 10] For gold, the player rolls a 12 on 3d6, then multiplies by 10, which
rolled were written next to Strength (15), Dexterity (13), and Constitution gives the character 120 gold pieces (gp) with which to buy equipment.
(16). As a new character, the character is, of course, 1st level. The lowest 110 gp is recorded under MONEY on the back of the character sheet.
roll (7) is written next to Intelligence, with an 11 written beside Wisdom,
and a 9 next to Charisma. 11] The player decides on purchasing the following equipment:
4] A fighter has the following class abilities: Combat Mastery (+2 to all Chain Mail (50 gp), Shield (10 gp), Sword (10 gp), Short Bow (25 gp),
STR ability checks made for Combat Maneuvers) and Weapon Mastery Sword Scabbard (1 gp), Quiver (1 gp), Boots (2 gp), Belt (½ gp), 20
with swords (+2 to all attack and damage roll with sword attacks). Arrows (2 gp), 1 Silvered Arrow (2 gp), 50’ Rope (1 gp), 10’ Pole (1 gp),
12 Iron Spikes (4 gp), 6 Torches (1 gp), 1 Week’s Standard Rations (5 gp),
5] The player realizes that the character would get a +2 to melee attack Large Sack (2 gp), 1 Quart of Wine (½ gp), Wine Skin (1 gp).
and damage rolls if the character’s prime requisite (Strength) were 16
instead of 15. So, the player lowers the character’s Wisdom score from The player would have liked to have purchased Plate Mail armor, but
11 to 9 in order to raise the Strength score from 15 to 16. The character’s could not afford it.
Intelligence is already below average, so no further adjustments can be
made. The final scores of 16, 7, 9, 13, 16, and 9 are recorded in the The equipment is listed on the back of the character sheet. Since 119
appropriate boxes. gold pieces were spent, the “120 gp” is erased from under MONEY, and
replaced with the remaining “1 gp”.
6] The player notes the modifiers due to the character’s ability scores:
12] Chain Mail & Shield is Armor Class 16. The character’s Dexterity bonus
A Strength score of 16 gives the character a bonus of + 2 on melee improves the Armor Class by 1, so 17 is listed under Armor Class.
attack and damage rolls, and to all STR ability checks.
13] At 1st level, the fighter class gets a +1 attack bonus. In addition, a 16
An Intelligence score of 7 means that the fighter can write simple Strength grants another +2 bonus to all melee attack and damage rolls,
Common words and gets a -1 penalty to all INT ability checks. while a 13 Dexterity grants a +1 bonus to all missile (ranged) attack rolls.
Weapon Mastery also gives the fighter an additional +2 to attack and
A Wisdom score of 9 gives the fighter no WIS ability check modifiers. damage rolls with all sword attacks.
A Dexterity score of 13 gives the fighter a + 1 on missile attack rolls, Armor Fighters also get a +2 Class Bonus to all STR and CON ability checks,
Class, and to all DEX ability checks. including Saving Throws. Adding each ability score’s modifier to the
fighter Class Bonuses to both STR and CON ability checks, the player
A Constitution score of 16 gives the character a +2 bonus when rolling a determines the total modifiers for the character’s ability checks:
die (d8) to determine Hit Points and a +2 to all CON ability checks.
STR (+4), INT (-1), WIS (0), DEX (+1), CON (+4), CHR (0)
A Charisma score of 9 gives the fighter no CHA ability check modifiers
and maximum of 4 retainers. 14] This player is female and decides that her character will also be
female. Inspired by the name of Morgan le Fay from Arthurian legends,
7] Current experience is marked as “0”, and 2,500 is marked as the total the player decides that the name of Morgan Ironwolf would be a good
necessary to become a 2nd level fighter. name for a fighter.
Casting Spells There are three, standard, distance ranges for spells: 30’ (Close), 100 feet
(Medium), and 400’ (Long).
A character must make all pertinent decisions about a spell (target,
effect, etc.) when the character begins casting, unless the spell specifies Some spells have no standard range category, just a range expressed
otherwise. The Dungeon Master applies whatever result a spell entails in feet. Some spells create or summon things rather than affecting things
using the spell’s description. that are already present. The character must designate the location
where these things are to appear, either by seeing it or defining it. Range
SPELL COMPONENTS: To cast a spell, the character must be able to determines how far away an effect can appear, but if the effect is
speak (if the spell has a verbal component), gesture (if it has a somatic mobile it can move without regard to the spell’s range.
component), and manipulate the material components (if any). The
spell descriptions indicate which components are necessary. If the TARGET: A typical spell requires the caster to pick one or more targets
necessary components are not used, the casting fails. to be affected by the spell’s magic. A spell’s description tells the caster
whether the spell targets creatures, objects, or a point of origin for an
The spell component line includes abbreviations for the components
area of effect (described below).
required to cast the spell:
Unless a spell has a perceptible effect, a creature might not know it
Verbal (V): To provide a verbal component, the caster must be able to was targeted by a spell at all. An effect like crackling lightning is
speak in a strong voice. obvious, but a subtler effect, such as an attempt to read a creature’s
thoughts, typically goes unnoticed, unless a spell says otherwise.
Somatic (S): Somatic components are precise movements of the hand
or some other part of the body. The caster must have at least one hand If the caster casts a targeted spell on the wrong sort of target, the spell
free to provide a somatic component. has no effect and is lost.
Material (M): A spell’s material component is a substance or object that To target something, the caster must have a clear path to it, so it can’t
focuses the caster’s energies during the process of spellcasting. The be behind total cover (see Cover on page 82). If the caster places an
component is not destroyed in the process of casting a spell unless the area of effect at a point that he can’t see and an obstruction, such
spell description states otherwise. as a wall, is between the caster and that point, the point of origin
comes into being on the near side of that obstruction.
A holy symbol is the only material component for cleric spells, unless
stated otherwise in the spell description. Targeting Yourself: If a spell targets a creature of the caster’s choice,
the caster can choose him or herself, unless the creature must be
CASTING TIME: Nearly all spells require a single action to cast. As such, hostile or specifically a creature other than the caster. If the caster is
the caster may not make an attack roll on the same round that they in the area of effect of a spell he or she casts, he or she can be
are casting a spell. Spells that can be cast instantaneously, such as targeted by the spell. If the target of a spell is the caster, the caster does
Feather Fall, take a fraction of a second to bring about and are cast not receive a Saving Throw.
in response to some event. If a spell can be cast instantaneously, the
spell description tells you exactly when the caster may do so. AREA OF EFFECT: Spells such as Burning Hands and Cone of Cold cover
Certain spells require one or more minutes to cast. When casting a an area, allowing them to affect multiple creatures at once. A spell’s
spell with a casting time longer than a single action, the caster must description specifies its area of effect, which typically has one of five
spend the entire casting time focused on casting the spell. If different shapes: circle, cone, cube, line, or sphere/hemisphere.
disturbed, he or she must make a Concentration Check (see below) Some spell effects are affected by obstacles. The character must have
or lose the spell. a clear line of effect to any target that the character casts a spell upon
or to any space in which the character wishes to place the point of origin
CONCENTRATION CHECKS: To cast a spell, the character must for an area of effect spell. For circles, cones, and spherical spells, the
concentrate. If something interrupts the character’s concentration while spell only affects areas, creatures, and objects to which it has line of
the character is casting, the spell is lost and marked off the character’s effect from its origin (a circle’s center, a cone’s starting point, or a
list of prepared spells. spherical spell’s point of origin). An otherwise solid barrier with a hole of
The Dungeon Master may allow a Concentration Check to see if the at least 1 square foot through it does not block a spell’s line of effect.
spell is disrupted, and lost, or not. For elves and magic-users, the Circle: The spell radiates from a chosen point (or from the caster, in some
Concentration Check is an Intelligence Saving Throw. For clerics, the instances) affecting whatever lies within its area of effect. This area lies
Concentration Check is a Wisdom Saving Throw. along a horizontal plane.
Spellcasters who are wounded while casting a spell must make a
Difficulty Class (DC) 14 Concentration Check to successfully cast that Cone: A cone extends in a direction the caster chooses from its point
spell. of origin. A cone’s width at a given point along its length is equal to
that point’s distance from the point of origin. A cone’s area of effect
The DM might also require the caster to make a DC 14 Concentration specifies its maximum length.
Check when casting in distracting circumstances, such as casting during
a raging storm, casting while on the pitching deck of a ship, or casting Cube: The cube’s size is expressed as the length of each side.
while on horseback or in the back of a bounding wagon.
Line: A line extends from its point of origin in a straight path up to its
length and covers an area defined by its width.
Spell Descriptions
Each spell listing provides a casting time, range, and duration for that Sphere or Hemisphere: The caster selects a sphere’s point of origin,
spell. Some spells also have notations for their area of effect and/or the and the sphere extends outward from that point. The sphere’s size is
type of Saving Throw that can be made to resist or negate the spell’s expressed as a radius in feet that extends from the point.
effect. A hemisphere is a bisected sphere, usually appearing as a dome over
If the character ever tries to cast a spell in conditions where the the caster. It otherwise functions as a spherical area of effect.
characteristics of the spell (range, area, etc.) cannot be made to
conform, the casting fails, and the spell is wasted. DURATION: Duration measures how long a spell’s effect lasts. Durations
are measured in 10 second rounds, minutes, 10 minute turns, hours, or
RANGE: A spell’s range is the maximum distance from the spellcaster some other increment. When the limit is up, the magic goes away and
that the spell’s effect can occur. If any portion of the spell’s area extends the spell ends. Some spells have a permanent duration.
beyond the range, that area is wasted. A few spells require that the caster maintains concentration for their
Sometimes the range of a spell is only personal (the spell effects only the duration. While maintaining concentration, the caster may not attack,
caster or emanates from the caster) or touch (the caster must touch a cast other spells, or take actions other than moving at his or her normal
creature or object to affect it), as noted in the spell description. When Movement Rate and dodging incoming attacks and spells. Anything
targeting an unwilling creature with a touch spell, the caster must make that could break a caster’s concentration while casting a spell (see
a melee attack to touch that creature with his or her hand. A miss Concentration Checks above) may do so while maintaining a spell
means that the spell is not discharged, and that the caster may make through concentration.
another attempt the next round.
A spellcaster can dismiss spells that they have cast before the duration
ends unless the spell description states otherwise. Spellcasters can
Cleric Spells
dismiss their spells automatically but only on their turn. The following lists of cleric spells, sorted by spell level, are followed by
descriptions of each spell. Spells listed in italics are reversible.
Many spells are instantaneous. The spell harms, heals, creates, or alters
a creature or an object in a way that can’t be dispelled, because its
magic exists only for an instant.
If a ray spell has a duration, the duration refers to the effect that the ray
causes, not to the length of time the ray itself persists.
Through the use of certain spells, attack and damage rolls, Saving
Throws, morale, and other abilities of characters can be increased (or
decreased) for a short time. In general, spells that affect the same
ability will not combine. However, spells usually combine with magic
First Level Cleric Spells
1] Command
Examples: Casting two Haste spells on a character does not allow the 2] Cure Light Wounds
character to move at four times normal speed. 3] Detect Evil
4] Detect Magic
A Bless spell and a magic sword will both increase the attack roll of the 5] Light
recipient. 6] Protection from Evil
7] Purify Food and Water
SAVING THROWS: Most harmful spells allow an affected creature to 8] Remove Fear
make a Saving Throw in order to avoid some or all of the spell’s effect. A 9] Remove Paralysis
spell’s description details whether that spell allows a Saving Throw, what 10] Sanctuary
type of Saving Throw is made, and the effect of a successful save. If a
spell does not include a Saving Throw entry, then assume no Saving Second Level Cleric Spells
Throw is allowed. A spell’s Saving Throw DC equals 10 plus the caster’s 1] Bless
Experience Bonus (see page 69). For spells cast by monsters, the DC 2] Find Traps
equals 10 plus ½ of its Hit Dice. 3] Hold Person
4] Know Alignment
A creature that successfully makes a Saving Throw against a spell 5] Resist Fire
without obvious physical effects may feel a hostile force or a tingle, but 6] Silence 15’ Radius
cannot deduce the exact nature of the attack. Likewise, if a creature’s 7] Snake Charm
Saving Throw succeeds against a targeted spell, the caster senses that 8] Speak with Animal
the spell has failed. The caster does not sense when creatures succeed 9] Spiritual Hammer
at Saving Throws against area of effect spells. 10] Zone of Truth
A creature can voluntarily forego a Saving Throw and willingly accept a
Third Level Cleric Spells
spell’s result.
1] Continual Light
Negates: This term means that the spell has no effect on an affected 2] Cure Blindness
creature that makes a successful Saving Throw. 3] Cure Disease
Partial: The spell causes an effect on its subject, but a successful Saving 4] Glyph of Warding
Throw means some lesser effect occurs. 5] Growth of Animals
6] Locate Object
Half: The spell deals damage, and a successful Saving Throw halves the 7] Remove Curse
damage taken (round down). 8] Speak with Dead
None: No Saving Throw is allowed. 9] Striking
10] Water Walk
REVERSIBLE SPELLS: Some spells are reversible (they can be cast for an Fourth Level Cleric Spells
effect opposite to that of the standard spell). This is noted after the spell 1] Animate Dead
name. Spellcasters with reversible spells must prepare the desired 2] Create Water
version. 3] Cure Serious Wounds
Example: A cleric who desires a Cause Light Wounds spell must petition 4] Dispel Magic
for this form of the Cure Light Wounds spell when meditating and 5] Neutralize Poison
praying. 6] Protection from Evil, 10’ Radius
7] Speak with Plants
Note that severe penalties can result if the spell choice is at variance
8] Sticks to Snakes
with a cleric’s alignment (possible penalties include denial of specific
9] Tongues
spells, entire spell levels, or even all spells for a certain period). The exact
result (if any) depends on the reaction of the caster’s divine patron, as Fifth Level Cleric Spells
determined by the DM. 1] Commune
When an elf or magic-user learns a reversible spell, both forms are 2] Create Food
recorded in their spell books. However, the caster must still decide which 3] Cure Critical Wounds
version of the spell to cast when preparing the spell. 4] Dispel Evil
5] Insect Plague
Example: A magic-user who has prepared Stone to Flesh and desires to 6] Quest
cast Flesh to Stone must wait until he or she prepares spells the next day. 7] Raise Dead
8] True Seeing
Sixth Level Cleric Spells This spell can be used to detect evil intentions, or evilly enchanted
1] Aerial Servant objects within 120 feet, causing the creatures or objects to glow.
2] Animate Objects Actual thoughts are not detected; only the “feeling of evil”. The exact
3] Barrier definition of “evil” is left to each referee, and players should discuss this
4] Find the Path point so that all agree; “Chaotic” is not always “evil”. Poison and
5] Heal physical traps are neither good nor evil. The spell can penetrate
6] Restore barriers, but 1’ of stone, an inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead,
7] Summon Animals or 3’ of wood or dirt blocks it.
8] Word of Recall The reverse of this spell, Detect Good, functions just as Detect Evil,
Seventh Level Cleric Spells except that is detects good intentions and good magic items. Healing
1] Control Weather potions, antidotes, and similar beneficial items are not good.
2] Holy Word
3] Plane Shift Detect Magic
4] Regenerate Components: V, S
5] Stone Tell Casting Time: 1 action
6] Wind Walk Range: Personal
Area of Effect: 60’ radius sphere
Eighth Level Cleric Spells Duration: 30 minutes (3 turns)
1] Anti-Magic Shell This spell determines if there has been an enchantment laid upon a
2] Discern Location person, place, or thing, causing any magic item within 60’ to glow. It is
3] Earthquake useful, for example, to discover if some item is magical, if a door has
4] Survival been magically “held” or “wizard locked” (see Magic-user and Elf
5] Wizardry Spells), and so forth.
The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1’ of stone, an inch of common
Ninth Level Cleric Spells metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3’ of wood or dirt blocks it.
1] Astral Spell
2] Etherealness Light (reversible)
3] Gate Components: V, M
4] Miracle Casting Time: 1 action
5] Raise Dead Fully Range: 100’ (Medium)
Target: 1 object or creature
FIRST LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
This spell causes bright light, equal to a lantern, to emanate in a 30’
Components: V
sphere from the targeted object or creature. A targeted creature may
Casting Time: 1 action
make a Wisdom Saving Throw to negate the spell. Light negates the
Range: 30’ (Close)
Darkness spell (see below) and vice versa.
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 1 round The reverse of this spell, Darkness, causes darkness to emanate from
Saving Throw: None; see text the targeted object or creature in a 30’ radius sphere. A targeted
The cleric gives the target a single command, which it obeys to the creature may make a Wisdom Saving Throw to negate the spell.
best of its ability on its turn. Only living creatures with 5 or more Hit Dice Normal lights (torches, candles, lanterns, and so forth) are incapable
may make a Saving Throw to resist this spell. The cleric may select from of brightening the area, though a Light spell will negate it.
the following options:
Protection from Evil
Approach: The subject moves directly toward the cleric at its normal
Components: V, S, M
Movement Rate for 1 round. The creature may do nothing but move
Casting Time: 1 action
during its turn but is not considered helpless.
Range: Personal
Drop: The subject drops whatever it is holding. It can’t pick up any Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
dropped item until its next turn. This spell circles the cleric with a magic barrier. This barrier will move
Fall: The subject falls to the ground and remains prone for 1 round. It with the caster. The spell serves as some protection from “evil” attacks
may act normally while prone but takes any appropriate penalties. (attacks by monsters of an alignment other than the cleric’s
alignment) by adding 2 to the cleric’s Saving Throws and adding 2 to
Flee: The subject moves away from the cleric as quickly as possible for the cleric’s Armor Class against such foes.
1 round. It may do nothing but take the Run action during its turn.
The spell will also keep out melee attacks from summoned monsters,
Halt: The subject stands in place for 1 round. It may not take any such as elementals, but not missile fire attacks from these creatures.
actions but is not considered helpless. The cleric breaks this protection by attacking the monster in melee
combat, but still gains the bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws.
Cure Light Wounds (reversible)
Components: V, S Purify Food and Water (reversible)
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 action
Target: 1 creature; see text Range: 30’ (Close)
Duration: Instantaneous Target: 5’ cube
When laying a hand upon a living creature, the cleric channels Duration: Instantaneous
positive energy that cures 1d6+1 points of damage. Since undead are All nonmagical food and drink within a 5’ cube centered on a point
powered by negative energy this spell deals damage to them instead of the cleric’s choice within range is purified and rendered free of
of curing their wounds. poison and disease. This spell does not prevent subsequent natural
The reverse of this spell, Cause Light Wounds, deals 1d6+1 points of decay or spoilage. Unholy water and similar food and drink of
damage to the target. Undead are cured by all Cause Wounds spells. significance is spoiled by Purify Food and Drink, but the spell has no
effect on creatures of any type or upon magic potions.
Detect Evil (reversible) The reverse of this spell, Putrefy Food and Drink, contaminates
Components: V, S nonmagical food and drink within a 5’ cube centered on a point of
Casting Time: 1 action the cleric’s choice within range. Anyone eating this food is sickened
Range: Personal until they rest for 8 hours or are targeted by a Neutralize Poison or
Area of Effect: 120’ radius sphere Restore spell. Sickened creatures suffer a -2 penalty to Strength and
Duration: 1 hour (6 turns) Dexterity checks, as well as attack and damage rolls, and take a -2
penalty to their Armor Class. The Movement Rate of sickened A trap is any device or magical ward that meets three criteria: it can
creatures is reduced by half. This spell spoils holy water. inflict a sudden or unexpected result, the spellcaster would view the
result as undesirable or harmful, and the harmful or undesirable result
Remove Fear (reversible) was specifically intended as such by the creator. Thus, traps include a
Components: V, S Glyphs of Warding and similar spells or devices. The spell does not
Casting Time: 1 action detect traps that have been disarmed or are otherwise inactive.
Range: 30’ (Close)
Target: 1 living creature The caster learns the general nature of the trap (magical or
Duration: 30 minutes (3 turns) mechanical) but not its exact effect, nor how to disarm it.
Saving Throw: Charisma negates
When the cleric casts this spell on a living creature, the spell will calm Hold Person
the creature and remove all fear effects from it. While the spell lasts, Components: V, S, M
the target gets a +4 bonus to all Charisma Saving Throws against fear. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100’ (Medium)
The reverse of the spell, Cause Fear, causes a living creature that fails Target: 1 living creature
its Charisma Saving Throw to become frightened. It will flee from the Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
caster as quickly as possible for the spell’s duration. Creatures unable Saving Throw: Strength negates; see text
to flee cower in fear, unable to attack but able to defend themselves. The Hold Person spell will affect any human, demi-human, or human-
Creatures with 6 or more Hit Dice are immune to this effect. like creature (bugbears, gnolls, gnomes, hobgoblins, kobolds, lizard
Remove Fear counters and dispels the Cause Fear spell. men, orcs, pixies, or sprites). It will not affect undead or creatures larger
than Medium size.
Remove Paralysis The victim of this spell must make a Strength Saving Throw or be
Components: V, S paralyzed.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30’ (Close) Held creatures are aware and breathe normally but cannot take any
Targets: 1 living creature actions, even speech. A winged creature that is paralyzed cannot
Duration: Instantaneous flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can’t swim and may drown. Held
The cleric relieves a creature from the effects of any temporary creatures are considered to be incapacitated (see Helpless
paralysis or related magic, including a ghoul’s touch, a Hold Person Combatants on page 82 for more details).
spell, or a Slow spell.
Know Alignment
Sanctuary Components: V, S
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal
Range: Touch Area of Effect: 30’ radius sphere
Target: 1 creature Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute (6 rounds)
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds) This spell will reveal if a creature, object (such as a magic sword), or
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates area (such as a temple) within 30’ is Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic.
Any opponent attempting to strike or otherwise directly attack the
warded creature, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Wisdom The caster may concentrate upon another creature each round in
save. order to learn its alignment.
If the save succeeds, the opponent can attack normally and is Resist Fire (reversible)
unaffected by that casting of the spell. If the save fails, the opponent Components: V, S, M
can’t follow through with the attack and it can’t directly attack the Casting Time: 1 action
warded creature for the duration of the spell. Range: Touch
Target: 1 willing creature
Those not attempting to attack the subject remain unaffected. This Duration: 1 hour (6 turns)
spell does not prevent the warded creature from being attacked or For the duration, a willing creature the cleric touches will not be
affected by area of effect spells. The subject cannot attack without harmed by normal heat or fire. Also, the target gets a +2 bonus to all
breaking the spell but may use non-attack spells or otherwise act. Saving Throws against magical fire (including dragon’s breath) and
gains resistance (see page 84) against magical heat and fire attacks.
The reverse of this spell, Resist Cold, protects against mundane and
Bless (Reversible) magical cold, in the same way that Resist Fire protects against heat
Components: V, S, M and fire.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal Silence 15’ Radius
Area of Effect: 30’ radius circle, centered on the caster Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour (6 turns) Casting Time: 1 action
Saving Throw: Charisma negates Range: 100’ (Medium)
This spell raises the Morale score of all friendly creatures in range by 3 Area of Effect: 15’ radius sphere
and gives them a +1 bonus to all attack and damage rolls. Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
The reverse of this spell, Blight, decreases enemies’ morale by 3 and Saving Throw: Wisdom special, see text
gives them a -1 penalty to their attack and damage rolls, unless a Upon the casting of this spell, complete silence prevails in the affected
successful Charisma Saving Throw is made. area. All sound is stopped: conversation is impossible, spells with verbal
components cannot be cast, and no noise whatsoever issues from,
Blight counters and dispels Bless and vice versa. enters into, or passes through the area. This spell provides a defense
against sound or language-based attacks.
Find Traps
Components: V, S If cast on a person, the victim may make a Wisdom Saving Throw. If
Casting Time: 1 action the Saving Throw is successful, the spell will remain in the area in which
Range: Personal it was cast, and the victim may move out of the area. Otherwise, the
Area of Effect: 30’ cone spell will move with the target.
Duration: 30 minutes (3 turns)
When cast, a Find Traps spell causes magical and mechanical traps
within 30’ to become apparent to the caster.
Snake Charm The reverse of this spell, Continual Darkness, creates a 60’ radius globe
Components: V, S of total, impenetrable darkness that emanates from an item or
Casting Time: 1 action creature that the cleric touches. A touched creature may make a
Range: 30’ (Close) Wisdom Saving Throw to negate the spell. An object or creature
Area of Effect: 30’ radius sphere bearing Continual Darkness can be covered and hidden, but the
Duration: 1 hour (6 turns) magical darkness will not be smothered or quenched.
When this spell is cast, a hypnotic pattern is set up which allows the Darkvision is useless within this sphere and normal lights (torches,
cleric to charm 1 Hit Die of snakes for every level of the cleric. Thus, a candles, lanterns, and so forth) are incapable of brightening the area.
5th level cleric could charm one 5 Hit Die snake, five 1 Hit Die snakes, Creatures within the area are blinded unless they can see through
or any combination totaling 5 or less Hit Dice. The snakes will rise up magical darkness through the use of True Seeing or similar magic.
and sway but will not attack for the spell’s duration.
Continual Light counters and dispels Darkness and Continual Darkness,
When the spell wears off, the snakes will return to normal. while Continual Darkness counters and dispels Light and Continual
Speak with Animals
Components: V, S Cure Blindness (reversible)
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: Personal Casting Time: 1 action
Target: The cleric Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour (6 turns) Target: 1 living creature
The cleric can comprehend and verbally communicate with any Duration: Instantaneous
normal or giant forms of animal life for the spell’s duration. It will not Saving Throw: Constitution negates
affect intelligent animal races or fantastic creatures. Cure Blindness cures blindness, whether the effect is normal or magical
The cleric can ask questions of and receive answers from animals, in nature. The spell does not restore eyes that have been lost but
although the spell doesn’t make them any more friendly or repairs them if they are damaged.
cooperative than normal. Furthermore, wary or cunning animals are The reverse of this spell (Cause Blindness) magically blinds the victim
likely to be terse and evasive, while the more stupid ones make inane unless a Constitution Saving Throw is made.
comments. If an animal is friendly toward the cleric, it may perform
some favor or service. Cure Disease (reversible)
Components: V, S
Spiritual Hammer Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round Target: 1 living creature
Range: 30’ (Close) Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: 1 magical weapon of force Saving Throw: Constitution negates
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute (6 rounds) This spell will cure a living creature of any disease. Cure disease will
By calling upon his or her deity, the cleric brings into existence a field also kill green slime. Some diseases, such as lycanthropy and mummy
of force that is shaped vaguely like a hammer. The cleric may use this rot, also require the casting of Remove Curse to prevent the return of
Spiritual Hammer to make a melee attack against any single foe within the affliction.
range each round by concentrating on the spell.
The reverse of this spell (Cause Disease) infects the victim with a
The Spiritual Hammer strikes as a +1 war hammer at levels 3-5, gaining hideous wasting disease unless a Constitution Saving Throw is made.
a +1 attack bonus and dealing 1d8+1 damage. This magical bonus A failed save indicates that the target is sickened. Sickened creatures
increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 15th level. suffer a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity checks, as well as attack
and damage rolls, and take a -2 penalty to their Armor Class. The
Zone of Truth Movement Rate of sickened creatures is reduced by half. The disease
Components: V, S, M lasts until cured.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30’ (Close) Cure Disease counters and dispels Cause Disease and vice versa.
Area of Effect: 30’ radius circle
Duration: 20 minutes (2 turns)
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
Creatures within the area of effect (or those who enter it) can’t speak
any deliberate and intentional lies. Each potentially affected creature
is allowed a Wisdom Saving Throw to avoid the effects when the spell
is cast or when the creature first enters the area of effect.
Creatures that leave the area are free to speak as they choose. A
creature that fails its save can choose not to answer questions or seek
to give evasive answers to them (as long as they are not lies).
This powerful inscription harms those who enter, pass, or open the For this spell to be able to locate an object, the spell caster must know
warded area or object. A Glyph of Warding can guard a bridge or exactly what the object looks like (size, shape, color, etc.). A common
passage, ward a portal, trap a chest or box, and so on. Multiple glyphs type of object (such as a flight of stairs) can also be detected by this
cannot be cast on the same area or object. spell. The spell will not, however, locate a creature. The spell will point
The cleric sets the conditions of the ward. Typically, any creature toward the nearest desired object if within range, giving the direction
entering the warded area or opening the warded object without to it but not the distance.
speaking a password (which the cleric sets when casting the spell) is The spell is blocked by even a thin sheet of lead.
subject to the magic it stores.
Alternatively, or in addition to a password trigger, glyphs can be set Remove Curse (reversible)
according to physical characteristics (such as height or weight) or Components: V, S
creature type, subtype, or kind. Glyphs can also be set with respect to Casting Time: 1 action
Law, Neutrality, or Chaos, or to pass those of the cleric’s religion. They Range: Touch
cannot be set according to class, Hit Dice, or level. Glyphs respond to Target: 1 creature or item
invisible creatures normally but are not triggered by those who travel Duration: Instantaneous or until dispelled; see text
past them ethereally or if Polymorphed into a creature not subject to Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
the glyph’s effect. Remove Curse instantaneously removes all curses on an object or a
creature. Remove Curse does not remove the curse from a cursed
Glyphs cannot be affected or bypassed by such means as physical or magical item, although the spell typically enables the creature
magical probing, though they can be dispelled. Read Magic allows a afflicted with any such cursed item to remove and get rid of it. Certain
magic-user or elf to identify a Glyph of Warding. Identifying the glyph special curses may not be countered by this spell or may be
does not discharge it and allows a magic-user or elf to know the basic countered only by a caster of a certain level or higher.
nature of the glyph (version, type of damage caused, what spell is
stored, etc.). The reverse of the spell, Curse, afflicts the target with a terrible curse
unless it makes its Wisdom Saving Throw. It causes one of the following
Depending on the version selected, a glyph either blasts the intruder effects (roll an 8-sided die):
or activates a spell.
d8 Roll Result
Blast Glyph: A blast glyph deals 1d3 points of fire or lightning damage 1-4 Lowers 1 ability of the subject to a 3 (the DM determines
per cleric level to the intruder and to all within 5 feet of it. Each which by random selection). For creatures without listed
creature can make a Dexterity Saving Throw for ½ damage. ability scores, reduce all ability checks, including Saving
Spell Glyph: The cleric can store one of the following spells, so long as Throws, related to that ability score by 3. This cannot be
he or she can cast it: Cause Blindness, Cause Disease, Curse, or Energy used to raise an ability score below 3.
Drain. Saving Throws operate as normal for these spells. 5-6 Worsens the subject’s attack rolls and Saving Throws by 3.
7-8 Makes the subject 50% likely per round to drop whatever it
Growth of Animals (reversible) is holding (or simply do nothing, in the case of creatures not
Components: V, S, M using tools).
Casting Time: 1 action It is possible for a caster to devise his own curse, and it should be similar
Range: 100 feet (Medium) in power to those given (the DM has final say).
Targets: 1 HD of animals per caster level
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns) Curse counters Remove Curse while Remove Curse counters and
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates dispels Curse.
This spell doubles the size of one normal or giant animal. The animal’s
size increases to the next larger category, it deals twice its normal Speak with Dead
damage in combat, and its carrying capacity is doubled. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn)
The reverse of this spell, Shrink Animal, reduces the animal’s size to the Range: Touch
next lower category, halves its normal damage, and reduce its Target: 1 corpse
carrying capacity to ¼ of normal. Duration: 10 minutes (1 turn); see text
Neither spell changes the animal’s behavior. This spell will not affect By means of this spell, a cleric may ask three questions of a spirit if the
intelligent animal races or fantastic creatures. corpse is touched. The cleric can speak with recently departed spirits
(those belonging to someone who died within 1 week) and ask 3
questions of it.
The spirit will always reply in a tongue known to the cleric but can only
offer knowledge of things up to the time of its death. If the spirit’s
alignment is the same as the cleric’s, it will provide clear and brief
answers; however, if the alignments differ, the spirit may reply in riddles.
At 9th level the cleric can speak with the spirits of those who have died
within the past year. At 15th level the cleric can speak with the spirits
of those who have died within the past decade.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Targets: 1 weapon
Duration: 10 minutes (1 turn)
This spell makes one normal weapon into a +1 magical weapon that
deals an additional 1d6 points of damage per attack (like a staff of
striking). The weapon will cause the extra damage for as long as the
spell lasts.
Locate Object
Water Walking
Components: V, S, M
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: 400’ radius sphere, centered on the cleric
Targets: 1 willing creature/caster level
Duration: 1 hour (6 turns)
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
The transmuted creatures can tread on any liquid as if it were firm Neutralize Poison (reversible)
ground. Mud, oil, snow, quicksand, running water, ice, and even lava Components: V, S, M
can be traversed easily, since the subjects’ feet hover an inch or two Casting Time: 1 action
above the surface. Creatures crossing molten lava still take damage Range: Touch
from the heat because they are near it. The subjects can move across Target: 1 living creature or object
the surface as if it were normal ground. Duration: Instantaneous
If the spell is cast under water (or while the subjects are partially or This spell will cancel the ill-effects of poison if cast within 1 minute (6
wholly submerged in whatever liquid they are in), the subjects are rounds) of exposure.
borne toward the surface at 60’ per round until they can stand on it. It can also be cast on a poison or a poisoned item to make it harmless.
It acts only on poison present at the time it is cast.
FOURTH LEVEL CLERICAL SPELLS The reverse of this spell, Poison, may be cast on a creature or on a
Animate Dead small container. A targeted victim must make a Constitution Saving
Components: V, S, M Throw or be immediately slain by the poison. If cast on a container, the
Casting Time: 1 action spell poisons its contents, even for magical containers or contents
Range: Touch (such as potions). A living creature that drinks that liquid must make a
Target: 1 or more corpses Saving Throw or die. Using poison is usually a Chaotic act.
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell allows the caster to make an animated, enchanted skeleton Protection from Evil, 10’ Radius
or zombie from a normal skeleton or corpse within range. These Components: V, S, M
animated undead creatures will obey the cleric until they are Casting Time: 1 action; see text
destroyed. For each experience level of the cleric, he or she may Range: Personal
animate and control one Hit Die of undead. Destroyed skeletons and Area of Effect: 10’ radius sphere centered on the cleric
zombies can’t be animated again. Duration: 2 hours
This spell circles the caster with a magical barrier that will protect all
allies within 10’ of the cleric. This barrier moves with the cleric. The spell
serves as some protection from “evil” attacks (attacks by monsters of
an alignment other than the cleric’s alignment) by adding 2 to the
Saving Throws and Armor Class of the cleric and his allies within the
The spell will also keep out melee attacks from summoned monsters,
such as elementals, but not missile fire attacks from these creatures.
Summoned monsters can engage any protected creatures that
Lawful clerics must take care to use this spell only for good purpose. engage them in melee. Those who are attacked still gain the bonus
Animating the dead is usually a Chaotic act. to Armor Class and Saving Throws.
This spell grants the creature touched the ability to speak and On a successful save the creature remains and may attack the caster
understand the language of any intelligent creature, whether it is a but takes a -4 penalty to its attack rolls for the remainder of that
racial tongue or a regional dialect. encounter, even if the spell ends or is discharged.
The subject can speak only one language at a time, although it may This spell can also be used to free a creature within range from a
be able to understand several languages. Tongues does not enable cursed item or to automatically dispel a Charm or Curse upon a
the subject to speak with creatures who don’t speak. The subject can creature. This use discharges and ends the spell.
make itself understood as far as its voice carries. This spell does not
predispose any creature addressed toward the subject in any way.
The reverse of this spell, Babble, cancels the effects of a Tongues spell
or confounds the target’s ability to understand verbal communication
of any sort if it fails its Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed save the
target’s speech is also rendered incomprehensible for the spell’s
Components: V, S, M Insect Plague
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn) Components: V, S, M
Range: Personal Casting Time: 1 action
Target: The cleric Range: 400’ (Long)
Duration: 30 minutes (3 turns) Effect: 30’ radius cloud, 10’ in height
This spell allows the cleric to ask questions of the greater powers (the Duration: Concentration, up to 2 hours (12 turns)
DM). The cleric may ask three questions that can be answered with a When this spell is cast, a horde of creeping, hopping, and flying insects
“yes” or “no.” In a case where a one-word answer could be swarm in a thick cloud. These insects obscure vision, granting
misleading or contrary, the DM might offer a short phrase as an answer concealment (see page 82) to those within the cloud.
Living creatures within the Insect Plague sustain 2d6 Hit Point of
The cleric may only cast Commune once per day. If this spell is being damage each round they remain in it due to the bites and stings of
used too often in the game, the DM may wish to limit the cleric’s use the insects, regardless of Armor Class.
of this spell to once a week.
Most attacks do not harm the cloud of insects. Heavy smoke will drive
Create Food off insects within its bounds. Fire, lightning, or extreme cold will also
Components: V, S drive away insects within its area of effect (torches clear a 5’ cube of
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn) insects, if the torchbearer spends their action clearing that square,
Range: 30’ (Close) while a Fire Ball cast into the center of the insect swarm destroys it).
Effect: Food and water created The swarm will move at 20’ per round. The cleric may direct the swarm
Duration: Instantaneous; see text while it is within the range. The caster must concentrate to maintain
With this spell, the cleric may create enough food and water (50 the spell (see Concentration on page 25).
gallons) to feed 12 men and their mounts for one day.
Spellcasting within the confines of an Insect Plague requires a DC 18
At every level beyond 9th, the cleric may double the food and water Concentration Check.
created. Thus, a 10th level cleric could create enough food to sustain
24 men and their mounts for one day. Quest (reversible)
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn)
Cure Critical Wounds (reversible) Target: 1 living creature
Components: V, S Duration: See text
Casting Time: 1 action Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
Range: Touch This spell forces the target to perform some special task or quest as
Target: 1 creature; see text commanded by the cleric at the time the spell is cast. A successful
Duration: Instantaneous Wisdom Saving Throw negates this spell.
When laying hands upon a living creature, the cleric channels positive
A typical task might include slaying a certain monster, rescuing a
energy that cures 5d6+5 points of damage. Since undead are
maiden, obtaining a magic item for the caster, or going on a
powered by negative energy this spell deals damage to them instead
pilgrimage. Such tasks will not be suicidal. If the instructions involve
of curing their wounds.
some open-ended task that the recipient cannot complete through
The reverse of this spell, Cause Critical Wounds, deals 5d6+5 points of his or her own actions the spell remains in effect for a maximum of 1
damage to the target. Undead are cured by all Cause Wounds spells. month. Once the task is completed, the spell ends.
If the character refuses to go on the quest, he or she will be cursed
Dispel Evil
until the quest is continued. This curse sickens the target. Sickened
Components: V, S, M
creatures suffer a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity checks, as well
Casting Time: 1 action
as attack and damage rolls, and take a -2 penalty to their Armor Class.
Range: Personal; see text
The Movement Rate of sickened creatures is reduced by half. These
Area of Effect: 30’ radius sphere, centered on the cleric; see text
effects end 8 hours after the creature attempts to resume the Quest.
Duration: 10 minutes (1 turn) or until dispelled; see text
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates; see text The reverse of this spell, Remove Quest, may be used to dispel an
This spell will banish an enchanted (summoned) creature or destroy an unwanted Quest. If the Quest to be dispelled was cast by a higher
animated or undead creature that comes into the spell’s area of level cleric, the cleric casting Remove Quest must make a
effect if it fails its Wisdom Saving Throw. The spell ends once a creature Concentration Check with a DC of 10 plus the caster’s Experience
is banished or destroyed. Bonus (or ½ of the Hit Dice for monstrous casters).
Aerial Servant
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn)
Range: 30’ (Close)
Effect: 1 summoned creature
Duration: 1 day/caster level; see text
With this spell, the cleric summons an aerial servant, which appears
immediately. The cleric must then describe one creature or item and
its location to the servant, or else it will depart.
The creature does not fight directly, but obeys the command of the
cleric with respect to finding and returning with whatever object or
creature that is described to it. If summoned to retrieve an object it will
attempt to take that object from its holder and, if summoned to
retrieve a creature against that creature’s will, will attempt to subdue
that creature before carrying it back to the summoning cleric.
If the spell’s duration lapses before the task is completed, even if the
aerial servant is already bringing the target back to the caster, the
aerial servant has failed to accomplish its task. If it cannot perform its
duty within the duration of the spell, the servant becomes insane and
returns to attack the caster.
The aerial servant returns to its own plane when its duty is fulfilled, or
Raise Dead (reversible) the cleric is slain.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute (6 rounds) Animate Objects
Range: 100’ (Medium) Components: V, S
Target: 1 corpse Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 30’ (Close)
Saving Throw: Charisma negates Area of Effect: 1 Small object per 2 caster levels; see text
By means of this spell the cleric can raise any human, demi-human, or Duration: 1 hour (6 turns)
humanoid creature from the dead. The cleric can raise a creature that The cleric imbues inanimate, mundane objects with mobility and a
has been dead for no longer than 1 week at 9th level. 1 week is added semblance of life. Each animated object immediately attacks
to this for every 2 levels above 9th level (levels 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19). whomever or whatever the cleric initially designates.
While the spell closes mortal wounds and repairs lethal damage of An animated object can be of any non-magical material. The
most kinds, the body of the creature to be raised must be whole. animated objects attack whomever or whatever the caster first
Otherwise, missing parts are still missing when the creature is brought designates. The object can be of any material whatsoever - wood,
back to life. In addition, the subject’s soul must be free and willing to metal, stone, fabric, leather, ceramic, glass, etc.
return. If the subject’s soul is not willing to return, the spell does not
work. The cleric cannot raise someone who has died of old age. The speed of movement of the object is dependent upon its means of
propulsion and its weight. Thus, a large stone pedestal would rock
A raised character has 1 Hit Point and cannot fight, cast spells, use forward at 15’ per round while a slithering object could move at 20’ per
abilities, carry heavy loads, or move at more than half speed. These round. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that
effects will be healed after two full weeks of complete bedrest and allows faster movement have a 30’ Movement Rate. Objects with
this healing cannot be affected by magic short of a Heal spell. A Raise multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a Movement Rate of 40’ per round.
Dead cast against an undead creature will destroy it unless it makes Wheeled objects have a Movement Rate of 50’. Objects might have
its Charisma Saving Throw. additional modes of movement as well. A wooden object can float and
The reverse of this spell, Finger of Death, creates a death ray that will has a Movement Rate on water equal to half its land speed. A rope or
kill one living creature. There is no effect if the creature makes a similar sinuous object can climb at half of its normal speed. A sheet-like
Charisma Saving Throw. Lawful clerics will only use Finger of Death in object can fly at half its normal Movement Rate.
life-or-death situations. The damage caused by the attack of an animated object is dependent
upon its form and composition. Light, supple objects can only obscure
True Seeing vision, obstruct movement, bind, trip, smother, etc. Light, hard objects
Components: V, S, M can fall upon or otherwise strike at their targets, or possibly wrap around
Casting Time: 1 action and trip as do light, supple objects. Hard objects can crush or strike, with
Range: Personal larger objects dealing more damage.
Area of Effect: 120’ radius sphere centered on the caster
Duration: 10 minutes (1 turn) As a general guideline, assume that all animated objects have an Armor
When he or she casts this spell, the cleric is able to see all things within Class of 15. Small objects will have 15 Hit Points, Medium objects will
120’ as they truly are. The spell is quite powerful; the cleric can clearly have 30 Hit Points, and Large objects will have 45 Hit Points. All attack as
see all concealed, hidden, invisible, and ethereal objects and if their Hit Dice equaled the caster level of the spell’s caster. Animated
creatures. In addition, any secret doors as well as things or creatures objects deal 1d4 points of damage per size category (Small objects deal
not in their true form - whether polymorphed, disguised, or transmuted 1-4, Medium objects deal 2d4 and Large objects deal 3d4 points of
- are seen as they truly are, with no possibility of deception. damage).
The cleric sees through normal and magical darkness, and sees the The cleric may animate one Small object or an equivalent number of
exact locations of creatures or objects under Blur or Displacement larger objects per 2 caster levels. A Medium object counts as two Small
effects, objects, while a Large object counts as four Small objects. As such, a
12th level cleric may animate either 6 Small objects or its equivalent in
True Seeing, however, does not penetrate solid objects and, in no way, larger objects. This spell cannot animate objects carried or worn by a
confers x-ray vision or its equivalent. creature.
In addition, the spell effects cannot be further enhanced with known
magic, so one cannot use True Seeing through a crystal ball or in
conjunction with Clairvoyance.
Barrier (reversible) Restore (reversible)
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100’ (Medium) Range: Touch
Effect: 15’ radius circular barrier Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns) Duration: Instantaneous
This spell creates a magical barrier in an area up to 30’ in diameter. Saving Throw: Constitution negates; see text
The barrier is a wall of whirling and dancing hammers, obviously This spell restores one full level of experience, or one point of a drained
dangerous to any who come in contact with it. Any creature passing ability score, to a victim who has lost either due to an undead
through the barrier takes 6d10 points of damage from the whirling creature’s energy drain ability. It does not restore more than one level
hammers (no saving throw allowed). or ability score point per casting.
This spell is often used to block an entrance or passage. The cleric casting this spell loses one level of experience, as if struck by
a wight, when the spell is cast. This loss, however, is not permanent,
The reverse of this spell, Remove Barrier, will destroy any one Barrier and the cleric need only rest for 1 week to regain the lost experience.
created by a cleric. It can also be used to destroy a magic-user’s Wall
of Ice, Wall of Fire, or Wall of Force spell effect. The reverse of this spell, Energy Drain, drains one level of experience
from the target unless it makes a Constitution Saving Throw. Casting
A Blade Barrier provides cover against attacks made through it. the reversed spell causes no experience level loss to the cleric, nor
does it require any rest afterward, but it is a Chaotic act, avoided by
Find the Path Lawful clerics.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action Summon Animals
Range: Personal Components: V, S, M
Effect: See text Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns) Range: 30’ (Close)
The recipient of this spell can find the shortest, most direct physical route Effect: Summons 1 or more animals
to a specified destination, be it the way into or out of a locale. The locale Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
can be outdoors, under ground, or even inside a Maze spell. Find the This spell summons up to 24 Hit Dice worth of animals, with no more
Path works with respect to locations, not objects or creatures at a locale. than 4 Hit Dice each. They appear where the cleric designates (within
The location must be on the same plane as the cleric is at the time of 30’) and act immediately, on the cleric’s turn. They may be sent (by
casting. command) up to 240’ away, if desired. They attack the cleric’s
The spell enables the subject to sense the correct direction that will opponents to the best of their ability. The cleric can communicate with
eventually lead it to its destination, indicating at appropriate times the the creatures and can direct them not to attack, or to attack certain
exact path to follow or physical actions to take. enemies or to take other actions.
For example, the spell enables the subject to sense secret doors, traps, Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot
and the proper word to bypass a Glyph of Warding. The spell ends when support them. Other than various sorts of giant animals; fantastic
the destination is reached or the duration expires, whichever comes first. animals or monsters cannot be summoned by this spell, i.e., no
Find the Path can be used to remove the cleric and his or her chimeras, dragons, gorgons, manticores, etc.
companions from the effect of a Maze spell in a single round.
The animals disappear when slain or when the spell duration ends.
This divination is keyed to the recipient, not its companions, and its effect
does not predict or allow for the actions of creatures (including Word of Recall
guardians). Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action; see text
When the spell’s duration runs out, the caster only remembers the
Range: Personal
general direction to the place. All other special information is
Target: The cleric
Duration: Instantaneous
The spell is instantly negated if the caster attempts to write down, Word of Recall teleports the cleric instantly back to his or her sanctuary
record, or disclose that special knowledge to others. This spell is often when the word is uttered. The cleric must designate the sanctuary
used to find a fast escape route. when preparing the spell, and it must be a very familiar place. The
actual point of arrival is a designated area no larger than 10’ by 10’.
Heal The cleric can be transported any distance within a plane but cannot
Components: V, S travel between planes.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch During the round in which this spell is cast, the cleric automatically
Target: 1 living or undead creature gains initiative unless surprised.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Constitution negates; see text SEVENTH LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS
Heal enables the cleric to channel positive energy into a creature to
wipe away injury and afflictions. It immediately ends any and all of the Control Weather
following adverse conditions affecting the target: blinded, cursed, Components: V, S
confused, deafened, diseased, Feebleminded, sickened, stunned, Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn); see text
paralyzed, and poisoned. It also removes insanity. Range: Personal
Area of Effect: 2 mile radius circle, centered on the cleric; see text
When used to cure wounds, it cures nearly all damage, leaving the Duration: Concentration, up to 12 hours (72 turns)
recipient with only 1d6 points of damage. Restore the victim to full This spell allows the cleric to create one special weather condition in
starting Hit Points, then roll 1d6 and subtract that amount from the the area within the spell’s area of effect. The spell only works outdoors,
victim’s Hit Point total. and the weather will affect all creatures in the area (including the
caster). The effects will last as for long as the cleric concentrates.
If cast on the recipient of a Raise Dead spell, Heal eliminates the need
for two weeks of bed rest; the recipient can immediately function The effects of the weather conditions will vary, but the following are
normally. This is the only form of magical curing that will work on a typical:
newly-raised creature. Clear: This cancels bad weather (rain, snow, fog) but not secondary
If used on an undead creature, Heal reduces the creature to 1d6 Hit effects (like mud).
Points unless it makes a Constitution Saving Throw.
Fog: Vision range is reduced to 20 feet. Creatures in the area have Throw. If the creature fails this save, it is transported to a random
concealment (+1 to Armor Class). Creatures beyond the range of location on the plane of existence that the cleric specifies.
vision have total concealment (+4 to Armor Class). Movement is also
Note: Plane Shift transports creatures instantaneously and then ends.
reduced by half while the fog lasts. The DM may want to give creatures
Transported creatures need to find other means if they wish to leave
in the fog a chance of moving in the wrong direction.
their destination.
Intense Heat: This reduces movement by half while in effect, but will Material Component: A small, forked metal rod. The size and metal
dry out mud caused by rain, snow, transmute rock to mud, and other type dictates to which plane of existence or alternate dimension the
conditions. Those caught in such heat take 1 point of damage each spell sends the affected creatures. It is not consumed by the casting
hour. of this spell.
Rain: Creatures make ranged attacks with a -2 penalty to their attack
rolls. After 30 minutes, the ground will be muddy, reducing movement Regenerate (reversible)
by half. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Snow: Creatures in the area have concealment (+1 to Armor Class), Range: Touch
movement is reduced by half, and vision range is reduced to 40 feet. Target: 1 living creature
Creatures beyond the range of vision have total concealment (+4 to Duration: Instantaneous
Armor Class). When the snow thaws, mud will still reduce movement. Saving Throw: See text
Rivers and streams may freeze over. The subject’s severed body members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms,
legs, tails, or even heads of multi-headed creatures), broken bones,
Windy: This prevents missile fire and flying, and reduces movement by
and ruined organs grow back. After the spell is cast the physical
half. At sea, ships sailing with the wind move 50% faster. In the desert,
regeneration is complete in 1 round if the severed members are
high winds will create a sandstorm that reduces movement by half
present and touching the creature. It takes 2d10 rounds otherwise.
and cuts vision to 20’. Creatures in the sandstorm have concealment
Regenerate also cures 6d8 points of damage.
(+1 to Armor Class). Creatures beyond the range of vision have total
concealment (+4 to Armor Class). The reverse of the spell, Wither, deals 6d8 points of damage and
causes the limb, appendage, or bodily member touched to shrivel
Tornado. This creates a 30’ radius whirlwind under the caster’s control. and cease functioning immediately. The target must be touched and
It moves 60’ per round and deals 2d6 damage to all creatures in the is entitled to a Constitution save to negate this damage. Creatures
area (doubled against flying creatures). At sea, ships caught by a without discernible limbs or appendages suffer the damage but no
tornado take 2d6 points of hull damage (see pages 18-19) per round. other ill effect. While the damage inflicted by this spell heals normally,
the withered limb can only be restored with a Restore, Heal, or
Holy Word Regenerate spell.
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action Stone Tell
Range: Personal Components: V, S, M
Area of Effect: 40’ radius circle centered on the cleric Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn)
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Personal
Saving Throw: None or Wisdom negates; see text Target: The cleric
All creatures within a 40’ radius circle, centered on the cleric, are Duration: 30 minutes (3 turns)
affected by this spell. Friends and foes alike are affected as follows: The cleric gains the ability to speak with stones, which relate who or
Hit Dice Effect what has touched them as well as revealing what is covered or
Up to 4 Hit Dice: Killed* concealed behind or under them. The stones relate complete
5-8 Hit Dice: Stunned for 2d10 minutes* descriptions if asked. A stone’s perspective, perception, and
9-12 Hit Dice: Deafened for 1d6x10 minutes* knowledge may prevent the stone from providing the details the cleric
13+ Hit Dice: Wisdom Saving Throw or blinded for 1d10 rounds is looking for. The cleric can speak with natural or worked stone for the
spell’s duration.
* Only creatures of the cleric’s alignment or with 13 or more Hit Dice (or
levels) may make a Wisdom Saving Throw to avoid the listed effects.
Wind Walk
The effects are cumulative and concurrent. As such, a creature with Components: V, S, M
5 Hit Dice is blinded for 1d10 rounds, deafened for 1d6x10 minutes, and Casting Time: 1 action
stunned for 2d10 minutes. Undead creatures with 4 or less Hit Dice are Range: Touch
destroyed, while living creatures with 4 or less Hit Dice are slain. Targets: The cleric and 6 willing creatures
Furthermore, if the cleric is on its home plane when casting this spell, Duration: 12 hours (72 turns)
summoned creatures within the area are instantly banished back to The cleric alters the substance of his or her body to a cloudlike vapor
their home planes. The banishment effect allows a Wisdom save to (as the Gaseous Form spell) and moves through the air, possibly at
negate. Creatures whose Hit Dice exceed the cleric’s level are not great speed. The cleric can also alter up to 6 willing creatures, each
subject to banishment. of whom may act independently.
This powerful spell cannot be blocked by stone, nor by any other solid Normally, a wind walker floats at a Movement Rate of 20’. If desired
material except lead. It can, however, be blocked by an Anti-Magic by the subject, a magical wind wafts a wind walker along at up to 600’
Shell or countered with within the confines of a Silence 15’ Radius spell. per round, though such travel may only be a single direction.
Wind walkers are not invisible but rather appear misty and translucent.
Plane Shift
If fully clothed in white, they are likely to be mistaken for clouds, fog,
Components: V, S, M
vapors, or the like, gaining a +4 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks
Casting Time: 1 action
made to conceal themselves.
Range: Touch
Target: The cleric and up to 6 willing creatures; or 1 creature; see text A wind walker can regain its physical form as desired and later resume
Duration: Instantaneous the cloud form. Each change to and from vaporous form takes 1
Saving Throw: None or Wisdom negates; see text minute, which counts toward the duration of the spell (as does any
The cleric and up to six willing creatures who link hands are transported time spent in physical form). The cleric may dismiss the spell at will, and
to a different plane of existence. The cleric can specify a target may even dismiss it for individual wind walkers and not others.
destination in general terms, such as the City of Brass on the Elemental
For the last minute of the spell’s duration, a wind walker in cloud form
Plane of Fire or the palace of Dispater on the second level of the Nine
automatically descends 120’ per round (for a total of 720’), though it
Hells, and the cleric appears in or near that destination.
may descend faster if it wishes. This descent serves as a warning that
The cleric can use this spell to banish an unwilling creature to another the spell is about to end.
plane. The cleric chooses a creature within reach and makes a melee
attack against it. On a hit, the creature must make a Wisdom Saving
EIGHT LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS Cave, Cavern, or Tunnel: The spell collapses the roof, dealing 6d6
points of damage to any creature caught under the cave-in and
Anti-Magic Shell pinning that creature beneath the rubble, requiring a DC 16 Strength
Components: V, S, M ability check as an action to escape. On a successful Dexterity save,
Casting Time: 1 action the creature takes half as much damage and is not buried.
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: 10’ radius sphere, centered on the cleric Cliffs: Earthquake causes a cliff to crumble, creating a landslide that
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns) travels horizontally as far as it fell vertically. Any creature in the path
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates; see text takes 6d6 points of damage and is buried in the rubble, requiring a DC
An invisible, spherical barrier surrounds and moves with the cleric. The 16 Strength ability check as an action to escape. On a successful
space within this barrier is impervious to most magical effects, Dexterity save, the creature takes half damage and is not buried.
including spells and spell-like powers. Likewise, it prevents the Open Ground: Each creature standing in the area must make a
functioning of any magic items or spells within its confines. Dexterity save or fall prone. A total of 1d6 fissures open in locations
An Anti-Magic Shell suppresses any spell or magical effect used within, chosen by the DM. Each is 1d10x10 feet deep, 10 feet wide, and
brought into, or cast into the area, but does not dispel it. Time spent extends from one edge of the spell’s area to the opposite side.
within an Anti-Magic Shell counts against the suppressed spell’s A creature standing on a spot where a fissure opens must succeed on
duration. a Dexterity Saving Throw or fall in and perish. A creature that
Summoned creatures of any type are dispelled if they enter an Anti- successfully saves moves with the fissure’s edge as it opens. A fissure
Magic Shell. If the cleric casts Anti-Magic Shell in an area occupied by that opens beneath a small structure, such as an inn or cottage,
a summoned creature, it must make a Wisdom Saving Throw or be causes it to automatically collapse, while larger constructions are
banished. damaged and cracked open. Creatures within collapsed structures
take 4d6 damage.
A normal creature can enter the area, as can normal missiles.
Furthermore, while a magic sword does not function magically within River, Lake, or Marsh: Fissures open underneath the water, draining
the area, it is still a sword. The spell has no effect on golems and other away the water from that area and forming muddy ground. Soggy
animated creatures that are imbued with magic during their creation marsh or swampland becomes quicksand (see page 68), sucking
process and are thereafter self-supporting. Should a creature be larger down creatures and structures. At the end of the spell, the rest of the
than the area enclosed by the barrier, any part of it that lies outside body of water rushes in to replace the drained water, possibly
the barrier is unaffected by the field. drowning those caught in the mud.
To find a creature with the spell the cleric must have seen the creature The spell does not protect against magical damage of any type, nor
or have some item that once belonged to it. To find an object the does it protect against physical attacks, poison, or breath weapons.
cleric must have touched it at least once.
Example: A cleric might use this spell: in a desert or blizzard to prevent
Earthquake damage from the natural conditions; underground or underwater,
Components: V, S, M enabling survival without air; in space, to magically survive in vacuum;
Casting Time: 1 action or on the elemental plane of fire, to protect against conditional fire
Range: 400’ (Long) damage.
Area of Effect: 80’ radius circle
Duration: Instantaneous; see text Wizardry
Saving Throw: See text Components: V, S
When the cleric casts Earthquake, an intense but highly localized Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn)
tremor rips the ground. The shock knocks creatures down, collapses Range: Personal
structures, opens cracks in the ground, and more. The effect lasts for 1 Target: The cleric
minute (6 rounds), during which time creatures on the ground can’t Duration: 10 minutes (1 turn)
move or attack. A spellcaster on the ground must make a DC 18 The cleric using this spell gains the power to use items normally
Concentration Check or lose any spell he tries to cast. The earthquake restricted to magic-users, such as a wands or scrolls.
affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in the area. The
Clerics using this spell may automatically read any magic-user scroll,
specific effect of an earthquake spell depends on the nature of the
as if using Read Magic, but may not cast spells above 6th level.
terrain where it is cast.
Astral Spell Rate. An insubstantial creature can move through solid objects,
Components: V, S, M including living creatures. An ethereal creature can see and hear on
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn) the Material Plane, but everything looks gray and ephemeral. Sight
Range: Touch and hearing onto the Material Plane are limited to 60 feet.
Targets: The cleric and up to 8 willing creatures
Duration: See text An ethereal creature can’t attack material creatures and vice versa.
The cleric projects his or her astral self onto the Astral Plane, leaving his Treat other ethereal creatures and ethereal objects as if they were
or her physical body behind on the Material Plane in a state of material.
suspended animation. The spell projects an astral copy of the cleric If the spell ends while a target is inside a material object, such as a
onto the Astral Plane. solid wall, that target takes 1d6 damage and is shunted off to the
Since the Astral Plane touches upon other planes, the cleric can travel nearest open space.
astrally to any of these other planes at will. To enter one of the outer
planes, the cleric leaves the Astral Plane, forming a new physical body
(and equipment) on the plane of existence the cleric has chosen to
Up to 8 willing creatures, linked in a circle at the time of casting, can
travel with the cleric in this manner. These fellow travelers are
dependent upon the cleric and must accompany the cleric at all
times. If separated from the cleric during the journey, his or her
companions are stranded at their destination.
While on the Astral Plane the astral body is connected at all times to
the physical body by a silvery cord. If the cord is broken the traveler is Gate
killed, both astrally and physically. Luckily very few things can destroy Components: V, S; see text
a silver cord. When a second body is formed on a different plane, the Casting Time: 1 action; see text
incorporeal silvery cord remains invisibly attached to the new body. If Range: 100’ (Medium)
the second body or astral form is slain the cord simply returns to the Effect: See text
body where it rests on the Material Plane, thereby reviving it from its Duration: See text
state of suspended animation. Casting a Gate spell has two effects. First, it creates an inter-
Although astral bodies can function on the Astral Plane, their actions dimensional connection between the cleric’s plane of existence and
affect only creatures existing on the Astral Plane; a physical body must a plane the cleric specifies, allowing travel between those two planes
be materialized on other planes. in either direction. Second, the cleric may then call a particular
individual or kind of being through the gate.
The cleric and his or her companions may travel through the Astral
The gate itself is a circular hoop or disk from 5 to 20 feet in diameter
Plane indefinitely. Their bodies simply wait behind in a state of
(cleric’s choice), oriented in the direction the cleric desires when it
suspended animation until the cleric chooses to return. The spell lasts
comes into existence (typically vertical and facing the cleric). It is a
until the cleric desires to end it or until it is terminated by some outside
two-dimensional window looking into the plane the cleric specified
means, such as a Dispel Magic cast upon either the physical body or
when casting the spell and anyone or anything that moves through is
the astral form (which ends the spell), the severing of a silver cord
shunted instantly to the other side. A gate has a front and a back.
(which kills that person), or the destruction of a body back on the
Creatures moving through the gate from the front are transported to
Material Plane (which also kills that person).
the other plane; creatures moving through it from the back are not.
Material Component: A silver cord worth 5 gp for each person to be
Planar Travel: As a mode of planar travel, a Gate spell functions much
affected. These are not consumed when the spell is cast.
like a Plane Shift spell except that the gate opens precisely at the point
the cleric desires. Deities and other beings who rule a planar realm
can prevent a gate from opening in their presence or personal
Components: V, S, M
demesnes if they so desire. Travelers need not join hands with the
Casting Time: 1 action
cleric; anyone who chooses to step through the portal is transported.
Range: Touch
A gate cannot be opened to another point on the same plane; the
Targets: The cleric and up to 6 willing creatures
spell works only for inter-planar travel.
Duration: 30 minutes (3 turns)
The cleric and up to 6 willing creatures joined by linked hands become The cleric may hold the gate open only for a brief time (no more than
ethereal. For the duration of the spell the spell’s targets are in a place 1 minute) and must concentrate on doing so or else the inter-planar
called the Ethereal Plane which overlaps the physical, Material Plane. connection closes on the round after the cleric stops concentrating
Once ethereal, the subjects need not stay together. When the spell upon the gate.
expires the targets return to material existence.
Calling Creatures: The second effect of the Gate spell is to call one or
An ethereal creature is invisible, insubstantial, and capable of moving more extraplanar creatures through the gate. By naming a particular
in any direction, even up or down, albeit at half its normal Movement being or kind of being as the spell is cast, the cleric causes the gate to
open in the immediate vicinity of the desired creature or creatures The cleric doesn’t so much cast a Miracle as request one. The cleric
and pull them through, willing or unwilling. Deities and unique beings states what he or she would like to have happen and requests that or
are under no compulsion to come through the gate, although they his or her deity intercede. A miracle can do any of the following things:
may choose to do so of their own accord. This use of the spell creates Duplicate any cleric spell of 8th level or lower.
a gate that remains open just long enough to transport the called
creature or creatures. Duplicate any other spell of 7th level or lower.
If the cleric chooses to call a kind of creature instead of a known Undo the harmful effects of certain spells, such as Feeblemind.
individual, the cleric may call either a single creature (of any Hit Dice) Have any effect whose power level is in line with the above effects.
or several creatures. The cleric can call and control several creatures
Alternatively, a cleric can make a very powerful request. Casting such
as long as their Hit Dice total does not exceed his or her level.
a Miracle costs the cleric 5,000 gold pieces in powdered diamonds
In the case of a single creature, the cleric can control it if its Hit Dice because of the powerful divine energies involved. Examples of
do not exceed twice his or her level. Deities and unique beings cannot especially powerful Miracles of this sort could include the following:
be controlled in any event. An uncontrolled being acts as it pleases,
Swinging the tide of a battle in the cleric’s favor by raising fallen allies
making the calling of such creatures rather dangerous. An
to continue fighting.
uncontrolled being may return to its home plane at any time.
Moving the cleric and all allies from one plane to another through
A controlled creature can be commanded to perform a service. Such
planar barriers to a specific locale with no chance of error.
services fall into two categories: immediate tasks and contractual
service. Fighting for the cleric in a single battle or taking any other Protecting a city from an earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, or
actions that can be accomplished within 1 round per level of the cleric other major natural disaster.
counts as an immediate task; the cleric need not make any A duplicated spell allows Saving Throws as normal. In any event, a
agreement or pay any reward for the creature’s help. Few if any request that is out of line with the deity’s (or power’s) nature is refused.
creatures will accept a task that seems suicidal. The creature departs
at the end of the spell. Raise Dead Fully (reversible)
A task taking up to 1 minute per cleric level requires a payment of 250 Components: V, S, M
gp per Hit Die of the creature called. For a task taking up to 1 hour per Casting Time: 1 minute (6 rounds)
cleric level, the creature requires a payment of 500 gp per Hit Die. A Range: 100’ (Medium)
long-term task, one requiring up to one day per cleric level, requires a Target: 1 corpse
payment of 1,000 gp per Hit Die. Note that payment need not be Duration: Instantaneous
made directly to the gated creature and can take a variety of forms, Saving Throw: Charisma negates
from donating gold or magic items to an allied temple, to a gift given This spell functions like Raise Dead, except that the cleric is able to
directly to the creature, to some other action on the cleric’s part that restore life and complete strength to any deceased creature. The
matches the creature’s alignment and goals. condition of the remains is not a factor. So long as some small portion
of the creature’s body still exists, it can be raised, but the portion
If the cleric chooses to exact a longer or more involved form of service
receiving the spell must have been part of the creature’s body at the
from a called creature, he or she must offer some fair trade in return
time of death. The remains of a creature hit by a Disintegrate or
for that service. The service exacted must be reasonable with respect
Obliterate spell count as a small portion of its body. The creature can
to the promised favor or reward. The bargaining takes at least 1 round,
have been dead no longer than 1 month per caster level. The cleric
so any actions by the creature begin in the round after it arrives.
cannot raise someone who has died of old age.
Immediately upon completion of the service, the being is transported
Upon completion of the spell, the creature is immediately restored to
to the cleric’s vicinity and the cleric must then and there turn over the
full Hit Points, vigor, and health.
promised reward. After this is done the creature is instantly freed to
return to its own plane. Failure to fulfill the promise to the letter results The spell is fatal to undead. Cast on an undead creature, the spell
in the cleric being subjected to service by the creature or by its liege immediately destroys the creature unless it makes a Charisma Saving
and master, at the very least. At worst, the creature or its kin may Throw.
attack the cleric. The reverse of this spell, Obliterate, destroys a living creature unless it
makes a Charisma Saving Throw. A destroyed creature is reduced to
Miracle ash.
Components: V, S, M; see text
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: See text
Effect: See text
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: See text
Magic-user and Elf Spells Fifth Level Magic-user & Elf Spells
1] Airy Water
The following lists of magic-user and elf spells, sorted by spell level, are 2] Animate Dead
followed descriptions of each spell. Elves do not have access to 7th, 3] Cloudkill
8th, and 9th level spells. Spells listed in italics are reversible. 4] Cone of Cold
First Level Magic-user & Elf Spells 5] Conjure Elemental
1] Change Self 6] Contact Higher Plane
2] Charm Person 7] Feeblemind
3] Color Spray 8] Growth of Animals
4] Comprehend Languages 9] Hold Monster
5] Detect Magic 10] Magic Jar
6] Feather Fall 11] Passwall
7] Find Familiar 12] Telekinesis
8] Floating Disk 13] Teleport
9] Hold Portal 14] Transmute Rock to Mud
10] Light 15] Wall of Stone
11] Magic Missile
12] Mending Sixth Level Magic-user & Elf Spells
13] Prestidigitation 1] Anti-Magic Shell
14] Protection from Evil 2] Control Weather
15] Read Magic 3] Death Spell
16] Shield 4] Disintegrate
17] Shocking Grasp 5] Geas
18] Sleep 6] Globe of Invulnerability
7] Invisible Stalker
Second Level Magic-user & Elf Spells 8] Move Earth
1] Blur 9] Part Water
2] Continual Light 10] Projected Image
3] Detect Evil 11] Reincarnation
4] Detect Invisible 12] Stone to Flesh
5] Entangle 13] True Seeing
6] ESP 14] Wall of Force
7] Gust of Wind 15] Wall of Iron
8] Invisibility
9] Knock Seventh Level Magic-user Spells
10] Levitate 1] Charm Plant
11] Locate Object 2] Delayed Blast Fire Ball
12] Magic Mouth 3] Find the Path
13] Mirror Image 4] Legend Lore
14] Phantasmal Force 5] Mass Invisibility
15] Spider Climb 6] Plane Shift
16] Strength 7] Power Word, Stun
17] Web 8] Prismatic Spray
18] Wizard Lock 9] Reverse Gravity
10] Statue
Third Level Magic-user & Elf Spells 11] Summon Monsters I
1] Blink 12] Summon Object
2] Clairvoyance 13] Sword
3] Darkvision 14] Teleport any Object
4] Dispel Magic
5] Fire Ball Eighth Level Magic-user Spells
6] Fly 1] Binding
7] Gaseous Form 2] Clone
8] Haste 3] Irresistible Dance
9] Hold Person 4] Mass Charm
10] Invisibility 10’ Radius 5] Maze
11] Lightning Bolt 6] Mind Blank
12] Protection from Evil,10’ Radius 7] Permanence
13] Protection from Normal Missiles 8] Polymorph any Object
14] Stinking Cloud 9] Power Word, Blind
15] Water Breathing 10] Prismatic Wall
11] Summon Monsters II
Fourth Level Magic-user & Elf Spells 12] Symbol
1] Charm Monster
2] Confusion Ninth Level Magic-user Spells
3] Dimension Door 1] Astral Spell
4] Growth of Plants 2] Contingency
5] Hallucinatory Terrain 3] Etherealness
6] Ice Storm 4] Gate
7] Massmorph 5] Meteor Swarm
8] Phantasmal Killer 6] Power Word, Kill
9] Polymorph Others 7] Prismatic Sphere
10] Polymorph Self 8] Shapechange
11] Remove Curse 9] Summon Monsters III
12] Scrying 10] Survival
13] Wall of Fire 11] Timestop
14] Wall of Ice 12] Wish
15] Wizard Eye
Components: V, S
Change Self Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: Personal
Casting Time: 1 action Target: 1 creature or object
Range: Personal Duration: 20 minutes (2 turns)
Target: The caster The caster can understand the spoken words of a creature or read
Duration: 1 hour (6 turns) otherwise incomprehensible written messages. In either case, the
Saving Throw: Intelligence negates; see text caster must touch the creature or the writing. The ability to read does
The caster makes him or herself - including clothing, armor, weapons, not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal
and equipment - look different. The caster can seem 1 foot shorter or meaning. The spell enables the caster to understand or read an
taller, thin, fat, or of medium build. The caster cannot change body unknown language, not speak or write it.
type (a humanoid caster must retain a humanoid form). Otherwise, Written material can be read at the rate of 1 page (250 words) per
the extent of the apparent change is up to the caster. The caster minute. Magical writing cannot be read, though the spell reveals that
could add or obscure a minor feature or look like an entirely different it is magical. It deciphers codes and reveals the meaning of secret
person. symbols on treasure maps and so forth.
A creature using Change Self gains a +4 bonus to Charisma checks
made to impersonate another person, so long as the illusion goes Detect Magic
unnoticed (see below). Components: V, S
The spell does not provide the abilities or mannerisms of the chosen Casting Time: 1 action
form, nor does it alter the perceived tactile (touch) or audible (sound) Range: Personal
properties of the caster or his or her equipment. A creature that Area of Effect: 60’ radius sphere
interacts with the glamer gets an Intelligence Saving Throw to Duration: 30 minutes (3 turns)
recognize it as an illusion. This spell determines if there has been an enchantment laid upon a
person, place, or thing, causing any magic item within 60’ to glow. It is
Charm Person useful, for example, to discover if some item is magical, if a door has
Components: V, S been magically “Held” or “Wizard Locked,” and so forth.
Casting Time: 1 action The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1’ of stone, an inch of common
Range: 100’ (Medium) metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3’ of wood or dirt blocks it.
Target: 1 living creature; see text
Duration: See text Feather Fall
Saving Throw: Charisma negates Components: V
This charm makes a human, demi-human, or humanoid creature (such Casting Time: Instantaneous; when the caster or another target falls
as a bugbear, gnoll, gnome, goblin, hobgoblin, kobold, lizard man, Range: 30’ (Close)
pixie, or sprite) that fails it Charisma Saving Throw regard the caster as Targets: Up to 6 creatures
its trusted friend and ally. If the creature is being threatened or Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
attacked by the caster or his or her allies, however, it gets a +4 bonus The targeted creatures or objects fall slowly. Feather Fall instantly
on its Saving Throw. It will not affect Large-sized or undead creatures. changes the rate at which the targets fall to a mere 120 feet per round
The spell does not enable the caster to control the charmed person as (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet) and the subjects take
if he or she were an automaton, but the target perceives the caster’s no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. Should the target
words and actions in the most favorable way. The caster can try to of the spell fail to land by the end of Feather Fall’s duration, the normal
give the subject orders, but must succeed at a Charisma ability check rate of falling resumes.
in order to convince him or her to do anything he wouldn’t ordinarily The spell affects one or more creatures (including gear and carried
do. objects up to each creature’s maximum load) or objects within 30’ of
An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders the caster.
but might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth This spell is cast with an instant utterance, quickly enough to save the
doing. Any act by the caster, or his or her allies, that threatens the caster or an ally from an unexpected fall. Casting the spell is
charmed person automatically breaks the spell. The caster must speak instantaneous and it may even be cast when it isn’t the casters turn,
the person’s language to communicate commands, or else be good or if the caster has already acted that round.
at pantomiming.
Creatures with above average intelligence (a score of 13-18) may Find Familiar
make a new saving throw each day. Creatures with average Components: V, S, M
intelligence (a score of 9-12) may save again once per week, and Casting Time: 8 hours
creatures with below average intelligence (a score of 3-8) may save Range: 30’ (Close)
again once each month. Target: 1 summoned familiar
Duration: Instantaneous
Charm Person may be removed with a Dispel Magic spell. This spell enables the caster to attempt to
summon a familiar to act as his or her
Color Spray aide and companion. Familiars are
Components: V, S typically small creatures, such as cats,
Casting Time: 1 action frogs, ferrets, crows, hawks, snakes, owls,
Range: Personal ravens, toads, weasels, or even mice. A
Area of Effect: 15’ cone creature acting as a familiar can benefit
Duration: Instantaneous; see text a magic-user or elf, conveying its sensory
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates powers to its master, conversing with him
A vivid cone of clashing colors springs forth from the caster’s hand, or her, and serving as a guard/scout/spy
causing living creatures to become stunned, perhaps also blinded, as well. A magic-user or elf can have only
and possibly knocked unconscious. Each creature within the cone is one familiar at a time, however, and has
affected according to its Hit Dice. Sightless creatures are not affected no control over what sort of creature
by Color Spray. answers the summoning, if any at all
2 HD or less: The creature is knocked unconscious for 2d4 rounds and come. The power of the conjuration is
then blinded and stunned for 1d6 rounds. such that it can be attempted but once
per year.
3 or 4 HD: The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d6 rounds.
5 or more HD: The creature is stunned for 1 round.
A familiar is of certain benefit to a caster, as the creature adds to the This spell causes bright light, equal to a lantern, to emanate in a 30’
spellcaster’s Hit Points, conveys its sensory powers to its master, and sphere from the targeted object or creature. A targeted creature may
can converse with its master. The caster has an empathic link with the make a Wisdom Saving Throw to negate the spell. Light negates the
familiar and can issue it mental commands at a distance of up to 1 Darkness spell (see below) and vice versa.
mile. Note that empathic responses from the familiar are generally The reverse of this spell, Darkness, causes darkness to emanate from
fairly basic - while able to communicate simple thoughts, these are the targeted object or creature in a 30’ radius sphere. A targeted
often overwhelmed by instinctual responses. The caster cannot see creature may make a Wisdom Saving Throw to negate the spell.
through the familiar’s eyes. Normal lights (torches, candles, lanterns, and so forth) are incapable
At such time as the caster determines to find a familiar, he or she must of brightening the area, though a Light spell will negate it.
stoke up a brass brazier with charcoal and, when this is burning well,
add 100 gold pieces worth of incense, herbs (basil, savory, and catnip Magic Missile
for sure) and fat. When these items are burning the spellcaster begins Components: V, S
the incantation and it must be continued for at least 8 hours. Casting Time: 1 action
The familiar summoned is determined by rolling a d20 and consulting Range: 100 feet (Medium)
the following table. The DM will secretly determine the result: Effects: Creates 1 or more magical arrows that strike foes
Duration: Instantaneous
d20 Roll* Familiar Sensory Powers A magic missile is a glowing arrow, created and shot by magic, which
1-4 None does 1d6+1 points of damage to any creature it strikes. It will
5-8 Cat +2 to Wisdom (Perception) ability checks automatically hit any visible target.
9-10 Crow +2 to Wisdom (Perception) ability checks
11-12 Hawk +2 to Wisdom (Perception) ability checks For every 2 levels the caster has gained beyond 1st, he or she may
13-14 Owl Darkvision 60’ shoot one more missile when casting the spell, to a maximum of 7
15-16 Rat +2 to Wisdom (Perception) ability checks missiles at level 13 and beyond. These may be shot at one target, or
17-18 Toad +2 to Wisdom (Perception) ability checks the caster may choose to cast the missiles at different targets.
19-20 Weasel +2 to Wisdom (Perception) ability checks Example: A 7th level magic-user may cast four missiles. These may strike
*Add 1 to the die roll at caster levels 6, 12, and 18. up to 4 different targets.
A typical familiar has 6 Hit Points, an Armor Class of 14 (due to size,
speed, etc.), and makes Saving Throws as its master does. Each is Mending
abnormally intelligent, with an Intelligence of 8 + their master’s Components: V, S
Intelligence modifier, and totally is faithful to its master. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Deliberate mistreatment, failure to feed and care for the familiar, or Target: 1 object of up to 1 lb.
continuous unreasonable demands have adverse effects on the Duration: Instantaneous
familiar’s relationship with its master. Purposely arranging the death of Mending repairs small breaks or tears in objects. It will weld broken
one’s own familiar incurs great disfavor from certain powerful entities, metallic objects such as a ring, a chain link, a medallion, or a slender
with dire results. Most familiars will fight and risk their lives to defend dagger, providing but one break exists.
their master.
Ceramic or wooden objects with multiple breaks can be invisibly
Floating Disk rejoined to be as strong as new. A hole in a leather sack or a wineskin
Components: V, S is completely healed over by Mending. The spell can repair a magic
Casting Time: 1 action item, but the item’s magical abilities are not restored. The spell cannot
Range: 30’ (Close) mend broken magic rods, staffs, or wands, nor does it affect creatures
Effect: 3’ diameter disk of force (including animated creatures).
Duration: 3 hours
The caster creates a slightly concave, circular plane of force. The disk Prestidigitation
is 3’ in diameter and 1” deep at its center. It can hold 500 pounds of Components: V, S
weight. If used to transport a liquid, its capacity is 2 gallons. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100’ (Medium)
The disk floats approximately 3’ above the ground at all times and Effect: See text
remains level. It floats along horizontally within spell range and Duration: 20 minutes (2 turns)
accompanies the caster at his or her Movement Rate. If not otherwise Saving Throw: Intelligence negates; see text
directed, it maintains a constant interval of 5’ between itself and the Prestidigitation allows the caster to create minor illusory effects. These
caster. may be auditory or visual illusions, depending on which aspect of the
The disk winks out of existence when the spell duration expires. The disk spell is chosen upon casting:
also winks out if the caster moves beyond range or tries to take the Audible Glamer: Audible Glamer allows the caster to create a volume
disk more than 3’ away from the surface beneath it. When the disk of sound that rises, recedes, approaches, or remains at a fixed place.
winks out, whatever it was supporting falls to the surface beneath it. The caster chooses what type of sound Audible Glamer creates when
casting it and cannot thereafter change the sound’s basic character.
Hold Portal The caster can also use this aspect of Prestidigitation make the sound
Component: V of his or her voice come from someplace else within range, such as
Casting Time: 1 action from a statue, animal, and so forth.
Range: 30’ (Close)
Target: 1 portal with an area of up to 20 square feet/caster level The volume of sound created depends on the caster’s level. Audible
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns) Glamer can produce as much noise as 4 normal humans per caster
This spell magically holds shut a door, portcullis, gate, window or level (to the maximum equivalent of 20 humans at caster level 5 and
shutter of wood, metal, or stone. The magic affects the portal just as if beyond). Thus talking, singing, shouting, walking, marching, or running
it were securely closed and normally locked. A Knock spell or a sounds can be created.
successful Dispel Magic spell can negate a Hold Portal spell. Examples: A horde of rats running and squeaking is about the same
A Held portal takes half damage from all non-magical attacks and is volume as eight humans running and shouting, while a roaring lion is
only forced open with a DC 22 Strength ability check. equal to the noise from sixteen humans.
Dancing Lights: Depending on the version selected, the caster creates
Light (reversible) up to four lights that resemble lanterns or torches, four glowing spheres
Components: V of light (which look like will-o’-wisps), or one faintly glowing, vaguely
Casting Time: 1 action humanoid shape.
Range: 100’ (Medium)
The dancing lights must stay within a 10’ radius area in relation to each
Target: 1 object or creature
other but otherwise move as the caster desires: forward or back, up or
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
down, straight or turning corners, or the like.
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
The lights can move up to 30’ per round. A light winks out if the Duration: 4d4x10 minutes (4-16 turns)
distance between the caster and it exceeds the spell’s range. Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
A Sleep spell causes 2d8 Hit Dice of creatures to fall into a magical
slumber. Only creatures with 4 or fewer Hit Dice are affected by this
spell. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first. Creatures with a
Hit Point bonus to their Hit Dice are considered to be 1 Hit Die higher.
Among creatures with equal HD, those who are closest to the spell’s
point of origin are affected first. Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect
a creature are wasted.
Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens an
affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature
Protection from Evil requires an action. Sleep does not target unconscious, animated, or
Components: V, S undead creatures.
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
This spell circles the caster with a magic barrier. This barrier will move Blur
with the caster. The spell serves as some protection from “evil” attacks Components: V
(attacks by monsters an alignment other than the caster’s alignment) Casting Time: 1 action
by adding 2 to the caster’s Saving Throws and adding 2 to the caster’s Range: Touch
Armor Class against such foes. Target: 1 willing creature
Duration: 20 minutes (2 turns)
The spell will also keep out melee attacks from summoned monsters, The subject’s outline appears blurred, shifting, and wavering. This
such as elementals, but not missile fire attacks from these creatures. distortion grants the subject total concealment (+4 to Armor Class) for
The caster breaks this protection by attacking the monster in melee the spell’s duration. A Detect Invisibility spell does not counteract the
combat, but still gains the bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws. Blur effect though a True Seeing spell does.
Detect Invisibility Those within the path of the Gust of Wind may not make missile attacks
Components: V, S and must make a DC 18 Concentration Check to cast spells.
Casting Time: 1 action Creatures in the area must succeed at a DC 18 Strength ability check
Range: Personal or be knocked back 1d3x5 feet, fall prone, and take 1d3 points of
Area of Effect: 60’ radius sphere, caster on the caster damage. Flying creatures that fail their Strength ability check take 1d6
Duration: 1 hour (6 turns) points of damage and are blown back 1d6x10 feet.
The caster can see any objects or beings that are invisible within a 60’
sphere, as well as any that are ethereal, as if they were normally visible. Creatures that make their Strength check to remain standing move at
Such creatures are visible to the caster as translucent shapes, allowing ½ of their Movement Rate. Flying creatures must immediately land or
the caster to easily to discern the difference between visible, invisible, get blown back (see above).
and ethereal creatures. In addition to the effects noted, a Gust of Wind can do anything that
a sudden blast of wind would be expected to do. It can create a
The spell does not reveal the method used to obtain invisibility. It does
stinging spray of sand or dust, fan a large fire, overturn delicate
not reveal illusions or enable the caster to see through opaque
awnings or hangings, heel over a small boat, and blow gases or vapors
objects. It does not reveal creatures that are simply hiding, concealed,
to the edge of its range.
or otherwise hard to see.
Components: V, S
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Range: 400’ (Long)
Target: 1 willing, Medium-sized or smaller, creature
Area of Effect: Plants in a 40’ radius circle
Duration: Until discharged; see text
Duration: 1 round/caster level
The creature or object touched becomes invisible, vanishing from
Saving Throw: Dexterity partial; see text
sight, even from Darkvision. If the recipient is a creature carrying gear,
Grasses, weeds, bushes, and even trees wrap, twist, and entwine about
that vanishes, too. Invisible creatures have total concealment (+4 to
creatures in the area or those that enter the area, holding them fast and
Armor Class) against those who cannot see invisible creatures.
causing them to become entangled.
Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible;
Creatures who fail their initial Dexterity save versus this spell are
items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn
entangled. While entangled, a creature loses its Dexterity and shield
by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a
bonus to Armor Class. Entangled creatures can attempt to break free
source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with
by making a Strength ability check with a DC equal to the spell’s Saving
no visible source). Of course, the subject is not magically silenced,
Throw DC. This attempt, whether it succeeds or fails, uses the creature’s
and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable
action for the round.
(such as stepping in a puddle).
A creature that succeeds on its initial Saving Throw, or who later breaks
The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this
free, is not entangled and can move at 5 feet per round through the
spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area of
area. Each round, on the caster’s turn, the plants once again attempt
effect includes a foe. Actions directed at unattended objects do not
to entangle all creatures that have avoided or escaped entanglement,
break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an
requiring all in the spell’s radius to roll another Saving Throw.
invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon
All creatures within the Entangle spell’s radius have cover (+2 to Armor monsters and have them attack, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge
Class). while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger traps, open a
portcullis to release attack dogs, and so forth. If the subject attacks
ESP directly, however, it immediately becomes visible along with all its
Components: V, S gear. Spells such as Bless that specifically affect allies but not foes are
Casting Time: 1 action not attacks for this purpose, even when they include foes in their area.
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: 60’ cone Knock
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns) Components: V
Saving Throw: Intelligence partial; see text Casting Time: 1 action
The caster detects surface thoughts. The amount of information Range: 100’ (Medium)
revealed depends on how long the caster studies a particular area or Target: 1 door, box, or chest with an area of up to 10 sq. ft./caster level
target. Duration: Instantaneous; see text
1st Round: Presence or absence of thoughts (from living creatures with The Knock spell opens a stuck, barred, locked, Held, or Wizard Locked
Intelligence scores of 3 or higher). door. It will open a known secret door, as well as a locked or trick-
6th Round (1 minute): Number of thinking minds and the Intelligence opening box or chest. It also loosens welds, shackles, or chains
score of each. (provided they serve to hold closures shut).
12th Round (2 minutes): Surface thoughts of one mind in the area. A If used to open a Wizard Locked door, the spell does not remove the
target’s successful save prevents the caster from reading its thoughts, Wizard Lock but simply suspends its functioning for 10 minutes. In all
and the caster must cast ESP again to have another chance against other cases, the door does not relock itself or become stuck again on
that creature. Creatures of animal Intelligence have simple, instinctual its own.
thoughts that the caster can pick up. The thoughts of the undead (if Knock does not raise barred gates or similar impediments (such as a
any) cannot be “heard” by means of this spell. portcullis), nor does it affect ropes, vines, and the like. The effect is
Each round, the caster can turn to detect thoughts in a new area. The limited by the area.
spell can penetrate barriers, but 1’ of stone, an inch of common metal,
a thin sheet of lead, or 3’ of wood or dirt blocks it. Levitate
Components: V, S
Gust of Wind Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: Personal
Casting Time: 1 action Target: The caster
Range: Personal Duration: 2 hours
Effect: 60’ long by 10’ wide line of wind emanating from the caster When this spell is cast, the caster may move up or down in the air
Duration: 1 round without any support. This spell does not enable the caster to move
Saving Throw: None; see text from side-to-side. The caster could, however, levitate to a ceiling and
This spell creates a blast of hurricane-force winds that originates from move sideways by using his or her hands. Motion up or down is at a
the caster. It has the following effects: rate of 30’ per round.
All flames are extinguished within the 10’ wide path of the spell. The caster may carry a normal amount of weight (possibly including
another person; see Encumbrance, page 67).
Locate Object movement or magical silence defeats audible triggers. Audible
Components: V, S triggers can be keyed to general types of noises or to a specific noise
Casting Time: 1 action or spoken word. Actions can serve as triggers if they are visible or
Range: Personal audible. A Magic Mouth cannot distinguish alignment, level, Hit Dice,
Area of Effect: 200’ radius sphere, centered on the caster or class except by external garb.
Duration: 30 minutes (3 turns) The range limit of a trigger is 100 feet away. Regardless of range, the
For this spell to be able to locate an object, the spell caster must know mouth can respond only to visible or audible triggers and actions in
exactly what the object looks like (size, shape, color, etc.). A common line of sight or within hearing distance.
type of object (such as a flight of stairs) can also be detected by this
spell. The spell will not, however, locate a creature. The spell will point
toward the nearest desired object if within range, giving the direction
to it but not the distance.
The spell is blocked by even a thin sheet of lead.
Mirror Image
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Effect: 1d4 illusory doubles of the caster appear within 5’
Duration: 1 hour (6 turns)
With this spell, the caster creates 1d4 additional images of himself or
herself which look exactly the same as the caster and do exactly what
he or she does. Any attack on the spell caster will strike an image
instead. An attack on an image will destroy it, whether or not that
attack actually “hits”. The attack will be “used up”, but one image will
disappear and will not return (until the spell is cast again).
An attacker must be able to see the images to be fooled. If the caster
in invisible or an attacker shuts his or her eyes, the spell has no effect.
Note that being unable to see carries the same penalties as being
The spell ends once all doubles are destroyed, or its duration expires.
Phantasmal Force
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 400’ (Long)
Effect: Illusion that cannot extend beyond a 20’ cube
Duration: Concentration; up to 1 hour (6 turns); see text
Saving Throw: Intelligence negates (if interacted with)
This spell creates or changes appearances within the area of the spell
effect: up to a 20’ cube. The illusion does not create smell, texture, or
temperature. Phantasmal Force includes some minor sounds but not
understandable speech. The caster should create an illusion of
something he or she has seen. If not, the DM should give a bonus to
Saving Throws against this spell’s attacks.
Magic Mouth If the caster does not use the spell to attack, the illusion will disappear
Components: V, S if it is touched. If the spell is used to “create” a monster, it will have an
Casting Time: 1 action Armor Class of 10 and will disappear if hit. If the spell is used as an
Range: Touch attack (a false Magic Missile, a collapsing wall, etc.), the attack will
Target: 1 object not affect a victim who makes his or her Saving Throw. Otherwise, the
Duration: Permanent until discharged those attacked by the illusory creature, object, or spell believe that
This spell imbues the chosen object with an enchanted mouth that they have taken damage. This spell never inflicts any real damage.
suddenly appears and speaks its message the next time a specified Those “killed” will pass out, those “turned to stone” will be paralyzed,
event occurs. and so forth. These effects will wear off in 1d4 turns.
The message, which must be 25 or fewer words long, can be in any If the caster’s concentration is broken (see page 25), the illusion will
language known by the caster and can be delivered over a period of disappear and not return.
10 minutes. The mouth cannot utter verbal components, use
command words, or activate magical effects. It does, however, move Spider Climb
according to the words articulated; if it were placed upon a statue, Alteration
the mouth of the statue would move and appear to speak. Of course, Level: Magic-user 2
Magic Mouth can be placed upon a tree, rock, or any other object. Components: V, S
The spell functions when specific conditions are fulfilled according to Casting Time: 1 action
the caster’s command as set in the spell. Commands can be as Range: Touch
general or as detailed as desired, although only visual and audible Target: 1 willing creature
triggers can be used. Triggers react to what appears to be the case. Duration: 20 minutes (2 turns)
Disguises and illusions can fool them. Normal darkness does not defeat The subject can climb and travel on vertical surfaces or even traverse
a visual trigger, but magical darkness or invisibility does. Silent ceilings as well as a spider does. The affected creature must have its
hands free to climb in this manner. The subject moves at ½ of its normal A Wizard Locked portal takes half damage from all non-magical
Movement Rate and does not need to make Dexterity ability checks attacks and is only forced open with a DC 22 Strength ability check.
to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even while upside down).
Components: V, S Blink
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 action
Target: 1 willing creature Range: Personal
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns) Target: The caster
Application of this spell increases the Strength of the character to an Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
18 for the duration of the spell. The caster “blinks” back and forth between the Material Plane and
the Ethereal Plane. It looks as though the caster is winking in and out
Web of reality very quickly and at random. Blinking has several effects, as
Components: V, S follows:
Casting Time: 1 action Physical attacks, including spells, against the caster have a 50%
Range: 100 feet (Medium) chance of automatically missing. If the attacker is capable of striking
Area of Effect: 20’ radius cylinder, 20’ in height ethereal creatures, the caster only gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class
Duration: 8 hours (48 turns) due to the partial invisibility provided by the spell. The caster gains no
Saving Throw: Dexterity negates; see text Armor Class bonus when attacked by opponents who can see invisible
Web creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands. These creatures and strike ethereal foes.
strands trap those caught in them. The strands are similar to spider
webs but far larger and tougher. These masses must be anchored to Likewise, the caster’s attacks and spells also have a 50% chance of
two or more solid and diametrically opposed points or else the web automatically missing their target, since the caster sometimes goes
collapses upon itself and disappears. ethereal just as he or she is about to strike or cast a spell. While blinking
the caster strikes as a partially invisible creature, with a +2 bonus on
Anyone in the area of effect when the spell is cast must make a attack rolls, unless his or her opponent can see invisible creatures.
Dexterity Saving Throw. If this save succeeds, the creature has avoided
entanglement and may attempt to move through the web’s area of While blinking the caster takes only ½ damage from area attacks (but
effect (see below). full damage from those that extend onto the Ethereal Plane) and
environmental effects (such as cold, fire, or falling damage).
Creatures who fail their save are entangled, cannot move or attack,
lose any Dexterity bonus they might have to Armor Class, and may not Since the caster spends about the half of time on the Ethereal Plane,
employ a shield to defend themselves. Entangled creatures may try to he or she can see and even attack ethereal creatures. The caster
break free of the web on their turn. interacts with ethereal creatures roughly the same way he or she
interacts with material ones. An ethereal creature can’t attack
Each round, entangled creatures can make a Strength ability check material creatures and spells cast while ethereal only affect other
to disentangle itself from the web. The DC of this check is equal to the ethereal things.
spell’s Saving Throw DC. Those who fail this check are still entangled.
Those in the web but unentangled, either by making the initial Clairvoyance
Dexterity Saving Throw or a later Strength ability check, may move Components: V, S
through the web at a rate of 5’ per round. Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn)
The web offers cover (+2 to Armor Class) to those within it. Attacking Range: 400’ (long)
a creature in a web won’t cause the attacker to become entangled Target: 1 creature within range
unless it enters the web. Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
Saving Throw: Intelligence negates; see text
The strands of a Web spell are flammable. Fire sets it alight, burning it This spell allows the user to see an area through the eyes of any single
away in 1 round. All creatures within flaming webs take 1d6 points of creature within the area of effect. The creature must be in the general
fire damage from the flames. direction chosen by the caster and in range. If unwilling, a target
creature may make a Saving Throw to block the caster from seeing
through its eyes. This ends the spell. Otherwise, the caster may
change targets once per turn (10 minutes).
The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1’ of stone, an inch of common
metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3’ of wood or dirt blocks it.
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 willing creature
Duration: 12 hours (72 turns)
This spell grants the touched creature Darkvision for the spell’s
duration. It functions exactly like the Darkvision class ability of dwarves,
elves, and halflings.
Dispel Magic
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Wizard Lock Range: 100’ (Medium)
Components: V, S Area of Effect: 20’ radius sphere
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch This spell will remove spell effects anywhere within a 20’ radius sphere.
Target: 1 door, chest, or portal, up to 30 sq. ft./caster level in size It will not affect magic items, but will remove any spell effect created
Duration: Permanent by a magic-user, elf, or cleric of an equal or lower level than the spell
A Wizard Lock spell cast upon a door, chest, or portal magically locks caster. Note that instantaneous spells cannot be dispelled.
it. The caster can freely pass his or her own Wizard Lock without
affecting it; otherwise, a door or object secured with this spell can be In order to cancel magical effects from a higher level caster, the
opened only by breaking in or with a successful Dispel Magic or Knock magic-user or elf must make a Concentration Check with a DC of 10
plus the caster’s Experience Bonus (or ½ of the Hit Dice for monstrous Haste (reversible)
casters). Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Fire Ball Range: 30’ (Close)
Components: V, S Targets: 1 creature/caster level
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 3 minutes (18 rounds)
Range: 400’ (Long) Saving Throw: Intelligence negates
Area of Effect: 20’ radius sphere The caster chooses 1 willing creature per caster level that is within
Duration: Instantaneous range. Until the spell ends, target creatures double their usual
Saving Throw: Dexterity for half damage Movement Rate and double number of attacks that they normally
The caster points his or her finger and determines the range (distance make each round. This spell does not affect the rate at which magic
and height) at which the Fire Ball is to burst. A glowing, pea-sized bead works, so the casting of spells and the use of devices, such as wands,
streaks from the pointing digit and explodes into a ball of fire, 40’ in cannot be sped up.
diameter, when it reaches the point in space designated by the The reverse of this spell, Slow, causes affected creatures to move and
caster. If it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attack at a drastically slowed rate. Affected targets move at ½ of
attaining the prescribed range, it blossoms into the Fire Ball at that their usual Movement Rate and at halve the number of attacks that
point instead. they normally may make each round. A successful Intelligence Saving
The Fire Ball will cause 1d6 points of fire damage per level of the caster Throw negates these effects.
to all creatures within this area. A victim of a Fire Ball that makes a Slow counters and dispels Haste and vice versa.
Dexterity Saving Throw, however, only takes ½ damage.
Hold Person
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100’ (Medium)
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Saving Throw: Strength negates; see text
The Hold Person spell will affect any human, demi-human, or human-
like creature (bugbears, gnolls, gnomes, hobgoblins, kobolds, lizard
men, orcs, pixies, or sprites). It will not affect creatures larger than
Medium size.
The victim of this spell must make a Strength Saving Throw or be
Held creatures are aware and breathe normally but cannot take any
actions, even speech. A winged creature that is paralyzed cannot
flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can’t swim and may drown. Held
Fly creatures are considered to be helpless (see Helpless Combatants on
Components: V, S page 82 for more details).
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Invisibility 10’ Radius
Target: 1 willing creature Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes (1 turn) per caster level, plus 1d6x10 minutes Casting Time: 1 action
The subject can fly at a Movement Rate of 120’ per round. It can Range: Touch
ascend at half its Movement Rate and descend at double its Area of Effect: 10’ radius sphere, centered on a point or creature
Movement Rate, and can hover in place. Duration: Until discharged; see text
This spell makes the creature it is cast on and all creatures within 10’ at
Moving while under the effects of a Fly spell requires only as much the time of the casting invisible. This area will move with the person it is
concentration as walking, so the subject can attack or cast spells cast upon.
Those affected by this spell can see each other and themselves as if
unaffected by the spell. Any affected creature moving out of the area
Gaseous Form
becomes visible, but creatures moving into the area after the spell is
Components: V, S
cast do not become invisible.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Affected creatures (other than the recipient) that attack negate the
Target: 1 willing creature invisibility only for themselves. If the spell recipient attacks, the
Duration: 10 minutes (1 turn) per caster level, plus 1d6x10 minutes Invisibility 10’ Radius spell ends. For purposes of this spell, an attack
The target of this spell is transformed into a cloud of gas. Anything the includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area of effect includes a
user is carrying or wearing will fall through the gaseous body to land foe.
on the floor.
Lightning Bolt
The target cannot be harmed, except by magical fire, cold, or
Components: V, S
lightning, in which case damage is normal. The creature is subject to
Casting Time: 1 action
the effects of wind and can’t enter water or other liquids. A Gust of
Range: 100’ (Special)
Wind spell or strong wind will blow the target backwards 1d4 x 5 feet
Area of Effect: 100’ by 5’ wide line of lightning
each round.
Duration: Instantaneous
A gaseous creature can fly at a Movement Rate of 20’ per round. Saving Throw: Dexterity for half damage
When in gaseous form the individual is able to enter any space which The caster releases a powerful stroke of electrical energy from his or
is not airtight, i.e., a small crack or hole which allows air to penetrate her fingertips that deals 1d6 points of lightning damage per caster
also allows entry by a creature in gaseous form. level to each creature within its 5’ wide and 100’ long line of effect.
Creatures struck by the bolt are allowed a Dexterity Saving Throw for
A creature in gaseous form cannot attack, use spells, or interact with half damage.
If the lightning bolt strikes a solid surface before reaching its 100’
length, it will ricochet off of that surface and continue until it reaches
its full length. A lightning bolt that hits a surface that is straight ahead
of the caster will ricochet back towards him or her.
Protection from Evil, 10’ Radius An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders
Components: V, S but might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth
Casting Time: 1 action; see text doing. Any act by the caster, or his or her allies, that threatens the
Range: Personal charmed creature automatically breaks the spell. The caster must
Area of Effect: 10’ radius sphere centered on the caster speak the creature’s language to communicate commands, or else
Duration: 2 hours be good at pantomiming.
This spell circles the caster with a magical barrier that will protect all Creatures with above average intelligence (a score of 13-18) may
allies within 10’ of the caster. This barrier moves with the caster. The make a new saving throw each day. Creatures with average
spell serves as some protection from “evil” attacks (attacks by intelligence (a score of 9-12) may save again once per week, and
monsters an alignment other than the caster’s alignment) by adding creatures with below average intelligence (a score of 3-8) may save
2 to the Saving Throws and Armor Class of the caster and his allies again once each month.
within the sphere.
Charm Monster may be removed with a Dispel Magic spell.
The spell will also keep out melee attacks from summoned monsters,
such as elementals, but not missile fire attacks from these creatures. Confusion
Summoned monsters can engage any protected creatures that Components: V, S
engage them in melee. Those who are attacked still gain the bonus Casting Time: 1 action
to Armor Class and Saving Throws. Range: 100’ (Medium)
Area of Effect: 3d6 creatures in a 30’ radius circle
Protection from Normal Missiles Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Components: V, S Saving Throw: Wisdom negates; see text
Casting Time: 1 action This spell causes the 3d6 targets within the spell’s area of effect to
Range: 30; (Close) become confused, making them unable to independently determine
Target: 1 willing creature what they will do.
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
This spell gives complete protection from all small non-magical missiles Creatures with 2 or less Hit Dice get no Saving Throw to resist this spell,
(thus a catapult stone or a magic arrow would not be stopped by this while those with 2+1 or more Hit Dice must make a Wisdom Saving
spell). It will protect only the creature it is cast on. Throw each round or be confused for the round. A confused creature
rolls 2d6 each round to determine its action:
Stinking Cloud 2d6 Roll Action
Components: V, S 2-5 Attack the spell caster’s party
Casting Time: 1 action 6-8 Do nothing
Range: 100 feet (Medium) 9-12 Attack its allies, if any
Effect: 20’ radius cloud, 10’ in height
Duration: 1 round/caster level; see text Dimension Door
Saving Throw: Constitution negates; see text Components: V
Stinking Cloud creates a bank of fog with nauseating vapors. Living Casting Time: 1 action
creatures in the cloud become sickened if they fail their Constitution Range: 30’ (Short); see text
Saving Throws. The spell also obscures vision, providing concealment Target: 1 creature
(+1 to Armor Class) to those within the spell’s radius. Duration: Instantaneous
Sickened creatures suffer a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity Saving Throw: Intelligence negates
checks, as well as attack and damage rolls, and suffer a -2 penalty to This spell will transport the caster or creature it is cast upon to any place
their Armor Class. The Movement Rate of sickened creatures is within 400’ of its starting location. The caster may pick the desired
reduced by half. This condition lasts as long as the creature is in the location or direction. An unwilling creature gets an Intelligence Saving
cloud and for 1d6 rounds after it leaves. Roll separately for each Throw to resist this spell.
nauseated creature. Any creature that succeeds on its save but If the location is not known, distances not exceeding 400’ total may
remains in the cloud must continue to save each round on its turn. be given (for example, 200’ west, 60’ south, 100’ down). If this would
cause the transported creature to end up in a solid object, the spell
Water Breathing (reversible) automatically fails.
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Growth of Plants
Range: Touch Components: V, S
Target: 1 willing creature Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 12 hours Range: 400’ (Long); see text
The transmuted creature can breathe water freely. The spell does not Area of Effect: 150’ radius circular area
make creatures unable to breathe air and can be reversed to allow Duration: Instantaneous
water-breathing creatures to breathe air. This spell causes normal brush or woods within the area of effect to
become thickly overgrown with creepers, vines, thorns, briars, and so
FOURTH LEVEL MAGIC-USER AND ELF SPELLS on, making the area impassable to all but the largest creatures. Small
and Medium-sized creatures must hack their way through the area at
Charm Monster a rate of 5’ per minute.
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action The area affected must be within the spell’s range. There must be
Range: 100’ (Medium) plants in the area for this spell to work.
Target: 1 living creature; see text
Duration: See text Hallucinatory Terrain
Saving Throw: Charisma negates; see text Components: V, S
This charm makes any living creature regard the caster as its trusted Casting Time: 1 action
friend and ally if it fails its Charisma Saving Throw. If the creature is Range: 400’ (Long)
being threatened or attacked by the caster or his or her allies, Area of Effect: 100’ radius circular area
however, it gets a +4 bonus on its Saving Throw. Duration: 12 hours (72 turns)
Saving Throw: Intelligence negates; see text
The spell does not enable the caster to control the charmed creature The caster makes natural terrain look, sound, and smell like some other
as if it were an automaton, but the target perceives the caster’s words sort of natural terrain. Thus, open fields or a road can be made to
and actions in the most favorable way. The caster can try to give the resemble a swamp, hill, crevasse, or some other difficult or impassable
subject orders, but must succeed at a Charisma ability check in order terrain. A pond can be made to seem like a grassy meadow, a
to convince it to do anything it wouldn’t ordinarily do. precipice like a gentle slope, or a rock-strewn gully like a wide and
smooth road. Manufactured structures, equipment, and creatures Unlike Polymorph Self, the creature this spell is cast on will become the
within the area aren’t changed in appearance. new creature, gaining all the special abilities of the new form, plus its
The tactile characteristics of the terrain are unchanged, so creatures tendencies and behavior. A player character changed with this spell
entering the area are likely to see through the illusion. If the difference usually becomes a creature run by the Dungeon Master.
isn’t obvious by touch, a creature carefully examining the illusion can Example: A fighter polymorphed into a black pudding loses its ability
attempt an Intelligence Saving Throw to disbelieve it. A creature who scores and class abilities and become, in all ways, a black pudding.
discerns the illusion for what it is sees it as a vague image superimposed Unwilling targets of this spell are allowed a Wisdom Saving Throw to
on the terrain. resist being polymorphed. If the new form would prove fatal to the
creature (for example, if the caster tries to polymorph a landbound
Ice Storm target into a fish or an airborne target into a toad) the subject gets a
Components: V, S +4 bonus to its Saving Throw.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 400’ (Long) This spell cannot create a duplicate of a specific individual. The spell
Area of Effect: 30’ radius by 40’ high cylinder lasts until dispelled, or until the creature dies.
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Dexterity half Polymorph Self
Great magical hailstones pound down for 1 round, dealing 4d6 points Components: V, S
of bashing damage plus 3d6 points of cold damage to every creature Casting Time: 1 action
in the area. Range: Personal
Target: The caster
A -4 penalty applies to all Wisdom (Perception) checks made within Duration: 12 hours (72 turns)
the Ice Storm’s area of effect, and all land movement within its area is This spell gives the caster the physical form of any living creature with
at half Movement Rate. At the end of the duration, the hail Hit Dice equal to or less than the caster’s own. The transformation does
disappears, leaving no after-effects (other than the damage dealt). not change the caster’s Hit Points, class-based Attack Bonus, or Saving
Hailstones turn the ground in the storm’s area of effect into rough Throws.
terrain (see page 80) for 6 rounds (1 minute). Special abilities or special immunities of the new form are not gained
by the caster, although physical abilities are.
Components: V, S Examples: A caster polymorphed into a frost giant would have the
Casting Time: 1 minute (6 rounds) strength of a frost giant and the ability to hurl boulders, but would not
Range: Personal gain immunity from cold. A caster polymorphed into a dragon could
Area of Effect: 100’ radius circle, centered on the caster fly but would not be able to use the breath weapon or spells.
Duration: Special Spell casters cannot use their own spells when polymorphed into a
Saving Throw: Intelligence negates (if interacted with) different form. The spell lasts for the given duration, or until dispelled,
This spell will make up to 100 Medium or Small-sized creatures in a 100’ or until the caster is killed. This spell will not allow the caster to take the
radius circle appear as the trees of an orchard or dense woods. form of a specified individual.
Unwilling creatures are not affected.
Thus, a company of creatures can be made to appear as a copse, Remove Curse (reversible)
grove, or orchard. Furthermore, these Massmorphed creatures can be Components: V, S
passed through - and even touched - by other creatures without Casting Time: 1 action
revealing the illusion, unless the creature interacting with the Range: Touch
Massmorphed targets succeeds at an Intelligence Saving Throw. Target: 1 creature or item
Duration: Instantaneous or until dispelled; see text
The spell lasts until a Dispel Magic is cast on it or the caster wills it away. Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
The appearance of a disguised creature will return to normal if it Remove Curse instantaneously removes all curses on an object or a
moves away from the area where the spell was cast. creature. Remove Curse does not remove the curse from a cursed
magical item, although the spell typically enables the creature
Phantasmal Killer afflicted with any such cursed item to remove and get rid of it. Certain
Components: V, S special curses may not be countered by this spell or may be
Casting Time: 1 action countered only by a caster of a certain level or higher.
Range: 100 feet (Medium)
Target: 1 living creature The reverse of the spell, Curse, afflicts the target with a terrible curse
Duration: Instantaneous unless it makes its Wisdom Saving Throw. It causes one of the following
Saving Throw: See text effects (roll an 8-sided die):
The caster creates a phantasmal image of the most fearsome d8 Roll Result
creature imaginable to the subject simply by forming the fears of the 1-4 Lowers 1 ability of the subject to a 3 (the DM determines
subject’s subconscious mind into something that its conscious mind which by random selection). For creatures without listed
can visualize. Only the spell’s subject can see the Phantasmal Killer ability scores, reduce all ability checks, including Saving
clearly. The caster only sees a vague shape. Throws, related to that ability score by 3. This cannot be
The target gets an Intelligence save to recognize the image as unreal. used to raise an ability score below 3.
If that save fails, the target believes that the phantasm is real and must 5-6 Worsens the subject’s attack rolls and Saving Throws by -3.
succeed on a Charisma Saving Throw or die of fright. 7-8 Makes the subject 50% likely per round to drop whatever it
is holding (or simply do nothing, in the case of creatures
Polymorph Others not using tools).
Components: V, S It is possible for a caster to devise his own curse, and it should be similar
Casting Time: 1 action in power to those given (the DM has final say).
Range: 30’ (Close)
Target: 1 creature Curse counters Remove Curse while Remove Curse counters and
Duration: See text dispels Curse.
Saving Throw: Permanent until dispelled
This spell will change one living creature into another living creature. Scrying
The new form must have no more than twice as many Hit Dice as the Components: V, S, M
old, or the spell fails. The number of Hit Points the polymorphed Casting Time: 1 hour
creature had remains the same. All equipment worn by the target falls Range: See text
away from the body as the spell takes effect. Effect: Magical sensor
Duration: 10 minutes (1 turn)
The caster attempts to see and hear some creature, which may be at
any distance, but must be on the same plane of existence. If the Airy Water
subject succeeds at its Saving Throw, the scrying attempt fails, and the Components: V, S
caster can’t attempt to scry on that subject again for at least 24 hours. Casting Time: 1 action
In order to scry on a creature, the caster must have met it, have an Range: Personal
item that is valued by the creature, or must have a lock of hair or similar Area of Effect: 20’ hemisphere, centered on the caster
token from that creature. Duration: 12 hours (72 turns)
The Airy Water spell turns normal liquid such as water or water-based
If the save fails, the caster can see and hear the subject and the infusions or solutions to a less dense, breathable substance. Thus, if the
subject’s immediate surroundings (approximately 10 feet in all caster wished to enter an underwater place, he or she would step into
directions from the subject). the water, cast the spell and sink downwards in a hemisphere of
If the subject moves, Scrying follows at a Movement Rate of up to 60’ bubbling water that he or she and any companions in the spell’s area
per round. The sensor has the caster’s full visual acuity, including any of effect could move freely in and breathe just as if it were air rather
magical effects. In addition, the following spells can operate through than water.
Scrying: Detect Evil, Detect Magic, and ESP. The hemisphere moves with the spellcaster. Note that water-breathing
Material Components: The caster must have a mirror or other highly creatures will avoid a hemisphere of airy water, although intelligent
reflective surface to gaze into. ones can enter it if they are able to move by means other than
swimming. No water-breathers will be able to breathe in an area
Wall of Fire affected by this spell. There is only one word that needs to be spoken
Components: V, S to actuate the magic; thus, it can be cast under water.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100 feet (Medium) Animate Dead
Effect: Wall of flame up to 60’ long or with a 20’ radius; 20’ in height Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration Casting Time: 1 action
Saving Throw: Dexterity for half damage; see text Range: Touch
This spell creates a thin wall of fire of up to 1,200 square feet. The wall Target: 1 or more corpses
can be in any shape the caster desires (a straight wall 60’ long and 20’ Duration: Instantaneous
high, a circle 20’ diameter and 20’ high, etc.). The wall is opaque and This spell allows the caster to make an animated, enchanted skeleton
blocks sight. or zombie from a normal skeleton or corpse within range. Animated
undead creatures will obey the caster until they are destroyed. For
The wall deals 5d6 points of fire damage to any creature passing each experience level of the caster, he or she may animate and
through it (Dexterity Saving Throw for half damage). The wall deals control one Hit Die of undead. Destroyed skeletons and zombies can’t
double damage to undead or cold-using creatures, such as white be animated again.
dragons or frost giants.
The wall cannot be cast in a space occupied by another object or Cloudkill
creature. The wall lasts for as long as the caster concentrates on it. Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Wall of Ice Range: 100’ (Medium)
Components: V, S Area of Effect: 15’ radius cloud, 10’ in height
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 hour (6 turns)
Range: 100 feet (Medium) Saving Throw: Constitution partial; see text
Effect: Wall of ice up to 60’ long or with a 20’ radius; 20’ in height This spell creates a cloud of poisonous vapor 30’ in diameter that
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns) spreads out from the caster’s fingertips. It moves 20’ per round in the
Saving Throw: Dexterity for half damage; see text direction the wind blows, or away from the caster if there is no wind.
This spell creates a 1” thick, translucent wall of ice of up to 1,200 square This cloud is heavier than air and will sink when possible (going down
feet. The wall can be in any shape the caster desires (a straight wall holes, sliding downhill, etc.), and is broken up by trees or other thick
20’ tall and 60’ long, a circle 20’ diameter and 20’ high, etc.). vegetation. It cannot penetrate liquids; nor can it be cast underwater.
The wall deals 5d6 points of cold damage to any creature passing Living creatures with 5 or less Hit Dice must make a Constitution Saving
through it (Dexterity Saving Throw for half damage). The wall deals Throw or die, taking 1 point of damage if the save if successful.
double damage to fire-using creatures, such as red dragons, Creatures with more than 5 Hit Dice take 1 point of damage. These
salamanders, hell hounds, fire giants, etc. effects are suffered each round the creature is still in contact with the
The wall cannot be cast in a space occupied by another object or cloud. Creatures immune to poison are unaffected by the spell.
creature. The spell also obscures vision, providing concealment (+1 to Armor
Class) to those within the spell’s radius.
Cone of Cold
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: 60’ cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Dexterity for half damage
Cone of Cold creates an area of extreme cold, originating at the
Wizard Eye caster’s hand and extending outward in a cone. It deals 1d6 points of
Components: V, S cold damage per caster level.
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn)
Range: 400’ (Long) Conjure Elemental
Effect: Magical eye Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour (6 turns) Casting Time: 1 action
This spell creates an invisible eye through which the caster can see. It Range: 100’ (Medium); see text
is the size of a real eye and has Darkvision to 60’. The eye will float Target: 1 summoned elemental
through the air up to 60’ per round. It will not go through solid objects Duration: Concentration; see text
but can pass through a hole or space as small as 1 inch in diameter. This spell allows the magic-user or elf to summon one elemental (see
The caster must concentrate to look through the eye. CHAPTER 6: MONSTERS) of his or her choice (air, earth, fire, or water). A
caster can only conjure one of each type of elemental in any one
day. The elemental will perform tasks for the caster, but the caster must
continually concentrate to enforce his or her commands. If the caster time equal to the number of the questions asked. Thus, a person
does not, the elemental will turn upon its conjuror and attack. contacting a greater god on an Outer Plane and asking 10 questions
Thus, a caster commanding an elemental cannot engage in combat, would be insane, and out of the campaign, for 10 weeks. The caster
cast other spells, or take actions other than normal movement. If selects the plane and power to be contacted.
control is lost it cannot be regained - the elemental will return to the
caster by the most direct route, slaying all in its path. The conjured Feeblemind
elemental will serve until slain in combat, or until the magic-user orders Components: V, S
it to its plane of origin while it is under control. The elemental can be Casting Time: 1 action
dispelled by the Dispel Magic or Dispel Evil spells. Range: 100’ (Medium)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Permanent until dispelled
Saving Throw: Intelligence negates; see text
This spell makes a magic-user or elf unable to think or cast spells,
becoming a helpless idiot (3 Intelligence). The victim is allowed an
Intelligence Saving Throw with a -4 penalty. A successful save negates
the effect of the spell. The spell effect lasts until negated by a Dispel
Magic or Heal spell. This spell has no effect on creatures or character
classes other than magic-users or elves.
Hold Monster
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100’ (Medium)
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Saving Throw: Strength negates; see text
Special protection from uncontrolled elementals is available by means The Hold Monster spell will affect any living creature. It will not affect
of a Protection from Evil spell. undead or animated creatures.
The victim of this spell must make a Strength Saving Throw or be
Contact Higher Plane paralyzed.
Components: V
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn) Held creatures are aware and breathe normally but cannot take any
Range: Personal actions, even speech. A winged creature that is paralyzed cannot
Target: The caster flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can’t swim and may drown. Held
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/2 caster levels creatures are considered to be incapacitated (see Helpless
Saving Throw: See text Combatants on page 82 for more details).
This spell allows the caster to contact a higher plane and seek
knowledge from strange and powerful creatures (played by the DM). Magic Jar
Components: V, S, M
The chart below lists the planes the caster can contact, how many yes Casting Time: 1 action
or no questions a creature of it will answer, what its chance of knowing Range: 100 feet (Medium)
the answer is, how often the creature will lie, and what risk of insanity Target: See text
the caster takes contacting the plane (i.e., the DC of the Intelligence Duration: See text
Saving Throw needed to avoid insanity). There is no way of knowing if Saving Throw: Intelligence negates; see text
the creature is lying. With this spell, the caster puts his or her body in a trance and transfers
Plane Contacted Questions Truth Lie DC his or her life-force to an inanimate object (the magic jar) within range.
Elemental plane 4 30% 40% 10 From this object, the spell caster may attempt to possess (take over)
Positive or negative any one creature within 100’ of the magic jar.
5 40% 35% 12
energy plane
If the victim makes an Intelligence Saving Throw, the possession has
Astral plane 6 50% 30% 14
Outer plane,
failed, and the caster may not try to possess that victim again for 10
7 60% 25% 16 minutes (1 turn). If the victim fails the Saving Throw, the creature is
Outer plane, possessed, and its body will do as the caster wills. The spells of a
8 70% 20% 18 possessed spellcaster, however, may not be cast.
lesser god
Outer plane, If the possessed body is destroyed, the magic-user or elf must return to
9 80% 15% 20
intermediate god the magic jar. From there the caster may try to possess another body
Outer plane,
10 90% 10% 22 or return to his or her own. The caster can be forced out of the
greater god
possessed body by a Dispel Evil spell.
This spell can be used once a week (or less often at the DM’s option).
Destroying the magic jar while the caster’s life force is in it kills the
Characters going insane recover after a number of weeks of game
caster. Destroying the magic jar while the caster’s life-force is in
another body strands the life-force in the possessed body. Killing the A creature arriving too high rolls 1d10 for the distance, in tens of feet,
caster’s real body strands the life-force in the magic jar until the caster that the creature is above the aiming point. If this area is occupied by
can possess another body! Once the caster returns to his or her real a solid object, the creature dies instantly. Otherwise, each 10’ a
body the spell is over. creature falls will do 1d6 points of damage on impact.
A creature arriving too low has teleported into the ground or other
solid object and dies instantly.
A creature can never be deliberately teleported too high, too low, or
into a solid object. An unwilling creature is allowed an Intelligence
Saving Throw to resist the spell.
An invisible, spherical barrier surrounds and moves with the caster. The The effects of the weather conditions will vary, but the following are
space within this barrier is impervious to most magical effects, typical:
including spells and spell-like powers. Likewise, it prevents the
functioning of any magic items or spells within its confines. Clear: This cancels bad weather (rain, snow, fog) but not secondary
effects (like mud).
An Anti-Magic Shell suppresses any spell or magical effect used within,
brought into, or cast into the area, but does not dispel it. Time spent Fog: Vision range is reduced to 20 feet. Creatures in the area have
within an Anti-Magic Shell counts against the suppressed spell’s concealment (+1 to Armor Class). Creatures beyond the range of
duration. Dispel Magic does not remove the field. vision have total concealment (+4 to Armor Class). Movement is also
reduced by half while the fog lasts. The DM may want to give creatures
Summoned creatures of any type are dispelled if they enter an Anti-
in the fog a chance of moving in the wrong direction.
Magic Shell. If the caster casts Anti-Magic Shell in an area occupied
by a summoned creature, it must make an Intelligence Saving Throw Intense Heat: This reduces movement by half while in effect, but will
or be banished. dry out mud caused by rain, snow, transmute rock to mud, and other
A normal creature can enter the area, as can normal missiles. conditions. Those caught in such heat take 1 point of damage each
Furthermore, while a magic sword does not function magically within hour.
the area, it is still a sword. The spell has no effect on golems and other
Rain: Creatures make ranged attacks with a -2 penalty to their attack
animated creatures that are imbued with magic during their creation
rolls. After 30 minutes, the ground will be muddy, reducing movement
process and are thereafter self-supporting. Should a creature be larger
by half.
than the area enclosed by the barrier, any part of it that lies outside
the barrier is unaffected by the field. Snow: Creatures in the area have concealment (+1 to Armor Class),
Two or more Anti-Magic Shells sharing any of the same space have no movement is reduced by half, and vision range is reduced to 40 feet.
effect on each other. Certain spells, such as Wall of Force, Prismatic Creatures beyond the range of vision have total concealment (+4 to
Sphere, and Prismatic Wall, remain unaffected by Anti-Magic Shell Armor Class). When the snow thaws, mud will still reduce movement.
(see the individual spell descriptions). Artifacts and deities are Rivers and streams may freeze over.
unaffected by mortal magic such as this. Windy: This prevents missile fire and flying, and reduces movement by
half. At sea, ships sailing with the wind move 50% faster. In the desert,
Control Weather high winds will create a sandstorm that reduces movement by half
Components: V, S and cuts vision to 20’. Creatures in the sandstorm have concealment
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn); see text (+1 to Armor Class). Creatures beyond the range of vision have total
Range: Personal concealment (+4 to Armor Class).
Area of Effect: 2 mile radius circle, centered on the caster; see text
Duration: Concentration, up to 12 hours (72 turns) Tornado. This creates a 30’ radius whirlwind under the caster’s control.
This spell allows the caster to create one special weather condition in It moves 60’ per round and deals 2d6 damage to all creatures in the
the area within the spell’s area of effect. The spell only works outdoors, area (doubled against flying creatures). At sea, ships caught by a
and the weather will affect all creatures in the area (including the tornado take 2d6 points of hull damage (see pages 18-19) per round.
caster). The effects will last as for long as the caster concentrates.
Death Spell A typical task might include slaying a certain monster, rescuing a
Components: V, S maiden, obtaining a magic item for the caster, or going on a
Casting Time: 1 action pilgrimage. Such tasks will not be suicidal. If the instructions involve
Range: 100’ (Medium) some open-ended task that the recipient cannot complete through
Area of Effect: 60’ cube his or her own actions the spell remains in effect for a maximum of 1
Duration: Instantaneous month. Once the task is completed, the spell ends.
Saving Throw: Charisma negates If the character refuses to go on the geas, he or she will be cursed until
This spell affects a cube 60’ on a side. It will kill 4d8 Hit Dice of creatures the geas is continued. This curse sickens the target. Sickened
in the cube. Creatures with the fewest Hit Dice are affected first; creatures suffer a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity checks, as well
among creatures with equal Hit Dice, those who are closest to the as attack and damage rolls, and take a -2 penalty to their Armor Class.
spell’s point of origin are affected first. The Movement Rate of sickened creatures is reduced by half. These
No creature of 8 or more Hit Dice can be affected, and Hit Dice that effects end 8 hours after the creature attempts to resume the Geas.
are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. The reverse of this spell, Remove Geas, may be used to dispel an
Each affected creature is allowed a Charisma Saving Throw. A unwanted Geas. If the Geas to be dispelled was cast by a higher level
successful save results in no effect. The spell will not affect undead or caster, the caster casting Remove Geas must make a Concentration
animated creatures. Check with a DC of 10 plus the caster’s Experience Bonus (or ½ of the
Hit Dice for monstrous casters).
Components: V, S Globe of Invulnerability
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: 60’ (Medium) Casting Time: 1 action
Target: 1 creature or object Range: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: 10’ radius sphere, centered on the caster
Saving Throw: Dexterity negates Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
A thin, green ray springs from the caster’s pointing finger. Any creature An immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere surrounds the caster
struck by the ray is disintegrated unless it makes a Dexterity Saving and excludes all spell effects of 4th level or lower. The area of effect of
Throw to dodge the ray. A disintegrated creature is reduced to a pile any such spells does not include the area of the Globe of
of fine gray dust. Invulnerability. Such spells fail to affect any target located within the
globe. Excluded effects include spell-like powers, spells, and spell-like
effects from items. However, any type of spell can be cast through or
out of the magical globe.
Spells of 4th level and higher are not affected by the globe, nor are
spells already in effect when the globe is cast. The globe can be
brought down by a Dispel Magic spell.
Invisible Stalker
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30’ (Close)
Effect: 1 summoned creature
Duration: 1 day/caster level
This spell summons an invisible stalker from the Elemental Plane of Air.
This monster will obey and serve the spellcaster in performance of
whatever tasks are set before it. Though the creature is bound to serve
it does not do so from loyalty or desire.
Therefore, it will resent prolonged missions or complex tasks, and will
attempt to pervert instructions accordingly. The invisible stalker follows
instructions even at hundreds or thousands of miles distance. It is a
faultless tracker within one day of a given quarry’s passing.
Move Earth
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 400’ (Long)
Area of Effect: Dirt in an area up to 750’ square and up to 10’ deep
Duration: Concentration, up to 4 hours (24 turns)
Move earth moves dirt (clay, loam, sand), possibly collapsing
embankments, moving hillocks, shifting dunes, and so forth. In no
event, however, can rock formations be collapsed or moved.
Every 50’ by 50’ square depression of 10’ depth takes 1 minute to
When used against an object, the ray simply disintegrates up to 30 move. The maximum square depression that can be moved is 750’ by
cubic feet of non-living matter. Thus, the spell disintegrates only part of 750’ by 10’ and takes 4 hours of concentration to move.
any very large object or structure targeted. The ray even affects a Wall
of Force, but not magical effects such as a Globe of Invulnerability or This spell does not violently break the surface of the ground. Instead, it
an Anti-Magic Shell. creates wavelike crests and troughs, with the earth reacting with
glacier-like fluidity until the desired result is achieved. Trees, structures,
Geas (reversible) rock formations, and such are mostly unaffected except for changes
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn) in elevation and relative topography.
Target: 1 living creature The spell cannot be used for tunneling and is generally too slow to trap
Duration: See text or bury creatures. Its primary use is for digging or filling moats, or for
Saving Throw: Intelligence negates adjusting terrain contours before a battle. This spell has no effect on
This spell forces the target to perform some special task, or geas, as earth creatures.
commanded by the caster at the time the spell is cast. A successful
Intelligence Saving Throw negates this spell.
Part Water Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S Saving Throw: Wisdom negates; see text
Casting Time: 1 action This spell converts a mass of stone into a fleshy substance. It is usually
Range: 400’ (Long) used to restore characters who have been turned to stone (by gorgon
Area of Effect: See below breath, for example). Stone to Flesh restores a petrified creature to its
Duration: Concentration, up to 4 hours (24 turns) normal state, restoring life and goods.
This spell creates a path through a body of water, enabling creatures The caster can affect stone that fits within a cylinder up to 3 feet in
to walk on the bottom. The path may be up to 30,000 cubic feet, with diameter and up to 10 feet long or a cylinder of up to those dimensions
a minimum width of 5’, and all water displaced through use of the spell in a larger mass of stone. Any petrified creature, regardless of size, can
must be within range. be restored.
Example: The caster can part water in a path that is 100’ long, 10’ The reverse of this spell, Flesh to Stone, will turn one living creature’s
wide, and 30’ deep. Likewise, the caster could create a path that is flesh to stone. All clothing and equipment will also turn to stone. The
100’ long, 5’ wide, and 60’ deep. victim is allowed a Wisdom Saving Throw to negate this effect.
Projected Image True Seeing
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100 feet (Medium) Range: Personal
Effect: 1 illusory duplicate Area of Effect: 120’ radius sphere centered on the caster
Duration: 1 hour (6 turns) Duration: 10 minutes (1 turn)
Saving Throw: Intelligence negates (if interacted with) When he or she casts this spell, the caster is able to see all things within
This spell creates an image of the magic-user or elf that cannot be 120’ as they truly are. The spell is quite powerful; the caster can clearly
distinguished from the original except by touch. see all concealed, hidden, invisible, and ethereal objects and
All spells cast by the magic-user will seem to come from the image. creatures. In addition, any secret doors as well as things or creatures
However, the caster must still be able to see the target. If touched or not in their true form - whether polymorphed, disguised, or transmuted
struck by a melee weapon, the image will disappear. Spells and missile - are seen as they truly are, with no possibility of deception.
attacks will seem to have no effect on the image. The caster sees through normal and magical darkness, and sees the
exact locations of creatures or objects under Blur or Displacement
Reincarnation effects,
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn) True Seeing, however, does not penetrate solid objects and, in no way,
Range: Touch confers x-ray vision or its equivalent.
Target: 1 corpse In addition, the spell effects cannot be further enhanced with known
Duration: Instantaneous magic, so one cannot use True Seeing through a crystal ball or in
This spell brings a dead character back to life in a new body, which conjunction with Clairvoyance or Scrying.
magically appears in front of the caster. The DM should roll on the
Reincarnation Table below to determine if the character returns as a Wall of Force
character class or as a monster. Components: V, S
If the character is reincarnated as a character class (as opposed to a Casting Time: 1 action
monster), the level of the reincarnated character is equal to the slain Range: 30’ (Close)
character’s level minus 0 to 3 levels (1d4-1). Effect: 1,200 square foot plane of force
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round /caster level
If the character returns as a monster, the kind of monster must be rolled A Wall of Force spell creates an invisible wall of force. The wall cannot
on the table that matches the character’s alignment. A monster does move, is immune to damage of all kinds, and is unaffected by most
not usually advance in experience: the character must play as spells, including Dispel Magic. A Disintegrate spell, however,
reincarnated unless the DM allows for character class advancement. immediately destroys it.
Animated and undead creatures can’t be reincarnated. The spell Breath weapons and spells cannot pass through the wall in either
cannot bring back a creature who has died of old age. direction, although Dimension Door, Teleport, and similar effects can
Reincarnation Table bypass the barrier. It blocks corporeal and ethereal creatures (though
2d6 Roll Result ethereal creatures can usually get around the wall by floating under
2 Monster (see the table below) or over it through material floors and ceilings). Gaze attacks operate
3 Dwarf through a Wall of Force.
4 Elf The caster can form the wall into a flat, vertical plane whose area is
5 Halfling up 1,200 square feet (120’ long by 10’ high, 60’ long by 20 high, etc.).
6-7 Original Class The wall must be continuous and unbroken when formed. If its surface
8 Cleric is broken by any object or creature, the spell fails.
9 Fighter
10 Magic-user Wall of Iron
11 Thief Components: V, S
12 Monster (see the table below) Casting Time: 1 action
Reincarnation Monster Result Range: 100 feet (Medium)
1d6 Roll Lawful Neutral Chaotic Effect: 500 square foot iron wall; see text
1 Blink Dog Centaur Bugbear Duration: Instantaneous
2 Brownie Displacer Beast Gargoyle Saving Throw: See text
3 Gnome Griffon Hellhound This spell creates a vertical wall of iron exactly 2’ thick. The magic-user
4 Pegasus Lizard Man Minotaur or elf may choose any length and width, but the total area must be
5 Roc, Small Pixie Ogre 500 square feet or less (10’by 50’, 20’by 25’, etc.), and the entire wall
6 Unicorn Werebear Troll must be within 100’ of the caster. If the wall is made to topple, it causes
10d6 points of damage to whatever it hits, and shatters. Creatures in
Stone to Flesh (reversible) the area get to make a Dexterity Saving Throw for half damage.
Components: V, S In order to remain standing, the wall must rest on the ground or have
Casting Time: 1 action a similar support. It cannot be cast in a space occupied by another
Range: 100’ (Medium) object or creature, and lasts until destroyed. A rust monster can
Target: 1 creature (see text) destroy a wall of iron with a single touch.
SEVENTH LEVEL MAGIC-USER SPELLS When the spell’s duration runs out, the caster only remembers the
general direction to the place. All other special information is
Charm Plant forgotten.
Components: V, S
The spell is instantly negated if the caster attempts to write down,
Casting Time: 1 action
record, or disclose that special knowledge to others. This spell is often
Range: 100’ (Medium)
used to find a fast escape route.
Target: 1 or more plants
Duration: 6 months; see text
Legend Lore
Saving Throw: Charisma negates; see text
Components: V, S
Similar to a Charm Monster spell, this effect causes one tree, six
Casting Time: See text
medium-sized bushes, 12 small shrubs, or 24 small plants to become
Range: Personal
friends of the magic-user (no saving throw).
Target: See text
However, a plant-like monster (treant, shrieker, etc.) may make a Duration: Instantaneous
Charisma Saving Throw to resist the effect. By means of this spell, the magic-user gains knowledge of one
The charmed plants will understand and obey all commands of the legendary item, place, or person.
caster, as long as the tasks are within their ability (including the If the caster is examining an item that is at hand, the spell takes 3d6x10
entangling of passers-by within range, as the Entangle spell, but not minutes (3-18 turns) to cast. This casting time would also be used if the
including movement, sensing alignment, etc.). An affected plant or caster were at the location that he or she wished to know more about
creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders but might be or were near the corpse of the person of legend targeted by the spell.
convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by Otherwise, the spell takes 3d6 days to complete.
the caster, or his or her allies, that threatens a charmed plant
During the casting, the caster cannot engage in other than routine
automatically breaks the spell.
activities, such as eating, sleeping, and so forth. When completed, the
The plants will remain charmed for six months, until the charm is divination brings legends (if any) about the person, place, or thing to
dispelled, or until winter (when they sleep). (This spell is quite useful the caster’s mind. These may be legends that are still current, legends
around a stronghold, both inside and out, especially when used after that have been forgotten, or even information that has never been
a Growth of Plants spell.) generally known. If the person, place, or thing is not of legendary
importance, the caster gains no information.
Delayed Blast Fire Ball
As a rule of thumb, characters who are 9th level and higher are
Components: V, S
“legendary,” as are the sorts of creatures they contend with, the major
Casting Time: 1 action
magic items they wield, and the places where they perform their key
Range: 400’ (Long)
deeds. The information gained may be in the form of a riddle or poem.
Area of Effect: 20’ radius sphere (radius of the Fire Ball)
The Dungeon Master should reveal only general details if the place is
Duration: Up to 10 minutes (60 rounds)
large, or if the person is of great power.
Saving Throw: Dexterity for half damage
As the name implies, this is a Fire Ball spell whose blast can be delayed;
Mass Invisibility (reversible)
it behaves like a time bomb. When he casts the spell, the magic-user
Components: V, S
states the exact number of rounds of delay (from 0 to 60) until the spell
Casting Time: 1 action
detonates. A small bead, very similar in appearance to a valuable
Range: 100’ (Medium)
gem, then shoots out toward the desired location, and remains at that
Area of Effect: 30’ radius sphere, centered on a point or creature
location until the stated delay elapses. The “gem” may be picked up,
Duration: Until discharged or instantaneous; see text
carried, and so forth.
This bestows invisibility (as the 2nd level spell) on several creatures. All
When the stated duration ends, it explodes in an effect identical to a the recipients must be within a 30’ radius sphere that is within 100’ of
normal Fire Ball - a sudden instantaneous explosion inflicting 1d6 points the magic-user.
of damage per level of the caster to all within the area of effect (a
After the spell is cast, each creature becomes invisible, along with all
sphere of 20’ radius).
equipment it carries (as per the Invisibility spell). An invisible creature
Each victim may make a Dexterity Saving Throw to take half damage. will remain invisible until he or she attacks. For purposes of this spell, an
Once the spell has been cast, the explosion cannot be hurried nor attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area of effect
further delayed. The “gem” created is pure magic, not an actual includes a foe.
object, and cannot be moved magically (by Telekinesis, Teleport, The reverse of this spell, Appear, will cause all invisible creatures and
etc.); however, it can be dispelled. objects in the area of effect to become visible. Creatures on the astral
and ethereal planes are not within the area of effect; the spell cannot
Find the Path reach across planar boundaries. All other forms of invisibility are
Components: V, S affected, both magical and natural, and all targets of this spell cannot
Casting Time: 1 action become invisible again for one full turn.
Range: Personal
Effect: See text Plane Shift
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns) Components: V, S, M
The recipient of this spell can find the shortest, most direct physical route Casting Time: 1 action
to a specified destination, be it the way into or out of a locale. The locale Range: Touch
can be outdoors, under ground, or even inside a Maze spell. Find the Target: The caster and up to 6 willing creatures; or 1 creature; see text
Path works with respect to locations, not objects or creatures at a locale. Duration: Instantaneous
The location must be on the same plane as the caster is at the time of Saving Throw: None or Intelligence negates; see text
casting. The caster and up to six willing creatures who link hands are
The spell enables the subject to sense the correct direction that will transported to a different plane of existence. The caster can specify a
eventually lead it to its destination, indicating at appropriate times the target destination in general terms, such as the City of Brass on the
exact path to follow or physical actions to take. Elemental Plane of Fire or the palace of Dispater on the second level
of the Nine Hells, and the caster appears in or near that destination.
For example, the spell enables the subject to sense secret doors, traps,
and the proper word to bypass a Glyph of Warding. The spell ends when The caster can use this spell to banish an unwilling creature to another
the destination is reached or the duration expires, whichever comes first. plane. The caster chooses a creature within reach and makes a melee
Find the Path can be used to remove the caster and his or her attack against it. On a hit, the creature must make an Intelligence
companions from the effect of a Maze spell in a single round. Saving Throw. If the creature fails this save, it is transported to a random
location on the plane of existence that the caster specifies.
This divination is keyed to the recipient, not its companions, and its effect
does not predict or allow for the actions of creatures (including
Note: Plane Shift transports creatures instantaneously and then ends. Statue
Transported creatures need to find other means if they wish to leave Components: V, S
their destination. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Material Component: A small, forked metal rod. The size and metal
Target: The caster
type dictates to which plane of existence or alternate dimension the
Duration: 20 minutes (2 turns) per caster level
spell sends the affected creatures. It is not consumed by the casting
This allows the magic-user to change into a statue, along with all
of this spell.
equipment he or she carries.
Power Word Stun The caster can concentrate on other spells while in statue form, but
Components: V can cast no new spells nor take any other actions (other than reverting
Casting Time: 1 action to his or her normal form) while in this form.
Range: 100’ (Medium) While in statue form, the caster is Armor Class 24 but cannot move. He
Target: 1 living creature or she cannot be harmed by cold or fire (whether normal or magical),
Duration: See text poison, or by normal weapons. He or she does not breathe and is
Saving Throw: None immune to all gas attacks, drowning, etc. In addition, the caster is
The caster utters a single word of power that instantly causes one living immune to paralysis, petrification, energy drain, death attacks, and
creature to become stunned, whether the creature can hear the most spells.
word or not. The duration of the spell depends on the target’s current
Hit Point total. A creature that currently has 81 or greater Hit Points is Magical weapons and offensive spells that do not deal fire or cold
unaffected by Power Word Stun. damage, like Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, and Spiritual Hammer, inflict
normal damage on the caster.
Hit Points Duration
1-40 2d6x10 minutes (2-12 turns) The caster may shift form up to once per round. Shifting forms does not
41-80 1d6x10 minutes (1-6 turns) count against the character’s actions for the round but must be done
during the character’s turn.
Prismatic Spray
Summon Monsters I
Components: V, S
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Range: 30’ (Close)
Area of Effect: 60’ cone
Effect: 1 or more monsters
Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
Saving Throw: See text
This spell summons up to 30 Hit Dice worth of living creature, with no
This spell causes seven shimmering, intertwined, multicolored beams of
more than 5 Hit Dice each. They appear where the caster designates,
light to spray from the caster’s hand. Each beam has a different
within range, and act immediately, on the caster’s turn.
power. Creatures in the area of the spell with 8 HD or less are
automatically blinded for 2d6 rounds. Every creature in the area is Each monster will appear carrying its normal weapons and wearing its
randomly struck by one or more beams, which have additional normal armor (if any), but arrives otherwise unequipped. When slain,
effects. or when the spell expires or is dispelled, monsters and their equipment
d8 Roll Color Effect
1 Red Heat for 10 Hit Points damage They may be sent, by command, up to 240’ away, if desired. They
2 Orange Magical blast for 20 Hit Points of damage attack the caster’s opponents to the best of their ability. The caster
3 Yellow Disintegration ray for 40 Hit Points of damage can communicate with the creatures and can direct them not to
4 Green Poison, kills living creatures (Constitution negates) attack, or to attack certain enemies or to take other actions.
5 Blue Flesh to Stone (Wisdom negates) Monsters cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot
6 Indigo Insane, as a Confusion spell (Wisdom negates) support them.
7 Violet Plane Shift to another plane (Intelligence negates)
8 Struck by 2 rays; roll twice more, ignoring any “8” results. Summon Object
Components: V, S, M
Reverse Gravity Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: Infinite
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 100 feet (Medium) By means of this spell, the caster can cause one nonliving object to
Area of Effect: 20’ radius circular area; see text leave his or her home and appear in his or her hand. The object must
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds) weigh no more than 50 pounds and may be no bigger than a staff or
Saving Throw: See text small chest.
This spell reverses gravity in an area, causing all unattached objects
and creatures within that area to fall upward. Any creature in the area The spellcaster must be very familiar with the item and its exact
of effect “falls” upward. If some solid object (such as a ceiling) is in location, or the spell will not work. The caster must also have prepared
the path of this fall, falling objects and creatures strike it in the same the item beforehand by sprinkling it with a special powder that costs
manner as they would during a normal downward fall. Otherwise, the 250 gold pieces per item prepared; the powder becomes invisible and
creatures and objects continue falling until they reach a height of does not interfere with the item in any way. The spell cannot summon
1,000 feet at the end of the round. items that have not been prepared in this fashion.
An object or creature reaching the 1,000, without striking anything, If the caster prepares a chest for use with this spell, fills the chest with
remains there, oscillating slightly, as per the Levitate spell, until the spell weapons and magical items, and then later tries to summon it to him,
ends. the chest appears - empty. All of its contents are left behind, where
the chest originally stood, since they were not magically prepared for
At the end of the spell’s duration, affected objects and creatures fall use with the spell, and since the spell can summon only one prepared
downward. object at a time.
Provided it has something to hold onto, a creature caught in the area If another being possesses the summoned item, it will not appear, but
can attempt a Dexterity Saving Throw to secure itself when the spell the caster will know who and where the possessor is.
strikes. Creatures who can Fly or Levitate can keep themselves from
falling. The magic-user may use this spell from any location, even if the item
summoned is on another plane of existence.
Saving Throw: Intelligence negates; see text
A Binding spell creates a magical restraint to hold a creature.
Regardless of the version of Binding cast, the caster may specify
triggering conditions that end the spell and release the creature
whenever a trigger occurs. These triggers can be as simple or
elaborate as the caster desires, but the condition must be reasonable
and have a likelihood of coming to pass. The conditions can be based
Sword on a creature’s name, identity, or alignment but, otherwise, must be
Components: V, S based on observable actions or qualities. Intangibles such as level,
Casting Time: 1 action class, Hit Dice, or Hit Points don’t qualify. Once the spell is cast its
Range: 30’ (Close) triggering conditions cannot be changed.
Effect: 1 sword of force
The Binding spell has five versions. Choose one of the following versions
Duration: 1 round/caster level
when the spell is cast. Regardless of which version is chosen the
Saving Throw: None
subject does not need to breathe, eat, or drink while bound, nor does
When this spell is cast, a glowing sword made of magic, rather than
it age.
metal, appears next to the caster. The magic-user may cause it to
attack any creature within 30’ simply by concentrating on the spell: Chaining: The subject is confined by restraints. All creatures who
the sword flies to the target and attacks. If the caster’s concentration approach the subject, except for the caster, must make a Charisma
is broken, the sword merely stops attacking. It remains in existence for Saving Throw or be held back and unable to get within 30 feet. The
one round per level of the spellcaster. subject of this form of Binding is confined to the spot it occupied when
it received the spell.
The sword moves very quickly, attacking twice per round and making
its attack rolls with an attack bonus equal to the caster’s level. Slumber: This version causes the subject to become comatose for the
Damage is the same as a two-handed sword (1d10) and it is capable spell’s duration.
of hitting any target, even those hit only by powerful magical Hedged Prison: The subject is transported to, or otherwise brought
weapons. within, a confined area from which it cannot wander by any means.
The sword cannot be destroyed before the duration ends, except by Metamorphosis: The subject assumes Gaseous Form, except for its
a Dispel Magic spell (at normal chances of success) or a Wish. head or face. It is held harmless in a jar or other container, which may
be transparent if the caster so chooses. The creature remains aware
Teleport Any Object of its surroundings and can speak, but it cannot leave the container,
Components: V attack, or use any of its powers or abilities.
Casting Time: 1 action Minimus Containment: The subject is shrunk to a height of 1 inch or
Range: Touch even less and held within some gem, jar, or similar object.
Target: 1 creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See text
After casting this spell, the spellcaster may touch one creature or
object and cause it to teleport. This spell is similar to the 5th level
Teleport spell, but nonliving objects may also be targeted. The
maximum weight affected is 50 pounds per level of the caster. If an
object is a solid part of a greater whole (such as a section of wall), the
spell will teleport a maximum of one 10’ x 10’ x 10’ cube of material. If
the caster is trying to teleport a creature that weighs more than the
spell allows, the spell fails.
If another creature holds or carries the item which the caster is trying
to teleport, the creature may make an Intelligence Saving Throw. If the
Saving Throw is successful, the teleport fails.
If the caster touches another creature, the target creature may make
an Intelligence Saving Throw to avoid being teleported.
If the spellcaster uses this spell to teleport him or herself, there is no
chance for error. Otherwise, the normal chances of error apply (see
below). Another caster can attempt to dispel a Binding spell with Dispel Magic
and an Anti-Magic Shell affects it normally. A bound extraplanar
Knowledge Success Too High Too Low
creature cannot be sent back to its home plane through Plane Shift or
Casual 01-50 51-75 76-00
similar effects.
General 01-80 81-90 91-00
Exact 01-95 96-99 00 The components for a Binding spell include such items as miniature
chains of special metals, soporific herbs of the rarest sort (for slumber
A creature arriving too high rolls 1d10 for the distance, in tens of feet, Bindings), a bell jar of the finest crystal, and the like. These
that the creature is above the aiming point. If this area is occupied by components cost 250 gp per Hit Die of the creature captured.
a solid object, the creature dies instantly. Otherwise, each 10’ a
creature falls will do 1d6 points of damage on impact. A creature Clone
arriving too low has teleported into the ground or other solid object Components: V, S, M
and dies instantly. Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn)
An object appearing too high will fall and probably break, while one Range: Special; see text
appearing too low will be destroyed instantly. Effect: 1 clone
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature or object can never be deliberately teleported too high, This spell makes an inert duplicate of a living creature. If the original
too low, or into a solid object. individual has been slain its soul immediately transfers to the clone,
creating a replacement (provided that the soul is free and willing to
EIGHTH LEVEL MAGIC-USER SPELLS return). The original’s physical remains, should they still exist, become
inert and cannot thereafter be restored to life. If the original creature
Binding has reached the end of its natural life span (that is, it has died of
Components: V, S, M natural causes), any cloning attempt fails.
Casting Time: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Range: 30’ (Close) To create the duplicate the caster must have a piece of flesh (not hair,
Target: 1 creature nails, scales, or the like) that was taken from the original creature’s
Duration: Permanent until dispelled or dismissed; see text living body. The piece of flesh need not be fresh, but it must be kept
from rotting. Once the spell is cast the duplicate must be grown in a The reverse of this spell, Remove Charm, unfailingly removes all charm
laboratory for 2d4 months. effects within a 20’ radius sphere. It will also prevent any object in that
When the clone is completed the original’s soul enters it immediately area from creating charm effects for 10 minutes (1 turn).
if that creature is already dead. The clone is physically identical to the
original and possesses the same personality and memories as the Maze
original. In other respects, treat the clone as if it were the original Components: V, S
character raised from the dead. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30’ (Close)
The spell duplicates only the original’s body and mind, not its Target: 1 creature
equipment. A duplicate can be grown while the original still lives or Duration: See text
when the original soul is unavailable, but the resulting body is merely a Saving Throw: None
soulless bit of inert flesh which rots if not preserved. An extradimensional space is brought into being upon utterance of a
The spell requires a piece of flesh, which is used in the creation of the Maze spell. The recipient will wander in the shifting labyrinth of force
clone, and special laboratory equipment (cost 500 gp) that is planes for a period of time which is totally dependent upon its
necessary for the spell’s functioning but is not consumed during its intelligence. (Note: Minotaurs are not affected by this spell.)
casting. Intelligence of Target Duration
Under 3 2d4x10 minutes (2 to 8 turns)
Irresistible Dance 3-5 1d4x10 minutes (1 to 4 turns)
Components: V 6-8 5d4 rounds
Casting Time: 1 action 9-12 4d4 rounds
Range: Touch 13-15 3d4 rounds
Target: 1 living creature 16-17 2d4 rounds
Duration: 1d4+2 rounds 18+ 1d4 rounds
Mind Blank
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30’ (Close)
Target: 1 willing creature
Duration: 1 day
The subject is protected from all devices and spells that detect,
influence, or read emotions or thoughts. This spell protects against all
charm spells and mind-affecting spells (including Phantasmal Killer,
Magic Jar, Cause Fear, Feeblemind, etc.), as well as information
gathering by divination spells or effects, such as ESP.
Mind Blank even foils Miracle and Wish spells when they are used in
This spell causes one living creature to prance madly about, such a way as to affect the subject’s mind or to gain information about
performing a jig or other dance, for 3 or more rounds. The caster must it.
touch the target for the spell to take effect (a normal attack roll). If In the case of scrying that scans an area the creature is in, such as
struck, the target gets no Saving Throw to resist this spell’s effects. Wizard Eye, the spell works but the creature simply isn’t detected.
The target cannot attack, use spells, or take any action other than Scrying attempts that specifically target the subject do not work at all.
dancing. While dancing, the victim suffers a -4 penalty to Dexterity
Saving Throws and Armor Class. Permanence
Components: V, S
Mass Charm (reversible) Casting Time: 2 rounds
Components: V Range: See text
Casting Time: 1 action Targets: 1 spell effect; see text
Range: 100’ (Medium) Duration: Permanent until dispelled
Targets: 1 or more living creatures in a 20’ radius sphere This spell affects the duration of certain other spells, making the
Duration: See text duration permanent. The spells upon which a personal Permanence
Saving Throw: Charisma negates will be effective are:
This spell functions like Charm Monster, except that Mass Charm Comprehend Languages
affects a number of creatures whose combined Hit Dice do not Darkvision
exceed twice the caster’s level or at least one creature regardless of Detect Evil
Hit Dice. Detect Invisibility
If there are more potential targets than the spell can affect, the caster Detect Magic
chooses them one at a time until a creature with too many Hit Dice is Protection from Evil
chosen. Protection from Normal Missiles
Read Magic
An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders
but might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth The caster casts the desired spell and then follows with the
doing. The caster must speak the creature’s language to Permanence spell. Each Permanence spell lowers the caster’s
communicate commands, or else be good at pantomiming. Constitution by 1 point. The caster cannot cast these spells upon other
creatures. In addition to personal use, the Permanence spell can be
Any act by the caster, or his or her allies, that threatens a charmed
used to make the following object/creature or area of effect spells
creature automatically breaks the spell for that creature. Other
creatures under the effects of Mass Charm get to make another
Saving Throw as well. Gust of Wind
Creatures with above average intelligence (a score of 13-18) may
Magic Mouth
make a new saving throw each day. Creatures with average
Prismatic Sphere
intelligence (a score of 9-12) may save again once per week, and
Stinking Cloud
creatures with below average intelligence (a score of 3-8) may save
Wall of Ice
again once each month. Mass Charm may be dispelled with a Dispel
Wall of Fire
Magic spell.
Wall of Force
The former application of Permanence can be dispelled only by a Duration: 1 hour (6 turns)
caster of greater level than the spell caster was when he or she initially Saving Throw: See text
cast it. The Permanence application to other spells allows it to be cast Prismatic Wall creates a vertical, opaque wall - a shimmering,
simultaneously with any of the latter when no living creature is the multicolored plane of light that protects the caster from all forms of
target, but the Permanence can be dispelled normally, and thus the attack. This wall, which may be vertical or horizontal, is 2” thick and up
entire spell negated. to 500 square feet in area. A Prismatic Wall spell cast to materialize in
a space occupied by a creature is disrupted, and the spell is wasted.
Polymorph Any Object The wall flashes with seven colors, each of which has a distinct power
Components: V, S and purpose. The wall is immobile though the caster can pass through
Casting Time: 1 action and remain near the wall without harm. Any other creature with less
Range: 30’ (Close) than 8 Hit Dice that is within 20’ of the wall is blinded for 2d4 rounds by
Target: 1 creature, or normal object the colors if it looks at the wall.
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates; see text Each color in the wall has a special effect. The accompanying table
This spell functions like Polymorph, except that it can change both shows the seven colors of the wall, the order in which they appear,
objects and creatures into other objects or creatures and the form their effects on creatures trying to attack the caster in melee or pass
assumed has a 20 Hit Die maximum. through the wall, and the magic needed to negate each color.
Like Polymorph Others, Polymorph Any Object grants the creature the Color Effect Negated By
average Intelligence score of its new form. Red Stops all magical missile weapons. Inflicts Magical cold
12 Hit Points of fire damage.
The duration of the spell depends on how radical a change is made Orange Stops normal missile weapons. Inflicts 24 Magical
from the original state to its enchanted state. The duration is points of damage. lightning
determined by using the following guidelines. The base Duration Yellow Stops breath weapons. Inflicts 48 Hit Magic missile
Factor is 0. Points of damage. spell
Changed Subject Is: Duration Factor1 Green Block detection spells (ESP, crystal balls, Passwall
Same kingdom (animal, vegetable, mineral) +5 etc.). Those touching the wall must make
Same class (mammals, fungi, metals, etc.) +2 a Constitution Saving Throw against
Same size +2 poison or die.
Related (twig is to tree, wolf fur is to wolf, etc.) +2 Blue Blocks poison, gas, and gaze attacks. Disintegrate
Same or lower intelligence +2 Those touching the wall must make a spell
1 Add all that apply. Look up the total on the next table. Strength Saving Throw or be turned to
Duration Factor Duration Example Indigo Blocks all matter. Those touching the wall Dispel Magic
0 20 minutes Pebble to human must make an Intelligence Saving Throw
2 1 hour Marionette to human or be gated to a random outer plane,
4 3 hours Human to marionette and possibly (50%) lost forever.
5 12 hours Lizard to manticore Violet Blocks all magic. Those touching the wall Continual Light
6 2 days Sheep to wool coat must make a Wisdom Saving Throw or be
7 1 week Shrew to manticore permanently insane (barring a Restore,
9+ Permanent Manticore to shrew Miracle, or Wish spell).
Damage taken by the new form can result in the injury or death of the The wall can be destroyed, color by color, in consecutive order, by
polymorphed creature. If the new form would prove fatal to the various magical effects; however, the first color must be brought down
creature (for example, if the caster Polymorphs a landbound target before the second can be affected, and so on.
into a fish, or an airborne target into a toad), the subject gets a +4
bonus to its Saving Throw. A rod of cancellation destroys a Prismatic Wall, but an Anti-Magic Shell
fails to penetrate it. Dispel Magic cannot dispel the wall or anything
A mundane object cannot be made into a magic item with this spell. beyond it.
Magic items aren’t affected by this spell. Items held by a creature use
that creature’s Wisdom Saving Throw to resist the Polymorph Any Summon Monsters II
Object spell. This spell cannot create material of great intrinsic value, Components: V, S
such as copper, silver, gems, silk, gold, or platinum. Casting Time: 1 action
This spell can also be used to duplicate the effects of Polymorph, Flesh Range: 100’ (Medium)
to Stone, Stone to Flesh, Transmute Mud to Rock, or Transmute Rock to Effect: 1 or more monsters
Mud. Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
This spell summons up to 36 Hit Dice worth of living monsters, with no
Power Word Blind more than 6 Hit Dice each. They appear where the caster designates,
Components: V within range, and act immediately on the caster’s turn.
Casting Time: 1 action Each monster will appear carrying its normal weapons and wearing its
Range: 100’ (Medium) normal armor (if any), but arrives otherwise unequipped. When slain,
Target: 1 living creature or when the spell expires or is dispelled, monsters and their equipment
Duration: See text vanish.
Saving Throw: None
The caster utters a single word of power that causes one living They may be sent, by command, up to 240’ away, if desired. They
creature to become blinded, whether the creature can hear the word attack the caster’s opponents to the best of their ability. The caster
or not. The duration of the spell depends on the target’s current Hit can communicate with the creatures and can direct them not to
Point total. A creature that currently has 81 or greater Hit Points is attack, or to attack certain enemies or to take other actions.
unaffected by Power Word Blind. This blindness may only be removed Monsters cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot
with a Heal, Miracle, or Wish spell. support them.
Hit Points Duration
1-40 1d4 days Symbol
41-80 2d4 hours Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Prismatic Wall Range: Touch
Components: V, S Area of Effect: 30’ radius sphere; see text
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: See text
Range: 30’ (Close) Saving Throw: See text
Effect: Shimmering wall
A Symbol spell causes the creation of magical runes which affect body where it rests on the Material Plane, thereby reviving it from its
creatures which pass over, touch, read, or pass through a portal upon state of suspended animation.
which the symbol is inscribed. Once triggered, all creatures within 30’ Although astral bodies can function on the Astral Plane, their actions
are targeted by the spell. affect only creatures existing on the Astral Plane; a physical body must
Upon casting the spell, the caster inscribes the symbol upon whatever be materialized on other planes.
surface he or she desires. Likewise, the spell caster can place the
symbol of his or her choice, using any one of the following:
Death: One or more creatures whose total Hit Points do not exceed 80
are slain. A Charisma Saving Throw negates this effect.
Discord: All creatures are affected and immediately fall to loudly
bickering and arguing; furthermore, there is a 50% probability that
creatures of different alignment will attack each other. The bickering
lasts for 5d4 rounds; the fighting for 2d4 rounds. A Wisdom Saving Throw
negates these effects.
Fear: This symbol operates as an extra-strong Cause Fear spell, causing
all creatures to make a Charisma Saving Throw or panic and flee the
Hopelessness: All creatures are affected and must turn back in
dejection unless they make a Charisma Saving Throw. Affected
creatures suffer a -4 penalty to Morale checks and, if attacked, will not
attack 25% of the time, will flee 25% of the time, or will attack with a -4
The caster and his or her companions may travel through the Astral
penalty to all attack rolls 50% of the time.
Plane indefinitely. Their bodies simply wait behind in a state of
Insanity: One or more creatures whose total Hit Points do not exceed suspended animation until the caster chooses to return. The spell lasts
120 will become insane and remain so, acting as if a Confusion spell until the caster desires to end it or until it is terminated by some outside
had been placed upon them until a Heal, Restore, Miracle, or Wish means, such as a Dispel Magic cast upon either the physical body or
spell is used to remove the madness. A Wisdom Saving throw negates the astral form (which ends the spell), the severing of a silver cord
this. (which kills that person), or the destruction of a body back on the
Pain: All creatures are affected, having wracking pains shooting Material Plane (which also kills that person).
through their bodies for 2d10 minutes. They suffer a -2 penalty to Material Component: A silver cord worth 5 gp for each person to be
Strength and Dexterity checks, as well as attack and damage rolls, affected. These are not consumed when the spell is cast.
and take a -2 penalty to their Armor Class. The Movement Rate of
pain-wracked creatures is reduced by half. A Constitution Saving Contingency
Throw negates this effect. Components: V, S
Sleep: All creatures under 8+1 Hit Dice will immediately fall into a Casting Time: At least 10 minutes; see text
catatonic slumber and cannot be awakened for 4d4x10 minutes (4 to Range: Personal
16 turns). An Intelligence Saving Throw negates this effect. Target: The caster
Duration: Until discharged
Stunning: One or more creatures whose total Hit Points do not exceed The caster can place another spell upon him or herself so that it comes
160 will be stunned and reeling for 3d4 rounds, dropping anything that into effect under some condition dictated when Contingency is cast.
is held. A Strength Saving Throw negates this effect. The Contingency spell and the companion spell are cast at the same
The type of symbol cannot be recognized without it being read and, time. The 10 minute casting time is the minimum total for both castings;
thus, activating its effects. if the companion spell has a casting time longer than 10 minutes, use
that instead.
NINTH LEVEL MAGIC-USER SPELLS The spell to be brought into effect by the Contingency must be one
that affects the caster and have a spell level no higher than 6th level.
Astral Spell
Components: V, S, M The conditions needed to bring the spell into effect must be clear,
Casting Time: 10 minutes (1 turn) although they can be general. In all cases Contingency immediately
Range: Touch brings into effect the companion spell, the latter being “cast”
Targets: The caster and up to 8 willing creatures instantaneously when the prescribed circumstances occur. If
Duration: See text complicated or convoluted conditions are prescribed, the whole spell
The caster projects his or her astral self onto the Astral Plane, leaving combination (Contingency and the companion magic) may fail
his or her physical body behind on the Material Plane in a state of when called on. The Companion spell occurs based solely on the
suspended animation. The spell projects an astral copy of the caster stated conditions, regardless of whether the caster wants it or not.
onto the Astral Plane. The caster can use only one Contingency spell at a time; if a second
Since the Astral Plane touches upon other planes, the caster can is cast, the first one (if still active) is dispelled.
travel astrally to any of these other planes at will. To enter one of the
outer planes, the caster leaves the Astral Plane, forming a new Etherealness
physical body (and equipment) on the plane of existence the caster Components: V, S
has chosen to enter. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Up to 8 willing creatures, linked in a circle at the time of casting, can
Targets: The caster and up to 6 willing creatures
travel with the caster in this manner. These fellow travelers are
Duration: 30 minutes (3 turns)
dependent upon the caster and must accompany the caster at all
The caster and up to 6 willing creatures joined by linked hands
times. If separated from the caster during the journey, his or her
become ethereal. For the duration of the spell the spell’s targets are
companions are stranded at their destination.
in a place called the Ethereal Plane which overlaps the physical,
While on the Astral Plane the astral body is connected at all times to Material Plane. Once ethereal, the subjects need not stay together.
the physical body by a silvery cord. If the cord is broken the traveler is When the spell expires the targets return to material existence.
killed, both astrally and physically. Luckily very few things can destroy An ethereal creature is invisible, insubstantial, and capable of moving
a silver cord. When a second body is formed on a different plane, the in any direction, even up or down, albeit at half its normal Movement
incorporeal silvery cord remains invisibly attached to the new body. If Rate. An insubstantial creature can move through solid objects,
the second body or astral form is slain the cord simply returns to the including living creatures. An ethereal creature can see and hear on
the Material Plane, but everything looks gray and ephemeral. Sight directly to the creature, to some other action on the caster’s part that
and hearing onto the Material Plane are limited to 60 feet. matches the creature’s alignment and goals.
An ethereal creature can’t attack material creatures and vice versa. If the caster chooses to exact a longer or more involved form of service
Treat other ethereal creatures and ethereal objects as if they were from a called creature, he or she must offer some fair trade in return
material. for that service. The service exacted must be reasonable with respect
If the spell ends while a target is inside a material object, such as a to the promised favor or reward. The bargaining takes at least 1 round,
solid wall, that target takes 1d6 damage and is shunted off to the so any actions by the creature begin in the round after it arrives.
nearest open space. Immediately upon completion of the service, the being is transported
to the caster’s vicinity and the caster must then and there turn over
Gate the promised reward. After this is done the creature is instantly freed
Components: V, S; see text to return to its own plane. Failure to fulfill the promise to the letter results
Casting Time: 1 action; see text in the caster being subjected to service by the creature or by its liege
Range: 100’ (Medium) and master, at the very least. At worst, the creature or its kin may
Effect: See text attack the caster.
Duration: See text
Casting a Gate spell has two effects. First, it creates an inter-
dimensional connection between the caster’s plane of existence and
a plane the caster specifies, allowing travel between those two planes
in either direction. Second, the caster may then call a particular
individual or kind of being through the gate.
The gate itself is a circular hoop or disk from 5 to 20 feet in diameter
(caster’s choice), oriented in the direction the caster desires when it
comes into existence (typically vertical and facing the caster). It is a
two-dimensional window looking into the plane the caster specified
when casting the spell and anyone or anything that moves through is
shunted instantly to the other side. A gate has a front and a back.
Creatures moving through the gate from the front are transported to
the other plane; creatures moving through it from the back are not.
Saving Throw: See text The caster can become just about anything he or she is familiar with.
This spell functions like Prismatic Wall, except it conjures up an The caster can change form once each round on his or her turn, either
immobile, opaque globe of shimmering, multicolored light that before or after acting. If used to create a disguise, the caster gets a
surrounds and protects the caster from all forms of attack. The sphere +4 bonus on his or her Charisma ability check.
flashes in all colors of the visible spectrum. This spell is subject to Dispel Magic. During the spell duration, the caster
The caster can pass into and out of the Prismatic Sphere and remain cannot pass through Anti-Magic Shell spell effect.
near it without harm. However, when inside it, the sphere blocks any
attempt to project something through the sphere (including spells). Summon Monsters III
Other creatures that attempt to attack the caster in melee or pass Components: V, S
through suffer the effects of every color, resolved in order, from red to Casting Time: 1 action
violet. Range: 400’ (Long)
Color Effect Negated By Effect: 1 or more monsters
Red Stops all magical missile weapons. Inflicts Magical cold Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
12 Hit Points of fire damage. This spell summons up to 42 Hit Dice worth of living monsters, with no
Orange Stops normal missile weapons. Inflicts 24 Magical more than 7 Hit Dice each. They appear where the caster designates,
points of damage. lightning within range, and act immediately, on the caster’s turn.
Yellow Stops breath weapons. Inflicts 48 Hit Magic missile Each monster will appear carrying its normal weapons and wearing its
Points of damage. spell normal armor (if any), but arrives otherwise unequipped. When slain,
Green Block detection spells (ESP, crystal balls, Passwall or when the spell expires or is dispelled, monsters and their equipment
etc.). Those touching the sphere must vanish.
make a Constitution Saving Throw against They may be sent, by command, up to 240’ away, if desired. They
poison or die. attack the caster’s opponents to the best of their ability. The caster
Blue Blocks poison, gas, and gaze attacks. Disintegrate can communicate with the creatures and can direct them not to
Those touching the sphere must make a spell attack, or to attack certain enemies or to take other actions.
Strength Saving Throw or be turned to
stone. Monsters cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot
Indigo Blocks all matter. Those touching the Dispel Magic support them.
sphere must make an Intelligence Saving
Throw or be gated to a random outer Survival
plane, and possibly (50%) lost forever. Components: V, S
Violet Blocks all magic. Those touching the Continual Light Casting Time: 1 action
sphere must make a Wisdom Saving Range: Touch
Throw or be permanently insane (barring Target: 1 willing creature
a Restore, Miracle, or Wish spell). Duration: 12 hours (72 turns)
Any creature with less than 8 HD that is within 20’ of the sphere is This spell protects one creature against all damage caused by natural
blinded for 2d4 minutes by the colors if it looks at the sphere. conditions on any plane of existence. This spell protects the recipient
from adverse conditions of all types, including normal heat or cold,
Typically, only the upper hemisphere of the globe will exist, since the lack of air, toxic fumes, and so forth. While the spell is in effect, the
caster is at the center of the sphere, so the lower half is usually caster needs no air, food, water, or sleep.
excluded by the floor surface he or she is standing on.
The spell does not protect against magical damage of any type, nor
Shapechange does it protect against physical attacks, poison, or breath weapons.
Components: V, S Example: A caster might use this spell: in a desert or blizzard to prevent
Casting Time: 1 action damage from the natural conditions; underground or underwater,
Range: Personal enabling survival without air; in space, to magically survive in vacuum;
Target: The caster or on the elemental plane of Fire, to protect against conditional fire
Duration: 10 minutes (1 turn)/caster level damage.
Time Stop
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: The caster
Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds (apparent time); see text
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but the
caster. In fact, the caster speeds up so greatly that all other creatures
seem frozen, though they are actually still moving and taking actions.
The caster is free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Normal
and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm the caster.
While the Time Stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to the
caster’s attacks and spells, who cannot target such creatures with any
attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer
than the remaining duration of the Time Stop has its normal effects on
other creatures once the Time Stop ends. Most spellcasters use the
additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from
This spell functions like Polymorph Self, except that it enables the caster
to assume the form of any single, non-unique, creature of any type or The caster cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a
size. The assumed form cannot have more Hit Dice than the caster’s creature stuck in normal time, but can affect any item that is not in
level (to a maximum of 20 Hit Dice). Unlike Polymorph Self, this spell another creature’s possession.
allows incorporeal or gaseous forms to be assumed. The caster is undetectable while Time Stop lasts. The caster cannot
The caster gains all the special attacks, defenses, and spell-like powers enter an area protected by an Anti-Magic Shell while under the effect
of the assumed form, but loses his or her own special attacks, defenses, of Time Stop.
and spell-like powers.
Wish Revive the Dead: A Wish can bring a dead creature back to life by
Components: V duplicating a Raise Dead Fully spell. A Wish can revive a dead
Casting Time: 1 action creature whose body has been destroyed, but the task takes two
Range: See text Wishes, one to recreate the body and another to infuse the body with
Target, Effect, or Area of Effect: See text life again.
Duration: See text
Transport Travelers: A Wish can lift one creature per caster level from
Saving Throw: See text
anywhere on any plane and place those creatures anywhere else on
Wish is the mightiest spell a magic-user can cast. By simply speaking
any plane regardless of local conditions. An unwilling target gets an
aloud, The caster can alter reality to better suit his or her wishes. Even
Intelligence Saving Throw to negate the effect.
Wish, however, has its limits. A Wish can produce any one of the
following effects. Undo Misfortune: A Wish can undo a single recent event. The Wish
forces a reroll of any roll made within the last round (including the
Duplicate any magic-user spell of 8th level or lower.
caster’s last turn). The reroll, however, may be as bad as or worse than
Duplicate a cleric of 7th level or lower. the original roll. An unwilling target gets an Intelligence save to negate
Undo the harmful effects of many other spells, such as Geas or Insanity. the effect. Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result.
Grant a creature a +1 bonus to an ability score. Note: Bonuses granted Example: A Wish could undo an opponent’s successful Saving Throw,
through Wish spells may not exceed +3 for a single ability score, nor a foe’s successful hit, a friend’s failed save, and so on.
can ability scores be raised beyond 18 through the use of Wish spells The caster may try to use a Wish to produce greater effects than these
(or any other mortal means). but doing so is dangerous. The Wish may pervert the caster’s intent
Remove injuries and afflictions: A single Wish can aid one creature per into a literal but undesirable fulfillment or only a partial fulfillment.
caster level, and all subjects are cured of the same kind of affliction. Duplicated spells allow Saving Throws as normal.
Example: The caster could heal all the damage the caster and his or
her allies have taken or remove all poison effects from everyone in the
party, but not do both with the same Wish.
CHAPTER 4: THE ADVENTURE 3. Equipping and outfitting the party: Buying the equipment the party
will need for the exploration of the objective.
4. Establishing a marching order: Setting the party up to face combat
Beginning the Adventure and surprise situations.
When the players have rolled up their characters and bought their Below is an example of how a party organizes itself for an adventure:
equipment, the DM will describe the background of the adventure.
Example: Ulo Ironbeard (a dwarf), Kras Tree-Tall (a fighter), Theodorus
This might include information about the place the characters start the Wise (a magic-user), Nimble Deantha (a thief), and Rothgar the
from, the names of any NPC companions or retainers they will have, Mighty (a fighter) decide to go on a journey to the city of Specularum.
and some rumors about the dungeon or wilderness locale that the They meet at a tavern to prepare.
party is going to explore.
There is no road that goes directly to Specularum, and none of the
BASES OF OPERATION: When preparing for their journeys into dank party has been there before. Theodorus tries to question some
dungeons or the uncharted wilderness, the players will start from a merchants but finds their directions vague. Rothgar looks for a map
base, such as a keep, town, village, stronghold, or manor. showing the route, but without success. In the end, the party decides
Bases provide a place where a party can buy or otherwise obtain to hire a guide and two retainers. (As it turns out, the DM will allow only
equipment, hire mercenaries or call upon retainers, sell or store treasure, one retainer and the guide to be hired.)
examine maps and magical items, and seek out clerical healing that The guide tells them the journey will take about three weeks and
may be available for a suitable “contribution” or service. Theodorus the Wise is given the task of making a list of needed
Rumors that can lead to adventure can be overheard in inns or taverns equipment. In addition to the equipment they already have, Theodorus
or gathered from mercenaries, town guards, locals, guilds members, writes down the following:
itinerant priests, or even traveling merchants. 8 horses (4 for the party, 2 for the retainer and guide, and 2 extras).
When establishing a base of operations, the DM should say a few words 2 mules (one for Ulo Ironbeard, who refuses to ride a horse, and one to
about the general area. This will include a brief description of the carry supplies).
settlement or stronghold, notable NPCs living in the area, a description
7 saddles and bridles.
of the local churches for the clerics, and some rumors about local
points of interest. 2 lances (for Kras and Rothgar).
1 pack saddle (for the pack mule).
Party Size and Composition 12 flasks of oil.
It is not wise to adventure alone, for the monsters that may be Rope (200’).
encountered are numerous. It is much safer to go adventuring with a Spell books (belonging to Theodorus).
group of people who can help and protect each other.
ORGANIZING A PARTY: The best size for an adventure party is 6-8 21 weeks of iron rations (3 for each person).
characters, enough to handle the challenges which will be faced, but 21 waterskins (3 for each person).
not so many as to become disorganized or to ruin chances to surprise
the monsters. It is smart for an adventure party to contain a variety of The party knows supplies may not be found in the wild, so they have
character classes to gain the benefits of different class abilities. Fighters bought extras of some items (such as oil flasks). They agree to split up
are best for fighting, while clerics are able to fight, but also have several and buy their individual supplies, meeting at the tavern when all is
spells to help cure wounds and aid in fighting. Magic-users are good purchased.
thinkers and problem solvers and have powerful spells; thieves are Having bought their equipment, the group rides through the city gate.
useful for opening locked doors and scouting ahead. Elves, dwarves As in a dungeon, the party arranges themselves in a marching order:
and halflings all have special powers which can prove helpful to have Rothgar the Mighty ahead of the rest; Ulo Ironbeard, the retainer,
along as well. Theodorus the Wise, and the guide in the second rank; and Nimble
Most DMs allow a player only one character at a time. Sometimes a Deantha and Kras Tree-Tall in the rear.
person may play more than one character at a time, such as when only Further, they agree to let Rothgar do the talking when strangers are
a few persons are playing. The players (and the DM) should try to keep encountered, as he has the highest Charisma in the party. So
any characters played by one person from becoming too close organized, they leave the city on their way to Specularum.
(passing magical treasures between themselves, borrowing money
from each other, and so forth). There is no reason for characters run by Marching Order: Before entering a dungeon, the players should
the same player to be any more friendly with each other than with arrange their characters in a “marching order”. A “marching order” is
characters run by different players. The DM may allow a player the order of position in which the characters in a party explore a
character to hire companions (see Retainers, page 75) to add to the dungeon; who’s scouting in front, searching in the middle, and
size of a party. guarding the rear. Different marching orders may be used when
opening doors, searching rooms, fighting combat, and so forth.
The Caller: One player should be chosen to tell the DM about the plans
The most common marching order is to explore in a column of two-by-
and actions of the party. This player is the caller. The players may tell
two though this may vary in corridors of different widths. Characters
the DM what their characters are doing, but the game runs more
who can wear full armor might be placed to guard the front and back
smoothly when the caller relays the information.
of the party, while magic-users and thieves might be placed in the
The caller should be sure to check with each member of the party middle of the party, ready to use their skills when needed.
before announcing any actions (such as “We’ll turn right” or “The thief
When exploring the wilderness, characters should establish a marching
will check for traps”). The caller is usually a character with a high
order for overland travel, that may be different from that used in
Charisma score, and should be near the front of the party, where the
dungeons, and organize guard watches for the night.
character would be able to see what the DM describes.
Figures: If miniature figures are used to represent the characters, the
Planning: Players must make more choices before play begins. They
players should choose figures which look like their characters, and
must decide where to go and what supplies they will need.
should make sure that the DM knows which miniatures represent which
Before journeying into the unknown, the party should organize itself and characters. The miniature figures should be lined up in the same order
plan the journey along the following lines: as the marching order. When special situations occur, the players
1. Deciding where to go: Choosing the goal of the adventure. should change the position of their figures as they desire. File cards with
names on them, pawns, and other markers may be used instead of
2. Deciding what supplies are needed: Preparing the party for the miniatures, or the marching order may simply be written on a piece of
journey to the objective. paper.
A party can move through several types of terrain as long as it has Weather: As stated before, the miles per day given on page 19
enough movement to do so. It is suggested that all movement be represents average sailing conditions. If the voyage is favored by
rounded down to the nearest mile. steady winds and calm waters, the distance travelled might be as
Example: A party with daily Movement Rate of 16 miles starts on a road. much as double what is given there. If the seas are rough, or the vessel
It moves 3 miles on the road (using up 3 miles’ worth of movement), is becalmed, little or no progress might be made in a day. See the
then travels into mountains for 1½ miles (using 3 miles’ worth of optional Water Movement Modification Chart section for more details.
movement, and then moves over 10 miles of grassland before camping In general, galleys stay near the coast, as they are not considered safe
for the nights (having used up a total of 16 miles’ worth of Movement on the high seas. Likewise, river boats, rafts, and sailing boats will almost
that day). surely be destroyed if they venture too far onto great bodies of water;
all rules for galleys apply to them as well.
Obstacles to Movement: Travelling in the wilderness, whether by land,
water, or air, is not always easy as there are often features or events If the optional Water Movement Modification Chart is not used, the
that will present delays or obstructions. These may include unfordable following simple rules should apply. When sailing on seas or oceans,
rivers, massive cliffs, snowbound passes, rapids, sandbars, waterfalls, there is a chance that the weather will be unsuitable for travel. Two six-
dense forests, or vile and treacherous moors or swamps. sided dice are rolled at the beginning of the day with a roll of 2
indicating no wind and a roll of 12 meaning gales or fierce storms.
Aerial travel may be affected by thunderclouds, strong winds, fog, or Sailing ships (not vessels with rowers) may not move if becalmed and
mountains too high to fly over. Occasional use or placement of these must spend the entire day in the same hex or square.
obstacles will add interest and challenge to wilderness travel.
Rowed ships are never stopped for lack of wind; they are unaffected
TRAVELLING IN THE WILDERNESS: Strangely enough, travelling in the by calm weather. If a gale or storm is indicated, sailed ships may
wilderness can actually be more dangerous for a low-level party than attempt to run before it. This will result in the ship moving at 3 times its
venturing Into the first levels of a dungeon. Horrible monsters abound, normal Movement Rate in a random direction. If no coastline is
and most humans (and humanoids) travel through uncivilized lands in reached during this movement, the ship has successfully run before the
large parties or armed caravans. The following section details the two storm and is safe. If, however, the ship should reach a coastline or other
major perils of wilderness travel: becoming lost, and foraging for food. shore before reaching the end of its movement, there is a 75% chance
See Natural Hazards and Traps on page 68 for more details on the perils that the ship will be broken up in trying to beach, otherwise it will have
of wilderness journeys. found shelter. Galleys may not run before a storm. They have only a 20%
chance of being able to weather any gale, with failure resulting in the
Becoming Lost: When travelling, a party can become lost. A party ship being swamped. However, if the galley is in sight of the coastline,
following a road, trail, or river, or led by a reliable guide, will not become there is a chance that it will be able to beach before the storm hits. If
lost. Otherwise, the party makes a group Wisdom (Perception) check the coastline is clear terrain, the galley will automatically find a beach.
each day. The DC of this check is based on the current terrain that is For any other type of terrain, roll a six-sided die with a result of 1-2
being traversed. If the check fails, the party is lost. Treat other terrain indicating that a safe beach or cove has been found.
types as if similar to those below.
It is assumed that all characters know how to swim, unless some
Terrain DC circumstance might prevent this knowledge from being acquired.
Grasslands, open ground 10 Swimming movement is equal to one-half the distance that character
Forest, hills, barrens 14 may normally travel. Note that encumbered characters, especially
Desert, mountains, jungle, swamp 16 those wearing heavy armor, have great difficulty in staying afloat (see
If a party is lost, the DM may choose the direction the party moves in or Encumbrance on page 67).
use a random die roll. The DM must keep track of the party’s actual Water Movement Modification Chart (Optional)
position, as well as the direction the party believes it is moving. Roll 2d6 at the start of each day and find the result.
Example: A party in the woods has become lost. The caller of the party 2d6 Roll Effect
instructs the DM that the party wishes to travel north; however, the DM 2 Becalmed. No movement except by oar. Oared
has secretly determined that the party will head northeast. If, after movement reduced to 1/3 normal amount to take into
travelling in this direction for 6 miles, the group decides to turn account rower fatigue.
northwest, they will actually turn north. 3 Extreme light breezes before normal winds. All movement
reduced to 1/3 normal rate.
Foraging: Characters travelling in the wilderness may attempt to search
4 Light breeze before normal winds. All movement reduced
or hunt for food, either to extend their normal supplies or prevent
to ½ normal rate.
starvation. Searching for food may be done while traveling. A DC 16
5 Moderate breeze before normal winds. All movement
Wisdom check is required for the party to find enough to feed 1d4+2
reduced to 2/3 normal.
people for one day.
6-8 Normal winds. Normal movement.
This food will consist of nuts, berries, and possibly small game. To hunt, 9 Strong breeze. Normal movement plus 1/3 extra movement.
characters must spend a day without moving. While hunting there are 10 High winds. Normal movement plus ½ extra movement.
the usual chances for Wilderness Encounters. Characters who spend a 11 Extreme high winds. Double normal movement*.
day foraging are not resting. 12 Gale. Eighty percent chance of a galley sinking. Triple
See Food and Water on page 69 for more details on the required normal movement in random direction**.
nourishment for player characters, their mounts, and their retainers. *20% chance of galley shipping water, 10% chance for all other ships.
WATERBORNE TRAVELS: The sea is an awesome place, the home of Any ship which ships water will have its speed reduced by 1/3 until it
terrible monsters, the source of unpredictable currents and strange can dock and make repairs.
mists, and the scene of terrible storms that can smash the strongest ship ** Roll 1d6: 1=current direction, 2=60 degrees starboard (to the right),
to splinters. Perhaps the deadliest of the sea’s hazards, however, is the 3=120 degrees starboard, etc. Use rules already given concerning
lack of landmarks. Once out of sight of land, there is little to steer by. A running before the gale.
small mistake in navigation or a sudden storm can drive a ship
Dim Light: Dim light, also called deep shadow, creates a lightly
obscured area. An area of dim light is usually a boundary between a
source of bright light, such as a torch, and surrounding darkness.
Characters face dim light outdoors on most moonlit nights or indoors
when glowing embers in a fireplace or moonlight through a window
provide some light to see by.
Intelligence and Wisdom ability checks (Perception Checks) made to
search a dimly lit area suffer a -2 penalty. Such areas offer
concealment to those in the area (see Cover and Concealment on
page 82 for more details).
Darkness: Darkness, also called complete darkness or pitch-black,
creates a totally obscured area. Characters face darkness outdoors on
a moonless night, within the confines of an unlit dungeon or a
subterranean vault, or in an area of magical darkness. Such areas offer
total concealment to those in the area (see Cover and Concealment
on page 82 for more details).
Characters who cannot see due to darkness or magical effects are Fire Damage: Fire or extremely hot liquids, other than burning oil (which
considered blinded and have their Movement Rate reduced to ½ is described on page 81), magical fires (which are described in various
normal, rounded to the nearest 5’ increment. spell and item descriptions), or the fiery attacks of creatures, causes
Intelligence and Wisdom ability checks (Perception Checks) made to damage dependent upon the size and intensity of the blaze.
search an area of darkness suffer a -4 penalty. Attackers who can see A torch’s flame, for example, should deal no more than 1d3 points of
blinded targets gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made to hit them. See fire damage, a raging fire should deal 1d6 points of fire damage each
Blinded Combatants on page 82 for more details. round, and a hellish blaze that has totally engulfed a character should
deal 4d6 points of fire damage per round. Immersion in boiling water
Natural Hazards and Traps should deal 8d6 damage per round (being doused with boiling water
deals 1d6 damage) while immersion in molten lava should deal 20d6
By its nature, adventuring involves delving into places that are dark, fire damage per round.
dangerous, and full of mysteries to be explored. The rules in this section
cover some of the most important ways in which adventurers interact Heavy Precipitation or Fog: Everything within an area of fog, heavy rain,
with the environment in such places. or heavy snowfall is obscured, and creatures in the area suffer a -2
penalty to Intelligence and Wisdom ability checks (Perception Checks)
This section describes a few examples of hazards that adventurers
that rely on sight. Heavy rain also extinguishes open flames.
might encounter in their adventures. Some natural hazards, such as
slippery ice, require no ability check to spot. Other natural hazards can High Altitude: Traveling at altitudes of 10,000 feet or higher above sea
be identified with a successful Intelligence ability check. Traps may be level is taxing for a creature that needs to breathe, because of the
found by thieves, though use of the Find Traps ability, or with the Find reduced amount of oxygen in the air. Each hour such a creature
Traps spell. spends traveling at high altitude counts as 2 hours for the purpose of
determining how long that creature can travel.
Avalanches and Landslides: The combination of high peaks and heavy
snowfalls means that avalanches are a deadly peril in many Breathing creatures can become acclimated to a high altitude by
mountainous areas. While avalanches of snow and ice are common, spending 30 days or more at this elevation. Breathing creatures can’t
it’s also possible to have an avalanche of rock and soil. become acclimated to elevations above 20,000 feet unless they are
native to such environments.
Characters can avoid an avalanche or landslide by making a DC 14
Wisdom (Perception) ability check to hear its approach or notice that Ice: When a creature moves onto ice for the first time on a turn, it must
something is amiss (e.g., creatures are fleeing the area). succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity ability check or fall prone.
Characters caught in an avalanche take 4d6 points of damage, or half Thin ice has a weight tolerance of 3d10x10 pounds per 10’ square area.
that amount if they make a DC 14 Dexterity Saving Throw. They are Whenever the total weight on an area of thin ice exceeds its tolerance,
buried unless they succeed at the Saving Throw. Buried characters are the ice in that area breaks. All creatures on broken ice fall through, into
at risk of suffocating (see below) and take 1d3 points of damage for the frigid water below (see Extreme Cold and Heat above).
each hour that they are buried.
Quicksand: A quicksand pit covers the ground in roughly a 10’ square
Cave-Ins: Cave-ins deal 4d6 points of damage to any creature caught area and is usually 10 feet deep. When a creature enters the area, it
within the area of collapse, and bury any creatures in that area sinks 1d4 feet into the quicksand. At the start of each of the creature’s
beneath rubble. Those who make a DC14 Dexterity save take half turns, it sinks another 1d4 feet.
damage and are not buried. Buried characters are at risk of
suffocating (see below) and take 1d3 points of damage for each hour As long as the creature isn’t completely submerged in quicksand, it can
that they are buried. escape by using its action and succeeding on a DC 14 Strength ability
check. A creature that is completely submerged in quicksand can’t
Extreme Cold and Heat: Exposure to extreme cold (below 0 degrees breathe (see the suffocation rules below).
Fahrenheit) or heat (above 100 degrees Fahrenheit) deals 1 point of A creature can pull another creature within its reach out of a quicksand
damage to those without resistance or immunity to those conditions pit by using its action and succeeding on an DC 10 Strength ability
each hour. This damage cannot be naturally recovered until the check.
character gets out of the cold or heat.
Traps: Dungeons often contain traps, such as a trap door in the floor MAKING ABILTY CHECKS: Every ability check has an associated ability
which springs open when a character walks over it or a poisoned arrow score and, whenever one of these checks is made, a d20 is rolled by
trap that is triggered by a tripwire. If any character does something the player. The character’s ability modifier is always added to this roll.
which could trigger a trap, the trap will be sprung. Example: Morgan Ironwolf, is trying to bash open a stuck dungeon
Some traps have a chance of being triggered (e.g., a pit trap has a 2 door. This is a Strength ability check so, when the player rolls a d20,
in 6 chance of opening when someone walks over it). The DM must Morgan’s Strength modifier is added to the roll. Morgan’s Strength
check for each character that potentially triggers such a trap until the score of 16 means that she gets a +2 bonus to all Strength ability checks.
trap is either sprung or safely passed by the party. In addition, at 1st level, all characters get a Class Bonus to ability checks
A character targeted by a trap usually gets a Dexterity Saving Throw to made with two ability scores that are determined by the character’s
avoid its effects. The DC to avoid or minimize the effects of a trap is 10 chosen class:
+ the dungeon level. If set by a specific monster or NPC, the DC is 10 +
Character Class Starting Class Bonuses
the creature’s Experience Bonus (for NPCs) or ½ of the creature’s Hit
Cleric +2 to all Wisdom and Charisma ability checks
Dice (for monsters). Some traps do not allow any Saving Throw.
Dwarf +2 to all Strength and Constitution ability checks
See ability checks in CHAPTER 4: THE ADVENTURE for more details on Elf +2 to all Intelligence and Dexterity ability checks
traps, and on how to find and disable them. Fighter +2 to all Strength and Constitution ability checks
Halfling +2 to all Dexterity and Constitution ability checks
Wandering Monsters: Wandering monsters are monsters which roam
Magic-user +2 to all Intelligence and Wisdom ability checks
through dungeons or wild areas but have not been placed in a set
Thief +2 to all Intelligence and Dexterity ability checks
location by the DM.
Wandering monsters may be selected by the DM to fit the area (for Example: Morgan Ironwolf gets a +2 bonus to all Strength ability checks
example, a guard of skeletons might patrol a tomb). The DM may due to her high (16) Strength. Because she is a fighter, she also gets a
choose wandering monsters at random by using the Wandering +2 Class Bonus to all Strength and Constitution.
As such, the total bonus to her d20 roll to bash open the stuck door is
Webs: Giant spiders weave thick, sticky webs across passages and at +4.
the bottom of pits to snare prey. A creature entering a webbed area
for the first time on a turn or starting its turn there must succeed on a EXPERIENCE BONUS: As characters advance in level, their experience
Dexterity Saving Throw (the difficulty is of this check is based on the size and expertise allow them to better meet the challenges that they face
of the giant spider) or be caught in the webs. on their adventures. This is reflected with an Experience Bonus
(abbreviated as exp. bonus on the character sheet) that increases as
Creatures who fail their save are entangled, cannot move or attack, the characters rise in level.
lose any Dexterity bonus they might have to Armor Class, and may not
employ a shield to defend themselves. Entangled creatures may try to This Experience Bonus is applied to all ability checks and saves,
break free of the web on their turn. including those that the character already has a Class Bonus with due
to their chosen character class.
Each round, entangled creatures can make a Strength ability check to
disentangle itself from the web. The difficulty is of this check is based The following chart shows the level-based Experience Bonuses for all
on the size of the giant spider. Those who fail this check are still characters at levels 1-20:
• Forge a document or notice that a document is forged. If a Perception Check is based purely on a character’s senses, “gut”
feelings, or the ability to read others, use Wisdom. If a Perception
• Recall lore about a historical event, lost civilization, religion, Check is based on a character logically and methodically investigating
legend, or magical item. an area, use Intelligence.
• Win a game of skill or solve a riddle.
• Search an area for secret doors, hidden items, or other clues. An Dexterity Checks
Intelligence check might allow your character to deduce the
location of a hidden object, discern from the appearance of a A Dexterity check can model any attempt to move nimbly, quickly, or
wound what kind of weapon dealt it, or determine the weakest quietly, or to keep from falling on tricky footing. The DM might call for a
point in a tunnel that could cause it to collapse. Examining an Dexterity check when your character tries to accomplish the following:
object takes anywhere from 1 round to 1 minute, depending upon • Control a heavily laden cart on a steep descent or steer a chariot
its size and complexity. Searching a 5’ x 5’ area takes at least 1 around a tight turn.
• Wriggle free of bonds or shackles, or securely tie up a prisoner.
Thieves may make an Intelligence ability check to search for traps.
• Craft a small or detailed object.
The DC to find a trap is 10 + the dungeon level. If set by a specific
monster or NPC, the DC is 10 + the creature’s Experience Bonus • Make an acrobatic leap over an opponent or tumble past them.
(for NPCs) or ½ of the creature’s Hit Dice (for monsters). Dwarves • Balance on a narrow or slippery surface. Characters balancing
may make Intelligence checks to search for stonework traps (such upon a narrow, uneven, or slippery surface move at ½ of their
as falling blocks, crushing walls, and collapsing floors). usual Movement Rate.
• Decipher writing in an unfamiliar language, a message written in • Climb a sheer or slippery surface. Characters trying to climb may
an incomplete or archaic font, or a message written in code. move at ½ of their usual Movement Rate, rounding down to the
• Create a written cipher (coded message). nearest 5’ increment.
• Craft, or appraise the value of, an item such as a sword, piece of • Thieves may make Dexterity checks to open mechanical locks
jewelry, or tapestry. and disable traps, including magical traps. Generally, it takes 1
round to 1 minute to disarm a device, depending on its
• Identify a plant or animal, or recall natural remedies or toxins
complexity. This ability requires the use of a set of thieves’ tools.
related to flora and fauna.
A Dexterity check indicates whether the lock has been opened or
• Predict the weather based on cloud formations, wind direction,
the trap has been disabled. If the attempt fails when opening a
and changes in temperature and humidity.
lock, the character cannot try to open the same lock again until
• Navigate by the stars or by landmarks. the next level of experience is gained, as it is beyond that
• Use first aid to stabilize a dying ally (see page 85). character’s current ability. Failure to disarm a trap indicates that
the character has set off the trap and suffers the trap’s effect.
Literacy: All characters of average or better Intelligence can read and
The DC to disarm a mundane trap is 10 + the dungeon level. If set
write each language that they speak. Characters with a 6-8
by a specific monster or NPC, the DC is 10 + the creature’s
Intelligence score may be literate in one language at most, while
Experience Bonus (for NPCs) or ½ of the creature’s Hit Dice (for
characters with lower Intelligence scores are wholly illiterate.
Saving Throws: Saving Throws against illusions, many magic-user spells, • Attempt to conceal yourself from enemies, slink past guards, slip
and against effects that confound the senses or wits of the target are away without being noticed, or sneak up on someone without
based upon a character’s Intelligence score. See the Saving Throws being seen or heard. If you are being observed, even casually,
section of pages 73-74 for more details. you can’t hide. Characters trying to move silently move at ½ of
their usual Movement Rate. All Dexterity (Stealth) checks are
Wisdom Checks opposed by the targets’ Wisdom (Perception) checks.
• Attempt an act of legerdemain or manual trickery, such as
A Wisdom check might reflect an effort to read body language,
planting something on someone else, picking a pocket, cutting
understand someone’s feelings, notice things about the environment,
the straps of their coin purse, or concealing an object on your
or interact with wild or domesticated animals. The DM might call for a
Wisdom check when your character tries to accomplish tasks like the
following: Attack Rolls: You add your character’s Dexterity modifier to attack rolls
• Discern whether a seemingly dead or living creature is undead. when attacking with a missile weapon, such as a javelin, sling, or a
• Calm a domesticated animal or keep a mount from getting
spooked. Armor Class: You add your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class.
• Determine the true intentions of a creature, such as when Initiative: At the beginning of every combat, one player character rolls
searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move. initiative for the adventuring party by making a d20 roll and adding his
• Spot, hear, or otherwise detect the presence of something. or her Dexterity modifier.
Wisdom checks determine your character’s general awareness of Initiative determines whether the players or their foes act first in combat.
his or her surroundings and keenness of senses. A Wisdom check See initiative on page 80 for more.
would allow you to track a creature in the wilds or shadow another
person moving through crowded city streets. Saving Throws: Breath weapon and trap Saving Throws are based upon
• Surprise checks are Wisdom checks, since they are made to see if a character’s Dexterity score. See the Saving Throws section of pages
a character or NPC is able to spot, and react to, enemies and 73-74 for more details.
other dangers. Surprise checks are synonymous with Perception STEALTH CHECKS: Dexterity ability checks made to hide from others
Checks. and/or sneak around quietly are commonly referred to as Dexterity
Saving Throws: Saving Throws against confusion, gaze attacks, (Stealth) checks throughout these rules. As noted above, if you are
petrification, polymorph, and many cleric spells are based upon the being observed, even casually, you can’t hide. Characters trying to
character’s Wisdom score. See the Saving Throws section of pages 73- move silently move at ½ of their usual Movement Rate.
74 for more details. Dexterity (Stealth) checks are often made to avoid encounters or to
ambush foes. When a group attempts either, a Group Ability check
PERCEPTION CHECKS: Any Wisdom check that relies on the character’s (see page 70) is made. The DC of this check is equal to the Wisdom
senses or intuition is referred to as a Perception Check. Surprise checks, (Perception) check of the most perceptive member of the other group.
Saving Throws: Disease, energy drain, and poison Saving Throws are
based upon a character’s Constitution score. See the Saving Throws
section of pages 73-74 for more details.
Charisma Checks
A Charisma check might arise when your character tries to influence or
entertain others, when your character tries to make an impression or tell
a convincing lie, or when your character is navigating a tricky social
situation. See page 79 for more information on Social Interaction. The
DM might call for a Charisma check when your character tries to
accomplish tasks like the following:
• Find the best person to talk to for news, rumors, and gossip.
• Pull together a disguise to pass as a city guard.
• Tell a convincing lie or give a convincing, but ambiguous, answer.
• Intimidate someone through overt or veiled threats. ANIMAL HANDLER: +2 bonus to all Wisdom checks made to handle one
type of normal animal. Here are some examples to choose from:
• Delight an audience through a musical or theatrical performance.
Dogs: Includes the training of guard and war dogs, as well as smaller
• Give a speech to inspire your allies or stop a hostile mob.
• Attempt to influence someone or a group of people with tact,
Falconry: Training hunting birds such as hawks, falcons, and kites.
social graces, or good nature.
Horses: Includes the training of pack, riding, and war horses, as well as
Saving Throws: Death Attack, Charm, and Fear Saving Throws are ponies and mules.
based upon a character’s Charisma score. See the Saving Throws
section of pages 73-74 for more details. Livestock: Includes the breeding and care for pigs, chickens, cattle,
goats, and sheep.
Temperate Wilderness: Included within this terrain are the forests, Note that rolling a “natural 20” (a 20 is rolled on your d20) always
wooded hills, and wetlands of temperate climes. indicates success on a Saving Throw roll while rolling a “natural 1” (a 1
is rolled on your d20) always indicates failure.
Tropical and Sub-Tropical Wilderness: This includes jungles, rainforests,
mangrove forests, and wetlands in tropical and subtropical regions. SAVING THROW CATEGORIES
There are six different kinds of Saving Throws each corresponding to an
PERFORMER: +2 bonus to all Charisma checks made with 1 type of ability score. The situations and effects that trigger a Saving Throw
performance: generally fall into one of the following categories. This list is not definitive
Actor: Acting also gives the character a bonus when impersonating but should provide a template for Dungeon Masters to determine a
others. Saving Throw category for something not listed here.
Orator: Orators are trained at moving an audience through their Save Type Categories
speeches. Strength Paralysis, Constriction
Buffoon: Also known as fools or jesters, buffoons excel at satirizing Intelligence Magic-user Spells, Illusion
people, groups, or belief systems. Wisdom Cleric Spells, Confusion, Gaze Attack, Polymorph,
Dancer: This type of performance helps among nobles and Dexterity Breath Weapon, Traps
commoners alike. Constitution Energy Drain, Disease, Poison
Musician: The character is proficient at singing and with one type of Charisma Death Attack, Charm, Fear
musical instrument, such as woodwinds, percussion instruments,
stringed instruments, or keyboards. More information on Saving Throws is provided below.
SAILOR: +2 to Intelligence checks made to navigate by the sun, stars, Breath Weapon (Dexterity): Any character caught in the area of effect
and landmarks. +2 to Dexterity checks to keep your balance on a of a breath weapon must make the appropriate Saving Throw or suffer
swaying ship’s deck. the breath weapon’s full effects. Usually, the character must dodge the
effects of a breath weapon, so a Dexterity save is appropriate.
SCHOLAR: +2 bonus to all Intelligence checks made in 1 area of Gaseous cloud breath weapon attacks, however, require a
interest: Here are some examples to choose from: Constitution Saving Throw.
Arcane Lore: Knowledge of spells, magic items, creatures, and Charm (Charisma): Charm spells or spell-like abilities allow a Charisma
locations. It also encompasses eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the Saving Throw to avoid being overcome by the charm. A failed save
planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes. means the character suffers the effect of the Charm spell or effect.
Folklore: Imparts knowledge of fairies, local legends, superstitions, and
Confusion (Wisdom): Confusion spells or spell-like powers allow a
Wisdom Saving Throw to avoid being overcome by confusion. A failed
History: Includes knowledge of both ancient and recent historical save means the character becomes confused, as per the Confusion
events. spell, for an amount of time as specified by the spell or ability.
Natural Lore: Expertise with local flora and fauna, including herbal Death Attacks (Charisma): Death Attacks are rare and only a few
remedies, as well as the ability to better predict the weather. monsters and the rare artifact have them. In most cases, Death Attacks
Religions: Insight into the various religions of the world, including their allow the victim to make a Charisma save to avoid the affect but, if the
belief systems, symbols, gods, and ceremonies. save fails, the character will die instantly.
Level of Hirelings: A retainer may be of any level (0, 1, 2, 3, or higher) Training must be continuous, or the animal becomes “untrainable.”
and of any class (normal man or a character class). Retainers can Armorer: For every 50 fighters hired by a character, 1 armorer will be
never be higher in level than the PC who hires them. necessary to maintain their weapons and equipment. Any armorer not
Elvish, halfling, and dwarvish retainers should be very rare. Elves have so employed may make non-magical armor and weapons at the rate
very long lives, but their numbers are not great. Dwarves also have long of 1 suit of armor, 3 shields, or 5 weapons per month. For every 3
lifespans (though not nearly so long as elves), but their numbers are still assistants (one of which must be a smith) the output may be doubled.
not as great as the number of humans. Halflings tend to avoid setting One armorer may manage 6 assistants. Assistants cost 5 gold/month.
off on adventures and rarely take up as adventurers for hire.
Engineer: An engineer is needed for the construction of castles and
Hireling Level Advancement: Retainers will earn experience from large structures. Dwarven engineers usually specialize in tunnelling. One
adventures, just like player characters do, and may rise a level in their engineer must be hired for every 100,000 gp that a construction costs.
character class once they have gained enough experience. Retainers,
however, only receive ½ the experience that PCs would receive, Sage: A sage is an advisor, capable of answering questions involving
because they were only following orders and not making decisions on great knowledge. For each uncommon question they attempt to
their own. answer there will always be a chance of failure. The DM will have to
decide on the amount of time it takes and the cost of the research for
Retainers may be awarded more than their agreed upon portion of the each question. They are extremely rare, and the DM may want to limit
treasure and thus gain more experience than normal. the number in a campaign.
Random Encounters
In addition to planned encounters, the DM also uses random
encounters. These aren’t tied to a specific place or event; they are
based on chance.
When a check indicates an encounter is imminent, a creature or NPC
determined by the encounter tables will arrive in the area in the next
few minutes to investigate. Many encounters end in combat, but this
isn’t necessary - it is possible to talk to intelligent creatures, whether in
the dungeon, out in the wilderness, or on the streets of a town or city.
COMBAT MOVEMENT: On a combatant’s turn, each combatant may USING A COMBAT MAP (OPTIONAL)
move a distance up to its Movement Rate. If you play out a combat using a square grid and miniatures or other
tokens, each square on the grid represents 5 feet.
Each combatant can break up its movement on its turn, using some of
its movement before and after its action. If a combatant can make Movement Rate: When using a combat map, each combatant’s
more than 1 attack in a combat round it may break up its movement Movement Rate is broken up into 5-foot segments. This is particularly
between those attacks. easy if you translate your character’s Movement Rate into squares by
dividing the Movement Rate by 5. For example, a Movement Rate of
Example: Morgan Ironwolf has a Movement Rate of 20 feet. She can
30 feet translates into a Movement Rate of 6 squares. If grids are used,
move 10 feet, take an action, and then move the remaining 10 feet.
consider writing Movement Rate in squares on character sheets.
Defensive Movement: When moving past a hostile combatant or trying
Range: To determine the range on a grid between two things - whether
to move away from a foe, a character or monster must move at ½ of
creatures or objects - start counting squares from a square adjacent to
their normal Movement rate or suffer a free attack from each non-
one of them and stop counting in the space of the other one. Count
surprised foe within reach.
by the shortest route.
Withdrawing from combat with Defensive Movement allows a
character or creature to defend itself while moving away from COMBAT ACTIONS: During each round of combat, character may
enemies. move and take 1 action. Typical actions include making an attack,
casting a spell, using an item, or making an ability check. The following
Fleeing Combat: A character or creature may retreat from combat at
section describes the various actions a combatant can take on during
their full Movement Rate but draws parting shots from each non-
each turn of combat.
surprised foe within reach as it moves away. See Pursuit below for more
details. Attack: The most common action to take in combat is making an
attack, whether your character is swinging a sword, firing an arrow from
Occupied Squares: Combatants can’t move through, or end their
a bow, or brawling with fists.
movement in, an occupied square, unless the creature is much larger
or smaller than it (by at least 2 size categories). If a creature wishes to When attacking, a character makes a melee or missile attack. Some
move through an occupied square, it must move at ½ of its normal monsters, as well as high-level fighters, dwarves, and halflings, may
Movement Rate while in occupied squares or it suffers a free attack make more than 1 attack each melee round.
from the character or creature occupying the square. See Defensive
Circumstances DC
Bribed to betray a generous leader 6
Bribed to betray a fair leader 8
Bribed to betray an average leader 10
Bribed to betray a poor leader 12
50% of allied forces are slain or otherwise lost 12
Leader slain or otherwise lost 12
Facing a superior enemy or force 14
All NPCs and creatures have a Morale Rating. This rating comes into
Forced to take undue risks 14
play whenever that NPC’s or creature’s loyalty or courage is in
Forced into extreme danger 18
question. Morale Ratings have corresponding Morale Scores that are
Abandoned by allies 18
handled much like an ability score, and typically range from 3-18.
Facing a vastly superior enemy or force 18
MORALE SCORES: A monster’s morale score is given in each monster Unable to affect foes* 22
description. This score is a number from 3-18. The higher the morale * Creatures protected from attack by magic, or which require magic
score, the better the morale. weapons to be struck and group does not possess these.
To generate the Morale of NPC retainers, roll 3d6 and add the
Charisma modifier of the character who has hired the retainer.
The DM decides that Silverleaf’s open hands and words in the The third hobgoblin strikes the helpless and dying Fredrik, automatically
hobgoblins’ language are worth +1 on the Charisma ability check that striking, and instantly killing, him.
is made to persuade the hobgoblins. Since the hobgoblins hate both
elves and dwarves, and aren’t too fond of humans either, the DM sets The fourth hobgoblin attacks Morgan, rolls an 8, and misses her.
the DC of the Charisma check at 22 (see page 79). The fifth and sixth hobgoblins attack Sister Rebecca. Fortunately for
Unfortunately, Silverleaf’s player rolls a total Charisma check of 10, her, both hobgoblins fail to roll high enough to strike her Armor Class of
which fails the check 12 points (not good enough to even allow 15.
Silverleaf to continue parleying). The hobgoblins draw their weapons, Morgan drops her bow, draws her sword, and kills one of the
but do not attack. hobgoblins that is attacking her. Both Sister Rebecca and Silverleaf
The largest of the hobgoblins shouts, in his language, “Go away! attack and, together, kill one hobgoblin. This leaves 4 hobgoblins
You’re not allowed in this room!” standing.
“It’s okay: Gary sent us.” Silverleaf answers. It is now the hobgoblins’ turn to act. The DM decides to check the
hobgoblins’ morale again, since only one third of them remain and
“Huh?” the hobgoblin leader wittily responds as the remaining their leader is slain. He sets the DC at 14, since they are facing superior
hobgoblins start to file into the room and draw their weapons, signaling foes, but only rolls a 9 for the Morale Check.
the start of combat.
The last four hobgoblins drop their weapons, and shout (in Hobgoblin.
The DM rolls an 8 for the hobgoblins’ initiative and Silverleaf, who has of course). “We surrender! We’ll tell you all about this room if you don’t
the best Dexterity modifier in the party (+2) rolls a total of 11 for the kill us!” If the hobgoblins had made their Morale Check, they would
party, so the party has the initiative. have continued to fight to the death.
Silverleaf has already warned the others that he is going to throw a Silverleaf tells the party what the hobgoblins have said. The characters
Sleep spell if the hobgoblins attack, so the party has Silverleaf act last, accept the surrender, tie up all the hobgoblins, and remove their
so that the rest of the party can move to form a defensive line across weapons. The helpful hobgoblins not only tell the party where the
the room (and away from the spell’s area of effect) on their turns. treasure is, but how to avoid the poison needle trap which guards the
lock on the chest.
Morgan moves and fires her short bow at hobgoblin #1 (the largest
hobgoblin). She has a +5 bonus to her short bow attack rolls and rolls Before the party leaves, they gag the hobgoblins, to make sure that
a 10 on the d20, for a total of 15. The hobgoblins have a 14 Armor no alarm will be raised. Morgan is Neutral in alignment and argues that
Class, so this hits. She rolls 1d6 for the arrow damage and rolls a 4. This it is not safe to leave a sure enemy behind them, even if that enemy is
wounds hobgoblins #1, who had 7 Hit Points. The 4 points are temporarily helpless. Silverleaf is also Neutral, but he believes that the
deducted from these Hit Points, leaving it with 3 Hit Points. hobgoblins are too terrified to be of any further threat. If Morgan wants
to kill the prisoners, he won’t help her, but he won’t stop her, either.
Fredrik moves next and, once next to Morgan, throws his hand axe at
the hobgoblin next to largest hobgoblin. He has a +1 bonus to attack Sister Rebecca, a Lawful cleric, is shocked by Morgan’s suggestion.
rolls when fighting hobgoblins, so he has a total attack bonus of +4. She tells Morgan that a Lawful person keeps her word, and that she
He rolls an 11 on the die, for a total of 15, which hits. He also gets a +1 promised the hobgoblins that they would be spared. Her god would
damage bonus when fighting hobgoblins. Thrown weapons also add never allow her to heal someone who killed helpless prisoners...
the wielder’s Strength modifier to the damage roll, so he gets an
additional bonus (+2) to the 1d6 damage roll. He rolls a 4 on the d6 Morgan agrees that killing captives is wrong, and that it was only the
and adds 3 points of damage, for a total of 7 Hit Points of damage. great pain from her wound which caused her to say such things. Sister
This kills hobgoblin #2. Rebecca casts her Cure Light Wounds spell on Morgan. It does 5 points
of healing, bringing Morgan back to her normal 7 Hit Points.
Sister Rebecca is pulls out her mace, braces her shield, and falls back
beside Morgan and Fredrik. She doesn’t move up to attack the Faced with the loss of their boon companion, Fredrik, the party is now
hobgoblins because she only moves 20’ per round. As such, she left to consider their next course of action. Having already lost their
doesn’t move fast enough to move up, attack, and then move back thief, Black Dougal, to a poison needle trap in the previous room, they
to the defensive line. must decide on whether to press onward in their search of the
Haunted Keep or return to town of Luln to enlist the help of other
Silverleaf casts his spell and finds that 10 levels of monsters fall asleep. adventurers.
Since hobgoblins have 1+1 Hit Dice, they are treated as 2 Hit Die
monsters for this purpose. Therefore, five hobgoblins fall asleep: the
wounded hobgoblin (#2), the pair that just started coming through the
CHECK BONUS: The Check Bonus, equal to ½ of the monster’s Hit Dice,
General Terms is applied to all Saving Throws and Morale Checks for the monster. The
The monsters are listed in alphabetical order to aid quick reference. DM can adjust this bonus when making an ability check or Saving
The monsters in this section and their abilities are of the strength and Throw for which the creature is well, or poorly, suited. Unintelligent
type most commonly encountered. The DM may wish to make these monsters, for example, should make Intelligence, Wisdom, and
monsters stronger or weaker to suit the needs of the campaign. When Charisma ability checks and Saving Throws with ½ of this bonus.
adjusting the strength of a monster, the DM must also adjust the other Example: An animal-type monster with 4 Hit Dice will makes INT, WIS,
abilities, such as Armor Class, Movement Rate, Damage, and Special and CHA saves with a Check bonus of 1 rather than 2.
Attacks or Defenses so that they balance with the monster’s adjusted
Hit Dice. The DM may also create other monsters after becoming Many creatures get a bonus to specific ability checks and/or skill
familiar with the monsters in this book, perhaps basing such monsters checks, such as bonuses to all Wisdom (Perception) checks or
on creatures the DM has read about in works of fantasy or science Dexterity (Stealth) checks. This is in addition to the creature’s usual
fiction. Check Bonus.
Some of the monsters’ names are followed by an asterisk (*). This MORALE: Morale shows the suggested Morale Score. When making
means that magic and special or magic weapons are necessary to Morale Checks, the DM adds the monster’s Check Bonus to the d20
fight the monster. It is recommended that these monsters be used with die roll. If the roll does not equal or exceed the Morale Check DC, the
caution. monster will try to run away or surrender.
ARMOR CLASS: The Armor Class (AC) of each monster is given as a MOVE: Move (short for Movement Rate) gives the number of feet a
number similar to the AC of characters. The number is based on both monster may move in one melee round. Some monsters will have two
the toughness of a monster’s skin or clothing and on the monster’s Movement Rates; the first rate is the speed of the monster when
speed and agility. walking, and the second rate is a special form of movement such as
swimming, flying, or climbing.
ATTACKS: Attacks gives the number and type of attacks which the
monster may make in one round, and shows how much damage NO. APPEARING: Number Appearing, abbreviated as No. Appearing
each attack deals. gives the suggested number of that monster type which will appear
Damage gives a range of points of damage caused if the monster’s when encountered on the same dungeon level as that monster’s Hit
attacks are successful. When a monster can make several attacks in Dice (or monster level).
one round, the attacks and damages are given in the same order. Example: If a monster has 3+1 Hit Dice and the Number Appearing is
Example: “Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, 1-4, 1-4, 2-12” means that the 1-6, then 1d6 of those monsters may be commonly encountered on
monster’s claw attacks may each do 1-4 (1d4) points of damage, and the 3rd dungeon level. When the same monster is met on levels
the bite may cause 2-12 points (2d6) points of damage if successful. greater than the monster’s level, more monsters should be
encountered or when encountered on levels less than the monster’s
When a monster makes a successful attack, the DM should roll dice level, fewer monsters should be found.
corresponding to the damage range to determine the damage done
(i.e., 3-18 = 3d6). Special attacks may also be listed under damage, such Example: If the 3+1 Hit Dice monsters mentioned above are
as poison, petrification (turn to stone), paralysis, energy drain, and so on. encountered on the 1st dungeon level, only 1-2 or 1-3 might be
encountered. On the 5th level, 2-12 or 2-16 of the monsters might be
DARKVISION: All non-human monsters have Darkvision and may see up found. The exact number is left to the DM’s choice.
to 60’ away in darkness. Darkvision is black and white only but otherwise The number given in parentheses after the Number Appearing is the
like normal sight. Darkvision does not grant the ability to see in magical suggested number (if any) of that monster which might be met in the
darkness but negates penalties for naturally dim or dark areas. monster’s lair (home) or in the wilderness.
HIT DICE: Hit Dice gives the number of eight-sided dice (d8) to be used Monster lairs in wilderness will usually be 5 times the number normally
to determine a monster’s Hit Points, as well as any adjustments to the met in dungeons. A “0” given as the Number Appearing means that
Hit Points (+ or -). the monster will not usually be found in a dungeon (or wilderness, for
Example: To determine the Hit Points of a monster with 3+1 Hit Dice, roll a “0” in parentheses).
3d8 and add 1 to the total. The DM will always use eight-sided dice to SPECIAL ATTACKS: Some notes on the special attacks of each
find a monster’s Hit Points. creature follow:
“Hit Dice” also represents the level of the monster and the dungeon Acid: This is a special attack used by gray oozes and ochre jellies. A hit
level on which it is most commonly found. In general, a monster’s level scored against the character’s Armor Class means that the acid has
equals its number of Hit Dice, ignoring any pluses or minuses. reached the skin. The acid damage will be determined (no longer
Example: A monster with 3+1 Hit Dice is a third level monster and is needing a roll “to hit”) for as long as the character stays in contact
most commonly found on the 3rd level of any dungeon. with the monster, and until the acid is washed off (with water or wine).
Acid attacks will destroy non-magical armor in a number of rounds
Note: If a monster has several special powers, the DM may consider it
given in the creature’s description.
one or two levels greater than its Hit Dice.
A black dragon’s acid breath weapon is different and causes
A monster’s level is only a guide, and a monster could be found
damage for only one round per breath and then it is neutralized. It
anywhere in a dungeon, whatever the level. However, as a general
does ½ damage if the Dexterity Saving Throw is made, and armor will
rule, it is useful to limit monsters to 2 dungeon levels higher or lower
only be destroyed if the character dies.
than their Hit Dice. When monsters are encountered on dungeon
levels less than the monsters’ level, there should be fewer monsters Charge: When a creature rushes into melee combat this is called a
than normal. And when monsters are met on dungeon levels greater charge. A charge cannot be made after the opponents have closed
than the monsters’ level, there should be more monsters than normal. to melee range, nor can it be made in forest, mountain, jungle,
swamp, or rough terrain which prevents running. The charging
Example: A 4th level monster might be found anywhere in dungeon
creature must move at least 30 feet in a melee round.
levels 2 through 6, but it is not likely to be found on the 1st or 7th levels
except one at a time (on the 1st level) or in large numbers (on the 7th A successful charge attack by a creature with large horns or tusks does
level or below). double damage to an opponent.
Characters can set a spear or pole arm, by bracing it against the A swallowed creature will take the given amount of damage each
ground, if they have initiative over the creature, and set the weapon round until either the character or the monster dies. A swallowed
on their action. Hits on charging creatures by braced spears or pole creature with an edged weapon may attack the creature from inside,
arms do double damage. with a -4 penalty on its attack rolls.
Charm: A character who fails its Charisma Saving Throw from a charm Being swallowed may have other effects, depending on the monster
attack (such as from a harpy) is unable to make any decisions. A (paralysis, loss of consciousness, etc.). In 1d6 hours after death, the
charmed character will be unable to attack or harm the charming victim will be completely digested and not recoverable.
monster in any way, and will obey simple commands the monster Swoop: This is a diving attack, used by certain flying monsters. If the
makes, if understood (if the monster speaks Common or if the flier has surprise, the swoop attack does double damage.
character can understand the monster’s language).
Swoop attacks cannot be attempted against opponents hidden by
If a charmed character cannot understand a monster, he or she will cover. In addition, on a roll of that beats the target’s Armor Class by 5
try to keep that monster safe from harm. Charmed characters are too or more points, the target is grasped by the creature. If smaller than
confused to use any spells or magic items. The death of the charming the swooping creature, the monster will try to carry the target away.
monster will usually break this type of charm. (A charm may be If the character is too heavy, the monster will release him or her and
magically dispelled.) attack normally the next round.
Continuous Damage: Certain attacks (constriction, blood drain, Trample: This attack is an attempt by a monster to use its superior size
swallow, etc.) will automatically continue to do damage after the first and weight to crush an opponent. Creatures with a trample attack
hit is scored. Usually, the monster must be killed to rescue the victim. have a 75% chance per round of using it, and a 25% chance of using
Disease: When a character takes damage from the natural attack of a different attack. Trample attacks add +4 to a monster’s attack rolls
a diseased creature, rests in a disease-ridden area, or ingests diseased against smaller creatures but allow those targets the take parting shots
food he or she must make a Constitution Saving Throw in order to avoid as they pass.
its ill effects. The DM may wish to allow herds of 20 or more normal animals, such as
The DC of the Constitution save is usually 10 + ½ of the Hit Dice of the horses, to stampede and trample. A herd will cause 1-20 points of
monster. Unless otherwise noted, a diseased character is sickened. damage when trampling.
Sickened creatures suffer a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity
checks, as well as attack and damage rolls, and take a -2 penalty to SPECIAL DEFENSES: Some monsters that are enchanted, magical in
their Armor Class. The Movement Rate of sickened creatures is nature, or have special abilities will often have immunities or resistance
reduced by half. to certain types of attacks, as noted in their description.
Energy Drain: A successful hit by a wight will drain energy from the Damage Resistance and Vulnerability: Some creatures and objects
victim unless it makes a Constitution Saving Throw. Each Energy Drain are exceedingly difficult or unusually easy to hurt with certain types of
will destroy one level of experience of a character, or one Hit Die of a damage. If a creature or an object has resistance to a damage type,
monster. Some Energy Drain attacks drain one or more ability scores, damage of that type is halved against it. If a creature or an object has
rather than levels of experience. vulnerability to a damage type, damage of that type is doubled
against it.
Unless specified, assume that the DC of the Constitution save is 10 + ½
of the Hit Dice of the monster. Both resistance and vulnerability are applied after all other modifiers
to damage. Multiple instances of resistance or vulnerability that affect
The creature drained of energy loses all the benefits (attack level, the same damage type count as only one instance.
saving throws, spells, etc.) of the former level. This effect cannot be
cure with any magic short of a Restore spell. Immunities: Many creatures are immune to one or more forms of
attack. A creature with immunity to a particular effect cannot be
Gaze Attacks: Monsters with a gaze attack, such as the basilisk, have harmed or otherwise hindered by such effects. Examples of immunities
the power to affect an opponent simply by making eye contact. This include, but are not limited to immunity to disease, Charm spells, fear,
makes these creatures incredibly dangerous, for the slightest glance ghoul’s paralysis, normal weapons (see Weapon Immunity below),
can cause great harm. poison, or Sleep spells.
Characters who look directly at such creatures in order to attack Plant creatures, for example, are immune to Charm spells (except for
them, or those who are surprised by the creature, automatically meet Charm Plants) and fear. Undead and animated creatures, for
the creature’s gaze. These unfortunate characters must make a example, are immune to disease, Charm spells, fear, energy drain,
Wisdom Saving Throw to avoid the effects of the creature’s gaze paralysis, and poison. Creatures with innate poison or disease attacks
attack. Such attackers undergo the gaze attack each round they are immune to the harmful effects of their own poison or disease.
Regeneration: Creatures with this ability recover from wounds quickly.
Unless specified, assume that the DC of the Constitution save is 10 + ½ Damage dealt to the creature heals at a fixed rate per round, as given
of the Hit Dice of the monster. in the creature’s entry. Certain attack forms, typically fire and acid,
Blind-folded characters are immune to these attacks but suffer the deal damage to the creature that cannot be healed through
penalties for being blinded (see page 82). regeneration. Such damage must be healed naturally.
Paralysis: When a character is hit by a paralyzing attack and that A regenerating creature that has been rendered unconscious must be
character fails his or her Strength Saving Throw, the character is burned or immersed in acid in order to be killed, as creatures with
“frozen” and unable to do anything, but is not dead. The character regeneration can regrow lost portions of their bodies and can
remains fully aware of things happening in the area, but is unable to reattach severed limbs or body parts. Severed parts die if they are not
do anything that requires movement (speaking, spell casting, and so reattached.
forth) until the paralysis wears off. Unless specified, assume that the DC Weapon Immunity: Some monsters, particularly lycanthropes and
of the Strength save is 10 + ½ of the Hit Dice of the monster. powerful undead such as vampires, are immune to normal weapons.
Unless otherwise stated, paralysis will last for 2-8 (2d4) turns. A Remove Special weapon requirements are listed in the monster descriptions as
Paralysis spell will remove paralysis. Any attacks on a paralyzed “silver or magic weapons to hit” or something along those lines. The
creature will automatically hit (only a roll for damage is necessary). listed weapon type must be used to damage the monster. Magical
Paralysis itself has no permanent effects of any kind. weapons are of greater power than silver weapons and, as such, can
strike creatures that normally can be hit by only silver weapons.
Poison: Poison is the bane of all characters. If a character is hit with a
poisoned attack and misses his or her Constitution Saving Throw, the Even creatures that are immune to certain weapons can be affected
character will usually die. A Neutralize Poison spell cast within 1 minute by magical spells, unless a specific immunity to a spell or group of spells
(6 rounds) of the poisoning revives the poisoned character. is listed in the description.
Swallow: This is an attack in which the opponent is swallowed whole. When a creature is hit by a weapon to which it is immune, the attack
This attack always succeeds on a “to hit” roll of 20, if the attack is made appears to leave a visible wound. However, no points of damage are
against a smaller creature. inflicted.
Example: A vampire strides across the banquet hall toward Morgan The ankheg resembles an enormous many-legged worm. Its six legs
Ironwolf and her fellow adventurers. Fearfully, they fire a volley of end in sharp hooks suitable for burrowing and grasping, and its
arrows at it. powerful mandibles are capable of snapping a small tree in half with
Three arrows hit, but the vampire doesn’t even break his stride. They a single bite. A tough chitinous shell, usually brown or yellow, covers its
watch, aghast, as he disdainfully plucks the arrows from his body. body.
Just as he closes with them, Morgan swings and hits him with her
magical longsword. The vampire’s smug look of overconfidence is
transformed to one of snarling rage as he realizes with a shock that
one of these sniveling humans has hurt him!
The DM may want to allow other attacks to hit such creatures in two
First, attacks by other “unhittable” creatures may be allowed (for
example, a lycanthrope could attack a wight).
Second, attacks by monsters with more than 4 or more Hit Dice may
be allowed (e.g., an owlbear could attack a wererat).
TREASURE TYPE: Treasure Type gives the letter of the treasure type
which can then be used to determine any treasure in the monster’s
possession, using the Treasure Types table on page 148. The ankheg’s preferred attack method is to lie below the surface of
the ground until its antennae detect the approach of a victim. It then
Not all monsters have treasure! Unintelligent animals rarely have burrows up beneath the victim attempts to grapple with its mandibles.
treasure, through some animals might collect bright shiny objects, and
any meat-eating creature might have recently killed someone who Those bitten by an ankheg must make a DC 14 Strength check or be
was carrying treasure. In general, treasure is usually found in a grappled. Once grappled, the ankheg automatically deals its bite
monster’s lair (home). Wandering monsters are therefore less likely to damage each round while secreting acidic digestive enzymes to
be carrying treasure than monsters which have nearby lairs. cause an additional 1d4 points of damage per round.
Alignment shows whether the monster is Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic. Antelope (Herd Animals)
Unintelligent animals are usually Neutral. The DM should be careful to
play the alignment of each monster correctly. Only the intelligent Armor Class: 13 No. Appearing: 0 (3-30)
monsters can speak an alignment language. Hit Dice: Variable, 1-4 Morale Score: 6
Check Bonus: Variable, 0-2 Treasure Type: Nil
Move: 80’ Alignment: Neutral
Monster Descriptions
Attacks: 1 butt, 1-4 or 1-6 or 1-8 damage
Aerial Servant* Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defenses: Nil
Armor Class: 17 No. Appearing: 1
Hit Dice: 3* Morale Score: 16 This category includes most wild, grazing creatures such as deer, wild
Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: Nil oxen, moose, elk, goats, and caribou. At least one species will be
Move: 120’ flight Alignment: Neutral encountered in any given climate. The number of Hit Dice the
creature has and the amount of damage it does depends on its size.
Attacks: 1 bash, 2-20 damage Deer, antelope, and goats typically have 1 or 2 Hit Dice; caribou and
Special Attacks: Invisibility, +10 to Strength (Grapple) checks oxen have 3 Hit Dice, while elk and moose may have up to 4.
Special Defenses: Magic weapons to hit
Only males have a butt attack. If more than 2 creatures are
This creature is a form of air elemental native to the Elemental Plane encountered, there will be 1 male per 4 creatures, with the remainder
of Air, as well as the Ethereal and Astral Planes, and can be summoned being females and young. The young will have ½ of the normal Hit
to the Prime Material Plane by clerics. Aerial servants try to avoid Points, but the males will have 1-4 extra Hit Points. Females and young
combat on their native planes. will flee from trouble while the males protect them.
Normally invisible, if seen on their home plane, they resemble legless
humanoids of sparkling blue smoke, with empty eyes, a slash for a
mouth, and long, four-fingered hands. Due to their invisibility, they are
usually only detected when they attack or if heard, gaining a +8 bonus
to all Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
A cleric who summons an aerial servant will be attacked unless
warded with a Protection from Evil spell, because the servants resent
being summoned. Otherwise, the servant will complete any duty for
the cleric, except fighting, as fast as possible. If the servant is
prevented from completing its mission, it goes insane and returns to kill
the summoning cleric.
Animal; Normal and Giant: see Antelope (Herd Animals), Ape, Bat,
Bear, Boar, Camel, Cat, Elephant, Ferret, Hawk, Horse, Prehistoric, Rat,
Rhinoceros, Rock Baboon, Shrew, Weasel, and Wolf. Ape, White
White apes are not intelligent and sometimes are kept as pets by attacks at + 2. The beast can be safely viewed in a mirror, and
Neanderthals. characters who fight it while looking into a mirror will only have a -2
If creatures approach their lair, the apes will threaten them. If their penalty on their attack rolls. If the basilisk sees itself in a mirror (a 1d6
threats are ignored, they will attack. They may throw one stone per roll of 1 or 2), it must make a saving throw or be turned to stone! There
round, at up to 30’, for 1d6 points of damage. must be light close by for mirrors to be used, and using a mirror prevents
the effective use of a shield.
Armor Class: 20 No. Appearing: 1 (1) Bats are nocturnal flying mammals.
Hit Dice: 7** Morale Score: 18 They often live in caves or
Check Bonus: 3 Treasure Type: Nil (D) abandoned buildings.
Move: 50’ flight Alignment: Chaotic
They don’t use their eyes to see but
Attacks: 1 claw, 1-8 damage find their way about by
Special Attacks: Fear, keening wail echolocation (a type of radar using
Special Defenses: Magical weapons to hit, undead immunities hearing and echoes to locate
The banshee or groaning spirit, is the spirit of an evil female elf - a rare
thing indeed. The hair of a groaning spirit is wild and unkempt. Her Since they don’t use their eyes, spells
dress is usually tattered or abilities which depend on sight to
rags. Banshees hate the affect their victims will not work on
living, finding their bats. A Silence 15’ Radius spell will
presence painful, and seek effectively blind a bat.
to harm whomever they
meet. Bat, Normal
Black bears have black fur and stand about 6’ tall. They are Giant fire beetles are 2’ long creatures often found below ground.
omnivorous (will eat almost anything), but prefer roots and berries. A They are nocturnal, but may be active underground at any time. A fire
black bear will not usually attack unless it is cornered and cannot beetle has two glowing glands above its eyes and one near the back
escape. Adult black bears will fight to the death to protect their of its abdomen. These glands give off light in a 10’ radius, and will
young. They have been known to raid camps, seeking food. They are continue to glow for 1-6 days after they are removed.
especially fond of such treats as fresh fish and sweets.
Beetle. Giant Oil
Bear, Cave
Armor Class: 16 No. Appearing: 1-8 (2-12)
Armor Class: 15 No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-2) Hit Dice: 2* Morale Score: 13
Hit Dice: 7 Morale Score: 16 Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
Check Bonus: 3 Treasure Type: V Move: 40’ Alignment: Neutral
Move: 40’ Alignment: Neutral
Attacks: 1 bite, 1-6 damage
Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, 1-8, 1-8, 2-12 damage Special Attacks: Oil spray
Special Attacks: Bear hug, 2-12 damage Special Defenses: Nil
Special Defenses: Nil
A cave bear is a type of giant grizzly bear which lives in caves and Giant oil beetles are 3’ long giant beetles that sometimes burrow
“lost world” areas. It stands about 15’ tall and is the most ferocious of underground.
all the bears. Though omnivorous, a cave bear prefers meat, and When attacked, they will squirt an oily fluid at one of their attackers
enjoys human flesh. Cave bears have bad eyesight but a good sense within 10’. If the oil hits it will raise painful blisters, causing the victim to
of smell. If hungry, they will follow a track of blood until they have fight with a penalty of -2 on his or her “to hit” rolls until magical healing
eaten. of any kind is administered or until 24 hours have passed. Oil beetles
can also attack with their mandibles (horned jaws).
Bear, Grizzly
Beetle, Giant Tiger
Armor Class: 15 No. Appearing: 1 (1-4)
Hit Dice: 5 Morale Score: 14 Armor Class: 17 No. Appearing: 1-6 (2-8)
Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: U Hit Dice: 3+1 Morale Score: 16
Move: 40’ Alignment: Neutral Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: U
Move: 50’ Alignment: Neutral
Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, 1-4, 1-4, 1-8 damage
Special Attacks: Bear hug, 1-8 damage Attacks: 1 bite, 2-12 damage
Special Defenses: Nil Special Attacks: Nil
Grizzly bears have silver-tipped brown or reddish brown fur, and stand Special Defenses: Nil
about 9’ tall. They are fond of meat and are much more likely to Tiger beetles are 4’ long giant beetles with a striped carapace (a shell-
attack than black bears. Grizzlies are found in most climates, but are like covering) which looks like a tiger’s skin. They are carnivorous
most common in mountains and forests. (meat-eaters) and usually prey on robber flies. They have been known
to attack and eat humans, crushing them with their powerful
Bear, Polar mandibles.
Armor Class: 14 No. Appearing: 1 (1-2)
Hit Dice: 6 Morale Score: 14 Beholder
Check Bonus: 3 Treasure Type: U Armor Class: 17 No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Move: 40’, 30’ swim Alignment: Neutral Hit Dice: 12** Morale Score: 18
Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, 1-6, 1-6, 1-10 damage Check Bonus: 6 Treasure Type: A
Special Attacks: Bear hug, 1-10 damage Move: 50’ flight Alignment: Chaotic
Special Defenses: Resistant to cold Attacks: 1 bite, 2-8 damage
Polar bears have white fur and stand about 11’ tall. They live in cold Special Attacks: Spell use
regions. They usually eat fish, but are as likely to attack as grizzly bears. Special Defenses: Anti-magic cone
These huge bears are good swimmers, and their wide feet allow them
The beholder is the stuff of nightmares. This creature appears as a large
to run across snow without sinking.
orb dominated by a central eye and a large toothy maw, with 10
smaller eyes on stalks sprouting from the top of the orb.
Eye Function Boar
1 Charm Person (as spell)
2 Charm Monster (as spell) Armor Class: 13 No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-6)
3 Sleep (as spell, but only one target) Hit Dice: 3 Morale Score: 16
4 Telekinesis (240-pound weight) Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
5 Flesh to Stone (as spell, 100’ range) Move: 50’ Alignment: Neutral
6 Disintegrate (as the spell, 60’ range) Attacks: 1 tusk, 2-8 damage
7 Cause Fear (as spell) Special Attacks: Nil
8 Slow (as spell, but only a single target) Special Defenses: Nil
9 Cause Serious Wounds (150’ range)
10 Death Ray (as Death Spell, single target, 100’ range) Wild boars generally prefer forested areas, but can be found nearly
everywhere. They are omnivorous (eating almost anything), and have
When the beholder loses ½ of its Hit Points, it central eye ceases extremely nasty tempers when disturbed.
functioning. Any attack roll of a “natural 20” against the beholder
means that one of its eye stalks is destroyed. Brownie
Bugbears are giant, Large-sized, hairy goblins. Despite their 7’ height bullywugs attack with their hop, which can be up to 30 feet forward
and awkward walk, they move very quietly and attack without and 15 feet upward. When attacking with a hop, bullywugs add a +1
warning whenever they can. bonus to their attack rolls, and double the damage if using a spear.
When using weapons, they get an additional +1 to all attack and Bullywugs have their own language and the more intelligent ones can
damage rolls due to their strength. speak a limited form of the Common tongue.
Cats, Great Tiger, Sabre-Toothed
The great cats are normally cautious and will avoid fights unless forced
by extreme hunger or when trapped with no escape route. Armor Class: 14 No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-4)
Hit Dice: 8 Morale Score: 18
Though they may be found in a relaxed or even playful mood, they Check Bonus: 4 Treasure Type: V
are subject to rapid and violent changes of temper. They often Move: 50’ Alignment: Neutral
develop a fondness for one type of food, and will go out of their way
to hunt that type of prey. Sometimes this taste in food runs to humans Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, 1-8, 1-8, 2-16
or human-like creatures. The great cats will rarely go too deeply into Special Attacks: Nil
caves, preferring to remain within fleeing distance of the wilderness Special Defenses: Stealthy, +4 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks
outside. Despite their shyness they are very inquisitive, and may follow Sabre-tooth tigers are the largest and most ferocious of the great cats.
a party just out of curiosity. They will always chase a fleeing prey. They have oversized fangs, from which they get their name.
Lion Fortunately, sabre-tooth tigers are mostly extinct, except in “lost world”
Armor Class: 14 No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-8)
Hit Dice: 5 Morale Score: 16 Catoblepas
Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: U
Move: 50’ Alignment: Neutral Armor Class: 14 No. Appearing: 0 (1-2)
Hit Dice: 6+3** Morale Score: 16
Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, 2-5, 2-5, 1-10 Check Bonus: 3 Treasure Type: Nil
Special Attacks: Nil Move: 30’ Alignment: Neutral
Special Defenses: Nil
Attacks: 1 tail smash, 1-6 plus stun
Lions generally live in warm climates, and thrive in savannah and brush Special Attacks: Death gaze
lands near deserts. They usually hunt in groups known as prides. Special Defenses: Nil
They are herbivorous (eating Centipede, Giant
plants) and also eat fungus
such as yellow mold and Armor Class: 10 No. Appearing: 2-8 (1-8)
shriekers. Because of this Hit Dice: ½* Morale Score: 10
they cannot be harmed by Check Bonus: 0 Treasure Type: Nil
yellow mold. They are also Move: 20’ Alignment: Neutral
not harmed by most poisons. Attacks: 1 bite, poison
They are very nervous and Special Attacks: Poison, see text
will flee most of the time Special Defenses: Nil
rather than fight. They flee Giant centipedes are insects with
by jumping up to 60’ away. 1’ long bodies and many legs.
Unfortunately, their sense of They like to live in damp, dark
direction is not too good, places.
and they frequently
accidentally jump into a Their bite does no damage, but
party. If they jump towards the victim must make a DC 10
the party (50% chance) a character is determined randomly and an CON save or become sickened
attack roll is made. If the locust hits a character, that character takes for 10 days.
1-4 points of damage from being battered by the insect. The locust will Sickened creatures suffer a -2
then fly away. penalty to Strength and Dexterity
When frightened or attacked cave locusts make a loud shrieking noise checks, as well as attack and
to warn their fellows. This shriek has a 20% chance per round of damage rolls, and take a -2
attracting wandering monsters to investigate. penalty to their Armor Class. The
Movement Rate of sickened
If cornered, a cave locust will spit a brown gooey substance up to 10’. creatures is reduced by half.
To hit a character the locust needs to make an attack against Armor
Class 10. A character hit by cave locust spittle must DC 12 Constitution Chimera
Saving Throw against poison or be sickened for 10 minutes due to the
awful smell. Sickened creatures suffer a -2 penalty to Strength and Armor Class: 16 No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-4)
Dexterity checks, as well as attack and damage rolls, and take a -2 Hit Dice: 9** Morale Score: 16
penalty to their Armor Class. The Movement Rate of sickened Check Bonus: 4 Treasure Type: F
creatures is reduced by half. Move: 40’, 60’ flight Alignment: Chaotic
After this time, he or she will be used to the smell, but any character Attacks: 2 claws, 1 or 2 bites, 1 gore, 1-3, 1-3, 2-8, 2-8, 3-12
approaching within 5’ of him or her must also save or be violently ill. Special Attacks: Breath weapon, 3-18
This effect will last until the spittle is washed off. Special Defenses: Nil
When a cloaker strikes at its Crab, Giant
victim, it moves with
blinding speed. Without Armor Class: 18 No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-6)
warning, the cloaker flies at Hit Dice: 3* Morale Score: 13
its target and, if its Strength Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
check is successful (the Move: 20’ Alignment: Neutral
cloaker gets a +6 to this roll), Attacks: 2 pincers, 2-12, 2-12
it engulfs its prey within its Special Attacks: Nil
folds. Engulfed creatures Special Defenses: Nil
are bitten, automatically
taking 2d4 damage each Unable to swim, giant crabs are found on the bottom of shallow
round, until they escape. waters, in coastal rivers and on beaches, and in salt or fresh water.
the cloaker is slain, or it flees. They are always hungry and will attack anything that moves. Giant
crabs are not intelligent.
While it is devouring its
chosen victim, the cloaker Crocodiles
uses its two tail attacks to Crocodiles are commonly found in tropical and semi-tropical swamps
inflict 1d6 points of slashing or in slow-moving rivers.
damage on those who
move in to help rescue the
captive. Any attacks made
on the cloaker inflict half
their damage to the cloaker and the other half to the trapped victim.
The cloaker can also emit a special subsonic moan of increasing
intensities. Although this power is blocked by stone or other dense
materials, it can be very effective in an open chamber. Cloakers may
not moan and bite during the same round, though a Silence 15’ Radius Awkward on land, they do not stray far from water and will spend
spell negates the cloaker’s moaning. A cloaker may emit one of four hours floating barely under the surface. If hungry, crocodiles will
types of moan each round: attack creatures in the water. They are particularly attracted to the
smell of blood or violent thrashing of the water.
• Pain: Living creatures within 60’ must make a DC 13 Wisdom save
or suffer a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls. Crocodile
• Fear: Living creatures within 30’ must make a DC 13 Charisma save Armor Class: 15 No. Appearing: 0 (1-8)
or flee in terror for 2d6 rounds. Hit Dice: 2 Morale Score: 13
• Nausea: Living creatures within 30’ must make a DC 13 Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
Constitution save or be sickened for 2d6 rounds. Sickened Move: 30’, 30’ swim Alignment: Neutral
creatures suffer a -2 penalty to all Strength and Dexterity checks,
as well as attack and damage rolls, and take a -2 penalty to their Attacks: 1 bite, 1-8
Armor Class. The Movement Rate of sickened creatures is reduced Special Attacks: Nil
by half. Special Defenses: Nil
• Hold Person: One creature within 30’ must make a DC 13 Strength Crocodile, Giant
save or be paralyzed, as per the Hold Person spell, for 10 rounds.
Armor Class: 15 No. Appearing: 0 (1-3)
Cloakers also have the power to manipulate shadows. They can use Hit Dice: 15 Morale Score: 16
this to cast Mirror Image or a shadowy version of Fog Cloud. Either Check Bonus: 7 Treasure Type: Nil
may be cast once per day, with a duration of 1 minute. A Light spell Move: 30’, 30’ swim Alignment: Neutral
cast directly at a specific cloaker negates either spell.
Attacks: 1 bite, 3-24
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defenses: Nil
Giant crocodiles are normally found only in “lost worlds” where
prehistoric creatures thrive. They are over 50’ long and have been
known to attack small boats or ships.
Crocodile, Large
However, its small size and single attack disguises its greatest danger - Attacks: 1 weapon, by weapon
any character touched by a cockatrice must make a DC 12 Wisdom Special Attacks: Hurl rocks, see text
Saving Throw or be turned to stone. Special Defenses: Nil
A cyclops is a rare type of A djinni can perform any of its seven powers three times a day. These
giant, noted for its great powers are: Create Food and Drink, temporarily create up to 100
size and the single eye in pounds of metal objects (duration varies with hardness - gold, 1 day;
the center of its forehead. iron, one round), create up to 100 pounds of soft goods and wooden
A cyclops is about 20’ tall. It objects (permanent), become invisible, assume gaseous form, or form
has poor depth perception, itself into a whirlwind.
due to its single eye, and In addition, a djinni can cast an improved version Phantasmal Force
strikes with a -2 penalty on (DC 13) at will. The djinni need not concentrate to maintain this,
all missile attack rolls. though it will disappear if touched or magically dispelled.
A cyclops will usually fight Djinn have two forms of attack. A djinni can form itself into a whirlwind
with a wooden club that (70’ tall, 20’ diameter at the top, 10’ diameter at base) that moves 40’
deals 3-30 points of per round. The djinni requires 3
damage. A cyclops can rounds to enter or leave
throw rocks (40’ close whirlwind form. The djinni-
range) that deal 3-18 (3d6) whirlwind will do 2-12 points of
points of damage to any damage to all in its path and will
creature struck. sweep aside all creatures with
Some cyclops (5%} can fewer than 2 Hit Dice who do not
cast Curse (DC 16) once a make a DC 13 Dexterity Saving
week. The DM should Throw.
decide the exact nature of When not in whirlwind form, a
the curse. djinni strikes once per round with
A cyclops usually lives its fists, for 2-16 points of
alone, though a small group may sometimes share a large cave. They damage. If a djinni is slain, it
spend their time raising sheep and growing crops. Cyclopes are returns to its own plane.
known for their stupidity, and a clever party can often escape from A djinni can carry 600 pounds
them by trickery. without tiring. Up to 1,200 pounds
can be carried for up to 30
Displacer Beast minutes while walking or for 10
Armor Class: 16 No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-4) minutes while flying. Afterwards,
Hit Dice: 6* Morale Score: 13 a djinni must rest for 10 minutes.
Check Bonus: 3 Treasure Type: D
Move: 50’ Alignment: Neutral Doppleganger
Attacks: 2 tentacles, 2-8, 2-8 Armor Class: 15 No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-6)
Special Attacks: Displacement Hit Dice: 4* Morale Score: 16
Special Defenses: Displacement Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: E
Move: 30’ Alignment: Chaotic
A displacer beast looks
like a large black Attacks: 1 fist, 1-12
panther with six legs and Special Attacks: Nil
a pair of tentacles Special Defenses: Immune to sleep and charm, +3 to all saves
growing from its These man-sized, shape-changing creatures are intelligent and evil. A
shoulders. It attacks with doppleganger is able to shape itself into the exact form of any human-
these tentacles, which like creature (up to 7’ tall) it sees.
have sharp horn-like
edges. Once in the form of the person it is imitating, it will always attack that
person. Its favorite trick is to kill the original person in some way without
A displacer beast the party knowing. Then, in the role of that individual, it will attack the
always appears to be 3’ others by surprise, often when the party is already engaged in
from its actual position, combat.
making the creature
hard to hit. It gets a +2 to Sleep and Charm spells do not affect dopplegangers and they get a
Armor Class against any +3 bonus to all Saving Throws (for a total save bonus of +5) due to their
foe without True Seeing. highly magical nature. When killed, a doppleganger will turn back into
The displacer beast also its original form.
receives a + 2 bonus on all Dexterity Saving Throws and a +2 bonus to
all attack rolls versus foes without True Seeing. Dragons
Dragons are a very old race of huge, winged lizards. They like to live in
They are semi-intelligent. Displacer beasts hate and fear blink dogs, isolated, out-of-the-way places where few people are found. Though
and will always attack them and anyone traveling with them. the color of their scaly hide (their “color”) makes dragons look
different, they all have quite a few things in common: they are all
Djinni (Lesser)* hatched from eggs, are meat eaters, have breath weapons, have a
Armor Class: 16 No. Appearing: 1 (1) great love of treasure, and will do everything possible to save their own
Hit Dice: 7+1** Morale Score: 18 lives, including surrender.
Check Bonus: 3 Treasure Type: Nil Dragons are proud of their long history (some of them live hundreds or
Move: 30’, 80’ flight Alignment: Neutral thousands of years), and because of this they tend to think less of the
younger races (such as humans). Chaotic dragons might capture
Attacks: 1 fist or whirlwind, 2-16 or 2-12
humans, but will usually kill and eat them immediately. Neutral dragons
Special Attacks: Nil
might either attack or ignore a party completely. Lawful dragons,
Special Defenses: +4 to all Saving Throws, spell use
however, may actually help a party if the players are truly worthy of
The djinn are intelligent, free-willed air elementals. They appear as tall,
this great honor. When playing a dragon, a DM should keep in mind
human-like beings, surrounded by clouds. Djinn are highly magical in
that, because of its pride, even the hungriest dragon will pause and
nature and get a +4 bonus to all Saving Throws (for a total Saving
listen to flattery (if no one is attacking it, and if it understands the
Throw bonus of +7). They can only be harmed by magic or magical
language of the speaker).
Dragons are extremely powerful monsters and should be used with
caution when encountered by low level player characters. It is
recommended that, until characters reach the fourth level of Example: The area of effect of a white dragon’s breath is a cone 80’
experience, that only the youngest and smallest dragons be used by long and 30’ wide at its far end.
the DM. A line-shaped breath starts in the dragon’s mouth and extends out
Breath weapons, treasure, and surrender (subduing a dragon) are all towards its victim in a straight line that is 5’ wide.
explained below. A cloud-shaped breath billows forth from the dragon’s mouth to form
Age: The statistics given are for an average-sized dragon of its type. a 20’ radius spherical cloud around the dragon’s targets directly in
Younger dragons are smaller and have acquired less treasure; older front of it.
dragons are larger and have acquired more. Dragons generally range Anyone caught within the area of effect of a dragon’s breath
in size from 3 Hit Dice smaller to 3 Hit Dice larger than average. For weapon may make a Dexterity Saving Throw. The DC of this equals 10
example, red dragons could be found having 7 to 13 Hit Dice, plus ½ of the dragon’s Hit Dice. A successful saving throw means that
depending on their age. the victim takes only ½ damage from the breath weapon.
Buffet: Dragons can create a buffeting wind with their massive wings. The exception to this is for gaseous cloud breath weapons. Cloud
All creatures standing in front of the dragon, and within 30’, must make breath weapons are resisted with a Saving Throw specified in each
a Strength Saving Throw (DC 10 + ½ of the dragon’s Hit Dice). Those dragon’s description.
who fail this save are knocked prone and take 1d6 points of damage.
This attack is used in place of its claw attacks. Gold dragon cannot
make this attack, as they have no wings.
Black Dragon Blue Dragon Green Dragon Red Dragon White Dragon
Brass Dragon Bronze Dragon Copper Dragon Gold Dragon Silver Dragon
Chromatic Dragons Red Dragon: A red dragon’s breath weapon is a searing cone of fire.
Black Blue Green Red White They have a 50% chance of talking. Those that speak may cast three
Armor Class: 18 20 19 21 17 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells per day.
Hit Dice: 7** 9** 8** 10** 6** Red dragons can be found on great hills or on soaring mountains. They
Check Bonus: 3 4 3 5 3 prefer to lair in large caves that extend deep into the earth. Red
Move: 30’, 30’, 30’, 30’, 30’, dragons are the most covetous and greedy of all dragons, forever
80’ flight 80’ flight80’ flight 80’ flight 80’ flight seeking to increase their treasure hoards. They are exceptionally vain
No. Appearing: 1 (1-4) 1 (1-4) 1 (1-4) 1 (1-4) 1 (1-4) and self-confident, considering themselves superior not only to other
Chance Sleeping: 40% 20% 30% 10% 50% dragons, but to all other life in general.
Morale Score: 13 16 16 18 13
White Dragon: A white dragon’s breath weapon is a come of frost.
Treasure Type: H H H H H
They have a 10% chance of talking. Those that speak may cast three
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic
1st level spells per day.
Attacks: 2 claws, 2 claws, 2 claws, 2 claws, 2 claws,
1 bite 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite White dragons live in chilly or cold regions, preferring lands where the
Damage: 2-5, 2-5, 2-7, 2-7, 1-6, 1-6, 1-8, 1-8, 1-4, 1-4, temperature rarely rises above freezing and ice and snow always
2-20 3-30 3-24 3-30 2-16 cover the ground. White dragons, the smallest and weakest of the evil
Special Attacks: Breath Breath Breath Breath Breath dragons, are slow-witted but efficient hunters.
weapon, weapon, weapon, weapon, weapon,
buffet, buffet, buffet, buffet, buffet, Metallic Dragons
tail slap tail slap tail slap tail slap tail slap Brass Bronze Copper Gold Silver
Breath Type: Acid Lightning Chlorine Fire Cold Armor Class: 19 20 18 22 21
gas Hit Dice: 7** 9** 8** 10** 9**
Breath Shape: 60’ 100’ 20’ radius 90’ 80’ Check Bonus: 3 4 3 3 3
line line cloud cone cone Move: 30’, 30’, 30’, 30’, 30’,
Special Defenses: Resist Resist Resist Resist Resist 80’ flight80’ flight 80’ flight 80’ flight 80’ flight
acid lightning poison fire cold No. Appearing: 1 (1-4) 1 (1-4) 1 (1-4) 1 (1-4) 1 (1-4)
Black Dragon: Black dragons shoot forth a 5’ wide and 60’ long stream Sleeping: 20% 10% 20% 5% 10%
of acid from their maw. Black dragons are abusive, quick to anger, Morale Score: 16 18 18 18 16
and resent intrusions of any kind. They have a 20% chance of talking. Treasure Type: H H H H H
Those that speak may cast four 1st level spells per day. Alignment: Neutral Lawful Neutral Lawful Lawful
Attacks: 2 claws, 2 claws, 2 claws, 2 claws, 2 claws,
They like dismal surroundings, heavy vegetation, and prefer darkness 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite
to daylight. Black dragons prefer to ambush their targets. Damage: 2-5, 2-5, 2-7, 2-7, 1-6, 1-6, 2-8, 2-8, 1-8, 1-8,
Blue Dragon: Blue dragons release an arc of lightning, 100’ long and 2-20 3-30 3-24 6-36 3-30
5’ wide, from their mouth. They have a 40% chance of speaking. Special Attacks: Breath Breath Breath Breath Breath
Those that speak may cast four 1st and 2nd level spells per day. weapon, weapon, weapon, weapon, weapon,
buffet, buffet, buffet, buffet, buffet,
Blue dragons are found in deserts; arid, windswept plains; and hot tail slap tail slap tail slap tail slap tail slap
humid badlands. They prefer to fight from a distance or with surprise. Breath Types: See text Lightning, Acid, Fire, Cold,
Green Dragon: Green dragons bellow out a cloud of chlorine gas as see text see text see text see text
their breath weapons. Those within the cloud may make a CON Saving Breath Shapes: 70’ cone, 100’ line, 100’ line, 90’ cone, 80’ cone,
Throw to take ½ damage. They have a 30% chance of speaking. see text see text see text see text see text
Those that speak may cast three 1st and 2nd level spells per day. Special Defenses: Resist Resist Resist Resist Resist
fire lightning acid fire cold
Green dragons are found in sub-tropical and temperate forests.
Green dragons are bad tempered, mean, cruel, and rude.
Brass Dragon: Brass dragons have two breath weapons: a 70’ long Dragon turtles are so large that sailors have mistakenly anchored on
cone of sleep gas (as the spell) and a cloud of fear gas (as Cause ones floating on the surface, thinking the hard shell to be a small island.
Fear). They are still limited to using their breath weapon thrice per day. Besides its powerful claws and bite, the dragon turtle is also able to use
They have a 40% chance of speaking. Those that speak may cast four a breath weapon. It can breathe a 30’ wide cloud of steam to a
1st and 2nd level spells per day. distance of 90’. This breath weapon will do damage in the same
Brass dragons are found in arid, warm climates, ranging from sandy manner as a dragon’s, inflicting Hit Points of damage equal to the
deserts to dry steppes. They are egotistical and boorish, and any help current Hit Points of the dragon turtle. A DC 25 Dexterity Saving Throw
that they offer usually comes at a price. reduces damage by half.
Bronze Dragons: Bronze dragons, like all metallic dragons, have two Dragon turtles live in great caverns on the bottom of the deepest
breath weapons: a 100’ long line of lightning and a cloud of repulsion oceans, where they keep the treasures of sunken ships. On occasion
gas. Those failing their Wisdom Saving Throw against the gas cannot they will rise under ships, attempting to overturn them and devour the
approach the dragon for 1 minute. They are still limited to using their occupants.
breath weapon thrice per day. They have a 50% chance of talking. Note: Dragon turtles are extremely powerful creatures that should not
Those that speak may cast three 1st level, 2nd level, and 3rd level spells be used unless the player characters are of very high level.
per day.
Bronze dragons like to be near deep fresh or salt water. Bronze Dragonne
dragons are inquisitive and fond of engaging humans and demi- Armor Class: 14 No. Appearing: 1 (1)
humans in conversation and riddle games. Hit Dice: 8* Morale Score: 18
Copper Dragon: Copper dragons use both a 100’ stream of acid or a Check Bonus: 4 Treasure Type: B
cloud of slowing gas (as the reverse of Haste) as breath weapons. They Move: 40’, 30’ flight Alignment: Neutral
are still limited to using their breath weapon thrice per day. They have Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, 1-8, 1-8, 3-18
a 40% chance of speaking. Those that speak may cast four 1st level Special Attacks: Roar
and 2nd level spells per day. Special Defenses: Nil
Like bronze dragons, they enjoy riddles, but also revel in telling jokes Possessing some of the most dangerous qualities of a lion and a brass
and pulling pranks on humans and demi-humans that they meet. They dragon, the dragonne is a vicious and deadly hunter, and a threat to
are sore losers and are both selfish and greedy. Copper dragons like many who travel in warmer climates.
dry, rocky uplands and mountains. They lair in narrow caves and often
conceal the entrances. The dragonne is covered with
thick, brass-colored scales,
Gold Dragon: Gold dragons may breathe either fire (like a red dragon) much like a brass dragon, and
or chlorine gas (like a green dragon), though they still have a total of its mane is much thicker and
3 breath weapon attacks per day. Gold dragons always talk and use made of far coarser hair than a
spells. They may cast four 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells each day. They lion’s. The beast also possesses
can also change their shape, and often appear in the form of a huge claws and fangs, brass-
human or animal. colored wings that stretch from
Gold dragons can live anywhere. Their guarded lairs are secluded and the creature’s shoulders, and
always made of solid stone, either caves or castles. Gold dragons are large eyes, usually brass-colored
wise, judicious, and benevolent. like its scales. Dragonnes do not
have their own language.
Silver Dragon: Silver dragons have both a cone of frost and cloud of Instead, they speak the
paralyzing gas as breath weapons. Those caught in the cloud of gas languages of brass dragons and
must make a Strength Saving Throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. They sphinxes.
still have a total of 3 breath weapon attacks per day.
If a dragonne is in combat with
Silver dragons have a 60% chance of speaking. Those that speak may an especially deadly opponent
cast three 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells each day. They change shape, or is badly wounded, it will use its
like gold dragons. deadly roar. A dragonne’s roar
Silver dragons prefer aerial lairs on secluded mountain peaks amongst causes weakness (due to fear)
the clouds. Silver dragons are kindly and helpful to those in need. in all creatures within 120 feet of
the monster, unless they pass a
Dragon Turtle DC 14 Charisma Saving Throw.
Those creatures that save are
Armor Class: 22 not affected, but those that fail to save suffer a -2 penalty to all
Hit Dice: 30 Strength checks, including Saving Throws, and to all melee attack and
Check Bonus: 15 damage rolls for 2d6 rounds. In addition, those failing a DC 14
Move: 10’, 30’ swim Constitution save are deafened for 1d6 minutes. The dragonne’s roar
No. Appearing: 0 (1) can only be used once every three rounds.
Morale Score: 16
Treasure Type: H Driver Ant
Alignment: Chaotic
Armor Class: 17 No. Appearing: 2-8 (4-24)
Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, Hit Dice: 4* Morale Score: 18, see text
1-8, 1-8, 3-60 Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: U, see text
Special Attacks: Breath Move: 60’ Alignment: Neutral
Special Defenses: Nil Attacks: 1 bite, 1-12
Special Attacks: Nil
Dragon turtles appear to be some Special Defenses: Nil
unusual mixture of a dragon and a
gigantic turtle. They have the Driver ants are giant black ants about 6’ long. They are omnivorous.
head, limbs and tail of a great When hungry, they will devour anything edible in their path. Once
dragon and the hard shell of a engaged in combat, they will fight to the death, even trying to cross
turtle. These creatures live in the flames to reach their opponents.
depths of great oceans and seas, The nest-lair will always be guarded by 4d6 driver ants. There are
seldom surfacing or approaching legends of driver ants mining gold, and there is a 30% chance that a
land. driver ant lair will contain 1d10 thousand gp worth of nuggets.
Giant ferrets look like 3’ long weasels. They hunt giant rats Frog, Giant
underground, and are sometimes trained for this purpose. Armor Class: 13 No. Appearing: 0 (2-8)
Unfortunately, their tempers are highly unpredictable and they have Hit Dice: 3 Morale Score: 12
been known to attack their trainers and other humans. Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
Move: 20’, 45’ swim Alignment: Neutral
Giant Catfish: This chalky white fish is about 15’ long. It has two long
feelers that sprout from each side of its mouth and lurks in the cool
muck of river and lake bottoms, attacking swimmers or things moving Armor Class: 15 No. Appearing: 1-6 (2-8)
on the bottom. Hit Dice: 4* Morale Score: 16
Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: C
Giant Gar: These fish are almost 30’ long and covered with thick
Move: 30’, 50’ flight Alignment: Chaotic
armorlike scales. Gars are vicious fighters. On a roll of 18 or better they
will swallow their prey whole. Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, 1 horn, 1-3, 1-3, 1-6, 1-4
Any character swallowed takes 2-12 points of damage per round and Special Attacks: Nil
must make a DC 15 Strength check or be held fast within the beast’s Special Defenses: Immune to Sleep and Charm spells, see text
gullet. If the character passes the check, he or she may try to hack a
Gargoyles are magical monsters and save as 8 Hit Die creatures. They
way out. Unless using a Small-sized weapon, he or she will suffer a -4
can only be hit with magic or magical weapons. As pictured in
penalty to attack rolls. The Armor Class within the fish is 10.
medieval architecture, they are horned, clawed, fanged, winged,
Giant Piranha: These deadly fish are 5’ in length and have green and hideous-looking beasts. Their skin looks exactly like stone and they are
black scales. They will attack anything that disturbs the water near often mistaken to be statues, gaining a +4 bonus to all Dexterity
them. Once blood is drawn, they go into a feeding frenzy and will not (Stealth) checks made to hide amongst natural or worked stone.
Ghosts are the spirits of humans who were either so greatly evil in life
or whose deaths were so unusually emotional they have been cursed
to forever haunt the site of their death. These spirits hate the living and
seek their destruction.
As ghosts are non-corporeal, existing on the Ethereal Plane, they are
usually encountered only by creatures in a like state, although they
can be seen by non-ethereal creatures.
The supernatural power of a ghost is such, however, that the mere
sight of one causes any humanoid being to flee in panic for 2d6
minutes unless a DC 14 CHA Saving Throw is made. Clerics gain a +2
bonus to this Saving Throw.
Any creatures within 180 feet of a ghost are subject to attack by Magic
Jar (DC 14 CHA save negates). If the ghost fails to Magic Jar its chosen
victim, it will then semi-materialize in order to attack by touch.
Semi-materialized ghosts can be struck only by silver or magical
weapons. If they strike an opponent, their touch ages the target by
1d8 x 5 years (DC 14 CON save to resist). Ghosts can be damaged by
holy water while in their semi-material form.
While a ghost is non-corporeal it can only be combatted by another
creature on the Ethereal Plane (in which case the ghost has an Armor
These monsters are made of a clear jelly and are shaped like cubes Class of 12). Note that ghosts can only be attacked with spells by
that are about 10’ on a side. Due to their near transparency and silent ethereal creatures.
movement, characters must make a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
check in order to notice them. Any human or demi-human killed by a ghost is drained of its life
essence and is forever dead.
They move through the rooms and corridors of dungeons, sweeping
the halls clean of all living and dead material. In the process, they Ghoul
may pick up items they can’t dissolve (such as gold pieces and gems).
Armor Class: 14 No. Appearing: 1-6 (2-16)
Though they usually eat carrion, they will attack any living creature
Hit Dice: 2** Morale Score: 14
they encounter, inflicting 2d4 points of damage. Each successful hit
Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: B
will paralyze the victim unless a DC 14 Strength Saving Throw is made.
Move: 30’ Alignment: Chaotic
This paralysis lasts 2-8 turns (20-80 minutes) unless removed by a
Remove Paralysis spell. Any attacks on a paralyzed victim will Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, 1-3, 1-3, 1-3
automatically hit (only a damage roll is needed). A gelatinous cube Special Attacks: Paralysis
may be harmed by fire and weapons, but not by cold or lightning. Special Defenses: Undead immunities
Hell Hound
Buccaneers are found on seas, rivers, great lakes, and occasionally Attacks: 1 weapon, by weapon
oceans. They live by raiding coastal towns and capturing ships to sell Special Attacks: Nil
the booty elsewhere. Special Defenses: Nil
Pirates are seagoing men who plunder other vessels, raid coastal A commoner is a normal human who does not seek dangerous
towns, and engage in illegal slave trading. They are noted for their evil adventure. A normal human does not have a class. Normal humans
acts, and cruelty toward prisoners. They will also freely attack each have ½ Hit Dice and have no attack or Saving Throw bonuses.
other if there is a chance for profit. Most humans are “normal” humans, though people with certain
The number of buccaneers or pirates that will appear depends on the professions (such soldiers, lords, scouts, and so forth) help in some
type and number of ships they are sailing. adventures. As soon as a human gets experience points through an
adventure, that person must choose a character class. Some types of
Ship No. of Ships No. Appearing
normal humans are peasants, children, housewives, workers, artists,
River Boats 1-8 10-20
villagers, townspeople, slaves, fishermen, and scholars. Most
Small Galley 1-6 20-40
commoners are Lawful or Neutral in alignment.
Longship 1-4 30-50
Sailed Warship 1-3 40-80
Attacks: 1 weapon, by weapon (usually 1-4) The DM may make up the noble’s title or use traditional ones. A little
Special Attacks: Spell use research will uncover many traditional titles.
Special Defenses: +2 to INT and WIS checks A noble will always be accompanied by a squire (a 2nd level fighter).
A noble might also be accompanied by as many as 10 retainers or
Mediums are NPC 1st level magic-users. There is a 50% chance that hirelings (usually 1st level fighters).
mediums will be accompanied by their master, a 3rd level magic-user.
Mediums will each have two 1st level spells which the DM may choose
or determine randomly. The 3rd level magic-user will have three 1st level
spells and one 2nd level spell, chosen in a similar manner.
Armor Class: 12 No. Appearing: 1-10 (10-40) Small bands encountered hunting or foraging in the wilderness will
Hit Dice: 2 Morale Score: 11 usually be part of a larger tribe. All treasure will be at the main camp.
Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: C Nomads are keen traders and often have knowledge of faraway
Move: 40’ Alignment: Neutral* places. Nomad bands are organized as follows:
Desert Nomads:
Attacks: 1 weapon, by weapon 50% Lance, leather armor and shield, riding horse or camel
Special Attacks: Nil 20% Bow, leather armor, riding horse or camel
Special Defenses: Nil 30% Lance, chain mail and shield, riding horse or camel
* Many Neanderthals are Lawful in alignment.
Steppe Nomads:
Neanderthals (also known as cavemen) are a species related to 20% Lance, leather armor and shield, riding horse
humans. They have squat bodies with large bones and powerful 50% Bow, leather armor, riding horse
muscles. Their faces have apelike features. including large brows 20% Bow, chain mail, riding horse
above the eyes. Neanderthals live in family groups in caves and 10% Lance, chain mail and shield, riding or war horse
Armor Class: 17 No. Appearing: 1 (1) Armor Class: 16 No. Appearing: 0 (1-4)
Hit Dice: 8** Morale Score: 18 Hit Dice: 5* Morale Score: 16
Check Bonus: 4 Treasure Type: Nil Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: D
Move: 40’ Alignment: Neutral Move: 30’, 40’ swim Alignment: Chaotic
A special kind of honey may be found inside the beehive. If eaten, it For every four normal warriors encountered there is an additional
acts as one half-strength potion of healing, curing 1-4 (1d4} points of warrior with 3 or 4 Hit Dice. For every eight normal warriors there is an
damage (this will require all the honey in the hive - about 2 pints}. There additional warrior with 5 or 6 Hit Dice. For every 12 normal kuo-toa in
will always be at least 10 killer bees with their queen in or near the hive. the group there one with 6th cleric spells and 4 Hit Dice. Their leaders
At least 4 of these bees will have 1 Hit Die each. The queen bee will have 10 Hit Dice.
have 2 Hit Dice and can sting repeatedly without dying. Sometimes kuo-toa are encountered in small bands journeying in the
upper world to kidnap humans for slaves and sacrifices. Such parties
Kobold are sometimes also found in dungeon labyrinths that connect to the
extensive system of underworld passages and caverns that
Armor Class: 13 No. Appearing: 4-16 (6-60)
honeycomb the crust of the earth. Only far below the surface of the
Hit Dice: ½ Morale Score: 9, see text
earth can the intrepid explorer find the caverns in which the kuo-toa
Check Bonus: 0 Treasure Type: P (J)
build their underground communities.
Move: 40’ Alignment: Chaotic
Armor Class: 17 No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-2) Guardian Naga: Surrounded with a flowery sweet scent, the guardian
Hit Dice: 5+1** Morale Score: 18 naga is marked by green-gold scales, silvery spines, and flashing
Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: D golden eyes. It is so called because its lawful nature makes it a perfect
Move: 20’ Alignment: Chaotic sentinel over a like-aligned being’s treasure or some evil.
This naga always warns off trespassers and often buries those defeated
Attacks: 1 fist, 1-12 plus disease in battle. The guardian naga can spit poison at an individual attacker
Special Attacks: Disease at up to 30-foot range. The poison kills that individual in 1 minute if it
Special Defenses: Undead immunities, weapon immunities, see text fails a DC 14 Constitution Saving Throw. In addition to a poisonous bite
Mummies are undead who lurk near deserted ruins and tombs. On (1d6 plus DC 14 CON save or die in 1 minute) and constriction (2d4
seeing a mummy, each character must a DC 13 Charisma Saving damage), these naga have the ability to use cleric spells as 6th level
Throw or be paralyzed with fear until the mummy attacks someone or clerics.
goes out of sight.
Armor Class: 12 Merrow typically attack with a large spear (inflicting 1d8+3 damage),
Hit Dice: 5* followed by melee with talons and teeth that deal 1d6 damage each.
Check Bonus: 2 They have a swimming Movement Rate of 30’. They are, otherwise,
Move: 10’ identical to land-dwelling ogres.
No. Appearing: 1 (0)
Morale Score: 18 Ogre Mage
Treasure Type: Nil Armor Class: 16 No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-6)
Alignment: Neutral Hit Dice: 5+2 Morale Score: 13
Attacks: 1 acidic pseudopod, Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: B + 1,000 gp
2-16 Move: 30’ Alignment: Chaotic
Special Attacks: See text Attacks: 1 weapon, by weapon plus 3
Special Defenses: Only harmed by fire or Special Attacks: Spell use
cold Special Defenses: Regeneration, spell use
An ochre jelly is an ochre-colored giant amoeba which can only be Ogre magi normally seek
harmed by fire or cold. Attacks with weapons or lightning merely make uninhabited places in which to
several (1d4+1) smaller (2 Hit Dice) ochre jellies. An ochre jelly does lair - typically in a fortified
2d6 damage per round to exposed flesh. The smaller ochre jellies only dwelling or some secure cavern
do half damage. complex below ground. From
It can seep through small cracks, and destroy wood, leather, and cloth this location, the ogre magi will
in 1 round, but cannot eat through metal or stone. foray to capture treasure and
humans for slaves and food. If
Ogre encountered in their lair, the
ogre magi will always have a
Armor Class: 15 No. Appearing: 1-6 (3-18) ogre mage chief of great
Hit Dice: 4+1 Morale Score: 16 strength (9+3 Hit Dice) in
Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: C + 1,000 gp addition to the others indicated
Move: 30’ Alignment: Chaotic by the die roll. There will be 2-12
Attacks: 1 weapon, by weapon plus 3 slaves/prisoners in the lair.
Special Attacks: Nil Ogre magi can cast the
Special Defenses: Nil following at will: Fly (2 hour
Ogres are huge fearsome human-like creatures, usually 8 to 10 feet duration), Invisibility, Darkness,
tall. They wear animal skins for clothes, and often live in caves. Ogres and Polymorph Self (limited to
hate Neanderthals and will attack them on sight.
Octopus, Giant
Giant octopi lurk in the waters near fishing villages and other coastal
areas in tropical or temperate climates. Octopi get a +4 bonus to all
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide, due to camouflaging
pigments in their skin.
There are many different tribes of orcs. Members of different tribes are
not usually friendly with each other and may start fighting unless their
leaders are present. An orc lair has only one tribe. Each tribe will have
as many female orcs as males, and 2 children (“whelps”) for each 2
adults. The leader of an orc tribe is a chieftain with 4 Hit Dice and a +2
bonus to attack and damage rolls. For every 20 orcs in a tribe, there
In combat, a giant octopus will squeeze with its tentacles and stab or may be an ogre with them (a 1 in 6 chance). There is a 1 in 10 chance
bite any creature dragged to its mouth with its fearsome beak. Once of a troll living in the lair as well.
a tentacle hits in combat, it will constrict and automatically do 1-3
points of damage each round. Each tentacle that hits also reduces its Otyugh
victim’s chance to hit by 1 (a person with all of an octopus’s tentacles
Armor Class: 18 No. Appearing: 1 (2)
wrapped around him or her would have a penalty of -8 to attack rolls).
Hit Dice: 7* Morale Score: 13
A character may try to sever a tentacle and will succeed when any Check Bonus: 3 Treasure Type: See text
single hit with an edged weapon does 5 or more points of damage. A Move: 20’ Alignment: Neutral
character may try to pull free from the tentacles with a DC 14 Strength
ability check. This DC increases by 1 for every two tentacles that have Attacks: 2 tentacles, 1 bite, 1-8, 1-8, 2-5
grappled him or her. Special Attacks: Disease
Special Defenses: Immune to diseases
If a combat is going against it, a giant octopus will flee, jetting away
at triple speed and trailing a large, black cloud of ink (40’ radius) that These weird monsters are
heavily obscures all sight. omnivorous scavengers,
not at all hesitant about
Orc adding a bit of fresh meat
to their diet of dung, offal,
Armor Class: 14 No. Appearing: 2-8 (10-60) and carrion. They hate
Hit Dice: 1 Morale Score: 13 direct sunlight or bright
Check Bonus: 0 Treasure Type: D light, so they are found
Move: 30’ Alignment: Chaotic underground in most cases.
Attacks: 1 weapon, by weapon Usually (90%) only a single
Special Attacks: Nil individual is encountered,
Special Defenses: Nil for otyugh typically live in
Orcs are ugly human-like creatures who look like a combination of partnership with other
animal and man. Orcs are nocturnal (usually sleeping in the day and subterranean monsters. The
active at night or in the dark) and prefer to live underground. When otyugh will dwell in a truce
fighting in daylight, they must subtract 1 from their attack rolls. state with other powerful
monsters to scavenge
They have bad tempers and do not like other living things; they will droppings and other
often kill something for their own amusement. They are afraid of leavings. In most cases
anything which looks larger and stronger than they are but may be otyugh live in piles of dung
forced to fight by their leaders. and rubbish, and thrive
Orc leaders gain their positions by fighting and defeating (or killing) there.
the others. One member of any group of orcs will be a leader with 2 The otyugh has a sensory organ stalk and two tentacle arms which
Hit Dice and a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. If this “leader” is protrude from its hideous body. The eyes are always thrust above the
killed, the morale of the group becomes 9 instead of 13. offal the creature lairs under, and this prevents surprise. Its tentacles
Owl Bear
High above the mountains and rocky hills of most lands flies a sharp-
eyed monster known as the peryton. Intelligent, patient, and
malevolent, it watches and waits for prey - to pluck their hearts out.
The peryton resembles a giant, dark green eagle, except that its head
is that of a blue-black stag, its horns glitter as ebon as obsidian, its eyes
glow a dull red-orange. The chest feathers of a male peryton are light
blue; those of the female are drab brown. Perytons normally cast the
shadow of an adult human being, rather than those of their own form.
A peryton has only a secondary interest in prey as food. Its main
interest in humans and humanoid creatures is the heart of its prey. It is
An owl bear is a huge bear-like creature with the head of a giant owl. unnaturally accurate in combat, receiving a +2 bonus to all attack
An owl bear stands 8’ tall and weighs 1,500 pounds. Owl bears have rolls.
nasty tempers and are usually hungry, preferring meat. If both paws of
an owl bear hit the same opponent in one round, the owl bear will It attacks with its sharp horns, since its claws are too weak to use in
“hug” for an additional 1d8 points of damage. They are commonly melee. When a peryton chooses a target for combat, it locks itself into
found underground and in dense forests. a duel that nearly always ends in either the peryton’s death or that of
its target. A peryton will never switch targets during combat, no matter
Pegasus the tactical situation. On rare occasions, the creature can be driven
off, but it will continue to stalk its prey, and return later. Perytons are
Armor Class: 14 No. Appearing: 0 (1-12) immune to all weapons but those of at least +1 enchantment.
Hit Dice: 2+2 Morale Score: 12
Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: Nil Piercer
Move: 80’, 160’ flight Alignment: Lawful
Armor Class: 17 No. Appearing: 3-18 (3-18)
Attacks: 2 hooves, 1-6, 1-6 Hit Dice: 3 Morale Score: 9
Special Attacks: Nil Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
Special Defenses: Nil Move: 5’ Alignment: Neutral
Robber Fly
Robber flies are patient hunters. They often hide in shadows and wait Roper
for prey, getting a +6 bonus to all Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to
surprise others. Robber flies are meat eaters and have been known to Armor Class: 20 No. Appearing: 1-3 (1-3)
attack humans. Hit Dice: 10* Morale Score: 18
Check Bonus: 5 Treasure Type: See text
Rocs (Giant Eagles) Move: 10’ Alignment: Chaotic
Small Roc Large Roc Huge Roc
Armor Class: 16 18 20 Attacks: 1 bite, 5-20
Hit Dice: 6 12 36 Special Attacks: Grappling strands, poison
Check Bonus: 3 6 18 Special Defenses: Immune to lightning, resistant to cold
Move: 20’, 160’ flight 20’, 160’ flight 20’, 160’ flight (half damage)
No. Appearing: 0 (1-12) 0 (1-8) 0 (1)
Morale Score: 12 14 16
Treasure Type: I I I
Alignment: Lawful Lawful Lawful
Rot Grub
Armor Class: 15 No. Appearing: 0 (2-8) Armor Class: 19 No. Appearing: 0 (1-4)
Hit Dice: 5* Morale Score: 16 Hit Dice: 8* Morale Score: 13
Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: S, V Check Bonus: 4 Treasure Type: H
Move: 50’ Alignment: Neutral Move: 60’ swim or fly Alignment: Neutral
Attacks: Horns or by weapon, 2-8 or by weapon Attacks: 1 bite or 1 spit, 3-24 or see text
Special Attacks: Spell use (see text) Special Attacks: Poison spit
Special Defenses: Spell use (see text) Special Defenses: Nil
Also called fauns, satyrs are a pleasure-loving race of half-human, half- Sea dragons are intelligent and usually green in color with a bright
goat creatures. They symbolize nature’s carefree ways. Satyrs have yellow-green crest. Sea dragons have a 20% chance of talking and
the torso, head, and arms of a man, and the hind legs of a goat. The being spell casters, with three 1st level and three 2nd level spells.
As they often drag prey to their lair, there is sometimes a residue of If a shadow scores a hit, it will drain
valuable items there. They attack with their clawed forelimbs and their 1 point of Strength in addition to
jaws. Young sea lions can be tamed and trained for use in guarding doing normal damage (1d4 points),
and hunting. unless a DC 13 Constitution Saving
Throw is made. This weakness will last
Sea Serpents for 1 day.
Lesser Giant Any creature whose Strength is
Armor Class: 15 15 reduced to 0 or less are slain and will
Hit Dice: 6* 10* become a shadow.
Check Bonus: 3 5
Move: 50’ swim 60’ swim Shadow Demon*
No. Appearing: 0 (2-12) 0 (1-8)
Morale Score: 12 13 Armor Class: 15, see text
Treasure Type: Nil Nil Hit Dice: 7+3*
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Check Bonus: 3
Move: 40’, 40’ flight
Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Damage: 2-12 3-18 Morale Score: 18
Special Attacks: Constrict Constrict, poison Treasure Type: Nil
Special Defenses: Nil Nil Alignment: Chaotic
Gynosphinx Heiracosphinx
Armor Class: 21 19
Hit Dice: 8* 9*
Check Bonus: 4 4
Move: 40’, 90’ flight 30’, 150’ flight
Spitting Cobra: A spitting cobra is a 3’ long grayish-white snake which No. Appearing: 1 (1-4) 1 (1-6)
can squirt a stream of venom up to a distance of 5 feet. It aims for its Morale Score: 18 18
victim’s eyes. If the spit hits, the victim must make a DC 12 Constitution Treasure Type: R, V E
Saving Throw against poison or be blinded. This blindness can normally Alignment: Neutral Chaotic
only be removed by a Cure Blindness spell, but the DM may wish to
invent other ways - such as eating a shrieker. Attacks: 2 claws 2 claws, 1 beak
Damage: 2-8, 2-8 2-8, 2-8, 1-10
As with most small poisonous snakes, a spitting cobra will not attack Special Attacks: Spell use Nil
human-sized or larger opponents unless startled or threatened. It can Special Defenses: Spell use Nil
either spit or bite in one round, but not both. It will usually spit. The
damage given (1-3 points) only applies to the bite; in this case, the Androsphinx: Androsphinxes are huge, winged mythological creatures
victim must make a DC 12 Constitution Saving Throw against poison or with the bodies of male lions and man-like facial features. They can
die in 1-10 (1d10) turns. speak the languages of Common and all sphinxes.
The androsphinx is the most
Spectre* powerful of the sphinxes. Its
Armor Class: 18 No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-8) huge paws can kill a
Hit Dice: 6** Morale Score: 16 normal man with just one
Check Bonus: 3 Treasure Type: E swipe. If brute force is not
Move: 50’, 80’ flight Alignment: Chaotic successful, an androsphinx
Attacks: 1 touch, 1-8 plus energy drain can cast spells as if a 6th
Special Attacks: Energy drain (2 levels) level cleric. Note that most
Special Defenses: Undead immunities, weapon immunities androsphinxes use these
spells for healing and
defense rather than
damage and attack.
The androsphinx has
another special weapon as
well - his bellowing roar. It
can roar three times per
day but must be very angry
to do so. The first time an
angry androsphinx roars, all
creatures within 100 feet
must roll successful DC 16 Charisma Saving Throws or flee in panic for
5d6 minutes.
When an already angry androsphinx is continually molested, even
The ghostly spectres are among the mightiest of the undead. They are after bellowing once, it can roar even louder, causing all creatures
incorporeal and can only be hit by magic weapons; silver weapons within 600 feet make a DC 16 Charisma Saving Throw or be paralyzed
have no effect. Like all undead, spectres are immune to disease, with fright for 1d4 rounds.
Charm and Sleep spells, fear, paralysis, and poison.
Any creature foolish enough to anger an androsphinx further will
A hit by a spectre does 1-8 (1d8) points of damage and drains 2 life unleash his third and final roar with devastating effects. All creatures
energy levels unless at DC 14 Constitution Saving Throw is made. The within 600 feet must successfully roll a DC 16 Constitution Saving Throw
result of this drain is that the creature touched loses 2 Hit Dice (levels or lose 2d4 points of Strength for 2d4 rounds. In addition to the
of experience). Experience points will drop to the lowest amount weakness effects, any Medium-sized or smaller creature within 100 feet
of the androsphinx must make a DC 16 Strength check or be knocked
Squid, Giant
A giant squid dwells only in deep sea, rising to the surface only to hunt.
A giant squid will sometimes (25%) wrap its two greater tentacles
about a boat and squeeze, doing 1-10 points of damage to the boat’s
hull, while the beak does 2 points per round after the tentacles
Giant squids often (75%) attempt to snatch seamen from the decks of
Water, Giant, Spider: Fresh water dwellers, giant water spiders are
passing ships and pull them to their lair below to be devoured. The
found only in large lakes. They build great nests of air amidst
eight lesser tentacles do constriction damage after they hit. The lesser
underwater vegetation. These spiders are able to run along the
tentacles be severed with a single blow that does 6 or more points,
bottom or up and down vegetable or mineral surfaces underwater.
while the greater tentacles can be severed with a blow that causes
They snatch passing prey, deliver a poisonous bite, and bring the
10 or more points of damage. A DC 15 Strength check can be made
victim to their lair to be drained at leisure. A clever airlock allows free
to break free from a squid’s grapple (+2 to the DC per two tentacles
passage without loss of vital air. On occasion such water creatures as
grappling the creature).
nixies will be on friendly terms with giant water spiders, for they are
semi-intelligent and can be approached with offerings of food. If its morale fails, the squid can flee at triple speed and will leave great
clouds of ink that completely obscures a 30’ radius cloud. This may be
Abandoned water spider lairs are excellent places of refuge for air-
done twice per day.
breathers. A rare species of water spiders, twice the size of those
discussed here, are found in salt water. A giant squid can even be double or triple normal size, with
corresponding increases in Hit Dice.
Tasloi are long-legged, flat-headed humanoids. They walk in a Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite
crouching posture, touching their knuckles to the ground from time to Damage: 1-4 1-6 1-3
time. Their skins are a lustrous green and are thinly covered with coarse Special Attacks: Poison spray Poison spray Poison spray
black hair. Their eyes are like a cat’s and are gold in color. Special Defenses: Ink cloud Ink cloud Ink cloud
Often, they can be heard at night, speaking in their high, whispery Water termites vary from about 1’ to 5’ in length, the largest being
voices. Tasloi speak their own tongue and can also speak the found in ocean waters. All are shaped like normal termites except for
languages of monkeys and apes. About 5% of their kind have learned an elastic body sack which can intake and expel water. When the
a pidgin Common that they use when trading. body sack is completely expanded, the water termite looks like a large
balloon with a small insect-like head attached at the front of the body.
These termites jet about under water much like squids.
Tasloi like to hide in treetops and drop down on the weak and unwary,
Armor Class: 14 No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-10)
and get a +4 bonus to all Dexterity (Stealth) checks. They are quick
Hit Dice: 4** Morale Score: 16
and nimble in the trees, but slow and clumsy on the ground. Their
Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: C
Darkvision enables them to see up to 90 feet in darkness, but they hate
Move: 40’ Alignment: Chaotic
daylight and suffer a -1 penalty to their attack rolls when fighting in
broad daylight. Attacks: 2 claws or 1 weapon, 1-3, 1-3, or by weapon
Tasloi carry the following weapons: (20%) shield (AC 15) and javelin, Special Attacks: Paralyzing touch (DC 13)
(40%) club and javelin, (10%) short sword and shield (AC 15), (15%) Special Defenses: Regeneration, 1 Hit Point per round
javelin and net, (10%) short sword and net, or (5%) javelin and short A thoul is a magical, living, combination of a ghoul, a hobgoblin, and
sword. Tasloi without shields are AC 14. They customarily carry all a troll. Thouls look exactly like hobgoblins, with a DC 16 Wisdom
javelins and shields on their backs when they travel through the trees. (Perception) check being required to notice the difference, and they
Nets are used to snare up to 3 Medium-sized creatures, and may be are sometimes found as part of the bodyguard of a hobgoblin king.
used against foes that are up to 30’ away (and within a 5’ radius
circle). If thrown at one or more opponents, those opponents may The touch of a thoul will paralyze (in the same way as that of a ghoul).
make a DC 12 Dexterity Saving Throw to dodge the net. A DC 15 If it is damaged, a thoul will regenerate 1 Hit Point per round as long as
Strength check is required to tear free from the net. it is alive. After a thoul is hit, the DM should add 1 Hit Point to its total at
the beginning of each round of combat. Thouls cannot be turned.
Tasloi eat anything but prefer all kinds of flesh, especially humans and
elves. They normally attack from above, trying to capture if possible. If Titanothere
they gain surprise, they use their nets to trap their prey. If a party is too
vigilant or prepared, the tasloi attempt to wear down the group Armor Class: 15 No. Appearing: 0 (1-6)
through short, sudden attacks followed by retreat. If possible, tasloi try Hit Dice: 12 Morale Score: 10
to steal the enemy’s dead after an attack. Check Bonus: 6 Treasure Type: Nil
Move: 40’ Alignment: Neutral
Termites, Water
Attacks: 1 head butt or trample, 2-12 or 3-24
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defenses: Nil
Giant Toad: A giant toad is about the size of a very large dog and
weighs 150-250 pounds. These toads can change their skin color to
blend into woods or poorly-lit dungeons, getting a +4 bonus to all
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to surprise foes.
They can shoot their tongues out to 15’ and drag a Small-size victim to
their mouths to be bitten. To break free, the creature must make a DC
12 Strength check.
Ice Toad: Fully intelligent, ice toads dwell in cold climes or far beneath
the surface of the ground. Ice toads speak their own weird language
and actively collect gems and jewelry, particularly diamonds.
In addition to its vicious bite, the creature can radiate cold in a 10-foot
radius from its body. Ice toads can generate this special attack once Armor Class: 18 No. Appearing: 0 (1-4)
every other round. All creatures within this sphere of cold suffer 3d6 Hit Dice: 11 Morale Score: 13
points of damage. Characters making a DC 13 Dexterity Saving Throw Check Bonus: 5 Treasure Type: Nil
suffer only half damage. Move: 30’ Alignment: Neutral
Poisonous Toad: These toads, indistinguishable from common giant Attacks: 1 gore or trample, 3-18, 3-18
toads, secrete a weak, hemotoxic poison. A creature bitten by a Special Attacks: Charge
poisonous toad must make a DC 12 Constitution Saving Throw. Failure Special Defenses: Nil
means the victim falls comatose and will die within 24 hours unless
cured. A triceratops is a heavily muscled, four-legged dinosaur that stands
about 12’ high at the shoulder and is nearly 40’ long. It has three horns
Treant protruding from the bony protective crest that covers its head.
Although these creatures are plant eaters, they are aggressive and
Armor Class: 18 No. Appearing: 0 (1-8) dangerous, usually attacking on sight. They charge for double
Hit Dice: 8 Morale Score: 13 damage on the first attack. Triceratops are found on the plains of “lost
Check Bonus: 4 Treasure Type: C worlds”.
Move: 30’ Alignment: Lawful
Attacks: 2 fists, 2-12, 2-12
Special Attacks: Animate trees Armor Class: 15 No. Appearing: 1-8 (5-40)
Special Defenses: Nil Hit Dice: 2* Morale Score: 13
Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: A
Treants are 18’ tall tree-men who resemble trees. Treants are only Move: 40’ Alignment: Chaotic
concerned with protecting forests and plant life. They speak a slow
and difficult tongue and distrust those who use fire. Because treants Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite or 1 weapon, 1-4, 1-4, 1-4
are often mistaken for normal trees, they get a +4 bonus to all Dexterity or by weapon
(Stealth) checks made to surprise foes while in wooded areas. Special Attacks: Stench
One treant can animate any two trees within 60’ to fight as treants. It Special Defenses: Camouflage
takes one round for a normal tree to uproot itself. A treant may A troglodyte is an intelligent human-like reptile with a short tail, long
change which trees it is animating at will (once per round). legs, and a spiny “comb” on its head and arms. Troglodytes walk
Due to their tough, bark-like skin, treants have a superior Armor Class upright and use their hands to wield weapons and tools. They hate
rating against almost all weapons. Their only weakness is fire, which most other creatures and will try to kill anyone they meet.
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Umber Hulk
Weasel, Giant
A giant weasel is 8’-9’ long and covered with a richly colored fur of
white, gold or brown. These quick and vicious predators hunt singly or
in groups. Once they bite, they will hold on and suck blood, doing 2-8
points of damage each round until their prey is dead or they are killed.
Giant weasels and can track parties by scent. They will pursue
wounded prey in preference to all other. They live in tunnels
underground and their treasure will be found on the bodies of
creatures they have slain and pulled to their lair to eat.
Killer Narwhal Sperm Whale
A wight is an undead spirit living in the body of a dead human or demi-
Armor Class: 14 13 14
human. They are immune to disease, Charm spells, fear, energy drain,
Hit Dice: 6 12 36
paralysis, and poison, and can only be hit by silvered or magical
Check Bonus: 3 6 18
Move: 80’ swim 60’ swim 60’ swim
No. Appearing: 0 (1-6) 0 (1-4) 0 (1-3) Wights are greatly feared, as they drain life energy when striking a
Morale Score: 16 12 10 victim. Each hit drains one level of experience or Hit Die unless the
Treasure Type: V See below V victim makes a DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw. The result of this drain
Alignment: Neutral Lawful Neutral is that the creature touched loses 1 Hit Die (level of experience).
Experience points will drop to the lowest amount needed for the new
Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite, 1 horn 1 bite level, and the Hit Die and abilities associated with the drained level
Damage: 1-20 1-8, 2-12 6-36 are lost. Any person totally drained of life energy by a wight will
Special Attacks: Swallow whole Nil Nil become a wight in 1-4 days, and will be under control of the wight
Special Defenses: Nil Nil Nil who drained him or her.
Armor Class: 28 No. Appearing: 1 (1-3) Armor Class: 27 No. Appearing: 1-3 (1-3)
Hit Dice: 9* Morale Score: 18 (see text) Hit Dice: 6+3** Morale Score: 16
Check Bonus: 4 Treasure Type: V Check Bonus: 3 Treasure Type: C, R
Move: 60’ flight Alignment: Chaotic Move: 100’ flight Alignment: Neutral
Attacks: 1 electric shock, 2-16 Attacks: 1 wind gust, 3-18 (see text)
Special Attacks: Nil Special Attacks: Wind gust
Special Defenses: Invisibility, spell immunity (see text) Special Defenses: Spell immunities (see text)
A will-o-wisp is a glowing sphere, looking like a lantern, torch, or even Wind walkers are creatures from the Elemental Plane of Air and, on the
a Dancing Lights (Prestidigitation) spell effect. In combat they glow Material Plane, prefer to live high in mountains or in great caverns very
blue, violet, or pale green. far below the surface. Their approach is detectable at 500’ away as a
whistling, howling, or roaring depending on the number coming. These
Will-o-wisps commonly haunt deserted, dangerous places such as
monsters are telepathic and can detect thoughts within 100’.
bogs, fens, swamps, or catacombs where mires, quicksand, pit traps,
and the like are plentiful. A victim trapped by these hazards feeds the They attack by wind force, with each wind walker causing 3-18 points
will-o-wisp as it expires, for the thing feeds upon the fleeing life force. of damage per round to all creatures within 10’ of them who are hit.
Thus, will-o-wisps seek to lure prey to their doom. The creature attacks Being ethereal, wind walkers can be fought only by such creatures as
by touching its foe and dealing 2-16 points of electrical damage. djinn, efreet, invisible stalkers, or aerial servants, and affected by spells
such as Control Weather (which kills a wind walker unless it makes a
Saving Throw), Slow (which affects the monster like a Fire Ball), and Ice
Storm (which drives them away for 1-4 melee rounds). Haste does ½ of
the damage that a Slow spell deals to wind walkers, but it also doubles
the amount of damage done by the wind walkers each round.
Wolf Wolf, Dire Wolf, Winter
Armor Class: 13 14 15
Hit Dice: 2+2 4+1 6*
Check Bonus: 1 2 3
Move: 60’ 50’ 50’
No. Appearing: 2-12 (3-18) 1-4 (2-8) 1-3 (1-6)
Morale Score: 13 (9) 13 13
Treasure Type: Nil Nil I
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral
Wolf, Winter: The winter wolf is a horrid carnivore which inhabits only
chill regions. It is of great size and foul disposition. Winter wolves can
use their savage jaws or howl forth a blast of frost which will coat any
creature within a 10’ cone of their muzzle.
This frost causes 6-24 Hit Points damage - half that amount if a DC 13
A will-o-wisp is able to grow bright or very dim in order to confuse prey. Dexterity Saving Throw is successful. The winter wolf is able to use the
It can move slowly or flit about. It can blank out its glow entirely for 2-8 howling frost once every 10 melee rounds. Cold-based attacks do not
melee rounds if it does not attack and, during that time, can be harm them, but fire-based attacks cause +1 damage per die of
detected only by creatures able to see invisible objects. damage normally caused.
While any weapon will harm a will-o-wisp, most spells do not affect it. They have their own language and can also converse with worgs. The
The only spells which can affect the creature are Protection from Evil, coat of the winter wolf is glistening white or silvery, and its eyes are very
Magic Missile, and Maze. If brought to 5 or fewer remaining Hit Points pale blue or silvery. The pelt of the creature is valued at 5,000 gold
a will-o-wisp will reveal its lair and give over its treasure. pieces.
Wolverines inhabit only colder regions. Bears and wolves respect these
creatures’ ferocity. Their speed is partially responsible for their high
Armor Class and their ferocity in combat gives them a +4 bonus to all
attack rolls.
A wolverine can squirt a disgusting musk at opponents up to 10’away The xorn are a race of creatures found on the Elemental Plane of Earth,
and at its rear once per turn. Anyone within that area must make a DC but on rare occasions they will abide on the Material Plane for a time.
12 Constitution Saving Throw or be sickened for 2d6 minutes. Sickened When so doing, they seek deep subterranean places. Xorn feed on
creatures suffer a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity checks, as well certain rare minerals that are the subject of their quest on the Material
as attack and damage rolls, and take a -2 penalty to their Armor Class. Plane.
The Movement Rate of sickened creatures is reduced by half. The stony-skinned creature blends in with stone - both in color and
conformation. As such, it is very likely to surprise other creatures,
Wraith* gaining a +4 bonus to all Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide
amongst stones, rocks, and masonry.
Armor Class: 17 No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-6)
Hit Dice: 5** Morale Score: 18 The xorn is likely to demand such metals as copper, silver, etc. to snack
Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: E upon, and if a passing creature refuses, the xorn is 90% likely to try to
Move: 80’ flight Alignment: Chaotic take the metal by force, for it can smell such at 20’ distance.
Attacks: 1 touch, 1-6 plus energy drain These creatures are not harmed by fire or cold-based spells. Electrical
Special Attacks: Energy drain attacks, such as lightning bolts, do either one-half or no damage,
Special Defenses: Undead immunities, weapon immunities depending on the Saving Throw. They are flung back 30’ and stunned
for one melee round by a Move Earth spell. A Stone to Flesh or Rock to
A wraith is an undead monster that drains the life-force of its victims. It Mud spell will lower their Armor Class to 12 for 1 melee round (and the
has no physical body and looks like a pale, almost transparent, xorn cannot attack during that time as they must adjust their
human-likr figure composed of thick mist. They are immune to disease, molecules), and a Passwall spell delivers 11-20 Hit Points of damage to
Charm spells, fear, energy drain, paralysis, and poison, and can only the creatures.
be hit by silver or magical weapons. Silver weapons will only do half If a combat is going against a xorn, it will stop fighting, adjust its
damage. molecular structure, and pass through the nearest stone (usually the
When a wraith hits in melee, it will do normal damage and drain one floor) to escape. This requires one melee round, and thereafter the
life energy level unless the victim makes a DC 14 Constitution Saving xorn can progress at normal movement through solid stone, earth, or
Throw. The result of this drain is that the creature touched loses 1 Hit similar substances. If it is struck by a Phase Door spell when in this state
Die (level of experience). Experience points will drop to the lowest a xorn is killed.
amount needed for the new level, and the Hit Die and abilities
associated with the drained level are lost. Any person totally drained Yellow Mold*
of life energy by a wraith will become a wraith in one day, and will be
under control of the wraith who drained him or her. Armor Class: See text No. Appearing: 1-8 (1-4)
Hit Dice: 2* Morale Score: N/A
Wyvern Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
Move: 0’ Alignment: Neutral
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 7* Attacks: Spores, 1-6 plus special (see text)
Check Bonus: 3 Special Attacks: Choking spores
Move: 30’, 80’ flight Special Defenses: Immune to most attacks (see text)
No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-6)
Morale Score: 13
Treasure Type: E
Alignment: Chaotic
Armor Class: 14 No. Appearing: 0 (1-6) Armor Class: 12 No. Appearing: 2-8 (4-24)
Hit Dice: 4+4 Morale Score: 16 Hit Dice: 2 Morale Score: 18
Check Bonus: 2 Treasure Type: D Check Bonus: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
Move: 50’ Alignment: Neutral Move: 30’ Alignment: Chaotic
An adult yeti stands 8 feet tall and is covered in long, white fur. Their Zombies are undead
feet and hands are wide and flat, which helps to disperse their great humans, humanoids, or
weight (about 300 pounds) on treacherous snow fields. They travel on demi-humans animated
all fours like the apes but fight very comfortably standing erect. Unlike by some evil cleric or
most apes and gorillas, the yeti does not have an opposable toe on magic-user.
its feet. They wear no clothing or ornamentation. The spoor, or smell, As with all undead, they
of a yeti is very subtle in cold climates, but in confined or warm areas, may be “turned” by a
they have a strong, musky odor. The eyes of a yeti are icy blue or cleric. They are immune
almost colorless. Their claws and flesh are ivory white. to disease, Charm spells,
Unlike many arctic creatures, the yeti does not have a thick layer of fear, energy drain,
body fat to keep it warm. Instead, it relies upon the special properties paralysis, and poison.
of its thick, warm fur. It has a transparent second eyelid, which allows They are often placed to
the creature to see in blowing snow, and prevents its eyes from guard treasures, since
freezing in extreme temperatures. they make no noise until
The yeti is a fierce hunter of the polar regions. It stalks its prey and lays they attack. Zombies will
an ambush, attempting to gain surprise and getting a +4 bonus to always attack on sight,
Dexterity (Stealth) checks in its natural habitat. Against the snow, the but can be destroyed by
yeti is invisible due to its coloration until its prey is 60 feet away. Under normal weapons. They
a thin layer of snow, it is completely invisible. are slow fighters, and
always strike last (no
Any opponent surprised by a yeti must make a DC 12 Charisma Saving initiative roll needed).
Throw or go rigid with fright for 1d3 rounds, indicating that he has
looked into the icy blue depths of the yeti’s eyes. Any opponent that
is paralyzed in this way can be automatically hit by both claws and
Although the yeti does have fangs (1d4 points of piercing damage), it
does not usually attack with them, preferring to use its formidable
claws. If both claws hit, the victim is pulled in for a chilling squeeze. The
creature’s fur actually absorbs heat, making it extraordinarily cold if
contacted (1d8 points of cold damage plus 1d8 crushing damage if
squeezed). Hugged creatures can try to break this grip by making a
DC 16 Strength check.
Type Copper (1,000s) Silver (1,000s) Electrum (1,000s) Gold (1,000s) Platinum (1,000s) Gems & Jewelry* Magic Items
A 25%: 1d6 30%: 1d6 20%: 1d4 35%: 2d6 25%: 1d2 50%: 6d6 30%: Any 3
B 50%: 1d8 25%: 1d6 25%: 1d4 25%: 1d3 Nil 25%: 1d6 10%: 1 sword, armor, or weapon
C 20%: 1d12 30%: 1d4 10%: 1d4 Nil Nil 25%: 1d4 10%: Any 2
D 10%: 1d8 15%: 1d12 Nil 60%: 1d6 Nil 30%: 1d8 15%: Any 2 + 1 potion
E 5%: 1d10 30%: 1d12 25%: 1d4 25%: 1d8 Nil 10%: 1d10 25%: Any 3 + 1 scroll
F Nil 10%: 2d10 20%: 1d8 45%: 1d12 30%: 1d3 20%: 2d12/ 30%: Any 3 except weapons,
10%: 1d12 +1 potion, +1 scroll
G Nil Nil Nil 50%: 10d4 50%: 1d6 25%: 3d6/ 35%: Any 4 + 1 scroll
25%: 1d10
H 25%: 3d8 50%: 1d100 50%: 10d4 50%: 10d6 25%: 5d4 50%: 1d100/ 15%: Any 4 +1 potion, +1 scroll
50%: 10d4
I Nil Nil Nil Nil 30%: 1d8 50%: 2d6 15%: Any 1
J 25%: 1d4 10%: 1d3 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
K Nil 30%: 1d6 10%: 1d2 Nil Nil Nil Nil
L Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 50%: 1d4 Nil
M Nil Nil Nil 40%: 2d4 50%: 5d6 55%: 5d4/ Nil
45%: 2d6
N Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 40%: 2d4 potions
O Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 50%: 1d4 scrolls
The DM then rolls to find the amounts of silver pieces and gems present
in the goblin lair. Rolling 1d4 for each, the results of 2 and 3 mean that
2,000 silver pieces and 3 gems are present.
The value of the gems must be found. Rolling d% and using the Gems
table below, the DM finds that they are worth 50 gold pieces each.
The types of magic items must be found. Rolling d% and using the
General Magic Table, the results of 18 and 53 mean that the Sword
Subtable and the Potion Subtable must be used to find the exact items.
Rolling the appropriate die for each subtable, the DM finds that a RANDOMLY GENERATING MAGICAL TREAUSRE: A magic item can be
sword +1 and a potion of healing are in the goblin lair. The DM makes of any of the several types listed. Check for each item separately if
a note that the goblin leader will be using the sword +1 in combat. more than one magic item is present. If “Any” is given (such as “Any
3”), use the GENERAL MAGIC ITEM TABLE to determine which subtable
The DM notes, with the room descriptions for the dungeon, exactly to use.
what treasures are in the lair of the 30 goblins. If there had been fewer
If a type of magic item is given on the TREASURE TYPES TABLE (such as
goblins, the treasure would have been cut down to match their
“2-8 potions”), each of the items should be determined by using the
numbers. For example, if there were 10 goblins (1/3 of the given
POTION SUBTABLE. The magic subtables are used to determine the
number), there should be 1/3 (or less) of the rolled treasure:
exact item by rolling percentage dice (d%).
600 silver pieces, 1 gem, and 1 magic item - probably the potion.
IDENTIFYING MAGIC ITEMS: A character can only identify the exact
type of item by testing it (trying on the ring, sipping the potion, etc.). If
Coins, Gems, and Jewelry a retainer does this testing, he or she will expect to keep the item. A
high-level NPC magic-user may be asked to identify an item, but will
COINS: All coins are about equal in size and weight. Silver pieces are
want money or a service in advance and may take several game
about the size and weight of a modern-day quarter, which roughly
weeks to do it.
equates to 50 silver pieces weighing one pound. All other coins, for the
sake of simplicity, use this weight ratio. Gold, electrum, and platinum
USING MAGIC ITEMS: Two things must be done to use most magic
pieces are smaller than silver pieces while copper pieces are slightly
items. First, the item must be held or worn properly. Second, the user
larger than silver pieces. Electrum is an alloy of silver and gold.
must concentrate on the effect the item has. (Magic weapons, armor,
The value of each type of coin, and the rate of exchange between and protection devices - such as a ring or elven cloak - will work
coins, is as follows: without concentrating.) Unless the description of the item states
10 copper pieces (cp) = 1 silver piece otherwise, the item can only be used once per round. A character
10 silver pieces (sp) = 1 gold piece concentrating on using a magic item must do so as his or her action.
2 electrum pieces (ep) = 1 gold piece When items have the effect of spells whose effects change with level,
5 gold pieces (gp) = 1 platinum piece (pp) consider the power of the item to be as a 6th level spell caster.
100 cp = 10 sp = 2 ep = 1 gp = 1/5 pp
CURSED ITEMS: A character with a cursed item will not want to get rid
GEMS: The value of gems is determined by rolling percentage dice of it, and will use it whenever possible. Such characters will fight to
and consulting the table below: keep these items, if necessary. Only Remove Curse, Dispel Evil, or
similar spells, will free a character from a cursed Item.
Die Roll (d%) Value of Gem
01-20 10 gp CHARGES: Many items will have a limited number of charges (uses).
21-45 50 gp When the last charge is used, the item is not magical anymore. It is not
46-75 100 gp possible to find out how many charges an item has, and such items
76-95 500 gp cannot be recharged.
96-00 1,000 gp
After finding the total value of all the gems in a treasure, the DM may GENERAL MAGIC ITEM TABLE
combine or split them into different numbers of gems at any values. Die Roll (d%) Magic Subtable
Example: 5 gems worth 100 gp each might be placed as 1 gem worth 01-20 Sword
500 gp, 50 gems worth 10 gp each, or 10 gems worth 10 gp each plus 21-30 Armor
4 gems worth 100 gp each. 31-35 Miscellaneous Weapon
36-55 Potion
JEWELRY: A piece of jewelry is worth from 300-1,800 gp, determined 56-85 Scroll
by rolling 3d6 and multiplying the result by 100. Jewelry can be 86-90 Ring
damaged by such things as very hot fire, lightning bolts, crushing, and 91-95 Wand/Staff/Rod
other rough treatment. 96-00 Miscellaneous Magic
Damaged jewelry is worth ½ of its normal value. As with gems, the DM Magical items in parentheses are appropriate for lower level
may change the amount and value of the jewelry found. The DM may characters (levels 1-3). When stocking an area for 1st - 3rd level
choose to allow jewelry of greater value than that given, although this characters, it is recommended that the DM only use magic items listed
is not advised for low level characters. in parentheses.
Die Roll (d%) Type of Potion
01-03 Clairaudience
04-07 Clairvoyance
08-10 Control Animal
11-13 Control Dragon
14-16 Control Giant
17-19 Control Human
20-22 Control Plant
23-25 Control Undead
26-28 (Diminution)
29-35 Delusion
36-39 (ESP)
40-43 Fire Resistance
44-47 Flying
48-51 (Gaseous Form)
52-55 Giant Strength
56-59 (Growth)
60-63 (Healing)
64-68 Heroism
69-72 (Invisibility)
73-76 Invulnerability
77-80 (Levitation)
81-84 Longevity
85-86 (Poison)
87-89 Polymorph Self
90-97 Speed
Die Roll (d%) Armor Type 98-00 Treasure Finding
01-20 (Shield +1)
21-35 (Armor +1)
36-45 (Armor +1, Shield +1)
46-55 Shield +2
56-60 Armor +2
61-65 Armor +2, Shield +2
66-70 Shield +3
71-73 Armor +3
74 Armor +3, Shield +3
75-80 Cursed Shield -2
81-82 Cursed Armor -2
83-85 Cursed Armor -1
86-88 Cursed Shield, Armor Class 10
89-90 (Cursed Armor, Armor Class 10)
91-93 Armor +2, Shield +1
94-95 Armor +1, Shield +2
96 Armor +1, Shield +3
97 Armor +3, Shield +1
98 Armor +3, Shield +2
99 Armor +2, Shield +3
00 Cursed Armor -2, Shield +1
Die Roll (d%) Type of Ring
01-05 (Control Animal) Die Roll (d%) Miscellaneous Magic Type
06-10 Control Human 01-03 Amulet vs. Crystal Ball and ESP
11-16 Control Plant 04-05 (Bag of Devouring)
17-26 Delusion 06-11 (Bag of Holding)
27-29 Djinni Summoning 12-16 Boots of Levitation
30-39 (Fire Resistance) 17-21 Boots of Speed
40-50 (Invisibility) 22-25 (Boots of Traveling and Leading)
51-65 (Protection +1) 26-31 Broom of Flying
66-70 Protection +1, 5’ Radius 32-35 Crystal Ball
71-72 Regeneration 36-37 Crystal Ball with Clairaudience
73-74 Spell Storing 38 Crystal Ball with ESP
75-80 Spell Turning 39 Drums of Panic
81-82 Telekinesis 40 Efreeti Bottle
83-88 (Water Walking) 41-42 Displacer Cloak
89-94 (Weakness) 43 Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals
95-96 Wishes, 1d2 44 Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals
97 Wishes, 1d3 45 Censer of Controlling Air Elementals
98 Wishes, 1d3+1 46 Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
99-00 X-Ray Vision 47-56 (Elven Cloak and Boots)
57 Flying Carpet
WAND/STAFF/ROD SUBTABLE 58-64 (Gauntlets of Ogre Power)
65-66 Girdle of Giant Strength
Die Roll (d%) Type
67-77 (Helm of Alignment Changing)
01-08 (Rod of Cancellation)
78 Helm of Telepathy
09-11 Staff of Commanding * †
79-83 (Helm of Reading Language and Magic)
12-21 (Staff of Healing) †
84 Helm of Teleportation
22-23 Staff of Power *
85 Horn of Blasting
24-28 (Snake Staff) *
86-90 (Medallion of ESP, 30’)
29-31 Staff of Striking * †
91-93 Medallion of ESP, 90’
32-34 Staff of Withering †
94 Mirror of Life Trapping
35 Staff of Wizardry *
95-97 (Rope of Climbing)
36-40 (Wand of Enemy Detection) *
98-00 Scarab of Protection
41-45 Wand of Metal Detection *
46-50 Wand of Secret Door Detection *
51-55 Wand of Trap Detection *
61-65 Wand of Fear *
66-70 Wand of Cold *
71-75 Wand of Fire Balls *
76-80 Wand of Illusion *
81-85 Wand of Lightning Bolts *
86-90 Wand of Negation *
88-95 (Wand of Paralyzation) *
96-99 Wand of Polymorph *
* Usable by magic-users and elves only
† Usable by cleric only
3. When the character acquires any other magic weapon. The type of magical armor found, and its encumbrance, is determined
by rolling a d8 and consulting the following table:
4. When a character of a different alignment tries to use it.
D8 Roll Armor Type Weight Base Armor Class
5. When a situation arises where the special purpose of the sword (if 1-2 Leather 7.5 lbs. 13
applicable) can be used. 3-6 Chain Mail 15 lbs. 15
7-8 Plate Mail 22.5 lbs. 17
To make the control check, the DM must find the Will score of the user
and of the sword. When the Will scores are found, the being with the
higher total Will score, either character or sword, will control the
When a magic weapon is used, the user adds the magical adjustment
actions of the character.
to the attack and damage rolls. Several weapons also have a special
Will Score: An intelligent sword’s Will score is found by adding the adjustment which is only used when fighting a special type of monster.
sword’s Intelligence, Ego, and bonuses. The sword gets a bonus of +1 Normal weapon restrictions for character classes also apply to
to the Will score for each extraordinary power it has. magical weapons. 50% of all magical arrows or bolts fired may be
recovered as re-used as nonmagical arrows or bolts.
A character’s Will score is found by adding the character’s
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, with a penalty applied Example: A cleric cannot use a sword, so a cleric cannot use a
due to wounds, as follows: if the character has lost no more than ½ his magical sword either.
or her original Hit Points, 1-4 (1d4) points are subtracted. If the Once a cursed weapon is used in battle it may not be gotten rid of.
character has lost more than ½ of his or her original Hit Points, 2-8 (2d4) The owner will feel compelled to get it back if it is thrown away and
points are subtracted from their Will score. will always draw the cursed weapon in battle. Only a Remove Curse
Sword in Control: If a sword controls a character, the DM must decide or Dispel Evil spell can help a character get free of the curse.
on the actions of the sword in certain situations. These may include: The DM may select the types of magical axes, bows, darts, hammers,
• Leading the user past other magic weapons found, or discard maces, or spears found or may determine their type as follows:
other weapons. Axes Hammers
• Forcing the user to charge into combat to win glory for itself. D6 Roll Type of Axe D6 Roll Type of Hammer
Forcing the user to surrender to an opponent - either one more 1-2 Hand axe 1-3 Throwing hammer
worthy of the sword or one easier to control. 3-6 Battle axe 4-6 War hammer
• Forcing the user to spend most of his or her money on items for the
sword (jeweled fittings, fancy scabbards, special magical Bows Maces
protection, etc.). D6 Roll Type of Bow D6 Roll Type of Mace
The control will last until the sword is satisfied or until the situation which 1-3 Short bow 1-5 Mace
caused the control check has passed. 4-6 Long bow 6 Two-handed mace
Control Undead: The user may control 3-18 (3d6) Hit Dice of undead
monsters. The undead will be hostile when the control ends. Undead
creatures get no Saving Throw to resist control.
Delusion: This potion acts as a ring of delusion for 7-12 (1d6+6) turns.
ESP: This potion will have the same effect as the ESP spell.
Flying: The user may fly as per the magic-user spell of the same name.
Potions are usually found in small glass vials, similar to Holy Water. Each
potion has a different smell and taste, even two potions with the same
effect. Unless stated otherwise, the effect of any potion lasts 7-12
(1d6+6) turns. Only the DM should know the exact duration. The entire
potion must be drunk to have this effect. A potion may be sipped to
discover its type and then used later. Drinking a potion requires the use
of the Use an Object action (see page 81).
If a character drinks a potion while another potion is still in effect, that
character will become sickened for 3 turns (half an hour) and neither
potion will have any further affect. Sickened creatures suffer a -2
penalty to Strength and Dexterity checks, as well as attack and
damage rolls, and take a -2 penalty to their Armor Class. The
Movement Rate of sickened creatures is reduced by half. Healing
potions and longevity potions, which have instantaneous durations,
are exempt from this rule. Each type of potion is described hereafter.
Control Plant: The user may control all plants and plant-like creatures Invulnerability: The potion improves the user’s Armor Class by 2, and
(including monsters) in a 30’ radius sphere up to 60’ from the user. The gives a bonus of +2 on all Saving Throws.
controlled plants will respond to the user’s will, and can twist, writhe,
Longevity: The user’s age category is lowered by one category Protection from Magic: This scroll will create a circle of protection (10’
immediately: from old age to middle age, from middle age to radius) around the reader. No spells, or spell effects (from items, for
adulthood, or from adulthood to adolescence. The effect is example), may enter or leave the protected area. The effect will last
instantaneous and cannot be dispelled. for 1d4 turns, and may not be broken by any means short of a Wish.
The area will move with the reader.
Poison: Poisons look like normal magic potions. If any amount of this
potion is swallowed, even a sip, the user must make a DC 15 Protection from Undead: When read, this scroll will protect all those
Constitution Saving Throw or die in 6 rounds (1 minute). within the circle from 8d6 Hit Dice of undead for 6 turns.
Polymorph Self: The user may change shape as the spell of the same Spell Scroll: These scrolls may have 1, 2, or 3 spells written on them. If
name. more than one spell is written on a scroll only the spell cast will
disappear when read. Spell scrolls may have either magic-user/elf
Speed: This potion allows the character who drinks it to function as if spells (75%) or clerical spells (25%).
under the effects of a Haste spell.
Magic-user and elf spells are written in a magical language and
Treasure Finding: The user may, when concentrating, detect the require that the spellcaster use a Read Magic spell in order to
direction and distance of the largest treasure within 400’ (unless understand the scroll so that it may be used later. Clerical scrolls are
blocked by lead). written in the Common tongue, but only clerics have the spiritual
contacts necessary to make the spell work. Magic-users and elves
SCROLLS cannot use clerical scrolls, nor can clerics read magic-user or elf scrolls.
A scroll is a piece of old paper or parchment upon which a high level
The DM may choose the spells on a scroll, or the spells may be
magic-user, elf, or cleric has written a magical formula. To use a scroll
determined randomly by rolling percentile dice (d%) to find the level
there must be enough light to read by, and the scroll must be read
of the spell.
Die Roll Level of Spell
A scroll can only be used once, for the words will fade from the scroll
01-25 1st level
when they are read aloud. A spell scroll can only be read by a magic-
26-50 2nd level
user, elf, or cleric, but a protection scroll or a treasure map can be
51-70 3rd level
read by anyone.
71-85 4th level
86-95 5th level
96-00 6th level
Protection +1, 5’ Radius: This ring improves the wearer’s Armor Class
and Saving Throws by 1 (as a normal ring +1), but also gives the same
bonus to all friendly creatures within 5’ of the wearer.
Example: Three fighters in one rank would gain this bonus if the middle
one were wearing the ring.
Regeneration: The wearer will regenerate lost Hit Points at the rate of 1
per round. It will also replace lost limbs; a finger will regrow in 24 hours
and a limb can be replaced in one week. Fire and acid damage
cannot be cured by this ring.
Spell Storing: This ring will have 1-6 (1d6) spells stored in it when found.
Once the ring is put on the wearer will know what spells are in the ring
and how to cast them from it. The ring will hold only the spells in it when
found; the exact spells may never be changed.
Snake Staff (†): This staff +1 inflicts 2-7 (1d6+1) points of damage on a
After a spell is used, the ring may be recharged by a spellcaster, who successful hit. Upon command, it will turn into a snake (Armor Class 15,
must cast the replacement spell directly at the ring. The ring will not 3 Hit Dice, 20 Hit Points, 20’ Movement Rate) and will coil around the
absorb spells thrown at the wearer. The spells in the ring will have the creature hit. The command may be spoken as a free action when the
duration, range, and effect equal to the lowest level needed to cast victim is hit. A Small- or Medium-sized foe will be grappled for 1d4 turns
them. The DM should select the type of spells in the ring; about 20% of unless it makes a DC 15 Strength check to resist this effect.
these rings contain only clerical spells.
The creature remains grappled until the snake is ordered by the owner
Spell Turning: This ring will prevent 1d4 spells per day from affecting the to release the victim, the snake is killed, or the grappled foe makes a
wearer by reflecting the spell back on the caster. The number of spells DC 15 Strength check to break the grapple.
that will be reflected is unknown by the ring’s wearer (the DM secretly When commanded, the snake will crawl back to its owner and
rolls each day). This only turns spells that target the wearer. become a staff again. The snake is completely healed when it turns
into a staff. If killed in snake form, it will not return to staff form and loses
Telekinesis: The wearer may move up to 200 pounds of weight by
all magical properties. This item does not have nor use any charges.
concentration alone (as the magic-user spell).
Staff of Healing (†): This item will heal 2-7 (1d6+1) points of damage per
Water Walking: The wearer of this ring may walk on the surface of any
use. It may only be used once per day on each person but will heal
body of water (or other liquid) and not sink. If cast while under water,
any number of persons once a day. It does not have nor use any
the wearer will be borne toward the surface at 120’ per round.
Weakness: When this ring is put on, the wearer becomes weaker, and
Staff of Commanding (*†): This item has all the powers of the rings of
his or her Strength score becomes 3 within 6 rounds (1 minute). The
animal, human, and plant control.
wearer cannot take off this ring (unless a Remove Curse spell is used).
The DM may choose to allow characters to remove the ring by Staff of Power (*): This item can be used as a staff of striking, and can
performing some special task or adventure. also be used to cast any of the following attack spells (each doing 8d6
Wishes (2, 3, or 4): A ring of wishes is an extremely powerful magic item. points of damage): Fire Ball, Lightning Bolt, and Cone of Cold. It can
Wishes must be handled very carefully by the DM and players alike. also cast a Continual Light or a Telekinesis spell that moves objects that
See the Wish spell on page 63 for more details. weigh up to 240 pounds.
Wand of Enemy Detection: When a charge is used, this item will cause Broom of Flying: Upon command, the broom will carry its owner and
all enemies within 60’ (even hidden or invisible foes) to glow. fly through the air at a rate of 120’ per round. It can carry one extra
person, reducing speed to 90’ per round.
Wand of Fear (*): This wand will produce a cone of fear 60’ long and
30’ wide at the far end. All within the cone must make a DC 15 Boots of Levitation: The wearer may levitate (as the magic-user spell).
Charisma Saving Throw or run away from the user for 30 rounds. There is no limit to the duration of the effect.
Wand of Fire Balls (•): This wand can cast a Fire Ball (as the magic-user Boots of Speed: The wearer doubles their Movement Rate, after
spell) for 6d6 points of damage. The victim may make a DC 15 encumbrance penalties are applied.
Dexterity Saving Throw for half damage. Boots of Traveling and Leaping: The wearer’s Movement Rate is not
Wand of Illusion (•): This item can cast a Phantasmal Force spell. The reduced by encumbrance, though all other encumbrance penalties
user must concentrate (see page 25) on the illusion to maintain it. still apply. The wearer may also jump, up to a maximum height of 10’
and a maximum length of 30’. No action is required on the wearer’s
Crystal Ball *: This item can only be used by an elf or magic-user. Its
owner may look into it and see any place or object thought of. It will
work 3 times per day, and the image will only last for 1 turn. Spells
cannot be cast “through” the crystal ball. The more familiar the object
or area to be seen, the clearer the picture will be.
Crystal Ball with Clairaudience *: This works like a standard crystal ball
and may only be used by a magic-user or elf. This item also allows the
user to listen to any noise (including speech) at the place viewed.
Crystal Ball with ESP *: This works like a standard crystal ball, but also
allows the user to listen to the thoughts of creatures viewed (as the ESP
Wand of Lightning Bolts (*): This wand can cast a Lightning Bolt (as the spell). The user may listen to one creature’s thoughts.
magic-user’s spell) for 6d6 points of damage. The victims may make a
DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw to reduce damage by one half. Displacer Cloak: This cloak warps light rays: The wearer will seem to be
1-4’ away from his or her actual location. The cloak gives a bonus of
Wand of Magic Detection (*): When a charge is used, this item will +2 to the wearer’s Armor Class and Dexterity Saving Throws. No action
cause any magic item within 20’ to glow. If the item cannot normally is required on the wearer’s behalf.
be seen (within a closed chest, for example), the glow will not be seen.
Drums of Panic: These large kettle drums have no effect on any
Wand of Metal Detection (*): This item will point towards any mass of creatures within 10’ of them. When used, all creatures between 10’
metal weighing 50 pounds (2,500 coins) or more if within 20’. The user and 240’ from the drums must make a DC 15 Charisma Saving Throw
can detect the type of metal. or run away from the user for 30 rounds (5 minutes).
Wand of Negation (*): A charge from this wand will cancel the effect Efreeti Bottle: This item is a large and heavy sealed jug about 3’ high. If
of one other wand or staff for one round. The user chooses the wand the seal is broken and the stopper pulled, an efreeti will come forth to
or staff to be negated on their turn. serve the opener for up to 1 turn per day, for 101 days (or until slain).
Wand of Paralyzation (*): This wand projects a 60’ cone when a charge The creature will return to its home (the fabled City of Brass) after its
is used. Any creature within the cone must make a DC 15 Strength term of service is ended. It will serve no one but the person opening
Saving Throw or be paralyzed for 6 turns. the bottle.
Wand of Polymorphing (*): This wand can cast either a Polymorph Self Elemental Summoning Devices: Four different devices are used to
or Polymorph Others spell. The user must state which effect is desired. summon each type of elemental, these being:
An unwilling victim of Polymorph Others may make a DC 15 Wisdom The Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals, the Brazier of
Saving Throw to avoid the effect. Commanding Fire Elementals, the Censer of Controlling Air Elementals,
and the Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
Wand of Secret Door Detection (*): The user may find any secret door
within 20’. Each of these items for elemental control may be used once per day.
They range in size from the largest (the bowl) being 3’ in diameter to
Wand of Trap Detection (*): This wand will point out the location of all the smallest (the stone), a mere 6 inches across.
traps within 20’.
Each item requires 1 full turn of preparation before use. When
prepared, each will summon (and allow the user to control) one
The target may make a DC 15 Intelligence Saving Throw to resist this Rope of Climbing: This 50’ thin, strong rope will climb in any direction
intrusion. If this fails, the wearer will understand the creature’s upon the command of the owner. It may fasten itself to any protruding
thoughts, and may “send” thoughts to the creature. The creature may surface, and will support up to 1,000 pounds.
refuse to respond.
Scarab of Protection: This item will automatically absorb any curse
Helm of Teleportation *: This item may only be used once by a magic- (whether by spell, scroll, or other effect). It will also absorb the clerical
user or elf. It will have no further effect until a Teleport spell is cast on it, spell Finger of Death (the reverse of the Raise Dead spell). The scarab
after which it may be used to teleport once per day. will work 2-12 (2d6) times before becoming worthless.
The user may try to teleport another creature or item that they touch;
an unwilling victim may avoid the effect by making a DC 15
Items that do not duplicate a spell effect are assigned time and cost
There is always a chance that magical research or magic item creation requirements by the DM. The item to be enchanted must be of fine
will fail. A Concentration Check is made after the time and money are quality and be on-hand before the enchantment process begins.
spent. The DC of this checks equals 10 + the spell level researched or Single-use items (such as magical arrows) cost ½ of what permanent
imbued in an item. For items that do not duplicate spell effects, such as items cost and take ½ the time to enchant. For example:
magical weapons, the DC ranged from DC 14 to 18 (DM’s discretion).
Item Cost Time
Arrows +1 (20) 5,000 gp 1 month
Plate mail +1 10,000 gp 2 months
Sword +2 20,000 gp 4 months
Elven boots and cloak 20,000 gp 4 months
Crystal ball 30,000 gp 6 months
Ring of spell storing 60,000 gp 12 months
Ring of x-ray vision 100,000 gp 20 months
To limit the production of some of the more powerful items, the DM may
require rare substances for production. These will be very costly, hard to
find, time consuming, or require a special adventure to get.
A spellcaster may want to use magic in a way not covered by spells or
production: cleansing a defiled temple, opening a gate to another
world, setting magical traps, and so on. The DM may let the spellcaster
research the steps necessary to do this by assigning time and cost
requirements as for magic item production. The rituals may require rare
substances or the casting of certain spells, and may have to be
renewed periodically.
Producing Magic Items: On reaching name level (9th level), clerics may
try to make any item usable by clerics (including items that duplicate
the effects of clerical spells), while magic-users and elves can attempt
to create any item except those items usable only by clerics. The DM
may limit or forbid the production of certain powerful items.
To create a magic item, the spellcaster must first gather together the
rare materials from which the item will be made. The DM should decide
what is necessary to make different items.
A scroll might require special parchment and a different formula of ink
for each spell effect. Weapons might require rare metals, powdered
gems forged into the metal, or the blood or skins of creatures which are
to be affected by the weapon. These items should be difficult to obtain,
and the spellcaster will often have to adventure to acquire the items,
for there are no magic stores. Then the spellcaster must spend time and
E. STOCK THE DUNGEON: To “stock” a dungeon means to fill in the Treasure: The DM may assign treasure to monsters, or place treasure in
general details, such as monsters, treasure, and traps. Special monsters rooms, as he or she wishes. If random rolls are used, the table below lists
should be first placed in the appropriate rooms along with special treasure amounts found in unguarded rooms (those without a monster)
treasures. The remaining rooms can be stocked as the DM wishes. on all dungeon levels. Since treasure is an important factor for gaining
If there is no preference as to how certain rooms are stocked, the experience at higher levels the DM may wish to not allow unguarded
following system may be used. Roll 1d6 for Contents, and then roll on treasures below the 8th level. If a monster is present, use the Treasure
the second table for Treasure according to the result of the first roll. A Type listing (page 148) for the monster to find the amount of treasure in
“Yes” result means that Treasure is there along with whatever is the room.
indicated by the first roll. Unguarded Treasure
Dungeon Silver Gold Gems/ Magic
Level Pieces Pieces Jewelry Items
1 1d6x100 50%; 1d6x10 5%/2%; 1d6 2%; any 1
2-3 1d12x100 50%; 1d6x100 10%/5%; 1d6 8%; any 1
4-5 1d6x1,000 1d6x200 20%/10%; 1d6 10%; any 1
6-7 1d6x2,000 1d6x500 30%/15%; 1d6 15%; any 1
8-9 1d6x5,000 1d6x1,000 40%/20%; 1d12 20%; any 1
Note that there are always silver pieces in unguarded treasure, and
that other items are given in terms of the die rolled to determine the
number present.
F. FILLING IN FINAL DETAILS: Once the rooms have been stocked, the
DM can fill in details about the corridors (such as traps or regular patrols
of monsters).
The DM should also “stock” the dungeon with some normal items,
smells, sounds, and so forth. Inhabited and empty rooms could be given
whatever normal furnishings would be common in the dungeon.
The DM should be careful not to use too much nor too little detail; some
detail will help the players imagine the areas that they are exploring,
but too much detail is often just boring.
Each room description will begin with the room number, followed by a Room #8 (15’ square): This room was once a guard barracks. The floor
note on the size of the room, in parentheses. Standard abbreviations has collapsed and the ceiling leaks. The result is a 3’ deep pool filled
for compass directions (N, S, E, and W for North, South, East, and West) with scummy water. A partially waterlogged bunk floats in the water. A
will be used. For example, (20’ N-S, 10’ E-W) means that the room is 20 rusted iron statue of a beautiful warrior maiden lies at the bottom of the
feet long and 10 feet wide. “Square” means that the room is exactly as pool. The water is safe to walk through, and the statue is harmless and
wide as it is long. worthless.
DUNGEON KEY Room #9 (5’ E-W, 10’ N-S): This cubbyhole has a secret door and was
used to spy on those walking down the corridor. There are now 4 goblins
Room #1 (15’ E-W, 10’ N-S): This room appears to have once been a (AC 14, HD 1-1, HP 5, 3, 4, 1, MV 30’, #AT 1, 1d6. CB: 0, ML 11, AL Chaotic)
bedroom. It is filled with rotting, moldy bedroom furniture, but is empty in the room, spying on anyone approaching in the corridor. They have
of monsters, treasure, and traps. The dust on the floor has obviously no treasure.
been brushed to remove any footprints.
Sample Dungeon Expedition rolls a d20 as Morgan slams into the door, rolling a 10.)
DM: “It opens. You see half a dozen goblins.”
This party includes four 2nd level characters and a 1st level dwarf:
Morgan Ironwolf, a female fighter (the caller); Silverleaf, an elf; Fredrik, Fredrik: “Let me at them!”
a dwarf; Sister Rebecca, a cleric; and Black Dougal, a thief. After
equipping themselves, these characters have journeyed to the DM: “You can’t be surprised, but they can be…” (rolling for surprise) “No
Haunted Keep and discovered the trap door in room 4, leading to the surprise. Roll for initiative, please.”
second level. As caller, Morgan relays the party’s actions to the DM Morgan: “Fred rolled a 2 for the party.”
after the characters decide what they want to do.
DM (Rolling): “The goblins have the initiative.” (Rolling reaction for the
DM: “Having killed the hobgoblins, you open the trap door and find a goblins) “They must have heard you, Fred. They charge, yelling, ‘Kill the
winding staircase going down to the south.” dwarf! Chop him to hamburger!’”
Morgan: “We’re going down the stairs.” (Combat is now resolved, morale checks taken, etc. The goblins fight
until all are dead. It is now time to check for wandering monsters, but
DM: “After 30’ you reach a round landing with two sets of stairs. One
the DM’s roll indicates that none appear.)
goes down to the east and the other goes down to the west.”
Morgan: “OK, what does the room look like? We are checking the floor
Morgan: “Silverleaf looks down the east staircase and Fredrik looks
and ceiling, too.”
down the west one. What do they see?”
DM: “The room is six-sided, 30’ on a side and 20’ high. The door you
DM: “The party’s torches mess up their Darkvision, so they can only see
came in is the only one you see. There is nothing unusual about the floor
to thirty feet. The east stairs go down ten feet and turn sharply south.
or ceiling. Besides the bodies of the goblins, there is a wooden box
The west stairs go down at least thirty feet. Also, Fred smells a rank, musty
along the northeast wall and a pile of old rags in the north corner.”
odor coming up from below.”
Morgan: “Silverleaf is checking for secret doors, Fred is checking the
Fredrik: “Hey everybody! There’s something down there. I don’t like it!”
floor for stonework traps, Black Dougal is seeing if the box is locked, and
Morgan: “Anyone want to go down the east stairs? . . . OK, we’re going Sister Rebecca is guarding the door. I’m prodding the rags with my
down the east stairs.” sword - any movement?”
DM: “You go ten feet down the east stairs; it turns south to 20’, 30’ down; DM: (After the players of Silverleaf and Fredrik make their Intelligence
the stairs end, and you step into a 20’ wide corridor that goes east and checks to search) “Silverleaf notices that one of the stone blocks in the
west. You see a door 10’ up the west corridor on the north wall.” southwest wall is slightly discolored. Fred does not find any stonework
traps. The box is the size of a small trunk; it is latched, but not locked.
Rebecca: (Mapping): “That was the north wall?” DM: “Yes, the door is
Morgan, nothing moves in the pile of rags.”
in the north wall.”
Fredrik: “I want to have a look at that block, Silverleaf.”
Morgan: “We’re going to the door. Silverleaf, Black Dougal, and I will
listen.” Morgan: “Fred examines the block.”
DM: “As you step into the corridor, a breeze from the west makes your Fredrik: “For traps.”
torches flicker.”
Morgan: “Sorry, Fred; for traps.”
Rebecca: “Is it strong enough to put them out?”
Black Dougal: “I’m looking for traps on the box, too.”
DM: “No,” (Chuckling) “not yet.”
DM: (Fred’s player and Black Dougal’s each make Intelligence check,
Morgan: “Then we’ll listen at the door.” even though the block is not trapped. Their rolls indicates that Dougal
has failed to find the poisoned needle in the latch.) “Neither of you finds
DM: “Each of you can roll make a Perception check” (The players each
a trap.”
roll a d20, but none roll high enough to hear anything). “You don’t hear
anything.” Fredrik: “I’m pushing, pulling, and trying to twist the block.”
Morgan (After a discussion with the others): “We’ll leave the door and DM: “When you push it, a secret door opens in the west section of the
go down the passage to the west.” southwest wall. You see a 5’ wide corridor that goes south for 30’ and
ends at a door.”
DM: “After 30’ there is a side passage to the south, 10’ wide. The main
corridor continues west. You notice the breeze is stronger and your Morgan: “Fred and Silverleaf will guard the secret door, and Black
torches are beginning to flicker even more.” Dougal will open the box. I’ll search through the rags. Anything that
looks like a cloak or boots?”
Fredrik: “I don’t like this.”
DM: “Black Dougal, you find out that you missed a tiny, discolored
Dougal: “You’ve got Darkvision!”
needle in the latch. Roll a Constitution Saving Throw against poison,
Morgan: “We’ll take the side passage.” please!”
DM: “OK. After 50’ you find doors to the east and west. The passage Dougal (Rolling a “5” on his Saving Throw): “Missed it!”
continues south.”
DM: “Black Dougal gasps ‘Poison!’ and falls to the floor. He looks dead.”
Morgan: “Silverleaf, Fred, and Black Dougal will listen at the west door.”
Fredrik: “I’m grabbing his pack to carry treasure in.”
DM: “Roll Perception again.” (The players roll, with Black Dougal’s
Rebecca: “I’m giving Black Dougal the last rites of my church.”
player rolling a 15 on the die): “Black Dougal hears muttering voices.”
DM: “OK. Meanwhile, Fred, you find the box is full of silver, perhaps two
Dougal: “Do I understand them? I speak Common, Orc, Goblin, and
thousand pieces. Morgan, you do find a pair of old boots, but nothing
like a cloak.”
DM: (After deciding on a chance for Dougal to recognize goblin
Morgan: “Fred will dump the silver and look for hidden compartments
language through the heavy door, and then rolling): “No, the voices
in the box. I’ll try on the boots and see if I move silently - we could use
aren’t loud enough.”
a pair of elven boots!”
Morgan: “We’re getting ready for combat. Fred and I will force the
DM: (Rolling another wandering monster check): “Fred finds a false
bottom in the box. It contains another smaller box of carved ivory that
Dougal: “I’ll guard the rear!” holds two gold bracelets set with jade.”
DM: “OK. The party is set, with Black Dougal guarding the rear.” Fredrik: “How valuable do they look?”
Morgan: “Just in case the door is stuck, I’ll try to force it opened.” (She DM: “You think the jewel case is worth 100 gp and each bracelet is
Luln: Composed primarily of persons who have fled Black Eagle Barony, The walls, ceilings, and floors of the rooms and passageways are
merchants who have come to trade with the Baron, and some demi- paneled with planks of hard wood so that no earth shows. Mounted on
humans who have left the wilderness, Luln, is a base town for the walls about 20’ apart are oil lamps that are only lit as they are
adventurers exploring the Haunted Keep, also called Koriszegy Keep needed. Rooms are furnished in a simple but colorful style and have
and the surrounding land. Somewhat lawless and open, the town can many domestic items scattered about them.
D12 Roll Swamp Woods
1 Brigand Brigand
2 Bandit Bandit
3 NPC Party NPC Party
4 NPC Party Merchant
5 Merchant Berserker
6 Cleric* Brigand
7 Trader Cleric*
8 Berserker Magic-user*
9 Fighter* Fighter*
10 Magic-user* Bandit
11 NPC Party Brigand
Barrens, Hills, * See Creating an NPC Party on page 173
D12 Roll Mountains Desert Other
1 Gargoyle Gargoyle Cockatrice
2 Griffon Gargoyle Gargoyle
3 Harpy Griffon Griffon
4 Hawk Hawk Hawk, Giant
5 Hawk, Giant Hawk, Giant Hippogriff
6 Hippogriff Manticore Killer Bee
7 Manticore Manticore Pegasus
8 Pegasus Roc, Small Pixie
9 Roc, Small Roc, Large Robber Fly
10 Roc, Large Roc, Giant Roc, Small
11 Roc, Giant Sphinx, Crio- Sprite
12 Sylph Sphinx, Heiraco- Stirge
D12 Roll
1 Ankheg
2 Beetle, Fire
3 Beetle, Oil
4 Beetle, Tiger
5 Driver Ant
6 Killer Bee
7 Robber Fly
8 Scorpion, Giant
9 Spider, Giant
10 Spider, Huge
11 Spider, Large
12 Wasp, Giant
Dividing Treasure: While it is not the DM’s job to divide treasure between
the players, the DM may offer suggestions. Non-magical treasure is
usually divided evenly among all surviving players. Magical treasures
may be divided by the players’ choice, or by having each player roll
d%: the highest roll would get first pick of magical items, the second
highest would get second pick, and so forth.
WILD FORM: At 6th level druids gain the ability to change into a Small
or Medium animal once per day as an action. The druid must have
seen an animal in order to take its form. This form may be kept for up
to 8 hours or until the druid changes back, falls unconscious, or dies.
This form has the Hit Points, sensory abilities, Attack Bonus, and Saving
Throws of the druid but has the natural attacks, Movement Rate, and
Armor Class of the form selected. The druid may not cast spells or use
carried equipment (which merges with the chosen form) while in Wild
Form. Upon reaching 12th and 18th level in this class druids gain an
additional use of this ability each day.
At 9th level, druids gain the ability to take the shape of a Large animal
when using the Wild Shape ability.
Half-orcs most often live among orcs. Of the other races, humans are
most likely to accept half-orcs, and half-orcs almost always live in
human lands when not living among orc tribes. Whether proving
themselves among rough barbarian tribes or scrabbling to survive in
the slums of larger cities, half-orcs get by on their physical might, their
endurance, and the sheer determination they inherit from their human
Monks’ extensive training and mastery of acrobatic maneuvers grants
them a +2 bonus to all Strength and Dexterity checks made to climb,
jump, keep their balance, and use stealth. This is in addition to their
Class Bonus to all Dexterity ability checks. Monks also get the following
At 1st level, the monk’s Movement Rate increases by 10’ (50’ per
round). This increases by 5’ at levels 5 (55’ Move), 10 (60’ Move), 15
(65’ Move), and 20 (70’ Move). In addition, monks reduce falling
damage by a number of d6 equal to Experience Bonus (see page 69).
At 4th level and beyond, if a monk makes a successful Dexterity Saving
Throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a
successful save, he or she instead takes no damage.
Prime Requisites: Wisdom 9, Dexterity 13, and Constitution 9
Hit Die Type: d8 (5) KI STRIKE
Monks specialize in unarmed combat and deal 1d6 points of damage
Class Abilities: Acrobatic Prowess, Ki Strike, Uncanny Defense, with all unarmed strikes.
Attuned to nature, Adrenal Mastery, Meditative
Trance, Extra Attacks, Still Mind, Quivering Palm At 4th level the monk’s unarmed strikes can affect creatures that may
only be harmed by magical or silver weapons.
Class Bonuses: +2 to Wisdom and Dexterity ability checks
Movement Rate: 50’ per round At 6th level a monk’s unarmed strike damage increases to 1d6+2. At
11th level. It increases to 1d6+4 damage.
Permitted Armor: None
Permitted Weapons: Any
The training, lightning reflexes, and fine-honed instincts of monks allow
Starting Gold: 2d6x10 gp them to increase their Armor Class by 2 when unarmored. This bonus
to Armor Class improves by 2 points at monk levels 6, 12, and 18. To
gain this benefit, the monk can’t be blinded, deafened, surprised, or
Level Title Hit Dice Attack Bonus unconscious.
1 Novice 1d8 +1
2 Initiate 2d8 +2 ATTUNED TO NATURE
3 Sister/Brother 3d8 +3 At 4th level and higher monks may converse with animals, as per the
4 Disciple 4d8 +4 Speak with Animals spell.
5 Immaculate 5d8 +5 By 12th level monks are so attuned to their surroundings that they may
6 Abbot 6d8 +6 speak with plants at will, as per the spell of the same name.
7 Preceptor 7d8 +7
8 Superior 8d8 +8 ADRENAL MASTERY
9 Master of Dragons 9d8 +9 At 5th level onward monks are not subject to diseases of any sort.
10 Master of the North Wind 9d8+4* +10 Starting at 8th level, the monk may heal him or herself of 3 Hit Points per
11 Master of the West Wind 9d8+8* +11 monk level per day. This may be done as a free action (see page 81)
12 Master of the South Wind 9d8+12* +12 and may only be done once per day.
13 Master of the East Wind 9d8+16* +13
At 11th level monks become immune to all poisons.
14 Master of Winter 9d8+20* +14
15 Master of Autumn 9d8+24* +15 MEDITATIVE TRANCE
16 Master of Spring 9d8+28* +16 Beginning at 6th level, monks have mastery over their vital functions,
17 Master of Flowers 9d8+32* +17 and can slow them until they appear to be dead. Monks make all
18 Grand Master of the Evening Sky 9d8+36* +18 Wisdom (Perception) checks normally while meditating.
19 Grand Master of the Setting Sun 9d8+40* +19
20 Grand Master of the Dawn 9d8+44* +20 EXTRA ATTACKS
* Constitution modifiers no longer apply At 8th level monks gain an additional attack each round, for a total of
2 attacks per round. At 16th level this increases to 3 attacks per round.
The monk is devoted to the perfection of the body and the mastery of
Starting at 9th level monks gain a +2 bonus to all Wisdom and Charisma
mind over body. As part of their training, monks train in a myriad of
Saving Throws. This bonus is in addition to their Class Bonus to all
martial arts styles.
Wisdom ability checks.
Some monks’ dedication to the martial arts flows from a strong
spirituality, and they often live by stringent personal or organizational QUIVERING PALM
codes of conduct. Others show only disdain for religion but look to At 13th level, monks gain a fearsome and fabled attack, the Quivering
training and personal perfection to bring their lives meaning. While Palm. Monks can use the Quivering Palm attack once per day.
there is no standard that a monk must follow, they are all devoted to The attack must be announced before an attack roll is made. If the
the use of the body as the best of weapons on the field, and the monk successfully strikes a living creature, the Quivering Palm
mind’s control of the body as the best weapon of all. succeeds. Thereafter, the monk may choose to try to slay the victim at
To achieve a harmonious balance in mind and spirit, the monk must any later time, within 1 day per monk level attained.
not be susceptible to wild urges, emotions, or other distracting mental The monk merely wills the target to die, and the victim makes a
and physical conditions. A physical and mental harmony and Constitution Saving Throw. The DC of this Saving Throw is equal to 10 +
balance must be maintained for them to function at their peak. As the monks’ Experience Bonus (page 69). If the victim fails its Saving
such, they are strict adherents to their codes, masters of the routines Throw, it dies. If it succeeds on its Saving Throw it suffers no other ill
necessary to train the body and follow strict regimens to undertake the effect.
Class Bonuses: +2 to Wisdom and Charisma ability checks PALADIN’S MOUNT: At 4th level, the paladin gains the service of a
heavy warhorse that magically appears. It has 5+5 Hit Dice, is highly
Movement Rate: 40’ per round
intelligent, and has the Movement Rate of a medium warhorse. If it is
Alignment: Paladins must be Lawful slain, the paladin does not gain another special mount until a year
Permitted Armor: All armor and shields and a day has passed.
Permitted Weapons: All weapons EXTRA ATTACKS: At 8th level paladins gain an additional attack each
round, for a total of 2 attacks per round. At 16th level this increases to
Starting Gold: 3d6x10 gp
3 attacks per round
SPELL USE: At 9th level, the paladin gains the ability to cast cleric spells
Level Title Hit Dice Attack Bonus and use cleric spell scrolls. A paladin is limited to a certain number of
1 Gallant 1d8 +1 spells of each spell level per day. The table below shows the number
2 Keeper 2d8 +2 of spells per day a character of the class may prepare. Paladins
3 Protector 3d8 +3 prepare spells each day through prayer to their deity or deities. This
4 Defender 4d8 +4 process is covered in greater detail on page 25 of CHAPTER 3: SPELLS.
5 Warder 5d8 +5
A paladin’s spell Saving Throw Difficulty Class (or DC) equals 10 plus
6 Guardian 6d8 +6
the paladin’s Experience Bonus (see page 69). Their caster level
7 Chevalier 7d8 +7
equals ½ of their paladin level (rounded down).
8 Justiciar 8d8 +8
9 Paladin 9d8 +9 PALADIN SPELL TABLE
10 Paladin 9d8+4* +10
Spell Level
11 Paladin 9d8+8* +11
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
12 Paladin 9d8+12* +12
9 2
13 Paladin 9d8+16* +13
10 3
14 Paladin 9d8+20* +14
11 3 1
15 Paladin 9d8+24* +15
12 3 2
16 Paladin 9d8+28* +16
13 3 2
17 Paladin 9d8+32* +17
14 4 2
18 Paladin 9d8+36* +18
15 4 2 1
19 Paladin 9d8+40* +19
16 4 2 1
20 Paladin 9d8+44* +20
17 4 3 1
* Constitution modifiers no longer apply 18 4 3 2
19 4 3 2
The paladin is a holy warrior chosen for absolute devotion to a deity or
similar holy cause. As skilled combatants, paladins may use any
weapon and any type of armor. Their belief in the tenets of their deity
gives them strength and divine powers beyond those of other warriors.
Their code requires them to respect legitimate authority, act with
honor, help those in need, and bring those that harm or threaten the
innocent to justice.
Paladins never knowingly associate with Chaotic characters under
any circumstances. A paladin ends all associations with those who
consistently offend their moral code or refuse to help in a cause the
paladin considers worthy. They may never retain more than ten magic
items and must pay a tithe (10%) of all wealth to a charitable religious
institution (not a clerical player character) of Lawful alignment.
A paladin who ceases to perform his duties or strays from the path of
righteousness, who willfully commits an evil act, or who grossly violates
their code of conduct loses all class features, except for the Extra
Attacks ability. The character is outcast and cursed and no longer
advances in strength or power. Only by atoning for the violations of
their code may a paladin regain the status and powers once theirs.
DETECT EVIL: Paladins may cast the Detect Evil spell at will, following
the usual rules for spellcasting and concentration (see pages 25-26).
2. The character’s Hit Points are the average of his Hit Die rolls for Example: A fighter/magic-user does not get a +2 Class Bonus to
each class. The player totals the rolled Hit Points for each class all Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Constitution ability checks.
and divides that total by 2. Any Constitution bonus or penalty is The player must choose any 2 of these ability scores when
then applied to the character’s averaged Hit Points. assigning his or her Class Bonuses.
At 10th level and beyond, average the fixed Hit Points for both
classes. If the average is a fraction, round it up.
The strange creatures of the Elemental Planes are mixtures of solid and In combat between elemental beings, dominance and opposition
liquid material, held together by a life force of thought and energy have the following effects:
(much like creatures on the Prime Plane). DOMINANCE: Dominance results in double damage; the victim may
When a planet exists on an Elemental Plane in roughly the same make a Saving Throw to take normal damage.
"position" as a planet on the Prime Plane, natural vortexes and When one creature has dominance over another, it has damage
wormholes appear, connecting the planets on each plane. Thus, for resistance (see page 84) against the other's normal attacks. If a
the "normal" D&D® world, there are four other planets in similar reaction roll indicates hostility, “flee” should replace “attack” for a
positions, one on each of the Elemental Planes. Other planets in the creature faced by a foe with dominance.
Prime universe might not have corresponding elemental planets;
another world might thus be missing one or more elements. Example: A party is attacked by a fire elemental, so their magic-user
casts Conjure Elemental to summon a water elemental. Each blow
Moons, comets, and other large moving bodies on the Prime Plane from the resulting water elemental inflicts double damage upon the
rarely have any elemental connections. They are sometimes created fire elemental, but it may make a Saving Throw (per blow) to take
by temporary wormholes, which break when the corresponding body normal damage.
on the Elemental Plane moves out of position. In a similar manner, a
vortex may suddenly appear on a moving body, as a corresponding OPPOSITION: Opposition results in hostility; a penalty applies to all
moon “nears it” on the Elemental Plane. reaction rolls (page 78). The penalty is -4 if the creatures are totally
opposed (element vs. element and Chaos vs. Law), or -2 otherwise.
Example: An ocean could suddenly appear on a moon of the
characters' world as that celestial body interacts with a wormhole to When two creatures are in opposition, no change in damage occurs;
the Elemental Plane of Water! only reactions are affected. The creatures' reactions to others are not
affected; the penalty applies only to reactions to the creature of
Some creatures of the Elemental Planes are described in Chapter 6.
opposing element.
You may construct whole civilizations, as interesting and complex as
those on the characters' world, with that information. Adventuring can GENERAL SPELL NOTES: The spells learned on the Prime Plane usually
proceed much as it always has, but with entirely new settings, function normally in the Ether and on the Elemental Planes unless
encounters, and even new treasures. affected by dominance or opposition (see above). Most spells can
easily be translated by replacing the terms “stone” with “solid
MOVEMENT: Characters can move across the Elemental Planes just as
element,” “water” with “liquid element,” and “flesh" with “solid/liquid
they do on the Prime Plane. On “land” (i.e., the solid elemental
surfaces), they can walk. They can use Fly spells or devices (or flying
mounts) to move through the air. Spells such as Teleport work normally. Spell-using creatures native to other planes know “local” versions of
many spells. These spells include the clerical Barrier, Create Water, and
BREATHING: The atmospheres of all the elemental planes except Air Resist Fire spells, and the magic-user Charm Person, Cloudkill, Fireball,
are hazardous to player characters. The atmosphere of the Plane of Delayed Blast Fireball, Ice Storm, Part Water, Magic Missile,
Water is gaseous water (this would have to be superheated on the Massmorph, Move Earth, Passwall, Statue, Water Breathing, Web, and
Prime Plane to exist in this state, but on the elemental plane can exist Wall spells.
at ordinary temperatures); only a water-breathing character can
breathe it. The atmosphere of the Plane of Earth is gaseous earth A visitor from the Prime Plane could learn the “local” version of these
matter; that of Fire is a volume of none-too-cool flame. Even the Plane spells, if taught by a friendly resident. However, local elemental
of Air has areas filled with poisonous or corrosive gas. To survive on the versions of spells will work only on the same plane; a Flesh to Ice
Elemental Planes, the characters will have to employ the Survival spell learned on the Plane of Water would have no effect if cast on any
or magical items that mirror that spell's effects. other plane, including the Plane of Fire (despite dominance).
Disintegrate: This spell works normally except against an elemental on You can decide which Outer Planes to use in your campaign
its home plane. It causes an elemental to split into many creatures of according to your campaign needs, particularly when the characters
1 Hit Die each; the number of creatures is equal to the Hit Dice of the reach high experience levels. If you want your characters to be
elemental affected. heavily involved with the Immortals, you can arrange for a set of
adventures to take place in an Immortal's plane, for example.
Stone to Flesh: This spell affects solid matter and often material over Create and use each plane as you need it, and you will not waste any
which the caster has control, and turns it into living matter. Each effort by creating vast numbers of planes your characters may never
Elemental Plane has a similar version. Each elemental version changes visit.
a solid element over which the caster has dominance into a living
elemental form.
Example: The local version on the Plane of Water is Ice to Water and
Fire to Water.
The reverse of the spell has similar local effects, but changes an
elemental creature into non-living solid form.
Example: On the Plane of Water, the reversed spell is Flesh to Ice.
THE ASTRAL BOUNDARY: The Astral Plane can be reached from the
Elemental Planes by using a magical gate, or from the Ethereal Plane
at the Astral boundary.
From the Ethereal Plane, the boundary appears as a distant
shimmering light that becomes brighter as it is approached. The
boundary can be crossed magically in either direction (using Plane
Shift, etc.), but no permanent crossing exists or can be made.
From the Astral Plane, the Ethereal boundary appears as an Beyond the Multiverse
unmistakable dull gray. Magical sight can penetrate the boundary in
Unsuspected by all but the most powerful magic-users, beyond the
both directions.
multiverse are alternative realities, called “dimensions.” It is guessed
MOVEMENT: Normal movement on the Astral Plane, such as walking, that other dimensions coexist in the same space as the multiverse, yet
is only possible when a surface is present. The usual means of travel is cannot be detected by mortal means.
by flight. Astral travelers may fly through the Astral Plane by mere Even Immortals, with their heightened perception, may have limited
thought, moving 60’ per round in any desired direction. powers in alternative dimensions. One such dimension is the
Gravity is present only when a solid is nearby, and has only minor Nightmare Dimension, which is inhabited by creatures that haunt the
effects (similar to Ether-Prime gravity effects). dreams of mortal and Immortal alike.
There are no signposts to the Inner or Outer planes, so it is very easy for Past all planes and dimensions lies a mysterious barrier, called the
the inexperienced to get lost; a Wish or magical navigation aid might Dimensional Vortex, home to horrific monsters called “vortex
be critically important if adventuring here. creatures.” Here, even the Immortals fear to tread.
Adventure: Any session where a DM and players meet to play a D&D D# (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D%): A symbol showing what type of die
game. to roll. For example, a d20 is a twenty-sided die.
Aerial: Inhabiting or occurring while in the air or flying. Damage Roll: The die roll to find how much damage an attack does.
Alignment: The general pattern of behavior of monsters and Darkvision: A kind of “sight” that allows the possessor to see in darkness
characters in D&D rules. to a limited range.
Animated Monster: A monster created or animated by magic. They Defensive Movement: Cautious movement away from or past an
are sometimes called constructs or enchanted monsters. Animated opponent, while keeping one’s guard up. A character or monster
monsters in the D&D BASIC rules are skeletons, zombies, and living must move at ½ of their normal Movement rate when engaging in
statues. Defensive Movement.
Area of Effect: Objects and creatures within the area of effect are Demi-Human: A human-like creature that is also a character class (i.e.,
affected by the results of a spell, breath weapon, magical device, Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings).
and other attacks which can strike multiple targets.
Dungeon: A place, underground and often among ruins, where
Armor Class (or AC): The armor worn by a character or the natural characters adventure.
protection a monster has against missile and melee attacks.
Dungeon Level: This refers to how far a dungeon area is below the
Attack Bonus: A bonus to melee and missile attack rolls that is based ground, with the danger increasing with the depth of the level.
on the character’s class and experience level.
Dungeon Master (DM): The referee who creates the dungeon,
Ballista: An ancient or medieval siege weapon that fires large bolts provides the setting for the game, and handles all monsters
similar to its smaller cousin the crossbow. encountered.
Becalmed: To be unable to move while sailing due to lack of wind. Duration: The length of game time that an effect lasts for, given in
combat rounds, minutes, turns, hours, or days.
Caller: The player who normally tells the DM what his or her party will
do, based on what the other players tell him or her. Elemental: Belonging to or dealing with a natural force or element. For
example, fire was considered an element by ancient thinkers.
Campaign: A series of adventures taking place in the same fantasy Elemental creatures are the living embodiment of these elements (fire,
world. water, earth, etc.)
Catapult: A large weapon, normally used in sieges, for hurling boulders Empathy: Feeling or identifying with another thing or person.
or other items through the use of a lever or spring.
Encounter: A meeting between player characters and monsters.
Character Class: The profession or race that the player has chosen for
his or her character in a game. Encumbrance: The equipment, treasure, and other burdens carried by
a character given in one pound equal to 50 coins.
Character Level: See experience level.
EP: Electrum pieces. There are 2 electrum pieces per gold piece.
Charge (magical): The magical energy needed to use a wand or staff
once. Evasion: An attempt to get away from a monster or avoid an
Class: See character class.
Experience Bonus: A bonus, equal to ½ of the character’s level
Class Bonus: A static, +2, bonus that is added to certain ability checks (rounding fractions down), that is added to that character’s ability
made by the character. Each character class has a Class Bonus to checks. A monster’s Experience Bonus is equal to ½ of its Hit Dice.
two ability scores.
Experience Level: An indication of the power and ability of a
Coin (or CN): A unit of weight and treasure in D&D rules. 50 coins character. It is also referred to as Level of Experience or Character
equal 1 pound. Level.
Combat Round (or Round): A length of game time, equal to 10 Experience Points (or XP): Awards given to characters representing
seconds, that is used when combat occurs between players and improvements in abilities and skills through adventuring.
Fighting Withdrawal: Moving away from a foe while using Defensive
Concentration: A character putting all his or her attention on a spell or Movement.
item, during which the character may do nothing other than move,
and which, if distracted or wounded will cause the concentration to Galley: A large, oared ship, sometimes set with a sail, used for sailing
be lost on a failed Concentration Check. in coastal waters.
Concentration Check: An ability check, made by a spellcaster, to Game Time: Imaginary time within the game spent by characters
maintain concentration on a spell when distracted or wounded. doing actions, not equal to actual time spent by the players.
Concealment: Lighting, fog, or any other mundane or magical GP: Gold piece. The basic unit of money in a D&D campaign.
condition that makes a creature harder to see while not providing solid
cover. Hit Dice: The number of dice rolled to find how many Hit Points a
character or monster has, the type of die used dependent upon the
Cover: Anything, besides a shield, that a character hides behind to creature or class.
gain protection from an attack.
Hit Points (or HP): The amount of damage a character or monster can
CN: See Coin. sustain before dying.
Key: Information used by the DM that describes and locates anything Quarrel: A short, heavy shaft that is shot from a crossbow (also called
in a dungeon. a bolt).
Lair: The place where a monster lives. Ram: Armoring and strengthening built onto the front of a ship for the
purpose of colliding with other vessels.
Level: See character level, dungeon level, experience level, monster
level, and spell level. Rampart: A defensive work, consisting of a sloped embankment
usually topped by a wall or parapet.
Lost World: An area out of contact with the rest of the world for a great
length of time, where otherwise extinct creatures and cultures still Range: The distance at which missile fire may be made, or a spell may
survive. be cast.
Magical Monster (or Fantastic Creature): Creatures which are Ranged Attack: Attacks at opponents more than 5' away, not
“impossible” combinations (harpy) or those creatures with magical including breath weapons or spell attacks, using thrown and fired
powers (dopplegangers or dragons), although giant animals and weapons. Ranged Attacks are also referred to as Ranged Combat or
enchanted monsters are not the same as magical monsters. Missile Fire.
Melee: Physical combat that occurs when opponents are within reach Regeneration: The power to gradually heal lost Hit Points and regrow
(usually 5’) of each other and using either hand-held weapons or lost limbs.
natural weapons (such as claws and teeth).
Retainer: A non-player character adventurer in the employ of a player
Missile Fire: Attacks at opponents more than 5' away, not including character.
breath weapons or spell attacks, using thrown and fired weapons.
Missile Fire is also referred to as Ranged Combat or Ranged Attacks. Reversed: Using a spell so that it has an effect opposite to the usual
effect of the spell.
Moat: A flooded ditch surrounding a castle.
Saving Throw (or Save): A character's chance (by dodging, luck,
Module: Completely designed and challenging adventures available willpower, etc.) to avoid or lessen the harmful effects of certain types
from TSR Hobbies, Inc. that contain maps, keys, background of attacks.
information, NPCs, and other information for use by the DM to use in
his or her campaign. Scenario: An adventure or series of adventures designed around a
common theme or background.
Monster: Any creature or non-player character (NPC) controlled by
the DM. Secret Door (or Concealed Door): A door that is hidden or disguised as
something else, thereby making it hard to find. They are sometimes
Monster Level: A measure of how tough a monster is, usually equal to referred to as concealed doors.
the number of Hit Dice the creature has.
Shrine: A place or site of great importance to a religion.
Morale: The willingness of a creature or character to face danger.
SP: Silver piece. There are 10 silver pieces to one gold piece.
Movement Rate (or Move): This distance a character or creature may
move in 10 seconds (1 combat round). Spell Level: A measure of the difficulty and power of a spell.
Name Level: The 9th level of experience. Stronghold: A fortified construction built to protect a place or people
from outside attack. A castle is a stronghold.
Nocturnal: A word used to describe creatures that are active at night,
in darkness or in dark underground areas. Summoned Monsters: This includes normal monsters summoned by
spells or magic items, but not including those called by mental
NPC (or Non-Player Character): Any character controlled by the DM. summons (like the animals called by lycanthropes).
Party: A group of characters or creatures who join together for an Terrain: Any geographical feature, such as a river, mountain, desert,
adventure or a common purpose. etc.
Percentage Dice (or D%): Two D10 are used to roll a number from 1 to Tinder Box: A small box containing flint, steel, and tinder, used for
100, where the first die is read as the tens and the second die is the making fires.
“To Hit” Roll: The lowest number an attacker must roll to strike an enemy
Person (Charm or Hold): Humans, demi-humans, and other living, in combat (not required for certain attacks).
human-like creatures of Medium or Small size, such as bugbears,
gnolls, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, lizard men, orcs, pixies, or sprites. Treasure: The wealth and magic items guarded by monsters and
found by adventurers.
Pitch: A tarry substance that bums well and is difficult to remove or put
out. Turn: Ten minutes of game time, often used to measure the time spent
exploring an area.
Player Balance: The matching of challenges to characters with their
abilities and the rewards, to provide an exciting game without making Turn Undead: The ability of a Cleric to make undead monsters run
it too easy for players to succeed or too hard to survive. away when faced by the power of the Cleric's faith.
Player Character (or PC): A character that is controlled by a player all Wandering Monsters: Any monster, encountered by a party, that is not
of the time (not an NPC). prepared or placed ahead of time by the DM.
Pole Arm: Any of several two-handed medieval weapons consisting of Wolfsbane: A small flowering plant that can be used to ward off
a blade or point fixed to a 5 to 12-foot pole. Typical pole arms are lycanthropes.
halberds, pikes, glaives, or bill hooks.
XP: Experience points.
PP: Platinum piece. A platinum piece equals 5 gold pieces.
Adult Fantasy Burroughs, Edgar Rice: A Princess of Mars; At the Earth's Core; Tarzan
of the Apes, et al.
Anderson, Poul: Three Hearts and Three Lions; The Broken Sword; The
Carroll, Lewis: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; Through the Looking
Merman's Children, et al.
Anthony, Piers: A Spell for Chameleon; The Source of Magic; Castle
Gamer, Alan: Elidor, The Weirdstone of Brisingamen; The Moon of
Gomrath, et al.
Asprin, Robert: Another Fine Myth
Le Guin, Ursula K.: A Wizard of Earthsea; The Tombs of Atuan; The
Brackett, Leigh: The Coming of the Terrans; The Secret of Sinharat; Farthest Shore, et al.
People of the Talisman, et al.
Lewis, C. S.: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe; Prince Caspian;
Campbell, J. Ramsey: Demons by Daylight The Voyage of the “Dawn Treader”, et al.
Davidson, Avram: The Island Under the Earth; Ursus of Ultima Thule; The Some additional authors of fantasy fiction are:
Phoenix in the Mirror, et al. Beagle, Peter S. Kurtz, Katherine
De Camp, L. Sprague: The Fallible Fiend; The Goblin Tower, et al. Bok, Hannes Lanier, Sterling
Cabell, James Branch McCaffrey, Anne
De Camp, L. Sprague and Pratt, Fletcher: The Incomplete Enchanter; Carter, Lin McKillip, Patricia A.
Land of Unreason, et al. Cherryh, C. J. Moore, C. L.
Dunsany, Lord: Over the Hills and Far Away; Book of Wonder; The King Delany, Samuel R. Myers, John Myers
of Elfland's Daughter, et al. Fox, Gardner Peake, Mervyn
Gaskell, Jane Saberhagen, Fred
Eddison, E. R.: The Worm Ouroboros
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