Mechanisms of Block Shear Failure of Bolted Connections

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Missouri University of Science and Technology

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International Specialty Conference on Cold- (2012) - 21st International Specialty Conference

Formed Steel Structures on Cold-Formed Steel Structures

Aug 24th, 12:00 AM - Aug 25th, 12:00 AM

Mechanisms of Block Shear Failure of Bolted Connections

Lip H. Teh

Drew D. A. Clements

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Teh, Lip H. and Clements, Drew D. A., "Mechanisms of Block Shear Failure of Bolted Connections" (2012).
International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures. 3.

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Twenty-First International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures
St. Louis, Missouri, USA, October 24 & 25, 2012

Mechanisms of Block Shear Failure of Bolted Connections

Lip H. Teh1 and Drew D. A. Clements2


This paper examines the mechanisms for block shear failure postulated in the
design provisions specified in the North American Specification for the Design
of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members 2007 and AS/NZS 4600:2005 Cold-
formed Steel Structures. It explains that there is only one feasible mechanism for
the limit state of conventional block shear failure, that which involves shear
yielding and tensile rupture. It proposes an equation that provides more accurate
results compared to the code equations in predicting the block shear capacities
of bolted connections in steels having minimal strain hardening. A resistance
factor of 0.8 for the proposed equation is computed with respect to the LRFD
approach given in the North American cold-formed steel specification.


Block shear failure is recognised as a strength limit state of bolted connections

in both the North American Specification for the Design of Cold-formed Steel
Structural Members 2007 (AISI 2010) and AS/NZS 4600:2005 Cold-formed
Steel Structures (SA/SNZ 2005). However, the pairs of design equations for
block shear failure specified in the two codes are not exactly the same even
though all the equations have been adopted from the AISC specifications (AISC
2010, 1993).  The provisions against block shear failure of bolted connections in
the AISC specifications (AISC 1978, 1986, 1993, 1999, 2010) have been
evolving and even oscillating between certain equations, as described by Teh &
Clements (2012).

Senior Lecturer, School of Civil, Mining & Environmental Engineering,
University Of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2500, AUSTRALIA.
Graduate Structural Engineer, Hatch, 25 Atchinson Street, Wollongong, NSW
2500, AUSTRALIA. Formerly Honours Student, School of Civil, Mining &
Environmental Engineering, University Of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW


A major factor contributing to the repeated amendments is the uncertainty

concerning the possible mechanisms for block shear failures. This paper
discusses the mechanisms for block shear failure of bolted connections
anticipated in the current cold-formed steel design codes.

Based on the mechanism identified as the only feasible one and the active shear
resistance planes discussed in the companion paper (Clements & Teh 2012), this
paper presents an equation for determining the block shear capacities of bolted
connections in cold-formed steel sheets. The steel materials used in the
experimental tests had low strain hardening, minimising the “noise” caused by
shear strain hardening on the evaluation of alternative equations.

Current code equations for block shear failure strength

The nominal block shear failure strength of a bolted connection is specified in

Clause E5.3 of the North American Specification for the Design of Cold-formed
Steel Structural Members 2007 (AISI 2010) to be the lesser of the following

Rn  0.6 Fy Agv  Fu Ant (1)

Rn  0.6 Fu Anv  Fu Ant (2)

in which Fy is the yield stress, Agv is the gross shear area, Fu is the tensile
strength, Ant is the net tensile area, and Anv is the net shear area. The regions
corresponding to these areas as defined by the code are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Gross and net shear planes


Equation (1) represents the block shear failure by shear yielding and tensile
rupture, while Equation (2) postulates the simultaneous shear and tensile
ruptures mechanism.

Clause 5.6.3 of AS/NZS 4600:2005 Cold-formed Steel Structures (SA/SNZ

2005) specifies the nominal block shear failure strength of a bolted connection
to be

a) For Fu Ant  0.6 Fu Anv : Equation (1)

b) For Fu Ant  0.6 Fu Anv :

Rn  0.6 Fu Anv  Fy Agt (3)

in which Agt is the gross shear area corresponding to Region 1 in Figure 1.

Equation (3) anticipates the shear rupture and tensile yielding mechanism.

Mechanisms for block shear failure of bolted connections

Consider the connected end of a flat member shown in Figure 2 that is subjected
to a concentric load and is restrained from out-of-plane failure modes. Leaving
out the pure net section tension failure mode and the bearing failure mode from
the present discussion, there are essentially only two possible failure modes for
the connected end. If the connection shear length (denoted by en in Figure 2) is
relatively short, it will fail by “shear out” of each bolt, a distinct failure mode
illustrated in Figure 3(a).

Figure 2 A two-bolt connection


(a) Shear-out (b) Block shear failure

Figure 3 Two possible failure modes

Section E5.1 of Supplement No. 2 to the North American Specification for the
Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members (AISI 2010) specifies the
shear out capacity Psop of the two-bolt connection in Figure 2 to be

Psop  0.6 Fu Anv  2.4Fu t en (4)

in which t is the thickness of the sheet.

It could be imagined that as the connection shear length en increases, or as the

bolt spacing decreases, or both, any of which results in an increase of the aspect
ratio, a condition would be reached such that it is conceivable for the connected
end to undergo block shear failure by simultaneous shear and tensile ruptures
postulated in Equation (2). The aspect ratio at which the hypothetical
mechanism of simultaneous shear and tensile ruptures could occur is termed the
threshold ratio in the present work.

In reality, a conventional block shear failure by the simultaneous shear and

tensile rupture mechanism postulated in Equation (2) is not feasible. Once
yielding around the perimeter of the block takes place and the block displaces as
a whole, the tensile strains in the net section between bolt holes increase much
more rapidly than the shear strains as the former cannot be redistributed while
the latter relax relative to the former (note the arching in Figure 3b) so that the
block eventually fails by shear yielding and tensile rupture.

Even at an aspect ratio that is slightly lower than the threshold ratio, a block
shear failure by shear yielding and tensile rupture is still possible as shown in
Figure 4, where the shear-out deformations were over-run by the shear yielding
and tensile rupture mechanism. The change-over in the failure mode took place
when yielding started in the tensile net section between the two bolt holes,

where tensile rupture eventually took place. Yielding of the tensile net section
took place following shear strain hardening along the shear-out paths.

Figure 4 Shear-out deformations gave way to block shear failure

As the aspect ratio increases beyond the threshold ratio, block shear failure can
only be due to shear yielding and tensile rupture since the tensile strains are
always more critical than the shear strains. An example of such a failure mode is
shown in Figure 3(b), where tensile rupture took place in the net section between
the two bolt holes. This theoretical exposition is borne out by extensive
experimental tests (Hardash & Bjorhovde 1985, Seleim & LaBoube 1996, Huns
et al. 2006).

Obviously, at an aspect ratio that is sufficiently lower than the threshold ratio,
the shear-out failure mode governs. There is therefore no aspect ratio at which a
block shear failure occurs by the shear rupture and tensile yielding mechanism
postulated in Equation (3).

The present exposition does not account for the situation in which bolt hole
deformations are such that shear rupture could precede tensile rupture. However,
for the specimens tested by Seleim & LaBoube (1996) in which the bearing
failure took place before the block shear failure, the mechanism was still shear
yielding and tensile rupture. In these cases, the strength limit state was actually
bearing failure rather than block shear failure. (It was not possible for the
bearing failures to have followed the block shear failures, but the opposite must
have ensued when the tests were continued well past the ultimate bearing
capacities, resulting in the reduction of the shear resistance area of each block.)

Proposed equation for block shear failure strength

The strength limit state of block shear failure

As explained in the preceding section, among the various mechanisms

postulated in the literature for conventional block shear failures, there is only
one feasible mechanism, that which involves shear yielding and tensile rupture.
In this mechanism, as the block displaces, the tensile strains at the upstream net
section increase with the applied load until necking occurs. With continuing
displacements of the block, the tensile strains keep increasing but at one point
the applied load has to decrease to maintain static equilibrium due to the necked
tension area. The point at which the applied load has to decrease is the limit load
identified in Figure 5. When the tensile strain adjacent to a bolt hole reaches the
critical value, fracture propagates away from the bolt hole across the tensile net
section, causing an abrupt drop in the resistance as shown in Figure 5 for a
specimen tested in the present work.

It is possible for a connection with a very high aspect ratio in which the shear
resistance dominates to undergo a second limit load following the tensile rupture
that is higher than the first limit load. However, for the purpose of the present
work, the block shear capacity of a bolted connection is defined as the maximum
load preceding the tensile rupture, as represented by the limit load in Figure 5.

limit load
Applied Load (kN)

0 2 4 6 8 10
Displacement (mm)
Figure 5 Definition of block shear capacity

Material and geometric properties for determining the block shear capacity

In the literature, evaluations of contesting equations for determining the block

shear capacities of bolted connections have been somewhat clouded by two
offsetting factors:

1. All specimens tested in the laboratories were composed of steel

materials having high ratios of ultimate strength to yield stress (Fu/Fy),
with a median ratio of greater than 1.55 for the specimens studied by
Birkemoe & Gilmor (1978), Ricles & Yura (1983) and Hardash &
Bjorhovde (1985). The lowest ratio was 1.30 (for one 6.4 mm thick
cold-rolled steel specimen mistakenly used in the test program by
Hardash & Bjorhovde 1985), and the highest was 1.75. The steel
material recently used by Huns et al. (2006) had a ratio of 1.33. Since
shear strain hardening may precede a block shear failure, the use of the
yield stress in the evaluated equations for computing the shear yield
resistance tends to underestimate its contribution.

2. Most evaluated equations use the gross area for computing the yield
resistance component of a block shear capacity. Since in reality the
gross area is not wholly available, such an approach tends to
overestimate the yielding resistance.

As the two factors may offset each other, Equation (1) was often found to
provide the most reasonable (albeit significantly varied) results compared to the
other evaluated equations.

The authors note the experimental evidence of Franchuk et al. (2003), which
suggests that the actual shear failure planes lie midway between the gross and
the net shear planes indicated in Figure 1. The location of these so-called active
shear planes, defined in Figure 6, has been confirmed through geometric and
material nonlinear contact finite element analysis (Clements & Teh 2012).

For the sake of conservatism and simplicity, the present work uses the yield
stress in determining the shear resistance component of the block shear capacity.
For cold-reduced high-strength sheet steels including the G450 steel materials
used in the present work, the ratio of ultimate tensile strength to yield stress can
be significantly below 1.10.

   n 1 1 
Lav  Lgv   r  d h
 2 4
n d
 Lgv  r h 2

  Aav  2 Lav t

Figure 6 Tensile and shear resistance planes defined in the present work

The proposed equation

Based on the preceding expositions and the conclusion of Teh & Gilbert (2012)
regarding the effect of in-plane shear lag on the tension capacity of a net section,
the block shear failure strength of a bolted connection should be computed from

 0 .9  0 . 1 d 
R n  0.6 F y Aav  Fu A nt 
 p 2 

in which the active shear area Aav is determined from the length of the active
shear planes shown in Figure 6. The variable d denotes the bolt diameter and p2
the bolt spacing in the tensile resistance plane, defined in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Geometric variables of a bolted connection

Equation (5) incorporates an in-plane “shear lag factor” proposed by Teh &
Gilbert (2012) in determining the net section tension capacity. The shear lag
factor accounts for the fact that the tensile stresses are not uniformly distributed
across the net section, which has a significant effect on the tension capacity of
bolted connections in cold-reduced sheet steel.

Test materials

Two nominal thicknesses were used in the present work, being 1.5 mm and 3.0
mm. The average base metal thicknesses tbase, yield stresses Fy, tensile strengths
Fu and elongations at fracture over 15 mm, 25 mm and 50 mm gauge lengths 15,
25 and 50, and uniform elongation outside fracture uo of the steel materials as
obtained from six 12.5 mm wide tension coupons are shown in Table 1. Tensile
loadings of all coupons and bolted connection specimens are in the direction
transverse to the rolling direction of the G450 sheet steel. The tension coupon
tests were conducted at a constant stroke rate of 1 mm/minute resulting in a
strain rate of about 2  10 4 per second prior to necking.

Table 1 Average material properties

tbase Fy Fu Fu / 15 25 50 uo

(mm) (MPa) (MPa) Fy (%) (%) (%) (%)
1.5 mm 1.48 605 630 1.04 21.3 18.0 12.0 6.8
3.0 mm 2.95 530 580 1.09 29.3 22.0 15.3 8.1

The tensile strengths in the direction transverse to the rolling direction of 1.5
mm and 3.0 mm G450 sheet steels obtained in the present work, rounded to the
nearest 5 MPa, are 6% and 10% higher than those obtained by Teh & Hancock

(2005) in the rolling direction. While Teh & Hancock (2005) did not provide the
ratios of ultimate tensile strength to yield stress, it is believed that the transverse
direction is associated with lower ratios. Any errors or offsetting effects arising
from the neglect of strain hardening in Equation (5) are thus minimised.

Specimen configurations and test arrangements

Two connection series were tested to investigate the accuracy of the code and
proposed equations in predicting the block shear capacities of simple bolted
connections in 1.5 mm and 3.0 mm G450 sheet steels. Series A comprised
connections having a single row of two bolts, and Series B connections having
two such rows, as shown in Figure 8. For each series of a given sheet thickness,
12 mm and 16 mm bolts were used. The bolt holes were nominally 1 mm larger
than the corresponding nominal bolt diameters. The bolts were only installed by
hand with minimal tightening, and no washers were used in all the tests.

(a) Series A (b) Series B

Figure 8 Series A and B configurations

All specimens were subjected to concentric loading as illustrated in Figure 9 to

exclude the effects of eccentric loading on the present study. The critical
component is the inner sheet. For the purpose of ensuring that the connected
sheets remained vertical throughout the tensile test, a shim plate of the same
thickness as the sheet was welded to one of the outer sheets.

Figure 9 Concentric loading of critical component

Experimental test results and discussions

In calculating the block shear capacity Rn of a specimen predicted by design

equations, the measured values of the geometric dimensions such as the base
metal thickness, the bolt hole diameter and the bolt spacing were used.
However, for ease of comparisons, only the nominal values are shown in the
tables following.

Table 2 lists the relevant geometric dimensions and the test results of Series A
specimens (see Figure 8a for an example) which underwent the block shear
failure mode. All of them duly failed by the shear yielding and tensile rupture
mechanism. The variable dh denotes the nominal bolt hole diameter. Other
variables are defined in Figure 7.

Table 2 shows the ratios of the ultimate test load Pt to the block shear failure
strength Rn predicted by Equations (1), (2), (3) and (5). The first three are code
equations, while the last is proposed in the present work. As explained in the
preceding sections, Equations (2) and (3) do not represent the true mechanism of
block shear failures.

It can be seen from Table 2 that Equation (1), which is used in both cold-formed
steel design codes (AISI 2010, SA/SNZ 2005) for determining the block shear
failure load due to the shear yielding and tensile rupture mechanism,
consistently and significantly overestimates the block shear capacities of Series
A specimens.

Equation (3), which postulates the mechanism of shear rupture and tensile
yielding, overestimates the capacity of some specimens by almost 40%.
Equation (2), on the other hand, overestimates the block shear capacities by up
to 10% “only”. However, it should be noted that this equation postulates the
incorrect mechanism of simultaneous shear and tensile ruptures, while all the
specimens failed by the shear yielding and tensile rupture mechanism.

Table 2 Results of Series A specimens

W p2 t e1 dh Pt/Rn
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (1) (2) (3) (5)
CPD14 100 33 1.5 50 17 0.80 0.90 0.72 0.95
CPD15 100 33 3.0 50 13 0.90 0.93 0.82 1.01
CPD16 100 33 3.0 50 17 0.89 0.96 0.79 1.04
CPD18 120 40 1.5 50 17 0.86 0.96 0.79 1.00
CPD19 120 40 3.0 50 13 0.90 0.93 0.83 1.01
CPD20a 120 40 3.0 50 17 0.93 0.99 0.84 1.07
CPD20b 120 40 3.0 50 17 0.93 0.98 0.84 1.07
CPD22a 100 26 1.5 50 17 0.81 0.93 0.72 0.96
CPD22b 100 26 1.5 50 17 0.83 0.95 0.74 0.99
CPD23a 100 26 3.0 50 13 0.90 0.93 0.80 1.01
CPD23b 100 26 3.0 50 13 0.89 0.93 0.80 1.01
CPD24a 100 26 3.0 50 17 0.87 0.94 0.76 1.02
CPD24b 100 26 3.0 50 17 0.87 0.94 0.76 1.02
CPD26a 120 26 1.5 50 17 0.85 0.97 0.76 1.01
CPD26b 120 26 1.5 50 17 0.84 0.96 0.75 1.00
CPD27 120 26 3.0 50 13 0.91 0.94 0.81 1.02
CPD28a 120 26 3.0 50 17 0.91 0.98 0.79 1.06
CPD28b 120 26 3.0 50 17 0.89 0.96 0.77 1.04
CPD36 130 45 3.0 30 17 0.94 1.05 0.86 1.13
(Pt/Rn)av 0.88 0.95 0.79 1.02

Table 3 shows the outcomes for Series B specimens (see Figure 8b for an
example) which underwent the block shear failure mode. All of them duly failed
by the shear yielding and tensile rupture mechanism.

Table 3 Results of Series B specimens (p1 = 30 mm)

W p2 t e1 dh Pt/Rn
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (1) (2) (3) (5)
CQ2a 120 26 1.5 50 17 0.73 1.01 0.82 0.92
CQ2b 120 26 1.5 50 17 0.74 1.02 0.84 0.93
CQ3 120 26 3.0 50 13 0.85 1.00 0.89 1.00
CQ4 120 26 3.0 50 17 0.80 1.02 0.86 0.99
CQ5a 130 40 1.5 30 13 0.82 1.04 0.91 0.99
CQ5b 130  40 1.5 30 13 0.81 1.02 0.89 0.98
CQ6a 130  40 1.5 30 17 0.77 1.08 0.88 0.98
CQ6b 130  40 1.5 30 17 0.77 1.09 0.88 0.99
CQ7 130  40 3.0 30 13 0.89 1.07 0.96 1.07
CQ8 130  40 3.0 30 17 0.83 1.13 0.94 1.06
CQ9b 130  55 1.5 30 13 0.81 1.00 0.89 0.97
CQ10a 130  55 1.5 30 17 0.78 1.04 0.89 0.98
CQ10b 130  55 1.5 30 17 0.80 1.06 0.90 1.00
CQ11 130  55 3.0 30 13 0.87 1.02 0.94 1.03
CQ12 130 55 3.0 30 17 0.85 1.10 0.96 1.06
(Pt/Rn)av 0.81 1.05 0.90 1.00

As is the case with Series A specimens, Equations (1) and (3) consistently and
significantly overestimates the block shear capacities of Series B specimens.
The major reason is the use of the gross area in computing the tensile or shear
yielding resistance component of the block shear capacity. This effect is likely
to have been hidden to various extent in the experimental tests of bolted
connections in hot-rolled steel plates by considerable strain hardening due to the
very high ratios of ultimate tensile strength to yield stress (Fu/Fy). In certain
cases, it might have also been hidden by the much higher strain rates incurred
during the bolted connection tests compared to the tension coupon tests, or by
the bolt friction resistance.

Equation (2), which postulates the simultaneous shear and tensile rupture
mechanism, predicts lower capacities for Series B specimens compared to the
proposed Equation (5) despite its use of the tensile strength Fu rather than the
yield stress Fy in computing the shear resistance. The conservatism is due to the
over-reduced shear area Anv, the effect of which increases with increasing
number of bolt rows as the difference between the net and the active shear areas
widens while the shear resistance becomes more important relative to the tensile

Equation (5), in conjunction with the active resistance planes defined in Figure
6, predicts the block shear capacities of Series A and B specimens with the
greatest accuracy. It was found that in order to achieve or exceed the target
reliability index 0 of 3.5 in the LRFD, a resistance factor of 0.83 is required.


Among the various mechanisms for conventional block shear failures

anticipated in the cold-formed steel design codes, there is only one feasible
mechanism, that which involves shear yielding and tensile rupture.

The shear yielding and tensile rupture mechanism is represented by one equation
common to the North American and the Australasian cold-formed steel design
codes. This equation uses the gross shear area in determining the shear
resistance to block shear failure, and therefore overestimates the block shear
capacities of all specimens tested in the present work.

The other equation in the North American specification, which anticipates the
simultaneous shear and tensile rupture mechanism, overestimates the block
shear capacities of the single-row bolted connections, but underestimates those
of the double-row bolted ones.

The other equation in the Australasian standard, which anticipates the shear
rupture and tensile yielding mechanism, overestimates the block shear capacities
of all specimens tested in the present work.

The equation proposed in this paper, which is based on the shear yielding and
tensile rupture mechanism, and which uses the active shear resistance planes that
lie midway between the gross and the net shear planes, and incorporates an in-
plane shear lag factor, has been demonstrated to provide the most consistent and
accurate results in predicting the block shear capacities of the tested specimens.

It is proposed that a resistance factor of 0.8 be applied to the new equation in

order to ensure a reliability index of not less than 3.5 in the LRFD approach of
the North American specification for the design of cold-formed steel structures.


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