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Design aspects of steel I-girders with corrugated steel webs

Article in Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering · June 2007

DOI: 10.56748/ejse.772


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1 author:

Ezzeldin Yazeed Sayed-Ahmed

The American University in Cairo


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Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

Design aspects of steel I-girders with corrugated steel webs

Ezzeldin Yazeed Sayed-Ahmed
Professor, Structural Engineering Department, Ain Shams University, Egypt. [email protected]

ABSTRACT: Corrugated web girders represent a new structural system emerged in the past two decades. The
girder’s flanges provide the flexural strength of the girder with no contribution from the corrugated web
which provides the girder’s shear capacity. Failure of the web occurs by steel yielding, web buckling or inter-
actively between them. Lateral torsion and local flange buckling of corrugated web girders represent another
two possible failure criteria. Here, the work previously performed by the author on corrugated web girders
was compiled and presented in a comprehensive format. The starting point is the shear behaviour of the cor-
rugated webs which is investigated focusing on the failure modes affecting the web design. An interaction
equation that considers web buckling and yielding is proposed. Numerical analyses are performed to investi-
gate the buckling modes of the corrugated web, verify the validity of the proposed equation and explore the
post-buckling strength of corrugated web girders. The numerical model is extended to determine the critical
moment causing lateral instability for corrugated web girders. The applicability of the critical moment design
equations, currently used for plane web girders, to corrugated web girders is examined. The numerical model
is then used to scrutinize the local buckling behaviour of the compression flange. The applicability of the cur-
rently used limiting values for the flange outstand-to-thickness ratios to corrugated web girders is investi-

1 INTRODUCTION or more panels. An interactive failure mode between

these different failure criteria represents another pos-
Corrugated steel webs were recently used to replace
the stiffened steel webs of plate/box girders (Chey- c
rezy & Combault 1990, Combault et al. 1993, Rein-
hard 1994, Lebon 1998, Combault 1988, Sayed- s
Ahmed 2001, 2003c, 2005c). The commonly used
corrugation profile for corrugated web plates is the h
trapezoidal profile (Fig. 1). a α
The flexural strength of a steel girder with a cor- b d
rugated web plate is provided by the flanges with
y c = 2 (b + d)
almost no contribution from the web and with no in-
s = 2 (b + d / cos α)
teraction between flexure and shear behaviour. The
h= d tan α
corrugated steel web solely provides the shear ca-
pacity of the girders where the shear strength is con- β= a/b
trolled by buckling and/or steel yielding of the web.
The flanges provide boundary supports for the web
which lie somewhere between a simply supported
boundary and a clamped one (Luo & Edlund 1994,
Elgaaly et al. 1996, Johnson & Cafolla 1997a, Yoda
et al. 1994). hw
Failure of a corrugated steel web plate occurs by Horizontal panel
the classical steel yielding of the web under a pure
shear stress state. It may also occur by web buckling Inclined panel
due to either local instability of any “panel” between Figure 1. Trapezoidal profile of the corrugated web plates.
two folds or overall instability of the web over two

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

sibility of failure (El-Metwally 1999, Sayed-Ahmed fied using the numerical analysis. The validity of the
2001, 2005a). equivalent moment factor concept established earlier
Lateral torsion buckling is another possible fail- for plane web girders is verified for corrugated web
ure mode for steel I-girders with corrugated web. girders via the numerical analysis results. The nu-
Codes of practice commonly use the critical moment merical model is also used to investigate the local
of a simply supported I-girder with a plane web sub- buckling behaviour of the compression flange for
ject to a constant moment and relate it to the critical these girders. The applicability of the limits defining
moment of any other loading case via an “equivalent the section class for girders with plane web to corru-
moment factor”. Can the same concept still be used gated web girders is examined.
for corrugated web girders?
Local buckling of the compression flange of I-
girders with corrugated webs is another criterion 2 FAILURE MODES OF THE CORRUGATED
which affects design and strength of these girders. STEEL WEBS
Generally, local buckling of the compression flange
of an I-section mainly depends on the flange out- The corrugated steel web solely provides the shear
stand-to-thickness ratio. Limits are placed on this ra- capacity of the girder. The shear strength is thus,
tio such that the critical stress initiating local flange controlled by buckling and/or yielding of the web
buckling will not be reached before reaching the (Sayed-Ahmed 2001, Luo & Edlund 1994, Elgaaly
yield stress. Will the same limits adopted for steel et al. 1996, Bergfelt & Leiva-Aravena 1984, Leiva-
girders with plane webs still be applicable to steel Aravena 1987, El-Metwally & Loov 1999). The only
girders with corrugated webs? And what would be significant stress which appears in the corrugated
the value of the flange outstand for corrugated web web is pure shear stress.
This paper brings together the author previous in-
2.1 Steel Yielding of the Corrugated Web
vestigations [Sayed-Ahmed 2001, 2003b, 2005a] in
a comprehensive format. The different buckling The shear stress which causes an element of a corru-
modes of corrugated steel webs which may be en- gated web to yield is defined by:
countered for these plates are presented and the in-
teraction between these modes is inspected. The in- τy = (1)
teraction between the yield failure criterion and the 3
buckling modes is investigated. An interaction equa-
tion which considers the different corrugated web where Fy is the yield strength of the steel.
failure criteria is proposed. A linear finite element
model is adopted to investigate the buckling modes 2.2 Stability of the Corrugated Web
of the corrugated web plates. Then, a nonlinear
model which considers both the geometric and the Two buckling modes are associated with corrugated
material nonlinearities is employed to verify the va- steel webs: local buckling and overall (global) buck-
lidity of the proposed interaction equation and to in- ling. The local buckling mode corresponds to the in-
vestigate the post-buckling strength (if any) of the stability of a panel simply supported between two
corrugated web girders. folds. The corrugated web, in this mode of failure,
Lateral torsion and local flange buckling of I- acts as a series of flat panels that mutually support
girders with corrugated steel webs are also numeri- each other along their vertical (longer) edges. The
cally investigated. A finite element model is adopted panels are supported by the flanges along their hori-
to determine the critical moment initiating lateral zontal (shorter) edges. Local buckling is investigated
torsion buckling of corrugated web girders and com- using equations derived for isotropic plates; an esti-
pare it to that of girders with plane webs. Corrugated mate for the elastic critical shear stress τcr,l for the
web girders subjected to constant moments are first local buckling mode is given by (Galambos 1998):
scrutinized. Then, the analysis is extended to inves- 2
π 2 ⋅E ⎛t ⎞
tigate the critical moments for girders subjected to τ cr ,l = k s ⋅ 2
⋅⎜ w ⎟ (2)
end moments causing moment gradient through the 12 ⋅ ( 1 − υ ) ⎝ b ⎠
girder’s span. Other corrugated web girders sub-
jected to central concentrated loads at, and away ⎛ b ⎞
from the shear centre are also analyzed. In evaluat- k s = 5.34 + 4.0 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (3)
ing the critical moment for a corrugated web girder, ⎝ hw ⎠
a section with a plane web having a proposed equiv- where tw is the corrugated web thickness, b is the
alent thickness is suggested to handle the critical panel width, E and v are Young’s modulus and Pois-
moment calculations: an assumption which is veri- son’s ratio for the steel respectively and ks is a shear

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

buckling coefficient for the local buckling mode. for τ cr ,l > 0.8τ y : τ cr ,in ,l = 0.8τ cr ,lτ y where τ cr ,in ,l ≤ τ y
The shear buckling coefficient defined by Equation for τ cr , g > 0.8τ y : τ cr ,in , g = 0.8τ cr , gτ y where τ cr ,in , g ≤ τ y
3 is applicable when all the sides of the panels are
simply supported which simulates steel girders with To calculate the critical stress for an inelastic inter-
corrugated webs. In Equation 2, if the “inclined” active buckling mode, τcr,in,l and τcr,in,g are used in
panel width a is larger than the “horizontal” panel Equation 6 instead of τcr,l and τcr,g respectively.
width b, it should be considered as the critical width. Another interaction equation which includes all
Global (overall) buckling is characterized by di- the failure criteria has been proposed [Sayed-Ahmed
agonal buckling over several corrugation panels. 2001, 2005a, El- Metwally & Loov 1999). The new
The critical shear stress for this mode is estimated equation takes the form:
by considering the corrugated web as an orthotropic n n n n
plate. The critical shear stress of this mode τcr,g is ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ =⎜ 1 ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ (8)
defined by (Galambos 1998): ⎜τ ⎟ ⎜τ ⎟ ⎜τ ⎟ ⎜τ y ⎟
⎝ cr ,i ⎠ ⎝ cr ,l ⎠ ⎝ cr ,g ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

τ cr ,g = k g ⋅
(D y ⋅ D x3 )
1/ 4

(4) where τy, τcr,l and τcr,g are defined by Equations 1, 2

hw2 ⋅ tw and 4 respectively. A low value for the exponent n
(e.g. n = 1.0) results in τcr,i being considerably less
where kg is the global shear buckling coefficient than the least of the three limits. On the other hand,
which depends solely on the web top and bottom higher values for n will bring τcr,i closer to the least
constraints: kg is 36 for steel girders (Luo & Edlund of the three limits. A value for n of 3.0 was recently
1994, Johnson & Cafolla 1997a, Sayed-Ahmed, recommended (Sayed-ahmed 2005a).
2001, 2005a). The factors Dx and Dy are the flexural Using Equations 1 to 5 and 8, typical critical
stiffness per unit corrugation about the x- and the y- shear stress curves for a trapezoidal corrugated web
axes respectively (Figure 1). These factors are de- of steel I-girders are plotted in Figures 2 and 3. De-
fined as follows: sign charts and investigation on the failure modes of
E ⎛⎜ bt w [d tan α ] t w [d tan α ] ⎞⎟
2 3
EI x
Dx = = +
c b + d ⎜⎝ 4 12 sin α ⎟⎠ τcr,g τcr,l
(5) 1 τy
⎛ c ⎞⎛ Et ⎞ ⎛ b+d ⎞⎛⎜ Et ⎞
3 3
Critical stress / Yield stress

D y = ⎜ ⎟⎜⎜ w
⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⎟⎜ w
⎟⎟ τcr,i Fy = 350 MPa
⎝ s ⎠⎝ 12 ⎠ ⎝ b + d / cos α ⎠⎝ 12 ⎠ 0.8
hw = 2000 mm
tw = 4 mm
where Ix is the second moment of area of one “wave- 0.6
hw /tw = 500
length” of the web having a projected length c and
β =a/b =1.0
an actual length s, tw is the web thickness, b is the 0.4
α = 37o
panel width, d is the horizontal projection of the in-
clined panel width and α is the corrugation angle. 0.2

2.3 Interaction between Failure Modes 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Panel width (mm)
The following equation is currently adopted to ac- Figure 2. Critical shear stresses for trapezoidal corrugated
count for the interaction between the two buckling web plates with hw/tw = 500 (hw =2000 mm and tw= 4 mm).
modes described earlier (Elgaaly et al. 1996, John-
son & Cafolla 1997a):
τcr,g τcr,l
1 1 1 1 τy
= + (6)
Critical stress / Yield stress

τ cr ,i τ cr ,l τ cr ,g Fy = 350 MPa
0.8 τcr,i
hw = 1000 mm
where τcr,i is the critical stress due to the interaction tw = 2 mm
between local and global buckling modes. Equation 0.6
hw /tw = 500
6 does not consider the steel yielding criterion or its β =a/b =1.0
interaction with the buckling failure criteria. Fur- 0.4
α = 37o
thermore, Equations 2 and 4 defining τcr,l and τcr,g re-
spectively do not account for inelastic buckling
which may occur if the critical shear stress of any
mode exceeds 0.8·τy. To overcome these defects, the 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
following equation was proposed (Elgaaly et al. Panel width (mm)
1996, Galambos 1998) for the inelastic critical stress Figure 3. Critical shear stresses for trapezoidal corrugated
τcr,in in both the local and global buckling modes: web plates with hw/tw = 500 (hw=1000 mm and tw=2mm).

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

these girders are presented elsewhere (Sayed-Ahmed P 1

2001, 2005a). Figures 2 and 3 reveal that, unlike tra- Stiffener Plate
ditional flat webs, the behaviour is not uniquely gov-
erned by the web height-to-thickness ratio (hw/tw).

2.4 Numerical Modelling and Analysis 1

Numerical analysis of I-girders with corrugated
webs was performed using the finite element tech-
nique via the computer package ANSYS (Sayed- + V = τ hw tw
Ahmed 2005 a). A linear finite element model was
first adopted to assess the web buckling modes using bfl -
Eigenvalue analysis. A nonlinear finite element
Shear Force
model which considered both the geometric and the tfl
material nonlinearities was then developed to inves-
tigate the validity of the proposed interaction equa-
tion (Equation 8). Isoparametric 8-node shell ele-
ments were used to model both the flanges and the
corrugated web of the analyzed girders. hw Sec. 1-1
The numerical analyses were performed on gird-
ers which have 20 mm thick steel flanges and a web
height-to-thickness ratio of 250. Different panel
widths were adopted in the analyses which ranged
between 20 mm and 400 mm. These panel widths
correspond to panel width to web height ratios rang-
ing between 0.04 and 0.8. The dimensions and the

geometric characteristics of the analyzed girders are Linear elastic finite
listed in Table 1. element model
Fy=350 Et=0.001 E
Table 1. Numerically analyzed corrugated web girders.
Girder G5
G1 G2 G3 G4
b (mm) 400 300 200 100 20 Non linear finite
tw (mm) 2 2 2 2 2 element model
hw (mm) 500 500 500 500 500 E=200 GPa
b/ hw 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.04
hw /tw 250 250 250 250 250 Strain Strain
bfl (mm) 300 300 300 150 50
tfl (mm) 20 20 20 20 20 Stress-strain relations ν=0.3 & E=200 GPa
G=77 GPa
L (span) 10.48 7.86 5.24 4.06 2.252
Figure 4. Geometry and loading configuration of the analyzed
The geometry and loading configurations of these (above); and material model adopted in the analysis (below).
girders are shown in Figure 4 together with the steel different element sizes. The typical meshes shown in
uniaxial stress-strain relation adopted in the nonlin- Figure 5 proved to be mesh-independent.
ear analysis. Stiffener plates 20 mm thick were The critical load at which web buckling was first
added at the loading and the support locations for all encountered was determined in both the Eigenvalue
the analyzed girders. The girders were simply sup- and the nonlinear analyses. The results of the nu-
ported and subjected to mid-span loads (line loads merical analyses are plotted in Figure 6 where the
acting on the top flanges as shown in Figure 5). ratio between shear force Vcr at which web buckling
Thus, the shear force acting on the web V is: initiated (obtained numerically and analytically) to
V = τ ⋅ hw ⋅ t w (9) the shear force causing steel yielding Vy (τy hw tw) is
plotted versus the panel width b. Figure 6 shows that
where τ is the shear stress acting on the web. Due to the results of the numerical analyses are in a good
symmetry, only one half of the girder was analyzed agreement with the behaviour theoretically predicted
with a plane of symmetry located at the girder cen- by the proposed interaction equation (Eq. 8). Fur-
tre-line. To eliminate the mesh sensitivity effect, the thermore, the results of the numerical analyses re-
finite element analyses were first performed using veal that Equations 6 and 7 are conservative com-
pared with the proposed interaction equation. Local,

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

Plane of 2 Fy = 350 MPa

Global hw = 500 mm
Symme- buckling
tw = 2 mm
Line of support t
Local hw /tw = 250
buckling β =a/b =1.0
Girder G1 1.5
α = 37o
L=10.48 m

Vcr / Vy
Plane of
try Inter.
buckling Linear Elastic FE model
Line of support
Eqs. 1 to 8
Girder G2 Eqs 6&7
L=7.86 m 0.5

Plane of
Symme- 0
t 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Panel width (mm)

Line of support
Fy = 350 MPa
Global hw = 500 mm
Girder G3 buckling tw = 2 mm
L=5.24 m hw /tw = 250
β =a/b =1.0
1.5 α = 37o
Plane of
Vcr / Vy

t Yield

Line of support Inter. Nonlinear FE model

buckling Eqs. 1 to 8
Girder G4 Eqs 6&7
L=4.06 m 0.5

Figure 5. Typical finite element meshes adopted in the

analysis (Girders are plotted in different scales).
global or interactive buckling mode was specified by 0
inspecting the deformed shape resulting from the 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Panel width (mm)
analysis: Figure 7 shows local and global buckling
modes for Girders G3 and G5 respectively. For gird- Figure 6. Critical loads determined analytically and numeri-
ers G3, the deformed shapes shown in Figure 7 were cally based on eigenvalue buckling analysis (above) and
nonlinear finite element analysis (below).
obtained from two numerical analyses; one having a
finer mesh than the other: the critical loads differ by the web panel width. The post-buckling strength
less than 1.5%. (Vult - Vcr)/Vult is plotted in Figure 9.
It is evident from Figures 8 and 9 that the post-
buckling strength of corrugated web girders is
2.5 Post-Buckling Strength highly dependant on the panel width. For corrugated
The nonlinear finite element model investigated the webs with larger panel widths (which suffer local
post-buckling strength (if any) of corrugated web buckling), the post-buckling strength may reach
girders (Sayed-Ahmed 2005a). To overcome the 53% for a 400 mm panel width. For webs with
numerical difficulty resulting from the snap-through smaller panel widths, particularly those suffering
and the snap-back convergence problems which are global buckling, the post buckling strength is not
associated with the buckling behaviour, an arc- significant.
length iterative algorithm was adopted for the in-
cremental iterative procedures. The results revealed
that girders with corrugated webs continue to carry
loads after web buckling is encountered. The critical
shear force Vcr at which web buckling was first en-
countered and the ultimate shear force Vult at which
final failure occurred are plotted in Figure 8 versus

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

Global Local Fy = 350 MPa

buckling buckling
hw = 500 mm
1 Yield tw = 2 mm
hw /tw = 250
β =a/b =1.0
0.8 Inter. α = 37o
(Eq. 8)
Local buckling of Girder G3 having a 200

V / Vy
mm panel width analyzed using mesh 1


Vcr /Vy – Nonlinear model

Vult /Vy – Nonlinear model
Vcr / Vy – Eqs. 1 to 8
Local buckling of Girder G3 having a 200 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
mm panel width analyzed using mesh 2 Panel width (mm)

Figure 8. Critical and ultimate shear strength of the analyzed

corrugated web girders.
Fy = 350 MPa
hw = 500 mm
tw = 2 mm
hw /tw = 250
β =a/b =1.0
α = 37o
0.6 Vult/Vy
cr / Vult
V / )Vy
V/Vy and (Vult -V

Global buckling of Girder G5 0.4
having a 20 mm panel width.

Figure 7. Buckling modes for Girders G3 and G5 resulting (Vult-Vcr)/Vult

from the numerical analysis.

3 LATERAL AND LOCAL FLANGE 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
BUCKLING Panel width (mm)
Figure 9. Post-buckling strength of the analyzed corrugated
3.1 Lateral Torsion Buckling of Steel Girders with web girders.
Plane Webs ing constant of the beam’s cross section respec-
The critical moment initiating lateral instability for a tively.
simply supported I-girder is: For beams subjected to unequal end moments
(MA and MB) with no other loads through the beam’s
Cb π
M cr = Cb ⋅ M ocr = E I y G J (1 + WR2 ) (10) span, the equivalent moment factor Cb may be given
L by (Galambos 1998):
π EC w Cb = 1.75 + 1.05 + 0 .3 ( A ) 2 ≤ 2 .3 (12)
WR = (11) MB MB
where Mocr is the critical moment for a beam sub- where MA is the smaller end moment. MA/MB is posi-
jected to constant bending, Cb is the equivalent mo- tive for beams bent in double curvature and negative
ment factor, E is the Young’s modulus, G is the elas- for beams bent in single curvature. CAN/CSA-
tic shear modulus, and L is the beam span. Iy, J and S16.1-02 specifications (CSA 2002) adopted Equa-
Cw are the second moment of area about the weak tion 12 in design with a change in its limiting value
axis of inertia, the torsional constant, and the warp- from 2.3 to 2.5. The same specifications use Cb of

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

1.0 when the moment between the end supports be- even develop the yield moment then it is classified
comes greater than the end moment or when there is as a Class 4 slender section. According to the AISC-
no lateral support for the compression flange at one LRFD (AISC 2003), these limits are defined by:
of the ends of the unsupported length. The AISC- Compact sections :
LRFD specifications (AISC 2003) define the follow-
ing equation for the equivalent moment factor: b fl E hw E
≤ 0.38 ≤ 3.76
2t fl Fy tw Fy
12.5 ⋅ M max
Cb = (13) (16)
3 ⋅ M 1 + 4 ⋅ M 2 + 3 ⋅ M 3 + 2.5 ⋅ M max Non - compact sections :

where M1, M2, M3 are the absolute values of the b fl E hw E

≤ 0.83 ≤ 5.70
bending moments at the quarter point, midpoint and 2t fl Fy − 69 tw Fy
three-quarter point of the beam, respectively and
Mmax is the maximum moment acting on the beam. Both Class 1 and Class 2 sections of CAN/CSA-
In the previous equivalent moment factor equa- S16.1-02 specifications are considered as one class
tions, the loads act along the shear centre of the according to the AISC-LRFD (compact sections).
beam’s cross section. To include the effect of the On the other hand, the limit on Class 3 section ac-
load location with respect to the shear centre, the cording CAN/CSA-S16.1-02 is more restricted. For
following definition for the equivalent moment fac- non-compact sections, the AISC-LRFD uses Fy – 69
tor Cb has been proposed (Chen and Lui 1987) and in determining the yield moment to account for a re-
numerically verified (Sayed-Ahmed 2004): sidual stress of 69 MPa in case of hot-rolled steel
sections (for welded sections the 69 MPa is replaced
⎧A/ B loads acting at the top flange by 114 MPa).

Cb = ⎨ A loads acting at the shear centre
⎪ AB
⎩ loads acting at the bottom flange
3.3 Lateral Torsion Buckling of Steel I-Girders with
Central concentrated load : Corrugated Webs
A = 1.35 B = 1 + 0.649 ⋅ WR − 0.180 ⋅ WR2 (14)
Lateral torsion buckling of corrugated steel web
Uniformly distributed load : girders still need to be investigated. The critical
A = 1.12 B = 1 + 0.535 ⋅ WR − 0.154 ⋅ WR2 moment causing lateral buckling was determined us-
ing a numerical model based on the finite element
technique. The applicability of the equations devel-
oped for I-girders with plane webs to determine the
3.2 Local Flange Buckling of Steel Girders with elastic critical moment to girders with corrugated
Plane Webs webs was examined. The applicability of the equiva-
CAN/CSA-S16.1-02 specifications (CSA 2002) lent moment factor concept established for I-girders
classify I-sections into 4 classes according to the fol- with plane webs to girders with corrugated webs was
lowing flange outstand-to-thickness and the web-to- investigated using the numerical model. The effect
thickness ratios: of the point of application of the load with respect to
the cross section height was scrutinized.
b fl 145 hw 1100
Class 1 : ≤ ≤
2t fl Fy tw Fy 3.3.1 Numerical Modelling
Shell elements with 8 nodes and 6 degrees of free-
b fl 170 hw 1700 dom per node were used to model the corrugated
Class 2 : ≤ ≤ (15)
2t fl Fy tw Fy web girders using the computer package ANSYS
(Sayed-Ahmed 2003a, 2005b). The girders were
b fl 200 hw 1900 considered to be simply supported in flexure and in
Class 3 : ≤ ≤
2t fl Fy tw Fy torsion: at the beam’s ends, rotation and warping
about the weak axis were unconstrained while rota-
where bfl/2 is the flange outstand. Classes 1 and 2 tion about the centroidal axis was restrained. The
compact sections develop the fully plastic moment girders were subjected to end moments with MA/MB
with higher rotation capacity of Class 1 sections. For ratios ranging between -1.0 and +1.0 or to a central
I-sections with slender flanges or webs, local buck- concentrated load acting on the top flange, at the
ling may take place to the flange or the web before mid-height of the web or on the bottom flange. Ei-
the fully plastic moment is developed. If local buck- genvalue buckling analysis was performed to evalu-
ling occurs after developing the yield moment, then ate the critical moment which initiated the lateral in-
the section is classified as a Class 3 non-compact stability: the critical moment corresponds to the
section. On the other hand, if the section can not lowest eigenvalue resulting from the eigenvalue

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

buckling 300analysis. The buckling analysis was per- Cw (109) mm3 5625 5625
formed on girders having the b x twcross
200x2 400x2
sections shown 3
in Figure 10. The span of all the analyzed girders J (10 ) mm
1602 1614
was 11.52 m. Two panel widths b x tw for
200x4 400x4
the corrugated section is considered as a double symmetric I-section with an
web were adopted in the analysis: 200 mm and 400 equivalent thickness teq=s/c tw
mm, which correspond 520 to panel width a = to
b web height Elastic mod- Shear mod-
Uniaxial yield
t ulus ulus strength
ratios of 0.42 and 0.83. Web thicknesses
β= a/b = of1.0 2 mm ratio ν
E (GPa) G (GPa) Fy (MPa)
and 4 mm were considered in thedanalysis, = a cos α which
200 76.9 0.3 350
correspond to web height-to-thickness tan α of 120
h = dratios
and 240. The analyzed corrugationc panel = b + dwidth-to-
thickness ratio ranges between 50 and
Sec. 1-1 s = b200.
+ d/cos α in-
The The theoretical critical moments of corrugated
clined panel of the corrugated web teqwas assumed
= (s/c) tw to web girders subjected to constant bending moments
have the same width as the horizontal panel (a=b): a were determined via Equation 10 to be 526.1 kN.m
typical practical geometric1 configurationStiff for Pl.
the tra- and 527.4 kN.m for corrugated web thicknesses of 2
pezoidal corrugation
L = 11.52 m profile of the web. Stiffener mm and 4 mm respectively. It is clear that, theoreti-
plates 20 mm thick were added at the support loca- cally, neither the web thickness nor the corrugation
tions for all the analyzed girders hto prevent bearing panel width of the web would have significant effect
failure of the webs at these α locations. The flange on the value of the critical moment. In these calcula-
width and thickness (bfl/2tfl = 15) as well as the web tions, the girders were assumed to have plane webs
height were kept bconstantd through the analysis. The with an equivalent thickness [13] which is given by:
Figure 10. Geometric
mechanical properties
and material of corrugated
properties of thewebgirders’
numerically analyzed for lateral torsion buckling.
cross-section are listed in Table 2. t eq = t w ⋅ s / c (17)
where tw is the corrugated web thickness, s is the
Table 2. Mechanical and material properties of the analyzed
corrugated web girders*. corrugated wave length and c is the projected length
of one corrugation wave (Figure 1).
Property tw =2 mm tw =4 mm
Figure 11 show two typical meshes used to model
3 2
A (10 ) mm 13.07 14.13 two girders having corrugated panel widths of 400
Ix (10 ) mm 4
770.5 791
mm and 200 mm, respectively. The girders were
6 4
simply supported in flexure and in torsion: Uy, Uz
Iy (10 ) mm 90 90 and Rx at both ends and Ux at one of the two ends
20 mm end
rx mm 243 236 were restrained. Figure 12 shows the loading con-
figuration adopted in the No of elements: 5261
analyses. For girders sub-
ry mm 83 79.8 No. of nodes: 16308
jected to end moments, the moments were applied as
Sx (103) mm3 DOFs: 97848
2963 3042 pressure and tension on the top and bottom flanges
Sy (10 ) mm
3 3
600 600
respectively at the two ends of the analyzed girder.
For girders subjected to concentrated loads, a point
Zx (10 ) mm
3127 3255 load was
y applied at the mid-span of the girder either
Zy (103) mm3 900 900
on the top flange, from the bottom flange or in the
mid-height of the corrugated web.

z x

No. of elements: 5226

No. of nodes: 16203
DOFs: 97218

z x

Figure 11. FE mesh for the 400 mm (above) and the 200
mm (below) corrugated web panel width girder.
Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

Mcr-FE /
1.202 1.19 1.12
Mcr-Eq 11*
3.3.2 Results of the Numerical Analysis *
Based on Cb from Equation 14.
Corrugated web girders subjected to end mo-
ments or central concentrated loads (Tables 3 and 4)
The numerically obtained critical moments Mcr-FE
were numerically analyzed (Sayed-Ahmed 2003a,
were also related to the critical moment of Girder G6
2005b). Results of the numerical analysis are listed
subjected to constant flexure through the span. Thus,
in Tables 3 and 4 and plotted in Figures 13 and 14.
equivalent moment factors for all the numerically
M M M analyzed corrugated web girders were evaluated:
those are listed in Tables 3 and 4 and plotted in Fig-
Girder G6 Girder G8 ures 13 and 14 versus the equivalent moment factors
M M/2 M M/2 analytically calculated using the currently adopted
equations (Equations 12 to 14).
Girder G7 Girder G9 It is evident from Tables 3 and 4 and Figures 13
M M and 14 that resistance to lateral torsion buckling of
girders with corrugated webs is different from that
Girder G10 of plate girders with traditional plane webs. The
P P P P critical moment initiating lateral buckling for corru-
gated web girders is larger than that of traditional
girders. The numerical analysis reveals that Mcr for
Girder G11 Girder G12
corrugated web girders subject to end moments is
P 15% to 37% higher than Mcr for plane web girders.
This ratio becomes 12% to 20% for corrugated web
Girder G13 girders subject to central concentrated loads.
P The numerical analysis also reveal that the con-
Figure 12. Loading configuration adopted in the FE analysis. cept of the equivalent moment factor which is cur-
rently used for I-girders with plane web to account
The “analytical” values of the critical moments Mcr- for the moment gradient is applicable to girders with
Eq.11 were calculated using Equation 11 with the corrugated webs. Furthermore, the analysis results
equivalent moment factor Cb evaluated using Equa- show that Equations 12 and 13 which are currently
tion 12 for girders subjected to end moments or used to calculate the equivalent moment factor are
Equation 14 for girders subjected to concentrated also applicable to steel girders with corrugated webs.
loads. The theoretically calculated critical moments Figure 13 shows that in case of girders subjected
Mcr-Eq.11 were compared to the critical moment re- to end moments, Equation 12 with the CAN/CSA-
sulting from the numerical analysis Mcr-FE. S16.1-02 limiting value provides a good match to
Table 3. Results of the finite element buckling analysis for cor- the results of the numerical analysis.
rugated steel web girders subjected to end moments.
The importance of the location of the applied load
Panel Girder G6 G7 G8 G9 G10
with respect to the shear centre of the girder’s cross-
dim. Cb-Eq.12 1 1.3 1.75 2.3 2.3 section is emphasized through the results plotted in
1523* 1661* Figure 14 and listed Table 4. It is clear from these
b = 200 mm

606 798 1098

tw =2 mm

(kN.m) results that Equation 14 which considers the location

Cb-FE 1 1.32 1.81 2.51 2.74 of the load with respect to the shear centre produces
Mcr-FE / a better match to the numerical analysis results com-
1.152 1.167 1.192 1.258 1.373
Mcr-Eq 11
pared to the currently used provisions of CAN/CSA-
635.1 836 1145 1559* 1664* S16.1-02 or AISC-LRFD.
b = 400 mm
tw = 4 mm

Cb-FE 1 1.31 1.8 2.45 2.62
Mcr-FE /
Mcr-Eq 11
1.204 1.219 1.24 1.285 1.372 3.4 Local Buckling of Corrugated Web girders’
Compression Flanges
*Lateralbuckling is preceded by flange and/or web local buck-
ling mode.
The flange outstand for girders with plane webs was
Table 4. Results of the finite element buckling analysis for cor- commonly approximately as bfl/2. For corrugated
rugated steel web girders subjected to central loads. web girders at a section where the web is parallel to
Girder G11 G12 G13 the axis of the girder, there is a large outstand on one
dim. Cb-Eq.13 1.31 1.31 1.31 side and a small outstand on the other (Figure 15).
Cb-Eq.14 0.96 1.35 1.9 Thus, the flange outstand which should be used to
Mcr-FE 609 848 1122 classify the cross section class of corrugated web
tw =

girders (Eq. 15 and 16) may be based on the large


Cb-FE 0.958 1.335 1.766

flange outstand Ll, the small flange outstand Ls or

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

2.75 1.70
Cb Eq. 12 Cb-F.E.
2.50 CAN/CSA 1.60
2.25 Cb-Eq. 12 1.50

Mcr-FE / Mcr-Eq. 11
bxt w =400 mm x 4mm
Cb 2.00 1.40

1.75 1.30
Mcr-FE / Mcr-Eq. 11
1.50 1.20

1.25 1.10

1.00 1.00
-1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
2.75 1.70
Cb Eq. 12
2.50 MA MB 1.60
2.25 S16.1 Cb-Eq. 12 1.50

Mcr-FE / Mcr-Eq. 11
bxt w =200 mm x 2 mm
2.00 1.40

1.75 1.30
Mcr-FE / Mcr-Eq. 11
1.50 1.20

1.25 1.10

1.00 1.00
-1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00

Figure 13. Equivalent moment factor and the critical moments for girders with corrugated webs subjected to end moments.

2.00 1.25
Cb-Eq. 14
bxt w = 200 mm x 4 mm
1.60 1.20
Mcr-FE / Mcr-Eq. 11

Cb - F.E.
Mcr-FE/Mcr-Eq. 11

Cb - Eq. 13 & AISC

1.20 1.15
Cb - CAN/CSA-S16.1
Below the shear centre Above the shear centre
0.80 1.10
-0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50
Load distance from the shear centre / cross section height

Figure 14. Equivalent moment factor for girders with corrugated webs subjected to central concentrated loads.

the average flange outstand Lav (Fig. 15). The aver- greater than 0.14, which is more practical, it is rec-
age flange outstand corresponds to bfl/2 which is tra- ommended to be conservative using the large flange
ditionally used for girders with plane webs. outstand Ll. Thus, a considerable uncertainty still ex-
Based on a previous investigation (Johnson & ists regarding the correct value which should be used
Cafolla 1997b), it was argued that the average flange for the flange outstand of corrugated web girders.
outstand Lav may only be used as bfl/2 if a ratio R is
less that 0.14 where R is the ratio between area
EFGH and area ABCD defined in Figure 15. For R

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

which caused local buckling for the upper flange

3.4.1 Numerical Modeling (Sayed-Ahmed 2005b).
Local buckling behaviour of the compression The numerical analysis was performed on corru-
flange of corrugated web girders is numerically in- gated web girders having the cross sections and the
vestigated (Sayed-Ahmed 2005b). The adopted fi- geometric properties shown in Figure 15 with the
nite element model is similar to the one used earlier material properties listed in Table 2. The span of all
for lateral torsion buckling. The girders were simply the analyzed girders was 11.52 m. The corrugated
supported and subjected to constant moments web panel width adopted in the analysis was 200
through the span: the upper and lower flanges were mm. Web thicknesses of 2 mm and 4 mm were con-
subjected to states of uniform compression and uni- sidered in the analysis which corresponds to web
form tension respectively. Eigenvalue analysis using height-to-thickness ratios hw/tw of 120 and 240 and
the finite element package ANSYS was performed panel width to web thickness ratios b/tw of 50 and
to evaluate the stress and the compressive force 100 respectively. The flange width-to-thickness ratio
bfl/2tfl was varied between 7.5 and 37.5 based on the
tfl A D
a α h

B b d C

300 Figure 15. Flange outstands and geometric properties of the corrugated web
girders analyzed for local flange buckling.

CAN/CSA-S16.1 limit
3.00 Flange outstand based on

AISC limit average outstand


Ncr / Ny

Ncr/Ny = 1.0
b/t w = 50
b/tw = 100
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00
bfl / 2 t fl (based on Lav)
CAN/CSA-S16.1 limit
3.00 *
AISC limit

Flange outstand based on

2.00 large outstand

Ncr / N y

N cr/N y = 1.0 *
1.00 The AISC-LRFD limit
b/t w = 50 on bfl/2tfl is calculated
0.50 without considering the
b/t w = 100
residual stresses
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00
bfl / 2t fl (based on Ll)

Figure 16. Local buckling of corrugated web girders’ flanges and current compact section limits.

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

average flange outstand or 10.5 and 52.5 based on tio is more appropriate for classifying a corrugated
the large flange outstand. The finite element meshes web girder’s cross section according to the AISC-
used to model the girders is similar to the one shown LRFD provisions: Ncr/Ny > 1.0 for bfl/2tfl < 19.8 only
in Figure 12 for the 200 mm panel width girder. when bfl/2 is based on the large flange outstand.
The AISC-LRFD assumes that the web of a plane
3.4.2 Results of the Numerical Analysis web I-girder provide a support condition for the
The critical compressive force Ncr acting on the flange outstand (Fig. 17) which lies somewhere be-
upper flange at which local flange buckling occurred tween a fixed support (k=1.277) and a simple sup-
was numerically determined. This force was normal- port (k=0.425). The buckling coefficient k was as-
ized with respect to the yield strength of the flange sumed for this hypothetical case of the AISC-LRFD
Ny where Ny = bfl x tfl x Fy and plotted versus the av- to be 0.7 hence, the limit on bfl/2tfl given in Equation
erage flange outstand-to-thickness and the large 16. The critical loads causing local flange buckling
flange outstand-to-thickness ratios in Figure 16. The for a corrugated web girder flange, obtained from
non-compact section limits according to the AISC- the numerical analysis, were plotted in Figure 18
LRFD and the CAN/CSA-S16.1-02 were also plot- versus the flange large outstand-to-thickness ratio.
ted in Figure 16. The AISC-LRFD limit on bfl/2tfl in The basic plate buckling equation with the three
this figure does not consider the residual stress (69 buckling coefficients described above were also
MPa for rolled section and 114 MPa for welded sec- plotted in Figure 18. The figure confirms that the
tions) as the yield strength of the compression flange flange outstand-to-thickness ratio should be based
Ny was based on the full yield stress Fy. on the large outstand for girders with corrugated
Figure 16 reveals that using the average flange webs (Sayed-Ahmed 2005b). Figure 18 also reveals
outstand-to-thickness ratio to classify the section of that the assumed value of k=0.7 which is adopted by
a corrugated web girder’ is acceptable according to the AISC-LRFD specifications for plane web girders
the restricted limits of the CAN/CSA-S16.1-02 is equally applicable to girders with corrugated web
specifications: Ncr/Ny > 1.0 for bfl/2tfl < 10.7 with provided that the large outstand is used for bfl/2.
bfl/2 based on the average flange outstand. On the
other hand, the large flange outstand-to-thickness ra-

Corrugated webs of corrugated web girders provide

the girder’s shear capacity with no contribution to its
moment capacity. The corrugated web is subjected
to a pure shear stress state. Its behaviour is con-
trolled by shear buckling and steel yielding. Two
modes of buckling are defined for these webs: local
σcr=k π2 E/{12 (1-ν2)(b/t)2} buckling and global buckling. An interaction be-
tween the two buckling modes represents another
possibility of failure. Interaction between these
buckling modes and the yield failure criterion con-
trols failure of these web plates within all practical
Ncr Ncr Ncr
ranges of their geometric dimensions. An interaction
equation defining the interactive failure mode of the
S.S. S.S. S.S.
corrugated web plates is proposed. Numerical mod-
Boundary - AISC

els have been developed to investigate the buckling

Fixed edge

S.S. edge
Free edge

Free edge

Free edge

behaviour of the corrugated web plates and to exam-

ine the validity of the proposed interaction equation.
The results obtained from model were found to be in
a good agreement with the prediction obtained using
the proposed equation. The model was extended to
S.S. S.S. S.S. investigate the post-buckling strength for corrugated
web girders. The post-buckling strength was found
Ncr Ncr Ncr to be highly dependent on the panel width of the cor-
rugated webs: it varies between 3% and 53% de-
bfl /2 bfl /2 bfl /2
pending on the panel width.
k=1.277 k=0.70 k=0.425
Lateral torsion buckling of I-girders with corru-
gated webs has been numerically investigated. It was
Figure 17. Simulation of local flange buckling for I-girders concluded that resistance to lateral torsion buckling
and modeling of the web support according to AISC-LRFD.

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, 7(2007)

N cr /N y (k=0.7)


AISC limit
N cr /N y (k=0.425) b/t w = 50
2.50 b/t w = 100

Ncr / Ny

1.50 N cr/N y (k=1.277)

Ncr/Ny = 1.0


0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00
bfl / 2 t fl (based on Ll)
Figure 18. Local buckling of the corrugated web girders’ flanges and the assumed buckling coefficients of the AISC-LRFD.
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