қмж 10, 18.11.22ж

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The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Specialized lyceum №92 named after Mahatma Gandhi

Short term lesson plan
Unit: 2D Games The World of 2D Gaming

Teacher’s name: Baimukhan Guldana Kairatkyzy

Date: 18.11.2022

Grade: 10Б Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: 2D Games

Learning objective(s) that this .S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly;
lesson is contributing to 7.W3 write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics;

Learning objectives
Step of the
Teacher's activity Students’ activity Assestment Resources
lesson/ Time

1)To greet with students

2)Check students’ attendance
3)To explain the theme of the
lesson and lesson objectives 1)To greet with teacher
4) Check homework. 2)To check attendance each A learner will
other be able to get
Warm-up 3)To listen teacher’s points 1 for
Beginning English
Explain today’s lesson’s aim and speech responding
4 min plus 10th
what about students will get 4) Show homework homeworks
.Writhe notes on their grade
copybooks and practice
Ask students what is 2D Games?
What kind of 2D Games do you

Exercise 1
a)Listen and repeat the words in
the list. Then match the words to
the pictures(1-8) Students should be aware Descriptor
B) What do we use the items in about new words and write A learner will
4 min Ex,1a for? Tell the class them on their vocabulary. be able to get SB p 40
points for being
Ask students to do the «Check active
these words»

Reading and Listening

Exercise 2 Read the text and show
Listen and watch carefully. A learner will
video about the text. Ask students
Give feedback about the be able to get 3
Main activities some questions about the
video and discuss with points for
7min differences between 2D and 3D SB p 40
each other. translating the
Give response for the text and giving
After watching video discuss and
questions. their ideas, also
translate the text. Ask if they
for translating
understand or not.

Exercise 3 Read again and choose Descriptor

7 min from the sentences A-F one which A learner will SB p
Students should actively
fits each gap (1-5). There is one be able to get 3 40-41
answer and participate
extra sentence. points for doing
Exercise 4 What are the A learner will
advantages and disadvantages of be able to get 2
the 2D Games? How the 2D or points for being
3D games affect to us? Students should actively
3 min active and
answer and participate
Exercise 5 Fill in: memory,
questions, also
platform, item, must have,
telling their own
downloadable, game, hand-held

Grammar: Quantifiers
Explain to students about the new
grammar Quantifiers by showing a
Ask students their own examples,
Students listen carefully
teacher’s explanation,
A learner will
actively participate and
6min be able to get 1 SB p 41
write down the new
points for doing
grammar, ask questions if
something is not clear

Ending of the At the end of a lesson, to make a Giving the hometask Summarise Teacher’s
lesson conclusion play a game about the Self-assessment. points for grade book
Reflection new grammar FORMATIVE https://learni
2 min Give Hometask ASSESSMENT ngapps.org/
10-9 – excellent view870919
8-7 – good 5
6-4 – satisfactory
3-1 unsatis

Homework Ex-10 Each student should design a video game and present to the class

Checked by Azbergenova Asiya

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