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The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19

and digital transformation
Eduardo Russo ¹
Ariane Roder Figueira ¹
Clarice Secches Kogut ¹
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello ¹
¹ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) / Instituto COPPEAD de Administração, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil


In the beginning of 2020, the world was starting to experience the first months of what would be one of the worst pandemics in
its history. At that time, it was not known for sure what was ahead, but it was only known that a new disease that emerged in
the province of Wuhan, China was caused by a new species of coronavirus (COVID-19) that had symptoms similar to the flu.
Its high rate of transferability called the attention of national and international authorities. At that time, the lack of expectations
about a vaccine or the existence of an effective treatment meant that the only measures capable of containing the spread of
the virus were limited to quarantine and social distancing.
Hiroto Nakami, the President of the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee at the time, was face with a situation of great uncertainty
since the international escalation of the number of infections by the new virus put at risk the Olympic Games, which were
scheduled to take place in just a few months. With the deterioration of the pandemic situation in the world and the increase
of boycott threats and international pressure, the Japanese government was forced to officially request to the International
Olympic Committee (IOC) on March 24, 2020 to postpone the Olympic and Paralympic Games scheduled to take place in
Tokyo between July and September of that year. In order to preserve the health and well-being of delegations, residents,
and visitors, the IOC sanctioned the first Olympic postponement in the 124-year history of the Modern Games. At the time
of the decision to postpone the event by 12 months, COVID-19 was already responsible for more than 386,000 infections
and 16,000 deaths on 5 continents (World Health Organization [WHO], 2010). In economic terms, it was calculated that this
decision would generate an immediate loss of USD 3.54 billion to the organizers in addition to negative impacts of around
1.4% on the Japanese GDP and a 24.4% drop in the revenues of local companies. The deterioration of the world situation
in the following months still raised the real possibility that the Tokyo Games would never take place, which could generate
direct and indirect losses of USD 184 billion to the Japanese economy (Schreiber, 2020).
The financial issues would not be the only complicating factor. After the IOC sanction, all the planning made by the Organizing
Committee in the last 7 years would no longer be useful. One of the biggest problems would certainly lie in the contractual
renegotiation with around 75,000 suppliers in charge of serving the Games in 2020 in addition to sponsors and other support
entities. The permanent environment of uncertainty caused by the pandemic combined with the losses on the Committee
team, initially composed of more than 2,000 employees, and the different characteristics and scope of service of these suppliers
brought additional challenges to their work.
With the maintenance of the pandemic scenario into 2021 and the availability of vaccines still very limited in Japan and in the
rest of the countries, thinking about a new event format became more and more necessary if they wanted to make hosting
the Olympic Games that year feasible. Around the world, sports competitions were reinventing themselves into a new format
of mass testing of athletes and closed gates. However, thinking of a new standard of Olympics without audience and based
only on digital and broadcasting attributes was until then something unthinkable or unprecedented. Amid the approach of
813 the new date, Nakami knew that he had little time to make the necessary adaptations capable of making the event a success
even in the middle of the Pandemic.

Case Study submitted on July 29, 2021 and accepted for publication on October 25, 2021.
[Original version]

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022 ISSN 1679-3951   318-332
The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello


Tokyo had been chosen to host the 32nd edition of the Summer Olympic Games back in in 2013 after beating Istanbul
in the final and Madrid in the preliminary rounds. After a failed attempt in 2016, Tokyo would have the opportunity
to host the second Olympics in its history. Since the beginning of the modern Olympic Games era in 1896, the Asian
continent had already hosted six other Olympics, three of which summer editions (Tokyo 1964, Seoul 1988, and
Beijing 2008), and another three winter editions (Sapporo 1972, Nagano 1998, and Pyeongchang 2018). This time, Tokyo’s
candidacy brought a proposal to recover and rise the morale of Japanese society, which was still recovering from the
Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.
Aiming to get aligned with the Agenda 2020 and the future of the Olympic movement, Tokyo brought in its speech the
intention of holding a more conscious Olympics with less environmental impact, making it more sustainable (Trendafilova,
Graham, & Bemiller, 2018) in terms of expenditure (Zarnowski, 1993), thus breaking the exacerbated proportions that the
Olympic Games had taken over the last few editions (Chappelet, 2013). The project proposed to take advantage of
the city’s existing infrastructure, modernize some facilities originally built for the 1964 Games, as well as rent private spaces
and assemble temporary arenas, which require less investment and could be easily demobilized after the end of the Games
(Tokyo2020, 2018). As a way to reduce carbon emissions, Tokyo also aimed to hold about 60% of the competitions in existing
venues in addition to create a 100% electric public transport system. In order to generate a tangible legacy (Beissel & Kohe,
2020) for the local population, the city also intended to promote other social and environmental sustainability (Paquette,
Stevens, & Mallen, 2008) measures such as creating a zero waste policy that aimed to recycle everything produced by the
Games, bringing greater integration of the city with nature by installing anti-heat pavements, building green areas, and
protecting biodiversity, while taking measures to make use of minorities in the Games economy, ensuring respect for human
rights, in addition to involving local communities through educational measures of cooperation.
Despite an initial forecast pointing to a project cost of USD 7.3 billion, by the end of 2019 the local government had already
invested around USD 12.6 billion with the Games (Tokyo2020, 2020). In addition, it was expected that, motivated by the
Olympics, the private sector would invest another USD 96 billion in areas such as technology (internet and transmission)
and tourism support services in general (hotels, restaurants, and services). As a result, it was expected that the sum of
these investments would leave a legacy of more than USD 310 billion and 2 million jobs for the region (Cord, 2018).
The main projects were urban mobility (USD 35 billion), the new Olympic arenas (USD 5.2 billion), and the athlete’s village
(USD 3.9 billion) (Overmyer, 2017).
In addition to the increased investment in athlete training, what was also observed in the years of Tokyo’s preparations
for the 2020 Games was an effort by local authorities to promote Japan as a friendlier tourist destination for other publics
outside Asia. Japanese society, historically stigmatized for being a closed people, began to introduce foreign languages more
into their daily lives. As the Games got closer, it was possible to observe more and more the presence of signs, billboards,
and advertisements in English. As a result, the country saw its number of foreign visitors jump from 5 million in 2011, when
there was the Olympic bid, to more than 30 million in 2019. In that same year, these tourists left around USD 43.4 billion in
the Japanese economy (Japan National Tourism Organization [JNTO], 2020).


Japan, historically known for its proximity to technology and the robotics revolution, raised digital transformation as one of
the flags of its bid for the 2020 Olympics. With the promise of being the most technologically advanced Olympic Games in
history, they brought as principles various innovations that promised to transform the relationship with spectators based
on experiences that would go far beyond the live broadcasting. This would be possible mainly due to the widespread use
of streaming platforms in transmissions, which currently have dominated the market by offering their audience content on
demand, at any time of the day. Furthermore, given the Japanese time difference that is averse to major Western countries,
such flexibility was seen by organizers and sponsors as essential for a successful digital marketing strategy.

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   319-332

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello

Such initiatives, which had as their main objective to place the spectator as a protagonist of their experience, also allowed
customizing content according to the interest of the public, which had been in decline during the last Olympic editions,
especially among younger people. In addition to this new way of consuming personalized content, the IOC also bet on so-called
demonstration sports (Grohmann, 2020) as a way to get closer to this younger audience. The inclusion of rock climbing,
skateboarding, surfing, and karate in the 2020 edition is a strategy to renovate the Olympic Games, which increasingly need
to remain attractive in a world where the event has to compete more and more for user attention (International Olympic
Committee [IOC], 2016).
Also as part of this strategy, Tokyo 2020 ended up investing in several mobile content transmission applications, providing viewers
the possibility of a multi-screen experience with simultaneous interactions between television, computer, tablet, and smart
phones. The goal was that all this would still be offered through a 5G platform, which would represent the latest generation
in telecommunication technology, enabling faster and more comprehensive connectivity in terms of distance and number of
devices. Partly motivated by the Olympic Games, Japan had invested around USD 38 billion by 2020 in telecommunication
infrastructure based on 5G in an attempt to create a city with ultra-fast connection in time for the Olympics and ahead of all
other cities in the world.
But perhaps the biggest difference was still in what the Japanese people know how to do best, the virtual world of games. The
plan for Tokyo 2020 was to be the stage to create gamification and virtual reality experiences for visitors through immersion in
3D videos that would bring spectators closer to the experience of athletes from the most diverse Olympic sports. A movement
that began at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in 2018 would now be consolidated in Tokyo by using advanced artificial
intelligence capable of capturing the biomechanics of athletes and generating insights as close to reality as possible. With this,
the organization of the Games was betting on a successful recipe that would also use e-sports to create a virtual competitive
environment, contributing to the atmosphere of confraternization of peoples brought by the Olympics.
All these technological “ostentations” promised by the Japanese could be observed in the venues and city spaces during or
after the broadcasts of the events, certainly creating a very high expectation in the public. The feeling is that perhaps we were
observing a technological milestone that would inaugurate a new digital era for the Olympic Games, even promising to put
an end to paper tickets that were so common in previous editions (Campaing, 2016).


Unlike past Olympic editions where several problems were observed in the delivery schedule of the venues (Baroghi, Ribeiro, &
Lourenço 2018), Tokyo starts the year 2020 with most of the infrastructure designed for the Games already concluded. Due to
the sense of commitment characteristic of Japanese culture, about 8 months before the Games it was already possible to see the
new Olympic stadium hosting its first test events. In general, there was the feeling that everything was going according to
plan, and as much as depended on local organization, the month of July 2020 would be reached without major complications.
At that point, perhaps the only thing threatening the Games would be a new Tsunami of proportions that had occurred in
Fukushima 10 years earlier (Holt, Campbell, & Nikitin, 2012).
The natural disasters that routinely hit Japan was something that had always bothered the IOC since the beginning
of its candidacy. With this in mind, some adaptations had to be made to the original project such as the removal of
sailing sports from Tokyo Bay due to the risk of Tsunamis. What was not imagined, however, was that a new epidemic
of large proportions could affect the progress of the 2020 Olympic Games, especially because in the last 30 years
humanity ended up learning to live with several viral outbreaks as observed in the cases of Sars (2002), Mers (2012),
and Ebola (2014) (BBC, 2020).
The health threat, however, had already been present in other Olympic editions such as in the case of the Antwerp Games in
1920 when the world was still recovering from the Spanish flu that left more than 50 million dead between 1917 and 1918.
In addition to this case, the Mexico Games in 1968 coexisted with the Hong Kong Flu, which killed 1 million people in the
world in that period. Japan itself, at the Winter Olympics in Nagano (1998), witnessed an outbreak of the flu virus that killed

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   320-332

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello

1,500 children and infected around 200 people linked to the organization of the Games. More recently, the Rio 2016 Games
came to be threatened by a Zika epidemic, which was caused by mosquito bites and infected more than 1.5 million people
in 2015 (Dom Total, 2020).
Initially it was not known for sure the proportions that COVID-19 could reach. However, with the escalation of cases and the
increase in international pressure, there was no alternative but to postpone the Olympic Games. From that moment on, a
period of great uncertainty took place for two main reasons: (1) historically it has been observed that large epidemics take
more than 12 months to be controlled either by herd immunity or by the development of a vaccine; and (2) there would
hardly be space for another postponement given that in the following years the Olympic calendar was already filled with the
Beijing Winter Games in 2022 and the Paris Summer Games in 2024.
Shortly after the postponement decision, Nakami and his team realized that the complexity of the decision was much greater
than imagined as the number of affected parties involved was enormous. At that time, it was not just about stopping building
projects still in progress or a possible refund of tickets already sold, the postponement directly affected the planning of athletes
and delegations, companies, suppliers with contracts already signed, and even people who would move to the Olympic village
after the games and had to postpone their life plans. Although some of these costs can be calculated quantitatively, others
are not so obvious. For example, what is the cost for an athlete in preparation to miss an Olympic cycle?
The decision to postpone was taken so close to the original date of the Olympic Games that basically all the communication
had already been prepared under the name Tokyo 2020. In addition to the marketing campaigns of sponsoring companies
that were already in the media, changing the name would require, among other efforts, the need to change the layout of the
arenas, volunteer uniforms, and promotional material distributed throughout the 72 official stores across Japan ranging from
US$ 2.00 pendants to limited editions of solid gold bars of US$ 15,000. The possibility of updating the name to Tokyo 2021
was even considered at first but was soon discarded as it was realized that these efforts would cost at least an additional
US$ 1.2 billion and countless hours of marketing efforts. Amidst so many questions, the real possibility of a new postponement
or even cancellation of the edition still loomed over the organizers.
At that moment, Nakami had more questions than answers and before he could even sit down with his team to start thinking
about contingency plans for the obstacles that emerged, problems caused by the escalation of the pandemic kept arising. Most
of the workers who were part of the Local Organizing Committee were foreign professionals from 28 different nationalities,
many of whom were experts in the subject and used to following the Olympic Games throughout their editions. Right at the
beginning of the global crisis, most of them had to leave Japan under the risk of not being able to return to their countries
of origin due to the closing of the borders caused by the restrictive confinement measures.
Besides the loss of its most experienced employees, the Committee continued to suffer staff casualties across all of its 11
directories. Due to a dynamic that had never been seen before in its composition, a good part of the employees of the Organizing
Committee were transferred from other government agencies and also from around 370 sponsoring companies. Despite this
configuration generating savings with personnel and being in line with the fiscal responsibility model advocated in the Tokyo
2020 project, it ended up causing some problems. First, because a large part of these professionals had no affinity with the
Olympic theme, which generated doubts in the ability of many to perform certain functions or assume specific projects.
Another issue was that right at the beginning of the crisis, a good part of the employees transferred were requested back by
their companies of origin, thus leaving a personnel vacuum at the most critical moment of the project.
The loss of the team directly affected Nakami’s biggest problem at that time, which was precisely the contractual renegotiation
with more than 75,000 suppliers. Due to the initial strategy of renting private spaces aiming at lower costs and environmental
impacts, the renegotiation of these dates became the biggest complicating factor since most of the locations already had
other commitments made for the following year. Nakami knew that without these spaces, which were responsible for hosting
about 60% of the competitions, it would not be possible to deliver the Olympic Games in 2021 since there was no longer
enough time or resources available to think about a plan B. So, along with the lack of personnel, the Committee also had to
start managing all the rest of its operations remotely, which made it even more complicated given that most of the remaining
employees still needed to adapt to the home office model.

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   321-332

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello

These contractual renegotiations affected not only the Organizing Committee’s operations, but they also took place in
several other spheres and directly affected international federations and national Olympic confederations that had already
planned to go to Tokyo in 2020. At the time of the postponement, only about 4 months before the Games, most of the
national confederations had already mobilized their structure or had equipment on ships in route to Japan. Due to the air
of uncertainty that was left and the high maintenance costs of this structure in Japan, these and other actors pressured the
Organizing Committee for answers that they didn’t have at the time. Nakami knew that something needed to be done so that
the operational safety demonstrated over the last few years of Tokyo’s preparation was restored.


Months had passed and the transition from 2020 to 2021 proved to be a turning point for the organization of the Games. By
the end of 2020, the world had already registered 1.8 million deaths from COVID-19 (Grasso, 2020), and Nakami knew that
even if the Olympic Games were to take place in mid-2021, little of the initial planning could be used in view of the adaptations
that would be necessary to face the new reality of social distancing brought by COVID-19. It was already January again and
the possibility of having the first closed-door Olympics in history reverberated more and more through the corridors of the
Committee and in the conversations with the IOC, which together with the Japanese Government and the Government of
Tokyo, shared the main decisions of a strategic nature regarding the Games.
Even though Nakami’s decisions were limited by these three superior entities, he knew that at the operational level the
Committee still had some autonomy to promote the necessary changes to make the Olympics viable. One great pressure it
faced, however, was the growing unpopularity of the Games among the Japanese people, who were dissatisfied with the
Games happening in middle of increasing COVID-19 cases in the world. A poll carried out at that time indicated that 47.1% of
Japanese believed that there should be a further postponement due to the pandemic. Another 32.5% said that the Games
should be completely cancelled, and only 14.5% believed that they should be held on schedule. In the following months, these
numbers would increase even more, reaching 87.7% of the portion of the Japanese population concerned about holding the
Olympics in 2021 (Almoguera, 2021).
Internally, the Committee also suffered from a lack of motivation from employees who were impacted by the lack of a project
perspective, which they had dedicated years of their lives. Insecurity was evident in most of the teams either because of the
uncertainty in the direction of the Pandemic around the world or because of the lack of clarity in the internal communication
from the Committee’s boards. For example, after adopting teleworking, it was common to see employees without things to
do or having to redo activities due to sudden changes in planning. Another complaint was also in the number of excessive
meetings, several times a day, which did not always leave a clear direction on the tasks that should be performed by each
one, leaving the impression that they were adrift.
With the scenario of pressures and uncertainties that emerged, the Local Government was forced to announce that the
2021 Olympic Games would be held behind closed doors to the foreign public. This decision, while intending to appease
local spirits, also aimed to reaffirm a speech of “Japanese Olympics for the Japanese”, who were still recovering from the
second greatest tragedy in its history. For Nakami, at the same time that this decision eased one side of the pressures, it
generated new challenges that now needed to be overcome in the very short term. At that time, despite the original Tokyo
project already contemplating the intensive use of technologies, it could never have been imagined that they would be
so necessary.
Even though the adversity of the Pandemic could be the opportunity to present to the world a new model of digital Olympic
Games, now in even greater evidence, Nakami knew that technology would hardly be able to solve all the problems caused by
COVID-19. Despite the Olympic Games were undergoing a process of change, transferring to technologies the responsibility
of compensating the lack of audience in the arenas, and making Tokyo a large-scale testing environment, could be a risky
strategy. Parallel to this, several sectors such as tourism, hospitality, and services had already invested billions in experiences
that traditionally were based on face-to-face contact with the user. How could these segments also take advantage of the
digital transformation in order to minimize their losses?

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   322-332

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello

Despite the unfavorable situation, Nakami was aware of the Organizing Committee’s responsibility towards the Olympic
movement and the Japanese population. Given the slow pace of vaccination in the world and in Japan, and the lack of
perspective for bringing the pandemic under control in the short term, Nakami was aware that something needed to be
done if he wanted to ensure the operational success of an Olympics in 2021. Everything would obviously depend on whether
Nakami and his team would be able to first solve all the contractual problems and renegotiate the spaces that even months
after the postponement were still reverberating internally. Amidst so many dilemmas, it was also necessary to think about
the financial, image, operational, and technological implications of these actions. But among all of Nakami’s reflections, there
was one question that he couldn’t get out of his head: would it be possible to prove to the world that a model of digital games
with closed doors could prosper?

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   323-332

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello


The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital transformation
The Olympic Games have been responsible for moving billions of dollars in direct and indirect investments during their winter
and summer editions in the host cities, thus leaving tangible and intangible legacies that, if well used, can promote significant
changes in the daily lives of societies. For the first time in the modern era of the Olympic Games, at the beginning of 2020,
this cycle had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic that had killed more than 4 million people worldwide by
July 2021. The teaching case puts the reader in the role of Hiroto Nakami, then President of the Tokyo 2020 Organizing
Committee, to solve operational barriers and make it possible to create a successful digital Olympic Games model. It will
be necessary to evaluate the financial and technological limitations in order to assess the impacts and legacies from these
actions for the event and the local business environment. The case is suitable for multidisciplinary undergraduate and
graduate students interested in discussing themes and concepts related to the area of strategic planning, crisis management,
mega-events, and digital transformation.
Keywords: Olympic Games. Mega Sporting Events. Crisis Management. Digital Transformation. COVID-19.

Os Jogos Olímpicos de Tóquio 2020: impactos da COVID-19 e da transformação digital

Os Jogos Olímpicos têm sido responsáveis por movimentar, ao longo das suas edições de inverno e verão, bilhões de dólares
em investimentos diretos e indiretos nas cidades sede por onde passam, deixando assim legados tangíveis e intangíveis que,
se bem aproveitados, podem promover significativas transformações no cotidiano das sociedades. Pela primeira vez na era
moderna dos Jogos Olímpicos, no início de 2020, esse ciclo teve que ser adiado por conta da Pandemia da COVID-19 que deixou,
até julho de 2021 mais de 4 milhões de mortos no mundo. O caso coloca o leitor no papel de Hiroto Nakami, então Presidente
do Comitê Organizador dos Jogos Olímpicos de Tóquio 2020, para resolver os entraves operacionais e possibilitar a criação de
um modelo de Jogos Olímpicos digitais de sucesso, ainda que a portas fechadas. Para tal, será necessário avaliar os limitadores
financeiros e tecnológicos, de forma a avaliar os impactos e legados dessas ações para o evento e o ambiente de negócios locais.
O caso é indicado para estudantes de cursos de graduação e pós-graduação multidisciplinares interessados em discutir temas
e conceitos ligados à área de planejamento estratégico, gestão de crises, grandes eventos, e transformação digital.
Palavras-chave: Jogos Olímpicos. Mega Eventos Esportivos. Gestão de Crises. Transformação Digital. COVID-19.

Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020: impactos de la COVID-19 y transformación digital

Los Juegos Olímpicos han sido responsables de mover miles de millones de dólares en inversiones directas e indirectas durante
sus ediciones de invierno y verano en sus ciudades sede, dejando así legados tangibles e intangibles que, bien aprovechados,
pueden promover cambios significativos en el la vida cotidiana de las sociedades. Por primera vez en la era moderna de los
Juegos Olímpicos, a principios de 2020, este ciclo tuvo que ser pospuesto debido a la pandemia de COVID-19 que dejó más
de 4 millones de muertos en el mundo hasta julio de 2021. El caso pone al lector en el papel de Hiroto Nakami, entonces
presidente del Comité Organizador de Tokio 2020, para sortear las barreras operativas y hacer posible la creación de un exitoso
modelo de Juegos Olímpicos digitales aunque a puerta cerrada. Para ello, será necesario sopesar las limitaciones financieras
y tecnológicas con el fin de evaluar los impactos y legados de esas acciones para el evento y el entorno empresarial local.
El caso es apto para estudiantes de cursos multidisciplinarios de grado y posgrado interesados en discutir temas y conceptos
relacionados con las áreas de planificación estratégica, gestión de crisis, megaeventos y transformación digital.
Palabras clave: Juegos Olímpicos. Megaeventos deportivos. Gestión de crisis. Transformación digital. COVID-19.

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   324-332

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello

Teaching objectives
The Case aims to put students in the position of the protagonist Hiroto Nakami, the President of the Tokyo 2020 Organizing
Committee at the time, so that they can analyze possible scenarios and make decisions about the operational problems and
dilemmas faced by the event’s organization. Through a complex case, we seek to invite participants to reflect on the impacts of
the pandemic on the already accelerated process of digitization of social relations. Many of these changes will be irreversible,
directly impacting areas such as education, health, business, and the international sporting mega-events themselves. At the
end of the discussion it is also intended that students be able to: (1) evaluate aspects of strategic planning in uncertainty
scenarios; (2) understand the impacts of digital transformation on the world of sporting mega-events; and (3) measure the
importance of new technologies in breaking paradigms and business models.

Target audience
The case is recommended for graduate students or those who are in their final years of their undergraduate studies in
management courses. Its application is recommended for disciplines of sports management, strategic planning, information
technology, and innovation that want to deal with concepts such as crisis management, planning of mega events, and digital

Sources of information
Data collection took place between the months of August 2020 and May 2021 through secondary data sources such
as scientific articles, consultancy reports, and journalistic material and also through primary data sources such as
semi-structured interviews with individuals holding positions of middle and senior management in key sectors from
18 different entities participating in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics ecosystem, including Tokyo 2020, the International Olympic
Committee, UNESCO, the Brazilian Embassy in Tokyo, and the International Olympic Academy. This case was derived from
a doctoral thesis research, which gathered the narrative of 21 interviewees with 12 hours and 43 minutes of recordings
and 248 pages of primary content.

Suggested teaching plan

Assignment questions
1. Which characteristics differentiate the Tokyo 2020 project from the previous editions?
2. What are the main challenges faced by the organization due to the postponement?
3. In Nakami’s place, how would you ensure the success of a closed-door Game model?

Discussion plan and analysis

This teaching plan considers that there has been prior preparation by the students and a 2-hour class, as proposed below:
• Beginning of class and division of the room into small groups of 4 to 5 students (5 minutes);
• Discussion in small groups (30 minutes);
• Case presentation (10 minutes);
• Plenary discussion (70 minutes);
• Closing (5 minutes).

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   325-332

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello

It is suggested to warm up the discussion by asking the students to contribute to the context (discussion question 1) in which
the event takes place. At this point, the instructor can ask the following question to the class:
Given the situation in which the case occurs, which trends do you see affecting the international mega sporting environment?
At this point, it is suggested that the instructor take notes on the board, and the following transition question can be asked
as the main spaces are filled:
TQ1: How do you traditionally follow the Olympic Games? How many have watched an Olympics in person?
The instructor should say at this point that even when the Olympics take place in its traditional model, only a minority ends
up traveling to watch the Olympic Games in loco. Since the event began to be broadcast internationally in the mid-20th
century, the vast majority of spectators have always followed the competitions remotely. Sports in general has been directly
influenced by the digitalization process present in the world (Xiao et al., 2007). According to these authors, in addition to the
emergence of new digital sports modalities, the so-called e-sports and technological advances have directly affected the way
athletes prepare and the way in which the public interacts with them. Dugalić (2018) explains that digitalization in the world
of sports can be thought even more broadly as it also transforms the ways of doing business through sports by opening up
new possibilities for transmission, sponsorship, and media while retiring others.
With regard to the Olympic Games, especially in times of pandemic and social distancing, a rapid assimilation of technological
attributes becomes even more important for the survival and sustainability of the model. Japan has historically been known for
its proximity to technology and robotics, guided by digital transformation as one of the pillars of its bid for the 2020 Olympics.
Just as happened in 1964 in the first games broadcasted via satellite to the world, 2020 held the promise that they would be
the most technologically advanced Olympic Games ever seen (James, 2020).
With the postponement in 2020, the digitalization process that was underway could now be accelerated in order to propose
an alteration to the adaptation that the sports world has been undergoing due to the pandemic. Thus, the technological
applications inaugurated by Tokyo may become a trend to be absorbed by other editions in the future. Seele and Lock (2017)
also added that digitalization would become part of one of the principles of sustainability, meaning that from the intensive
use of digital platforms, it would be possible to save several non-renewable natural resources. This concept of sustainable
digitalization is gaining more and more strength not only in large events, but also in several other business areas (Stuermer,
Abu-Tayeh, & Myrach, 2016).
After a brief discussion of TQ1, we suggest that the instructor take the students to realize which of the trends raised are
identified as perennial, that is, they are here to stay. At this point the instructor introduces the first topic of discussion through
transition questions:
TQ2: Given the need and trend of digitization of the Games, how could the structure be in order to ensure a successful digital
Olympics model even with closed doors?

Discussion 1: How can we make strategic decisions if we don’t know what the future will be like?
Among the various predictive methodologies already developed, scenario planning is one of the best processes capable
of preparing organizations and individuals for the future (Garvin & Levesque, 2005). According to the authors, the first
step of this method involves research that is qualified in understanding the main forces capable of moving the world
and businesses in different directions. Based on this information, it is then possible to start thinking about a small
number of possible futures, which will be accompanied by a set of strategic actions that will guide organizations within
each of these scenarios.

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   326-332

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello

According to Schwartz (1996), scenario planning was developed to break with uncertainty by designing multiple possibilities
that prepare you for the different futures that may arise. Furthermore, the scenario exercise could also act as a catalyst to
move the world a little in the direction you want. Schoemaker (1991) also adds to the discussion that, unlike operational
strategic planning that generally presupposes a better option, scenario analysis allows multiple possibilities. Thus, this
technique becomes particularly useful in environments of high change and uncertainty. Companies from many sectors
use the technique to complement strategic planning, improving the decision-making process on investment decisions and
competitive moves.
Scenario analysis involves several components that together promote a vision of different futures. The first element starts
with choosing a key problem, which usually is a significant future decision or a strategic uncertainty that has important,
long-term consequences. Many of the key problems take the form of a question, which for this discussion case we can
consider as, “Would it be possible to prove to the world that a closed-door Digital Games model could prosper?”
Another key component to the model is the driving forces. These can be understood as themes and trends that will influence
the key problem, which is subdivided into 4 main categories: social dynamics, economic, political, and technological. Brief
comments on how each of these categories behave in the case analyzed can be seen below:
• Social dynamics: in general terms, the social context of the Tokyo Olympic Games was unfavorable. The Organizing
Committee and other competent agencies struggled against the low popularity of the games and the great dissatisfaction
of the Japanese population, while also facing the escalation of COVID-19 cases in the world and the delay in vaccination.
• Economic: in this arena there were also major limitations since the project’s budget had already been exceeded with even
more pressure due to the additional costs with the postponement. Not only the Committee, but the entire local business
environment also had to deal with the negative economic repercussions of holding the Olympics behind closed doors and
without the international public.
• Political: it was possible to observe some attritions between the Japanese government, the IOC, and other Olympic
committees of the countries since the decision to maintain the Olympics at any cost in 2021 had different opinions. Although
Nakami did not have interference in most strategic decisions of the Games, the repercussions fall on his operations.
• Technological: the Tokyo Olympics, since its inception, were already intended to be the most technological Games in history
with the presentation of several innovations that promised to take the experience of the public and athletes to a new
level. Still, many of these had not yet been tested on a large scale, so their impacts and capabilities were still uncertain.

The model also predicts that these driving forces differ in terms of uncertainty and predictability with more unpredictable
components having the ability to more significantly affect how the future influences the key problem (Ogilvy &
Schwartz, 2004). In this sense, the two most influential driving forces would be classified as critical uncertainties.
Following the line of discussion in the case of Tokyo, we could highlight the technological and social dynamics as the
most critical uncertainties considering that, based on their performance, would have the greatest power to influence
the others positively or negatively.
After that, each critical uncertainty would be transformed into an uncertainty axis with opposite cases at each end. The two
axes when combined would be responsible for forming a 2x2 scenario matrix with four quadrants of uncertainty or futures to
be explored. Continuing the discussion of the case, the first uncertainty matrix that includes the technological variable could
consider the escalation or retraction of digital transformation in the world. The second axis of the social dynamics variable
could be considered as continuing or ending social distancing practices in the world. These two axes, when combined, produce
4 distinct futures.
These different futures, called scenarios, are plausible hypotheses of how the world could unfold and are created with the
objective of map risks and opportunities for the organization. According to Wilkinson (1995), there are no good or bad,
desirable or undesirable scenarios. They are a mix of both. In the case of the international sporting mega-events analyzed
here, a future in which digital transformation advances along with maintaining the need for social distancing, it would be

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   327-332

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello

possible to increasingly observe a closed-door model with intensive use of technologies. On the other hand, if we consider a
scenario of deceleration of digital transformation and the end of the need for social distancing, it may be that the traditional
model of events with people in loco returns with more strength and technology be left in the background.
In turn, Millett (2003) contributes by saying that in order to increase the probability that scenarios are understood as realistic,
it is necessary to understand how the world got there. For this, it is important to build coherent narratives or stories free from
stereotypes. After creating these narratives, the central question should then be returned, placing the organizations in each
of the scenarios in order to explore each implication. This effort aims to identify the strengths and vulnerabilities responsible
for filling the gaps that will support critical business decisions.
Finally, it is also necessary to identify the warning signs, which are important indicators to highlight the likely emergence of
one or another scenario. These signals are responsible for identifying some paths the world is taking, which are also important
for mid-way reassessments. If carefully selected, these signals can give the organization competitive market advantages by
identifying early signals not yet observed by competitors.
After the initial orientation moment where the key problem was defined as the challenges of proving to the world that a
closed-door model of Digital Games could prosper, we moved on to the next stage of exploration where the driving forces
were identified and divided between uncertain (technological and social dynamics) and predictive (economic and political).
With this, the construction of scenarios and narratives takes place, which will serve as a basis for the options to be considered
by the protagonist.
Scenario 1, called Hybrid, takes into account the advancement of digital transformation in parallel with the end of social
distancing. As a form of narrative, we chose the article from Estadão newspaper from December 2020, which informs that
flexibility in the combination of remote and face-to-face work should be one of the trends for the following year. As well as
hybrid offices, other business models such as education itself must follow this same trend in the future. One of the main
reasons for this trend is the observation that the flexible model tends to be the best option for people’s mental health with
positive impacts including on productivity and business.
Scenario 2, called High Tech, takes into account the same advance of digital transformation, but this time combined with
the continuity of social distancing. As a form of narrative, we selected the Época Negócios report from November 2020 that
highlights the high percentage of Brazilian companies that were forced to adapt their business model to a reality closer to
the digital one given the lack of perspective caused by the pandemic. Faced with this scenario, many companies have had
as one of their main concern to invest in more agile and robust IT infrastructures so that they can support long periods of
innovation in digitization projects.
Scenario 3, called Paralysis, takes into account the continuity of social distancing, but combined with a slowdown in digital
transformation, especially in specific sectors of the economy. To contribute to the narrative, the Empresa Brasil de Comunicação
(EBC) report from August 2020 was used that points out that almost 40% of the businesses that chose to put their operations
on hold at the beginning of the pandemic ended up having their doors permanently closed. Mostly belonging to the service
sectors, these companies were not able to accelerate the process of adopting new technologies and keep up with the new
characteristics of consumption, thus having to close down their operations.
Scenario 4, called Low Tech, combines the end of social distancing, causing a slowdown in digital transformation. As a
narrative, we have the CNN report from May 2021 that informs the perspective of the United Kingdom, one of the most
advanced countries in the world in the vaccination process, in abolishing the need for social distancing in the coming
months of that year. Thus, this scenario takes into account the logic that this moment of pandemic and digitalization was
fleeting and that people and businesses would be able to soon return to their previous status quo. The scenario matrix
can be seen in Figure 1.

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The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello

Figure 1
Tokyo 2020 Scenario Matrix
Advancement of Digital Transformation

Hybrid (1) High Tech (2)

Estadão, Dec. 27, 2020 Época Negócios, Nov. 19, 2020

Social Distancing Continuing

"The pandemic led 92% of Brazilian
Social Distancing Ending

"Hybrid office is among companies to reivent their business model,

job trends fo 2021" according to a study"

Low Tech (3) Paralysis (4)

CNN Brasil, May 03, 2021 EBC, Aug. 16, 2020

"UK should drop social distancing "Pandemia closes 39.4% of paralyzed

rule in June" companies, says IBGE"

Digital Transformation Slowdown

Source: Elaborated by the authors.

The instructor may ask the following question to start the final part of the discussion:
Discussion 2: Given the scenarios that were created, what implications and options do you see for Nakami?
The next phase involves generalizing the implications and options for the case protagonist to consider. It is the moment
where the Organizing Committee must be placed at the center of the model so as to reflect on how each scenario impacts the
strategic choices in order to determine gaps, vulnerabilities, and create a list of options that will guide the decision making
process and the protagonist’s decision. The matrix of options can be seen in Box 1.

Box 1
Tokyo 2020 Options Matrix
Scenario 1 – Hybrid Scenario 2 – High Tech
Implications: Implications:
• Pandemic slowdown • Pandemic gets worse
• Greater receptivity to technological solutions • Greater receptivity to technological solutions
• Decrease in unpopularity of the Games • Increased unpopularity of the Games
• Olympics in 2021 • Olympics in 2021

Strategic options: Strategic options:

• Japanese onsite and international audience at home • Japanese and international audience at home
• Operational team onsite, administrative at home • Event focused on the digital experience
• International image promotion through technology • Smaller but more technological arenas
• Hybrid experience, union of tradition and technology • Readmission of foreign staff via home office

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   329-332

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello

Scenario 4 – Low Tech Scenario 3 – Paralysis

Implications: Implications:
• Pandemic slow down • Pandemic gets worse
• Less receptivity to technological solutions • Less receptivity to technological solutions
• Decrease in unpopularity of the Games • Increased unpopularity of the Games
• Olympics in 2021 • Will we have the Olympics in 2021?

Strategic options: Strategic options:

• Japanese and international audience (vaccinated) onsite • Japanese and international audience at home
• Readmission of foreign team • Event focused on sports competitions
• Local actions to encourage tourism • Alternative and smaller arenas
• Focus on viewer experience • New Olympic postponement or cancellation

Source: Elaborated by the authors.

At this point, it is important to also try to identify the most robust options, which are those that are best suited to a greater
variability of scenarios or that may present low cost or risk in order to enable the organization to act quickly. Thus, the most
robust options from the point of view of adaptability can be identified as: (1) Japanese and international audience at home,
(2) Readmission of foreign staff via home office, (3) Small, but more technological venues, and (4) International image
promotion through technology.
Heijden (1997) points out, however, that for a scenario strategy to be successful, it needs to be monitored and revised
periodically. Also, because many of the strategies can only be applied in specific scenarios, it would be necessary to create
warning signs that indicate the likely emergence of one scenario to the detriment of the other. Some of these signs applied
to the case analyzed here could be described as increase or decrease in the number of cases and deaths from COVID-19 in
the world, number of people vaccinated, emerging of new virus variants, increase or decrease in the price of IT solutions,
indices for commercialization of products and services via digital media, among others.
After the students have discussed their decision preferences, which may be the same as or different from those presented,
the instructor should point out that different scenario probabilities can only be estimated and not known exactly as they
depend on external variables beyond the control of the Organizing Committee.

At the end, the instructor can also close the case with a poll asking the participants to put themselves once again in the
protagonist’s shoes, as suggested:
Abstracting from the Olympics context, how do you believe these scenarios and trends that emerged from the case end up
impacting the business world as a whole?


There are no conflicts of interest to be reported by the authors. The protagonists described in the case are unreal and were
created for educational purposes only.


This study was financed by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance
Code 001 – and by the CBF Academy research chair at Instituto COPPEAD de Administração.

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   330-332

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: impacts of COVID-19 and digital Eduardo Russo
transformation Ariane Roder Figueira | Clarice Secches Kogut
Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello


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Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello

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Eduardo Russo
Master’s Degree in International Management from the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises, University of Bordeaux (IAE-Bordeaux);
Ph.D. Candidate in Business Administration at the COPPEAD Graduate School of Business, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPEAD/UFRJ).
E-mail: [email protected]

Ariane Roder Figueira
Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of São Paulo (PPGCP/USP); Associate Professor at the COPPEAD Graduate School of Business, Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPEAD/UFRJ). E-mail: [email protected]

Clarice Secches Kogut
Ph.D. in Business Administration from the COPPEAD Graduate School of Business, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPEAD/UFRJ); Post-
Ph.D. in Business Administration from the IAG Business School, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (IAG/PUC-RIO); Collaborating Professor
and Researcher in International Business at the COPPEAD Graduate School of Business, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPEAD/UFRJ).
E-mail: [email protected]

Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello
Ph.D. in Production Engineering from the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering, Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ); Associate Professor at the COPPEAD Graduate School of Business, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPEAD/UFRJ).
E-mail: [email protected]

Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 20, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Mar./Apr. 2022   332-332

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