Final Test The Miracle Worker

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The Miracle Worker Test

Part 1: Multiple Choice

_____ 1. In the first scene, Captain Keller and his wife, Kate, discover that their daughter is
A. feverish
B. seriously ill
C. deaf and blind
D. completely recovered

_____ 2. In the first scene, we learn that Helen puts her fingers into the mouths of other
people. What is the most probable reason for this behavior?
A. She wants to make them angry.
B. She wants to see if they might have something to eat.
C. She enjoys touching and being close to other people.
D. She is trying to make sense of the vibrations when they talk.

_____ 3. When Helen puts her fingers into the mouths of Martha and Percy, they
A. understand, and let her do it.
B. feel angry, but let her do it.
C. understand, and encourage her touching.
D. feel frustrated, and try to make her stop.

_____ 4. Helen’s brother, James, shows defiance toward others. This is most likely because
A. he is jealous of the attention that Helen receives from their parents.
B. he loves Helen, and sticks up for her.
C. he knows that his parents like Helen better than they like him.
D. he is ill.

_____ 5. Dr. Anagnos gives a gift of a

A. doll. B. book. C. ring. D. suitcase.

_____ 6. Helen signals for her mother by

A. crying. B. kissing.
C. touching her cheek. D. making the sign for the letter M.

_____ 7. Annie says that the most important skill to teach Helen is
A. language. B. table manners.
C. patience. D. knitting and crocheting.

_____ 8. Helen’s wild behavior is demonstrated in all of the following ways except
A. she kneels on Martha to hold her down, and grabs a pair of scissors.
B. she pulls buttons off the dress her aunt is wearing.
C. she runs away from home whenever she gets the opportunity.
D. her incredibly rude table manners.
_____ 9. Through her actions of wanting eyes put on her doll, touching the mouths of other
people, and dumping the baby from the crib to place her doll there, Helen shows
A. she has some understanding of the world and she is able to learn.
B. she is not able to learn about the world.
C. she understands that she hurts others, and does it on purpose.
D. she wants to hurt the baby.

_____10. When Mr. Anagnos said, “She is like a little safe, locked, that no one can open.
Perhaps there is a treasure inside,” he was talking to
A. Dr. Chisholm, about Annie B. Annie, about Helen
C. Captain Keller, about Annie D. Kate, about Helen

_____11. What was Mr. Anagnos saying about Annie in the following sentences? “You lack
some--by some I mean all--what, tact or talent to bend. To others.”
A. Annie is straight. B. Annie is stubborn.
C. Annie is smart. D. Annie is tactful.

_____12. After Annie met Helen, gave her the doll, and tried to get Helen to spell “d-o-l-l” in
order to get it back,
A. Helen asked for cake.
B. Annie hit Helen, and Helen locked her in the room.
C. Helen spelled the word and got her doll back.
D. Helen hit Annie with the doll and locked her in the room.

_____13. Annie decided to teach Helen in the garden house in order to

A. work with her individually.
B. to take her to Italy.
C. to be in a garden, which she loves.
D. have time to read and write on her own.

_____14. Annie thought that Helen’s greatest handicap was her

A. blindness. B. deafness.
C. inability to speak. D. parents’ indulgence.

_____15. At the end of the two weeks alone with Annie, Helen was
A. understanding the meanings of some words.
B. cleaner and more obedient.
C. as wild as she was before.
D. learning to talk.

_____16. When Helen wouldn’t let Annie touch her, Annie

A. used Percy to make her jealous, and demand attention.
B. ignored Helen until she finally came to her.
C. got Kate to help with Helen.
D. forced Helen by holding her down.
______17. At her homecoming meal, Helen
A. displayed her new table manners.
B. demonstrated her skills in sign language.
C. tested Annie and her parents by acting wild again.
D. was affectionate to Annie.

_____18. After Helen understood her first word, she repeated it over and over. What is the
most likely reason for this behavior?
A. She was still angry at Annie, and is trying to tell her that.
B. She wanted to make sure she spelled it right.
C. She was excited and wanted to communicate with others.
D. She knew that “practice makes perfect.”

_____19. The language Annie taught Helen is called

A. pantomime. B. gesturing.
C. Braille. D. American Sign Language, or finger spelling.

_____20. The title of the play refers to

A. Anne Sullivan. B. Dr. Anagnos. C. James Keller. D. Helen Keller.

_____21. When Annie told Kate, “Mrs. Keller, I don’t think Helen’s worst handicap is
deafness or blindness. I think it’s your love. And pity,” Annie showed that she
A. honest, even if the truth might hurt.
B. mean spirited.
C. careless about what she says.
D. a kind person, who avoids hurting the feelings of others.

_____22. When James first met Annie, he said, “You look like half a governess.” By this, he
A. because she wore dark glasses, she wouldn’t be able to teach Helen.
B. she was too young and small to handle Helen.
C. she didn’t carry enough books with her to be a teacher.
D. she didn’t look smart enough for the job.

_____23. The quote, “Language is to the mind more than light is to the eye,” means
A. Communication is more important that eyesight.
B. It is better to be deaf than blind.
C. People who are mute cannot talk.
D. Being blind means that other senses must become stronger.

_____24. When Captain Keller said, “She’s gone, my son and I don’t get along…no one likes
me, and supper’s delayed,” he was probably feeling
A. excited. B. surprised. C. hostile. D. sorry for himself.

_____25. When Kate said, “Folded her napkin. My Helen folded her napkin,” she was feeling
A. thankful and sad B. proud and hopeful C. curious D. jealous
_____26. Why did Captain Keller let Annie stay after he saw that she was young and
A. Jimmie wanted her to stay.
B. Kate asked him to let her stay.
C. Helen showed that she liked her right away.
D. He thought she would do a good job.

_____27. In this story, keys are a symbol, representing

A. Annie’s strong will.
B. the relationship between Captain Keller and his family.
C. Annie, unlocking Helen’s potential.
D. Helen’s ability to get around the house.

_____28. How is Annie Sullivan a “Miracle Worker”?

A. She was finally able to accept her brother’s death.
B. She learned to get along with everyone in the Keller family.
C. She was able to help Helen, after so many others could not.
D. She was successful in spite of her own sad background.

_____29. The author’s purpose for writing this story was to

A. show how people can overcome their handicaps
B. show how important it is to be a good teacher
C. explain how Braille works
D. show the importance of family

_____30. The main protagonist in this story is

A. Kate B. Captain Keller C. Jimmie D. Annie

_____31. Which of the following is not part of the setting of this story?
A. the 1880’s B. Indiana
C. in and around the Keller homestead D. Tuscumbia

_____32. One conflict in this story is

A. Helen’s longing to be independent
B. Martha and Percy refuse to play with Helen
C. the Kellers spoil Helen, and Annie believes that is wrong.
D. Annie’s poor eyesight keeps her from understanding Helen.

_____33. The genre of this story is

A. an autobiography B. realistic fiction
C. fictional play D. a biographical play

_____34. Read the following sentence. “It is premature to say, but I think she is a bright one.”
In this sentence, the word premature means
A. too early B. too late C. not fair D. not nice
_____35. Read the following sentence. “I think God must owe me a resurrection.” In this
sentence, the word resurrection means
A. to rise from the dead B. the final judgment of God
C. a new start on life D. a job

_____36. Read the following sentence. “Feeling her plate gone, Helen slides down and
commences to kick up under the table.” In this sentence, the word commences
A. stops B. begins C. quietly D. quickly

_____37. Read the following sentence. “Keller wanders simultaneously around the back of the
main house to where James has been waiting.” In this sentence, the word
simultaneously means
A. openly B. repeatedly C. sneakily D. at the same time

_____38. Which of the following lines is written correctly?

A. ANNIE (GRIMLY): She can talk, if she only knew how.
B. ANNIE GRIMLY: She can talk, if she only knew how.
C. ANNIE (Grimly) = She can talk, if she only knew how?
D. ANNIE grimly = She can talk, if she only knew how?

_____39. Which of the following sentences is written correctly?

A. However; she has to learn some respect!
B. However she has to learn some respect!
C. However: she has to learn some respect!
D. However, she has to learn some respect!

_____40. Which of the following sentences is written correctly?

A. When she touched Helen’s hand, the child wakes up, recoils, and scrambles
away from her.
B. When she touches Helen’s hand, the child wakes up, recoils, and scrambles
away from her.
C. When she was touching Helen’s hand, the child wakes up, recoils, and
scrambles away from her.
D. When she touch Helen’s hand, the child wakes up, recoils, and scrambles
away from her.

Use the plot line below to complete the following items.

_____41. Which point on the plot line represents the falling action?
A. point A B. point B C. point D D. point E

_____42. Which point on the plot line represents the resolution, or denouement?
A. point A B. point C C. point D D. point E

_____43. Which point on the plot line represents the climax?

A. point A B. point C C. point D D. point E

_____44. Which point on the plot line represents the rising action?
A. point A B. point B C. point C D. point D

_____45. Which point on the plot line represents the exposition?

A. point A B. point B C. point C D. point E

Items 46 – 50: Where would the following events occur on the plot line?

_____46. Helen ran from place to place, touching items and holding out her palm so Annie
could spell the word.
A. point B B. point C C. point D D. point E

_____47. Helen gave Annie keys to symbolize trust and learning.

A. point A B. point C C. point D D. point E

_____48. Mr. Anagnos met with Annie for the last time.
A. point A B. point B C. point C D. point D

_____49. After two weeks in the garden house, Helen’s manners were greatly improved.
A. point A B. point B C. point C D. point D

_____50. The moment occurred when Helen finally understood the word water.
A. point B B. point C C. point D D. point E
The Miracle Worker Essay Test

Choose 2 and respond in one paragraph of at least six, complete sentences. Please do not write
more than ten sentences.

1. What makes Annie Sullivan a good teacher?

With her perseverance, dedication, and intelligence, Anne Sullivan did not let anything stop her from teaching
and inspiring others to overcome any obstacles they may have in life. Anne Sullivan showed perseverance and
dedication to Helen Keller even though she had to overcome her own obstacles.
2. Thoroughly explain a conflict in this play.
The main conflict in The Miracle Worker is Anne Sullivan against the entire Keller family while
trying to discipline and teach Helen. Anne and Helen are at odds because Helen is not used to
being punished and constantly throws tantrums and refuses to behave.
3. Explain James Keller. James Keller is Captain Keller's son by his first marriage. James
is the same age as Kate. What is the relationship between Kate and James? How does
James relate to Helen? What part does James play in Helen's teaching and skill level?
How does James help or hinder Annie's efforts?

4. All of the characters undergo major changes over the course of the play. While Helen’s
is the most dramatic, the changes in the Captain, James and Annie are also significant.
Discuss each character’s individual transformation and how these changes are

5. How effective is parental discipline to a child in regards to learning? Support your

opinion with examples from the play, as well as from your own experiences

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