A Real-Time Software Defined Networking Framework

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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952242, IEEE Access

Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI

A Real-Time Software Defined

Networking Framework for
Next-Generation Industrial Networks
L. MOUTINHO1 , (Member, IEEE), P. PEDREIRAS2 , (Senior Member, IEEE), and L. ALMEIDA.3 ,
(Senior Member, IEEE)
With Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), Aveiro, 3810-193 PT, and Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Águeda (ESTGA), Águeda, 3750-127 PT (e-mail:
[email protected])
With the Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics Department, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, 3810-193 PT, and with Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT),
Aveiro, 3810-193 PT (e-mail: [email protected])
With the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Porto, 4200-465 PT, and with the
Research Centre on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems (CISTER), Porto, 4249-015 PT (email: [email protected])
Corresponding author: L. Moutinho (e-mail: [email protected]).
This work has been supported by the Portuguese Government through a grant of the Operational Programme of Competitivity and
Internationalization of Portugal 2020 (PRODUTECH II SIF, POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024541). It also received support from the research
centre Instituto de Telecomunicações (UID/EEA/50008/2013).

ABSTRACT Industry 4.0 brings in a whole set of new requirements to engineering industrial systems, with
notorious impact at the networking layer. A key challenge posed by Industry 4.0 is the operational flexibility
needed to support on-the-fly reconfiguration of production cells, stations, and machines. At the networking
layer, this flexibility implies dynamic packet handling, scheduling, and dispatching. Software-Defined
Networking (SDN) provides this level of flexibility in the general Local Area Network (LAN) domain.
However, its application in the industry has been hindered by a lack of support for real-time services.
This paper addresses this limitation, proposing an extended SDN OpenFlow framework that includes real-
time services, leveraging existing real-time data plane Ethernet technologies. We show the OpenFlow
enhancements, a real-time SDN controller, and experimental validation and performance assessment. Using
a proof-of-concept prototype with 3 switches and cycles of 250µs, we could achieve 1µs jitter on time-
triggered traffic and a reconfiguration time between operational modes below 10ms.

INDEX TERMS HaRTES, Industry 4.0, OpenFlow, Real-Time Communications, Software-Defined


I. INTRODUCTION heterogeneity, reconfigurability, and timeliness [1], [3].

NDUSTRY 4.0 refers to the current revolution towards
I seamlessly integrating physical objects, humans, and
smart production systems in a sophisticated information
The first three requirements can be met with current
network management frameworks such as Software-Defined
Networking (SDN) [5] that decouples network control and
network known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) data planes, enabling a logically centralized management
[1]. Examples include factories that autonomously adapt to of network resources, with fine granularity and high flex-
supply-demand fluctuations or product variations, that use ibility [5], [6]. However, SDN was developed for general
self-organizing logistics and/or self-diagnosing machines [2], purpose LANs. Thus, its traffic model favors throughput with
[3]. This revolution will bring efficiency gains and cost reduc- best-effort policies, possibly imposing bandwidth constraints
tions, leading to improvements in product quality, manufac- or establishing fixed priorities, while forsaking communica-
turing and logistics planning, and customer satisfaction [4]. tions timeliness. This is incompatible with many industrial
Industry 4.0 is based on data availability and interop- applications that require strict predictability, timeliness, and
erability throughout the entire value chain, from devices fault tolerance. In turn, industrial networking technologies
to logistics and, ultimately, the consumer. This integration were specifically designed to meet strict timeliness require-
poses unprecedented networking requirements on flexibility, ments, particularly very low latency and jitter, while showing

VOLUME 4, 2016 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952242, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

little concern for throughput and online reconfiguration. TABLE 1. Typical QoS (timing-related) requirements of Industry 4.0
applications [3], [12]
In this paper, we contribute to close such a gap by
extending SDN with adequate real-time mechanisms. The Motion Cell Augmented HMI*
related scientific literature [6]–[8] reports the use of SDN Control Control Reality
on industrial networks but at the conceptual level, only, Latency / 250µs to 1ms 10ms 100ms
under simulated or emulated scenarios, with limitations in Cycle Time 1ms
Jitter 6 1µs 6 1ms --- ---
scalability, predictability and/or flexibility [7]. The work in
Data rate kbit/s k-Mbit/s M-Gbit/s M-Gbit/s
[9] appears to be the first step to add explicit support for flex- - - - Not specified
ible real-time communication within SDN by leveraging the *Human-Machine Interface
flexibility of HaRTES real-time Ethernet switches. We build
on this work to present a full-featured SDN framework that
includes the real-time extensions and respective Application • R2: Meeting precisely applications QoS require-
Programming Interface (API), together with a corresponding ments. Over-provisioning of network resources must be
real-time SDN controller. avoided to achieve efficient use of the network capacity.
To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first cohesive • R3: Dynamic message and reservation sets. Order-
real-time SDN framework that includes all needed architec- controlled production and adaptable factories [2], lever-
tural components to address the flexibility, timeliness, and aged by Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and Service-
heterogeneity challenges of Industry 4.0. Our contributions Oriented Architectures (SOA) [13], [14] imply changing
are the following: i) SDN OpenFlow real-time data plane ex- the communication requirements online. This change is
tensions (a superset of those in [9]); and ii) a corresponding itself time-constrained, e.g., in the seconds range [13].
real-time SDN controller. We also present an experimental • R4: Real-time network monitoring and diagnostics.
validation and performance evaluation of the whole frame- Precise communications and network state monitoring
work using a proof-of-concept prototype inspired by Industry is key to react promptly to changes in communication
4.0. requirements and potentially harmful situations [3], [7].
• R5: Consistent set of open management tools. The
The paper structure is the following. Section II presents
current practice of using vendor-specific and non-
network requirements imposed by Industry 4.0. Section III
interoperable sets of management tools limits hetero-
discusses previous work on SDN within industrial networks.
geneity and jeopardizes the benefits of Industry 4.0.
Section IV presents our framework architecture and Sec-
tion V introduces the proposed OpenFlow real-time exten-
sions. Section VI discusses the mapping of the OpenFlow Requirements R1-R2 can be fulfilled to some extent by
extensions on the real-time data plane while Section VII deploying multiple network technologies, but this approach
presents the real-time SDN controller. Section VIII shows the jeopardizes the interoperability across the value-chain and
framework experimental validation and Section IX concludes the realization of requirements R3-R5. Conversely, SDN
the paper. frameworks essentially fulfill requirements R4-R5 but exhibit
limitations on the realization of R1-R3. These limitations,
and current efforts to overcome them are discussed in the next
Industry 4.0 will bring a host of new applications and
paradigms based on full interoperability between all stages III. RELATED WORK
of the value chain and all levels of the production sys- The scientific literature reports a modest number of con-
tem, from Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to tributions on the use of SDN in industrial scenarios, most
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and the control of of which evaluate and assess the suitability of SDN for
machines on the shop floor [1], [3]. At the same time, the such context and identify its weaknesses and limitations.
traditional ISA-95 [10] automation pyramid will gradually Notwithstanding, a few proposals address the development
converge to a network of decentralized machines and services of formal methods to analyze its performance and ways to
with a high degree of autonomy and cooperation [11]. These extend its functionality. In this section, we review the most
changes impose new requirements on industrial networks [3] relevant scientific contributions in this area.
concerning, for example, security, timeliness, and operational
flexibility. In this work, we focus on the requirements con- A. QUALITATIVE EVALUATIONS
cerning heterogeneity, timeliness, and management, namely: The work in [7] identifies open challenges behind the use of
• R1: Support simultaneous applications with hetero- SDN in future industrial networks. Many of those challenges
geneous QoS requirements. Table 1 presents typi- stem from limitations in expressing industry-grade require-
cal Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, particularly ments, e.g. QoS and real-time timing guarantees (R1-R2),
timing, of classes of applications that will co-exist in using the existing southbound API. Ehrlich et al. [8] present
Industry 4.0 and which need to be fulfilled jointly [3], a similar study, identifying a set of ten requirements of fu-
[12]. ture industrial network management frameworks (a superset
2 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952242, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

of R1-R5) and comparing against the current capabilities PROFINET networks. The approach, similar to that of [18],
of SDN. They conclude that SDN fulfills a subset of the consists in having the central controller collect informa-
requirements, namely independence from underlying net- tion of the network and configuring the data plane devices
work technologies, support for online (re)configurations, and according to the routes of the PROFINET data channels.
security-related features (essentially R3-R5), but still fails in This architecture improves network management, but its
several aspects such as the inability to set QoS provisioning flexibility is constrained by PROFINET, e.g., static offline
and monitoring (R1-R2) due to unsuitable southbound APIs. scheduling and limited support for event-triggered traffic.
Kálmán [6] overviews the most relevant characteristics of (collides with R1-R3). In [20], Ishimori et al. propose a hier-
SDN and identifies possible ways to apply it in industrial archical scheduling approach, similar to that of Linux Traffic
Ethernet scenarios. The work refers significant advantages in Control (TC), to overcome the limitations of the First-In
network deployment, monitoring, and dynamic management First-Out (FIFO) policies employed by OpenFlow devices. It
brought by SDN’s centralized control (misses R1, R2). supports HTB (Hierarchical Token Bucket), RED (Randomly
Early Detection), and SFQ (Stochastic Fair Queuing). These
B. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS scheduling policies provide bandwidth-based traffic shaping,
Thiele et al. [15] performed a formal analysis of the Open- only. Thus, despite improving performance, explicit support
Flow protocol (OFP) envisioning its deployment on a Time- to real-time traffic is still poor (collides with R1, R2). Finally,
Sensitive Networking (TSN) Ethernet network. Their anal- Silva et al. [9] propose an extension to SDN to add explicit
ysis considers the communication with the controller, the support for flexible real-time communication using HaRTES
network topology and the scalability limits for real-time us- switches in the data plane. It allows dynamic management
age. Their work focuses on the actual management flow, not of both time-/event-triggered real-time traffic and non-real-
on the real-time traffic performance. Nonetheless, the formal time traffic, but without continued QoS guarantees due to the
analysis shows that attaining latency values below 50ms is absence of a central admission control with schedulability
possible in such systems (limited fulfillment of R1). In [16], analysis (limited support to R1, R3).
Herlich et al. highlight the possible gains in supporting
arbitrary network topology, dynamic (re)configuration, and The above discussion shows that existing approaches to
fast fail-over, that can be obtained by applying SDN to real- using SDN in the industry are either conceptual, only, lacking
time Ethernet networks. They resort to experiments using a proper validation, and/or do not address all Industry 4.0
virtual platform with OpenFlow deployed on Ethernet POW- network requirements stated in Sec. II. Conversely, we build
ERLINK (EPL) networks showing fail-over without packet on the work in [9] to propose a complete SDN framework
losses. However, EPL is intrinsically bandwidth inefficient that meets all those requirements and which is validated with
(collides with R2). a prototype implementation in a relevant use-case.


REAL-TIME NETWORKS The proposed framework follows the standard SDN paradigm
In [17], Ternon et al. investigate how the Flexible Time- in which the control plane is enacted by a logically cen-
Triggered (FTT) paradigm can be instantiated on standard tralized controller that is responsible for the management
OpenFlow hardware making it suitable for real-time scenar- of the data plane, comprising one or more interconnected
ios. The paper presents a new protocol, FTT-OpenFlow, that network devices. FIGURE 1 displays an example of the
exploits the OpenFlow capabilities to enhance the response system architecture for the proposed framework, with the
time of sporadic real-time traffic and shows analytically data plane instantiated on a network of real-time switches.
that the proposed solution meets the requirements of an The controller keeps information regarding the state and
avionics scenario. FTT-OpenFlow is also shown to improve
the performance of non-real-time traffic. However, this work
does not address its applicability to multi-hop scenarios Control Plane Northbound
(limited fulfillment of R1-R2). In [18], Nayak et al. exploit Admission Control
API User
the logical centralization of SDN to build a global view of the
Southbound API SDN Controller
network and use it to compute the routes and a transmission (Extended OpenFlow)
schedule to constrain in-network queuing of time-triggered
traffic. The central controller uses OpenFlow to configure Data Plane

the data plane devices and enforce the computed routes and RT Switch
transmits the schedule to the source nodes that synchronize RT Switch RT Switch RT Switch
Non real-time
their transmissions according to the assigned temporal slots. nodes
Despite obtaining low latency and jitter for time-triggered
traffic, the coexistence of sporadic real-time traffic is not Industrial Machines Sensors Actuators Multimedia

addressed (collides with R1). Ahmed et al. [19] propose FIGURE 1. System architecture of the proposed real-time SDN framework
SDPROFINET, an SDN architecture for smart factories using with an example data plane using a network of real-time switches.

VOLUME 4, 2016 3

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952242, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

topology of the whole network, and interacts with applica- Each flow table contains a set of Flow Entries with: i) a pri-
tions through the so-called northbound interface which can ority to sort matching; ii) filters to identify incoming frames;
be built, for example, on top of RESTful APIs. Applications iii) associated instructions; and iv) fields for statistics. Filters
may ask for the reservation of network resources for both can address several frame fields, e.g., Ethernet and IPv4
non- and real-time traffic flows by issuing requests that spec- addresses. When a frame matches the filters of a given flow
ify the desired QoS parameters and network end-points. The entry, the associated instructions are performed. These may
development of this northbound API is not addressed in this change the list of actions associated with the frame, the
work, being assumed that all necessary information regarding Action Set, or explicitly direct it to a subsequent flow table
applications is available within the controller. Upon receiving for additional processing. Once the frame reaches the last
requests, the controller runs an admission control algorithm table or is not directed to a subsequent one by the matched
to verify if the system has enough network resources and that entry, its current action set is executed. Consequently, the
real-time guarantees, for both new and existing flows, are frame can be sent to a group table (see below), forwarded
met. If a flow is admitted, the controller sets the entire data to a given OpenFlow egress port, or dropped. The protocol
path with adequate configurations, otherwise, the request is defines egress ports as: i) physical, i.e., switch hardware
denied. ports; ii) reserved, i.e. logical ports, for specific predefined
The control plane interacts with data plane devices using processing, such as forwarding packets to a set of physical
the OpenFlow switch protocol (OFP) [21], the de facto ports; and iii) logical, for processing methods that are defined
standard southbound API, configuring the necessary services outside the protocol. A total of 224 − 1 ports are defined to be
and installing rules that dictate, for example, how traffic is freely assigned as either physical or logical.
to be forwarded throughout the network. Data plane devices Group tables contain a subset of instructions similar to
process traffic according to the rules instantiated by the those of flow tables, with similar outcomes. Optionally, de-
controller. To fulfil the Industry 4.0 networking requirements vices can provide a Meter Table with different traffic shapers,
in Sec. II, the data plane network has to support: i) concurrent designated Meters, that can be configured and targeted by
time-triggered, event-triggered and standard non-real-time actions to constrain the traffic rate before forwarding it to
traffic (requirement R1); ii) traffic policing and confinement egress ports.
mechanisms (R1); iii) hierarchical real-time reservations for SDN controllers may use a set of messages specified by
event-triggered traffic (R1, R2); iv) efficient use of network the OpenFlow protocol to configure basic device capabilities,
resources (R2); and v) online flow management without e.g. the number of flow tables, filters and instructions of
service disruption (R3). Partial fulfillment of these data plane entries belonging to flow and group tables, meters, and access
requirements will imply limited support of the Industry 4.0 multiple utility functions, e.g. retrieve state information.
networking requirements. These services enable a powerful and dynamic manage-
Finally, for the sake of simplicity, performance, and se- ment of traffic forwarding throughout the network. However,
curity, we consider that each data plane device connects to OpenFlow relies solely on meters to provide QoS, restrict-
the controller using a dedicated port. Alternatively, a specific ing traffic according to bandwidth thresholds expressed as
reservation in an ordinary port can be used for configuring maximum frames/s or kbit/s. Hence, the offered guarantees
the data plane switching devices, as also specified by OFP. for event-triggered (ET) traffic are severely constrained and
there is no support for time-triggered (TT) traffic. Moreover,
V. THE REAL-TIME OPENFLOW EXTENSIONS the existing OpenFlow API is devoid of suitable messages
OpenFlow switches receive frames at ingress ports and send and parameters to express and configure real-time services.
them to a set of Flow Tables (FIGURE 2) for processing [21]. To address these issues, we specify a Real-Time OpenFlow
(RTOF) add-on (FIGURE 3) that makes enabled data plane
devices support two logical domains: i) the standard Open-
SDN Network Flow domain; and ii) the real-time domain, with its own set
CONTROLLER Control Logic
of real-time services and API. This dual-stack approach al-
OpenFlow Protocol lows seamless integration of real-time services and facilitates
OPENFLOW porting the real-time extensions to newer versions of OFP.
PIPELINE The RTOF add-on assigns a subset of logical ports to
Flow Table 1 Flow Table N
Shaper internal queues, each one statically linked to a unique real-
Flow Entry X ... Flow Entry X
Input Port ... ... Action Output Port time flow. SDN controllers may use the real-time API to
Set = {}
Flow Entry 1 Flow Entry 1 Set
query devices and discover the Unique Identifier (UID), the
Flow Entry 0 Flow Entry 0
associated logical port and the traffic type (time- or event-
triggered) of all supported flows, configure the flows real-
Priority Match Fields Instructions Statistics, time parameters, e.g. period and frame size, and access utility
0x00 ETH_SRC = 00:11:22:33:44:55 OUTPUT 0x01 etc...
UDP_DST = 0x100
functions to, for example, retrieve state information. The
RTOF add-on adopts the typical attributes used to specify
FIGURE 2. Overview of an OpenFlow pipeline. real-time services, not being tied to a specific underlying
4 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952242, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

SDN Controller payload (experimenter_data). The experience field indicates

Standard API Real-Time API
the API operation while the payload carries the respective
Real-Time Add-On parameters. The other messages have a similar structure.
OpenFlow Logical Ports
Demultiplexer RT Flows
Physical & OF Port = #8D Flow UID #10 Real-Time API Message
Logic. Port #8D
Reserved Ports
Drop Queue #1

Ingress  Experimenter
Ports NRT  OFP version  Msg size  Experience
Queue  Msg type  Transaction ID
#1 #N

Real-Time Dispatcher TT ET Other RT

 UID  Offset  Ingress Ports
FIGURE 3. Overview of the devised Real-Time OpenFlow (RTOF) add-on.  Type  Priority  Idle timeout
 Period  Frame length  Hard timeout
 Deadline  Egress Ports  Miscellaneous

communication protocol. Consequently, data-plane devices FIGURE 4. Structure of a RTOF API message for a RT_ST_ADD operation.
have to translate and enforce the necessary reservations,
e.g. configure scheduling tables, according to the configured
flows’ properties and deny requests that cannot be satisfied. VI. MEDIATING RTOF AND THE REAL-TIME DATA
Moreover, data plane devices must also implement a dis- PLANE
patcher that prioritizes real-time traffic over non-real-time The proper operation of all RTOF extensions relies on the
(NRT). capability of data plane devices to meet all data plane re-
To add a real-time flow in the framework, a controller must quirements referred at the end of Sec. IV. Data plane devices
access each switch across the flow’s route and i) configure that do not support all those requirements can be used, but
the appropriate real-time services by using the RTOF API the real-time services that depend on the absent features
to register the flow and its properties, and ii) configure the shall be degraded or even unsupported. For this reason, in
OpenFlow pipeline by using the standard API to set flow this paper, we use HaRTES switches [22] that implement a
entries with adequate matching rules and instructions to flexible real-time data plane that meets all the requirements
redirect the real-time flows to the corresponding logical ports. thus supporting all proposed RTOF extensions.
The implemented RTOF API, briefly listed in Table 2, The HaRTES switches are currently implemented on
supersedes that of [9] and allows SDN controllers to remove NetFPGAs 1G [23] and follow the master/multi-slave FTT
and modify real-time flows, list all registered flows and their paradigm, integrating an embedded FTT master that co-
attributes, and get monitoring information. As in [9], the ordinates communications in fixed-duration time intervals
API is built on top of OpenFlow Experimenter messages, called Elementary Cycles (ECs) (FIGURE 5). Each EC starts
which are standard messages that vendors can use to offer with the local broadcast (confined to each switch) of the
additional functionality. For illustration purposes, the struc- trigger message (TM) that synchronizes nodes and conveys
ture of the RT_ST_ADD operation message is depicted in the schedule of time-triggered (TT) traffic for that EC. Next,
FIGURE 4. It comprises an header common to all Open- a turn-around window allows nodes to interpret the TM
Flow messages (ofp_header), fields to identify the vendor and prepare the scheduled TT transmissions within the syn-
(experimenter) and the operation (experience), as well as a chronous window. Event-triggered (ET) traffic, managed by a
hierarchical server-based scheduling mechanism, is confined
TABLE 2. Real-time OpenFlow (RTOF) add-on API
to the asynchronous window. Non-real-time transmissions
are handled as background traffic within the asynchronous
Message Description Sender window, too. A guard window at the end of the EC prevents
RT_ST_ADD Add flow to the add-on database. C new asynchronous transmissions to be triggered, effectively
*ST_MOD Modify properties of existing flow. C avoiding EC overruns.
*ST_DEL Remove flow from add-on database. C
*ST_LIST_REQ Get UID of existing flow (by type). C Elementary Cycle (EC)
TM Turn Around Synchronous Asynchronous Guard
*ST_PROP_REQ Get properties of a given flow. C Window Window Window Window Window
*ST_REMOVED Notification of flow removal events. S
FIGURE 5. Structure of an Elementary Cycle (EC) in HaRTES.
*ST_STATS_REQ Get properties/statistics of all flows. C
*ST_CAP_REQ List supported real-time services. C When multiple HaRTES switches are used, their ECs are
*ST_CAP_REP Reply to RT_ST_CAP_REQ. S synchronized to enforce a global time-triggered framework.
Senders: Controller (C), Switch (S). * stands for "RT_". This is done using a Global Trigger Message sent by an
VOLUME 4, 2016 5

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952242, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

elected switch, or by using clock synchronization or even an pipeline and HaRTES’s real-time services are configured by
out-of-band signal communicated through digital ports. The the OFM upon receiving requests from SDN controllers.
current prototype resorts to the latter approach. Multi-hop
time-triggered forwarding is accomplished by scheduling A. OPENFLOW PIPELINE
that traffic simultaneously in all traversed switches, a method The OpenFlow pipeline (FIGURE 7) is instantiated at each
known as Reduced Buffering Scheme (RBS) [24]. physical port to allow parallel execution without resource
On the other hand, HaRTES does not follow the SDN contention.
paradigm, thus lacking the basic services required by Open-
Flow. Hence, integrating HaRTES into the real-time SDN
framework requires: i) removing its native network control OpenFlow Pipeline (Port 1)

functions, e.g., learning forwarding tables; ii) implement- Enable Done Done Done

Input Pause Header Flow Action-Set Fr. Type Frame

ing the OpenFlow pipeline; and iii) creating an OpenFlow- Queue Extractor
Frame Fields
Categorizer Manager Queue ID Manager
Frame Byte Action-Set
compatible interface to communicate with controllers and Egress Ports

Enable Flow Entry

to translate requests from the OpenFlow domain to proper Clear
Config. Flow Flow Entry Status
HaRTES commands. Manager Slot ID Table
Slot ID
Flow Entry
In the extended HaRTES platform (FIGURE 6), the Open- (3x)

Flow pipeline and other processing entities, e.g. group tables, FIGURE 7. HaRTES’s OpenFlow pipeline.
are implemented on the HaRTES hardware platform. The
translation between the OpenFlow and HaRTES domains is
Frames received in each port are buffered byte-by-byte by
implemented in software by the OpenFlow Mediator (OFM),
the MAC controller into the respective FIFO input queue.
a daemon that executes in a support (host) computer. Services
A Finite-State Machine (FSM), the Header Extractor (HE),
for the communication with OpenFlow controllers, as well
retrieves buffered bytes in a cut-through fashion, i.e., while
as databases to store current system configurations, are also
the frame is still being received, and extracts the fields that
provided by the OFM. The communication between the
are essential for flow matching. The FSM operation is paced
computer and HaRTES can be accomplished through a PCI
by the Enable and Pause signals that indicate when there are
interface or, alternatively, by using a dedicated Ethernet port
valid stored bytes (Pause = ’0’) of an incoming frame (Enable
(Eth0 in FIGURE 6).
= ’1’). Once all fields are extracted, the Header Extractor
sends a request (Done = ’1’) to the Flow Categorizer (FC)
OpenFlow Mediator (Host PC) that starts matching them against the filters of configured flow
OpenFlow Channel Manager Eth4
entries (Flow Entry Status = ’1’). Flow entries are stored at
the Flow Table in individual slots. Each slot is identified by
Extended OpenFlow API
OF Pipeline Mediation Layer SDN Controller a unique Slot ID and associated with a priority level (higher
Database Extended HaRTES API Eth0 IDs mean higher priority levels). The FC checks configured
HaRTES Channel Manager OpenFlow
entries one by one in descending priority until there is a
Database Eth4 match or the table-miss flow entry, i.e. the last table entry
PCI / Eth0
with 0 priority (Slot ID = 0), is reached. The action-set
HaRTES Switch
PCI / Eth0 Eth1 Eth2 Eth3 of matched entries is sent to the Action-Set Manager (A-
(NetFPGA) OpenFlow Real-Time Eth0 Eth0
SM) that decodes it into queuing instructions for the Frame
Pipeline Services
Node Node
Manager (FM), e.g., frame type, egress queue ID and target
Queues Eth2
output ports. Finally, the Frame Manager stores frames in
their output queues. The Configuration Manager simultane-
Pool ously configures and replicates flow entries on all pipelines
according to commands received through the HaRTES API.
FIGURE 6. Architecture of the OpenFlow-enabled HaRTES. Concerning performance, the current OpenFlow pipeline
processes a received frame within a time interval PRT that is
In this architecture, frames sent by regular nodes are mainly dominated by (i) the pipeline clock speed fclk , (ii)
received by HaRTES’s Ethernet ports and stored in the the maximum number of supported flow entries NF E and
central memory pool. At the same time, a pointer to each (iii) the time to receive all the supported flow matching fields
frame is also sent to the OpenFlow pipeline. The actions tHE . The bound for PRT can be computed following Eq. 1,
resulting from the pipeline processing are then handled by a where the rightmost term accounts for the number of clock
frame manager that populates the output queues accordingly. cycles (4) related to output logic between modules (HE, FC,
HaRTES’s real-time services dispatch traffic stored in output and A-SM) and the decoding of operations by the A-SM
queues according to the configured reservations. Non-real- module.
time traffic, e.g., standard OpenFlow, is also managed by the 1 1
aforementioned services, in a best-effort way. The OpenFlow PRT = tHE + NF E ∗ + 4∗ (1)
fclk fclk
6 VOLUME 4, 2016

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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

Presently, the pipeline in our prototype supports a single sponding limitations. Each technology will require a specific
flow table with 32 flow entries and is capable of filtering mediator to translate the RTOF API to its own configuration
frames based on Ethernet addresses, EtherType, IPv4 ad- interface, e.g., NETCONF. A specific OpenFlow pipeline(s)
dresses, IP Protocol, and UDP/TCP ports. Moreover, only implementation will be needed, too. For example, the pre-
drop and output OpenFlow actions are currently supported liminary work in [26] shows the RTOF extensions supported
for the action-set. Output actions support all physical, re- on a WiFi data plane with real-time capabilities based on the
served and logical port types. Additional tables and flow Wireless MultiMedia (WMM) profile and using LinuxTC in
entries can be deployed at the expense of more FPGA re- the end-nodes for per-flow dynamic network reservations. All
sources and a slight modification of the Flow Categorizer RTOF services are supported except for TT traffic. However,
FSM. Each pipeline consumes approximately 3% of the total the OpenFlow pipeline implementation in software, within a
RAM blocks and logical slices provided by the NetFPGA’s soft Access Point, incurs a significant performance penalty.
Virtex-II Pro 50 FPGA, being inexpensively implemented When implementing RTOF over common real-time Ether-
in more recent FPGAs. Moreover, traffic is not subject to net technologies, the limitations will depend on the specific
additional delay by the OpenFlow processing since the worst- protocol. For example, PROFINET IRT and TTEthernet will
case value for PRT (fclk = 62.5M Hz) is significantly not support the dynamic reconfiguration of individual flows
lower than the time to receive a minimum-sized frame. To nor hierarchical reservations for ET traffic, while AFDX and
configure the OpenFlow pipelines, we developed extensions EtherNet/IP will not support TT services. TSN will present
to the HaRTES API that allow the OpenFlow Mediator to more subtle limitations. Dynamic scheduling of its TT traffic
enable, modify, or disable any given flow entry. is possible but cumbersome due to the repeating timetables
technique used therein and the ET traffic is handled with
B. OPENFLOW MEDIATOR a small set of shaped priority classes and not per-flow. A
The OFM (FIGURE 6) deals with the complex management discussion on TSN vs SDN can be found in [27].
aspects of the OpenFlow protocol that are hard to support Finally, the performance of an RTOF mapping to a data
in hardware, implementing the logical services of the RTOF plane technology, e.g. in latency and jitter, depends largely on
add-on. Specifically, the mediator i) establishes and main- the OpenFlow pipeline implementation. Meeting the require-
tains all dedicated OpenFlow channels for communication ments in Table 1 will most likely need a hardware implemen-
with controllers, ii) interprets OpenFlow requests and respec- tation with tight integration with the device’s architecture.
tive messages, iii) translates OpenFlow requests to suitable
data plane calls (HaRTES API) for proper configuration of VII. REAL-TIME SDN CONTROLLER
the OpenFlow pipeline and real-time services and iv) keeps Although there are several commercial and open-source SDN
databases with system state and capabilities information. controllers [5], e.g. Floodlight [28], Faucet [29], OpenDay-
There are three databases, i) the Real-Time Database contain- light [30] and ONOS [31], these mainly address applications
ing the properties of all installed real-time flows, ii) the Open- related to network virtualization and load-balancing services,
Flow Pipeline Database, containing a synchronized image not providing the services required to manage networks with
of the installed configurations on the devices pipelines and strict timeliness requirements, e.g., admission control with
iii) the Device Database with information of the underlying real-time schedulability analysis. Therefore, we designed
device capabilities, e.g., number of flow entries and a list of and integrated in the proposed real-time SDN framework a
supported real-time logical ports. controller that supports the Real-Time OpenFlow extensions
The current OFM prototype is based on the open-source
described before (FIGURE 8).
code of the popular CPqD OpenFlow 1.3 Software Switch
(ofsoftswitch13) [25], stripped of switching capabilities and
enhanced with the real-time extensions proposed in Sec. V.
Northbound API Real-Time Controller
Flow Application Manager Application
The choice for HaRTES switches as data plane devices Network
was obvious since, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, Device Admission Control Topology
Database Database
these are the only Ethernet switches that currently support
all the referred data plane requirements (end of Sec. IV). Data Device
Setup Packet-In Monitor
This good match allows supporting all RTOF extensions Plane State
Handler Handler Thread
Manager Handler
to OpenFlow proposed in this paper and thus, fulfill all
the Industry 4.0 network requirements (Sec. II). Moreover, Extended OpenFlow Protocol API
the open implementation of HaRTES in FPGA technology
allows a smooth integration of OpenFlow pipelines, leading Standard OpenFlow Protocol API
to high performance.
Switch 1 OpenFlow Channel 1 OpenFlow Channel N Switch N
Nevertheless, the RTOF extensions can be used with vir-
tually all real-time data plane technologies, but with corre- FIGURE 8. Architecture of the SDN real-time controller.

VOLUME 4, 2016 7

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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952242, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

A. CONTROLLER DESIGN AND DEPLOYMENT and topology information to run admission tests and deter-
We implemented the real-time SDN controller using mine if a given flow can be accepted in the network. Upon
Ryu [32], a popular open-source framework written in positive outcome, the request is forwarded to the Data Plane
Python and tailored to the development of network man- Manager that installs the adequate configurations on the data
agement and control applications. Ryu was chosen due to plane using the RTOF API. If the flow is rejected, a notifi-
i) its support for the most recent OpenFlow versions, ii) cation is sent to the Application Manager and relayed to the
its component-based architecture that allows building appli- respective application. The Data Plane Manager continuously
cations on top of bare-bone services with great flexibility updates all databases according to changes in the network and
while significantly reducing the complexity and computa- state of connected devices.
tional overheads that otherwise would result from the inclu-
sion of unnecessary services, and iii) its support for Python- B. ADMISSION CONTROL
written modules, enabling quick prototyping with reasonable The Admission Control (AC) runs a schedulability test when-
computing performance. ever an application requests a change in its flows to make
The real-time controller application can communicate with sure the available resources allow meeting the requirements,
one or more data plane switching devices using the RTOF e.g. timing, of the new configuration without jeopardizing the
API. This API and OpenFlow channels are all provided and corresponding requirements of the running configuration. For
managed by Ryu bare-bone services. Devices first connecting this purpose, the AC computes an upper bound of the end-to-
to the controller are handled by the Setup Handler at the Data end worst-case flow response time (R), i.e. the time lapse be-
Plane Manager. This handler creates an entry for the device tween the instant in which a respective frame becomes ready
in the Device Database and performs basic configurations to at the sender’s interface and the instant in which its reception
the device’s OpenFlow services, e.g. installs a flow entry to at the receiver’s interface terminates. Currently, the response
send traffic without filtering rules to the controller (an oper- times are computed as described in [24] for HaRTES multi-
ation known as packet-in). The Device Database maintains, hop networks in RBS mode but other analytical techniques,
for each device, information on i) basic capabilities, e.g. e.g. Network Calculus, can be used, too.
number of Ethernet ports, OpenFlow tables and supported Algorithm 1 presents the AC operation upon receiving a
instructions, ii) installed OpenFlow configurations, e.g. flow request for a new flow (or an aggregated set of new flows).
entries, iii) statistic information retrieved from OpenFlow
services, and iv) state information, e.g. the state of Ethernet Algorithm 1 Admission control for a new flow Sreq
ports. The Monitor Thread periodically polls statistics and 1: if isRequestV alid(Sreq ) 6= true then
2: return REJECT
installed OpenFlow configurations from each device, while 3: end if
the Device State Handler receives events sent by devices 4:
5: Links[ ] ← getN etworkP ath(Sreq .src, Sreq .dst)
regarding state changes. Combined, they keep the Device 6: if Links = ∅ then
Database up-to-date and consistent. The Packet-In Handler 7: return REJECT
8: end if
is responsible for handling packet-in transactions and act 9:
accordingly, e.g. consult user applications or install flow 10: if CALC F LOW R(Sreq , Links, F lowsDB) > Sreq .Deadline then
11: return REJECT
entries to drop traffic from that flow. The Network Topology 12: end if
Database stores information regarding network topology and 13:
14: F lowsDB.insert(Sreq )
is maintained by the Setup and the Device State Handler. 15: for each S ∈ F lowsDB , S 6= Sreq do
We use NetworkX [33] to model the network as a directed 16: if CALC F LOW R(S, S.Links, F lowsDB) > S.Deadline then
17: F lowsDB.remove(Sreq )
graph, with switches interfaces as vertices and logical links 18: return REJECT
as edges, and perform the necessary operations, e.g. discover 19: end if
20: end for
a route for a given flow. Finally, the Flow Database (Γ) stores 21:
information regarding the properties of the Ns real-time 22: return ACCEPT
flows (Si ) in the network (Eq. 2), namely the transmission 24: function CALC F LOW R(Si )
period or minimum inter-arrival time (Ti ), the transmission 25: Ri ← 0
26: a←b←1
time of its maximum sized frame (Ci ), the priority (Pi ), 27: while b ≤ N i do
the initial offset (Oi ) ignored for event-triggered traffic, and 28: Ri,a,b = d RESPONSE T IME C ALC(Si , Li,a,b ) / ∆EC e
29: if a 6= b ∧ Ri,a,b 6= Ri,a,(b−1) then
relative deadline or maximum latency (Di ). The set of links 30: Ri ← Ri + Ri,a,(b−1)
Li that flow Si crosses through is also included. 31: a←b
32: else
33: b←b+1
Γ = {Si (Ti , Ci , Pi , Oi , Di , Li ), i = 1, 2, .., Ns } (2) 34: end if
35: end while
36: return (Ri + Ri,a,(b−1) )
The Application Manager receives requests from user ap- 37: end function
plications, e.g. through the northbound API, and forwards
them to the Admission Control. This unit consults the Flow First, the AC unit starts by checking the request correct-
Database and Network Topology Database to retrieve traffic ness, e.g. number and consistency of attributes, and then
8 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952242, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

computes the corresponding flow path (lines 1-8). If the flow real-time SDN controller runs on an i7-4770 CPU with 8GB
path or attributes are deemed invalid, the request is rejected, DDR3 RAM and Arch Linux 4.20.7 OS and the dataplane
otherwise, R is estimated for the new flow(s) (lines 10-12). uses several HaRTES switches enhanced with OpenFlow
If R overcomes the maximum latency (deadline) of the new pipelines. The experiments and their results are described
flow(s), the AC unit rejects the request (line 11). Else, the throughout this section.
new flow(s) is inserted in the Flows Database (line 14). Note
that R is also computed for every other flow in the system A. RECONFIGURATION RESPONSIVENESS
(lines 15-20) to assess potential interference caused by the In this experiment, we connect our Ryu-based SDN con-
new flow(s). Again, if R overcomes any deadline, the AC troller to multiple switches (NH =1, 2, 4, 8, 16), and measure
stops the analysis, removes the new flow(s), and rejects the the time it takes to perform the admission control analysis
request (lines 16-18), otherwise, the new flow(s) is accepted and configure all devices upon a request to admit a new flow
(line 22). in the system. All switches are interconnected following a
R for flow Si is computed following the function cal- line topology and the new flow traverses the entire network,
cFlowR (lines 24-37). In short, the function computes the from an ingress port in the first switch to an egress port
response time of traffic frames from the source to the sink in the last one. This is a worst-case scenario in which all
node while checking whether frames are buffered and sent devices must be properly configured. A set of random flows
in the following EC by any switch along the route [24]. The (NS =0, 10, 50, or 100 flows) is previously installed in the
computation is performed on a link-by-link basis, from the system to assess the load effect on the schedulability analysis
first link in the Li set (line 26) until its last link (N i ) (line algorithm. As the analysis stops computing as soon as a
27). Buffering is detected when the response time (line 28) deadline of a given flow is violated, to capture the worst-
for the ingress and the egress link of the same switch, i.e. case execution time of the admission control, we consider
the next-to-last and the last element in Li,a,b differ (line 29). long enough deadlines for all flows. This ensures that the
In this case, the computed response time up to the ingress algorithm always computes the response time for the new and
link is added to the total response time and the computation installed flows without breaking the process in the middle.
starts a new step from the egress link of the buffering switch FIGURE 9 shows the observed execution times. The
(lines 30 and 31). If the frame is not buffered, the next link in schedulability test time (Tsched ) grows significantly with the
Li is added to the response time calculation of the next loop number of flows since the algorithm complexity is O(NS ∗
iteration (line 33). The total response time is obtained when (NH + 1)) [24]. Note that NH + 1 is the number of traversed
the main loop reaches the last link in the route of Si (line 36). links. Conversely, the network configuration time (Tconf )
The response time of Si for a given link subset Li,a,b (line is independent of the number of flows (NS ) and directly
28) is based on the classical response time analysis, iterating proportional to the devices to be configured (NH ). Eq. 4
Eq. 3. shows an empirical linear model. Thus, even for a reasonably
Ci sized network (16 switches and 100 flows), our framework
Ri,a,b (x) = + Ii,a,b (x)+Bi,a,b (x)+SDi,a,b (x) (3)
αi,a,b can respond to reconfiguration requests in less than 170ms,
which is significantly less than the desired reconfiguration
The calculation considers the transmission time Ci of
the Si frame itself, as well as three types of interference
from other flows sharing common links, namely (i) Ii,a,b
the interference from messages with higher or equal priority,
(ii) Bi,a,b the blocking from messages with lower priority,
and (iii) SDi,a,b the total switching delay for the flow across
the entire route. As frame transmissions are confined to the
synchronous and asynchronous windows, an inflation factor
αi,a,b is used to account for possible inserted idle-time within
the respective window. The response time is obtained when
the iterative process converges, i.e. Ri,a,b (x) = Ri,a,b (x−1),
starting with Ri,a,b (0) = αi,a,b . The analysis is explained in
detail in [24].


This section establishes the feasibility of the proposed real-
time SDN framework through an actual implementation in
a realistic use-case comprising heterogeneous traffic flows.
This implementation also provides insight into the level FIGURE 9. Timings for admission control (Tsched ) and data plane
of performance that can be expected with this framework, configuration (Tconf ) procedures (1000 samples per point with the
particularly against the timing requirements in Table 1. The shades/intervals representing the min-max range observed).

VOLUME 4, 2016 9

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10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952242, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

time for small industrial production systems, i.e. seconds TABLE 3. Setup communication requirements (adapted from [34])
range, referred in [13].
Flow ID Source Sink Type T (µs) P L (Bytes) O (ECs)
1-3 N3 N1 TT 500 80 0
Tconf = 0.2057 ∗ NH (ms) (4) 4-6 N3 N4 TT 500 80 1
7 N2 N3 TT 250 160 0
8 N5 N3 TT 250 160 0
B. TRAFFIC TIMELINESS 9,10 N1 N3 ET 1000 390 —
To assess the traffic timeliness, we set up the flows of a 11,12 N4 N3 ET 1000 390 —
13 N2 N3 ET 1000 390 —
smart distributed robotic cell in a representative Industry 14 N5 N3 ET 1000 390 —
4.0 application scenario, adapted from [34]. We considered 15,16 N2 N1 ET 250 46 —
17,18 N5 N4 ET 250 46 —
the number of ports that our Ethernet switches have (4)
19 N1 N3 NRT 1000 750 —
and we also considered significantly smaller periods of the 20 N4 N3 NRT 1000 750 —
flows to increase the network load. The setup, described 21 N2 N1 NRT 1000 750 —
22 N5 N4 NRT 1000 750 —
in FIGURE 10, comprises the real-time SDN controller con- 23 N3 N1 NRT 500 750 —
nected to three HaRTES switches via dedicated links plus 24 N3 N4 NRT 500 750 —
five application nodes. The SDN controller also executes the
three OpenFlow mediators (OFM1, OFM2, and OFM3) for
the three HaRTES switches (H1, H2, H3). The links are 100 of a frame in the sender link and the corresponding first bit
Mbit/s and the Elementary Cycle is 250µs long. The length in the receiving link, to which we add the frame transmission
of the Synchronous and Asynchronous windows is set to 80 time to obtain the response time. Thus, these times do not
and 160µs, respectively. The TM and Turn Around Window account for possible delays in the nodes’ network interfaces.
take 10µs. The ECs of the three switches are synchronized Table 4 shows the observed message response times and jitter
via an explicit signal applied to specific digital ports. between consecutive frames of the same flow. The worst-case
response time (R) estimated by the SDN controller, in ECs,
RT SDN Controller is shown in the table, too.
Robot 1 Robot 2
TABLE 4. Real-time traffic performance
(N1) (N4)
Flow Response time (µs) Jitter R1
H1 H3 ID Min. Mean Max. (µs)
H2 Mode A
Sensors Sensors 1-3 31.1-31.2 31.2-31.3 31.4-32.5 0.9-1.0 1
7 50.3 50.5 50.6 0.9 1
(N2) (N5)
9-10 105.6-106.4 197.5-219.9 305.1-338.9 269.5-338.0 3
Coordinator 13 105.7 166.1 409.4 476.9 3
(N3) 15-16 14.4-14.5 49.8-52.9 149.8-149.9 179.1-179.9 1
Mode B
FIGURE 10. Network setup for the test application.
1-6 32.1-32.2 32.2-32.3 32.4-32.5 0.8-1.0 2
7 50.3 50.5 50.7 0.9 1
The coordinator (N3) controls robots 1 and 2 (N1 and N4, 8 65.0 65.9 66.6 1.0 1
9-10 105.7-106.4 202.6-232.9 340.6-390.6 258.2-322.7 4
resp.) by transmitting a set of periodic commands according 11 105.7 258.2 475.1 496.0 4
to data received from each robot and from a cluster of sensors 12 104.6 341.7 461.1 393.4 4
(nodes N2 and N5). Table 3 shows the parameters of the flows 13-14 103.6-105.6 209.9-211.0 621.0-654.3 690.3-821.6 4
15-18 14.3-14.5 51.1-54.2 189.3-199.3 306.0-329.1 1
used in the experiment, where T is the period or minimum 500 000 samples per flow. EC is 250µs long.
inter-arrival time, P L the payload, and O the initial offset 1
Estimated worst-case response time (No. of ECs).
for TT traffic. Flows 1 to 8 carry control data (TT traffic)
while flows 9 to 18 convey monitoring data and alarm events The results show that, in both modes, control (TT) traffic is
(ET traffic). Finally, flows 19 to 24 are non-real-time traffic, forwarded with latency values below 70µs (within 1 EC) and
namely statistics and production logs. The RT flows are jitter at or below 1µs. These values fulfill the most stringent
scheduled with Rate-Monotonic priorities but always before requirements (motion control applications) in Table 1. This
the NRT ones. The application also exhibits two distinct is a consequence of the tight synchronization among nodes
operational modes according to the actual number of robots and proper EC configuration. An interesting detail can be
in use. Thus, mode A uses robot 1, only, while mode B uses observed with flow 8 in mode B, which suffers interference
robots 1 and 2 concurrently. The mode changes occur online, from flow 7 in the last link, increasing its response time. It is
without service interruption. also important to realize that HaRTES follows a synchronous
All nodes are implemented in FPGAs for high precision approach with the resolution of ECs, not controlling ex-
traffic generation. A hardware sniffer, namely a Hilscher ne- plicitly the order of transmission within the Synchronous
tANALYZER NANL-C500-RE, captures packets in multiple Window. Thus, to achieve very low jitter in the TT traffic,
links and timestamps them with nanosecond resolution. In care must be taken in defining which messages are scheduled
particular, it allows measuring the time between the first bit together in the same EC, adjusting their periods or offsets if
10 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952242, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

needed. This is common in the construction of TT schedules. plane technology. The control plane - data plane interface
For ET traffic, we observe that all frames are delivered is carried out by a suitable OpenFlow Mediator and the
within their minimum inter-arrival time (implicit deadlines). OpenFlow features require an OpenFlow pipeline running
We also note that the maximum response times are within in the data plane. We instantiated these components on
the bounds produced by the analysis with relatively low HaRTES Ethernet switches due to their support for flexible
pessimism. In mode A the analysis is tight for 2 of the 5 ET RT communication, and we built a suitable RTOF-enabled
flows with a 1 EC excess in the remaining 3, while in mode SDN controller with open technology. The complete frame-
B the analysis is tight for 4 of the 10 ET flows, with 1 EC work was successfully validated in practice with a prototype
excess in other 2 and 2 ECs excess in the remaining 4. The implementation in a realistic use-case that established the
observed jitter is relatively high for this type of traffic due to feasibility of the RTOF extension and its capacity to meet all
the possibility that frames are randomly blocked by ongoing the network requirements of Industry 4.0. In future work, we
transmissions in switches egress links. will continue enlarging the applicability of the RTOF SDN
Regarding mode reconfiguration, the mean and maximum extension, applying it to more data plane technologies.
time to change from mode A to mode B, i.e. adding robot 2
reservations, is 7.78ms and 9.37ms, respectively, while from REFERENCES
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the level of dynamic reconfiguration underlying Industry 4.0. sical Components Into Industrial Cyber–Physical Systems,” Proceedings
of the IEEE, vol. 104, no. 5, pp. 947–959, May 2016.
Therefore, in this paper, we proposed taking the manageabil-
[15] D. Thiele and R. Ernst, “Formal analysis based evaluation of software de-
ity, monitoring, and flexibility of SDN adding real-time sup- fined networking for time-sensitive Ethernet,” in 2016 Design, Automation
port without reducing those features. We proposed extending Test in Europe Conf. (DATE), March 2016, pp. 31–36.
the SDN OpenFlow protocol with real-time services, namely [16] M. Herlich, J. L. Du, F. Schörghofer, and P. Dorfinger, “Proof-of-concept
for a software-defined real-time Ethernet,” in 2016 IEEE 21st International
the Real-Time OpenFlow (RTOF) extension. We showed the Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA),
RTOF architecture and the support it needs from the data Sep. 2016, pp. 1–4.

VOLUME 4, 2016 11

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952242, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

[17] C. Ternon, J. Goossens, and J.-M. Dricot, “FTT-OpenFlow, on the Way PAULO PEDREIRAS graduated in Electronics
Towards Real-time SDN,” SIGBED Rev., vol. 13, no. 4, Nov. 2016. and Telecommunications Engineering, in 1997,
[18] N. G. Nayak, F. Dürr, and K. Rothermel, “Time-sensitive Software-defined and received the Ph.D. degree in Electrotechni-
Network (TSSDN) for Real-time Applications,” in Proceedings of the 24th cal Engineering, in 2003, from the University of
International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems, ser. RTNS Aveiro, Portugal. He is Assistant Professor at the
’16. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016, pp. 193–202. Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
[19] K. Ahmed, J. O. Blech, M. A. Gregory, and H. Schmidt, “Software defined Department of the University of Aveiro, Portugal.
networking for communication and control of cyber-physical systems,”
He is affiliated with the Portuguese Telecommu-
in 2015 IEEE 21st International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
nications Institute, Aveiro site, coordinating the
Systems (ICPADS), Dec 2015, pp. 803–808.
[20] A. Ishimori, F. Farias, E. Cerqueira, and A. Abelém, “Control of Multiple Embedded Systems Group-AV. He is Senior Mem-
Packet Schedulers for Improving QoS on OpenFlow/SDN Networking,” ber of IEEE. His current research interests include real-time embedded
in 2013 Second European Workshop on Software Defined Networks, Oct systems, wireless communications, electrical instrumentation and industrial
2013, pp. 81–86. communications. He participated in more than 15 national and European
[21] Open Networking Foundation, “OpenFlow Switch Specification Version research projects, with coordination responsibilities at diverse levels. Since
1.5.0 (Protocol version 0x06),” Dec. 2014. [Online]. Available: https: 2000 he has authored or co-authored over 150 papers in international
//www.opennetworking.org/images/stories/downloads/sdn-resources/ peer-reviewed conferences and journals. He participates regularly on the
onf-specifications/openflow/openflow-switch-v1.5.0.noipr.pdf technical program committees of some of the more relevant events of his
[22] R. Santos, “Enhanced Ethernet Switching Technology for Adaptive research area, such as WFCS, SIES and ETFA. He collaborates regularly, as
Hard Real-Time Applications,” Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Aveiro, 2011. reviewer, in several top international journals such as IEEE Transactions on
[Online]. Available: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/7142 Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Journal
[23] NetFPGA ORG, “NetFPGA Home Page.” [Online]. Available: http: of Systems Architecture (Elsevier) and Springer Real-Time Systems Journal.
//netfpga.org/site/#/ He participated on the organization of several international scientific events,
[24] M. Ashjaei et al., “Improved message forwarding for multi-hop hartes real-
such as WFCS2015 (Program Co-Chair), WFCS2016 (General Co-Chair),
time ethernet networks,” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 84,
ETFA2017-T2 (Track Chair), WFCS2017 and WFCS2018 (Steering Com-
no. 1, pp. 47–67, Jul 2016.
[25] CPqD, “Openflow software switch 1.3.” [Online]. Available: http: mittee) and ETFA2019 Workshop Co-Chair.
[26] P. A. Ribeiro, L. Duoba, R. Prior, S. Crisostomo, and L. Almeida, “Real-
Time Wireless Data Plane for Real-Time-Enabled SDN,” in 2019 IEEE
World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), May
2019, pp. 1–4.
[27] L. Silva, P. Pedreiras, P. Fonseca, and L. Almeida, “On the adequacy of
SDN and TSN for Industry 4.0,” 2019 IEEE 22nd International Sympo-
sium on Real-time Computing (ISORC), May 2019.
[28] B.S.N., “Floodlight.” [Online]. Available: www.projectfloodlight.org
[29] REANNZ, “Faucet.” [Online]. Available: https://faucet.nz/
[30] The Linux Foundation, “OpenDaylight.” [Online]. Available: https:
[31] Open Network Foundation, “Open Network Operating System (ONOS).”
[Online]. Available: https://onosproject.org/
[32] Ryu SDN Framework Community, “Ryu sdn framework.” [Online]. LUIS ALMEIDA graduated in Electronics and
Available: https://osrg.github.io/ryu/ Telecommunications Eng. in 1988 and received a
[33] NetworkX Community, “Networkx : Software for complex networks.” Ph.D. in Electrical Eng. in 1999, both from the
[Online]. Available: https://networkx.github.io/ University of Aveiro in Portugal. He is currently
[34] C. Liu, F. Li, G. Chen, and X. Huang, “TTEthernet Transmission in
an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Com-
Software-Defined Distributed Robot Intelligent Control System,” Wireless
puter Engineering Department of the University
Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2018, pp. 1–13, 07 2018.
of Porto (UP), Portugal, where he coordinates
the Distributed and Real-time Embedded Systems
laboratory (DaRTES). He is also Vice-Director
of the CISTER Research Center on Real-Time
and Embedded Computing Systems and Vice-Chair of the IEEE Technical
Committee on Real-Time Systems, being Associate Editor of the Springer
LUIS MOUTINHO was born in Fermelã, Aveiro, Journal of Real-Time Systems, the Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture
Portugal in 1987. He received a MSc degree in and the SAGE International Journal on Advanced Robotic Systems. He was
electronics and telecommunications engineering Program and General Chair of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
in 2010 and received a Ph.D in telecommunica- in 2011 and 2012, respectively, Trustee of the RoboCup Federation from
tions in 2019, both from the University of Aveiro 2008 to 2016 and Vice-President from 2011 to 2013. He published over 300
in Portugal. He is currently an invited Adjunct Pro- papers in related conferences and journals and he regularly participates in the
fessor at Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão organization of scientific events in his domains of interest, namely real-time
de Águeda (ESTGA), Portugal, and a Research communications for distributed industrial/embedded systems, for teams of
Assistant at Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), cooperating agents and for sensor networks.
Portugal. He was a member of the organizing
committee of the 12th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication
Systems (WFCS), Portugal, 2016, and workshop chair at the 1st EAI Interna-
tional Conference on Future Intelligent Vehicular Technologies (Future5V),
Portugal, 2016. He published a book chapter as well as over 15 articles in
conferences and journals related to his domains of interest, particularly real-
time communications for industrial systems, software-defined networking,
and vehicular networks.

12 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

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