2019 05 Preventive Maintenance Register BAX00 Rev.2

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Preventive Maintenance Register BAX00

Serial Nr. Date

Engineer Engineer Signature

Laboratory Lab Signature

Maintenance Nr. Intervention Nr.


● You must fill all the cells. Write a number in temperature, currents, counts and CV
● Answer YES only if you have performed the actions
● If you answer NO, you must justify why you didn’t do the action

6 months maintenance Procedure Done (Yes/No)

or every visit
1 Change the peristaltic Change the silicone tubes of peristaltic *Only BAX00 with ISE module
pumps tubes pumps
2 Clean the covers of the Clean dust of all covers
3 Clean the internal parts * It is recommended to clean the electronics and
fluidic parts every time that an intervention is
made in the instrument.
1. Remove lateral covers.
2. Blow the dust of the components, the
electronic boards and the fans with dry
3. Use a brush to clean the dust that not
disappear with air
4 Clean liquid filters External filter:
Remove the tubes from the filter, blow
● External 150um (back) air or liquid in the opposite direction of
● Washing solution bottle the liquid flow
(2 filters)
Washing solution bottle:
Remove the filters from the weights,
clean and place them back
5 Clean external bottles Clean washing solution bottle
Clean HCW bottle
6 Check leakages Check that all the fluidic connections and
connections to the electro valves and
pumps have no leaks

(Remember that can be normal an small leakage in

5-piston pump).

7 Clean fans and Clean fans using a brush.

electronic boards
Check that the movement of the fan is
Change fans that are properly
not working (2 wires) If not, change it using code AC16571
8 Clean the stirrer, Use alcohol 70%
washing station needles Use NaClO (sodium hypochlorite, bleach)
and sample/reagents Use washing solution
9 Clean barcode reader
Clean the fridge rotor

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Preventive Maintenance Register BAX00
10 Change, if necessary, Use AC17231
external tube of HCW
bottle and ISE waste Use AC17232

11 Wash the reaction rotor Use a damp cloth and neutral soap
heating channel
12 Grease the washing Apply ceramic pump grease to linear
station bearing of 5-piston pump
13 Check correct tension of
the belts
14 Check that all motors
move correctly and
15 Start service software

16 Check temperature of Must be between 2 and 12ºC Temperature:

the fridge
17 Check rotor centering
with optics
18 Check the position and
Z adjustment of the
washing station
19 Check all the Positions of the needle
adjustments of arms Positions of the stirrer
20 Re-adjust the position After some time it can be changed.
of the stirrer
Check that movement of the stirrer is
correct and it is not bent
21 Perform a photometry Check results Filter Main Reference
test  Number of counts between 500.000 Photodiode Photodiode
and 940.000 in main photodiode 340
 Number of counts between 150.000 405
and 940.000 in reference photodiode 505
 Darkness counts between 3.000 and 535
6.000 560
 Update reference currents 600
 Mark edit option, select all and press 635
save 670
Update ref.
22 Check adjustments of Perform the adjustment
external bottle scales
23 Check electrovalves are
working properly
24 Check pumps are
working properly
25 Clean internal low Aspirate sodium hypochlorite (NaClO)
contamination waste diluted 1-5% using the rotor washing
tank station.
Remove the washing station
Place it in a container with the NaClO
Go to service software. Activate pumps
B6, B7, B8, B9
Put NaClO inside the needles and stirrers
external washing stations

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Preventive Maintenance Register BAX00
26 Check that external Activate pumps B1, B2
washing stations are Check that there is water flow in washing
working properly station

27 Check that the anti-

collision systems of the
pipetting arm is
operating correctly
28 Check the temperature
of the washing station
29 Check the temperature
of the reactions rotor
30 Check the work of rotor
overflow sensor
31 Check barcode reader

32 Go to tools → Fridge Check the current of the peltiers Current peltier 1

Current must be between 1700 and Current peltier 2
Current peltier 3

Current peltier 4
33 Go to tools → Analyser Make adjustments backup copy
Save this file
34 Go to user software

35 Check the last Quality If results are not correct (red colour) or
Controls performed in they are very old, get a SAT Report and
analyser notify the product specialist so that he
can explain to the user the importance of
performing the analyser verification
36 Perform 10 replicates of GLU: CRTL1 and 2 below 2% CTRL 1 CTRL 2
GLU and ALT. Check the GLU
%CVs ALT: CTRL1 below 6%, CTRL2 below 2%
Other verification:

37 Save SAT Report

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Preventive Maintenance Register BAX00
Yearly Maintenance Procedure Done (Yes/No)
1 Perform the 6 month
2 Change the teflon tubes Change the teflon tubes AC17218 *Only BAX00 with ISE module
of the ISE module
3 Change degasser Change degasser membrane AC17092
4 Change the 5µm AC17304 (x2)
internal filters of
5 Clean the intermediate ● Remove the intermediate tank *Only BA200
A tanks ● Place caps in all open holes except
● Fill the tank with NaClO
● Shake the tank
● Rinse with distilled water (only the
water tank)
● Change the tank if it remains or looks
dirty after clean

5 Clean the intermediate ● Remove the intermediate tanks *Only BA400

B tanks ● Clean with paper tissue

2 Yearly Maintenance Procedure Done (Yes/No)

1 Perform the yearly
2 Change the vertical Change the vertical movement belts of
movement belts (Z sample, reagents and stirrers arms.
movement) of the 5 arms Change the vertical movement belt of
and washing station the rotor washing station.
AC16619 (x1 washing station)
BA200: AC16598 (x2 arms)
BA400: AC16598 (x5 arms)
3 Change the fridge peltiers AC16627
4 Change the intermediate AC17286 *Only BA200
tanks AC17288


Revision control:
Rev Date Modification
Rev.1 April 2018 Created
Rev.2 May 2019 Added revision control, instructions and “other verification”

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