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Automating Inspection

of Butterfly Chicken
How one meat producer increased product
sampling by 3X, leading to better quality & data

KPM Analytics had the privilege to work with one of the CUSTOMER CHALLENGE
US’ leading producers of poultry products. Distributed
Once the incoming butterfly breasts are inspected and
through leading retailers and used by restaurants
graded, they proceed to the cutting area to be portioned
throughout the country, this company strives to deliver
into fillets, strips, and chunks, based on the measurement
the highest quality goods, incorporating the most
data obtained by the incoming QA team.
advanced technologies across its vertically integrated
operations. Reliable measurements are paramount in order to
optimize the downstream processes and achieve high-
Some of the most popular products produced by this
quality end products that comply with the specifications
company are derived from boneless, skinless, butterfly
set out by their own customers and regulatory bodies,
chicken breasts which are processed in lots of 40,000
with as little waste as possible.
lb. As part of its established incoming acceptance
procedures, approximately 200lb (0.5%) from each lot The company recognized that the existing process of
is sampled to validate the size and other observable manual inspection is prone to subjective observation
characteristics by caliper measurement and visual and variability by individual inspectors. By example,
inspection. The results are recorded by hand and made because poultry is quite malleable, one operator can
available for downstream groups to manually enter into apply more pressure to a caliper than another, resulting
the company’s existing quality assurance systems. in different measurements for the same piece.

KPM Analytics | Automating Inspection of Butterfly Chicken Breasts 1

Wanting to increase the scope and efficiency of breasts in a month, an average increase of 380%
this incoming inspection process, the company’s relative to the manual processes before introducing
operations and quality assurance groups set the the TheiaVu™ solution.
following goals:
The increased accuracy and reliability of the automated
1. Sample more of the incoming product in the same measurements, as well as the vastly improved number
time frame. of data points that are now captured by the TheiaVu™
system has allowed for increased quality, reduced
2. Improve the reliability and accuracy of quality
waste, and enhanced productivity of downstream
processing activities.
3. Expand the measurement and characteristic data
Company management is now able to view inspection
captured during the inspection process.
results in real-time via both Sightline’s Measura™
4. Automate the capture of inspection data in digital Analytics as well as the company’s existing software
format that can be shared with existing systems. allowing for data-driven decisions to be made. All four
To achieve these goals, KPM Analytics was engaged to of the stated inspection objectives were achieved and
evaluate the solutions available for this purpose. the customer has incorporated additional TheiaVu™
systems in its other manufacturing facilities across the
The system selected to achieve the customer’s goals was
country. The company is exploring the opportunity to
the TheiaVu™ Washdown Benchtop 3D Visual Inspection
leverage KPM Analytics for the inspection of finished
product as well.
The TheiaVu™ Washdown Benchtop Measurement
System was selected on account of its 2D/3D vision
capabilities, along with its portability and environmental
suitability for a washdown environment.
A KPM Analytics technician was able to calibrate and
configure the TheiaVu™ and train the staff to operate the
unit, within one day at the customer’s facility.
Data collected by the TheiaVu™ is displayed to the
operators at the time of inspection and is also stored in
an SQL database for easy extraction at any time.
The customer’s existing software integrated easily to
the TheiaVu™ system allowing data to be transferred
The Sightline Measura™ Inspection and Analytics
software modules were successfully deployed to provide
TheiaVu™ Series Compact Vision Inspection Systems provide a
comprehensive reporting and metrics tailored to the
wide variety of measurements of unique features that quantify
customer’s specific operations.
product quality. Available in a washdown configuration,
RESULTS TheiaVu allows quality teams to save a significant amount of
Following installation of the TheiaVu™, the operations time while getting more precise and repeatable measurement
personnel quickly embraced the new system and data to improve their process.
within the first quarter were inspecting 1,700 butterfly

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