Ir May 2018 Cgpa

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SLR-TC – 131
Set P
B.E. Mechanical (Part – I) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Elective – I : Industrial Robotics

Day and Date : Tuesday, 8-5-2018 Total Marks : 70

Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first

30 minutes in Answer Book Page No. 3. Each question
carries one mark.
2) Answer MCQ/Objective type questions on Page No. 3
only. Don’t forget to mention, Q.P. Set (P/Q/R/S) on
Top of Page.

MCQ/Objective Type Questions

Duration : 30 Minutes Marks : 14

1. Choose the correct answer : (14×1=14)

1) Trajectory planning is done in _______ & ________.
a) Joint Space & Cartesian Space b) Joint Space & Local Space
c) Joint Space & Global Space d) Global Space & Cartesian Space
2) The acronym AGV stands for
a) Automatic Guided Vehicle b) Automated Guided Vehicle
c) Automated Gliding Vehicle d) Automatic Gliding Vehicle
3) Today, almost all industrial robots used for welding applications are built in
______ configuration.
a) Cartesian b) Delta c) SCARA d) Jointed Arm
4) A robot has to be designed very heavy payloads in the order of 500 – 700 kg.
Which drive system is the best suited for this application ?
a) Magnetic b) Hydraulic c) Pneumatic d) Electric
5) A gripper needs to be selected for an application involving assembly of a
glass windshield in an automobile. Which of the following grippers is the
best suited for the task ?
a) 2 finger parallel b) Magnetic c) Adhesive d) Vacuum

SLR-TC – 131 -2- *SLRTC131*
6) The two most commonly used images sensors in modern cameras are
a) CCD & CDI b) CCD & CMOS
c) CMOS & CDI d) RGB & HSV
7) A gripper used in assembly operations needs to be equipped with an active
compliance device. In such cases a sensor is inserted between the wrist
and the end effector. The sensor that will be used in this case is a _______
a) Force/Torque b) Light c) Temperature d) Flow
8) An image which contains about 256 different intensity levels between black
and white is a ______ image.
a) Color b) Grayscale c) Binary d) Monochrome
9) The term ‘Robotics’ was coined by
a) Issac Asimov b) Issac Newton
c) Karl Capek d) Karl Urban
10) When the determinant of the manipulator Jacobian is zero, the configuration
of the manipulator is said to be
a) Angular b) Rectangular c) Singular d) Spiral
11) The process of transforming variables from tool configuration space to joint
space is called _______ kinematics.
a) Forward b) Inward c) Inverse d) Reverse
12) The workcell layout in which a single robot in the middle of the cell tends to
different machines located around the robot is called
a) Mobile Robot Workcell b) Stranded Robot Workcell
c) Inline Robots Workcell d) Robot Centered Workcell
13) The process of ______ is the technique which relates the location of pixels
in the image array to the points in the scene.
a) Camera calibration b) Camera orientation
c) Camera adjustment d) Camera adaptation
14) The minimum number of wheels required for both static and dynamic balance
of wheeled robots is
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6


Set P
*SLRTC131* -3- SLR-TC – 131
B.E. Mechanical (Part – I) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Elective – I : Industrial Robotics

Day and Date : Tuesday, 8-5-2018 Marks : 56

Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Section 1 and 2 includes 3 questions worth 14 marks

each. Solve any two questions from each Section.
2) Non programmable calculators are allowed.
3) Figures to the extreme right of the page indicate marks
allotted to the questions.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary and state it clearly.
5) Draw neat sketches/figures to support your answers
and label them correctly.


2. a) Discuss in detail the different sensors used in robot work cells. 8

b) Derive the forward transformation equations for a 2 DOF jointed arm. 6

3. a) Discuss SCARA and jointed arm configuration for Industrial Robots. List
the defining characteristics and typical applications of each. 8
b) Discuss in brief different types of grippers. 6

4. a) The figure shows a 2 DOF jointed configuration. The lengths of the links
a1 and a2 are 300 and 200. If the end of link a2 is to be at point P (300,
300) find the angles made by the links. If the end point travels at a speed of
100 mm/s in both x and y directions to reach the point P, at what speed the
joint rotate. Choose any one orientation when calculating speeds. Units
are in mm. 8



Set P
SLR-TC – 131 -4- *SLRTC131*
b) Define the following terms : Workspace, forward kinematics, inverse
kinematics, Jacobean (of the manipulator), trajectory, repeatability. 6


5. a) Discuss any two robot workcell layouts. State clearly and justify typical
application area for each layout. 8
b) Compare CCD and CMOS cameras on the basis of their application for
robot/machine vision systems. 6

6. a) Discuss in detail various applications of mobile robots. 8

b) Explain with the help of block diagram the control of a DC servomotor used
as actuator for robot joints. 6

7. a) Discuss use of industrial robots for assembly and material handling

applications. State the robot configuration, DOF, choice of drives and sensors
clearly and give justification for the same. 8
b) Discuss in brief edge detection and object classification in image processing. 6


Set P
*SLRTC131* SLR-TC – 131
Set P

B.E. Mechanical (Part – I) (CGPA) Examination, 2018

Elective – I : Industrial Robotics

Day and Date : Tuesday, 8-5-2018 Total Marks : 70

Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first

30 minutes in Answer Book Page No. 3. Each question
carries one mark.
2) Answer MCQ/Objective type questions on Page No. 3
only. Don’t forget to mention, Q.P. Set (P/Q/R/S) on
Top of Page.

MCQ/Objective Type Questions

Duration : 30 Minutes Marks : 14

1. Choose the correct answer : (14×1=14)

1) An image which contains about 256 different intensity levels between black
and white is a ______ image.
a) Color b) Grayscale c) Binary d) Monochrome
2) The term ‘Robotics’ was coined by
a) Issac Asimov b) Issac Newton
c) Karl Capek d) Karl Urban
3) When the determinant of the manipulator Jacobian is zero, the configuration
of the manipulator is said to be
a) Angular b) Rectangular
c) Singular d) Spiral
4) The process of transforming variables from tool configuration space to joint
space is called _______ kinematics.
a) Forward b) Inward c) Inverse d) Reverse
5) The workcell layout in which a single robot in the middle of the cell tends to
different machines located around the robot is called
a) Mobile Robot Workcell b) Stranded Robot Workcell
c) Inline Robots Workcell d) Robot Centered Workcell

SLR-TC – 131 -2- *SLRTC131*
6) The process of ______ is the technique which relates the location of pixels
in the image array to the points in the scene.
a) Camera calibration b) Camera orientation
c) Camera adjustment d) Camera adaptation
7) The minimum number of wheels required for both static and dynamic balance
of wheeled robots is
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6
8) Trajectory planning is done in _______ & ________.
a) Joint Space & Cartesian Space b) Joint Space & Local Space
c) Joint Space & Global Space d) Global Space & Cartesian Space
9) The acronym AGV stands for
a) Automatic Guided Vehicle b) Automated Guided Vehicle
c) Automated Gliding Vehicle d) Automatic Gliding Vehicle
10) Today, almost all industrial robots used for welding applications are built in
______ configuration.
a) Cartesian b) Delta c) SCARA d) Jointed Arm
11) A robot has to be designed very heavy payloads in the order of 500 – 700 kg.
Which drive system is the best suited for this application ?
a) Magnetic b) Hydraulic c) Pneumatic d) Electric
12) A gripper needs to be selected for an application involving assembly of a
glass windshield in an automobile. Which of the following grippers is the
best suited for the task ?
a) 2 finger parallel b) Magnetic c) Adhesive d) Vacuum
13) The two most commonly used images sensors in modern cameras are
a) CCD & CDI b) CCD & CMOS
c) CMOS & CDI d) RGB & HSV
14) A gripper used in assembly operations needs to be equipped with an active
compliance device. In such cases a sensor is inserted between the wrist
and the end effector. The sensor that will be used in this case is a _______
a) Force/Torque b) Light c) Temperature d) Flow


Set Q
*SLRTC131* -3- SLR-TC – 131
B.E. Mechanical (Part – I) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Elective – I : Industrial Robotics

Day and Date : Tuesday, 8-5-2018 Marks : 56

Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Section 1 and 2 includes 3 questions worth 14 marks

each. Solve any two questions from each Section.
2) Non programmable calculators are allowed.
3) Figures to the extreme right of the page indicate marks
allotted to the questions.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary and state it clearly.
5) Draw neat sketches/figures to support your answers
and label them correctly.


2. a) Discuss in detail the different sensors used in robot work cells. 8

b) Derive the forward transformation equations for a 2 DOF jointed arm. 6

3. a) Discuss SCARA and jointed arm configuration for Industrial Robots. List
the defining characteristics and typical applications of each. 8
b) Discuss in brief different types of grippers. 6

4. a) The figure shows a 2 DOF jointed configuration. The lengths of the links
a1 and a2 are 300 and 200. If the end of link a2 is to be at point P (300,
300) find the angles made by the links. If the end point travels at a speed of
100 mm/s in both x and y directions to reach the point P, at what speed the
joint rotate. Choose any one orientation when calculating speeds. Units
are in mm. 8



Set Q
SLR-TC – 131 -4- *SLRTC131*
b) Define the following terms : Workspace, forward kinematics, inverse
kinematics, Jacobean (of the manipulator), trajectory, repeatability. 6


5. a) Discuss any two robot workcell layouts. State clearly and justify typical
application area for each layout. 8
b) Compare CCD and CMOS cameras on the basis of their application for
robot/machine vision systems. 6

6. a) Discuss in detail various applications of mobile robots. 8

b) Explain with the help of block diagram the control of a DC servomotor used
as actuator for robot joints. 6

7. a) Discuss use of industrial robots for assembly and material handling

applications. State the robot configuration, DOF, choice of drives and sensors
clearly and give justification for the same. 8
b) Discuss in brief edge detection and object classification in image processing. 6


Set Q
*SLRTC131* SLR-TC – 131
Set P

B.E. Mechanical (Part – I) (CGPA) Examination, 2018

Elective – I : Industrial Robotics

Day and Date : Tuesday, 8-5-2018 Total Marks : 70

Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first

30 minutes in Answer Book Page No. 3. Each question
carries one mark.
2) Answer MCQ/Objective type questions on Page No. 3
only. Don’t forget to mention, Q.P. Set (P/Q/R/S) on
Top of Page.

MCQ/Objective Type Questions

Duration : 30 Minutes Marks : 14

1. Choose the correct answer : (14×1=14)

1) A gripper needs to be selected for an application involving assembly of a
glass windshield in an automobile. Which of the following grippers is the
best suited for the task ?
a) 2 finger parallel b) Magnetic c) Adhesive d) Vacuum
2) The two most commonly used images sensors in modern cameras are
a) CCD & CDI b) CCD & CMOS
c) CMOS & CDI d) RGB & HSV
3) A gripper used in assembly operations needs to be equipped with an active
compliance device. In such cases a sensor is inserted between the wrist
and the end effector. The sensor that will be used in this case is a _______
a) Force/Torque b) Light c) Temperature d) Flow
4) An image which contains about 256 different intensity levels between black
and white is a ______ image.
a) Color b) Grayscale c) Binary d) Monochrome
5) The term ‘Robotics’ was coined by
a) Issac Asimov b) Issac Newton
c) Karl Capek d) Karl Urban
SLR-TC – 131 -2- *SLRTC131*
6) When the determinant of the manipulator Jacobian is zero, the configuration
of the manipulator is said to be
a) Angular b) Rectangular c) Singular d) Spiral
7) The process of transforming variables from tool configuration space to joint
space is called _______ kinematics.
a) Forward b) Inward c) Inverse d) Reverse
8) The workcell layout in which a single robot in the middle of the cell tends to
different machines located around the robot is called
a) Mobile Robot Workcell b) Stranded Robot Workcell
c) Inline Robots Workcell d) Robot Centered Workcell
9) The process of ______ is the technique which relates the location of pixels
in the image array to the points in the scene.
a) Camera calibration b) Camera orientation
c) Camera adjustment d) Camera adaptation
10) The minimum number of wheels required for both static and dynamic balance
of wheeled robots is
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6
11) Trajectory planning is done in _______ & ________.
a) Joint Space & Cartesian Space b) Joint Space & Local Space
c) Joint Space & Global Space d) Global Space & Cartesian Space
12) The acronym AGV stands for
a) Automatic Guided Vehicle b) Automated Guided Vehicle
c) Automated Gliding Vehicle d) Automatic Gliding Vehicle
13) Today, almost all industrial robots used for welding applications are built in
______ configuration.
a) Cartesian b) Delta c) SCARA d) Jointed Arm
14) A robot has to be designed very heavy payloads in the order of 500 – 700 kg.
Which drive system is the best suited for this application ?
a) Magnetic b) Hydraulic c) Pneumatic d) Electric


Set R
*SLRTC131* -3- SLR-TC – 131
B.E. Mechanical (Part – I) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Elective – I : Industrial Robotics

Day and Date : Tuesday, 8-5-2018 Marks : 56

Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Section 1 and 2 includes 3 questions worth 14 marks

each. Solve any two questions from each Section.
2) Non programmable calculators are allowed.
3) Figures to the extreme right of the page indicate marks
allotted to the questions.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary and state it clearly.
5) Draw neat sketches/figures to support your answers
and label them correctly.


2. a) Discuss in detail the different sensors used in robot work cells. 8

b) Derive the forward transformation equations for a 2 DOF jointed arm. 6

3. a) Discuss SCARA and jointed arm configuration for Industrial Robots. List
the defining characteristics and typical applications of each. 8
b) Discuss in brief different types of grippers. 6

4. a) The figure shows a 2 DOF jointed configuration. The lengths of the links
a1 and a2 are 300 and 200. If the end of link a2 is to be at point P (300,
300) find the angles made by the links. If the end point travels at a speed of
100 mm/s in both x and y directions to reach the point P, at what speed the
joint rotate. Choose any one orientation when calculating speeds. Units
are in mm. 8



Set R
SLR-TC – 131 -4- *SLRTC131*
b) Define the following terms : Workspace, forward kinematics, inverse
kinematics, Jacobean (of the manipulator), trajectory, repeatability. 6


5. a) Discuss any two robot workcell layouts. State clearly and justify typical
application area for each layout. 8
b) Compare CCD and CMOS cameras on the basis of their application for
robot/machine vision systems. 6

6. a) Discuss in detail various applications of mobile robots. 8

b) Explain with the help of block diagram the control of a DC servomotor used
as actuator for robot joints. 6

7. a) Discuss use of industrial robots for assembly and material handling

applications. State the robot configuration, DOF, choice of drives and sensors
clearly and give justification for the same. 8
b) Discuss in brief edge detection and object classification in image processing. 6


Set R
*SLRTC131* SLR-TC – 131
Set P

B.E. Mechanical (Part – I) (CGPA) Examination, 2018

Elective – I : Industrial Robotics

Day and Date : Tuesday, 8-5-2018 Total Marks : 70

Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first

30 minutes in Answer Book Page No. 3. Each question
carries one mark.
2) Answer MCQ/Objective type questions on Page No. 3
only. Don’t forget to mention, Q.P. Set (P/Q/R/S) on
Top of Page.

MCQ/Objective Type Questions

Duration : 30 Minutes Marks : 14

1. Choose the correct answer : (14×1=14)

1) When the determinant of the manipulator Jacobian is zero, the configuration
of the manipulator is said to be
a) Angular b) Rectangular c) Singular d) Spiral
2) The process of transforming variables from tool configuration space to joint
space is called _______ kinematics.
a) Forward b) Inward c) Inverse d) Reverse
3) The workcell layout in which a single robot in the middle of the cell tends to
different machines located around the robot is called
a) Mobile Robot Workcell b) Stranded Robot Workcell
c) Inline Robots Workcell d) Robot Centered Workcell
4) The process of ______ is the technique which relates the location of pixels
in the image array to the points in the scene.
a) Camera calibration b) Camera orientation
c) Camera adjustment d) Camera adaptation
5) The minimum number of wheels required for both static and dynamic balance
of wheeled robots is
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6
SLR-TC – 131 -2- *SLRTC131*
6) Trajectory planning is done in _______ & ________.
a) Joint Space & Cartesian Space b) Joint Space & Local Space
c) Joint Space & Global Space d) Global Space & Cartesian Space
7) The acronym AGV stands for
a) Automatic Guided Vehicle b) Automated Guided Vehicle
c) Automated Gliding Vehicle d) Automatic Gliding Vehicle
8) Today, almost all industrial robots used for welding applications are built in
______ configuration.
a) Cartesian b) Delta c) SCARA d) Jointed Arm
9) A robot has to be designed very heavy payloads in the order of 500 – 700 kg.
Which drive system is the best suited for this application ?
a) Magnetic b) Hydraulic c) Pneumatic d) Electric
10) A gripper needs to be selected for an application involving assembly of a
glass windshield in an automobile. Which of the following grippers is the
best suited for the task ?
a) 2 finger parallel b) Magnetic c) Adhesive d) Vacuum
11) The two most commonly used images sensors in modern cameras are
a) CCD & CDI b) CCD & CMOS
c) CMOS & CDI d) RGB & HSV
12) A gripper used in assembly operations needs to be equipped with an active
compliance device. In such cases a sensor is inserted between the wrist
and the end effector. The sensor that will be used in this case is a _______
a) Force/Torque b) Light c) Temperature d) Flow
13) An image which contains about 256 different intensity levels between black
and white is a ______ image.
a) Color b) Grayscale c) Binary d) Monochrome
14) The term ‘Robotics’ was coined by
a) Issac Asimov b) Issac Newton
c) Karl Capek d) Karl Urban


Set S
*SLRTC131* -3- SLR-TC – 131
B.E. Mechanical (Part – I) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Elective – I : Industrial Robotics

Day and Date : Tuesday, 8-5-2018 Marks : 56

Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Section 1 and 2 includes 3 questions worth 14 marks

each. Solve any two questions from each Section.
2) Non programmable calculators are allowed.
3) Figures to the extreme right of the page indicate marks
allotted to the questions.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary and state it clearly.
5) Draw neat sketches/figures to support your answers
and label them correctly.


2. a) Discuss in detail the different sensors used in robot work cells. 8

b) Derive the forward transformation equations for a 2 DOF jointed arm. 6

3. a) Discuss SCARA and jointed arm configuration for Industrial Robots. List
the defining characteristics and typical applications of each. 8
b) Discuss in brief different types of grippers. 6

4. a) The figure shows a 2 DOF jointed configuration. The lengths of the links
a1 and a2 are 300 and 200. If the end of link a2 is to be at point P (300,
300) find the angles made by the links. If the end point travels at a speed of
100 mm/s in both x and y directions to reach the point P, at what speed the
joint rotate. Choose any one orientation when calculating speeds. Units
are in mm. 8



Set S
SLR-TC – 131 -4- *SLRTC131*
b) Define the following terms : Workspace, forward kinematics, inverse
kinematics, Jacobean (of the manipulator), trajectory, repeatability. 6


5. a) Discuss any two robot workcell layouts. State clearly and justify typical
application area for each layout. 8
b) Compare CCD and CMOS cameras on the basis of their application for
robot/machine vision systems. 6

6. a) Discuss in detail various applications of mobile robots. 8

b) Explain with the help of block diagram the control of a DC servomotor used
as actuator for robot joints. 6

7. a) Discuss use of industrial robots for assembly and material handling

applications. State the robot configuration, DOF, choice of drives and sensors
clearly and give justification for the same. 8
b) Discuss in brief edge detection and object classification in image processing. 6


Set S

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