IR Dec 2016

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*SLREP446* SLR-EP – 446

No. Set P
B.E. (Mechanical) (Part – I) Examination, 2016
Day and Date : Thursday, 8-12-2016 Total Marks : 100
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 30
minutes in Answer Book Page No. 3. Each question carries
one mark.
2) Answer MCQ/Objective type questions on Page No. 3
only. Don’t forget to mention, Q.P. Set (P/Q/R/S) on Top
of Page.
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Duration : 30 Minutes Marks : 20

1. Choose the correct answer : (20×1=20)

1) The term robot was first used by
a) Aurther C. Clarke b) Issac Asimov
c) Leonardo Da Vinci d) Karl Capek
2) Robot grippers for industrial robot typically employ _________ actuator.
a) Pneumatic b) Hydraulic c) Electric d) Magnetic
3) For short range distance measurements, which type of sensor in more suitable ?
a) Tactile sensor b) Ultrasonic sensor
c) Optical sensor d) Laser sensor
4) Forward Kinematics is
a) Going from joint space to world space
b) Going from world space to joint space
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
5) In a CCD camera the term CCD stands for
a) Charge Conduction Device b) Camera Charge Device
c) Charge Coupled Device d) Camera Coupled Device
6) Which of the following is not a segmentation technique ?
a) Edge detection b) Thresholding
c) Region growing d) Template matching
7) Singularity in a robot occurs when
a) Order of jacobian is 1 b) Order of jacobian is 0
c) Order of jacobian is 2 d) None of the above
SLR-EP – 446 -2- *SLREP446*

8) Which of the following is a robot programming language ?

9) Lead through programming is an
a) Off-line programming method b) On-line programming method
c) Both a and b d) None of the above
10) UGV stands for
a) Unarmed Ground Vehicle b) Unmanned Ground Vehicle
c) Unlocked Grip Vehicle d) None of the above
11) The minimum numbers of wheel required for both static and dynamic balancing
(Both in X and Y direction) is
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
12) Tracked robots compare to wheeled robots have
a) More traction b) Less traction
c) Medium traction d) No traction
13) The two most commonly used technique in image sensing are
a) RGB and HSV b) CCD and HSV
c) CMOS and CCD d) CMOS and RGB
14) The frame rates for a standard video camera is about __________ frames
per second.
a) 100 – 1000 b) 100 – 200 c) 50 – 100 d) 25 – 30
15) Which of the following sensor is used in robot gripper ?
a) Optical b) Tactile c) Laser d) Ultrasonic
16) Pick the best configuration of robot in terms of structural rigidity
a) Cylindrical b) Cartesian c) SCARA d) Spherical
17) _________ is the path with specified qualities of motion such as velocity,
acceleration at each point.
a) Knot point b) Trajectory c) Via point d) Spline
18) The most widely used controlled in industrial robot control system is
a) PI controller b) PD controller c) PID controller d) ID controller
19) The configuration of industrial robot in welding operation is usually
a) Cartesian b) Cylindrical c) Spherical d) Jointed arm
20) The term UAV stands for
a) Unmanned Air Vehicle b) Unmanned Arm Vehicle
c) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle d) Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle

Set P
*SLREP446* -3- SLR-EP – 446

B.E. (Mechanical) (Part – I) Examination, 2016

Day and Date : Thursday, 8-12-2016 Marks : 80
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Instruction : Answer any two questions from Section I and any two
from Section II.


2. a) What is Automation and explain the different types of automation with their
merits and demerits ? 6
b) Explain with neat sketch any two types of robot configurations. 8
c) What are grippers and explain any two types of gripper used in robots ? 6

3. a) Explain with neat sketch the working principles of DC motor. 6

b) What are sensors and explain any two types of proximity sensors ? 6
c) For the point 3i + 7j + 5k perform the following operations
i) Rotate 30° about X-axis
ii) Rotate 45° about Y-axis
iii) Translate 8 units along Y axis. 8

4. a) Obtain a rotation matrix for a robot arm when it is rotated about X-axis, and
Y axis. 6
b) A robot arm points in X direction with joint 2 extended to 0.5 m. Find the tool
linear velocity if joint 1 is rotating at 2rad/sec and joint 2 is extended at
1 m/sec. 6
c) Explain with neat block diagram the steps involved in robot vision system. 8

Set P
SLR-EP – 446 -4- *SLREP446*


5. a) What is segmentation and explain the different technique of segmentation ? 8

b) List out the differences between wheeled and tracked robots. 6
c) List out the advantages, disadvantages and applications of wheeled robots. 6

6. a) With neat sketch explain the any two types of robot work cell. 8
b) Differentiate between on-line programming and off-line programming in robots. 6
c) Explain the different programming languages used in robots. 6

7. Write short notes on :

a) Future scope of robots.
b) Material handling applications of robot.
c) PID controller.
d) CCD camera. (5×4=20)


Set P

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