31-46p-Expanded Polystyrene - The Light Solution
31-46p-Expanded Polystyrene - The Light Solution
31-46p-Expanded Polystyrene - The Light Solution
R e s e a r c h L a b o r a t o r y , NRRL. He g r a d u a t e d from t h e U n i v e r s i t y
of T r o n d h e i m in 1 9 7 9 f i n i s h i n g w i t h h i s d i p l o m a a t NRRL on t h e
t h e m e " l i g h t w e i g h t e m b a n k m e n t s - m a t e r i a l p r o p e r t i e s " . He h a s
p r o j e c t s . His m a i n r e s e a r c h a r e a h a s b e e n l i g h t w e i g h t m a t e r i a l s .
e s p e s c i a l l y t h e u s e of e x p a n d e d p o l y s t y r e n e in r o a d s .
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EPS TOKYO '96 Japan, 29·30 October 1996
ABSTRACT: Some 24 years of experience with Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) as a lightweight filling material have
brought about both a wider use on a global scale and introduction of a number of different design applications. In
addition to reduced vertical loads, advantages from using EPS may also include reduced horisonal loads, simplified
designs and increased speed and ease of performing construction activities. Although special care should be
observed to avoid damage related to buoyancy forces associated with fluctuating water levels and fire hazards during
construction, existing fills have proved to behave as expected. A normal design life cycle of at least 100 years for
the EPS blocks may therefore be counted on. Special applications of EPS, involving both a temporary realignment
of a railway line as well as the reconstructed line and support for bridge abutments with continuous multispan
In 1972 the Norwegian Public Roads Administration adopted the use of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) as a
superlight filling material in a road embankments. The first project involved the successful reconstruction of road
fills adjacent to a bridge founded on piles to firm ground. Prior to the reconstruction the fills, resting on a 3m thick
layer of peat above 1 0 m of soft marine clay, experienced a settlement rate of more than 20 cm per year. By
replacing 1 m ofordinary fill material with two layers ofEPS blocks, each layer with thickness 0 . 5 m, the settlements
Since then authorities in several countries have also found the method advantageous for building roads across soft
ground and for similar construction applications where low loads are essential. The main reason is of course that
EPS-blocks may be produced with densities nearly I 00 times lighter than ordinary :filling materials, but there are also
other advantages. The method is now in common use in several countries in Europe, Asia and North America. At
present more than 300 road projects involving EPS fills have been completed in Norway with the volume of EPS
blocks used totalling some 400,000 m .
Figure 1 . 1 E6 at Vestby, Norway - 12000m ofEPS.
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EPS is of course not the only solution to load and settlement problems on soft subsoils. Several other lightweight
filling materials may also be considered together with alternative solutions like replacing or strengthening the subsoil,
pile applications etc. Material availability and costs are important factors to be considered in this connection, but in
many cases the use of EPS will prove to be advantageous and in some cases provide the only practical solution. In
a publication "Lightweight filling materials" prepared by PIARC, the Permanent International Association of Road
Congresses ( expected to be released by mid 1996), lightweight filling materials in common use are presented
together with case histories giving examples of current use. This includes a review of material properties; design,
construction and environmental considerations; pavement structure; quality assurance; availability and economy.
Since the first project where the lightweight EPS material provided a substantial load reduction on the subsoil,
various types of applications have been developed. The most common use is as a lightweight filling material in order
to minimise the loads on the subsoil or create a compensated load situation where the stress distribution in the subsoil
is equal to or less than the original soil stress. The latter condition will of course eliminate both stability and
settlement problems (figure 2 . 1 ) . EPS has therefore also been used to obtain compensated foundation solutions for
buildings. In general EPS is most commonly used as a lightweight filling material for road construction purposes,
but EPS blocks have also been used in railway fills and for other types of embankments.
L o a d i n t e n s e t y I in s i t u s t r e s s
Road s u r f a c e
0 10 20 30kN/m2
53cm Bearing course
s ructure
G r o u n d w a t e r le el
Before excavation
In some cases the lower part of the EPS fill has even been placed below the groundwater level. Advantage is then
taken of the buoyancy forces created. For such a solution to function satisfactory an absolute prerequisite is that the
maximum waterlevel is known or may be controlled. Since the EPS blocks are extremely light in weight, the net
buoyancy forces created when submerged are correspondingly high. So if the waterlevel is allowed to rise above the
level used in the design calculations, the whole fill may easily float away.
. :
-,.«�, '
Figure 2.2 EPS fill below ground water level. Road no 6 1 0 at Sande, Norway
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In a normal fill the side slopes of the EPS blocks are usually constructed with a gradient 2: I . For protecting the EPS
material the slopes are covered with ordinary soils having a slope with gradient of I : I Yi or I :2 . This soil wedge
represents little additional weight and will normally be nearly equivalent to the weight of the pavement structure on
top of the EPS blocks, i.e. the subsoil is subjected to a uniformly distributed load across the total width of the
embankment In some cases it may, however, be advantageous to terminate the EPS fill with a vertical side slope.
In such cases the vertical front may be covered by steel or aluminium sheets, wooden planks or shotcrete for
mechanical protection of the EPS material. This type of solution has been successfully applied to projects in urban
areas where limited space is available and in repairing roads on steep slopes damaged by landslides.
0 5 10m
By placing EPS blocks against the vertical face of bridge abutments and retaining walls, the horizontal load on such
structures may be substantially reduced. From load distribution experiments in Japan and Norway it has been
demonstrated that the ratio of horizontal to vertical stress is close to 0 . 1 provided the adjacent soil is terminated in
a stable slope. Even with a vertical soil slope the horizontal stress transmitted by the EPS blocks to the wall are of
the same small magnitude if the length of the EPS fill is equal to or greater than the total hight of the fill. If a gap is
left between the EPS material and the wall, it has been demonstrated that the EPS blocks will not move and hence
no horizontal loads are transmitted to the wall. Although this may be an advantage in many situations, one should
also bear in mind that no external forces can be taken up by the normal passive soil pressure behind such walls. For
bridges this will mean that breaking forces and temperature forces will have to be accommodated at one or more of
EPS blocks are also known to have been used as a backfilling material against the basement walls of buildings. The
main idea here is again to reduce horizontal stress against the basement walls based on the reduced vertical stress.
A more recent application of EPS has been as a support foundation for bridge abutments. Higher strength EPS has
then been required with some increase in cost per unit volume. This solution has been used for both single span
bridges ( figure 2 . 5 ) with up to 5 m high EPS fills and quite recently also for multispan bridges. In all cases the EPS
- 3 tJ -
Figure 2 . 5 EPS as a support foundation for bridge abutments. E 6 Lekkeberg bridge, Norway ( 1 9 8 9 ) .
Yet another application of EPS in connection with bridges is as a lightweight filling material above the bridge or
culvert deck. A simplified bridge or culvert design has been adopted involving steel sheet piles to be driven along
the river on both sides. A thin concrete slab is then cast on top of the steel sheet piles to provide the bridge deck. The
remaining distance up to the road pavement is then filled up with EPS blocks and pavement material placed on top
of the EPS (figure 2.6). The loads experienced by the bridge deck are then limited to the dead load from the
pavement structure and live loads on the road. In particular this may be an advantageous solution when restriction s
are introduced for construction activities in order to prevent river pollution. At the same time such a solution may
also take care of potential stability problems associated with normal bridge design.
C o n c r e t e slab 1 0 c m Concrete
-8 5
Other known uses of EPS blocks are for creating gardens with undulating terrain close to existing structures and
without introducing subsoil settlements that may damage the structures. The EPS blocks are then provided with a
top cover of organic soil in order to promote growth conditions. Similar uses are known to have been adopted for
parts of golf courses placed in areas with soft subsoils. Such applications have been reported from Japan. Using
blocks of EPS to construct grandstands on baseball stadiums are also known to have been introduced in Japan. In
the latter case the upper blocks have been provided with a thin layer of some protective material to prevent
mechanical destruction from baseball fans. Yet another special application introduced in Japan involved using EPS
As knowledge of and experience with the use of EPS as a lightweight filling material are spreading, the method is
adopted in an increasing number of countries and more types of applications are added. From the start in 1 9 7 2 this
process was slow at first, but technology transfer related to the method is now gaining both speed and momentum.
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Mainly it has been the road authorities and construction community represented by consultants and contractors that
· have played the locomotive part in this process. The majority of all the laboratory and field tests performed in order
to verify that the method works satisfactory, have been performed or financed by other sources than the plastic
industry. Right enough the production process has been refined along the way in order to provide more homogeneous
EPS material and with improved dimension characteristics, but this development has been initiated for other reasons
With the increased use of EPS as a lightweight filling material, more parties will presumably take an interest in
further developments. In countries like Norway, the major use ofEPS is in the packaging industry to protect fragile
or sensitive equipment, to preserve fresh fish and as an insulating material in the building industry. This accounts
for about 90 % of the annual volume of EPS produced. Only about I O % of the annual production is used for
those mentioned above may actually have applied EPS as a lightweight filling material.
Up to now road projects involving the use ofEPS have typically required the use of a few thousand cubic metres
of EPS in one location. The largest projects have accounted for some seventy thousand cubic metres. For projects
in some of the Asian countries mentioned above EPS is now considered being used on road sections several
kilometres long. For road widths of some 20 metres and thicknesses of 2 metres or more, the total volume of EPS
involved is considerable. If such projects materialise, the volume of EPS used for lightweight filling purposes will
increase dramatically, and will no doubt attract both the interest of the plastic industry and others.
As a rough estimate the total number of completed road projects with EPS at present may be of the order of 1500
Design specifications
When the first project was designed in 1 9 7 2 the Norwegian Road Research Laboratory decided on a fairly simple
set of design rules. These included a definition of material strength determined as the compressive strength of 50 x
50 x 50 mm cubes at 5 % strain as tested in an unconfined compression test apparatus at a strain rate of about 1 0 %
of the sample height per minute. With material strength defined in this manner the strength requirement of EPS to
be used in an ordinary road project was set to o = 1 0 0 kN/m Also some rules for acceptable variations in design
strength among individual test samples and in different blocks were specified. In order to prevent undesired gaps
between blocks, deviation rules as regards block dimensions and surface curvature were specified. Also some
construction rules were laid down regarding alignment of blocks to prevent continuous vertical joints and obtain even
fills, secure a minimum soil cover on side slopes or some other mechanical protection on vertical walls, obtain
protection against solvents and support for crash barriers. For stability and settlement calculations a unit weight of
y = 1 , 0 kN/m was specified both for drained and submerged conditions, but for buoyancy considerations y = 0,2
kN/m was to be used. Also a set of rules for pavement design were established recommending a concrete slab to be
cast above the EPS in order to minimise the permanent load on the EPS and the subsoil.
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Other countries have since then come up with slightly modified design recommendations. Also various tests have
been performed related to the definition of material strength. In this context both 100 x 100 x I 00 mm cubes and
cylindrical specimens with varying height to diameter ratios have been tested. Furthermore strength definitions have
been set for various strains, e.g. 1 0 % strain . The variations between the countries however are small. It is no doubt
possible to refine the above criteria further, but at the Norwegian Road Research Laboratory we believe there should
be a simple approach to a simple solution. The original design rules have therefore been kept practically unchanged
Regarding pavement design tests have been performed at the Budenanstalt Fur Strassenwesen (BASt) in Germany
in co-operation with the University of Delft in the Netherlands. Here pavements with and without a concrete slab
on top of the EPS were investigated in full scale tests in a test hall. The results indicate clearly that pavements with
a concrete slab included will obtain a longer life cycle. Bearing capacity tests performed in Norway on completed
road projects with and without a concrete slab on top of the EPS, indicate that the pavement thickness will have to
be increased by 300 - 400 mm of ordinary pavement materials in order to achieve the same stress and deformation
characteristics as an EPS fill with a concrete slab. The same tests indicate that the total height of the EPS fill has little
Extensive full scale and laboratory tests on EPS have also been performed in Japan in relation to material properties.
In addition the use ofEPS in earthquake design and for vibration damping purposes have been studied.
Of the many EPS projects now completed in many parts of the world, only five failures have been reported. Two
failures are associated with water fluctuation and buoyancy forces. The other three are caused by fires.
On the 16th of October 1987 Northern Europe experienced exceptionally strong storms with high wind velocities
and high rainfall intensities. Norway was also exposed to major floods, and in the Oslo area the first EPS fill built
in 1 9 7 2 floated off as did an adjacent section of a motorway constructed some years later. What was wrong? Had
the danger of buoyancy forces not been considered? Yes, such calculations had been performed, but the highest
possible flood level predicted at the design stage in 1 9 7 2 was 0.85 m lower than the flood level that occurred in
October 1 9 8 7 . So it was rainfall and flood level predictions in 1 9 7 2 that were misleading.
Also the second failure reported from Thailand involved an unexpected high waterlevel causing a completed road
fill to be washed away. So it should be duly noted that the dangers of buoyancy forces should be carefully studied
when considering the design of an EPS fill. Often soft subsoils are located in lowland areas subjected to flooding.
In such cases accurate predictions of the highest possible waterlevel are essential in order to obtain a safe and lasting
road structure.
Ordinary Expanded Polystyrene is a combustible material and will bum when set on fire. For this reason some
precautions should be taken when constructing EPS fills using the normal quality material. Such precautions may
include fencing in any stockpiles 011 site and provide round the clock guards, or place the blocks directly inn the fill
as they arrive on site, working round the clock shifts if necessary. Alternatively a selfextingushing quality of EPS
may be used at approximately 5 % increase in productions costs. Once the EPS is covered by the pavement material
on top and soil on the side slopes , however, there will not be sufficient oxygen available to sustain a fire.
Two failures due to fires have occured in Norway and were caused by welding activities on bridge abutments
adjacent to EPS fills during the construction phase. In the first case 15 00 m of EPS were transformed into black
smoke in a matter of some I O minutes. The concrete bridge abutment was also damaged due to the heat developed
a) EPS embankment on fire. Knatten bridge, Norway. b) Water fluctuation. Rv 1 5 9 Flom bridge, Norway.
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with concrete spalding off from the reinforcing bars. Since the fire was initiated by sparks from welding activities
on the bridge, the bridge contractor responsible for the welding had both to repair the bridge abutment and replace
the EP S fill at his own expence. A similar incident occured last year and again the repair costs had to be covered by
the contractor responsible for the welding activities. So the fire potential should not be overlooked and in some
counties in Norway the local highway offices are using selfextinguishing material at the somewhat higher cost in
order to exclude fire hazards. A third fire incident is reported from Japan.
EPS is dissolved by petrol and oil related products. The concrete slab on top of the EPS will, however, provide
protection from such solvents. If the concrete slab is omitted, sheets of Polyethylene may be used to protect the
blocks instead. The possibility of such spills occuring on an EPS fill is of course very small, but even if an oil tanker
should have an accident in such a location and petrol or oil are spilled on the road, the precautions mentioned above
should be sufficient to protect the EPS. Also it will take some time for such fluids to percolate through the soil on
the side slopes, allowing time for corrective measures. But even if some solvents should reach and damage the outer
parts of the fill, repair should be easy to perform. Damage of EPS block in road fills due to dissolving agents are,
Polystyrene is a very stable compound chemically and no material decay should be expected when placed in the
ground and protected as described above. Also from load cycling tests it has been shown that the material can take
an unlimited number of load cycles as long as the repetitive loads are kept below 80 % of the compressive strength.
Since the first project was completed in 1 9 7 2 , several tests have been carried out in order to monitor any material
changes. In this connection test samples have been retrieved from existing fills to be checked for possible changes
in strength and unit density. Also variations in water absorbtion for blocks placed in drained, submerged or
semisubmerged positions have been observed. In order to determine the stress distribution within blocks and fills both
laboratory and field tests have been performed. Finally possible load creep effects have been observed both in the
In Norway test samples have been retrieved from a total of five fills. The testing frequency is shown in table 3 . 1 .
Material strength
As mentioned above the design compressive strength of blocks have been set to be at least a = I 00 kN/m when
not otherwise specified. In actual practice a shipment of blocks may be accepted if the average strength of tested
2 2
blocks is a � 100 kN/m . The average value for test specimens from one block (6 tests) should be a � 90 kN/m and
no single tests should show values a < 80 kN/m •
One major indicator of possible deterioration of blocks with time would be a decrease in the material strength. The
strength tests performed on retrieved samples from fills having been in the ground for up to 24 years are shown in
figure 3 . 1 . as a function of dry unit density and compressive strength. Bearing in mind the criteria mentioned above
for accepting blocks to be placed in a fill, all test result give values of compressive strength above a = I 00 kN/m
except for one test. This one test was performed on samples taken from the first fill shortly after it was completed
in 1 9 7 2 , and is more an indication of variations in material quality of EPS with the production process used at that
time. Still the observed value is within the accepted statistical variations in material strength .
From figure 3 . 1 it may also be observed that the majority of tests show values of compressive strength in relation
to unit density above that of a normal quality material. Although it is of course impossible to make exact comparisons
- 38-
between material strength at
change tendency is to be
... Langhus
-• 110
• noted, this would go towards a
.. Len ken
strength. If this is the case,
• �-Sande
• 100 such an increase could be
a. explained by a continued
- Normal qual.
E chemical reaction leading to
0 90
o material hardening during the
of variation in material
strength whether the retrieved specimens are tested wet or dry. This indicate that water pickup over years in the
Unit density
ci ,.• 90
polystyrene when there is a temperature gradient,
or fill will be very small. Possible water absorption due to watervapour diffusion is therefore expected to be small.
Water absorption due to waterpressure or capillary rise depends on unit density and how well the spheres are
welded together. A number of tests, mainly on small samples in laboratories, have been performed in several
countries in order to study water absorption effects. Both the quality of these tests and the results vary somewhat.
Tests performed on samples retrieved form existing fills in Norway are in agreement with some of the laboratory
Tests performed on samples retrieved from three EPS fills placed in a drained position, i.e. blocks are located above
the highest groundwater or flood level, all show water contents below 1 % by volume after more than 20 years in
the ground (figure 3.2).Furthermore there is hardly any change in the water content with time. Samples retrieved from
- 39-
·: .: . ::· ··:-.:· ... ::.: .. ·' :=::·.:·, .. ,·:, :·. ·.,··.·: ..
. .. .. . . .. . . .. ;r,�t�r�n�tv01qm �r
... 0 S . · . 10
. . . O + .
,:-.P� ---+�-""-:-.,..--�......_r, ·.
i ....... 20,
c,, 30 . .
· !
� 40
a,. .
,g 50 ..
J 60
so < :/'){ :: >• , · · · . , : · . .
l :·. to · ·· .. • s�bd�� ·•· .
90 -. l
· ( )Year'after
1 oo · ··constiuetion· .. ,, :: •,�:::.: ., .
Figure 3 . 3 Horizontal gradient of water in EPS Figure 3 . 4 Typical water content in submerged EPS blocks
the outer parts of blocks facing the surrounding soil may have a higher water content as may be seen from figure
3 . 3 . But only 500 mm further into the block the water content is again below 1 % by volume. So the average density
of drained fills therefore have values of p < 30 kg/m' . This is well below the specified design value for such fills.
In blocks which are periodically submerged, water contents of up to 4 % by volume have been measured. In
permanently submerged blocks measured water contents have reached values close to 1 0 % by volume with some
increase over the years (figure 3.4). Further increases above 10 % by volume is, however, not to be expected. For
submerged fills the average density is therefore of the order of p = 90 - 95 kg/m' after some 20 years in the ground.
The water content decreases rapidly above the water table and show values for drained conditions only some 200
Both full scale and laboratory tests have been performed related to material creep. In general only about 30 % of
the material strength is utilised for supporting dead loads, i.e. qdw < 30 kN/m for normal strength blocks ( a = 100
kN/m In some special cases higher stress related to dead loads have been used. In a laboratory test at the
Norwegian Road Research Laboratory a test fill of height 2 m with normal size and a compressive strength
Time (days)
NRRL testhall
U> 1,5
- 4 0 -
o = 100 kN/m has been loaded
to a value of qdw = 52.5 kN/m
deformations to be expected
according to the theories
,4 introduced by Magnan &
Serra trice .
although deformations in the bottom block layer was 4 % initially and later creep effects amount to further 2.5 %.
Deformations in the bottom layer correspond with the theoretical values predicted by Magnan & Serratrice.
Stress distribution
Based on stress observations from the testhall experiments and the Lakkeberg bridge using hydraulic cells
distributed in and below the fills, attempts have been made to evaluate the stress distribution in EPS blocks.
Measuring stresses between blocks are of course difficult and the results obtained vary quite a bit. In general
measured stresses are, however, relatively low and indicate that the outer perimeter of the stress bulb may lie within
a slope with a gradient 2: 1 measured from the outer edge of the loading area. However, depending on the stiffness
of the loading area and possible load eccentricities, local stress concentrations may occur.
From the observations discussed above it may be fair to conclude that no deficiency effects are to be expected from
EPS fills placed in the ground for a normal life cycle of 100 years. This should hold true provided possible buoyancy
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forces resulting from fluctuating water levels are properly accounted for, the blocks are properly protected from
accidental spills of dissolving agents and the applied stress level from dead loads is kept below 50 % of the material
Use in railway fi
In Norway EPS has also been used in connection with railway lines. In one of the first cases a 2,5 m thick fill of
EPS blocks with material strength a = 1 5 0 kN/m (p = 30 kg/m') was constructed behind the abutment of a railway
bridge in order to obtain satisfactory stability conditions. A 1 5 0 mm thick concrete slab was cast on top of the EPS
with the ballast layer and tracks on top of the concrete slab. After the bridge was completed, load tests were carried
out in order to measure deformations due to train Jive loads. For this purpose a locomotive with axle loads of 1 5 5
kN was used. The observations obtained from the test show that deformations measured on top of the concrete layer
were minor and negligible compared to the deformations measured on the sleepers supporting the rails. This proved
that the significant part of the deformations occurred in the normal ballast layer used for railways and not in the EPS
structure. Trains have since been passing the bridge at normal speeds on a regular basis.
In connection with a new main road through the city of Fredrikstad in southern Norway, a railway underpass had
to be reconstructed at St. Croix in order to increase the free height under the railway bridge. In order to maintain
railway services during the reconstruction period, it was necessary to construct a temporary railway bridge
approximately I O m to the west of the existing bridge. The project also included a new pedestrian overpass bridge
across the road to the east of and parallel to the new railway bridge. With the site being located in a city, the space
available for reconstruction activities was somewhat limited. A plan view of the project is shown on figure 4 . 1 .
Site investigations showed thick layers of soft, somewhat overconsolidated marine clay at the site. Bedrock was
located at depths varying from around 30 m to 60 m below ground level. Piled foundations down to bedrock would
Taking advantage of the overconsolidation effect in the clay, it was decided to use a continuous culvert design for
the new railway bridge and separate footings for the pedestrian bridge. In order to provide adequate stability
conditions for the fills adjacent to the bridge abutments, EPS was introduced. Also it was decided to use EPS in
connection with the temporary railway bridge and adjacent fills. With the latter solution it was also possible to restrict
the fill area in order to prevent conflicts between existing buildings and construction activities on the new bridge.
Both for the permanent and the temporary railway bridge it was decided to use EPS of material strength a =200
2 2
kN/m and selfextinguishing quality. For the pedestrian bridge the normal strength of a = J O O kN/m was specified.
Also it may be noted that since the fills adjacent to the pedestrian bridge represented some additional load on the
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subsoil, a continuous vertical joint was introduced between the EPS fills for the railway bridge and the pedestrian
bridge in order to allow any differential movements to take place without interference between the fills.
On all EPS fills a 100 mm thick reinforced concrete slab was cast on top of the EPS. For the railway fills a 600 mm
thick load distributing ballast layer of crushed rock was placed above the concrete slab, while a road base of 400 mm
thickness was used for the footpath. The total volume ofEPS involved was close to 3,700 m'. The main advantage
of using EPS in this case was perhaps achieved in connection with the temporary realignment of the railway line
which constitutes the main railway link between Norway and Central Europe through Sweden. The maximum height
of this EPS fill, carrying both passenger and heavy freight trains, was 6 m, and the total volume of some 3000 rn'
EPS blocks could be reused when the project was completed and opened for traffic in July 1 9 9 3 .
-. -_. • ..
. ' .... <" . ,,.�
For previous projects in Norway it had been demonstrated that fills of EPS could be used to support bridge
foundations. The first project at Lekkeberg in 1 9 8 9 involved a single span, temporary steel bridge where both
abutments were founded directly on 5 m high EPS fills. When distress signs were discovered on a bridge carrying
a local road across the main Euroroad E 6 at Hjelmungen, close to the Swedish border, the use of EPS for repair
The three span, 54 m long bridge with a continuous concrete deck was completed in 1 9 9 2 with abutments and
pillars founded on concrete piles to firm ground. The 5 m high fills adjoining the bridge consisted partly of ordinary
filling material and partly of waste material from the production of Leca building blocks with a unit weight of y =
8 kN/m . The fills were resting on subsoils consisting of some 1 1 - 1 4 m of soft, sensitive marine clay, partly quick
the approach fills was the main problem, it was decided to reduce
the load on the subsoil by some 30 - 40 kN/m in order to re
replacing parts of the fills with EPS blocks and supporting new
Figure 4 . 3 Temporary bridge support bridge abutments directly on the EPS. Repair works were started
- 43 -
in December 1 9 9 5 and completed during the spring of 1 9 9 6 . One abutment was treated at a time while the bridge
deck was provided with a temporary support as shown in figure 4 . 3 . Thickness and density of the original filling
materials were recorded as they were removed in order to have accurate data for control of load and settlement
calculations. After removing the old abutments, the concrete piles were inspected regarding possible damage before
being cut at ground level. No pile damage were observed. Construction of the EPS fills could then be started. In this
case three different qualities of EPS have been employed. In the zone directly beneath the bridge abutment as
indicated by the dotted lines in figure 4.4, a material quality of a =235 kN/m is specified for the first three layers
beneath the bottom slab of the abutment. Further down a material quality of a = 1 8 0 kN/m is be used within the
indicated zone. In the rest of the EPS fill a normal quality of a = 1 0 0 kN/m is specified. These quality requirements
have been decided based on evaluation of stress distribution in the material in order to keep the stress level for dead
loads within 30 % of the material strength. Stricter geometric requirements than normal were also enforced related
to block dimensions in order to obtain an even fill and reduce the initial deformations when the load from the bridge
Behind both abutments a 1 0 m long and 200 mm thick concrete apron is specified to be cast above the EPS fill as
a friction plate in order to take up horizontal forces on the abutment. On the rest of the EPS fill a concrete slab of 100
mm thickness is specified. To complete the road pavement 400 mm of pavement material will be placed on top of
r Bridge abutment
D A(C•El B
3 S e t t l e m e n t tube
In order to monitor the behaviour of the reconstructed bridge both settlement and stress gauges have been installed.
The different types of gauges and their location in relation to the bridge abutment are indicated in cross section
figure 4 . 6 . Prior to reconstruction the settlement rate of the adjoining fi l l s were observed to be 1 0 0 mm/year and
constant. During the two first months after reconstruction observed settlements have been a negligible O - 2 mm, with
the abutment having experienced the full reaction load from the bridge deck for one month. Observed stresses
beneath the EPS fill indicate a higher stress under the central part of the abutment slab than under the edges as shown
in figure 4 . 7 . Calculated loads on the abutment are indicated by the heavy line in the diagram. Problems associated
with providing enough lifting force when jacking up the bridge deck may, however, indicate that the reaction load
from the bridge deck is somewhat higher than calculated. The higher stress level observed under the central part of
the abutment is expected to be reduced somewhat as minor local soil deformations here may redistribute stresses.
- 44 -
The behaviour of the
.. 40 relatively easy to perform.
.. Settlements seem to have been
! 30
... halted although observations
"' 20
ii over a longer period of time is
� 10
-.. needed in order to confirm this.
0 The vertical stresses observed
A similar design, using EPS fills to support the abutments and reduce loads on the subsoil, is now beeing
implemented on two new pedestrian overpass bridges to be constructed during the spring of 1996 in the City of
Fredrikstad. These three span bridges are to be supported on concrete piles to bedrock at the pillars. The sides of
the EPS fills will be terminated in nearly vertical walls with slope gradients of I O : I and protected by slabs of natural
Of the many alternatives available for solving load problems associated with construction activities on soft subsoils,
the use of EPS blocks as a lightweight filling material seems for several reasons to be a potential winner in many
cases. The economic benefits may vary somewhat depending on local production costs, but transport costs are usually
low, the blocks are easy to handle on site and may easily be adjusted in shape to fit adjoining structures. This will
normally lead to shorter construction times. Although alternative solutions should always be considered, EPS may
often provide not only the light solution but the right solution.
From a global perspective it is believed that there will be a marked increase in the use ofEPS as a lightweight filling
material in the years to come. The present experience now existing in many countries have not indicated any
deficiencies associated with such uses of EPS provided possible pitfalls are prevented. The one major factor to be
considered in this connection is buoyancy forces. In addition possible fire hazards during the construction period and
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