18-Soft Soil Creep Model - Plaxis
18-Soft Soil Creep Model - Plaxis
18-Soft Soil Creep Model - Plaxis
This model is the Soft Soil Creep model as presented in PLAXIS manual. The model is developed using
the user-defined material model option in RS2 and RS3.
The Soft Soil Creep model is suitable for materials that exhibit high degrees of compressibility and exhibit
significant creep behavior (e.g. secondary consolidation in an oedometer test). The features that are
considered in this model are stress-dependency of stiffness; distinction between primary loading and
unloading-reloading, timedependent compression, memory of preconsolidation stress; shear strength
following the Mohr-Coulomb (MC) failure criterion, creep yield surface adapted from the Modified Cam-
Clay model with an associated flow rule.
The main assumption in consideration of creep behavior in this model is that the elastic strains are
instantaneous and plastic strains are only viscous and will develop over time. The viscoplastic strains are
in development throughout the entire time but the rate at which they are developed will depend on number
of factors as presented in equation (18.1).
Yield Surfaces
p eq p eq
Figure 18.1 - The yield surfaces of the Soft Soil Creep model; Mohr Coulomb yield surface (red)
and elliptical caps for calculations of viscoplastic strains (blue)
18.1- Creep Behavior and Calculation of Viscoplastic Strain
The creep volumetric strain, vc , is calculated from the equation blew.
* − *
* p eq *
vc = eq (18.2)
In above * and * are the modified compression and swelling indexes, and can be obtained from isotropic
compression tests that include loading and unloading, * is the modified creep index, p eq is a new stress
measure that is calculated based on the current stress state in equation (18.3), p eq
p is the generalized
Cc 2Cr
* = = , * = (18.2)
1+ e 2.3(1 + e) 1 + e 2.3(1 + e)
p eq = p + (18.3)
M 2 ( p + c cot )
In above p and q are stress invariants calculated based on the current stress state and M is the slope of
critical state line, c and are the cohesion and friction angle of the material used to define its shear
strength with a Mohr-Coulomb criterion.
p eq = p eq
exp * *
p p0
The subscript 0 in above denotes to initial condition when the time and creep volumetric strain are zero.
Figure 18.1 shows that the stress measure p eq represents an ellipse in p-q plane. The ellipse follows the
same shape and formulation as in Modified Cam Clay model with a lateral shift on the p axis. The
generalized equivalent preconsolidation pressure is also shown in Figure 18.1. The magnitude of creep
strain is negligible when p eq is less than p eq
p . The time dependent deformations will become more
significant for cases when p eq is greater than p eq
p . In the latter case the rate of creep deformations will
* − *
p p
eq * eq * p eq
ijc = eq (18.4)
p p p ij
The slope of the critical state line, 𝑀, is determined from the coefficient of lateral earth pressure 𝐾0𝑛𝑐
evaluated from an oedometer test.
2 𝜆∗
(1−𝐾0𝑛𝑐 ) (1−𝐾0𝑛𝑐 )(1−2𝜈)( ∗ −1)
𝑀 = 3√ 2 + 𝜆∗ (18.5)
(1+2𝐾0𝑛𝑐 ) (1+2𝐾0𝑛𝑐 )(1−2𝜈) − (1−𝐾0𝑛𝑐 )(1+𝜈)
The elastic behavior is similar to that in the Modified Cam Clay model assuming a constant Poisson’s ratio,
and a bulk modulus that is dependent on the confinement and the swelling index.
p Eur
K= = (17.3)
3(1 − 2 ur )
In above the subscript ur stands for unloading/reloading. A minimum value for “ p ” is considered in the
calculation of bulk modulus.
Characteristics Values
* 0.1055
* 0.01635
* 0.04
Plaxis, "User’s manual of PLAXIS." (2014).
Figure 18.2. Stress paths of drained triaxial tests on a soft soil creep material (dt=1min)
Figure 17.4. Stress paths of undrained triaxial tests on a soft soil creep material (dt=1min)