Mind Map For Networks

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A collection of devices that are

connected through
communication devices and
Computer Network transmission media.

Definitions A process in which two or more

computer devices transfer data,
Network Communication instructions and information.
Not very costly to setup
Easy use
Quick communication
Secure for data storage

A network that connects Cost cutting is easy since all

computers and devices in a devices of an organization can
limited area (such as school, link to one printer or scanner
house, classroom, office
Unapproved users can access
LAN Local area network workspace, etc).
any data if there is a technical
Distance limitation
Installation is expensive
Disadvantages Time consuming file sharing
outside of network
Malware on any one device can
extend to other connected
Reduced size of broadcast
More secure
Advantages Device management through
VLAN is simple
Allows use of local grouping
VLAN Virtual local area network A local group of work spaces. Cannot forward traffic
Require an additional router to
handle workloads on large
Easy to leak between one VLAN
to another VLAN
All different logical network
segment networks
Increase efficiency
Easy communication
A network that covers a wide Advantages Large network cover
area or any network whose
communication links cross any Large area communication
boundaries (regional, national,
Boosts privacy
WAN Wide area network metropolitan).
Slow speed
High setup cost
Low security
Maintenance issues
High speed data transfer
Failover protection (works even
Advantages if a few servers go offline/fail)
Centralized backup

Connects servers to devices Cheaper backup

SAN Storage area network that store data. Disaster recovery
Types of Networks Pricey
Doesn’t work as well with fewer
Data leaks
Advantages Easy to Feature/remove
Links two or more devices using
wireless distribution (eg a Economically efficient
WLAN Wireless local area network school). License requirement
Limited area access
The more devices connected,
the slower the data transfer rate
Low security
Lower transfer rate than LAN
Avoids geo-restrictions
Advantages Security protection
Capable of bypassing firewalls
A method used to provide
secure access to a remote Prevent bandwidth throttling
VPN Virtual private network computer through the internet.
Slower internet speed
Privacy issues
Disadvantages Connection droppings
Legal issues
Hard to configure
A network of personal Easy maintenance
computers, each of which act as
as the client and the server such Cost of central server is saved
that each can exchange files Advantages
and email directly with every Repairing nodes is easy in this
P2P Peer to peer network other computer on the network. network
Data loss vulnerability
Independence reduces security
Doesn’t require frequent
Used for communication among
computers and other Portable
communicating and information
PAN Personal area network giving devices. Fewer technical skills required
Low network coverage
Low data rates
Non-compatible devices
WPAN is costly

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