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An Overview of Computer

Networks: From Basic

Concepts to Types and

by Ashvika bakshi
Table of contents

01 02 03
Introduction to Its types and Networking
computer networks topologies Components

04 05 06
Typs of networks Classification of Advantages and
computer network Disadvantages

06 06
Quiz Case study
Computer networks are the backbone of modern communication. They enable us to
connect devices and share data across great distances. This presentation will cover the
concepts and topologies that make up computer networks.
What is a computer

A computer network is a group of

interconnected devices that can
communicate and share resources.
These resources can include data,
printers, and internet access. Networks
can be wired or wireless and can span
small areas or entire countries.
Fig: Computer Network
First Computer

Advanced Research
Projects Agency
Devices/components of Networking

Servers Routers
Powerful computers that store Devices that connect multiple
and manage data and resources networks and direct data traffic
for network users. appropriately.

Modems Cabling
Devices that convert digital signals to Physical wires and cables that link
analog for transmission over devices in a network together.
telephone lines or cables.
Computer networks have revolutionized the way
banking and insurance companies operate. With
the help of computer networks, these companies
can now offer online services to their customers,
making it easier for them to access their accounts
and policies. Moreover, computer networks have
also made it possible for banks and insurance
companies to process and store large amounts of
data quickly and efficiently, improving their
services and increasing profits.

Case Study: Computer

Networks in Banking and
Types of Networks

1 Client-Server

One or more devices (clients) communicate

with a central server that provides services
Peer-to-Peer 2 and manages resources.
Devices connect and communicate directly
without the need for a central server. Used
for sharing files and resources on a small
scale. 3 Cloud

A network of remote servers hosted on the

internet used to store, manage and process
data. Provides convenient access to data and
resources from anywhere with an internet
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of
computers and associated devices that share High Speed: LANs offer high Limited Range: LANs are
a common communication line or wireless data transfer rates, especially geographically restricted,
link within a small geographic area, often when compared to WANs. typically to a building or a
Technologies like Gigabit
within a single building or campus campus. To interconnect
Ethernet can provide speeds
of up to 1 Gbps.
different LANs or to
connect to a broader
Cost-Effective: Once the initial network like the internet,
infrastructure is set up, additional hardware and
transferring data within a LAN configurations (like routers
is usually free. Shared and WAN links) are
resources (like printers and needed.
files) reduce costs
further.Centralized Data

Management: Data storage

and backups can be Maintenance Cost: Regular
centralized, making data maintenance, updates, and
management more troubleshooting can add to
streamlined and efficient. the operational costs.
WAN, or Wide Area Network, is a 1.Broad Coverage: WANs can cover 1.High Costs: Setting up WAN,
telecommunications network that vast geographical areas, spanning especially if using leased lines, can be
extends over a large geographical across cities, countries, and even expensive in terms of both initial setup
area, linking different LANs (Local continents. This allows organizations and ongoing operational costs.
Area Networks) and other types of to communicate and share resources
networks. over long distances.

2.Security Concerns: As WANs span

2.Centralized Data Management: vast areas and often use public networks,
Large businesses and organizations they can be more susceptible to various
can centralize their data repositories, security threats. Proper security measures
making it easier for different branches like encryption, firewalls, and intrusion
or locations to access and synchronize detection systems are necessary.
with the central database.

Business Continuity: With 3.Complexity: Managing and

appropriate infrastructure, WANs can maintaining a WAN, especially for a
offer redundancy. If one path fails, multinational corporation, can be
data can be rerouted through another. complex. It requires expert knowledge
and tools for configuration,
troubleshooting, and monitoring.
MAN, or Metropolitan Area Network, is a ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES
type of network that covers a larger area
than a local area network (LAN) but is
smaller than a wide area network (WAN). 1.Coverage: MANs cover a larger 1.Complexity: Due to its size and
It typically spans a city or a large campus. area than LANs, making them the integration of several LANs,
ideal for cities, large campuses, or MANs can be more complex to set
organizations with multiple up and manage than a simple LAN.
buildings within a city.

2.Cost: The initial setup cost for a

2.High Speed: Generally, MANs MAN can be high, given the
offer high-speed connections and infrastructure and technology
can be a good blend of the LAN's needed to span a city or large
speed and the WAN's coverage. campus.

3.Centralized Data 3.Limited Coverage: While they

Management: Allows cover more area than a LAN, they
organizations to centralize data are still geographically limited,
management, which can simplify typically to a city or a metropolitan
data storage, backups, and other area.
administrative tasks.
Personal Area Network, which refers to a
network of personal devices typically used by a 1.Convenience: Users can easily 1.Security Concerns: As with all
single person. This often includes devices like
smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, laptops, and
connect and synchronize networks, there's a potential risk of
other wearable or portable devices. multiple personal devices, unauthorized access. Devices on a PAN
enhancing their daily experiences might be vulnerable to hacks,
eavesdropping, or malware if not
and workflows. properly secured.

2.Portability: Most devices in a 2.Interference: The technologies that

PAN are lightweight and power PANs, like Bluetooth and Zigbee,
can face interference from other devices
portable, allowing users to or networks, affecting connectivity and
maintain connectivity on the performance.

3.Device Compatibility: Not all devices

might be compatible with each other,
3.Personalization: PANs allow which can create challenges in setting up
users to customize their network and maintaining a seamless PAN.
settings and preferences to suit
their individual needs.
Quiz time

Identify the

Identify the following network modules…

Computer networks have revolutionized the way
banking and insurance companies operate. With
the help of computer networks, these companies
can now offer online services to their customers,
making it easier for them to access their accounts
and policies. Moreover, computer networks have
also made it possible for banks and insurance
companies to process and store large amounts of
data quickly and efficiently, improving their
services and increasing profits.

Case Study: Computer

Networks in Banking and
Do you have any questions?

Group 1

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