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Epri-Pra Module 1

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Basics of Nuclear Power Plant

Probabilistic Risk Assessment

Fire PRA Workshop 2011

San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL

A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Course Objectives

• Introduce PRA modeling and analysis methods

applied to nuclear power plants
– Initiating event identification
– Event tree and fault tree model development
– Human reliability analysis
– Data analysis
– Accident sequence quantification
– LERF analysis

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Course Outline

1. Overview of PRA
2. Initiating Event Analysis
3. Event Tree Analysis
4. Fault tree Analysis
5. Human Reliability Analysis
6. Data Analysis
7. Accident Sequence Quantification
8. LERF Analysis

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Overview of PRA

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What is Risk?

• Arises from a “Danger” or “Hazard”

• Always associated with undesired
• Involves both:
– likelihood of undesired event
– severity (magnitude) of the

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Risk Definition

• Risk - the frequency

q y with which a g
given consequence

Risk [ Consequence Magnitude

Unit of Time ]=
Events Magnitude
Frequency [ Unit of Time ] x C
Consequences [ Event ]

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Risk Example:
Death Due to Accidents

• Societal
S i t l Ri
k = 93
000 accidental-deaths/year
id t l d th /
(based on Center for Disease Control actuarial data)
• Average Individual Risk
= (93,000 Deaths/Year)/250,000,000 Total U.S. Pop.
= 3.7E-04 Deaths/Person-Year
. 1/2700 Deaths/Person
• In any given year, approximately 1 out of every 2,700 people in the entire
U.S. population will suffer an accidental death

• Note: www.cdc.gov latest data (2005) 117,809 unintentional deaths and

296,748,000 U.S. population, thus average individual risk . (117,809
deaths/year)/296 748 000 . 4E
deaths/year)/296,748,000 4E-04
04 Deaths/Person-Year
Deaths/Person Year

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Risk Example:
Death Due to Cancer

• Societal Risk = 538,000 cancer-deaths/year

(based on Center for Disease Control actuarial data)
• Average
g Individual Risk
= (538,000 Cancer-Deaths/Year)/250,000,000 Total U.S. Pop.
= 2.2E-03 Cancer-Deaths/Person-Year
. 1/460 Cancer
Deaths/Person Year
• In any given year, approximately 1 person out of every 460 people in the
entire U.S. population will die from cancer

• Note: www.cdc.gov latest data (2005) 546,016 cancer deaths and 296,748,000 U.S.
population, thus average individual risk . (546,016 deaths/year)/296,748,000 .
1 8E-03
1.8E 03 Deaths/Person-Year
Deaths/Person Year

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Overview of PRA Process

• PRAs are pperformed to find severe accident weaknesses

and provide quantitative results to support decision-making.
Three levels of PRA have evolved:
Level An Assessment of: Result

1 Plant accident initiators and Core damage frequency &

systems’/operators’ response contributors

2 Frequency and modes of Categorization &

containment failure frequencies of containment
3 Public health consequences Estimation of public &
economic risks

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Overview of Level-1/2/3 PRA
Bridge Event
Level-1 Tree Level-2 Level-3
Eventt (
t i t Containment Event Consequence
IEs Tree systems) Tree (APET) Analysis
LOCA Source
S Code
LOSP CD PDS Terms Calculations

Plant Systems Severe Accident Offsite Consequence

dHHuman A Action
ti Progression Risk
Models (Fault Analyses • Early Fatalities/year
Trees and Human (Experimental and • Latent Cancers/year
Reliabilityy Computer Code • Population Dose/year
Analyses) Results) • Offsite Cost ($)/year
• etc.
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Principal Steps in PRA


1 2 3

Initiating Accident Accident RCS / Source Release Offsite Health &

Event Sequence Sequence Containment Term Category Conseq’s Economic
Analysis Analysis Quantif. Response Analysis Character. Analysis Risk
Analysis and

Success Systems Uncertainty Phenomena Uncertainty Uncertainty
& & Model &
Criteria Analysis* Analysis
Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity
Analysis Analysis Analysis

Data Response
Analysis* Human
Analysis* Pathways

LERF Assessment Health


Eff t
* Used in Level 2 as required

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PRA Classification

• Internal Hazards – risk from accidents initiated internal to

the plant
– Includes internal events, internal flooding and internal fire events
• External Hazards – risk from external events
– Includes seismic, external flooding, high winds and tornadoes,
airplane crashes, lightning, hurricanes, etc.
• At-Power – accidents initiated while p
plant is critical and
producing power (operating at >X%* power)
• Low Power and Shutdown (LP/SD) – accidents initiated
while plant is <X%*
<X% power or shutdown
– Shutdown includes hot and cold shutdown, mid-loop operations,
X is usually plant
*X plant-specific.
specific The separation between full and low power
is determined by evolutions during increases and decreases in power
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Specific Strengths of PRA

• Rigorous, systematic analysis tool

• Information integration (multidisciplinary)
• Allows consideration of complex
p interactions
• Develops qualitative design insights
• Develops quantitative measures for decision
• Provides a structure for sensitivity studies
• Explicitly highlights and treats principal sources of
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Principal Limitations of PRA

• Inadequacy of available data

• Lack of understanding of physical processes
• High sensitivity of results to assumptions
• Constraints on modeling effort (limited resources)
– simplifying
p y g assumptions
– truncation of results during quantification
• PRA is typically a snapshot in time
– this limitation mayy be addressed byy having
g a “living”
• plant changes (e.g., hardware, procedures and operating
practices) reflected in PRA model
• temporary system configuration changes (e.g., out of service
for maintenance) reflected in PRA model
• Lack of completeness (e.g., human errors of commission typically not

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Initiating Event Analysis

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Principal Steps in PRA


1 2 3

Initiating Accident Accident RCS / Source Release Offsite Health &

Event Sequence Sequence Containment Term Category Conseq’s Economic
Analysis Analysis Quantif. Response Analysis Character. Analysis Risk
Analysis and

Success Systems Uncertainty Phenomena Uncertainty Uncertainty
& & Model &
Criteria Analysis* Analysis
Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity
Analysis Analysis Analysis

Data Response
Analysis* Human
Analysis* Pathways

LERF Assessment Health


Eff t
* Used in Level 2 as required

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Initiating Event Analysis

• Purpose: Students will learn what is an initiating event (IE), how

to identify
id if them,
h and
d group them
h iinto categoriesi ffor ffurther
– Understand
U d t d the th relationship
l ti hi bbetween
t iinitiating
iti ti eventt
identification and other PRA elements
– Identify the types of initiating events typically considered in a
– Become familiar with various ways to identify initiating events
– Understand how initiating events are grouped
• References:
R f
– NUREG/CR-2300, NUREG/CR-5750, NUREG/CR-3862,
NUREG/CR-4550, Volume 1

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Initiating Events

• Definition – Anyy potential

p occurrence that could disrupt
p p
operations to a degree that a reactor trip or plant shutdown is
required. Initiating events are quantified in terms of their
frequency of occurrence (i.e., number of events per calendar year
of operation)
• Can occur while reactor is at full power, low power, or shutdown
– Focus of this session is on IEs during full power operation
• Can be internal to the plant or caused by external events
– Focus of this session is on internal IEs
• Basic categories of internal IEs:
– transients (initiated by failures in the balance of plant or nuclear
steam supply)
– loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs) in reactor coolant system
– interfacing system LOCAs
– LOCA outside of containment
– special transients (generally support system initiators)
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Role of Initiating Events in PRA

• Identifying initiating events is the first step in the development of

accident sequences
• Accident sequences can be conceptually thought of as a combination
– an initiating
i iti ti event,
t which
hi h triggers
ti a series
i off plant
l t and/or
d/ operator
responses, and
– A combination of success and/or failure of the plant system and/or
operator response that result in a core damage state
• Initiating event identification is an iterative process that requires
feedback from other PRA elements
– system analysis
– review of plant experience and data

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Initiating Event Analysis

• Collect information on actual plant trips

• Identify other abnormal occurrences that could cause a
plant trip or require a shutdown
• Identify the plant response to these initiators including the
functions and associated systems that can be used to
mitigate these events
• Grouping IEs into categories based on their impact on
mitigating systems
• Quantify
Q tif the
th frequency
f off each
h IE category
t (Included
(I l d d later
l t
in Data Analysis session)

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Comprehensive Engineering

• Review historical events (reactor trips

trips, shutdowns
shutdowns, system
• Discrete spectrum of LOCA sizes considered based on location of
breaks (e
g in vs
vs. out of containment
containment, steam vs
vs. liquid)
components (e.g., pipe vs. SORV), and available mitigation
• Review comprehensive list of possible transient initiators based
on existing lists (see for example NUREG/CR-3862) and from
Safety Analysis Report
• Review list of initiating event groups modeled in other PRAs and
adapt based on plant-specific information – typical approach for
existing LWRs
• Feedback provided
pro ided from other PRA taks

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Sources of Data for Identifying IEs

• Plant-specific sources:
– Licensee Event Reports
– Scram reports
– Abnormal, System
y Operation,
p and Emergency
g y
– Plant Logs
– Safetyy Analysis
y Report (SAR)
( )
– System descriptions
• Generic sources:
– NUREG/CR-3862
– NUREG/CR-4550, Volume 1
– NUREG/CR-5750
– Other PRAs
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Criteria for Eliminating IEs

• Some IEs may not have to modeled because:

– Frequency
F is
i very low
l ((e.g., <1E-7/ry)
1E 7/ )
• ASME PRA Standard exclude ISLOCAs ,
containment bypass,
yp , vessel rupture
p from this criteria
– Frequency is low (<1E-6/ry) and at least two trains of
mitigating systems are not affected by the IE
– Effect
Eff t is
i slow,
l easily
il identified,
id tifi d and d recoverable
bl bbefore
plant operation is adversely affected (e.g., loss of
control room HVAC)
– Effect does not cause an automatic scram or an
administrative demand for shutdown (e.g., waste
treatment failure))

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Initiating Event Grouping

• For each identified initiating event:

– Identif
Identify the safet
safety ffunctions
nctions req
ired to pre
ent core damage
and containment failure
– Identify the plant systems that can provide the required safety
• Group initiating events into categories that require the
same or similar p plant response
• This is an iterative process, closely associated with
event tree construction. It ensures the following:
– All functionally distinct accident sequences will be included
– Overlapping of similar accident sequences will be prevented
– A single
g event tree can be used for all IEs in a category
g y

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Example Initiating Events (PWR)
from NUREG/CR-5750

g y Initiating
g Event Mean Frequency
q y
(per critical year)
B Loss of offsite power 4.6E-2
L Loss of condenser 0 12
P Loss of feedwater 8.5E-2
Q General transient (PCs available) 1.2
F Steam generator tube rupture 7.0E-3
ATWS 8.4E-6
G7 L
Large LOCA 5E 6
G6 Medium LOCA 4E-5
G3 Small LOCA 5E-4

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Example Initiating Events (PWR)
from NUREG/CR-5750 (cont.)
( )

Category Initiating Event Mean Frequency

(per critical year)

G2 Stuck-open relief valve 5.0E-3

K1 High energy line break outside 1.0E-2

C1+C2 Loss of vital medium or low voltage 2 3E 2
ac bus
C3 Loss of vital dc bus 2.1E-3

D Loss of instrument or control air 9.6E-3

E1 Loss of service water 9 7E 4


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Accident Sequence

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Principal Steps in PRA


1 2 3

Initiating Accident Accident RCS / Source Release Offsite Health &

Event Sequence Sequence Containment Term Category Conseq’s Economic
Analysis Analysis Quantif. Response Analysis Character. Analysis Risk
Analysis and

Success Systems Uncertainty Phenomena Uncertainty Uncertainty
& & Model &
Criteria Analysis* Analysis
Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity
Analysis Analysis Analysis

Data Response
Analysis* Human
y Pathways

LERF Assessment Health


* Used in Level 2 as required

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Accident Sequence Analysis
• Purpose: Students will learn purposes & techniques of accident
sequence (event) analysis. Students will be exposed to the
concept of accident sequences and learn how event tree analysis
is related to the identification and quantification of dominant
accident sequences.
• Objectives:
Obj ti
– Understand purposes of event tree analysis
– Understand currently accepted techniques and notation for
event tree construction
– Understand purposes and techniques of accident sequence
– Understand how to simplify event trees
– Understand how event tree logic is used to quantify PRAs
• References: NUREG/CR-2300, NUREG/CR-2728

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Event Trees

• Typically used to model the response to an initiating event

• Features:
– Generally, one system-level event tree for each initiating event group is
– Identifies
de es sys
e s/ u c o s required
equ ed for
o mitigation
ga o
– Identifies operator actions required for mitigation
– Identifies event sequence progression
– End-to-end traceabilityy of accident sequences
q leading
g to bad outcome
• Primary use
– Identification of accident sequences which result in some outcome of
interest (usually core damage and/or containment failure)
– Basis for accident sequence quantification

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Simple Event Tree
Reactor Emergency Emergency Accident
Initiating Protection Coolant Coolant Heat
Event System Pump A Pump B Removal
Sequence - End State/Plant Damage State

1 A

2. AE - plant damage

3. AC
4. ACE - plant damage

5. ACD - plant damage

6. AB - transfer

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q Information

• Knowledge of accident initiators

• Thermal-hydraulic response during accidents
• Knowledge of mitigating systems (frontline and support)
• Know the dependencies between systems
• Identify any limitations on component operations
• Knowledge of procedures (system, abnormal, and

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Principal Steps in Event Tree
• Determine boundaries of analysis
• Define critical plant safety functions available to mitigate each
initiating event
• Generate functional event tree (optional)
– Event tree heading - order & development
– Sequence delineation
• Determine systems available to perform each critical plant safety
• Determine success criteria for each system for performing each
critical plant safety function
• Generate system
level event tree
– Event tree heading - order & development
– Sequence delineation

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Determining Boundaries
• Mission time
– Sufficient to reach stable state (generally 24 hours)
• Dependencies among safety functions and systems
– Includes shared components, support systems, operator
actions, and physical processes
• End States (describe the condition of both the core and containment)
– Core OK
– Core vulnerable
– Core damage
– Containment OK
– Containment failed
– Containment vented
• Extent of operator recovery

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Critical Safety Functions

Example safety functions for core & containment

– Reactor subcriticality
– Reactor coolant system overpressure protection
– Early
E l core h heat removall
– Late core heat removal
– Containment pressure suppression
– Containment heat removal
– Containment integrity

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Functional Event Tree

• High-level representation of vital safety functions required

t mitigate
to iti t abnormal
b l eventt
– Generic response of the plant to achieve safe and
stable condition
• One functional event tree for transients and one for
• Guides the development of more detailed system-level
event tree model
• Generation
G ti off functional
f ti l eventt trees
t nott necessary;
system-level event trees are the critical models
– Could be useful for advanced reactor PRAs

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Functional Event Tree

Initiating Reactor Short term Long term

Event Trip core cooling core cooling

1 OK




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y Success Criteria

• Identify systems which can perform each function

• Often includes if the system is automatically or manually
• Identify minimum complement of equipment necessary to
perform function (often based on thermal/hydraulic
calculations, source of uncertainty)
– Calculations often realistic, rather than conservative
• May credit non-safety-related equipment where feasible

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BWR Mitigating Systems

Function Systems

Reactivity Reactor Protection System, Standby Liquid Control,

Control Alternate Rod Insertion

RCS Safety/Relief Valves

Coolant Injection High Pressure Coolant Injection, High Pressure Core
Spray, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling, Low Pressure Core
Spray, Low Pressure Coolant Injection (RHR)
Alternate Systems- Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System,
Condensate, Service Water, Firewater
Decay Heat Power Conversion System, Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
Removal modes (Shutdown Cooling
Cooling, Containment Spray
Suppression Pool Cooling)
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PWR Mitigating Systems

Function Systems

Reactivity Control Reactor Protection System

RCS Overpressure Safety valves, Pressurizer power-operated relief valves

Protection (PORV)

Coolant Injection Accumulators, High Pressure Safety Injection, Chemical

Volume and Control System, Low Pressure Safety
j ((LPSI),
), High
g Pressure Recirculation ((may
require LPSI)
Decay Heat Power Conversion System (main feedwater), Auxiliary
Removal Feedwater, Residual Heat Removal (RHR), Feed and
Bleed (PORV + HPSI)

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p Success Criteria

Short Term Long Term

IE Core Core
Cooling Cooling

or or
Auto Rx Trip
1 of 3 AFW 1 of 3 AFW
i t or
or or
Man. Rx Trip
1 of 2 PORVs 1 of 2 PORVs
& 1 of 2 ECI & 1 of 2 ECR

Auto Rx Trip
Medium or or 1 of 2 ECI 1 of 2 ECR
Large LOCA Man Rx Trip

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System-Level Event Tree

• A system-level
y event tree consists of an initiating
g event ((one p
tree), followed by a number of headings (top events), and a
sequence of events representing the success or failure of the top
• Top events represent the systems
systems, components
components, and/or human
actions required to mitigate the initiating event
• To the extent possible, top events are ordered in the time-related
sequence in which they would occur
– Selection of top events and ordering reflect emergency procedures
• Each node (or branch point) below a top event represents the
success or failure of the respective top event
– Logic is typically binary
• Downward branch – failure of top event
• Upward branch – success of top event
– Logic can have more than two branches, with each branch
representing a specific status of the top event
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System-Level Event Tree
p (Continued)
( )
• Dependencies among systems(needed to prevent core damage)
are identified
– S
Support systems can be
b iincluded
l d d as top events to account ffor
significant dependencies (e.g., diesel generator failure in station
blackout event tree)
• Timing of important events (e.g., physical conditions leading to
system failure) determined from thermal-hydraulic calculations
• Branches can be pruned logically (i.e., branch points for specific
nodes removed) to remove unnecessary combinations of system
success criteria requirements
– This minimizes the total number of sequences that will be generated
and eliminates illogical sequences
h can transfer
t f to
t other
th eventt tress
t for
f development
d l t
• Each path of an event tree represents a potential scenario
• Each potential scenario results in either prevention of core
damage or onsett off core damage
d (or
( a particular
ti l endd state
t t off
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Small LOCA Event Tree from
y SDP Notebook

1 OK

2 CD

3 CD

4 OK

5 CD

6 CD

7 OK

8 CD

9 CD

10 CD

11 CD

Plant Name Abbrev.: SURY

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Event Tree Reduction and
• Single transient event tree can be drawn with specific IE
dependencies included at the fault tree level
• Event tree structure can often be simplified by reordering
top events
– Example – Placing ADS before LPCI and CS on a BWR transient
event tree
• Event tree development can be stopped if a partial
sequence frequency at a branch point can be shown to be
very small
• If at any branch point, the delineated sequences are
identical to those in delineated in another event tree,, the
accident sequence can be transferred to that event tree
(e.g., SORV sequences transferred to LOCA trees)
• Separate secondary y event trees can be drawn for certain
branches to simplify the analysis (e.g., ATWS tree)
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System Level Event Tree
Determines Sequence Logic
Initiating Rx Rx
Core Core
Event Trip Trip
g Cooling

1 OK


Success 3 EARLY CD

4 OK



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Sequence Logic Used to Combine System
Fault Trees into Accident Sequence
q Models

• System
S t fault
f lt trees
t (or
( cutt sets)
t ) are combined,
bi d using
Boolean algebra, to generate core damage accident
sequence models.
– CD seq. #5 = LOCA * AUTO * /MAN * /ECI * ECR

Transfers to
Fault Tree

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Sequence Cut Sets Generated
From Sequence
q Logic

• Sequence cut sets generated by combining system fault

trees (or cut sets) comprised by sequence logic
– Cut sets can be generated from sequence #5 “Fault
• Sequence #5 cut sets = (LOCA) * (AUTO cut sets) *
(/MAN cut sets) * (/ECI cut sets) * ( ECR cut sets)
• Or,
Or to simplify the calculation (via “delete
delete term”)
term )
– Sequence #5 cut sets  (LOCA) * (AUTO cut
sets) * (ECR cut sets) - any cut sets that contain
MAN + ECI cutt setst are deleted
d l t d

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Plant Damage State (PDS)

• Core Damage (CD) designation for end state not

sufficient to support Level 2 analysis
– Need details of core damage phenomena to
accurately model challenge to containment
• PDS relates core damage accident sequence to:
– Status of plant systems (e
g AC power
– Status of RCS (e.g., pressure, integrity)
– Status
St t off water
t inventories
i t i (e.g.,
( injected
i j t d into
i t

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Example Category Definitions for
PDS Indicators

1. Status of RCS at onset of Core Damage

T no break (transient)
A large LOCA (6” to 29”)
S1 medium LOCA (2” to 6”)
S2 small LOCA (1/2” to 2”)
S3 very smallll LOCA (l
(less th
than 1/2”)
G steam generator tube rupture with SG integrity
H steam generator tube rupture without SG integrity
V interfacing LOCA
2 Status of ECCS
I operated in injection only
B operated in injection, now operating in recirculation
R not operating, but recoverable
N not operating and not recoverable
L LPI available in injection and recirculation of RCS pressure reduced
3. Status of Containment Heat Removal Capability
Y operating or operable if/when needed
R not operating, but recoverable
N never operated, not recoverable
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Systems Analysis

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Principal Steps in PRA


1 2 3

Initiating Accident Accident RCS / Source Release Offsite Health &

Event Sequence Sequence Containment Term Category Conseq’s Economic
Analysis Analysis Quantif. Response Analysis Character. Analysis Risk
Analysis and

Success Systems Uncertainty Phenomena Uncertainty Uncertainty
& & Model &
Criteria Analysis* Analysis
Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity
Analysis Analysis Analysis

Data Response
Analysis* Human
Analysis* Pathways

LERF Assessment Health


Eff t
* Used in Level 2 as required

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Slide 52
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Systems (Fault Tree) Analysis
• Purpose: Students will learn purposes & techniques of fault
tree analysis. Students will learn how appropriate level of detail
for a fault tree analysis is established
established. Students will become
familiar with terminology, notation, and symbology employed in
fault tree analysis. In addition, a discussion of applicable
component failure modes relative to the postulation of fault
events will be presented.
• Objectives:
– Demonstrate a working knowledge of terminology,
notation, and symbology of fault tree analysis
– Demonstrate a knowledge of purposes & methods of
fault tree analysis
– Demonstrate a knowledge of the purposes and
methods of fault tree reduction
• References:
– NUREG-0492, Fault Tree Handbook
– NUREG/CR-2300,
NUREG/CR 2300 PRA Procedures Guide
– NUREG-1489, NRC Uses of PRA
Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
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Fault Tree Analysis Definition

“An analytical technique, whereby an undesired state of

th system
the t is
i specified
ifi d ((usually
ll a state
t t th
thatt iis critical
iti l ffrom
a safety standpoint), and the system is then analyzed in
the context of its environment and operation
p to find all
credible ways in which the undesired event can occur.”


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Fault Trees

• Deductive analysis (event trees are inductive)

• Starts with undesired event definition
• Used to estimate system failure probability
• Explicitly
E li i l models
d l multiple
l i l ffailures
• Identify ways in which a system can fail
• Models can be used to find:
– System “weaknesses”
– System failure probability
– Interrelationships between fault events

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Fault Trees (cont.)

• Fault trees are graphic models depicting the various fault

th that
th t will
ill result
lt iin th
the occurrence off an undesired
d i d
(top) event.
• Fault tree development moves from the top event to the
basic events (or faults) which can cause it.
• Fault tree use gates to develop the fault logic in the tree.
• Different types of gates are used to show the relationship
of the input events to the higher output event.
• Fault
F lt tree
t analysis
l i requiresi th
h kknowledge
l d off hhow
the system operates and is maintained.

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Slide 56
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Fault Tree Development Process

Tree Develop & Update Analysis Notebook

Define Define Develop Perform

Top Fault
T F lt Analysis
Primary System Fault Tree
Tree Event Assumptions
1 & Interfaces 3 Construction 5
& Constraints 4

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Fault Tree Symbols

Symbol Description

Logic gate providing a representation

“OR” Gate of the Boolean union of input events.
The output
p will occur if at least one of
the inputs occur.

Logic gate providing a representation

of the Boolean intersection of input
“AND” Gate events. The output will occur if all of
the inputs occur.

A basic component fault which

Basic Event requires no further development.
Consistent with level of resolution
in databases of component faults.

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Fault Tree Symbols (cont.)

Symbol Description

A fault event whose development

Undeveloped is limited due to insufficient
Event consequence or lack of
additional detailed information

A transfer symbol to connect

Transfer Gate various portions of the fault tree

A fault event for which a detailed

Undeveloped development is provided as a separate
Transfer Event fault tree and a numerical value is
Used as a trigger event for logic
House Event structure changes within the fault tree.
Used to impose boundary conditions
on FT.
FT Used
U d tto model
d l changes
h iin plant
l t
system status.
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Event and Gate Naming Scheme

• A consistent use of an event naming scheme is

required to obtain correct results
• Example naming scheme: XXX-YYY-ZZ-AAAA
• Where:
– XXX is the system identifier (e.g., HPI)
– YYY is the event and component type (e.g., MOV)
– ZZ is the failure mode identifier (e.g., FS)
– AAAAA is a plant component descriptor
• A gate naming scheme should also be developed and
utilized - XXXaaa
– XXX is the system identifier (e.g., HPI)
– aaa is the gate number
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Specific Failure Modes Modeled
for Each Component

• Each component associated with a specific set of failure

d / h i d
t i db by:
– Type of component
• E.g.,
E g Motor
driven pump
pump, air
operated valve
– Normal/Standby state
• Normally not running (standby)
(standby), normally open
– Failed/Safe state
• Failed if not running,
g, or success requires
q valve to
stay open

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Typical Component Failure Modes

• Active Components
– Fail to Start
– Fail to Run
– Fail
F il to O
/Cl /O
– Unavailability
• Test or Maintenance Outage

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Typical Component Failure Modes

• Passive Components (Not always modeled in PRAs)

– Rupture
– Plugging (e.g., strainers/orifice)
– Fail
F il to R
i OOpen/Closed
/Cl d ((e.g., manuall valve)
l )
– Short (cables)

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Component Boundaries

• Typically include all items unique to a specific component,

– Drivers for EDGs, MDPs, MOVs, AOVs, etc.
– Circuit breakers for pump/valve motors
– Need to be consistent with how data was collected
• That is,
is should individual piece parts be modeled
explicitly or implicitly
• For example, actuation circuits (FTS) or room
cooling (FTR)

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Active Components
p Require
q “Support”

• Signal needed to “actuate” component

– Safety Injection Signal starts pump or opens valve
– Operator action may be needed to actuate
• Support
S systems might
i h b
be required
i d ffor component to
– AC and/or DC power
– Service water or component water cooling
– Room cooling g

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Definition of Dependent Failures
• Three general types of dependent failures:
– Certain initiating events ( e
g fires
fires, floods
floods, earthquakes
earthquakes, service water
loss) cause failure of multiple components
– Intersystem dependencies including:
• Functional dependencies (e.g., dependence on AC power)
• Shared-equipment
Shared equipment dependencies (e (e.g.,
g HPCI and RCIC share
common suction valve from CST)
• Human interaction dependencies (e.g., maintenance error that
disables separate systems such as leaving a manual valve
l d iin th
the common suction
ti h header
d ffrom th
the RWST tto
multiple ECCS system trains)
– Inter-component dependencies (e.g., design defect exists in multiple
similar valves)
• The first two types are captured by event tree and fault
tree modeling; the third type is known as common cause
failure (i.e., the residual dependencies not explicitly
modeled) and is treated parametrically
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Common Cause Failures (CCFs)
( )

• Conditions which may result in failure of more than one

component, t subsystem,
b t or system
• Concerns:
– Defeats redundancy and/or diversity
– Data suggest high probability of occurrence relative to
p independent
p failures

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Common Cause Failure Mechanisms

• Environment
– Radioactivity
– Temperature
– Corrosive
C i environment
• Design deficiency
• Manufacturing error
• Test or Maintenance error
• Operational error

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Two Common Fault Tree
Construction Approaches
• “Sink to source”
– Start with system output (i (i.e.,
e system sink)
– Modularize system into a set of pipe segments (i.e.,
g p of components
p in series))
– Follow reverse flow-path of system developing fault
tree model as the system is traced
• Block diagram-based
– Modularize system into a set of subsystem blocks
– Develop
D l hihigh-level
hl l ffault
l tree llogic
i bbased
d on
subsystem block logic (i.e., blocks configured in
series or p
– Expand logic for each block
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Example - ECI

V1 MV2
Source PB


Success Criteria: Flow from any one pump through any one MV
T_ tank
V manuall valve,
V_ l normally
ll open
PS-_ pipe segment
P_ pump
CV_ check valve
MV motor-operated
MV_ t t d valve,
l normally
ll closed
l d

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ECI System Fault Tree –
“Sink to Source Method” (p
g 1))
ECI fails to deliver
> 1 pump flow


No flow out of MV1 No flow out of MV2 No flow out of MV3


No flow out of pump No flow out of pump
MV1 fails closed segments MV2 fails closed segments

MV1 G- MV2 G-
PUMPS (page 1) PUMPS
No flow out of PS-A No flow out of PS-B MV3 fails closed No flow out of pump


(page 2) (not shown) (page 1)

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ECI System Fault Tree –
“Sink to Source Method” (p
g 2))

No flow out
page 1
of PS-A


PS A fails
PS-A f il No flow out of V1


CV1 fails closed PA fails V1 fails closed T1 fails

CV1 PA V1 T1

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ECI System Fault Tree –
“Sink to Source Method” (p
g 3))

PA fails

PA unavail
T or M

CCW-A fails EP-A fails A t A ffails

Act-A il

(Not Shown) (Not Shown) (Not Shown)

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ECI System Fault Tree -
Block Diagram
g Method

ECI fails to deliver

> 1 pump flow

Injection lines fail Pump segments fail Suction lines fail

MV1 fails closed MV2 fails closed PS-B fails PS-A fails

V1 fails closed

MV3 ffails
il closed
l d

T1 fails

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Boolean Fault Tree Reduction

• Express fault tree logic as Boolean equation

• Apply rules of Boolean algebra to reduce terms
• Results in reduced form of Boolean equation

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Minimal Cutset

A group of basic event failures

(component failures and/or
human errors) that are
collectively necessary and
sufficient to cause the TOP
event to occur.

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Fault Tree Pitfalls

• Inconsistent or unclear basic event names

– X*X = X, so if X is called X1 in one place and X2 in another place,
incorrect results are obtained
• Missing
g dependencies
p or failure mechanisms
– An issue of completeness
• Unrealistic assumptions
– Availabilityy of redundant equipment
q p
– Credit for multiple independent operator actions
– Violation of plant LCO
• Modelingg T&M unavailability
y can result in illegal
• Putting recovery in FT might give optimistic results
• Logic loops

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• Sanity checks on cut sets

– Symmetry
• If Train-A failures appear, do Train-B failures also appear?
– Completeness
• Are all redundant trains/systems really failed?
• Are failure modes accounted for at component level?
– Realism
• Do cut sets make sense (i (i.e.,
e Train-A out for T&M ANDed with
Train-B out for T&M)?
– Predictive Capability
• If system model predicts total system failure once in 100 system
demands, is plant operating experience consistent with this?

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Slide 78
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Human Reliability

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Principal Steps in PRA


1 2 3

Initiating Accident Accident RCS / Source Release Offsite Health &

Event Sequence Sequence Containment Term Category Conseq’s Economic
Analysis Analysis Quantif. Response Analysis Character. Analysis Risk
Analysis and

Success Systems Uncertainty Phenomena Uncertainty Uncertainty
& & Model &
Criteria Analysis* Analysis
Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity
Analysis Analysis Analysis

Data Response
Analysis* Human
Analysis* Pathways

LERF Assessment Health


Eff t
* Used in Level 2 as required

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Human Reliability Analysis

Purpose: This session will provide a generalized, high-level

introduction to the topic of human reliability and human
li bilit analysis
l i iin th
the context
t t off PRA

Objectives: Provide students with an understanding of:

- The
Th goalsl off HRA andd iimportant
t t concepts
t andd iissues
- The basic steps of the HRA process in the context of PRA
- Basic aspects of selected HRA methods

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HRA Purpose

Why Develop a HRA?

– PRA reflects the asas-built,
built as-operated
as operated plant
• HRA models the “as-operated” portion
Definition of HRA
– A structured approach used to identify potential
human failure events (HFEs) and to systematically
ti t the
th probability
b bilit off those
th errors using
i data,
d t
models, or expert judgment
HRA Produces
– Qualitative evaluation of the factors impacting human
errors and successes
– Human error probabilities (HEPs)
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Human Reliability Analysis

• Starts with the basic premise that the humans can be

represented t d as either:.
– A component of a system, or
– A failure mode of a system or component
• Identifies and quantifies the ways in which human actions
initiate, propagate, or terminate fault & accident sequences.
• Human actions with both positive and negative impacts are
considered in striving for realism.
• A diffic
lt task in a PRA since need to understand
nderstand the plant
hardware response, the operator response, and the
accident progression modeled in the PRA.

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Human Reliability Analysis Objectives

Ensure that the impacts of plant personnel actions are reflected in

the assessment of risk in such a way that:
a) both pre-initiating event and post-initiating event activities,
including those modeled in support system initiating event fault
trees, are addressed.
b) logic model elements are defined to represent the effect of such
personnel actions on system availability/unavailability and on
accident sequence development.
c) plant-specific and scenario-specific factors are accounted for,
including those factors that influence either what activities are of
interest or human performance.
d) human performance issues are addressed in an integral way so
that issues of dependency are captured

Fire PRAASME RA-Sb-2005
Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 84
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Modeling of Human Actions

• Human Reliability Analysis provides a structured

modeling process
• HRA process steps:
– Identification & Definition
• Human interaction identified, then defined for use in
the PRA as a Human Failure Event (HFE)
• Includes
I l d HFE categorization
t i ti as tto the
th type
t off action
– Qualitative analysis of context & performance shaping
– Quantification of Human Error Probability (HEP)
– Dependency
– Documentation
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Slide 85
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PRA Standard Requirements for HRA

ASME HRA High Level Requirements Compared

P I iti t
Pre-Initiator P t Initiator
Post I iti t
A – Identify HFEs E – Identify HFEs
B – Screen HFEs <blank>

C – Define HFEs F – Define HFEs

D – Assess HEPs G – Assess HEPs
<blank> H – Recovery HFEs
I – Document HFEs/HEPs
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Categories Of Human Failure Events in

• Operator actions can occur throughout the accident sequence

– Pre-initiator
P i iti t errors (latent
(l t t errors, unrevealed)
l d) occur b
the initiating event.
• Mayy occur in or out of the main control room
• Failure to restore from test/maintenance
• Miscalibration
• Often captured in equipment failure data
• For HRA the focus is on equipment being left unavailable
or not working exactly right.
– Operator actions contribute or cause initiating events
• Usually implicitly included in the data used to quantify
initiating event frequencies.
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Categories Of Human Failure Events in
PRA (cont’d)
( )

– Post-initiator errors occur after reactor trip. Examples:

• Operation of components that have failed to operate
automatically, or require manual operation.
• “Event
Event Tree top event”
event operator actions modeled in the
event trees (e.g., failure to depressurize the RCS in
accordance with the EOPs)
• Recovery actions for hardware failures (example - aligning
an alternate cooling system, subject to available time)
• Recovery
R actions
ti ffollowing
ll i crew ffailures
il ((example
l -
providing cooling late after an earlier operator action failed)
• Operation of components from the control room or locally.

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Categorization & Definition of
Human Failure Events in PRA (cont’d)
( )
• Additional “category”, error of commission or aggravating errors of
commission typically out of scope of most PRA models
commission, models.
– Makes the plant response worse than not taking an action at all
• Within each operator action, there are generally, two types of error:
– Diagnostic error (cognition) – failure of detection, diagnosis, or
– Execution error ((manipulation)) – failure to accomplish the critical
steps, once they have been decided, typically due to the
following error modes.
• Errors of omission ((EOO, or Skip) p) -- Failure to p
perform a
required action or step, e.g., failure to monitor tank level
• Errors of commission (EOC, or Slip) -- Action performed
y or wrong
incorrectly g action p
performed,, e.g.,
g , opened
p the wrong
valve, or turned the wrong switch.
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Human Reliability Analysis is the
Combination of Three Basic Steps

Identification &
Qualitative Quantification

context from event trees Context from event trees & data availability
error producing conditions fault trees databases
cognitive error generic error models simulation
errors of commission performance shaping factors empirical approaches

From abo
aboutt 1980 on,
on some 38 different HRA methods ha have e
been developed - almost all centered on quantification.
There is no universally accepted HRA method (to date).
The context of the operator action comes directly from the
event trees and fault trees although some techniques have
recently ventured beyond.

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Identification & Definition Process

• Identify Human Failure Events (HFEs) to be considered in

plant models.
– Based on PRA event trees, fault trees, & procedures.
• Includes front line systems & support systems.
– Often done in conjunction with the PRA modelers
(Qualitative screening)
– Normal Plant Ops-- Identify potential errors involving
miscalibration or failure to restore equipment by
observing test and maintenance, reviewing relevant
procedures and plant practices
• Guidelines for ppre-initiator q
qualitative screening
– Post-Trip Conditions-- Determine potential errors in
diagnosing and manipulating equipment in response to
various accident situations

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Identification & Definition Process (cont.)

• PRA model identifies component/system/function failures

• HRA requires definition of supporting information, such as:
– for post-initiating events, the cues being used, timing and
th emergency operating
the ti procedure(s)
d ( )b being
i used. d
• ATHEANA – identify the “base case” for accident scenario
– Expected scenario – including operator expectations for the
– Sequence
q and timingg of p
plant behavior – behavior of p
– Key operator actions

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Identification Process (cont’d)

• Review emergency operating procedures to identify

potential human errors

• Flow chart the EOPs to identify critical decision points

and relevant cues for actions

• If possible, do early observations of simulator


• List human actions that could affect course of events

lit ti screening)
i )

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Qualitative Analysis

• Context, a set of plant conditions based on the PRA model

– Initiating event & event tree sequence
• includes preceding hardware & operator successes/failures
– Cues, Procedure, Time window
• Qualitatively examine factors that could influence performance
(Performance Shaping Factors, PSFs) such as
- Training/experience - Scenario timing
- Clarity of cues - Workload
- Task complexity - Crew dynamics
- Environmental cond. - Accessibility
- Human
machine interface
- Management and organizational factors
- Note ATHEANA models “Error Forcing Context” consisting of plant
context & scenario
specific factors that would influence operator
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Performance Shaping Factors (PSFs)

• Are people-, task-, environmental-centered

influences which could affect performance.
• Most HRA modeling techniques allow the analyst
to account for PSFs during their quantification
• PSFs can Positively or Negatively impact human
error probabilities
• PSFs
PSF are identified
id tifi d andd evaluated
l t d in
i th
human reliability task analysis

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Quantifying the Human Error Probability

• Quantifying is the process of

– selecting an HRA method then
– calculating the Human Error Probability for a HFE
• based on the qualitative assessment and
• based on the context definition.
• The calculation steps depend on the methodology being used.
• Data sources – the input data for the calculations typically comes
operator talk-throughs &/or simulations, while some methods the
data comes from databanks or expert judgment.
• The result is typically called a Human Error Probability or HEP
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Levels of Precision

• Conservative (screening) level useful for

determining which human errors are the most
f contributors to overall system error

• Those found to be potentially significant

contributors can be profitably analyzed in
greater detail ((which often lowers the HEP))

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• Too many HFEs to do detailed quantification?

– Trying
T i tto reduce
d llevell off effort,
ff t resources
– Used during IPE era for initial model development
• ASME PRA Standard
– Pre-initiators: screening pre-initiators is addressed in
High Level Requirement HLR-HR-B
– Post-initiators: screening is not addressed explicitly as
a High Level Requirement
• Supporting requirement HR-G1 HR G1 limits the PRA to
Capability Category I if conservative/screening
HEPs used.
• Thus,
Thus screening is more appropriate to Fire PRA PRA.
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Detailed Quantification

• Point at which you bring all the information you have

about each event
– PSFs, descriptions of plant conditions given the
– Results from observing simulator exercises
– Talk-throughs with operators/trainers
– Dependencies
D d i
• Quantification Methods
– Major problem is that none of the methods handle all
this information very well
• Assign HEPs to each event in the models

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HRA Methods

• Attempt to reflect the following characteristics:

– plant behavior and conditions
– timing of events and the occurrence of human action cues
– parameter indications used by the operators and changes in
those parameters as the scenario proceeds
– time available and locations necessary to implement the
human actions
– equipment available for use by the operators based on the
– environmental conditions under which the decision to act
must be made and the actual response must be performed
– degree
d off training,
t i i guidance,
id and
d procedure
d applicability
li bilit
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Common HRA Methodologies in the USA

• Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction (THERP)

• Accident Sequence Evaluation Program (ASEP) HRA

• Cause-Based Decision Tree (CBDT) Method

• Human Cognitive Reliability (HCR)/Operator Reliability
Experiments (ORE) Method

• Standardized Plant Analysis Risk HRA (SPAR-H) Method

• A Technique for Human Event Analysis (ATHEANA)

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Caused Based Decision Tree (CBDT)
Method (EPRI)

Series of decision trees address potential causes of errors, produces HEPs based on
those decisions.
• Half of the decision trees involve the man-machine cue interface:
– Availability of relevant indications (location, accuracy, reliability of indications);
– Attention to indications (workload, monitoring requirements, relevant alarms);
– Data errors (location on panel, quality of display, interpersonal communications);
– Misleading data (cues match procedure, training in cue recognition, etc.);
• Half of the decision trees involve the man-procedure interface:
– Procedure format (visibility and salience of instructions, place-keeping aids);
– Instructional clarity (standardized vocabulary, completeness of information,
training provided);
– Instructional
I t ti l complexity
l it ((use off "not"
" t" statements,
t t t complex l use off "and"
" d" & "or"
" "
terms, etc.); and
– Potential for deliberate violations (belief in instructional adequacy, availability and
consequences of alternatives, etc.).
• For time-critical actions, the CBDT is supplemented by a time reliability correlation
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EPRI HRA Calculator

• Software tool
• Uses SHARP1 as the HRA framework
• Post-initiator HFE methods:
– For diagnosis, uses CBDT (decision trees) and/or
HCR/ORE (time based correlation)
– For execution, THERP for manipulation
• Pre-Initiator HFE methods:
– Uses THERP and ASEP to quantify pre-initiator HFEs

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• Experience-based
Experience based (uses knowledge of domain
experts, e.g., operators, pilots, trainers,etc.)
• Focuses on the error-forcing g context
• Links plant conditions, performance shaping factors
(PSFs) and human error mechanisms
• Consideration of dependencies across scenarios
• Attempts to address PSFs holistically (considers
potential interactions)
• Structured search for problem scenarios and unsafe

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p y refers to the extent to which failure or
success of one action will influence the failure or
success of a subsequent action.

1) Human interaction depends on the accident

scenario, including the type of initiating event
2)) Dependencies
p between multiple
p human actions
modeled within the accident scenario,
3) Human interactions performed during testing or
maintenance can defeat system
y redundancy,y,
4) Multiple human interactions modeled as a single
human interaction may involve significant
dependencies. ((from SHARP1))

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HRA Process Summary

• Human Reliability Analysis provides a structured modeling process

• Human Interactions are incorporated as Human Failure Events in a
PRA, identification & definition finds the HFEs
• Post-initiator operator actions consist of:
– Qualitative analysis of Context and Performance Shaping Factors
• Operator action must be feasible (for example, sufficient time,
sufficient staff,, sufficient cues,, access to the area))
– Then Quantitative assessment (using an HRA method)
• Includes dependency evaluation
• Two Parts of the Each Human Failure Event (HFE)
– Operator must recognize the need/demand for the action
(cognition) AND
– Operator must take steps (execution) to complete the actions.
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Data Analysis

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Principal Steps in PRA


1 2 3

Initiating Accident Accident RCS / Source Release Offsite Health &

Event Sequence Sequence Containment Term Category Conseq’s Economic
Analysis Analysis Quantif. Response Analysis Character. Analysis Risk
Analysis and

Success Systems Uncertainty Phenomena Uncertainty Uncertainty
& & Model &
Criteria Analysis* Analysis
Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity
Analysis Analysis Analysis

Data Response
Analysis* Human
Analysis* Pathways

LERF Assessment Health


Eff t
* Used in Level 2 as required

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Data Analysis

• Purpose: Students will be introduced to sources of

initiating event data; and hardware data and equipment
failure modes, including common cause failure, that are
modeled in PRAs.

• Objectives: Students will be able to:

– Understand parameters typically modeled in PRA and how
each is quantified.
– Understand what is meant by the terms
• Generic data
• Plant-specific
p data
• Bayesian updating
– Describe what is meant by common-cause failure, why it is
important, and how it is included in PRA

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PRA Parameters

• Initiating Event Frequencies

• Basic Event Probabilities
– Hardware
• component reliability (fail to
• component unavailability (due to test or
– Common Cause Failures
– Human Errors (discussed in previous session)

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Categories of Data

• Two basic categories of data: plant-specific and generic

• Some
S guidance
id on th
the use off each
h category:
– Not feasible or necessary to collect plant-specific data
for all components
p in a PRA ((extremelyy reliable
components may have no failures)
– Some generic data sources are non-conservative (e.g.,
LERS do not report all failures)
– Inclusion of plant-specific data lends credibility to the
– Inclusion of plant-specific data allows comparison of
plant equipment performance to industry averages
• Should use plant-specific
plant specific data whenever possible
possible, as
dictated by the availability of relevant information
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Boundary Conditions and Modeling
Assumptions Affect Form of Data

• Clear understanding of component boundaries and

i i needed
d d tto accurately
t l use raw d
t or generic
failure rates. For example:
– Do motor driven components include circuit breakers?
(Are CB faults included in component failure rate?)
• Failure mode being modeled also impacts type and form
of data needed to quantify the PRA.
– FTR – failures while operating and operating time
– FTS/FTO – failures
f il anddd
demandsd ((successes))

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Data Sources for Parameter Estimation

• Generic data
• Plant-specific data
• Bayesian updated data
– Prior
P i didistribution
ib i
– Updated estimate

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Generic Data Issues

• Key issue is whether data is applicable for the specific

plant being analyzed
– Most generic component data is mid-1980s or earlier
– Some IE frequencies known to have decreased over
the last decade
• Frequencies updated in NUREG/CRs 5750 and
– Criteria for judging data applicability not well defined
(d nott forget
(do f t important
i t t engineering
i i considerations
id ti
that could affect data applicability)
– ASME PRA Standard requirements

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Plant-Specific Data Sources

• Licensee Event Reports (LERs)

– Can also be source of generic data
• Post-trip SCRAM analysis reports
• Maintenance
M i reports and
d work
k orders
• System engineer files
• Control room logs
• Monthly operating status reports
• Test surveillance procedures

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p Data Issues

• Combining data from different sources can result in:

– double counting of the same failure events
– inconsistent component boundaries
– inconsistent
i i d
fi i i off “f
il ”
• Plant-specific data is typically very limited
– small statistical sample size
• Inaccuracy and non-uniformity of reporting
– LER reporting rule changes
• Difficulty in interpreting “raw” failure data
– administratively declared inoperable, does not
necessarily equate to a “PRA” failure
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Bayesian Methods Employed to
Generate Uncertainty
y Distributions

• Two motivations for using Bayesian techniques

– Generate probability distributions (classical
methods generally only produce uncertainty
i t
l nott pdf’s)
df’ )
– Compensate for sparse data (e.g., no failures)
• In effect
effect, Bayesian techniques combine an initial
estimate (prior) with plant-specific data (likelihood
function) to produce a final estimate (posterior)
• However,
Ho e er Ba Bayesian
esian techniq
es rel
rely on (and
incorporate) subjective judgement
– different options for choice of prior distribution (i.e.,
the starting point in a Bayesian calculation)
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Common Cause Failures (CCFs)

• Conditions which may result in failure of more than one

component, t subsystem,
b t or system
• Common cause failures are important since they:
– Defeats redundancy and/or diversity
– Data suggest high probability of occurrence relative to
p independent
p failures

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Common Cause Failure Mechanisms

• Environment
– Radioactivity
– Temperature
– Corrosive
C i environment
• Design deficiency
• Manufacturing error
• Test or Maintenance error
• Operational error

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Limitations of CCF Modeling

• Limited data, hence generic data often used

– Applicability issue for specific plant
• Screening values may be used
– Potential
P i l to skew
k the
h results
• Not typically modeled across systems since data is
collected/analyzed for individual systems
• Not typically modeled for divers components (e.g., motor-
driven pump/turbine-driven pump)
• Causes not explicitly modeled (i.e., each failure
mechanism not explicitly modeled)

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Component Data Not Truly Time
• PRAs typically assume time-independence of component failure
– One of the assumptions for a Poisson process (i.e., failures
in time)
• However,
H experience
i h
has shown
h aging
i off equipment
i td
does occur
– Failure rate () = (t)
– “Bathtub” curve
(t) Failure Rate

Burn in Maturity Wearout

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Accident Sequence

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Principal Steps in PRA


1 2 3

Initiating Accident Accident RCS / Source Release Offsite Health &

Event Sequence Sequence Containment Term Category Conseq’s Economic
Analysis Analysis Quantif. Response Analysis Character. Analysis Risk
Analysis and

Success Systems Uncertainty Phenomena Uncertainty Uncertainty
& & Model &
Criteria Analysis* Analysis
Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity
Analysis Analysis Analysis

Data Response
Analysis* Human
Analysis* Pathways

LERF Assessment Health


Eff t
* Used in Level 2 as required

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Purpose and Objectives

• Purpose
Present elements
l off accident
id sequence
quantification and importance analysis and
introduce conceptp of pplant damage
g states
• Objectives
– Become familiar with the:
• process of generating and quantifying cut sets
• different importance measures typically calculated in
• impact of correlation of data on quantification results
• definition of plant damage states

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Prerequisites for Generating and
y g Accident Sequence
q Cut Sets

• Initiating events and frequencies

• Event trees to define accident sequences
• Fault trees and Boolean expressions
p for all
systems (front line and support)
• Data ((component
p failures and human errors))

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Accident Sequence Quantification
((Fault-Tree Linking
g Approach)
pp )

• Link fault tree models on a sequence level using event

trees (i.e.,
(i generate
t sequence logic)
l i )
• Generate minimal cut sets (Boolean reduction) for each
• Quantify sequence minimal cut sets with data
• Eliminate inappropriate
pp p cut sets,, add operator
p recovery
actions, and requantify
• Determine dominant accident sequences
• Perform sensitivity, importance, and uncertainty analysis

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Example Event Tree


1 OK

2 OK

3 CD

4 CD

ET-EXAMPLE - 2005/10/03 Page

g 3

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Example Fault Trees

System A System
y B
Fails Fails


Valve Y Pump 1 Fails Valve X Fails


5.000E-3 1.000E-3 5.000E-3


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Example Fault Trees (Concluded)

S t C


Pump 1 Fails Valve Y Fails Pump 2 Fails

1.000E-3 5.000E-3 1.000E-3


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Generating Sequence Logic

• Fault trees are linked using sequence logic from event

trees. From
F the
th example l eventt tree
t two
t sequences are
– Sequence # 3: T * /A
– Sequence #4: T * A-FAIL

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Generate Minimal Cut Sets for Each
• A cut set is a combination of events that cause the sequence to
• A minimal cut set is the smallest combination of events that causes to
sequence to occur
• Cut sets are generated by “ANDing”
ANDing together the failed top event fault
trees, and then, if necessary, eliminating (i.e., deleting) those cut sets
that contain failures that would prevent successful (i.e.,
complemented) top events from occurring. This process of
elimination is called Delete Term
• Each cut set represents a failure scenario that must be “ORed”
together with all other cut sets for the sequence when calculating the
total frequency of the sequence

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Sequence Cut Set Generation Example

• Sequence
q #3 logic
g is T * /A-FAIL * B-FAIL * C-FAIL
• ANDing failed top events yields
B-FAIL * C-FAIL = (PUMP-1 + VALVE-X) * (PUMP-1 *
= (PUMP-1 * PUMP-1 * VALVE-Y *
PUMP-2) + (VALVE-X * PUMP-1 *
= (PUMP-1
PUMP 2) +
• Using Delete Term to remove cut sets with events that would fail top event
A-FAILS (i.e., VALVE-Y) results in the elimination of all cut sets
• Sequence #4 logic is T * A-FAIL, resulting in the cut set

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Eliminating “Inappropriate” Cut Sets

• When solving fault trees to generate sequence cut sets it

i lik
is likely
l th
thatt “i
i t ” cutt sets
t will
ill b
be generated
t d
• “Inappropriate” cut sets are those containing invalid
combinations of events
events. An example would be:
• Typically
yp y eliminated byy searching g for combinations of
invalid events and then deleting the cut sets containing
those combinations

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Adding “Recovery Actions” to Cut Sets

• Cut sets are examined to determine whether the function

associated with a failed event can be restored; thus “recovering”
from the loss of function
• If the function associated with an event can be restored, then a
“Recovery Action” is ANDed to the cut set to represent this
• The probability assigned to the “Recovery
Recovery Action”
Action will be the
probability that the operators fail to perform the action or actions
necessary to restore the lost function
b biliti are derived
d i d either
ith from
f data
d t (e.g.,
( recovery off off-site
ff it
power) or from human reliability analysis (e.g., manually opening
an alternate flow path given the primary flow path is failed)

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Dominant Accident Sequences
p )
Surry (NUREG-1150) Grand Gulf (NUREG-1150)

Seq Description % CDF Cum Seq Description % CDF Cum

1 Station Blackout (SBO) - Batt Depl. 26.0 26.0 1 Station Blackout (SBO) With HPCS And RCIC Failure 89.0 89.0
2 SBO - RCP Seal LOCA 13.1 39.1 2 SBO With One SORV, HPCS And RCIC Failure 4.0 93.0
3 SBO - AFW Failure 11 6
11.6 50.7 3 ATWS - RPS Mechanical Failure With MSIVs Closed, 33.00 96.0
4 SBO - RCP Seal LOCA 8.2 58.9 Operator Fails To Initiate SLC, HPCS Fails And
5 SBO - Stuck Open PORV 5.4 64.3 Operator Fails To Depressurize
6 Medium LOCA - Recirc Failure 4.2 68.5
7 Interfacing LOCA 4.0 72.5
8 SGTR - No Depress - SG Integ’ty Fails 3.5 76.0
9 Los s of MFW/AFW - Feed & Bleed Fail 2.4 78.4
10 Medium LOCA - Injection Failure 2.1 80.5
11 ATWS - Unfavorable Mod. Temp Coeff. 2.0 82.5
12 Large LOCA - Recirculation Failure 1.8 84.3
13 Medium LOCA - Injection Failure 1.7 86.0
14 SBO - AFW Failure 1.6 87 6
15 Large LOCA - Accumulator Failure 1.6 89.2
16 ATWS - Emergency Boration Failure 1.6 90.8
17 Very Sm all LOCA - Injection Failure 1.5 92.3
18 Small LOCA - Injection Failure 1.1 93.4
19 SBO - Battery Depletion 11
1.1 94.5
20 SBO - Stuck Open PORV 0.8 95.3

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Importance Measures for Basic Events

• Provide a quantitative perspective on risk and sensitivity

off risk
i k to
t changes
h i iinputt values
in l
• Three are encountered most commonly:
– Fussell-Vesely
Fussell Vesely (F
– Birnbaum
– Risk Reduction (RR)
– Risk Increase (RI) or Risk Achievement (RA)

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Importance Measures
y Definitions))

• Risk Achievement Worth (RAW)

– Relative risk increase assuming failure
• Risk Reduction Worth (RRW)
– Relative
R l i riski k reduction
d i assuming i perfect
f performance
• Fussell-Vesely (F-V)
– Fractional reduction in risk assuming perfect
• Birnbaum
– Difference in risk between perfect performance and
assumed failure

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Importance Measures
((Mathematical Definitions))

R = Baseline Risk
R(1) = Risk with the element always failed or unavailable
R(0) = Risk with the element always successful

RAW = R(1)/R or R(1) - R

RRW = R/R(0) or R - R(0)
F-V = [R-R(0)]/R
Birnbaum = R(1) – R(0)

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y Must be Addressed in PRA

• Uncertainty arises from many sources:

– Inability to specify initial and boundary conditions
• Cannot specify result with deterministic model
• Instead, use probabilistic models (e.g., tossing a coin)
– Sparse data on initiating events, component failures,
and human errors
– Lack of understanding of phenomena
– Modeling assumptions (e.g., success criteria)
– Modeling
M d li lilimitations
it ti ((e.g., iinability
bilit tto model
d l errors off
– Incompleteness (e.g., failure to identify system failure
d )
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PRAs Identify Two Types of

• Distinction between aleatory and epistemic uncertainty:

– “Aleatory” from the Latin Alea (dice), of or relating to
random or stochastic phenomena. Also called
random uncertainty or variability.
variability ”
– “Epistemic” of, relating to, or involving knowledge;
cognitive. [From Greek episteme, knowledge]. Also
called “state-of-knowledge uncertainty.”

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y Uncertainty

• Variability in or lack of precise knowledge about

d l i conditions
diti makes
k events t unpredictable.
di t bl S Suchh
events are modeled as being probabilistic in nature. In
PRAs, these include initiating g events, component
p failures,
and human errors.
• For example, PRAs model initiating events as a Poisson
process similar to the decay of radioactive atoms
• Poisson process characterized by frequency of initiating
event,, usuallyy denoted byy parameter
p 

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p Uncertainty
• Value of  is not known precisely
Couldld model
d l uncertainty ti t off  using
t i t iin estimate i statistical
t ti ti l confidence
– Can’t propagate confidence intervals through PRA models
– Can’t interpret confidence intervals as probability
statements about value of 
• PRAs model lack of knowledge about value of  by assigning (usually
subjectively) a probability distribution to 
– Probability distribution for  can be generated using
i methods.
th d

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Types of Epistemic Uncertainties

• Parameter
P t uncertainty
t i t
• Modeling uncertainty
– System success criteria
– Accident progression phenomenology
– Health effects models (linear versus nonlinear, threshold versus
non threshold dose-response
dose response model)
• Completeness
– Complex errors of commission
– Design and construction errors
– Unexpected failure modes and system interactions
– All modes of operation
p not modeled

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Addressing Epistemic Uncertainties

• Parameter uncertainty addressed by propagating

t uncertainty
t i t di
t ib ti th
h model
d l
• Modeling uncertainty usually addressed through
sensitivity studies
– Research ongoing to examine more formal
• Completeness addressed through comparison with other
studies and peer review
– Some
S iissues ((e.g., d
i errors)) are simply
i l
acknowledged as limitations
– Other issues (e.g., errors of commission) are topics of
ongoing research
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Prerequisites for Performing
a Parameter Uncertaintyy Analysis

• Cut sets for individual sequence or groups of

sequences (e.g., by initiator or total plant model)
• Failure probabilities for each basic event,
including distribution and correlation information
(for those events that are uncertain or are
modeled as having uncertainty)
• Frequencies for each initiating event
event, including
distribution information

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Performing A Parameter Uncertainty Analysis

• Select cut sets

• Select sampling strategy
– Monte Carlo: simple random sampling
– Latin Hypercube: stratified sampling
• Select number of observations (i.e., number of times a
variable’s distribution will be sampled)
• Perform calculation

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Correlation: Effect on Results

• Correlating data produces wider uncertainty in results

– Without correlating a randomly selected high value will
usually be combined with randomly selected lower
values (and vice versa)
versa), producing an averaging effect
• Reducing calculated uncertainty in the result
– Mean value of p probability
y distributions that are skewed
right (e.g. lognormal, commonly used in PRA) is
increased when uncertainty is increased

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LEVEL 2/LERF Analysis

A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Principal Steps in PRA


1 2 3

Initiating Accident Accident RCS / Source Release Offsite Health &

Event Sequence Sequence Containment Term Category Conseq’s Economic
Analysis Analysis Quantif. Response Analysis Character. Analysis Risk
Analysis and

Success Systems Uncertainty Phenomena Uncertainty Uncertainty
& & Model &
Criteria Analysis* Analysis
Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity
Analysis Analysis Analysis

Data Response
Analysis* Human
Analysis* Pathways

LERF Assessment Health


Eff t
* Used in Level 2 as required

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Purpose and Objectives

• Purpose: Students receive a brief introduction to

accident progression (Level 2 PRA).
• Objectives: At the conclusion of this topic,
students will be able to:
– List
Li t primary
i elements
l t which
hi h comprise
i accident
id t
– Explain
p how accident pprogression
g analysis
y is
related to full PRA
– Explain general factors involved in
containment response
• Reference: NUREG/CR-2300, NUREG-1489
(App. C)

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Level 2 PRA Risk Measures

• Current NRC emphasis on LERF

– Ri
ki f dDDecision-Making
i i M ki ffor C Currently
tl OOperating
– Broader view expected
p for new reactors
• Some discussion of alternative risk acceptance criteria
– Goals for frequency of various release magnitudes
– Release often expressed in units of activity (not health
• Full-scope
p Level 2 offers Complete
p Characterization of Releases
to Environment
– Frequency of large/small, early/late releases

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LERF Definition

• A LERF definition is provided in the PSA Applications

G id
Large, Early Release: A radioactive release from the
containment which is both large and early
early. Large is
defined as involving the rapid, unscrubbed release of
airborne aerosol fission products to the environment.
Early is defined as occurring before the effective
implementation of the off-site emergency response and
protective actions.

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Level 2 PRA is a Systematic Evaluation of
Plant Response to Core Damage Sequences


RCS / Source Release

Containment Term Category
Response Analysis Character.
INPUT Analysis
Quantif. OUTPUT

Uncertainty Deterministic:
Accident Phenomena &
Analysis Sensitivity • Reactor transient
Sequences • Containment response
• Core damage progression
• Fission product inventory
released to environment
Computer Logic
code models
l l ti Probabilistic:
Association of • Relative likelihood of
Engineering uncertainty with (confidence in) alternative
analyses probability
responses for each sequence
Application of Grouping of • Frequency of fission product
experimental data results release categories
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Some Subtle Features of the
Level 2 PRA Process
• Level 2 Requires More Information than a Level 1 PRA
– Containment safeguards systems not usually needed to
determine ‘core damage’
– Level 1 event trees built from success criteria can ignore
status of front-line systems that influence extent of core
• Event Trees Create Very Large Number of Scenarios
to Evaluate
– Grouping of similar scenarios is a practical necessity
• Quantification Involves Considerable Subjective
– Uncertainty, Sensitivity and Uncertainty in Uncertainty
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Additional Work is Often Required to Link
Level 1 Results to Level 2

Plant Damage State

(PDS) Analysis
Level-1 Sequence Level-2 Containment or
Event Tree Add containment Accident Progression
systems Event Tree (CET or APET)

Initiating CD PDS2
Event A OK

CD PDSx Terms
Resolve status of Categories)
ignored systems
Initiating CD
Event B PDSi
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Major Tasks:

• Plant Damage State (PDS) Analysis

– Link to Level 1
• Deterministic Assessments of Plant Response to
Severe Accidents
– Containment performance assessment
– Accident progression & source term analysis
• Probabilistic Treatment of Epistemic Uncertainties
– Account for phenomena not treated by computer codes
– Characterize relative probability of alternative outcomes
for uncertain events
• Couple
p Frequency
q y with Radiological
g Release
– Link to Level 3
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Typical Steps in Level 2 Probabilistic Model

Initial plant Consolidated Accident progression / Conditional

Initiating Accident damage plant damage containment event tree Release consequence
Events sequences states states end states categories bins
(< 100) (millions) (50 to 100) (< 20) (104 to 106) (< 20) (< 20)

Frequency * Consequence

Combine Similar PDS

Accident progression /

containment event trees

(branch probabilities with

Accident sequence
Binning P

Risk In
event trees
(event probabilities
from fault trees)

Screen on
Iterative truncation low frequency
10-10 ... 10-12 ...
to convergence

Sensitivity analysis & reconsideration of

low-frequency PDS with high consequences



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Schematic of Accident Progression Event Tree

Boundary Recovery of Core In-vessel Processes Ex-vessel Processes Final

Conditions: Prior to Vessel & Containment & Containment Outcome
Plant Damage States Breach Impact Impact
Pressure Debris
in vessel coolability
coo ab ty Yes
released? Yes No
Recovery of
injection Yes
High Yes

Inter- No No

Low b rn before
increase due to
H2 burn during
CCI gas generation
Source: NUREG-1150

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Accident Progression Analysis

• There are 4 major steps in Accident Progression Analysis

– 1. Develop the Accident Progression Event Trees
– 2.
2 Perform structural analysis of containment
– 3. Quantify APET issues
– 4.
4 Group APET sequences into accident progression

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Containment Response

• How does the containment system deal with physical

diti resulting
lti ffrom th
the accident?
id t?
– Pressure
– Heat sources
– Fission products
– Steam and water
– Hydrogen
– Other non-condensables

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Full Scope Level 2 PRA: Wide Range of Possible
Releases of Accidental Releases to Environment


• Characterization of Releases 50th


to the Environment of all
Types 5th

Frequenccy of exceed
– Large/Small

– Early/Late


– E
ti /P t t d
– Elevated/Ground level 10-9
• Frequency
q y of Each Type
Describes Full Spectrum of
Releases Associated with 10x 10x+1 10x+2 10x+3
Core Damage Events Release magnitude

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Introduction and Overview: the Scope
andd Structure
S off PRA/Systems
l i

Jeff LaChance – Sandia National Laboratories

Rick Anoba – Anoba Consulting Services
Services, LLC

Fire PRA Workshop 2011

San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL

A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
What we’ll cover in the next four days
An overview…

• The purpose of this presentation is to provide an

Overview of the Module 2 – PRA/Systems Analysis
– Scope of this module relative to the overall methodology
• Which tasks fall under the scope of this module
– General structure of the each technical task in the documentation
– Quick introduction to each task covered by this module:
• Objectives
j of each task
• Task input/output
• Task interfaces

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Training Objectives

• Our intent:
– To deliver practical implementation training
– To illustrate and demonstrate key aspects of the procedures

• We expect and want significant participant interaction

– Class size should allow for questions and discussion
– We will take questions about the methodology
– We cannot answer questions about a specific application
– We will moderate discussions, and we will judge when the course
must move on

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Recall the overall fire PRA structure
Module 2 covers the “blue” tasks

TASK 1: Plant Boundary & TASK 2: Fire PRA Component

Partitioning Selection

TASK 3: Fire PRA Cable



W lk D
Walk Downs TASK 4:
4 Qualitative
Q lit ti Screening
S i TASK 5: Fire
Induced Risk

TASK 6: Fire Ignition



Database TASK 7A: Quantitative TASK 12A: Post-Fire HRA:
Screening - I Screening

TASK 8: Scoping Fire Modeling Fire Analysis Module

PRA/System Module
TASK 7B: Quantitative
Screening - II Circuits Module

HRA Module
B Fire Analysis and Fire
Modeling Modules

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Recall the overall fire PRA structure (2)
Module 2 covers the “blue” tasks

Detailed Fire Scenario Analysis

TASK 9: Detailed Circuit Failure

Analysis TASK 11: Detailed Fire Modeling
A. Single Compartment
B. Multi-Compartment
C. Main Control Room
TASK 10: Circuit Failure Mode &
Lik lih d A
Likelihood Analysis
l i

TASK 12B: Post fire HRA:

TASK 13: Seismic-Fire TASK 14: Fire Risk Quantification Detailed & recovery

Fire Analysis Module

TASK 15: Uncertainty & PRA/System Module

Sensitivity Analyses

Circuits Module

TASK 16: Fire PRA HRA Module

Fire Analysis and Fire
Modeling Modules

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Each technical task has a common structure as
presented in the g
guidance document

1. Purpose
2 Scope
3. Background information: General approach and
4. Interfaces: Input/output to other tasks, plant and other
information needed, walk-downs
5. Procedure: Step-by-step instructions for conduct of the
technical task
6 References
6. R f
Appendices: Technical bases, data, examples, special models
or instructions, tools or databases
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Scope of Module 1: PRA/Systems Analysis

• This module will cover all aspects of the plant systems

accident response modeling
modeling, integration of human actions
into the plant model, and quantification tasks
• Specific
p tasks covered are:
– Task 2: Equipment Selection
– Task 4: Qualitative Screening
– Task
T k 5:
5 Fire-Induced
Fi I d d Ri
d l
– Task 7: Quantitative Screening
– Task 15: Risk Quantification
– Task 16: Uncertainty Analysis

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Task 2: Equipment Selection (1 of 2) Module 1

• Objective: To decide what subset of the plant equipment will

be modeled in the FPRA

• FPRA equipment will be drawn from:

– Equipment from the internal events PRA
• We do assume that an internal events PRA is available!
– Equipment
q p from the Post-Fire Safe Shutdown analysis
• e.g., the Appendix R analysis or the Nuclear Safety Analysis under
– Other “new” equipment
q p not in either of these analyses

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Task 2: Equipment Selection (2 of 2) Module 1

• Many choices to be made in this task, many factors will

influence these decisions
– Fire-induced failures that might cause an initiating event
– Mitigating equipment and operator actions
– Fire-induced failures that adversely impact credited equipment
– Fire-induced failures that could lead to inappropriate
pp p or unsafe
operator actions

• Choices are important in part because “selecting” equipment

i li a b
implies burden
d tto Identify
Id tif and dTTrace cables
– Cable selection is Task 3 (Module 2)…

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Task 4: Qualitative Screening (1 of 2) Module 1

• Objective: To identify fire compartments that can be

screened out as insignificant risk contributors without
quantitative analysis

• This
Thi iis an Optional
O ti l task
t k
– You may choose to bypass this task which means that all fire
compartments will be treated quantitatively to some level of analysis
(level may vary)

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Task 4: Qualitative Screening (2 of 2) Module 1

• Qualitative screening criteria consider:

– Trip initiators
– Presence of selected equipment
– Presence of selected cables

• Note that any compartment that is “screened out” in this step

is reconsidered in the multi-compartment
multi compartment fire analysis as a
potential source of multi-compartment fires
– See Module 3, Task 11c

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Task 5: Fire-Induced Risk Model Module 1

• Objective: Construct the FPRA plant response model

– Functional relationships among selected equipment and operator
• Covers both CDF and LERF
• Begins with internal events model but more than just a
– Adds fire unique equipment – various reasons/sources
– May delete equipment not to be credited for fire
– Adds fire-specific equipment failure modes
• e.g., spurious actuations (Task 9)
– Adds fire-specific
p human failure events ((Task 12))

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Task 7: Quantitative Screening (1 of 2) Module 1

• Objective: To identify compartments that can be shown to be

insignificant contributors to fire risk based on limited
quantitative considerations

• This
Thi ttaskk is
i Optional
O ti l
– Analyst may choose to retain all compartments for more detailed

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Task 7: Quantitative Screening (2 of 2) Module 1

• Screening may be performed in stages of increasing

• Consideration is given to:
– Fire ignition frequency
– Screening of specific fire sources as non-threatening (no spread, no
– Impact of fire-induced
fire induced equipment and cable failures
• conditional core damage probability (CCDP)
• A word of caution: quantitative screening criteria should
id ththe PRA standard
t d d and dRReg. G
id 1 1.200
– 6850/1011989 criteria are obsolete, but approach is unchanged

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Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification Module 1

• Objective: To quantify fire-induced CDF and LERF

• Covered in limited detail

• Relatively
R l ti l straight-forward
t i ht f d roll-up
ll f fire
for fi scenarios
– Ignition
g frequency
q y
– Scenario-specific equipment and cable damage
– Equipment failure modes and likelihoods
– Credit
C dit for
f fire
fi mitigation
iti ti (d (detection
t ti andd suppression)
i )
– Fire-specific HEPs
– Quantification of the FPRA plant response model

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Task 15: Uncertainty and Sensitivity Module 1

• Objective: Provide a process for identifying and quantifying

uncertainties in the FPRA and for identifying sensitivity
analysis cases

• Covered
C d iin lilimited
it d d
t il

• Guidance is based on p potential strategies

g that might
g be
taken, but choices are largely left to the analyst
– e.g., what uncertainties will be characterized as distributions and
propagated through the model?

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Any questions before we move on?

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Sample Plant Description

Joint RES/EPRI Fire PRA Workshop

August 2011,
2011 SSan Di
Diego, CA
November 2011, Jacksonville FL

A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Sample Problems / Sample Plant

• Fire PRA module will involve hands-on exercises

– Intent: To illustrate key aspects of the methodology through a
cohesive set of sample problems

• All exercises are built around a common sample plant – the

Simple Nuclear Power Plant (SNPP)

• The exercises are designed such that taking all modules

together presents a fairly complete picture of the FPRA
– Not every task is covered by the SNPP sample problems
– Not every aspect of covered tasks are illustrated

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Introduction and Overview Slide 2
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The SNPP: Intent and Approach

• The SNPP is not intended to reflect either regulatory

compliance or good engineering practice
– It is purely an imaginary construct intended to highlight key aspects
of the methodology – nothing more!

• The SNPP has been kept as simple as possible while still

serving the needs of the training modules

• Aspects of the plant are assumed for purposes of the

training exercises, e.g.:
– BOP equipment not covered in detail
– Some systems are assumed to remain available

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Introduction and Overview Slide 3
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The SNPP: Plant Characteristics

• PWR with one primary coolant loop

– One steam ggenerator, one RCP, one p
– Chemical volume control/high-pressure injection system
– Residual heat removal system

• Secondary side includes:

– Main steam and feedwater loop for the single steam generator (not modeled)
– Multiple train auxiliary feedwater system to provide decay heat removal

• Support systems includes:

– CCW (not modeled)
– Instrument air
– AC and DC power
– Instrumentation

• See Chapter
p 2 for complete
p p
plant description

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The SNPP: Primary Systems P&ID

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The SNPP: Secondary Systems P&ID

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The SNPP: Electrical One-Line Diagram

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The SNPP: General Plant Layout - Plan

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The SNPP: Plant Layout – Elevation
y Building
Containment and Auxiliary g

Fire PRA Training 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Introduction and Overview Slide 9
Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
The SNPP: Aux. Bld. – RHR Pump Room

Fire PRA Training 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Introduction and Overview Slide 10
Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
The SNPP: Aux. Bld. – Charging Pump Rm.

Fire PRA Training 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Introduction and Overview Slide 11
Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
The SNPP: Aux. Bld. – Switchgear Rooms

Fire PRA Training 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Introduction and Overview Slide 12
Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
The SNPP: Aux. Bld. – Cable Spreading Rm.

Fire PRA Training 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Introduction and Overview Slide 13
Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
The SNPP: Aux. Bld. – Main Control Room

Fire PRA Training 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Introduction and Overview Slide 14
Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
The SNPP: Turbine Building

Fire PRA Training 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Introduction and Overview Slide 15
Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
The SNPP: Main Control Board Layout

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Introduction and Overview Slide 16
Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Task 2 - Fire PRA Component Selection

Jeff LaChance – Sandia National Laboratories

Rick Anoba – Anoba Consulting Services, LLC

Fire PRA Workshop 2011

San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL

A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Component Selection
p (per
(p 6850/1011989))

• Purpose: describe the procedure for selecting plant

components to be modeled in a Fire PRA
• Fire PRA Component List
– Key source of information for developing Fire PRA
Model (Task 5)
• Used to identify cables that must be located (Task 3)
• Process is iterative to ensure appropriate agreement
among fire PRA Component List, Fire PRA Model, and
cable identification

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Corresponding PRA Standard Element

• Primary match is to element ES - Equipment Selection

– ES Objective (as stated in the PRA standard):
Select plant equipment that will be included/credited in
the fire PRA plant response model.”

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
HLRs (per the PRA Standard)

• HLR-ES-A: The Fire PRA shall identify equipment whose failure

caused by y an initiating
g fire including
g spurious
p operation
p will
contribute to or otherwise cause an initiating event (6 SRs)
• HLR-ES-B: The Fire PRA shall identify equipment whose failure
including spurious operation would adversely affect the
operability/functionality of that portion of the plant design to be
credited in the Fire PRA (5 SRs)
• HLR-ES-C: The Fire PRA shall identify instrumentation whose
failure includingg spurious
p operation
p would impact
p the reliability
y of
operator actions associated with that portion of the plant design to
be credited in the Fire PRA (2 SRs)
• HLR-ES-D: The Fire PRA shall document the fire PRA equipment
selection including that information about the equipment
necessary to support the other fire PRA tasks (e.g. equipment
identification, equipment type, normal, desired, failed states of
equipment) in a manner that facilitates fire PRA applications,
upgrades, and peer review (1 ( SR)
S )
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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
Scope (per 6850/1011989)

Fire PRA Component List should include the following major

categories of equipment:
• Equipment whose fire-induced failure (including spurious
actuation) causes an initiating event
• Equipment needed to perform mitigating safety functions
and to support operator actions
• Equipment whose fire-induced failure or spurious actuation
may adversely impact credited mitigating safety functions
• Equipment whose fire-induced failure or spurious actuation
may cause inappropriate or unsafe operator actions

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Slide 5
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Component Selection
pp (per
(p 6850/1011989))

• Step 1: Identify Internal Events PRA sequences to include in fire PRA Model
(necessary for identifying important equipment)

• Step 2: Review Internal Events PRA model against the Fire Safe Shutdown
(SSD) Analysis and reconcile differences in the two analyses (including circuit
analysis approaches)

• Step 3: Identify fire-induced initiating events based on equipment affected

• Step 4: Identify equipment subject to fire-induced spurious operation that

may challenge the safe shutdown capability

• Step 5: Identify additional mitigating

mitigating, instrumentation
instrumentation, and diagnostic
equipment important to human response

• Step 6: Include “potentially high consequence” related equipment

• Step 7: Assemble the Fire PRA Component List

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Component Selection
General Observations

• Two major sources of existing information are used to generate the Fire PRA
Component List:
• Internal
I lEEvents PRA model
d l
• Fire Safe Shutdown Analysis (Appendix R assessment)
• Just “tweaking” your Internal Events PRA is probably NOT sufficient –
requires additional effort
– Consideration of fire-induced spurious operation of equipment
– Potential for undesirable operator actions due to spurious alarms/indications
– Additional operator actions for responding to fire (e.g., opening breakers to prevent
spurious operation)
• Just crediting Appendix R components may NOT be conservative
– True that all other components in Internal Events PRA will be assumed to fail, but:
• Mayy be missing g components
p with adverse risk implications
p ((e.g.,
g event
initiators or complicatd SSD response)
• May miss effects of non-modeled components on credited (modeled)
systems/components and on operator performance
• Still need to consider non-credited
non credited components as sources of fires

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
Overview of Scope

In Appendix R
In Internal Events PRA

New* analysis resources
d ff

* - multiple spurious
- new sequences

In Fire PRA
perhaps not all
of Appendix R

not all
internal event

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection

The following assumptions underlie this procedure:

• A good quality Internal Events PRA and Appendix R Safe Shutdown
(SSD) analysis are available

• Analysts have considerable collective knowledge and understanding of

plant systems, operator performance, the Internal Events PRA, and
Appendix R SSD analysis

• Steps 4 thru 6 are applied to determine an appropriate number of

spurious actuations to consider
– Configurations
Configurations, timing
timing, length of sustained spurious actuation
actuation, cable
material, etc., among reasons to limit what will be modeled

– Note that HS duration is a current FAQ topic…

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Slide 9
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
From: Lessons Learned and Insights
In-process FAQs
Q …
• FAQ 08-0051
- Issue:
• The guidance does not provide a method for estimating the
duration of a hot short once formed
• This could be a significant factor for certain types of plant
i t that
th t will
ill return
t tto a “f
“failil safe”
f ” position
iti if th
the h
hott short
h t iis
removed or if MSO concurrence could trigger adverse impacts
– General approach to resolution:
• Analyze the cable fire test data to determine if an adequate basis
exists to establish hot short duration distributions
– Status:
• Approved,
Approved but limited to AC hot shorts only
• Will be revisited with lessons learned from DESIREE-FIRE test
results for DC hot shorts

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p p

Task inputs and outputs:

• Inputs from other tasks: equipment considerations for operator actions
from Task 12 (Post-Fire HRA)
• Inputs from the MSO Expert Panel Reviews
• Could use inputs from other tasks to show equipment does not have to
be modeled (e.g., Task 9 – Detailed Circuit Analysis or Task 11 - Fire
Modelingg to show an equipment
q p item cannot spuriously
p y fail or be
affected by possible fires)
• Outputs to Task 3 (Cable Selection) and Task 5 (Risk Model)
• Choices made in this task set the overall analysis scope

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p In Procedure/Details

Step 1: Identify sequences to include and exclude from Fire PRA

• Some sequences can generally be excluded
– Sequences requiring passive/mechanical failures that can not be initiated by
fires (e.g., pipe-break LOCAs, SGTR, vessel rupture)
– Sequences
q that can be caused by
y a fire but are low frequency
q y ((e.g.,
g ATWS))
– It may be decided to not model certain systems (i.e., assume failed for Fire
PRA) thereby excluding some sequences (e.g., main feedwater as a mitigating
system not important)
• Possible additional sequences (recommend use of expert panel to
address plant specific considerations)
– Sequences associated with spurious operation (e.g., vessel/SG overfills,
p g, letdown or other p
PORV opening, pressure/level control anomalies))
– MCR abandonment scenarios and other sequences arising from Fire
Emergency Procedures (FEPs) and/or use of local manual actions

• Corresponding PRA Standard SRs: PRM

B5 B6

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p In Procedure/Details

Step 2: Review the internal events PRA model against the fire safe
shutdown analysis
• Identify and reconcile:
– differences in functions, success criteria, and sequences (e.g., Appendix R - no
f d/bl d PRA - feed/bleed)
feed/bleed; f d/bl d)
– front-line and support system differences (e.g., App. R - need HVAC; PRA - do
not need HVAC)
– system and equipment differences due to end state and mission considerations
(e.g., App. R - cold shutdown; PRA - hot shutdown)
– other miscellaneous equipment
q p differences.
• Include review of manual actions (e.g., actions needed for safe shutdown) in
conjunction with Task 12 (HRA)
• Corresponding PRA Standard SRs: ES
A3(a) ES-B1,B3
ES B1 B3

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p In Procedure/Details

Step 3: Identify fire-induced initiating events based on

equipment affected
• Consider equipment whose failure (including spurious actuation) will
cause automatic plant trip
• Consider equipment whose failure (including spurious actuation) will likely
result in manual plant trip, per procedures
• Consider equipment whose failure (including spurious actuation) will
invoke Technical Specification Limiting Condition of Operation (LCO)
necessitating a forced shutdown while fire may still be present (prior EPRI
guidance recommended consideration of <8 hr LCO))
• Compartments with none of the above need not have initiator though can
conservatively assume simple plant trip
• Corresponding PRA Standard SRs: ES-A1,A3 & PRM-B3,B4,B5,B6
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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p In Procedure/Details

• Since not all equipment/cable locations in the plant (e.g., all Balance of
Plant systems) may be identified, judgment involved in identifying ‘likely’
cable paths

– Need a basis for any case where routing is not verified

– Routing by exclusion (e.g., from a fire area, compartment,

raceway…) is a common and acceptable approach

• Should consider spurious event(s) contributing to initiators

• Related PRA standard SR: CS


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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p In Procedure/Details

Compartment Compartment Compartment

Cables jjudged
Compartment Compartment to be here

C t t Compartment
C t t MCC

Fires cause loss of

instrument air
i Fires assumed to cause loss of Fires assumed to cause loss
instrument air of MCC(s) & subsequent
effects (including loss of
instrument air)

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p In Procedure/Details

Step 4: Identify equipment whose spurious actuation may

challenge the safe shutdown capability
• Examine multiple spurious events within each system considering
success criteria
– PRA standard has specific requirements for multiple spurious
• Review system P&IDs, electrical single lines, and other drawings
• Review/Incorporate PRA related scenarios identified by the MSO Expert
Panel to identify new components/failure modes
• Review Internal Events System Notebooks to identify components/failure
modes screened based on low probability combinations

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 17
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p In Procedure/Details

Step 4: Identify equipment whose spurious actuation may

h ll th
the safe
f shutdown
h td capability
bilit (C
ti d)
• Be aware of any failure combinations that could cause or contribute to
an initiating
g event.
• Any new failure combinations that could cause or contribute to an
initiating event should be addressed in Step 3.
• Any new equipment/failure modes should be added to component list
for subsequent cable-tracing and circuit analysis
• Corresponding PRA Standard SRs: ES-B2,B3
ES B2,B3

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 18
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
Flow Diversion Path Examples

from main to diversion takes 2 spurious

flowpath path hot shorts to
open diversion
Div A MOV Div B MOV path

Included in model

takes 1 spurious
to diversion hot short &
from main path
flowpath failure of check
Div A MOV valve to open
CheckValve diversion path

Screened from model

if not potential high
consequence event

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Slide 19
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p of a New Failure Mode of a Component
Example p
App. R ensures MSIVs
will close / remain closed
Containment so as to isolate vessel1

Main Steam Line

Inboard MSIV Outboard MSIV

Fire PRA concerned with

MSIVs closing / remaining
closed AND will not
spuriously close when want
valves to remain open so as to
use condenser as heat sink1
different cables and corresponding
circuits and analyses may need to
be accounted for

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 20
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

• This approach complements but is not part of the published

consensus methodology (6850/1011989)
Reference Documents
• NEI 00-01, Revision 2, “Guidance for Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Circuit
Analysis”, May 2009
‰ Focused on use of the generic list of MSOs provided in Appendix G,
and the guidance provided in Section 4.4, “Expert Panel Review of
• NEI 04-02 Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) 07-0038, Lessons Learned on
Multiple Spurious Operations
• WCAP-16933-NP, Revision 0, “PWR Generic List of Fire-Induced Multiple
Spurious Operation Scenarios
Scenarios”, April 2009
• NRC Regulatory Guide 1.205, Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire
Protection for Existing Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants, Revision 1,
December 2009

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

• Perform a systematic and complete review of credible
spurious and MSO scenarios, and determine whether or
not each individual scenario is to be included or excluded
from the plant specific list of MSOs to be considered in
the plant specific post-fire Fire PRA and Safe Shutdown
Analysis (SSA).
• Involves group “what-if” discussions of both general and
specific scenarios that may occur.

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 22
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

Expert Panel Membership:

• Fire Protection
• Fire Safe Shutdown Analysis: This expert should be
familiar with the SSA input to the expert panel and with
the SSA documentation for existing spurious operations.
• PRA: This expert should be familiar with the PRA input to
th expertt panel.
the l
• Operations
• System Engineering
• Electrical Circuits

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Slide 23
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

Process Overview
• Process is based on a diverse review of the Safe
Shutdown Functions. Panel focuses on system and
p interactions that could impact
p nuclear safety
• Review and discuss the potential failure modes for each
safe shutdown function
• Identify
Id tif MSO combinations
bi ti th
thatt could
ld d
f t safe
shutdown through those failure mechanisms
• Outputs are used in later tasks to identify cables and
potential locations where vulnerabilities could exist
• MSOs determined to be potentially significant may be
dd d tot the
th PRA model d l and
Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

Supporting Plant Information for Reviews

• Flow Diagrams
• Control Wiring Diagrams
• Single and/or Three Line Diagrams
• Safe Shutdown Logic Diagrams
• PRA Event Sequence Diagrams
• Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Analysis
• Fire PRA models, analyses
y and cut-sets
• Plant operating experience

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Slide 25
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

MSO Selection
• Review existing Safe Shutdown Analysis (SSA) list
• Expand existing MSO’s to include all possible component
• Verify SSA assumptions are maintained
• Review g generic list of MSO’s ((NEI 00-01 Revision 2,
Appendix G)
• Screen MSO’s that do not apply to your plant (i.e.,
components or system do not exist)

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Slide 26
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

MSO Selection (Continued)

• Place all non-screened MSO’s on plant specific list of
• Evaluate each MSO to determine if it can be screened
due to design or operational features that would prevent it
from occurring (i.e., breaker racked out during normal
• Review the generic MSO list for similar or additional
• Develop and evaluate list of new MSO’s

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 27
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

MSO Development
• Identify MSO combinations that could defeat safe
shutdown through the previously identified failure
‰The panel will build these MSO combinations into fire
scenarios to be investigated
‰Th scenario
‰The i ddescriptions
i ti th
thatt result
lt should
h ld iinclude
l d
the identification of specific components whose failure
or spurious operation would result in a loss of a safe
shutdown function or lead to core damage

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Slide 28
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

MSO Development (Continued)

• The expert panel systematically reviews each system
(P&IDs, etc) affecting safe shutdown and the core, for the
g Safe Shutdown Functions:
‰Reactivity Control
‰Decay Heat Removal
‰Reactor Coolant
‰Inventory Control
‰Pressure C t l
‰Process Monitoring
‰Support Functions
Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 29
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

Typical Generic PWR MSOs

Scenario Description

oss o
Loss of a
all RCP
C Spu ous isolation
Spurious so a o o of sea
seal injection
jec o header
eade flow,
o , AND
Seal Cooling Spurious isolation of CCW flow to Thermal Barrier Heat
Exchanger (TBHX)

RWST Drain Spurious opening of multiple series containment sump

Down via valves

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 30
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

Typical Generic BWR MSOs

RPV coolant drain through the Scram MSO opening of the solenoid valves
Di h
Discharge V
l (SDV) ventt and
d which
hi h supply
l control
t l air
i tto th
the air
drain operated isolation valves

Spurious Operations that creates RHR flow can be diverted to the

RHR Pump Flow Diversion from containment through the RHR Torus
RHR/LPCI, including diversion to the or Suppression Pool return line
Torus or Suppression Pool. isolation valves (E11-F024A, B and
E11-F028A, B).

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
MSO Expert Panel

Outputs and Documentation

• Plant specific list of MSO’s
• MSO Expert Panel Review Report
• The MSO Expert Panel is a living entity and the Plant
Specific list of MSO’s is a living document
• MSO components
p that could have PRA impact
p are
addressed in Task 2
• MSO scenarios that have PRA impact are addressed in
Task 5.

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p In Procedure/Details (per
(p 6850/1011989))

Step 5: Identify additional instrumentation/diagnostic equipment important

to operator
p response
p ((level of redundancy
y matters!))
• Identify human actions of interest in conjunction with Task 12 (HRA)
• Identify instrumentation and diagnostic equipment associated with credited and
p y harmful human actions consideringg spurious
p indications related to
each action
– Is there insufficient redundancy to credit desired actions in EOPs/FEPs/ARPs in spite
of failed/spurious indications?
– Can a spurious indication(s) cause an undesired action because action is dependent
on an indication that could be ‘false’?
– If yes – put indication on component list for cable/circuit review
• W
t h for
f new/expanded
/ d d guidance
id tto be
b ddeveloped
l dbby th
the RES/EPRI fire
fi HRA

• Corresponding
C di PRA St
d d SR
C1 C2

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p In Procedure/Details

Guidance on identification of harmful spurious operating

instrumentation and diagnostic equipment:
• Assume instrumentation is in its normal configuration
• Focus on instrumentation with little redundancy
– Note that fire PRA standard has language
g g on this subject
j ((i.e., verification
of instrument redundancy in fire context)
• When verification of a spurious indication is required (and reliably performed),
it may be eliminated from consideration
• When multiple and diverse indications must spuriously occur, those failures
can be eliminated if the HRA shows that such failures would not likely cause
a harmful operator action
• Include spurious operation of electrical equipment that would cause a faulty
indication and harmful action
• Include inter-system effects

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p In Procedure/Details

Step 6: Include “potentially high consequence” related equipment

• High consequence events are one or more related failures at least partially
caused by fire that:
– by themselves cause core damage and large early release, or
– single
g component
p failures that cause loss of entire safety
y function and lead directly
y to
core damage
• Example of first case: spurious opening of two valves in high-pressure/low
pressure RCS interface, leading to ISLOCA
• Example of second case: spurious opening of single valve that drains safety
injection water source

• Corresponding PRA Standard SR: ES-A6

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 2: Fire PRA Component Selection
p In Procedure/Details

Step 7: Assemble Fire PRA component list. Should include following

• Equipment ID and description (may be indicator or alarm)
• System designation
• Equipment type and location (at least compartment ID)
• PRA event ID and description
• Normal and desired position/status
• Failed electrical/air position
• References, comments, and notes

• Note: development of an actual/physical fire PRA component list is not a

requirement of the PRA Standard

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Sample Problem Exercise for Task 2, Step 1

• Distribute blank handout for Task 2, Step 1

• Distribute completed handout for Task 2, Step 1

• Question and Answer Session

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Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Sample Problem Exercise for Task 2, Steps 2
and 3

• Distribute blank handout for Task 2, Step 2

• Distribute completed handout for Task 2, Step 2 Question

dA Answer SSession

• Discuss Step 3

• Question and Answer Session

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 38
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Sample Problem Exercise for Task 2, Steps 4
g 6

• Distribute blank handout for Task 2, Steps 4 through 6

• Distribute completed
p handout for Task 2, Steps
p 4 through
g 6

• Question and Answer Session

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 39
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Sample Problem Exercise for Task 2, Step 7

• Distribute blank handout for Task 2, Step 7

• Distribute completed handout for Task 2, Step 7

• Question and Answer Session

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 40
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Mapping HLRs & SRs for the ES technical
element to NUREG/CR-6850,, EPRI TR 1011989
Technical HLR SR 6850/1011989 Comments
element sections that
cover SR
ES A The Fire PRA shall identifyy equipment
q p whose failure caused byy an initiating
g fire including
g spurious
operation will contribute to or otherwise cause an initiating event.
1 2.5.3
2 3.5.3 Covered in “Cable Selection” chapter
3 2.5.3
4 2.5.1, 2.5.4
5 254
6 2.5.6
B The Fire PRA shall identify equipment whose failure including spurious operation would
adversely affect the operability/functionality of that portion of the plant design to be credited in the
Fire PRA.
1 2.5.2
2 2.5.4
3 5.5.1 Covered in “Fire-Induced Risk Model” chapter
4 3.5.3 Covered in “Cable Selection” chapter
5 n/a Exclusion based on probability is not covered in 6850/1011989
C The Fire PRA shall identify instrumentation whose failure including spurious operation would
p the reliabilityy of operator
p actions associated with that p
portion of the p
plant design
g to be
credited in the Fire PRA.
1 2.5.5
2 2.5.5
D The Fire PRA shall document the Fire PRA equipment selection, including that information about
the equipment necessary to support the other Fire PRA tasks (e.g., equipment identification;
equipment type; normal
normal, desired
desired, failed states of equipment; etc
etc.)) in a manner that facilitates Fire
PRA applications, upgrades, and peer review.
1 n/a Documentation not covered in 6850/1011989

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 41
Task 2: Component Selection Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Task 5 - Fire-Induced Risk Model


Fire PRA Workshop 2011

San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL

A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Fire PRA Risk Model
p (per
(p 6850/1011989))

• Purpose: describe the procedure for developing the Fire

PRA model to calculate CDF,
for fire ignition events.
• Fire Risk Model
– Key input for Quantitative Screening (Task 7)
• Used to quantify CDF/CCDP and LERF/CLERP
• Process is iterative to ensure appropriate agreement
among fire PRA Component List, Fire PRA Model, cable
identification, and quantitative screening

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 2
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Fire PRA Risk Model
p g PRA Standard Element

• Primary match is to element PRM - Equipment Selection

– PRM Objectives (as stated in the PRA standard):
“(a) to identify the initiating events that can be caused
by a fire event and develop a related accident
sequence model. (b) to depict the logical relationships
among equipment failures (both random and fire
induced) and human failure events (HFEs) for CDF
and LERF assessment when combined with the
initiating event frequencies.”

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 3
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Fire PRA Risk Model
HLRs (p
(per the PRA Standard))

• HLR-PRM-A: The Fire PRA shall include the Fire PRA plant
p model capable
p of supporting
pp g the HLR requirements
q of
• HLR-PRM-B: The Fire PRA plant response model shall include
fire-induced initiating events, both fire induced and random
failures of equipment
equipment, fire-specific
fire specific as well as non
fire related
human failures associated with safe shutdown, accident
progression events (e.g., containment failure modes), and the
supporting probability data (including uncertainty) based on the
SR provided
SRs id d under
d thithis HLR ththatt parallel,
ll l as appropriate,
i t PPartt 2
of this Standard, for Internal Events PRA.
• HLR-PRM-C: The Fire PRA shall document the Fire PRA plant
response model in a manner that facilitates Fire PRA applications
upgrades, and peer review.

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 4
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Fire PRA Risk Model
p (per
(p 6850/1011989))

• Task 5: Fire-Induced Risk Model Development

– Constructing the PRA model

– Step 1–Develop the Fire PRA CDF/CCDP Model


– Step 2–Develop the Fire PRA LERF/CLERP Model

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 5
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Fire PRA Risk Model
General Comment/Observation

• Task 5 does not represent any changes from past

practice but what is modeled is largely based on Task 2
with HRA input from Task 12

• Bottom line – just “tweaking” your Internal Events PRA is

probably NOT sufficient

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 6
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
General Objectives

Purpose: Configure the Internal Events PRA to provide fire

risk metrics of interest (primarily CDF and LERF).
• Based on standard state-of-the-art PRA practices
• Intended to be applicable for any PRA methodology or
• Allows user to quantify CDF and LERF
LERF, or conditional
metrics CCDP and CLERP
• Conceptually, nothing “new”
new here – need to “build
build the PRA
model” reflecting fire induced initiators, equipment and
failure modes, and human actions of interest

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 7
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development

Task inputs and outputs:

• Inputs from other tasks: [Note: inclusion of spatial
information requires cable locations from Task 3]
– S
Sequence considerations,
id ti iinitiating
iti ti eventt considerations,
id ti and
components from Task 2 (Fire PRA Component Selection),
– Unscreened fire compartments from Task 4 (Qualitative Screening),
– HRA events from Task 12 (Post-Fire HRA)

• Output
p to Task 7 ((Quantitative Screening)
g) which will further
modify the model development
• Can always iterate back to refine aspects of the model

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 8
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
p in Procedure

Two major steps:

• Step 1: Develop CDF/CCDP model

• Step
p 2: Develop
p LERF/CLERP model

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 9
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 1 (2): Develop CDF/CCDP (LERF/CLERP) models

Step 1.1 (2.1): Select fire-induced initiators and sequences

and incorporate into the model.

– Corresponding SRs: PRM-A1, A2, A3, B1-B15

• Fire initiators are generally defined in terms of

compartment fires or fire scenarios

• Each fire initiator is mapped to one or more internal event

initiators to mimic the fire-induced impact to the plant.

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 10
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
p in Procedure/Details

Step 1.1 (2.1) – continued

• Initiating events previously screened in the internal events

analysis may have to be reconsidered for the Fire PRA

• Final mapping of fire initiator to internal events initiators is

based on cable routing information (task 3)

• The structure of Internal Events PRA should be reviewed

to determine proper mapping of fire initiators

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 11
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
p in Procedure/Details

Step 1.1 (2.1) – continued

• The Internal Events PRA should have the capability to

quantify CDF and LERF sequences

• Internal events sequences form bulk of sequences for Fire

PRA, but a search for new sequences should be made
(see Task 2). Some new sequences may require new
logic to be added to the PRA model

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 12
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 1.1 (2.1) - continued

• Plants that use fire emergency procedures (FEPs) may

need special models to address unique fire-related actions
(e.g., pre-defined fire response actions and MCR

• Some human actions may induce new sequences not

covered in Internal Events PRA and can “fail” components

– Example: SISBO, or partial SISBO

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 13
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
p in Procedure/Details

Loss of raw water

as initiator

Loss of raw Fire in

water compartment
(internal) A-1

Initiator Initiator

Example of new logic with a fire-

induced loss of raw water initiating

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 14
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 1.2 (2.2): Incorporate fire-induced equipment failures

– Corresponding SRs: PRM-A4, B3, B6, B9

• Fire PRA database documents list of p

y failed
equipment for each fire compartment

• Basic events for fire-induced spurious

p operations
p are
defined and added to the PRA model (FAQ 08-0047)

• Inclusion of spatial information requires equipment and

cable locations
– May be an integral part of model logic, or handled with manipulation
of a cable location database, etc.
Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 15
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
Steps in Procedure/Details

Loss of high
Original logic pressure injection

Loss of Loss of
train A train B

Suppose fire in
Pump A Pump A Valve fails compartment L1 or L2
fails to start fails to run to open could fail pump A
because pump A is in L1
and cable for pump A is
in L2 …

Loss of high
Possible temporary pressure injection
change to model to run
CCDPs for L1 and L2

Loss of Loss of
train A train B


Pump A Pump A Valve fails

fails to start fails to run to open

Set to

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 16
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
p in Procedure/Details

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 17
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
Steps in Procedure/Details
Loss of high
pressure injection Permanent
change to model

Loss of Loss of
train A train B


Pump A Pump A Valve fails

fails to start fails to run to open

Pump A Pump A
fails to start fails to start
- hardware - fire

Fire in Fire in
compartment L1 compartment L2
fails ppumpp A fails ppumpp A

Initiator Initiator

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 18
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
p in Procedure/Details

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 19
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
p in Procedure/Details

Step 1.3 (2.3): Incorporate fire-induced human failures

– Corresponding
SRs: PRM-B9, B11
• New fire-specific HFEs may have to be added to the model
to address actions specified in FEPs [Note: all HFEs will be
set at screening values at first, using Task 12 guidance]
• Successful operator actions may temporarily disable (“fail”)
( fail )

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 20
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
p in Procedure/Details

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 21
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 5: Fire Risk Model Development
Steps in Procedure/Details
Suppose a proceduralized manual action
carried out for fires in compartments AA & BB
defeats Pump A operation by de-energizing the
pump (opening its breaker drawer)…

Pump A fails


Pump A fails Pump A fails Operator action

to start to run defeats pump

Relevant fires Operator opens

pump A
breaker as

Fire in Fire in
compartment compartment

Initiator Initiator

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 22
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Sample Problem Exercise for Task 5

• Distribute blank handout for Task 5, Steps 1 and 2

• Distribute completed
p handout for Task 5, Steps
p 1 and 2

• Question and Answer Session

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 23
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Mapping HLRs & SRs for the PRM technical
element to NUREG/CR-6850,, EPRI TR 1011989

Technical HLR SR 6850/1011989 Comments

element sections that
cover SR
PRM A The Fire PRA shall include the Fire PRA plant response model capable of supporting the
HLR requirements of FQ.

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 24
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Mapping HLRs & SRs for the PRM technical
element to NUREG/CR-6850,, EPRI TR 1011989
Technical HLR SR 6850/1011989 sections that cover SR Comments
PRM B The Fire PRA plant response model shall include fire-induced initiating events, both fire induced
and random failures of equipment, fire-specific as well as non–fire-related human failures
associated with safe shutdown, accident progression events (e.g., containment failure modes),
and the supporting probability data (including uncertainty) based on the SRs provided under this
HLR that parallel, as appropriate, Part 2 of this Standard, for Internal Events PRA.
8 5511 5,
5511 5

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 25
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Mapping HLRs & SRs for the PRM technical
element to NUREG/CR-6850,, EPRI TR 1011989

Technical HLR SR 6850/1011989 Comments

element sections that
cover SR
C The Fire PRA shall document the Fire PRA plant response model in a manner that facilitates Fire
PRA applications, upgrades,
pg and p
peer review.

1 n/a Documentation not covered in 6850/1011989

Fire PRA Workshop2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 26
Task 5 - Fire
Fire--Induced Risk Model Development Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Task 4 - Qualitative Screening

Task 7 - Q
Quantitative Screeningg

Fire PRA Workshop 2011

San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL

A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Qualitative / Quantitative Screening
p (per
(p 6850/1011989))

• Task 4: Qualitative Screening

– First chance to identify very low risk compartments

• Task 7: Quantitative Screening

– Running the Fire PRA model to iteratively screen / maintain
modeled sequences at different levels of detail

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 2
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Qualitative Screening -
Corresponding g PRA Standard Element

• Primary match is to element QLS – Qualitative Screening

– QLS Objectives (as stated in the PRA standard):
“(a) The objective of the qualitative screening (QLS)
element is to identify physical analysis units whose
potential fire risk contribution can be judged negligible
without quantitative analysis.
(b) In this element, physical analysis units are examined
only in the context of their individual contribution to fire
risk The potential risk contribution of all physical analysis
units is reexamined in the multicompartment fire scenario
analysis regardless of the physical analysis unit’s
iti during
d i qualitative
lit ti screening.”
i ”
Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 3
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Qualitative Screening –
HLRs ((per the PRA Standard))

• HLR-QLS-A: The Fire PRA shall identify those

h i l analysis
l i units
it that
th t screen outt as individual
i di id l
risk contributors without quantitative analysis (4
• HLR-QLS-B: The Fire PRA shall document the results
of the qualitative screening analysis in a manner that
facilitates Fire PRA applications
applications, upgrades
upgrades, and peer
review (3 SRs).

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 4
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 4: Qualitative Screening
Objectives and Scope

• The objective of Task 4 is to identify those fire

compartments that can be shown to have a negligible risk
contribution without quantitative analysis
– This is where you exclude the office building inside the protected
• Task 4 only considers fire compartments as individual
– Multi-compartment scenarios are covered in Task 11(b)
– Compartments that screen out qualitatively need to be re-
considered as potential Exposing Compartments in the multi-
compartment analysis (but not as the Exposed Compartment)

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 5
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 4: Qualitative Screening
Required Input and Task Output

• To complete Task 4 you need the following input:

– List of fire compartments from Task 1
– List of Fire PRA equipment from Task 2 including location mapping
– List of Fire PRA cables from Task 3 including location mapping

• Task Output: A list of fire compartments that will be

screened out (no further analysis) based on qualitative

– Unscreened fire compartments are used in Task 6 and further

screened in Task 7

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 6
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 4: Qualitative Screening
A Note….

• Qualitative Screening is OPTIONAL!

– You may choose to retain any number of potentially low-risk fire

compartments (from one to all) without formally conducting the
Qualitative Screening
g Assessment for the compartment

• However, to eliminate a compartment, you must exercise the

screening process for the compartment

– Example 1: Many areas will never pass qualitative screening, so

simply keep them

– Example 2: If you are dealing with an application with limited scope

(e.g. NFPA 805 Change Evaluation) a formalized Qualitative
Screening may be pointless

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 7
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 4: Qualitative Screening
Screening Criteria (per 6850/1011989)

• A Fire Compartment may be screened out** if:

– No Fire PRA equipment or cables are located in the compartment,
– No fire that remains confined to the compartment could lead to:
• An automatic plant trip, or
• A manual trip as specified by plant procedures
procedures, or
• A near-term manual shutdown due to violation of plant Technical
*In the case of tech spec shutdown, consideration of the time
i d i appropriate
is i
– No firm time window is specified in the procedure – rule of thumb:
consistent with the time window of the fire itself
– Analyst must choose and justify the maximum time window
(**Note: screened compartments are re-considered as fire source
compartments in the multi-compartment analysis - Task 11c)

Corresponding PRA Standard SRs: QLS-A1, A2

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 8
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Mapping HLRs & SRs for the QLS technical
element to NUREG/CR-6850, EPRI TR 1011989

Technical  HLR SR 6850/101198 Comments

Element 9 section that 
covers SR
QLS A The Fire PRA shall identify those physical analysis units that screen out as 
individual risk contributors without quantitative analysis
individual risk contributors without quantitative analysis
1 4.5
2 4.5
3 4.5
4 n/a Additional screening not covered in 6850/1011989
B The Fire PRA shall document the results of the qualitative screening analysis in a
The Fire PRA shall document the results of the qualitative screening analysis in a 
manner that facilitates Fire PRA applications, upgrades, and peer review
1 n/a Documentation is discussed in Section 16.5 of 6850/101198 
2 n/a Documentation is discussed in Section 16.5 of 6850/101198 
3 n/a Documentation is discussed in Section 16.5 of 6850/101198 

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 9
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
General Objectives (per 6850/1011989)

Purpose: allow (i.e., optional) screening of fire compartments

and scenarios based on contribution to fire risk. Screening is
primarily compartment-based (Tasks 7A/B). Scenario-based
screening (Tasks 7C/D) is a further refinement (optional).
• Screening
S i criteria
it i nott th
the same as acceptance
t criteria
it i ffor
regulatory applications (e.g., R.G. 1.174)
• Screening does not mean “throw
throw away”
away – screened
compartments/scenarios will be quantified (recognized to be
conservative) and carried through to Task 14 as a measure
of the residual fire risk

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 10
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Quantitative Screening -
Corresponding g PRA Standard Element

• Primary match is to element QNS – Quantitative

– QNS Objective (as stated in the PRA standard):
The objective of the quantitative screening (QNS)
element is to screen physical analysis units from further
(e.g., more detailed quantitative) consideration based on
preliminary estimates of fire risk contribution and using
established quantitative screening criteria.”

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 11
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Quantitative Screening –
HLRs ((per the PRA Standard))

• HLR-QNS-A: If quantitative screening is performed, the Fire PRA

shall establish quantitative screening criteria to ensure that the
estimated cumulative impact of screened physical analysis units
on CDF and LERF is small (1 SR).
QNS B: If quantitative screening is performed
performed, the Fire PRA
shall identify those physical analysis units that screen out as
individual risk contributors (2 SRs).
QNS C: VERIFY that the cumulative impact of screened
physical analysis units on CDF and LERF is small (1 SR).
• HLR-QNS-D: The Fire PRA shall document the results of
quantitative screening in a manner that facilitates Fire PRA
applications, upgrades, and peer review (2 SRs).

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 12
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
p p

• Inputs from other tasks for compartment-based screening


– Fire ignition frequencies from Task 6,

– Task 5 (Fire-Induced Risk Model),

– Task 12 (Post-Fire HRA Screening), and

– Task 8 (Scoping Fire Modeling) (7B only)

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 13
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
Inputs/Outputs (cont’d)

• Inputs from other tasks for scenario-based screening (7C/D)

include inputs listed above plus:

– Task 9 (Detailed Circuit Failure Analysis) and/or

– Task 11 (Detailed Fire Modeling) and/or

– Task 12 ((Detailed Post-Fire HRA),

), and

– Task 10 (Circuit Failure Mode Likelihood Analysis) (7D only)

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 14
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
p p (cont’d)

• Outputs to other tasks:

– Unscreened fire compartments from Task 7A go to Task 8 (Scoping

Fire Modeling),

– Unscreened fire compartments from Task 7B go to Task 9 (Detailed

Circuit Failure Analysis) and/or Task 11 (Detailed Fire Modeling)
and/or Task 12 (Detailed Post-Fire HRA),

– Unscreened fire scenarios from Task 7C/D go to Task 14 (Fire Risk

Quantification) for best-estimate risk calculation

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 15
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
Overview of the Process

M k more realistic
li ti via
circuit analysis
Perform any one,
Unscreened compartment two, or all three
Make more realistic via b d on where
based h
or scenario based on
calculated fire modeling you will get more
realistic results
CDF/CCDP/LERF/CLERP for the least
Make more realistic via
more detailed HRA


If NO, iterate as

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 16
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
p in Procedure

Three major steps in the procedure:

• Step 1: Quantify CDF/CCDP model

• Step 2: Quantify LERF/CLERP model

• Step 3: Quantitative screening

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 17
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
p in Procedure/Details

Step 1: Quantify CDF/CCDP models.

• Step 1.1: Quantify CCDP model

– Fire-induced initiators are set to TRUE (1.0) for each fire
compartment, CCDP calculated for each compartment
– This step can be bypassed, if desired, by using fire frequencies in
the model directly and calculating CDF

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 18
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 1: Quantify CDF/CCDP models.

• Step 1.2: Quantify CDF

– Compartment fire-induced initiator frequencies combined with
compartment CCDPs from Step 1.1 to obtain compartment CDFs

• Step 1.3: Quantify ICDP (optional)

– ICDP includes unavailability of equipment removed from service
– Recommend this be done if will use PRA for configuration

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 19
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 2: Develop LERF/CLERP models.

• Exactly analogous to Step 1 but now for LERF, CLERP

• Like ICDP, ILERP is optional

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 20
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
Establishing Quantitative Screening Criteria

• This is an area that has evolved beyond 6850/1011989

• 6850/1011989 cumulative
l ti screeningi criteria
it i are b
based d iin partt on
screening against a fraction of the internal events risk results
– Published PRA standard echoes 6850/1011989 (SR QNS-C1)
• Regulatory Guide 1.200 took exception to SR QNS-C1
– NRC staff position: “screening criteria … should relate to the total
CDF and LERF for the fire risk, not the internal events risk.”
– That is, screening should be within the hazard group (e.g., fire)
• An update to the PRA standard is pending and will likely revise QNS-
C1 to reflect NRC staff position
• Bottom line: If you plan to use your fire PRA in regulatory
applications, pay attention to RG 1.200 and watch for the PRA
standard update

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 21
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
Screening Criteria for Single Fire Compartment

Step 3: Quantitative screening, Table 7.2 from NUREG/CR-6850

Quantification Type CDF and LERF ICDP and ILERP
Compartment Screening Compartment Screening
Criteria Criteria (Optional)
Fire Compartment CDF CDF < 1.0E-7/yr
1 0E 7/yr

Fire Compartment CDF ICDP < 1.0E-7

With Intact Trains/Systems
Fire Compartment LERF LERF < 1.0E-8/yr
Fire Compartment LERF ILERP < 1.0E-8
With Intact Trains/Systems

Note: The standard and RG 1.200 do not establish screening criteria for
individual fire compartments – only cumulative criteria (see next slide…)
Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 22
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 7: Quantitative Screening
Screening Criteria For All Screened Compartments

Quantification 6850/1011989 NRC Staff Position per RG NRC Staff Position per RG
Type Screening Criteria 1.200 for Cat II 1.200 for Cat III
Sum of CDF for all < 10% of internal the sum of the CDF the sum of the CDF
screened-out fire event average CDF contribution for all screened contribution for all screened
compartments fire compartments is <10% of fire compartments is <1% of
the estimated total CDF for the estimated total CDF for
fi events
fire t fi events
fire t

Sum of LERF for < 10% of internal the sum of the LERF the sum of the LERF
all screened-out event average LERF contributions for all screened contributions for all screened
fire compartments fire compartments is <10% of fire compartments is <1% of
the estimated total LERF for the estimated total LERF for
fire events fire events
Sum of ICDP for < 1.0E-6 n/a n/a
all screened-out
fire compartments

Sum of ILERP for < 1.0E-7 n/a n/a

all screened-out
fire compartments

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 23
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Sample Problem Demonstration for Task 7

• On-line demonstration of Task 7

• Question and Answer Session

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 24
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Mapping HLRs & SRs for the QNS technical
element to NUREG/CR-6850, EPRI TR 1011989

Technical  HLR SR 6850/101198 Comments

Elementt 9 section that 
9 ti th t
covers SR
QNS A If quantitative screening is performed, the Fire PRA shall establish quantitative 
screening criteria to ensure that the estimated cumulative impact of screened 
physical analysis units on CDF and LERF is small
1 753
7.5.3 Specific screening criteria are identified in 6850/1011989
Specific screening criteria are identified in 6850/1011989
B If quantitative screening is performed, the Fire PRA shall identify those physical 
analysis units that screen out as individual risk contributors
1 7.5.1, 7.5.2
2 7.5.1, 7.5.2
C Verify that the cumulative impact of screened physical analysis units on CDF and
Verify that the cumulative impact of screened physical analysis units on CDF and 
LERF is small
1 7.5.3 Specific screening criteria are identified in 6850/1011989
D The Fire PRA shall document the results of quantitative screening in a manner that 
facilitates Fire PRA applications, upgrades, and peer review
1 n/a Documentation is discussed in Section 16 5 of 6850/101198
Documentation is discussed in Section 16.5 of 6850/101198 
2 n/a Documentation is discussed in Section 16.5 of 6850/101198 

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 25
Task 4 & 7 – Qualitative/Quantitative Screening Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)













Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification

Fire PRA Workshop 2011

San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL

A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Fire Risk Quantification
Purpose ((per 6850/1011989))

• Purpose: describe the procedure for performing fire risk

tifi ti
• Provides a general method for quantifying the final Fire
PRA Model to generate the final fire risk results

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 2
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Fire Risk Quantification
Correspondingg PRA Standard Element

• Primary match is to element FQ – Fire Risk Quantification

– FQ Objectives (as stated in the PRA standard):
(a) quantify the fire-induced CDF and LERF contributions to plant
risk.(b) understand what are the significant contributors to the fire-
induced CDF and LERF.”

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 3
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Fire Risk Quantification
HLRs ((per the PRA Standard))

• HLR-FQ-A: Quantification of the Fire PRA shall quantify the fire-

induced CDF
• HLR-FQ-B: The fire-induced CDF quantification shall use
appropriate models and codes and shall account for method-
specific limitations and features.
• HLR-FQ-C: Model quantification shall determine that all identified
dependencies are addressed appropriately.
• HLR-FQ-D: The frequency of different containment failure modes
leading to a fire-induced large early release shall be quantified
and aggregated, thus determining the fire-induced LERF.

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 4
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Fire Risk Quantification
HLRs ((per the PRA Standard))

• HLR-FQ-E: The fire-induced CDF and LERF quantification results

shall be reviewed,, and significant
g contributors to CDF and LERF,,
such as fires and their corresponding plant initiating events, fire
locations, accident sequences, basic events (equipment
unavailabilities and human failure events), plant damage states,
containment challenges
challenges, and failure modes
modes, shall be identified
The results shall be traceable to the inputs and assumptions
made in the Fire PRA.
• HLR-FQ-F: The documentation of CDF and LERF analyses shall
b consistent
be i t t with
ith th
the applicable
li bl SR

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 5
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Fire Risk Quantification
p (per
(p 6850/1011989))

• Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification

– Obtaining best-estimate quantification of fire risk

– Step
p 1–Quantify
Q y Final Fire CDF Model

– Step 2–Quantify Final Fire LERF Model

– Step 3–Conduct Uncertainty Analysis

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 6
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification
General Objectives

Purpose: perform final (best-estimate) quantification of fire

• Calculate CDF/LERF as the primary risk metrics
• Include uncertainty analysis / sensitivity results (see Task
• Identify significant contributors to fire risk
• Carry along insights from Task 13 to documentation but this
is not an explicit part of “quantifying” the Fire PRA model
• Carry along residual risk from screened compartments and
scenarios (Task 7); both (final fire risk and residual risk) are
documented in Task 16 to provide total risk perspective
Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 7
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification

Task inputs:

• Inputs from other tasks:

– Task 5 (Fire-Induced Risk Model) as modified/run thru Task 7
(Quantitative Screening),
– Task 10 (Circuit Failure Mode Likelihood Analysis),
– Task 11 (Detailed Fire Modeling), and
– Task 12 (Post-Fire HRA Detailed Analysis)

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 8
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification

• Output is the quantified fire risk results including the

uncertainty and sensitivity analyses directed by Task 15
(Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis), all of which is
documented per Task 16 (Fire PRA Documentation)

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 9
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification
Steps in Procedure

Four major steps in the procedure*:

• Step 1: Quantify CDF
• Step 2: Quantify LERF
• Step 3: Perform uncertainty analyses including propagation
of uncertainty bounds as directed under step 4 of Task 15
• Step 4: Perform sensitivity analyses as directed under step
4 of Task 15

* In each case, significant contributors are also identified

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 10
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification
Quantification Process

Characteristics of the quantification process:

• Procedure is “general”; i.e., not tied to a specific method

(event tree with boundary conditions, fault tree linking…)

• Can calculate CDF/LERF directly by explicitly including fire

scenario frequencies or first calculate CCDP/CLERP and
then combine with fire scenario frequencies

• Quantify consistent with relevant ASME-ANS PRA Standard

(RA Sa 2009) supporting requirements
– Many cross-references from FQ to internal events section (Part 2)
for most aspects of risk quantification

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 11
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 1 (2): Quantify Final Fire CDF/LERF Model

Step 1.1 (2.1): Quantify Final Fire CCDP/CLERP Model

– Corresponding SRs: FQ-A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, C1, D1, E1

• Final HRA probabilities including

g dependencies

• Final cable failure probabilities

• Final cable impacts

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 12
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 1.2 (2.2): Quantify Final Fire CDF/LERF Frequencies

– Corresponding SRs: FQ-A1-A4, B1, C1, D1, E1

• Final compartment frequencies

• Final scenario frequencies

• Final fire modeling parameters (i.e., severity factors, non-

suppression probabilities, etc)

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 13
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 1.3 (2.3): Identify Main Contributors to Fire


• Corresponding SRs: FQ-A1-A3, E1

• Contributions by fire scenarios, compartments where fire

ignition occurs, plant damage states, post-fire operator
actions, etc.

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 14
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 3: Propagate Uncertainty Distributions

• Probability distributions of epistemic uncertainties

propagated through the CDF and LERF calculations

• Monte Carlo or Latin hypercube protocols

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 15
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 4.1: Identification of Final Set of Sensitivity Analysis


• Review sensitivity cases identified in Task 15

• Finalize sensitivity cases for Step 4.2

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 16
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 14: Fire Risk Quantification
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 4.2: CDF and/or LERF Computations and


• Mean CDF/LERF values computed for each sensitivity

l i case considered
id d iin S
Step 4

• The results should be compared with the base-case

considered in Steps1 and 2

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 17
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Mapping HLRs & SRs for the FQ technical
element to NUREG/CR-6850, EPRI TR 1011989
Technical HLR SR 6850/1011989 sections that cover SR Comments
FQ A Quantification of the Fire PRA shall quantify the fire-induced CDF.
B The fire-induced CDF quantification shall use appropriate models and codes and shall account
for method-specific limitations and features.
C Model quantification shall determine that all identified dependencies are addressed appropriately.
D The frequency of different containment failure modes leading to a fire-induced large early
release shall be quantified and aggregated, thus determining the fire-induced LERF
1 14 5 1 1,, 14 5 1 2,
14 5 2 1
14 5 2 2
E The fire-induced CDF and LERF quantification results shall be reviewed, and significant
contributors to CDF and LERF, such as fires and their corresponding plant initiating
events, fire locations, accident sequences, basic events (equipment unavailabilities and
human failure events), plant damage states, containment challenges, and failure modes,
shall be identified. The results shall be traceable to the inputs and assumptions made in
the Fire PRA
F The documentation of CDF and LERF analyses shall be consistent with the applicable
1 n/a Documentation not covered in
2 n/a Documentation not covered in

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 18
Task 14 – Fire Risk Quantification Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Task 15 – Uncertainty and Sensitivity


Fire PRA Workshop 2011

San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL

A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
Purpose (per 6850/1011989)

Purpose: Provide a process for identifying and treating

t i ti ini the
th Fire
PRA and d id
tif i sensitivity
iti it
analysis cases
– Many of the inputs to the Fire PRA are uncertain
– Important to identify sources of uncertainty and assumptions that have
the strongest influence on the final results
– Fire risk can be quantified without explicit quantification of
uncertainties, but the risk results cannot be considered as complete
without it
– S
iti it analysis
l i iis an iimportant
t t complement
l t tto uncertainty
t i t

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 2
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis

Scope of Task 15 includes:

•Background information on uncertainty

•Classification of the types of uncertainty
•A general approach on treating
uncertainties in Fire PRA

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 3
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis -
Correspondingg PRA Standard Element

• Primary match is to element UNC – Uncertainty and

Sensitivity Analysis
• UNC Objectives (as stated in the PRA standard):
(a) identify sources of analysis uncertainty
(b) characterize these uncertainties
(c) assess their potential impact on the CDF and LERF

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 4
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis –
HLRs ((per the PRA Standard))

• HLR-UNC-A: The Fire PRA shall identify sources of

CDF and LERF uncertainties and related assumptions
and modeling approximations. These uncertainties
shall be characterized such that their potential
impactst on the
th results
lt are understood.
d t d

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 5
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
Types of Uncertainty

• Distinction between aleatory and epistemic uncertainty:

– “Aleatory”
y - from the Latin alea ((dice),
), of or relating
g to random or
stochastic phenomena. Also called “random uncertainty or
• Reflected in the Fire PRA models as a set of interacting
random processes involving a fire-induced
f transient, response
of mitigating systems, and corresponding human actions
– “Epistemic” - of, relating to, or involving knowledge; cognitive.
[From Greek episteme,
episteme knowledge].
knowledge] Also called “state state-of-
knowledge uncertainty.”
• Reflects uncertainty in the parameter values and models
(including completeness) used in the Fire PRA – addressed in
this Task

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 6
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
Inputs and Outputs

• Inputs from other Tasks:

– Id
tifi ti off sources off epistemic
i t i uncertainties
t i ti ffrom TTasks
k 1 ththrough
13 worthy of uncertainty/sensitivity analysis (i.e., key uncertainties)

– Quantification results from Task 14 including risk drivers used to help

determine key uncertainties

– Proposed approach for addressing each of the identified uncertainties

g sensitivity
y analyses

• Outputs to other Tasks:

– Sensitivity analyses performed in Task 14

– Results of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis are reflected in

documentation of Fire PRA (Task 16)

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 7
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
General Procedure (per 6850/1011989)

Addresses a process to be followed rather than a pre-defined

list of epistemic uncertainties and sensitivity analyses, since
these could be plant specific
•Step 1: Identify uncertainties associated with each task
•Step 2: Develop strategies for addressing uncertainties
•Step 3: Review uncertainties to decide which uncertainties
to address and how
•Step 4: Perform uncertainty and sensitivity analyses
•Step 5: Include results of uncertainty and sensitivity
analyses in Fire PRA documentation

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 8
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
Steps in Procedure/Details

See Appendix U to NUREG/CR-6850 for background on

uncertainty analysis. See Appendix V for details for each
Step 1: Identify epistemic uncertainties for each task
• Initial assessment of uncertainties to be treated is provided in Appendix
V to NUREG/CR-6850
NUREG/CR 6850 (but consider plant specific analysis for other
uncertainties such as specific assumptions)
• From a practical standpoint, characterize uncertainties as modeling and
data uncertainties
• Outcome is a list of issues, by task, leading to potentially important
uncertainties (both modeling and data uncertainty)
Related SRs:
• PRM-A4, FQ-F1, IGN-A10, IGN-B5, FSS-E3, FSS-E4, FSS-H5, FSS-H9, and CF-A2 for
sources of uncertainty

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 9
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 2: Develop strategies for addressing uncertainties

• Strategy
St t can range from
f no action
ti to t explicit
li it quantitative
tit ti
• Each task analyst is expected to provide suggested
• Possible strategies include propagation of data
uncertainties, developing multiple models, addressing
uncertainties qualitatively, quality review process, and basis
for excludingg some uncertainties
• Basis for strategy should be noted and may include
importance of uncertainty on overall results, effects on
f t
future applications,
li ti resource and d schedule
h d l constraints
t i t
Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 10
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 3: Review uncertainties to decide which uncertainties to

address and how

• Review carried out by team of analysts familiar with issues,

perhaps meeting more than once

• Review has multiple objectives:

– Identify uncertainties that will not be addressed, and reasons why
– Identify uncertainties to be addressed, and strategies to be used
– Identify uncertainties to be grouped into single assessment
– Identify issues to be treated via sensitivity analysis
– Instruct task analysts who perform the analyses

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 11
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
y Analysis
Sensitivity y

• Sensitivity analysis can provide a perspective that

cannot be obtained from a review of significant risk

– Each task analyst can provide a list of parameters that had the
strongest influence in their part of the analysis

– Experiment
p with modified p
parameters to demonstrate impact
p on
the final risk results

– Modeling uncertainties can be demonstrated through sensitivity


– Sensitivities should be performed for individual uncertainties as

wellll as ffor appropriate
i t llogical
i l groups off uncertainties
t i ti
Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 12
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 4: Perform uncertainty and sensitivity analyses

• Uncertainty analyses may involve:

– Quantitative sampling of parameter distributions
– Manipulation
p of models to p
perform sensitivity
y analyses
– Qualitative evaluation of uncertainty

• Following items should be made explicit:

– Uncertainties being addressed
– Strategy being followed
– Specific methods, references, computer programs, etc. being used
(to allow traceability)
– Results of analyses, including conclusions relative to overall results
of Fire PRA
– Potential impacts on anticipated applications of results

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 13
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
Steps in Procedure/Details

Step 5: Include results in PRA documentation

• Adequate documentation of uncertainties and sensitivities is

as important
p as documentation of baseline results

• Adequate documentation leads to improved decision-making

• Documentation covered more fully under Task 16

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 14
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis

• Minimum set of uncertainties expected to have a formal

– Fire PRA model structure itself, representing the uncertainty with regard
to how fires could result in core damage and/or large early release
outcomes (Tasks 5/7)
– Uncertainty in each significant fire ignition frequency (Task 6)
– Uncertainty in each significant circuit failure mode probability (Task 10)
– Uncertainty
Uncertaint in each significant target fail
re probabilit
probability (Task 11)
– Heat release rate
– Suppression failure model and failure rate
– Position of the target set vs
vs. ignition sources
– Uncertainty in each significant human error probability (Task 12)
– Uncertainty in each core damage and large early release sequence
frequency based on the above inputs as well as uncertainties for other
significant equipment failures/modes (Task 14)
Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 15
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Task 15:Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis

• Other uncertainties may be relevant to address

– Other activities related to uncertainty are underway
– You might need to consult other resources for information (e.g.,
NUREG-1855,, EPRI TR 1016737))
• Sensitivity analyses should be performed where
important to show robustness in results (i.e., demonstrate
where results are / are not sensitive to reasonable
changes in the inputs)
• While not really a source of uncertainty
uncertainty, per se
se, technical
quality issues and recommended reviews are also

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 16
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Mapping HLRs & SRs for the UNC technical
element to NUREG/CR-6850, EPRI TR 1011989

Technical  HLR SR 6850/101198 Comments

Element 9 section that 
covers SR
A The Fire PRA shall identify sources of CDF and LERF uncertainties and related 
assumptions and modeling approximations. These uncertainties shall be 
characterized such that their potential impacts on the results are understood
1 15.5.1
2 15.5.5 Documentation is discussed in Section 16.5 of 6850/101198

Fire PRA Workshop 2011, San Diego CA and Jacksonville FL A Collaboration of U.S. NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Slide 17
Task 15 - Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Research (RES) & Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

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