#10-0867-MoE-Classroom Observation 4a New

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Classroom Observation Instrument

(to be used for Promotional Subjects)

Name of School:……………………………………………………………………………….. Date of Observation:……………………………………………………………………….

Name of Teacher:……………………………………………………………………………… Qualification:……………………… Years Teaching Experience:…………………..

Class:………. Subject: …………………………………………………………………… Lesson Topic:………………………………………………… No. of Learners:………

1. Pre- Observation: Lesson Planning and Preparation

Implementation of the curriculum and Intellectual attainment (PI 2.1 and 2.3) 1 2 3 4 Comments
1.1 Lesson plans are written out in the correct format and well in advance of the presentation.
1.2 The teacher used the latest syllabus, and not the textbook, to plan the lesson.
1.3 The lesson plan is clearly based on the basic competencies and learning objectives in the syllabus.
1.4 The lesson plan contains all the necessary components (e.g. introduction, presentation, learner work,
teaching aids, assessment, conclusion, homework, compensatory teaching, etc.).
1.5 The lesson plan is connected to a scheme of work and a year plan that is based on the latest syllabus.
Extensive More weaknesses More strengths Strong in all Comment
Summary Weaknesses than strengths than weaknesses aspects
= Weak = Fair = Good = Excellent
An overall opinion of the Lesson Planning and Preparation 1 2 3 4

2. Classroom Management (environment, resources, discipline)

Management of the physical environment, provision of resources and discipline in the Comments
1 2 3 4
classroom (PI 5.6, 1.2, 4.6, 4.2)
2.1 The subject teacher is in possession of the internal subject policy guide which guides subject management.
2.2 The physical environment of the class (heat, light, cleanliness, furniture) supports teaching and learning.
2.3 The arrangement of the learners’ desks supports different activities, methodologies and LCT.
2.4 The classroom environment:
 is inviting; .... .... .... ....
 is conducive to quality teaching and learning; .... .... .... ....

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 includes posters; .... .... .... ....
 displays grade-appropriate printed materials; .... .... .... ....
 displays teacher-prepared materials; .... .... .... ....
 displays learner materials; .... .... .... ....
 displays a neat and well used blackboard with chalk, etc. .... .... .... ....
2.5 The teacher ensures that all learners have the relevant resources (textbooks, stationery, pencils).
2.6 Resources in the classroom are well maintained, well organised and accessible to all the learners.
2.7 Good order and good discipline support quality teaching and learning in the classroom.
2.8 Learners arrive and leave the class in an orderly manner.
2.9 The teacher and learners arrive punctually for the lesson and there is maximum time on task.
Extensive More weaknesses More strengths Strong in all Comment
Summary Weaknesses than strengths than weaknesses aspects
= Weak = Fair = Good = Excellent
An overall opinion of the Classroom Management 1 2 3 4

3. Lesson Presentation
3.1 Lesson Delivery (PI 3.1) 1 2 3 4 Comments
3.1.1 The teacher dresses and behaves as a positive role model.
3.1.2 Monitoring of previous homework is properly done.
3.1.3 The lesson introduction engages learners and directs them toward the lesson objectives.
3.1.4 The lesson is paced to allow the right amount of time for each lesson component.
3.1.5 Teaching is stimulating, enthusiastic and consistently challenging.
3.1.6 Short well planned cryptic notes on a neat black board summarise the lesson.
3.1.7 The teacher demonstrates an acceptable English language competency.
3.2 Teaching Strategies used during the presentation (PI 3.1) 1 2 3 4 Comments
3.2.1 The subject content and learning tasks are presented in a clear and stimulating manner.
3.2.2 The learning material demonstrates a logical progression with learners’ prior experience and knowledge.
3.2.3 The teacher communicates clearly and effectively with learners through questioning, instruction, explaining
and feedback
3.2.4 The teacher integrates literacy skills (reading, writing, spelling and speaking skills) during the lesson.
3.2.5 The teacher exploits opportunities to develop learners’ numeracy skills during the lesson.
3.2.6 The teacher gives individual and group activities/ tasks.
3.2.7 The teacher uses a variety of activities/ tasks (e.g. games, presentations, written work, role plays, practical
work, etc.).
3.2.8 The teacher gives clear instructions and guidance for activities and assignments.
3.2.9 The teacher makes use of group / individual / pair work
3.2.10 The teacher gives frequent, supportive, and appropriate feedback on feedback by learners (oral and written)

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3.3 Learner Engagement (PI 3.1, 3.2, 3.3) 1 2 3 4 Comments
3.3.1 Learners “talk and act” more than “sit and listen.”
3.3.2 Learners share information in groups./.pairs./.individually.
3.3.3 All learners have the opportunity to participate in questions and activities.
3.3.4 The teacher elicits responses from specific learners.
3.3.5 The learners respond in an appropriate manner (no shouting out, etc.).
3.3.6 The teacher communicates openly and shows genuine interest in learners
(e.g. knows learners names, interests, backgrounds).

3.4 Teaching, Learning Aids 1 2 3 4 Continued 1 2 3 4 Comments

3.4.1 Textbooks 3.4.5 Learner-made materials
3.4.2 Chalkboard 3.4.6 Real-world objects
3.4.3 Printed materials 3.4.7 Technology (OHP, videos, etc)
3.4.4 Teacher-made materials 3.4.8 Other (specify)
Extensive More weaknesses More strengths Strong in all Comments
Summary Weaknesses than strengths than weaknesses aspects
An overall opinion of: = Weak = Fair = Good = Excellent
 the lesson presentation 1 2 3 4
 the application of Learner Centred Education (LCE) 1 2 3 4

4. Learners’ Work in class (Class Activities, Written Work, Homework)

Learners’ work in class (PI 3.4) 1 2 3 4 Comments
1.1 The lesson includes appropriate and assessable class activities.
4.2 Class activities and homework support the achievement of basic competencies as indicated in the syllabus.
4.3  Written work is neat and regularly marked by the teacher.
 Homework is regularly marked.
 Written motivating and positive feedback is given on written work.
4.4 The learners consistently do corrections on mistakes / errors.
Extensive More weaknesses More strengths Strong in all Comment
Summary Weaknesses than strengths than weaknesses aspects
= Weak = Fair = Good = Excellent
An overall opinion of the Learners’ work in class 1 2 3 4

5. Assessment and Evaluation during the lesson

Assessment and Evaluation during the lesson (PI 3.4) 1 2 3 4 Comments
5.1 Assessment activities are clearly related to the basic competencies covered in today’s lesson.
5.2 The teacher understands and can explain the official assessment criteria.

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5.3 The assessment activities used during the lesson, require learners to:
 show understanding of issues / the information;
 apply new knowledge and skills (e.g. solve problems, drawing, role play);
 use higher-order, critical thinking skills;
 work with other learners.
Extensive More weaknesses More strengths Strong in all Comment
Summary Weaknesses than strengths than weaknesses aspects
= Weak = Fair = Good = Excellent
An overall opinion of the Assessment and Evaluation 1 2 3 4

6. Post-Observation (done afterwards and not necessarily during the lesson period)
6.1 The classroom as a conducive learning environment (PI 1.2, 5.6, 3.1) 1 2 3 4 Comments
6.1.1 The subject teacher has his / her own classroom.
6.1.2 The classroom is neat, subject-friendly and inviting with subject related posters, grade-appropriate printed
materials, teacher prepared materials, learner materials and real-world objects.
6.1.3 The desks and chairs are neat, in a good condition and well looked after.
6.1.4 Notice boards are in a good condition and properly used.
6.1.5 The table and chair of the teacher are neat and in a good condition.
6.1.6 A chalk board, chalk and brush are available and properly used.
6.1.7 Window panes are not broken and are clean.
6.1.8 Door can lock, floor and walls are neat and well looked after.
6.1.9 General condition of inventory items in the class is good.
6.1.10 Cupboards in the classroom are neat and orderly packed.
Extensive More weaknesses More strengths Strong in all Comment
Summary Weaknesses than strengths than weaknesses aspects
= Weak = Fair = Good = Excellent
An overall opinion of the Classroom as a learning environment 1 2 3 4
6.2 Teaching materials in the classroom (PI 3.1) 1 2 3 4 Comments
6.2.1 The Overhead projector and screen are in a good condition and regularly used
6.2.2 Learners’ stationery is in a good condition
6.2.3 Textbooks are available, well looked after and controlled
6.2.4 Dictionaries are available and accessible to learners
Extensive More weaknesses More strengths Strong in all Comment
Summary Weaknesses than strengths than weaknesses aspects
= Weak = Fair = Good = Excellent
An overall opinion of the teaching materials in the classroom 1 2 3 4
6.3 Written Work done by Learners (PI 3.4) 1 2 3 4 Comments
6.3.1 The internal subject policy guide indicates the quality, quantity and frequency of written work expected.
6.3.2 All learners are in possession of the necessary exercise books and pens / pencils.
6.3.3 The exercise books are neatly covered with name, grade and subject on cover page.

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6.3.4 There is evidence that the written work is well-planned in advance by the subject teacher (written lesson prepa-
ration) with different types of written work, tasks and assignments for different learners with different abilities.
6.3.5 The written work, tasks and assignments are adequately covering the scheme of work and
basic competencies indicated in the syllabus.
6.3.6 The learners get written homework every day as stated in the policy.
6.3.7 The teacher marks at least 70-80% of all written work done by learners in their exercise
books and the feedback from the teacher is praising, encouraging, positive and informative.
6.3.8 There is evidence to show that learners consistently do corrections on mistakes and errors.
6.3.9 The quantity of homework and written assignments is within the following guidelines:
Gr 4-7: At least 2 assignments of ½-1 page / 5 day cycle / subject;
Gr 6-10: At least 3 assignments of 1 page / 7 day cycle / subject;
Gr 11-12: At least 3 assignments of 2 pages / 7 day cycle / subject;
OR as indicated in the syllabus of the subject;
6.3.10 The quality of the written work done by learners meet the following criteria:
 learners write either print script or cursive writing;
 written work is neat , date is correct, topic is indicated;
 full sentences are used;
 correct spelling of words is expected;
 handwriting is neat and legible;
 vocabulary used is improving with time.
Extensive More weaknesses More strengths Strong in all Comment
Summary Weaknesses than strengths than weaknesses aspects
= Weak = Fair = Good = Excellent
An overall opinion of all the Written Work done by learners 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 Comments
6.4 Assessment done by the teacher (PI 3.4)
6.4.1 The teacher applies the basic continuous assessment guidelines as indicated in the assessment policy.
6.4.2 Projects, assignments, topic tasks, investigations, artefacts, etc. for the purpose of a continuous assessment
mark is well planned and clearly based on the basic competencies and learning objectives in the syllabus.
6.4.3 The marks allocated to projects, assignments, topic tasks, investigations, artefacts, etc. to serve as CA marks are
in line with the learners’ achievements in tests and the examinations.
6.4.4 The number of projects, assignments, etc. for CA marks are according to the school’s assessment plan.
6.4.5 Evidence of completed CA record forms exist.
6.4.6 Each learner has a test book or a test file and the tests are marked regularly by the teacher.
6.4.7 The number of mastery and topic tests is within acceptable margins - 3-5 mastery tests per term.
6.4.8 The format of questions in mastery tests satisfies the requirements of questions in the end of year examination.
6.4.9 The teacher follows the marking policy of the school as indicated in the internal subject policy guide..
6.4.10 The end-of-term tests are set in line with the syllabus and not only on the textbook.
6.4.11 Learners’ achievements in tests are monitored and analysed to help the teacher’s teaching to be effective.
6.4.12 The previous end of year examination paper is set on the whole syllabus and not the textbook.
6.4.13 a) The subject teacher has set own academic targets to be obtained by each class group.
b) The subject teacher is involved in assisting individual learners to set an academic target for the subject.

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Summary Weak Fair Good Excellent Comment
An overall opinion of the Assessment done by the teacher 1 2 3 4
6.5.1 A SUBJECT FILE is operational and inter alia includes the following (this file is compulsory per subject)
a) Control sheet (regularly monitored by the principal / HOD / Subject Head)
b) The Basic Curriculum for Education in Namibia
c) The Subject Policy Guide:
1. The school’s internal subject policy guide and if available
2. The official policy guide (a NIED document)
d) A copy of the PAAI document developed by the school
e) Subject teachers’ information:
* Names and the grades they teach
* Timetables of teachers teaching the subject
* Personal information: qualifications and experience
f) Latest Syllabi applicable to the subject(s) / phase
g) Schemes of work for all grades
h) Year plan
i) Minutes of subject / cluster meetings
j) Minutes of Staff, Departmental meetings, etc
k) Classroom observation reports for teachers teaching ….(subject)
l) AT reports and Examination reports for …(subject)
m) Circulars (subject related)
n) Correspondence (subject related)
o) Text books:
* used by learners
* available for teachers’ use
p) Examination results for at least three years and an evaluation thereof
q) Towards improving Continuous Assessment in schools: A Policy and Information Guide (NIED)
r) Teacher’s Manual (a NIED document)
s) DNEA Circular 37/2001: Guidelines for teachers on setting and marking assessments
t) Inventory of teaching and learning materials applicable to ….(subject)
u) Record sheet with dates, venues and names of teachers who attended workshops
v) General
6.5.2 A PREPARATION FILE is operational and inter alia includes the following: (file is compulsory for every teacher)
a) Control sheet (weekly monitored by the principal / HOD / Subject Head)
b) The teacher’s personal timetable
c) The register class’s timetable
d) Syllabi for all the subjects taught this year (the latest editions)
e) Schemes of Work for all the subjects taught this year (neatly typed)
f) Year planner(s) for the subject(s) taught this year
g) Up to date daily / weekly written lesson preparation

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6.5.3 An ADMINISTRATION FILE (every subject teacher) is operational and inter alia includes the following:
a) Control sheet (regularly monitored by the principal / HOD / Subject Head)
b) Organisation:
 Personal Timetable
 Timetables for Tests / Examinations
 Official School Calendar of the MoE
 List of textbooks, listed in the Textbook Catalogue, used by the school in the subject(s)
 List of Reference Books for Teachers - in the Library or in teacher’s possession
 Register class lists indicating the attendance of learners for each class taught by the subject teacher
 Mark Sheets with continuous assessment, test and examination marks
 Performance targets set for the school and the class groups (pages 28-48 of PAAI)
c) Planning:
 Allocation of duties to members of the management / subject heads
 School’s programme for the 1st term, 2nd term, 3rd term
 PAAI (A copy of the school’s OVERALL Plan for Academic Improvement)
 A review of the school’s results per subject (April, August, November) as prepared by management
d) Policies
 The Code of Conduct for Teachers and the Code of Conduct for learners
 The school’s Internal subject policy guide for the subject(s) taught
 The official subject policy guide (a NIED document)
 Teacher’s Manual (a NIED document for the subject teacher)
 Towards improving Continuous Assessment in schools: A Policy and Information Guide (a NIED doc)
 MoE’s policy on Pass Requirements (Circular Form Ed. 7/2006)
 Language Policy of the MoE
 LCE Policy
 Dress Code for teachers
 A copy of the National Standards and Performance Indicators, blank copies of the Teacher Self-Evaluation
Instrument (TSE) and the Classroom Observation Instruments (COI)
e) Monitoring:
 Continuous Monitoring and a timetable for implementation
 JSC, NSSC and Grade 7Examiners’ Reports for the past three years, for the subjects applicable
A summary of the aspects mentioned in the examiner’s reports that need to be attended to by the school
f) Meetings: Agendas and Minutes of Staff, Departmental, Subject and Cluster meetings
g) Classroom observation reports
h) Circulars and Reports from the MoE, Regional Office and Advisory Teachers
i) Workshop Handouts
j) Inventory of items in the classroom
k) Textbook Control:  List of numbered textbooks in learner’s possession
 Textbook Inventory of Register Class
l) Correspondence
m) General

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6.5.4 A QUESTION PAPER FILE for the subject is operational and inter alia includes the following: (subject head)
a) Control sheet (regularly monitored by the principal / HOD / Subject Head)
b) Specimen papers
c) Question papers per grade / test / examination / April / August / November
d) Mark schemes, Marking grids per grade / test / examination / April / August / November

6.5.4 A RESOURCE FILE for the subject is operational (probably only for schools with Grades 8-12)
a) Control sheet (regularly monitored by the principal / HOD / Subject Head)
b) Worksheets
c) Projects, assignments, topic tasks, investigations, etc.
d) Course materials
e) Learning support material – compensatory teaching
Extensive More weaknesses More strengths Strong in all Comment
Summary Weaknesses than strengths than weaknesses aspects
= Weak = Fair = Good = Excellent
An overall opinion of Subject Administration 1 2 3 4

SUMMARY 1 2 3 4 5 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 OVERALL OPINION OF THE SUBJECT TEACHER (1,2,3 OR 4)
Overall opinion of =

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THE SUBJECT TEACHER’S PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Name:……………………………………………………………………………………………….
As a result of the outcome of this Classroom Observation and the TSE, the following actions should be considered to improve performance.

1. Lesson Planning and Preparation

2. Classroom management

3. Lesson presentation

4. Learners’ work in class

5. Assessment during the lesson

6. The classroom:
6.1 A conducive learning environment

6.2 Teaching materials

6.3 Written work of learners

6.4 Assessment done by the teacher

6.5 Subject administration

…………………………………………………………………………… …………………… ……………………………………………………… ………………………


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