Form 13
Form 13
Form 13
Corporation/ Municipal Council/ Town Panchayat/ Grama Panchayat APPLICATION FOR PERMIT/REGULARISATION Name in capital letters Address : (i) Permanent
1. 2.
(ii) Tow which communications are to be sent (i) Division of plot (ii) New construction (iii) Reconstruction (iv) Alteration (v) Additional or extension (vi) Digging of well (vii) Change in occupancy (viii) Demolition
Nature of development/construction
6. 7.
Details of Plot: (i) Survey No. (ii) Extent (iii) Nature of ownership (iv) Number and date of deed / document (v) Registrars Office (vi) Sub Division (vii) Ward No (viii) Number of the nearest building (ix) Revenue village (x) Taluk (xi) District Occupancy : (i) Family Residential (State whether it is for one or two or for more family use (ii) Non-family residential building (iii) Others (Specify the occupancy) Whether Government or Quasi-Government (i) Plinth area of the proposed building (ii) Details Floor
Total Area
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Height of building in metres (i) From ground level with and without stair room, machine room etc. (ii) From street level with and without stair room , machine room etc. If the application is for regularization (i) Whether completed or not (ii) If not completed, the stage of construction Details of permit / approved plan already obtained Details of fee paid (i) Amount (ii) no. and date pf receipt Details of documents, plan, certificate, etc, enclosed Declaration
I.....................................................................hereby declare that the measurements, specifications and other details and specifications mentioned above are correct, complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I shall abide by the approved plan and the provisions in the Act and Rules in undertaking the construction. Place: Date:
CERTIFICATE Certified that the site plan is prepared after verification of ownership document and site and the measurements shown are found to be correct. Signature: Name: Reg.No: Address:
Place: Date:
CERTIFICATE Certified that the building plan is prepared in accordance with the provisions in the Kerala Municipality Building Rules, 1999, Kerala Municipality Act, 1994 and the provisions contained in the sanctioned Town Planning Schemes. Signature: Name: Reg.No: Address:
Place: Date:
UNDERTAKING I,....................................................................hereby undertake that the building construction/land development will be carried on/being carried on/was carried on as per the approved plan and permit in accordance with the rules in force, under my supervision. Signature: Name: Reg.No: Address: (Registered Architect, Engineer, Town Planner, Supervisor) (For Office use) File No. Date of Receipt Fees Receipt No. & Date Whether the proposed building is according to KBR Rules Rule Description Required Permissible
Place: Date:
Health Officer